How our all-world appeared. Theories are similar to the whole world and their models

How our all-world appeared. Theories are similar to the whole world and their models

The trival and still loyal super-religionists of creationists and evolutionists have reached a serious advantage. Some, apparently, are pursuing theories of supernatural giving in the process of life. Believe that the All-Light is at the right hand of God. Others take the position of materialism. And to prove that there is no God, and the All-Light appeared on its own as a result of the so-called Great Vibuhu. Creationists seem to have the Word on the cob. The evolutionists have a very strong point called singularity. Having emerged from the new vine, the World of Lights has expanded to its lowest dimensions.

Both ideas are absolutely equivalent in the strength of their argumentation. Neither side has yet to find hundreds of controversial arguments. At least the evolutionists are a little ahead of their opponents. As soon as we believe the cautions and follow them in a consistent manner, the Universe is expanding even further. Which indirectly confirms materialistic ideas.

If you want more creationist-idealists, then use a simple logical trick. “Good,” it seems, “God has made everything perfect. And who created God?

Creationists are angry and ruined. Ale the most stuck and illuminated know what to criticize. І give opponents a “symmetrical” diet: “What happened before the Great Vibuhu?”

The standard answer is that I have had to give many more years to this - saying, there was nothing: no space, no time - naturally, without the rule of the rivals.

The first axis has become. The godless evolutionists seem to have outperformed the creationists. Some, as before, do not know who created God. Others have already realized what happened before the Great Vibuhu.


Before ours, the Universe was founded by another. Front. This was the idea of ​​Roger Penrose from Oxford and Vahan Gurzadyan from the Yerevan Physical Institute. The offense is not just like the dreamers-at-home workers, but always with the names of light. They followed the so-called relict vibration - a micro-hair background that was lost after the Great Vibuhu and saves information about the birth of the Universe and its developments. And against this background, marvelous inhomogeneities were revealed that looked like concentric stakes.

Penrose and Gurzadyan are respected: cola is not in our time. These are the gravitational traces of the colossal, supermassive black trees that have settled in the Foremost World at the end of this day. Tobto until our Great Vibuhu.

If you believe in everything, then the whole world blames it - one by one. And the end of the anterior one becomes the cob of the foot.

Headline: Svetobudova is cyclical.

Our All-World will soon turn to the point where it was at the moment of the Great Vibuhu, like Penrose. - Become homogeneous. And from an infinitely great new thing to be transformed into an infinitely small one. And the black holes are evaporated.

Before the speech, similar thoughts are pursued by astrophysicists Paul Steinhardt from Princeton and Neil Turk from Cambridge. And it stinks that the Universe expands at first, and then contracts. But there are simply no problems at all. The fragments of the World go through the same cycle. It collapses and immediately renews itself.

Who knows, maybe God is cyclical? One, for example, will finish his life, the other will immediately begin with the All-Light created by him. Then follow what was revealed by Penrose and Gurzadyan - what kind of impressions did the former God have?


Should we not just walk along the path of all the world, but change something else? Do they appear and appear en masse, like boules in sprinkling? And such suspicions arise. At the very least, the one who entrusts our All-World to find someone else.

Two years ago, a group of NASA scientists, under the supervision of astrophysicist Oleksandr Kashlinsky, using microbial and X-ray vipromining, revealed a strange behavior in approximately 800 distant galactic entities. It turned out that all the smells were flying in one direction - in a single part of space - at a speed of 1000 kilometers per second. This worldwide movement was called the “dark stream.”

It recently became clear that the “dark stream” is consuming as many as 1,400 galactic reserves. And not all of them in the region, which have expanded the borders of our All-World.

Behind one thing, here and there - a pose, with inaccessible guards - the majestic mass is spread out, which attracts matter. However, this is true of the original theory, because the speech after the Great Vibuhu, which gave birth to our All-World, has spread more or less evenly. This means that the concentration of mass that exerts such fantastic power is impossible. What's there?

An extraordinary hypothesis was proposed by Laura Mersini-Houghton from the University of Carolina. Behind these revelations, it follows that our galaxies will be viewed by another All-World, according to the instructions.

It’s cool that Laura came up with her ideas back in 2006 – before the “dark stream” emerged. Essentially, I overdid Yogo. If the whole world is a kilka, then why are you with God? Does the skin have its own? Chi is the only one for everything?


Martin Rice, President of the Royal Partnership of London:

“We never understand how the Vsesvet rules”

The leader of British science, astrophysicist and, behind the madness, the royal astronomer doubted the intellectual values ​​of human civilization. Having spoken, we will not understand the laws of the world. And it will never be known how the All-World has appeared and is checking for something new. And the hypotheses, for example, about the Great Vibukh, which never gave birth to a superfluous world, or about those that, in parallel with our All-World, can be found without meaning to others, so they are deprived of uninformed assumptions.

Without a doubt, it is clear to everyone - like Lord Rhys - but there are no such geniuses as would be understood. The human mind is limited. And I have reached my boundaries.

In truth, physicists and cosmologists have been trying to create a Theory of Everything for almost a decade now. Because that’s what the Unified Theory is called. Albert Einstein pranced over her. Ale is not expensive. Having rewarded the coming generations. Ale stinks pass.

The Standard Model is called the Standard Model because it contains several fundamental forces: electromagnetic, strong interaction, such as in the atomic nucleus, weak interaction, such as radioactive decay, and gravity. None of the scientists succeeded in linking the first three forces. And the fourth - gravity - will never come to a theory. This is how to understand its nature.

We are far from understanding the microstructure of the vacuum, like fish in an aquarium, which are absolutely insipid, like a damp medium, in which the stink is to live, - the royal astronomer figuratively conveys the truth to Gorka.

“I, for example, would like to suspect that there is a vast structure,” continues Lord Rhys. - And the middle of the trillion and trillion times is smaller per atom. It is impossible for us to make it clear how such a construction works. The plant needs to be more complex, closer to the human mind. Like Einstein's theory of validity - for Mavpi.

As a result, the Lord resumes: having said that, I believe that the One Theory is, in principle, valid. In order to create this, the thirsty human mind cannot be destroyed. Moreover, all contenders for such authorship, singly, have mercy.

MOSCOW, 18 sickle- RIA Novini. Our Universe is ideally suited for people to understand other reasonable realities. What is behind this - the greatest forces and what are the secondary factors? Bernard Carr, a friend and student of Stephen Hawking, reveals how this power is related to parallel light and which can be transferred in the same universe.

Black "ship of eternity"

Recently, Professor Carr visited Moscow and gave a lecture at the Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences about how black holes could have emerged in the first stages of life in the Universe and how the role of stench played in its evolution . Having explained to RIA Noviny why this is the main idea, that parallel worlds exist and our All-Light is one of them.

“We are still poorly aware of what happened before the Great Vibuhu. On the other hand, string theory conveys, as much as we can, to the guards behind the first gravitational coils, to understand how we saw the Universe at the first moment with and on the basis of which to reveal the picture to the world until about one o’clock,” says Carr, speaking to RIA Noviny.

For example, since our All-World wine is not empty, but in the middle of the remains of another All-World, having ended its life in the course of a sharply constrained space, then its “germ” is guilty of taking revenge on a lot of black children. The stinks, as Carr explains, can survive the Great Vibration and still exist in the world today, although it is unlikely that any of the current cases have such an exotic appearance.

"These black holes, in essence, are to be united objects capable of surviving the end of one Universe. We decide - for you, planets, stars and galaxies - to move to the “great babe”. As such objects come into being , then they won "An important role in the evolution of the Universe, which served as the seeds, a kind of "DNA" of the supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies. They, in their own way, "directed" the formation of the stars and their lives today," - like a professor.

It’s difficult to verify this, as you know, because many people doubt that this is, in principle, possible. On the other hand, in other words, the gravitational force detectors of today provide another important point, which potentially explains the guilt of humanity in the “manual” Universe for us.

On the right is that many astronomers and cosmologists today appreciate that our Universe has few unique characteristics, including the presence of visible particles, dark matter and energy, which it has There are stars, planets and subterranean minds for the birth of life.

The least attention is paid to the importance of these and other physical constants, as adherents of this idea, which was called the “anthropic principle”, respect, to keep the Universe inanimate or to speed up the terms of its life, so neither humanity nor “brothers in mind” can simply be grasped in this one show up.

With this current cosmological theory, it seems that the Universe is not necessarily to blame for such a set of authorities. Apparently, the food supply is running out - why do we sleep and like the grape of our world?

“Whose diet has two types, from which we have to choose only one. First of all, the unique authorities of the Universe could have been asked to “burn”, which especially I, in addition to my rich colleagues, would not turn off Yu. On the other hand, perhaps "The foundation of the so-called Multiverse. To this extent, as I constantly have to reinforce, I admire more, less than the obviousness of any supernatural forces," explains the cosmologist.

Physicists: evidence without confirming that the World is a hologramPhysicists in the USA tried to reveal evidence that the Universe is a flat two-dimensional hologram, which they, however, were not able to achieve. And this is to testify about the trivial nature of the world.

Carr and many other cosmologists think that our All-World is just one of an infinite number of parallel lights that are part of a larger structure, the Multi-World. These “other spaces” can represent different sets of authorities, which eliminates the need to explain the unique risks of our Universe.

The power of their origin stems from string theory and low-level mathematical concepts that convey the reality of a great number of vimirs, some of which are “burned” in our All-World, or “burned” in the Multi all-worldly.

"As it turns out, we are clearly visible from other extinctions and parallel worlds that indicate the Multiverse. Nutrition is less important than the power of the stench. They will do great work so that the stench will flow into our Universe - at the zokrem, at the molding of black diroks,” - seemingly forever.

Key to Multivsesvita

This idea can be verified, since astronomers are wondering how many black trees fell from our Universe at the moment when its cordons began to rapidly expand in the first seconds after the Great Eruption.

The number of primary, or primordial, black trees cannot be limited. With too much of them, the All-World simply cannot produce enough matter to create galaxies, stars and planets, and with their small amount of power, dark matter will not be the same as to show exact caution for the young. galaxies,” continues Professor Carr.

Most of all the first black holes, as assumed by astronomers, are of a relatively small mass. That’s why the stench had long since evaporated and swelled in the distant past, as Stephen Hawking’s theory conveys. The great primordial holes will evaporate more and thus could survive to the last.

“I have long wanted to ask Stephen what would be more useful - the discovery of traces of the vibukhs of the first black trees (which would be confirmed by the discovery of Hawking’s prophecy) or the discovery of unusually great objects in this type in the daily All-World. “We have discovered dark matter,” the physicist guesses. “Stephen would be more suited to the first option, but I especially like the other. It’s not so much for me, but it’s more interesting in reality.” It would be one more great victory.”

The smallest black holes, whose diameter is smaller, as Planck's dowry is called, will, in Carr's opinion, behave not as singularities, but as "wormholes", tunnels in the structure of the vastness. The stench can be heard not only in the world, but also in different hours - past, today and in the future.

Another possible trace is the recent discovery of mysterious radio signals (FRB bursts) coming from distant corners of the Universe, as well as some weak gamma bursts, similar to the one that was recorded in the sickle of the past fate at once with a splash of gravitational coils.

As soon as the first black fruits are detected, the stench, as it begins, may become visible in the light of the Multiverse and one of the keys to the connection between the power supply of astronomy - how gravity works.

"Lee Smolin, Peter Voight and other skeptics constantly insist that string theory is purely mathematical, abstract in nature, in no way connected with real light or physics. For the same reasons, they criticize the theory of the Multiverse here, which I support not only I, and a lot of famous physicists, such as Leonard Suskind and Martin Reese.. So, we have problems with the fact that it is impossible to know from these worlds, but we can’t say that we will never be able to earn money. or 100 rocks It is quite certain that we will now need to discover parallel developments and confirm string theory.

Our approach to the Universe still lacks any clarity, regardless of the great knowledge accumulated by humanity. The most widespread version today is the so-called theory of the Great Vibuhu.

Has everything come to a head?

70 years ago, the American astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered that galaxies grow in the darkest part of the color spectrum. This, due to the “Doppler effect,” meant that the stench was removed at the same time. Moreover, the light from distant galaxies was “red” of light from nearby ones, which indicated the less lightness of distant ones. The picture of the rose of the majestic mas rechovini clearly resembled the picture of the vibuhu. This was the basis for the theory of the Great Vibuhu.

According to the breakdowns, the cost was approximately 13.7 billion. Until the moment of vibration, Vsesvit was a “point” measuring 10-33 centimeters. The extent of the current Universe is estimated by astronomers at 156 billions of light rocks (for comparison: a “speck” is as many times smaller for a proton – the nucleus of an atom in water, as many times the proton itself is smaller for a Month).

The speech in the “point” was extremely hot, which means that by the hour a lot of light quanta appeared in the vibukh. Naturally, everything becomes clear over time, and the quanta scatter across space, but the effects of the Great Vibukh have been preserved to this day.

Pershe PIDARENNYA Vibuha fact came to Rotsi in 1964, if the American Radio-Astronomon R. Vilson Tu A. Penzіas Viyaviyavi Relikiktov Elektromagnitne Viprominyuvannya Znitya 3 ° per Kelvina scale (-270 ° C). This, apparently, is not subject to belief, was considered to be the scourge of the Great Vibukha.

Then, from the hot haze of subatomic particles, which were gradually expanding on all sides, atoms, speeches, planets, stars, galaxies began to gradually disappear, and life began to appear. The whole world is expanding to such an extent, and it is unknown how long it will remain. It is possible, if you can reach your boundaries.

Nothing can be achieved

This other theory is similar to the All-World. Apparently before her, all the world, life and people are the result of a rational creative act, created by the Creator and the Almighty, the nature of which is inescapable by the human mind. Materials similar to this theory are discredited, unless half of humanity believes the fragments of it in this or another form, we have the right to bypass it.

Explaining the approach to the Universe and people from a mechanistic position, interpreting the Universe as a product of matter, the development of which is subject to the objective laws of nature, adherents of rationalism, as a rule, perceive non-physical factors. Especially when it comes to the discovery of any All-Worldly or Cosmic Mind, it is not “scientific”. Let us learn to take into account those that can be described using additional formulas. The problem lies precisely in the fact that the scenarios for the destruction of the Universe, which were put forward by adherents of the theory of the Great Vibuhu, cannot be described mathematically or physically.

The cob mill of Vsesvet is a “point” of infinitely small dimensions with infinitely great strength and infinitely high temperature - goes beyond the boundaries of mathematical logic and does not lend itself to formal description. It’s also impossible to say anything good about the price, and the confusion here is summed up. Therefore, this whole world rejected the name “phenomenon” among the scientists.

"Phenomenon" - a head mystery

The theory of the Great Vibuhu provided evidence for the rich nutrition that stood before cosmology, but unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, it also introduced a number of new ones. Zokrema what happened before the Great Vibuhu? What led to the initial heating of the World to a neutral temperature of over 1032 degrees K? Why is the Universe so uniform, so that when there is any vibration, the speech spreads out in different directions and unevenly?

Ale head riddle – tse, obviously, “phenomenon”. Invisibly, the stars showed up as if they had disappeared. In popular science publications, the topic of “phenomenon” tends to be omitted, and specialized scientific publications write about it as if it were speech that is unacceptable from a scientific point of view. Stephen Hawking, a world-famous scholar, professor at the University of Cambridge, and J. F. R. Ellis, professor of mathematics at the University of Cape Town, in his book “The Long Scale of Space-Hour Structure” say so directly: “The results we have achieved have confirmed enjoy the concept that The whole world has a lot of fates to blame for this. The main point of the theory is that the Universe is the successor of the Great Vibuhu - so called “phenomenon” - to be outside the boundaries of the known laws of physics.”

In this case, it is necessary to believe that the problem of the “phenomenon” is only part of a much larger problem, the problem of the very core of the cob mill of the World. In other words: since the back of the Universe is squeezed close to the corner, then what brought him to this camp?

Is the Universe “pulsating”?

Hubble recently discovered that galaxies range from the red part of the color spectrum

Attempts to solve the problem of the “phenomenon” will continue to promote other hypotheses. One of them is the theory of the “pulsating All-World”. Apparently before it, the Universe endlessly, time and time again, shrinks into a point, then expands to every point between. Such an All-Light does not begin or end, except for the cycle of expansion and contraction. At the same time, the authors of the hypothesis affirm that the All-World came into being from the beginning, thus they themselves know nothing about the “ear of the world.”

Alas, no one has yet given a satisfactory explanation of the pulsation mechanism. Why are you worried? What are the reasons for being a wiccan? Nobel laureate, physicist Steven Weinberg, in his book “The First Three People,” states that due to the skin pulsation of the World, the value of the ratio of the number of photons inevitably increases to hundred nucleons, which leads to the extinction of new pulsations. Weinberg made sure that in this way the number of cycles of pulsation of the Universe is essential, which means that at some point the stench will be responsible. Well, the “pulsating All-World” is coming to an end, and then, the beginning is coming.

Another theory that is blamed on the Universe is the theory of “white girls”, or quasars, which “vibrate” the entire galaxy.

Tsikava also has a theory of “space-clock tunnels” or “space channels”. The idea about them was first conceived in 1962 by the American theoretical physicist John Wheeler in the book “Geometrodynamics”, in which he formulated the possibility of superspace, extremely flexible intergalactic roads. Some versions of the concept of “space channels” consider the possibility of movement from them in the past and future, as well as in other worlds and worlds.

The Creator's unforgettable idea

John Wheeler has formulated the possibility of rapid intergalactic journeys

Nowadays, in scientific publications, data can often be spent on indirect or direct recognition of the origin of supernatural forces beyond the control of science. There is a growing number of scientists, including great mathematicians and theoretical physicists, who are willing to admit the birth of some kind of Demiurge, or Greater Mind.

Vidomy Radyanskiy, Doctor of Science, physicist and mathematician O.V. Tupitsin mathematically proved that the Universe, and at the same time humans, were created by the Mind immeasurably more powerful than humans. “It’s undeniable that life is more reasonable than ever,” writes O. V. Tupitsin. – The basis of life is order, a system of laws by which matter collapses. Death is, after all, disorder, chaos and, as a legacy, the ruin of matter. Without the influx of calls, and the influx of the rational and purposeful, there is no order - the process of ruin begins, which means death. Without any reasonable understanding, and also, without the recognition of an idea, the Creator of science was never destined to reveal the primary cause of the Universe, which emerged from primordial matter as a result of heavily ordered processes or, as physics calls them, fundamental their laws. Fundamental - well, basic and immutable, without any foundation, the world would be impossible to burn.”

Given the scientific views, with the cob “point” there is not enough space or time. The stench only appeared at the moment of the Great Vibuhu. Until now, there was only a tiny “speck”, spread out, strictly apparent, out of sight. This “point”, which was unknown in itself, already laid down our entire world with fundamental laws and constants, current stars and planets, lives and people.

Perhaps the “speck” was in the hands of the Creator here in another, parallel world. And this Creator imparts to this mechanism the creation of a new Universe. Possibly, for the Creator there is no space at the same time. You will be able to look at all the stages at once until the end of the world. He knows everything that has happened and will happen in our All-World, which he created with a method that is unfailing for us.

For modern people, especially those who are addicted to atheism, it is very important to include the Creator in the system of your light. The axis is related to “pulsation”, “space channels” and “white holes”.

One of the main questions, how not to go beyond the knowledge of people, was always the same question: “how did the All-World appear?” Of course, there is no unambiguous answer to this question, and it is unlikely to be easily dismissed, but science works in this direction and forms a theoretical model of the origin of our Universe.

We will first look at the main powers of the Universe, which can be described within the cosmological model.

  • The model must ensure the distance between objects, as well as the fluidity and direction of their movement. Similar scales are based on Hubble's law: cz = H0D, where z is the red object, D is the distance to which object, c is the brightness of light.
  • The age of the Universe in the model is responsible for over-emphasizing the age of the oldest objects in the world.
  • The model is responsible for the cob diversity of elements.
  • The model is responsible for avoiding the large-scale structure of the World.
  • The model is guilty of violating the relict body.

Let’s take a brief look at the behind-the-scenes theory of the early evolution of the Universe, which is supported by most people today. Today, under the theory of the Great Vibukh, there is a combination of the model of the hot Vsesvet with the Great Vibukh. And although these concepts were initially based on the same principle, as a result of their combination it was possible to explain the chemical composition of the World World, as well as the presence of relict production.

According to this theory, the Universe is about 13.77 billion years old from a large, heated object - a singular state that is difficult to describe within the framework of modern physics. The problem of cosmological singularity, in addition to another, which has a greater number of physical quantities in terms of strength and temperature in its description, precludes inconsistency. Moreover, it is clear that with an infinite intensity, entropy (the world of chaos) must go straight to zero, which in no way agrees with the infinite temperature.

Evolution of the World

  • The first 10 -43 seconds after the Great Vibuhu are called the stage of quantum chaos. The nature of this stage of light cannot be described within the physics we know. There appears to be a disintegration of the uninterrupted single space-hour into quanta.
  • The Planck moment is the moment of the end of quantum chaos, which falls at 10 -43 seconds. At this time, the parameters of the World were equal to the Planck values, at the base of the Planck temperature (close to 1032 K). At the time of the Planckian era, all four fundamental interactions (weak, strong, electromagnetic and gravitational) were combined into one interaction. It is impossible to consider the Planckian moment as a trivial period, since daily physics does not work with parameters less than the Planckian ones.
  • Inflation stage The inflation stage has become the current stage in the history of the whole world. At the first moment of inflation, the gravitational interaction strengthened from the single supersymmetric field (which previously included the fields of fundamental interactions). This period of speech has a negative pressure, which calls for an exponential increase in kinetic energy to the Universe. To put it simply, during this period the All-World began to quickly become agitated, and closer to the end the energy of physical fields turned into the energy of elementary particles. Finally, at this stage, the temperature of speech and vibration significantly increases. At the same time, a strong relationship is seen in the completed stages of inflation. Also at this point, the baryon asymmetry of the Universe comes into play.

[Baryon asymmetry of the Vsesvet is a phenomenon to beware of, the importance of speech over anti-speech in the Vsesvity]

  • Stage of radiation exposure. The stage of development of the Universe has begun, which includes a number of stages. At this stage, the temperature of the Universe begins to decrease, quarks are created, then hadrons and leptons. During the period of nucleosynthesis, the formation of coherent chemical elements occurs, and helium is synthesized. Prote, pronunciation still trumps speech.
  • The era of speech dominance. After 10,000 years, the energy of speech gradually overtakes the energy of propagation and is absorbed into their floor. Speech begins to dominate over production, and relicts begin to emerge. Also, the sub-speech with the changes significantly strengthened the initial heterogeneity in the sub-speech, as a result, galaxies and super-galaxies began to emerge. The laws of the Universe came to the form in which we guard them today.

The above-described picture is composed of many basic theories and gives hidden indications about the formation of the All-World at the early stages of its creation.

Have the stars appeared?

Since the Universe originates from a cosmological singularity, then does the singularity itself originate? At this point, it’s still impossible to give an exact confirmation. Let's take a look at the various cosmological models that exist for the “birth of the All-World.”

These models will be placed on a solid surface, so that the Universe will be born again and over time, its position will change, moving from expansion to compression - and back.

  • Steinhardt-Turok model. This model will be string-theoretic (M-theory), since the concept of such an object as a “brane” is considered.

[A brane (as a membrane) in string theory (M-theory) is a hypothetical fundamental rich-dimensional physical object of dimension, less than the dimension of the space in which it is located]

Apparently, according to this model, the visible All-World grows in the middle of the three-brane, which periodically, once every trillions of years, collides with another tri-brane, which sounds like the Great Vibukh. Next, our tribrane begins to move away from others and expand. At any moment, a portion of dark energy loses its feathers and the fluidity of the expanded membrane increases. The colossal expansion of the speech and the expansion of the table, so that the light becomes almost uniform and empty. This is the re-opening of the three-branes, as a result of which ours turns to the cob phase of its cycle, re-emerging our “All-Light”.

  • The theory of Loris Baum and Paul Frampton also speaks of the cyclical nature of the Universe. According to the current theory, the continuation of the fire after the Great Vibukh expands due to the flow of dark energy until it approaches the moment of “disintegration” of the vast space itself – the Great Rising. Apparently, in a “closed system the entropy does not change” (another element of thermodynamics). From this firmament it follows that the All-World cannot turn to the exit state, while during such a process the entropy may change. However, this problem exists within the framework of this theory. Consistent with the theory of Baum and Frampton, before the Great Explosion, the Universe disintegrates into a series of “claptivities”, each of which may receive a small amount of entropy. Through a series of phase transitions, these “clutches” of the supreme All-World give rise to matter and develop similarly to the primary All-World. These new lights do not interact with one another, so they spread out more quickly than in the light. In this way, the cosmological singularity from which the people of the Universe begins is unique to most cosmological theories. Then, at the moment of the end of its cycle, the All-World disintegrates into a number of other non-interacting lights, which become new All-Worlds.
  • Conformal cyclic cosmology – cyclical model of Roger Penrose and Vahagn Gurzadyan. Therefore, it is appropriate for the Vsesvetny model to move into a new cycle without destroying another element of thermodynamics. This theory revolves around the assumption that black holes will acquire lost information, which “legally” reduces the entropy of the Universe. Then such a cycle of the emergence of the All-Light begins with similarity to the Great Vibukh and ends with singularity.

Other models are inspired by the World

Among other hypotheses to explain the appearance of the visible Universe, the most popular are two:

  • Chaotic theory of inflation - the theory of Andriy Linde. Consistent with this theory, the main function is a scalar field, which is not uniform in any relationship. So in different regions of the world the scalar field has different values. So in areas where the field is weak - nothing is generated, while areas with a strong field begin to expand (inflation) due to the flow of its energy, creating a new omniscience. Such a scenario is based on the existence of the impersonality of light, which does not emerge overnight and dissolves its set of elementary particles, and therefore the laws of nature.
  • Li Smolin’s theory conveys that the Great Vibukh is no longer the beginning of the Universe, but is merely a phase transition between two states. Remnants to the Great Vibuhu, the All-World found itself in the form of a cosmological singularity, similar in nature to the singularity of the black hole, Smolin assumes that the All-World may emerge from the black hole .

This is how models emerge, in which the whole world constantly emerges, joins with their fathers and finds their place. Moreover, it is not at all obligatory that in such worlds the same physical laws are established. All these lights are “embedded” in a single space-hour continuum, but are distributed in new tables, which in no way sense the presence of one. Zagalom, the concept of inflation allows - more, noise! - Please note that in the Veletensky megacosmos there is no one isolated from one world with a different device.

Regardless of the fact that cyclical and other models indicate low nutrition, there are evidence that the Great Wiebuchu theory cannot give, including the problem of cosmological singularity. Still, complete with the inflationary theory, the Great Vibukh more fully explains the guilt of the Universe, and also agrees with absolute caution.

Today's descendants will continue to intensively explore possible scenarios of the birth of the All-World, but there is no answer to the question “How did the All-World appear?” - It’s unlikely that you’ll give in to the nearest one who may come. There are two reasons for this: direct proof of cosmological theories is practically impossible, and even indirect; It is theoretically impossible to obtain accurate information about the world before the Great Vibuhu. For these two reasons, scientists are deprived of any hypotheses and cosmological models that would most correctly describe the nature of the Universe that is being guarded.

How would it seem at first glance that the vast expanse would have been transformed? And what is the result of the rich millions and billions of thousands of people in the country? These foods have tormented (and will continue to torment) the minds of philosophers and scholars, it seems, since the beginning of hours, giving rise to careless and sometimes crazy theories

Today, most astronomers and cosmologists have come to the conclusion that the universe, as we know it, appeared as a result of a gigantic boom, which gave birth to not only the main part of matter, but also becoming the source of the basic physical laws, which are the basis of the cosmos, which He's leaving us. Everything is called the theory of the great wobble.

The basics of the theory of the great vibration are very simple. In such a way, as briefly as possible, all of the world's matter appeared at the same time - about 13.8 billion years ago. At that time, all matter appeared in a seemingly compact abstract coulee (or speck) with unmatched thickness and temperature. This state is called singularity. Uncontrollably, the singularity began to expand and gave birth to the all-world we know.

It should be noted that the theory of the great wobble is only one of the rich hypotheses of the origin of the universe (for example, there is also the theory of the stationary universe), and it has gained the widest recognition and popularity. She not only explains the structure of all known matter, the laws of physics and the great structure of the universe, she also describes the reasons for the expansion of the universe and many other aspects and phenomena.

Chronology of this theory of the Great Vibuhu.

Basing themselves on the knowledge about the new world, it is still assumed that everything is a little different from a single point with endless power and at the end of the hour, as they began to expand. After the cob expansion, as the theory goes, the whole world went through a cooling phase, which allowed subatomic particles and later simple atoms to appear. The giant clouds of these ancient elements, due to gravity, began to create stars and galaxies.

All this, after the stewing of events, began to be close to 13.8 billion years of fate, and this is why this point is respected by the whole world. By investigating various theoretical principles, conducting experiments from the obtained high-energy particles and high-energy particles, as well as by conducting astronomical surveys of distant places around the world, the discovery of propone has been established tell the chronology of the events that emerged from the great explosion and brought the whole world to the point of becoming a cosmic evolution, which may be the place at once

It is important to remember that the early stages of the birth of the whole world - which took place from 10-43 to 10-11 seconds after the great shock - are also the subject of much discussion. Respect! Only at that time, if we believe that those laws of physics, which we immediately know, could not sleep at this hour, then it is difficult to understand how the processes in this early world were regulated. In addition, experiments have not yet been carried out on the existence of these possible types of energies that could have been present at that time. As if it weren’t there, there are a lot of theories about the guilt of the whole world, because at some point in time there was a point where everything began.

The era of singularity.

It is also known that the Planckian era (or the Planckian era) is accepted as the earliest of the previous periods of evolution throughout the world. At this time, all matter was located at a single point of infinite intensity and temperature. Until now, as we know in the past, the quantum effects of gravitational interactions dominated the physical ones, and each physical force was not equal to the force of gravity.

The Planckian era apparently ran from 0 to 10-43 seconds and is named so because it can only be measured by the Planckian hour. Due to extreme temperatures and the immense density of matter, the world would become extremely unstable during this period. After this, periods of expansion and cooling arose that led to the collapse of the fundamental forces of physics.

Approximately from 10-43 to 10-36 seconds, the process of transitional temperatures began to settle. It is important that at this very moment the fundamental forces that guide the entire world began to strengthen one after another. The first result of this branch was the appearance of gravitational forces, strong and weak nuclear interactions and electromagnetism.

At the period from approximately 10-36 to 10-32 seconds after the Great Eruption, the temperature of the whole world began to reach a low level (1028 K), which led to the development of electromagnetic forces (strong interaction) and weak nuclear interaction (weak interaction). fashions).

The era of inflation.

With the emergence of the first fundamental forces in the world, the era of inflation began, which ran from 10-32 seconds behind the Planck hour to an unknown point in the hour. Most cosmological models assume that there is a period of uniform replenishment of high-energy energy during this period, and extremely high temperatures and pressure have led to rapid expansion and cooling.

This began at 10-37 seconds, when after the transition phase, which called for the separation of forces, there was an expansion of the world in geometric progression. At the same time, the whole world was at the stage of baryogenesis, when the temperature was so high that the smooth rumble of particles in the open space appeared with a supernatural fluidity.

At this time, pairs of particles - antiparticles - are being established and are rapidly settling down, which, as we know, has led to the dominance of matter over antimatter in the current universe. After inflation, the whole world was formed from quark - gluon plasma and other elementary particles. From that moment on, having begun to comprehend the whole world, matter began to settle down and unite.

The era of cooling.

With the decrease in thickness and temperature around the world, there began to be a decrease in energy in the skin particle. This transition period continued until the fundamental forces and elementary parts reached their final form. Since the energy of the particles has dropped to a value that can be reached today within the framework of experiments, it is possible to detect that the hourly period produces significantly fewer super-scales in them.

For example, it is important to note that for 10-11 seconds after the great vibration, the energy of the particles changed significantly. At about 10-6 seconds, quarks and gluons began to create baryons – protons and neutrons. Quarks began to outweigh antiquarks, which led to the revaluation of baryons over antibaryons.

Since the temperature was no longer high enough for the creation of new proton-antiproton pairs (or neutron-antineutron pairs), there was a mass destruction of these particles, which led to an excess of only 1/1010 of the number of cob protons and neutrons and was constantly lost no antiparticles. A similar process took place about 1 second after the great vibration. Only electrons and positrons became the “victims” this time. After the mass depletion of protons, neutrons and electrons, which were lost, fell into their dismal ruin, and the energy density of the world was filled with photons and, to a lesser extent, neutrinos.

Through the first hulls, the expansion of the whole world began the period of nucleosynthesis (synthesis of chemical elements. The temperature suddenly dropped to 1 billion kelvins and the intensity of energy decreased to approximately a value equal to valence strengths of the air, neutrons and protons began to mix and create the first stable isotope of water) Because most of the protons were lost from the whole world like the incommunicability of atomic nuclei.

After about 379,000 years, the electrons merged with these nuclei and created atoms (and again, most importantly, water), while the radiation was absorbed into matter and continued to expand almost endlessly across space. This radiation is usually called relict vibrations, and it is the oldest source of light in the world.

With expansion, the relict production gradually lost its power and energy and its temperature became 2.7260 0.0013 to (- 270.424 C), and the energy power 0.25 eV (or 4.005 x10-14 J/m?). 400-500 Photon/div. The relict vibration extends in all directions and there are approximately 13.8 billion light rocks in the area, according to the estimate of its actual expansion we talk about approximately 46 billion light rocks in the center of everything to the world.

The era of structure (hierarchical era).

At the onset of a few billions of rocks, large regions, evenly distributed among all matter, began to attract one to one. As a result, the stench became even stronger, and began to create haze in the gas, stars, galaxies and other astronomical structures that we can watch out for. This period is called the hierarchical era. This time there is all the light that we are now starting to take on their forms. Matter began to unite into structures of different sizes - stars, planets, galaxies, galactic clusters, as well as galactic superclusters, separated by intergalactic bridges, which contained more than a few galaxies.

The details of this process can be described in conjunction with statements about the quantity and type of matter distributed throughout the world, which is represented by the appearance of cold, warm, hot dark matter and baryon speech. However, the current standard cosmological model of the great bulge is the lambda-CDM model, whereby particles of dark matter collapse more for the fluidity of light. The choice was based on the fact that all the hypotheses that appeared in other cosmological models prevail.

According to this model, cold dark matter accounts for approximately 23 hundredths of the total matter/energy in the universe. Part of the baryon speech becomes close to 4.6 watts. Lambda - CDM is based on the so-called cosmological principle: a theory proposed by Albert Einstein, which characterizes the power of a vacuum and shows the relationship between mass and energy as a constant static value. This phenomenon is associated with dark energy, which serves as an accelerator of the expansion of the universe and supports giant cosmological structures in a significant way.

Long-term forecasts for the coming world.

Hypotheses that the evolution of the world may be the starting point are a natural way to lead scientists to feed on the possible end point of this process. Only in that period, when the whole world began its history from a small point with endless power, when the rapt began to expand, which does not mean that it will also expand endlessly, but once in it the expansive force will end and the reversal process of compression will begin, the end pouch of which Will it still be the same incredibly strong point?

Types and nutrition have been the main method of cosmologists since the cosmological model of the whole world is correct. Due to the adoption of the theory of the great vibration, and the greater concern for dark energy in the 1990s, two of the most incredible scenarios for the evolution of the world have come to light.

It’s good to know that, having abandoned the name “Great Stress”, the whole world has reached its maximum size and is beginning to collapse. This development option will be possible, since only the thickness of the mass will become greater, but the thickness itself will be critical. In other words, as soon as the thickness of matter reaches a certain value or becomes greater than this value (1-3x10-26 kg of matter per m), the whole world will begin to shrink.

An alternative is another scenario, which shows that if the power of the whole world is up to date or below the critical power value, then they will expand, but will not stop at all . It is clear that this hypothesis, which gave rise to the name “Thermal Death of the Universe”, will continue to expand until the mirror ceases to consume the interstellar gas in the middle of the skin from more galaxies. Then there will be a transfer of energy and matter from one object to another. In this case, all the bright stars will glow and turn into white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes.

Step by step, the black holes will roll together with other black holes, until larger and larger ones are created. The average temperature around the world is approaching absolute zero. Black trees as a result of “Vaporate”, releasing their remaining influence on hawking. The thermodynamic entropy of the whole world is at its maximum. Thermal death will come.

Daily warnings, which ensure the manifestation of dark energy and its influx into the expansion of space, have come upon them all over again, this year, more and more vast spaces of the world will pass beyond the boundaries of our horizon and will become invisible to us. The final and logical result of which is not yet known, “Heat Death” can become the ending point of such approaches.

Other hypotheses regarding the division of dark energy, and more precisely, possible types (such as phantom energy. Similar to them are galactic accumulations, stars, planets, atoms, atomic nuclei and mothers I myself will be torn into pieces as a result of this endless expansion. Such a scenario evolution is called the “Great Explosion.” The reason for the destruction of the world in this scenario is expansion itself.

History of the theory of the great vibuhu.

The earliest mystery about the great vibration dates back to the beginning of the 20th century and is connected with concerns about space. In 1912, the American astronomer Vesto Slifer carried out a series of observations of spiral galaxies (which initially appeared to be nebulae) and detected their Doppler abstraction. More recently, caution has shown that spiral galaxies are moving away from our crazy path.

In 1922, the prominent Russian mathematician and cosmologist Oleksandr Friedman came from Einstein's comrade for the fundamental theory of gravitas, so-called Friedman's comrade. Regardless of Einstein's theory on the evidence of cosmological stability, Friedman's work showed that the world is now in the process of expansion.

In 1924, the planet's only distances to the nearest spiral nebula showed that the systems were actually similar to other galaxies. At the same time, the hub began to develop a number of displays for the restoration of the station, and the Vikorist 2.5-meter Hooker telescope at the Mount Wilson Observatory. Until 1929, Hubble discovered the interconnections between the distance and the fluidity of distant galaxies, which later became Hubble's law.

In 1927, the Belgian mathematician, physicist and Catholic priest Georges Lemaitre immediately arrived at the same results as shown by Friedman, who was the first to formulate the relationship between the expansion and the fluidity of galaxies, having confirmed the first assessment of the coefficient of occupancy. Lemaitre noted that at some point in the past the entire mass of the world was concentrated in one point (atom).

This openness and contempt shouted a lot between physicists in the 20s and 30s, most of whom respected the fact that the whole world was in a stationary state. Similar to the tired model, new matter is created from the endless expansions of the whole world, evenly and equally distributed throughout its entire extent. Among the scholars who supported them, the idea of ​​the great vibration seemed more theological, less scientific. At the address of the lecturer there was criticism about pre-emption on the basis of religious pre-emption.

It should be noted that other theories were being developed at that very hour. For example, the model is universally Milna and a cyclical model. The grievances were based on the postulates of Einstein’s ignorant theory of significance and have since then been denied the support of the eternal itself. With these models, everything is based on the endless flow of cycles of expansion and collapse that repeat themselves.

1. The era of singularity (Planckian). It is customary to respect it primarily, as the early evolutionary period of the Universe. The matter was concentrated in one point, which exhibited its temperature and infinite thickness. It has become clear that this era is characterized by the dominance of quantum effects, which have a gravitational interaction over the physical ones, and the same physical force from all that existed in those distant hours, for their the force was not identical to gravity, so it was not equal to it. The final hour of the Planckian epoch is concentrated in the interval from 0 to 10-43 seconds. Vaughn took away this name through those who are constantly dying out in length for almost a Planck hour. This hourly interval is considered even unstable, which is closely related to extreme temperatures and the boundless hardness of matter. Following the era of singularity came a period of expansion, and at the same time cooling, which led to the formation of the basic physical forces.

How the All-World was born. Holodne narodzhennya

What happened before Vsesvіtu. Model of “Spylyachy” Vsesvіtu

“Perhaps, before the Great Explosion, the Universe will be even more compact, a completely evolutionary static expanse,” theorize physicists such as Kurt Hinterbichler, Austen Joyce and Justin Houry.

This “advanced Bukhov” All-World is responsible for the mother’s stable state, so that it remains stable until such time as an even more stable state appears. By analogy, you can see a hole, on the edge of which there is a boulder in the vibrating station. Any dot to the boulder will lead to the point where it will explode at the break, or - as close to our land as possible - there will be a Great Vibukh. Under certain theories, the “peredvibukhovian” Universe could appear in a different appearance, for example, in the form of a flattened and even more spacious space. This metastable period has reached its end: it has expanded sharply and has taken shape and will become what we now expect.

“The model of the “sleeper” of the World, however, also has its problems,” says Carroll.

“It also conveys the obvious appearance of a low level of entropy in our All-World, and does not explain why this is so.”

However, Hinterbichler, a theoretical physicist at Case Western Reserve University, doesn't think the low entropy level is a problem.

“We’re just looking for an explanation of the dynamics before the Great Vibuhu, which explains why we love those who love us at the same time. For now there is only one thing we are missing,” says Hinterbichler.

Carroll, however, appreciates that there is yet another theory of the “pre-Buch” Universe, which can explain the low level of entropy that our Universe has.

As if the All-Light appeared out of nothing. How does the All-World work?

Let's talk about how we are truly influenced by physics, behind our concepts. Since Newton's time, the paradigm of fundamental physics has not changed; there are three parts to it. Pershe – “space of camps”: indeed, the flow of all possible changes that may have the All-World. Another is the singing stan, which represents the All-World at any moment, ring out at the streams. The third is the simple rule by which the Universe develops throughout the hour. Let me have the world today, and the laws of physics tell me what will happen to her in the future. This method of thinking is no less valid for quantum mechanics or general relativity or quantum field theory, or for Newtonian mechanics or Maxwellian electrodynamics.

Quantum mechanics, strictly speaking, is special, but also a very richly sided implementation of this scheme. (Quantum field theory is just a simple example of quantum mechanics, and not a new way of thinking). I will become the “Hilbertian functions”, and the collection of all possible musical functions of the singing system is called “Hilbertian space”. Its advantage is that it limits the range of possibilities (which means vector space: respect for experts). As soon as you tell me the size (the extent of the scale), you will completely determine your Hilbert space. This is radically different from classical mechanics, in which a wide range of systems can become extremely foldable. And there is also a machine - the “Hamiltonian” - which indicates how it itself develops from one state to another over time. I repeat, there are not many varieties of Hamiltonians; Please write down a simple list of quantities (powerful values ​​of energy - clarification for you, inquisitive experts).

How the life of the Earth appeared. Life of the Earth

A life that is saturated with vikoryst chemistry, like ours, may end up on Earth more than once. Pozhlivo. And we know that there is evidence of the obviousness of such a process, which means that there is great certainty that living in rich places in the Universe is not the same as living on Earth. On the other hand, we realize that the decision to clearly live on another planet may turn out to be a distant star, and it will appear that it contains identical chemistry And it may be identical to our DNA structure.

The chances of living on Earth suddenly and suddenly seem even slim. The chances of a similar life happening in another place are extremely small, and practically equal to zero. This is based on the possible species that the English astronomers Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wikramasinghe wrote in their extraordinary book, written in 1979 – “Life cloud”.

Considering the remote chance that life on Earth appeared on its own, the authors offer a different explanation. It lies in the fact that life began here in space, and then spread throughout the whole world thanks to the help of panspermia. The microscopic life that is stuck in Smith’s life, which was caused by cosmic disruptions, may become more expensive, remaining in an inactive state for many hours. Therefore, once you arrive at your destination, you will begin to develop again. In this way, all life with the All-World, including life on Earth, is truly for the same lives.

Video How Vsesvet appeared

As if the All-Light appeared out of nothing. Holodne narodzhennya

However, the paths to such consolidation can be measured on a clear level, and here even good prospects appear. One of them was examined by famous cosmologist and professor at the University of Arizona Lawrence Krauss in his recently published book “A Universe From Nothing”. This hypothesis looks fantastic, but it does not comply with the established laws of physics.

Please note that our All-World wine came from a very hot cob with a temperature of close to 1032 kelvins. However, it is possible to detect the colder people of the whole world from pure vacuum - more precisely, from quantum fluctuations. It is well known that such fluctuations will give rise to virtual particles that literally came out of nowhere and have appeared again. It’s good for Kraus that vacuum fluctuations, in principle, can give rise to the most ephemeral proto-universes, like the transition of great minds from the virtual to the real.

The food is about how the All-World appeared and blessed people from time to time. It’s not surprising, even if everyone wants to know their own twists. Priests and scribes have been fighting over this food for thousands of years. This food bubbles up in the minds of not only the fahivites, but also the skin of ordinary people. However, it’s easy to say that there is no hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-dollar supply of food about those who have appeared. It’s just a theory, which is supported by most people.

  • Let's look at the axis.

Since the fragments of everything that gives birth to a person are their own cob, it is not surprising that since a long time ago, people have been trying to find the cob of the All-World. For the people of the Middle Ages, their diet was simple: God created the Universe. However, with the development of science, people began to raise doubts not only about God, but also about those who have the beginning of the Universe.

In 1929, the American astronomer Hubble began to think about the origin of the Universe. On the right is that Hubble shows that the galaxies in which the Universe is formed are steadily collapsing. However, the stench may still become stronger, and the whole world will also increase. And if you are growing, you should go out in such a way that if you are in the starting stage of your growth. And this means that the Universe is the cob.

A few years later, the British astronomer Hoyle came up with a sensational hypothesis: the World began to vibrate at the moment of the Great Vibuhu. This theory went down to history under this name. The essence of Hoyle's idea is simple and complex at the same time. We note that once we reached the stage called the stage of cosmic singularity, the hour stood at zero, and the density and temperature reached inconsistency. And at one moment there was a bulge, as a result of which the singularity collapsed, and then the thickness and temperature changed, the growth of matter began, which means that the hour began to ring. Hoyle himself later called his theory a little controversial, but it did not become the most popular hypothesis of resemblance to the Universe.

What happened to what Hoyle called the Great Vibukh? Vcheni carried out without any investigations, the result was 13.5 billion rocks. Then, from nothing, everything began to appear in a fraction of a second, the Universe having added a size of less than an atom, and the process of growth began. Gravity played a key role. It is clear that if she had been a little stronger, then nothing would have happened, at most it would have been a disaster. And if gravity had been a little weak, then nothing would have happened.
A few seconds after Vibukh, the temperature of the World changed a little, which gave rise to the development of speech and anti-speech. Whose successor the atoms began to appear. So the World ceased to be monotonous. In some cases there were more atoms, in others there were fewer. In some parts it was hotter, in others the temperature was lower. The atoms began to roll together one by one, forming half-hearted thoughts, then new words, and finally bodies. Some objects are small due to the great internal energy. Those were mirrors. They began to collect for themselves (due to the force of gravity) other bodies, which we call planets. This is how the systems failed, one of which was our Sonyachna.

Great vibe. Problems of the model and their verses

  1. The problem of large-scale and isotropic nature of the world may be exacerbated by the fact that at the stage of inflation, expansion was occurring at an extremely high rate. From this it is clear that the entire expanse of the Universe, which is being guarded, is the result of one causally related area of ​​the era that is leading to inflation.
  2. Version of the problem of the flat Universe. This is possible because at the stage of inflation there is an increase in the radius of curvature of space. This value is such that it allows the current parameters of mother thickness to be close to critical.
  3. Inflationary expansion leads to a rise in density with a distinct amplitude and shape of the spectrum. This makes it possible to develop these fluctuations (fluctuations) in the lower structure of the World, preserving large-scale uniformity and isotropy. This is the most important problem of the large-scale structure of the Universe.

The main drawback of the inflationary model can be taken into account because it is based on theories that have not yet been fully developed.

For example, the model is based on the unified field theory, which is still just a hypothesis. It is impossible to verify experimentally in laboratory minds. Another shortcoming of the model is the lack of intelligence, the signs are overheated and the matter is expanding. There are three possibilities here:

  1. The standard theory of the Great Vibuhu transfers the germ of inflation at the early stage of evolution to the Universe. In this case, the problem of singularity does not arise.
  2. Another possibility is the blaming of the All-World from chaos. Different plots had low, different temperatures; in some places there was contraction, and in others - expansion. Inflation was responsible for the rise in the world, which became overheated and expanded. But it didn’t understand, the primal chaos began to emerge.
  3. The third option is a quantum mechanical path, using a clot of superheated matter that expands. In fact, the All-World wine came out of nothing.