A classic recipe for kebab from yalovichini. Lula kebab - the best way to cook at home

A classic recipe for kebab from yalovichini. Lula kebab - the best way to cook at home

I’ll call Strava with such a cicada, like a kebab, maє Turkic-Arabic adventure. The first part of the translation means “pipe”, and the other part means “oiled meat”. Strava is a Dovgast cutlet, well greased for the help of a skewer. Krim traditional recipe є sche kіlka ways to prepare tsієї stravi.

How to cook kebab at home

The traditional recipe for kebab is based on fatty lamb and rich cibula. The type of cutlets in the wine is reminiscent of the fact that such ingredients should not be avenged, like eggs and bread. Season the meat with spices, chasnik, cilantro and basil. The mutton is passed through a meat grinder and kneaded with hands for a thriving hour, moreover, it is thrown on the table. Minced meat is guilty of being good vimishanim and lower. It’s necessary that white was seen from the meat and it sat on skewers and didn’t fall off during the hour of cooking.

Such meat grass is one of the favorite recipes among the peoples of Central Asia, Turkey and the Caucasus. Vono є chimos mid-range shashlik and cutlets. In the classic recipe, yogo is smeared over the fire without fire, and it’s not necessary to whip up the brazier and bagattya. At home, you can cook kebab in a frying pan, multicooker, electric grill or oven. Spice that strength is put in a small amount, even if you correctly follow the recipe for minced meat to come out and we’re already juiced. The axis of the sprat is glad to prepare the tsієї stravi:

  • serve better in a hot dish with lavash;
  • when baked in the oven, a lack of aroma can be stored for additional special sauces;
  • good additions to kebab are rice, grilled, tomatoes, peppers, fresh salad or mushrooms;
  • when choosing meat, it is more likely to have a pale-red flesh with small streaks of fat and without a specific smell.

Classic lamb recipe

Once you have chosen the recipe for kebab on skewers, you can replace them with wicker skewers, tobto. special wooden sticks. It is necessary to soak the clothes in cold water for 1:00 before starting to cook. Then the stench does not burn, and the meat is not sticky to them. Ingredients needed like this:

  • cibula - 0.4 kg;
  • lamb pulp - 0.7 kg;
  • chasnik - 6-7 cloves;
  • tail fat - 0.3 kg;
  • coriander - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cilantro, krip - 1 bunch each;
  • zira - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • red, black pepper - for relish.

The process of preparing a classic kebab includes the following steps:

  1. Weep the mutton, eat on the dry portion shmatki.
  2. Clear the chapel from the cibulae, the rest are cut into sprat parts.
  3. Rinse and dry fresh cilantro with crop. Instead of them, you can beat parsley or basil.
  4. Twist the lamb with the chibula for the help of the meat grinder and the combine.
  5. Crush the grains of coriander and spices, crush them to minced meat. Lubricate yoga sill, 2 types of pepper and the juice of half a lemon.
  6. Mix minced meat, periodically throwing yogo into a bowl.
  7. Having crooked the lid with a lid, use the meat in the refrigerator for about a year.
  8. Prepare a structure for baking: lay foil on the sheet, and install the grate more.
  9. Remove the cold minced meat from the refrigerator. The yak is shown in the photo, form, vicorist skewers, kebab.
  10. Lay out the skewers on the rack, right in advance, roast the oven to the maximum.
  11. Turn the meat over once for an hour of cooking, bake until greased.

Lula kebab from chicken

Krim traditional recipe with mutton is the best way to cook with chicken. List of ingredients for new products:

  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Vershkov oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • sir - 60 g;
  • cibulin - 2 pcs.;
  • red pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • salad leaves, cherry tomatoes;
  • olive oil.

To prepare a kebab from a chicken, hurry up with the following instructions:

  1. Pour skewers with cold water and soak for 1 year. If the stench does not burn, and the meat is not sticky.
  2. Zilі peppers zapіkayte to pіdpalin on resіttsі in the oven. Then we will store them in a bag, and after 10 minutes we will remove the core and remove the skin. Cut the pulp into cubes.
  3. Dribno cut chicken fillet chop coarse minced meat. Dice the sir, trim the qibula.
  4. Before minced meat, add licorice pepper, syrah, cibula, eggs and rosemary topsoil. Smear with seasonings, right in the cold on pіvgodini.
  5. Sprinkle the soaked skewers with minced meat, so that the lower cutlets appear.
  6. Cook in the oven at 180 degrees until greased, turning the sprat once in the process.
  7. Serve with salad leaves and tomatoes.

Z yalovichini

Yak meat for kebab recipes can be vikoristovuvat yalovichina. The process of preparing minced meat is practically not disturbed, but the ingredients are needed:

  • greens for vibir - 1 bunch;
  • chasnik - 6-7 cloves;
  • qibulya - 3 pcs.;
  • pulp of yalovichini - 0.7 kg;
  • spices from sillu - for relish.

The algorithm for preparing meat sauce may look like this:

  1. Clean 2 cibulins, rub on the great third, and finely cut the chapel.
  2. Mix it up with minced meat, mix it up.
  3. Leave the cibulina and licorice pepper in cubes.
  4. Stuff the minced meat on the skewers for 1 year, and after a time put the cibula and licorice pepper on them, so that it looks like a barbecue.
  5. Heat the frying pan with olive oil, brush the kebabs on both sides, turning the sprat once in a while.

3 pork

The last and not less savory way of preparing kebab is to be cooked on pork. You can take 0.7 kg of minced meat or fatty meat. Other ingredients needed are as follows:

  • qibulya is large - 2 pcs.;
  • cilantro spices, pepper, coriander, basil - to relish;
  • hourglass - 2 cloves;
  • fat - 0.1 kg;
  • green cibula - a bunch.

To prepare pork kebab, hurry up with the next recipe:

  1. Wash the meat, see. Pererobiti at once with a cleaned tsibuleya for an additional meat grinder.
  2. Add to the minced meat posіcheny chasnik, sip with spices.
  3. At 1:00 leave the meat in the cold.
  4. Let's put minced meat on skewers looking like thin cutlets.
  5. Bake in the oven or brush on the frying pan on both sides, so that the patties turn golden brown.

Video recipes for cooking kebab at home

Baked cutlets on skewers or skewers are prepared in different ways. Like bird meat, you can beat not only the chicken, but also the turkey. Well, if your luck is tse yalovichina, then it’s better to choose veal, even if it’s lower, that calorie content is less. To properly prepare the right juicy kebab, take a look at the video clips with different recipes.

Recipe from Stalik Khankishiev

Lula kebab on the grill

Yak robiti kebab at the oven

How to grease in a frying pan

Lyulya-kebab is called meat grass, cooked on skewers. It is especially popular in the Caucasus, in Central Asia and Hungary, de kebabs are baked on a baked vugill. At Krim, you can eat at the national Tatar cuisine, or get ready on the grill.

I especially like the recipe for kebab on skewers due to the ease of preparation. A minimum of ingredients, daily problems in the cooking process and a savory lower relish, antrohi are not hotter, lower in delicacy stuffed squids ... Therefore, feel free to write down the recipe for kebab at home and turn on the menu for your family!

5 secrets on how to properly cook bab cradles

  • For the preparation of minced meat, vicorist is fattened meat. The classic version of mutton, but for modern Russian cuisine, pork, yalovichina and chicken will be more relevant. The more fat there is in the meat, the lower the weed will be.
  • The meat should be chopped with a knife, and not twisted into a meat cutter. So it saves more juice, which will ensure the beauty of that ideal relish.
  • In the classic recipe, the strain does not add eggs."Gluten" for pіdtrimki form kowbasok є mutton fat and meat protein, which is seen in the process of yogo preparation. Sob minced meat trimming on skewers, yogo for a long time to crumple and beat. If it’s important for you to have meat more than 20 hours of sleep, then add starch to the minced egg, or, in the extreme, starch.
  • On the basis of other Caucasian herbs, the recipe does not vikoristovuєtsya greens. And like spices, only black pepper and cibula will suffocate. At the same time, kebabs are ready to be served on pillows of parsley, cilantro and other herbs.
  • For serving, it is necessary to prepare the sauce for kebab, The recipe for yoga is simple: cut the cibula with thin pivkiltsy, remember the trochs with your hands to see the juice. Sip barberry with powder and pour wine otst for 15 quills. Let's see the cibula and sip the kebabs ready.

Features of home cooking

Do not worry about the drive of how to cook kebab at home. Obviously, in the classic version, the grass stutters in the fresh air. But at home you can cook in the oven, grease the meat in the pan and cook the kebab at the multicooker in the "Speka" mode.

For cooking, you need two wooden skewers, on which you can form cutlets. Deyakі misters volіyut do without them, lower rude pardons are allowed. First of all, the grass takes in every color, flocking like a great meatballs. And in a different way, so richly turn over the cowbass for an hour of smearing and zapіkannya. The skewers before stringing meat on them were followed by 30 quills, soaked near the water and covered with olive oil.

Pokrokovy recipe for kebab at home

And now let's figure it out, how to make a kebab at home from different varieties of meat.

Lamb kebab (classic recipe)

You need:

  • lamb pulp (fatty) - 1 kg;
  • qibulya - 300 g;
  • lamb fat - 150 g;
  • black pepper and strength.


  1. M'yaso, fat and cubula finely chop. Salt and pepper minced meat.
  2. Good minced minced meat, pour it on pivgodini.
  3. Take the minced meat and start yogo about making a donut. Rob tse doti, the docks do not see the stickiness of the meat.
  4. Wet your hands and start shaping the kebabs: take the minced meat with a rosemary from the bottom, grind it and string it on a skewer. If the process sees sik, you can troch the meat.
  5. Ready the skewers in the freezer for 5 chills, let the fat be good in the kebab. How to cook grass in a frying pan, I figured it out: brush it from the skin side to a ruddy color and cover it with a kilka kilka krishkoy, sob until ready. As if you are cooking in the oven, place it with deco foil with kebabs in the roast up to 200o oven shaf for 20-30 quills. By stretching for an hour 2-3 times, turn it over.

Recipe for kebab with yalovichini.

You need:

  • pulp of yalovichini or prepared minced meat - 500 g;
  • cibula - 3 large heads;
  • licorice pepper - 1;
  • chasnik - 2-3 cloves;
  • sil and pepper.


  1. Clean 2 cibulins, grate on the great third. Chop the clock roughly.
  2. Mix with minced meat, pepper and salt, mix well.
  3. Cleanse the cibulina that is left out, and licorice pepper, cut into cubes.
  4. Grind small kebabs with minced meat, put them on skewers, blackening with chibula and licorice pepper.
  5. Grill the olive oil in a frying pan, brush the kebabs until ruddy on both sides.

You need:

  • minced pork or fat pulp - 700 g;
  • lard - 100 g;
  • large cibula - 2 heads;
  • spices - coriander, basil, coriander, pepper, strong for relish;
  • watchmaker - 2 teeth.


  1. Clean and trim the cibula, chasnik, cilantro. Mix with minced meat and spices.
  2. Mix the minced meat at least 20 quills, sprinkle with olive oil, cover it with a lid and leave it on the refrigerator for nothing.
  3. Form cutlets from minced meat, string on skewers.
  4. Coat in a frying pan or oven until ruddy, turning over the sprat.

Lula kebab from chicken

You need:

  • cock wagon 2 kg;
  • tsibulya - 1 large;
  • a bunch of greens;
  • hourglass - 2 teeth;
  • salt and pepper, spices.


  1. Cream the meat from the brushes, trim at once from the fat.
  2. Mix with a cibulia and a watchmaker, add greens, strength, spices.
  3. Kindly remember the mass, beat about the house.
  4. Form dovgi kovbaski, string on skewers.
  5. Bake 15 quills in the oven under the grill, turn once.

Axis and all the secrets, how to cook lula-hibab in the oven or in a frying pan. Try it even more delicious!

Video: how to cook kebab at home

It's really possible to cook this fragrant herb at home. First of all, in order to create a miraculous kebab, it is not necessary to go far. Even if everything is necessary under the hand, it is possible for two rahunki, vikoristuyuchi modern technique, to create a savory weed grass.

About rubane meat, cooked at the sight of a pipe, it became known from the hours of the Turkic tribes. The very idea of ​​creating an original recipe. Yogo Bulo was handily prepared for whatever minds. Therefore, in the Caucasus and Asian lands, for the time being, there have been invented many different interpretations of different meats with unusual vegetables and spices. And right away the result is just miraculous.

The Turkic tribes were free to cook lamb meat. You need to chop it strongly, add a large amount of cibules, spices and form your own pipe. Vikoristovuyuchi skewer, rubane meat like a kebab was smeared and served to the table.

Before spices, varto was suitable for special care, for the fact that it was already rich in them. A competent collection of herbs allows you to secure the neumovirny relish and richness. And the axis is the same varto vibrati, lie down in the culinary itself.

Why is such a primitny kebab. The new one has everything, so that it can be filled with salt: crunchy and ruddy streak, as well as naming juice and lower filling. The result of failures. And in the face of such a stray, everything will be choked up without a blame.

The pardon is wide, so that such a varto dish can be cooked exclusively in nature. Reason for tsomu є. But if the weather does not calm down and viїhati for the place there is no opportunity, then you will have the option of creating a culinary wonder house. Lula kebab at the oven is so very kind. And with the help of gastronomy, you can take absolutely everything.

Below are 4 recipes of different types of meat cooked in the oven, on the grill and in the pan. Evidently, as if you were a bravado in the spirits, then you can prepare yourself, be it from rehabilitated methods. Let's get it right:

Lyulya-kebab at the oven with yalovichini

Zdivuvaty sim'yu neymovirno savory that piquant resentment or tribute traditionally holy schos incredibly real. For whom it is necessary to learn how to cook kebab in the oven. Qi small tubes from juice meat will always come to the table. Tim more, scho they have more relish of the day, and there will be no difference between the capture of the rest.


  • Yalovichi minced meat - 600 grams.
  • The qibulya was.
  • Creep.
  • Parsley.
  • Oliya olive.
  • Strength.
  • Specials.
  • coriander.
  • Curry.

Vihіd stravi on 4 individuals.

Cooking process:

1.Clean the cibula. Detail, vicorist blender.

2. Roughly wash and dry the greens, remove the rough stems and chop finely.

3. Buy more products, spices and really change.

4. Good minced meat. With the power of the crush, hit the table. The process of borrowing less than fifteen hwilin. It is important that the fibers are mixed one by one. Tse to ensure a special consistency of strain and to get ahead of її vіd razvalyuvannya. First, start the procedure, you need to put the mass in a bag of bags.

5. Soak wooden skewers near the water.

6. Scoop up the meat. Thread onto a skewer. Form a thin cowhide with a path.

7. Arkush for brewing or lay the foil on the sheet. Viklasti ready lyulya-kebab and brush it with olive oil with a special culinary brush.

8. Place in the oven shaf, roast up to 200 degrees blank for 30-40 quills.

9. Serve at once with fresh and liver vegetables on skewers.

Video recipe:

It's simply impossible to get up to such a juicy and naming passion. And those who stink are not smeared with bagatti, to rob them even more with lower ones and cicavims.

Lula-kebab from lamb in a frying pan

Maizhe is a classic serving option. It is even more important that lamb is the basis, that it is easier to conquer meat. Lyulya-kebab comes out at the same time lower and sleepy. And be a kind of person, after such a meal, obov'yazkovo will come to the capture.


  • Lamb meat - kg.
  • Fat tail fat - 250 grams.
  • Parsley.
  • Tsibulya bila - 3 heads.
  • coriander.
  • Specials.

Leave a stravy on 6 osib.

Cooking process:

1. Soak the mutton and tail fat near the water in the cold. Discuss. Vikoristovuyuchi meat grinder detail. The average expansion is important.

2. Tsybulya was more detailed. The wine itself should be given especially juicy meat.

3. Parsley is carefully trimmed, tidying the coarse bait in front.

4. Put everything in the same mass and resolutely remember. It is necessary not less than ten quills, so that the leather product is mixed, and adding special stickiness. The more relatively passed the task, the more quickly as a result we saw the line.

5. Use your hands to form long cutlets and carefully cut half the length of the skewer.

6. Pour olive oil on the brazier, roses. Viklasti blanks. Cover, until ready, periodically turning over. Middle hour of smearing - 10 hvilin.

7. Lay out in portioned plates and serve with fresh vegetables and spicy sauces.

Delicious, succulent lyulya-kebab will taste everything with pleasure. For rahunok competently pick up spices, you can taste the incomparable taste and aroma. To that, children cannot be brought up to lamb.

Video recipe:


Lula-kebab with pork on the grill

Pork is rightfully considered meat, which is the most succulent, due to the simplicity of preparation and richness of taste. In order to prepare її correctly, it is necessary to know a sprat of nuances. The proponation of a kebab is more than enough and allows you to savor with a lot of relish. When it does not need a lot of time for cooking.


  • Fat - 600 grams.
  • Pork m'yakush - a couple of kilograms.
  • Cybulya Yaltinska - 3 heads.
  • Basil.
  • The clock is the head.
  • Khmeli-suneli.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Cognac - 90 milligrams.
  • Pepper.
  • Strength.

Leave a stravy on 12 osib.

Cooking process:

1. Pour the pork on thin plates. Vykoristovuyuchi kitchen juice, seriously chop the skin plate. M'yaso can be seen at the sight of dribnih shmatochkiv.

2. Vykoristovuyuchi blender or mincer grind fat.

3. Chop the cibulini finely, but do not grind.

4. Refine the teeth of the watchmaker.

5.Zm_shati prepared products, add spices and resolutely beaten. The process of mixing is to blame for at least 15 whilins. Place a refrigerator prepared for a year or two.

6. Shape long cowskins around the skewer with wet hands. Minced meat can be strung on well.

7. The process of smearing is not trivial, but intensive. It is necessary to turn the skewer very often, so that the meat is well smeared and does not fall apart.

8. Like a kebab ready, season yogo varto with vegetables, serve greens to the table.

Namely succulent kebabs look simply incredible. And the crunchy squirrel gives it piquancy.

Watch the video recipe:


Lula kebab from chicken

It’s not so easy to do it right, it’s not so easy, the shards of the preparation process transfer to a large number of manipulations. Then, at the exit, spravzhnі lasoshchi come out. Such a kebab wants to eat absolutely everything, because wine is simply not inherited.


  • Chicken fillet.
  • Greens.
  • Tsibulya bila - head.
  • Roslin oil.
  • Pepper.
  • Strength.
  • Chasnik.
  • Adjika.
  • Tsybulya Yalta.
  • Laurel.
  • Lemon.
  • Orange.
  • Chicken bottom.
  • Marjoram.
  • Apple otset.

Strava is covered for 3 individuals.

Cooking process:

1. Prepare the necessary products.

2. Tsibulya chervona porіzati. At boiled water add | add | laurel, sil | salt |, pepper. Pour the cibula on a sprat of whilin. Angry the motherland.

3. Here you can see half of an orange and a half of a lemon.

4. Posipati marjoram and add a couple of spoons of apple otstu. Zalishiti for napolyagannya for a year-friend.

5. For an hour of abuse, the cibula gradually changes its color more and more. In a year, in the same place, you will be able to bring out a brightly erysipelas sheep with an indescribable relish.

6. Bіlu tsibule narіzati pіvkiltsami. Posipati sill, tsukr, pepper. Mix it up. Get 20 whiplash out.

7. Soak skewers for stringing in cold water.

8. Chicken fillet carefully trim, vicarious blender.

9. Tsibulya ripchasta and good chop the greens. All together with spices and together with other products. Vimishati.

10. It is necessary to “beat” the product with a stretch of 5-10 strands.

11. To make the dish in the oven dish more succulent and rich, add meat from the chicken leg in them, then processed in a blender. This is another option for preparing chicken "cradles". Pour in a couple of spoons of adjika and add greens. Put it in the fridge for a while.

12. With moistened hands, shape small rounds and evenly cut them into skewers.

13. The form can be given absolutely be-yaku. Golovne, sob їх bullo pekti and lubricate.

14. On a brazier with a small addition, oil on both sides.

15. Zapіkati in the oven next close to pіvgodini. Half an hour from the skin side.

16. Put on a dish and add two kinds of pickled cibul.

17. For bajannya kebab, you can always win for thin Virmensky lavash.

Zavdyaki in the distance, after eating all the ingredients, they come out even more savory, and the cibula allows you to taste all the bitterness of relish.

Do not forget that:

  • There is no suvoro territorial attachment to the country. At the skin edge, it gets ready in its own way and may have special notes.
  • The history of the appearance of the kebab is rich in facets and cicava.
  • The hour of preparation is not more than a year.
  • Lyulya-kebab can be prepared literally from any kind of meat, ribi.
  • It is not possible to raise blanks for additional eggs for that bread.

Prepare lula-kebab at home umovakh varto. Adzhe іsnuіє masa variantіvіnіnі vіlennі tsikh turkіskih lassoshіv і zhittya. Golovnit want to experiment and bring into your life impersonal new tastes.

Lyulya-kebab is a traditional meat grass of the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Balkans. Get ready on skewers, lubricate on vogill, which is a direct and main competitor to the traditional barbecue. Deyakі gourmani navіt to put kebab richer than shashlik, by the same time giving danina yoga tenderness, juiciness and richness of relish. You can wait a lot, especially to guess what kebab is prepared with minced meat (minced meat) and to avenge a bouquet of fragrant similar spices.
It’s a pity, you don’t have to go far to go out into nature, burn the brazier and cook your favorite delicacies with wild smoke. To that very fact, I will tell you not only about how to cook kebab on the grill, but I will share the secrets of yogo cooking in home minds. Lyulya-kebab in the oven is also more and more indecent and is guaranteed to help your family in the form of boilers and vineyards.


(for 8-9 skewers)

  • 1 kg. minced meat
  • 150 gr. fat
  • 1 medium cibulin
  • 1 st. salt without girki
  • 0.5 st. chalky winter
  • 0.5 st. crushed black pepper
  • 1 st. ground coriander
  • The classic kebab is prepared, obviously, with lamb, but naturally we have more access to yalovichina and pork. Especially I am the most vicarious sum, proportions 1: 1, that is half yalovich minced meat, half pork.
  • In the minced meat, we add friedly salted salted lard. Well, I know that in the classic recipe, fat tail fat is included, but we have fat where there is more available ingredient, so yogic itself is victorious.
  • Until sumishi with minced meat, that fat is added even more and more deeply chopped cibula. Take it easy on yourself and pass the cibula through a meat grinder, grate it on a grater, or you can’t grind it in a blender at any time! On the right, in the fact that the pieces of the cibula of the guilt are dry and let your sik out in the middle of the minced meat for an hour of lubrication. If you want to eat cibulny sik with minced meat earlier, then just smash the wine together, and you still don’t mush minced trimatis on skewers.
  • Sumish from minced meat, bacon and cibuli mi dovgo and relatively vmіshuєmo in metal or enameled dishes. Vimishuvannya may try more than 8-9 whilins. It’s not so hard to fight in order to mix all three components, as in order for the meat to see the protein. The white makes it similar to threads, like minced meat and allows you not to call skewers. Trivale and retelne imishuvannya minced meat is the main secret of the spravzhny kebab.
  • Since the minced meat saw protein, you can boldly add strength, pepper, cumin and coriander. I want to rebuke your respect again: my recipe has a lot of spices and salt in tablespoons without weights. Sob evenly spread according to the whole volume of strength and spices, minced meat is once again resolutely mixed.
  • Єmnіst іz now we cook minced meat with a lid or foil and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 years. Before the hour of cooling, the fat is caught in the middle of the minced meat - there is another trick that allows you to string the future kebab on a skewer without any problems.
  • Chilled minced meat is strung on skewers. For this, we form a cutlet with minced meat with a wag of approximately 130-150 grams, rozkolyuєmo її on a skewer, after which we turn the skewer lightly, we spread the minced meat with a wag and cym form a meat sausage with a tovshchina of 3-3.5 cm.
  • Problyayuchchi tsyu operation, sled to improve the minced meat as best as possible, so that the middle part of the new one is not empty. When greasing the kebab sama in these empty bowls, you can pick up meat sik, boil wine and tear the miraculous shish kebab with minced meat. Likewise, the stitches, so that the cob and the end of the skin of the meaty cowbass were relatively smeared to the skewer.
  • Shampoos with Sirim Lyulya-kebab are placed on top of hot charcoal grills and lubricated until ready.
  • If you tried to cook a kebab in the oven, then you can’t get better for all the metal skewers, because the stench simply doesn’t fit in the oven. Axis to me and zgaduєmo about small wooden skewers for the size. Zastosuvannya wooden skewers in the absence of hands. First, the stench is thinner, through which you cut the minced meat stringings. In a different way, up to the tree, the meat sumish is richly rich, lower to the metal, which also helps to preserve the integrity of our kebab. In order to hem up the folds, I propagate to speed up in a way, for the help of which homemade sausages are prepared. In other words, a cowbaska with minced meat with a wooden skewer inserted in it, I jump on the kitchen utensil or on a large flat plate.
  • Prepared for greasing kebab transferable to the sheet. We put the skewers in such a way that they can be easily turned over without being deco from the oven.
  • In my case, the leaf can be finished off the high sides, so the skewers are practical to hang on them, and the meat is no longer lightly sticking to the surface of the metal, to go out onto the impromptu brazier. If you don’t have the ability to move meat skewers, then don’t forget to lightly grease the sheet with oil before laying them.
  • To lubricate the lula-kebab is very fast, in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees it takes 15-20 quills.
  • Ready lyulya-kebab is put on a dish and served hot to the table. Together with kebab, we serve greens and fresh vegetables. Krіm tsogo recipe also marvel at the raj

Zovni lyulya-kebab will guess cutlets of a dovgastoy form. For example, the similarity of Caucasian cuisines is truly prepared for minced meat, but for this reason, the similarity of cutlets will end. Minced meat for kebabs without adding eggs, potatoes, bread, semolina or other components. Yet the warehouse is simple, but it is important to trim the proportions required for obov'yazkovo, but it is also important to precisely trim the traditional technology of preparing minced meat for kebab. In the other season, the wine will not be sufficiently sharp, to trim on skewers and take shape when baked in an oven or lubricated in a frying pan.

Cooking features

Without knowing the subtleties, the correct minced meat for a kebab is impossible to make. As far as the traditional technology of yogo cooking is concerned, kebabs will look appetizing and luscious, lower and juiced in the middle, while not falling apart and not losing shape.

  • Traditionally, for kebabs, mutton is beaten, and today minced meat is smashed from dry meat, often navit їzmishyuchi. If you want to lay down the taste of ready-made stravia, and if you have a wine, you will be miraculous, as if the m'yaso was vikoristane like that fresher. So take the best pulp, ideally virizka or meat like shoulder blades. Like in the middle of the day meat of the birds, rather eat the meat of the breast and the legs, so that we mince the wiyshov juice.
  • Minced meat for lula-kebab should not be made from frozen meat, so that it comes out fluffy and dry.
  • Meat for preparing minced meat must be chopped with a special juicer or an important knife. For this sound, the meat is cut in flat pieces with a width of about 1 cm. Place the pieces one on one, two or three. Let's chop them in one straight line, then in the other - perpendicular to the front, you can chop along the diagonals. Later on, the meat is picked up to the center, tamped and chopped in such a way more than once. The process is three until the hour when all the meat is finely trimmed to become minced meat. At the extreme point, it is allowed to use a meat grinder, but then turn the meat through the gate with great openings. Such a laborious way of preparing minced meat for kebab is not just a Danish tradition. Turn the meat through the gates with drіbnimi openings, at the process of adding it, it will be necessary to spend a lot of juice, after which the kebab kebab is not enough juice. It’s not for him to take purchased minced meat for kebab - yogo will happen to be robiti vlasnoruch.
  • As it was appointed, minced meat for kebab should not enter the warehouse, as minced meat for cutlets is scraped together. They replace fat tail fat with pig fat. Ideally, for 1 kg of meat, you need to take 300 g of bacon or fat, if you can change the amount to 100-200 g, especially if you choose to bake kebabs in the oven or grease in a frying pan. Yalovichi minced meat is prepared with adding a significant amount of lard, you can put less on pork yogo. Do not put lard on minced meat, if you want to cook kebab on the grill better, so lard should still be included in the minced meat warehouse.
  • Fat tail fat or lard before mixing with minced meat, it is necessary to carefully trim it. You can chop it up for the same scheme, what is the meat, or you can detail it in another way. For example, cool fat tail fat and rub it on a great third. Cut the salo into small pieces and trim with a blender. As if it were a pasta-like consistency, it would be better to build it: it will evenly spread and creak the minced meat.
  • An important component of minced meat for lyulya-kebab is cibula, and it is cooked in a new way, even if it is rich in juice. It's just not necessary to grind the cibula in a blender, or turn it through a meat grinder - chop finely with a knife. moreover, with the addition of cibules, the nobility of the world cannot be wounded. For 1 kg of meat, 200 g of whole cibula is enough, if you want to add more.
  • For minced meat for kebab, add the same strength, chalking pepper, cumin, turmeric, coriander, dried herbs, fresh herbs. You can focus on your taste, it is important not to overdo it. Dodatkovo can be added to the minced meat, following the traditional recipe, sir, licorice pepper instead of cibuli, boiled and crispy eggs, ale cich ingredients are not guilty, but the minced meat is not rich, which is not the case with the traditional recipe.
  • An important value for preparing minced meat for kebab is maє vishuvannya. It is necessary to finish the basic component with your hands for a long time, at least 15 quills, call 20–25 quills. After that, the minced meat was badly beaten, placed in a bag for protection from the brizok. As a result, the m'yasna basis is obliged to be even sharper and more viscous.

Before preparing the kebab, it is recommended to cool the prepared minced meat with a stretch of the year as a minimum. Zavdyaki tsyomu wines will become even stronger, it will be easier to form new kebabs, sitting on skewers will be stench.

Minced meat recipe for kebab

  • m'yaso (lamb, yalovichina, pork, kurka) - 1 kg;
  • tail fat chi pig fat - 0.2–0.3 kg;
  • qibula or bell pepper - 0.2-0.25 kg;
  • fresh greens (cilantro, parsley, krip, basil) - 100 g;
  • firm sir (for bazhannyam) - 50–100 g;
  • chasnik (for bajannyam) - 2-4 cloves;
  • strength, spices and spices - for relish.

Cooking method:

  • Wash, dry the meat. Chop yogo with a special juice until I become minced meat, or scroll through a meat grinder, vicorist grate with large openings.
  • Pass it through a meat grinder or cut fat tail fat or pork fat in some other way. Mix with minced meat.
  • Clean the cibula (or pepper). Cut into small cubes. You can take 100 g of pepper and cibuli. The traditional recipe is more traditional than cibula, but modern recipes allow for a change in pepper. Especially often the rest is added to minced chicken.
  • Mix minced meat from a warehouse warehouse.
  • Yakshcho vyrishy vikoristati chasnik, vydavіt yogo mincemeat. It's good to eat minced pork and poultry meat.
  • If you want to put on strange notes, rub hard cheese and mix yogo with minced meat. Sir vikoristovuvati is more important than in vipadkah, if the kebab is prepared in the oven. When cooked on the grill, it is better to trim the traditional recipe with a minimum of components (meat, lard, cibula and greens).
  • Chop the greens, add the minced meat with spices at the same time.
  • Kindly mix the minced meat with your hands (you need to cook it with 20 quills).
  • Put the trimmed meat in a bag, beat it about a plate.
  • Transfer the minced meat from the package to a bowl, cover it and put it in the refrigerator.

Already in a year, with minced meat, you can form kebabs and cook them, be it from the chosen methods.

Like minced meat for kebab preparations correctly, the evocative look and the relish of the finished season will not disappoint you.
