Legislative base of the Russian Federation

Legislative base of the Russian Federation

Draft (edition prepared for

results for 29.07.2014,

updated 10.10.2014)

black font - chinny Law

baptisms - to be turned off

red font - addition to the Law

green font - supplemented by

results for the sake of the RAASN, SAR,

NLA 07.10.2014





Chapter I

1. Help federal law regulate the blues that are blamed on the process professional activity the architect of the creation of architectural objects with the method of ensuring a carefree, environmentally friendly, socially and spiritually complete, friendly environment of life of people and prosperity.

2. Tsey Federal law directs the development of architectural art, protection of the works of architecture, memorials of the history of culture, as well as natural landscapes.

3. This federal law defines the rights, obligations, and viability of the population and legal systems, as well as the architectural activity, as well as state power, organіv mіstsevogo samovyarduvannya, zamovniki (zabudovnіkіv), pіdryadnіv, vlasnikіv (vlasnikіv) architectural objects.

4. By using force.

5. Whose federal law I create legal mind for the protection of the rights of supporters in the case of non-professional and unfair work in the halls of architecture and space, the development of competition in the field of architectural activity and the security of the architect's work for the quality of the decisions taken.

Article 2. Basic concepts

By the method of which Federal Law, the following basic concepts are established:

architectural activity - the professional activity of citizens (architectors) who can create an architectural object and include the creative process of creating an architectural project, coordinating the development of all the distribution of design documentation for I am for everyday life), the author's vision of everyday life architectural object, as well as the activity of legal systems for the organization of professional activities of architects;

architectural solution - the author's idea of ​​an architectural object - both external and internal looking, spacious, planning and functional organization, fixing architectural design that (or) architectural part of the documentation for everyday life and implementation in the architectural object, yakі є objects of copyright;

architectural project - collection of illustrative, textual, graphic and other materials that signify architectural solutions, as a complex protection of social, economic, functional, engineering, technical, anti-aging, sanitary and epidemiological, environmental, architectural and mystical and other benefits to ob'єkta in obyakta for retail, necessary va objects, at the design of those the fate of the architect is necessary;

architectural object - budivlya, spore, complex budivel and spore, їх іх інтер'єр, landscaping objects, landscape gardening art, spacious organization of the territory, creation of an improved architectural project;

architectural and planning plant - a complex of possible to recognize, the main parameters of that placement of an architectural object on a specific land lot, as well as about environmental, technical, organizational and other minds and projects and development of the Tajik Federation legislation of subjects Russian Federation;

allowed for the life - support for the implementation of the architectural project, which is seen by the deputy (zabudovnik) by the authorities of the self-registration of the municipal districts, the municipal and the rural settlements, the authorities of the vikonavchos of the sub-sector of the Russian Federation of Moscow of St. Petersburg - the significance of the federal yu control over vikonannyam mystobudivnyh regulations, despite the approved local documentation, as well as the method of zapobigannya too much middle ground.

attestation of an architect - a procedure for evaluating the qualifications of an architect with the method of declaring his readiness to establish independent architectural activity in the order of that on the minds established by the Federal Law and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

1. Zamovnik (zabudovnik) - a hulk, or a legal person, yakі may let us build life, reconstruction (far away - life) of an architectural object, for the life of which he needs to be allowed to live, - it is the responsibility of the mother of an additional architectural project, the local plan of the land plot, which is being expanded and confirmed in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on local activity.

2. Dozvіl for everyday life is not needed for different people, like wake-up work do not drag behind you the change of the old architectural look and forget the place, or the other settlement that has developed, those other objects and do not acquire the characteristics of reliability and safety of life, disputes and engineering communications.

The appointment of a transfer of objects, for the life of which it is not necessary to bring them to the life, is brought to refurbishment by the bodies of the sovereign power of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

The life of any object can be carried out for the obviousness of the permission of the landowner of the land plot and (or) life, arguing with the dotrimannyam of the life, life norms and rules.

3. Invisible part of the local plan of the land lot with the creation of the object, which should be up to the legislation of the Russian Federation on the local activity to the unique and (or) suspіlno-significant objects of planning, architecture.

Architectural and planning projects may be necessary for the provision of approved local documentation, environmental protection, sanitary and epidemiological, protipozhzhnі vmogi to the architectural object, vmogi to protect the monuments of the history, in the history of the culture their minds (seismic zone, permafrost zone and others) gaining the rights of the people of the community and legal systems, the interests of which arise in the course of this life. It is allowed to install special forces for architectural and planning projects before the creation of the artistic medium of the object by means of image-creating and decorative-uzhitkovo art.

It is not allowed to be included in the architectural and planning project, but to architectural and constructive solutions, internal possession, internal processing of the architectural object, as well as other people, who can intersect the rights of the deputy (zabudovnik) and the author of the non-architectural project, as well as ґ Rush on the positions of the rank of law, the normative laws of the acts, the Mistobudny normatives, the hard -to -the -world of the Zaberezni of the Zabodovs of the abstinated settlement, the natural core of the native of the nestle of the pamper.

Substantiated for the witness of the architectural and planning project is the application of the deputy (zabudovnik) that document, which certifies the right of authority (the right to dispose) of the land plot, or allowed the authority of the land plot to design on this plot.

The architects of the architectural and planning project can have it, as if we named a deputy (zabudovnik) to supervise decorous legislation, normative legal acts, local standards, provisions of approved local documentation, rules of forgetting the place of another settlement. Vіdmova at the vidachі of the architectural and planning manager can be denounced by the zamovnik (zabudovnik) before the trial.

4. During the life of other architectural objects, designated by the hardened local documentation, Architectural and planning projects can be developed on the basis of pre-design studies sketch design chi competitions for an architectural project.

The competition for an architectural project is held with the participation of community-based professional and mystical organizations (associations) of architects. Before the warehouse of the competitive commission (zhuri) at the end of the hour of the competition, attested architects are included in the competition, the number of such may be no less than five dozen hundred thousand in total number of members of the competitive commission.

The procedure for holding competitions is determined by the bodies of architecture and locality of the subjects of the Russian Federation for the weather with the interregional chamber of architects.

5. Paragraph with chivalry.

Vіdmova at the vidachі allowed to live, but she could be scorned by the zamovnik (zabudovnik) before the court.

The body of architecture and space, which, having seen the architectural and planning plant when revising the design, is not entitled to conduct an examination of the project with food that is not included before the architectural and planning plant can be in such a computer forgetful) and the author .

The paragraph is disabled.

7. Architectural project, sho vrakhovu є vomogi mіstobudіvnogo legislаvі, obov'yazkovі vimogi vіmogі galuzі proektirovannya budіvnitstvа, vklepіn rules, vіdpovidnymi іstobudіvnyh normatіvіv, rules zabudovuє sіsta chi іnshoy іnshоdanny oblast, zavdannya na proektirovaniya і аd archiving om, obov' eloquent for all participants in the implementation of the architectural project from the day of possession on the basis of permission to everyday life.

One copy of the architectural design and design documentation is given for saving up to the appropriate body of architecture and locality, what kind of place in the information system is the security of local activity, with a distant transfer of assigned documents to the state archive in the manner established

Control over the implementation of the architectural project is subject to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 3.1. Architectural activity of foreign communities, especially without community and foreign legal systems

Foreign citizens, individuals without enormity and foreign juridical individuals zdiisnyuyut architekturnu diyalnist parity with Russian hulks and juridical persons, as transferred by the international agreement of the Russian Federation. For the validity of the international agreement of the Russian Federation, foreign communities, individuals without community and foreign legal entities can take part in the architectural activity on the territory of the Russian Federation chi Russian legal specialty , scho vіdpovіdає minds, vstanovlem paragraph 6 of Article 3.3 of the Law.

Article 3.2. Architecture activity of Russian citizens and legal systems on the territory of foreign powers

Russian citizens and legal entities can create architecture activities on the territories of foreign powers, so as not to supersede the international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 3.3. Architectural activity of Russian citizens and legal institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation

1. Architectural activity - reimbursable duty of services in the field of architecture, warehouse and zmistom, which are appointed by the federal body of the vykonavcho, zdіysnyuє z viroblennya state policy in the sphere of everyday life, architecture, municipality, for the weather with the National Chamber of Architects vykhodyachy from international agreements of the Russian Federation.

2. The architect can design the architecture activity independently, as well as on the basis employment contract between the architect and the legal person, as instructed by the minds, established by paragraph 6 of the article (hereinafter referred to as the legal person).

3. The right to develop independent architectural activity can be achieved by individuals who have achieved an architectural education in accordance with Russian standards, have completed a course of practical training under the qualification of a certified architect and a test may be qualified as an architect i).

4. Individuals who do not have a qualification certificate of an architect, may have the right to establish architecture activity under the certification of a certified architect in accordance with the procedure established by the National Chamber of Architects, and also not take part in such competitions in architecture she.

The design of objects, which allowed for the life of those that do not count, linear objects, as well as general objects, as they do not convey the constant chi of the people, are allowed without the participation of a certified architect.

5. Individuals who are illegally engaged in independent architectural activity, bear criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. A legal person, as a person who creates architectural activity, goiter is to support such minds:

mothers of one of the cerivniks of a legal person of a certified architect, the status of which has not been assigned and has not been assigned;

to the principals (participants) of legal entities, according to the criteria of a corporate legal entity, we will establish Article 65.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the responsibility for the attestation of architects is at least 50 c).

7. Individuals, yakі zdіysnyuyut arkhіtekturnu dіyalnіst іn the Russian Federation on the basis of an employment contract between an architect and a legal special, may have the right to basic guarantees, transferred by labor legislation and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation, including:

1) creation of a lawyer of a legal person of good minds for the doctor to make his labor obligatory, including security necessary possessions, in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

2) vocational training, retraining and advanced qualifications for labor costs of robots, according to the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) vocational retraining for the salary of the employees of the robot or other expenses transferred to the country by the legislation of the Russian Federation, for the impossibility of viconuvating the labor standards for the health camp language with the liquidation of the organization;

4) passing the certification for the status of a certified architect, as well as for the differentiation of payment for work for the results of the certification;

5) stimulating work to the level of qualification, with the specifics and folding of the work, with the general and the efficiency of work, as well as with specific results of work;

6) insuring the risk of one's professional liability.

8. The order of the Russian Federation, the state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and the bodies of self-regulation have the right to establish additional guarantees and come in social support to persons, as they are engaged in architectural work.


Disabled. -


1. The status of a certified architect in the Russian Federation has the right to get a person, if they have obtained a job of architectural education in the Russian Federation, they are eligible for federal state lighting standards. A person has also been ordered to take a course of practical training under the certification of an attested architect, qualified to the level, established by the National Chamber of Architects.

In vinyatkovyh vipadkah, the status of a certified architect can be given to a person, if he does not have a great architectural education, for obvious work experience in the interior of the architectural activity of at least ten years.

The procedure for granting the status of a certified architect is established by the National Chamber of Architects.

2. Not entitled to claim the status of a certified architect that independent architectural activity of an individual:

1) the recognition of non-educational chi is surrounded by divorced ones in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

2) to pay an outstanding criminal record for a mischievous mischief.

3. The decision on the status of a certified architect is accepted by the qualification commission of the Interregional Chamber of Architects for the results of the certification.

4. Attestation, the architect may have the right to zdіysnyuvat arhіtekturnu dіyalnіst throughout the territory of the Russian Federation without any additional permission.

5. The status of a certified architect relies on the inconsistency of the term and is not surrounded by the architect's singing century.

The attestation of an architect is carried out by the interregional chamber of architects in accordance with the procedure established by the National Chamber of Architects.

The knowledge of a certified architect is up to par with the federal standards of architectural activity.


clarification and availability of information about the procedures, rules and results of the assessment;

the inadmissibility of the exchange of competition and the creation of reshkod koristuvannya by the servants of attestation architects;

security of equal minds to individuals who apply for passing certification;

the inadmissibility of the establishment of a border between the borders and certificates of attestation in the outer territories of the Russian Federation;

ensuring the completion of the legal regimes of information, the removal of the hour of the assessment;

cost-free consulting services that are provided by the National Chamber of Architects, Interregional Chambers of Architects during the preparation and certification.

3. After successful completion of the attestation procedure, the architect will be given the qualification certificate of the architect and the special qualifications of another certified architect from the assigned title, name, after father, number in the Register of attested architects and the name of the attested architect.

The qualification certificate of an architect and a special other certified architect is confirmed by the National Chamber of Architects.

The qualification certificate of an architect specifies the type of specialization of architectural activity, and the specialization "architecture" is also one of two possible eligibility for designing:

Design budіvel ta sporud normal level vіdpovіdalnostі;

Designing a future and a spore of normal and advanced performance.

Types of specialization of architectural activity and location, architecture, landscape architecture, restoration, interior design.

5. Attestation of the architect schop'yat rokіv goiter's tests to confirm professional qualifications in accordance with the procedure established by the National Chamber of Architects.

Attestation of architects, yakі not zdіysnyuvali arhіtekturnu dіyalnіst dіyalnіst dіyalnіst protyag five roіv i bolshe, zobov'yazanі for vіdnovlennya samostіynoї arkhіtekturnoї ї іyalnostі go through training for additional professional programs іzhregіonalї chamber arkhіtektorіv confirming document - commendation about the advancement of retraining .

1. The standards of architectural activity are defined as being up to the level of knowledge and practical training of a certified architect, which is necessary for the development of independent architectural activity, and also up to the level of business and professional ethics.

Standards of architectural activity are responsible for complying with federal laws and adopting them in accordance with other normative legal acts.

2. Standards of architectural activity are subdivided into federal standards of architectural activity and standards that are established by the interregional chamber of architects.

3. The federal standards of architectural activity regulate the activity of attesting architects, establish the rules for the implementation of architectural activity, and also regulate the other food, beforehand under the Law.

Federal standards of architectural activity and obov'yazkovymi for certification of architects, legal systems and interregional chambers of architects and their practitioners.

4. The National Chamber of Architects is developing a draft federal standard for architectural activity with the approval of international standards for architectural activity.

The draft federal standard of architectural activity may be published on the official website of the National Chamber of Architects for public discussion at least two months before its approval.

The National Chamber of Architects to conduct a public discussion of the draft federal standard of architectural activity.

6. The federal standard of architectural activity is approved by the National Chamber of Architects and published in the information system infamous koristuvannya in electronic-digital form on the official Internet portal of the National Chamber of Architects, approved seven days after the day of its approval by the National Chamber of Architects.

The federal standard of architectural activity is gaining rank ten days after the day of the first publication of the new text on the official Internet portal of the National Chamber of Architects

7. Introduction of changes and additions to the federal standard of architectural activity, otherwise, it is subject to the order, transferred to the article in part of the development and acceptance federal standards architectural activity

8. The standards of architectural activity, adopted by the interregional chambers of architects, set the standards up to the order of the implementation of the architectural activity, supplemented by the standards established by the federal standards of the architectural activity, as a result of the peculiarities of the architectural activity according to the region.

The standards of architectural activity, which are accepted by the interregional chambers of architects, are expanded and approved by the interregional chambers, depending on the standards established by the National Chamber of Architects, and cannot super-read the federal standards of architectural activity. Standards of architectural activity, which are accepted by the interregional chambers of architects, are obov'azkovym for the hour of the construction of architectural activity of the city of the country's regions.

1. The status of a certified architect is assigned to the boards of the interregional chamber of architects, a member of such a wine, for such representations:

1) submission by the attesting architect of an application for confirmation of the status of architects;

2) non-participation of the certified architect in the ongoing architectural activity for five and more years;

3) non-attestation by the architect of the procedure for confirming professional qualifications in accordance with the procedure established by the National Chamber of Architects;

5) the recognition of the architect without delay in accordance with the procedure established by federal law.

2. If the court decides on the decision to zastosuvannya to the certified architect of primus entrances of a medical nature, the court may look at the status of this architect.

3. A person, the status of a certified architect, as assigned, may not have the right to exercise independent architecture activity, as well as to hold a selective plantation in the bodies of the National Chamber of Architects or the Interregional Chamber of Architects.

4. After the award was made, before paragraphs 1 and 2 of the article, the status of a certified architect is updated according to the decisions of the interregional chamber of architects, as it praised the decision on the status of a certified architect, at the request of a special architect.

5. The decision of the Board of the Interregional Chamber of Architects on the status of a certified architect, or on the updated status of a certified architect, may be denounced by the National Chamber of Architects or a judge.

6. The Interregional Chamber of Architects at ten days from the day of the adoption of the decision on the amendment of the status of the certified architect or the renewal of the status of the certified architect, ensuring the introduction of the certificates to the Register of attesting architects, as well as informing the person, transferring the status of the certified architect subparagraph 5 paragraph 1 of the article.

1. The status of a certified architect is awarded by the inter-regional chamber of architects, a member of such a wine, for the following reasons:

1) submission by the attested architect of an application for assigning the status of a certified architect to the senior interregional chamber of architects;

2) gaining legal force by the decisions of the court on the recognition of a certified architect as a non-educational architect or a graduate;

3) the death of a certified architect, or the collection of legal force, we will die to the decisions of the court about the deafness;

4) the collection of legal force by the court for the recognition of the attested architect as guilty of a mischievous mischief;

5) revealing the fact of wrongful assignment of a person to the status of a certified architect;

6) carrying out architectural activities by attesting architect, the status of which has been assigned.

2. The status of a certified architect can be attributed to the decisions of the interregional chamber of architects, a member of such a wine, on the submission of a drawing to the disciplinary body of such a chamber for the mind:

1) nevykonannya or not properly vykonanny by the architect of his professional footwear before the deputy;

2) violation by the attestation architect of the rules of business and professional ethics, established by the National Chamber of Architects, as well as federal standards for architectural activity and standards of architectural activity, which are accepted by the interregional chambers of architects;

3) nevykonannya or not properly vykonannya atestirovannym architect decisions interregional chamber of architects, adopted at the borders of their competence;

4) establishing the inaccuracy of statements submitted to the qualification commission for certification.

3. A person, the status of a certified architect, as assigned, does not have the right to exercise independent architecture activity, as well as to selectively plant in the bodies of the National Chamber of Architects or regional authorities. The violation of the provisions of this clause of the draft is in my own capacity, transferred by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. About acceptance up to paragraphs 1 and 2 of the statute decision of the interregional chamber of architects at the tenth line from the day of the first day of acceptance, confirm the person in the letter form, the status of the certified architect is attributed, for the blame of the architect, the status of the architect is attributed to the status of the architect ї statti, that security of the introduction of legal documents statements to the Register of attestation of architects.

5. Decisions of the Board of the Interregional Chamber of Architects, adopted on the basis of clauses 1 and 2 of the statute, may be denounced by the National Chamber of Architects or by the court.

Article 3.9. Maintaining the Register of Attestation Architects

1. The register of attested architects is an information resource that can be used to systematize reports on attestation of architects, those whose status of a certified architect is assigned or assigned.

2. Reliability for completeness, relevance and reliability of statements, which are expected to be included in the Register of attestation of architects, are carried by the Interregional Chamber of Architects in part of its members. Rightfully entered to the Register of Attestation Architects information for sustainable savings. Vіdomosti about architectіv, including those assigned to Article 3.8 of the Law, are not seen from the Register.

3. A person acquires all the rights of a certified architect from the date of submission of statements about her, transferring this article to the Register of attesting architects.

4. Register of attested architects

1) registration number of the certified architect, date of registration at the Register of information about the new one;

2) vіdomosti, scho allow to identify the certified architect (nickname, name, after father);

3) statement of qualification certificate of a certified architect;

5) reports on the professional activity of an architect, submitted by the National Chamber of Architects;

6) statements about the security of the main certification of architects in front of their deputy and other persons, including statements about the insurance company (including statements about the area of ​​​​yogo recognition, about the actual license and information recognized for the establishment of an insurance contract) and that insurance contract іynoї vidpovіdalnosti certified architect;

7) information about the advancement of qualifications and professional retraining;

8) information about the fact of standing up to a certified architect of disciplinary and other constrictions (in times, such constrictions were superimposed);

9) other transfers by the National Chamber of Architects in the bridge.

5. It is the responsibility of the Registry of Attested Architects, whose status of a certified architect has been pinned, pinned or renewed, in the Registry of attested architects in the order of the information specified in paragraph 4 of the article, the information about the date that about the status is due, renewed, attached.

6. Ensuring the Register of Attestation Architects of the National Chamber of Architects.

7. Vіdomosti Registry of attested architects is supposed to be published on the Internet, Crimean Vіdomosti, access to some obmezheniya federal laws.

8. Attestation, the architect of the goiter is to inform the Interregional Chamber of Architects, a member of such a wine, in a written form, or by way of the direction of an electronic document about the present, whether it be some kind, which will pull the change of information, which will be extended in the Republic om three working days From the coming day, in the daytime, I will come such podіy.

9. The procedure for maintaining the Register of attesting architects is established by the National Chamber of Architects.


Article 12. Rights of a certified architect and legal entity

The attestation of the architect and the legal person on the basis of the contract with the deputy (zabudovnik) may have the right to:

inquire and take into account the relevant organs architectural and planning tasks,local plan of the land lot, other documents and other documents required for pre-design studies, design and life of an architectural object. Appointed by the bodies of the goiter in the manner established by law, to see the certified architect the documents that are requested, or their certified copies;

zdiyasnyuvati zahist pogodzhenikh iz zamovnik (zabudovnik) architectural solutions for their examination of the review of the relevant bodies;

to take part in the development of all distributions of documentation for everyday life, for the sake of all changes in the architectural solutions of the adopted architectural project, to take the blame for the instructions of the deputy (zabudovnik) for the construction of all distributions of documentation for everyday life;

obtain on a contractual basis before the release of documentation for the work of the necessary assistants, consultants and technical practitioners, taking on themselves the responsibility for obliging and the quality of victoring them;

to represent and protect the interests of the zamovnik (zabudovnik) for yogo assignments for the hour of laying the contract for the work of the architectural object; accept the organization of bidding (auctions and competitions) for the laying of contracts for everyday life;

to maintain the author’s vision of the life of an architectural object, or for the commission of a deputy (zabudovnik), be a distant representative on the life of a given object, imposing control over the quality of life materials, as financial control;

take part in the acceptance of the architectural object into operation, or, on the instructions of the deputy (zabudovnik), be his representative for the hour of acceptance of the designated object into operation;

carry out consultations on the nutrition of investment, life and operation of architectural objects, as well as on other functions of the zamovnik (zabudovnik);

get to the authorities, yak zdijsnyuyut arhіtekturno-budіvelny control for vzhittya zahodіv schodo dotrimannya rights of the architect;

zdіysnyuvaty іnshі work and services in the sphere of architectural activity, which is not super-equal to the dignified legislation of the Russian Federation.

1. An architect and a legal person, when zdіysnnі arkhіtekturnoї dіyalnostі goitre dorimuvatisya:

legislation of the Russian Federation and legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation at the gallery of architectural activity;

local standards, sanitary and epidemiological measures, obov'yazkovі for zastosuvannya and vikonannya vimogi fire and environmental safety, obov'yazkovі vimogy, established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation, riveting of rules;

the procedure for the establishment of local activity on the territory of a separate sub-ject of the Russian Federation and the rules for forgetting the place of another settlement;

vimogi local plan of the land lot;

vomogi zamovnik (zabudovnika), vykladenі at the head of the project, so do not superechat vimogi tsієї statti;

the rules of business and professional ethics of the Russian architect, established by the National Chamber of Architects.

2. The architect does not have the right to voice information about the name of the zamovnik (zabudovnik) about the implementation of the architectural project without yoga.

3. The architect does not have the right to take on himself the goiter of the official representative of the deputy (zabudovnik) under the hour of laying down the contract for work, with the author's supervision of the work of the architectural object, and with the acceptance of the designated object for operation at pributkah contracting organization that takes part in the contract auction and also does not have the right to take part in the competition for an architectural project, being a member of the jury of the competition.

4. Certification architect goiter

vykonuvat vimogi, established by federal standards of architectural activity and standards of architectural activity, established by the interregional chamber of architects (for the placement of an architectural object);

comply with the rules of business and professional ethics of the Russian architect, established by the National Chamber of Architects;

submit information about membership in the interregional chamber of architects to the deputy deputy;

present to the deputy's deputy an insurance policy and a qualification certificate of an architect; on the deputy's deputy's behalf, to be certified by the interregional chamber of architects, a member of this wine, a hero from the Register of attestation of architects;

put a special signature on all armchairs of architectural and budding divisions of project documentation, including those prepared by trained practitioners.

Presentation of a special signature and another certified architect on the chairs of architectural and budding divisions and a signature for acceptance of design documentation for examination.

5. A legal person, as a matter of fact, can lay down a contract for the implementation of architectural activity, goiter:

to recognize as the lead architect of the project a budіvlі chi of the normal chi advanced level of the attested architect, the status of which has not been assigned and has not been assigned;

Persons in the course of the construction of architectural activities;

put pressure on the deputy deputy to agree obov'yazykovy insurance the validity of the head architect to the project, regulations are subject to the legislation of the Russian Federation;

do not give out information, which was established to the best of our ability to ensure confidentiality and was taken away as a deputy in the course of the construction of architectural work, with a vengeance, transferred by the legislation of Ukraine;

take a copy of the architectural project and a copy of the documents, otrimanih in the name of the deputy, third parties and victories in the event of the construction of architectural activity, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Creation, implementation and other choice of an architectural project that (or) architectural part of the documentation for everyday life zdіysnyuyuyutsya only s urakhuvannyam kontraktiv, ukladenih vіdpovіdno to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1. Bodies of sovereign power to adopt the creation of organizational, resourceful and other minds of the free creativity of the architect, the development of architectural science and enlightenment.

2. Upovnovazhenie by the Council of the Russian Federation federal bodies and vykonavchos rule in the halls of architecture and space, professional and creative organizations (association) of architects are allowed to take part in the freedom to protect the rights of the architect an architect within his own competence.

Attestation of the architect, who is responsible for the architectural activity, is obliged to arrange an insurance contract for his professional capacity in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of insurance sector .

Chapter V

1. Zmіni Architectural project at the Rodbtsi documentary for Budіvnitvva Abo Budinitvva Architectural Ophty, to be held vicranially for the zgoda of the author of the Architectural project, and the VIDIL VIMOG Architectural and Planning Takozhni at the Tydovydny organized bodies of the Architecturi tu Mistobubeda

2. Zamovnik (zabudovnik) chi contractor has the right not to get the author of the architectural project from the beginning until the development of documentation for life and to the author's observation of the life of the architectural object for the mind of the implementation of the architectural project without change.

3. As the author of an architectural project to show steps in the project during its implementation, then he speaks about the body, which, having seen it, has allowed for everyday life, for living the necessary entries to avoid a possible attack, and also living in violation of the right to stop the archiving іtectury vіdpovіdno to vicious legislation.

4. The author of the architectural project may not give the right not to give, transferred by paragraph 2 of the Article, to the participation in the development of documentation for everyday life and the creation of the author's supervision of everyday life. For some reason, the zamovnik (zabudovnik) of the goiter is to get the author of the architectural project before the development of documentation for everyday life and the creation of the author's look at everyday life.

1. Changes of the architectural object (dobudova, rebudova, replanning) are subject to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the contract for the creation of that architectural project.

2. Changes of architectural objects, the existence of which requires a permit for everyday life, are established in accordance with the procedure established by Article 3 of the Law.

3. The procedure for changing architectural objects awarded state and other prizes in the hall of architecture, is established by the approval of the Order of the Russian Federation by the federal body of the government for coordination of activities in the hall of architecture and construction.

4. Architectural activity, connected withWorks from reconstruction, restoration, repair, pritosuvannyam for the current whistleblower reminders of history and culture, yakі perebuvayut on sovereign appearance, and also architectural activitywork from everyday life, repair, reconstruction of objects in the zones of their protection, it is necessary to legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of protection of monuments of history and culture.

5. Control over the vikonannyam the position of the statute is established by the body of architecture and locality, which you have seen architectural planninglocal plan of the land lot.


Article 22

1. Approval by the Council of the Russian Federation, the federal and local authorities and the relevant bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation approve a single system of victorious power in the halls of architecture. Organi arkhitektury i mіstobuduvannya zdіysnyuyut their activities on the basis of local legislation, tsgogo Federal law and the relevant provisions on the organization of architecture and mіstobuduvannya.

2. Approval by the Council of the Russian Federation, the federal body of vikonavchoi power for the coordination of activities in the gallery of architecture and locality for the participation of the relevant bodies of the sub'єktіv of the Russian Federation on the basis of favorable propositions of professional skills in the Russian Academy of Architecture and Life Sciences, Splits of Architects of Russia and the National Chamber of Architects development and implementation of state policy in the gallery of architecture, coordinating the work of architecture bodies and local production, ensuring the development of normative legal acts.

3. Organi mіstsevogo samovaryaduvannya garazd, established chinnym legislature, may be endowed with renewed regulation of architectural activity, established by this federal law. Control over the implementation of the appointments of renewals is to be upgraded by the Department of the Russian Federation, the federal body of the government of the Russian Federation, to coordinate the activities in the gallery of architecture and the location of the institutions of the sub'єktіv of the Russian Federation.

4. Organizations, yakі know the nutrition of architecture and the locality, oscholyuyut the main architects. The candidacy of the lead architect is being selected z-pomіzh attestirovannykh arkhіtektorіv, zaproponovannyh interregional chamber of architectіv in accordance with the established procedure on a competitive basis, it is confirmed by the supreme body of the victorious government.

5. In the cities and other settlements with a population of less than fifty thousand inhabitants (with a little mention of resorts and historical places) and in other municipal settlements, the head architect’s settlement can be embraced by a person, as I can build a middle architecture.

Article 23. Professional and creative organizations (association) of architects

1. Science center in the gallery of architecture, local education and everyday sciences Russian Academy architecture and everyday sciences.

1.1. Russian Academy of Architecture and Life Sciences state academy sciences - a non-commercial organization, as created in the form of a federal state budgetary institution.

The chief and chief officer of the lane of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Life Sciences is the Russian Federation.

The functions and renewal of the chief and head of the federal lane of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Life Sciences in the name of the Russian Federation are established by the Order of the Russian Federation.

1.2. The structure of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Life Sciences includes regional branches of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Life Sciences, which are federal state budget regulations, Created in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.3. The Russian Academy of Architecture and Life Sciences is established in the name of the Russian Federation in the order and in the order, as it is established by the Council of the Russian Federation, the renewal of the head of the chief and the head of the main, who is transferred to the operational management of the Russian academic region ї architecture and everyday sciences.

2. Public professional and creative organizations (associations) of architects (local workers, designers) are required to protect professional interests of architects (local workers, designers and archivists and representatives of archivists) turi and mystobuduvannya).

1. The Interregional Chamber of Architects, a non-state non-profit organization, which is a professional association founded on a general membership of attestation of architects, one federal district, the city of Moscow and the Moscow region, the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

2. The Interregional Chamber of Architects is established at the sight of the Association of Garazd, established by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Reorganization and liquidation of the interregional chamber of architects can be done in accordance with the federal law.

The structure and competence of the governing bodies of the interregional chamber of architects is regulated by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation and the statute of the chamber.

3. The decision of the bodies of the interregional chamber of architects, adopted in the range of their competence, binding for all attestation of architects, as they are members.

Article 23.2. Objectives of activity, main tasks and functions of the interregional chamber of architects

zahistu suspіlstva and power in the form of non-professional and unfair professional activity in the interior of architecture and locality;

Sovereign power of the major subjects of the Russian Federation and

security high level architectural activity on the territory of the major federal district of the Russian Federation, the city of Moscow and the Moscow region, the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region;

ensuring the completion of attestation by architects, as members of the senior interregional chamber of architects, rules of business and professional ethics.

Architectural activities of the relevant subjects of the Russian Federation;

a look at the rules of business and professional ethics established by the National Chamber of Architects, as well as federal standards for architectural activity and standards for architectural activity, as adopted by the interregional chambers of architects

conducting professional training and advancing the qualifications of members of the chamber;

Members of the Chamber;

3. To complete its main tasks, the Interregional Chamber of Architects:

Vіdpovіdnyh pod'ektiv Russian Federation propositions, scho ossuyutsya viroblennya and the implementation of state policy in the sphere of architectural activity;

the form is submitted in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, to the state authorities of the vikonavchoi authorities of the relevant subjects of the Russian Federation propositions on the thorough legal and economic regulation of architectural activity;

rozroblyaє that zatverzhuє interregional standards of architectural activity;

representing the interests of attesting architects of state authorities in the Russian Federation, bodies of local self-regulation;

ensuring the functioning of the inter-regional arbitration court at the gallery of architectural activity;

looking at the savagery, squabbles, skargs of attested architects, legal issues and deputy officers;

submit to the National Chamber of Architects information about their members;

development of additional professional lighting programs at the gallery of architectural activity;

organize the administration of the supplementary professional education at the gallery of architecture;

For the most important directions, the development of architectural activity;

zdіysnyuє іnshі funktsії, transferred by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the statute of the chamber.

4. The Interregional Chamber of Architects does not have the right to determine the architecture activity in the name, and to start to take up the entrepreneurial activity.

Article 23.3. Dzherela molding lane of the interregional chamber of architects

1. Dzherelami molding the lane of the interregional chamber of architects:

1) regular and one-time contributions to members of the chamber - attesting architects (introduction, membership and other contributions);

3) fees obtained in the form of duties for services and information, which may be disclosed on a paid basis;

4) fees obtained from the sale of information materials related to business activities, commercial and professional interests of members of the international chamber of architects;

5) income, gained from placement penny koshtіv on bank deposits;

6) otherwise not fenced by the law of the dzherel.

2. Accounting and financial (accounting) rank of the interregional chamber of architects in support of the language audit.

1. The National Chamber of Architects is a non-state, non-commercial organization that unites interregional chambers of architects with the improvement of their language membership.

The National Chamber of Architects, as a body of self-regulation of architects in the Russian Federation, is created with the method of representation and protection of interests of architects in the organs of state power, bodies of local self-regulation, coordination of departments without ministerial archivists nya high level of architectural activity, which is being built in the Russian Federation.

The National Chamber of Architects is an organization dedicated to representing the interests of architects and inter-regional chambers of architects in the cities with federal bodies of state power at the hour of celebration of the power to meet the interests of different architects.

The National Chamber of Architects is created in the form of associations in accordance with the procedure established by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The National Chamber of Architects of the Russian Federation does not intend to reorganize. Liquidation of the National Chamber of Architects of the Russian Federation may be based on federal law.

2. Structure and competence of the governing bodies of the National Chamber of Architects

3. Representatives of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Life Sciences and the Union of Architects in Russia for a total proportional quota, which is worth 25 hundreds of members in the total number of members, are going to the warehouse of the collegiate governing body of the National Chamber of Architects.

4. Decisions of the bodies of the National Chamber of Architects, adopted within the limits of their competence, and binding for all interregional chambers of architects.

Article 23.5. Objectives of activity, main tasks and functions of the National Chamber of Architects

zahistu suspіlstva and power in the form of unprofessional and unfair activity in the halls of architecture and locality;

representation and protection of the interests of architects in the organs of state power, organs of local self-regulation;

shaping the market of servants at the gallery of architectural activity;

ensuring high level of architectural activity throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation; ensuring proper qualifications and professional training of specialties, as they are allowed to independent conduction of architectural activity;

ensuring the rules of business and professional ethics by architects.

fate in the development of the implementation of state policy in the gallery of architectural activity;

defender of the rights and legitimate interests of the interregional chambers of architects and their members;

development of the methodological foundations of professional training and advancement of qualifications in the gallery of architectural activity;

information and methodical security of architectural activities;

the form is submitted in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, to the state authorities of the Russian Federation government of the propositions, which influence the implementation of the state policy in the sphere of architecture;

form and submit in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, to the state authorities of the vikonavchoi vlady of the Russian Federation propositions about the thorough legal and economic regulation of architectural activity;

rozroblyaє that zatverdzhuє federal standards of architectural activity;

rozroblyaє that zatverdzhuє the rules of business and professional ethics in the case of zdіysnennі arkhіtekturnoї dіyalnostі;

form a program for the development of federal standards for architectural activities;

representing the interests of attesting architects at the federal authorities of the state power, the state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the bodies of local self-regulation;

ensuring the functioning of the global Russian arbitration court in the field of architectural activity;

looking at the beasts, troubles, skarga of the inter-regional chambers of architects, architects, legal institutions and deputy officers;

maintain the registry of attestation architects;

zdіysnyuє editorial and publishing activity, including such kinds of scientific monographs, founding such kinds of scientific journals in the sphere of architectural activity;

in cooperation with professional associations of architects of foreign powers;

vikonuє іnshі functionsії, peredbachenі by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the statute of the Chamber.

4. The National Chamber of Architects does not have the right to determine the architecture activity in the name, and to start to take up the entrepreneurial activity.

1. Mainly the National Chamber of Architects is formed for the rahunok vodrakhuvany, which are created by the interregional chambers of architects, grants and benevolent help(victims), which should be in the form of legal entities physical features according to the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The National Chamber of Architects is the master of this lane.

2. Conduct of accounting and financial (accounting) rank of the National Chamber of Architects for obov'yazykovu audit.


1. Gromadyanin is either a legal person, yakі zdіysnyuyut budіvnіtstvo arkhіtekturnoj ob'єkt without permission to budіvnіtstvo (arbitrary budіvnіtstvo) аbo with damage to the approved city documentation, carry the Federal Code of Admiralty іnistrativnі lawfulness.

2. Gromadyanin or a legal person, if they allowed in the course of the implementation of the architectural project to enter into the assigned project without permission from the author of the architectural project by that body, which, having seen it, allowed it to be broken.

1. The person, whose right is violated during the construction of architectural activity, may be due to a new order of the head of the office, viz., viz., to the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. A person who is guilty of everyday life or changing an architectural object without a special permit for everyday life, goiter is responsible for his own account of creating an appearance (outside the selection) of self-sufficient spores, or to bring an architectural object land plot at the cob mill.

4. The person, guilty of deeds, which caused for themselves the shock of specialness or important clashes with the superfluous middle ground, a monument of history or culture, a valuable city or natural landscape, carried the duty, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Gromadyanin chi legal person, yakі zdіysnyuyut arhіtekturnu dіyalnіst, bear mаynovu vіdpovіdnіst vіdpovіdno to tsivіlnogo legislаtіv Rosіyskoїї Federatsiiї nіkіnannya аbo nаlіnіnіnі vykonannya podovіrnih goitreyazan.


This federal law is gaining authority from the day of its official publication.

Article 27

Entrust the Council of the Russian Federation to bring its normative legal acts in compliance with the Federal Law.

President of the Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin

Chapter I
Article 1
1. This federal law governs what is to be blamed
processes of professional activity in the creation of architectural objects
for the purposes of safe, environmentally friendly, socially and spiritually
povnotsіnnogo, sympathetic middle of the life of people and suspenstva.
2. Tsey Federal Law directing the development of architectural
art, protection of the works of architecture, monuments of history
culture, as well as natural landscapes.
3. This federal law defines the rights, obligations and
vіdpovidalnіst hulks and juridical osіb, yakі zdіysnyuyut arhіtekturnu
activity, as well as organs of state power, organs of the state
self-ordering, deputies (zabudovniks), contractors, vlasnikovs
(Vlasnikov) architectural objects.
4. By using force.
5. This federal law creates legal minds for the defense of rights
support in the face of unprofessional and unscrupulous activities in the region
architecture and locality, the development of competition in the field of architecture
responsibility and security of the architect's responsibility for the acceptance of them
Article 2. Basic concepts
According to the method of which Federal Law, such basic
architectural activity - professional activity of the community
(architects), what can be on the basis of the creation of an architectural object and include in itself
a creative process of creating an architectural project, coordination
rozrobki all rozdіlіv project documentation for everyday life
reconstruction (hereinafter referred to as documentation for everyday life), the author's view of
life of an architectural object, as well as the activity of legal
organization of professional activities of architects;
architectural solution - the author's idea of ​​an architectural object - yoga
zvnіshny and vnutrіshny look, spacious, planning that
functional organization, fixings in the architectural design and (or)
architectural part of the documentation for everyday life and implementation
inspired architectural object;
architectural project - a complex of illustrative, textual, graphic and
other materials that signify architectural solutions, as a complex
pay social, economic, functional, engineering,
technical, anti-burning, sanitary and epidemiological, ecological,
architectural and architectural and other assistance to the object in obyazі, necessary
for the development of documentation for the life of objects at the design
such a necessary fate of the architect;
architectural object - budіvlya, sporud, complex budіvel ta sporud,
їх іх інтер'єр, objects I'll improve, landscape chi garden and park.
art, creation of an architectural project;
architectural and planning tasks - the complex could not be recognized,
the main parameters and the placement of the architectural object on a specific
land dilyantsi, as well as obov'yazkovі ekologichesknі, tekhnіchnі,
organizational and other mind your design and everyday life,
before the legislation of the Russian Federation and legislation
subjects of the Russian Federation;
allowed to life - the basis for the implementation of the architectural
project, which is seen by the deputy (zabudovnik) by the organs of the local self-regulation
mіsk okrugіv, mіskіh and sil'skih settlements, vikonavcho's bodies
ruler of the subjects of the Russian Federation - the federal district of Moscow
that of St. Petersburg with the method of control over the vicons of the city
normative, despite the approved local documentation, as well as
in order to zapobіgannya zapodіyannu shkodi navkolishny middle.
attestation of an architect - a procedure for determining the readiness of an individual to
building independent architectural activity in order and on
minds, established by the Federal Law and others
legislative acts of the Russian Federation.
Article 3
1. Zamovnik (zabudovnik) - a hulk who is a legal person
namіr zdіysniti budіvnіtstvo, reconstruction (further - budіvnіtstvo)
architectural object, for everyday life, which is necessary, I allowed
life, - the mother is to blame for the architectural project,
for architectural and planning tasks.
2. Dozvіl on everyday life is not needed at times, like everyday life
robots do not drag behind them the change of the outer architectural look
forget the place or the other settlement that was formed, that one
objects and do not interfere with the characteristics of reliability and safety,
disputes and engineering communications.
Appointment of the transfer of objects, which are not needed for everyday life
allowed for everyday life, which is due to be renewed by state authorities
rule of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
Life of any object can be carried out for obviousness of permission
vlasnik of the land plot and (or) budіvlі, sporudіta z dotrimannyam
local, everyday norms and rules.
3. Architectural and planning tasks are seen at the request of the deputy
(zabudovnik) an organ that feeds the architecture and the locality
(further - the organ of architecture and the locality), depending on
legislation of the Russian Federation.
Architectural and planning tasks may be revenged
approved local documentation, binding environmental documents,
sanitary and epidemiological, anti-burning vimogi to architectural
object, in order to protect the memorials of history and culture, vkazivki on
everyday life in special minds (seismic zone, permafrost zone and others),
how to understand the rights of the people and the legal issues, the interests of those
zachipayutsya pіd hour of this life.
It is not allowed to turn on to the architectural and planning task
to architectural and constructive solutions, internal possession,
internal processing of the architectural object, as well as other great minds,
how to enclose the rights of the zamovnik (zabudovnik) and the author of the architectural project,
yakscho so powerful and mind not to be grounded on the provisions of a dignified
legislation, normative legal acts, local standards,
approved local documentation, if not grounded necessary
saving the nature of the formed forgetting the place of a few people
paragraph, the natural environment and the protection of monuments of history and culture.
Substantiation for the witnesses of the architectural and planning plant
the application of the deputy (zabudovnik) is the document that confirms your right
power (the right to dispose) of a land lot, otherwise he allowed
vlasnik of the land plot for designing on this plot.
At the sight of the architectural and planning manager, you can be inspired, like
namіri zamovnik (zabudovnik) to supersede ceremonious legislation,
normative legal acts, local standards, regulations
approved local documentation, rules for forgetting the place or
another settlement. Vіdmova at the vidachі of the architectural and planning plant can be
oscarzheno zamovnik (zabudovnik) before the trial.
4. During the everyday life of other architectural objects, appointed
hardened local documentation, architectural and planning
assignments may be divided on the basis of obligatory conduct
pre-design studies, sketch design of competitions for
architectural project. The procedure for that wash is carried out or carried out
competitions are appointed by the bodies of architecture and the location of the subjects
Russian Federation.
The competition for an architectural project is held with the participation of the community
professional and creative organizations (union) of architects
How many such objects are allowed to be installed architecturally
planning tasks of special forces before the creation of the mystetsky
the center of the object by the means of image-making and decorative art
4.1. The hour of preparation of design documentation for the objects of capital
everyday life, which reflect the characteristics of unique objects, installed
paragraph 6 of the other part of Article 48.1 of the Local Code of Ukraine
Federation, development of the architectural project and (or) the architectural part
documentation for everyday life is submitted on a competitive basis. Program
and think of such a competition as a zamovnik (zabudovnik) for
uzgodzhennya with the Interregional Chamber of Architects.
Before the warehouse of the competitive commission, the next hour of the competition may be turned on
certification of architects, the number of which may become no less than
five hundred hundred foreign members of the competition committee.
5. Paragraph with chivalry.
Vіdmova at the vidachі I will allow you to work, but you can be oskarzhena
deputy (zabudovnik) before the trial.
6. Paragraph introducing ceremoniality from 1 September 2007.
Having seen the architectural and planning department, the body of architecture
location and hour of reconsideration of the validity of the decision of the architectural project
The assistants of the architectural and planning department have no right to conduct an examination
to the project with food, not included to the power of architectural and planning
zavdannya and competence of the deputy (zabudovnik) and the author
architectural project
The paragraph is disabled.
7. Architectural project, which is safe for the city
legislation, obov'yazkovі vomogi in the gallery
everyday life, crypts of rules, vidpov_dnyh local standards,
rules for forgetting the place of another settlement, tasked with designing
that architectural and planning task, є a document obov'yazkovym for
all participants in the implementation of the architectural project on the basis of yoga
allowed to be everyday. One example of an architectural project that
vykonavcha documentation is given for collection to the competent authority
architecture and location with further transfer of significant documents
to the state archive in the manner established by the legislation of Ukraine
Federation. Control over the implementation of the architectural project is
Vіdpovіdno to the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Article 3.1. Architectural activity of foreign communities, especially without
community and foreign legal systems
Foreign hulks, individuals without hulks and foreign legal entities
individuals zdіysnyuyut arkhіtekturnu dіyalnіst nіvnі z russian
hulks and legal persons, as if it was transferred to international
agreement of the Russian Federation. For the daytime
international agreement of the Russian Federation, foreign communities, individuals without
hulks and foreign legal entities can take the fate of
architectural activity on the territory of the Russian Federation only
architect - Russian citizen and legal specialist.
Article 3.2. Architectural activity of Russian citizens and legal
osіb on the territory of foreign powers
Russian citizens and legal entities can design architecture
activity on the territories of foreign powers, so it’s not superb
international treaties of the Russian Federation and legislation of the Russian Federation
Article 3.3. Architectural activity of Russian citizens and legal
home on the territory of the Russian Federation
1. An architect can carry out architectural work
independently, as well as on the basis of an employment contract between an architect and
juridical special, yak vydpovida umov, vstanovym part 5
tsієї statti (dali - a legal person).
2. The right to carry out independent architectural activity
toil individuals, yakі zdobuli vischu architectural lighting in Russian
Federations are eligible for federal state lighting
standards, if you have passed a course of practical training, there is evidence
about the certification of an architect (certification of an architect).
3. Individuals who do not give evidence about the attestation of an architect, can take the right
zdіysnyuvati arkhіtekturnu diyalnіst pіd kerіvnitstvom certified
architect in accordance with the procedure established by the National Chamber of Architects, as well as
to participate in architectural competitions, as the minds of such competitions are not
inserted elsewhere.
4. Individuals who are illegally engaged in independent architectural
diyalnistyu, bear criminal vidpovіdalnіst vіdpovіdno up to
legislation of the Russian Federation.
5. A legal person, as an architectural activity,
assign one of the cer_vniki of a legal entity to the landing
architect, the status of a certified architect is not assigned and not
mothers in their state for the main job and work for at least two practitioners,
maintain the status of a certified architect.
6. Individuals who create architectural activity in the Russian Federation
Federation on the basis of an employment contract between an architect and a legal
special, yakі may have the right to basic guarantees, transfer of labor
legislation and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation
Federations, including:
1) creation of a juridical person of similar minds by a scientist
doctor's appointment of his labor obligations, including security
necessary possessions, in order, appointed by legislation
Russian Federation;
2) professional training, retraining and promotion
qualifications for labor costs
legislation of the Russian Federation;
3) professional retraining for labor costs
koshtiv, transferred from the city by the legislation of the Russian Federation,
in case of impossibility of vikonuvat labor obov'yazki behind the camp of health'ya that at
zvіlnennya pratsіvnіkіv y zv'yazku zі srochennyami nabota state, zv'yazku z
liquidation of the organization;
4) passing the certification for the status of a certified architect
in order in the lines that are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and
also for the differentiation of payment for work for the certificates;
5) stimulating the practice of high quality to the level of qualification, s
the specifics and folding of the work, with the commitment and the accuracy of the work, as well as
concrete implications of activity;
6) creation of professional non-commercial organizations;
7) insuring the risk of one's professional liability.
7. Order of the Russian Federation, organs of state power
subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies of self-regulation may have the right
install additional guarantees and come in social support to individuals,
yakі are engaged in architectural work, for the work of the budgetary
appropriations for the federal budget, budget appropriations for budgets
subjects of the Russian Federation and local budgets.
Disabled. -
Article 3.4. About the status of a certified architect
1. The status of a certified architect in the Russian Federation may be right
get a person who got a great architectural education in Russia
Federations are eligible for federal state lighting
standards. A person has been ordered to take a course of practical training
architect (internship) and mother work experience in the field of architecture
activity is not less than five years.
The status of a certified architect can be found in vineyards
assigned to a person, because there is no greater architectural enlightenment, for obviousness
work experience in the gallery of architectural activity is not less than ten years.
2. Not entitled to claim the status of a certified
the architect and the creation of an independent architectural activity of an individual:
1) expelled by non-children, or surrounded by children in
the order established by the legislation of Ukraine;
2) to pay an unpaid criminal record for committing
mindful villain.
3. Decisions on granting the status of a certified architect are accepted
qualification commission of the Interregional Chamber of Architects (further -
qualification commission) after a special passage, as I apply for
on the status of a certified architect, attestation.
4. Attestation of the architect may have the right to design the architecture
activity on the entire territory of the Russian Federation without any
additional permission.
5. The status of a certified architect is hoped for by the applicant for
inconsistencies in the term that is not intermingled with the architect's singing century.
Article 3.5. Architect certification
1. Attestation of an architect is subject to approval by the Interregional Chamber
architects after he completed mastering professional lighting
program of architectural education in accordance with the order established by the National
chamber of architects.
Wimogi up to the level of knowledge of a certified architect are being restored
federal standard of architectural activity.
Individuals, yakі mayut vishcha arkhіtekturnu osvіtu, did not
architectural activity over five years, may be admitted to
building independent architectural activity after passing
training for additional professional programs (advancement
qualifications, professional retraining) and passing the certification.
2. Attestation of architects laying down the basic principles:
clarification and availability of information about procedures, rules and results
zdijsnennya attestation;
inadmissibility of the exchange of competition and the creation of a shift
koristuvannya servants of attestation architects;
the provision of equal minds to persons who claim to receive attestation;
inadmissibility of the establishment between the certificates of attestation
in neighboring territories;
security of confidentiality of information taken at
zdijsnennya attestation;
inadmissibility of award by the National Chamber of Architects,
regional branches of the National Chamber of Paid Architects
consulting services.
3. After successful completion of the certification procedure for the architect
you can see the Qualification certificate of the architect for sure that is in order, yaki
are installed by the federal body of architecture and locality, that
specialty of another certified architect from the appointed title, initials
certified architect and name of the certified interregional
chamber of architects, for the sake of being established by the National Chamber
The Qualification Certificate of an architect is required to have a permit
designing a budіvel and a sporud of a normal and advanced level
Vіdpovіdalnosti and type of spetsіalіzatsії arkhіtekturnoї іyalnostі.
4. Attestation of the architect of goiter and education to confirm the professional
qualification according to the procedure established by the National Chamber of Architects.
Article 3.6. Standards of architectural activity
1. The standards of architectural activity are determined by the majority up to
equal knowledge and proof of practical training of a certified architect,
necessary construction of independent architectural activity, and
also help to do the business and professional ethics.
Standards of architectural activity may be confirmed
federal laws and we will adopt them in accordance with other normative
legal assets.
2. Standards of architectural activity are subject to federal
standards of architectural activity and standards that are being installed
Interregional Chamber of Architects.
3. Federal standards and architectural activities regulate
activity of attesting architects, who restore the vimogi to order
zdіysnennya architectural activity, as well as regulate other nutrition,
transferred to the Federal Law.
Federal standards for architectural activity
obov'yazykovymi for certification of architects, legal systems and
Interregional chambers of architects and practitioners.
Federal standards of architectural activity are being expanded
National Chamber of Architects with the approval of international standards
architectural activity at the line, transferred by the development program
federal standards for architectural activity
4. The National Chamber of Architects is developing the draft federal
standard of architectural activity
With the method of conducting a public discussion of the draft federal standard
architectural activity of the city may be placed on the official website
5. The federal standard of architectural activity is being confirmed
National Chamber of Architects and publishing on the official
website of the National Chamber of Architects
6. Federal standards of architectural activity do not apply
state registration.
7. Standards of architectural activity, which are accepted by interregional
by the chambers of architects, who will restore the vimogi to order
architectural activity and dodatkovo to vimog, installed
federal standards of architectural activity, as it is marked
features of the implementation of architectural activity in the
Standards of architectural activity, which are accepted by interregional
chambers of architects that are being developed and consolidated by interregional
by the chambers, up to the votes, established by the National Chamber
architects for the weather with the federal body of architecture
locality, and cannot super-read federal standards
architectural activity Standards of architectural activity, which are accepted
interregional chambers of architects and obov'azkovymi for
architects who conduct architecture activity on the territory
in different regions.
Article 3.7. Confirmation of the status of a certified architect
1. The status of a certified architect is attached to such
1) submission by the attesting architect of a statement about the confirmation of the status
certified architect to the senior interregional chamber
2) the appeal of the architect to the authority of the state power of the local authority
self-rowing for the period of work post-yny bases;
3) the lack of time for an architect to win over five years of his life
professional footwear;
4) call of the architect to military service;
5) recognition of the architect without a trace of the installed
federal law order.
2. Once praised by the court, the decision on stosuvannya before the certified
the architect of the primus entrances of the medical character can look at the court
food for the status of this architect.
3. Person, the status of a certified architect, as assigned, is not
have the right to create independent architectural activity, and to navit
obіymati viborni plant in the bodies of the National Chamber of Architects or
interregional chamber of architects Violation of the provisions of the paragraph
I am attached to the status of a certified architect.
4. Decisions about the confirmation of the status of a certified architect are accepted
board of the interregional chamber of architects, to the register of which it is entered
information about this architect.
5. After the application of the substantiation, before paragraphs 1 and 2
tsієї statti, the status of a certified architect is updated after decisions
body, which praised the decision about the confirmation of the status of the certified
architect, on the basis of a special application of the architect, the status of which
puffed up.
6. Decision of the Board of the Interregional Chamber of Architects on
awarding the status of a certified architect or a professional architect
renewal of the status of a certified architect may be
bodies of the National Chamber of Architects and judges.
7. Interregional Chamber of Architects at the ten-day term per day
make a decision about the finalization of the status of the attested
the architect to submit the relevant statements to the inter-regional register, as well as
to inform the person that the status of a certified architect is assigned to
the architect on the basis, before subparagraph 5, paragraph 1, paragraph
Article 3.8. Assigned to the status of a certified architect
1. The status of a certified architect is awarded by the Interregional Chamber
architects, to the register of which a certificate of a certified architect was entered
let's get ahead of us:
1) submission by the attested architect of a statement about the assignment to the status
certified architect to the senior interregional chamber
2) the collection of legal force by the decisions of the court on the expulsion of the attested
the architect's undead chi is surrounded by a dizdatny;
3) the death of a certified architect or the collection of legal force
decision of the court about the goloshenya yoga we will die;
4) collection of legal force by the court for the expulsion of the attested person
we blame the architect for the swindled wickedness;
5) revealing the situation referred to in paragraph 2 of article 3.3
which federal law;
6) violation of the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 3.7 of the Federal
2. The status of a certified architect can be attributed to decisions
interregional chamber of architects, to the register of which the statement of
to a certified architect, on the basis of a sign of the qualification commission
1) nevykonannya or not properly vykonannya certified by the architect
their professional obov'yazkiv before the deputy;
2) violation by the certified architect of the standard of architectural
activities, rules of business and professional ethics, established
National Chamber of Architects;
3) nevykonannya or not properly vykonannya certified by the architect
decision of the interregional chamber of architects adopted at the borders
4) establishing the inaccuracy of statements submitted by
qualification commission for attestation.
3. A person, the status of a certified architect, as assigned, does not have the right
zdіysnyuvati independent architecture activity, as well as borrow
plant your choices in the organs of the National Chamber or її architects
regional authorities. Destruction of the position of which paragraph is caused by
Vіdpovidalnіst, transferred by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
4. Acceptance of the decision up to paragraphs 1 and 2 of the statutory decision
Interregional Chamber of Architects
confirm the person in the letter form, the status of a certified architect
the architect on the basis, before subparagraph 3, paragraph 1, paragraph
statti, and make the necessary changes to the final register.
5. Decision of the Board of the Interregional Chamber of Architects, adopted for
substav, before paragraphs 1 and 2 tsієї statti, may be
oskarzheno before the authorities of the National Chamber of Architects chi judge.
Article 3.9. Maintenance of the register of attestation architects
1. Register of attestation of architects and information
a resource to collect systematized information about certification
architects, as well as information about osib, whose status is a certified architect
pinned or pinned.
2. A person acquires all the rights of a certified architect from the date of entry
statements about the new, transferring this article to the certification register
3. Register of attestation of architects to check the following statements:
1) registration number of attested architects, date of registration
at the register;
2) vіdomosti, scho allow to identify the certified architect
(name, name, according to the father, place of residence, date of that place of nationality, passport
data, contact phone numbers, postal addresses);
3) statements about the attestation of an architect, passed by legislation
Russian Federation and (or) internal documents of the National Chamber
4) information (description) about special characteristics of another certified architect;
5) statements about the safety of the mine and the validity of certification
architects in front of their deputies and other persons, including reports about
insurance company (including statements about the area of ​​health care, about the current license and
information recognized for the establishment of a contact) and insurance coverage
sumi for the contract of insurance of the professional capacity of the certified
6) information about the fact of getting to the certified architect
disciplinary and other constrictions (at times, as such, such constrictions were superimposed);
7) other transfers by the National Chamber of Architects in the bridge.
4. A person whose status as a certified architect has been assigned
otherwise it is attached, at the register of attesting architects, the order is with information,
appointed at paragraph 3 of the article, it is guilty to be humiliated in such a way that
placement on the official website of the National Chamber of Architects
information about the date of award or the status of attested
the architect about presenting such a solution.
5. The announcement on the official website is sent to the bridges, assigned to part 3
tsієї statti, for a vinyatka of information about the place of residence, passport
data and other information, as well as access to them by federal laws.
6. The National Chamber of Architects is responsible for maintaining the Unified Register
certified architects. Interregional chambers of architects to maintain registers
attestation of architects, who are members of the
interregional chamber (hereinafter - interregional registry).
The procedure for maintaining the Unified Register of Attestation Architects and
interregional registries are appointed by the National Chamber of Architects.
7. Attestation architect of goiter and education to support the interregional chamber
direction of an electronic document about the present, whether there are any, what to pull for
change the information that should be checked at the certification register
architects for a stretch of three working days from day to day, coming day after day
such podіy.
Attestation architect is excluded from the interregional register
coming ups and downs:
1) he has filed a declaration;
2) adoption by the regional chamber of a decision about
attached to the status of a certified architect
8. Information about the inclusion of the architect to the Unified Register of Attestations
architects and interregional register and about exclusion from the designated register
for publishing on the official website of the National Chamber
9. Fee for the inclusion of a certified architect to the Unified Register
attestation of architects and interregional register, and exclusion from the new
draw in.
Article 12. Rights of a certified architect and legal entity
Attestation of the architect and legal person on the basis of the contract
a deputy (zabudovnik) to make the right to:
inquire and take into account the relevant authorities of the architectural and
planuvalne zavdannya, local plan of the land lot, other
external documents, information and external data required for
pre-design studies, design and life of architectural
object. Appointed organs of goiter according to the procedure established by legislation,
to see to the certified architect the documents that they are asking, or else
certified copies;
zdіysnyuvati zakhist uzgodzhenikh іz zamovnik (zabudovnik)
architectural solutions with their expertise and consideration of the
take part in the development of all the distribution of documentation for everyday life,
Pogodzhuyuchi all changes in the architectural solution of the adopted architectural
project, or take on yourself for the assignment of the deputy (zabudovnik)
rozroblennya all rozdіlіv dokumentatsії for everyday life;
receive on a contractual basis before the distribution of documentation for
life of the necessary assistants, consultants and technical practitioners,
accepting the guilt of the duty for the obligation and the quality of the victory over them,
represent and protect the interests of the deputy (zabudovnik) for yoga
under the hour of laying the contract for the work of the architectural object;
hosting the organization of bidding (auction chi
competitions) for laying down contracts for everyday life;
create an author's view of the everyday life of an architectural object
or for the instructions of the deputy (zabudovnik) be Yogo as a representative
on the life of this object, zdiisnyuyuchi control over the acidity
everyday materials
assembly work and financial control;
take part in the acceptance of an architectural object into operation, or
entrusted to the deputy (zabudovnik) buti yoga as a representative representative at
acceptance of the designated object into operation;
conduct consultations on nutrition, investment, life and
exploitation of architectural objects, as well as the performance of other functions of the deputy
get to the authorities, yak
to get used to it, you need to get to know the rights of an architect;
zdіysnyuvati іnshі roboti th services in the sphere of architectural activity, not
to supersede the dignified legislation of the Russian Federation.
Article 13
1. An architect and a legal person in the event of an architectural design
duty to pay:
legislation of the Russian Federation and legislation of subjects
Russian Federation in the sphere of architectural activity;
obov'yazkovі vomogi at the gallery designing and budіvnitstva;
local standards, sanitary and epidemiological standards,
shoes for stosuvannya and vikonannya could be burned and environmentally friendly
safety, footwear, viscous, installed vіdpovіdno to
legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation, crypting
procedure for conducting local activities on the territory
independent subject of the Russian Federation and forget the place or the rules
another settlement;
vimogi of the architectural and planning plant;
vimogi zamovnik (zabudovnik), vikladenі in zavdanny
designing, scho not superechit vimogam tsієї statti;
follow the rules of business and professional ethics of Russian
architects installed by the National Chamber of Architects;
secure the preservation of documents, issued by the deputy and third parties
especially in the course of the implementation of architectural activity.
2. The architect has no right to speak out information about the name of the deputy
(zabudovnik) how to implement an architectural project without yoga.
3. The architect does not have the right to accept wine from goiter
representative of the deputy (zabudovnik)
everyday life, with the author's observation of the everyday life of an architectural object
upon acceptance of the designated object for operation for the presence of a special
congestion in surpluses of a contracting organization that takes part in the auction
in a row, and also not entitled to take part in the competition for an architectural project,
being a member of the jury of the competition.
4. Certification architect goiter:
be a member of one of the interregional chambers of architects;
vykonuvat vimogi, established by federal standards
architectural activity and standards of architectural activity,
established by the interregional chamber of architects, a member of the
submit information about membership in
interregional chamber of architects;
submit to the deputy's assistant an insurance policy and Qualification
architect's certificate;
on the vice-deputy’s deputy, press the confirmation of the inter-regional
chamber of architects, a member of the
register, and (or) a copy of the Unified Register of Attestation Architects.
5. Legal person, how can namir be put away as a substitute
(zabudovnik) agreement on the implementation of architectural activities, goiter:
recognize this legal entity and head
architect to the project
normal and advanced level of professionalism, status
a certified architect who has not been awarded that is not attached;
secure the preservation of documents, issued by the deputy and third parties
osіb at the course of the implementation of architectural activity;
put pressure on the deputy deputy to agree on obov'yazkovogo insurance
Vіdpovіdalnosti full-time certified architect, regulations
depending on the legislation of the Russian Federation;
do not voice out information, as it may be inserted in the
security and confidentiality and that yak is taken away as a deputy in the course of
construction of architectural activities
transferred by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
take a copy of the architectural design and a copy of the documents
zamovnik, third honors and victories at the construction of architectural
activity, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
6. Legal entities, ie commercial organizations,
created in the organizational and legal forms of state partnerships and
partnerships, state partnerships, guilty mothers among the founders
(participants) of attesting architects in the number of at least one third of the
wild number.
Article 14
Carrying out pre-design studies, design sketches,
creation, implementation and other implementation of an architectural project
the architectural part of the documentation for everyday life is only available for
on the basis of agreements that are subject to the legislation of the Russian Federation
Article 15. Guarantees of the activity of the architect
1. Organizations of sovereign power to confine the assembly of organizational,
resource and other minds for the free creativity of the architect, development
architectural science and education.
2. Upovnovazheniye by the Order of the Russian Federation Federal
Organi vykonavchoї vlady in the gallery of architecture and space,
community professional and creative organizations (associations)
architects are allowed to take part in defending the rights of an architect until their statutes
ensure the freedom of creativity of the architect within the limits of his competence.
Article 15.1. Risk insurance for the validity of a certified architect
Attestation architect, who is responsible for the development of architectural
the project and (or) the architectural part of the documentation for the everyday life of objects
normal and (or) increased level of vidpovidalnosti, is guilty of laying
contract of insurance of one's professional capacity in order,
established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of insurance
vodnosiny z urahuvannyam singularities, nominated by the National Chamber of Architects.
Spent chinnist on 1 September 2008.
Chapter V
Article 20
1. Change the architectural project for the development of documentation for
everyday life or every hour of everyday life of an architectural object is vibrating
inclusively for the author of the architectural project, and at the same time
could the architectural and planning task also for the weather
the leading body of architecture and locality.
2. Zamovnik (zabudovnik) chi contractor has the right not to get the author
architectural project for a year on the development of documentation for
everyday life and before the author's look at the everyday life of an architectural object
for understanding the implementation of an architectural project without changes.
3. As the author of the architectural project to show the steps in the project for yoga
implementation, vіn podomlyaє about tse organ
to live in the necessary visits to avoid possible churns, as well as
live zakhodіv schodo zabіgannya violating copyright on tvіr
architecture vіdpovіdno up to dignified legislation.
Article 21
1. Changes of the architectural object (dobudova, perebudova,
rescheduling) are subject to the Civil Code
of the Russian Federation and an agreement on the establishment of that architectural
2. Changes of architectural objects, life of such vimags
allowed to work on weekdays in accordance with the procedure established by Article 3
which federal law.
3. The procedure for changing the architectural objects awarded
sovereign and other awards at the gallery of architecture, are being restored
approved by the Council of the Russian Federation by the federal body
vikonavcho vlady z coordination of activities in the gallery of architecture
4. Works for reconstruction, restoration and repair of monuments of history
culture, what to change to a sovereign appearance, as well as work from everyday life,
repair, reconstruction of objects near the protection zones
legislation of the Russian Federation in the gallery of the protection of memorials of history
5. Control over the violation of the provisions of the state
organ of architecture and locality, which he saw architectural and
planning task.
Article 22
1. Approval by the Russian Federation Federal Council
Vikonavcho's authority for coordinating activities in the gallery of architecture
that locality and relevant organs of the subjects of the Russian Federation
establish a unified system of vykonavchos vlady at the gallery of architecture. Organi
architecture and locality build their activity on the pedestal
local legislation, which Federal Law and
relevant regulations on the organization of architecture and locality.
2. Approval by the Russian Federation Federal Council
Vikonavcho's authority for coordinating activities in the gallery of architecture
locality for the participation of the relevant authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation
Federations are responsible for the development and implementation of state policy in
gallery of architecture, coordinating the work of the bodies of architecture
location, ensuring the expansion of normative legal acts.
3. Organi mіstsevogo samoryaduvannya in order established chinnym
legislation, may be granted with new regulations
architectural activity, established by the Federal Law.
Control over the implementation of the appointments for renewal
By the order of the Russian Federation, the federal body of the Vikonavcho
s coordination of activities in the gallery of architecture and location
the leading bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
4. Organizations that serve as nourishment for architecture and locality,
ocholyuyut main architects. The candidacy of the lead architect is selected from
the number of attested architects according to the established procedure on a competitive basis
it is confirmed by the supreme authority of the vikonavchoi government.
5. In places and other settlements, the population is less than fifty thousand
residents (because of local resorts and historical places) and
municipal settlements of the head architect can be embraced
person, as I can see, or the middle architectural education.
Article 22.1. Russian Academy of Architecture and Life Sciences
1. Russian Academy of Architecture and Life Sciences
sovereign academy of sciences - a non-profit organization, as created in
forms of the federal state budgetary establishment.
The chief and vlasnik of the lane of the Russian Academy of Architecture
and everyday sciences є Russian Federation.
Functions and renewal of the head of the federal lane
Russian Academy of Architecture and Life Sciences in the name of the Russian Federation
Federations are formed by the Order of the Russian Federation.
2. The structure of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Life Sciences includes
regional branches of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Life Sciences,
yakі є federal state budget regulations,
keeping to the order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. Russian Academy of Architecture and Life Sciences
in the name of the Russian Federation, in order and in obligatory order, as they are being established
By the order of the Russian Federation, the appointment of the head of the office
lane, yake rebuying in the operational management of regional departments
Russian Academy of Architecture and Life Sciences.
Russian Academy of Architecture and Life Science
the order of expenses for the federal budget, recognized for the financial
security of activities of її regional branches
Article 23. Professional and creative organizations (association)
1. Science center near the gallery of architecture, locality and
life sciences є Russian academy of architecture and life sciences
2. Supplemental professional and creative organizations (association)
architects (mistobudivniks, designers) are subject to all statutes
zdіysnyuyut functions to protect professional interests of architects
(local workers, designers and representatives of other professions in the region
architecture and locality).
Article 23.1. Interregional Chamber of Architects
1. Interregional Chamber of Architects - non-state
non-profit organization that is professional
association based on obligatory membership of attesting architects,
one federal district, city of Moscow.
The Interregional Chamber of Architects is created in the form of associations
order established by the legislation of Ukraine
Interregional Chamber of Architects of the Russian Federation does not apply
reorganization. Liquidation of the Interregional Chamber of Architects may be
zdіysneno vihodyachi z federal law.
2. The governing bodies of the interregional chamber of architects are:
1) Inter-regional conference of attested architects - the highest
organ of the chamber;
2) head of the board of the interregional chamber of architects;
3) the board of the interregional chamber of architects;
Interregional Chamber of Architects
3. Competence of the governing bodies of the Interregional Chamber of Architects
regulated by civil legislation and the statute of the chamber.
Decisions of the bodies of the Interregional Chamber of Architects, adopted in
between their competencies, obov'yazkovі all certification architects,
є її members.
Article 23.2. Objectives of activity, main tasks and functions
Interregional Chamber of Architects
1. The Interregional Chamber of Architects is created according to the method:
zahistu suspіlstva and power in the form of unprofessional and unscrupulous
activities in the gallery of architecture and space;
representation and protection of interests of architects in the authorities
state power of the major subjects of the Russian Federation and
organi mass self-rowing;
ensuring a high level of architectural activity on the territory
a prominent federal district of the Russian Federation, the city of Moscow;
ensuring proper qualifications and vocational training
osіb, yakі are allowed to independent implementation of architectural activity;
security dotrimannya certified architects, yakі є
members of the distinguished interregional chamber of architects, standards
2. The main tasks of the interregional chamber of architects are:
the fate of the wrought and the implementation of the sovereign policy in the gallery
architectural activities of various subjects of the Russian Federation;
professional attestation of members of the Chamber;
a look at the pretrial certification standards architects
architectural activity and rules of business and professional ethics.
defender of the rights and legitimate interests of members of the chamber;
conducting professional training and advancing the qualifications of members
information and methodical security of architectural activity
members of the Chamber;
nadannya scientific advisory services to the sovereign authorities that
organizations, setting up expert functions;
the fate of the activities of the National Chamber.
3. To complete its main tasks, the Interregional Chamber of Architects:
the form is submitted in accordance with the procedure established by law
Russian Federation, to the state authorities of vikonavchoi
relevant subjects of the Russian Federation propositions about
vibration and implementation of state policy in the field of architecture;
the form is submitted in accordance with the procedure established by law
Russian Federation, to the state authorities of vikonavchoi
relevant subjects of the Russian Federation propositions about
thorough legal and economic regulation of architectural
taking part in the established order in the development and examination of normative
legal acts in the sphere of architectural activity;
expand and solidify inter-regional architectural standards
represents the interests of certified architects in the authorities
sovereign power of the major subjects of the Russian Federation,
organi mass self-rowing;
ensure the functioning of the interregional arbitration court
gallery of architectural activity;
looking at the beastly, clamoring, skarga of attested architects,
legal osіb and zamovniki;
zdijsnyuє carrying out certification of architects;
zdіysnyuє vednya interregional registry of certification
organize and build additional professional
lighting programs at the gallery of architectural activity;
I create science, experts, coordination for the sake of committees and commissions
for the most important directions for the development of architectural activity.
4. The Interregional Chamber of Architects has no right to change
architectural activity in your own name, as well as engage in
pіdpriєmnitskoї diyalnostі.
Article 23.3. Dzherela molding lane of the Interregional Chamber
1. Dzherelami molding of the lane of the Interregional Chamber
architects є:
1) regular and one-time dues of members of the Chamber -
attestation of architects (introduction, membership and membership contributions);
2) voluntary contributions and donations;
3) koshti, obtained due to the duty of services from the given information,
rozkrittya what can be done on a paid basis;
4) koshti, obtained from the design by certified architects
expert activity;
5) money obtained from the sale of information materials related to
with business activities, commercial and professional
interests of members of the Interregional Chamber of Architects;
6) income withdrawn from the placement of coins on bank accounts
7) others not fenced by the law of the dzherel.
2. The order of regular and one-time needs for members
The Interregional Chamber of Architects is determined by internal documents
Chambers approved by the interregional conference of attestation
3. Accounting and financial (accounting) accounting
The Interregional Chamber of Architects to conduct obov'yazkovuyu audit.
Article 23.4. National Chamber of Architects
1. The National Chamber of Architects is non-state
non-profit organization that unites interregional chambers
architects to improve their language membership.
The National Chamber of Architects and the organization approved by
to represent the interests of architects and interregional chambers of architects
vydnosiny with the federal authorities of the state power at the hour of cherishing
food, which are interested in the interests of the architects.
The National Chamber of Architects is created in the form of a non-commercial
association in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on
non-profit organizations.
The National Chamber of Architects of the Russian Federation does not matter
reorganization. Liquidation of the National Chamber of Architects of the Russian Federation
Federations may be based on federal law.
2. The governing bodies of the National Chamber of Architects are:
1) All-Russian Certification of Architects - the supreme body of the Chamber;
2) President of the National Chamber of Architects;
3) the board of the National Chamber of Architects;
4) other governing bodies, the creation of which is transferred by the statute
National Chamber of Architects.
3. Competence of the governing bodies of the National Chamber of Architects
regulated by civil legislation and the statute of the chamber.
Decisions of the bodies of the National Chamber of Architects, adopted between them
competencies, obov'yazkovі all interregional chambers of architects.
Article 23.5. The goals of activity, the main tasks and functions of the National
chambers of architects
1. The National Chamber of Architects is created according to the method:
zahistu spozhivachіv vіd unprofessional and unscrupulous
activities in the gallery of architecture and space,
representation and protection of interests of architects in the authorities
sovereign power, organizing self-regulation;
security of high level of architectural activity throughout the territory
Russian Federation;
ensuring proper qualifications and vocational training
osіb, yakі are allowed to independent implementation of architectural activity;
security of dotrimannya by architects of business and professional rules
2. The main tasks of the National Chamber of Architects are:
the fate of the wrought and the implementation of the sovereign policy in the gallery
architectural activity;
rozrobka that a look at dotrimannyam federal standards in standards
architectural activity and rules of business and professional ethics;
maintenance of the federal register of attestation of architects;
development and organization of professional training programs
promotion of the qualifications of members of the Chamber;
defender of the rights and legitimate interests of members of the chamber and interregional chambers
information and methodical security of architectural activity
members of the Chamber;
nadannya scientific advisory services to the sovereign authorities that
organizations, setting up expert functions;
participation in the activities of international organizations in the field of architecture.
3. To complete its main tasks, the National Chamber of Architects:
the form is submitted in accordance with the procedure established by law
Russian Federation, to the state authorities of vikonavchoi
Russian Federation Propositions How to Change and Realize
sovereign policy in the field of architecture;
the form is submitted in accordance with the procedure established by law
Russian Federation, to the state authorities of vikonavchoi
Russian Federation Proposals for a thorough legal
economic regulation of architectural activities;
taking part in the established order in the development and examination of normative
legal acts in the sphere of architectural activity;
expand and approve federal standards of architectural
form a program for the development of federal standards in architecture
represents the interests of certified architects at federal bodies
state power, bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation
Federation, organization of mass self-regulation;
ensure the functioning of the Central Russian Arbitration Court in the region
architectural activity;
looking at the beasts, squabbles, skargs of the interregional chambers
architects, architects, legal officers and deputies;
organizing the certification of architects;
zdijsnyuє vednya Unified register of attestovannyh architects;
expanding additional professional lighting
programs at the gallery of architectural activity;
zdіysnyuє editorial-vidavnichu diyalnіst, among those who see
scientific monographs, founding of the same kind of scientific journals in the field of architecture
I create science, experts, coordination for the sake of committees and commissions
for the most important directions, the development of architectural activity;
in cooperation with Space with associations of architects of foreign powers.
4. The National Chamber of Architects has no right to change architecture
work in your name, and also take care of business
Article 23.6. Maino of the National Chamber of Architects
1. Mine of the National Chamber of Architects is formed for the rahunok
vodrakhuvan, scho zdiyasnyuyutsya interregional chambers of architects, grants and
benevolent assistance (victims), which are necessary in the form of legal ones
physical disabilities in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine
Federation. National Chamber of Architects
2. Before vitrates on the scorching needs of the National Chamber of Architects lie
spend on the wine city of architects, as they work in the bodies of the National
chambers of architects, compensation given to architects for vitrates
work at designated authorities, vitrati on wages practitioners of the device
National Chamber of Architects, material security activities
of the National Chamber of Architects and other vitrates, transferred by the statute
National Chamber of Architects.
3. Rakhunkov Chamber of the Russian Federation
audit (control) of the management and ordering of the assets of the National Chamber
Article 24. Administrative duty
1. Gromadyanin chi legal person, yakі zdіysnyuyut life
architectural object without permission to work (self-sustained work)
or if the confirmed local documentation is damaged, bear
compliance with the Code of the Russian Federation on
administrative law enforcement.
2. Gromadyanin chi legal person, yakі allowed pіd hour of realization
architectural project access to the assigned project no later
the author of the architectural project and the authority that having seen it allowed
budіvnitstvo, goiter yazanі usunut admitted damage.
Article 25
1. A person whose right has been violated under the hour of architectural construction
activity, so that you can vimagati a full blowing of the heads of the yoma
up to the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. Zbitki, zapodіyanі to the author of the architectural project as a result
violation of copyrights, violation of the order established
vicious legislation.
3. The person responsible for the daily life of the change of the architectural object
without a valid permit for everyday life, goiter with wet wool
zdіysniti znesennya (outer sorting out) of self-sufficiency or bring
architectural object and land plot in the cob camp.
4. The person, guilty of the children, who caused the conspiracy of shkodi
specialty or important clashes with the superfluous middle ground, a monument of history
chi culture, valuable mіskogo chi natural landscape, carry
vіdpovidalnіst, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
5. Gromadyanin chi legal person, yakі zdіysnyuyut arhіtekturnu
dіyalnіst, carry Mine's vіdpovіdnіst vіdpovіdno to civil
legislation of the Russian Federation for non-compliance and for illegal
vikonannya contracted goiter.
Article 26
This federal law is gaining rank from the day of the official
Article 27
cim federal law
Trust the Order of the Russian Federation to establish their own regulations
legal acts in compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law.
The president
Russian Federation
Moscow Kremlin

Not dіє Editorial board 17.11.1995


Chapter I

1. This federal law regulates the quality of life, which is blamed on the process of professional activity of an architect for the creation of architectural objects with a method of ensuring a safe, environmentally friendly, socially and spiritually complete, friendly environment of life of people living.

2. Tsey Federal law directs the development of architectural art, protection of the works of architecture, memorials of the history of culture, as well as natural landscapes.

3. This federal law defines the rights, obligations and viability of the people and legal systems, as well as the architecture of the activity, as well as the authorities of the state power, the authorities of the city’s self-regulation for the minds of granting them a number of state innovators, deputies, Vlasnikov (Vlasnikov) architectural objects.

4. Subjects of the Russian Federation, according to the Federal law, may take the power of architectural activity of law and other normative legal acts.

By the method of which Federal Law, the following basic concepts are established:

architectural activity - the professional activity of citizens (architectors) who can create an architectural object and include the creative process of creating an architectural project, coordinating the development of all the distribution of design documentation for I am for everyday life), the author's vision of everyday life architectural object, as well as the activity of legal systems for the organization of professional activities of architects;

architectural solution - the author's idea of ​​​​an architectural object - one of the outer and inner looking, spacious, planning and functional organization, fixing in the architectural part of the documentation for everyday life and implementation at the inspired architectural object;

architectural project - an architectural part of the documentation for everyday life and local documentation, to avenge architectural solutions, as a complex care for social, economic, functional, engineering, technical, anti-burning, sanitary and environmental, architectural and mystical and other ways to the object in the obsyaz necessary for the development of documentation for the life of objects, the design of which requires the participation of an architect;

architectural object - life, sporud, complex budivel and sporud, its interior, objects of landscaping, landscape gardening art, creation on the basis of an architectural project;

architectural and planning plant - a complex of possible to recognize, the main parameters of that placement of an architectural object on a specific land lot, as well as about environmental, technical, organizational and other minds and projects and development of the Tajik Federation legislation of subjects Russian Federation;

allowed for bud_vnitstvo - support for the implementation of the architectural project, which is seen by the deputy (zabudovnik) by the authorities of the sub-categories of the Russian Federation, or by the authorities of the local self-regulation with the method of control over the vikonannym of the mistobudgetary standards, in the ї documentation, as well as with the method of zapobіgannya zapodіyannu shkodi navkolishnym natural middle.

1. Zamovnik (zabudovnik) - a hulk or a legal person, yakі mayut namir zdіysniti budіvnіtstvo, reconstruction (far - budіvnіtstvo) of the architectural object, for the everyday life of which it is necessary to bring on budіvnіtstvo - the mother is to blame for the additional architectural and architectural project, planning task by the architect , to obtain a license for architectural activity (hereinafter referred to as a license).

2. Dozvіl on everyday life is not needed at times, as if everyday work does not pull after itself the change of the stately architectural look, forget the place or the other settlement that was formed, those other objects, and do not count the characteristics of reliability, lower communications.

The appointment of a transfer of objects, for the life of which it is not necessary to bring them to the life, is brought to refurbishment by the bodies of the sovereign power of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

The life of any object can be carried out for the obviousness of the permission of the landowner of the land plot and (or) life, arguing with the dotrimannyam of the life, life norms and rules.

3. Architectural and planning projects are seen at the request of a deputy (zabudovnik) by an authority that feeds architecture and locality (hereinafter - the body of architecture and locality), in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the foundations of the city of Russia".

Architectural and planning projects may be necessary for the provision of approved local documentation, environmental protection, sanitary and hygienic, protipozhzhnі vmoga to the architectural object, vmogi to protect the monuments in the history and culture special minds (seismic zone, permafrost zone and others), in addition to gaining the rights of the people of the masses and legal systems, the interests of those are engulfed in the course of this life.

It is not allowed to be included in the architectural and planning project, but to architectural and constructive solutions, internal possession, internal processing of the architectural object, as well as other people, who can intersect the rights of the deputy (zabudovnik) and the author of the non-architectural project, as well as They are based on the provisions of state legislation, normative legal acts, local standards, approved local documentation, not grounded on the need to preserve the nature of forgetting the place or other settlement, the natural environment and the protection of historical monuments.

Substantiated for the witness of the architectural and planning project is the application of the deputy (zabudovnik) that documents that certify the right of authority (the right to dispose) of the land plot, or he allowed the authority of the land plot to design on this plot, or the decision of the sub-authority in the state which federations organ of the mystical self-regulation. about the design at the time, as the house is known to the authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation, or at the municipal authorities.

The architects of the architectural and planning project can have it, as if we named a deputy (zabudovnik) to supervise decorous legislation, normative legal acts, local standards, provisions of approved local documentation, rules of forgetting the place of another settlement. Vidmova at the witness of the architectural and planning plant can be oskarzhena zamovnik (zabudovnik) vydpovidno to the authority of the vikonavchoi vlady of the subject of the Russian Federation, to the authority of the municipal self-regulation and (or) to the court.

4. In case of budіvnitstvі okremih arkhіtekturnih ob'ektіv, znachenih zatverzhennuyu mіstobudіvnoi dokumentієyu, arkhіtekturno-planuvalny zavdannya povinno razroblyatisya on the basis of obov'ljazkovogo conducted pre-project doslіdzhenі chi competitions for the architectural project. The procedure for holding these final competitions is determined by the architectural and local authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

The competition for an architectural project is held with the participation of community-based professional and mystical organizations (associations) of architects. The jury of the competition is not less than two-thirds of its warehouse can be formed from architects, as they can be issued licenses.

5. Dozvіl on budіvnitstvu vidovіdnymi organ arkhіtektury i іstobuduvannya in the order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Vidmova at the vidach's permission to work can be oskarzhena zamovnik (zabudovnik) obviously to the authority of the vikonavchoi government of the subject of the Russian Federation, to the authority of the local self-regulation (or) to the court.

6. Projects that are financed for budgetary expenses of the federal budget and budgetary expenses of the sub'jects of the Russian Federation, before they are approved, will undergo a sovereign expert examination in accordance with the procedure established by the Council of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation. The need to carry out an examination of projects that are financed for the money of the citizens of the community and legal institutions, is determined by individuals, as zdiisnyuyut financing. Ecological expertise is carried out independently in accordance with the financing of the project in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the natural environment.

The body of architecture and space, which, having seen the architectural and planning plant when revising the design, is not entitled to conduct an examination of the project with food that is not included before the architectural and planning plant can be in such a computer forgetful) and the author .

Examination of architectural projects is carried out only by an architect who has a license to carry out architectural work.

7. Architectural project, scho vrakhovu vymogi local legislation, state standards in the design of the future and life, budivny norms and rules, relevant local standards, rules for forgetting the place of another settlement, task for the design of the document, architectural planning ov'yazkovim for all participants in the implementation of the architectural project from the day of holding on this basis, permission to work. One copy of the architectural project and documentation is given for collection to the competent authority of architecture and locality with further transfer of the designated documents to the state archive in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Control over the implementation of the architectural project is established by the patron (zabudovnik), the author of the architectural project, by the order of the author's observation of the everyday life of the architectural object, the inspection of the state architectural and budding inspection, as well as by the authorities of the architecture.

Rozdil II. Licensing of architectural activity

Creation of architectural projects and architectural objects with the method of ensuring the friendly environment of the life of people and society, prosperity and supremacy of the future, saving the architectural sight of forgetfulness of the city and the cultural settlement, culture pastshchina vimagaє licensing of architectural activity, which is built by the hulks legal persons.

1. Licensing of architectural activity is established by the federal licensing architectural authority and the territorial licensing architectural authorities, so that they maintain a register of licenses for architecture and architecture of the federal subdivision that they have seen Acts of the Russian Federation.

2. Licensing architectural bodies can temporally assign licenses that they have seen, or cancel them at times damaged by individuals, as a result of architectural activity, binding, imposed by Article 13 of the Law. Decisions about timchasovye zupinennya dії licensії or about the annulment of її can be oscarzheno before the court.

3. Architectural activity in the zones of regulation, forgetting and zones of protection of monuments of history and culture (zones of protection) for licensing by the bodies that have been established by this article.

4. The procedure for the establishment of licensing architectural bodies of the prosecutor's office and the procedure for licensing architectural activity are established by the regulations, split up by the federal agency of architecture and locality at once from the large Russian professional and creative organization (architectural organization) and approved by the Council of the Russian Federation.

Do not forfeit the licensing of the architectonic activity of the citizens, which are being built under the architect’s architecture, which may have a license, that architectural activity, which is the creation and implementation of the architectural project on the basis of everyday life, yakvolnitsa so is the fate of the competition for an architectural project, like the minds of the competition not forwarded otherwise.

The right to withdraw licenses may be a citizen of the Russian Federation, who may look for architectural lighting, the experience of working for a specialty is not less than two years, which the Volodya knew he could, that hangs before the design of that life of the Federation in Russia Vinyatkovyh vipadkah assigned a license may be seen by a person, as not to have a greater architectural knowledge, for obvious work experience in the gallery of architectural activity not less than ten years.

A license for architecture activity gives the right to citizens (architects) to carry out architectural activity both in the form of business, and in other forms of activity, transferred by civil legislation and legislation on the work of the Russian Federation.

1. A legal entity responsible for the architectural activity on the provision of licenses. The license is seen as a legal person for the existence of a license in one of the key legal persons or in the architect, which is formed by the given legal specialty in labor contracts and without intermediary design.

2. As a certifier of a legal entity, as well as arranging the development of documentation for the development of objects of civil and civil recognition, if an architect, which may have a license, then such a legal entity may have the right to review the design of a robot without valuation.

Foreign citizens, individuals without enormity and foreign legal entities zdіysnyuyut architecture work on a par with the bulk of the people and legal entities of the Russian Federation, as transferred by the international treaty of the Russian Federation. For the validity of the international treaty of the Russian Federation, foreign communities, individuals without enormity and foreign legal entities can take part in the architectural activity of the Russian Federation legal federation which Federation may have licenses.

Citizens and legal entities of the Russian Federation can create architecture activities on the territories of foreign powers, so as not to supersede the international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Rozdil III. The rights and obov'yazki hulks and legal osіb, yakі zdіysnyuyut arhіtekturnu diyalnіst

An architect and a legal person who may have licenses, on the basis of an agreement with a deputy (zabudovnik), may have the right to:

ask and take into account the relevant authorities of the architectural and planning project, other documents and other documents necessary for pre-project studies, design and life of the architectural object;

zdiyasnyuvati zahist pogodzhenikh iz zamovnik (zabudovnik) architectural solutions for their examination of the review of the relevant bodies;

to take part in the development of all distributions of documentation for everyday life, for the sake of all changes in the architectural solutions of the adopted architectural project, to take the blame for the instructions of the deputy (zabudovnik) for the construction of all distributions of documentation for everyday life;

obtain, on a contractual basis, prior to the release of documentation for the work of the necessary assistants, consultants and technical practitioners, taking on themselves the responsibility for the obligation and the quality of their work;

to represent and protect the interests of the zamovnik (zabudovnik) for yogo assignments for the hour of laying the contract for the work of the architectural object; accept the organization of bidding (auctions and competitions) for the laying of contracts for everyday life;

to maintain the author’s vision of the life of an architectural object, or for the commission of a deputy (zabudovnik), be a distant representative on the life of a given object, imposing control over the quality of life materials, as financial control;

take part in the acceptance of the architectural object into operation, or, on the instructions of the deputy (zabudovnik), be his representative for the hour of acceptance of the designated object into operation;

conduct an examination of architectural projects and consultations on the nutrition of investment, everyday life and operation of architectural objects, as well as perform other functions of the patron (zabudovnik).

1. The architect is that legal person who can obtain licenses, with the necessary architectural activity of the goiter, to apply:

legislation of the Russian Federation and legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation at the gallery of architectural activity;

sovereign standards in the interior design and everyday life;

local standards, budіvelnі, as well as environmental norms and rules;

the procedure for the establishment of local activity on the territory of a separate sub-ject of the Russian Federation and the rules for forgetting the place of another settlement;

vimogi of the architectural and planning plant;

vomogi zamovnik (zabudovnika), vykladenі at the head of the project, so do not superechat vimogi tsієї statti.

2. An architect, who has a license, does not have the right to speak out information about the name of the deputy (zabudovnik) about the implementation of an architectural project without yoga.

3. An architect, who has a license, does not have the right to take on himself the goiter as a representative of the deputy (zabudovnik) for the hour of laying the contract for work, with the author's supervision of the work of the architectural object and with the acceptance of the work of the worker the presence of a special influx in the profits of a contracting organization that takes part in the bidding in a row, and has no right to take part in the competition for an architectural project, being a member of the jury of the competition.

Creation, implementation and other architectural projects are only based on agreements, which are in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1. Bodies of sovereign power to adopt the creation of organizational, resourceful and other minds of the free creativity of the architect, the development of architectural science and enlightenment.

2. The federal body of architecture and locality, the relevant bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as the community of professional and creative organizations (association) of architects, until their statutes, take part in the freedom to protect the rights of the architect an architect within his own competence.

Section IV. Copyright to create architecture

1. Vіdnosini, which is blamed for the creation of victorious creation of architecture as an object of copyright, are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Copyright and Sumіzhnі Rights" and the Federal Law.

3. Gromadyanin, after the creative work of an architectural project, is recognized as the author of the architectural project. You also have the right to distribute the documentation on the basis of the architectural project for everyday life and for the architectural object.

4. Individuals who give the author a technical architecture, consulting and organizational support, or help to organize the design of life, control over the appointments of the work, cannot be recognized by the authors.

1. The author of the architectural project may include the right to win his own architectural project, or allow to win it for the implementation of the way of documentation development for the life and life of the architectural object.

2. The author of the architectural project may also include the right to authorize or allow the creation, reopening, public display and reworking of his architectural project, developed on the basis of documentation for everyday life, as well as the image of the architectural object, passing the law, for the prosecution

3. The transfer of vinyatkovyh rights, established by paragraphs 1 and 2 of the article, is based on the submission of contracts.

4. The distribution of the author's wine for the architecture's creative work is determined by the agreement and cannot be lower for the minimum rates of the author's wine, which are established by the Council of the Russian Federation.

5. The choice of an architectural project for implementation is allowed only once, unless it is otherwise established by the contract, it is clear that the architectural project has been created. In case of any architectural project, as well as vikonan on its basis, documentation for life can be re-selected for the year of the author of the architectural project and payment to the author or to the author of the author's wine.

1. The author of an architectural project may have the right to exercise copyright control over the development of documentation for the life and copyright of the life of the architectural object in accordance with the procedure established by the federal body of architecture and locality, as well as other special federal laws, before the law ї "About author's right and summіzhnyh rights".

2. The author of the architectural object may have the right to exercise the authority of the vlasnik (vlasnik) of this object of the ability to make photo or video recording, as it is not otherwise established by the contract, it is clear that the architectural project has been created.

3. Defender of special non-main rights of the author to the creation of architecture after death zdiisnyuєtsya in the order given by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Law of the Russian Federation "On copyright and summіzhnі rights".

1. Specialists of non-maintenance rights for the creation of architecture in the order of service obov'yazkіv chi service tasks belong to the author.

2. The agreement between the robot-seller and the author is guilty of vengeance by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Copyright and Sharing Rights" of the provision on the regulation of the main rights to respect the work of architecture, created in the order of service obov'yazkіv or service zadannya.

Chapter V. The procedure for changing the architectural project and architectural object

1. Zmіni Architectural project at the Rodbtsi documentary for Budіvnitvva Abo Budinitvva Architectural Ophty, to be held vicranially for the zgoda of the author of the Architectural project, and the VIDIL VIMOG Architectural and Planning Takozhni at the Tydovydny organized bodies of the Architecturi tu Mistobubeda

2. Zamovnik (zabudovnik) chi contractor has the right not to get the author of the architectural project from the beginning until the development of documentation for life and to the author's observation of the life of the architectural object for the mind of the implementation of the architectural project without change.

3. As the author of an architectural project to show steps in the project during its implementation, then he speaks about the body, which, having seen it, has allowed for everyday life, for living the necessary entries to avoid a possible attack, and also living in violation of the right to stop the archiving іtectury vіdpovіdno to vicious legislation.

1. Changes of the architectural object (dobudova, rebudova, replanning) are subject to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On copyright and the sum of rights" and the contract for the creation of that architectural project.

2. Changes of architectural objects, the existence of which requires a permit for everyday life, are established in accordance with the procedure established by Article 3 of the Law.

3. The procedure for changing architectural objects awarded state and other prizes in the gallery of architecture is established by the federal body of architecture and locality or by the bodies of architecture and locality of the sub'єktіv of the Russian Federation. architecture and locality establish their activities on the basis of local legislation, which Federal Law and the relevant provisions on the organization of architecture and locality.

2. The federal body of architecture and locality for the participation of the relevant bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation, responsible for the development and implementation of state policy in the interior of architecture, coordinating the work of the bodies of architecture and locality, the development of legal norms є activity of licensing architectural bodies.

3. Organi mіstsevogo samovaryaduvannya garazd, established chinnym legislature, may be endowed with renewed regulation of architectural activity, established by this federal law. Control over the implementation of new appointments is the responsibility of the federal body of architecture and locality and the relevant authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

4. Organizations, yakі know the nutrition of architecture and the locality, oscholyuyut the main architects. The candidacy of the head architect is selected in accordance with the established procedure on the basis of the number of architects who obtain licenses, and is approved by the supreme body of the victorious government.

5. In the towns and other settlements with a population of less than fifty thousand inhabitants (for the sake of the city - resorts and historical places) and in other municipal institutions for the presence of architects, who may be licensed, the planting of the head architect can be I see or the middle architectural lighting.

1. The scientific center at the gallery of architecture, the place of development and life sciences - the Russian Academy of Architecture and life sciences.

2. Public professional and creative organizations (associations) of architects (local workers, designers) are required to protect professional interests of architects (local workers, designers and archivists and representatives of archivists) turi and mystobuduvannya).

Suspіlnі zagalnorosіyskі professional-creative organizations (union) of architects may have the right to take part in the licensing of architectural activities in the manner established by the Order of the Russian Federation.

Section VII. Vidpovidalnist for violating the Law

1. Gromadyanin is either a legal person, yakі zdіysnyuyut budіvnіtstvo arkhіtekturnoj ob'єkt without permission to budіvnіtstvo (arbitrary budіvnіstvo) аbo with damages to the approved city documentation, bear the Federal Law ministrativnu vіdpovіdalіnіst pіdpriєmstv, ustanov, organіzіtsіy i ob'єdnаn za law enforcement in the life of life ", the Law of the Russian Federation "On the foundations of the city in the Russian Federation", cim the Federal Law and the legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

2. Gromadyanin or a legal person, if they allowed in the course of the implementation of the architectural project to enter into the assigned project without permission from the author of the architectural project by that body, which, having seen it, allowed it to be broken. Individuals who have committed a significant injury are subject to a fine in the amount of ten to twenty minimum wages established by federal law.

3. Individuals who work on architecture activities without licenses are subject to a fine at the sight of twenty to thirty minimum wages established by federal law.

4. Posadova person to the body of architecture and the location of the subject of the Russian Federation, or the posadova person to the body of self-regulation for violating the order of the architectural and planning tasks, and allowing for the life of the subject of the Russian Federation, or imposed a fine on the federal budget in ten days them by the law of the minimum rozmіrіv payment pracі.

5. Inquire about the law violations, referred to in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 of the article, are considered by the authorities of the Sovereign Architectural and Budіvel Review in accordance with the procedure established by Chapter 21 of the Code of the RRFSR on Administrative Law Violence and the Law of the Russian Federation "On Administrative Violence, setting, organization and about' A day for law enforcement near the living room."

1. The person, whose right is violated during the construction of architectural activity, may be due to a new order of the head of the office, viz., viz., to the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. A person who is guilty of working or changing an architectural object without a special permit for working, goiter is responsible for his own account of building up a building (outside the selection) of self-sufficiency, or to bring an architectural object to a land plant.

Entrust the Council of the Russian Federation to bring its normative legal acts in compliance with the Federal Law.

The president
Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin.

On the site «Zakonbase» submissions of the FEDERAL LAW of November 17, 1995 N 169-FZ "ABOUT ARCHITECTURAL DIALTIES IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION" in the the rest of the edition. It’s easy to get to the bottom of the legislature, just to get acquainted with the relevant divisions, divisions and articles of this document for 2014. To ask for the necessary legislative acts on the topic of what to click, varto speed up with manual navigation or with an expanded search.

On the Zakonbase website you will find the FEDERAL LAW dated 11/17/95 N 169-FZ "ABOUT ARCHITECTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION" new version, in which all amendments have been made. This guarantees the relevance and reliability of information.

If you want to take advantage of the FEDERAL LAW of 11/17/95 N 169-FZ "ABOUT ARCHITECTURAL DIALYALNIST IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATSІЇ" it is possible without cost, as if it were, so with okremimi divisions.

Article 1

1. This federal law regulates the quality of life, which is blamed on the process of professional activity of an architect for the creation of architectural objects with a method of ensuring a safe, environmentally friendly, socially and spiritually complete, friendly environment of life of people living.

2. Tsey Federal law directs the development of architectural art, protection of the works of architecture, memorials of the history of culture, as well as natural landscapes.

3. This federal law defines the rights, obligations and viability of the people of the community and legal systems, as well as the establishment of architecture activity, as well as state authorities, authorities of self-regulation, deputy (zabudovnikіv), contractors (architects, vlasnikіv) ektiv.

4. By using force. - Federal Law of 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ.

Article 2. Basic concepts

By the method of which Federal Law, the following basic concepts are established:

architectural activity - the professional activity of citizens (architectors) who can create an architectural object and include the creative process of creating an architectural project, coordinating the development of all the distribution of design documentation for I am for everyday life), the author's vision of everyday life architectural object, as well as the activity of legal systems for the organization of professional activities of architects;

architectural solution - the author's idea of ​​​​an architectural object - one of the outer and inner looking, spacious, planning and functional organization, fixing in the architectural part of the documentation for everyday life and implementation at the inspired architectural object;

architectural project - an architectural part of the documentation for everyday life and local documentation, to avenge architectural solutions, as a complex care for social, economic, functional, engineering, technologist, anti-burning, sanitary-epidemic, sanitary-ecological, іtekturno-mistetsky and іnshі vymogi to ob'єkta in obsyazі necessary for the development of documentation for the life of objects, the design of which requires the participation of an architect;

architectural object - life, sporud, complex budivel and sporud, its interior, objects of landscaping, landscape gardening art, creation on the basis of an architectural project;

architectural and planning plant - a complex of possible to recognize, the main parameters of that placement of an architectural object on a specific land lot, as well as about environmental, technical, organizational and other minds and projects and development of the Tajik Federation legislation of subjects Russian Federation;

allowed for the life - support for the implementation of the architectural project, which is seen by the deputy (zabudovnik) by the authorities of the self-registration of the municipal districts, the municipal and the rural settlements, the authorities of the vikonavchos of the sub-sector of the Russian Federation of Moscow of St. Petersburg - the significance of the federal yu control over vikonannyam mystobudivnyh normative, despite the approved local documentation, and also with the method of zapobіgannya zapodіyannyu skodi navkolishnym middle.

Article 3

1. Zamovnik (zabudovnik) - a hulk or a legal person, yakі mayut namir zdіysniti budіvnitstvu, reconstruction (dali - budіvnіtstvo) of the architectural object, for the everyday life of which it is necessary to bring on budіvnіtstvo, - it is the responsibility of the mother to the architectural project, the architectural project - planning manager .

2. Dozvіl on budіvnitstvo is not needed in times, like budіvnіlnі robots do not drag behind them the change of the modern architectural look, forget the place or the other settlement that has been formed, those okremih objects and not zachіpayut such characteristics of hope engineering communications .

The appointment of a transfer of objects, for the life of which it is not necessary to bring them to the life, is brought to refurbishment by the bodies of the sovereign power of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

The life of any object can be carried out for the obviousness of the permission of the landowner of the land plot and (or) life, arguing with the dotrimannyam of the life, life norms and rules.

3. Architectural and planning projects are seen at the request of the deputy (zabudovnik) by the body, which is the source of architecture and locality (further - the body of architecture and locality), apparently before the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Architectural and planning projects may be necessary for the provision of approved local documentation, environmental protection, sanitary and epidemiological, protipozhzhnі vmogi to the architectural object, vmogi to protect the monuments of the history, in the history of the culture their minds (seismic zone, permafrost zone and others) gaining the rights of the people of the community and legal systems, the interests of which arise in the course of this life.

It is not allowed to be included in the architectural and planning project, but to architectural and constructive solutions, internal possession, internal processing of the architectural object, as well as other people, who can intersect the rights of the deputy (zabudovnik) and the author of the non-architectural project, as well as ґ Rush on the positions of the rank of law, the normative laws of the acts, the Mistobudny normatives, the hard -to -the -world of the Zaberezni of the Zabodovs of the abstinated settlement, the natural core of the native of the nestle of the pamper.

Substantiated for the witness of the architectural and planning project is the application of the deputy (zabudovnik) that document, which certifies the right of authority (the right to dispose) of the land plot, or allowed the authority of the land plot to design on this plot.

The architects of the architectural and planning project can have it, as if we named a deputy (zabudovnik) to supervise decorous legislation, normative legal acts, local standards, provisions of approved local documentation, rules of forgetting the place of another settlement. Vіdmova at the vidachі of the architectural and planning manager can be denounced by the zamovnik (zabudovnik) before the trial.

4. In case of budіvnitstvі okremih arkhіtekturnih ob'ektіv, znachenih zatverzhennuyu mіstobudіvnoi dokumentієyu, arkhіtekturno-planuvalny zavdannya povinno razroblyatisya on the basis of obov'ljazkovogo conducted pre-project doslіdzhenі chi competitions for the architectural project. The procedure for holding these final competitions is determined by the architectural and local authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

The competition for an architectural project is held with the participation of community-based professional and mystical organizations (associations) of architects.

5. Paragraph with chivalry. - Federal Law of 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ.

Vіdmova at the vidachі allowed to live, but she could be scorned by the zamovnik (zabudovnik) before the court.

The body of architecture and space, which, having seen the architectural and planning plant when revising the design, is not entitled to conduct an examination of the project with food that is not included before the architectural and planning plant can be in such a computer forgetful) and the author .

7. Architectural project, sho vrakhovu є vomogi mіstobudіvnogo legislаvі, obov'yazkovі vimogi vіmogі galuzі proektirovannya budіvnitstvа, vklepіn rules, vіdpovidnymi іstobudіvnyh normatіvіv, rules zabudovuє sіsta chi іnshoy іnshоdanny oblast, zavdannya na proektirovaniya і аd archiving om, obov' eloquent for all participants in the implementation of the architectural project from the day of possession on the basis of permission to everyday life. One copy of the architectural project and documentation is given for collection to the competent authority of architecture and locality with further transfer of the designated documents to the state archive in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Control over the implementation of the architectural project is subject to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 3.1. Architectural activity of foreign communities, especially without community and foreign legal systems

Foreign citizens, individuals without enormity and foreign juridical individuals zdiisnyuyut architekturnu diyalnist parity with Russian hulks and juridical persons, as transferred by the international agreement of the Russian Federation. For the validity of the international treaty of the Russian Federation, foreign communities, individuals without enormity and foreign legal entities can take part in the architectural activity on the territory of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation, only with the architect I am special.

Article 3.2. Architecture activity of Russian citizens and legal systems on the territory of foreign powers

Russian citizens and legal entities can create architecture activities on the territories of foreign powers, so as not to supersede the international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation.


Disabled. - Federal Law of 10.01.2003 N 15-FZ.


Article 12. Rights of the architect and legal entity

The architect and legal person on the basis of the contract with the deputy (zabudovnik) may have the right to:

ask and take into account the relevant authorities of the architectural and planning project, other documents and other documents necessary for pre-project studies, design and life of the architectural object;

zdiyasnyuvati zahist pogodzhenikh iz zamovnik (zabudovnik) architectural solutions for their examination of the review of the relevant bodies;

to take part in the development of all distributions of documentation for everyday life, for the sake of all changes in the architectural solutions of the adopted architectural project, to take the blame for the instructions of the deputy (zabudovnik) for the construction of all distributions of documentation for everyday life;

obtain, on a contractual basis, prior to the release of documentation for the work of the necessary assistants, consultants and technical practitioners, taking on themselves the responsibility for the obligation and the quality of their work;

to represent and protect the interests of the zamovnik (zabudovnik) for yogo assignments for the hour of laying the contract for the work of the architectural object; accept the organization of bidding (auctions and competitions) for the laying of contracts for everyday life;

to maintain the author’s vision of the life of an architectural object, or for the commission of a deputy (zabudovnik), be a distant representative on the life of a given object, imposing control over the quality of life materials, as financial control;

take part in the acceptance of the architectural object into operation, or, on the instructions of the deputy (zabudovnik), be his representative for the hour of acceptance of the designated object into operation;

carry out consultations on the nutrition of investment, life and operation of architectural objects, as well as on other functions of the zamovnik (zabudovnik).

Article 13

1. An architect and a legal person, when zdіysnnі arkhіtekturnoї dіyalnostі goitre dorimuvatisya:

legislation of the Russian Federation and legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation at the gallery of architectural activity;

obov'yazkovі vomogi at the gallery designing and budіvnitstva;

local standards, budіvelnі, as well as environmental norms and rules;

the procedure for the establishment of local activity on the territory of a separate sub-ject of the Russian Federation and the rules for forgetting the place of another settlement;

vimogi of the architectural and planning plant;

vomogi zamovnik (zabudovnika), vykladenі at the head of the project, so do not superechat vimogi tsієї statti.

2. The architect does not have the right to voice information about the name of the zamovnik (zabudovnik) about the implementation of the architectural project without yoga.

3. The architect does not have the right to take on himself the goiter of the official representative of the deputy (zabudovnik) under the hour of laying down the contract for work, with the author's supervision of the work of the architectural object, and with the acceptance of the designated object for operation at pributkah contracting organization that takes part in the contract auction and also does not have the right to take part in the competition for an architectural project, being a member of the jury of the competition.

Article 14

Creation, implementation and other architectural projects are only based on agreements, which are in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 15. Guarantees of the activity of the architect

1. Bodies of sovereign power to adopt the creation of organizational, resourceful and other minds of the free creativity of the architect, the development of architectural science and enlightenment.

2. Upovnovazhenie by the Council of the Russian Federation federal bodies and vykonavchos rule in the halls of architecture and space, professional and creative organizations (association) of architects are allowed to take part in the freedom to protect the rights of the architect an architect within his own competence.


Chapter V

Article 20

1. Zmіni Architectural project at the Rodbtsi documentary for Budіvnitvva Abo Budinitvva Architectural Ophty, to be held vicranially for the zgoda of the author of the Architectural project, and the VIDIL VIMOG Architectural and Planning Takozhni at the Tydovydny organized bodies of the Architecturi tu Mistobubeda

2. Zamovnik (zabudovnik) chi contractor has the right not to get the author of the architectural project from the beginning until the development of documentation for life and to the author's observation of the life of the architectural object for the mind of the implementation of the architectural project without change.

3. As the author of an architectural project to show steps in the project during its implementation, then he speaks about the body, which, having seen it, has allowed for everyday life, for living the necessary entries to avoid a possible attack, and also living in violation of the right to stop the archiving іtectury vіdpovіdno to vicious legislation.

Article 21

1. Changes of the architectural object (dobudova, rebudova, replanning) are subject to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the contract for the creation of that architectural project.

2. Changes of architectural objects, the existence of which requires a permit for everyday life, are established in accordance with the procedure established by Article 3 of the Law.

3. The procedure for changing architectural objects awarded state and other prizes in the hall of architecture, is established by the approval of the Order of the Russian Federation by the federal body of the government for coordination of activities in the hall of architecture and construction.

4. Works for the reconstruction, restoration and repair of monuments of history and culture, as if they are rebuying on the sovereign appearance, as well as works for everyday life, repair, reconstruction of objects near the zones of protection are subject to the Law of the RRFSR "On the protection of heritage" history and culture".

5. Control over vikonannyam position tsієї statі zdіysnyuєtsya authority arhіtektury and mіstobuduvannya, scho seeing the architectural and planning zavdannya.


Article 22

1. Inspirations By the order of the Russian Federation, the federal body of the vykonavchoi government for the coordination of activities in the gallery of architecture and the location and the relevant bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation establish a single system of vykonavchouzі vlady in the architecture. Organi arkhitektury i mіstobuduvannya zdіysnyuyut their activities on the basis of local legislation, tsgogo Federal law and the relevant provisions on the organization of architecture and mіstobuduvannya.

2. Appointment by the Council of the Russian Federation, the federal body of vikonavchoi power for the coordination of activities in the field of architecture and local development for the participation of the relevant bodies of the sub'ektiv of the Russian Federation for the development and implementation of the architecture in the field of architecture and, coordinating the work of architectural and local authorities, ensuring the development of normative legal acts.

3. Organi mіstsevogo samovaryaduvannya garazd, established chinnym legislature, may be endowed with renewed regulation of architectural activity, established by this federal law. Control over the implementation of the appointments of renewals is to be upgraded by the Department of the Russian Federation, the federal body of the government of the Russian Federation, to coordinate the activities in the gallery of architecture and the location of the institutions of the sub'єktіv of the Russian Federation.

4. Organizations, yakі know the nutrition of architecture and the locality, oscholyuyut the main architects. The candidacy of the head architect is selected in accordance with the established procedure on a competitive basis and is confirmed by the supreme body of the victorious government.

5. In the cities and other settlements with a population of less than fifty thousand inhabitants (with a little mention of resorts and historical places) and in other municipal settlements, the head architect’s settlement can be embraced by a person, as I can build a middle architecture.

Article 23. Professional and creative organizations (association) of architects

1. The scientific center at the gallery of architecture, the place of development and life sciences - the Russian Academy of Architecture and life sciences.

2. Public professional and creative organizations (associations) of architects (local workers, designers) are required to protect professional interests of architects (local workers, designers and archivists and representatives of archivists) turi and mystobuduvannya).

The paragraph is disabled. - Federal Law of 10.01.2003 N 15-FZ.


Article 24. Administrative duty

1. Gromadyanin is either a legal person, yakі zdіysnyuyut budіvnіtstvo arkhіtekturnoj ob'єkt without permission to budіvnіtstvo (arbitrary budіvnіtstvo) аbo with damage to the approved city documentation, carry the Federal Code of Admiralty іnistrativnі lawfulness.

2. Gromadyanin or a legal person, if they allowed in the course of the implementation of the architectural project to enter into the assigned project without permission from the author of the architectural project by that body, which, having seen it, allowed it to be broken.

3 - 5. Spent chivalry. - Federal Law of December 30, 2001 N 196-FZ.

Article 25

1. The person, whose right is violated during the construction of architectural activity, may be due to a new order of the head of the office, viz., viz., to the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. A person who is guilty of working or changing an architectural object without a special permit for working, goiter is responsible for his own account of building up a building (outside the selection) of self-sufficiency, or to bring an architectural object to a land plant.

4. The person, guilty of deeds, which caused for themselves the shock of specialness or important clashes with the superfluous middle ground, a monument of history or culture, a valuable city or natural landscape, carried the duty, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Gromadyanin chi legal person, yakі zdіysnyuyut arhіtekturnu dіyalnіst, bear mаynovu vіdpovіdnіst vіdpovіdno to tsivіlnogo legislаtіv Rosіyskoїї Federatsiiї nіkіnannya аbo nаlіnіnіnі vykonannya podovіrnih goitreyazan.


Article 26

This federal law is gaining authority from the day of its official publication.

Article 27

Entrust the Council of the Russian Federation to bring its normative legal acts in compliance with the Federal Law.

The president

Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin

Architectural activity and other types of gardening features are regulated by the Federal Law 169 FZ. The adoption of the Act on Architecture is aimed at safe entry, directing the creation of environmental, socially oriented disputes, which are beneficially injected into the lives of the people of this society. The law of directing on the development of ideas and currents in architecture, as well as on the conservation of cultural traditions.

Description of Federal Law 169

The federal law “On Architectural Activity in the Russian Federation” was adopted on 18 June 1995. The document has gained official status at the moment of official publication. Improvement of this term dії vin prodovzhuvav doopratsovuvatsya.

Introducing changes to the directive on the yoga practice legal framework that adopted by the laws of the sphere of architecture, as well as the elimination of inaccuracies in formulas. The remaining amendments to the document were introduced on 19 April 2011.

The rest of the edition of the Law on activity in the field of architecture includes the following divisions:

  • the final position, which determines the basis for the upcoming order of the document;
  • rights and obov'yazki physical and legal osіb in the power of architectural activity;
  • the procedure for changing the objects of architecture;
  • the competence and renewal of local authorities, as well as professional associations of architects;
  • Vidpovіdalnіst rupture of the attributions of FZ 169.

Chapter 2 about licensing of architectural activity is included from the document. Chapter 4, about copyright in the creation of architecture, has lost the chivalry in connection with the acceptance of the best.

Basic provisions

burning position The Law on Architecture regulates the following provisions:

  • mark the acceptance of this document and that task, as if to be placed in front of it;
  • the main concepts, as vikoristovuyutsya legislation in the field of architecture;
  • the legal base, depending on how the object of architecture is being created;
  • architectural activity of foreign physical and legal structures on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • ordering Russian physical and legal persons at the distribution of projects abroad.

Tsіlove confession The law on architecture activity - the appointment of rights and obov'yazkіv posadovyh osіb. A document of orientations for the development of the art of architecture, the protection of objects, monuments of the historical and cultural decline of the region, including landscape compositions.

To reach the set goal, the marks are assigned legal ambush diy architectov and budіvelnikov. It is necessary to transfer the obov'yazkov_st of the design of the architecture to . Vidpovidny allowed that hardening of everyday life is not needed in the situation, if the building of the object does not start to look like an architecture, it does not pull the damage to the safety of the security of life and communications.

Food for international cooperation is subject to change until the conclusion of the agreements. For their obviousness, foreign communities toil for the right to create architectural activity from their own foundations, like Russian fakhivtsy. Since there are no other agreements, then foreigners can take part in projects jointly with Russian architects. This provision was approved by amendments to the law for 2003 rіk.

You yourself change the law and the architectural activity of Russian fahivtsiv there. It is allowed to take part in different projects of architecture, so as not to supervise international agreements and legal norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Remaining changes to the Federal Law on architectural activity

Rest change until the Law on Architecture is approved 19 Lipnya 2011 fate. The redirection pushed forward the position:

  • at the fourth paragraph articles 2 and in another paragraph paragraph 3 articles 3 words " sanitary and hygienic» replaced by the formula « sanitary and epidemiological»;
  • at point 7 article 3 formula " Budіvelnih norms and rules, shortened to " crypt rules,»;
  • also n 7 articles 3 and the third paragraph p 1 article 13 words " state standards» replaced by « footwear» at vіdpovіdny vіdmіnkah.

The last changes to Federal Law 169 on architecture since 2011 have not been requested. The previous amendments for 2008 also corrected the same formulas, without introducing substantive changes to the editorial board.

Take over the text of Federal Law 169 in the remaining edition

Federal Law 169 FZ “On Architectural Activity in the Russian Federation” it is possible, it is possible. The document was submitted with the remaining changes and amendments.

The law on architectural activity at the official editorial office will be relevant for gardening, both physical and legal. The document is of interest to the people, who are engaged in everyday life at the borders of a fixed local plan. Also, the edition of a legal act on architecture can be victorious and law enforcement officers in the law enforcement sphere.

Chapter I

Rozdil II. Licensing of architectural activity (included).

Rozdil III. The rights and obov'yazki hromadyan and legal osіb, yakі zdіysnyuyut arkhіtekturnu diyalnіst.

Chapter V. The procedure for changing the architectural project and architectural object.

Section VI. Competence of organizations of architecture and locality and professional and creative organizations (associations) of architects.

Section VII. Vіdpovіdalnіst violating tsgogo Federal law.

Section VIII. Closing provisions.

37 Federal Law “On Architectural Activities in the Russian Federation” on the basic rights and obligations of an architect.


Article 12. The rights of an architect and a legal entity

The architect and the legal person on the basis of the contract as a substitute (zabudovnik) may have the right (paragraph at the editorial office, introduced on December 15, 2003 by the Federal Law on September 10, 2003 N 15-FZ, - div. to the editorial office):

ask and take into account the relevant authorities of the architectural and planning project, other documents and other documents necessary for pre-project studies, design and life of the architectural object;

zdiyasnyuvati zahist pogodzhenikh iz zamovnik (zabudovnik) architectural solutions for their examination of the review of the relevant bodies;

to take part in the development of all distributions of documentation for everyday life, for the sake of all changes in the architectural solutions of the adopted architectural project, to take the blame for the instructions of the deputy (zabudovnik) for the construction of all distributions of documentation for everyday life;

obtain, on a contractual basis, prior to the release of documentation for the work of the necessary assistants, consultants and technical practitioners, taking on themselves the responsibility for the obligation and the quality of their work;

to represent and protect the interests of the deputy (zabudovnik) for the first hour of laying down the contract for the construction of an architectural object, hosting in the organization of auctions (auctions and competitions) for laying contracts for the construction of an architectural object;

to maintain the author’s vision of the life of an architectural object, or for the commission of a deputy (zabudovnik), be a distant representative on the life of a given object, imposing control over the quality of life materials, as financial control;

take part in the acceptance of the architectural object into operation, or, on the instructions of the deputy (zabudovnik), be his representative for the hour of acceptance of the designated object into operation;

carry out consultations on the nutrition of investment, everyday life and operation of architectural objects, as well as on other functions of the zamovnik (zabudovnik) - div . forward edition).

Article 13. Basic bindings of an architect and a legal entity

1. The architect and the legal person, when designing the architectural work of the goiter, must be complied with (paragraph at the editorial office, introduced on December 15, 2003 by the Federal Law on September 10, 2003 N 15-FZ, - div. in front of the editorial office):

legislation of the Russian Federation and legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation at the gallery of architectural activity;

sovereign standards in the interior design and everyday life;

local standards, budіvelnі, as well as environmental norms and rules;

the procedure for establishing local activity on the territory of a major sub-ject of the Russian Federation and the rules for forgetting the location of any other settlement (paragraph in the editorial office, introduced in date 1 September 2005, Federal Law No. 2-04 NZ 2-04 NZ 2-04 N 2-22 Serpny previous edition);

vimogi of the architectural and planning plant;

vomogi zamovnik (zabudovnika), vykladenі at the head of the project, so do not superechat vimogi tsієї statti.

2. The architect does not have the right to speak out information about the name of the zamovnik (zabudovnik) for the implementation of the architectural project without yoga (item at the editorial office, introduced on December 15, 2003 by the Federal Law from September 10, 2003 to December 10, 2003 - December 10, 2003 - February 1 edition).

3. The architect does not have the right to take on himself the goiter of the official representative of the deputy (zabudovnik) under the hour of laying down the contract for work, with the author's supervision of the work of the architectural object, and with the acceptance of the designated object for operation at pributkah contracting organization that takes part in the bidding in a row and is also not entitled to take part in the competition for an architectural project, being a member of the jury of the competition div. Front edition).

The structure of local activity.

Mіstobudіvna diyalnіst is formed from the theory and practice, and є complex and rich-sided activity from the formation of the population of the city and the system of settlement. It includes pov'yazane s budіvnitstvom legislature regulation, social and economic planning, architecture and engineering design, scientific research, organization of budіvelny virobnitstva. The objects of local design are significant beyond the territory of the territory: the place and the first element - residential areas, residential areas, and large complexes, as well as large regional systems of settlement, which include low population areas and territories adjacent to them. That is why we allow you to look at them as a local system. Mіstobuduvannya virіshuє spaciously planning organization of these objects. At the same time, the expansion of these objects dictates the form of their design - in terms of two-dimensional territorial plans. Therefore, the locality of the design is often called the planning of the population of the city. The design-mistobudіvna dіyalnіst vengeance znіlnі znіgі dіlіnіnі dіlіnіy razdіlі teoreticheskie obґruntuvan, scho її zadzhuє її її iz scientific-practical іyalnіstyu, zokrema z razdіlі sіїї їkonomicheskoї geography і territorіalnoi ekonomіchnogo planunya.
