What is a fire show? What is a fire show? History of the fire show

What is a fire show? What is a fire show? History of the fire show

Our hour is such a kind of street art, like a fire show, becoming even more popular. Many people call for such shows for the sacred: often ask artists for fire shows at the party, start fires at the beach parties and corporate visits. The fire show is now a frequent guest on TV stations - you can watch it on various TV projects for the sake of talent. Read more about those fire-shows.

What is a fire show?

The word "fire show" is similar to the English word "fire show" ("fire show"), although in the English language the term "fire performance" is more widely understood. Vono performs at vikonannі different manipulations with fire, dances and tricks with scorched objects, either with the method of bragging rights, or, as a rule, with the method of bragging of the public. By itself, a fire show is a kind of street art, or rather, this type of modern art, like a street performance.

Vikonavtsiv fire-shows are called firemen. The professional show of fire inspires the fate of the yogi trainee and the victorious whole team of people, the presence of rich props and fire with all sorts of "fire" techniques.

History of the genre

The main element of the props of the artists in the fire show is the instrument, which represents the notes, attached to the lancets or the motuzok. The New Zealand people of the Maori, who do not know what a fire show is, are the champion of the Vinaysh. The Maori women began to train their hands for help wrapping around the body of the bears for transporting the eggs: the stench attached the moths to them, and the eggs were replaced with a stone. Nezabar tse training took note of the Maori warriors. And yet, in the XX century, the artists of the wandering circus began to drink for their performances, the deputy bears added a note to the hanks, and later replaced the hanks with lancets.

Dances with fire, consecrated to the fire deity on the name of Xiutecuhtli, celebrated the ancient Aztecs, and our hour of this ancient dance is shown to tourists near Mexico. And the fire dance at the Vikonan Meshkans of the island of Bali was called Shanghuang Haran and vikonuvavsya in order to drive away the “view”, as if they brought the epidemic to the village.

In the 90s of the twentieth century, the popularity of the fire show grew significantly. The mastery of fire management has become a demand at night clubs, rave parties, beach parties and music festivals. This genre, having become even wider, as an element of rozvagi at corporate visits, street festivals, Christmas parties. A fire show can also be part of a flash mob, or it can be a pyrotechnic show.

See the fire show

The growing popularity of fire shows and the increased availability of the same props have been spawned by the appearance of different types of fire shows.

  • Traditional fire show. Such a statement often includes the selection of Polynesian outfits and other cultural warehouses. Many of these shows are inspired by festivals like the Samoa Festival and the World Fireknife Competition.

  • Ritual fire show. This type of fire show is characterized by the use of fire in occult and pagan ceremonies, and the technique of performing tricks by firemen is not so important here - it is important that the artist introduces the specifics of the ritual.

  • Today's fire show. Here, practically, there are no specific conditions every day: fireworkers put on their own numbers for different music, try out the elements of the street theater and experiment on equal terms with the public, sometimes allowing them to directly participate in the performance. Fire show is also often combined with belly dancing. Such performances are characterized by a wide range of fire tricks and a great number of diverse possessions.
  • Comedy fire show. A classic situation comedy, or a stand-up number that avenges juggling with various objects and tricks with fire - the axis of which is this kind of fire show. You can turn on such an unsafe trick, like scorching parts of the bodies of artists.

  • Fire theater. These shows have tricks with fire and an element of dramatic vistavi, which is mostly not very important. Similar shows, in line with the traditional ones, sing a bigger voice more on the costumes and more foldable, lower on the technical skills of the actors.

Fire show props

At the show, the victorious fire is only possessed, as it was smashed specially for the sake of the mark. Vono is the most addictive. Axis is the most important prop, which is victorious for the creation of a fire show:

  • Poї - a pair of lancets, some of which have attachments of notes on one side, and a pen on the other side. Dovzhina lansyug can become a dovzhina of the hand.

  • A hoop, or a hula-hoop - looks like a hoop and is attached to the new stake with notes, the minimum number of which, as a rule, is five pieces.

  • Staff - a metal or wooden pipe of a zavdovka 1-2 meters with notes, attached to the ribs on the sides. Most of the fireworkers perform with one or two staffs, wanting to win three or more staffs can be.

  • Vialo - a great vial-like instrument, crushing metal. On the edges of which veiled one or a kіlka ґnotіv.

  • The torch is a short mace or a resin-skip with a note on one end.

  • Burning fingers - rods from metal, up to the end of which the nails are attached, and the rods themselves are attached to the fingers for additional nozzles.

  • Batig z aramid, which is palled at the step and wrapped. Vin can create great fire when hitting a hard surface. The handle of the batog is crushed from metal and the zavdovka becomes close to thirty centimeters.

  • A jump rope is a long cable, which is used, with aramid, two handles are attached to the ends.

  • Kulya, or fireball - a special rank designed balls for juggling. Tse can be either cool, soaked in a palmy speech, like a fireworker podpalyuє and juggling with them in wicked mittens, or cool, half-light, such as to roam only in their centers.

Fire show start

Sometimes the numbers of the fire show look unsafe, the stench is true, but there is a trace of the memory that the firemen are actually working with the right fire, for that there is always a great risk of serious damage to their health. Such a trick is especially unsafe, like seeing fire. If you want to learn the art of fire shows, then the best way to learn is to know a professional teacher. It is possible for you to know about a thematic festival or a convention nearby, where you can find a fireworker who doesn’t mind taking your newbie’s wings.

Have a chance to start a fire show at a bright hour, finish it off, with a sufficient amount of free space, bring you to that kimos in the near future, who can insure you. It is necessary to practice practice on obov'yazkovo from an unburned object! Only after a sufficient training in training with the chosen props, you can try to go to training with fire.

You can marvel at the professional fire show at the next video:

Tі, who knows more English language, to ask: What is fire? - give a reply: “Fire”. I do not have mercy. The word is translated literally the same way, it resembles the proto-German form fuir, in the 13th century the English word fier was established in the 13th century, and the modern writing fire was residually formed only in the 17th century. What is fire, what is the meaning of the word?


The etymological dictionary of Maxim Fasmer explains that the word resembles the German language and is translated as “fire”, it was wider in the Smolensk region, but it got used to the meaning “research”.

At the dictionary of synonyms Trishina V.M. two equal meanings of "fire" of the word are indicated: "fire" and "dimovuha".

What is the fire of the current roaming word?

It is explained in the Russian gloomy vocabulary that “fire” takes root in three meanings:

  • into the fire;
  • fire show;
  • vikonovets fire show.

In addition, fire is a pyrotechnical torch. Vikoristovuetsya in the Ministry of Taxes and Minds, as a lamp on the handle, building a great expanse of trivaly hour and for whatever the weather.

Nini most of the word gets used to the meaning of "fire of the show."

What is it - a fire show? And who are the firemen?

For radyansky hours, to make widened boules cry with the inscription: "Do not play with fire!" The era has passed, weeping wicked, and in rich great places people have appeared, for those people with fire it’s not just a hobby, but a good profession, right of all life. Firemen - tse spritniki, yakі vashtovuyut show with fire.

In our hour, fire-wistava has become even more popular. Yogo zamovlyayut on svyatkovі come in, show on TV tower. What is it - a fire show, what is it?

Literally, the English term is translated as “the fire of the show”. The essence of yoga is based on vikonannі rіznih manipulаtsiіy іz ognem, stuntіvі dantsіv іz podpalenimi objects. Vognyana vistava is a kind of street art, or rather street performance.


The fire-show immediately turned into a fashionable crowd of young people. But the best fireworkers were members of the Maori tribe, like on the coast of the ocean they loved to power up the rozvazhno-ostentatious steps with bags, to burn, - poї (at the translation of the movie, the Maori means “bags on a skein”). And who knew who the subject of the woman of the tribe was guilty of. The stench for help was training their hands, for a year such a way of physical training began to beat the Maori warriors.

Circus performers from Australia looked at the rose of the New Zealand aborigines approximately on the cob of the 20th century. And yet, in the 60s, rocky fire shows became popular in the USA and Western Europe, vistavi rose to the programs of rich circuses. The fire culture has expanded and in the middle of the hipp, yakі gladly zahopilsya root fire.

Significantly increased the popularity of the fire show among the 90s. Flames of vistavi have become in demand at night clubs, at parties, music and street festivals, beach and Christmas parties, so the stench has become a part of flash mobs and pyrotechnic shows.

Fire-vistavi in ​​Russia

Fire shows in our country have appeared on the cob of the 90s and are even more popular at the same time. The fireworkers are chosen mainly in the dark time to finish, if the action can be assessed in all beauty. The stinks have mastered public gardens, parks, embankments, central squares and others suitable for the ledge and training. These shows are always accompanied by live music. Drums, tambourines and other percussion musical instruments set the rhythm and create a special atmosphere. Blame the presence on the shamanic ritual. Axis scho is fire. Photo tsієї vistavi vrazhayut pryadachiv not less than the same action. It’s hard to believe that this is a production, and that it’s out here and at once.

The firemen themselves call themselves poyers, drinkers and chi poysters. Ale stinks to spin not only on the papyrus, but still without any other shells.


The arsenal is gradually replenished with new additions, but the main ones are: water, meteor, languid, azure, stuffy, fire ropes, hoops, tar-skipi. All the stinks are of different shapes, but in fact they are objects with gnats that burn. Moreover, what is a smart-witted projectile, what is an effective ledge.

The clothes are guilty of being as safe and handy as possible, so as not to inflict them on the dodatkovu nebezpeka and not to overwhelm the Rukhs. Themselves stink, that the risk of taking the opik is reduced to a minimum already for a month of training.


Due to the growing popularity of the vistavi and the global accessibility of the props, there were different shows:

  • Traditionally, the victorious Polynesian selections are celebrated, the festival is celebrated.
  • Ritual - the fire is victorious in pagan and occult ceremonies, the techniques add less respect, the artistry of the fireman is more important.
  • Today - there are no daily rules, that obmezhen, victorious music, styles, techniques.
  • Comedy - all tricks are staged with one single method - to make the public laugh.
  • Theater of fire - tricks with fire and elements of dramatic vistavi. Deyakі theaters are accompanied by musicians, make-up rooms, dressers.

Fire subculture

A lot of posters in vvazhayut fire show subculture. The stench knows one and the same, mingle with each other, navit like they live in different places and lands. Zvisno, between theaters, and inspire by fireworkers, there is a three-way competitive struggle, shards of business, commercial enterprise.

Ale, after the stench, share dosvidom one by one, hold special festivals, competitions, master class.

What is a fire show for a subcultural mind? That's why it's navkolotantsyuvalna that navkosportivna get-together or extreme dances with fire. Obviously, not everyone can become a professional, so many people just spin the shells, admire the beauty and grace of the fire.

Like be-like subcultures, poisters have their own slang, their own inheritors and their idols.

The fire will drive absolutely different people, as if they were drowned in one wild occupation - a fire show.

Spin everything, what is spinning, what is not spinning - move, what is not moving - pick up. Approximately such a motto among faerniks. However, for the one who has a lot of daedals, it’s zhorstkish. There are no phrases: twist everything that burns, even if it burns, it can be different, and, often, beat them even more unsafely.

At the moment, there are sprats of the main types of fire, like vikoristovuyut at the fire show. Moreover, not all of them are acceptable for safety equipment, but they are easy to get, and the stench is cheaper to make.

Let's look at what you can truly win.

  1. Lighting gas. The most popular palevo in . Yogo can be bought in lacquer-farb or gospodar shops, at dances and canisters, for an average vartistyu 100 r per 1 liter. Yogo vikoristovuyut for lamps and vin є visibly safe through those that do not vibrate like gasoline. Z minus - far from zavzhd є mozhlivіst zazdalegіd pridbaty polyvo і not skrіz it is sold. So don’t forget about the pungent smell, and the filthy burning of the charge.
  2. Rіdkі paraffin for razpaluvannya. The axis is definitely not smelly and buy more simply. However, the dancing is more expensive, and it burns more sharply. In such a rank, there, de gas, please three of us, the homeland for rozpalyuvannya vіdzhive for two (maximum). Another plus is those that are less likely to smoke less, so that if you turn it under a canopy, there will be less problems.
  3. Lamp oil. So, so, even a wondrous choice is a fire for a fire show, but don’t forget the varto, that the very same speeches are filled with sound at the torch. Three minuses can be called like this: filthy spalah. You happen to finish the long standing іz zapalnichkoy, chekayuchi that moment, like a note warm up and vyparіv become rich rich. Let's keep the whiling pokat, until the half-moon flares up, because without it your props may go out after the first wave. Another filthy yakistyu є those that the oil is already unacceptably dripping from the notes, moreover, if you put it on your foot, you can easily remove the opik. So it’s very seductive to smoke heavily, then you can smell it. The main plus is the hour of the morning. Tobto yakscho porivnyat the lamp ole and two in front see the paliva, viyde spivdnoshnennia: 3/2/5.
  4. And now I can't take part of it. Aviation gas. What wine is considered as an illuminating one? Kudi is easier to sleep and vibe. Tobto you squandered a sprinkling of drops of another, you, better for everything, don’t remember. And you can burn the axis with the aircraft. You can change the fire just by pouring the troch on the asphalt and trying the fire. There will be no lighting.
  5. Petrol. The most safe thing is the fact that they win at the fire show. Most of the time, you can take it yourself through it, even if it’s at half-day, the temperature is higher, and if you can just knock off the lock, put down the details of the cancellation. Vykoristovuyut gasoline sound like you, who save an hour and pennies, or you know that you can’t eat anything nasty with them.

Viber is yours, take care of yourself!

Fire show

In the middle of the 20th century, the fire show philosophy was positively accepted by youth subcultures (hipi). Fire shows and hippies have become inextricably linked.

On the example of the XX century, this kind of science of the Crimea of ​​physical straightening became the philosophical sensation of the day with the verse.

Artist vykonu fold figure(poї)

Props ta palyvo

The biggest extension of the props, zastosovuvanii at the fire show from the most recent hours - spiv or poi (short for poitoa - my Maori - 'bag in a bear on a motuzochka'). Other popular shells are sniyki (kosi), rope - darts, staffy, viala, tar-skip. The most wide-spread speech of the middle of the firemen is gas.

  • Poi (poi)- a pair of notes or vantazhiv, attached to the cord or lance. Napoi buvay dekіlkoh vidіv, razrіznyayutsya ahead of the type vikoristannya (“training” - for the introduction of new elements and “battles” - for performances), at a glance (“fires” - napoї seep into the palm warehouse and pіdpalyuyutsya і “svіtlіvіtі” - to drink light elements or chemical sources of light). Poї are folded from gnat (which oozes into the pale speech), lansy (thin, mitered and gnuch lance) and loops (and іnodi swivels (for wrapping the lance in a new straight line)), which are pulled on the fingers. Special handles are victorious for some loops. It is also clear that there are different napu, which have not one, but a sprat of notes, on the lances of the lances.
  • rope dart (ropedart)- come to us from Chinese wushu. It is one note on a long winding and a short lance (lancet on the back of a lanyard and a note). Often for the rope-dart, the notation "comet" is used, which represents 2-3 stars in the shape of the sphere of the ring. Such a note gives an even more visible fiery trace, but the great vaga and expansion do not allow carrying out a lot of elements.
  • Staff, pole (staff)- as a rule, a metal pipe (a wooden club, wrapped in thermofoil), to the skin, such attachments are gnat.
  • Guys meteori (double meteor)- lansyug, with notes on both ends. Rozmir lie in the vіd vlasnik’s bazaar: deyakі vvazhayut for better twisting the brads, and whoever needs a long lance, like a folded fold, can hold the tip of the right hand with one tip, and others - the left shoulder.
  • Viyala (fans)- a sprig of zhorstko creakings of one end of metal rods, leather from some of the last end of crowns with a small note.
  • Pazuri, or "fiery fingers"- metal rods with notes on kintsy, yak, on vіdminu vіyal, do not creak hard one by one, but for the help of special attachments, or a mitten is fastened on the fingers.
  • Double staff, double (double staff, doubles)- two short stafi.
  • Triple (three staffs) (triple) - three staffs, at the skin along the edge along the notes. The main tricks are juggling with three staffs, so the symbiosis of contact juggling with staffs with wraps a la spin, antispin
  • Smoloskypi- two pitchers can be twisted in the hands, and three and more - juggling.
  • Viduvannya fire- viporskuvannya from the company of the palm speech through the half-light of the tar-skip. As a result, a large fire sack is set up in the sky. The most safe (toxic) type of fire show for health.
  • Rope jump rope (skip rope)- Tse rope, what to burn. You can shoot through it one by one, spin it, you can spin the skein longer so that two trimals and twists, and the third (and quarter?) Stribav, roblyachi different acrobatic stunts.
  • Hula Hup (hoop)- aluminum or plastic hoop with 5-8 bands. You can twist on the top or on your hands, pick up at the door. With a small vase, you can juggle or twist a sprig of hoops at the same time
  • Palm torches, palms (Palm Torches)- a haircut with a note on the ends, which is creased on the bottom.

Likewise, there are fires of whips, swords with forests, like wrappings of cloth, and so much more.

Div. also


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Wonder what "Fire Show" is in other dictionaries:

    Which term has other meanings, div. Poi (meaning). Diodni poї, zyomka with a large vitrimka Poї looked at equipment for juggling, bags on hanks, like trimming in your hands and twisting ... Wikipedia

This year's fire show is a bright and hoarse turn, most of which is made up of acrobatic stunts from the fire stop. An artist who performs at a fire show, victorist’s different props for the implementation of his own creative ideas, or I’ll think of a director. If you have more than one kind of materiality, lay down the diversity of inventory.

European fire shows appeared not so long ago. The stench was brought by artists in the middle of the 20th century from Australian traveling circuses, as if they were adopted from the natives of New Zealand. Tі, in their circle, victorious "dances" with an important sack or a stone, tied to a hank, not only like a rose, but also for the development of serenity and the strength of warriors.

At once, the fire show, having passed through the whole world and having changed, became a unique kind of ledge. It is necessary to take revenge on one's own philosophy, like a faernik artist. This is its own subculture, de є vlasnі traditsії, zvichaї і navit mova (professional jargon).

Today you can know theaters of fire at great places in the whole country. Many of them create right corpses and perform at various entrances, decorate with great popularity.
