Kіlka naytsіkavіshih retseptіv soupіv іz quail. Soup from quails

Kіlka naytsіkavіshih retseptіv soupіv іz quail. Soup from quails

Mushroom supi has a unique relish and aroma. For their preparation, you can use white mushrooms, chanterelles, boletus mushrooms, and most of all, white cauliflower. The lower broth from quails will serve as a wonderful basis for such a battle. Zavdyaki perepіlkam vіn become greater vishukanim and incomparable. For once, we prepare a light and savory mushroom soup made from fresh ovens and quails.

Smak Info Hot soup / Mushroom soup

Soup Ingredients:

  • two quails with a three-hundred-chotirista gram;
  • three hundred grams of potatoes;
  • two hundred and fifty grams of mushrooms
  • n'fifty grams of butter;
  • one carrot;
  • one large cibulina;
  • collection of greenery (pir'ya tsibuli, krip, basil);
  • sil, pepper sumish, bay leaf;
  • two and a half liters of water.

How to cook mushroom soup from fresh ovens with quails

1. Quail carcasses are washed by running water, with a hot knife we ​​cut them into neat portions.

2. We put our quails in a saucepan, add a bay leaf, half a cibulini to them, fill in all the ingredients with water and cook them on a small fire.

3. If the quail's meat becomes soft, I'll throw potatoes into the quail.

4. For soup, we cut the cibula into cubes, and the mushrooms and carrots into slices.

5. Roztoplyuemo oil on a frying pan. The very preparation of fried fried on olives is to be added to the soup of the lower vershokovy vіdtinka.

6. Throw a cibula and a carrot onto a frying pan.

7. If the vegetables become soft, add mushrooms and smear them until a light golden fleck is removed.

8. Visipaemou otrimanu sumish at the soup at the moment, if the potatoes become ready.

9. Let the soup boil ten khvilin and add greens to the new one.

10. Bring the mushroom soup with quails to a boil and then pour the yoga into bowls.

Soup with quails is not only rich and nutritious first grass, but also a good delicacy, which you can never see in a restaurant menu. If the carcasses of this bird were spared you, then, without hesitation in a single second, obov'yazkovo cook soup from them! Such grass will be tried not only by grown-ups, but also by children who want to flirt with an unusual little bird.

The best broth comes from the autumn quails, as if the trochs gained fat before the winter period, so if you want to stock up on the carcasses of this bird, freezing them for the winter, then vicorate yourself quietly, as if the bulges were hammered in the autumn.


  • 2-3 quail carcasses
  • 1 carrot
  • 2-3 cards
  • 50-80 g rice
  • 1 cibulina
  • sіl ta fresh greens for relish


1. Take away carcasses of quail near the water, seeing the insides. Viklademo їх at the pan or a cauldron and salle with hot water. Place the container on the stove and bring it to a boil. Znіmemo shumіvkoy pіnu і vіdvarimo protyazh 10 hvilin.

2. We clean the potatoes, the cibula and the carrots from the skins. Promiemo by the water and cut into portioned cubes: carrots and cibula - dry, and potatoes - great.

3. Dodamo cut vegetables in a saucepan with broth from quails at once and let's eat rice. Let's mix it up and add it to taste. Behind the bazhannyam - a bay leaf and a trohi of black ground pepper. Vіdvarimo more 15 quills on medium heat until the potato slicing is softened.

4. For a few minutes or two before the end of the cooking, I’ll freshen up the greens: a sprinkle of parsley and add to the soup. Let's cut the grass under the roof and take the saucepan from the stove.

5. Rosillemo soup at portions of deep plates, wilted into the skin of them after cooking quail carcasses. Served to the table with sour cream, mayonnaise or other sauce, without forgetting some bread and croutons.

Gentlemen, take note

1. Quail occupy a leading position in the dietary meat mix, although the first herb is recognized for small children, the first broth should be angry. You can pour out the water when the ice has boiled, and again pour the product with dill, and then boil it. On the right, not in low fat and cholesterol - quail carcasses have a minimum quantity. Go about the fear of negative reactions to the concentration of m'yasn_ vіdvari. It's a pity, small members of this family don't take it so well, like they've grown up. And in another way, zroblena after a prescription, it’s even good for preschool children. Vaughn is alive and easy. Її unguardedly praise like nutritionists, and pediatricians.

2. Possibly, savages and are allowed to eat a bird without eating utensils, but for civilized people, at the hour of a meal, the stench of obov'yazkovo is necessary. First, for the sake of neatness, and in a different way, for clarity. Otzhe, schob garno і culturally z'їsti soup іz quails, treba vykoristovuvat, krіm spoons, vuzku fork with long prongs and rounded lower. Baghano white of the main, filled with even a plate of mother dodatkov - empty. Moved there the brushes to fill the place in the empty dishes, and, therefore, do not worry.

Quails, like a cock, rise to dietary types of meat. Prote quails on our table are churning richly, lower than chicken breasts. As soon as it became possible to cook meat from birds, then it’s best not to ignore the recipe for soup with quails. For the confirmation of the confirmation of the gifts of the gospodars, the broth from the first bird will come out rich, completely savory and incredibly fragrant. You won’t say that the preparations for a small carcass with a vag are no more than 300 grams.

Required list of ingredients

To prepare you need:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 quail carcasses;
  • 360 g potatoes;
  • cibulin;
  • carrot;
  • quail egg;
  • spider vermicelli - 120 g;
  • strength;
  • parsley;
  • chalking pepper;
  • fir'ya green onions.

Recipe for quail soup

So that the first dish would be more rich for relish, it is not recommended to throw all the ingredients in a glass, as if to shy away the gentlemen who always hurry up. Quail is a non-standard product, which requires special preparation and proper preparation. In order for the dish, as it seems, to be far away, it is necessary to prepare a side of rich broth. Miёmo quail carcasses. The skin is recommended to be stripped. We put them in a saucepan, pour the motherland and put it on a small fire. How to boil just a little, put strength and cibulin on top. We cook quail broth close to winter.

Needless to say, the recipe for soup with quails is amazing in its simplicity, but at the same time it’s a unique result for relish. It is significant that the broth during the cooking process will be rich and fat, you won’t say that it was prepared from dietary and low-calorie quail meat.

On the 31st chill, you can add potato cubes to the broth. Let's cook some vegetable khvilin 10. Now let's make a classic soup dressing with carrots and cibules. Grate carrots, like a dice of cibula and smear them on a frying pan with an additional spoonful of olive oil. Soyno vegetables become golden, correct them at the soup.

The final touch to the recipe for quail soup is spider vermicelli. Well, obviously, the product is not dietary, but without it, the grass will not be so rich and tasty. Vermicelli is added to the soup for three-chotiri hvilini until the fire is extinguished. What time is it to stitch, to get ready. Having simmered the fire, do not hasten to take the soup out of the fire. Add fresh greens, cover with a lid. 15-20 quills will be enough.

To marvel at the photo of the recipe for quail soup, serving is not complete without adding half of a boiled quail egg. Not obov'yazkovy, but such a garnier culinary touch. Also put more fresh green cibules and parsley in the soup.

Quail measles

Broth, made from a quail carcass, is not just a tasty dietary herb. All references for vitamins and minerals. avenge impersonal phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. The stench is necessary for our body for the normal functioning of the cystic and mucosal systems.

In addition, the recipe for soup from quails is to be written down by those who underwent operational intervention. In the postoperative period, you will have a heartless resentment. The product is supplementary in the treatment of the cardiac meat, the duct-intestinal tract, the musculoskeletal apparatus.

Secrets of cooking quail

  • Zaporuka savory stravi from bird meat - mitt's strap and look at the carcass. Yakshcho on nіy є surplus fir'ya, їх traces were seen, and the carcass was burned over the fire.
  • As soon as the grass is prepared for meat, then it is recommended to see it, krill and paws. Ale, wikidating them is not necessary. The very zavdyaki tsim parts of the quail carcass and come out such a savory and rich, fatty and watery diet broth for soups.
  • It is not for the sake of victorious over that “vigorous” and fragrant spices. M'yaso nastіlki nizhne, so do not tolerate rich seasonings and aromatic blotches. To finish vikoristovuvatime basil, rosemary, green cibula, thyme, chalking pepper.

It’s good to know someone who doesn’t cook soup with quails, though, because the grass is dear, it’s only available to monarchs.

In fact, it is not true, and in our hour quails are sold practically at all great stores and food markets. Their price is available for people with an average status. The meat of the birds is even more savory and having prepared soup from quails once, you yourself can become your beloved grass, as you will cook no less at holy days. Before that, the quail has a lot of beauty and revenge for a lot of unique elements that affect the human body.

But before that, how to proceed to cooking, be it necessary to know the rules for choosing a quail carcass. Nasampered there may be beautiful in appearance and mother of the lower color and pleasantly smell. The carcass in any case is not guilty of cyanosis, because This is the main sign of the fact that she is already lying there and, perhaps, often, or more often, she has lost her taste in the brilliance. If the skin is dry, it’s better that you can talk about freshness and about those who didn’t freeze before.

Quail soup with pasta

It is even simpler and easy for the body to master the recipe, which can give recommendations to people who suffer from allergies. And we are healthy in a fit to the soul through a unique relish and aroma.

Ready without lubrication! Shvidky, savory and lively!


  • one quail carcass;
  • 100 g thin pasta;
  • a pair of middle cards;
  • one carrot;
  • one cibulina;
  • bunch of crop


The peculiarity of this soup is that it is prepared without lubrication with fresh natural vegetables.

All our wonderful quail soup is ready!

Video "Soup from quails with pasta"

This video shows another recipe for quail soup with pasta.

Shvidky ta light soup

A quail in a greased or baked one cannot look alone, for other reasons, it is simply not possible to love others. Ale soup, preparations for this recipe, it suits everyone!


  • two quail carcasses;
  • two cibulins of small rosemaries (in the broth and for dressing);
  • one medium size carrot;
  • large maple and a couple of middle ones;
  • strength;
  • roslinna oliya;
  • black chalking pepper;
  • krip or parsley on your choice.


All our fragrant and deep brown soup is ready. Like bachite everything is just right.

Mislivsky quail soup

Straws from quails were often prepared in nature by myslivtsami after the shooting of wild game. This recipe was inspired by them, and we shared it with our readers.

For this recipe for soup with quails, fresh forest mushrooms, for example, porcini mushroom, mushrooms and mushrooms, are more likely to be used. And for the sake of their presence, buy savage clay on the market - the stink miraculously replace forest mushrooms. Ale put them as needed before serving, smearing them in front with okremo like cibules. Yakshcho glivi digest the stench to indulge in relish.


  • chotiri quail carcasses;
  • pshono - a quarter of a bottle;
  • cibulin medium rosemary;
  • small maple;
  • a dozen fresh mushrooms;
  • smoked bacon (pig) 50 grams;
  • zі spetіy less strong and black pepper;
  • a pair of stems of a green cibulka;
  • parsley for refreshment.



The meat of the quail is not for nothing considered dietary, even in the new it practically does not contain cholesterol, and the broth from these birds is bred for children, and in France they prepare consom from quails. Name the same soup. However, the broth is simply guilty of being transparent, and for which the chicken white is vicarious.

Before I speak, I obov'yazkovo save such a broth, freezing it, and I cook on a new borscht and different vegetable soups - their relish comes out even richer and velvety!

To prepare consomme with quails, it is necessary to bring a couple of carcasses of quails and thoroughly clean them - you may be left with a feast or a spit, and then wash it by the water.

Prepared quail carcasses put into a saucepan and add to it the strength and sprat of bay leaves. Filled with hot water and boiled on the middle fire close to 60-80 quills, knowing the kick that is settled.

After an hour of appointment, the carcass was cooked in the broth - it was fatter in the weed.

In a cup rose an egg and carefully pour only whites - you don’t need a zhovtok in the recipe. Zіb'єmo yogo with a fork in the pіnu.

Nallemo beat the protein in the broth and mix it.

We put the pan on full fire and bring the broth to a boil, the white will burn at the hot motherland and clean it up. Let's clean a couple of cloves in the chapel, cut them and add them to the pan.

Obov'yazkovo pass the broth through a strainer and a gauze ball, after which we will become clear. Carrots are cut with vegetable peelers and put on 1-2 hvilini for hot soup.

We put the opolonik with the broth in a serving plate and put in it the carcass of the boiled quail. Embellish with carrot lines and fresh greenery. Serving quail consomies to a hot table.
