How to make gas heating in the house. The optimal scheme of the private house heating with a gas boiler

How to make gas heating in the house. The optimal scheme of the private house heating with a gas boiler

The use of gas heating in a private house is one of the most efficient and economical options when choosing heating systems. However, in order for the system to work properly, there must be many details before installation. In particular, it will take to choose the equipment of suitable power, to develop an effective strapping that will provide minimal heat loss, and determine which gas source will be used for the operation of the equipment.

Gas sources

Natural gas is a universal type of fuel, to obtain which can be from the transport highway (provided that it is not far) or use liquefied gas from special storage tanks. The main advantage of gas is high energy efficiency. At an affordable price, it has a high combustion temperature, which allows you to obtain an efficiency at a level of 95% of the power boilers and boiler equipment.

Trunk pipeline

Heating with gas when connecting to a trunk pipeline is the cheapest and energy consumption efficient option for a country house. If there is a gas highway in the village or near your home, it is necessary to make a connection to it and get fuel in the required quantity. The use of trunk gas pipelines has the following advantages:

  • stable pressure on the network, no need to calibrate boiler equipment, worry that when the pressure drops, the effectiveness of heating will be reduced;
  • high fuel quality. The gas in the highway complies with the standards of supply, has a high degree of purification and caloric content that ensures effective heating;
  • affordable price in comparison with other energy carriers, as well as liquefied gas.

The only drawback is perhaps the lack of ability to control pressure, inclusion and disconnection of the main gas supply. If the gas supply in your area is unstable, you must be prepared for this in advance.


Gas heating using Gazagolder is an effective solution for facilities that do not have the ability to connect to the main lines, but in need of a significant fuel resource to ensure work at once several heating points, heating and water heating. The gas grounder is a steel capacity designed under high pressure. The capacity is equipped with a locking reinforcement and other devices for download and subsequent gase return to the system of the household gas pipeline.

The use of gas producers has the following advantages:

  • independent control of gas supply parameters, you can adjust the pressure and other characteristics in the gas system;
  • independence from failures in the main system, fully autonomous heating in the house;
  • fully large gas stock. The refueling is required 1 time per month with reasonable consumption and selection of suitable capacity.

The disadvantage of Gazagolder is that it is actually a container with a flammable substance located on the territory of the country site. To eliminate any malfunctions and the likelihood of emergencies, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for the installation and operation of gas containers. The rules are developed by the equipment manufacturer and are indicated in the State Standard for the installation work. In addition, in order to establish a gas grolder and carry out gas from it, it is necessary to obtain permission of the authorities, for which the project in Gorgase will need to coordinate.


Heating using cylinders with liquefied gas is a rather laborious process. Since gas cylinders have a small volume (up to 100 liters), they often have to change and refuel. This option of individual heating is applied in cases where it comes to seasonal housing, where the owners are within a few weeks in the whole winter. In such conditions, the installation of Gazgolder is inexpedient due to the high price and complexity of the project. Gas supply to the use of cylinders has the following advantages:

  • suitable for situations where heating is needed for several weeks in the whole winter;
  • saves, eliminating the need to operate complex gas equipment;
  • no development and coordination of the project is required.

In the case of gas cylinders, the same problem is observed as with a Gazagolder. Operation of tanks with a combustible substance can be dangerous in non-compliance with the rules. For cylinders, it is necessary to equip a separate room to eliminate the possibility of overheating and accidental fire with the subsequent detonation of other tanks. In compliance with the technological rules, the risks are reduced to the minimum level.

Choosing a gas boiler

The gas equipment includes boilers, without which the house heating is impossible. The choice of a gas heating boiler is worth it is extremely carefully taking into account the fact that there are many models designed for various operating conditions.

Boilers differ in the following parameters:

  • installation site (wall, outdoor);
  • the number of contours (single-mounted heating only and double-circuit, combining the functions of heating and heating water for household needs);
  • type of thrust (natural or forced);
  • burner version (atmospheric or superior);
  • the type of combustion chamber (open or closed with a condensing gases, increasing the efficiency of the boiler).

Many boilers are equipped with an automation system controlling the presence of fire with a gas included and overlapping feed when it is attenuation, as well as automatic controlling the temperature of the coolant. Modern gas boilers have electronic or analog control, allow high accuracy to adjust the heating temperature.

Note! An important factor is the power of the boiler. It is calculated, based on the fact that 1 kW of energy heats 10 m2 with a standard ceiling height.

These indicators may slightly fluctuate depending on how well the insulation is made. When calculating, you need to take a gas boiler with a reserve of 10-15% of the maximum power. This will allow the equipment to work without overload and extends the operational resource.

Thanks to a fairly simple execution, it is possible to install gas boiler equipment with your own hands. The task is to properly connect the water contours, the supply of gas and the discharge of the chimney system.

Installation requirements

Any heating project requires coordination in Gorgase, a number of other services and instances. The permission to install the boiler will be given only if the installation of the equipment is made taking into account the existing rules.

Basic rules for installation of gas equipment are as follows:

  • to install a gas boiler, a special room must be highlighted, it is prohibited to mount boilers in the corridors, in kitchens and in residential rooms;
  • the installation room must have a supply and exhaust ventilation, a window or a window for air circulation;
  • installation of the boiler is made on a strong, non-combustible base of concrete, brick stone or other similar material;
  • the chimney must be equipped for the boiler to disrupt the combustion products and eliminate their accumulation in the room where the equipment is operated;
  • indoor with a boiler should not be gas cylinders and other flammable and explosive items.

It is also necessary to coordinate project requirements when installing gas holders. Gas containers should be mounted on the street, on a certain distance from residential and technical objects, at a depth that meets safety requirements.

If the assembly rules are violated, you can get a fine on the part of the inspection bodies, up to the fact that the equipment will be sealed before fixing all the disadvantages capable of leading to an accident.

Another important equipment

Instead of gas boilers for heating, you can use convectors. They convert energy from gas combustion into infrared (thermal) radiation. Such gas equipment is suitable for additional heating, installation in a country house, a garage or in the country, subject to temporary stay there. Many gas convectors refer to portable equipment. It is not necessary to design permissions on their installation, you only need to adhere to the basic security rules.

You should also not forget that when the gas is connected, additional equipment will be required, such as counters, pressure sensors, pumps, pipes for chimney and for water circuit. Radiators will be required and, most likely, a gas stove for cooking.

Scheme of heating device

In order for the heating to work efficiently and without failures, it is necessary to correctly perform a layout (strapping) of the system. Under the wiring implies all the equipment used and methods of its connection to the network.

The following sections of the heating device are distinguished:

  • safety. Their advantage is in comparative cheapness, as they do not need pumping equipment for them, water circulates under the action of gravity. However, such systems can only be used on small one-storey objects. If the system is characterized by a significant amount of coolant and has a complex circuit route, then this scheme does not fit;
  • forced. The movement of the coolant is performed using a circulation pump. The advantage is that the rapid movement of the coolant allows you to evenly transfer the temperature within the entire system, eliminating overheating or cooling pipes. The lack of need to buy circulating pumping equipment.

To increase the efficiency of boilers and the heating system as a whole, you can install accumulating containers. The accumulating heat capacitance should be located in the immediate vicinity of the gas boiler and connect with the hot and cold circuit. Hot water accumulates in the tank, allowing to stabilize the temperature difference at the input and outlet of the boiler, as well as providing a small reserve of the prepared coolant after the boiler is turned off.

There are many connection schemes using various useful components that increase the efficiency of heating. Before drawing up the project, it is recommended to consult a specialist in this field.

It is possible to heat the room in different ways, but thanks to a significant economic benefit and in the presence of a central gas line near the house, the heating schemes with a gas boiler are chosen. This way heats apartments, cottages and non-residential facilities. Scenarios of heating devices Several: You can trust the entire set of events of one organization, to carry out some of the work independently or fully heating on its own.

Characteristics of gas boilers and their varieties

Wall gas boilers can not only heat the premises, but also provide themselves with hot water for economic needs. Fuel for them is natural or liquefied gas. Depending on the power of the source of energy, it is possible to damn rooms from 30 to 300 square meters. m. Connect the device yourself, like the equipment, taking into account the characteristics of the private house: the level of water pressure, the presence of warm floors, etc. The correct selection of the heating circuit will provide the optimal temperature regime for each room.

Gas boilers differ in purpose:

  • Single-mounted. Perform only the function of heating. They are connected to the heating system for heating the coolant. For water heating, additional electric water heaters or gas columns are used.
  • Double-circuit. Perform two functions: the room is heated and provide hot water supply, since an additional circuit is installed inside the instruments for water heating. But it happens alternately. Priority is heated water, during which the heating is turned off. However, if the boiler is equipped with two heat exchangers, it can serve both contours at once.

According to the combustion method, boilers are divided into devices with an open and closed chamber. The first have natural cravings: take the necessary oxygen necessary for combustion from the room where the device is located. Therefore, they require equipped with high-quality ventilation boiler.

Devices with a closed combustion chamber have a special coaxial chimney. It consists of two pipes embedded in each other. The combustion products are derived from the inside, the gap between the pipes is a fence of fresh air from the street.

Premises for the boiler - Basic Requirements

Gas equipment is fire and explosive, so in a private house for its installation, it is necessary to highlight a separate room. With a boiler power up to 30 kW, it will be sufficient to be about 8 cubic sizes. m, from 30 to 60 kW - 14 cubic meters. M and above, the ceiling height is at least 2.5 m.

In the boiler room, it is necessary to provide a window with a window, a door width is more than 80 cm. Must be equipped with a supply ventilation, providing a complete air change of about 3 times an hour to reduce up to a minimum gas supply indoor. The finish inside is performed from non-combustible fireproof materials with a temporary limit of fire resistance at least 45 minutes.

Between boiler rooms and residential rooms are installed strong refractory partitions. The layout should prevent the rapid spread of fire for residential premises. From the device to the floor, the distance makes at least 80 cm, to the ceiling - 50 cm, there are free space under the boiler, a non-combustible material of 1x1 m.

For exhausts, the chimney is installed. For this purpose, ventilation channels cannot be used, since in the exhaust gases contains harmful products of combustion.

It will be easier to connect with your own hands to the chimney of the heating devices of a closed type, as they are equipped with special coaxial pipes, which in private houses remove through the wall to the street. The required traction creates a built-in fan, so the height of the suspension is not important. Open gas boilers are connected to an individual chimney made of high-temperature resistant materials, mechanical wear, effects of combustion products. The chimney pipe is attached with a slight bias toward the heating device.

Schemes of the heating system

Before installing the heating device using gas, it is necessary to check the housing for compliance with the technical conditions, take permission in the relevant authorities for work. The connection of gas heating includes the installation of gas pipeline pipes, inserts to the central gas line, the installation of the boiler itself, chimney, the mainstream connection and the performance of the heating system.

The scheme of the heating of a private house with a gas boiler consists of the following elements:

  • gas pipeline;
  • radiators or other heating devices;
  • heat source - gas boiler;
  • additional equipment;
  • shut-off reinforcement.

If a system with forced circulation, a pump is installed as an additional equipment. When using a double circuit, a collector is needed, with the help of the pipe laying.

Be sure to have an expansion tank. When heated, the fluid increases in the amount, therefore, in order to avoid breaking the pipes while increasing the pressure, the network turns on the container where the excess water is collected.

In the newest models of boilers, additional equipment is already built in the device. Heating Schemes using a gas boiler are divided by parameters:

  • in terms of the number of contours on one and dual circuit;
  • in the direction of wiring on horizontal and vertical;
  • by type of circulation on natural and forced;
  • in view of the wiring on one, two-pipe and radiation.

One- and dual-circuit systems differ only in operational features. In a diagram with two contours, when the DHW is turned on, heating is turned off.

The vertical wiring establishes risers for which the coolant is fed to heating devices. It is more suitable for multi-storey cottages. For the injection of fluid, the presence of a circulation pump is required. In single-storey houses make horizontal wiring.

With natural circulation, the pipeline is mounted under a slight bias, which makes it possible to drain the coolant under its own weight. In case of forced circulation, a pump is installed to move it.

A single-tube scheme is the simplest option. It is one pipe leaving the boiler, bypass heating devices and returning the cooled coolant into the boiler. The temperature of the heat carrier at the beginning of the contour and at the end is different. Plus this scheme in the simplicity of installation, minus in the inability to turn off the parts of the contour from heating.

In a two-pipe diagram, a reverse is provided - the second tube intended for the cooled coolant. In this case, the house warms uniformly, the presence of adjusting reinforcement allows you to create the optimal temperature for individual rooms. Minus lies in the complexity of installation.

With a radial wiring, an at least one manifold is provided, from which a separate pipe is supplied to each device. This is the optimal option for the cottage, but the most expensive and time consuming.

Installation begins with fastening the heating device on a special bracket. Unacceptable adjuncing gas boiler to the wall. After installation, you must connect the device to three systems: plumbing, electrical and gas.

Connecting hydraulic junction and power grid

The heating system may be a single-tube and two-pipe, depending on this, the installation will be performed using a different amount of pipes. But with any embodiment, the plugs from the boiler nozzles are first removed. In order for it to be contaminated from the heating system, a mesh filter is installed on the input input. With rigid water or inconsistency of its other characteristics, the requirements of the manufacturers of heating devices, the system is equipped with filters. Connections are carefully sealed with pacle and paint, sealants or special thread seals.

Water circuit is connected similarly to the heating pipeline. The differences relate to the diameter of the pipes used and shut-off valves. A filter must be installed on the inlet of the cold water to install so that the boiler cannot be contaminated that can spoil the device. Cranes for water overlap are equipped with detachable connections. They allow simplifying installation and facilitate the replacement of worn or failed crane. Tubes for hot water supply to the gas boiler are joined on the left side of the center, for the cold - with the right.

Modern gas wall boilers are equipped with complex automatics, so they are connected to the power supply. For this, they are equipped with either a cable for connecting directly to the machine, or by a regular fork. A socket is made next to the heating device, but not from the bottom to avoid short circuit in the event of a leakage of the coolant. The gas boiler requires a mandatory grounding, which is installed next to the house or in the basement.

It is impossible to make a grounding on gas pipes or heating devices - this is a violation of the rules of operation of gas equipment.

Experts recommend include the stabilizer in the electrical network to avoid voltage jumps that can output boiler automation. To prevent the heating in case of power interruptions, uninterrupted power sources are installed.

Accession to the gas highway

To connect the boiler to the central gas highway, it is recommended to use steel pipes. Connecting with a nozzle. To ensure the necessary tightness, threaded compounds seal the packles and cover paint.

The crane that overlaps the gas is installed a filter that protects against small debris and condensate. Next to the filter, the gas pipeline is attached using a flexible connection or pipe. It is impossible to use a rubber hose, since over time it dissipates and gas is seeded through cracks.The optimal choice for a flexible connection is a corrugated hose. It is made of stainless steel, strong, durable, resistant to high humidity.

At the last stage, a connection to the central gas center is performed using a precipitated nut with a paronite sealing gasket. Tightness is determined by the help of a soap solution that is applied to the connection site. A sign of gas leakage is the presence of bubbles. The correct connection of the gas system checks the gase service representative.

Before performing the first launch of the heating system, water is injected into it. The procedure should be carried out in slower so that the existing air is released from the pipes. Filling ends when the fluid pressure in the highway reaches two atmospheres. At the same time, the tightness of the water pipeline is checked, all leaks are immediately eliminated. Faults are eliminated and checking the system performance. The first launch must be under the control of the Gas Service representative.

For a private house or a country cottage with the onset of the cold period, the problem of heating becomes an urgent. Thanks to technical progress, today, you can create an autonomous heating system in your home using heating boilers and another related equipment. Coal, firewood, electricity can be used as fuel, but natural gas remains the most affordable and cheap. It is this aspect that is the main reason that many citizens are trying to use gas for heating their housing. Competently designed autonomous gas heating of a private house will allow you not only to save your own funds, but also quietly expect the onset of cold weather.

Although today, not all regions of our country are covered by the network of household gas pipelines, there are other, no less convenient ways of heating in residential buildings.

Autonomous gas heating - the main essence and principle of operation


Gas is the most affordable and cheap fuel type. Having installed a gas-circuit boiler in its home the corresponding model, you get heated internal rooms and hot water supply.

If you have a problem with centralized gas supply, there is a way out. Install the gas storage in your area - the Gazagolder.

One refueling of the liquefied gas tank is enough for 6-7 months of the heating season. In this situation, your heating system is almost completely independent, there is a real efficiency and efficiency of autonomous gas heating.

Gas prices are constantly growing, but still heating this kind of fuel remains one of the most inexpensive. But it is about monthly expenses - modern boilers have a high efficiency - 95-98%, which reduces costs. Also popularity adds a high degree of automation - you can leave the house for quite long periods without much risk (if the electricity is not turned off). That is why many consider it precisely gas heating of a private house first.

Gas heating of a private house, while still the most economical

What could be gas heating

For heating, you can use two types of gas - main and liquefied. The main gas under certain pressure is supplied by pipes to consumers. This is a single centralized system. Liquefied gas can be supplied in cylinders of different capacity, but usually in 50 liters. It is also poured into gas poles - special hermetic containers for storing this type of fuel.

Cheaper heating - using the main gas (not counting), the use of liquefied gas is only slightly cheaper than the use of liquid fuels. This is general statistics, but specifically should be considered for each region - prices differ significantly.

Water heating

Traditionally, in private houses make a water heating system. It consists of:

This is the most common description of the water gas heating system of a private house, because there are still a lot of additional elements that provide health and safety. But schematically - these are the main components. In these systems, the boilers of heating can be on natural or liquefied gas. Some models of floor boilers can work with two of these types of fuel, and there are those that do not even require the replacement of the burner.

Air (convector) heating

In addition, liquefied gas can also be used as fuel for special convectors. In this case, the premises are heated with heated air, respectively, the heating is air. Not so long ago, a convector appeared on the market which can work from liquefied gas. They require reconfiguration, but can work on this type of fuel.

Gas convectors are good if you need to quickly raise the room temperature. They begin to warm the room immediately after switching on, but also quickly it cease to warm - as soon as they turn off. Another disadvantage - they are dried air and burn oxygen. Therefore, there is a good ventilation in the room, but there is no need to put radiators and build a pipeline. So in this option there are posses.

Types of wall boilers for home heating

First of all, it is worth splitting gas heating equipment according to the functional: it will be used only for heating or still to prepare hot water for technical needs. If water is assumed to be heated, you need a double-circuit boiler, only one-connecting is running on heating.

Wall-mounted gas boilers - a small locker who is fashionable to install in the kitchen

Next, it should be declared with the type of smoke removal. There are gas boilers with atmospheric chimneys and open combustion chambers, there is a turbocharged (the combustion chamber is closed). Atmospheric requires a good chimney and thrust in it, oxygen for combustion comes from the room in which the unit is installed, therefore there must be a channel of air flow and a good chimney (when the system starts, all this is checked).

Boilers with forced taiga (turbocharged) can be set without chimney. The smoke yield of the boiler through the coaxial tube (they also call the pipe in the pipe) can be outlined directly into the wall. At the same time, on one pipe it comes out smoke (swinging turbine), on the second, air for burning directly into the combustion chamber.

This type of equipment is good, except that in winter the coaxial will overweight, which worsens the craving. With bad traction, the automation is damping the boiler - so that the combustion products do not come to the room. The inclusion is possible only when the thrust is restored, that is, you will have to knock or some other way to remove snowy growths.

There is also a separate type of boilers - condensation. They differ in very high efficiency due to the fact that heat is selected in flue gases (couples condense). But high efficiency is achieved only when operating in low-temperature mode - in the return pipeline, the coolant should not have a temperature above + 40 ° C. If the temperature is even lower - even better.

Such conditions are suitable for heating by water warm floors. So if you have conceived such gas heating of a private house - with warm floors, then the condensation boiler is what is required. There is a bit of minuses - a high price (compared to the usual) and caustic condensate, which presents special requirements for the quality of the chimney (from a good stainless steel).

Outdoor gas boilers

If you need a high power, the wall variant will not fit - they have a maximum capacity of 40-50 kW. In this case, put an outdoor boiler. Here they have large capacity, and there are still models that can work in a cascade. So generally you can pull large areas.

Some of the floor boilers can work not only from the main gas, but also from liquefied. Some can still work with liquid fuel. So these are quite comfortable aggregates. The housing is from steel, and the heat exchanger can be steel or cast-iron. Cast iron weigh and cost more, but have a longer service life - for 10-15 years. Inside the case is burner, automation and heat exchanger.

When choosing, you must pay attention to the functionality of the automation. In addition to the standard set - control of the presence of gas, flame and thrust there are still quite a few useful features:

  • maintaining a given temperature,
  • ability to program modes by day or hours,
  • compatibility with room thermostats;
  • adjustment of the boiler under the weather
  • summer mode - work on water heating without heating;
  • the ability to work in parallel with solar panels or other alternative heat sources, etc.

The wider functionality of automation, the more expensive the boiler and its maintenance. But also many programs allow you to save fuel that it is not important. In general, choose to you.

Gas heating schemes at home

It will be about water heating using gas. Immediately it is necessary to determine the type of coolant circulation. It is natural (such systems are also called gravitational) or forced (with a mandatory pump).

Gravitational systems require the installation of rub large diameter, that is, the coolant in the system turns out a lot. The second point is due to the fact that the heat carrier in pipes is moving at low speed, the efficiency of heating is not very high. Long radiators in long branches can be cold. This is about shortcomings. They are quite a lot, but there is one big plus - systems with natural circulation do not depend on electricity. This is important in those regions in which the light is turned off frequently.

Scheme System with Natural Circulation

Now a little about systems with forced circulation. They are more efficient - the coolant moves at a given speed, delivering heat to all corners of the system. The presence of a pump allows the use of small diameters pipes. This means that there is not much heat carrier in the system and it quickly warms up. In general, they provide a greater level of comfort, but have a serious minus - electricity is necessary for work, that is, backup power is required. If the light is rarely disconnected, it is enough to install an uninterrupted power supply with several batteries. They can provide the work of the boiler for tens of hours. If the light is turned off often and for a long time, the generator will also have to be embedded in the system. In any case, these are additional costs and considerable.

There are still systems combined - they are designed as gravitational, but have a built-in circulation pump. This solution can be called ideal from the point of view of practicality: while there is light, heating works as a forced, as soon as the power supply is gone, everything works as a gravitational system. In general, a good option, except that the pipes will be large and too much in sight.

Method of layout

There are three types of systems - single-tube, two-pipe and radial. In one-tube, radiators are connected in series to one pipe. This method of wiring is economical - less pipes are required, but it is difficult to compensate for it - it is difficult to achieve the same heat transfer from radiators. The thing is that the coolant arrives at the first radiator in the branch of hot - immediately from the boiler. He passes through him, cool down a little, falls on the next, still cool down. So all over the branch.

It turns out that the heat carrier comes to the last radiator much colder than the first. The only output is to take into account this phenomenon when designing the system and increase the number of sections in the radiator as it removes from the boiler. But the last radiators will still remain the coldest.

More or less easily can be balanced by the system presented in the photo above. In it, there are thermostats for each radiator - devices to change the amount of coolant passing through the radiator. In order not to "set" the circulation in the entire system, the bypass is installed under each radiator - the jumper on which the coolant is being processed, which did not go through the radiator.

In a two-pipe system, radiators are connected in parallel to the feed and reverse pipeline. In this system, pipe consumption is much greater, as two threads are stretched at the same time. But in this case, the coolant with the same temperature is supplied to each heating device, so that the radiators heat transfer will be the same (if you put the same batteries).

In this scheme, you can also set thermostats, but for this you are not required bypass - only the flow per radiator is adjusted. So despite the greater flow consumption, two-pipe systems are more popular.

The radiation method is the most expensive in the number of tube. In them, each radiator comes separately feed and reverse tube. It connects to the collector - a device with one input and several outputs. In this case, the adjustment is possible both on the collector and on the radiator with the thermostat.

Gas heating of a private house made according to this scheme will be most reliable: if it is damaged by one of the pipelines, everyone else will work. Therefore, this method is often chosen if the pipes are hiding in the screed.

A private house can be called comfortable and cozy only if the homeowner was able to solve all the problems with heating. To date, there are various options for the heating of suburban structures, which makes it possible to simultaneously provide convenience of residence and reduces the cost of paying utilities. The scheme of the heating of a private house with a gas boiler, which is ideal for buildings of various purposes is very popular.

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    Description of equipment

    The popularity of autonomous heating boilers on gas is explained by the availability and low cost of this type of fuel. Today, many homes and areas of individual buildings have central gas supply, which makes it possible to fully solve problems with the heating of buildings. The use of natural gas allows to reduce the cost of heating a private house 2 times compared with solid fuel plants.

    Such technique, subject to the use of high-quality equipment and proper installation, will be fully safe in operation, and thanks to the automation the autonomy of the heating installations is ensured. If, in the past, the operation of the gas heat generator represented certain difficulties, today there are reliable boilers that allow you to fully solve problems with warmth both in a small country and in the structure of 200-300 square meters.

    The heating and water supply scheme from the gas boiler will be an excellent choice for a private house with year-round accommodation. This is the most economical option, which will simultaneously solve problems with hot water and heating. At the same time, the cost of such equipment with two contours will be lower than the acquisition of a gas boiler and an electric boiler.

    The best system of heating a private house!

    Working knots

    The system of gas heating and water supply of a private house in each particular case is planned individually depending on the characteristics of the structure, the mode of operation of the equipment, as well as climate in the region. The standard diagram includes the following items:

    In dual-circuit systems, an insulated tank is additionally installed, in which water is stored in the boiler. Subsequently, the fluid is used for the technical needs of homeowners. Boilers can additionally be equipped with safety and temperature valves, control pressure gauges and have appropriate locking and adjusting reinforcement.

    Gas removal can be performed as using a standard chimney or through a coaxial tube cut in the wall. The boiler with an open firebox takes air directly from the room. If the heater has a closed combustion chamber, then the coaxial chimney is assembled responsible for the flow of oxygen and the removal of smoke.

    HEATING OF A PRIVATE HOUSE 1/1 / Heating of a private house from A to Z

    Gas boilers heating

    Modern gas heating boilers are fully controlled by automatic, it is reliable and safe to use equipment. The heat generator can be wall and outdoor. The boilers running from natural gas are characterized by economy, allow you to quickly heat the room, and the technique itself, due to the high degree of automation, can be fully integrated into the Smart Home system.

    The heaters differ in their capacity, respectively, you can choose options for both a small country house with an area of \u200b\u200b50-60 square meters and floor installations that cope with heating of the country cottages in 300-400 squares. In each case, the equipment is chosen based on the size of the room, the necessary degree of automation, gas supply parameters, as well as the financial capabilities of the homeowner.

    Heating devices

    The heat carrier heated in the boiler is transmitted to the room through radiators, which may differ in the number of sections and dimensions. The greatest distribution today we received the following varieties of batteries:

    Cast-iron batteries are traditionally popular, which are well kept warm, differ in durability and are offered to buyers at an affordable cost. The disadvantages of such radiators are taken to relate their high inertia, so they are heated long, and produce effective compact models of radiators from cast iron.

    The most effective and expensive are copper and bimetallic radiators. They are compact, distinguished by excellent efficiency, allow you to quickly heat the room after inclusion in the work of the heater. In recent years, owners of private houses and apartments often change old cast iron batteries on new aluminum, bimetallic and copper, which significantly increases the efficiency of the autonomous and central gas heating system of the private house.

    Expansion tank and pump

    In the classic heating scheme with cast-iron radiators, the circulation pump is installed on the inverse tube, on which the cooled water or antifreeze is returned to the heater. Additionally, the pump is equipped with a filter that increases the reliability of the equipment used.

    In the heating systems of warm floors, the coolant with a temperature of up to + 50 ° C circulates, which allows you to install the pump directly to the input to the distribution manifold. This simplifies installation work, while at the same time increasing the efficiency of heating equipment.

    In high-temperature heating systems, an expansion tank is installed, the main purpose of which is a reset of overpressure. Depending on its type of tanks, it is performed with a closed and open design. In the latter, hot steam and air produces directly indoors of the boiler room through a special valve. The expansion tank is installed at the highest point of the heating circuit. This allows you to provide complete safety and efficiency of the heating system at home.

    Pipe of thermal circuit

    The selection of pipes and the heat loop laying represents certain difficulties, as it is required not only to correctly calculate the optimal layout location scheme, but also to complete this work before the repair is completed in the house.

    The pipes of the heat circuit can be manufactured from the following materials:

    If metal pipes were previously most popular, today households are increasingly choosing polypropylene or stitched polyethylene. Such materials are thermal resistant, they are durable and are not subject to corrosion.

    For heating systems, the warm floor is recommended to use stitched polyethylene or metalplastic. Such a heating system has the necessary strength, it is not afraid of high temperatures, and the pipes inside the screed will continue to maintain their heat efficiency indicators, with ease transmitting heat to concrete, heating the floor and the whole house.

    How to connect the heating boiler

    Optimal layout scheme

    Depending on the power indicator of the heating, the area and floor sites of the house may differ scheme of the heat circuit layout. They are made to divide into several basic parameters:

    • depending on the type of wiring, it can be radial, single and two-pipe;
    • in the direction - horizontal and vertical;
    • depending on the number of contours - one- and dual circuit;
    • by type of circulation - natural or forced.

    Ideally, the choice of gas heating scheme in a private house must be performed by a specialist who has great practical experience. This will only be possible to ensure the maximum possible efficiency of the heat generator and the lack of heating problems.

    The optimal wiring option can be specified in the project documentation for the private house with a detailed description of the heating equipment used.

    Rayless, single and two-pipe configuration

    The simplest diagram of the heating of a private house is a single-tube wiring, when the contour departs from the boiler, to which the batteries are connected in turn. This option will be an excellent solution for the country's structure or a small country house. In a two-pipe scheme, the loop laying is a "reverse", which is responsible for returning to the cooled coolant boiler. The disadvantages of such technology laying pipes include an increase in the cost of arrangement in the house of engineering communications, as well as the structural complexity of the entire system, which adversely affects its reliability and durability.

    For a country house and a spacious cottage with an optimal option, a radiation layout becomes an optimal option, which implies at least one collector node, from which an individual pipe with a hot heat carrier departs to the battery. This makes it possible to provide the highest possible effectiveness of the heating of the structure. Lack of radiation layout - installation difficulties and high cost of arrangement.

    Forced and natural circulation

    With natural circulation, the pipeline is mounted with a barely noticeable bias, which helps the coolant with a self-shot from the boiler to advance through the pipes, heating all the batteries and subsequently return to the heat generator.

    In diagrams with forced movement of the coolant, one or several pumps are used, which are responsible for maintaining the required pressure in the system.

    The heating of the house with a gas boiler with natural circulation will be an excellent choice for a small room area. If you need to heat a full-sized cottage, then the "return" is additionally carried out to which powerful pumps are installed, quickly running radiators coolant, effectively heating the room.

    One or two contour

    There are no fundamental differences in a single-circuit and two-circuit mounting scheme. Such equipment has only operational features. When the hot water is turned on, heating is immediately disconnected. Therefore, with the arrangement of a two-pipe circuit, it is necessary to provide inertia of the system, which should remain warm even during the cessation of heating.


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