Fighting mysteries for children: how to choose? Martial arts for children: which section gives a child, and which section? Classic wrestling for children 4 5 years

Fighting mysteries for children: how to choose? Martial arts for children: which section gives a child, and which section? Classic wrestling for children 4 5 years

Rich fathers often have the following diets: Which child can you ask to take up judo? Martial arts are rich in nature, and judo is a simple and safe sport, so there are all sorts of blows every day: to the head, toe box, and so on.

A wrestling hall, as a rule, has dry mats along the perimeter of the walls, and special mats on the underside of the tatami. In this way, a child who practices judo is always protected from special protection against injuries.

One of the positive benefits of judo for children is the lack of aggression. Aggression in this type of martial arts is completely replaced by the spirit of superiority and struggle to win a fair fight.

You can start taking up judo in 5-6 years. Although I want this to be absolutely individual, everything should remain in the minds of the sports school or club to which you brought your child. Most current Russian judo schools accept children up to the basic training group from 7-10 years old.

Good food: the beginning or the torment of judo for children aged 5-6 years, then it is definitely impossible to convey the truth. Every time the school gives you such ability, you don’t have to try anything. As a child deserves - kindly, as it is not - every time, do not bother the little one to worry about his chores, to put something to occupy his or her life.

Warto note that in order to stimulate a lifelong interest in judo in children of early age, the coach must teach the children a sufficient number of different rights that are simple for a victor. Since the coach is a master of his craft, then his arsenal, of course, contains a lot of varied tasks that are invested in the advanced physical development of children, and in mastering the basics of the technical processes of judo wrestling. ALE! If your 5-year-old child is taught judo tricks, then let’s look at another school! Kidkova's judo wrestling technique for children aged 5-6 years is difficult for combat and injury-proof.

Porada. If you are taking your child to special groups for children 5-6 or up to 7-8 years old, contact a trainer whose special child training program has been developed specifically for this age. You should know that most judo schools, when preparing their students, focus on the standard program “Judo: a sports training program for youth sports schools and specialized youth sports schools.” of some schools of the Olympic Reserve" (Aut.-director. S.V. Yoryogina and in . ./National Judo Union. – M.: Radyanskiy Sport, 2006. – 212 p.). Ale vona has been insured for children for 10 years! Obviously, this program is not at all suitable for young children, as it does not satisfy their physiological and psychological needs.

Even if it wasn’t there, even if you send your child to judo school in 5 or 10 years, it is imperative to develop respect for such important moments associated with the learning process itself.

  • Pershe, na scho varto zvernuti uvaga, tse poladnannya hall. As you noted that mothers are ragged and work in a filthy state, then it will not be safe to take care of a small child in such a room.
  • You need another mind that will also add respect to a group of guys who will take care of your child’s life. The difference between children in the group is allowed to be three times more than two. The older and mature boys become a butt for the younger ones.
  • Restore respect to the number of children in a group of room sizes. Even with the increasing number of children in this group, the risk of recovering from traumatic injuries increases.
  • It’s crazy to show respect to the coach, and also to take into account his manner of conducting training. If a coach fights and gets angry, then perhaps that coach simply cannot deal with the children of this century, even if he really wants to be a good specialist in his field. Whose behavior needs to be either addressed while your child is growing up, or a different trainer needs to be teased out. Well, since the difficult process of organizing by the coach is easy and unaffected, and keeps discipline under control, then you can be calm - there will be no problems with such a fag.
  • It is important that if your school or coach has a medical certificate, this is a positive thing, otherwise you will need to change schools.
  • At such an early age, the work of duty takes place no more than 2-3 times per week, so that you feel like you’re getting more, and you might want to think about changing your sports school.
  • If your child is encouraged to take part from the masters, then you should be advised that you should start learning after 2-5 years of preparation (it is important to take the beginning of the course, the speed of delivery and mastery of the initial mother alu, individual characteristics of the child). However, do not confuse serious fraud with gaming missions, for which desirable prizes are awarded. Remember what children are, what power they have. Take up judo and stay healthy!

Fighting mysteries for children: how to choose familyr_papa wrote in April 18th, 2012

text: Lekha Andreev lexa

In our discussions, we often discussed the topic of “how to teach a child to protect herself,” I hope to write a little help. What do you want to say to this topic of fathers? First of all, from any age you can engage in martial mysteries - and such activities for children are not unsafe in the future. In other words, how can you reverse martial arts? During the hours of our childhood, there were practically no such sections. And now the child’s skin will be filled with ears, karate, freestyle wrestling, sambo, aikido, taekwondo and other “do”.

I have put the main nutritional axis in two additional accounts of martial arts for children.

Ale for the cob - a couple of pleasures for yourself, from “Father’s side.” I myself had the opportunity to learn boxing and aikido from a dozen different trainers. But it’s not at all like I’ve been doing a lot of hard work. For the record, I am no longer organized. Moving from place to place, changing places, work and other “creative living” often took me out of training, and in every new place I had to play the same section again. My eldest son often repeats this path: he has already worked in three different places. And it’s not very good, the fragments of skin alternation are to be interrupted, and then adjusted to new rules and new teams.

So it’s a great pleasure - it’s important to immediately train yourself to keep that child busy on a regular basis. Martial arts is not a one-time master class with baking gingerbread, but a steady practice and discipline. In whose sense it is not at all fashionable, but the local section, where it is easy and manual to take a child trichy for a day, may turn out to be short, however steep and the road of the hall is, which is important to get to, and you will get bad passes. keep yourself busy (and get paid for it) for the entire month, regardless of your interruptions).

Another advantage is associated with this advantage, which was given by switching from one section to another - it was possible to align different compilers. Obviously, I won’t give clear criteria for a good coach. But I’ll share one caution: good investors of martial mysteries are, as a rule, not very rich. Japanese senseis at seminars practically do not talk, only show (and sometimes even speak childishly, wondering how you repeat after them). Russian athletes are more likely to be balakuns, but a good coach is not a balakun. So, as you can imagine, the trainer will end this year’s lecture with some beautiful analogies, diagrams and reasonable terms - then, more than anything, he’s just a dull reader of physics, and not a master of martial mysteries.

Well, the third thing is to carefully listen to the interests of your child before choosing a section. It’s possible, it’s not yogo, but yours is a powerful woman who has learned to beat, and with her legs, like the favorite movie of your childhood.

However, this does not at all mean that the child is happy to go to another section, which she herself chose. On the right is that external precautions and one-time relief are not at all the same as regular activities. It is now necessary to try, and then stick to the child’s instructions before the section, not only after the first lesson, but after a second or third training session.

Well, now a word from the professionals. My companions (before the speech, even sparsely):

Oleksandr Li- conduct training in aikido for children, as well as boxing and karate. 3rd dan in Aikido Aikikai, 2nd dan in Shotokan karate, candidate in master sports in boxing.

Shamil Vaysurov- manages combat sambo and looks after children. Bronze medalist of the World Championship in Combat Sambo (2007), champion of Moscow in Combat Sambo (2008), champion of Russia in Ultimate Fighting (2009), champion of the international tournament "SND Cup" in Jiu-Jits (2011).

- How many years have you been involved in combat mysteries?

Oleksandr: From the fourth grade. Starting from boxing.

Shamil: At 12 Roki I started to take up Wushu Sanda

And now, from the vantage point of your coaching, what do you think about when children can start taking up martial arts?

Oleksandr: Judo, sambo - ten times optimal, in my opinion. Aikido can be done earlier, but it doesn’t look as traumatic. However, in any martial arts section for children from five to six years of age, the activities will be approximately the same: during the fall, transfer, and physical preparation. More serious speeches come later.

Shamil: It would be better for us to take up combat sambo after the fact that the girl has already gone to a lot of direct martial arts. If there is already a base - both striking techniques (karate, boxing) and wrestling (wrestling or sambo). After this you can go for a mixed style. Since there is no such basis, since people, for example, are only familiar with the free struggle, they have to directly master shock technology.

What is the point of the base... For the children of five and six rocks, I recommend that you take up sambo or aikido for the first time, there is not such a strong attraction there. And suddenly, I sent my son to gymnastics right away, so that he could stretch out. Then, on the eighth day, I gave in to Ushu Sanda in karate. Rokiv from twelve - for the free struggle. You can start boxing at 14-15, and then you can start fighting sambo and mix fight.

- There are a lot of people who have been introducing their children to martial arts before, for four or five years now.

Shamil: It's definitely possible. It’s best to go to gymnastics. You see, a child under 6 years of age simply does not have such awareness, the stinks are stronger. Only after 6 years the stench starts to be repeated more and more often.

Oleksandr: We practice aikido with five rocks, but it is a behind-the-scenes system: always fall, always change your shoes, always make contact. Now, unfortunately, children in the early days know this moment - spilkuvaniya one after another. Everyone has the Internet, everyone sits alone... And we say: “The hall is shared.” And this is no less a matter of aikido.

Prote, when the fathers tidy up the section for the children, their eyes widen in the name of battle mysteries. Maybe you could say a few words about those who are still subject to the slaughter of martial arts, and how to get them?

Oleksandr: In my opinion, I’ll say: lie down like a child. I often teach children in the hand-to-hand combat section, who have no sports aggression, and are non-conflict by nature. Aikido is the best option for such people. This may be like physical education.

And there are children, “charged to win”, even motivated fighters - they prefer to engage in martial arts, where there is sparring, training, where this spirit of struggle is in the air. I myself have practiced karate extensively, there is a special system of selection, and the purposes are clear - both for the training and for the children. People who simply want to improve their health will not be bothered by such a system.

How to choose between karate and boxing as a system - in my opinion, primarily karate. More techniques, including elements of wrestling and boxing. The free struggle itself is also intense. And the axis of taekwondo is a completely unknown system for me. There are no kicks, no punches. I would like to respect you once again, the choice to remain out of specialness.

Shamil: All directions have their own advantages, so for practical implementation it is better to use not one, but several directions. Aikido is good: learn unique attacks, defend yourself. Ale tse will not help again, let’s put it this way. No blows. And in taekwondo, you are victorious about the number of strikes: the stench is not included in the strike, which is a mistake in date - in practice it is not very effective.

Boxing is a very practical form of martial arts. Ale in boxing requires standing up to the head. If you don’t get caught, the fighter can throw you. Where it’s good, there’s a lot of work with legs, but other techniques don’t stand up. So in life the “mixed style” is more beautiful.

- Why is a child being misrepresented at school, and the fathers want to teach her some kind of martial arts?

Shamil: I would love to take part in individual training. The group won't learn how to do it.

Oleksandr: I want the children to study in groups. Although you can individually practice some techniques, they are clearly meta. Ale is more for adults.

If you want to lie to the child, we can primarily recommend the section of martial mysteries - sambo, boxing. Ale is a woman with two ends. If you get used to the beating section, you can start using this method to “tie the drawers” ​​in other situations. So in this sense aikido is better. You need to practice aikido for more than an hour to get the feel of it. It often happens that people start from boxing and karate, and then come to aikido.

- What do you recommend for the cost and difficulty of borrowing?

Oleksandr: For children under 10 years of age, it would be optimal to train three times a day, repeating a year - just group training. Or after a year, as individual. For children this is enough. Well, for those who are older... It is important that if people want to reach professional heights, then they need to study for 6 years a day.

We often had the idea of ​​“how to teach a child to protect himself,” I decided to write a little help. What do you want to say to this topic of fathers? First of all, from any age you can engage in martial mysteries - and such activities for children are not unsafe in the future. In other words, how can you reverse martial arts? During the hours of our childhood, there were practically no such sections. And now the child’s skin is filled with ears, karate, freestyle wrestling, sambo, aikido, taekwondo and other “do”.

I have put the main nutritional axis in two additional accounts of martial arts for children.

Ale for the cob - a couple of goodies for yourself, from “Father’s side.” I myself had the opportunity to learn boxing and aikido from a dozen different trainers. But it’s not at all like I’ve been doing a lot of hard work. For the record, I am no longer organized. Moving from place to place, changing places, work and other “creative living” often took me out of training, and in every new place I had to play the same section again. My eldest son often repeats this path: he has already worked in three different places. And this is not very good, the fragments of skin alternation - interrupt, and then tune in to new rules and new teams.

So it’s a great pleasure – it’s important to immediately train yourself to keep that child busy on a regular basis. Martial arts is not a one-time master class with baking gingerbread, but a steady practice and discipline. In whose sense it is not at all fashionable, but the local section, where it is easy and manual to take a child trichy for a day, may turn out to be short, however steep and the road of the hall is, which is important to get to, and you will get bad passes. keep yourself busy (and get paid for it) for the entire month, regardless of your interruptions).

Another advantage is associated with this advantage, which was given by switching from one section to another - it was possible to align different compilers. Obviously, I won’t give clear criteria for a good coach. But I’ll share one caution: good investors of martial mysteries are, as a rule, not very rich. Japanese senseis at seminars practically do not talk, only show (and sometimes even speak childishly, wondering how you repeat after them). Russian athletes are more likely to be balakuns, but a good coach is not a balakun. So, as you can imagine, the trainer will end this year’s lecture with some beautiful analogies, diagrams and reasonable terms - then, more than anything, he’s just a dull reader of physics, and not a master of martial mysteries.

Well, the third thing is to carefully listen to your child’s interests before choosing a section. It’s possible, it’s not yogo, but yours is a powerful woman who has learned to beat, and with her legs, like the favorite movie of your childhood.

However, this does not at all mean that the child is happy to go to another section, which she herself chose. On the right is that external precautions and one-time relief are not at all the same as regular activities. It is now necessary to try, and then stick to the child’s instructions before the section, not only after the first lesson, but after a second or third training session.

Well, now a word from the professionals. My companions (before the speech, even sparsely):

Oleksandr Li– conduct training in aikido for children, as well as boxing and karate. 3rd dan in Aikido Aikikai, 2nd dan in Shotokan karate, candidate in master sports in boxing.

Shamil Vaysurov– manages combat sambo and looks after children. Bronze medalist of the World Championship in Combat Sambo (2007), champion of Moscow in Combat Sambo (2008), champion of Russia in Ultimate Fighting (2009), champion of the international tournament “SND Cup” in Jiu-Jits (2011).

- How many times have you been involved in combat mysteries?

Oleksandr: From the fourth grade. Starting from boxing.

Shamil: At 12 Roki I started to take up Wushu Sanda

- And now, from the perspective of your coach, what do you think about children being able to start taking up martial arts?

Oleksandr: Judo, sambo - ten times optimal, in my opinion. Aikido can be done earlier, but it doesn’t look as traumatic. However, in any martial arts section for children from five to six years of age, the activities will be approximately the same: during the fall, transfer, and physical preparation. More serious speeches come later.

Shamil: It would be better for us to take up combat sambo after the fact that the girl has already gone to a lot of direct martial arts. If there is already a base - both striking techniques (karate, boxing) and wrestling (wrestling or sambo). After this you can go for a mixed style. Since there is no such basis, since people, for example, are only familiar with the free struggle, they have to directly master shock technology.

What is the point of the base... For the children of five and six rocks, I recommend that you take up sambo or aikido for the first time, there is not such a strong attraction there. And suddenly, I sent my son to gymnastics right away, so that he could stretch out. Then, on the eighth day, I gave in to Ushu Sanda in karate. Rokiv from twelve - for the free struggle. You can start boxing at 14-15, and then you can start fighting sambo and mix fight.

– There are a lot of people who have been introducing their children to martial arts before, for four or five years now.

Shamil: It's definitely possible. It’s best to go to gymnastics. You see, a child under 6 years of age simply does not have such awareness, the stinks are stronger. Only after 6 years the stench starts to be repeated more and more often.

Oleksandr: We practice aikido with five rocks, but it is a behind-the-scenes system: always fall, always change your shoes, always make contact. Now, unfortunately, children in early childhood know this moment - sleep. Everyone has the Internet, everyone sits alone... And we say: “The hall is coming.” And this is no less a matter of aikido.

– Prote, when the fathers are cleaning the section for the children, their eyes are filled with the name of combat mystics. Maybe you could say a few words about those who are still subject to the slaughter of martial arts, and how to get them?

Oleksandr: In my opinion, I’ll say: lie down like a child. I often teach children in the hand-to-hand combat section, who have no sports aggression, and are non-conflict by nature. Aikido is the best option for such people. This may be like physical education.

And there are children, “charged to win”, even motivated fighters - their main goal is to engage in martial arts, where there is sparring, training, where this spirit of struggle is in the air. I myself have practiced karate extensively, there is a special system of selection, and clear goals - both for the training and for the children. People who simply want to improve their health will not be bothered by such a system.

How to choose between karate and boxing as a system - in my opinion, primarily karate. More techniques, including elements of wrestling and boxing. The free struggle itself is also intense. And the axis of taekwondo is a system that is unclear to me. There are no kicks, no punches. I would like to respect you once again, the choice to remain out of specialness.

Shamil: All directions have their own advantages, so for practical implementation it is better to use not one, but several directions. Aikido is good: learn unique attacks, defend yourself. Ale tse will not help again, let’s put it this way. No blows. And in taekwondo, you are victorious about the number of strikes: the stench is not included in the strike, which is a mistake in date - in practice it is not very effective.

Boxing is a good, practical form of martial arts. Ale in boxing requires standing up to the head. If you don’t catch it, the wrestler can throw it at you. Where - it’s good, there are a lot of robots with legs, otherwise other techniques will not be victorious. Also, life has a better “mixed style”.

- Why is a child being misrepresented at school, and the fathers want to teach her some kind of martial arts?

Shamil: I would love to take part in individual training. The group won't learn how to do it.

Oleksandr: I want the children to study in groups. Although you can individually practice some techniques, they are clearly meta. Ale is more for adults.

If you want to lie to the child, we can primarily recommend the section of martial mysteries - sambo, boxing. Ale is a woman with two ends. If you get used to the beating section, you can start using this method to “tighten the eyelets” in other situations. So in this sense aikido is better. You need to practice aikido for more than an hour to get the feel of it. It often happens that people start from boxing and karate, and then come to aikido.

– What do you recommend for the cost and difficulty of borrowing?

Oleksandr: For children under 10 years of age, it is optimal to do three times a day, repeating a year - like group training. Or after a year, as individual. For children this is enough. Well, for those who are older... It is important that if people want to reach professional heights, then they need to study for 6 years a day.

Katerina Morozova

Reading hour: 29 hvilin


Dodankov's child's health is abundant. This is the food, the daily routine, and the freshness of the day. And also, of course, the collapse and optimal physical development. And since the kids already know which section they want to sign up for, the kids go to the gym “to get their daddy’s tickets.”

Where should you give your child 4-7 years, so as not to harm his health or wake up the sleepy child of an athlete?

Figurne katannya

Century frames. The optimal age is 4-5 years (if you want to do a professional job). It is possible after 6, but the virility of a professional athlete will be more complex.

Why have measles?

  • Training of coordination of arms, legs, ligaments, bends.
  • Value of all groups of meats.
  • Improvement of vitality, immunity, efficiency.
  • Improvement in blood flow, functioning of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.


  • The injury risk, unfortunately, is really great.
  • Figure skating is an expensive sport! Prepare for serious losses, as you would like to lose your child to professional sports.
  • Finding a good coach is not an easy task. Even if it’s time to lie down, as soon as the child “gets up” on the ice (it will be impossible to correct the orders of an illiterate coach later), if the child deserves to be occupied, and if he wants to do difficult things for her, of which there will be plenty.


  • A serious stage of flatfoot or clichefootedness.
  • Nervous system problems
  • Destroyed dawn.
  • Damage to the vestibular apparatus.
  • Asthma, ill health.
  • Recently suffered from illness.

  • Tracksuit (for indoor skating).
  • Thermobilization, overalls (for outdoor riding).
  • Mittens, scarpets.
  • Bezposredno kovzani and withered before them.
  • Additional duties for the defense. Tobto, knee pads, elbow pads (thin, so as not to shackle the child’s arms) and sholom. This item is only for children, how to ice their first crumbs. For trenuvana dani zasobi zakhistu - zayve.
  • For bashanya: zahisni shorts (note - zakhist kuprika, stegon for rakhunok special/inserts).
  • For performances: suit.

Great Tennis

Optimal age for the start - 4-10 days. Moreover, at 4-6 days of age, training is usually done with healthy and developmental activities with “elements” of tennis. Starting from the 7th rocks, the tennis is already playing with steam and seriousness.

Why have measles?

  • Impairment of the cardiovascular system.
  • Development of fluidity, coordination, reaction, flexibility and vivacity.
  • Prevention of the development of short-sightedness.
  • Increased blood circulation and activation of the respiratory system.
  • Development of intuition, respect, strategy and tactics.
  • Minimum trauma!


  • Detection of problems with the spine (especially in the cervical region), intervertebral hernias.
  • Short-sightedness, other vision impairments.
  • Virazkov's illness ShKT.
  • Damage to the connective tissue/tissue.
  • Problems with joints, musculoskeletal system, vessels and heart.
  • Problems in the field of neurology.
  • I flat feet.


  • It's great to take it. And even better with a personal trainer.
  • Folding with the sound of a professional trainer.
  • There is a risk of developing scoliosis with illiterate distribution of attention to the child’s body.

Equipment - what do you need to buy?

  • Sports uniform. Zazvichay - T-shirt and shorts (T-shirt and shorts). The lungs, my dear ones, do not squeeze the ruins.
  • Krosivki.
  • Head removal
  • Racket and cover.
  • Additional equipment: balls (for training postures in the gym), strings for a racket, wristbands, etc.


Optimal age for the start - at 4-5 rocks. It is possible before, but for such little ones, having fun is not a sport, but satisfaction and an incredible increase in health. In sports it is better to go to a more informed person. Range of indications for obesity and scoliosis, CD and short-sightedness.

Why have measles:

  • Prevention of spine disease.
  • Prevention of colds.
  • Warming, boosting immunity.
  • Improvement of immunity and development of all body systems.
  • Increased blood flow.
  • Treatment of injuries and assistance during rehabilitation after surgery.


  • Not all pools, unfortunately, are ideally clean and safe. Water purification is carried out in different ways, and it is not always clear.
  • Chlorinated water can cause allergies.
  • Beware of the undead and colds from the beginning (especially if the rules of the pool are not properly cleaned - for example, when you take a bath on the street after exercising with undried hair).
  • Chronic rhinitis (note - occupational “sore”) or skin problems often develop as a result of constant contact with chlorinated water.


  • Problems with the heart (for example, a heart defect).
  • Intestinal disorder.
  • Skinny is ill.
  • Viral infections.
  • Allergies and contraindications.
  • Vivih of the pelvis/suglob, as well as illness of the suglob.
  • Nirkova and heart failure.
  • Sudomi.

Equipment - what do you need to buy?

  • Swimsuit chi swimming trunks.
  • Obov'yazkovo a swimming cap.
  • Swimming shoes with soft soles and (to prevent irritation of the eyes) eyepieces for swimming.
  • Well and additionally - nice with a washcloth and a towel.


Optimal age for the start – 5-6 days. And you can put the baby on the saddle and train the display in just 3-4 turns.

Why have measles?

  • The development of vivacity, coordination of the rukhs, seems to be equal.
  • Values ​​immunity, brushes, ligamentous and musculoskeletal apparatus.
  • Exercise of the nervous system.
  • Increased blood loss.
  • Also the formation of consistency, discipline, self-organization.


  • High risk of injury.
  • The versatility of the equipment is great.


  • Destroyed dawn.
  • Vice of the heart.
  • Instability of the neck ridges.
  • Sickness of ShKT.
  • And also flat feet and cleft feet.
  • Asthma.

Equipment - what do you need to buy?

  • Key.
  • A set of special hogs.
  • Obov'yazkovo sholom iz mask and zakhist for nig.
  • Elbow pads.
  • T-shirt with leggings.
  • Special gloves.
  • Pants and a turtle (note - for the protection of the chest).
  • Thick mittens.
  • Thermobilly.

Similar martial arts

Optimal age for the start – 6 rocks. Your child will already be ready to hear and be heard. Groups of older people also provide a much easier game program for advanced preparation.

Why have measles?

  • Deep preparation of the body and active physical development.
  • Nabuttya navichok self-defense (which is very bad in our hour).
  • A mixture of fears, phobias, timidity.
  • The inspiration for courage, fortitude.


  • Choosing a coach is the most important moment! It is clear that the child will become a timid and aggressive bodur, or a winsome, courageous and strong leader, who understands the essence of military mysteries.
  • This type of martial arts is not suitable for a child who has never been involved in sports.
  • The risk of injury is still present. Most often this results in stretching and tearing of the ligaments.


  • Illness of heart and judgment.
  • Whatever the “sores” are in the congestion stage.
  • Ailments of the ridge, zoru and nirok.
  • Problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Equipment - what do you need to buy?

  • For starters - a tracksuit that doesn’t squeeze your arms.
  • Then everything depends on the chosen sport. For example, a kimono, special pants and a belt. The investments are small.


Optimal age for the start – 5-6 days. Why should we take it from the section? And at 3 rocks you can start with the rhythms and game dances.

Why have measles?

  • Great development of the body, coordination of the organs and improvement of the immune system.
  • Development of bendiness, musicality, plasticity, grace.
  • I relish the rose.
  • Formulation of a beautiful pose, figure.
  • It’s amazing to be able to throw off the anxiety.
  • Development of the respiratory system and prevention of colds/illness.


  • Risk of injury. Make the neck stretched, the vivihi and fractures.
  • The competition is strong. Stay healthy forever. Unfortunately, there was a lot of lateness and aggression in the dancing among the competitors.
  • The prices for suits are extremely high (almost “dark”), as is the price of clothing.


  • Severe flat feet.
  • Spinal ridges.
  • “Neglected” problems from the ridge.
  • Illness of heart and judgment.

Equipment - what do you need to buy?

  • Yakisne is excited.
  • Suits for trenuvan, Czechs.
  • Suits are worn for performances.

general physical training

Optimal age - 3 4-5 years. Dani activity (note - physical physical training) is carried out at many schools and clubs.

Why have measles?

  • Development of bendiness, vitriol.
  • Prevention of many illnesses, improvement of the immune system.
  • Improvement of muscles, spine, improvement of the work of all systems of the body.
  • Wonderful preparation for school.

General physical fitness is indicated for the detection of problems with fasting, hyperactivity and frequent colds.


There are practically no contraindications before general physical fitness. And for the obviousness of the instructor, simply reduce the pressure and select the required program with elements of exercise therapy.

Equipment - what do you need to buy?

You will need a hand-made tracksuit and a bright drink.

Exercise therapy

Here the little ones have already been sent for 5 years for matches. As a rule, in case of damage to the nerve-muscle or musculoskeletal apparatus.

What does exercise therapy give – why measles?

  • Correct development of the body, improvement of the immune system.
  • Activation of metabolic processes.
  • The development of the circulatory system, as well as the improvement of the heart and SCT.
  • Relaxation and calm effect.
  • Increased looseness in snowdrifts.
  • Prevention of scoliosis and flat feet, cervical tract disorders and bronchitis, developmental/growth problems.


The stench sounds short-term and/or long-term:

  • Meat squeezes when the vertical/axis of the tube is bent.
  • Infringement of the nerve core.
  • Severe pain syndrome.
  • Sickness at the stage of congestion.
  • Damage to bleeding in the brain/spine vessels.
  • Oncology.
  • Progressive pathologies are non-negotiable/character.

What should I buy?

You need a warm, comfortable garment that doesn’t squeeze your organs and doesn’t squeeze your arms at all.


Encourage children to take kickboxing after 10 years. If the child is truly dedicated, and the coach is loyal, and her health allows it, then you can come to class in 6-7 days.

Why have measles?

  • Cardio and strength training.
  • Successful fight against weed.
  • Extension of meat and meat mass.
  • Improvements will be made to the musculoskeletal apparatus.
  • Reduced risk of fractures.
  • Increased flexibility, performance, reaction, coordination.
  • Alert to stress, negative emotions, fears and timidity.


  • Problems with subglobs.
  • Ridge ailments.
  • Pregnancy of chronic illnesses.

Equipment - what do you need to buy?

  • Shorts and T-shirt. Cotton, handmade, linen.
  • Sholom (approx. - with the top/part strengthened).
  • Boxing mittens and elastic bandages.
  • Paginal sink (note - regardless of the article).
  • Dry bandage - for girls.
  • Feet with a closed heel (rarely - crosses).
  • Zahisny knitwear/knee pads, plus elbow pads and binding fixators.


Optimal age for the start – 6-7 days. However, there are no harsh boundaries here. You can engage in this combat mystery between 5 and 20 years.

Why have measles?

  • Development of muscles through stretching, acrobatics, martial arts and gymnastics.
  • Required cardio and strength training.
  • Development of vibrancy, coordination, flexibility, plasticity.
  • Stretching of the corners, ridge, body.
  • More active fat removal.
  • The opportunity to go in for sports, regardless of age, growth and physical fitness/training, and the whole family!
  • Martial arts without aggression and without aggression! A lot of positivity, gra, the victory of the superniks!
  • Fight against fears, timidity, and irritability.


  • The smallest number of professional trainers.
  • It's important to know the form. We have to negotiate and “catch”.
  • Professional sports are described as martial arts, and playing music/instruments, etc.
  • Traveling abroad can cost a lot of money.


  • Illness of heart and judgment.
  • In case of illness, physical activity is not recommended.
  • Injury.

Equipment - what do you need to buy?

  • For starters - the ultimate sports or fitness suit.
  • Hand-made on a thin sole.
  • You will need the form later, and the trainer will show you where to take it.


Why have measles?

  • Harmonious and correct development of the body.
  • Increased exchange of speeches.
  • Increased psyche of rosum activity.
  • Optimal use of excess child energy and activity.
  • Training of all groups of muscles.
  • Relieving childhood ineptitude, training the vestibular apparatus.


  • High risk of injury. Zazvichay - stretched out, beaten with a fall.


  • Scoliosis.
  • Severe short-sightedness.
  • Problems of the musculoskeletal system
  • Asthma and epilepsy.
  • Heart-judgmental illness.

Equipment - what do you need to buy?

Nothing special is needed. Golovne, so that the clothes are “dikhav” and do not shackle the children’s arms.

After 4 days you can already visit the pony club. And for serious horseback riding - only after 6 years.

Why have measles?

  • First of all, this is “hypotherapy,” which most people don’t suspect. Riding a horse and riding with the animal brings a quick recovery after injuries and an increase in a stable mental state. There are a lot of disabled children and children who suffer from autism and cerebral palsy in the sport of equestrianism.
  • Increased health, walk, health.
  • A weakening strong effect.
  • The ability to go in for sports depends on physical activity.
  • Increased activity of the nervous system.
  • Development of muscles in the back and legs, alignment and coordination.

Many shortcomings sports - there are none.

But the contraindication axis is still present:

  • Heart disease.
  • thrombosis.
  • Ailments of OMT and groin area.

Equipment - what do you need to buy?

If you were planning to go into professional sports, then joke...

  • Tight leggings (note - with a flat inner seam).
  • With a small heel and a smooth sole.
  • The jacket is either light, which allows the trainer to control the child’s placement.
  • Sholom.
  • Mittens
  • A stale vest.
  • Special/equipment for the horse (not immediately, but otherwise needed).

As you were honored by our article, and you had thoughts about this drive, share with us. It’s really important for us to know your thoughts!

Martial arts from an early age contribute to the physical, mental and intellectual development of a child and help improve health. As a coordinated sport, martial arts develop fine motor skills, which is associated with the development of language. The sooner a child begins to study, the more significant the effect will be on them, and the easier it is for him to acquire the necessary skills. There are a lot of fathers who are afraid to enroll their little children in the sports section, because no one is insured against bumps and bumps when practicing martial arts. Which one is better to start a job and how to make a choice for the benefit of a particular type of martial arts that you are planning to introduce your child to the section?

It’s time for the child to take up martial arts

The importance of martial arts for physical and mental development cannot be underestimated. The same can be said about any sport. Particularly superior Martial arts for children- they develop a sense of accomplishment in themselves. Most trainers, however, respond to the question: “Why do children come before the section?” As a rule, it takes time to master single combat knitted with bazhannyam ditini know the meaning of the image. Of course, it is very important to compromise with one-year-olds, but it is also necessary for every child to stand up for himself. Feeling unprotected is more terrible for an adult person, but especially for a child.

In addition, martial arts develop strength, agility, and coordination. And also - discipline and directness. In a child who belongs to such sections, as a rule, leadership jabs immediately begin to develop.

What are martial arts like?

There are wrestling and striking martial arts. We often see similar martial arts as a class. Let's talk about skin from these classes.

In wrestling martial arts there is practically no need for striking. Axis of the most popular types of martial arts:

  • Classical (Greco-Roman) wrestling- a European type of martial arts, in which the athlete is responsible for using an additional arsenal of technical actions (techniques) to bring the opponent off the ground and press his shoulder blades to the kilim.
  • The struggle is strong It differs from the Greco-Roman in that here it is possible to bury the legs of the enemy, subdivide and actively vikorize the legs during the conquest of any kind.

Name Shock martial arts even for itself - here the opponents are actively throwing one blow at a time. Types of striking martial arts:

  • Boxing- a contact sport, martial arts, in which athletes perform one-to-one punches using special gloves.
  • Kickboxing- There are very few striking martial arts. Depending on the type of kickboxing, kicks and various types of punches, defended in boxing, may be allowed.

As far as similar martial arts are concerned, they are seen as part of a class that is mainly a sport, but also a philosophy. In addition to the development of physical skills, similar martial arts give special respect to the spiritual development of a person. Same skhodni Martial arts fakhіvtsi recommend for children early century.

These similar martial arts are the most popular in our region:

  • Wushu (Gongfu)- The Chinese system of psychophysical rights has a deep philosophical basis. I understand that by ignoring the spiritual warehouse, it is impossible to achieve the necessary mastery and physical thoroughness. Gives equal attention to all groups of meats. The ear does not develop aggressiveness, but, on the contrary, learns to deal with conflict situations. One of the most suitable martial arts for juniors.
  • Jiu Jitsu In fact, he is a master of many types of wrestling - judo, aikido, karate, sambo. According to legend, one of the founders of jujutsu, Okayama Shirobei, noticing how a thin limb of a tree bent under the snow, threw it off and gave up, as it broke off. Then he yelled: “Softness overcomes evil!” The basis of jiu-jitsu is the kicking technique and power play on the ground. An important tool is shock technology, which serves to subdue the opponent, drive him out of his jealousy, and then carry out a painful or suffocating technique. Therefore, non-contact jiu-jitsu is more suitable for children.
  • Karate- in literal translation it means “empty hand”. Karate is a Japanese martial mysticism without armor, based on rules that best defy the laws of mechanics. Karate is not only effective, but it is not a safe fight, and even in view of all the karateists’ ability to break the target with their hands, feet and head! For children, a non-contact method is recommended, which develops a spontaneous reaction, sensitivity and vitriol.
  • Taekwondo- “lamaet the way of hands and feet” - a Korean version of similar martial mysteries. Close to Japanese karate, only taewondo does not have a non-contact method.
  • Aikido. Fatherland's martial arts - Japan. Aikido is a whole system of zakhistu. All methods are however connected with circular trajectories. The aikidoist's move on the stake allows not only to avoid a hard hit, but also to support the attacker's move. In addition, all actions (in aikido are called techniques) of an aikidoist must be elegant, beautiful, and at the same time real, in order to guarantee protection. To whom great respect is due. These principles are also true to psychological equality. The right master is responsible for “discovering” the enemy’s intelligence and suppressing all his actions.
  • Judo- "myaky way". Judo must be applied to a group of unnaked similar martial arts of combat gait, the primary method of which was to overcome the enemy who placed him in a hopeless camp. Perfectly suitable for girls, whose sport has virtually no harsh consequences.

I would really like to say a few words about Capoeira.

  • Capoeira- This Afro-Brazilian martial mysticism even reminds us of the dance. This is an improvisation, created by repetitions of different movements, as well as a reaction to the movements of another graver. Play in Capoeira is the main concept, and therefore such activities are ideal for children.

Which one is better at getting your child to the martial arts section?

  • Z 2 rocks Possible introduction to “soft” similar martial arts: wushu, aikido, judo. Such an early start brings benefits. First of all, a child in two families is even more willing to contact adults, and the fathers represent him as an insane authority. More and more children, in one form or another, go through a “crisis of three fates.” At this point, the little one begins to doubt the correctness of the father’s decision and becomes unresponsive. In another way, early learning martial arts promotes psychomotor development children, Improvement of basic skills, helps coordination and respect. Familiarity with similar martial arts has another advantage - it develops the baby’s keen and auditory senses, which later makes it easier for the child to start school.
  • Approx. from 3 rocks can you read the child Capoeira, the children find themselves busy as if they were drinking a lot.
  • 3 5-7 years preparation is recommended karate.
  • IN 8-10 rokіv children call ready to take up classic wrestling.
  • Boxing, kickboxing, freestyle wrestling start paying for children with 10-12 sooner or later.

However, it should be understood that all terms are individual for each child. One baby, out of joy, has already begun to listen to two fates, and the other is not ready for anything.

Rules for choosing a martial arts section for children

For the successful and safe initiation of children into martial arts, it is important to adhere to such rules.

  • Vrahovuvati bazhannya ditini. Fathers are guilty of hearing and feeling the child, believing in their fears and peculiarities. As the little one has no interest in any kind of martial arts, let’s talk about it. Since a child still has a passion, then, depending on the behavior and character of the baby, the father can understand what types of martial arts are closer to him.
  • Golovne is the safety of ditini. If martial arts is an active, fighting sport, then the main thing you need to do is ensure the safety of your child. Next, read all the instructions about the sections, positive and negative, independently navigate to the place where you will be engaged, attend “open doors days” or show performances. It is important to get to know the instructor and look at him Introducing children to martial arts, if possible, be present at your child’s first classes and learn what and how to teach children.
  • The group may have children of the same century. It is very important, especially for younger children, to have a group of children collected from the same age. In “mixed” groups, children under five or six years of age, as a rule, adapt poorly, and interest in engaging is quickly lost.
  • The appearance of the statue of a child. The role of choice is important Martial arts graє stature ditini. Small children of slender stature will feel comfortable in these types of sports, where lightness and fluidity are valued, for example, wushuі taekwondo. For young, active guys, come boxing and freestyle wrestling, and for important children, choose martial arts that have practically daily movements, for example, judo or else aikido.
  • The appearance of the child's article. Martial arts are sometimes considered a human sport, but this is not the case. Recommended for girls wushu, judo, capoeira- These types of sports are especially effective in developing plasticity and shaping the flexible posture.

There are two main rules when choosing a section of children's martial arts - the activity may be careless and child-like. And here, early initiation into martial arts brings invaluable harm to both the child and the adult.
