Regulations on the creative competition of young poets "Little poem - the first step to fame" within the framework of the Year of Russian Literature. Step to glory Competition conditions

Regulations on the creative competition of young poets "A little rhyme - the first step to fame" within the framework of the Year of Russian Literature. Step to glory Competition conditions

Vladimir MARKOV, "News of the Week" columnist for "Jewish Observer" | Issue: October 2014

It is made by many legionnaires, having spent a season or two in the Tel Aviv basketball "Maccabi" - the European club champion of the past season

Tyris Rice, who became the MVP (Most Valuable Player) of the Euroleague Final Four in Maccabi, also went down the beaten path. After the fantastic success in Milan, Rice began to receive financial offers from European teams that the Maccabi co-owners could not compete with. The first bets in the battle for the American playmaker were made by the Spanish "Barcelona" and Moscow CSKA, which offered him $ 1.5 million a year. Then Real Madrid made their move - $ 5 million over three seasons. But Rice continued to wait. Finally, Tyris signed a three-year contract with Khimki Moscow, which will pay him $ 2.5 million per season.
Of course, in economic terms, Rice, moving to Khimki (which relatively recently was still listed as a nearby Moscow suburb), seriously won. In addition, you will not have to give all the best there "to the fullest". Khimki will not play in the Euroleague next season, limiting themselves to the Eurocup and VTB League. So the international authority of Rice, who has gone into the shadows from the Euroleague arena, will noticeably fall. However, this does not seem to bother the American. He understands that he is unlikely to receive such a profitable financial offer in his career, and therefore does not hesitate. Saying goodbye, confessing his love for the Tel Aviv Maccabi, Tyris honestly admitted that his move to Khimki is due to the fact that he "needs to take care of his son's future." Rice said goodbye to the fans as well. And in his message he told them that he agreed to move to Maccabi for relatively little money ($ 500,000 a year), realizing that playing in such a strong team as Tel Aviv would make it more popular and open the way to big earnings. This is exactly what happened.

Let me remind you that Tyris Rice spent one season in the ranks of the Yellows. Prior to that, he defended the colors of the modest German club Bayern Munich. There he was known as the audience's favorite and basketball virtuoso. However, having moved to Maccabi, he spent most of the season weak. And the fact that Rice finally started playing was due to the great merit of coach David Blatt, who was very patient with the newcomer, despite his mistakes, he released him on the court in Euroleague matches and worked a lot with him in training. Rice managed to overcome the psychological barrier in the first playoff match, which Maccabi played in Milan against a local club. Essentially in the Euroleague, Tyris played three strong matches - one against Milan and two in the Final Four. However, these were exactly the three fights that made Rice a big name. He became famous, top clubs began to hunt for him. And, in the end, after spending a year at Maccabi, he achieved what he wanted - fame and money. And the Israeli club will be content with the sum of 350 thousand dollars, which Rice must pay him for the unilateral termination of the contract (according to the current agreement, he was to spend another year in Tel Aviv).
Another American Maccabi defender Ricky Hickman acted in approximately the same way (although he also has a Georgian passport). The only difference is that Hickman spent a season in Tel Aviv more than Rice. Almost immediately after the end of the Final Four in Milan, the American hinted that he had very lucrative offers and that he would stay in Tel Aviv only if the yellows would significantly raise his salary. At first it was assumed that it was about a million dollars a year, but then it became clear that Hickman claims more and Maccabi refused to compete with other teams. Since the player's previous contract with the Tel Aviv clubs ended, Hickman became a free agent. And soon he signed a two-year contract with the Turkish club Fenerbahce-Ulker worth $ 3 million.
So the new Maccabi coach Guy Goudes was unlucky to a certain extent. He hoped to start his work with the composition of the team that David Blatt left. And now it turned out that two defenders leave the team and the line of defense must be re-formed. In addition, power forward David Blue ended his career as a player (it is rumored that David Blatt intends to invite him to work in the Cleveland Cavaliers), with three more “big ones” (Joe Eagles, Andrea Zizic and Sean James) in Maccabi decided breake down. So, of the legionnaires, Gudes was left with only center Sophoklis Schortsianidis (who also initially wanted to go to Istanbul Galatasaray, but then changed his mind and signed a new two-year contract with Maccabi), and Duane Smith. In fact, Gudes will have to assemble a new team.
His predecessor, David Blatt, always spoke with bitterness and regret that he had to select new players almost every summer and was unable to maintain the core of the team. But this is the policy of the Tel Aviv Yellows - to look for inexpensive and unknown players and turn them into Euroleague stars in a few years.
However, the Maccabi legionaries became famous not only in Europe. American Anthony Parker, for example, who spent a total of five seasons with Maccabi and twice won the European trophy with Tel Aviv, received a contract with the NBA Toronto Rapters. Sharunas Yasikevicius left Maccabi for another NBA club - Indiana Pacers, and Jeremy Pargo began playing for Memphis Grizzlies.
There are even more players who, after finishing their performances for Maccabi, received big contracts in Europe. I'll name Chuck Eidson ($ 2 million a season at Barcelona), Keith Langford ($ 3 million in two years in Milan) or Ariel MacDonald, who won the European trophy with Maccabi and spent three seasons at the club, then signed super contracts in Turkish top clubs.
The best Israeli basketball players also try to imitate the legionnaires. Oded Katash, for example, signed a very good contract with the Greek Panathinaikos, and, if not for the severe injury, he would have been able to seriously increase his bank account. A couple of seasons ago, Yugev Ohayon almost signed a fantastic contract for the Israelis with the Krasnodar club Lokomotiv-Kuban, but then changed his mind. And as it turned out, right. Because as part of Maccabi, he became the winner of the Euroleague, and Lokomotiv-Kuban did not even manage to make it to the Final Four ...
This small excursion into the recent history of the Tel Aviv club clearly shows that the Maccabi co-owners strictly adhere to the once developed plan - the team's annual budget in last years is 20-22 million dollars. Of these, about $ 11-12 million are spent on players' salaries. It is clear that for that kind of money it is impossible to keep cool players and compete with top clubs from Russia, Spain or Turkey. Therefore, there is a constant staff turnover at Maccabi.
One can only count on the scouts' sagacity, on their ability to discern a future star in a basketball player of some supernumerary team. And replace those who left the "yellow" players with new future celebrities.


about the creative competition of young poets

"A little rhyme - the first step to fame"

within the framework of the Year of Russian Literature

1. Founders of the competition:
City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education;
GBPOU "Vorobyovy Gory" (Moscow City Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity).
Moscow City Branch of the Union of Writers of Russia.
With the support ofHead of Taldomsky municipal district of Moscow region Vladislav Yurievich Yudin.
Competition Chair: Andrey Slonikov is a children's poet.

2. Goals and objectives of the competition

Raise the prestige of the reading person, develop the versatility of the child's personality;

To revive the interest of the young generation in poetry;

To contribute to raising the prestige of the writing young author, to enable the child to realize his poetic gift;

Promote the development of the child's creative and intellectual potential;

Identify and support poetically gifted children;

Provide an opportunity for real communication with professional poets.

3. Competitors

Children aged 5 to 12 take part in the competition.

Participants are divided into three age groups:

1st group - preschoolers;

2nd group - students in grades 1-4;

3rd group - students of grades 5-6.

4. Terms of the competition

For the competition, the participant submits one poem on a free topic.

Poem size - no more than 12 lines.

At the end of each month, the best works of children will be published on the pages of Andrey Slonikov's social networks. Be sure to sign your full name. child, age, educational organization, class, name head (librarian, teacher, parent ...)

The main criteria for evaluating the works of participants in the competition:

Compliance with the Competition Regulations,

The originality of the written work.

In each age group, three prizes and special prizes are determined by the decision of the jury.

Information on the progress of the competition will be posted on the website

5. Procedure for the provision of works

The text of the poem is sent in the e-mail itself (without using attached files).

You must specify the following personal data:

Mailing address;

Surname, name of the participant (as well as full name of the head);


Educational organization number, class;

FULL NAME. head (librarian, teacher, parent ...)

Contact phone number, e-mail (manager);

A poem for participation in the competition is sent to the feedback form on the site or to e-mail: until December 1, 2015... Works are not edited or returned.

6. Organizing committee of the competition

Organizer of the competition: Andrey Slonikov (

Members of the organizing committee: Methodists of the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow for working with libraries:

Kutuzova Valeria Sergeevna,

Malkova Lyubov Nikolaevna (VAO),

Shpilevaya Nina Mikhailovna (JSC),

Khvalynskaya Lyudmila Yurievna (CAO),

Vera Grunina (SVAO),

Bakhanskaya Elena Vasilievna (SZAO),

Grechikhova Elizaveta Igorevna (Central Administrative District),

Kuleshova Valentina Aleksandrovna (CAD),

Luchkina Tatyana Alexandrovna (South Administrative District),

Kuznetsova Larisa Viktorovna (SEAD),

Zakharova Valentina Nikolaevna (South-West Administrative District),

Sidorkina Olga Konstantinovna (ZelAO),

Gaskova Svetlana Dmitrievna (TyNAO).

6. Jury of the competition

Jury President:

Andrey Slonikov.

Jury of the competition:

Grigory Gladkov - Composer, Honored Artist Russian Federation, member of the Union of Composers of Russia and the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation;

Alinda Yakovlevna Malginova - Head of the library of the Vorobyovy Gory GBPOU;

Valentin Postnikov - writer, member of the Moscow Writers' Union;

Vladimir Borisov - poet, screenwriter, librettist, member of the Moscow Writers' Union;

Natalia Volkova - Poetess, member of the Moscow Writers' Union, laureate of the International Competition for the best work for teenagers S. Mikhalkov;

Karen Harutyunyants - Member of the Writers' Union of Russia, author of the book "I plus everything";

Mark Tarlovsky - a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, a wonderful writer and translator;

Henrietta Hasina - children's poet, writer, member of the Writers' Union of Russia;

Boris Popov - Leading methodologist at the Central City Children's Hospital A.P. Gaidar.

7. Awarding the winners of the Competition

The winners of the competition are awarded with certificates of honor.

By the decision of the jury, the best authors can be awarded with special diplomas.

Grand Prize - books with autographs of the authors and a creative meeting with the children's poet Andrey Slonikov in the educational organization of the winner of the Competition.

Awarding the winners in December 2015

Once upon a time there was a man - everything is like everyone else's - a kopeck piece, a little wife, kids - grew up and scattered wax, he lived well, but bored. Once a man was lying on the couch dozing and watching TV and suddenly! what is it? - maybe? - took a piece of paper, a pencil and wrote a couple of lines ... and again - more lines so he wrote his first poem. A peasant twirls a leaf, licks his lips and calls his wife - Look, I wrote a poem not Pushkin - I don’t deny it, but also “Don’t fuck from the moon” in your opinion. I was surprised - what words I know now. Sitting on a chair - waiting for Muse, and this Lady stroked the man on the head - Hrenak! I also sprinkled a rhyme. Oh, the man swims, flies, flutters and does it all at the same time. He reads poetry to his wife, and she listens and praises, she told all her women that her husband is now a "white bone" and will be known right across the country. - Will they show it on TV? - Yes, it goes without saying.

But the man became sad - Well, what is it - I understand my talent, Muse loves me, and only wife's friends read it. And then - again Eureka - I will go to the Internet - there is little use for the people, but I am patient and persistent - I will choose the most popular site (yes, he also knew these words) and send my creations. Voshchem found such a site. He walked around, looked - yes inspires confidence, again Putin flashed somewhere - Sponsor, probably, - thought the man.

The man sees the cherished inscription - Insert the text - smiled - Also friendly. Bam! - Not a fig - they say - register, brother. -Ahhhh yes. I pressed the button - the table - I filled it in a short one - I got scared - Who are they and who I am. Bam!
- This login already exists! The guy added one to the login. Half of the table was gone and the man filled it in again. Bam! - THIS NAME ALREADY IS! The man added one to the name, half of the table disappeared again and again the man filled in and even entered the digits of the code correctly. Sent - Your profile is under consideration by the administration, but half of the table has disappeared again. The man read it again - The fields with an asterisk must be filled in. A guy was a good student at school - filled, then fill. Bam, bam, bam! - everything disappeared in black and white for each column - Under consideration.

The man got scared - Even the car got angry ... or overheated - summer-heat - well, we already wrote that our man was patient and filled everything up again. Suddenly Muse - Well, of course - I only wrote one word in the column "About myself" - Man - they probably don't understand, - they are different men, maybe they wrote it down as a fagot - the man felt ashamed, and the Muse is nearby ... Voshchem scribbled - drew his humor - And what? - The merry man is getting better. Graduated - Study. To study - you will die a fool. And what is not humor? Well, down the aisle - take it - I can do it.

The peasant got carried away, the peasant endured, the peasant was embarrassed - only he did not write a word about his poems. We can only guess what happened to the moderator. But, apparently, both were tired - and the cherished inscription "Under consideration" appeared again. The man no longer climbed into the bottle - you are losing a large user - but somehow hesitated - is it necessary? For fifteen minutes he waited for consideration - nothing, sighed and went to the site to get acquainted with the works.

I read the first verse - it's rude, the second finally didn't understand, the third - aha, nothing - I liked it and even there are comments. I began to read and then his program went wrong - hu.yo-my *** - yours ... - But what about Putin? A man, like any Russian person, of course, knew these words, but here they spoke it. - What should I do here? - I thought - if my favorite word is just an ass but because mine is like that !!! And Marusia loves me even without worldwide fame. He closed everything and under the barrel to his beloved.


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