Russian prose of the second half of the 19th century presentation. Presentation on Russian literature of the first half of the XIX century

Russian prose of the second half of the 19th century presentation. Presentation on Russian literature of the first half of the XIX century

Russian poets of the second half of the XIX century F. Glinka, A. Khomyakov, K. Pavlova, A. Koltsov, N. Ogarev.

"Poems - always confession ..."

Gerashchenko Marina Vladimirovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU Lyceum № 90

krasnodar city

Fedor Nikolaevich Glinka

Birthday: 06/19/1786

Place of birth: s. Soutowers, Smolensk province, Russia

Date of death: 02/23/1880

Place of death: Tver, Russia

Fyodor Nikolayevich Glinka belongs to the older generation of the Peppers-Decembrists. After completing training in the 1st Cadet Corps, he participated in wars with Napoleon, fought under Austerlitz, participated in the Borodino battle of 1812, in foreign hits of the Russian army; He graduated from the war in the rank of Colonel and was awarded with golden weapons for courage.

  • And here: two I am in me, like a tiger with a lion,
  • Woke up and fight with each other;
  • And I'm in the fight is relaxed, refined,
  • And my flesh thickened in me ...
  • I hear the severity of the body
  • And I feel that I go under the hassle
  • And feel ... the earth entails me,
  • Sucks in yourself, like snakes, their prey:
  • I, every day, you grow more in the ground,
  • While the earth will completely accumulate ...
  • And I hear me: there is a sharp poison,
  • As a subtle beginning of the destruction,
  • From the bone to the bone, from the core in the core goes
  • And changes the whole composition of my former.
  • Non-lack of son, I'm up with a quench:
  • Sensitivity under sensuality moaning
  • And I wear a dead man on live !!.
  • 1840-1850-E.

Alexey Stepanovich Khomyakov

Birthday: 05/13/1804

Place of birth: Moscow, Russia

Date of death: 09/23/1860

Place of death: S.Ivanovskoye, Russia

Homyakov is not from Pushkin Pleiads, but from the Pushkin era. From the Pushkin environment and, more importantly, from the same noble culture of the Russian "Golden Age". What does this imply? Rodovitivity, education, courage, freedom.

"I hit an hour, forgive, friends ..."

Perhaps not a crown of laurels

Bloody I am preparing a crown,

But over to you, rock is severe,

And there, as here, the singer is crazy, -

And there, as here, in the last moment

I calmly smiled.

I will be funny visions,

I will be distant friends.

And you! .. forget the poet?

In the luxurious, south side,

In the capital, noisy, in the vortex of light,

Friends! Sigh come about me?

[End of April 1828]

Hit an hour, goodbye, friends!

I have a distant path.

Who should I share my leisure with?

When you freely breathe?

Let the light edge of the Danube

And cheerful bloody battles;

But believe me, the image of Paradise,

Where with you I, my friends!

For a long time I parted with you;

But under Rush walls,

On the battlefield of the fatal

Under the staple, under the banners,

In dreams you will be with me.

Carolina Karlovna Pavlova

Birthday: 07/10/1807

Place of birth: Yaroslavl, Russia

Date of death: 1893

Russian poetess, translator, wife of writer N. F. Pavlova. Need Yanish (1810 - 94). Professor's daughter, Pavlova received brilliant home education and early donated the attention of the literary world.


  • Edip Sphinx, alas! He is Pilgrima
  • And now waiting in the life path,
  • His eyes looks inexorably
  • And he does not give anyone.
  • As in the old days, and we, descendant late,
  • He, destructive, is now,
  • Sphinx Being, with one question Grozny,
  • Half-armed half amenue.
  • And who of us, in vain believing,
  • Did not allow the riddles of fatal,
  • Who fell in the spirit, waiting for claws of the beast
  • Last mouth goddess young.
  • And the path of the circle will pour human blood,
  • Bones All donated country ...
  • And to the sphinx again, with mysterious love,
  • Other tribes are already coming.

Alexey Vasilyevich Koltsov

Birthday: 03.10.1809

Place of birth: Voronezh, Russia

Date of death: 10/29/1842

The famous folk poet. Born in the wealthy mesh family of the city of Voronezh. Koltsov reproduced the people's life and the inner world of a simple person in the forms of the most popular poetry.


On the cross, on the grave,

On the sky, to the ground,

At the point of the beginning

And goals of creatures

Creator Almighty

Pressed the veil

Put the seal -

Stamp one forever

She is not terminated

Worlds, destroying

Fire will not melt

Does not wash water! ..

Sorry for me, Savior!

Tears of my sinning

Evening prayer:

In darkness it shines

Love for you ...

1836, steppe c. Orlova

Savior, Savior!

Clean my faith

How the flame prayer!

But, God, and faith

The grave of the dark!

What will my hearing be replaced?

Easy eyes?

Deep feeling

Cooled heart?

What is the life of the Spirit

Without this heart?

Nikolay Platonovich Ogarev

Birthday: 11/24/1813

Place of birth: St. Petersburg, Russia

Date of death: 05/31/1877

Place of death: London, Russia

On the local material they wrote the poems "Humor", "Winter Way", "Mr.", poem "Village", "Kabak", "Rustic watchman", "Road". In the Penza province, the action of the anti-refresh boss "Guleva" is also. Police still followed every step of an optocial poet.

Clear would be your destiny ...

Clear would have been his fate

Who is the whole of your age as a pitiful beggar,

The endless struggle led

Due to the sideways of daily food;

Who in the old rubbish met

Winter harsh frosts,

Who forgot in the belief

Schraise tears over cute ashes.

Not listened to Tomno under the moon

Neither the noise of the stream, nor the sound of a swirl,

And waited in sad silence

Empty day under whistling blizzard;

Who is bias and peers

Did not know on life spacious

Did not give the sweet sadness of dreams,

And knew one dry mountain.

But a lot of mans

Issue thirst to live a non-ortholy

And no matter how pitiful a century -

Scary the end is irresistible! ..

Tasks for independent work.

1. List all Russian poets known to you the second half of the XIX century.

2. Determine the main features of Russian poetry, list the circle of topics and the problems they have treated.

3. Which of the poets of the second half of the XIX century can you call homemakers and why?

4. Try using quotes from poems of different poets, to describe the world of Russian poetry of the middle - the end of the XIX century.

Tasks for independent work

4. Do you agree with the definition of Pavlina Poetry as "Motylkova"?

5. Harmonious or disharmonious at its basis the world of Heroes Alexey Koltsov?

6. Why are Nikolai Ogareva call Lermontov's traditions? Do you agree with this definition?

7. What is the unusual of Fyodor Glinka lyrics?

8. The ideals of Slavophils in the poems of Fyodor Khomyakov.

The beginning of the second half of the nineteenth century was marked in Russia with a powerful public lift, which demanded from literature, and above all of poetry, new content and new artistic forms capable of reflecting complex social contradictions reality. The end of the nineteenth century was marked by a deep crisis that engulfed the entire European culture that was a consequence of disappointment in the previous ideals and the feeling of approaching the death of existing socio-political orders.

In the XIX century, the classical period of Russian poetry was completed. Mentally covering her blessing sea, it is impossible not to admire the striking variety of questions and problems that have affected the Russian poets in their works, who sought in the penetration - deep and emotionally agitated poems to maintain and approve the faith in eternal spiritual values, in the volatility of the universal ideals of Christianity, remind about The highest sense of life and the high purpose of man, to penetrate the mysters of the human spirit to reveal the unknown and unknown movements of cardiac life. And although each of the poets did it in his own way, he tried to reflect and comprehend the world, the thoughts and feelings of his contemporaries, but it was one general that the poets relative to everyone was very similar to each other - this is love for homeland and His long-suffering people. And in your project, I want to convey all the feelings of poets, their poems about the Motherland, nature, and tell a little about them.

F.Y. Tyutchev was born on November 23, 1803 in the estate of the Oblovskaya province, in the noble family. In 1821 He graduated from the verbal faculty of Moscow University with a degree of candidate. Having lived abroad with brief breaks for almost 22 years, Tyutchev never lost his bond with a homeland.

There are a mysterious charm in the lightness of the autumn evenings: the sinister shine and the flints of trees, the crumpled leaves Tomny, light rustle foggy and quiet azure over the sad-haired earthy, and, as a premonition of converging storms, a gusty, cold wind sometimes, damage, exhaustion and all That meek smile of fading, which is essential, we call the divine shortness of suffering.

Not flesh, and the Spirit crushed today, and the person is desperately thanks ... He rushes to the light from the night shadow and, the light, who has wanted, woven and rebukes the discernment, and desired, he does not endure the day ... and he is aware of his death, and he craves Faith ... But it does not ask for it ... I will not say input, with a prayer and a tear, as it does not mourn before a closed door: "Let me! - I believe, my God! Come to help my wrong! " Poems F.I. Tyutcheva "our eyelid" is written on July 11, 1831. In this poem, the Poet's personality protrudes Camoflined, is an expression of generalizable importance, in addition, the reduction of denials leads to

I.Sturgenov was born on October 28, 1818 in Orlov, in the noble family. She was brought up at first at home, and then he studied in Moscow private pensions. In 1833, Turgenev entered Moscow University, but in a year he was transferred to St. Petersburg University, which he graduated from the degree of candidate. Turgenev began his creative path as a poet, in the period GH. His poems and poems were printed in different magazines and were warmly met with criticism and readers.

Morning misty, morning gray, Niva sad, covered with snow, reluctantly remember the time and time, remember the faces forgotten. Remember abundant passionate speeches, views, so greedily, so timidly fishing, the first meetings, the latest meetings, a quiet voice of the sounds are loved. Remember the separation with a smile strange, remember a lot of native distant, listening to the wheels of the wheels incessant, looking thoughtfully into the sky wide. The poem of an outstanding Russian writer and the poet I. S. Turgenev "On the Road" (1843), which was subsequently laid on the music and became a famous romance.

The work of the "noble nest" was written by Turgenev in 1859. The "noble nest" remains one of the bright works of the writer. Despite the wreck of hopes for the personal happiness of the hero, Lavretsky, there is hope for a bright future for others. The image of the Lisa of Kalitina - "Turgenev Girl" - overshadows the whole environment around it and becomes a symbol of Russia.

Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy was born on August 24, 1817. In St. Petersburg in the noble family. In 1834, he was enrolled by a student in the Moscow Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Several years spent abroad, and on returning to Russia served under the royal court. During the Crimean War, he joined the army, but did not participate in battle, he fell ill with a typhoid. Tolstoy poems began to write in childhood, and his first literary experiments approved V.A. Zhukovsky.

The environment of the noisy ball, by chance, in the alarm of the worldly fuss, I saw you, but your secretly covered the features. Only the eyes were sadly glanced, and the voice sounded so drank like a distant swirl ringing like the sea playing shaft. I liked you, I liked the subtle and all your thoughtful look, and your laughter, and sad and ringing, since then in my heart sounds. In the clock of lonely nights I love, tired, lie down - I see sad eyes, I hear a fun speech; And sadly I fall asleep so, and in the Gresses of unknown sleep ... I love you - I do not know, but it seems to me that I love!

Not the wind, the vein from the height, the sheets touched at night the lunar; My soul touched you - she is anxious, like sheets, she, like a lot-mining huscle. The everyday whirlwind of her was tormented by a crushing raid, whistling and warning, the strings of the rippled and cited cold snow. Your speech is causing a rumor, your easy touch, as the flowers flying down, as the May night dungeon ...

A.A. Fet was born in October - November 1820. In the village of Novoselki Mzolesk County of the Oryol province. Poems began to write very early. Still learning at the university, in 1840. He released the first collection of poems "Lyrical Pantheon", which entered mainly imitative works. In the 50th G.G. Fet was actively printed in the "contemporary", "domestic notes" and other magazines. He died in Moscow in 1892.

Some sounds and flax to my headboard. They are full of languid separation, trembling with unprecedented love. It would seem that? The last gentle caress, the dust ran down the street, the postal hid the stroller ... And only ... But the song separation is uncomfortable teases with love, and light sounds are linen and flax to my headboard.

Fir sleeve flew a path of the path. Wind. In the forest, one noisy, and terribly, and sad, and fun, I do not understand anything. Wind. The circle is all buzzing and pegs, the leaves are circling at the feet. Chu, there in the distance unexpectedly heard a thinly called horn. Sweet Call I have a heated copper! Dead that I have sheets! It seems that I published a wanderer poor gently welcome you.

A.A. Grigoriev was born on July 20, 1822 in Moscow, in the official of the official. In 1842 he graduated from the Law Faculty of Moscow University, then went to St. Petersburg and entered the service, but soon left it and dedicated himself to literary activities. Poems and critical articles began to appear on the pages of St. Petersburg magazines in the second half of the 40s. The main theme of the creativity of Grigoriev is the conflict of a romantic personality with the world of mercantilism and life prose.

No, I'm not born, I'll beat his forehead, or patiently wait in the front, nor for the princely table, to listen to Bedni or the umong. No, I'm not born, I be a slave, I even in the church for lunch, I am very bad, I repent of whether to listen to the Augusta house. And the fact that Marat felt, sometimes it is capable of understanding, and be God's aristocrat myself, he would proudly sang a curse ... But on the cross, the crucified God was the son of the crowd and Demagog.

The poet is a man with a creative soul, he is sick of his experiences, feelings, he is sick with his work, her beauty, which is not selected from the change with the mouth. He transmits us all his dreams, the whole picture of the old time, he transmits us with heroes of excessive beauty. Heroes from changed names. And whoever knew how to learn the reader to learn the whole truth about the heroes of famous works. But we will not be able to turn to the writer, and with sorrow, we ask him an apology. The poet is a man with a creative soul. Why did you go away so early? I want you to talk to me. Alas, you died, leaving my writings not enough. You are God you king, you are a genius. You are a man with a stunning mind you do not know before the enemy of the conquest. Some friends, fans, readers around. You sleep quietly my poet. I will keep you all my life, I will remember everything about you, there is no doubt, and I will never forget about you.

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"Heroes of" Crime and Punishment "" - proposed positions. Sophia Marmaladova. Carefully read the text! O whom he?. Lizaveta. Crime and Punishment. "Pen's home test." Luzhin Petr Petrovich. "Debate". Dunya Raskolnikova. Katerina Ivanovna. Pulcheria Alexandrovna Skolnikova. Marmalands. Alena Ivanovna. Rassakhin. Who are these phrases? How do you understand them?. Competition of captains. Svidrigayilov Arkady Ivanovich. Epigraph lesson.

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Russian poets of the second half of the XIX century F. Glinka, A. Khomyakov, K. Pavlova, A. Koltsov, N. Ogarev. "Poems - always confession ..." V. Bryusov

Gerashchenko Marina Vladimirovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU Lyceum № 90

krasnodar city

Fedor Nikolaevich Glinka

Birthday: 06/19/1786

Place of birth: s. Soutowers, Smolensk province, Russia

Date of death: 02/23/1880

Place of death: Tver, Russia

Fyodor Nikolayevich Glinka belongs to the older generation of the Peppers-Decembrists. After completing training in the 1st Cadet Corps, he participated in wars with Napoleon, fought under Austerlitz, participated in the Borodino battle of 1812, in foreign hits of the Russian army; He graduated from the war in the rank of Colonel and was awarded with golden weapons for courage.

Family F.I. Glinka

Glinka Avdota Pavlovna - poetess. Wife from 1831 f.n. Glinka.

Glinka Sergey Nikolaevich - Russian Writer, journalist. Brother F.N. Glinka.

Alexey Stepanovich Khomyakov

Birthday: 05/13/1804

Place of birth: Moscow, Russia

Date of death: 09/23/1860

Place of death: S.Ivanovskoye, Russia

Homyakov is not from Pushkin Pleiads, but from the Pushkin era. From the Pushkin environment and, more importantly, from the same noble culture of the Russian "Golden Age". What does this imply? Rodovitivity, education, courage, freedom.

The estate A.S. Homakov Lipicheski Sychevsky County of Smolensk province. Flegel of the Lord

E.M. Homyakova. Portrait of the work of an unknown artist. 1830s

Carolina Karlovna Pavlova

Birthday: 07/10/1807

Place of birth: Yaroslavl, Russia

Date of death: 1893

Russian poetess, translator, wife of writer N. F. Pavlova. Need Yanish (1810 - 94). Professor's daughter, Pavlova received brilliant home education and early donated the attention of the literary world.

Thank you! And this word

Whether you always have my own hello!

Thank you for the fact that again

I realized that I am a poet;

For all that suddenly my chest warmed,

For happiness to indulge in dreams,

For the thrill of the Duma, for thirst for business,

For the life of the soul - Thank you!

Alexey Vasilyevich Koltsov

Birthday: 03.10.1809

Place of birth: Voronezh, Russia

Date of death: 10/29/1842

The famous folk poet. Born in the wealthy mesh family of the city of Voronezh. Koltsov reproduced the people's life and the inner world of a simple person in the forms of the most popular poetry.

Father A.V. Koltsova - Vasily Petrovich Koltsov

Mother A.V. Koltsova - Praskovya Ivanovna Koltsova (Pereztolev

Family A.V. Koltsova

Nikolay Platonovich Ogarev

Birthday: 11/24/1813

Place of birth: St. Petersburg, Russia

Date of death: 05/31/1877

Place of death: London, Russia

On the local material they wrote the poems "Humor", "Winter Way", "Mr.", poem "Village", "Kabak", "Rustic watchman", "Road". In the Penza province, the action of the anti-refresh boss "Guleva" is also. Police still followed every step of an optocial poet.

Proceedings N.P. Ogarev

Tasks for independent work. 1. List all Russian poets known to you the second half of the XIX century. 2. Determine the main features of Russian poetry, list the circle of topics and the problems they have treated. 3. Which of the poets of the second half of the XIX century can you call homemakers and why? 4. Try using quotes from poems of different poets, to describe the world of Russian poetry of the middle - the end of the XIX century. Tasks for independent work 4. Do you agree with the definition of Pojalina Pavlov's poetry as "Motylkova"? 5. Harmonious or disharmonious at its basis the world of Heroes Alexey Koltsov? 6. Why are Nikolai Ogareva call Lermontov's traditions? Do you agree with this definition? 7. What is the unusual of Fyodor Glinka lyrics? 8. The ideals of Slavophils in the poems of Fyodor Khomyakov. Used resources


The mission of Russian literature in it focuses the mental life of the people of the literature - to be a textbook of life she is the basis of the spiritual being of the nation for the writer Literature - the service of the spiritual and practical goal of Russian literature is especially manifested in criticism

Critical literature was very popular: it was read as novels; was analytic; carried high. Educational charge set philosophical questions. Different glances, the whole range of dispersion critical assessments of the work by contemporaries makes his perception objective and historical.

The manifold of critical areas of Western Western and Slavophilios began the development of Russia - the era of Peter I. The Russian Federation of Development is Western European. Russian National Character, National Spirit - World Responsiveness. Russia has its own way. Orthodox Russia. Harmony of Greek, Byzantine culture. The main thing is moral improvement. Europeanization - the threat of nation. See the next slide magazines "Time" and "Epoch" magazine "Russian conversation" A.I.Grenz I.S.Turgenov F.M.Dostoevsky A.A. Grigoriev N.N.Strakhov K.S. Asksakov A.S. . Homyakov P.V.annenkov

Westerners Liberals Nadezhda for transformations from above "Aesthetic Criticism" "Domestic Notes" A. Kraevsky "Library for reading" A.Tezprin "Russian Bulletin" M.Katvators Revolutionaries- Democrats The ideas of Western revolutionary Socialists "Real Criticism" Nigilist Program Nigilist Dobrolyubov, A.Nekrasov "Russian Word" D.Pisarev, V. Zaitsa

Homework prepare reports on the textbook: 1) "Aesthetic Criticity" (Page), 2) "Real Criticity" (Page), 3) Nihilist Program (Page), 4) Criticism of Slavophiles (Page), 5) Criticity of Forevents (PR) . Plan 1. Public and literary position. 2. Who fought? 3. Against what and for what fought? 4. Literary and public discoveries.


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