Marinated eggplant with a teapot and greens. Pickled eggplants - crispy, tasty, fragrant! Eggplants marinated with chasnik and greens

Marinated eggplant with a teapot and greens. Pickled eggplants - crispy, tasty, fragrant! Eggplants marinated with chasnik and greens

How to improve the mood, if it’s time for rock - well, it’s amazing, the grass is delicious! Especially yakscho tse bulo was prepared with hand and soul! One of the most popular and favorite recipes for skin gourmet snacks and not only!

Pickled eggplant with a teapot and greenery is a universal herb, as it is ideal to go to the meat, and to any garnish. Shvidko get ready, easy to grease, you can pickle chi baked. You can marinate eggplant in a different way. The stench can be marinated with carrots or stuffed with greens. Marinate the eggplant for the winter, so that later we will please the guests with an unusual snack - what can you take!

Korisn_ power of eggplant

The uniqueness of eggplant is that it is a universal vegetable, which avenges the great amount of vitamins and brown microelements. The Crimea of ​​brown authorities, whose ovoch is more and more jubilant. Until then, with a low calorie content, yoga will win in different diets.

Choose eggplant

Young eggplant can be smooth and springy. Rejoice in the daytime wrinkling and flames. To buy savory eggplant, you need to choose a person. They have less and more even, more rounded burials in the kіntsі.


Ring out, before cooking eggplants, trim by cold water, so that the stench is not bitter. You don’t need ale in this recipe, the shards of marinade will take enough salt. So you can immediately proceed to the right.

Marinated eggplant swede prepared with a teapot and greens

We need: 3 pieces of medium eggplant, 3 pieces of medium tomato, a bunch of parsley, a bunch of crops, a head of a chasnik, an oliya roslinna 2 tbsp.

How to cook:

  • A bunch of eggplant needs to be eaten. If the vegetables are young, not long ago they were zirvani from the beds, then the skin can not be cleaned. Dali vegetables need to be cut into small bars. As long as we have the other ingredients, it is necessary to put the eggplants in cold water for some hour, so that the stench does not wind and darken.
  • It’s better to take a saucepan from stainless steel, the volume is close to 3 liters.
  • Ready marinade. At the bottom of the pan, pour in olive oil and an estimate in the designated proportions. We put on a full fire. Potim dodaemo strength, tsukor and pepper.
  • The next stage: the hour is ready. Cleaned yoga from the skin, passed through the press. You can rub it on a dry tertz. We correct the watchmaker at the pan.
  • Dali chopped greenery and corrected for a watchmaker.
  • Tomatoes are miёmo, cleaned from skins and cores. Remelyuєmo either in a blender, or on a third until a homogeneous mass. And a little secret: so that it’s easy to take off the skin, lower the tomato near the okrip and the skin starts to come out by itself. Let's do it right, just like that, in a saucepan and languish on the fire under the lid for 10 more quills.
  • Now, remove the eggplant pieces and put them in the marinade. Fill the pan with water approximately to the middle.
  • Everything is brought to a boil and quenched the chills 10-15. Let's add some spices for relish, bay leaf and pour from the closed lid until the end.
  • Serve marinated aubergines more than cold ones.

Pickled eggplant "A la mushrooms"

For the gusto, eggplants are ready to guess the mushrooms. And in this recipe especially!

We take 4 kg of eggplants, cut with medium sticks and soaked for 3 years in salty water, put the vantage on the beast.

Let's boil for about 15 hvilin | minutes | without changing the water. Protsіditi, add narіzani chasnik and pour rossol. For someone you need 2 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of salt, spices (peppercorns, bay leaf, cloves). Why put the eggplant in a cold place for 3 days.

Misters vikoristovuyut different recipes for fermented vegetables. All fall like a smakovih. Golovna know the vodpovidny step of sauerkraut.

How to save eggplant for the winter

Marinade for vegetables for the winter is easy to prepare. We take one kilogram of eggplant per liter of water. Pour water into the pan, add 9% wine or 5% apple juice to approximately 3/4 bottle. We add sliced ​​eggplant to the pan and boil 5 quills. It’s better to add more naprikintsі cooking.

Then we will need a sufficient amount of eggplant and put the sterilized jars in front of them. Let's pour the marinade in there and close it with a metal lid for an additional key-twist. If we turn the container over, wrap it up and warm it up until it is completely warm. Zvichayno you can speed up with a plastic lid, but you can also save it if you need to marinate vegetables or in the refrigerator or in ice.

Eggplant rolls marinated with carrots

For lovers of carrots, the recipe is not less savory, lower in front.

  • Take 7-8 eggplants, 3 carrots, 5 garlic cloves, parsley, a bunch of cilantro, sonyashnikova oliya 1-2 tablespoons, water, strength. For the marinade, you need water - 800 ml., Ocet (9%) - 2 tbsp. spoons, strong is great - 2 tbsp. spoons, black peppercorns - 3 pcs, winter peppercorns - 3 pcs.
  • Vimiti eggplant, zrіzati stalks. Zusіh sides protikat with a fork. Having cut open the eggplants not to the end, put them in boiling salted water, creaking with a toothpick in front, so that they do not fall apart. Varity 10 khvilin.
  • Viklasti ready the eggplant on a plate, with toothpicks.
  • Cover the eggplants with a spit and put a pres on them (you can beat the weights or dances with water). Stop like this at 2:00.
  • Let's get to the preparation of the filling. Carrot vimiti, clean the clockwork. Three carrots on a third, a small part of the hour. Greens are miєmo, dried and narizaemo.
  • It is smeared to softness with carrots on olive oil and mixed with chasnik and greens. We add strength and change.
  • Then we proceed to stuffing. We take eggplant and leather according to the heart, it is reminiscent of the filling. It is transferred with a thread and transferred to an enameled pan with a volume of at least 3 liters.
  • Ready marinade. At the hot water 800 ml add strength, pepper and otset. We bring to a boil. Let's face it. Then we pour the prepared eggplants with marinade and re-press the press until it is finished.
  • Let's take something from the refrigerator. In two days the grass will be ready.
  • Before serving, pick up the threads. Cut into small rolls with a thin knife.

In our time, the main priorities in їzhi - tse korisno, shvidko that juicy. Eggplant is ideal for showing off! I just had to choose the required recipe.

Marinated aubergines of a swedish preparation are a fragrant appetizer that is easy to prepare and is ready to be cooked in a couple of years.


  • 500 g eggplant
  • green be-yaka
  • 2-3 teaspoon cloves
  • 2 tbsp. l. rosemary oil


  • 500 ml water
  • 1 st. l. topless salt
  • 1 st. l. without top tsukru
  • 50 ml 6% apple or wine otstu
  • 5-6 peppercorns

On the Internet, in the recipes for marinated eggplant in swedish cooking, it is indicated the size of the number of octa for the marinade, but with the help of the way I made the visnovka, which is the best spіvvіdnoshenna produktіv є optimal, the appetizer comes out at the same time not sour, іm_nruy. Possibly, someone can’t wait for me. 🙂


Eggplant miєmo, vіdrіzaєmo ponytails and cut into cubes with a side of about 2 cm.

Let's cook the marinade. Pour 0.5 liters of water into a saucepan, add strength, zukor, otset and peppercorns. We bring the marinade to a boil, lower the sliced ​​eggplant and, from the moment of re-boiling, boil 5 quills. Under the hour of boiling the eggplant, periodically stir it up, so that the stench evenly seeped through the marinade.

After five minutes of boiling, pour the marinade through a masher and cool the eggplant.

Until the eggplants reach, crispy greens and add them to a deep salad bowl. There we add details of the hour and oliyu.

Let the greens go, but if you love cilantro, add some obov'yazkovo її. In my opinion, other greens do not eat eggplant like cilantro.
We put the eggplant into the salad bowl and carefully mixed it.

In principle, marinated eggplants of swedish preparation are already ready, you can try them, but still, it’s better to cover them with grub and put them in the refrigerator for a couple of years. Having insisted, the stench will be just wonderful in taste.
I want to say more, that the appetizer will be lower, as if the eggplant should be peeled in front of the skin. Zvichayno, looking at whom the troch suffers, but relish, posture vague, wins.

Eggplants have a unique relish, and in the harvest season, if the vegetables are as affordable as possible, you want to try them with a different look. Їх lubricate, extinguish, zapіkayut, curl up for the winter. Roblyachi prepared in reserve, may the skin gentlemen want to try a similar snack, not chilling cold. Marinated eggplants with a chalice and greens of swedish cooking will be ready until the vzhivannya no later than in 24 years. Pamper yourself with that loved one with a spicy herb, maybe a skin gentleman - it’s not necessary to prepare a lot of herbs for cooking.

Cooking features

Іnuє kіlka recipes for swedish preparation of marinated eggplants from a private house and greens. The stench is spread not only by a warehouse, but by technology. However, there are some moments, which are always filled with the inevitable, regardless of the chosen option of snacks.

  • Marinate is better than young eggplant, which can wash a thin skin and lower pulp. Great sheep are not only rude, but with a thick skin, as if to rob the grass of a lesser reception for relish. Young eggplants can not be peeled, the great ones better see a thin ball of skin. Zrobiti tse simpler with a peeler.
  • Eggplant revenge solanin - shkіdlivu speech, like nada єm bitterness. Young fruits have less yogo, mature ones have more. І tі, y іnshі before cooking, soak the bazhan in salt, prepared from a tablespoon of salt, bred in a liter of water, or obsoluvate. After 10-20 strands of "blue" feathers, they should be washed, to remove excess salt, and dry. After that stench is ready to marinate for the chosen recipe.
  • In order for the eggplant to be marinated quickly, it is necessary to add a non-trivial thermal processing. Some recipes are used to cook them over the top, others are to be blanched with vegetables, cut into slices, in boiling water or marinade, the third is to be smeared with eggplant mugs.
  • Pickled eggplants melt in a right way savory in a sprat of years, but, if you can not wait to try, you can taste the snack earlier. A smut, so that until this hour the vegetables got cold, otherwise, the risik was covered with hot otstom, to enter the marinade to the warehouse, wine can be left on the mucous membranes of the opik, which means lusciousness.
  • Eggplant can be marinated in glass, plastic or enameled dishes. In other cases, stinks can fill up with metal prismak. Aluminium, when in contact with acids, sees sloppy speech, so it is not safe to prepare vegetables in dishes with a new pickled vegetable.

Eggplants marinated with a teapot and greens in a swedish way can be stored in the refrigerator, ring out, no more than a day. Serve them to the table as an independent appetizer or replace the garnish with meat herbs. The stench produces a spicy relish, a fresh aroma and suits everyone.

A classic recipe for eggplants marinated in a bowl and greens

  • eggplant - 1 kg;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • table ocet (9-hundred) - 60 ml;
  • refined roslinna oliya - 100 ml;
  • chasnik - 6-10 cloves;
  • fresh krip - 50 g;
  • fresh cilantro - 50 g;
  • sil - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Arrange the eggplants with kukhli or with long shmatkas with a thickness of 1-1.5 cm. Good wash, let dry.
  • Boil water, add to it a tablespoon of salt and water. Mix it up.
  • Dip the boiled eggplant marinade. Dock when the wine boils again. Cook "blue" 5 quills. Look at the drushlyak. Transfer to a container with a similar capacity, in which case you plan to pickle vegetables.
  • Crush the hourglass with a press.
  • Vimite fresh greens, chop off the water. If the cilantro with the crop dry out, finely chop them with a knife.
  • Mix the greens with a chasnik and olive. Spread tsyu sumish with eggplants. Gently stir them, so that the spicy sum covers the leather shmatochok.
  • Close the container and take it from a cold place.

Until the eggplant is taken in, marinated according to this recipe, it will be ready for doba. You can save them up to two days, but still it’s better to save them earlier.

Marinated eggplant like mushrooms

  • eggplant - 1.5 kg;
  • chasnik - 5-6 cloves;
  • fresh krip - 50 g;
  • fresh parsley - 50 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sil - 30 g;
  • black peppercorns - 15 approx.;
  • oliya - 0.25 l;
  • mushroom broth - 10 g.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the eggplant into cubes and bars.
  • Boil water. Add in it ocet, pepper, mushroom broth and strength.
  • Dip the eggplants near the water, cook їх 5 quills, remove from the marinade and dry.
  • Decorate the clock with plates.
  • Chop the greens with a knife, but not too much.
  • Put the greens and tea leaves to the eggplants, pour in the olive. Mix it up.
  • Transfer the eggplant to a jar or container, close it and put it away from the refrigerator.

The sample can be taken already for 12 years. Eggplants marinated according to the cim recipe look like mushrooms. Podіbnіst get rid of, navіt as a recipe tidy up the mushroom broth.

Lubricated eggplant, marinated with tea and herbs

  • eggplant - 0.5 kg;
  • zukor - 20 g;
  • table ocet (9-hundred) - 20 ml;
  • universal vegetable seasoning (sillu) - 20 g;
  • hourglass - 2 cloves;
  • fresh basil - 50 g;
  • qibulya - 0.25 kg;
  • roslinna oliya - skilki are needed.

Cooking method:

  • Arrange the eggplants with zucchini trochs less than a centimeter, soak for 20 quills in salt water, rinse, dry with a kitchen towel. Sip on seasonings, victorious with half of the instructions in the recipe.
  • Grill the butter | oil |, brush it in a new eggplant, transfer it to a bowl.
  • Wash the basil, let it dry, sip it.
  • Finely chop the cloves of the watchmaker.
  • Tsibulya zvіlnіt vіd lushpinnya, arіzhte thin pіvkіltsyami, pour otstom, mix.
  • Put a cibula, a chasnik, a basil near a bowl with eggplants. Sip zukrom and seasoning, which is left out, mix it.

An appetizer can be served before the table already a year in advance. Vaughn has a calm aroma, a pleasant relish with piquant notes.

Eggplants marinated with fresh herbs and herbs, to the taste of everyone. You can cook them in a swedish way. Іsnuє sprat options for preparing snacks. Leather recipe allows you to take the grass with unique organoleptic qualities. Marinated eggplant is served as a cold appetizer, or you can add it to a side dish or replace it with yoga.


Pickled eggplants with a teapot, perhaps one of the most widespread herbs. And skilki raznomanіtnyh variations of іsnuє - do not overdo it. І recipes “on a quick hand”, and folded instructions, how to respect the master’s respects, but for the sake of wine, enjoy an over-the-top bouquet of primaks, and to inspire a wondrous day, as a result, miraculously harmonize one with one. Before that, vegetables, among the people, were called “blue ones”, they were brown-colored speeches.

Eggplants have all the necessary microelements, be it proteins or potassium. Until then, through a high amount of vitamin PP, we recommend that you live in those who are trying to throw a fire. Also, serve a snack on the table at the watch of marinated eggplants from the watchmaker - it’s a great idea.

Marinated eggplant with a bowl

Skin grass has its own nuances, and in this plan eggplant is not to blame. Eggplant - to finish a shrill vegetable, which is not easy to preserve, but the advancing rules will help to significantly simplify the process of harvesting the “blue ones”, starting from the right choice and finishing with their preparation.

The color may be dark-or light-violet, and the fruits themselves are ovoid, stalks or oval for their shape. For stuffing, it is wonderful to use vegetables with a vag no more than 200 g;

Great vegetables for quenching that caviar

  1. On dotik, the skin is not guilty of being dry and short. More shortly, schob won't avenge the brown patches.
  2. Before cooking, it is not necessary to see the day. It’s more necessary to see the kinchik and the tail.
  3. To get rid of non-consumable bitterness, enough to cut the eggplant into small pieces, sip sill and, after a day, place it under running water.
  4. Before frying them, it is better to cut and trim ten quills by the cold water.

It’s not a leather hour for a long time to stand for a stove, resolutely stalking for folding instructions. Not all gentlemen can think of a high level of culinary mastery, so that they can win the professions, but they don’t even understand the big people’s machinations with the “blue ones”. Ale tse zovsіm do not bring into consideration the types of preparations for the winter, even if there are impersonal simple recipes for mastered.

For a liter jar you need:

  • "blue" - 3 pcs. medium size;
  • hourglass - two teeth;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - 4 pcs.;
  • sіl - two teaspoons;
  • ocet - 150 ml;
  • tsukor - repeat teaspoons;
  • water - 1500 ml;
  • sonyashnikova oliya - 100 ml.

More often than not, take care of the marinade. For whom, pour a liter of water into a saucepan, pour into it tsukor and strength, then pour in oil | oil | and in such a state bring to a boil. It's time to draw "blue ones" on chotiri parts. Immediately after boiling, pour 150 ml of octu into the marinade and throw in the eggplant slices. Relax the fire and cook everything, stirring occasionally, stretching 5-6 quills. At the sterilized jar, put a toothpick in the bowl, two or three peppercorns, bay leaf. Put the blue ones in there, filling them with hot marinade, and close it. Lay the jars uphill and wrap them in a carpet, leaving them dry for a day. Store the finished product in a dry place far from the sleepy areas.

Varinnya of poached eggplants in the marinade

Another simple recipe for marinated eggplants is the “blue” stew with a teapot, for which you need 5 kilograms of eggplant, 300 grams of salt, 0.5 liters of six-hundred octu, 200 grams in a bowl, three-chotiri pieces of chili pepper and 70 ml.

For the cob, it is necessary to cut the "blue" cubes, zmіshati їх іz sіllu ta deprive for two years. After the end of the appointed hour, wash it, lay it in a saucepan and fill it with water. Boil, add an estimate and cook for 5-10 chills | minutes |. For seasoning, cut the pepper, having seen the last, the teapot, having cleaned the yogo. Add some ointment to the otriman for meat cutters, adding olive oil there. Pour the eggplants with seasoning, and then lay them out in sterilized jars and close them.

Blue with a watchmaker at sterilized jars

The third option can be salted "blue", stuffed with a chasnik. For cooking take:

  • eggplant;
  • the hourglass has a proportion of one plid = one prong;
  • liter of water;
  • 70 g salt.

“Blue” equal sizes should be remembered and thrown into a bowl with dill, cook them for about ten quills, maybe more. The most important rule for this recipe is not to let the vegetables boil, but if you want to, leave them soft. To anger someone's homeland and cool them instead of the pan. Narizati chasnik with straws and spread yogo in nadrizi on the “blue ones”. For rossol, bring the water mixed in niy sill to a boil, cool it. Lay eggplants near the enamelled bowl, fill them with rosé and put some vantage on the beast. After the week spent at the refrigerator, the “blue ones” will be ready.

If you have a good craftsmanship, then you can fully follow the standard canons of marinated eggplants and try something new and original, impressing your guests like this. One of these solutions can be “blue” in Korean.

For them, it is necessary to take 2 kg of eggplant, 0.5 kg of licorice pepper, 3 cibulini, 2 carrots, 1 head of a chasnik, a bottle of olive oil for the marinade, 150 milliliters of otstu, 2 teaspoons of salt, 4 - zukra, 1 teaspoon of a red and black hammer pepper, 1 spoon of coriander and water.

Vegetables for preparing snacks in Korean

"Blue" cut into pieces. Pour 2.5 liters of water into the pan, sip the salt | salt |. At the sprinkle, boil the eggplant close to five quills, then vinnyat, cool and cut. Narizat tsibula with calves, pepper - with straws, grate carrots, strangle the hourglass. Prepare the marinade from the descriptions of the other ingredients and add the yogo to the masa. Mix it up, put the vantage on the beast and put it in the refrigerator. Lay out the “blue ones” in sterilized jars and re-sterilize about 40 quills, roll up and wrap with a carpet. Soon the country will be ready.

Another way to pickle eggplants in an unconventional way is “blue” with pomegranate, extravagant, but for the sake of chimal small quantities of unimportant ingredients.

Marinated blue pomegranates

For them, under the hand, a mother is needed:

  • kilogram of eggplant;
  • two cibulini;
  • ten prongs of the watchmaker;
  • pomegranate;
  • one teaspoon of hop-suneli;
  • one teaspoon of ground coriander;
  • vial vodi;
  • half a tablespoon of otstu;
  • half a tablespoon of olive oil;
  • sil and pepper.

"Blue" cut in circles, spread in a cup, salt and put it on twenty quills. Then rinse with warm water, dry it and lubricate it with a couple of quills on the skin side. Place by the cup. Peel the pomegranate and put it in there. Likewise, pierce the cibula with calves. For the marinade, boil water with oil and otstom, add strength, hops-suneli and coriander, boil three hvilini. Add a chapel, add some details in front, and take them off the stove. Pour over the eggplant with the washed-out sum, mix it up and cover it with a lid. Such a looker is deprived of it for a day, with a stretch of some kind it is periodically taken care of. Let's salt and pepper, sip at the sterilized jars and close. Save this one and prepare it better at the refrigerator.

Zagalom, marinate eggplant in the most manipulative ways. You know the middle of what is described above is your own, what to go for gusto passions and products, what to know at hand, and you can indulge yourself in plenty.

Eggplants in various variations are a very popular product on the menu of everyone who is worse. For the low caloric content of the stench, you can get sieves for the rahunok of a large amount of cellular tissue. Sounds of hot herbs are cooked from this sheep, and marinated eggplants are served at a cold sight.

The report recipe is about the most popular way of preparing a “Swedish” marinade, so that you can start preparing the marinade for a maximum in five years after the start.

Recipe for swedish marinated eggplants with fresh herbs

Eggplant before cooking was taken by trimming by cold water, so that all the hot water came out. Ale oskіlki marinade, even if you have enough of salt, you will not need such preparation. To chant away the unacceptable savory tastes, rather to cup small or medium eggplants - the stench is more likely to rіchat.

One of the problems that you can get stuck with is the problem of spices: it’s better for someone to give less, less overdo it. Just before the hour of tasting the finished herb, you realized that the skibochka was not enough to eat, you would need to add more spices, mix it up and let it stand 15.

Those, like this grass, are the food of special likenesses. Who needs to put a couple of skewers on a piece of bread, the other one is a fork without a mustache, and some of the shoes are baked in a micro-furnace oven that is at once from rice and potatoes. If you have a temper, like a person to follow a figure, all these “additives” need to be obov'yazkovo vrakhovuvaty, shards of some kind of sauce can add more strava in a kilka times more calories, lower vengeance in nіy.


  • - 1 kg;
  • sil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • estimate 9% - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • greens (,) - 70 g;
  • - 5 cloves;
  • tsukor - 1 teaspoon;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • other spices - for relish;
  • - 1 teaspoon.


  • Eggplants need to be removed from them. Then cut them into small sticks about 3 by 2 cm and put them in a saucepan.
  • Vegetables are poured with water, so that they cover them completely. To add to qiu a pan of ingredients, including passes through the freshwater maker and finely chopped greens.
  • Bring the water to a boil, change the fire to medium and boil 10 more chills under the lid.
  • In an hour, anger the whole country, let the eggplants cool and serve them to the table.
  • If the grass is getting ready for a few days, then together with rossol and eggplant herbs you can move it into a glass container, let it cool down and put everything in the refrigerator. In such a look, the product is adventitious for living up to 2 strokes.

With a clear dotrimann recipe calories 100 g cooked eggplant without marinade in stock 35.6 kcal. With this, the amount of proteins - 0.8 g, fat - 0.9 g and carbohydrates - 6 g. With the bagann, a portion of such a herb can be seasoned with a low-fat sauce - adjika (12 kcal per 1 tbsp. spoon) or 10% sour cream (20 kcal per 1 tablespoon).

Strava from the point of view of dietology

Golovny plus eggplant - low energy value, as a result, the body consumes more calories for the digestion of the product, lower consumption of the new one. Coarse fibers () may have a good impact on etching and є viscosities in the menu of all, which is worse. Ale not varto forget that through salt and ocet in marinade tim for people who suffer from a lockdown in the body.

How to urinate marinated eggplant

This herb does not convey a great number of possible variations, so the stench does not hang around for spices. For money, you can add products from the proponated list directly to the pan, and otherwise serve with the same grass on one plate. For example:

  • bread from whole-grain or whole-grain boar, bread from visivkiv - eat at once with a snack;
  • grated