Cockroaches in one day how many children give birth. How home cockroaches are paired and breed

Cockroaches in one day how many children give birth. How home cockroaches are paired and breed

It is very difficult, as home cockroaches are multiplied, called in everyday life, very quickly. It is enough to get in the house with just one pregnant female, so that a whole population of pests settled in it in time. About how the reproduction of cockroaches, this article will tell.

Process of breeding

Femokes of red cockroaches wear a capsule on the back of their body. Oracle lay eggs in secluded places. There are also boring cockroaches whose females are worn out inside the body. In this case, live larvae appear from the body of the mother. An example of this is.

The adhesive secret, which envelops the eggs. It is also used when clinging the capsule at the end of its formation. By the time Ootek, it clearly dranks out the female body, and it becomes obvious that you really have a pregnant cockroach.

On a note!

The correct development and highness of the offspring provides a dense shell, which is able to withstand even the impact of pesticides. Oxygen desired for the development of embryo is obtained through special perforations available in protective covers.

As nymphs appear

It is formed ootek cockroacan for 30-75 days. In many ways, it all depends on what temperature and humidity indoors: than these indicators are higher, the faster insects will see the light. A ripe Ootek female tries to postpone in a secluded protected place, where she passes until the appearance of a new offspring.

The embryos are constantly moving, developing due to the nutrient substance-eyed eggs of the sticky secret. As the sheath of eggs increases, it becomes close for future nymphs, as a result of which it successfully breaks it, having blurred subsequently and the wall of Ootheki. Such a method-produced embryo appears. The process of "birth" of small cockroaches from all JIZO OOTEKI occurs simultaneously for several minutes.

Transparent and having a white shade of the nymphs, which are taken for, grow rapidly, undergoing several lines. It seems to the nymph of a cockroach and an adult individual exactly the same. The young cockroach will differ only with a small body size and a darker color. It is also possible to distinguish the nymph from an adult stroke in the absence of wings.

Over time, the larvae will grow and look like all adult individuals (imago). But so far the offspring has appeared at least two weeks is under the control of adult females. Nymphs need to guard adult relatives due to the lack of immunity, chitine shell and low-lodge. Such a life of the larvae continues until young individuals grate and can independently find food for themselves.

Knowing how much cockroaches are hatched from one egg, how many eggs are contained in Ootek, it is possible to estimate the scale of the propagation of pests. Usually one person is born out of the egg, less often a pair of "twins" is formed. A total of 20 larvae may appear from the sake of the female, the female of the red rod can give birth to 50 larvae. This quantity is quite enough so that the whole tarakanya population can in the apartment begins. Given the fact that the life of the cockroaches does not exceed 6 months and during this time the Prussak's female has time to postpone up to 12 ootek, it is easy to understand that the number of insects appearing will increase at high speed.

To understand how to deal with chipped invaders, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the features of their life cycle. Learn how cockroaches multiply, and how they look at different stages of their development.

Features of life Tarakanov

All representatives of the troach-shaped squad belong to insects with an incomplete cycle of transformation. This means that in the chain of their development there is no stage of the pupa. Consider in more detail what it means, and the more they differ from other insects.

Life cycle

All life cycle cockroaches can be divided into three periods:

  • larva
  • adult insect.

The eggs of cockroaches are almost always concluded in a special leather bag - ootek, where kids are reliably protected from the exposure to the external environment. Through such a membrane, a poisonous substance is unable to penetrate, a durable cradle will not fill water, she is not afraid of the danger to be inappropriate crushed.

In such a capsule, the larvae is safely developed for several weeks, to enter the light fully adapted to life in the external environment. Some representatives of the tharac-shaped squad produce lively young, but it is rather an exception to the rules.

What do small cockroaches look like? Consider this question thoroughly, since they are often confused with other insects. For example, with homemade clouds.

So, the larvae of Tarakanov - Nymphs - almost no different from adult individuals, except that they have more modest sizes and they usually have no wings.

Some species at different stages of development insects have various coloring. Mostly darker, saturated color painted larvae. The color of adults is usually lighter. Nymphs feed on the same food as Imago, live with them, lead the same way of life.

Adult insects are equipped with genital organs and very often have wings, although with a rare exception, they do not use them. Many cockroaches in the imago stage are equipped with glands capable of producing odorous substances. With them, insects are looking for a sexual partner or scare enemies. Very often, such a feature is the cause of household allergies in humans forced to share living space with cockroaches.

Interesting fact! IN folk medicine Previously, dried cockroaches carcasses were used. From the dropsy used tea infused on these insects. And the dish of fried with garlic of the satuled tenants was taken with a stomach disorder.

Features of development

The life expectancy of cockroaches ranges from 4 months. up to 4 years Approximately half of this time insects are carried out in the stage of imago. Sometimes even its most part, as the larvae grow rapidly. Cockroaches in the nymph stage can stay from 1.5 months. up to several years. During this time, they have time to overflow several times, increasing in size after each discarded skirt. As a rule, such a procedure is repeated from 5 to 9 times over the entire period of development.

Having reached half-breeding, the nymphs turn into an adult insect, with the behavioral characteristics inherent in him. Sometimes the period of adults is delayed indefinitely. As a rule, this happens due to adverse external conditions. For example, such as:
  • low temperature ambient;
  • poor nutrition;
  • the impact of poisoning chemicals.

The larvae can slow down their development in the egg if the air temperature is below room temperature. Such a feature helps young people survive a difficult period under the protection of a dense capsule - Ootkee. Under the favorable conditions, small cockroaches hatch already in 2-3 weeks after masonry. They will lose some time until their soft infant cover acquires chitin strength, and then scatter in different directions, is accustomed to life complete alarms and dangers.

Tip! In order to get rid of insects, it is enough to maintain the temperature below the zero mark. At -5 0 C, they die for half an hour. The ambient temperature below -7 0 C is the roast of cockroaches in one minute.

Features of breeding

So, how does the reproduction process? How are cockroaches fruit? Let's consider this question in more detail.

Having reached the age when mating is becoming possible, females attract individuals of male fragile substances allocated from special glands, as a rule, in the rear of their body. The males who responded to the call fertilize the female individual with the help of a genital plate, located at the end of the abdomen between church - articular processes available from all representatives of this detachment. Some species take care of the female before comphancing them.

After fertilization, partners break up. The males go in search of food or new ladies of their heart, and females lay eggs in some time in the durable bag formed for this purpose - Ootek. The masonry may contain from 15 to 60 eggs, depending on the type. And for all the time of your life, females are postponed from 20 (), to 90 (among American cockroaches) Ootek.

Females wear a capsule with eggs for some time in his body - a day or a few weeks, and the end of the abdomen overlooking the abdomen. She then leaves her in a safe, dark place and leaves. Through a short time, small cockroaches are hatched from eggs.

Sometimes the reproduction of cockroaches goes on an affordable type when female eggs are developing without the participation of the male. This method is called parthenogenesis. Similarly, they are able to multiply. The same insects have another feature - care for the offspring in the first days after hatching larvae.

Interesting is the fact that for the successful breeding of the female cockroacan enough to meet with the male just once in his life. In the future, the egg cells are fertilized by seed material, preserved in the special departments of its body. This feature is another factor contributing to the spread of these insects, because for the founding of the colony, just one fertilized female is sufficient.

Interesting fact! In the old days it was believed in Russia that the cockroaches bring wealth to the house. Moving to a new place of residence, they were grabbed with them "For Happiness". This factor has contributed a lot of insect resettlement throughout the territory of modern Russia.

How to prevent insect breeding in an urban apartment?

How the cockroaches are multiplied, we found out, and is it possible to somehow prevent this process to naturally reduce the population of insects?

Unfortunately, currently there are no ways to control the reproduction of representatives of this detachment of insects. At one time was sold, however, preparations promising sterilization of females of cockroaches by some volatile substances. However, they did not receive widespread, possibly due to their low efficiency. Therefore, there is only one radical way of getting rid of the uninterested guests - their complete destruction using chemicals.

If you should not forget that Ootkee \u200b\u200bis able to withstand the impact of most chemicals. To destroy the young eggs hatched from eggs, re-processing of the room is used, after 2-3 weeks after the first disinsection.

Quite often, the eggs of cockroaches are confused with oothekami, which have an oblong shape and brown shade. In fact, OOTEKI is a strong protective capsules for a variety of eggs, in which small shutters are formulated from the embryos.

Where to find capsules with eggs

Movable by instinct preserving offspring, female cockroaches are laying off filled capsules in the most secluded, inaccessible places for man. They can unexpectedly

  • detect:
  • in storeroom;
  • ventilation;
  • under the sink;
  • in the creams of furniture;
  • behind the plinths.

Having found an unpleasant neighborhood of insects, the owners of housing are not enough to just kill them, since after a short time the population of cockroaches will resume at the expense of the hatched and become independent kids. It is necessary to carry out a real hunt for ootheki, which, after discovery, are immediately destroyed.

Tip! By destroying insects, it is not necessary to rely on the visualization of "death", which the cockroach imitates quite successfully. The cockroach fallen upwards do not need to be thrown into garbage or outside. After some time, he would like to return to the house again. Therefore, if you do not want to push each caught copy - you can send it into the sewer.

Most common cockroaches

Cockroaches are very mobile, live in large colonies and show maximum activity at night. Therefore, most people do not even suspect the presence of such "neighbors", while several copies, including a female who accidentally in the apartment, did not begin to actively multiply.

The most rare in the country is found madagascar cockroach - and this is very good. Representatives of this species may exceed 8 cm long and look quite frightening. The original appearance of the insect led to the fact that in many countries of Madagascar cockroaches are bred in terrariums as exotic pets.

The usual "household" cockroaches in the country are considered:

  • Black - Prefer to dwell in the kitchen, reach 3 cm, create large eggs.
  • Redhead or Prussaki - They differ in small sizes (about 1.5 cm), dwell throughout the apartment, very lively and can penetrate minor gaps.
  • Turkmen - They do not know how to crawl on the glass and perfectly smooth surface, also have small sizes. Turkmen cockroaches often dilute the owners of scorpions, spiders, hedges as food for their wards. For these purposes, they can be kept in terrariums or plastic containers.

Each female, regardless of the type, at the initial stage of reproduction in the body "Packs" eggs in Ootkee, but then they are cockroaches themselves completely differently.

Tip! Finding the house of Ootek, it is possible to determine with what kind of cockroaches will have to fight. In the black she has a good noticeable comb, its dimensions vary within 12 mm for 6 mm, the color is dark brown. Prussian capsule is completely different: narrow, in length about 8 mm, has a reddish tint and transverse embossed stripes.

Care cockroaches for eggs

The attitude to its offspring in cockroaches depends on the species to which insects relate. The females of black and Turkmen cockroaches immediately after complete filling of Ootkee \u200b\u200bdiscard them, fixing in a secluded place, and they do not do more. But Prussians wear eggs in the capsule at the end of the abdomen behind them and can save offspring in case of danger.

However, exotic Madagascars and so-called aspirated cockroaches provide the greatest degree of protection of eggs. Ootka with eggs remains in the body of the mother until the larvae is completely ripening. So that the offspring does not suffocate, the female sometimes exposes Ootec for airing, and then again pulls her into his senses. The kids leave the mother's body only after they are hatched and the person observing this procedure makes the impression that the cockroach gives birth. Hence the erroneous opinion that there are boring cockroaches.

But even after such a parental feat, the female still leaves the kids near himself, defending them from enemies, released only in 3-4 days - the period necessary for full adaptation and the acquisition of independence.

Tip! It is not necessary to hope that the death of chemicals or boric acid of the female of the red cockroach with a noticeable Ootuct on the trouser automatically leads to the destruction of the offspring. The eggs left in the garbage bucket are developing and further - it is better to get rid of them to immediately. You can again wash in the sewer.

Features of masonry eggs

Ootheki only look fragile: they have a lot in common with the shell of bird eggs: the air is also passed, providing incirms to the maximum protection. If an adult persistent dies at temperatures above 45 ° C or below-5 ° C, the capsule protects the eggs of cockroaches even during short-term overheating of 55 ° C and cooling to -11 ° C.

But how long the ripening of eggs lasts in Ootek and how the capsule itself is formed, only the type of insects is depends:

  • black cockroaches lay eggs to Ootec in 4 rows, and accommodates 25-30 pieces, while the red capsule consists of two rows designed for 23 individuals;
  • all eggs in size do not exceed 1 mm, on a shade - whitish or light yellow, almost transparent;
  • additionally, eggs are already inside the Oota protected by a shell resembling parchment;
  • the formation of the capsule passes inside the carachana abdomen - the eggs are plunged into the secret generated by the body. It stands out even after masonry in such a quantity in order to securely seal Ootek;

The development period of eggs directly depends on habitat conditions. Standard time periods are limited to 30-75 days. If the apartment is warm - the development of the embryos takes place without problems, but at low temperatures it seems to freeze for a while, but the larvae do not die. The development process is resumed after heat offensive.

For dynamic reproduction of these pests, a power supply and water is needed. If they all arrange, the population will begin to grow rapidly.

Features of breeding Tarakanov

Having understood how cockroaches are fruitful, the owner of the residential premises can be nourished. It is explained by the fact that cockroaches do not have a clearly designated temporary segment for breeding. The emergence of new features is observed throughout all 12 months.

If you skip the moment and not start with them in time, then it will be very difficult to get rid of such "apartments".

How to breed

In how cockroaches multiplied, there is nothing special. Like most other living beings, they make it sexually. The reproduction process is preceded by marriage games of sexual partners, after which they make sexual intercourse.

One of the situation is enough so that in the future the female has already fertilized independently several times without the participation of the male individual.

Little cockracies are developing as follows:

  1. The female of the cockroach lays out to Ootek (cockroaches eggs are placed in a special leather bag). The red and black representatives of this family of insects wear eggs on themselves, and other individuals are postponed in hard-to-reach places.
  2. After 14-21 days after masonry from abdominal bags, new individuals appear in the form of larvae.
  3. Larvae or nymphs (miniature copies of adults) in the development process are linked several times and over time are transformed into adult semi-natural individuals.

The female individual of black cockroaches in one egg shelters up to 10-20 larvae, and the scabs of the stub - 20-30. Maximum at once, the cockroach female is capable of producing up to 40 new larvae. There is such a number of new young individuals enough to completely float the apartment as soon as possible.

From which the reproduction rate depends

If the female, who caresses Ooteku with the future offspring, is in favorable conditions (there is free access to food and drink), then the entire cycle of ripening of the larva occurs in 5-7 weeks.

But if the grocery reserves are weak or indoors there is too low temperatures, the pregnant individual does not give birth, but wears a capsule on itself for several months, since the development of larvae under such conditions is slowed down significantly.

The most active period of reproduction of cockroaches at night. In the absence of day or artificial lighting, they begin to lead an active lifestyle.

While the owner of the housing is calmly sleeping, in its kitchen there are marriage games insects, leading to a rapid increase in the number of colonies.

How is the fertilization of females

The reproduction of cockroaches is due to sexual contacts. After the individuals are mate, cockroach is able to fertilize 1-3 times. Moreover, with the subsequent fertilization, she does not need the assistance of the individual of the male.

This is due to the fact that a female person is capable of retaining the reproductive cells of the opposite sex for a long time.

After fertilization, the insect female lays eggs enclosed in a special protective shell. The lives of new individuals separately from the mother begins with the shape of the larvae, which throughout their life there are 3 molts and eventually turn into an adult female or male.

How often the cockroach is multiplied

The larvae develop quite quickly and become adult females and males in 4 weeks. Such a reproduction rate is considered quite fast, and the cockroaches population can be replenished very dynamically.

There are no certain seasons for reproduction.

The process of the emergence of new features is observed throughout all 12 months, which greatly complicates the fight against them.

If there are cockroaches in the apartment, then you need to understand that for your life cycle of females of black or red, representatives of the family can postpone from 4 to 9 ootek, and this implies about 450 new individuals.


Appearance of cockroaches for light

How to distinguish male from female

What the cockroach looks like, many know, but how to distinguish the male from the female for some remains a mystery.

To help this can know such differences:

Female cockroaches also have wings, but they do not use them for their intended purpose. As a rule, women's individuals of the wings are luring their sexual partners to the Socia.

Behavior of females and male

After fertilization occurs, the female of the cockroach lays eggs into a special compartment, from which the larvae will be hatched and gradually transform into adult individuals.

But mating females and males does not occur automatically, and it is preceded by a long period of courtship.

Several males may compete for one female. They enter into a real fight, retavating their right to reproduction and reproduce offspring. Very by the way here are wings. They can make them daily waving them, as well as publish the accompanying sounds aimed at scaring a competitor.

The female is ready for the SOTI in certain pheromones, which are allocated by special glands. This smell becomes a signal for the male. Missing itself lasts only a few minutes. The further fate of the offspring largely depends on what conditions homemade cockroaches live.

If we evaluate the whole life of a cockroach, it becomes obvious that most of it falls for the period when the creature is in the stage of Imago. The nymphs are rapidly growing - they become half-armed individuals in 4 weeks. Cockroaches belong to insects having an incomplete development cycle.

The whole process leading to the emergence of hawk individuals is divided into several stages:

  1. Laying eggs. At this stage, the task of the female sexually spread is to postpone the eggs in Ootek (the bag located on the adolescent female), filled with special glue, bonding eggs with each other. Until the full ripening of eggs, Ootek is clearly visualized on the adolescence of females. Over time, up to 40 young cockroaches will be able to hatch out of it.
  2. The ripening period of the egg and the transition to the larch can be 2-4 weeks. In order for the ripening process to flow smoothly, the ambient temperature should be 30 ° C with a plus sign. If the ambient temperature decreases, this process slows down, and at 10 ° C it is completely suspended.
  3. When the eggs are fully ripen, the female prompts the abdominal bag and the larvae begins to hatch out from it, which are called nymphs. Such young cockroaches have no wings, as well as in color they are usually darker than mother. This allows you to distinguish the larva from an adult individual.

If for 8 weeks the nymph will eat well, as well as the surrounding conditions will be suitable, then it is transformed into an adult female or male. Throughout this period of time, the nymph changes the cover several times.

How many cockroaches can be born for 1 time

A stroke from one capsule may have a brood of 25-35 nymph. Other species boast more numerous offspring. In some, the number of larvae reaches 60. Cockroaches reproduction are carried out rapidly because the offspring is born quite quickly.

At first, the larvae are white, gradually they begin to darken and harden. Literally immediately after the birth of the nymphs can eat independently, which means that they have become equal members of the population.

How many insects live

The life expectancy of a cockroach may vary from 4 months to 4 years. Terms and time segments are largely dependent on habitat. Scientifically proven that the cracks can do without food up to 50 days, and black - up to 70.

Read 9 min. Published on 11/09/2018

People have developed many effective methods of combating homey cockroaches. In order for the process to be crowned with success, some features of the behavior and life of insects should be taken into account. Before you begin to combat them, you need to know how cockroaches are multiplied. Having preserved them, you can get rid of them quickly and for a long time.

Most of the types of domestic cockroaches for breeding use Ootek

In this article:

General description of Tarakanov

Cockroaches are considered one of the most survivable insects. If one day they start in the house, then overcome them becomes not so simple. If at least one individual appeared in the room, after a while its conifers will fill all corners and cracks.

Total science is known more than 5,000 types of cockroaches. The body in these insects of oval shape, flat, in length can reach from 4 mm to 9.5 cm. Flat head, in the form of a heart or a triangle. The mouth is located below and covered with conntion. The mouth of the insect rodes.

Cockroaches Pretty Movable and Living Insects

Cockroaches are pretty movable insects that prefer to be warm and high humidity conditions. Most often, they lead a nightlife, because of what people are noticed in the room at night. In the afternoon, insects are hiding behind various objects, furniture, in creme, nonorah and small cracks.

Only 2 types of pests are found in homes: black (or kitchen), as well as redhead (or stroke). The first is larger than the second. The maximum length of its body can reach up to 3 cm. Since the body in insects are flattened, they are easily hidden even in the most narrow cracks, and with the help of a special paw device, they easily move along vertical walls.

In this video, it is shown how cockroaches multiply:

Cockroaches can damage not only food, but also some leather products, books, and also houseplants. Some individuals prefer to eat waste, including even feces, which is why they are carriers of various infections, such as dysentery and eggs.

Cockroaches are able to break down a number of surfaces, thereby causing damage to property

Source of appearance and reasons

It is difficult to immediately answer where cockroaches came from the house, since the reasons for their appearance can be a lot. Most often insects come in a residential room due to:

  • large quantity of dirty dishes;
  • overflowing garbage bucket;
  • penetration from outside (from neighbors, from the street), etc.

If at least one insect falls into the house, then in the near future it will begin to fruit. As a result, after a short time, the cockroaches will be very much. Even the most clean owners are not insured against them.

Methods of breeding

Home cockroaches multiply in geometric progression. The adult female is capable of producing up to 40 young. The exact amount will depend on how many individuals are located in the egg that the female tricks. For all his life, she can postpone up to four egg capsules. It must be borne in mind that it is quite difficult to detect the eggs of these pests, and home cockroaches multiply throughout the year.

They breed sexually, as in most other living creatures on the planet. Initially, individuals enter the marriage, after which mating occurs. After the cockroaches are paired, the female can independently fertilize 4-5 times. Description of breeding and development of new insects just appeared:

  1. After fertilization of the female, the eggs are laying into a special leather bag, which is called Ootek. Prusaki and kitchen cockroaches carry eggs with themselves.
  2. After 15-20 days from the bags appear insect embryos.
  3. Next, the development of the linky of small cockroaches, which is called nymphs.
  4. When these larvae turn into adult insects, they are customary to call Imago.

The cockroach has many stages of development

In one egg, there may be from 10 to 20 larvae in the female of the black cockroach, and in the redhead - from 20 to 30 pieces. This quantity is enough in order to fill the apartment in the near future.

Considering the reproduction of domestic cockroaches, it should be said that the female should not be paired every time with the male, since his gamets remain in her Taurus. Recently emerged insects live together with adult pests. Little cockroaches immediately take 2-4 females who teach the younger generation to adapt to the surrounding conditions and survive in them.

Pests have no certain periods and seasons in which reproduction occurs. They can reproduce year-round, which is complicated by the process of combating them. If you lose the moment when the cockroaches came to the house, their population will begin to quickly grow. Therefore, it is necessary to apply radical methods of struggle at the very beginning of the appearance of pests in the house.

Life cycle

The duration of the life of one cockroach, as a rule, hesitated from 4 months to 4 years. Most of his life occurs in the imago stage. Insect larvae quickly develop, turning into adults after a month and a half after the appearance of the light. Veusing individuals can pair and multiply strongly.

At home the cockroaches there is no interference in reproduction

The readiness time of females for mating males can determine the sharp odor, which it highlights with the help of special glands. The duration of mating, as a rule, is 3-7 minutes. In the wild, this process is much slower, because there, unlike home conditions, is missing a large number of Food and water.

Vitality capsules with embryos

Even if all the males will be exterminated, the remaining females will be able to further bring off the offspring and multiply. This is due to the fact that in their body there are gamets - cellular elements of the male.

Taracan's female spares germ cells, which allows it to produce autonomous fertilization

In addition, the female does not need anything to fertilize again, so it can spoil the life of the owners of the apartment even without a pair. In the near future, several dozen larvae will be noticed in the kitchen, after which the entire process of dealing with cracks begins again.

The egg capsule is divided in such a way that the larvae is very tight to each other. Eggs of small size, as a rule, not more than 1 mm. Looking inside, you can see the embryos located in them.

The ripening rate of the capsule depends on the conditions in the house. The wetter will be in the room, the sooner new larvae will appear. The process of formation of larvae has an influence of the room temperature:

  • the optimal temperature for ripening the capsule is considered + 30 ° C;
  • when the air temperature drops to + 15 ° C, the process slows down strongly (on average, embryo capsule is located from 1 to 2.5 months);
  • if the eggs are in the conditions of negative temperature (below -5 ° C), the female dies, but the offspring has chances of survival.

The capsule protects the eggs of cockroaches from adverse environments

During the fight against cockroaches, great attention is paid to pay a capsule with embryos. Even when females die from poisonous means, their eggs continue to develop. If they are not completely destroyed, then new larvae will appear. Surely, many have come across the situation when the room was fully processed in front of the departure, and after the arrival of the hosts, they saw the corpses of adult insects and at the same time with them the army of young and living prudes.

Sexual differences

To distinguish the male from female, it is necessary to pay attention to their characteristic features. Insects are customary to divide several signs:

  1. By the size of the body. As a rule, males are much less females.
  2. In the size of the wings. The males are larger and developed. Also, male individuals can fly, but there are no females.
  3. The male has a genital plate located at the end of his Taurus. The female is completely absent.


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