Presentation on the topic "George Gordon Byron". Bayron.

Presentation on the topic "George Gordon Byron". Bayron.

"Byron - genius: the ruler of our Duma, the sound of the new wonderful lira ..."

A. S. Pushkin


  • George Noel Gordon Bayron was born on January 22, 1788 at the impoverished noble family in London. Byron's mother threw her husband and left with her son to her homeland, in Scotland. There, the boy was brought up, there he began to compose his first poems.

  • In 1798, after the death of his cousin Bayron, the title of Lord and the Manor of New Sext in England became inherited. There, in Aristocratic College Garrou, Byron, and completed secondary education, but continued his student at Cambridge University, becoming a student of Trinity College in 1805, which, however, did not finish.

  • In 1806, Bayron issued a collection of poems "poems for various cases", scorching its authorship. In 1807, the second collection was released - "Leisure Watch", after his edition Byron no longer hid his name. The reaction to this collection was different: from enthusiastic feedback to violent criticism.

  • In 1809, Byron goes on a trip to Spain, Portugal, Greece, on Malta Island, the poet visits small Asia and Turkey. During its wanders, Bayron begins work on the poem "Pilgrimage to Child Harold."

  • Upon returning to England, Bayron led both active political life, and fruitfully engaged in literature. In 1813, he publishes the poems "Gyur" and "Abido Bride", in 1814 the poems "Lara" and "Corsair" are overlooking, in 1816 Byron publishes "Corinth Siege" and "Paris."

  • In 1816, Byron leaves England again, and first stops in Switzerland, where she completes the work on the poem "Shilon Prisoner". Two years later, Bayron moved to Italy, writes the poem "Complaint of Tasso", begins work on the novel in the poems "Don Juan".

  • In Italy, Bayron becomes an active participant in the organization of Carbonarians, who fought for the liberation of Italy from Austria-Hungary, and in 1823 it goes to Greece, taking part in the liberation struggle of the Greeks from Turkey's power.

  • The struggle of the Greek people are devoted to such verses of Bayron, as "the last words about Greece", "Song to Suliotm", "from the diary in Kefalonia."

  • Byron becomes heading of the partisan detachment. In December 1823, under the siege, the poet is falling fever.

  • On April 19, 1824, Bayron died. Lungs Byron were buried in Greece (at the request of His Greek associates), and the body was delivered to England.

The value of creativity D.G. Byrona

  • The name of Byrona, the poet, according to Pushkin, "mashable freedom," is always close and expensive for whom the holy and beautiful feelings of people, their noble struggle against arbitrariness and tyranny.

  • The creativity of Byron was innovative, it contained ideas that were worried about both contemporaries and subsequent generations. Inadequate, incomprehensible by Byron was shot out or gave birth to new disputes, but always his work was disturbed by the minds, fantasy. And the poet, as if foreseen this, said:

  • ... I lived in vain!

  • Although it may be, under the rope of adversity,

  • The struggle broken, early I am faded,

  • But there is something in me, which will not die

  • What is neither death or time

  • Neither the slander of enemies will not destroy,

  • What will live in echo multiple ...

Poem "Pilgrimage Child Harold"

About poem

    The poem in four parts, published between 1812 and 1818. Dedication of the poem - appeal to Jante, under the name of which the daughter of his English acquaintances is hidden. "Pilgrimage to Child-Harold" describes the travels and reflections of a predicted young man who has disappointed in the life of complete pleasures and fun and is looking for adventures in unfamiliar lands. In a broader sense, this expression of melancholy and disappointment, which feels a generation tired by the epoch of the Great French Revolution and followed by Napoleonic wars. The designation of the main character comes from the old English title of Childe ("Child") - the medieval designation of the young nobleman, which was only only a candidate in the knights. This title, as indicated by the author of the poem, was chosen as the most conscided with an old form of storm.

    The poem contains elements that are considered autobiographical, as Byron creates a part of the storyline based on the experience gained during the Mediterranean travels in general, and in particular Albania, Spain, Portugal, the Aegean Sea and Greece in 1809-1811. "Janta" is his affectionate appeal to Charlotte Harley, a 13-year-old daughter Lady Oxford (Praprababushki artist Francis Bacon). In the feasibility of edition of the first two parts, Byron was extremely doubted, since a lot in them was directly comparable to his personality and fate. They were published by John Murrey at the insistence of Byron's friends in 1812 and brought both the work and its author unexpected public attention. Byron later wrote: "I woke up once in the morning and found out that it is famous for"

Bayronic hero

  • The poem revealed the first example of the bayronic hero. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe bayronic hero carries a lot of the following different features:

  • The hero should have a high level of intelligence and perception, as well as to be able to easily adapt to new situations and use the trick for their own benefit. Thus, Childe Harold is perfectly formed, pupil and smart, and also endowed with external attractiveness, style and tact. In addition to the obvious charm, which it automatically creates, he fights his honest directness, being prone to mood fluctuations or bipolar aspirations.

  • In general, the hero is inherent in disrespectfulness of any power, in this way, an image of a bayronic hero is created as exile or burdock.

  • Also, the hero has a tendency to be arrogant and cynical, indulging in self-destructive behavior, which is combined with the need for seduction of women.

  • The mystery of the hero is unconditionally enhancing the factor of his sexual attractiveness, but even more provoking its frequent collision with those or other problems.

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George Gordon Bayron.

Presentation on literature Grade 9

Picaleva Prepared Irina Germanovna Teacher of the Russian language and literature MBOU "SOSH No. 143 with an in-depth study of individual subjects" Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan 2012

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"Byron - genius: the ruler of our Dum, the sound of a new wonderful lira ..." A. S. Pushkin

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George Noel Gordon Bayron was born on January 22, 1788 at the impoverished noble family in London. Byron's mother threw her husband and left with her son to her homeland, in Scotland. There, the boy was brought up, there he began to compose his first poems.


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In 1798, after the death of his cousin Bayron, the title of Lord and the Manor of New Sext in England became inherited. There, in Aristocratic College Garrou, Byron, and completed secondary education, but continued his student at Cambridge University, becoming a student of Trinity College in 1805, which, however, did not finish.

manor New Sext Trinity College

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In 1806, Bayron issued a collection of poems "poems for various cases", scorching its authorship. In 1807, the second collection was released - "Leisure Watch", after his edition Byron no longer hid his name. The reaction to this collection was different: from enthusiastic feedback to violent criticism.

Spain Portugal Greece

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In 1809, Byron goes on a trip to Spain, Portugal, Greece, on Malta Island, the poet visits small Asia and Turkey. During its wanders, Bayron begins work on the poem "Pilgrimage to Child Harold."

malta Island Turkey Small Asia

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Upon returning to England, Bayron led both active political life, and fruitfully engaged in literature. In 1813, he publishes the poems "Gyur" and "Abido Bride", in 1814 the poems "Lara" and "Corsair" are overlooking, in 1816 Byron publishes "Corinth Siege" and "Paris."

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In 1816, Byron leaves England again, and first stops in Switzerland, where she completes the work on the poem "Shilon Prisoner." Two years later, Bayron moved to Italy, writes the poem "Complaint of Tasso", begins work on the novel in the poems "Don Juan".

Switzerland ITALY

Slide 9.

In Italy, Bayron becomes an active participant in the organization of Carbonarians, who fought for the liberation of Italy from Austria-Hungary, and in 1823 it goes to Greece, taking part in the liberation struggle of the Greeks from Turkey's power. The struggle of the Greek people are devoted to such verses of Bayron, as "the last words about Greece", "Song to Suliotm", "from the diary in Kefalonia."


liberation struggle of the Greeks

Slide 10.

Byron becomes heading of the partisan detachment. In December 1823, under the siege, the poet is falling fever. On April 19, 1824, Bayron died. Lungs Byron were buried in Greece (at the request of His Greek associates), and the body was delivered to England.

Siege Missolong

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The value of creativity D.G. Byrona

The name of Byrona, the poet, according to Pushkin, "mashable freedom," is always close and expensive for whom the holy and beautiful feelings of people, their noble struggle against arbitrariness and tyranny. The creativity of Byron was innovative, it contained ideas that were worried about both contemporaries and subsequent generations. Inadequate, incomprehensible by Byron was shot out or gave birth to new disputes, but always his work was disturbed by the minds, fantasy. And the poet, as if predicting it, said: ... I lived in vain!

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The poem in four parts, published between 1812 and 1818. Dedication of the poem - appeal to Jante, under the name of which the daughter of his English acquaintances is hidden. "Pilgrimage to Child-Harold" describes the travels and reflections of a predicted young man who has disappointed in the life of complete pleasures and fun and is looking for adventures in unfamiliar lands.

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In a broader sense, this expression of melancholy and disappointment, which feels a generation tired by the epoch of the Great French Revolution and followed by Napoleonic wars. The designation of the main character comes from the old English title of Childe ("Child") - the medieval designation of the young nobleman, which was only only a candidate in the knights. This title, as indicated by the author of the poem, was chosen as the most conscided with an old form of storm.

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The poem contains elements that are considered autobiographical, as Byron creates a part of the storyline based on the experience gained during the Mediterranean travels in general, and in particular Albania, Spain, Portugal, the Aegean Sea and Greece in 1809-1811. "Janta" is his affectionate appeal to Charlotte Harley, a 13-year-old daughter Lady Oxford (Praprababushki artist Francis Bacon).

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In the feasibility of edition of the first two parts, Byron was extremely doubted, since a lot in them was directly comparable to his personality and fate. They were published by John Murrey at the insistence of Byron's friends in 1812 and brought both the work and its author unexpected public attention. Byron later wrote: "I woke up once in the morning and found out that it is famous for"

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Bayronic hero

The poem revealed the first example of the bayronic hero. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe bayronic hero carries a lot of the following different characteristics: the hero must have a high level of intelligence and perception, as well as to be able to easily adapt to new situations and use the trick for their own benefit. Thus, Childe Harold is perfectly formed, pupil and smart, and also endowed with external attractiveness, style and tact. In addition to the obvious charm, which it automatically creates, he struggles with his honest directness, being prone to fluctuating moods or bipolar aspirations.

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In general, the hero is inherent in disrespectfulness of any power, in this way, an image of a bayronic hero is created as exile or burdock. Also, the hero has a tendency to be arrogant and cynical, indulging in self-destructive behavior, which is combined with the need for seduction of women. The mystery of the hero is unconditionally enhancing the factor of his sexual attractiveness, but even more provoking its frequent collision with those or other problems.

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Bayron was born on January 22, 1788 in a notable, but impoverished family. Children's years he spent in Scotland, in the small town of Ebardine. In 1801, the boy went to school. The town of Harrow, where the school was located, with his hills and the river was the complete opposite of the gloomy New Sextian abbey. In the Bayron school studies Latin and Greek, get acquainted with the history of the ancient world, engaged in English literature. He reads a lot; Books become his passion. His inquisitive mind begins to attract the ideas of French thinkers of the XVIII century. When Bayrona was 10 years old, he inherited Lord title and the New Sext's family castle (in the past Catholic monastery), awarded the ancestors of Bairon during the reformation. The dilapidated castle is a New Sextian Abbey, his shady park is subsequently mentioned in Byron's poetry.
  • When Bayrona was 10 years old, he inherited Lord title and the New Sext's family castle (in the past Catholic monastery), awarded the ancestors of Bairon during the reformation. The dilapidated castle is a New Sextian Abbey, his shady park is subsequently mentioned in Byron's poetry.
  • In 1805, graduating from school in Harrow, Bayron entered the university. During the year, the first collection of his lyrical poems appeared - "Leisure Watch", in which he turned on his youthful works
The official press missed the first book of Bairon. But the young poet accepted the challenge and answered his opponents to Satira "British Bards and Scottish Observers." He subjected to a sharp criticism of modern English literature associated with the interests of the owners. With his satir, Byron bare a crushing blow to the recognized singers of bourgeois-aristocratic England - a blow, which he could not forgive. In Pisa, Byrona in Casa Laffers gathered a circle of friends of Shelly. On July 1, L. Xant joined Bairon and Shelley to edit the Liberal magazine, along with them. After a few days, Shelley drowned, and Hunt, his sick wife and six uncontrollable children were in the care of Bayron.
  • In Pisa, Byrona in Casa Laffers gathered a circle of friends of Shelly. On July 1, L. Xant joined Bairon and Shelley to edit the Liberal magazine, along with them. After a few days, Shelley drowned, and Hunt, his sick wife and six uncontrollable children were in the care of Bayron.
Tired of the aimed existence, the existed on active activity, Byron grabbed the proposal of the London Greek Committee to help Greece in the war for independence. July 15, 1823 he left Genoa with P. Gamba and E.Jdteloni. For about four months, he spent on the island of Kefalonia, expecting instructions from the Committee. Byron gave money to the equipment of the Greek fleet and in early January 1824 joined the prince of Mavrokordatos to Missolongs. He accepted the command of Suliotov (Greco-Albanians), who paid money from allowing. Rested by straightening among the Greeks and their korestolobius, extended by the disease, Bayron died from fever on April 19, 1824.
  • Tired of the aimed existence, the existed on active activity, Byron grabbed the proposal of the London Greek Committee to help Greece in the war for independence. July 15, 1823 he left Genoa with P. Gamba and E.Jdteloni. For about four months, he spent on the island of Kefalonia, expecting instructions from the Committee. Byron gave money to the equipment of the Greek fleet and in early January 1824 joined the prince of Mavrokordatos to Missolongs. He accepted the command of Suliotov (Greco-Albanians), who paid money from allowing. Rested by straightening among the Greeks and their korestolobius, extended by the disease, Bayron died from fever on April 19, 1824.

"In the album" as a lone tomb, the attention of the traveler is calling, so this pale page let the cute look at your attract. And if after many years you will read how I dreamed of the poet, and remember how he loved you, then think that he is not so that he buried his heart here. Malta, September 14, 1809.

Brief biography George Noel Gordon Byron, with Baron Byron, widely known as Lord Byron (English George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron, English. Lord Byron; January 22, 1788, DUTR 19 April 1824, Missolongs, Ottoman Greece) English Poet - Romantic .

George Byron was born on January 22, 1788 in London in the titled, but poor family. The first education in the biography of Byron was received in a private school. Then began to study in the classic gymnasium, the school of Dr. Gleeni (there was a great desire for reading), Harrow School. In this school, several poems of Bairon were written. In 1807, Lyric by Bairon was first published. In response to the cruel criticism, I left only a year later, in 1809, the work of Byrone "Bordes and Scottish critics" was published. After the trip, the poem of Byrone "Child-Harold" was published, very quickly gained success.

Then in the biography of George Gordon Bayron, several poems were published (for example, Corsair, Lara), Satir. In 1815 he married Miss Milbek, who made a proposal twice. Shortly after the birth of the daughter, the couple divorced. In 1816, Byron left England. He lived in Switzerland, Venice. In that period, works were written in George Bairon's biography: "Dante's prophecy", "Marino Faleo", several parts of DON-Zhuana, Cain, "Vision of the Scary Court", "Werner", "Island" and many others. Having become acquainted with Geneva with Gwichchi Countess, happily lived with her for a while. In 1823 he went to Greece after the uprising began there. Wanting to help the country to be freed, even sold its English property. Then Byron was cold, and in April 1824 passed away.

About the writer George Gordon Byron - the greatest poet, which had an impact not only on many of his ingenious contemporaries (Pushkin, Lermontov, etc.), but also on the subsequent generations of writers. Today, this writer is the brightest representative of the fiction of the early 19th century. But few people know that His first works of Highlanders and Belona, \u200b\u200bBayron grazed to publish under his last name

And only in 1807, including 107 new works in the book, in addition to those that were published under the pseudonym, Bayron dared to subscribe to his own name. In 1809, in response to ambiguous reviews about their work, the poet writes the poem "English Bards and Scottish Observers", in which all the phenomena of classical English literature sharply criticizes the head on the head. Further understanding of world artistic culture and its own creativity led Bairon to find a new formula for creating a poetic work. After some time, his quest was crowned with success: in Byron's poetry, there was a special type of hero, forever looking, lonely and disappointed, named after his creator of the Bayronic.

One of the bright names in the glorious pleew Noval Gordon Bayron, whom Pushkin called "Genius, the Dumus rulers", and Belinsky - "an immense, colossal poet": "Byron is the Prometheus of our century, chained to a rock, tormented Quick ... ". The years of his life coincided with the epoch generated by the Great French Revolution, the time of Napoleonic: wars, the struggle of nations for national independence in Europe and in Russia, the industrial crisis and the movement of Luddites in England. It was a time when the word "freedom" sounded in all languages. It raised to the struggle of Spaniards, Poles, Portuguese, Albanians, Irish, Italian carboxyans, Russian peasants and noble intellectuals, later called Decembrists. Byron's work reflected the bright hopes of the liberation struggle, and the despondency caused by the fierce blows of the "Sacred Union" of monarchs

Books represent the work of the English poet. The romantic motive of the disadvantage between the vulgarity and high, but the unknown gusts of the soul acquired special drama in his works. Poems and poems are transmitted by a complex, volatile gamut of feelings: from the coachable rebellion to despair caused by Vsevladia "Darkness". Exacerbated pride, rebellious spirit, the painful feeling of his unclaimed time, connecting in the consciousness of the lyrical hero of Bairon, create unique intricacies. It remained in history called "Bayronism".

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