White tattoos healing. White tattoos

White tattoos healing. White tattoos

Traditionally, the tattoo is performed dark paint to make a picture on the body more noticeable. However, in the past few years, girls and men become white tattoos, which create partially colorless paint become more popular. In order for such squalls to look stylish and spectacularly, and did not merge with the color of the skin, they need to be done according to the rules.

What is a white tattoo

Salads on the body - the decoration that will serve for a long time, therefore, to the choice of the place of application, such as drawing and its colors should be treated seriously. If you choose white as the basis of the image, this color is less noticeable on the body,therefore, it is better to choose a drawing in which there are no clearly defined thin lines. From the traditional black tattoo tattoo tattoo features only type of pigment.

Application technique

The tattoo is applied by a special device, and the way of riding the paint does not depend on the shade of the pigment. However, there are some nuances that the master should be known. On the tanned or light skin, the finished tag will be equally spectacular and neat, if you observe the rules of the technique of its application:

  • If there are two or more colors in the figure, white is applied at the end. The shade can easily blur with darker paint.
  • It is important that the wizard uses a clean needle and during operation did not allow damage to the dermis, then the image will become more clear, and the white background is noticeable on any skin shade.
  • As white color Drive under the skin having your own color, the picture looks on a couple of tones darker than the paint itself.
  • It is very important that the tattoo salon use a high-quality pigment that will not darken with time.
  • In the process of work, the paint is visible badly, since the skin when exposed to the device blushes, so the master should be experienced to prevent over-passing pigment.

Pros and cons

White tattoo is the perfect way to attract attention. Such pallows have other advantages:

  • The pattern on the skin made by white paint looks more graceful than black or brown, and almost not striking.
  • If a desire to get rid of the tattoo or change it is to make it it will be easier than with a black chuck.
  • White pigment tattoo can resemble the scar, especially if it is a geometric pattern. Some like such similarity.

The mass of advantages does not compensate disadvantages of white snaps:

  • This species of the pallium quickly loses its color, and the contours can be blurred. White shade half is transparent, and over time, its own skin pigment displaces paint. In this regard, the tattoo requires regular adjustment.
  • Sometimes a spray with a white pigment becomes almost invisible, merging with the skin. This is due to the individual features of the skin or insufficient masters experience, which illiterately drove paint.

White paint tattoo

Experienced masters advise with special attention to the selection of drawing. Do not choose pictures in which there are thin contours, large size. Openwork, lace ornaments, which can be depicted on any part of the body look good. If you plan to fill the inscription, it is better to choose a font with soft, rounded letters. With a proper approach and well-chosen figure, white ink tattoo is stylish and noticeable.

If you doubt whether the drawing will like, whether the tattoo will not get bored in a week, you can pre-make the tattoo henna - Mehendi.However, a drawing is applied by non-jammed, but a special composition, in which hypoallergenic paint and glue are present among other components. The image is temporarily, it will last about two weeks. During this period, you can see all cons of white tattoo and take a weighted solution.

On the wrist

Often, the drawing is often chosen. White Tatu on the wrist Looks like a bracelet or cute decoration. This place is not always in sight, if desired, the inner part can be shown or hide. It looks good for such motifs:

  • all sorts of inscriptions - it is desirable to choose concise content with capacious content;
  • zodiac signs;
  • sun, stars;
  • butterflies;
  • birds;
  • exotic animals or flowers.

On the foot

White paint tattoos are stuffed on visible sections of legs - knees, legs, ankle, ankle joint or lifting feet. Less often - on the hip or buttock. Elegant leg effectively decorate floral or stylized ornaments under leaves. Openwork motifs are well noticeable in such images as a dream catcher, snake leather, bird feather. In the trend and figurines of animals, which must certainly be compact and small.

On other parts of the body

If the drawing is planned to perform not on hand or leg, but on another part of the body, it is best to pick up a sketch, according to anatomical features:

  • at the top of the back, angelic wings are fed, a symmetrical ornament;
  • on the shoulder or shovel - bow, flower motif;
  • at the bottom of the back - hieroglyphs, lotus flower;
  • on the neck, small pictures - crown, several stars, an animal trail look.

How to care for white tattoo

So that the tattoo lasted as long as possible and kept its primordial appearance, it is necessary correct care. After the procedure, it is desirable to rinse with water with water with the addition of soap and getting a cotton sponge, wait for drying and apply bepanten or panthenol cream. After healing, do not try the tattoo with a washcloth under the shower too active.

Many expect a tattoo made by white paint will be brighter on tanned skin. However, such a squint, most likely, after the holiday will become less noticeable. This is explained by the fact that the paint is driven under the epidermis - the needle during operation reaches the second layer of the dermis. The upper layering of the skin is translucent and the pigment is well visible through them. Tan on the skin makes its own adjustments to the perception of the pattern.

Price on white tattoos

The cost of performing a tattoo depends on many factors - size, paint quality, masters' experience. An important point The complexity of the drawing is considered - the presence of non-standard and small parts in it, which is difficult to reproduce without proper experience and good equipment. If the image requires adjustment - this procedure will cost 20-30% cheaper than primary work. The table below shows the approximate price of the White Tattoo in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Photo of white tattoos


White paints are best looking at tanned skin, as well as on girls with nature with dark-skinned or dark skin.

Externally, they can even be taken over the tattoo henna, because the colors are obtained by natural, as with the henna tattoos. But it is only at first sight. In general, tattoo with white ink most often look more refined and thin, and sometimes they are made with the effect of the glow under the action of ultraviolet rays.

Important: White tattoo requires a master of special professional skills, therefore it is worth trusting such a procedure only a good and experienced artist. After all, flaws will be noticeable, and then the result will not please you at all.

Who are the white tattoo?

First of all, this type of tattoos will suit girls with dark skin, as mentioned above. Because on this shade of the skin, they look especially effectively. But also beside the ladies you can pay attention to the tattoo with white ink. This tattoo can be advised by those whose lifestyle (career, strict dress code, communication with young children or old people, etc.) does not allow you to have the usual etiquette rules, but I want to decorate your body. If you make a tattoo of a small size, then its finest white lines will be practically invisible, and only upon closer (for example, with intimate communication) your body will detect such an attractive moment.

And, of course, girls who love to try everything new and are not afraid of changes in their image become fans of the White Tattoo. For example, the top model Kate Moss can be attributed to such. And she tried an innovation, she had white knolls in the form of several hearts. There is a white tattoo in the form of an inscription "Breath" (breathing) on \u200b\u200bthe wrist at Lindsay Lohan.

Features of white tattoo

Before you decide to go to the Salon behind a white tattoo, you should know a few moments that distinguish this type of tattoo.

White ink is usually less resistant than color and, moreover, black. This means that tattoo with white ink, although it is done on the same technology that ordinary, but will not "for life." But not so good consequence This may be that over time, white ink can change the color and tattoo will be more like.

The second disadvantage of white tattoo can be called individual intolerance of white ink, which is not so rare. If this happens, then the tattoo may look convex, swollen, and leaves after herself to the wound or scar. Either you will have to abandon the venture at all, because the skin will not absorb white ink.

Not on all shades of skin white ink look equally impressive. And say in advance how the white tattoo will look on your skin is pretty difficult. Therefore, some come from a tattoo master with a yellowish tattoo, or in general with the lack of any color.

It is because of these reasons, not all artists are taken for the White Tattoo. And if you decide to make a white ink tattoo, you may have to get around not one salon before you find a wizard who makes white knaps.

Application of white tattoo

The technique of applying a white tattoo is approximately the same as with a black tattoo. That is, the stencil is used, or the master makes a knuckle. A white tattoo may require several passes along the same area so that white ink is completely immersed in the skin. This is due to the fact that white ink is not so easily absorbed by the skin like colored or black.

It should be known that the white tattoo is undesirable to do in open areas of the body: on hand, shoulders, ankles. That is, in those places of body, which are often exposed to the external environment and sunlight. Because these effects strongly destroy white ink. It is best to make a white tattoo on the ground, which are closed with clothes: on, back, or on the back of the hands.

The simpler design, the easier the tattoo to do the master. But when the design is selected, it is better to be guided by this. Still, this is permanent tattoo, and the picture choose should be responsible.

White Tattoo Care

Care is not much different from the care of the usual (color or black) tattoo. In the first weeks, try not to wash and not expose to the open rays of the sun. In the next time, also protect the tattoo with sunscreen, like all the skin if you are.

Some strong chemicals can also destroy the tattoo, so do not make chemical peeling and do not expose tattoos to household chemicals, protect the tattoo during cosmetic procedures using a laser or acids so that the tattoo remains contrasting and detailed.

How much is

As a rule, tattoo white ink is more expensive than ordinary tattoo. Invustive, it is connected with the quality of ink, they should be very high quality, and a larger amount of ink is required than with a black tattoo.

Given the fact that only highly professional artists and good salons are taken for such a tattoo, then you should prepare for an impressive amount. But this is to some extent, and is a guarantee of good quality procedure.

I do not want to upset you, but white tattoos are not good for everyone. Many tattoo artists refuse to apply white ink tattoos, and even if you are convinced that the effect of the scar looks cool, such an interesting tattoo can stay very long. And that's why:

1. Beeined ink do not look more serious.

Imagine a tattoo in the photo above, but black ink. Black ink for such an inscription is suitable much more. Black is more thorough than white. In the white inscription "Stronger" as it does not convince. In addition to the whole white, the purple pigment from the copy of the photo can be absorbed, which actually happened in this case. And if it happened to you, then you certainly need to be really strong to admit that this creativity will remain with your life.

2. The white ink is not intended for the contour.

White inks are created and used for drawing glare and shadows. Using white ink for contour Step is quite risky, because the absence of white transparency does not allow you to quickly consider the drawing. In the example above, the tattoo was photographed by a close-up, but we are not able to quickly understand what it is. And what will happen if you look at it from afar? What do you think it will look like a cool scar? ... I'm not sure

3. Beended tattoos sometimes look like you have skin problems.

Always consider the tattoo design. Visualize how the tattoo will look like in the end. Will they look like integrity ... or more like a acne constellation?

4. Side white ink yellow.

Or greasy. Or any other color absorbs white (if a tattoo artist or customer carelessly). In the figure above, the tattoo not only became green, but, unfortunately, completely resolved. The tattoo has disappeared, and everything that remains is a strange spot. One tattoo artist correctly noticed, white - translucent pigment. It is not completely opaque. This means that if the white tattoo does not get into contact with green or black, then it will change the color. Just because dark colors are stronger than white. Moreover, white inks are yellowing when the skin is under constant exposure to sunlight. Or simply because the client has not very healthy skin and tattoo heals badly. There may be many factors.

5. Blue tattoos are inexpressive.

For the reason that the white pigment is not opaque, as we have already written. Unlike black, which is an opaque pigment, white color does not fill the space. White tattoo is often inexpressive. Perhaps white color is appropriate for a small tattoo, but to do big? Unlikely. We advise you to think seriously and weigh everything before you decide on a white tattoo. You don't have much skin, and you cavities will not make a lot. Think about it.

Types of Tattoo on the wrist

The wrist is made to decorate long. After all, beads, bracelets or talismans wearable in your hand are able to emphasize the subtlety and grace of a female brush. Girls seek to decorate their hands today.

Tattoo in the wrist area always attracts attention. Small in size, it is almost always in sight. Plus, the girl has the opportunity to invest in a drawing some definite meaning.

The most common tattoo on the wrist for girls (see photo), are:

  • bracelets in the form of all sorts of patterns or hours, symbolizing the frequency of time;
  • symbols of good luck and success, charging;
  • inscriptions: Winged phrases, oaths, memorial dates or life motto; Tattoo on the wrist for girls applied in Latin or foreign language; phrases in Russian are less popular, they are used only for "perpetuating" names or initials of loved ones;

  • animal drawings: Ancient way of applying tattoos; According to beliefs, each such image bears the deepest meaning; It is believed that its owners even adopt the properties of such an animal;
  • images of birds and butterflies: such drawings most often symbolize the desire for freedom;
  • abstract drawings and geometric patterns (trails): Recent types of drawings are performed in the main carcass; These motives came to us from Polynesia tribes and New Zealand;

  • stars: most often they are applied by ominous, it is possible to use constellations or falling celestial luminaries; By the way, it is believed that one-only star, located behind the wrist, indicates a woman prone to the same-sex love;
  • 3D tattoo: performed by a professional, they can be very realistic and look like objects on the body.

Tip! Be careful when choosing a picture. After all, it is believed that the tattoo can change not only the character, but even the future of its owner.

Temporary tattoo

Unlike the usual tattoo, the temporary tattoo is not applied under the skin, but on top of it. If you have never gailed pictures on the body or have not yet definitively decided on the topic of the image, we advise you to make yourself a drawing in this way. So you can "try" it on the body and finally make sure whether it is fully matched to your inner world and whether you should use it.

The time tattoo includes images deposited by henna. This option is used in the countries of India before the wedding (newlyweds apply it from the elbow to the tips of the fingers). The only disadvantage of such drawings is color - with the help of henna it is impossible to make colored or black and white patterns.

Application of the image of henna is absolutely painless, the prices of work are much lower, and the drawing is easy enough to remove. He himself goes down from the skin in a couple of weeks. In addition, Henna is considered one of the safe dyes. However, it should be checked if you have allergies on it.

Tip! The first days after applying the hnna drawing will be orange. It will darken and turn red-brown it is only a few days later.

Patterns and stars

Such tattoo rarely carry any semantic load. They can be used if you do not want to attach some particular meaning. Smooth and elegant patterns will affect the romantic nature. Clear and coarser lines prefer more assertive and purposeful lady.

Misseling of small stars on the wrist is also just an ornament and does not carry the semantic load. But there are also stars, the image of which has a serious religious subtext. Since they have enough powerful energy, be sure to find out about their meaning.

Tip! If you can not decide on the choice of pattern, be sure to look into the tattoo dictionary. It not only lists the most common tattoo, but also gives their decoding and meaning.

Black and white drawings

Similar images are the optimal option for those who appreciate restraint. In addition, this tattoo will be easier to combine with styles and colors of clothing and accessories.

Tattoos made in black and white colors allow you to better delve into the essence of the drawing itself and its ideas. They are distinguished by high graphship and clarity of lines. The black and white tattoo on the wrist for girls in the form of an inscription, indian patterns or signs look more elegantly and have a smaller line thickness.

Tip! Even a small error in the hieroglyph, an inscription in a foreign language, a symbol or a faith can lead to what he will be interpreted completely differently. Before applying, be sure to check the image of the future tattoo with the original.

White tattoos

Lace White Tattoo belongs to the purely female view of art drawing on the body. Such drawings are just visible. It seems that they are right under the skin. White tattoo can decorate the body as decorated with lace clothing. It may be all sorts of shape and colors of bows, dressings, ribbons, bracelets, etc.

The color of such tattoos should at least contrast with their own skin tone. After all, unlike black and white and non-ferrous, they are less noticeable. However, carved laces are very well thrown into the eyes with luminescent lighting and appear on the skin after the tan.

If you dream about the most beautiful and unusual tattoo on your wrist for a girl, choose lace or sophisticated inscriptions and hieroglyphs applied with white pigments. But, although such a tattoo are trend, the master who will apply them should be a super professional. After all, overly rough, licking from afar will look scar.

Tip! Tattoo at different types of skin will look different. Therefore, be sure to listen to the wizard's advice when choosing such a picture.

Colored tattoos

With the help of color, more complex images are created that requires as much details as much as possible. These species include images:

  • tattoo on the wrist for girls in the form of birds, animal or insect: Girls often choose drawings of cats, dolphins, jumping horses with developing manes, deer; Thus, the choice of the representative of the feline (not only a homemade cat, but also tigerits or panthers) symbolizes pride, self-tenderness and at the same time tenderness and affection; Dolphin - a symbol of faith and good - can bring to its owner good luck and exemption from some shackles; Butterflies prefer gentle and vulnerable nature; Images of birds - swallows, pigeons, hummingbirds - symbolize the desire for freedom;
    colors - eternal femininity symbols; Most often, roses associated with love and purity use roses; The value of both the color is: red is interpreted as passion, white - innocence, yellow - separation with beloved, blue - sadness; Lotus - flower of purity and harmony; If the figure shows several flowers located on one stem, it is believed that there is an immortality that symbolizes;

  • color compositions and portraits: An experienced master is able to draw entire pictures on the skin, however, for the wrists because of their small surface, this option is not enough.

Tip! Please note that the color tattoo "wear out" is much faster than black and white and with time they can fly. This is due to the fact that to transfer the finest shades, the paint is unlucky, almost on the surface of the skin.

3D images

This direction, fashionable in artistic art, naturally, did not go around the tattoo. Today you can find similar drawings in the form of a different color of the inscriptions, images and just colored overflows.

Made in 3D technique, they create an impression of a volumetric item located on the body. For example, the tattoo bracelet on the wrist in the girl will be few difference from the present.

Tip! Tattoo is better to apply after 20 years. By this time, views are already finally established, and it will be easier for you to decide which drawings will be your life credo.

Paired tattoos

Recently, similarly lovers are trying to bore their unions. If you are 150% confident in your feelings, except for banal initials or hearts, your pair should decide what will personify your overall drawing.

It will be better if you find exactly the tattoo that will most accurately characterize your unity. This may be an image of a flame, birds in flight, blooming the branch of apple trees, overag and other characters.

Tip! The combination of symbols can be interpreted quite differently. So, if the single tattoo of the crown on the wrist in girls means the desire for leadership, then in the aggregate with the image of the turtle, it indicates a longevity and the desire for calm.

How is the tattoo?

The main question that worries most of those deciding on this procedure: "Does it suffice to the tattoo?" We answer. If you decide to get a similar decoration on the skin, you will have to suffer. After all, this procedure is considered quite painful. And keep in mind that the skin in the wrist area is very thin, so the sensations under the procedure will be more tangible than when applied to other parts of the body.

If you are determined with the choice of pattern, you need to print it or save it on a flash drive or disk and bring the master. Naturally, in each self-respecting tattoo salon there is own choice of sketches of tattoo, including on the wrist for girls, for every taste.

The resulting circuit is cut. So that the image fell on the skin perfectly and repeated all its bends, cuts are made along the edges of the paper.

Tattoo application is performed manually or with a special typewriter equipped with thin needles and capacities-caps with paint

The drawing is transferred to the skin surface. To do this, to the selected part of the body, covered with antibacterial soap or gel, the drawing is tightly pressed and is withstanding in this position for several seconds. After removing the paper on the wet skin, he leaves a clear imprint.

Tattoo application is performed manually or with a special typewriter equipped with thin needles and capacities-caps with paint.

Initially the contour is applied. It is done clearer, with the penetration of the needle under the skin up to 0.8 mm. The remaining surfaces are performed by other types of needles with a lower frequency and impact force.

Filling color comes from dark shades to light. For example, the bordees first, then red, and only then pink. This is done so that when wiping excessive paint, the darker is not "lacked" to the sections with light shades.

At the end of work on the skin, healing ointment with an antiseptic is applied.
Since the first time on the place of the tattoo will be overpowered by small droplets of blood, it is tightened with a film and fasten the medical plaster.

If you do a bad pain, choose a small pattern that does not require drawing small parts and shadows - because for applying a small tattoo on the wrist for a girl will need no more than 5 minutes.

Tattoo care

If you applied it with a good master, you should not worry much. The healing process will be short-lived:

  • the master will definitely indicate the exact time when the dressing can be removed; Depending on the size of the figure, it can be 4-9 hours;
  • wash tattoo must be neat, water and soap without using washcloth, the alcohol wipe the place of application is prohibited; It follows several times a day - 2-3 times;
  • in no case should not be dying or rubbed a towel formed blood crust, over time she will come down;
  • immediately after washing, the ointment was applied to the skin, which the master recommended; Most often it is "Bepanten" or "Dr. Panthenol";

  • the first time should be completely abandoned the bath, saunas, solarium or long-lasting sunbathing; alcohol;
  • excessive loads on hand (for example, sports) during the week are also prohibited.

Tip! Some people may have allergies to some pigments used in tattoos. If you already have a similar disease, be sure to discuss it with the master. Perhaps he advises hypoallergenic compositions.


Serious contraindications for tattoo are diseases that weaken immunity and do not allow to heal wounds. You should not make a tattoo and diseases related to skin inflammation.

The main contraindications for tattoos are:

  • diabetes mellitus: If you have increased sugar, you may already know how hard you have and long the smallest wounds are healing;
  • allergy;
  • skin diseases;
  • problems with blood coagulation;
  • pigmentation on the body;
  • oncology;

Since due to the weak immunity of the wound on the hand will be healing for a very long time and can even bend, as a result, the drawing will be deformed, and its appearance will be very different from the desired. Moreover, the unsuccessful drawing will also be problematic: for this it is necessary to remove the top layer of the skin, that is, again apply the wound on it. Since it will be healing longer than usual, ugly scars can remain on it.

It is forbidden to apply a tattoo in epilepsy or mental disorders. Master making drawings on the skin is obliged to ask the client about the presence of a particular disease. In addition, the tattoo should not be punished during pregnancy and feeding.

Tip! Do not take a tattoo during tourist trips. The first impressions of the surrounding exotic will weaken over time, and the drawing on the skin will remain.

I so often had to explain familiar with my hand that this is not shouting, but just a tattoo made by white paint, that soon I just stop being explained.

I do not like to put a tattoo on display, because the incessant flow of questions immediately begins. Here I will try to answer all-all-all that I ask.

  • Why white?

The very first question to me, and from the master, and from friends. Just because black on my white skin would look too bright. Because I did a tattoo for myself, and not for beauty. And also because I did not want to be like everything.

  • Why on the right hand?

Because I want to have it with myself. She for me on this and the inscription facing my side, and the right or left - in general, without any difference.

  • Why is the inscription tattoo not in Russian?

It seems to me that it is not beautiful, everyone will read and understand what there.

  • Why not Latin or not hieroglyphs?

I have a girlfriend of the Chinese woman, sometimes she transfers inscriptions for me, sometimes other people's tattoos, and sometimes there is such a acinea there, forgive my French. And Latin is just not mine.

  • Where did you do?

I made houses at the master, a friend who already naked a couple of tattoos to my friends. No, it was not terribly.

  • Why?

Because the master proven, I was working on it, the style is interesting, and I had the opportunity to look at his work in a temporary sense.

  • How many?

It all depends on the complexity of work, time, paint, sessions. In short, my simplest tattoo cost me 1500.

  • Why so long?

I have the finest leather - the master had to be early cautious in paint, because the lines were also thin.

  • It was painful?

Yes, it was not pleasant, it hurts at the end, because the skin was already exhausted. But sensations reminded me of epilation.

  • And what will happen to color? Will it pass? And if sunbathing? But as?

ABOUTtweighs simple - the color turns yellow with time, I scored the color once again six months. He became more and now, a year later, glad. If sunbathing - paint fades like everywhere.

  • And how to care after?

I was made a tattoo, blood was blocked, smeared by Vaseline, dressed in the film and sent home. At home I had an ointment with Panthenol - there are many different, and the prices are different from them. IMPORTANT! it is necessary to smear constantly, so that the skin is not covered with crusts and the drawing was not deformed. You can not break the skin in the bathroom. Those. The next two weeks gently take a shower, not hot, not long. I had an ordinary food film, the skin under it was lying wild, but the crust did not appear. I walked in the film I am 3 days. Then just with ointment.

  • What for?

She dreamed of a tattoo from childhood, but then it was not accounted for and unclear, here by 20 years all the same came to mind. I will not say that I did not doubt - doubted and even very, or whether it would be necessary, and then it will be. And then just went on one day and did, because I understood - I wanted and decided, it means I will do it.

  • Do you want to do / you do?

I want, I really want, and I will say more, as the first to do, think it is good above the second, it is not necessary to hurry, it is not shopping, it is an important decision. I was covered with this idea from my head to the legs, and only circumstances did not let me rush to this outer with my head.

There is a common misconception: "If there is a piercing - there is a tattoo or vice versa" - not at all, let's get rid of stereotypes.

  • What does it mean? And what is it?

And it will be a small one of my mystery) Tattoo carries meaning only for meAnd I do not consider it necessary to talk about it.

  • I advise?

Want - do, do not want - no. Just let's relate to each other with respect, and without condemnation. This is my body, and I decide what to do with it.)

Thank you all for your attention, I hope was helpful.


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