Now I dream about spending alone. Now to dream about ruining your dreams

Now I dream about spending alone. Now to dream about ruining your dreams

    Dream interpretation "sleep"

    Spend axis dream kohanogo people and tinyatisya streets of the city in yoghoshukah means that at the next hour you can see the blue between them pogirshuvatimutsya with a skin day. Spend axis dream his grandmother, for a long time shukati and do not know її means that the sleeping man will not hesitate to take a call about її death. Yakscho axis dream spent kin, what a dreamer you care about your own, henceforth, in the next hour, your share will change to a higher one.

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  • Dream Interpretation "Superpersonnik"

    Tlumachennya sleep Spend. Spend axis dream schos - far from being a hostile sign. Spend axis dream people: clouding your sleep lie down like that, which brought you people, which you spent axis dream. - div. Friend, Didus, Grandmother, Batko, Mati, Druzhina, Names, Cholovik, Kokhaniy, Narechen, Kokhanka, Kokhana, Dunno.

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  • Dream Interpretation "taro-mymagic"

    Shukati, spend axis dream people, close, kokhan - like so sleep You shoot often, which means that you are afraid for whom people, you don’t want to deprive yourself of wine, you are worried about the new one, you are afraid to let him in, or you are afraid that contact with him will break. Yakscho such dream having dreamed of you once, and you already sneered axis dream through ce people, then dream You are given in order to understand how dear you are people You love yoga very much.

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  • Dream interpretation "sleep"

    vtrata people axis dream you can be different, for example, you can get lost at NATO, or in the forest, or here at an empty place. Sometimes there is such a variant that, for example, sleep intrusions people know. Sound tse accompanied by positive emotions, joy, that people to pass in a good mood and with a light heart.

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  • Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    Spend - Spend objects, buti are scattered - you think too much about the trash, and it makes your life easier. Spend hos axis dream- Get over the hardships and achieve success. Modern dream book. Pastor Loff's dream book. Why dream Spend axis dream: Spend (of people abo subjects) - Najdorochchi for us speeches є prodovzhennyam our samosvіdomostі.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed Spend, ale necessary tlumachennya sleep don't have a dream book? Our experts will help you find out what to dream about. Spend axis dream, just write a dream in the form below and you can tell what it means, what axis dream bachili tsey symbol. Try it! NATO of people, I'm with my 6-row synom, and win something ruin, then I take something away, I joke about it, but I can’t know. sleep with a similar zmіstom bachila repeatedly, in different variations, approximately once every 4-5 months, remaining 2 years.

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  • Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Value sleep Spend: Spend people Spend schos or magatisya spend.SpendSpend hos axis dream- To the present. Ruined Shukati - Shukati axis dream spent rich - until parting s people, which you appreciate.

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  • Dream Interpretation "detskiysad"

    Why dream vtrata. Bachiti axis dream waste- an even more unfriendly sign, like talking about those who, without a hitch, you happen to get locked up with roses, separations, and expenses. Fallow in the view of what you yourself spent axis dream, you can say more specifically about those who dream means. Yakshcho axis dream in and spent close to you people, then in reality you will be checked for welding and scandals in your own family, you will be the same guilt again.

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  • Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Spend hos axis dream Spend spend people people people people?

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  • Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Why dream Spend, spend according to the dream book: Spend children - Spend children axis dream- Good luck. Dream interpretation of psychologist D. Loff. Why dream Spend, spend according to the dream book: Spend expensive of people abo subjects - Najdorochchi for us speeches є prodovzhennyam our self-confidence. Love drops, car chi dear to us people vіdbivayut our bachennya yourself.

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  • Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    Why dream spend ditini axis dream. Plot sleep, in which people jokes spent children, often pretend to try to know life's sense of chi nadia. vtrata axis dream ring out to talk about the lack of chogos in reality. It's possible, ya vtrata became a strong blow, but if a share is handed to the right, nothing is left behind, the cream is how to accept your waste. Yakscho vtrata child is allowed axis dream happy, tse means that life will be prosperous.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sny-sonnik"

    Spend expensive of people or objects axis dream Naydorozhchi for us speeches - the continuation of our self-confidence. Love drops, car chi dear to us people vіdbivayut our bachennya yourself. Tom vtrata tsikh subjects or of people mean a lot to us. Spend, spend axis dream Cost (and don't get negative). maybe spend to myself, I’m in good health, I’m healthy ... - it is interpreted in a stale way from the meaning of the consumed object.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed of nibi, I їhala s unknown people in aatoyubusi vіn buv vodієm, we have buv hamster and mi yogo spent, vin pishov yogo shukati and disappeared myself, I went to the jokes of tsgo people and if it came a little after the bus, and all my words were lying there, why axis dream bulo smells like new people my life is ale wine me.

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  • Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    Spend ditini axis dream- Miller's dream book. vtrata ditini is a bad sign. Ale vin not interfering with the little one. Some people dream that a child ruined and do not interrupt. With whom the very image of a child axis dream not present. Mothers walk aimlessly and don’t know what to work, de shukati. Such a dream to talk about spend sense of life. At people there is no more hope for the successful accomplishment of one's own lives and difficulties.

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  • Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

    Spend something axis dream often means that in reality you don’t know how to react to that other situation, you can’t praise the right decision. Tse sign of sumnіvіv and nevpevnennostі. vtrata the subject of clothing obіtsyaє discord with cohanim people. Vin may unfairly call you. Like a woman axis dream spend embellish gold, or else, if it is worthless, bad luck and slander will be minted on it.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sonnik-mira"

    The value of life spending axis dreams. Dreaming, yakah had a dream vtrata, can overcome an unacceptable siege. Tlumach Loff designates that such dreams inspire our acceptance of ourselves. Yogo’s dream book says that it’s important to give respect to the one who bula spent rich for you, as you survived waste, what did the vіdshukati say? Wow, if axis dream mova go pro spend people it is possible, you doubt in yoga fidelity or vlasnoi vіddannosti youmu.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sonnik.bun"

    Spend axis dream Koshtovnosti: it means that in reality you will be right with the bastards, like fooling your head to the point that you will just send them back. Yakscho spent hoop. Dream, in which spent dribnі grosі: means unimportantly setting up people expendable. Spend I mean the amount.

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  • Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    get lost axis dream to yourself means to get lost in the situation, like in life, spend tsіl, clarity of thought, shodo podіy. Like at your own dream in and ruined in foxes - the situation is worthy of your special svitovidchuttiv and svіdomosti. And in the city, for example, hundreds of dollars from kimos, situations in society, with others people.

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  • Dream interpretation "sleep"

    Spend people axis dream vіdpovіdaє rozrivu chi discord with otochyuchimi. Such dream those who are not connected by friendly ties of people- Possibility spend companion chi close people.Whatever spending axis dream vzuttya - do it, navpaki, become better: no matter what happens, people you can know in yourself the strength to overcome all ailments, you won’t be disappointed people.

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  • Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Dream, in which spent rubbish pennies, meaning unimportantly setting up people sho stand lower for you on the social go down, sho bring to the cry expendable. Spend I mean the sum means that you will come to the house without going famously and the camp will be stricken with incompetence in the service. What to take off spend- Yakscho axis dream in and spent and you can’t know a head or a hairpin - it means that you’ll incur an insignificant Skoda without a hitch, or you’ll have a chat with a friend.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Spend hos axis dream- Get over the hardships and gain success. Spend other things - you are checked for discord with your loved ones and discord with yourself. spend people then whom? - it is possible, you put under sumniv vlasnu vіddanіst іnshhom people otherwise, navpaki, vіddanіst of people to you. However, it’s completely immovable, you don’t know what you are talking about. Why do you joke about people?

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  • Dream Interpretation ""

    Why dream SpendSpend hos axis dream- Until the financial collapse. Dream Interpretation dream. dream interpretation Spend- Somehow we are ill with death, and others seem to be unacceptable. Psychoanalytic dream book. Why dream Spend- The cost of something is real for everyday life, but it can be tied to unfamiliar bajans to get rid of this object, such as, for example, gifts people, which is given to the individual negative.

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  • Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    Yakscho axis dream you are calm and your vchinki are logically logical people axis dream), then try manipulating you to get lost, and you can work out the right motives of your kohan. Ale, be careful, yakscho axis dream you panicked or started crying. In singing situations people lift "unstoppable" heaviness, do not freeze by crying water, miraculously orientate themselves in space. having spent Zir, write pictures - having lost your hands, otherwise you are prompted to fly to ...

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  • Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    Spend - Spend something axis dream and so i do not know - pozbutisya zhittya chogos but kogos more expensive. Ruined river - Shukati axis dream I’ve ruined a bunch of rivers - until I’m worried about my children. call, get lost- Call somewhere axis dream- Until resurrection. Vitrata - To the evil. Spring dream book. Why dream Spend according to the dream book: Spend - spend hos axis dream- To the present. Ruined shukati - shukati axis dream spent rich - until parting s people, which you appreciate.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    vtrata axis dream kohanogo people- To confusion and ace. Spend axis dream important chi road rіch - to destruction. Spend axis dream documents - to bidi. Yakscho axis dream you can see spent Ale then we knew, it means that in reality you will see the old we know. Yakscho axis dream in and spent pennies (Div. Why take pennies), it means that you really take away a new robot chi planting.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sonnik-online"

    Spend| dream book Hasse. Yakscho axis dream you can see spent It’s not worth talking about those that you call on yourself stupidity and marni pratsi, because of which you can’t get a good result. posed up spend calmly - you have to get mental strength to survive this shock; she called out to you importantly - through failure, blame depression for that rose. Ask what spending another people, - tse means that it is necessary for you to learn and call you in part of a large number of shoes.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sudba"

    Roztlumachennya sleep, spend lipstick - well-being in the future on the right. Kostovny tlumach dream, axis dream spent new smart mittens - good for you people start behaving foolishly. Value sleep, in which I went vtrata like a detail of the toilet, moreover, it’s not right to do so - a little change at the commercial right, it also means a change at the kohanna.

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  • Dream interpretation "sleep"

    What do you dream about spend baby? As a rule, spend shos chi kogo - tse zavzhdi nasty. However, the next vrahuvati, for some of the furnishings, she herself became vtrata. Obviously, if an earring or a bag is spent here, then it’s up to great troubles. ale koli axis dream ruined people, especially as a tse ditin, then you will have to set yourself up for the best. Wise grandmother sound like a girl spent axis dream child, otzhe, vіn soon fly to heaven.

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  • Dream Interpretation "puteshestvia-vne-tela"

    In this way, death symbolizes the sight of something indecent to you, spending its relevance and value. Sometimes such a dream signifies unacceptable calls, tied to those who are dead. Vkray seldom the death of a kokhan people, broken axis dream, it’s literally meaning, so there’s no reason to worry too much, you just need to understand what you really feel before people and why do you check for your distant stosunkiv.

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  • Dream Interpretation "inpearls"

    vtrata close people top. come axis dream...Talk to me. vtrata close people thoughts. spend easily. You trust people, share with him, hide, laugh, manage to instruct them, give and accept for the sake of it. Ale at one moment ... at one it would have been given an insignificant moment you spend everything ... you are left alone, and through some foolishness you waste your dear people

Spend a lot of money on the topic, and in order to competently disperse them, you need to remember well what you dreamed about yourself. The loss of a person in a dream can be different, for example, it can be ruined in the NATO, or in the forest, or here in an empty city.

Sleep, in which the loss of a person occurs, start talking about those who at once have a sleeping person as deep special problems and mental experiences. Possibly, you are trying to solve the internal problem and overcome the crisis. So the loss of a person can tell about those that the sleeper wants to break the blue with her, but you can’t say about the door, in reality. Krіm tsgogo, vtrata can symbolize serious changes in life, for example, relocation or change of work, change of cola.

Follow the respect, as if the cost was the very same, as when emotions were recognized. All the same, it can be used as the basis for interpreting the dream in order to more clearly and accurately determine how dreaming of a person’s entrance into a given particular state of mind.

The loss of a person to a physical sense, then to a fox, mist, empty call to talk about a strong emotional connection between these people. Vіdnosini between people harazd, but the sleepy one is afraid of what you can get enough on your own, and that's why you have such a dream. If you talk about death as if it were a waste, then ring it out with a new roar at the vіdnosinakh, or else you’ll switch to a brand new rіvіn (for example, from a friendly link to a love one). On the eve of the equal, it is obvious that the data is mutual in such a look, like a stink, you can’t save it anymore, and because of the reasons for sleeping, dream about spending money.

Sometimes it’s such a variant that, like a dream, a person is spent. Sounds accompanied by positive emotions, joy, and people are thrown in a good mood with a light heart. Like the end of a dream, talking about those who really change the current situation as a whole, and all the problems, the vantage of some kind of infection on a sleeping person, may be a whole logical solution. The dream itself can suggest possible variants of the current situation, it is necessary only for the sake of roztlemachiti yogo, not missing the daily dribnitsa.

To decipher the dream, to guess a little bit, that there weren’t any stresses or bad situations ahead of time. The human brain as a whole can complete a picture of the day before, and set it up like a grotesque dream.

The cost of a person is not to be told about the trash and the real waste in life. As much as it is possible, that this dream only pulls on the problems of the minds of the minds, and proponing to take the situation into your own hands; you can say that such a dream is guarded.

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Dream Interpretation Spend, why dream Spend more sleep bachiti

Autumn dream book What to dream about Dream Interpretation:

Spend -

Summer dream book What to dream about Dream Interpretation:

Spend - Spend more money - before financial collapse.

Ruined - Shukati, more dreaming of ruined - to ruin.

Old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream?

Cloudy dream book: Vtratiti - We’ll never be ill with another death, and for others, it’s unacceptable.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Interpret the dream book: Spending - The cost of something in everyday life is real, but it can be tied to the unfamiliar bajans of the object, which, for example, is a gift to a person that is given to an individual negative. Spend money to spend money. Be God-willed. Have mercy. Reveal the new object, know the way. An important period left behind. Spend an item that looks like a phallus. Fear of castration.

Spring dream book What to dream about Dream Interpretation:

Spend -

Ruined shukati - Shukati uvі dream vtrachenu rіch - until parting with the people, yak you see the other way.

The river was ruined - Shukati, oh my dream, I ruined the rubbish of the river - to the point of being turbulent for my children.

Maliy Velesov dream book Why do you dream?

Spend (reserve) sho - Nespodіvana znakhіdka // you'll cry, failure, death (to the ailing), rejection, separation, clashes; spend and know - people, you think about yaku, you will do it again; spend and not know - a person, you think about something, do not turn around, behind the dream book the whole dream is deciphered.

Daily dream book How to dream

Solve a dream book: Spend money - Nіbi subject - a good knowledge

Dream Interpretation for Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Spend more sleep

Spend money - You take marna pratsia on yourself.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananita Bachiti

Uvі snі to what to dream Spend schos - Take on a marna pratsyu; - bachiti - help in need - take a fate - spy on a friend

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream?

Vtrata - I dream about it: having spent it - separation, beats.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer of Fedorovskaya

Vtrata something - To the beat.

Why dream of Vtrata of something - Vtrata of a part of the body. Often dream to the beat.

Dream interpretation of the healer Akulіni What does it mean to spend more sleep:

Vtratiti shchos - Sleep navpaki. So good knowledge. Reveal that you are already embarrassed by the other. So, you cry with burning tears.

Home dream book Why dream about Spend more sleep?

Interpret the dream book: Get involved - sum up.

Dream Interpretation Shukati people uvі snі

Navіscho dream of joking people. Tlumachennya dreams

It is not included that you cannot know how the situation turned out in reality; I will exalt my insignificance, the exaltation of clarity is like a dream. The unfriendly meaning of wine may have been in that moment, as if it was a dream that it was not possible to know a person - it’s possible, for the solution of your problem, you need to radically come in, as if you are trying to get away.

However, such a dream has one more meaning, philosophical: you can, you probably need to know your way in life (for example, you want to be in the sphere of professional interests), but still you show yourself dearly only in an instructive way.

In our dream book, you can find out not only about those who dream about joking people, but also about the clouding of the meaning of rich dreams. In addition, you learn more about those that mean bachiti shukati people uvі snі in Miller's online dream book.

Do you ever dream of spending a child?

Spend a child uvі sleep dream to an unfriendly sign. As soon as a person has spent his child in a dream, then he needs to be prepared for great roses. Plan in some kind of wines to be drunk, to fall through with a gurkot, so you can’t succumb to success.

As if a person had a dream, in which wine he spends a child, it’s to the point that it’s not difficult for him to turn into financial expenses and expenses.

As if a woman had dreamed a dream, she spent a rebec in such a dream, it can mean an increase in fears and innocence in oneself. In this mood it is necessary to try to calm down, the shards of absolutely no filthy signs of a dream do not mean, it's just a dream.

Spending more sleep on someone else's child means that it is not difficult for relatives to blame difficult problems on children.

If a person has spent a lot of sleep on a child and is trying to know, then it means that she wants to, but until now she can’t know the sense and hope in her life, so spending a lot of sleep can mean a little of what is true. He is recommended to think and understand what people do not see.

Why do you dream of spending a child, and not your own, which means that you need to put more warmth in front of your loved ones. If the child’s visit ended successfully, then she knew that she recognized those that good times would come in life, the problems would be overcome and the person would be enlightened in life.

If a woman is looking for a dream of a specific person, but she knows it and when she steals a child, it’s not worth talking about being afraid, the fear that she won’t be able to become a good mother for her child. You don’t have to worry about your dream, you don’t carry anything nasty in yourself, just try to calm down and everything will be good.

If people dream that they have lost a new-born baby, then I think that it is difficult for life to put in front of him difficult food about the sense of life, good and evil. Ring out about such a dream, don’t worry about it, everything goes away by itself.

Bachiti uvі snі people, like you don’t have children, the waste of a child, you still blame the great troubles, but don’t worry about it.

Spend your money in sleep through death, seeing that you will not be able to cry for rahunkami, moreover, under the canvas and on the presentation of a decision to the court.

A dream in a dream that a person has spent a dear child living until the death of insecurity, for that very reason it is necessary to take precautions absolutely in the mustache, so that you can call close relatives or relatives to sleep in reality.

The dream of the greater vipadkіv zavzhd schos vіschuє i namagaєetsya ahead of the people about be-yakі podії or well moments, like not barely vіdbudutsya in yoga in life. To this very important meaning, be it a dream, it’s more correct to roztlemachennya, so that you can guard your loved ones as well. Golovne vіdіznyat vіshchy dream vіd bezgluzdnogo.

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The loss of people

Here you can read the dream, the symbols are being written down The waste of people. Having pressed on the message of Tlumachennya sleep under the text of a particular dream, you can read the online tlumachennya, written without cost by tlumachs dream of our site. If you want to gloomy sleep after a dream book - go for the dream interpretation, and you will go to the side, you can read the gloomy dream, you see how the stench is interpreted by different dream books.

For a joke that looks good for you, enter the keyword from your dream in the joke form. In this rank, you can easily recognize what the dreams of the Exit of people mean, but what does the dream mean the Exit of the people.

The loss of people

I was chatting with a friend in the club, I was crying before her... My classmates showed up a lot, I got angry, I wanted to steal and started to beat them in disguise... With a fist... True, I realized that I didn’t b'yu їx much. .. Then we wanted to leave the club with her, and go home ... While I was beating my classmates, she straightened up to her car ... I spent it ... More precisely, I knew that she would know, but I had to go far. ...Here I leaned in some other place, and as if the woman told me that I created one for one with my many spivrobitnik, and I confirm that the new one has a maiden ... Ale, you will change me, that we are with him a couple... I’m going to walk here, I’ll hug him... I asked him to take him to the nadvir... I’m amazed at the new car... I’m sitting in front of my grandmother and I’m like a little lad їy onukom... І power back, she was unhappy with me marveling... Have mercy, and I began to play with the little one and at the same time trimal by the hand of my spіvrobіtnik. Sweat, we were groaning... It was already dark... And they straightened him to the other side, already puffs... Grandmother and onuk were lost in the car... And we went through for help, it was clear there. ... My spivrobitnik wants to smoke, but I was afraid in my grandmother's presence... And then I started kissing... We kissed for a long time... And here we go by the car, and Bachimo, why don't you stand there, de mi zupinilis . .. And yet another street .. They went, and they didn’t show their granny, they didn’t show onuk ... Started their shukati ... And here I leaned in some jubilant center ... De rejoice with the biostrum (with your hands). .. And one person wants to take a shower for me, I’m going to call, asking for those who need to know people ... I’ve thrown my axis ... I can’t figure out what this dream is for?

Spend earrings more sleep

Axis has been sleeping for 2 days already, that I am wearing an earring. I vipadkovo zamoktala її in pilosos.

I spent it in another dream, I knew it, then I spent it again and I hid it, so I wouldn’t spend it again. Earrings were diamonds.

What could it mean to dream? Spend earrings more sleep? Before the speech, it appears in her dream, mother also wore that earring.

New Year's Eve at sleep

More precisely, I didn’t spend it, but exchanged it for a trinket. Alecia exchange made me so happy. Nacha was orphaned. I marvel at my hand, it's naked. Invisibly without an anniversary. Like hurting a friend. The axis is out of favor to the material world. I’ll throw the axle and look in front of the closet, I thought, oh my. Tsgogo can not buti. The young man knows 11 years ago on the streets that are known as the new Swiss. Or maybe a copy. I don’t part with them like rock. My pride is on you... Life has spent every sense. I again marvel at their hand.

I spit my eyes, why sleep. Less sleep. I am correcting myself and... I look into the closet. My sonechko lies like a rich rock in that same place. The axis is out of favor to the material world. Mabut, and speeches carry the information of their master. I think so.

The vtrata of a close person uvі dream

Oh, I’m losing my mother (I didn’t seem to be deprived of my self-sufficiency), my father, oh, I’ll have more infusions. Mi (tato i ya) stand in the kitchen and marvel at the window. There is a vantazhivka on the street, and as if a person is going to her. To the question: Dad, what a vantazhivka!

Tato vіdpovіv: "And tsya vantazhіvka takes away people, like our mother, os bachish, you won't become a tata!" After these words, my eyes were turned around by his hands, knowing the anniversary from the wrist, and then I gasped those who had a year on all fingers buv and my year, which I wear at once and zіpsovanie, which I wear and year, which I wear and wear my brother, and the old year of tata, which has long since been reclaimed.

Tsі all the years were on the fingers of my tat (on the skin finger), and vin їx one by one I broke and clave beat myself, if I took the rest of the vine, I threw myself. Good, it's just a dream. Really everything is good.

Vtrata rebuvannya child uvі snі

1. 5 years ago, sleep, I spend 3 years on the street child. After 2-3 months, I know the child’s sleep, then for the next hour I’ll spend it again and find a dream with the squad. Vaughn is consuming a child. Be kind, help roztlemachiti-interpret sleep, I'm already suffering. With the team, this topic was not discussed, but she knew about my dreams.

Let's be more than good and good for everyone for clouding sleep.

Introducing a child

Help, be kind, understand the dream of the child.

I am dear to the dishes, and my 2-year-old daughter, in her shorts, went home alone. I felt like the doors creaked, ran after her, but there was no order anywhere. She began to scream, beg at the jokes. The offensive wound, the passers-by climbed up the pіd'їzd, patted there її. Vaughn stood in old speeches, entrusted from the two with old diduses.

I podbіgla, obіynyala її ... One of the dіdusіv explained that he had danced її yesterday in the evening, in his shorts, taking home, dressed, pleaded. I bula youmu already vdyachna, nourished like vіddyachiti. I threw myself with even stronger emotions, and in little fear

Spent a child uvі snі

A dream that is wondrous and wandering ...

I KNOW that I am pregnant, so I know that my friend is pregnant. I’m going down the street and I’m watching that my friend hung out of the window and rob like a wondrous gymnastics right (I remember exactly that she was doing the twine). Її cholovіk rob gymnastics right from the side of the balcony. A friend is that її cholovik glad.

Let's see, something is not clear ...

Then I woke up in my mouth, winked-tse appeared (the size of the little finger) figurine. Nache lyudska, ale zlamana. And then I realized that I had spent a child. I'm no longer pregnant.

(Indeed: I am raising my daughter, widow)

Vtrata vіdnosin vі snі

I dreamed that a girl, with whom I have long been collaborating on the Internet and for what I value, knew the lad and didn’t want to talk anymore, so I interrupted the conversation.

Now it’s even scary, raptom tsey dream bv_schim?

Zee. I love this girl.

Lost memory

I'm leaning on an unknown little place and I lost my memory. The place is even cleaner and more welcoming, but there are no residents, and I guess that it was a catastrophe and everyone left. A plush medical doctor is stuck on the teeth. On the storefront it says not "Kitchen", but "Kitchens".

People began to appear on the streets, I understand that I didn’t leave the place, it’s just early. I don't have pennies, only a shard of coins in the swarm. I ring the phone, I feed - de me? Menі vіdpovіdat - go back, we'll go to the orphan house at number 91, we'll help you.

I knew it like a mail order letter, like that of the 70s, I guessed that I had 2 bank cards, I took care of them, I gave them away for a curse at the end of the day from the phone. She is dialing on the phone, marveling at the map, then she turned all the moves, to the kshtalt, it’s impossible to help.

I'll guess my address and feed it, how can I get home? Nobody knows. I ask - what is your place called? Doesn't anyone tell me? I am doing good - well, I want to name a great place, so that I could look around and get home. All to speak.

I’m running by the sea, like children are playing at the whils, I’ve healed, I want to reach them. But I’ll guess what I need to get home, more on robots check. I'm skipping. Thank you!

Vtrata stealing gamantsya uvі snі

Rostlumachte, be kind, a dream about a waste, stealing a gamantsia!

Uvі snі mi z sinom vykonuvali yakіs dії, chi moving, chi poshuki for addresses. While walking around here and there, I wondered why I didn’t have my bags. Call for buying bags-backpacks (women, different colors, ring small). And, alas, as soon as I thought about the bag, I immediately patted it. Vaughn lay on the pavement between some kind of beams. Moreover, the bag-backpack was large, beige in color (obviously, the material was jeans).

The bag was bouldered, all the speeches were on the missions, we will surround my gamantz. I remember (oh my dream) that my hamanets buv is cute, in a quote, but in a new way there was practically no cooking, to that I see the priority of bank cards. I began to cry out to my sons, why by flooding my bag and so on. We were honed by people, as they were put before us kindly.

Panіka vіd vtrati bula less at first hvilini vtrati gamantsya. Then I calmed down, emphatically cheered. I remember that I was constantly talking about those who need to block bank cards. Thank you very much in advance!

The vtrata of children and the ruination of the booth uvі snі

I had a dream in the middle of Thursday, in fact, I don’t particularly believe in a dream! Ale tsey chomus zmusiv me zamislitis! The dream was given to me already old: it all started from the one that I went from home, I don’t know why, but I felt guilty about myself, if I turned around, more than my budinok, from which I went, zruynuvavsya! To be more precise, zlamavsya dah whole!

Bulo rich ulamkiv! The booth had a lot of children (native for me), including my son! I could not know anyone near these rough walls, then I knew everyone, we will surround one nephew! We all drove out into the street, because the houses were small to carry to the end, all the children broke up, I spent all of them, I could not know people in Yurba! It was already unacceptable, I didn’t remember what was eating at my nephew’s, which I couldn’t know! On the right, in the fact that today I feel wasted, already drastic, I cry constantly! Up to what?

It was already unacceptable, I didn’t remember what was eating at my nephew’s, which I couldn’t know! On the right, in the fact that today I feel wasted, already drastic, I cry constantly!

Is it worth dreaming about the loss of children and the ruination of the hut?

The booth had a lot of children (native for me), including my son! I could not know anyone at these ruined walls, then I knew everyone, except for one

We all drove out into the street, because the houses were small to carry to the end, all the children broke up, I spent all of them, I could not know people in Yurba!

Vtrata gamantsya uvі snі

I dreamed like this: summer, nature, bula z znayomimi, spent gamanets from who had pennies and credit cards. Nezabara guessed that the hamanets of ruins, went through the old walks, but she could no longer know him. She was very embarrassed about the drive, she threw herself over.

Please help me to solve the dream of my squad! For her, it's important!

Vtrata kіltsya vі snі

I dreamed that I was climbing on the escalators (near the great shopping center, I’m working out at once) and my friends (well, not even close ones) are pushing me to me and it seems that they spent my ring (I wear a silver ring on the ring finger of my right hand) "Keep and save “I don’t know by any means), I was already embarrassed ...

How about this dream?

Spend your shoes on your sleep

I’ve spent my shoes and I’m joking softly, but there’s a richly-richly rich other fluff, not much: like guys, like - no, but mine are not.

Vtrata svіdomosti uvі snі

I dreamed that I was taking a bath, standing by the water on my knees by the bath. Sweat raptovo speckly become, and I feel that at once I will spend the information. Having tried the cold water, turn it on, but it started to spin a lot, and it was easy to lie on my life, I lost my hearing, I didn’t feel what I was saying. Starting to shout himself, click for help. Let's turn on the sweat, dark... Having shriveled up in myself on the bed, my mother is in front of me, so I can feel what I don't feel. As soon as I sigh, I don’t feel my own voice. Then I began to shout / speak in a special way, and as if the ear turned in steps.

Lyudina ruined

Dream Interpretation Ludina ruined I dreamed about what to dream about in a dream Lyudina was ruined? To select a clouded dream, enter the key word for your dream in a random form, or press on the letter of a typical dream image (so you want to take online clouding of dreams on a letter without a letter after the alphabet).

At once, you can find out what it means to bachiti uvі snі Ludina was ruined by reading below without costly clouding of dreams from the shortest online dream books of Budinka Sontsya!

Dream Interpretation - Vtrata

Dream Interpretation - Vtrata teeth

Dream Interpretation - Vtrata

Dream Interpretation - Vtratiti (booking)

Dream Interpretation - Spend money

Dream Interpretation - Spend

Dream Interpretation - Lyudina

The gentry is a noble person who wants to be dressed up.

The gentry people are on horseback - clarity in the official reference.

The illness of a person is laid on a vіzok - there is death.

Ailment of a person rises on a vіzok - there is a great misfortune.

A sick person gets up - death is alive.

The sickness of a person now weeps, then laughs - there is still a dress.

The sickness of a person, what is in the cloak, is death.

Illness of a person who sings a song - there is a great misfortune.

Take a mirror, which is to lie with other people - the people of a noble son.

Bachiti how to kill people - great happiness.

Bachiti people with a government seal - glory, popularity.

Bachiti people, like reading a book - a gentry son will be born.

Bachiti, as a noble person comes - misfortune mine you.

Volodyesh as a human being with one and the same clothes - the squad has a kokhanets.

Turn the people's pennies - a poryatunok in the face of ailment.

Talk to a filthy person, dashing - there will be welding.

Give people like clothes - blame the servicemen.

Give people castanets - like.

Give people lower - misfortune.

Giving people shovkovuyu matter - great misfortune.

Let the people be dressed up - blame the servicemen for help, there will be sickness, illness, grief.

Give the people a later flute - greater popularity, glory.

Robish earthly uglin like people - good luck with all the right.

Another person holds your mirror in their hands - you see misfortune with the squad.

The smell of rot, they fell in the form of a burning people - I feel happiness.

Zabrudnennaya, brudna shirt - humiliation, slander.

A snake or a dragon to drive in a person - there is great misfortune.

A snake bites a person - you see the gain of great wealth.

The snake follows the people - to talk about the health of the squad.

A snake that wraps itself around a turtle - wealth will appear, wealth is evident.

A noble person is giving a gift of brocade to the brocade - the arrival of an official person.

A noble person distributes headdresses to people - for good luck.

A noble person distributes clothes and headdresses to people - for good luck.

From the krinitsa the people's mova is heard - there will be radіsnі podії.

Patsyuk bites a man for clothes - you will reach, what you have jumped.

Bite people - more waste.

Honey at once from a person's hedgehog - you will be happy with that vigo.

A dead person is - in ailment.

Bagatorazovo stab people with a knife - the joy of that vigoda.

On the vіzok the sickness of the people is coming - great misfortune.

With a knife, with a sword, you cut a person - you see a waste of wealth.

Give people a parasol - separation from this people.

Raise the pelvis, the wind, and in the new fall the bottom - there is a ruin.

Kupuesh at the people's houses at the silsk_y mіstsevostі - moving from the zv'yazku from the change of service.

To take away the appearance of the people of paper pennies - great happiness.

Take away the type of people below - you will not be recognized for the planting.

Help people to eat at the jar - wealth is happiness.

Trust people to take care of your right - great misfortune.

Approaching the people, as if they are engaged in witches for the "i-ching" - sickness, illness.

Request a person to go to the state institution - drinking that zha.

Accept a sword from a person - the arrival of a person from afar

Noble people come - misfortune to you.

Chop on swords with people - you see great luck, benefit.

Layatisya with people - for good luck.

You shoot at the people yourself - you see a long trip.

A pig, a wild boar transforms into a human being - if it is on the right, the situation is tied to officials.

Sorrow and tears for the drive of people from afar - a great misfortune.

To dream of a person, how to learn to write - great wealth, nobility.

Shooting at people is a long trip.

The man's head is cut into two pieces - for good luck.

You drive in another person - you see wealth and nobility.

Drive in people - wealth and nobility.

To drive a person in such a way that blood is cloaked in clothing - material income and wealth.

To drive a person in - you feel great happiness.

A person to talk to you about death - you can see for a long time.

The person seems to have received your speech - misfortune, grief is approaching.

Lyudina gives you a great wind - vigoda.

A person gives you ink, ink - slipping from your written work.

A person gives a vіnik, a mіtla - vіschuє otrimannya mіstsya in the service.

People give vags - vіschuє vіschuє vodіnnya dominion.

Lyudina gives an official robe, a uniform - you will be appointed to the post of an official.

The person gives you a great wind - a great benefit.

A person gives you a comb or a comb - you buy a squad or a concubine.

A person gives you ink, ink - to talk about squeezing your writing from your work.

Lyudina gives three swords - you will become the head of the district, the governor.

Lyudina grants you a brush - pushing talent.

Lyudina gives a cibulus and a crossbow - I will help from the side.

A person gives a seam, taffeta - you see great happiness and prosperity.

The person holds your brush in his hands, the writing tool is your twir, the article will not be accepted.

People cry out to you from the streets - you see bad luck.

Lyudina plays musical instruments - you will be recognized as right in the judicial review, litigation.

A person with a bamboo stick to himself - happiness, prosperity, good luck.

You break your hand - you feel sick.

A person to catch fish is a sign of good luck.

Lyudina crying, gnashing her teeth - there will be super-niceness, poses.

Lyudina pіdtremuє recumbent sick - promotion.

A person proponing to eat sour milk is a great joy.

Lyudina will ask you to drink wine - long time.

A man with a bruised head, go to you nazustrich - on great happiness.

A person to put you in an unhandled camp, you look humiliated - you will get riches.

A person shoots at you - a mandriving man arrives.

People hitting you with their feet - giving wealth

Third-party people on you b'є - zdobuttya forces.

People belittle you with wealth.

Lyudina, how to learn to write - great wealth, nobility.

A person with a government seal - the glory, popularity.

People, like reading a book - a gentry's son will be born.

People's language is heard from the well - there will be gladness under it.

Dream Interpretation - Lyudina

A person who sits on a high rock means that in the distant future, a grandiose podium will become a dreamer, as if to radically change one's life.

Zustrich people with a stranger, what a beastly look, - until Zustrichi with the Antichrist.

Pray for evil, despotic people - a sign that a tyrant will come to rule, which will bring war to Earth, that evil famine.

As if you dreamed of a marriage, then in the future you will have great intolerance, after which you will waste your camp, yes and a true friend. Well, if you succumbed to the great number of zhebrakiv, then it means that there are a lot of people among the future checks.

Pray for the dream of rich people - the garn of the sign. You are in charge of a trouble-free life at the number of people close to you. Bachiti uvі dreams of impersonal people - until the happy life of the people of the world.

If you see a wounded person in a dream, it means that someone from people close to you is seriously tested, because of such a person you will not be afraid of more than a dahu, material benefits, sіm'ї, and you will take serious calcium.

Dream Interpretation - Vtratiti

Spend more money and don’t know so much - spend your life more or less expensive.

Dream Interpretation - Vtratiti

Spend more money - up to the present.

Inject a friend

Dream Interpretation Involve a friend dreamed about what to dream about uvі snі To spend a friend? To select a clouded dream, enter the key word for your dream in a random form, or press on the letter of a typical dream image (so you want to take online clouding of dreams on a letter without a letter after the alphabet).

At once, you can find out what it means to bachiti uvі snі Involve a friend by reading below without costly clouding of dreams from the best online dream books of Budinka Sontsya!

Dream Interpretation - Vtrata

Sleep, at the same time, at the railway station, they have spent their baggage, seeing bad luck in business. As if in tovstіshom you have spent your companion - in reality you have a family welding, and for the independent ones it means separation from the guard, who knows his own way.

Spending more money means that in reality you will be on the right with the bastards, like fooling your head to the point that you just send them back. If they have spent a hoop - in reality such a dream can cause ruin and need. Spend pearl barley namisto - until suffering and confusion, a golden lansy - for the hairy short-sightedness to miss, perhaps, the only chance to significantly increase.

A dream, in which you have spent a few pennies, means an unimportant attitude to people, as if to stand lower for you on social descends, which will bring you up to the cost of spending. Spending a significant amount of money means that you will not arrive famously at the house and the camp will be stricken with incompetence in the service.

Yakshcho you have spent your dreams and you can’t know a head or a hairpin - it means that you will incur an insignificant misfortune or have a chat with a friend. Spend a lot of sleep on the oars and be carried far to the shore - do not try to realize your plans, because all your efforts will lead to failure right away.

Spend more sleep powder and lipstick - to success on the right. Spending the keys to the loss of freedom or separation through jealousy. Spend a medallion - a sign of the sum of money for the number of true friends.

Spend brand new cunning mittens - to the point of unreasonable behavior with people who are nice to you. The opening of the nasal cavity means unseen hopes, eyepieces - take away a slight injury through the power of disrespect and ruin.

Lost in a misplaced moment and in a crowded place, like details of a toilet, there is a crossing at the commercial right and a crossing at the kohanna. Spend a penny, being a drink, and turn around at the restaurant table without a new thought that you will be given servants, mistaking for another person.

A dream, de vie have spent a coat, seeing that you happen to re-power your share and you will repent bitterly, cursing yourself for your short-sightedness and revealed inconsistency. Spend more than your sleep shoes, ryayuyuchis vіd pereslіduvannya, which means that you will be deprived, but you will know in your own strength to save life and faith in human order.

Spending more than a few documents means that you will be educated to the right, doomed to failure. As if you have lost the right to significant power like a booth or a car - you see the sight of important thoughts.

A dream, in which you have spent your teeth, prophesying an important hour for you to belittle that consumption. Spend more than your sleep - in reality you will know the osmіyannya from the side of the unkindly laid colleagues. Spend an arm and a leg - such a dream promises wealth and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Friend

Mothers see the dream of a close friend means that you can help your friends in a tough situation. A dream, in which you seem to be unfamiliar with a friend, telling you that you don’t hesitate to take a call about a new one. Їsti or drink with another uvі snі - moving the great trouble. Sometimes such a dream tells you that you happen to share yoga negativity with a friend. Help your girlfriend u vі snі - to tiles, rozbratіv and family weldings, іnоdі to otrimannya zvіstki about qiu people. Indulge in a dream of a friend who hasn’t been beaten for a long time, which means that you’ll be guessed. Find out if your friend is dead - until the end of the news about yogo fun. Bachiti your friend gladly uvі snі - until the end of good remembrance of that good day. Let's sum it up - until a filthy day, that unacceptable call. Booty dream in the company of friends and enemies at once - a sign that soon either one of your friends will become your enemy, or else. Bachiti see your friend in a different guise - check the deceit in the sight of your loved ones, revealing some kind of work before opening. Give respect to those who are dressed as your friends in your dreams. If you put your clothes on your respect to your dreams, then marvel at the darkness: clothes. Marveling at a friend from below uphill - to the height of courageous hopes, as you pragnetize your reach, and also the same camp, which is your friend’s reach; marvel at the beast down - moving the one that, through your zarozumіlu behavior or cunning, you can ruin your friends. It’s like a friend, see a dream (abo bachiti, that a friend uniques you) - a sign of separation from a friend.

Dream Interpretation - Vtrata teeth

Loss of teeth - unrequited love fortune, adultery / death of a relative / taєmne that prihovane in the wake of the death of someone from their loved ones / seeing one’s own involution (turnaround, degradation), almost “spend the future”, lose.

The loss of a molar tooth is a misfortune with a frail person.

Loss of the front tooth - bad luck with the young; from brothers, sisters, children.

Virvany tooth at the blood of bachiti - misfortune with fathers and people dear to you.

Wink the tooth, look back and put it in your mouth again - misfortune with the retinue (person) of their relatives.

Tooth (tooth) my vibiti is good luck.

Dream Interpretation - one to one. one against one, one against one. among themselves

Druzhina and man to give one comb to one - you are happy.

Grandmothers-watchmen fly one against one - the arrival of a garna of people.

Women fight among themselves - sickness.

Bjoli fly, roaring one with one at love games - on the right you can’t die with success.

Evil people to pull one alone - ailment.

Dream Interpretation - Inshy

You take a mirror, which is to lie with other people - the people of a noble son.

Bachiti in the mirror is a reflection of another people - a fight with a retinue of a chi kohanka.

Bachiti in a broken mirror looking like a human being is a pity.

Bachiti nebizhchik іnshu people chi to yourself - for good luck.

Give people castanieti - see like.

Keeping a sword in your hands, zavdavat pricks other people - a waste.

Trimati lower in the hands and head to the blow of another person - a waste.

Another person gives a brush - you show talent.

Another person holds your mirror in their hands - you see misfortune with the retinue.

Another person plays on musical instruments - you will be ruled by the ship's court, litigation.

Another person supports a bedridden sick person - promotion.

Another person is shooting at you - a mandriving man.

The second person gives a later flute - greater popularity, glory.

We are dead to another person, to ourselves - for good luck.

To move to a new budinok, to lie down for other people - for good luck.

Receive a simple robe made of hemp fabric - unfortunately.

Accepting the sight of other people - the rest of the people of the son.

Dream Interpretation - Friend

Make sure your friends are healthy and happy - you will see good stars. It is possible that you will not hesitate to see the Kimos of people dear to you.

Bachchit, that your friend is embarrassed, otherwise it has become dark in appearance - it promises sickness and suffering.

If you see your friend at the sight of the creature - it means that the enemies will soon separate you from your loved ones.

As a friend, it’s not possible for you to dress up at the brightly-red robes - tse tell you the worries and anxiety of your loved ones.

If you dream of your friend, standing high on a podium - you will have to work for more than what you have planned, and a little justice will be there for you. As if you are doing yoga far below - that is what you see, that at the time of your future successes you will not use your old similitudes. As if you were walking in the sight of your friend - this is a sign that, shaving the uzi of friendship. You shukatimete new enemies. Squeeze the hand of the sumnіy and oppressed people - before parting with the other, or spend yoga.

Dream Interpretation - Friend

A dream, in which you see your friends in a good mood, radiant and healthy, talk about those who in reality can check good stars or friends with an old friend, like to charge you with a mass of positive emotions. As if you are dreaming, in which your friend is in confusion, in reality you will be threatened with ailments and misfortunes. Bachiti your friend in an unseen sight means that you have appeared enemies, or a supergirl, to separate you from your cohanim.

Like in a dream, your friend standing in front of you in an over-the-top bright robe, in the nearest future you will be turbulent, worrying about being seen in public, like you will be taken aback. If you dream of your friend, who is not suitable for everyone, having embraced a high plantation, then in reality you will have to live in life with all your plans and dreams, your practice will be a good wine city. Well, well, now, your friend will knock you down in a dream, then in the period of your anger you will forget about the quiet, who, after helping you with twisted quills.

A dream, where you will cook with your friend, promise you new adventures and adventures, call on you to replace the old likeness to you.

Dream Interpretation - Friend

Check good reminders. A happy friend who sees you - check for unsupported guests; bachiti pensive disguise of a friend - otrimani vіdomostі to bring majestic success; bachiti the death of a friend uvі snі - to request you for a party; go to your friend's home - you want to try to turn your back; laugh in the company of friends - take away the wisdom of the joy that you so urgently require; a friend was assigned to a high tenement - take a note about the wine city for your practice; know new friends - find out about the possibility of spending an hour with a host company.

Show that you are sitting at a table with a friend, enjoying wine and snacks and having a quiet, unhurried conversation.

Dream Interpretation - Friend

A friend was beaten up by the dream - fermentation of the possible futures, so you can see the dream and become.

Bachiti friend and laugh with him - at separation from him.

To help a friend - until the end of the dovgoochіkuvanoy help.

Compete with a friend - to the point of innocence.

Let's die a friend's bachiti - to the point of unbearable news.

Speak with a dead friend - until important news, your words are true.

Dream Interpretation - Friend, friends

As if dreaming of a close friend, you will be fooled by sumnіvi shdo yogo breadth.

A dying friend - good luck.

Cheerful friend - to the reception room.

Squeeze the hand of a sumny person - until parting with a friend.

Іti sight of a friend uvі dream - shave off the bondage of friendship in reality.

Healthy and happy friends - until good news, good news.

Cheerful friends - a prosperous day, sumnі friends - a boring day.

Bad news.

I dreamed that your friends and enemies in the same company and with satisfaction were merging - this is evidence of the innocence, duplicity of your friends.

The stinks were your secret unkindness, otherwise they will become like that.

Spend close people on your

Dream Interpretation I dreamed about what to dream about in a dream To select a clouded dream, enter the key word for your dream in a random form, or press on the letter of a typical dream image (so you want to take online clouding of dreams on a letter without a letter after the alphabet).

At once you can find out what it means to bachiti uvі sn Spend a close person on your own, having read below without a costly clouding of dreams from the shortest online dream books of Budinka Sontsya!

Dream Interpretation - Natovp

To lean on the great that unorganized NATO or bachiti yogo u vі snі is a sign of fear of what seems to be an unsupported podії.

Slightly saying natovpu її rembuvanni u vі snі means that you will soon get a penny other people, grow rich, but people will begin to sue you. Zhvava that radіsna atmosphere natovpu uvі snі vіshchuє prosuvannya your inquiries. Disruption of NATO people in the night - the movement of unsafe political cataclysms in your country. To speak out before the NATO uvі snі means that you are trying to get to know. If you see a dream of NATO, you will be hearing, then in life you will reach a high camp, the ruler of the people's knowledge. Frowning at people at the sight of dreams of unacceptability, or shocking. Marvel at the darkness: people, church, big, square.

Dream Interpretation - Natovp

Bachiti see the dreams of the faceless kindly dressed people, who are at the same time with you at the banquet or the evening party, looking forward to seeing the friendship with your beloved friends.

What an unacceptable incident, which, having destroyed the atmosphere of the evening, promises you to spend that unstoppable rose.

After such a dream, serious conflicts are possible in the country.

The shaky NATO at the church sees impersonal other inaccuracies, or seriously unhappy, as if to impress you.

Natovpi people on the streets - until the moment on the right, the next pleasant period of your activity.

As if you were sleeping, speak loudly, trying to shout over the noise of the attack - it means that in reality you will be able to outperform others in the bedroom on the right.

An unfriendly dream, in which people in NATO clothes are gloomy.

“If you dream that a hypnotist, having subverted his will to NATO, cannot succumb to you - it means that a great misfortune is creeping up to you and nothing in the world, the crime of yourself, can not save you.

Dream Interpretation - Natovp

Having greeted the sleep of the faceless kindly dressed people, who are at the same time with you at a banquet or a dinner party, you will gladly delight your friends with your friends. Truth be told, if an unacceptable incident happens at a banquet, then you will have a touch of that disappointment in front of you.

If you hit NATO at the church - take away a lot of bad things.

Natovpi people on the streets to withdraw before the birth on the right, a pleasant period for the robot.

As if you were in a dream, speak loudly, trying to outshout the noise at the enemy, - you will try to get ahead of others in the bedroom on the right.

Sleep, in which people in NATO clothes are gloomy, is unacceptable.

Dream Interpretation - Natovp

Lyudina with NATO is anonymous.

What is a part of your soul, anonymity, what do you want to support? At NATO, ring out a lot of foreigners: why do you feel like a stranger to your life? Try to show clearly, as if you were guilty of defying the NATO: in this way you can find out about the thought, how to take care of your guardianship.

Others of NATO: you can say that you see yourself as a part of something great and important.

Dream Interpretation - Natovp

Natovpi people on the streets in the streets, sni vishchuet pozhvavlennya on the right, the next pleasant period in your activity. If you meet at a banquet or a dinner party in well-dressed people, you will get a long-term bond with your beloved friends. If the atmosphere of the evening is to be destroyed by an unacceptable incident - you will be checked for that unsatisfactory rose. The shaky NATO in the church is seeing impersonal other inaccuracies, or more serious misfortune, as if to strike you.

Dream Interpretation - Natovp

"get lost in the NATO" in a way, a waste of individuality. Associations: "get in the thick of the ground", "get together" (squeeze one of the other), "natovp (a bunch of people) for a drive (a funeral, sacredly skinny), "black in the store".

Dream Interpretation - Natovp

Symbolizes the awakening of the camp.

Lean in the midst of people: a sign that in the next hour, like a scumbag, you can get drunk.

So dream of impersonal incomprehensibility, non-conflicts and weldings.

It’s like natovp robes are chepurno and svyatkovo: it means that the vanity will be viklikana with such positive podias.

Promovets, which speaks out before the NATO: suggest that the cause of the restless awakening may be deceit, or information.

Bachiti is wonderfully nimble, unruly natovp: to speak about those who are in extreme nervous tension and risk whether or not they will vibrate. After such a dream, it’s better for you to relax and try to take a load.

Dream Interpretation - Natovp

Natovp is taking into account the loss of the individuality of the dream.

Bachiti natovp - be self-reliant, weak.

Buti squeezed by NATO - become a victim of tiles, perhaps unhappily.

Dream Interpretation - Natovp

Natovp - Zbozhevoliy, razlyutovaniya natovp - at the nearest future possibility of rebellion, gromadyanska war, pogrom.

Dream Interpretation - Natovp

Natovp - sleep on natovp - welding between people.

Spend a laptop

Dream Interpretation Use Note dreamed about what to dream about uvі snі Spend a laptop? To select a clouded dream, enter the key word for your dream in a random form, or press on the letter of a typical dream image (so you want to take online clouding of dreams on a letter without a letter after the alphabet).

At once, you can find out what it means to bachiti uvі snі Spend a laptop by reading below without costly clouding of dreams from the best online dream books of Budinka Sontsya!

Dream Interpretation - Vtrata

Sleep, at the same time, at the railway station, they have spent their baggage, seeing bad luck in business. As if in tovstіshom you have spent your companion - in reality you have a family welding, and for the independent ones it means separation from the guard, who knows his own way.

Spending more money means that in reality you will be on the right with the bastards, like fooling your head to the point that you just send them back. If they have spent a hoop - in reality such a dream can cause ruin and need. Spend pearl barley namisto - until suffering and confusion, a golden lansy - for the hairy short-sightedness to miss, perhaps, the only chance to significantly increase.

A dream, in which you have spent a few pennies, means an unimportant attitude to people, as if to stand lower for you on social descends, which will bring you up to the cost of spending. Spending a significant amount of money means that you will not arrive famously at the house and the camp will be stricken with incompetence in the service.

Yakshcho you have spent your dreams and you can’t know a head or a hairpin - it means that you will incur an insignificant misfortune or have a chat with a friend. Spend a lot of sleep on the oars and be carried far to the shore - do not try to realize your plans, because all your efforts will lead to failure right away.

Spend more sleep powder and lipstick - to success on the right. Spending the keys to the loss of freedom or separation through jealousy. Spend a medallion - a sign of the sum of money for the number of true friends.

Spend brand new cunning mittens - to the point of unreasonable behavior with people who are nice to you. The opening of the nasal cavity means unseen hopes, eyepieces - take away a slight injury through the power of disrespect and ruin.

Lost in a misplaced moment and in a crowded place, like details of a toilet, there is a crossing at the commercial right and a crossing at the kohanna. Spend a penny, being a drink, and turn around at the restaurant table without a new thought that you will be given servants, mistaking for another person.

A dream, de vie have spent a coat, seeing that you happen to re-power your share and you will repent bitterly, cursing yourself for your short-sightedness and revealed inconsistency. Spend more than your sleep shoes, ryayuyuchis vіd pereslіduvannya, which means that you will be deprived, but you will know in your own strength to save life and faith in human order.

Spending more than a few documents means that you will be educated to the right, doomed to failure. As if you have lost the right to significant power like a booth or a car - you see the sight of important thoughts.

A dream, in which you have spent your teeth, prophesying an important hour for you to belittle that consumption. Spend more than your sleep - in reality you will know the osmіyannya from the side of the unkindly laid colleagues. Spend an arm and a leg - such a dream promises wealth and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Vtrata teeth

Loss of teeth - unrequited love fortune, adultery / death of a relative / taєmne that prihovane in the wake of the death of someone from their loved ones / seeing one’s own involution (turnaround, degradation), almost “spend the future”, lose.

The loss of a molar tooth is a misfortune with a frail person.

Loss of the front tooth - bad luck with the young; from brothers, sisters, children.

Virvany tooth at the blood of bachiti - misfortune with fathers and people dear to you.

Wink the tooth, look back and put it in your mouth again - misfortune with the retinue (person) of their relatives.

Tooth (tooth) my vibiti is good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Vtrata

Vtrata - it’s like dreaming: having spent it - separation, beats.

Dream Interpretation - Vtratiti (booking)

Unsatisfied knowledge // You will cry, failure, death (to the ailing), rejection, separation, clashes; spend and know - people, you think about yaku, you will do it again; spend and not know - a man, you think about a yaku, do not turn around.

Dream Interpretation - Spend money

Sleep on the spot. If you have spent more than a dream, it means even more familiar knowledge in reality.

Reveal that you are already embarrassed by the other. So, why are you crying with burning tears (div. Slozi).

Dream Interpretation - Spend

Ruynuvannya and spend a good hour pidyoma in the mountains - seeing evil and misfortune.

Wearing items of clothing - important canopies for the squad.

Dream Interpretation - Vtratiti

Spend more money and don’t know so much - spend your life more or less expensive.

Dream Interpretation - Vtratiti

Spend more money - up to the present.

Dream Interpretation - Vtratiti

Spend more money - until financial collapse.

Dream Interpretation - Spend

Spend more sleep - misfortune, fear, insecurity for life; especially badly we are ill / we are guarded against the diy, which is superb to your minds.



Everything is perfect with the special brethren, but having spent more and more dreams in love with a girl, the whole dream is joking, but it didn’t end with anything positive. What can you mean?


spend mobile phone


Have a dream, my man, having gone to the kar'єr with a great company to bathe and taking his daughter, his wood, but if the stench bathed. a man її dovgo check and snarl, scho having spent її (and daughter) Aleone turned around happily.


I dreamed about my dream with my little girl, as I only learned how to get along. I vyrishila to help not znayomіy zhіntsi, schos otrimati chi certificate or licence. The corridor is ringing, so I can’t squeeze through the bottom at once, and I think the first one will go down, I go down, I turn around, but the child is dumb, only the woman. And then I joke all my sleep about my daughter calling її on іm'ya and I don't remember exactly what її called. She fed at the passers-by, walked through the streets thinly. In fact, I don’t have any children, but I would like to. Zazdalegid to you!


I dreamed that I, that my lad, stumbled in a car in a different place, there cars drove with other people's license numbers. At the approaching crossroads, I leaned on my bicycle (I lay in the snow on the street), and drove off by car. And having passed the troch on the road, a majestic kaluzha appeared, in a kind of wine and drowning. I joked Yogo all the whole hour, and then we yelled at our car. I knew yoga. How about this dream?


Good afternoon, Tetyano. I ask you to disturb my dream. Having dreamed of a lot of cohanie cholovіk, I wanted to turn around for me, I was instructed, I didn’t fix the opіr yoma, I went to our apartment (I didn’t know it in reality), I saw it calmly and calmly, we got out and went out with him on the streets , at a higher price of wine for me, I lost sight of it, walked a little distance, and there, for the horn of me, I didn’t know a man smiled. I ruined that virishila dochekatisya yogo booth, tk. I knew in a different place, when I got home, I wobbled like a lad with headphones to suck an apartment and get so clean, I blew a saw in the vital, it became not handy and I lied that it was my own fault to climb in, even if I’m there now, gentleman, having given me a pilosos and having told me that the woman, how to clean up our houses, this day simply could not, having told me about it, I lived there all the hour and knew me well.


Hello! I had a dream yesterday, as I had spent my soul mate ... Vaughn was in a white short dress. And my mother stood in charge. I know .... having fed the stench of others, they also told me that they didn’t drink. what dream???


I went with a man to the room de rich of people, knowing friends and pishov before them, and I went to shukati a toilet, a toilet without doors, and I didn’t go, but went down the gangways and went to the street in a slinky fur coat and without pants, I began to cry and ask for help


I went with a man in a car and a car drove at us, but we turned around in the face of a trap, but our car turned over! ((((there was no blood, only brushes washed from the wrist)


natovp people, I’m with my 6-year-old son, and I’m ruined, I’m taking something, I’m kidding, but I can’t know.
remove with a similar zmіst bachila more than once, in different variations, approximately once every 4-5 months, the rest 2 years.


Good day! I have a dream of a child (I can’t say for sure buv tse shin chi onuk or a child) after spending a ring, a smooth one, ale, in my opinion, it’s simple, like a toy.


I’m 15 years old, but I obviously don’t look at the time, I’m talking to the eldest girl for me. Їй 18 years. Zustrichaєmosya vzhe mayzhe rik.
On Saturday, for a week, I had a wonderful dream, I, with my mother, with a girl, and with a young brother, went for two cars to Moscow, as an initial envy. Moreover, I went to the car with my brother and my mother. I am with my brother and with her I started to walk along the corridor of whom I will mortgage. Behind us, two people walked with a child, the stench just walked and laughed. We walked calmly, like a raptom my maiden, like she walked ahead of us, she died. I took my brother by the hand and ran after her. Bigger after her, it happened to me that she went to the street before my mother, but as soon as I went to the street, she wasn’t there. My mother fed me, but de won. After that, I lost my brother with my mother and ran away shukati її, I wonder if I shukav її I began to cry and worry about her. I ran along the corridors and ran at the first class, the first class at my school (history office). I sat at my desk and started a lesson, I wanted to drink, to escape far away shukati її, but less respected to drink, I was afraid to miss the school material and lose my triple in my certificate.
After what I prokinuvsya.
(I dreamed about 06/08/2014)
Through the kіlka tizhniv, my girl will go to join the university to Moscow,
and I will stay at my place to study and plan to go to Moscow after school)
Be kind, help me understand why I had such a wonderful dream.
Zazdelegid dyakuyu.


I dreamed that I was here with NATO, with my little brother, wishing I was already grown up. As if by rank I'm consuming yoga, I can't know. I do not remember crying chi ni. She knew behind the bag.

Alsu Idrisova:

I suddenly dreamed that I wanted to call someone, I definitely remembered that I had a phone, but at the Korman, but if I put my hand in the intestines, I didn’t have a dream, but I dreamed of a school there, there are rooms in such schools that will live in a skin room. It’s a great pity that I lived alone in the room shukati my phone was helped by my girlfriend it was about 16 years old and my friends 13 then I went straight with my mother to my mother’s lace, it was squandered and there was a chirping sound and at that moment a car drove by and my mother hit the car with my hand and then I said to school on the other version of the cobine veyshov my big lad, I got sick to straighten my shoe and win, marveling at me sweat win vtik and then all the scientists started shouting “do home” and begley on top of the other I went to the meeting, and there, by the winter jacket, my other girlfriend was dressed up, she went out to tell me it’s time to get home, and then I threw myself


I dreamed that my daughter was climbing to my grandmother, and if my mother was me, I would turn around obov'yazkovo. What was trapilos far away. But I її joke everywhere, but I can’t know. She sat down on the green-green grass and began to cry strongly.


I dreamed that with a blue and a bride they picked a half moon in the field, the field was chervonim vіd yagіd. The field was growing brighter. Then we began to climb higher in the mountains, lying there in the snow, we raked the snow and again took half a day, I mowed half a bucket and I spent the whole bucket, we drove by car, joked, but we didn’t know.


I remember that I dreamed that I held my beloved girl by the hand. not a long time ago we brewed with her, more precisely, I don’t remember me with her for a long time. I її having spent and didn’t know in a moment, but I’m not playing myself like I’m її joking, I’m playing myself її like I won’t sit and check.


Good afternoon. I dreamed that I had gone by the great machine. hustling children roaring at the snow .. hustling a friend who said that you know de shukati my speech and everything will be good.


I dreamed that I had spent my son and didn’t know, but oh, I dream of being small, I want 11 years at a time


I ruled the children at the cinema, or go, I didn’t have a long time, I went shukati, but I didn’t know my eldest daughter, I cried, I didn’t know how to shukati, but I ran everywhere myself and then jokingly slipped through.


I went on a trip and gave it to someone else, give it to someone (I don’t remember) and I gave it to the woman’s teeth and forgot it, I got on the bus and went ... On the bus I wondered what I had forgotten to take away.


I dreamed of no war, tanks, armaments, and then a flood, and then a great flurry covered us and my daughter in the porch and I don’t remember anything else. I went upstairs and then turned for my daughter, I spent it, and then I knew, and on our porch again the sickness came, I thought that we were in peace, but they all survived. God was angry with the people, and then we began to shoot at the beginning of the war, and the war began.

Olga Bichkova:

Hello, I have a dream that I am spending my daughter and Hodge, її joking, calling on іm'ya and її not mає, then I'm throwing myself out and instructing me to lie down.


I go to the bus to the office, the bus goes to Kіntsevo, I got out and left my bag there, ran after it, took it.


My maiden and my friend went to the front, I followed them, the stench went down into the underground passage, I ran away so as not to waste them, as soon as I went down, the stench was already on the other side of the exit, I followed them to the exit, I waved like the stench came out of the underground passage and then I'm wiyshov from the underground passage and having put in їkh shukav but I don't know


I dreamed that my good friend had put in his bag (forgetting the shop on the street, but in me I was constantly trying to steal it, but I didn’t get far!).


Evening.Winter.Snowdrifts.I spent my bag and tried to find out, Turned around home just like that, for kuchugurs. Then the girl guessed and knew.


more often I spend my girlfriend in my sleep and I can’t know, so I get on the phone myself, if I try to get through to her, I can’t know her number. It was like this in the dream, we were talking about her, then we went into the room, and we stumbled її I didn’t know my friends, man 5, but I whispered about that, I went out of the room, going down to the top of the rabbits at the kіmnatu, I’ll understand in my own words , (I didn’t know all the time, I didn’t know about it) it felt like we were flying somewhere at once, I didn’t remember how the speech was in Valizi, just like I knew I was walking around and won’t treat me with a dog and cos in the test, I think so, as I climbed back on top of the girl, I got drunk with my friends, not spitting її , її girlfriends began to whisper about something and say wine to Alfiya (friend) curled up, and vіn bachiv with kim vona spoke abo (vіn chuv with kim vona spoke) s friends said no she called herself Alfira ( I remember it for sure) I didn’t give up respect for pishov shukati її far away, having understood that I can’t know, I started shukati in the phone and there they called the names written in colorful beautiful letters like they write at mosques and read them, I don’t have a moment, but one ring I picked up the phone, I picked up the girl, I don’t remember about Rozmov’s bula, I hung up the phone until the month, the stars were flying to me, it didn’t look like much at the airport people type cherg, opened the door and pumped Mama yak type tezh fly, I slept de sister? Mom said here at the NATO, I don’t remember the struma, the zaishov at the door, and then I threw myself in, and the head was like a plague, like a hangover (I don’t drink the struma 7-8 anymore) tezh dream buv.


I didn’t know the richness of the bagaty, then we trimmed the lansy and gvaltuvav, then the yoga booths were lied to carry and I was far away flowing out of there. I cut through the old parkan and beat the swede with the pavement. Nezabar one lad in the car, having learned to know and deliver, but I thought. I made it to the mist and ran back, then I lost again in the mist. if a strong board came and I got wet all over. I broke up and started crying and then threw myself


I dreamed that I was with my son and son at the store, then I went out of the store and I was running my daughter on the walkways part of the bagatma, the children of the stench got up and looked at the trapilos there! I called my daughter to myself, she went out and I bled on her roof on her shoulders, but no blood flowed, but nibi її was smeared in qiu blood! I marveled again at the road and at these children and ran into one of the children, who in the new one was trapiling the one who herself was bleeding in the new one! I turned to the store and showed that there was no place anywhere, I started to click and shove everywhere, but I didn’t know yoga!


I dreamed that I had a short haircut, I’m more likely to go where I’m happy.
but then let’s go to whom I’m spending a child, I’m just on the vtіk and I’m її joking, and I’m throwing myself without knowing її, with whom I’m already crying.


I'm on the street. I quickly became cold, and I looked down, I was barefoot. And here my jokes began. joking furiously. shukav skіz. do not know. and prokinuvshis... everything.


Oh, I’m kidding my daughter, but she’s a little one (it’s already 30 years old), I’m shouting її ... a strivozhenka threw herself. Earlier we dreamed like this dream periodically ... then we stopped.


Good day! I had a dream this year at night, in which I left a package here at the store (even more firm). At the package lay the phone and the gamanets. my phone is cheap and already old. Uvі snі if I showed that there was no package, I was worried about the phone, and not for the gamanets. Everything was in another place (Barnaul), and I live 320 km from the place in the village. I went to pick up the phone, but rushed over. What would it mean?


I dream that I wasted my child and I її joke and don’t know, then only until the end of my sleep I know only the cloth in which my girl was and it’s all in the blood. Why dream about this dream?


I dreamed that we knew each other in a judicial place and stood at the bus station. a person gives an understanding that he sees a hvilinka and disappears. I throw myself around


Oh, I dreamed of zaishov at the room and didn’t know my kohana in the room, I tried to drink її joking, but didn’t have a moment to collapse


I dreamed that we went to the cinema with my big squad, she was in a white sweater, and everything was good but at that moment she just disappeared. I have a panic, I run around joking її and then I turn around in fear of what I can’t know anyway її


I don’t remember the wine sharply and I don’t recognize it, I’m crying, I’m crying, I’m whispering, but I can’t know, and I didn’t know.


I am a woman and a donka 10 years old, I walked along the streets. Then we marveled at the performance in the theater, my daughter fell before me, and said. - “Mom, can I go with my girlfriend to her and take a walk?”. I got along. When we went to the street, I quickly revealed that I didn’t have any bags, then I realized that I couldn’t know my daughter. I began to read and scream so much, not knowing where to go and de me її shukati, forgetting about the bag!


I had an electrician with my old mother (my mother died 13 years ago). there's an old boule, but I'm not good at it. and not clear and one or two packets of false eyes. I got up on the platform to say goodbye, and the train left. I rushed after him in pursuit. , I began to look around and shukat on the sides. after clicking on the familiar wine, calling and saying that I’ll phone the tablet in the evening for cooking. I have overtaken yoga mayzhe. ale vin, having begun to choke again. having overtaken. vin standing for service. yoga miles cleaned, ale vin standing on the boats


uvі snі sin pіshov walk (only syn at once grown up, but dreaming about yoma rokіv 10) I yogo went to the street and yogo was not there. I joke - I joke yoga, and I don’t know de. The grief of the dream is so strong, the heart of the dream was allowed to burst. She herself didn’t know how to joke ... and she joked for a long time ... and then she went to the police. on whom the dream ended. Sleep nasnivsya pіd early weeks.


I dreamed that my daughter here didn’t remember exactly what happened, but then I її spent, I її clicked, screamed, but didn’t show up. I don’t remember anything else, because I dreamed about it a long time ago.


I bet with my maiden, take a jacket and then my maiden disappeared, may the whole dream in the school at її jokes, shouting at people.


I dreamed that I was walking in the mountains in my city, I was joking on the phone. Misce is not living. There were yakіs boxes, like at the camera shovu. I went from the room to the room, she made the boxes, that shukala. I told everyone: win buv here. If it was given, that’s all, I don’t know yoga, I was told that yoga was simply shoved, without interference. First of all, the woman said. I don't remember exactly.


I dreamed of a resettlement, in the course of which they attacked us, wanted to drive us in, command us, I flowed in, hid ... then for a long time I was away from the place I knew. When I came, knowing me and dear to me, people became strangers to me, did not turn on me respect, and helped me to overcome difficulties for the unimportant ... bulo .... didn’t know who to turn to


My mobile phone was stolen from me (my loves), I joked about it - I cried hopelessly, I was so hot. Sitting at the table with my classmates, we discussed it and didn’t know, but they gave me an old name that didn’t look like a lot.


I dreamed of my sister and I, like a man, went to the place to bathe my mother's gift and while we walked, we spent yoga. When the shukati began, I spent my sister on the path.
In the kintsy I chimed rich people, they worked well for me, and I was even more afraid and it was all smarter, I beat up some sort of crack in the middle, I shrunk and sharply changed to winter, I kicked a little lad empty in the distance, I threw myself in the distance.


I dreamed of my great squad, and my maiden, all at once leaned on the tour base, slept all in different rooms, I got away like a dog. My girl made me a stage of jealousy, if she slapped my colossus, I got drunk, got drunk and took part in competitions, if I was shammed, my maiden couldn’t be more sly, big, squeaky, and fed, it was more scary, but I’m so її і do not know.


I ran through the street at night under a strong wood, I cried a lot, and I joked, my son went to the kohany for help, and I took him to the bed


Good day! I had a dream that they gave me a big bouquet of tickets on a robot (I don’t work on it at once), there’s a great team, then they brought me a package with a bed of bedding white from lyon, and in the wake of a gift - in a bag a richly colored package is beautiful plaid with trojandi. Then our whole company went to a corporate party - either to a restaurant, or to a picnic, and I robbed all the gifts on robots, not having shove them from my shafka for rozdyagannya. After turning back to work - I didn’t make these speeches, I began to inquire about the protection of those other servicemen, supposing that they transferred the speeches to a different place, but they all seemed to be the same and said that they didn’t bachel who took and where my gifts went. The axis of the whole thing seemed to be joyfully split into a mile - I threw myself. And so often bovaє - in an unacceptable dream, or di ї uvі snі - I’m throwing myself! ( Thank you for your help!


I dreamed, I’m swimming near crying water. It's like the yami, like a krizhinka, the water is mirror-clear, but cold. Then I vibrated with tsієї yami, I joke about the kohan, I don’t know yoga, I’m worried, Then I knew yoga, it seems like you went where you went, mіtsno obiyav me. Vіn buv yakys torment chi, vin seems to have gone home.


I dreamed that I had spent the phone. if she showed a waste, she began to shukati. I knew, but not my own, I wanted to be similar to mine, then I knew one more, but not


I dreamed about the beach. that stench is not gold. then we began to sniffle again in the pussy and knew her ring and clothed her finger.


Oops, I saw that I didn’t have any earrings, one darling was missing. With his hand he touched the golden lance and did not waggle the cross. She threw herself into the perelyaku, which she used here an earring and a cross. Why dream?


I raptomly marveled at the documents that they confirmed, then I marveled at my classmates (I don’t know what my classmates were doing there), and then I went to them, and put the document somewhere. Then I try to find out and I can't find the documents. Then I fell asleep and knew these documents and created them.


Good day! I dreamed that I was with my maiden at the station behind the city, checking for the arrival of the electric train. Then we will come and I will see inside, but I can’t. Vaughn went somewhere else and did not turn around at once. I start walking in wagons and shukati її, I call on the mobile їy. Vaughn doesn’t seem to know, I can’t. Through hvilin 40, having approximately phoned her, and she said that she had lost her way and was at the next station in the pochatkovo. I’ll take the electric train and I’ll come. I'm going out on my teeth and I'm left with a check, so I can sit on the next train at some nibito їhatima out. To my inquiries, why didn’t she telephone me and didn’t explain everything, she didn’t understand wisely and seemed to think wonderfully. I tried so hard to describe the axis to you as clearly as possible))) With respect, Oleksandra.


I’ve spent 12 and having spent Kohana, in reality I didn’t know that I love її, but I knew it in my dreams. Vaughn hugged me and we walked by the hand, but everything was taken from the war, not from the VVV. I dreamed of everything in black and white colors, then I її having spent it in my mind, I її have been fooling for a long time, but I don’t know ... її im'ya Lada


Hello Tetyana, I dreamed of a great dream in a little interval of an hour, father-in-law, I slept for 2 years, this dream was even more real, I didn’t dream of anything in my life so that I beat myself on the cheeks and said that it was a dream .. I dreamed that I went to the countryside in the city with my young brother and in my mother's mother's hustle my lad, if we turned home, we went to the same place to transfer to the other bus, to come and ask for help in our country with bags, and at once with my brother, turn around so that you want to ask at the water, and then I’ll get on the bus and find out that I’m going alone and I don’t have any bags, I’ll start calling you to write to (my boy) and replace him I’m telling you this person and even “don’t call here” here I’ll start writing to you about it, but write to me in Arabic for some reason ... and send a photo of my beaten young brother. after some hour I know in my place a police car and ask for help and stink me to speak with us, in caesia I just spent an hour with them ... after that I go to work and for me all the spivrobitniks say "everything is with your brother okay, yogo knew the truth of all the beatings "the fathers didn’t praise me for me and were in the liquor with my brother, I came home wanting to beat me with the witches, but I didn’t give ... and slowly everything calmed down like. I couldn’t get out of which I would become me, it was even worse.


I dreamed that we were walking at once, and then we came to something and did yoga, as a result, I joked about it for a long time, and started talking to me in the passers-by and saying that I should love me and that I would vibe yoga.
And then we will heal me, ale, we will heal.


At the house of one priest, my purse with documents disappears and a small amount of pennies, bank cards, and I suspected the priest in zniknenn, the bag was not known. I have a dream of my man to pierce his pants and we can’t know them, but one passer-by person helps me in dressing my kohan, and wine, and I was left without a kohan, a bag with documents and pants. Tsey dream does not rest for me.


We were on a visit with the little girl and at night we took off to go home. They hired a taxi if it came out, but there was already a booth on the road at the cost of our booth. ,But I got sick of the stench of suspicion. All the same, my daughter and I were strong and I thought I was sick and went crazy. the streets of the bula wandered through the dark streets, chirping like a vague company, and on the earth it was a weak, not viscous brood. I got to that sister's house and jumped.


I dreamed that I wasted my clothes at the great shopping center, then I went to go shukati there, you might as well be. The mustache knew, but I did not, I spent the whole dream at the jokes.


I live at the same time not in my booth I dreamed that the master came to pick up his speech furniture from this booth de mi live


I spent a donka in the shopping center at a close hour to the center


I went as if I would wake up, it was clear that it was a working office. I fooled the one I knew and went far away from her, but then I suddenly got shy and guessed that I had left my mother in the back and went її joking, I was joking for a long time, but I didn’t know. My mother died too many years ago.


Having taken the train to the emergency room, it was necessary to go out quickly, if you were viishov, then you would say that you had forgotten your jacket. A lot of people came to the station near the carriage. An hour is not enough, you’ll find a jacket, you’ll destroy the train, and my mother will sit at the table and she will cry because of those who didn’t help me. I show that the time has come to go out, you don’t want to, I wind it up at the table and hold it in my arms on the go. I take apart a jacket, he has a twist and tools.


I went to the chiffonier to give the pure speech of the people and didn’t know them, the beginning of the barking of the hell out of my right to lie down, but I can’t, and I think (incredibly) that the speech of the person and the squad is guilty of lying together




child, I was deprived of marveling after him 5rocks, but I didn’t marvel when the fathers came for him, I took care of my cousin’s bata with a retinue of stench bathed yoga wine and the whole brudny skin was tattered, but if the child rose, the water on my soul showed pure roses


Hello! I closed the apartment and spent the keys of a long time ago, I couldn’t go to the apartment, I turned to people, they called out the MNS, then I laughed at the memory of the long time.


Hello! I dreamed that we were shooting with a lot of people. I am feeling warm until the new, and I am trying to finish the rozmovu and let go. I will also go and quickly understand that I have spent my stylist and go yogo shukati. On the way, I catch a roam of unknown people, as if they are discussing how happy a man is to know a new woman. I know my phone number and more than one style


names to be on watch, and dream that I’m throwing myself at night, but I don’t have instructions
2 dream.
close to that fate I kissed a lad, and then I dreamed that they were already close at once, they joined, they hugged, but nothing more


I fumbled with a lot of cohanim, turned for chimos, checked me in the car, came to those months, there was no one there, there were a lot of people, I joke about the car, that yogo creaks, I cry and I can’t know, my speech was lost in the car , also pennies, like giving me wine. I’ve been joking for a long time, I didn’t know, I’m standing, I don’t know what to do, people raptly go along the way to the police, among them my father died (glancing at me seriously and the mimics of the proishov, looking officially, marveling, as if at a stranger). I was in the same place, if I was a woman, she explained to me that I wasn’t there, she showed up to my mother’s friend, I asked her to borrow ten hryvnias to get me home, she took it out of satisfaction, and I threw myself. I didn’t know so, I already cried, what I had spent, I was glad of Yogo Bachiti, and we had a good hour before we were ruined. What could it all mean?


I dreamed that it was my fault to fly to Lithuania with a kokhanoy. At the mitnitsa they give me a visa. After all, the maiden still lets us see her to the woman, as it is her fault to take us to the summer. We got to know her and asked her to look after the speeches. themselves wanted to go shopping. I’m walking around the shops, I’ve read the yearbook on them, I don’t remember the axis for sure, but it’s been 4.41, I haven’t been able to figure out the hour yet for ours. And then we died to the point where the women were running around for a long time on the surfaces and on the surfaces, and yet they knew. so it was self and having said їy tse. Then we climbed onto the ladder de mene, didn’t want to let the stewardess in, but after declaring a dance to rum, they let me in. vіyshovshi in lіtak less zdivuvav vіn vіn buv z derev'yanikh planks and skrіz stood the same tables and benches from not chipped wood de i and vtrat kohana. after whom we could not fly 3 or 4 times.


Good day! The day before yesterday, I had a dream that my classmate of the kilka once used a mobile phone, and I knew him and saw him. what does it mean?


I dreamed that an earring was missing in me. Ale, I knew. I didn’t know the place that day, but I don’t know the place ... the earring was like a carnation. with a blue fireplace.


Hello, I dreamed of a person who was joking to me. Tse bula is an unknown person to me. I only watched to the side. And for example, the dream is quieter and swifter, I felt like a nickname. Ponomorenko. and all


I dreamed that I wasted a car (although I don’t have a car). and I immediately dreamed that I knew you.

alevtina.: at home.then we’ll find out stuck at the suddenly became.yogo.shukati, and then swidko.took over.


Ishov zі his maiden, and then vtrativ її, bigav, shukav, clicking, but could not know anywhere. Raptom they called me and said that she had flown and I wouldn’t fly anymore. I ran to the airport, but I didn’t know the girl.


Hello, I was sleeping with a son, we went somewhere, wanting not to go anywhere else. I don’t remember exactly, I know that I was on the vtіk, moreover, we were already on the bus. Vin in his blue winter down jacket. bulo, nourished people, moreover, the deacons knew me, even though I didn’t know them, they said that I was going down the stairs, I went there, go down very abruptly, ending up in a swearing, I was joking, running after all the bright down jackets and if in for once a man with a child in his arms climbed back to catch up, my son cried and I threw myself, I don’t know what I would have thrown off on the right.


I and my lad were at the new wine all the time, I was working timidly in the kitchen, I cooked and quickly came in, and even if I went, I didn’t find the power supply and I visited all the wine through the business, I panicked de wine, I call you, the wine is not available from home I can’t because I don’t have a key in the booth then a friend came and even if she’s worried you’ll come soon sing-songly to the plastic surgeon at once all the time to go at once so fashionably I thought what a surgeon I’m not at that I’m not afraid of all the power. axis like that and I threw myself with an important stone at the soul.

A lion:

I spent the hoop yesterday and this year at night I dreamed that I knew yoga behind the bedside table with a bed.


Good day …
we live with a kohanoy maiden in different places .. we haven’t been fighting for more than a month. and the kokhana swept down overhead. less hindered, I wiyshov trochs a year, becoming її shukati. Zayshov at the store having tried to contact her by phone, but the phone is stupid and stupid, and I didn’t dare to dial, asking people to call the phone, but after taking the command and why I’m talking without voicing .... I remember everything


I dreamed that I was with my maiden in the cinema, she came out of the hall and stumbled, I її started shukati, but it didn’t happen anywhere, I went to the place, I saw my mother and sister, but tse buli Simpson, I wanted to take them for a short time , mother, tell me about the portal behind the tree, I marvel and see red matter between them, as if tightening my gaze, I gave the church on the hump, on the bell hang a person, bіdno dressed, dzvіn starts to roll, nіbi rozmikuyuchi lyudina, like a dinosaur -hizhak vidobutok, then the church transforms into a monster that starts to devour life for me, I, with the Sim'єyu at the sight of the Simpsons, tick and
I cut off a minibus from the first, I don’t remember the distance.


I dreamed that they were traveling with a girl in a bus, and there suddenly arose, I cried a dream


I dreamed that I was walking around in good, warm weather. And in me I had a childish backpack, such a colorful garnier I had documents and I think it was very important. I was busy with the shop, because I was tired of following him. Distala looked there gamanets. I wrote. If I went to finish far away, I realized that the backpack itself was stuck on a bench. I came, but there was no yoga. I can’t help remembering sleep, I’m wondering what later I knew, but I’m not impressed.


znayoma people bring the trouble to the apartment, but where is your squad vіn vіdpoviv її nemaє


On the right was a vzimku. it all started because my coach came, nothing to the water attraction, went away, but it turned out that my friends Ksyusha didn’t know, but then we were lucky that another friend Dasha had appeared, and well, in a knowing hour . we changed clothes (in swimsuits) turned up in towels and went to her, she stood with friends from the pool (I know them too) and played. then I inadvertently drank a song in my throat


I dream that I’m with a man at the cinema, I go into the hall for peeping eyes, and I’m guilty of following me, marveling at yoga, I’m guessing, I’ve got a hundred stilnikov at home, and I’m standing in a row, I’m checking yoga, and there are people before me if they are crying, then one of them will paint me, the other one will tell me, but I still think that if a person knows that I don’t have a phone


In the evening, she went and spoke with the lad (names) by phone. (they barked, I don’t remember through what). and then I stumbled sharply, and I was joking around, and I could not know. And then we went with him at the same time to the railway station, a few of them saw me and disappeared again and again I was very good. joked for a long time.


After the death of my beloved ore cat, I dream about how I lost my cat and I joked about Yogo and screamed and called Yogo and I cried a lot, I rolled over and tears flowed from my eyes. The whale has already died for like 5 years, and the dream is dreamed ten times on the first day of the year, the sense is such itself, ale bachennya and those that seem to be different in a different way.

Modern dream book

Get lost in the city - it's not only unacceptable, but it's still scary. And just like in real life, in times like this, we are suffocated by a sense of panic, then, as a matter of fact, in a dream, sing-songly, people are experiencing yoga. And not without reason, even so, the bachelor's wife is the spectacle of an important task. And if the dreamer cannot know the right way, then it’s true that he will get stuck with a risk.

If you don’t try to know the way out, then it’s too much. Sound it out to the sound of the voices of the quiet dokorіv sovistі, like the dream has been revisiting for a long time.

And if a girl dreamed about something similar, then it means only one. And the very fear of new acquaintances and successes. If you want to get out and don’t suffer from discord in specialty, then you don’t fit into people singly. Varto nareshti vporatis z tsim і adapt to mіskogo life. Otherwise, you can overtake selfishness.

For Miller

There was little information about the whole dream book. Get lost in a strange place and don’t get lost when you are restless - to a friendly zbіgu surroundings. Possibly, on a person checks for success in її initiations. Ale, yakscho vіn uvі snі in panіtsі namagavsya to know the right way - ce to the fear of the changes, yakі can vіdbuvatisya from life. More to talk about those who the dreamer trusts few people. Insanely, sometimes it’s like a ryatu, but if you have shown the superworld, then you need to work.

Like a person to succumb to a child who has spent it, it means that he needs to take control of the education of his children. Otherwise, you can let them out of respect, and the consequences will be summed up.

And from a dream like a child that she got lost, then nothing terrible will happen. Shvidshe for everything, I just see a small fear of what I will fall. Experience not a trace - everything will go like clockwork.

Tse is not all that can tell the whole dream book. Get lost at your bachelorette, maybe leather. But if it’s a man, then a dream for a new one won’t turn into anything good. It’s better for everything, it won’t be difficult for you to choose between two people, the skin of them for someone close to you.

What is Tsvetkov's book of tlumachs?

Like a dreamer in his nightly dreams, having guarded for a ruined third-party person, like asking for help, then in real life on a new check-time, a proposition is already visible. I will need to speed up the obov'yazkovo.

Take care of the woman who has spent it, with the child - the same for good. Ring out after such a bachelor of a person, I will take friendly signs from relatives or close ones.

Ale, yakscho vin himself lost his way, good checks are not varto. Such a bachelor may be less likely to waste the memory of a great misfortune. If the dreamer is not in the right place, in which case it was necessary, he still knows the right way, then in real life on a new check of well-being and reaching the set goals.

For Freud

Tsya popular book tlumachen tezh gives a report not explaining that bachennyu, in which the person managed to get lost. Freud's dream book is solid: if you know about the place, in which the dreamer leaned, he doesn’t know, it means that in real life, spend some important metaphor. Moreover, it’s all your fault.

Watch out for a third-party person, as in unsuccessful attempts one tries to know the right path - to self-sufficiency. It's not just a dream, but an anxious twinkle. After a new dreamer, varto vprituli take up his own special life, as you don’t want to spend the next hour of wine alone.

And the axis of bachit yourself, having spent it, to sit with a doomed and ruined look, - until you blame the sloppy camp for real. Dream Interpretation for the sake of not getting lost in the next hour to doubtful information and not accepting “acceptable” propositions. The notes may be non-transferrable.

Other furnish the dream

You can spend money not only at the city, but, for example, at the fox. Like people in yoga nightly dreams, it was like this, and I don’t know how to give an explanation, a dream book will come to help. Get lost in the forest - still unacceptable, lower in the city. In megacities, there are people. And the axis of the fox is rather rare.

If such a bachennia was born from spring to breastfeeding, then the real life of the stench is doomed to lifelessness. In the next hour, a black smuga is on them, so you can gain strength, patience, and go through the peritoneum.

Behind the dream book of Medea, such a dream is transferred as insignificance to the future. Better for everything, the sleepy one simply does not know what work he gave to his life.

And the axis behind is spent in the fox of a person - a symbol of tiles and a bit of reality. However, if the dreamer wandered around with interest, then in reality on the new check the card and reception are more expensive. Ale, understand the panic, understand that there is no right way, - until the end of great pardons. Warto take it to respect and in the next hour to show the maximum accuracy and alertness.

Yakshcho lost his life at the booth

Buvayut such budinki, in which you can easily get lost. As for the plot, the tower was trapiling similarly, then what, in the light of the first check, is a dream book. Getting lost in life, being alone, is scary. And then the axis of the book sings of darkness: it’s not enough to talk about the goodness of the awakened intuition of the dreamer. It's true, I didn't doubt it, while wandering around awake. Was there a confusion? It is necessary for you to look over the plans, as if you have created wines in the nearest future. Possibly, the stink cannot be handled, as if everything is relatively not thought through.

Іsnuyut and іnshi tlumachennya shkodo quiet vidin, in which people could get lost. Dream Interpretation of the Mandriving Man sings: I’m in a blur in the place and I couldn’t know the future, where I needed to drink, it means that I really don’t see the good things. Possibly, the time has come to break into an extreme exit.

And how does the book of Freud's tlumachins explain those bachennya, in which a person could get lost in life? The dream book seems to be great and unknowable, then real life can be familiar with particularities, as if they were ignorant, super-smart.


If a person, after a long time, wandered through the tangled corridors and could not know the name of the exit, then in real life, you happen to be even more foldable. And on the ground in the new pіde navіt even a lot of strength that hour. Ale, the dreamer rests. If the result will be achieved, I will win full freedom and see myself as a helper.

Golovna, that a person walked like a labyrinth in a given mood - with faith in those who knew she was out. If you felt unimportantly to yourself, then, better for everything, in the next hour you would fall into depression. And the reason for which will be the problems that have accumulated.

Other clouding

Finally, varto means those who say an esoteric dream book for a bachelor, in which people are ruined. As if you had lost your way with the fox, you declared depression, a trivial process of self-digging and filthy moods. In order to get away, it is necessary to know the reason, through which it is more important and blame yourself.

As if the dreamer is not trying to get out of the fox, getting lost himself in his own place, he is afraid of the future. It is necessary to be careful with the winters, for those who like the periods are often dragged out and then know how important it is. Golovne, don’t lose heart and try your best to encourage yourself to inspire yourself that it’s all bad.

Otrimuesh rice on the root and not consuming yoga - keeping the order, on the right sequence.

Vtrachaєsh head ubіr - vіschuє obov'yazkove recognized for landing, as if having jumped.

Vtrachaesh lower, sword, shablyu - more ruin, spend pennies.

Vtrachaesh vzuttya - pointing out the possible watchfulness of the servants of the servants who came in.

Cloudy dreams from the Chinese dream book

Dream Interpretation - Get in

Often we take our life as HIGH, and it is not surprising that our roads are more expensive than straying. Tse mozhe buti forgive the mindlessness of the dream of history, which did not lead anywhere.

However, there are two ways to ruin - moreover, offending richly will tell about those who we truly care about. The first way is to ruin yourself with multiple choices. You can dream about how you see a car, see shops, parks for repair or other places, de vie not in your choice. The second option is to perish on your own, be aware that you don’t know how to progress. Which option suits you?

As if you were ruined before the diversity of choice, perhaps you are at the stage of insignificance - you don’t know what you want in life. It is worth reaching for professional, interpersonal and special values, with which the time has come to grow up, to show the inadequacy of the battle, where you bring the destruction of the selection.

If you are ruined and your mind is not aware of progress, then you seriously doubt yourself in the sense of life. Your corisnist in yakіys іz areas of life, yak require a rigorous analysis, poddaєtsya sumnіvu.


Tlumachennya sniv z

Vtrata - A dream, in which you have spent your luggage at the station metushny, seeing bad luck in business. As if in tovstіshom you have spent your companion - in reality you have a family welding, and for the independent ones it means separation from the guard, who knows his own way. Spending more money means that in reality you will be on the right with the bastards, like fooling your head to the point that you just send them back. If they have spent a hoop - in reality such a dream can cause ruin and need. Spend pearl barley namisto - until suffering and confusion, a golden lansy - for the hairy short-sightedness to miss, perhaps, the only chance to significantly increase. A dream, in which you have spent a few pennies, means an unimportant attitude to people, as if to stand lower for you on social descends, which will bring you up to the cost of spending. Spending a significant amount of money means that you will not arrive famously at the house and the camp will be stricken with incompetence in the service. Yakshcho you have spent your dreams and you can’t know a head or a hairpin - it means that you will incur an insignificant misfortune or have a chat with a friend. Spend a lot of sleep on the oars and be carried far to the shore - do not try to realize your plans, because all your efforts will lead to failure right away. Spend more sleep powder and lipstick - to success on the right. Spending the keys to the loss of freedom or separation through jealousy. Spend a medallion - a sign of the sum of money for the number of true friends. Spend brand new cunning mittens - to the point of unreasonable behavior with people who are nice to you. The opening of the nasal cavity means unseen hopes, eyepieces - take away a slight injury through the power of disrespect and ruin. Lost in a misplaced moment and in a crowded place, like details of a toilet, there is a crossing at the commercial right and a crossing at the kohanna. Spend a penny, being a drink, and turn around at the restaurant table without a new thought that you will be given servants, mistaking for another person. A dream, de vie have spent a coat, seeing that you happen to re-power your share and you will repent bitterly, cursing yourself for your short-sightedness and revealed inconsistency. Spend more than your sleep shoes, ryayuyuchis vіd pereslіduvannya, which means that you will be deprived, but you will know in your own strength to save life and faith in human order. Spending more than a few documents means that you will be educated to the right, doomed to failure. As if you have lost the right to significant power like a booth or a car - you see the sight of important thoughts. A dream, in which you have spent your teeth, prophesying an important hour for you to belittle that consumption. Spend more than your sleep - in reality you will know the osmіyannya from the side of the unkindly laid colleagues. Spending an arm or a leg - such a dream promises wealth and prosperity. Dream Interpretation Melnikov

Spend - Spend sometime uvі snі і so і don't know - spend your life on something or something more expensive., Family dream book

spend money- You take marna pratsia on yourself. Dream Interpretation Mis Hasse

Spend some kind of object - a knowledge of knowledge. Dream Interpretation Mis Hasse

spend the will - spend the will uvі snі - waking up in reality., Dream Interpretation Grishin

Spend - Spend more money - until financial collapse., Dream Interpretation Grishin

water behind the description - Symbolizes the interplay of various aspects of dovkіllya as the main, homeostatic element of human development and life. If the subject feels comfortable near the water, or dominates over it, it means that the building’s specialty contributes to the development of the middle (and it’s positive, regardless of those who see the manifestation of great problems). If the subject does not feel the same way, it will indicate the existence of jealousy, or the situation is unfavorable for the new one. Followed by respect for the camp of the leader (clean, brudna, flowing, standing), the shards also characterize the situation that is being looked at. Brudna, stagnant water, waving, etc. note about the loss of basic life tone and ontotone-orientation, then, for the incubation period of the problem situation, as to end in regression and pathological morphogenesis. The stale water indicates a blockage of In-se, and the channel from the brudnoy water - on the possibility or actual psychosomatic damage in the gynecology room. Image Meneghetti

vir by description - Resist the image of a dzherel, meaning suffocated, zamoktuvannya healthy psychic intentionality of a person. It symbolizes the vampiric suffocation or the growing waste of life and, apparently, the inevitable development of schizophrenia or cancerous swelling. Image Meneghetti

Teeth for description - Vkazuє on the steps of supremacy as a defense system of the body (attack by chi opir), so are friends and relatives. The expenditure of one or more teeth symbolizes the expenditure of vital forces, tone. Image Meneghetti

the swan behind the description - with an over-the-top beautiful, almond-like stature of a foolish gander, with a piercing voice, pierced by the soulless, soulless eyes of a villain. Whose image is associated with hopes and enchantments of the beautiful, as if in the future they turn into more serious expenses. Moreover, the image symbolizes the suffocation of a woman's emotional sensitivity, which begins, for the help of a psycho-mechanical penis. The myth about Leda and Jupiter in the image of a swan symbolizes someone else's presence, as if he appropriates for himself the erotic emotional-sensitivity intimacy of woman's grace. For people, a swan is an image of a mother, or a strangely kohan woman. Image Meneghetti

the nun behind the description symbolizes: 1) specialness, exaltation of her right, organic sharpening, in such a rank that she looked like a powerful in-se; 2) specialty, recognized for special programming from the side of social, religious and mechanical "Over-I". Perebuvannya at the consecrated camp, maybe you show sorrow for the waste of yourself, your activity. Virvana zі svoєї reality lyudina becomes someone else's self and a vector of acceptance for others. It is a charismatic symbol of negativity. Image Meneghetti

Place by description - means the need for a different potential situation, shards of the place show two protilezhnosti or two situations. The building of the vicissitude of the situation may be presented as a bridge passing through and reaching the other shore. If you want to stand on the nearest side of the bridge, it means stagnation, a waste of a sense of novelty buttya. If you blame the image that constantly repeats itself, if you stand on the bridge, then you can tell about neurotic insensitivity or bring about the manifestation of paroxysmal-progressive schizophrenia. The image of a broken bridge points to the presence of psychosomatic illnesses, or to an irreversible regressive situation. Image Meneghetti

scissors behind the description - mean mechanical insertion, or the presence of negative semantics, like cremating "I" in-se. Whose image can symbolize the destiny that brought to the opening the connection with life, or the second organic part. This image is more negative, lower is the image of a knife. Image Meneghetti

riba (ribi) - Being a positive rank for a person, it means free instincts in all manifestations; є a symbol of vitality and health, a fake symbol, a symbol of healthy statues. Alive fish means a friendly camp of healthy instincts of a person, and sickness is dead - a regression of a different level and, in this manner, the expenditure of vital forces on the body. Image Meneghetti

phone for description - As an image of a stable connection between two people, or more people means a special expense, or simply symbolizes a computer. Image Meneghetti

ravlik behind the description - symbolizes the reduction of the specialness of the equal, in which it is already impossible to restore the historical structure; means an inaccurate loss of reality. Image Meneghetti

car for description - Bachiti uvі snі, scho you are in a car, means your activity and luck at the right side. As if you were in a car accident, after such a dream, do not check for good enemies in the wake of quiet fights, from which you are going to take your fate. Bachiti yourself far away from a car accident - a good sign: You can honestly go astray from the enemy of your thoughts. Buying a new car is also a good sign that you know how to build your own camp, and then sell the car - until the share is unacceptable. Drive a car - spend more, sometimes get sick. Buti on the move we will get out of the car - until the unacceptable bells. The car is broken - this is a dream, that you see failures. Just take care of your sleepy cars - before your trips, change your share, get more expensive. If you see that your car is known, it was stolen - it means seeing the richness of your ideas, which may lie. Getting out of the car is a sign of successful planning, which will bring you well-deserved satisfaction. Miller's dream book

amputation for description - Bachiti uvі snі amputation of any parts of the body - means a small expenditure on services. Povna vtrata u vі snі hands and nіg - tse zanepad at the trading right. For sailors, such a dream is a storm, a waste of lane. For people who are experiencing great misfortune, this dream is a sign of remembrance. Miller's dream book

Bless a healthy orange tree that bears fruit, which means that it is healthy and pleasantly sharpened. Є oranges - moving the filthy: tse means that the ailment of a friend of your relatives will be a trouble for you. Dissatisfaction opans the atmosphere of business camps. Like oranges, they are fresh and fragrant, ymovirno, so that the share will soften up to you. A young woman, yak blew her eyes, that there is an orange - as much as possible, to spend a drink. If you want to grow a beautiful orange, which grows on the top of a tree, you will be protective of the choice of a person. Yakshcho Vi wept on the orange kіrtsі - tse foreshadowing the death of a kinsman. Cupping oranges on the sloppily prohannya of the squad and bachiti, like there’s no way out, means that the unacceptable complication on the right is allowed by itself and you take the surplus. Miller's dream book

baggage for description - Check out the luggage - see the unacceptable turboti. It is difficult for you to blame through people who are trying to hurt you. Yakscho Wee carry your luggage. You will be so busy with your powerful experiences that you will be deprived of baiduzhims to the point of suffering. Spend your luggage means not far away on the exchange or family welding. Unfriendly tse obіtsyaє zaruchini, scho not vіdbulisa., Dream Interpretation of Miller

The bank behind the description - Bachiti did not occupy the cashiers on the right at the bank - spend more money, discord on the right. Giving gold pennies to the bank means lightness, non-balance, negligence; otrimuvati їх - majestic income and prosperity. Bachiti sreblo that banknotes, taken from the great kіlkost, means luck and good luck. You are worthy of deep honor at all versions of the soul., Miller's Dream Book

the day after the description - Bachiti uv_ dream, that you wonder in the day, it means that you are threatened by the waste of power. Possibly welding, yakі zroblyat you late virіshuvati life problems. For a woman to marvel at the prvu - it means that she takes on herself the nebazhany turboti. As soon as she falls into the abyss, then she checks deep into the roaring, but if she successfully falls into the abyss, then she leaves to rebuild the camp. Miller's dream book

beads for description - Bachiti uv_ sn_ beads - respect people for you, as they occupy a high camp in the temple. Vvazhat beads - to the radiant bottoms. String beads - to the pretentiousness of possible people. As if you were dreaming, you are throwing beads - you are being threatened with the loss of trouble. Miller's dream book

whimsicality, debauchery behind the description - Shukati uvі snі chyyogos roztashuvannya - means that you will stop demanding. Grant your favor to someone - means a waste. Miller's dream book

Fight for the description - Bachiti yourself as a participant in the battle - means that you will try to win love and get into the life of a person, as, as you know, it’s not for you to lie down. You know a great risk to spend your reputation with the commercial right. Tsej dream voschuu struggle for those shchob utrimati their positions in life. For a young woman, a bachiti, having dreams of participants in the battle, means that she will have a choice between shanuvalniks, insults from those who love them and would die for her. Miller's dream book

ailment for the description - Bachiti uvі snі, scho You are ill, promise you a little sickness, but you are unacceptable. A young woman indulges herself with a non-violent ailment - it means. It is not easy to appreciate the beauty of the camp of an independent girl. If you care about the dream of a sick relative - it means that it is not possible to destroy the well-being of your donkey. Ill at the tale, rabies is ahead of you about the approaches of unkind people. Like in a dream you will taste a shalen creature - in real life, be afraid of deception from the side of a close friend. Cherevny typhus uvі tezh tezh guard you: be careful with your enemies and respect to good health. Watch out for a typhus epidemic - to an unfriendly development of yours. Suffering uvі snі vіd dropsy - until the successful relief of ailments. If there is any other illness on her - check the good zvіstok. Gangrene uvі snі do not say anything good ahead ... Dysentery uvі snі you or your loved ones - tezh filthy sign. Be especially respectful of your rights - there may be failures through a number of non-balances. Indulge yourself mentally ill - to the unacceptable filthy result of the work you have done, or to the point of illness, as a total rank to change your vision on the future. To be ill with a dream of a zhovtyanitsa means a swede is a friendly solution to important problems. Indulge others in your ailments - to the point of rozcharuvannya in companions and beneficial prospects. Let's see if your child has a croup ailment - in general, it is a good sign: fears for your child will go away, and you will fall into a booth. Gout, in a dream, tells you an overdose of pain in the face of a blind hole in someone from your relatives, which will lead to small material losses. If you become infected with leprosy, you will move sickness, after which you will spend pennies and will exclaim the dissatisfaction of wealthy people. Indulge the ailing on tsyu zhahlivu ailment - to the unstoppable turn on your right, that love, which will beautify you. Likuvannya kos in cancer - a sign of success on the right and gain wealth. Get sick with cancer - before welding with your favorite heart. After such a dream, a person can fall into depression and start his own work. Possibility of cooling in the kohanna, anxiety that restlessness. Treat yourself to sleep, like cholera deserting the country, living in truth an epidemic of viral infection, faceless summaries and troubled days. Whenever a dream about illness means that you are guilty, be more respectful to a powerful person. Miller's dream book

A beard for an description - Bachiti uvі snі beard - means that you are standing up as a person who is alien to you in spirit, you are instructed to fight for power, and, umovirno, you will have to spend money on this struggle. Siwa beard means failure of welding. Bachiti to a bearded woman - means unacceptable zustre and trival ailment. If a dream pulls you by the beard - check that you know the great risk, if you don’t give up power. Zachіsuvati and cherish your beard - to the point that your marnoslavlism grows at once from good-natured goods, making you unacceptable to so many friends. Like a young woman in a dream to grow a beard - a dream tells you to destroy the house of bezshlyubnosti and to fight a nearby zamіzhzhya. Miller's dream book

The fight for the inventory - As you see, you are fighting for someday - check at the closest possible problem with serious difficulties, but even as your dream, you will take the win - it means, you will overcome the cross, like standing on your way. For business people, such a dream exists in conflicts with partners. Keep up the fight - it means that you make your hour and money. As soon as you fight for an hour, you take away the injury - such a dream promises you to spend money. As if you had a dream duel on pistols - such a dream promises you anxiety in the future, hello, all your problems will be resolved safely. Miller's dream book

- Bachiti yourself as a ruler of diamonds - a friendly dream, which honors that recognition of your merits. For a young woman, bachiti, uvі snі, sho kohaniy give їy diamanti, meaning that you will be more beautiful and impersonal friends will be happy with her at the same time. Spending diamanti is the most fortunate dream that prophesies shattering and needs., Miller's Dream Book

hairpins for description - Pins uvі snі ahead of family welding and rozbrat. The girl has such a dream about a rude occasion for her її kokhanoy. As soon as you see a hairpin, then in real life, as if it were an overarching furnishing, you will be tempted to accept a risk-coated mind. The hairpin has been worn out, threatening you with an insignificant shkoda or welding. A bent or rusty hairpin is ahead, that your easy behavior will lead you to waste your time. Like a dream hairpin to fit in your body - it means that a person will be on your nerves., Miller's Dream Book

papier, parchment Behind the description - As if you had a dream, you had a chance to add papers (or parchment) in your hands - this is a sign that you will be threatened with spending. In real life, the stink, maybe, will appear at the sight of the court process. A young woman wants to weld with her own kohan. Beware, as you are friendly, of weldings on the outskirts of your donkey. Such a dream can mean that you are blamed for talking about your name. Miller's dream book

wagon by description - Let's see the wagon means that you will not be more happy with your love, unacceptable before the hour you get old. Chati at the carriage down from the fire - transferring the bagatoh work, yak it will make you uneasy and become the cause of the cost. Chati at the carriage uphill - you will see the improvement of your lane certificates. Chati at an importantly occupied wagon means that the borg will take you on a high moral level, not caring for others to kidnap you. Chati on the wild waters is a sign of stingy misfortune. Bachchiti closed the car means that you are threatened with a secret zrada, like to hurt your right. How can a young woman dream that she’s there at the carriage close to the unsafe pile - that she’s wary of thoughtless vchinkiv, like, that she’s not crazy to stand up, cause anger and anger to wealthy people. As if she were in the sleeping car - tse sponukannya to the fact that she was more in control of her actions in real life, emphasizing her air of lightness. Miller's dream book

bath for description - For a young man, bachiti uvі snі, scho vin (won) take a bath - means great heart praise through love and instill fear in spending good thoughts about yourself. For a female woman, such a dream is a warning about a possible unfortunate fall, for a person it is a sign of a possible inconsistency. If you choose not to mitigate alone, then in reality beware of unkind companions near the road, as well as the likhosliv'ya that slandered you. Brudna water at the bath to talk about those who are in order with you - evil. That pure water is cold, you are glad that you are well and healthy. Vzagali so dream of watching out for the protective behavior that they were chasing them, fainting their vchinkіv., Miller's Dream Book

oar for description - Bachiti uv_ sn_ oars in their hands - v_shchuє rozcharuvannya: it's possible. You will sacrifice your own well-being for the support of others. Spending the oar means marni zusilla to bring your plans to the end. A broken paddle is a sign that the joy of raptov is changed to a cross., Miller's Dream Interpretation

gusset for description - Like a woman uvі snі bachit on her own guise gusset - її happiness will be overshadowed by gloomy podіyami. For a long time, looking at your gusset in a mirror promises you a waste of a kohan., Miller's Dream Book

hair for the description - Like a woman, uve dream of rozchіsuє her miraculous hair - tse obіtsyaє їy frivolity in vchinkah, in which she won't be rozkaєtsya. A man, having rolled his rіzhuchu hair, in reality, generosity has been unrealistically brought to failure that vigilance. Posivile hair is a good sign. Bachiti vkritim vkritim volos - obіtsya you forgiveness that mercy. If such a dream is to be dreamed of by a woman - you will transfer all your respect to your person, and, perhaps, let your primhams go to the fault of morality. If you dream that you have black curly hair - then you promise you a loving pasta. Golden hair - a sign of goodness and resilience of your appearance. Bachiti your favorite ore - you can change your veins. Chestnut hair is remembered by the head of the service of failure. Beautiful zachіska uvі snі - a sign of a distant turn of your rights, but if your hair was cut too short - it's forward: do not be wasteful, so that misfortune will go away. Pishna zachіska on the fluffy soft hair - on the land of happiness. Like a woman to stand on her head at the same time dark and light hair - ce to great sumniv in the future choice and to the need to be protective. Polutane untidy hair - to the point of failure. Bachiti uvі snі svih people tezh a sign of unacceptable changes, for zakohanih tse means the appearance of supernikіv. So the unfriendly dream about vipadannya hair. At the same hour, it was white, like snow, the hairs announced to their hairmen the vowels, trips and zustrichs. Stroking your dreamy hair - to a corner turn at your heart right, to a good kohan. Kviti at your hair - to the point of inaccuracies, but, however, they do not see you out of jealousy and do not lakayut. It’s like a woman to dance, that the whole її zachіska was covered with big quotes - in reality she needs to exercise her will and prepare her spirit before other important tests, but they won’t be long. Siva is hairy and young in disguise to sleep, declare that you are unacceptable, you can spend that ailment, so that you don’t show care., Miller’s Dream Book

The enemy behind the description - Zustrich with the enemy tells you that soon you will have to fiercely protect your interests, otherwise they will spend money on you. Such a dream sometimes feels sickness. As if you were dreaming, you are overcoming your enemies - it means that in reality you have a distance of strength to overcome difficulties that threaten. If you want to know that the enemies are slandering you - this is a sign that your sharpened evil person will appear., Miller's Dream Book

- If a young girl dreams of a doctor - it means that she will sacrifice her beauty for an empty rose. It’s like she’s really unhealthy and that’s why she’s having a similar dream, that she’s in ailment and restless, that she’s not hard to overcome, that only a doctor in a dream doesn’t appear to be restless, to that in this depression everything can be miserable. If a woman, in a dream, chooses to marry a doctor, this is a sign of a possible deception in the future. The doctor-charlatan, which marno namagaetsya uvі snі kuvaty you, obіtsya you worries and ailments, yakshcho vі snі You come to likuvat teeth to the doctor-dentist - that is a sign of a swedish rozcharuvannya it is possible that the innocence of your loved ones confuse you. As if you were a dentist, what a juicy teeth of a young girl - in reality you are guilty of a fair scandal in the number of your friends. Miller's dream book

louse behind the description - To poke a louse - means a lot of sadness that bіd. Often tse maє on uvazi is more unhealthy. Loss in thinness - hunger and waste. Bachchit your head on your own body - means that you will behave incorrectly with your old acquaintances. Bachchit that you have taken the louse - to the point of ailment, yakіy you will begin to give too much great significance. Your souls are constantly moving the experience, po'yazanі zі zdorov'yam or with nasty attacks of enemies. Miller's dream book

zapamorochennya behind the description - If you dream that your head is spinning - such a dream prophesies to you, it’s possible, ruining this, the disorder is right, Miller’s Dream Book

gong for description - A little more than a blow to the gong - announcing anxiety in the near future for someone close to you, or a waste of speech, which you cherish., Miller's Dream Book

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