Topic: District Electrical Network. Electric grid companies - who works with the population? Divisions of the MUP "Odintsovo tower"

Topic: District Electrical Network. Electric grid companies - who works with the population? Divisions of the MUP "Odintsovo tower"

1. In terms of distribution electrical networks (RES):

OEK OJSC provides power supply to consumers in the North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, South-Western, Western, North-West, Central, Zelenograd and Troitsk and Novomoskovsky administrative districts Moscow (Table 1), including connected to distribution networks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,11,12, 21, 14, 23, 20, 21, 22, 23 , 24, 25 and Zelenograd regions of Moscow cable networks, Narofominsky RES of Western Electrical Networks, Podolsky, Trinity, Moscow RES of Southern Electrical Networks - a branch of OJSC Moscow United Electric Grid Company.

Table 1. Distributive electrical networks of OEK OJSC

Name RES.

Administrative district of Moscow

Related network regions of MOESK OJSC

Northern RES


12, 21 - Districts of the ISS

Northeast RES


5, 9, 13 - Districts of the ISS

East RES.


14, 18, 23 - Districts of the ISS

Southeast RES


7, 15 - Districts of the ISS

Southern RES.

Yuvao, Tinao

4, 16, 24 - district of the ISS; Podolsky RES YES

Southwest RES

Yuzao, Tinao

11, 22 - Districts of the ISS; Moscow, Trinity RES Yues; Narofominsky RES ZES.

Western RES.


17, 20, 25 - Districts of the ISS

Northwest RES

SZAO, Zelenogradsky JSC


Zelenogradsky district μS.

Central RES.


6,3,1,2 - Districts of the ISS

Distribution points and transformer substations of distribution electrical networks of OEK OJSC, which are on the balance sheet of the company and located in the territory of the above administrative districts of Moscow - in technical operation and operational service of the company.

Permission to operational switching on switching equipment of 0.4-20 kV distribution points and transformer substations OEK OJSC ELEKTOMONTERS OF THE OPERATING BRIGHTER (OVB) are obtained from dispatchers of district dispatching points (RDP) RES of OEK OJSC. Permission to operational switching on switching equipment 6-20kV of distribution points OEK OJSC Dispatchers RDP RES OEK OEK receive from controllers of central dispatching points (TSD) of the ISS, UNEX dispatcher, ZES - branch of OAO MOESK, depending on equipment belonging and CL 6-20 kV on dispatching and maintenance. With the ISS and YUES, the relevant provisions are concluded by the branches of OAO MOESK.

  1. In terms of relating to high-voltage electrical networks:
Substations of the company (Table 2) - in technical operation and operational service of the company.

Table 2. Substation 220 and 110 kV OEK OJSC:


PS No.

Voltage class, kV






District pass, d. 6





North Butovo, projected passage, Vl. 566.





ul. Vasily Petushkova, Vl. 3A.





Dubninsky passage, d. 7, korp. one





ul. 2nd main, ll. 18b, p. 1





ul. Lobachevsky, Vl. 138.





Borovskoye highway, ll. 61.





Dmitrovskoye highway, Vl. 163 D.





Coastal Drive d.4 p.6

Permission for operational switching on switching equipment Substations The subscribers of the subscribers of substations is obtained from the controllers of the CDU OJSC OEK, or dispatchers of operating zones of electrical branches of Moscow United Electric Grid Company OJSC, or from the Moscow Regional Dispatch Management Dispatch (RDA) - a branch of OJSC System Operator The Unified Energy System "Depending on the belonging of equipment and power transmission on dispatching management and maintenance. With Moscow RDA and OJSC "MOESK" concluded the relevant provisions.


Modern energy systems consist of a variety of elements related to each other, which have a mutual influence on each other. Therefore, the design of the entire system is a rather complicated and labor-intensive task.

The task of the course project is to develop a draft design of a district electrical network with nominal voltages of 35-220 kV. The power supply of 4-6 settlements from one or two specified electrical stations or a large assembly substation is 110-500 square meters. Municipal and industrial electricity consumers, as well as agricultural consumers in surrounding areas, are assumed at the specified points. A power station or substation is part of a sufficiently large electric power system.

If the task is assumed to design an electrical network in an area where there are already lines and substations of 35-220 kV, then the nominal parameters of the main electrical equipment of the existing network and the necessary data on the loads in the electricity consumption points are indicated.

The project must be developed sections:

  1. Consumption and coating need for active and reactive capacities in the projected network;
  2. Selection of the circuit, rated voltage (or rated voltages), parameters of lines and network transformers;
  3. Calculations of the main modes of the electrical network;
  4. Voltage regulation in the network;
  5. Determination of the main technical and economic indicators of the designed network.

The design of electric power systems requires an integrated approach to the choice and optimization of electrical network schemes and a feasibility study of decisions that determine the composition, structure, external and internal relations, development dynamics, parameters and reliability of the system of the system as a whole and its individual elements.

One of the most important indicators of the country's level of electric power industry is the development of electrical networks - power lines and substations (PS). From power plants with a capacity of several million kilowatts, each extended for thousands and more kilometers to industrial centers of super high voltage transmission lines.

1. Generation and consumption of active and reactive capacity

1 generation and consumption of active power

Consumption of active power in the projected network is considered for the highest load mode and is composed of loads at specified points of electricity consumption and power losses in lines and lowering network transformers.

In the greatest load mode, the total loss of active power in the lines and transformers of the projected network of one to two nominal stresses in the first approximation can be taken equal to 3-5% of the amount of the given loads.

The active power generation PGG is necessary to power the projected network.

Where the Rgen is the active generation capacity coming from the RES into the projectable network;

Total power loss in lines and lowering network transformers.

The course project assumes that the installed power of the generators of the supply electrical system is sufficient to ensure the needs of the projected area in active power. Therefore, the installation of additional generators of electrical stations is not considered here, the construction of new power plants, etc.

Approximate consideration of the consumption of reactive power, as well as an indicative choice of power, types and placement of compensating devices (KU) in the projected network we will produce before the technical and economic comparison of the network schema options. Since compensation of reactive power can significantly affect the values \u200b\u200bof the full loads of substations, and therefore, on the selected rated power of transformers, the cross-sections of the lines, on the loss of voltage, power and energy in the network. Ultimately, the choice of power ku and their placement on network substations will affect the assessment of the technical and economic indicators of the network scheme options and, therefore, may affect the correctness of the choice of rational rated voltage and the scheme of the projected network.

When implementing the project, it is conventionally taking coincidence of the time of the periods of consumption of the largest active and reactive loads of substations. Therefore, the definition of the largest reactive loads of individual items produce large-scale active loads and specified power factor values.

By the condition of task the power factor of all loads COS j. nerch \u003d 0.80.

Then SIN j. nerch \u003d 0.84 and TG j. nerch \u003d 0.65.

Consumable reactive power is determined by the formula:

nagari \u003d RNAGRI × tG. j. narr.

Reactive load power in nodes:

nagar1 \u003d PNA1 × tG. j. nerch \u003d 39. × 0.65 \u003d 25.35 Mvar; Narch2 \u003d PNA22 × tG. j. nerch \u003d 30. × 0.65 \u003d 19.5 Mvar; Narch3 \u003d PNA3 × tG. j. nerch \u003d 26. × 0.65 \u003d 16.9 MVAR; Narch4 \u003d PNA4 × tG. j. nerch \u003d 28. × 0.65 \u003d 18.2 Mvar; Narr5 \u003d PNA5 × tG. j. nerch \u003d 17. × 0.75 \u003d 11.05 Mvar.

Total reactive power consumed in nodes:

QNAG1 + QNAGR2 + QNAG3 + QNAG4 + Q Nagr5 \u003d 25.35 + 19.5 + 16,9 + 18.2 + 11.05 \u003d 91mar.

The total consumed reactive power in the network required to power the area is made from the reactive load in the specified points, losses of reactive power in lines and transformers (autotransformers) and the line charging power (with a sign "-").

potter \u003d ÅQNGR I + DQLS + DQTRS-QCS,

Where D. Ql S. - the total loss of reactive power in the lines;

D. Qtt. S. - the total loss of reactive power in transformers;

QC. S. - Total generation of reactive power in capacitive conductors of lines (charging power).

The charging power of the line under preliminary calculations can be estimated for 130 kV single-sized lines in 3 Mvar, 220 sq. 12 mbar per 100 km. For air networks of 110 kV in the very first approximation, it is allowed to be taken that the loss of reactive power in the inductive resistance of the lines and the generation of reactive power by these lines during the period of the greatest loads is mutually compensated, that is:

D. Ql S. \u003d QC S. ; Potter \u003d. å Q Nagr i +. D. Qtt. S.

The loss of reactive power in transformers and autotransformers at each transformation is approximately 8-12% of the transformable full load power. Therefore, to assess the magnitude of the loss of reactive power in transformers, it is necessary to present a possible number of transformations of the load capacity of each of the items.

DQTRS \u003d 0.1 × m ×,

where SNAG I is the total power of the i-th consumer; - the number of transformations.


We will take M \u003d 1, taking into account the fact that one transformation on the network on low substations takes place. Then:

DQTRS \u003d 0.1 × m × \u003d 0.1 × 1 × 183 \u003d 18.3 mm.

Total consumed reactive power

91 + 18.3 \u003d 109.3 Mvar.

The reactive power coming from the PI is determined by the active power of the generation, and at a given power coefficient COSgen: gene \u003d 0.84;

gene \u003d 32.86 °; gene \u003d 0.65;

154 × 0.65 \u003d 100mar.

As qgen< (109,3 Мвар < 100 Мвар), то в сети необходимо устанавливать компенсирующие устройства. Основным типом КУ, устанавливаемых по условию обеспечения потребности в реактивной мощности, являются конденсаторы. Вместе с тем, на крупных узловых подстанциях 220 кВ по ряду условий может оказаться оправданной установка синхронных компенсаторов. При этом надо помнить, что установка синхронных компенсаторов мощностью менее 10 Мвар неэкономична.

Total reactive power KU is equal:

Q values \u200b\u200b\u003d 109.3-100 \u003d 9.2 Mvar.


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