Chervonopresnenska child art school. History of the school Krasnopresnenska Children's Art School

Chervonopresnenska child art school. History of the school Krasnopresnenska Children's Art School

Proponuvati snakes

Povidomiti about zakrittya

Chervonopresnensku child artist school based on 1935 r. The basis of the Vikladatskiy warehouse of the initial mortgage was laid by the members of the family. The school is strong in its traditions in the hallucination of aesthetic vikhovannya and artistic awareness. Its specialness, the order of its high quality in the past, has taken care of the sanctuary establishment of popularity and the status of a prestigious one.

The process of creating a warehouse is the basis of the programs developed by the teachers of the school. In the їх basis - there is a spilkuvannya with children, a creator of a robot, development of scholarships, a button of an independent and imaginative design. Vikladachi pragnuti in their vikhovantsyah love to mystery. There is a great respect for the coming of this culture. The illumination process includes the programs of social robotics from the spirit of artists and the provincial creative arts of the land.

The Krasnopresnenskiy School of Art has a museum organized, and robots are organized to display exhibitions and exhibits. Electives were organized: graphic illustrations, the basics of painting, psychological makeup for color, design and modeling of a costume, ceramics, associative composition, design on fabric and in.

Krasnopresnenska Child of Art School (KDKhSh) is the oldest and one of the most popular child artists in Moscow and Russia. In 2010, it was 75 years of sleep.

Bula school opened in 1935 b. from the initiative of a group of artists-entusiasts at the group of VKHUTEMAS Natalia Viktorivna Bushkevich - the first director. The classes were held at the old mansion of the Nebolsinykh on B. Sadoviy porch iz Planetariyem.

Old school at planetar_yu

In the afternoon, children were busy here, and the mutilations were painted by Moscow artists. Also, naturally, there is little cinnamon injected into the boys. The school-studio did not accept its robots, and the warm light of the windows welcomed the new ones.

School team. At the center - director N.V. Bushkevich, behind - R.A. Solomakhin.

(1950s rock)

In 1943, rotsi schools were given the status of a multi-art school with a 10-day cycle of science and one in the system of the Ministry of Education of the USSR. At that hour (30-th, 40-th, 50-th rock) at the school, highly qualified artists-teachers were trained, as they gave a lot of strength to the talent and development of the school, they gave the growing authority.

At the main teacher I.I. Tyomkin

Friends of the school had a lot of different types of mystery and culture: S. Konenkov, V. Mukhina, Kukriniksi, S. Gerasimov, A. Barto, B. Likhachov and many others. Dovgy rocky about the school dbav Іgor Emmanuylovich Grabar.

Agnia Barto with school students. Rik 1978

On the ear of the 50s, at the edge of the folding camp of the school, it was crumbled to the point of closing the initial mortgage. The Academy of Arts of the SRSR, the Spilka of Artists, the community's organizations and cultural activities have become a unique foundation. The first result - the maybut school was seen on the back of the Presidium for the sake of the Ministries of the SRSR in 1952. The Order for the signature of the Head of Radmin SRSR IV became a special guarding gram for the school. Stalina: "... take care of yak vinyatka for the artist's school ...".

Tse, vasne it seems, є to other peoples of the school. In the rocky school, the school was transferred under the authority of the Administrative Office of the Radianskiy District of the Moskvi metro station, which was later renamed to Krasnopresnenskiy.

High school students. 1950s rock

On the ear of the 60s, a collective of students of the school has redefined itself with young fakhivtsy, a number of students of the school. In 1961, Roman Arsenovich Solomakhin, who was the 43rd director of the school, was promoted to school. The new Victorian warehouse has taken care of the traditions of the school, introducing new ideas to the process of artistic development and education.

Lіvoruch-to the right: Dubrovin V.M., Antonov I.A., Irodov Yu.S., Solomakhin R.A.,

Zinkovskiy A.I., Filippov O.F. in the teacher's. 1972 rik

70th rock is a splash of creative activity. A number of scholars of Shisttecostal teachers came to the school. Tsei fusion of the knowledge of that creative energy giving a new impulse to the life of the school. These creative connections were favored by the Spirit of Artists of the USSR, from the Budink of Friendship with the peoples of foreign countries, by creative and large organizations.

Near the art school frequent guests steel fakhivtsi from foreign countries. Provincial teachers, a warehouse that has developed and developed the traditions of the school, bring in new ideas to the process of artistic development and education. We have a team of schools in the international arena for an hour. For the first time, the little ones of Radiansky children-scholars of the art school began to exhibit at international exhibitions and competitions childish creativity... Tsei period spivpav iz robot at budivlі on st. Klimashkina (bouv. Kurbatovskiy prov).

School booths on Klimashkina street

1974 rock children otrimalnu povnotsinnu wake up on st. Krasina, 27 (kolishnya middle school).

A number of provincial teachers of schools became members of the Union of Artists of the USSR, conducted in parallel with the pedagogical active creative huge activity, including in the aesthetic comic of the Union of Artists. During this period the school became a type of "Krasnopresnenska" school. The school made significant contributions to the cultural life of Moscow and the country.

At the main school of sculpture teacher Shipovskoy V.M. 1960s rock

The collection of accumulations of baggage on the way to the robotics at the galusa of artistic awareness and aesthetic vision of children and youth.

The method of robotic schooling, being on the safeguarding of the traditions of the Russian and light painting of the vicarious forms of the present and the vicious, for which they received the most creative and methodical contacts with the Institute of Artistic Science of the AP.

The school has become a kind of polygon, deduced by new programs. Dosvid robotic schools have formed the basis for the establishment of low school schools of the land.

In 1974, on a visit from the College of the Ministry of Education of the USSR, it was heard and captured by the robot of the art school. At its own decision, the College voiced the positive role of the school in education, voiced the need to expand the awareness of the robotics throughout the country.

With the fall of the USSR in 1991, the art school did not lose its creative and pedagogical potential, it knew it in its ability to see the folding political and economical situation, saved the most beautiful new age of the modern school of art. The activity of the school has significantly expanded in the sphere of popularizing children's creativity. By day, the KDHSH has become one of the leaders of Moscow and the Central District in the midst of laying children's artistic education.

Painting. Teacher Zuєv O.O. 1998 rik

School of sports with Moscow museums, magazines (especially with the "Young Artist"), with mass information, ministries and houses, links of artists in Russia and Moscow, the Academy of Education of the Russian Federation. Great help will be given to the educators of the school team, having seen them from the Prefecture of the Central Administrative District of Moscow, Office of Education, Office "Presnya". Tsei period at the life of the school and spivpav from the robot on the seat of the patron of the director of the coli vate student Dubrovin Viktor Mikhailovich, who cleared the school at 2004 rotsi.

2006, the director of the KDHSH is a student named Shulyak Evgeniya Anatoliyivna, a school of the school.

Evgeniya Anatoliyivna came to work at the KDHSH in 1990 as a teacher (she was a methodologist for a baby, a defender of vistavkova activity).

Chervonopresnenska child of the art school is able to play its own role in a creative way, revealing itself like a rock, and it’s worth it.

Robot over the tapestry near the textile maistern

During its 75th history, the art school has released thousands of vichonts, which have become the kind of culture and art that have evolved from science and education. The robots of the schoolchildren were exhibited more than 50 countries around the world, they were highly appreciated at the competitions of children's creativity both around the country, and far beyond the borders of the country, in recognition of numerous prizes, cities, diplomas. In 2004, the team of schools received the main prize of the festival "Yuni Talents of Moscow" - "Little girl on kuli".

In this day, the school has been promoting the traditions of its predecessors, expanding directly into artistic education, providing new modern methods and technologies. The school has an order of the basic basic disciplines from little painting, painting and composition, learning to understand that unappreciated information about sculpture, decorative and living art, computer graphics, expanding the circle of the mystery to busy

Review of eskiziv diplomas. Teachers of the KDGSH

The uniqueness of the artistic school of the field at the moment of opportunity is an uninterrupted cycle of life spanning 11 years from the sixth stage to the end of the child's middle school. School graduates ostanniy rik navchannya vikonuyut the diploma robot, as it is the result of rich creative work. The pedagogical team does not set itself as a master of all artists. Ale to pinch love to mystery, culture, expand the boundaries of knowledge, learn the basics of educational literacy and education in your scholars, feeling love to Batkivshchyna, vichiznya culture - those are the smarts that will bring the whole team of the school.

One hour, the senior classes are introduced to a professional education, as well as training in education at the option of a future profession.

We are of great importance for the adventurous minds є the development of the population is as accessible as possible for the local faiths, so practically everyone who wants to get to the beautiful is accepted to school. To navi, the child first picked up an Olivets, or a penzel, and so it was easy to adapt to a school, at the new age it was possible to nabuti a navichok, how to discard. preparatory group, and then join the class, which will show you.

Go to the life of the school, new young talents come for the change, and at the same time, unaffected by their old age, young and artistic school.

For the merits in the sphere of development of the cultural culture and the education of rich pedagogues and sportsmen in schools and boules in the most important and rural towns. Buli awarded Honors: Gurvich Yosip Mikhailovich - Honorary artist of the Russian Federation, Solomakhin Roman Arsenovich - Honored tutor of the Russian Federation, Stop Genrikh Tadeushevich - Honored artist of the Russian Federation, Glukhov Victor Oleksandrovich - Honored artist of the Russian Federation ...


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