Intellectual games for schoolchildren – new. Intellectual game for children

Intellectual games for schoolchildren – new. Intellectual game for children

Valentina Krutakova
Intellectual game for preschoolers and young schoolchildren “I want to know everything!”


Develop knowledge among students interest,

Develop reaction speed, memory, thinking, logic, reasoning,

Acquire a rich vocabulary stock,

Know the level of knowledge and knowledge of children in different countries,

Expand your horizons, messages about the superfluous world,

We welcome the assembled team, the creation of a great mood among the boys, the organization of the project, the creation of knowledge,

Read and practice in teams and pairs.

Installation of the bathroom: tokens for the skin participant, haircut for overcoming the gri « I want to know everything» or a diploma, licorice and foreign prizes for all the boys, cards with labyrinths, cards with images of various shades and tricks.

The presenter instructs the children about various tasks, nutritional reports, for the bags of the skin competition - the task, the children are seen for 1 token. For example, the tokens of the skin gravel are protected and are designated as peremozhem. For young people Boys are given simple nutrition, for older boys it is more important that they need to be conditioned.

Activity activity:

(leader - whipper)

Hello, guys. We'll spend today with you tsikavu gru, it's called « I want to know everything. Qia the game is called intellectual It brings out quick reactions, respect, memory, brain function and your mental development in general.

You will be assigned various assignments that will require you to vacate. We will verify your knowledge with different galuzahs, and we follow the results of their research knowing, learned from you.

Hey, are you ready? know the wisest the ignorant middle of you? Then let's begin! Let's start with the chant and all loudly, in chorus, її loudly:

We are smart!

We are friends!

We are respectful!

We are trying!

We've got a lot to think about!

And you can see everything in us!

Zavdannya 1. Fairy tales

I'll start, and you finish,

Only people in Rome can tell you!

Kastya’s kin is not simple:

Miracle - a mane of gold,

To carry a lad through the mountains,

But I won’t throw it off anyway.

And the horse has a shawl -

Divovizhny conic,

Divovizhny conic,

For premium (hump)

Before Vovk vin tremtiv,

As the bear came in,

And the foxes have a tooth

Got caught anyway (gingerbread man)

About the quiet wake-up call

We know about Rozmov.

There's a rich person there

I lived and drank tea.

She drank tea and chewed cereal.

Unfortunately, the individual

Budinok is all vigoriv ushchent.

Well, think a little.

Perhaps, my aunt (gut)

Along the rivers of Africa for a long time

Evil floats the deck.

If only I hadn’t watered the zustrich,

Usikh prokovtne (crocodile)

The enemy of people and the enemy of animals

Evil robber (Barmaley)

Everyone in the world is kind,

He rejoices at sick animals.

And once a hippopotamus

Getting out of the swamp.

The kindness of the famous

This is the doctor (Aibolit)

Yogo hospodar - boy Robin,

Yogo buddy - Dad.

Once upon a time there was a similar gloom;

He is simple, but not a fool.

For a new person, a walk is sacred,

I have a special nose for honey.

Tse plush pustun

Vedmedic (Winnie the Pooh)

Known to all small children,

Love everything,

How many such people are there in the whole world?

You won't know anything thirsty.

He is not a lion, not an elephant, not a bird,

Chi is not a tiger, not a tit,

Don't cut it, don't cut it,

Chi is not a wolf, not a groundhog.

Ale filmed for cinema

And has been known to everyone for a long time

What a cute little face,

And ringing (Cheburashka).

Well done, boys, you got out of trouble the right way. Kozhen, who has confirmed the power, takes away the token. And now we find out who is the smartest among you.

Task 2. Nutrition for fastness, fastness.

1. Boil two sausages for 6 minutes. How long does it take to cook all these sausages? (6 hvilin).

2. The woman went to Moscow and met three men. Each of them had a bag each, and each of them had a cat. How many stories have reached Moscow? (1 woman).

3. Five light bulbs burned darkly by the chandelier. The doors knocked and two burned out. You need to earn money yourself little bits: Tell me, how many lamps are missing? (five).

4. How many teeth does an adult human have? (32) .

5. How to speak correctly: “Fish have no teeth”, “Fishes have no teeth”, “Fish have no teeth”? (fish have teeth).

6. How does a fish have eyes on one side? (at flounder).

7. Where should we bring the creatures we know? (Chervonu has a book).

8. A and B were sitting on the pipe. A fell, B disappeared, what was lost on the pipe? (і).

9. How many suns are there in the sky? (1) .

10. How many fingers does a person have? (20. 5 on each hand, 5 on each nose).

12. Guess the name of the proverb about health. ( "A healthy body has a healthy mind", "Cleanliness is healthy", “You can’t buy health, it gives you wisdom.” ta in.).

13. How can you kill a horse? (sprinkles of nicotine).

14. What is more important: 1 kg vati chi 1 kg zaliz? (however).

15. There were 3 bottles of cherries on the table. Petya took cherries from 1 bottle and placed them again on the table. How many bottles have you lost? (3) .

16. Once you lay the egg, who will get it? (I don’t care for anyone, I don’t care).

17. Name 5 days of training without naming them (the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow).

18. Which month has Mashenka the youngest? (the fierce one, the fierce one has 28 days).

19. How many giraffes swim by the Black Sea? (Never mind, giraffes don’t swim).

20. Can you call an ostrich a bird? (No, the ostrich cannot speak).

Well done, guys, we tried to give the correct answers to the questions.

And now I’ll tell you to go through the labyrinth, who knows.

Zavdannya 3. Go through the labyrinth

On the table in front of you there are cards with mazes, you need to go through them as quickly as possible. Children go through the labyrinth on cards, mark the paths to the exit from the labyrinth. Whoever copes with tasks faster and better, removes the token.

Well done, they got out of trouble well. And now let’s check how you can solve the riddles.

Zavdannya 4. Riddles

A horse on a horse is not worth the price,

It takes everyone who has the right to ride on the children's square. (goydalki)

Z-pid dahu dah

I went out for a walk under the planks. (parasolka)

Round, smooth, like a kavun,

Whatever the color, for a different taste,

If you let me off the hook,

Fly in the gloom. (I’ll shake the bag)

If you hit the wall, I’ll jump,

Kinesh to the ground, and I’ll jump up,

I'm flying from the valley to the valley,

I can’t lie still Want. (ball)

What a master for the future

And litya, and herbs, and tea leaves? (freezing)

One seems, two wonder, two hear. (word, ochi, wukha).

Onions are growing sisters,

They have gold on their sides and white on their sides. (daisies)

Under the pines, under the strawberries

Lie the bag with its heads. (zhachok)

Mixed color rocker

It hung across the river. (Raiduga)

A hundred clothes and all without zippers. (cabbage)

To love him all the time, but to marvel at him is to wrinkle your skin. (sun)

He walks in flight, and waits for winter. (witch)

Who's in the forest without juice?

Will there be a house without clothes? (murahi)

No hands, no shirt

Prompted by hatinku. (nest)

Well done, guys, you can figure out the riddles, and then finish a few things right away. You need to find out the key word on the cards or the shade, insert the required fragment into the box.

Zavdannya 6. Pick by shade, trick

In front of the boys lie cards with painted vessels and various thematic pictures. On several parts of the pictures there are various details on the skin card. The task of the boys is to find out and insert in the missing place the necessary details, nuances, tricks.

Well done, boys, lads, and they got out of trouble the right way. Let's do it now let's play, of course. Do you know what the moon is? Realize that you are the moon. I say phrases to him, and you are obliged to repeat these phrases exactly after me, word for word.

Zavdannya 7. The moon is synchronous

Get away, children /ra, ra/,

Three gra/ra, ra/,

Beat the valley more cheerfully /lei, lei/,

So don’t harm me / lei, lei /,

What time is it now? /godina, godina/,

How many two will there be? /two, two/,

Walk around with your head spinning /va, va/,

Tse vukho chi nis? /nes, nes/, (Showing in ear)

Or maybe Sina Viz? /віз, віз/,

Tse vuho chi eye? /eye, eye/, (Showing in ear)

What is our axle? /us, us/, (Demonstrated on the knee)

How does the village song sleep? /uh, uh/,

Are you good, have you heard before? /so-so/,

Chi inkoli? /so-so/,

Are you tired of confirming? /chat, chat/,

Allow me to close /chat, chat/,

The axis and end of our game /re, re/,

And I say this to you, children! /re, re/.

Well done, boys, they were able to become the right moon, a friendly and well-gathered team. We tried to help one another, encourage and encourage.

Employment pouch:

Our axis has arrived Intellectual game to the end, you did everything well, coped well with your assigned tasks. What have you learned about yourself, what have you learned? What a gratuity to you, your knowledge! Try to do something good, be respectful in your activities, keep an eye on what’s coming up, stay informed about the changes, be aware of educational, cultural and intellectually depraved people!

We will immediately recover all your tokens that you have earned on our game « I want to know everything We find out which of you, having become the most knowledgeable, the most intelligent, intellectual(Fucking tokens). And now we are carrying out the city planning. Becoming the most intelligent (became (name, nickname of the child - peremozhtsa). He is awarded a medal of achievement, a certificate of honor, and all participants are given prizes. I say to everyone, until new zustrichs on our games and activities.

Children's world is unique. Volodya has his own vocabulary, his own norms, his own codes of honor and fun. These are signs of the enchanting land that may be called “Gra”. This land is extremely joyful, filled with children, filled with itself throughout the entire hour, and is even more respectful. The babies live and develop in the country. And not less than a little one. Gra will seduce everyone with its captivating romance, charm and uniqueness. The idea is that the next generation will drown in their games. It's true. The hour changes, the culture changes, the game changes. Today a new direction has been formed, called “Intellectual Game for Children”.

These games help to open up the minds of talented, extremely intelligent children, for whom science, new knowledge, and diverse creativity are at the forefront. In addition to scientific conferences, various olympiads and electives, an intellectual game for children creates serious activity on a first-rate basis, on a spluttering day, on a sacred day. Therefore, such games are appropriate not only for children. They are pleased to share the fate of the students, students. And when you grow up, you get hooked on the game, and out of satisfaction you come to those who play.

Proper organization of repairs is of great importance. Rozumov’s inspiration, it’s cold time for fate to greatly reveal the physical and psychological form of a child. This one just needs to be respected. Competently organizing the process of creative self-realization, acquiring additional knowledge can lead to more intellectual play in the camp. Such games are a creative activity in which a child demonstrates his or her meaningful life, reveals thoughts, anger, and sometimes almost everything.

Apply igor

"A Compound Testimony"

One of the children (the leader of the elections) sets even simple meals that follow the lines “So”, “No”. The decision of the participants is based on the date of confirmation, with which the words “So” and “Nor” are categorically defended.


All children are divided into two teams. The counselor and trainer reveals a song to the children. The first team must be stubborn, trying to bring the facts to light, and the other team, on the other hand, may find the facts in order to bring the last problem.

"Store the arrival"

Children see leaves with two words written on them. These words require thickening the aftertaste. For example, the words: light - dark. The child who wins is the one who wants to pronounce it correctly in front of the speaker.

All children love fairy tales. Just before that time, all the camps held a competition for the best theatrical performance of native Cossacks. Today's children no longer like to take part in such performances. Therefore, an intellectual game for children that includes a number of different fairy tales, even colorful ones.

Scenario of the play “Light of Fairy Tales”

Such a game conveys the presence of four driving commands.

Competition 1

It's called a Kazka. For the rest of the letter, this Cossack should be named a new one. The event is served with a stake. The team is victorious if it takes 5 seconds for them not to select the required name for the tale.

Competition 2

It is necessary to come up with an ode of laudatory ode to anyone. All teams can see their preparations:

jackdaw - club,
shkarpetka - sand.

Competition 3

Think over and dramatize the characters of three completely different characters. For example, such as:

  • Konik the Little Hunchback, Aladdin, Baba Yaga.
  • The Little Mermaid, Old Hottabich, Winnie the Pooh.
  • Snake Gorinich, Popelushka, Mowgli.
  • Chervona Cap, Dad.

Competition 4

The captain is more drawn to the foal. The skin team is taking away its kazka. Without lively words, including pantomime, the team can demonstrate a fairy tale so that the spectators can guess its name. Kazok variants:

  • “Teremok”, “Ripka”, “Chicken Ryaba”, “Kolobok”.

Competition 5

Think about and theatricalize a small tale-story, in which three charming objects will be embedded: a self-assembled tablecloth, a kilim-litak, a magic mirror.

Competition 6

Theaterize the popular tale “The Three Little Pigs” in the national style. You can choose African style, Indian style, English style. This action involves the selection of similar products, the transfer of color, inheritance of style and emphasis.

This scenario of intellectual play can be complemented by competitions, so that children get excited. For this purpose, it is necessary to prepare a number of additional competitions in advance. After completion, the bag is immediately tacked on, and efforts are made - like the best cossacks.

The world has a hidden stereotype - the creative development of young children and young schoolchildren. Most often, schools and camps carefully select intellectual games for young students. Both juniors and high school students also require the development of creative potential. So, encourage your older children to create an intellectual games club. Enjoy them both with the games themselves and with plans to work with young children.

A few games, as befits high school students, are respected by you.

Games for older children

"Theater of abbreviations"

The game demonstrates miraculous actor's mastery.

One of the graves goes out the door. Others guess the word. Letters of this word are distributed among children who play. The skin type characterizes the type of behavior. For example, “z” means lateness, “o” means bezketnost. If the leader enters the room, the graves may show him a pantomime. It is necessary to determine what kind of character you are demonstrating, and from the meaning of the letters to form the correct word.

"The sea is writhing"

All the graves understand one word and call them out loud in order. The gravel who puts this strap on, says his word and takes on the role of a speaker. We begin to reveal the history of the story, until it is necessary to include all the names of the words. Gravets, whose word has been taken, is obliged to leave the camp and go to his place. It is necessary to confuse the Gravians with your message. For example, do not remove the water from the words of the Gravecians for a long time, and then name the number of words immediately. The conversation may end with the phrase “the sea is writhing.” This phrase is a signal for all graves to return to their place. The one who has not caught up becomes a witness.

Divided: cob school

In early childhood, the intellectual development of a child is often deprived of respect. For many reasons. First of all, the dominant activity is the acquired knowledge that transmits the highest orders, which will lead to ready-made solutions. Children live in a relationship based on an already learned rule; they cannot act independently to find a new way to solve problems. In other words, the increasing number of typical tasks plagues a particular child. Children begin to evaluate their abilities through the success and failure of typical tasks, the most important of which lie at the stage of mastering traditional knowledge. This is to ensure that the child’s self-esteem depends only on diligence in mastering new knowledge and rules, and not on cleverness, originality and guesswork.

In connection with the above reasons, the development and correction of intellectual abilities in children of young school age is one of the important tasks of the psychological and pedagogical structure of the school.

As a butt, you can establish a number of gaming rights, which can be carried out on a class anniversary, warm-ups before classes, etc.

Right "Riddles"

On one birch there are curly trees, and on the other there are rolls. There is an island in the middle. Who made it to the island?

Mom is carrying important bags. My daughter says:

Mommy, let me help you. I’ll carry the bags, and you take them into my arms.

Can you help the girl's mother? Why?

The girl Olena was asked:

Do you have a sister?

Is your sister married to your sister?

“No,” Olena confirmed.

How do you matter?

The children collected pine cones from the fox. The boys are small, large, red, without a bottom. And the girls are small and green. Who will get the most cones?

The nine-year-old boy had a gut with a short tail. She picked up a bear with a long tail, and the bear forged a straw with a grain at once. How many fates does a boy have to live in?

Blya stole chotiri kuti. Once you cut one cut, how many cuts will you lose?

The task of connecting subject (life) education to children.

Task 1. Name the geometric shapes that are depicted on the baby. Find the interesting figure and explain why it is interesting.

Lesson 2. What digits do the writing of numbers begin with?

14 18 111 19 10 100

Zavdannya 3. What is the name of this figure? Why did she take away that name?

Preservation of the visible signs of understanding

Zavdannya 1. Read the words at the arms. Emphasize the words that are most relevant to the subject.

A) LIQUIRY (tank, doctor, room, radio, sickness)

B) SCHOOL (school, school, school, school, school)

B) RICHKA (water, shore, fish, fishing, mud)

D) BOOK (picture, word, paper, reader, library)

D) SPORTS (medal, stadium, victory, zmagannya, music)

E) COMPUTER (screen, keyboard, enter, select commands)

G) PRINTER (different, white, silent, connected to a computer)

Command 2. Indicate an object with a characteristic sign:

A) Scale with divisions.

B) The ratings and entries are respected.

B) Listening to music.

d) Review of films.

Command 3. Paint objects with the following symbols: round and natural; round and unnatural.

Task 4. What does it mean:

A) The window is in front of the doors.

B) Vkazivka shaped like an olive.

B) Kolo vіd oval.

D) Birch tree shaped like a maple leaf.

Zavdannya 5. What are the similar words for the skin group? How can you name the skin from the classified groups in one word?

A) Highway, road, stitch.

B) Town, village, settlement.

C) Addition, division, removal.

Preparing, created for molding, be able to carry out basic logical operations with concepts: regularization, subdivision, subdivision and subdivision

A) The establishment of patterns.

Task 1. Fill in the missing numbers:

A) 5, 15, _______, 35, _______, 55;

B) 14, 24, _______, _________, 54;

B) 2, 12, 22, _______, _______, ________;

D) 1,3, ________, ________, 9, ________;

D) 2, 4, 6, ________, ________, ________;

Task 2. Observe the pattern of repetition of figures and draw the sequences.

Commandment 3. Which figure is responsible for standing in an empty table?

Task 4. notice the pattern of repetition of the sequence and paint this sequence: tree, bush, bush, tree, bush, bush...

B) The order to unite and sub-objectives for any signs.

Task 1. Name the following groups of numbers in one word:

A) 2, 4, 6, 8, ...

B) 1, 3, 5, 7, …

B) 2, 4, 7, 9, 5, 6, …

D) 18, 25, 33, 48, 56, …

Factory 2. A number of items have been overhauled. How can they be called in one word?

A) Soup, goulash, porridge, kisil.

B) Hammer, gander, pitching, turkey.

C) Kin, cow, cow, pig.

D) Wolf, fox, witch, hare.

D) Potatoes, beet, cibul, cabbage.

E) Shoes, boots, sneakers, caps.

Zavdannya 3. What is the word zave in the skin group? Vick yogo. Name the symbol of the separated group. Give the name of the skin group.

A) Yalina, pine, cedar, birch.

B) Tsibulya, cucumber, apple, carrot.

C) Mushroom, convalia, chamomile, hair.

Task 4. Divide the upcoming numbers into two groups: paired, unpaired, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Order 5. Divide these words into groups using a number of warehouses: pencil case, vase, lamp, lampshade, feather, olive, watermelon, desk, ruler, sewn, table, lining, pen, hammer, root. How many groups were there?

Task 6. Write these words in the following columns in the table: doll, booties, pencil case, felted boots, ball, briefcase, pen, captsi, witch, shoes, sewn, dziga, olive, sneakers, pistol.

Commandment 7. The numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 16, 24, 35, 48 are divided into two groups: single-valued and double-valued. Which row of the table is divided into groups correctly?

1 1,2,3,5,12 8,16,24,35,48
2 1,2,3,5,8,16 12,24,35,48
3 1,2,3,5,8 12,16,24,35,48
4 2,3,5,8 12,6,16,24,35,48

Developmental games have the right to develop conceptual understanding.

Premise 1. The identification of specific series is understood using gender terms. Children are encouraged to recognize a number of specific groups, understand and name the following groups:

plate, flask, bowl, saucer;

table, side table, sofa, armchair, wardrobe;

shirt, cloth, sweatshirt, trousers;

slippers, felt boots, boots, sandals, shoes;

soup, porridge, cutlet, puree;

birch, linden, yalin, pine, aspen;

horobets, blue, crow, tit, gander, pitching;

crucian carp, pike, perch, bream.

Command 2. Concretization understand. It is necessary to name objects and phenomena that are included in the broader understanding. You can teach children about the following categories: trees, creatures, toys, names, furniture, food, vegetables, clothes, dishes, birds, fish, fruits, colors, berries, etc.

Command 3. Uzagalnennya rows to understand the wider obligation. To identify 5 groups, students are given the opportunity to understand and understand what is related between the named categories and similar concepts that have gone up to one group:

birds, animals, fish;

trees, grass, kviti, tea leaves;

furniture, dishes, clothes;

anniversary, vags, thermometers;

burn, burn, hurricane.

Command 4. Classification. Children are given 16 cards with pictures of birds, fish, dishes, furniture - 4 for each group and asked to divide all the cards into groups so that each one can name the little ones in one word. Then the students are asked to combine the groups into two groups that are as similar as possible, and explain why they created the stink so much.

Task 5. It is necessary to match the pairs of objects behind the manifestations, to know the signs of excellence and similarities: kulbaba and chamomile; half face and sun face; Yalina and Berezi; apple tree and maple tree; trojan and jingle; Whale and dog; trigger and pitching; let's fly that seagull; creatures and roslini.

Order 6. Learners are responsible for guessing what item of possession is under his description. For this purpose it is necessary to select any object or image. Without showing it to children, describe the object: its shape, color, texture.

Zavdannya 7. Gra "Scho zaive?"

The group is given to understand that children are also responsible for choosing statements and giving secret names to others. There are two options available: verbal and scientific.

In the verbal version, groups are identified according to several words, it is necessary to see which word is not included in the others, and how to name it in one word (or explain the similarity):

cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, apples;

blue, red, garni, green;

mother, people, tato, sister;

old, old, small, old;

birch, pine, maple, aspen;

boot, leg, shoe, shoe;

winter, spring, summer, yellow;

sour, compote, lemonade, frosty, etc.

Zavdannya 8. Gra "Sperechalniki". The students are encouraged to meet with the teacher. As if without saying a word, the children innocently speak in vain, whichever is more beautiful: white or black; great small; Swedish-povilny; cheerful-sumny; broodny-clean; open-close; old-new; scream-whisper; lamati-gladiti, etc.

Zavdannya 9. Gra "Pogano chi good?" Children are introduced to an object (situation), and they have to explain what its positive and negative side is. For example, frosty is good because it’s tasty, bad is something that can make your throat sore.

The following words are given: dosh, TV, tsukerka, dog, kviti, mosquitoes, run, get sick, tsybulya, wind, kishka, computer, music, nizh, vogon, sun and in.

Zavdannya 10. Gra "Words - overlays".

Learn to guess words - overlaps, then choose the funniest or most original word, explaining why you think so.

You can register the following items:

mosquito + brand = mosquito;

zebra + turtle = zebrafish;

tree + crow = tree crow, etc.

Authorize the development of rosemary operations of analysis and synthesis

Zavdannya 1. "Anagram"

Zavdannya 2. "Encrypted word"

Zavdannya 3. "Moon"

Inflections of words that strengthened the first literature from these words:

Zavdannya 4. "The word is encrypted"

Compile a word from the first warehouses, these words:


Zavdannya 5. "Anagram" (zakhovane word)

Fold the words, rearranging the letters:



Zavdannya 6.

Add new words by subtracting one letter from many words:

Feed -

Zavdannya 7.

Combine the word from other warehouses, these words:

Zavdannya 8. "Tsikava drabinka"

Zavdannya 9. "Snake"

Say the words for this model.

A _ _ _ _ _
_ A _ _ _ _
_ _ A _ _ _
_ _ _ A _ _
_ _ _ _ A _
_ _ _ _ _ A
_ _ _ _ A _
_ _ _ A _ _
_ _ A _ _ _
_ A _ _ _ _
A _ _ _ _ _

Right to find the symbols of objects

Task 1. See the two words that are most suggestive for the word that comes before the arms:

Forest (leaf, tree, apple tree, myslyvets, chagarnik)

River (bank, fish, mud, water, fishing)

Zavdannya 2. Sports (stadium, orchestra, town, zmagannya, spectators)

Medicine (garden, doctor, radio, illnesses, premises)

War (harmati, soldiers, battles, airplane, rushnitsi)

Right - logical directions

Manager 1. Ivan Fedorovich is Marina Ivanivny’s father, Kolya is Marina Ivanivny’s son. Will Kim Kolya happen to Ivan Fedorovich?

Zavdannya 2. Mom, dad and I were sitting on the bench. How were we sitting, obviously, that I was sitting left-handed in front of my dad, and my mother was sitting left-handed in front of me?

Zavdannya 3. Tolya caught perch, yorge, pike. I caught the pike earlier, the lower perch, and the yorge later, the lower pike. What kind of fish did Tolya catch earlier for others?

Can you say how the remaining fish was caught?

Problem 4. Two old men walked along, carrying three oranges. How many oranges have skin?

Manager 5. My name is Tolya. My sister has only one brother. What is the name of my sister's brother?

Zavdannya 6. Kolya is high for Vasya, and Kolya is low for Sergius. Who is the greatest: Vasya and Sergiyko?

Commandment 7. Until the holy day, the schools are decorated with 12 proportions. They need to be arranged so that there are 4 proportions on each side of the skin. Draw a confirmation.

Zavdannya 8. The thermometer shows three degrees below zero. How many degrees can two thermometers show?

Zavdannya 9. The motuzka was cut in six places. How many pieces were there?

Commandment 10. If the gander stands on one nose, weigh 3 kg. How important is a gander when he stands on two legs?

Games to develop mental functions

Gra 1. Folded river.

Children are taught three words that are not associated with a word, for example, “lake”, “olive”, “witch”. Children need to formulate as many propositions as possible, which would necessarily include three words (you can change the additions and use other words). Suggestions can be banal (“The witch let the olive fall into the lake”), complex, going beyond inter-situations, indicated by three catchwords and the introduction of new objects (“The boy took the olive and painted the bear, who swims in the lake”), and creative , which includes these objects in non-standard links (“A boy, thin, like an olive, standing across the lake, which roared like a witch”).

Gra 2. Vinyatok stingy.

Any three words are spoken, for example, “dog”, “tomato”, “sun”. Children need to remove only those words that signify similar objects, and turn off one word “zaive”, which does not carry any sign. You should know that there are more options for turning off the word, and the head is more of a sign that you can combine a couple of words that you have lost, and do not have power over the turned off word. There are not so many options, as one might immediately ask for (turn on “dog”, and leave out “tomato” and “sun”, because the stench is all over the place), it is necessary to look for non-standard and, at the same time, even better solutions. It overtakes the one who has more evidence.

Gra 3. Search for analogues.

Any object or phenomenon is called, for example, “helicopter”.

Children need to write down as many analogues as possible. Other items similar to them with different marks. It is also necessary to systematize these analogues into groups depending on the authority of a given subject, the stinks were selected. For example, times can be called “bird”, “blizzard” (fly and land); "bus", "train" (transport facilities); "Corkscrew" (important details are wrapped up) and so on. He oversteps the one who named the largest number of groups of analogues.

Gra 4. Methods of stagnation of an object.

Any well-known object is called, for example, a “book”. It is necessary to name more than one way of storing it: the book can be used as a stand for a film projector, it can be used to cover a paper on the table from prying eyes, etc. It overrides the one who has more different functions of objects.

Gra 5. “Well, guess!”

The class is divided into two groups. The first group will study each item. Another group can guess, setting the supply. On this basis, the first group has the right to attribute both “so” and “no”. Children from two groups stand at two lines opposite each other. First of all, put the food of the first child in another group: “Is he alive?” The first child from the first group says: “Yes.” Then we put the food of a friend from another group: “Am I a big deal?” Another child from the first group says: “Yes.” I etc. After guessing the subject, the groups switch roles.

Gra 6. “The toy is significant.”

Children bring any toy to the game. The leader is selected. It’s time to go out the door. The reader can guess the story, in which the main character is one of the games. Ask for a presenter. Children tell their story, not by naming the main character, but by replacing him with the names “win” and “won”. The presenter is responsible for showing the toy as the main character of the story. If the leader guesses correctly, another leader is selected and the game is repeated.

Goals: Victimization of intellectual games by creating friendly minds to develop skin characteristics that lead to productivity in intellectual activities.


  1. Create a mind for self-knowledge and self-realization.
  2. Stimulate the development of children's intellectual and cognitive abilities.
  3. Vikhovuvati shanoblivye put one to one in the minds of the robots in the team.
  4. Develop children's creative activity.

Gris participants:

4 teams take the fate of the game. The members of the skin team have their birthday. The first team has boys who were born in the spring, the other - in the winter, the third - in the spring, and the fourth - in the spring.

Team members guess the name of the team and rob the captain.


  1. Multimedia ownership.
  2. Personal computer.
  3. Multimedia presentation.
  4. Signal cards.
  5. Evaluation sheet.
  6. Stopwatch.
  7. Gong.
  8. Certificates and prizes
  9. “The Hat of the Wise One”

Description gris

This game is a team game and is licensed for 3rd grade students. Gri has 4 tours.

I round

I round Place food in 4 categories of knowledge, which is assessed from 1 to 4 points:


Teams are given 15 seconds to discuss meals. The arbiter is watching over the hour.

The first command is the one that most recently raised the signal card. If a team gives an incorrect answer, the right answer goes to the team that raised the signal card. For the skin the correct answer The command takes away the number of points that correspond to the nutrition in the table. For the skin wrong As a result, the team receives a corresponding number of points. The right to choose the forward food is revoked by the team that correctly selected the forward food.

Pidrahunok veda point medical commission the warehouse has 4 items. Each member of the committee monitors one team and maintains the number of points collected by that team.

These rules are victorious at the hour of the 2nd round of the game.

2nd round

SPORTLANDIA 10 20 30 40
RIZNI KRAINI 10 20 30 40
Steal with zvivina 10 20 30 40

The 1st and 2nd round of food goes to the “Whale in the bag” category and to the “Food-auction” category. The participants do not know from the back where the food is located.

Every hour, teams receive category meals "The whale is in the bear" then the right to respond to this nutritional team is given to opponents with an intellectual game.

As soon as the team reaches the hour "Food - auction" The right answer is taken away by the command that represents the great “price”. Only those teams that have a positive number of points can “trade”.

3rd round

U ІІІ round Privateers turn on the crossword puzzle. For a correct match, the team receives 5 points.

Only teams with a positive number of points will qualify for the finals.


Before the end of the cob skin team break bets, That is, write down the number of points on the cards, which you place as a bet and submit to the medical commission.

In the finals commands guilty of spelling out new words from the letter of the word SNOW MUROCHA. The hour of Vikonannya Zavdannya is 1 hvilina. The team that has the most words wins. The number of points required for this team is as the team stated at the headquarters. In other teams, the points declared by the team will be deducted from the table.

Peremozhcem gris The team that matters is the one that lost the most points after the final.

Behind the bags of the game, certificates and prizes are awarded to the participants of the winning team, the most beautiful gravel is revealed, who is awarded the “Cap of the Wise One”


I. Organizational moment:

1st lesson:

Where do you want to be?
Watch out for the roaring stars,
Drive a car near the field
Or drive a car uphill -
Do good work at school
Get started in good faith.

2nd lesson:

We don’t walk to school for nothing,
Nothing is possible without science!
You will leave life unwritten
You'll be lost for cheating.
To get some mercy,
You need to develop your mind.
And you can check it with gri
Just be nice.

II. The team members are now responsible for coming up with the name of their team and the name of the captain.

(Graves guess the name of the team)

The development of intellectual abilities in schoolchildren is even more effective. There are a lot of such games.

Intellectual games for children and young schoolchildren can be played by yourself, and you can speed up the use of existing games. Anyone ever have a problem with such games.

Let's look at the actions of already established intellectual games.

Gra – intelligent casino AZ I Y.

This game is notable because it can be interpreted, whether it be a country, a power, an ocean or much more.

I want to have to tinker a little to pick out the names, nutrition and characteristics. The essence of this game is to consolidate knowledge about the country, the state, and in this case about Asia.

This game includes 4 rounds, the tasks of which are assigned to all teams. Please write your confessions on a paper and then read them out after the hour (for example, 60 seconds).

  • First round. The point is to correctly describe the food about Asia (A Z I Z, made up of 4 letters, which means there will be 4 meals). Meals about the country may be those who were studying during the hour of lessons. For the correct answer, the team scores by letter (like the word Asia).
  • Another tour. List the names of the rivers, reminders... those that were taught during the hour of lessons about this land. For correct skin correction – 5 points.
  • The third round is called “intellectual casino”, where it is necessary to put food about the country, which children have little knowledge of the completed program. For correct skin performance – 5, 10, 15 points (a number of points are due to the consistency of the food, where consistency is indicated by the reader at the time the food is prepared). Add 3-4 ingredients for skin folds.
  • The fourth round is called the “bluff club”. Here nutrition is given to logic and respect (nutrition to correct correct or incorrect evidence). It is necessary to indicate “so” and “not”, and, if necessary, explain. For example, food - The capital of Asia is Tashkent? The proof is “no”, Asia does not have a capital, it is not a power.

The game is over, the knowledge is consolidated, and there is victory. I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Competition, write a word for a word, or another word

This game is useful for schoolchildren no matter what age. It is necessary to use the letter of words and the verbosity of the greatest number of names, with which the skin letter can be corrected more than once.

This task can be combined, let's say, by combining English words from English words. For example, the word is parallelepiped.

We form words: steam, ice, parade, paw, blanket.

Anagram Competition

However, since there are two or more words, it is necessary to combine one, for example, in one place.

  1. hundred and riv - the word GROWTH,
  2. lis i v'yun – the word VILNIUS,
  3. forgery and cotton wool - POLTAVA ...

And if you want to teach your child how to put together words from a great word, respect it.

Mosaics and constructors

It’s good to develop the logic of mosaics.

Rizni constructors:

  1. lego,
  2. trees,
  3. I'm sorry...

Zavdannya near the magazines

Magazines that develop logic and thought, which have such tasks as:

  1. puzzles,
  2. puzzles,
  3. crossword,
  4. draw a picture,
  5. find out the responsibilities,
  6. and others.

There are just a lot of games that help you get rich. Most of them can be developed by bringing something of your own into them.

You can figure it out for yourself, but it’s not at all difficult to focus on the age of your children (schoolchildren). In any case, you play classic and familiar games, or your own inventions, it doesn’t matter.

The effect will definitely be, despite the impersonality of such games, children not only develop intelligently, but also begin to work in a team.
Quirky - you can become smarter!

I wish the children were playing,
Why wouldn’t they put it on them?
You only need to get one,
All games must be played wisely.

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