Attach the transiver. Scheme, description

Attach the transiver. Scheme, description

On the other side, I add an attachment to the transceiver’s streak in the voltage block in the uphill block. This circuit was published in the journal "A" by Pershinim (RX9JK), the author of the Ural D-04 transceiver. I її repeating and not blowing.

In the first scheme of my BP-14v, a transistor broke through, and it shut down, spratsyuvavshi, vryatuvav transiver. After that, I rebuilt the BP for the scheme to the magazine "Radio" No. 4 for 1992 r_k. The scheme has a twisted 5-pin car relay in a metal or plastic case (I don’t remember the exact name). At the new one, the pressure is on the contact group 3 srіbla. І relay-regulator (dali v_d RR) vіd Zhigulіv-classics. Rosemary approximately 6 by 6 cm, height 1.5 cm, white color, light-colored and trioma vysnovki No. 15, 31 and 67.

And now for the preparation points:

1) Behind the circuit, when the power supply is turned on, the relay will run out of time under the voltage. When spratsovuvannі zahistu vono znestrulyuєєє, including 14 tbsp. from the transiver, it feeds food to the alarm lamp with the “Accident” buzzer.
2) PP is installed in the case and through the insulating gasket for the thermal insulation of the transistor is attached to the case. I have a PSU case made of aluminum sheets with a thickness of 4 mm and a large thermal output for transistors.
3) Also, the relay is fastened to the body and soldered in the circuit.
4) And this is how you look at the rear of the PP.
5) I don’t have much to do with my additional PP (highlight for inaccurate photo - it was necessary to take it closer). We solder one leg of the zener diode of the VD spratsovuvannya threshold and soldered the substroyuvalny opir to 1.5 kw in series with it. Now we can regulate the threshold for spratsovuvannya zakhistu. In me, the vins of setting on 14.8 st. The RR at the threshold of operation is fixed on the regulated PSU and already installed in the PSU of your transiver.

From i all. I spodіvayus, my dosvіd will become you in good fortune. First thanks to A. Pershin for the idea!

P.S. Remain 7 examples illustrating the installation of a power supply unit, a kind of conversion from a computer power supply unit to 250 watts. The relay-regulator of vikoristovuvav new type, z doopratsyuvannyam porg spratsyuvannya zahistu. Practice.

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Speed ​​variant of the article

Dzherelo: Radio magazine, 2002 No. 5, p. 66

Statistics of repairs of primary equipment show that up to 30% of accidents are caused by eating.

Prior to typical emergency situations, there is a change in the voltage of life (overvoltage) and an under-trial of polarity (polarity reversal). The deyakі koristuvachі manage to seem to be mysteriously incomprehensible way of creating a combination of these situations.

It was especially impudent that the strife of the radio station grew sharply, as if atypical (including self-conscious) zapobіzhnik that dzherelo z unjustifiably large supply of struma.

In such situations, the transceiver's internal suspense appears to be ineffective and the consequences of accidents become more serious, and sometimes even catastrophic. Inevitably, mass production of expensive and scarce components will make the replacement of the “killed” transiver unprofitable. In case of accidents, different types of conductors are used in front of us - diodes, transistors, integrated microcircuits. The stench can change the characteristics, stasis chi shaved transitions, thermomechanical ruination of the body.

Resistors, motors, lamps, lamps should go out of tune. You can swell or vibrate oxide capacitors, bend or bend other conductors, scald boards, deform parts made of thermoplastics. All collection of videos is taken from practice.

Emergency situations are blamed for such conditions: unmistakable mischief of koristuvacha-pochatkivtsya, vipadkov pardon or incompetence of the confirmed operator, navmisne zapodiyanya shkodi third-party special, technical inadequacy of the electric power system. Like Bachimo, such risks are not insured by the owner of the radio station. This is why the idea of ​​rozrobiti attachments for the superficial protection of the transiver in case of emergency was blamed.

Add blocking the power supply of the radio station when there is an abnormal voltage in the interval -50 to +50 V. It may have additional power, for example, it does not create a voltage drop in the transceiver’s live voltage, and also does not prevent the obligatory connection. When it comes to swidkodії zakhistu, it does not exceed 2 ms and lie down due to the nature of the emergency situation.

The scheme for attaching a zakhist is shown on Rice. one. If the voltage of positive polarity is needed at the input, it is equal to less than 10 V of the lance VD1R1R1VT1, a strum flows, which is insufficient for the operation of the K1 relay. When the input voltage is 10...15, the relay spratsovuє that podzhivlennya to the transiver.

If the process of robotic work is to overvoltage 15V, then the zener diode VT1 will conduct a stream more often, which is the thyristor VS1. The voltage at the anode of the thyristor is lower, the transistor VT1 closes and the winding of the relay K1 streaks. The switches are not shunted by anything, the relay contacts will be released in a minimum hour (actually 0.5 ... 2 ms). As a result, the transceiver will be connected to the boosted voltage socket. Stabilitron VD3, zastosuvannya not obov'yazkovo, zrіzaє short vykid, posable for the arc of the great swidkost nagruzhnya naruga.

In case of emergency, as if there is an emergency high voltage at the input, I will attach a stringcomm to the zero level, it won’t be spent on the transiver, so the electronic “jump” VD2VS1VT1 reacts to a sprat of order, lower it is possible to use relay K1. In times of polarity reversal, the voltage of negative polarity is also not suitable for the transiver, the relay chips do not work with the VD1 diode, which will close the reverse voltage.

After an emergency response, the turn-off turn will be closed by a short-hour cut-off of the input voltage.

Bulo prepared two options for a constructive building. For the first one, I will install the parts in the middle of the K1 relay case, like a KUTs-1 relay (passport RA.362.900) for the color televisions of the domestic production. It may have a winding support of 560 ohm and should be used at a voltage close to 5 V. The dimensions of the extension (45x45x15 mm) allow you to place it in the middle of the transceiver or call it on the roof.

An even more convenient and second option is for a plastic cylindrical container for photothermal heating, which has a diameter of 30 and a length of 50 mm. Ready virib is poured with epoxy compound and installed at the opening of the transiver's live cord (similar to the filter for pulse transitions). Here there is a more compact relay RES47 (passport RF4.500.409) with a winding support of 175 Ohm. With this, the resistor R1 is guilty of mother opir 110 ohms. There should also be other small-sized relays that work at a pressure of 5 ... 6 and a building switch of the jet of at least 3 A (for example, relays of the TRS series by TTI).

Transistor VT1 can be replaced by strum switches of the KR1014, KR1064 series with indices A, or their analogues ZVN2120, VN2410. The replacement of the VD1 diode should be any other with a direct strum not less than 0.3 A and a return voltage of not less than 400, for example, KD209A. Stabilitron VD2 can be replaced by D814 or KS515A. Thyristor VS1 can be with indexes E-I, moreover, it is important to select specimens, selected for maximum sensitivity.

I’ll fix the adjustment with the selection of the resistor R1, increasing the activation of the relay at a voltage of 9.5 ... 10 V. Let’s do it, properly and smoothly increase the voltage, switch over, so that the relay is allowed to enter at 14.5 ... 15.0 V. It is necessary, then the voltage output can be changed by selecting the zener diode VD2.

The author ventured to test the CIB transceiver Alan 78 Plus, equipped with an outrigger. The testing procedure simulated a series of the most unsafe emergency situations, and itself, a combination of polarity reversal and overvoltage. In Crimea, the factor of aggravating the accident was introduced - the deputy of the regular guard with a nominal value of 2 A, a jumper was installed on the tow wire. In real minds, one can say, "lawless" guarantees a great and irreversible destruction of the electronic components of any transceiver.

At the start of the test, the device was switched on to the strumu jet - life blocks PS-30, B5-48, B5-71 and the transformer OSM-220/36, so that there were small offensive parameters:

13.8V (32A), +16V (10A), -16V (10A), +30V (10A), -30V (10A), +50V (2A), - 50 V (2 A), ~ 36 V (50 Hz, 5 A).

The supply of a skin test voltage to the transceiver was automatically set up for the help of a software attachment, which works on a cyclogram, displayed in tables.

Number of connection cycles

Trivality of skin connection, s

Pause between connections, s

Expansion of the mode of testing allowing simulation of emergency situations of various trivality and, of course, reversing the stability of the attack to transitional processes. If the fact that an anomalous voltage was applied to the transceiver is considered as an emergency situation, then it does not matter how much they accumulated 688. With the control supply of the nominal voltage (+13.2), the device turned on and showed the same operation. Such a result of trying to testify about the arrogance of the building and allowing it to be included in the category of “defeat from a fool”.

It’s easy to fold the attachments, but you can secure the additional protection of the stream of suspension and in the event of an emergency increase in the high-frequency voltage on the collector of the outgoing transmission transistor. Such a movement occurs when the antenna-feeder path is unused or the output cascade is damaged.

The scheme of this option is shown on Rice. 2. Strumu protection (overwitching, short circuit) is installed behind the auxiliary strum sensor - reed switch SF1 with a new coil L1. When the struma is increased, which is lowered by the transceiver higher than the set value, the electromagnet field of the coil becomes sufficient for switching the magneto-ceramic contact.

Shards of reed switches are parallel to the zener diode VD2, in case of an emergency connection to the annex, similarly to the situation with overvoltage. Elements VT2, C1, R4, VD4 form the zone of thymic insensitivity up to the kick of the strum, which is at the moment the transceiver is turned on. For Alan 78 Plus, the hour is about 22 ms and can be adjusted by choosing the C1 capacitor.

When working with the add-on, it is necessary to turn on the transceiver, and then the SA1 toggle switch.

Adjustment of the strum wire at a level of 2 ... 3 A is wound up to the selection of the number of turns of the coil L1, which is 4 ... 8 turns of the wire PEL 0.5 (roughly) and moving it along the reed switch (exactly) with further fixing with hot melt adhesive.

In case of an unsatisfactory voltage (for example, shaving in the antenna-feeder path), the RF voltage on the collector of the output transistor increases, which threatens the breakdown of one of the transitions. However, in this case, the zener diode VD5 begins to conduct a stream, which turns on the transistor VT3. The positive voltage from the collector of the transistor is connected to the electrode of the VS1 thyristor and the attachment is connected similarly to other emergency situations.

Resistor R7 is chosen in such a way that the transiver vimikavsya for an hour of work and transmitting to an antenna equivalent of 150 ohms, which indicates SWR-3.

Buvayut fluctuations, if the transceiver goes out of tune through the wrong connection to the lifeline or the wrong voltage increase. Defend the equipment at the vipads in addition to proponing attachments.

Statistics of repairs of primary equipment show that up to 30% of accidents are caused by eating. Prior to typical emergency situations, there is a change in the voltage of life (overvoltage) and an under-trial of polarity (polarity reversal). The deyakі koristuvachі manage to seem to be mysteriously incomprehensible way of creating a combination of these situations. It was especially brazen that the strife of the radio station grew sharply, as if atypical (including self-conscious) zastosovuetsya zapobіzhnik that zherelo zhivlennya with an unrealistically large supply of struma.

In such situations, the transceiver's internal suspense appears to be ineffective and the consequences of accidents become more serious, and sometimes even catastrophic. Inevitably, mass production of expensive and scarce components will make the renovation of the "killed" transiver unprofitable. In case of accidents, various electrical devices are used in front of us - diodes, transistors, integrated microcircuits. The stench can change the characteristics, stasis chi shaved transitions, thermomechanical ruination of the body. Resistors, motors, lamps, lamps should go out of tune. You can swell or vibrate oxide capacitors, bend or bend other conductors, scald boards, deform parts made of thermoplastics. All collection of videos is taken from practice.

Accident situations are blamed for such conditions: nevmila di koristuvacha, vipadkovy pardon or lack of skill of a trained operator, mischief for a third-party special, technical inadequacy of the power supply system. Unfortunately, due to such risks, the owner of the radio station is not insured. This is why the idea of ​​rozrobiti attachments for the superficial protection of the transiver in case of emergency was blamed.

Attached blocking the supply of life to the radio station when there is an abnormal voltage in the interval -50 to +50 V. It may have more power, for example, does not create a voltage drop in the life of the transceiver, and also does not affect the fin lock of the obov'yazkovy What is the cost of swidkodії zakhistu, it will not be faster than 2 ms and lie down due to the nature of the emergency situation.

The scheme for attaching a zakhist is shown in fig. one.

If there is a voltage of positive polarity at the input, equal to less than 10 VD1R1K1VT1, a strum flows, which is insufficient for the operation of relay K1. When the input voltage is 10...15 the relay activates and supplies power to the transceiver.

If in the process of work the voltage is changed to 15, then the zener diode VD2 is more likely to conduct a strum, which is the thyristor VS1. The voltage at the anode of the thyristor is lower, the transistor VT1 closes and the winding of the relay K1 streaks. The switches are not shunted by anything, the relay contacts will be released in a minimum hour (actually 0.5 ... 2 ms). As a result, the transceiver will be connected to the boosted voltage socket. Stabilitron VD3, zastosuvannya not obov'yazkovo, zrіzaє short vykid, posable for the arc of the great swidkost nagruzhnya naruga.

In case of emergency, as if there is an emergency high voltage at the input, I will attach a stringcomm to the zero level, it won’t be spent on the transiver, so the electronic “jump” VD2VS1VT1 reacts to the order of magnitude, lower the relay K1. In times of polarity reversal, the voltage of negative polarity is also not suitable for the transiver, the relay chips do not work with the VD1 diode, which will close the reverse voltage.

After an emergency response, the turn-off turn will be closed by a short-hour cut-off of the input voltage.

Bulo prepared two options for a constructive building. For the first one, I will install the parts in the middle of the K1 relay case, like a KUTs-1 relay (passport RA.362.900) for the color televisions of the domestic production. Vono may opir winding 560 Ohm and spratsovuє at a pressure close to 5 Art. Outbuilding dimensions (45x45x15mm) allow you to place it in the middle of the transceiver or on the roof.

An even more convenient and another option is for a plastic cylindrical container for photothermal heating. The container has a diameter of 30 and a length of 50 mm. Ready virib is poured with epoxy compound and installed at the opening of the transiver's live cord (similar to the filter for pulse transitions). Here there is a more compact relay RES47 (passport RF4.500.409) with a winding support of 175 Ohm. With this, the resistor R1 is guilty of mother opir 110 ohms. There should also be other relays that work at a pressure of 5 ... 6 and the building switch the jet at least 3 A (for example, relays of the TRC series by TTI).

Transistor VT1 can be replaced by strum switches of the KR1014, KR1064 series with indices A, or their analogues ZVN2120, VN2410. The replacement of the VD1 diode should be any other with a direct strum not less than 0.3 A and a return voltage of not less than 400, for example, KD209A. Stabilitron VD2 can be replaced by D814 or KS515A. Thyristor VS1 can be with indexes E-I, moreover, it is important to select specimens, selected for maximum sensitivity.

I’ll fix the adjustment with the selection of the resistor R1, increasing the activation of the relay when the voltage at the input is 9.5 ... then the voltage supply can be changed by selecting a zener diode VD2.

The author of testing the C-B transceiver ALAN-78 PLUS, equipped with a propeller attachment. The testing procedure simulated a series of the most unsafe emergency situations, and itself, a combination of polarity reversal and overvoltage. In Crimea, the factor of aggravating the accident was introduced - the deputy of the regular guard with a nominal value of 2 A, a jumper was installed on the tow wire. In the minds of great minds, one might say, "swaville" guarantees a great and irreversible destruction of the electronic elements of any transceiver.

At the start of the trial, the device was connected to the strumu dzherel (life blocks PS-30, B5-48, B5-71, transformer OSM-220/36), the parameters were small: -13.8 V (32 A); B (10 A); -16 V (10 A); + 30 V (10 A); -30 (10 A); -36 (50Hz, 5A); +50 (2 A); -50 V (2 A). The supply of a skin test voltage to the transceiver was automatically adjusted for an additional software attachment, which works on the cyclogram shown in the table.

Expansion of the mode of testing allowing simulation of emergency situations of various trivality and, of course, reversing the stability of the attack to transitional processes. If the fact that an anomalous voltage was applied to the transceiver is considered as an emergency situation, then it is not important to cheer up, their total number was 688. With the control supply of the nominal voltage (+13.2), the device turned on and showed the same operation. Such a result testifies to the superiority of the building and allows us to classify it to the category of "defeat from a fool."

It’s easy to fold the attachments, but you can secure the additional protection of the stream of suspension and in the event of an emergency increase in the high-frequency voltage on the collector of the outgoing transmission transistor. Such a move is possible with an unused antenna-feeder path or a damage to the output cascade.

The scheme of this variant is shown in fig. 2.

Zahist strumu (overwhelming and short buzzing) is installed behind the help of the reed switch SF1 with the coil L1, which is folded into a new one. When the struma, which is saved by the transiver, is higher than the set value, the electromagnet field of the coil becomes sufficient for switching the magneto-ceramic contact.

Shards of reed switches are parallel to the zener diode VD2, in case of an emergency connection to the annex, similarly to the situation with overvoltage. Elements VT2, C1, R4, VD4 form a zone of thymic insensitivity up to the kick of the strum, which is at the moment the transceiver is turned on. For the ALAN-78PLUS radio station, the current hour is 22 ms and can be adjusted by selecting the capacitor C1.

For an hour of work with the annex (small 2), it is necessary to turn the transceiver on the back, and then the SA1 toggle switch.

Adjusting the strum wire to 2 ... 3 A is adjusted to the selection of the number of turns of the L1 coil, which is 4-8 turns of the PEL 0.5 (roughly) and moving it along the reed switch (exactly) with distant fixation with hot melt adhesive.

In case of an unused voltage (for example, a shaving in the antenna-feeder path), the RF voltage on the collector of the output transistor increases, which threatens the breakdown of one transition. However, in this case, the zener diode VD5 begins to conduct a stream, which turns on the transistor VT3. The positive voltage of the transistor collector is connected to the electric electrode of the thyristor VS1. Then we will react similarly to other emergency situations.

Resistor R7 is chosen in such a way that the transiver vimikavsya for an hour of work and transmitting to an antenna equivalent of 150 ohms, which indicates SWR-3.

The emitter transition of the transistor VT2 (div. Fig. 2) must be shunted with a support resistor of about 10 kOhm.

There are fluctuations if the transceivers go out of tune through the wrong connection to the lifeline or the wrong voltage increase. Defend the equipment at the vipads in addition to proponing attachments.

Statistics of repairs of primary equipment show that up to 30% of accidents are caused by eating. Prior to typical emergency situations, there is a change in the voltage of life (overvoltage) and an under-trial of polarity (polarity reversal). The deyakі koristuvachі manage to seem to be mysteriously incomprehensible way of creating a combination of these situations. It was especially brazen that the strife of the radio station grew sharply, as if atypical (including self-conscious) zastosovuetsya zapobіzhnik that zherelo zhivlennya with an unrealistically large supply of struma.

In such situations, the transceiver's internal suspense appears to be ineffective and the consequences of accidents become more serious, and sometimes even catastrophic. Inevitably, mass production of expensive and scarce components will make the renovation of the "killed" transiver unprofitable. In case of accidents

, different types of conductive accessories – diodes, transistors, integrated circuits. The stench can change the characteristics, stasis chi shaved transitions, thermomechanical ruination of the body. Resistors, motors, lamps, lamps should go out of tune. You can swell or vibrate oxide capacitors, bend or bend other conductors, scald boards, deform parts made of thermoplastics. All collection of videos is taken from practice.

Accident situations are blamed for such conditions: nevmila di koristuvacha, vipadkovy pardon or lack of skill of a trained operator, mischief for a third-party special, technical inadequacy of the power supply system. Unfortunately, due to such risks, the owner of the radio station is not insured. This is why the idea of ​​rozrobiti attachments for the superficial protection of the transiver in case of emergency was blamed.

Attached blocking the supply of life to the radio station when there is an abnormal voltage in the interval -50 to +50 V. It may have more power, for example, does not create a voltage drop in the life of the transceiver, and also does not affect the fin lock of the obov'yazkovy What is the cost of swidkodії zakhistu, it will not be faster than 2 ms and lie down due to the nature of the emergency situation.

The scheme for attaching a zakhist is shown in fig. one.

When the voltage of positive polarity is needed at the input, it is equal to less than 10 V of the lance VD1R1K1VT1, a strum flows, which is insufficient for the operation of the K1 relay.

When the input voltage is 10 ... 15V, the relay activates and supplies power to the transceiver.

If the process of robotic work is to overvoltage 15V, then the zener diode VD2 is more likely to conduct a strum, which is the thyristor VS1. The voltage at the anode of the thyristor is lower, the transistor VT1 closes and the winding of the relay K1 streaks.

The switches are not shunted by anything, the relay contacts will be released in a minimum hour (actually 0.5...2 ms). As a result, the transceiver will be connected to the boosted voltage socket.

Stabilitron VD3, zastosuvannya not obov'yazkovo, zrіzaє short vykid, posable for the arc of the great swidkost nagruzhnya naruga.

In case of emergency, as if there is an emergency high voltage at the input, I will attach a stringcomm to the zero level, it won’t be spent on the transiver, so the electronic “jump” VD2VS1VT1 reacts to the order of magnitude, lower the relay K1. In times of polarity reversal, the voltage of negative polarity is also not suitable for the transiver, the relay chips do not work with the VD1 diode, which will close the reverse voltage.

After an emergency response, the turn-off turn will be closed by a short-hour cut-off of the input voltage.

Bulo prepared two options for a constructive building. For the first one, I will install the details in the middle of the K1 relay case, like a vikoristano KUTs-1 relay

(Passport RA.362.900) in the form of color televisions of vicissitudes. Vono may opir winding 560 Ohm and spratsovuє at a pressure close to 5 Art. Outbuilding dimensions (45x45x15mm) allow you to place it in the middle of the transceiver or on the roof.

An even more convenient and smaller option for a plastic cylindrical container for photothermal heating. The container has a diameter of 30 and a length of 50 mm. Ready virib is poured with epoxy compound and installed at the opening of the transiver's live cord (similar to the filter for pulse transitions). Here there is a more compact relay RES47 (passport RF4.500.409) with a winding support of 175 Ohm. With this, the resistor R1 is guilty of mother opir 110 ohms. There should also be other relays that work at a voltage of 5 ... 6V and the building switch the stream at least 3A (for example, relays of the TRC series by TTI).

Transistor VT1 can be replaced by strum switches of the KR1014, KR1064 series with indices A, or their analogues ZVN2120, VN2410. The replacement of the VD1 diode should be any other with a direct strum not less than 0.3A and a return voltage not less than 400, for example, KD209A. Stabilitron VD2 can be replaced by D814 or KS515A. Thyristor VS1 can be with indexes E-I, moreover, it is important to select specimens, selected for maximum sensitivity.

I’ll build a new installation from the selection of the resistor R1. reaching the relay at an input voltage of 9.5 ... 10 V. We will gradually, gradually and smoothly move the voltage, change, so that the relay will let in at 14.5 ... 15 V. If it is necessary, then the voltage of the input can be changed by selecting the zener diode VD2 .

The author of testing the C-B transceiver ALAN-78 PLUS, equipped with a propeller attachment. The testing procedure simulated a series of the most unsafe emergency situations, and itself, a combination of polarity reversal and overvoltage. In the Crimea, the factor of aggravating the accident was introduced - the replacement of the regular fusible protector with a nominal value of 2A, a jumper was installed for the tow drota. In the minds of great minds, one might say, "swaville" guarantees a great and irreversible destruction of the electronic elements of any transceiver.

In the course of testing, the device was connected to the strumu dzherel (life blocks PS-30, B5-48, B5-71, transformer OSM-220/36), the parameters were small: -13.8V (32 A); +16 V (10 A); -16 V (10 A); + 30 V (10 A); -30 (10 A); -36 (50Hz, 5A); +50 (2 A);

-50 U (2 A).

The supply of a skin test voltage to the transceiver was automatically adjusted for an additional software attachment, which works on the cyclogram shown in the table.

Expansion of the mode of testing allowing simulation of emergency situations of various trivality and, of course, reversing the stability of the attack to transitional processes.

If the fact that an abnormal voltage is applied to the transceiver is considered as an emergency situation, then it does not matter to take care of what the total amount of money has accumulated 688. Prote

, such a ruinous lady did not run the radio stations of the old shkodi.

With the control supply of the nominal voltage (+13.2), the device turned on and showed the same operation. Such a result testifies to the superiority of the building and allows us to classify it to the category of "defeat from a fool."

It’s easy to fold the attachments, but you can secure the additional protection of the stream of suspension and in the event of an emergency increase in the high-frequency voltage on the collector of the outgoing transmission transistor. Such a move is possible with an unused antenna-feeder path or a damage to the output cascade.

The scheme of this variant is shown in fig. 2.

Zahist strumu (overwhelming and short buzzing) is installed behind the help of the reed switch SF1 with the coil L1, which is folded into a new one.

When the struma is increased by the transceiver, more than the set value of the electromagnet field of the coil becomes sufficient for closing the magnetically ceramic contact.

Shards of reed switches are parallel to the zener diode VD2, in case of an emergency connection to the annex, similarly to the situation with overvoltage.

Elements VT2: C1. R4, VD4 form a zone of thymic insensitivity to the strum up to the strum, which is caused at the moment the transceiver is turned on.

For the ALAN-78PLUS radio station, the current hour is 22 ms and can be adjusted by selecting the capacitor C1. For an hour of work with the annex (small 2), it is necessary to turn the transceiver on the back, and then the SA1 toggle switch.

Tuning the strum zakhist to rіven 2

...3 And start up to the choice of the number of turns of the L1 coil, which is added up with 4-8 turns of the thread PEL 0.5 (roughly) and moving along the reed switch (exactly) with distant fixation with hot-melt adhesives.

In case of an unused voltage (for example, a shaving in the antenna-feeder path), the RF voltage on the collector of the output transistor increases, which threatens the breakdown of one transition. However, in this case, the stabilitron VD5 begins to pro-

drive a strum, which is the output of the transistor VT3. The positive voltage of the transistor collector is connected to the electric electrode of the thyristor VS1. Then we will react similarly to other emergency situations.

Resistor R7 is chosen in such a way that the transiver vimikavsya for an hour of work and transmitting to an antenna equivalent of 150 ohms, which indicates SWR-3.

The emitter transition of the transistor VT2 (div. Fig. 2) must be shunted with a support resistor of about 10 kOhm.
