What is positional therapy? Gymnastics for vaginas: rules and breakdown by trimester

What is positional therapy? Gymnastics for vaginas: rules and breakdown by trimester

During the vaginosis test before the delivery room, the woman may encounter some inconveniences. One of them is gestational pyelonephritis (also known as vaginal pyelonephritis). In this article we will take a closer look at the treatment of pyelonephritis in vaginitis, the causes and symptoms of this disease.

Why does pyelonephritis often develop against the background of gestation?

Pyelonephritis is as serious as it is for both the mother and the fetus!
  1. Hormonal imbalance in the body begins from the moment of conception, and already at gestation 8-12, progesterone and other hormones increase, increase and decrease the tone of the secretions, and as a result - constipation and movement of the rhizomes Infection.
  2. In the world, the uterus becomes more vaginal, and the uterus begins to contract, especially if the pelvis is narrow, and the baby is large or not alone.
  3. Hormonal changes cause dilation of the ovarian veins, which, as a result, compress the duct. It is possible that the left side of the eye can get stuck, but due to the anatomical features of the veins, the right side often suffers. The flow of the tissue is destroyed, the narcotic acids stretch to the point of hydronephrosis.
  4. Estrogens, which are actively synthesized by the placenta, harbor the proliferation of pathogenic flora, especially coliform bacteria.

What is dangerous gestational pyelonephritis?

  1. In women with these illnesses, the risk of toxicosis of the other half of pregnancy is significantly advancing.
  2. The most common victims are holidays and stillbirths.
  3. Children whose mothers suffered pyelonephritis during pregnancy most often show signs of hypoxia and intrauterine infection.

How is pyelonephritis detected in vaginas?

  • Some women have scars during the day, and changes are revealed even during laboratory testing - leukocytes and bacteria in the sample. In case of infection, the growth of Escherichia coli is most often detected, and sometimes Klebsia, Staphylococcus, and Proteus. Peloectasia may appear on ultrasound.
  • There are often pains in any pain, heaviness across, sometimes asymmetrically, most often signified by increased pain with heavy walking on the legs. Actions mean frostiness across.
  • If you are sick, the temperature may rise. Most often there is a slight low-grade fever, especially in the evening, but in some episodes it can rise to 38-39 ° C.
  • Accelerated discharge and typical nocturia for normal vaginosis, but in case of pyelonephritis, positive symptoms may become imperative, and discharge for the sick.
  • A frequent companion to pyelonephritis is pressure. Moreover, this should sound a signal that it is not going well to serve the AT more than 140/90 mm. rt. stovpa, then for a passenger 130/80 is already plenty.
  • Swelling of a woman's vagina means that she needs to drink frequently, but it is not necessarily associated with the pathology of the genital system, but may be a sign of damage to the venous drainage, and in case of pyelonephritis, the swelling intensifies, often due to 'the appearance is puffy, the hands are puffy.
  • Headache occurs with normal pressure, fatigue, a feeling of irritation and weakness, especially in the face, is an additional picture.

How to treat gestational pyelonephritis?

  1. Positional therapy. It is directed to the change in the pressure of the sieves and the reduction in the flow of the siev. Women are not recommended to sleep on their back; the best option is to sleep on their left side. Repeatedly throughout the day (from 4 to 7-10 times) you need to take a knee-elbow position and remain in this position for a minimum of 5, or more than 10-15 exercises. Not ob'vyazkovo feel bezluzdim, nudguvati chi soromitis. You can read a book, play cubes with your older child, or work on a laptop in this position without any special problems.
  2. Nutrition regime. Since there are no significant bumps and high pressure, the volume of liquid that is maintained should be increased to 2-3 liters per dose. What is transferred is just water, sours and compotes, and not at all sweet tea or kava.
  3. Phytotherapy. There are a lot of sechoginous herbs that can be successfully used at other times, if they are contraindicated. It is not possible to grow torment, tree, parsley, licorice, and yarrow fruit. You can drink crane and lingonberry juices, sprinkles, and birch leaves. A useful finding is the herb: it does not enhance the hypotension of the herbs, like many other herbs, it does not increase the tone of the uterus, it prevents direct protivospalny action, and the production of mucus, which Staying at the door, painting the stilt and avoiding constipation is an additional bonus for vomiting. It is necessary to vikoristovat for the sake of cooking the cereal itself, not plastic. To prepare the broth, take 1 bottle of weight per liter of water, boil over high heat for 2-3 years (the volume of the drink changes approximately twice), process and drink half a bottle three times a day before drinking. If you want to give me more honey and jam - be kind. If you can’t brew your own herbs, you can use the official drug Canephron, a combination of centaury herbs, lovage and rosemary, until it’s dried.

Medicine therapy

For pelonephritis of the pelvic floor, antibiotics will be prescribed. Don't worry about it - many drugs in this group are absolutely safe for the fetus.
  • In the first trimester, the function of the placenta has not yet been formed, an important stage of the formation of the main organs and systems is underway, so the medicinal infusion at this term is unnecessary. If there are no changes in the section analysis, you may be able to undergo treatment with other treatments. If the inflammation is more active, pain, temperature, significant bacteriuria, then you will be given antibiotics, at which stage the use of penicillins – amoxicillin, amoxiclav is permissible.
  • In the next trimester, you can also take antibiotics of the 2nd and 3rd generation cephalosporin group (suprax, ceftriaxone, cefazolin); furadonin (up to 36 days and not more than 10 days).
    Macrolides: josamycin (Vilprafen) and azithromycin (Sumamed), erythromycin can also be used safely, but on most days, pyelonephritis (for example, staphylococcus) does not work.
    After 4 months, nitroxoline (5-NOK) is acceptable.
    After 5 months, with active inflammation, gentamicin is prescribed strictly for the doctor’s indications.
  • Livomycetin, biseptol, tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones (nolicin, ciprofloxacin) are strictly prohibited in any case for vaginosis.

Pyelonephritis with vaginity – often, but not innocently complicated. I need to send you a cross-sectional analysis every now and then - don’t be foolish, don’t bother with these restrictions.

What kind of doctor would you hate?

Often, gestational pyelonephritis can be suspected by an obstetrician-gynecologist based on the results of a section analysis. Instead, call the patient directly to the therapist. In cases of advanced seizures, consultation with a nephrologist or urologist is required.

Vagility is the most exciting and most important hour in a woman’s life. If my future mother is devastated, she will cry out in alarm. And if we talk about the serious illness of the nirok, that’s more. How can we threaten the vaginal inflammation, such as the loss of serious inheritances and the birth of a healthy baby?

What is illness?

Physicians call inflammation during pregnancy as gestational pyelonephritis. The infection affects tissue (parenchyma), cups, balls, tubules, and other organ structures. The child's winemaking process develops quickly and often. This is due to the weakness of the circulatory mechanisms prior to changes in the immune and hormonal levels that occur in the female body. As a rule, the onset or manifestation of illness disappears in the 22-28th trimester - in the other trimester.

The cause of the ignition-infectious process in nirkah is always pathogenic microbes. Stinks can penetrate from the blood (hematogenous way) or from the lower branches of the vision system, or urogenic (excretory) way. In the first stage, the bacteria are introduced from the primary infectious rot into any organ, in the other - through reflux, which is the return of the cut from the cuticle into the sewer. The bacterial flora in this case is lost from the middle of the fire in the lower sections of the thyroid system and organs (urethra, pelvis).

Disruption of normal urodynamics (from the flow of urine) is a factor that contributes to the development of pathology, and the remains of stagnation of urine in narcotic patients provokes the active proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. In wives who have a baby, especially if the vagina is vaginal, this process occurs through the fact that the uterus, which becomes larger, presses adjacent organs, including the ovaries. In perchovaginates, the anterior ventral wall is more springy and acts as a support for the growing mother, as a result of which the secretion is destroyed and a persistent expansion of the cervical tissues develops.

Pyelonephritis is a serious illness that threatens with serious complications

Acute illness during the pregnancy of a child can cause disruption of the gestational process, postnatal and postnatal period. Thus, against the background of inflammation, low vomiting often develops into late toxicosis - gestosis, the likelihood of premature birth increases, chronic placental insufficiency develops, and possible complications in the fetus - hypotrophy Ia (low vagina and insufficient development) or hypoxia (sour starvation).

Types of pathology

The illness can arise first, severely, in which case it cannot be overcome by the illness of the nobles who are being removed, or by anomalies in their development. Why talk about primary gestational pyelonephritis? The pathology is the secondary bouti, the Tobto victo on the Tli Roboti Niroti is the structural snakes of the Vivid gentry, the way, through the Sechokoka'yana, the stinces (sound, builder) Sechovodv, anomali niro - a subsidiability, the lowered Tosh.

If the ignition process is already before conception, and during the hour of gestation it becomes inflamed, then we talk about the chronic form of pyelonephritis. It can occur latently (without clinical symptoms) or be recurrent in nature, either through prolonged or remissions.

Sickness can also be accompanied by malfunctions in the functioning of the body (Near deficiency), in some cases the functions of the organ are preserved. Pyelonephritis can be of an obstructive nature, either accompanied by impaired passage of the ducts or proceed without obstruction.

Pyelonephritis in vaginal women can be gestational or chronic, primary or secondary.

Since the woman suffered from chronic pyelonephritis even before pregnancy, and now she has become sick, her rhizic has become more complex. This is more likely due to arterial hypertension, nitric deficiency, or daily nicotine deficiency.


For any form of illness, it is necessary to use antibacterial drugs. Secondary pyelonephritis, caused by aphids of impaired urinary function, can be treated with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory treatment, correction (sometimes operative) of these pathological conditions, for example, removing stones that have broken to the sechovod.

Having significant the stage of damage to the flow of the section from the lower part, initiate positional therapy to update urinary dynamics with the help of fixation of the vaginal body in the singing position - knee-elbow or on the side i, to the affected organ, with the legs brought up to the stomach and the leg end of the bed raised. When the uterus changes its position, the pressure on the duct weakens and the flow of the duct renews. If such therapy does not help, it is given before catheterization to the sechoduct of the burnt line under ultrasound control.

In case of vaginal pyelonephritis, positional therapy is often required to normalize the flow of the fluid

The acute form of diagnosed pyelonephritis during pregnancy is treated at the hospital, where gynecologists work together with nephrologists. Main goals of therapy:

  • elimination of acute symptoms of pathology;
  • upgrading the work of the thyroid system;
  • bringing laboratory results to normal;
  • selection of antibiotics to regulate the severity and severity of the pathological process and the term of gestation;
  • prevention of complications and relapses.

During the stay, bed rest is required. Sleeping is recommended for a healthy person, if pyelonephritis is unilateral.


Medicinal treatment is aimed at sanitizing urine flows, normalizing diuresis, reducing urine stagnation and actively removing microorganisms and their toxins.

Antibiotics become the basis of therapy. When choosing drugs, doctors must take into account both their antibacterial activity and their effect on the child. When the disease manifests itself or the acute chronic form of the patient is most often prescribed one antibiotic immediately, after which the antibiotic program is ready, the therapy is adjusted.

In the 1st trimester, the optimal choice is natural or protected synthetic penicillins:

  • Benzylpenicillin;
  • Augmentin or amoxiclav (antibiotic + clavunate);
  • Timentin (ticarcilin + clavunate);
  • Sulacilin, Unazin (ampicillin + sulbactam);
  • Tazocin (piperacylin + tazobactam).

Doctors give preference to penicillins combined with clavunate or sulbactam, which can improve the effectiveness of therapy.

In the 2-3 trimesters, in addition to penicillin-type antibiotics (protective), you may experience:

  • cephalosporins 2nd or 3rd generation (1st generation drugs are not sufficiently effective):
    • Cefoperazone;
    • Ceftriaxone;
  • macroleads:
    • Erythromycin;
    • Midecamycin;
    • Spiramycin;
  • broad spectrum antibiotic.

During pregnancy, you cannot take fluoroquinolones, sulfonamide drugs are contraindicated in the 1st and 3rd trimesters, antibiotics from the aminoglycoside group can only be used in extreme cases. Also contaminated with tetracyclines, the stink fragments have a high teratogenicity.

By selecting doses of medications, the nephrologist will reduce the functionality of the medicine, and in case of significant impairment, reduce the dosage by 2-4 times. The severity of antibiotic therapy is due to the development of at least 2 years.

KRIM Anti -MIKHNIY DRUSIVE, NOVORY NOVOLID DESINTKSIKACIINA for VIDISHENNE TOKENIV ZARSMU: internal Krulynni hemodeisa, Reoorsbilalacta, Albumin, 5% Glucosi Rosica. In small doses, glycolytic and saluretic sechoginous agents are prescribed to normalize diuresis.

Antispasmodics – No-shpa, Papaverine – are necessary for renewing the flow and reducing pain syndrome. Antihistamines are also prescribed - Loratadine (for live indications on the maternal side), Desloratadine, Cetirizine (only under the supervision of a doctor), calming agents - tincture of valerian, dog dithorn, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs - Vitamins C and group V. Dodatkovo are prescribed phytouroseptics or Canephron tablets, Phytolyzin paste, Uroflux tea.

During the hour of treatment, gynecologists carefully monitor the fetus and carry out prevention of damage to its development. In case of purulent, inflamed, culprit symptoms of urosepsis (increased infection throughout the entire body) and worsening nitric vaginitis insufficiency, carry out the prevention of DIC syndrome (impaired laryngitis, as a result of which in other In these vessels, blood clots are created), vikorista: Heparin (antiklo), transfusion of fresh frozen plasma.

Video: antibiotics and vaginal pyelonephritis

Photo gallery - drugs for treatment of pyelonephritis

Cefuroxime is an antibiotic used to treat pyelonephritis in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
Canephron is a long-lasting uroseptic that has a sechogenic and anti-inflammatory effect No-spa is an antispasmodic that is used to normalize urodynamics and relieve pain syndrome in pyelonephritis Phytolysin paste is formulated for the sanitation of sechovidous lines in case of fire.
Amoxiclav is a drug approved for the treatment of pyelonephritis in the 1st trimester of pregnancy Desloratadine is an antihistamine drug that is used in complex therapy for pyelonephritis. Reosorbilact is used for infusion detoxification therapy.


An effective method for treating advanced forms of pathology is plasmapheresis. It is prescribed as detoxification therapy and blood purification of patients using a special device.

Indications before plasmapheresis:

  • bilateral pyelonephritis with severe intoxication;
  • complication of the strict process;
  • the fire of a single fire;
  • pyelonephritis accompanied by polycystic disease or endocrine pathologies.

During the course of plasmapheresis, a portion of the patient’s moist plasma with bacteria, toxins and other pathological substances contained in it is removed. The filtered, condensed blood mass is combined with a sterile physiological solution and circulates in the bloodstream. In addition to removing waste fluids, plasmapheresis activates the immune system of the patient, stimulates the creation of plasma, which promotes the body’s mobilization to fight infection. The blood purification procedure can be carried out before surgical organ-saving delivery. Plasmapheresis significantly reduces the number of obstetric complications in patients with pyelonephritis.

Plasmapheresis is used to purify the blood of patients with pyelonephritis in case of chronic intoxication.


In case of uncomplicated pyelonephritis, there is no retention of salt and liquid in the vaginal body. Therefore, if you have gestosis on a daily basis (high arterial pressure, swelling), then it is not possible to reduce the quantity of drinks you drink, but it is necessary, however, to increase the amount of liquid to 1800-2000 ml. Women are recommended:

  • lingonberry and crane Morsi;
  • drink from popsicles, black currants;
  • Nirkov sechoginny collections;
  • infusions of fresh and dried fruits;
  • green tea;
  • German black tea.

It is necessary to support the normal functioning of the intestines, avoid obstruction and emptying, for which it is important to include beet herbs, prunes, and wheat berries in the diet. The menu will be complete, easy to digest, and vitaminized.

Allowed products and herbs for gestational pyelonephritis:

  • stale or dried wheat bread, dry baked bread, baked bread without yeast or pancakes;
  • porridge with milk and water;
  • soups without meat with vegetables and cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice) and noodles, seasoned with low-fat sour cream or olive oil;
  • lean varieties of meat and fish, boiled or stewed. It is recommended to prepare meatballs, meatballs, steamed cutlets, steamed dumplings, puddings, soufflés. You can use offal products;
  • low-fat milk in pure form or added to jelly, porridge, milk soups;
  • kefir, natural yogurt, sour milk;
  • low-fat syr and savoury, such as casseroles, sirniki, puddings, soufflés;
  • eggs are not hard-boiled or look like egg casseroles, omelettes;
  • fats - vegetable oils, added to salads, peppers and other herbs, top butter, including melted butter;
  • malt – marshmallows, jam, marshmallows;
  • Roslinna hedgehog:
    • vegetables (fresh, boiled, baked) - potatoes, beet, carrots, watermelon, zucchini, zucchini, cucumbers, kohlrabi, white cabbage in small pieces, crepe, parsley, fresh salad;
    • fruits and berries - apples, apricots, arus, currants, licorice pears, kavuni, dini.

The basis of food for pyelonephritis should be a milk-leaf diet with the addition of grains, low-fat varieties of meat and fish.

It is necessary to turn off:

  • richness, freshly baked bread, malt (suckers, cakes and dough), rich broth;
  • fatty meat, bacon, bacon, kovbasa (especially smoked), salted salmon, fatty fish;
  • be it canned food, smoked meats;
  • all legumes, fresh cabbage and cabbage, mushrooms, radishes, radishes, eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, sorrel, pickled and pickled vegetables;
  • seasoning, sauce, otset, horseradish;
  • chocolate, cocoa, kava, sodium hydroxide.

If inflammation occurs in a woman with gestosis, it is necessary to reduce the amount of salt and radish, and also remove pasta, potato herbs, hogweed sprouts, polished rice and other malts from the menu.


Physiotherapy for vaginosis may involve electrophoresis and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Electrophoresis is permissible during physical procedures and during periods of pregnancy.

Positional therapy is effective for normalizing the blood flow - patients are recommended to take the knee-elbow position for 5-10 stretches up to 5 times a day.

Surgical treatment

If the effect of conservative treatment lasts 2–3 days, surgical procedures should be performed: nephrostomy, decapsulation of the cervix, and in the most important cases, nephrectomy (removal of the diseased organ). Most often you want to save your vaginal capacity.

Indications before surgery include a mid-fire destructive process:

  • abscess or carbuncle of nirki;
  • apostematous nephritis (creation of impersonal abscesses in nirvania tissue and on the surface);
  • the putrefactive process of the united nirtz.

When performing an organ-saving procedure, lumbotomy is carried out (removal of the empty tissue behind the outer layer, removal of the skin and cellulose and removal of meats), decapsulation of the skin (removal of the fibrous membrane of the organ), hanging lyanka with purulent-necrotic lesions and nephrostomia. catheter, drainage or stent).

Nephrostomy is the organization of a one-piece way to remove the section from the name

The operation, combined with antibiotic therapy and plasmapheresis, helps to eliminate important complications, preserve vaginity and reproduce the baby in a natural way.

People's estates

Treatment with herbs is more difficult when combined with medications. Choose plants with different species:

  • sechoginim:
    • leaves and brown birch trees;
    • parsley;
    • omanu grass;
    • Yalivets;
    • orthosiphon ticinkovii;
    • lemon balm;
  • fireproof:
    • crane fruit;
    • leaves and fruits of lingonberry;
    • oats;
  • antiseptic:
    • chamomile flowers;
    • kviti calendula.

You can use herbal medicine only after consulting a doctor.

Herbal infusions are prepared according to one principle: a tablespoon of cheese is brewed in a bottle of dill and left to steep. If you need to prepare a soup, boil the milk in a water bath for a little while, then leave under the lid.

When stagnating herbs and dosing them, it is necessary to wait thoroughly with the doctor.

Pileonephritis after bed curtains

In case of acute pyelonephritis in the post-acute period, antibacterial drugs are prescribed, in which case the breast should be treated for an hour after treatment. To preserve lactation, milk must be squeezed.

Prescribe drugs from the penicillin group (Amoxiclav, Augmentin), cephalosporin - Cefuroxime, Ceftriaxone, fluoroquinolones - Ofloxacin, Norfloxacin, macrolides - Spiramycin, Erythromycin, as well as Co-trimoxazole, sulfonamides , sechoginic, antiseptic.

Forecast Likuvannya

Forecast of connections with the form of the disease, the severity of the trip and accompanying pathologies. Doctors see 3 stages of risk of advanced gestational pyelonephritis:

  • persha – a gastric process that begins during the hour of pregnancy;
  • friend - chronic inflammation, diagnosed long before conception;
  • third – burning of a single nirk or accompanied by high AT, nirk deficiency.

In case of illness at stage 1, there is a risk of gestation and pregnancy, as a rule, proceeds normally.

At stage 2, complications develop even more often, which significantly worsens the prognosis. This includes important toxicosis, pregnancy loss, premature birth, and fetal malformation. The prognosis is individual and depends on the extent of the dysfunction, hypertension and toxicosis. Vaginism can be saved if it was accompanied by numerous gastrointestinal tracts, catheterization of the sechoducts was carried out, or prompt delivery.

For women with the 3rd stage of risk, vaginity is categorically contraindicated, since the progression of nicotine deficiency is indicated, the appearance of important forms of gestosis, with which the ability to carry and give birth to a healthy baby is extremely small.

During the hour of pregnancy, expectant mothers undergo daily changes that affect their self-esteem, their moods, and their physical activity. For example, as the baby grows and develops, the size of the uterus increases, the center of gravity gradually shifts, and the main weight lies across the legs. Due to those back pains and irritation that remain under stress for a long time, a woman may experience pain in the legs, cross, and buttocks. Because the uterus, as it grows, presses on the internal organs, new mothers often suffer from constipation. Another serious problem, especially for the other half of the winemaking baby, is bumps. Regular physical exercise, such as positional gymnastics, can help you overcome these and other problems.

Gymnastics is used to remove stress from problem areas of the body through the arms, to allow the muscles to more successfully cope with stress, to relax, to straighten the back in the correct position. Exercising also increases blood flow, which improves stress, and also ensures positive emotions for a long time.

Golovne - care

Positional gymnastics for vagusity – these are special complexes of rights, separated from the uranium of permissible future mothers. There are no such complexes, and the skin from them is directly related to the most common problems. For future mothers, here’s a reminder: if stress occurs with difficulties, then pressure can make it difficult to overcome the situation. Therefore, first of all, before you start doing physical education, be glad to see a doctor who knows your vaginosis. You can evaluate possible risks and help you choose the right complex.

Gymnastics are contraindicated:

  • with toxicosis, both early and in late stages of gestation;
  • with a displaced arterial pressure;
  • under the hour of acute respiratory illness;
  • when there is a threat of a momentary interruption of pregnancy;
  • in case of acute chronic illness;
  • with bloody visions.

In addition, expectant mothers should not shave and run, but there may be a shift in the tone of the uterus, which threatens the woman and the expectant child with serious inconveniences. It is also not recommended to do squats or heavy exercises, for example, with dumbbells in your hands or with weights on your shoulders.

When it’s time to do physical exercise, a new mother notices some unpleasant symptoms, such as pain in the abdomen, or her pulse increases rapidly, rightly requiring an urgent squeal: these symptoms may indicate the arrogance of pressure. It is imperative that you consult your doctor. We will help you regulate the tension and may recommend other complexes of rights.

Positional gymnastics for vaginal women in the 1st trimester will help women maintain emotional balance. Positional gymnastics for vaginal women is very important in the 2nd trimester, since this period is the most favorable for new physical challenges, and before that, expectant mothers have enough time to begin preparing the body for a difficult test - according to logs Positional gymnastics for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester will require caution and respectful placement until you are ready to do it for an hour. Also useful are positional gymnastics for vaginal swelling. The most important thing is not to overdo it and to keep it content.

Get ready to exercise!

Positional gymnastics is a complex of exercises that is carried out in a singing position. It helps to train the correct position of the body and is aimed at squeezing the muscles of the back, abdomen and crotch - the most problematic areas during pregnancy. Moreover, this complex can rightfully be eliminated at any stage of the baby’s winemaking process. It is very important to breathe properly so that your body has sufficient strength.

Positional gymnastics will help prepare the pelvic floor before the birth of the pelvis, improve blood circulation, and then supply more acid to the internal organs. In combination with activities in the pool or yoga, such gymnastics will also help control your vagina. It promotes the renewal and value of the joints, the cinnamon for the tiredness of the spine and, which is also important, it is an excellent antidepressant.

The set of rights of positional gymnastics includes rights for training the muscles of the knee, back, and transverse muscles, as well as rights for relieving stress from them.

Remember: all the movements of a female woman must be smooth and step-by-step, sharp movements will be unique. If you need to lie down or, for example, sit up from a lying position, you need to do this step by step and carefully.

Rules for positional gymnastics:

  1. Soil meat training: sit on the couch, spread your legs to the sides so that your knees and knees are on the same level. Lean your back on the back of the chair. Place the dolons on the stitches and knees. As you can see, tighten the muscles between the perineum and anus, pulling them in the middle. Take a breath and relax. Earn at least 20 times. Then pull the gap in the middle with a deep breath. These have the right to better prepare the perineal tissues before the next canopy, and also reduce blood circulation in the pelvis. This can rightfully be removed on the third day after the canopies, since the stench has passed without difficulty. This type of stench is associated with a change in the size of the uterus and abdomen.
  2. “Metelik” (you can pick up the ball to do gymnastics): when you pick up the ball, place it against the wall, sit down and lean your back on it. Bend your legs in knees, having developed their knees, bring your feet together. Place the knees on the knees and, inhaling, press on the knees, trying to lower them lower. You will feel how the flesh of the inner parts of the stitch stretches. Extend the pressure for 30 seconds. This can be done to improve the looseness of the curtains, applying pressure from the side and across, and then preparing the gap to the canopies.
  3. “Wrap”: place your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms out. Turn the tulub, using your hands to turn the wrapper even more tightly. In this case, the pelvis may become indestructible.
  4. Stretch of the front surface of the quilt: sit on your hips with your legs bent. Grasp the foot of the same leg with your hand and move your leg back, without pushing it against the frame. The other hand at this hour may hide on the excuse. Hold this position for 30 seconds, and then switch legs. To the right, it extends the hip joints, groin, and across the groin.
  5. Stretching the transverse muscles and back muscles: Place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly, straighten your back and neck, tighten your arms around your waist. Then spread your arms, without bending your arms to the sides, and lift them up, lightly stretching your whole body behind them, which will cause your feet to lose their place. With your arms raised, you need to smoothly lower your body until you feel tension in the spine, then relax your arms, head, body and legs to bend so that the muscles on the back of your legs, across and across your back are stretched. To relieve pain, you can bend your knees. Give yourself at least 30 seconds. This is right for everyone whose legs tend to sit across and swell.
  6. “Kishka”: stand up so that your knees are exactly under your shoulders, and your knees are exactly under your hip joints. In this case, your back may become deprived of pain. As you inhale, move your shoulder blades, slightly bend them across. You can see that you arch your back uphill so that it forms a smooth arc. Move to the right at least 10 times. Such ribs should be lifted tightly from across the neck.

When a woman carries a baby in her womb, she is constantly under the control of doctors. Gynecologists and obstetricians, keeping an eye on the excess of vagus, can prescribe patients not only to take medications, but also to order the necessary positions of the tube. So, for example, during pregnancy, people increasingly come to grips with such concepts as the knee-elbow position during pregnancy. In the opinion of the fakhivts, this position is even more beautiful for future breeds. What kind of pain you have, and how to properly position your body, we will learn from you.

The position, which is called in obstetrics, as a knee-elbow position, is one of the available methods in the arsenal of medicinal methods used to alleviate and reduce vomiting. This method is absolutely safe.

Showing before stagnation

The knee-elbow position of the tube is recommended for patients in the position, as a rule, after 20 years of gestation. This position, which shows photos and videos below, helps to lighten the woman’s body, since vaginal tension does not flow to normal levels, or one should be wary of any discord. Besides, it means that the baby will properly move out of sight of the canopies.

Considering that the expectant mother’s body is experiencing changes over the course of 9 months of gestation, changes can be made in the functioning of the vitality systems. Having pressed against the adjacent organs, the uterus and the fetus cry out songs of discord, which cause unpleasant reactions and bring about unpleasant consequences.

So, for example, it is not always possible to process the sieve, some parts are left until empty, and sometimes the sieve is quickly released. In some cases, the improper functioning of the mikhura provokes a blockage in the body, which can cause swelling and, as a result, the development of changes in thoughts to gestosis.

In addition, the intestines are pinched, the vessels of the circulatory system are squeezed, and the musculoskeletal system is “stretched.” Another situation in which it is recommended to take the knee-elbow joint flexibly, i.e., obliquely, transversely.

The knee-elbow position allows you to reduce discomfort and pressure on the internal systems and organs, and also increases the risk of turning over if the blanket is not positioned correctly.

If you practice this position correctly and regularly (as described below), you can create a mind where the muscles of the uterus will be relaxed. It is better to allow yourself to experience the matter more often in a state of calm, so that it will be pleasant to show up on your vitality.

Doctors now recommend the knee-elbow position, we agreed. Now let me explain how to properly proceed to the conclusion of the special right.

Obstetricians are encouraged to take the knee-elbow position, starting from 20 years. Work this specific right to relax the trail several times a day. Accepting such a situation is both awkward and careless, so the number of repetitions can be very important.

To get into the knee-elbow position, you don’t need any extra effort. Pokrov's technique for the right, which begins the video instructions, looks like this:

  • Stand up, crustaceans, and then sit down on your elbows;
  • Lower your shoulders and head so that your pelvis appears prominent;
  • Focus on your balance so that you don’t experience discomfort, sickness, or confusion.

To be able to stretch 15 arm lengths manually in this position, you can twist two pillows, placing one under the knee, and the other between the hands under the chest, as shown in the video instructions.

You can notice the corrosive effect as early as the first day. As a result of a 15-hour period of exercise in the knee-lung position, the vaginosis results in disintegration of the transverse villi, relief of tension in the lower abdomen, decreased tone of the uterus, and increased self-esteem in general.

For a baby in the mother's womb, the knee-elbow position is also the same. At the hour of death, the fruit becomes sour, so that the heart rhythm and the development of the baby become stagnant.
