Vіtsі vіd 10 months. Ten months of a child's life: development, first-timers that vminnya, sleep, teeth, eating

Vіtsі vіd 10 months. Ten months of a child's life: development, first-timers that vminnya, sleep, teeth, eating

All people are different. And new mothers already at the stage of newbornness of their children note with wonder that the skin baby has not only the appearance, but also the behavior, and the development. As the older child becomes, then more individual rice appears in it. Those who had earlier pishov, those who had spoken earlier, had spoken earlier, gained more weight of the body - all these are individual features, which are up to now the norm. Speaking about development, growth, pediatrics, neuropathologists and other fahivtsi swear by the hour of the baby’s obstezhennaya on the average statistical data, as if they allow to reveal the manifestation of any kind of inspiration for anxiety. Let's try and clarify, if the norm may have a development in 10 months, if you can remember the little ones, and if the average growth is in such peanuts.

At the tenth month of life, the little ones have grown up literally in front of their eyes. Now the line of development of the little one is becoming objective activity. The child is getting more and more respect for the most important things, including toys. Now vin is not just vistachaєєєєє, and smeared as if by the rank of vikoristati. The children of a ten-month-old century are already naively orienting themselves in space, and the deacons are already beginning to walk. Such a period of childishness is important even more important for a distant development of a baby.

Vaga child in 10 months, growing up

Obviously, all children of different ages, and with the support of the WHO, a bunch of boys for ten months kolivaetsya in the wide ranges of fallow stature, and other individual rice. It is normal for children to weigh 7.4 kg to 11.4 kg. In girls, the parameters are trochi іnshі. So at 10 months old, the baby is guilty of becoming - from 6.7 to 10.9 kg.

What happens indicative of growth, then the growth of boys varies in the norm from 687 to 779 cm. For a girl - a child with a height of 66.5 to 76.4 cm is also respected by the norm. Oskіlki at all raznі іndivіdіdualnі osoblіstі, razne khіrchuvannya, razvitok, vaga that rostannya can go beyond the scope. The numbers are averaged - as the upper and lower.

How far can a child develop, what can a baby bear?

Children, whose age has reached ten months, are already trying to inherit fathers, forging new and new warehouses. Bagato malyukov already join together and start actively picking up pseudo-words in their promo. Sound your little ones with different intonations, hanging up your setting to the point where it sounds. Some children begin to speak the simplest words.

At the age of ten months, a child may be a little overgrown and wink over a long distance of learning. The little ones will understand what the words “give”, “nі”, “pіdemo”, “їsti”, “cannot” mean, as if the fathers are actively wrestling them with the baby.

Children of a ten-month-old age can already get up on their own, and also good will to mind to sit from a standing position. Krykhitka can take a walk, support, dotrimuyuchis hand or hands on the lizhechko, playpen that іn. You should also try to stand without support and learn to get up without support, especially from the position of “sitting on your back”.

Like fathers give a child a cup and a spoon, it’s already possible for them to win their own. Well, obviously, we don’t know yet, then after that the little one has to be taken in, and everything else is cleared up. But for the obviousness of the practice, the accuracy of the flow and the coordination will be increased.

Children of a ten-month-old age can sit quietly on a miner, understand the recognition and necessity of this subject. Ale vminnya svіvіdnоsіt іn bazhannya іt nebhіdnіst vikoristovuvavat mountaineer come richly pіznіshe.

The development of a baby in ten months

Ten-year-old children are shaken by the numbness of rottenness. The stench easily shifts the crustaceans, crosses through the various crossings and independently lifts the support. The stench chirps with a great light, and when they rise, the distance of all objects is smeared, as if they were stitched on the shelves and tables. A child of such a age can easily pull up a tablecloth from a table with a mustache, which is known to him. So the children of ten months already love to carry out an audit at the closets and at the police.

The little ones of such a age often have advances. Who wants to love the pyramids, who likes ticks, felt-tip pens and olives, and who wants to click with cheerful little dogs and inspire them. Children of ten months may be worthy of tearing up that papyrus. At this time, it is necessary to give you not newspapers and magazines, but the primary white arkush. Aje child can pull them up to the mouth, and drukarska farba is highly toxic.

Take an hour for a little ten months, varto give special respect to the training of thin hands: manipulations with bags, rings and cubes, as well as other toys to develop. With the rise and fall of the other parts of the object, the folding of the kіlets and the kul і navіt during the rozkidnі їх, the child becomes thoughtful, the brain takes away the impersonal necessary information, which stimulates further development.

The development of a child for ten months is manifested in the appearance of a virulent fear of unknown (foreign) people. In that mood, as if it’s a third-party straight line to the baby and if you want to get to the new one or take it on your hands, the baby reacts especially negatively: start to turn around, cry and gravitate towards mami.

Different children show such arrogance in a different way. For some, fortune-telling is overwhelmed by a clear instillation after a trivial slander, such little ones think they are more than impressed by the order of their mother.

Children at ten months show a particular interest in various sounds (and objects that see sounds) and in music. The little one can begin to dance, reaching for a support, and then the movements will change incessantly to the rhythm.

All children are different, they grow up in their developments, but what can a child remember to the th century is less a guide for fathers. Tim is not less, the obvious insights into single-layers can indicate if there are problems, as for their own diagnostics, corrections are needed as a whole.

10 months of a child is a special date, both for fathers and for babies. A lot of children begin to walk with each other, as well as quickly develop and improve other skills. As before, your child was playing on the bench or in the arena and it was a lot of work, now you need to cover more space, so that the little one will be comfortable and comfortable. Aje at once win stained glass rich energy.

Why is this vik so important?

Development and play an important role in yoga proper development and spriynyatti life in general. in such a situation practically does not change, but now the little one with great interest knows the new world, plays new toys, contacts with other children.

It is important to start adding children's songs to the mind. Try to learn in such a way that the child learns to repeat specific sounds and folds. If the child reaches 10 months, the development will rapidly progress. Vіn zatsіkavleniy y znavannі navkolishny svіtu and pribanny new novice.

As a rule, at 10 months old the child is already sitting, so we would not have been able to take the baby to the miner. If your idea is not worthy of you, do not raise your voice, try to force yourself to force it. Let's get drunk, get to know each other, maybe, make friends with him, so it will be easier in the future with a devil's try to accustom yoga to self-sufficiency.

The development of that eating of a child in 10 months is due but under the control of mothers, which is why a special stage in the life of a baby. Try to buy for the newest toy to develop. Tse mozhe buti childish piano, like when pressing the keys you see a song sound, balls, coolies and other roses, which help to know the necessary light.

Reach out for the first time

The skin mother is worried about those who are enough newbies to have a baby at 10 months. "What is the work of the little ones?" - ce smut food, yak її restless.

Before the necessary physical skills of the baby lie:

  • an increase of a couple of centimeters;
  • zbіlshennya vaga for 400-450 r.

Before sensory-motor skills:

  • May beginners walk;
  • sit independently from the “standing” position;
  • independently stand on the bottom;
  • trim a toy with two hands;
  • actively povzaє.

Before intellectual skills:

  • repetition of a few words;
  • having shown interest in new toys (cubes, rings);
  • Vyvchennya navkolishnogo svіtu is becoming more and more hoary - the little one is more and more often chiseling with handles of third-party objects, opening jars and screens, continuing to be found in the middle.

Before social skills:

  • play with water for an hour of bathing;
  • the baby reacts to the music, starts dancing;
  • respond to the supply of “my own”;
  • you can imitate someone else's smіh chi viraz guise.

Baby's diet

The development of that meal for children at 10 months will require special attention. The ration at 10 months is filled with the same amount and quantity. The child, like before, will require a full five-time anniversary. With such a child, slowly transfer to a hot style. Now the little one can, obviously, with some kind of blame, є those that you see.

Make the most of 10 months for a baby. It can be high-calorie, rich and brown, rich in vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Ale maite on your vіtsі, what to give to children smeared with such a vіtsі is categorically fenced. Zhu v_dvariuyte or cook for a couple.

For 10 months children, it is necessary to include in the diet not only mashed fruits and vegetables, but also small shmatochki. The largest child of this century already has about 6 teeth, so stench can easily chew a banana, apricot, boiled vegetables, bread.

Eating a baby can still include breast milk or milk sum. Ale kіlkist at one time you need to change to 200-250 ml.

The menu for children at 10 months of May looks something like this:

  • 1st anniversary: ​​mami abo sumish milk, 50 g fruit puree.
  • 2nd anniversary: ​​milk porridge, 50 g of syrup.
  • 3 years: vegetable soup with white bread (10 grams), vegetable puree, steam cutlet, fruit juice or sour (50 ml).
  • 4th anniversary: ​​kefir (100-150 ml); baby bakery (10-15 grams), cheese grated vegetables (50 grams), fruit puree.
  • 5th anniversary: ​​kefir.

Layout of the day

The daily routine of a 10-month-old child is to include sleep, play and play. As a rule, on the day the baby is guilty of sleeping no less than 2 years. The nightly date may be close to 11 years old. Be respectful, teach the child to the established order. Put Yogo to sleep at the song year.

If your child does not sleep, take її developing games. Let this active hour of trivatime have a new 2-3 years. It is necessary to frequently air out the baby's room (up to 5 times), at which the temperature value may be no less than 20 degrees.

At 10 months of age, children, like in any other time, will need walks in the fresh air, bathing at the bath, gymnastics in the right - all these recommendations will help you take a day with a brown one.

Before the massage complex, you can include the following:

  • back;
  • abdomen
  • death and death low;
  • ruhi with handles on a stake;
  • sitting down (extremely, without the help of mami).

Games and rozvagi

For the next 10 months, it’s practically all right to take both quiet games and active ones.

Try to cheer up a child with one of the funniest fun:

  • Cartoon. Pidide be some kind of video that develops, which helps little ones learn how to move.
  • Malyuvannya. Finger farbi - the very ones that are needed.
  • Barvy see. Cardboard boxes will help to keep the book whole and unearthly, and bright pictures to lure the child to the kazkovo world.
  • Toys. It is better to choose those that are collapsing. Tse mozhe buti clockwork Lyalka chi machine.

So step by step the little ones get used to the hour independently, so that sometimes they give their mothers to take care of their power.

Growing up that vaga of a 10-month-old child

Growth and in any person reach 74-76 cm and approximately 10 kg. Number of indicators in boys and girls of different age. If you have a little lady, then the weight in your chosen size will be approximately 9 kg, and the size in the warehouse is close to 73 cm.

10 months for a baby is an even more active period of growth. Wanting tempi for a skin child is individual, fathers need to be more respectful to the parameters of a baby. Adzhe do not become more active - a plus and an indicator of maturity.

It is normal to see if the average is 600-700 g. In times of 1.5-2 kg - tell about those that the child is lucky or not. Obov'yazkovo consult with a doctor, as they remembered the recovery.


The child began to walk - from now on, the fathers will experience the development of flatness in the little one. It is necessary to bathe for a new swelling with anatomical lining. Tse dopomozhe vanish flatness at the future. Choose smartly that “breathingly” with a big back, not a slippery sole. It is also necessary to stitch, so that she doesn’t squeeze the little one, but it’s free to wind the troch.

Take care of the little one, tidying up various objects on yoga path, as they can be the cause of shkodi. Tse stosuetsya host and important objects, fire.

Don't forget to take care of your child's development, to have a massage, often play and walk in the fresh air. The big trend is marked by rich mothers, like a child is 10 months old. The development of the little one is going at an accelerated pace: the active work of the past is known to the unknown, the recognition of the date is greater than the new.

Sprinkle the baby with the first crumbs. Buy a handy booty for shaping your feet. Possibly, if you don’t want to, you’ll want to pull in shoes and laces. Let the peanut troch call to them, plundering the back.

Later, the development of that meal of a child for 10 months is a period of special and even important not only in the life of a baby, but also a father. To whom we are self-sufficient in our flock, we can devote more than an hour to devotion to you grown up. Development of games, walks, daily regimen, and proper eating - all this helps little ones in the formation of special features.

For the first 10 months, it has become a small specialty. Self-adjusted by popovz, pishki. Namagayutsya їsti spoon, radіє igram, zhartіvlivіy metushni. Demonstrate my thoughts, sounds, vibrate my favorite toys. Harmonious development of a child for 10 months transmitting a set of dry reactions, singing intellectual, emotional characteristics. What is important to know the fathers?

Physical development: basic health benefits

The physical development of a baby at 10 months is characterized by the consolidation of the "old" certificate, active newcomers. What can take a child in 10 months:

  • Walk for the tips of the grown-ups
  • Peresuvatis vzdovzh support with attached crochets
  • Get up on your own, trembling behind the wall
  • Dekilka hvilin stand, balancing
  • Podolat small jumps with a leash, pіshki, trimming for a support
  • Master the tweezers zakhoplennya (to take the fate of the fingers, not full)
  • Trimati obom's toy with hands
  • Sequentially children (lose one toy, take a step)
  • Repeat facial expressions, gestures, dei batkiv, vikonuvat prohannya
  • It's inspiring to sit
  • Sit from position lying, standing.

Malya will normally develop along with other children, as a stimulus to rukhovu activity. Create a place for rickety igors. Call back. Interest is awakened by balls, wheelchairs, toys that collapse. Often go for hurting your hands, stretch your back, keep busy with a fitball, spin a little one, sit down, dance.

Engine activity changes mind, develops intellect. Shchob robiti yakiis ruh requires yogo to think over.

Babies love music, they want to “dance”, treading on the handrails of the bed. Dance moves develop gross motor skills, coordination. Master musical instruments at once: drum, fife, little twinkle. Charge with fun factory tunes.

Come in safely: the little one begins to actively call, cackle in the place of the drawers, the bedside table. Learn how to get down from the sofa, lowering your legs, and not how to happen. Calmly, ale, calmly explain to the children of the fenced vchinka. Block the doors of the closet, refrigerator, sockets. Take unsafe speeches given. Keeping in mind the kohannya kushtuvati everything with gusto, choose the best materials, periodically wash the toys with the gentleman's darling.

The time has come to introduce the little one to the mountaineer. Show the back, explain, you need more wine. Take a seat of a toy medical doctor, give a child a baby, not knowing his pants. The procedure for calling is to be carried out in a different way, ale barking a baby, it is impossible to force it. Guard the regime: pronounce the mountaineer next to the meal. Golovne show patience, cry for thunder.


If a ten-month-old child develops harmoniously, the changes do not succumb exclusively to physical skills. The psycho-emotional development of the baby is characterized by the formation of active, passive movement, memory, auditory respect, and the ability to speak.

What does a child have at 10 months:

  1. Shows familiar speeches, characters of fairy tales (kviti, yearbook, stroller, bunny).
  2. Radiant heat.
  3. Imituє dії grown-ups (pick a cry from the table, "call" by phone).
  4. To rob us of the gestures, dії (emboss with a finger, throw the toys down, ruynuє pіramіdki z dubіkі, graє patty).
  5. Get a call between children
  6. You know the body.

Games that develop, call out the interest of the little one. Babies love to open-curve the lids of the boxes, screw up the corks, sort out the details, fiddle around with the sorters. The speeches of the Batkivsky will become popular: the old hamanets, the kitchen filling, the keys, the mobile phone. Correspondingly pronounce children's creative tasks: molding from dough, plasticine, finger painting, painting with cereals. In the process of taking on, fine motor skills develop, knowledge of the power of objects, materials, shape, and color is acquired. Kindly explain the meaning of "great-small", "soft-hard", "dry-wet".

Other toys: matrioshkas, cubes, pyramids, great details of the designer. String the kіltsya piramidi vipadkovo, shift the rubbish - the favorite occupation of the little ones. Clothespins, violins, gudziks become developing toys. Fathers to help create developing programs, see manuals and manual cards. Be-yakі occupancy to be carried out at the form of gris with a break for rukhlivy vіdpochinok.

Modern development

Movn_ newbies of a child at 10 months - “babble” phrases, folds, sound-sounding. The child stops arguing with a cry, masters other forms of mutual relations with that, mother, and one-year-olds. The fathers need to know: for a peanut 10 months, the development of a movie is a dull middle in the middle, enriching the passive vocabulary, molding the moving apparatus. Sing different intonations, move the sounds in unison, repeat simple phrases, instructive on objects, in line with the sounds (woof-wow, moo-mu).

Sing pisenki corisno, play fun. Goofy wants to pick up the replicas of the child, conduct a dialogue, repeat the names of the toys, the animals of the birds, the names of the heroes of the fairy tales. Efficient occupation of modern, dical gymnastics. Detailed complexes can be found on the websites of the centers that are developing. Fahivtsі recommend regularly massaging fingers, stimulating the development of the brain's brain center.

Ten months - a long period to teach a child to read. Choose cardboard books with great pictures. It’s good to start a ritual: reading out loud a sprat of chvilin before going to bed. Nezabar child calls, more often buy books, look at the little ones. Bude from the satisfaction of the throat of the side, show familiar characters.

Emotional development

The child becomes a comrade, shows interest to the same people, loves to care for them, make a company. With gestures, with the babbling of sin chi, the daughter asks the grown-ups to take a part in the fun, they call for help: open the box, get the toy.

The little one develops a stamina for relatives. A test of strangers in contact with the little one calls out tears of tears. The child begins to speak with mime, gestures, simple phrases (“give”, “bo-bo”). To love to take the fate of the rozmovs, with a smirk in the hot animal, catch the mood of the phrases addressed to you. It is important that the tone of the fathers is always kind, the behavior is last. The baby will form a positive attitude to the world, not to blame for fears.

Malyuk becomes attached to every kind of toys. Do not want lovers from another time, you cannot punish, taking away toys. Reveal the inner anxiety, distrust to the navkolishny world. See the growth of an optimist: always laugh at the laugh of a child.

Mode, eating

Stability, regular repetitions help little ones to cope with the flow of information that comes, emotional pressure. Dotrimanny regime karapuzu nebhіdne. V_n to sleep threechi protyazh doby. Trivality of night sleep 10-11 years. Trivality of walks for pleasant weather - 3-5 years. Bathing is carried out every day or 3-4 times a day.

Eating a baby p'yatiraze. Milk sumish, breast milk is continued to give lies, evening before going to bed.

Feed-mashed potatoes step by step replace with a crushed fork. Promote the child's eating regimen, which forms grown-up stars. Another snack is porridge, obid is mashed meat, vegetables, soup on vegetable broth. Korisno give a firm bite with small pieces, sushi. Smart chewing develops my own apparatus. Spread the cream of milk on juices, compotes, baby teas.

The children's menu in 10 months expands step by step and becomes more similar to "grown up". In addition, there is an increase in the number of permitted products, for example, ribi and siru. In this article, we will talk about the healthy diet of eating a ten-month-old child and allowing you to see food.

We all know that in the form of proper eating there is a good mind and a physical development, as well as the mood of a baby. Until the tenth month, the range of allowed products is growing significantly. More trohi, and your little one can be eaten from the table. In the meantime, you can find out what year a child is at 10 months old, so that it was deliciously sweet at once. If you cook yourself, there is no space for your mother's fantasy.

What to cook children 10 months


Traditionally, nutritionists make children happy with porridge. Won rich in carbohydrates and gives a good boost of energy for the whole day. Depending on the tolerance of the products, you can pronounce children corn, Greek, rice, wheat, barley and wheat porridge with milk or sum. Bakzhano cook them without zucru and add a minimum. Fresh fruit, fruit and vegetable puree (apple, watermelon, banana) can be an excellent substitute for zucru. Also, at porridge, you can add tops of butter (about 5 g) and half an egg zhovtka. Sometimes you can replace it with fruit syrup. However, a trace of the nobility, how to give a child to a child in 10 months - no more than 50 g of "right" or close to 100 g of a child ("Agusha", "Theme" and other trade marks).


Many fathers ask themselves food, what can I have a ten-month-old baby for a meal. We recommend that you introduce supi before the diet. The stench will improve the appetite and poisoning of the little one, we will talk about such a price of grass in a sane division.

Like another, propagate the children steamed, stewed or baked in oven vegetables with olive or olive oil, meat or fish. You can make potatoes or vegetable puree or order baby pasta made from durum wheat.

All types of meat are allowed: turkey, rabbit, chicken, veal, low-fat yalovichina, you can introduce pork offal. By-products of the liver, the tongue and the heart will add a birthmark to the strain.

Yaku riba can be children in 10 months: low-fat varieties of sea and river ribey with white meat, bagan hake, codfish, pollock, pike perch. The volume of ribi is guilty of becoming no more than 50 g of food per day, but you can increase up to 75 g of meat per day.


Snacking at the little one's food should be light and alive. You can also use fruit puree, sik from oven or kefir. How to give kefir to a 10-month-old baby: give priority to a child’s kefir or cook it yourself. In addition, since you have been using the product for a long time, you can bring it up to 100 - 150 ml.


It is recommended to give the child a light supper without meat. You can buy vegetables with an egg white (yakscho they didn’t give you a lie) or cheese with fruits (yes, they didn’t eat at noon or at a snack). The other supper is due to be stacked with mother's milk chi sumishi.

Yaki supi can be a child in 10 months

Soup for children until the second half of the year is recommended to cook on vegetable broth. Meat broth is also important for a child's herbal system, to avenge a lot of extractive speeches and may cause allergies. Therefore, boil the soup from the added vegetables in water, and when ready, add meat and riba to the freshly boiled meat. With this, lay the vegetables in sequence (on the cob - cabbage, then - carrots and tsibuly, in the end - potatoes thinly), and salt before wilting. For little ones, it’s better not to salt the dishes before the rock.

For this person, the diet is to blame for the storage of vegetable soups with potatoes, cabbage (kolorova, broccoli, white cabbage, brusselska), carrots, tsibuleya. Can you have borscht and pea soup at 10 months? Since the baby does not have any allergies to beetroot, then you can pronounce borscht on him like I'm pershu grass. And the axis of the pea soup is still to be added, to the fact that the great building of the viklikati intestinal disorder in the baby is great instead of peas. At 10 months, you can already add vermicelli to the soup with a small amount, and meat and riba can be added to looking like small meatballs.

Fruits and vegetables for children 10 months

Fruits and vegetables for children 10 months to form a greater part of the diet. Vegetables are served as the main herb, added to soups and porridge. Fruit is perfect for a midday snack. You can give it to a fresh person, make mashed potatoes from them, add it to porridge, sir, kefir. Let's talk about those who saw these products allowed ten-month-old children. Obviously, everything is individual, and you need to introduce new complementary foods carefully, even if it's fruits and vegetables that are more allergenic.

Vegetables are allowed: cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage and broccoli, potatoes, zucchini, carrots, garmelon, cibula, green peas, green squash. Can a beetroot child be 10 months old? Vzagali, you can, but if you give allergic reactions, then you need to administer half a teaspoon per day. It is also allowed to have parsley and krip in a small amount.

Choose fruits to lay down depending on whether the baby has allergies or not. Hypoallergenic - green apple, pear and zlivu. In addition, bananas, apricots, peaches, white and red currants, agris are already allowed. Even more allergenic citrus fruits, as well as midnight, raspberries and sunnitsa. It is not recommended to pronounce to children. Bagato batkіv tsіkalyatsya, chi can kіvі and persimmon 10-month-old child? Kiwi is also a brown, proteotropic fruit that can cause diarrhea. To know that your little one is not allergic, think well, first of all, ask for this fruit. Up to 12 months of ineligibility, and many pediatricians vzagali do not recommend the introduction of yoga until 3 years. Persimmon is a corrosive, but allergenic type of fruit, which is not recommended to be introduced before the diet until 2-3 years old.

In 10 months, the child continues to actively develop; Suvorih norms, obviously, but you can’t - the skin of the baby is individual (it can be seen on any video, on which one would like a small child group), but all the same, there are approximate parameters, and on them the varto is orientated by the fathers.

Physical development

Shards are all popular with different growths, with other physical signs, the norm can be clearly defined. Also, there may be a significance of recession and I will feed, and the lads physically sound viperadzhayut girls. The table, shown below, shows the progression of the data of the physical development of the child for 10 months.

Other parameters can be changed without tables. At 10 months, the child already has a sprat of teeth: the front teeth are on the back - 2 on the bottom, and then 2 upper teeth. For a month, the little ones grow in the average by 1-1.5 cm, and in the vase they add approximately 400-500 g, although the more active ones can gain troch less - about 300 g. assigned by numbers, it’s not guilty of calling out a strong anxiety, it’s like a baby doesn’t have enough money, or a small growth.

At 10 months old, babies can sound like they can boast of a lot of teeth, if the term їх appears and the pace of growth can lie down due to the individual characteristics of the child

Nabuti newcomers

If the child has already reached 10 months, she has accumulated a new set of skills and skills, actively continuing to learn new things (it is recommended to read:). Vіn begins to show up to the independent recognition of the world, and also with great satisfaction to get along with new people, including with other children.

For the 10 months of life, the little ones are already robbed, or they are succumbing to obvious successes:

  1. Їst for help spoons and p'є z kitchen.
  2. Self-sufficient sitting without support - passing through the stage, like a wine through the pipeline. Now the little one is already doing good, she is starting to master walking. To break the first crocks of the wines, trembling for some kind of support.
  3. You stand up for stretching your hands to the new one and stand up on your own.
  4. It copes with everything softly - with the front teeth, it tastes small little things and survives them.
  5. Under an hour to play clumsy diї - roll a typewriter, pick up a pyramid, shift objects.
  6. Mastering tweezers, tobto. try to pick up objects with two fingers - the same great one.
  7. Vmіє climb on a low surface (sofa, lizhko) and get out of it without third-party help.

Є children, whose development is more or less intensive. Not special, but simply individual features. At such a time, it is a good idea to consult a pediatrician in order to develop your own pain.

Psychoemotional development

In such a vіtsi, the little one already has a good memory of the songs of the character. The mental development of children is manifested in intercourse with other people, in intercourse with different objects, in whom, as a busy stench, they rob oneself. Fathers need to be respectful to the individual, like a boy, so a girl.

Babies in each other's lives are more or less separated, out of satisfaction they contact with other children


A child at 10 months old is a belcoche. I want to keep yoga mova unreasonable grown up, and even begin to learn to learn simple words (“mother”, “woman”, “lyalya”). Try and try to make yourself wanting and try to accept the development of the movie in a child:

  1. Popovnyuvati passive vocabulary stock, tobto. promote the names of all relevant subjects.
  2. Form an active vocabulary stock, slowly repeating new words and sounds like a baby, which still does not sing.
  3. Constantly give respect to the child in the most natural manifestations.
  4. Name the objects of that phenomenon, victorious, simple propositions, which are easy to forget.

It’s even more important when you don’t lisp, but clearly sing all the sounds of that word, so that the child’s chula is correct for vim. Vіd tsogo rich in what to lie down, as if you would be the mova of your little one.

Games and games with objects

Reaching 10 months of life, the child masters the occupation, yakі vіdrіznyayutsya tsіlespryamuvanіstyu and svіdomlenіstyu. Vin is no longer just grabbing and throwing objects. Previously, I was less likely to take the toys out of the box, and now I'm trying to put them back. To give you a set of cubes, wines are buried more often, fold them one by one and be safe.

Krihіtka tries and folded dії - for example, if you don’t just put the lyalka in the car, but try to ride it. To make the little one want with praise for the skin of the reach, tse nadikhatim yogo on new vіdkrittya.

Special molding

At the age of 10 months, the children's floorings become obvious features of character, that the stench is already remembered as a respectful mother, and for others, it is soothing. Particularly often, children love to be stuck in the hole, and the fences absolutely ignore the stench.

From 10 to 11 months it is normal for a child - in such a child, it is practically normal for a baby to grow up. It is better to show caution, prote giving an understanding of what is good and what is bad. Pass for an hour, and the little one should react more often to the cause of that respect.

Contacts and social development

For children, it’s important to be respectful in the center of respect, but now it’s already stink to start talking to each other, it’s important for them to encourage dialogue and seek understanding.

Not less cіkavim flocks for the little one to keep himself busy. Whose interest needs to be encouraged and desired, to that children, not accustomed to independence, will be prim and hisstical.


At 10 months, a child has a miraculous memory. If you remember well, name the objects of that phenomenon, you know, you can show all the members of this family, and also give toys, like to ask for a new one. Malyuk knows just play, like yogo vchili (“pallets”, “magpie-white-backed”), it’s easy to remember the book, so that you can read it regularly, you can show the pictures, if your mother calls them.

Podsumkova table

Sphere developmentWhat do you see?
Rukhova activityThe little building of the building is not long standing independently - without support and encouragement. Get active. Trembling by the hand of a grown-up one, you can shift your crochet, which you can draw, or we will attach.
Podії z itemsGraє s іnshoy child, vykonuє dії on vkazіvku mature. Now the little one operates with objects and toys in a different way (as before, pulling everything from his mouth, waving a leather toy, now it’s not possible to beat the shoes with a tongue). Vchitsya vykonuvati folded diї: take the ball from the hands of another, see yoga; open and close the boxes; vmіє hovati іgryki; znimaє kіltsya zі shear; wiymaє sleeves z otvorіv іn.
Rozuminnya moviGive objects and toys to a grown-up one for the prohannya "Give" - ​​to know their medium rich and choose (you don’t want to tell the subject if you are grown-up). Reacting to De...? independently of the roztashuvannya of the object / toy.
Independent movementNew warehouses appear at the promotions - I repeat their wines for grown-ups. Autonomous language (thought only to relatives) becomes rіznomanіtnіshoy.
IntellectThe activity of the child becomes more sufficient and purposeful.


At 10 months, the child’s stained glass has a lot of strength, constantly changing in Russia, so for the replenishment of the spent energy, as well as for the harmonious development, the eating of the baby may be equal, balanced, revenge the necessary quantity of vitamins and blood. Vіdomy pediatrist Evgen Komarovskiy for the sake of special respect to put pressure on the bone-m'yazovіy system, the shards of the child are crumbling richly.

Up to 10 months, the diet of a child is composed mainly of soups, cereals, syrups and fruits. Obov'yazkovo is necessary to protect the individual's strength to the point of allergy. How many can I have a little one for whom? You need at least 4 times a day for small babies, the additional norm is about 1 liter (breast milk is not covered).

The main part of the baby's diet at 10 months is still made up of cash-like and rare herbs, proteo can also include boiled vegetables, meat products.
  • Snidanok

The idea is broadened that in the first half of the day (approximately from 10 to 12 years) a person is guilty of taking the maximum amount of calories, so the first intake of a baby can be especially lively and full of brown speeches. Call for Greek, rice or oatmeal porridge on milk, so add cheese and fruit puree.

  • Obid

Folding wine can be from the first, the other that the third. On top of obov'yazkovy soup - vegetable chi light broth, friend - meatballs, meatballs chi meatballs, steamed. Such a m'yaku їzhu 10-month-old small already can be chewed as a whole, soothing a sprat of teeth, that kind of meat puree can be easily brewed. Riba can be steamed, at the sight of cutlets, boiled or baked in the oven. On the third - sik or compote from dried fruits.

  • Supper

Puree with vegetables or fruits or low-fat kefir is most suitable for the evening. It is not necessary to overwhelm the pickling of a little one with a too big and smart one before going to bed - rather, if the evening is simple, easy and easy to conquer. It is also necessary to take care of those who still have breast milk in the child's diet.

  • Snack

For the 10 months of the main priyomіv їzhі malyukovі for 10 months of the day, it is necessary to give something, something that you can grizzle and taste - maybe an apple, a pear, or another unhard fruit without a skin, as well as a cracker or a bagel. The cream on the addition of supplemental vitamins to a child develops a chewing reflex and massage is clear, as a result of handlessness during the period of the eruption of other teeth.
