Proceed with fire safety at the dhow. Virobi on the topic "Pozhezhna Bezpeka"

Proceed with fire safety at the dhow. Virobi on the topic "Pozhezhna Bezpeka"

Hello, shovni colleagues! I want to tell you about the excursion to the library. Pratsіvniki librаbrіki graciously snickered the lads, and they urged them to buy more expensive books from the world. Preschool children with great interest and with bewitching glances heard the librarian's speech.

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Rozvaga "Kraina Eruditiv" Year of children: senior preschool. Tsіlі: A creation of minds for the consolidation of that systematization of knowledge of children of the older preschool age. Zavdannya: Zakriplyuvat vminnya zastavlyat, analizuvat, robiti visnovki. Develop dopitlivost, independence, vminnya pratsyuvati the team. Promote interest to...

Head: Vikhovnі: Vikhovuvati vminnya work in the team, evaluate your work and work of comrades. Developing: - Develop creativity, yavu. - Read the children's lips from the whole piece of plasticine, correctly convey the proportions of the body; give the lines smoothness, thinness. Material...

As soon as children prepare verses on the topic of fire safety, the stench can learn from the rules of fighting against fire. In addition, they can be demonstrated їхні vminnya. Zagalom, such a thematic activity to teach the lads to take care of their nature and nature in the fire. Specially until the Holy Day of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties, schools and other preschool mortgages prepare drafts before the Day of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties. As a rule, such activities are carried out after the briefing on the safety of the fire. Zagalom, as your installation suggests such a lesson itself, then you will be asked to send a bunch of other ideas.

Technique of cutting and milling.

The cutting technique allows you to create even more effective designs that look volumetric. Vikonuvat taki virobi namovіrno simply. Therefore, it is possible to induce children to create such a vibrancy. For all types, as we need it to be lower, it is necessary to step: base, servets, and also glue.

The preparation of the virobu starts from the foundation. After that, the breasts of servettes are glued to the bottom of the base, like a small square, and the leather square is crumpled. The lumps are glued to the ground, and as a result, the viroba looks wonderful. For all types, as presented below, varto vikoristovuvat servets or corrugated papers with bright colors.

Virib from semolina.

For the fine motor skills of your child, it is more like a brown hair, like a winnowing from the groats. Manka in this way is a wonderful option. And in order to prepare an offensive virib krіm semolina vikoristovuyut:

  • gouache,
  • a sheet of cardboard for the base,
  • glue.

Head of robots:

Nasampered, a colorful pisok is being prepared. In other words, it is necessary to cook semolina groats. In order to grow, you need a bowl, de groats mix with gouache. Gouache is chosen in the color you need. Then the material is transferred to a newspaper for hanging. Such a ritual of varto sprouting is razіv with different colors.

As soon as the material is ready, the outline of the burning machine is depicted on the paper arch. After that glue is applied to the base, and then the semolina rises. On the back, the semolina rises along the counter, and then it fills up the whole space. Virib is guilty of drying, and then it is possible to saturate the material.

Panel for children under the name “Sirniki are not toys for children!”

Here you are rehabilitated on the topic of the Ministry of Taxes and Minds, so as to allow children to learn how to behave with fire and be careful with it. Learn, for example, to use sirniks to help the panels, for the preparation of which you need the following materials:

  • A sheet of cardboard and sirniki,
  • Glue that frame
  • The shield is that farbi.

Head of robots:

  1. Before the help, the glue is glued to the cardboard.
  2. Now varto domalyuvati polum'ya to sіrnik. Fight with watercolor farbs. Farbami also needs to write a letter - “Sirniki are not a toy for children.”
  3. Now the sheet of cardboard has only been left to be inserted into the frame.

Burning cars.

Option 1. Children of a young age are also guilty of such an important topic without respect. And if it’s easy to work more seriously, then the next option would be to burn a typewriter made of colored paper and cardboard. Such a virib can be prepared not only for boys, but also for girls.

Option 2. And if you bring decorative beads to the handicraft store, then the virob will become more original. Well, obviously, here we need a mix of different colors. And the stench can stick on the back of the prepared foundation.

Option 3. If you don’t want to spend a penny on the pribannya of special namistins, then you can get by with a cheaper option. In this season, you will need gudziki: red, black, yellow and white color. The stench is also glued to the cardboard to the archway, where the painting of the fire machine is known.

Burning machine from sirnikovih boxes.

Sob the lesson of the Ministry of Education and Science of the eyes of the children is far away, complete yoga varto tim, so that the children can master the pot. A plethora of simple options, our article is ready to offer you folding options. For example, I can fire up a car from boxes of sirniks.

The body of the machine itself is picked up on the back. Mustache boxes are glued together with additional glue. After that, the car is glued with colorful paper. And the bells are being prepared from the dart and the krishok into the plyashok.

Cars from egg trays.

If you don’t need a tray, I’ll become a miraculous virob, as if to report to the deacons zusil. On the back, the tray is cut into sprat parts. After that the skin part is farbuetsya, and already the machine is ready for the help of the grown-ups.

Kumedna fire machine.

The next fire machine will be prepared out of the box. Її simply paste over with a colorful paper of a bright color, and also glue gummed eyes at looking squares.


Valiant work of the pozhezhnikov is not guilty of being left unmarked. Therefore, you can always work out an application with firemen. For example, at the first glimpse on the arcade cardboard, the child's long hair is drawn, and then it veils. Then, gum muzzles are glued to the skin finger at the looking circles. Because on the coats the pics are painted, and the helmets are glued to them.

In another version, on the arkush paper, a pozhozhnik is painted near the form. And the imitation of fire is depicted for the help of wind technology.

And this version of the application is the simplest. Merry pozhezhnikov here just picture. We need only papyr and yaskra farbi.


The Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia is miraculously holy, if all the merits of these professionals are remembered, and the eyes of children are created like magic. Mustache children already know children with riches. Ale and pits make for a neat hunt. In order to seriously get to know bagatti, you can cook them in different options.

Bagattya in quilling technique.

Tsіkaviy virib - a bagattya from bushings that half-moon.

Application - a bagattya from the leaves of a colored paper.

Games with fire can be unsafe occupations. Learn the lesson you mustache lads. To that it is possible to prepare an axis such a vibr. Sporudzhuyemo own budinok, de z vikon virivivaetsya polum'ya.


The representatives of the MHC may look more serious at the exhibition. That is why we suggest such options.

Applications for younger children.

Virobi until the Day of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties look at the cіkavіshe from the colored paper. The basis here is a white sheet, to which the elements are glued. And the axis of half-moons will be full of red and orange paper.

At the thematic lesson, you can prepare a collective virib - take care of nature.

Fire extinguisher.

Vikoristovuyuchi an old dance with plasticity and other details can be fired up a fire extinguisher, without which it is impossible to liquidate more than one fire.

At the end

For you, this article presents more than one version on the topic of traffic rules or MNS. To come out are those who are able to easily grow. Well, if it’s difficult to blame a little one, then the father helped Zagalom to help, a wart of remembrance about those who have a great creativity only closer to our skin.

Tetyana Petrovska

Tsіl: Creation layout"Fire Shield as a necessary element for the security center of a subject-spacious environment in the DOP.

manager: - Create minds for molding the rules for children of preschool age anti-burn care;

Get to know the children first fire extinguishing;

Create a mind at the development of cognitive motivation, drinking.

Vocabulary activation: fire shield, hook, brucht, fire extinguisher, burner sleeve.

Virіzaєmo from cardboard and rosefarbovuєmo juice that shovel.

It’s better to crowbar and gaff on the printer, and then we’ll stick it forward on the cardboard.

The most important thing in this robot is the preparation of a fire extinguisher. Beremo, be it an empty bottle from a bottle.

Let me give you a uniform.

Glue our future fire extinguisher on the cob with an indecent newspaper (Here pіdіyde PVA glue).

For pozhozhnik sleeves can be vikoristati whether it is a non-consumable cable.

It doesn’t matter if the zebra is broken - we burn a piece of paper with a red color with a cone, we dry the edge, we glue the handle.

Well, for a box with a squeak, we took a box that was pasted over with red paper, and I wrote "Pistok" in a scribbled way.

Now, for the foundation, we take a box of po-butovy equipment, virivnyuemo all surfaces (pape-mache technique) and glued with yellow paper.

On the preparation of the basis, all the details are laid out, having recognized them with inscriptions, which were previously drawn up on the printer. Our Fire Shield get ready!

Publications on the topic:

Prodovzhuєmo popovnyuvati nachnymi svіy "Center of Nature". For the preparation of the "Sea" layout, we need: - Arkush of thin cardboard.

Do-it-yourself “Fire shield” model from non-attached material. Description of the material: the material will be corrosive when planted with those protyphoid.

Description of the material: Corresponding material for the education of those with anti-burn care for children of the preschool age. Zavdannya: know.

To prepare the layout, we need: 1. Arkush cardboard or fiberboard. 2. Styrofoam. 3. Newspaper. 4. Servetok. 5. Colored dog. 6. Gouache or watercolor.

Skіlki vsogo need to be recognized and remembered by little ones! Our task is to create a path of knowledge for children as much as possible, we will open it up and cikavim. I to that mi.

Quilling is the art of paper rolling, one of the types of decorative and applied art. Vuzki and dovgі wives of the father for special help.

Zolota Viktoriya Anatolyivna,

Gorbachova Svitlana Oleksandrivna,


Shoroku on the planet wins over 5 million. People suffer, creatures, foxes and fields are destroyed. After the world, they became the right dashing, while the system of struggle against it was thoroughly improved.

Behind the data of statistics, the largest number of people are born in the wake of life recognition. Like in the forests and fields, there can still be a fire from natural causes, for example, a bliskavka, a thunderstorm, or a self-engaging peat, there, where a person is alive, a wine person is in a fire.

Lyudina is responsible for her mischievous behavior and natural nature, flooding the unextinguishable bagattya, throwing smitta: curse the dances, or the ganchir'ya is leaked with oil (oliєyu).


kapron of different colors,


blue drіt orange color,

clips for glue gun,

tape stitch,

universal glue,

pinoplex or pinoplast for the base,


Head robots.

For the pellets of the flower, wind around the base with a diameter of 12 mm. For this new development, a felt-tip pen, a marker and a cap for nail polish. Prepare a sprat of such blanks.

Pull the nylon over the workpiece. Pull it tight, but not too hard, so as not to deform the shape of the pellet. Close the nylon with threads, wrapping the cape on the support, trim it.

For a ticket, 6 pellets are needed.

Prepare 3 pieces, fold them navpil, wind up the drill. Attach 3 pellets to the back, then 3 more pellets in the middle.

Close the pelyustki with threads, wrap the stem with a teip stitch.

For another ticket, add 7 pellets of the same diameter, ale with black nylon. Crush the pellets from both sides, so that the stinks look like ovals.

Wrap 9 folds of tartars with a winder for the stem, tie 7 pellets with a thread, close the irregularities with a teip-stitch.

For a trojandochka, prepare 9 pellets of an erysipelas color of the same diameter.

On the stalk, screw 2 pellets on the stalk, then 3, then let's reshta. Wrap the stem with a tape stitch.

For a galyavin, 3 triplets, 2 white and 2 black cards are required. Leaflets can be sown according to the same principle as the pellets for a black card.

Vіdokremiti cartridge at the old light bulb. Bazhano take a big light bulb.

Drip a universal glue into the light bulb, glue the sisal. For additional tweezers, glue the tickets. Glue the light bulb.

Prepare the basis for the work, turn it into a black-brown color. Glue a light bulb in the middle.

With a dart, twist a tree of various shapes and sizes. Glue them with a glue gun.

Pour the tree with black farboi.

Twist a pelyustok with a diameter of 2 cm from the dart.

Screw the pellets to the trees like half-tongue tongues. Drіt decorate with glue and pіdfarbuvati with black farboi. Fix the tree on the basis of the light bulb.

Twist a little man from a chenille dart: bend the handle, turn the bottom, wrap the bottom, climb uphill, twist the other’s leg, rise uphill, twist the handle from the other dart and screw it to the workpiece.

For the head, 5 pellets of fire, yellow and red color, for the bed, 7 pellets. For the whole fiery man, 12 pellets are needed. Raise a sprinkling of such people.

Glue the cholovichkіv like this, nibi stink honed the kvіtkovu galyavin in the light bulb. One person can be glued to the animal light bulbs.
