PC games with a good plot rating. Torrent Adventure Games

PC games with a good plot rating. Torrent Adventure Games

Broadcasting on the Internet, found on the playground.ru Top 10 games with the most exciting plot. All this was carried out by voting site participants ...

P.S. I do not agree with some places ... but alas.-_-

Endless rain, dead blows about water, a dark and confusing story with the abductions, murders and sudden turnuishes turns ... Well, how to pass by? Quantic Dream is always very long and carefully worked out every dialogue, units every word in an angry tirade of villains and does it on a completely decent Hollywood level. From "Heavy Rain" would be a great film!

"Interactive drama", however, also turned out to be chic. First, we draw a practically an ideal American dream - a big house, highly paid job, a happy family. And then sharply beaten by the face of the rude wall of reality, all the benefits of civilization are selected and they throw the poor Papash Itan Mars to the very bottom of the sufferings and permanent questions "why didn't all go wrong?".

Each scene with self-sacrifice is literally overflowing with the most "psychologism", which more than once fores empathy, and not real, but convincing virtual actors. One slication of finger what is worth! Only for the sake of such "deep" and memorable moments and is worth playing "Heavy Rain".

Games with the most exciting plot. top 10

Games with the most exciting plot. top 10

French pioneers of the genre of "Interactive Drama" is not destiny to get to prizes. But it is still nice that at once two games from Quantic Dream got into the top ten. So the studio is on the right track!

Fahrenheit takes the soul from the first minutes. The camera swears over the cold and snow-listed New York, looks into the ordinary American eatery - the performance begins! The hands of the chief hero in the blood, there is a corpse nearby, and the memory as a crusher! The screen in the best traditions of modern cinema is divided into two parts, demonstrating how the policeman enters the cafe in the cafe.

The nerves of the innocent "killer" Lucas are slowly passing. Hop to be tuned at the crime scene, he crashes out of the restroom, leaves money for lunch and bullet runs to a taxi. The Fahrenheit opening scene makes the jaw begetable to hit the parquet, pour its saliva and require the continuation of this second.

Alas, to the final "Fahrenheit" reduces the quality bar, throws out some kind of "matrix" with battles for the "main secret in the universe", but ... but it cannot overshadow all those bright moments that David Cage and the team in Fahrenheit " For what he in particular and Quantic Dream, thank you very much.

Games with the most exciting plot. top 10

Games with the most exciting plot. top 10

Just say, the main plot trail in the "Fallout" was always not so important. And what is there, in principle, interesting? Much more important and more importantly, a ruined world with a slight cities and a small population, who always has a para-troika tasks for a lonely wanderer.

All of all bribed the first two parts "Fallout". This is proud of "Fallout 3". Traveling around the world and execution seems to be optional, but very pretty side tasks are fascinated here much faster than the search for the Father.

Everywhere will be aimed with hand-sesters from shelter - one inhabitant of a wastewhere will ask for help to neutralize (well, or blow) an atomic bomb. Another - will instruct to transfer to a letter to relatives without warning, right that the search for relatives will turn into an entire investigation. Practically drug! Although the quests and not so much - the hunting of lifeless lands does not become more boring. The benefit of constantly thrust dialogues and elections with a mandatory decrease in the character's mandatory / increasing charm helps to support interest.

Games with the most exciting plot. top 10

Games with the most exciting plot. top 10

Poles from the "CD Projekt" not only managed to please the faithful Fan Club "Witcher", but also to make such a game that would like to do people, far from the novels of the Sedovian Hunter on the silence. The world and mythology created by the head of the "Witcher" Angehehe Sapkovsky was dragging the "CD Projekt" to the virtual world, washed by the scattering of the polygons and the fantasy spirit, bribing all lovers to wander through medieval villages and castles.

I had to the yard and a rich system of development in dialogues. How to do and which direction in the confrontation of several fractions to choose? We give answers to all these issues for several chapters, saasty, in the town of otzima, checking the sewage to the presence of monsters or dying through a disgusting swamp. On the way, naturally, trying to unravel the tangle of intrigue and figure out all the workers around the royal thrill.

In a word, captures the "Witcher" from the first minutes and does not let go to the most final battle, where the fate of Geralta from RIVIA will be decided.

Games with the most exciting plot. top 10

Games with the most exciting plot. top 10


That from the canonical "godfather" it is difficult to break away that from "Mafia" - both the wealth of modern culture are offered to plunge into the criminal world in which Italian mafia was cooked in the 30-40th years of the last century. And at the same time, look at the ascent to the heroes of the "family", which is quickly becoming native and the only one, from the very bottom of the hierarchical staircase.

After all, everything begins with a small one. It seems to help a couple of Banganganov hide from the pursuers on their taxi and even earned money. Idyll, however, quickly falls apart on the pieces and will not leave the chief hero of Tommy of choice. As they say, either in the coffin, or in a family that priges and protect.

For several years, the Malts will be engaged in robber attacks, custom-made murders and the search for moles that do not dreamed and always ready to put the knife in the back. And the game in the cat-mouse and the search for black cats is always exciting! Honestly, the "Mafia" stands only for the sake of a strong and stunning finals. A little vital, truthful and very impressive. Before the release of "Mafia 2" there is still time, so if you missed "Mafia" - believe me, spending time to replenish the gaps.

Games with the most exciting plot. top 10

Games with the most exciting plot. top 10

BioWare has always differed from other studios by the fact that it can not only work out to the smallest details of the main storyline, but also create full-fledged worlds. With its own mythology, with their rules, races, inhabitants and orders. Worlds in which you do not just spend after the "heavy labor" hours, and in which you are immersed with your head. You live, if you want.

"Dragon Age: Origins" of the Labor Banner did not drop and continued the holy fantasy case, started by Canadians in the "Baldur" S Gate ". The influence of the Universe forgotten Realms is felt from the threshold, the Kingdom of Ferlden pleases its scale, and the wicked, as it should be in" Dark and terrible "Mirkov, try to scare and confront the wanderer's glory. A few warring races only add flavor to the local universe and relationships between characters. Do not fall in love with" Dragon Age: Origins "is very and very difficult.

Games with the most exciting plot. top 10

Games with the most exciting plot. top 10

All representatives of the GTA detachment have always one plot - a severe ascent to criminal Olympus. On the heads of competitors, in the mountains of corpses and through dozens of robbery. The plot can be one way here is the delivery difference. One games can be transferred to the atmosphere of dashing versions and gangster shootings, others - not very.

Of course, GTA4 refers to the first category. To tell about the history of the immigrant Niko Bellika, Rockstar Games really happened. In history there are all elements peculiar to good criminal drama. Chase? Exist. Large-scale shootouts and collisions of the interests of various gangs on the streets? So exactly, the list is listed. Tangled relationships between characters and mandatory betrayal? All, mandatory set of plot strokes on the spot!

Well, about the game of the actors do not forget. Rockstar spent a lot of money. And the stern and cynical Niko performed by Michael Hollika is one of the best characters in the entire history of the existence of GTA. This is something yes it means.

Games with the most exciting plot. top 10

Games with the most exciting plot. top 10

Bronze this time goes to theoretical physicists who are insanely love to save the world, armed with one lomik. Valve Software composed an excellent story about a scientist who has become an icon for a whole generation of players, and an attack on the land of evil alien interventory, the shortness of ensuing weakness.

It seems to be not the most original story, but in charge with innovative technologies in 2004, Half-Life 2 massively kidnapped the hearts not one million people. But success, in fact, was built on all the same silent in a rag of Gordon Freamen and constantly speaking with the language of each other. However, a couple with dynamic and well-supplied cat-scenes, constant action and a very active narration, literally driven forward and only forward, the second part of the HL has become something big than just a game. Think you want, but it is from Half-Life 2 that a new era began in the development of shooters. No more, no less.

Games with the most exciting plot. top 10

Games with the most exciting plot. top 10

The second game from Bioware in the top is much more lucky. Several hundred grams of silver get to Canadian cosmonauts, industrial learning and sometimes saving the galaxy from various misfortunes.

The Shepard commander for two and a half of the game managed to love millions of fans of serious science fiction with elements of the conspiracy of the universal scale and the war of interest in each of the races in the Universe. Mass Effect 2 takes the player's breast on the starting line. A quiet and calm beginning in one minute turns around to destroy the Normandy and the death of the entire crew, leaving us with the heads to the floor and makes the question "What the hell is going on at all?". In the meantime, the Cerberian organization is derived to the scene, revive the deceased Shepard and begin to throw the players with new issues.

The bundle of answers from BioWare is ready for a long time and no one doubts that in the third part of the Mass Effect, all strings will definitely lead to a logical final. It remains only to wait. BioWare While we never let us down.

Games with the most exciting plot. top 10

Games with the most exciting plot. top 10

Fanfares, confetti, congratulations and the name of the Golden Cup are already sent to Ubisoft offices. "Assassin" S Creed 2 "was awarded high estimates and millions of sales not for beautiful eyes. Ezio. There were also details of the recreated Italy of the 15th century, and the arbitrary acrobatic component, and many more small smears on a huge canvase played.

And one of the strong places "Assassin" S Creed 2 "is a plot that I am matured and swam. If in the first part, the whole narrative part quickly rolled to the level" sat on a bench, killed, listened to a couple of any meaningful phrases, "then in Sikvel Watching the ECIO history has become much more interesting. His way of becoming an assassin is laid through dozen years of exhausting skills. Hooligan and looked painted, how the ECIO is on the threshold of youth, over time turns into one of the central figures of the Brotherhood of Assassin. Fasters, will acquire new uniforms and revenge on its The family, walking in the footsteps of the Templars. What is not saying, and revenge as a story motivation sounds better than "Find and bring artifact."

& nbsp.& nbsp.

Everyone knows that the success of the computer game is immediately in several parameters. One of them is the graphics, as Gamer always wants to see a bright and colorful picture in front of him. Physics is also important, because realism has always been highly appreciated in games. Stretching characters and the possibility of their comprehensive development is also a very important aspect, without which some games can lose a lot in the eyes of users. But only a few projects can do without a high-quality storyline. And we are talking about those in which it is not even implied. For example, in the game relating to the genre of the sandbox - "Minecraft" - there is no plot at all. But its meaning is not at all in him, but in full freedom of action. In most cases, without the plot can not do. And what he is better, the more pleasure will receive a gamer. Therefore, games with a good story as before, and now enjoy great demand. This is especially true, given the fact that many stories have already been told and retolding more than once. So developers have to try to do anyone to surprise. And if you do not know what game to choose, then you should pay attention to the top 10 projects with the best plot compiled by user voting results.

Tenth and ninth places

In the tenth place is the Alan Wake project, which tells about the famous writer. Games with a good plot usually immediately offer nontrivial characters. As well as setting, where the process will unfold. In this case, you will play for the writer Alan Wayak, who wants to return the missing wife. But at the same time he will have to go through a real nightmare, in which reality and imagination are mixed. This you used to definitely not seen. The Fahrenheit project is located on the ninth line, he at one time became a real breakthrough. Here you will have to take control of the character accused of murder, which he did not. The game itself occurs in the interactive drama mode. That is, you need to make decisions that will affect the further development of events. Games with a good plot very often offer a player alternative, as a result of which he can achieve a particular ending. This makes such projects special.

Eighth and seventh places

At the eighth place, the Fallout series was quite deserved, which one of the first in the field of computer games suggested a gamer to plunge into the postpocalyptic world. Like all other games with a good story, Fallout already in the first part offered alternative solutions and an interesting development of events. As a good wine, since the years he became only better. And the third part of the trilogy is already shone by incredible plot rotations worked out by heroes, as well as locations in which events unfold. Continuing the trend of high-quality role-playing games "Witcher" - a series, created based on the works of Angeya Sapkovsky. Here you are in the role of the Witch, who will have to defend himself, dear people, as well as the native kingdom. You have to survive betrayal, unexpected help from those from whom they were not waiting for, bright love intrigue and much more, up to the appearance of dragons. It is unlikely that someone "Witcher" will be able to leave indifferent, especially when it comes to role projects. As you can see, the top games with the best plot are saturated with high-quality options, so you definitely find those that you like to do.

Sixth place

On the sixth line of the hit parade there is no longer role-playing game, and the shooter from a third party (more precisely, two parts of it), called the "Mafia". For a PC game with a good plot, it goes much more often than for consoles. Therefore, users of computers can be calm - they always have something to do. And one of the games must be "mafia", as its plot immerses you in the thirties of the last century, to the very center of the criminal world. These are the impressions that you could hardly get any other way, and transfer them words will not succeed, so you must try this project on PC. Games with the best plot are always impressive gamers, even many years after their release. Graphics is obsolete, the engines are improved, the possibilities are expanding. And the competent, worked and interesting plot remains good and relevant at any time.

Fifth place

Another example of the game with the best plot is Dragon Age. It also should take into account a whole series of projects, since they all have a well-worked and cling history. You never know what will happen in a few minutes who will be on your side, and who will betray who you will lose, and with whom install contact. This game can also be set as an example to any role-playing developers, since it is here that you can maximize your character as much as possible not only in terms of combat characteristics, but also in terms of personality. You can build relationships immediately with many people, show your emotions, and all this will affect the development of events. It is from such projects and should be any list of games with a good story.

Fourth place

In the fourth place of this list, the GTA series turned out to be. Naturally, it is impossible to take into account the first parts, since there was practically no plot in the original game. This project was close to the sandbox by genre. But over time, the storylines began to draw everything more than one. And the main merit of the series is that the "sand" elements at the same time not only were not lost, but also gained a new force. Freedom of action from one game to another increased, which resulted in an epic fourth part, in which there is an incredible plot of climbing the former prisoner from the lowest ghetto to the tops but at the same time you can immediately do everything that you want: to ride cars, join Conflicts with people, perform side tasks, apply tattoos, create new hairstyles, buy costumes, houses and shops. And all this in the framework of one project. This is how high-quality games with a very good story look like.

Third place

The legendary Half-Life series, which tells about Dr. Gordon Freamene, silent physics. He turns out to be the only person able to save the whole world, to fly to the mate and other tools. In the first part of the game, he is trying to get to the essence of studies conducted on the basis of "Black Meza" and then escape from there. And in the second, it is already in the postpocalyptic world, captured by strange representatives of power. And you need to save everyone again and everything. These projects are recognized as legendary and masterpieces, without them modern needrality would be completely different.

Second place

In a step from the top, the Mass Effect trilogy was stopped, telling about the Cappen of the spacecraft and his team, who are trying to save not just a planet, but a whole universe from the invasion of terrifying ancient creatures. All this happens in the process of traveling from the planet to the planet, performing a variety of missions, which are in shared chain of related events. The game itself is a RPG with an action elements, and you yourself will not notice how to immerse yourself in the process with your head.

First place

According to most of the fans of computer games, the best story is available in a series called here it is told about the various hired killers from the Order of the Assessinov, which are in the most thick of historical events. Naturally, this game would not be in the first place if it were not good absolutely in everything. This is a stealth action that offers you a tremendous dynamics with a large number of ways to win over the enemy, incredibly exciting stories that you will unravel as you pass, as well as much more: chic graphics, magnificent soundtrack and so on. Therefore, if you want to feel what is truly a great plot, you definitely should try one of the games of this series - they will not disappoint you.

Toys - noble business. Remove stress, distract from reality, give a lot of impressions. Here our top is that we personally tested and advise: you will not regret either the time or forces, nor the killed joysticks.

  • 663328
  • July 29, 2016.

Ordinary people tell stories about how they go to work, sit with friends in a cafe and sleep in the interruptions. To live brighter and have more Koulstori on the arsenal about how you aroused the princesses from the dragon's paws, the world was saved from the forces of evil and hijacked cars of civilians at leisure, deal with the right thing - bang into the game.

Important moment: this is not top generally recognized the best games, it is toys recent yearsIn which we, employees 2x2, buried not one night and who would recommend everyone and everyone. Believe us, we do not advise badly.

Witcher 3. Wild Hunt

Platforms: PC, PS4, XBOX ONE

Geralt, a specialist in the destruction of monsters, travels through the fantasy world in search of a cereal girl who can stop the coming of wild hunting (just accept the fact that it is bad and scary). Walks through the fields and forests, kills Griffons, sleeps with beauties and fun in the interruption. And the reaper, and on the pit of the game.

Any part of the "Witcher" is indecent good, and with each next toy series, everything becomes only better. It is even unfair to competitors who are a priori must be very ashamed for which they are in comparison with the "Witcher". "Wild hunt" is superProcked Quests, many of which lies unreal koolstori. All the past quests and solutions affect the finals of the game, which is cool and motivating. The combat system here received many advantages from the time of the second part, the signs acquired in utility, the world is detailed and open as much as possible..

Even those who just love steep novels. And bias how much epic Cobs Spread Localization!


Platforms: PS3, PS4

You are a mysterious someone, your goal is to get to both a distant mountain. Synopsis plot is described by this more than completely, but you can not even imagine what kind of magical and unusual gaming experience is hidden behind it. This is very meditative and beautiful game - music, graphics, landscapes - in which you will need to go through very picturesque locations.

Here everything is really unusual and unusual. No card, no prompts, no multiplayer as such, but! During the journey, you can meet with another player and move with it to that very grief. You do not know anything about your companion anything - except that this is a living person. You have no ways to communicate, except for the similarity of screams, and only at the end, having passed the "journey", you see the name of your companion in the credits. Sooooo unusual and steep gaming experience.

Grand Theft Auto V

It makes no sense to advertise GTA. About the charms of this world knows every pokemon since the time of Vice City. But the fifth part (it is 15 game from the series) is something. Yes, Lord, Rockstar threatened 266! Million! dollars! in the development of the game! Here, at once, 3 main characters with worried characters, whose stories are intertwined. The final goal is to deal with the federal vault of the United States, in bags and pockets more than $ 200 million. Oh, My!

In GTA V there is a maximum freedom: an open dynamic world, the ability to switch between heroes at any time and as many as 3 endings of the main storyline. Steal, walk in striptease clubs, treat cars, love, watch a telly, to do yoga, play Tamagotchi, do Selfie, transport smuggling! Here you can generally all.

And Breaking News for those who have slept in the hole last years: in GTA V finally a multiplayer appeared. Now all the same can be done over the network with your gang, and you don't have friends at all. But be prepared for death in the style of "Games of the Thrones" - very and very sudden.


Platforms: PC.

Deponia is cool humorous quest, pumping logic and erudition. The ideal option for those who do not transfer shooting on the Spirit and consider ordinary quests by primitive and boredom. The plot of the quest lies in the fact that Rufus, tired of life on a small planet, littered with garbage, one after the other builds absurd escape plans.

Ikem the level of friends for passage will not need, do not be scared, but puzzles and plot are actually cool, and the solutions are not always obvious. Deponia The Complete Journey is one of the best representatives in its genre. The only thing - be prepared for the fact that localization killed a good half jokesSo if you make English, pass in the original.


Platforms: PC, PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, XBOX ONE

Fabulous cooperative puzzle-advenchura with not the most intricate plot, but a very powerful moral oppression. There are two brothers, whose mom died long ago, and then suddenly and the father was very sad. Save it can except the juice of a huge tree, which grows around the mountains, forests, fields and is generally very far away. Strong and dramatic story, which the creators managed to tell without the use of words (at least understandable) in general.

Cooperative as such is not here: you will play both brothers at the same time (Prepare joysticks, without them there will be hard). At first, the brain will refuse to understand how it is possible at all, but over time will turn away and even starts enjoying such a process. Gameplay Original and intuitive: Total two buttons for interacting with the outside world, and two poems - to control the brothers.

There is nothing, in addition to the main storyline, and it goes well enough - an hour for 4 hours. All scenes and tasks are very distinct and atmospheric, no repetitive mechanicBut there are gorgeous colorful landscapes. The story itself is cruel, bloody, but, the main thing is very magical and emotionally powerful.

Platforms: PC, PS4, XBOX ONE

Team online shooter From Blizzard with fantasy rice. In the future, the cars still rebelled, as the Terminator promised. But to overcome the rebel robots was able to organize Overwatch. Everything calmed down, the guys from the organization ceased to be the necessary humanity, because of which they were forced to disperse at home. But after a few years, crime gained momentum, and Overwatch members had to re-unite the team and take into the hands of the weapon, in order to save civilians.

Multiplayer idealerected in absolute. According to the experience of Team Fortress 2, which is played even after almost 10 years since the output, in principle, it is obvious: the team shooters live out of time, like Tsoi, it is worth it only to conquer their audience. Blizzard did not impose his game - the noise around her rose and did not subside from the first days of the release of beta. And after the release of the server, which were calculated for something inhuman, fell. Flow of those who wish to play turned out to be greater than this very "inhuman".

Overwatch is very different characters, each with its history and skill, pile of anters and modes (3 cards in each). Persians do not need pumping or customization, all solve your personal skills - nothing extra. Gameplay intuitive and understandableAnd at the expense of the rice, I will like even your girlfriend: it will stick to the monitor until you create a des.

Platforms: PC, PS4, XBOX ONE

The nuclear boom spawned a postpocalypse. There were only those who managed to get to the bunker. All or dilapidated, or twisted. After 200 years, the hero gets out of the bunker and goes to walk in the destroyed world in search of his son - Barashka Sean.

Generally recognized one of the most anticipated projects of 2015 rather managed than not. Locations are worked out, the enemies are very terrified, the quests are interesting (although, justice for the sake of sake, and the wild scarlet type "And bring me the one thing that calmly lies across the road"), the overall plot is gaining momentumAnd in the end it turns out that the hero is injected into some kind of the wilderness. The fans of the original dylogium will cause pain and burning lower back, for all others - it is very moneyless.

Platforms: PC, PS3, PS4, XBOX 360, Xbox One

Hipster Adventure Cinema Quest, highly cool interactive everyday lifein which you live the life of a student girl Max. At a critical moment, gentle creation opens the ability to recollect time back and correct mistakes. At first, skill is used mainly for everyday-student trifles, but in the course of the action it turns out that the city of Max threatens the apocalypse, and it would be nice to prevent it.

The game went out as a series, by episodes, and if the first parts are like a girl's series with a teenage drama, then somewhere from the middle of the sufferings go to the background, and the main thing becomes introducing the riddle of the disappearance of a girl in the style of "Twin Pizes". Each solution and action has its own fruits. And sooner or later, it will definitely be eager. Included - cool soundtrack, worked out detective plot, realistic with a pleasant share of mysticism. It disappoints, however, the fact that the final choice is the same for all and does not depend on your previous decisions.

Uncharted 4: a thief "s end

Platforms: PS4.

The main character of Nathan and his wife bought a house, chose curtains under the color of the sofas and happily live a calm life until the elder brother of Neytan was declared, for many years considered dead. Oh, yes: In the previous parts of the game, Neanan was a treasure seeker. There has changed little: Suddenly, a lively brother says that treasure is waiting for Madagascar, and the guys are sent to search for mythical libertia.

Impossible beautiful exclusive for Sonyawhich made many stubborn PC-Schnikov acquire a console. "Way of Thief" is worked out from a third party with puzzles, shootouts (in the arms arsenal added, and shootouts are approaching the title of ideal), action Scenes at the level of Hollywood militants and the ability to select responses in dialogs. But be prepared for quite a wretched Russian localization.

Need for Speed \u200b\u200b(2015)

Platforms: PC, PS3, PS4, XBOX 360, Xbox One

There is no point in talking about the legendary Need for Speed \u200b\u200braces - they earned their name even in distant two thousands. This is not just a game, it is the most real era. In the restart of 2015, there is everything that mutating the series managed to be confused for the last parts: and advanced tuning cars, and the wonderful new open world, and the race from the police.

At first it seems that the restart of the series - the idea is not creators, but the patives who wanted more golden From the product already outlined. But in fact it turns out that the game of the 15th year i absorbed all the best of the previous partsand at the exit turned out the essence of the thirst for speed. It is necessary for anyone who at least once felt the tide of adrenaline at the keyboard, a joystick or a real steering wheel.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

Platforms: PC, PS3, XBOX ONE

Welcome to the interactive "throne game". You are a dragonborn, who is very coming to Skyrim's province just when it needs most. The world threatens death from dragons, and you need to overcome a bunch of difficulties to stop the firewood and their lord of Aduin.

The world here is also irrelevant, the player can do everything that he wants. Graphics of Dyashiya beautiful and causes multiple aesthetic orgasms. A plus full freedom of creativity: You can get a family, you can become a thief, a killer, a noble knight - yes, at least a princess. there is entertainment fights, the ability to pump certain blows and skills. The plot is good because certain RPG mechanisms generate their own storiesthat originally delays.

The most honest trailer "Skyrima" Ever.

Platforms: PC, PS3, XBOX 360

Here is all the same gloomy as in the horror stories about the "black and black street in the Black-Black city." The people squeeed the disease, turning everyone in the undead, and the protagonist goes into a long trip to restore the white balance and stop the impending era of darkness. And now you go to the world, performing quests and fighting with enemy creatures.

There will be no fun or just - only the complexity of 180 levela and fear, only hardcore. Remember "Ninja Turtles" on the dandy, in which, dying, did you find yourself at the very beginning? There is about the same, but Light. Each creature is higher than half a meter kills you in two spitAnd every death leans highly back, selecting the accumulated experience. But at least not to the beginning.
brings up character and creates magic with nervous system, and on the background of an explicit trend to simplifying games, amazing and especially valuable. It is obligatory for those who really love to overcome difficulties.


Platforms: PC, MAC, PS3, XBOX 360

"Crowders of the tomb" 2013 - it covered the very first game of the series. Here Lara famously turns out of an allege of an archaeological university into a fierce sex symbol for all gamers. According to the plot, Lara with an expedition is looking for lost civilization, but a terrible storm destroys the ship, and then discarded everyone who survived the shore seems to be uninhabited island.

When Crystal Dynamics announced that in its plans - conduct the most famous gaming woman, the world detained breathing: a clear case, restarting is a terrible thing. But in the end it turned out very even something: an ideally executed battle system from a third party, a pleasant gameplay and a realistic system of acquiring survival skills. Truth, gone into oblivion broken head puzzlewhich was so famous for old Lara. But this is compensated by a large number of advantages - to take at least not bad system of competitive multiplayer And the chest of Lara has preserved his elasticity.

Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One, Android, iOS

The dead dandy joysticks and childhood will never let go, but time is coming. In recent years, "Mortal" is gaining momentum and evolve, and in the "dozen" it is felt especially powerful: bones here crunch as ever. For example, Sony and Johnny Cage have children who inherited the love of parents to the blood and also take off the insides to everyone who is neither in the fall. For example, in the 10th part you can destroy, the kghm, the male dignity of the Father with the hands of his daughter.

New predator type charactersAnd those who returned from vacation (for example, Tanya out of 4 parts). In general, the ideal to-k-combo pairs for the fights. Yes, and diversity added: now every hero can choose priorities in Boy. From controversial moments - the opportunity appeared ... buy Fatalyti.. The archaic keystroke system still works, but now it is possible to leave it, just paying.

Platforms: PC, PS3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii U, PS4, Xbox One

She is "watching a dog", "Dog's Watch" and how else it is just not risen. The guy in a fashionable cap is engaged in magical hacking - hacks the phones of the rich and respected people "on bluetooth". On one party, he is poulated and starts pursuit, during which the niece of the hero dies in the accident. And he decides to become avenger.

Main the plot is not that wow, not particularly remembered or stands out. But there are funny dialogues and shutheys, which smoothes the situation. Around full beauty and detail, although there are problems with physics and textures. There will be many plot Easter, games in "hide and seek", action, shootout, races and good tasks outside the main storyline.

True, we did not understand how to all these are linked.

Platforms: PC, PS3, XBOX 360

Mix of Advenchur-Shooter-RPG on the first personin which you play for the guy, whose leave went not according to plan. Jason Brodi (this is, Meet) comes with friends to an exotic island, where they are toss, come off, make selfie, jump with parachutes, until once come to captivity to sadist pirates. Jason manages to escape, and he lights up the desire to take revenge on terrible revenue.

Cool open world with frighteningly realistic graphics and plot from which there is no desire to disappear. Players will need to storm pirated territories, hunting all his living creatures and evolve from Lakalk in a steep guy who saved friends and matured in the time you spent with him. Special Mast for fans "stay alive".

Platforms: PC, PS3, XBOX 360

Shooter, exciting imagination and striking it to the deepest debrenor. Private Detective Booker Gets an order: Get to flying city, whose location is really unknown, and rescue the girl from there. Then it turns out that some kind of chicken horror is going on in the world and the destructive war is about.

Scene billets are very classic - Princess in the tower, hero with a dark past, the world on the threshold of the catastrophe. But all this is summarized so that in the end it turns out something completely new. And although the world of the game is fictional, you still immerse yourself and believe: the atmosphere and the details take their. Here that cool each trifle is important, only. Entertainment contractions, a truly confusing story, told in a movie-like shape of a shooter.

Platforms: PC, PS4, XBOX 360, iOS

There was something very terrible in the world: everything fell apart in small parts, and the only surviving place is bastion. A blond guy for whom to play you and wakes up in an incomprehensible place and is going to go in the direction of this Bastion himself, where he learns that the fortress is destroyed, and to restore it (and peace) and destroy the universal evil, you have to make a lot of effort than you And do it.

Very nice and detailed charin which it is not immediately becoming clear, WTF is going on . You are traveling along different locations, fighting local bosses and difficulties, then move back to the bastion, where you choose which weapons will take and what kind of potions will throw in front of a trip. Closer to the middle you already mock strategically, it is true to choose equipment that adds the game a decent number of advantages to interest.

Platforms: PC, PS3, XBOX 460, PS4

Fantasy ferril, which, at first glance, looks like Bastion (the same developer, like in any way), but it actually represents something completely different. You will have to play for a red-haired singer Red, on whose life recently committed an attempt and which is tuned by Lyuto to revenge for it. On her side - a huge speaking sword of the transistor, in which an unknown consciousness is placed, who saved the life of the edge.

Externally, everything is about as in Bastion: Action-RPG from a third party, in which you need to travel on a beautiful fantasy world, fight and make all sorts of small pieces. But the gameplay since the first studio game has become deeper, history more personal, and the atmosphere is atmospheric. If you give the will to whine, you can say about monotonous battles and a sufficiently small duration of the game.

Platforms: PC, PS3, XBOX 360

High-quality puzzle experiment with sufficiently complex puzzles - For logically thinking Mazakhists who love to check their conversation and do not think of life without difficulty. The plot is simple: the main character, Chell, comes to himself in one of the chambers of the high-tender laboratory aperture and attempts to run. At its disposal - the portal cannon, with which other items can be moved.

At first it will not be particularly difficult, but it is just at first: Next, even primitive things will become confusing, and an empty room will turn into a quest. Extremely good localization and a lot of high-quality humor. It is obliged to like those who love the brave scientists and wants to receive a maximum profit from games.

Bright special effects or touching stories? Gamers were divided into two militant camps: the first to give the detailed drawing of each bush in the resolution of 4k, and the second loves the game with a good adventure plot. Developers strive to symbiosis of the visual and plot part, but not every company gets competently connect these two branches in the PC games.

In search of the game Adventures with the best plot, users spend not one day. Beginner players should pay attention to franchise such as The Witcher, Half-Life, Portal, Mass Effect, Mafia and others. A progromer needs to break away from AAA-class projects and look at the indie studios. For example, Hellblade: Senua "S Sacrfice is a worthy competitive large-budget tilalla.

Passing a single game with a good story on a PC, do not pay much attention to technical errors, and put the focus on the story - so the immersion in the virtual world will deliver much more fun. From the article, you will learn about the best plots in single games, which with ease Waterman with its atmosphere of any gamer.

Mass Effect: Andromeda

One of the ambiguous projects of last year was the fourth episode of the Space Epopea Mass Effect. It grieves that crushing comments on the last part of the franchise is justified: the deplorable face animation and sometimes scant dialogs create an unpleasant first impression of the game. Despite the controversial moments, this is still the old woman of Mass Effect with the best fantastic plot and a thoroughly worked universe, with which it will definitely be to get acquainted with lovers of cosmic battles.

The plot at the Mass Effect Andromeda in the classic BioWare: the world is in danger, and it seems to be able to fix everything with special totems, but alien villains do not give the hero calmly save humanity. During the passage of Andromeda, there is a very pleasant feeling: as if you become part of something important. The inhabitants of the Milky Way have not yet managed to fly into a new galaxy, and already create colonies and form new organizations and over time, they begin to build cities. Therefore, in Mass Effect Andromeda does not leave the feeling that you're standing at the very beginning of something unknown and majestic.

Explore the new galaxy, recognize the touching stories of companions and perform quests against futuristic space stations. And make sure that Mass Effect is not an ordinary Fantasy of Adventorchura, but the fantastic Saga in the modern gaming industry.

Dragon Age.

The Masters from BioWare decided to show the master class not only in creating cosmic adventures, but also in the genre of fantasy-rpg. So, Dragon Age Origins appeared, which at the stage of development positioned itself as the role of the "old school".

If you are accustomed to a cliche cliché about noble knights, eternally defeating evil, then Slasher Fantasy from a third party Dragon Age: Origins will become a real discovery for you. The game world in the RPG from BioWare is much more complicated than it seems at first glance. Get ready for unexpected plot turns! Despite the medieval setting with dragons, the developers perfectly showed a harsh reality. For example, random acquaintances are constantly trying to draw the character to another adventure.

All the most interesting in Dragon Age holds on the tasks and relationships of the heroes. That will please this nonlinear performance of quests, where you have to choose between justice and your own comfort. But, in Origins, Morals are just very blurred. For example, we meet the gangsters that brave tribute to the poor, kill and think that they became a real hero! But in fact, these were the defenders of the city, who defeated their lands from the influx of refugees.

Dragon Age - Deep RPG with an intriguing, serious history. An invaluable find for the yarn fans of the genre of "realistic fantasy". Brutal scenes of violence, fantasy ghetto, blood violence every five minutes deservedly earned the rating of "+18". And many users will delight what the game works on PS3 PS4, Xbox 360 and Mac OS X platforms.

Alan Wake

The excellent student among the games was always alan wake - a mystical thriller from 3 faces a good story and an open world. The main character is Alan Wake - a talented writer who is worried about the creative crisis. Having succumbed to his beloved persuasion he moved to the little town of Bright Falls. The writer settled in a cozy house among breathtaking mountain landscapes. Alan hopes that the change in the situation will benefit him and he will continue his creativity.

The atmospheric good plot fascinates from the first seconds. The hero quarrel with his wife and goes to the street "cool", but suddenly hears incomprehensible noise, and after the terrible screams of his wife. The writer runs to the voice and sees how the beloved falls into the depths of the mysterious lake and dives over her without thinking. Hero woke up in the forest, behind the wheel of the car and with a torn wound on his face. Through time, Wake learns that from the moment his jump in the lake has passed more than a week, which he does not remember anything. Now the Hero takes only one question that the hell is going on in Bright Falls.

Alan Wake is the adventure of Stealth from a third party, which keeps in tension and causes empathy to the protagonist. The crazy games of the imagination of the hero are fascinated, and the plot itself is in its essence - Popourry based on the stories of Stephen King and TV series "Twin-Pix".


Family lovers should pay attention to the role-playing action shooter from a third party - Fahrenheit, published in 2005. French Naurry Triller Fahrenheit became a pioneer in the game genre of "Interactive Cinema". It is thanks to him at one time we got such masterpieces as Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls.

Lucas Kane is the main hero of the game, which is suspected of murder. The plot is concentrated on how Lucas denies his guilt by all available ways. Conditionally the game can be divided into two plots: in one part we are watching the experiences of Lucas, and in the second - its attempts to prove their innocence in the face of the law. The passage of Fahrenheit takes a couple of days, but the gameplay is very small here. Often, it is enough to choose replicas and enjoy the best plot of the past decade from Quantic Dream.

For lovers of good graphics in 2015, the re-release of Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered for PC, Xbox, PS, Android, iOS. From the original version, it differs only on an improved picture and support for HD mode.

Fallout 4.

The developers from Bethesda manage to create exciting game universes, which tighten gamers not one dozen hours. In their projects you can simply read the card or read by local books. Fallout is one of the popular franchises in the rating of favorite franchises of many gamers.

The protagonist of the series is a non-name brand, which is trying to survive in a cruel postpocalyptic world. Be prepared to plunge into the saturated atmosphere of the destroyed world and fought with fantastic mutants. Fallout 4 meets players in interesting quests, exciting stories, weapon fetachism and an open world. Thanks to such freedom of action, the series of games received a numerous army of fans.

Mafia III

After the release of the first mafia, the subsequent parts of the series were considered to be the best games in the naurry genre. The release of each story players expected with a special trepidation and hope. And no reason! After all, the series transfers gamers in the United States when they actively appeared alone at one gangster groupings. Actually the plot is built on the confrontation between the gangsters of the territory.

Adventure Mafia 3 with an open world on PC continues the story of the face of Lincoln glue. The action takes place in the sixties. From all successors, the familiar works of The Animals and The Rolling Stones are sounded. Racism becomes the main cause of bulk shootouts on the streets of New Bordeaux. In general, the developers worked with the atmosphere. And then - and shootouts against the background of mafia intrigues and conspiracies under the amazing soundtrack. Hangar 13 seems to show how the titles should look in the role of role action.

Agree, after all, to play a computer game with faded, the boring plot is far from interesting. And you hardly want to go through it to the end. Therefore, so that such desire does not arise, we present you ten computer games with a breathtaking story., go…

10. Opens our top game called "ALAN WAKE" - This is such a Zakos under Stephen King. The once successful writer Alan Wake is already in the creative crisis for two years and cannot write any lines. After a long sentence of his wife, he still agrees to change the situation and move into a small town called Bright Falls. They will settle in a wooden house on the shore of the lake, where there is a circle of trees, mountains and beautiful landscapes.
Standing on the veranda, Alan hears the noise and screams of the spouse, spending to notice how it falls into the water. Without thinking, he jumps behind her. Passing it is located among the forest in a broken wheelbarrow and dissected on the forehead. As later it turned out from the moment he jumped into the lake to save his wife, a week passed, about which he does not remember anything ...

9. The ninth place is the game "Heavy Rain". Her plot will keep you all the time in psychological tension. First, we paint american dream - a good house, highly paid job, a loving family. And then it turns everything into dust and realities of life, Itan Mars is thrown at the very bottom where he remains one on one with his sufferings. One scene cutting a finger in the game is worth ...

8. Eighth place and game "Mafia 2". The son of a poor immigrant Vito Scalelet is trying to get out of the beggar of life, which pursued him from early childhood. On the streets, Vito realized that, only entered into the mafia, he would be able to achieve wealth and success.
Dreaming to avoid the fate of his father, the former poor man, Vito seeks to become a member of one of the families.
Vito, a couple with his friend of childhood Joe, will dive into the world of organized crime. Together they will try to prove their loyalty to the family. Starting with small works, such as hijacking machines, robbery, soon, they will reach a high position in the family ... But the life of mafiosi can be not so attractive as it seems at first glance.

7. Seventh place and all the famous game "Half-Life 2" - introduced the world of young physics, owner of a doctoral degree, Gordon Freamen. A simple assistant of the Black Mesa Research Center is in the center of the Space War, which began due to an unsuccessful scientific experiment with teleportation. Alien creatures from distant alien places break through the punched spatial barrier and begin to slaughter in black messen. But this is only the beginning of the nightmare that expects the land ...

6. On the sixth place of our Top game "Assassin's Creed: Black Flag" - 1715, pirates fill in the caribbean and even established their own illegal republic, where corruption, greed and cruelty became commonplace.
Among these rogues there is a young audacious captain named Edward Kenuway. The struggle for glory brought him authority worthy of the pirate of the legend itself on the nicknamed black beard, but also pulled him into a war between the assassins and the Templars, which can destroy everything that pirates created ...

5. The middle of our top went game "Mass Effect 3» -Telers in fire, blow from outside the famous space caused scary cars, which began the destruction of the human race. The Shepard commander is the only hope for the salvation of mankind. He must rally the civilizations of the galaxy and start the last mission - return to Earth. Ancient alien race, known as the renges, began a global invasion, leaving the ruins of civilizations. The land is captured, the galaxy is on the verge of full destruction, and only you can fix the situation. Error price is non-existence. "

4. Fourth place is the game "The Walking Dead 2" - The second season of the game continues the history of Clementine, the girls from the Atlanta, orphaned during a zombie apocalypse. The action of the first episode of the second season begins a few months later from the end of the 5th episode of the 1st season (whether death) and continues more than 2 years after the end of the 5th episodes of the season. The main thing in the game is the conversations and relationships of people.

3. Bronze our top gets the game "THE LAST OF US" - The story of Joel and Ellie, seeking to survive in the destroyed, affected by the terrible epidemic of the world. A pair of heroes will have to cross the destroyed US in order to get to the safe zone and save their lives. During this transition, Joel and Ellie will not once again collide with other survivors and mutants who can help you and kill you.

2. Silver gets game "Grand Theft Auto IV" "It tells about an emigrant of a certain Russian-speaking country - Niko Beliche, who comes to America at the invitation of his brother, who just left the United States in search of his dreams. The protagonist will have to get to the dangerous world of the crime, retavating his place under the sun.

1. Gold Our Top takes the game "METAL GEAR SOLID» - Anti-terrorist operation based on the recycling of nuclear weapons on the island of Shadow Moses ("Shadow Moses"), captured by a special purpose soldier group from the Foxhound division. The plot of the game is so big and confused that the whole series came into the playlist immediately.

And what do you know computer games with a breathtaking story?


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