Choux pastry for homemade eclairs. How to properly make homemade choux pastry for eclairs

Choux pastry for homemade eclairs. How to properly make homemade choux pastry for eclairs

Eclair from the French “bliskavka”, “spalah”, perhaps, through those that you can eat it briskly and enjoy the sparkling sparkle of the most delicious relish... In the mid-16th century, the cook Panterelli came up with a recipe for choux pastry, later courtier cook Marie-Antoine Carême, Napoleon I, George IV and Alexander I, having made the plates more popularly, then cover the custard with glaze.

French confectioners respect that ideal eclairs should be smooth and fresh, 14 cm long. Top them with custard: vanilla, chocolate or cava. The edge of the skin has its own name: in Spain “pepeto”, in Argentina Palo de Jacobo “Jacob’s staff”, in the USA long John - “long John”, in Germany kaffeestange “cave block”, liebesknochen “love brush” or Hasenphote “hare” paw".

The pastry from the choux pastry will come out tender and with puffy pores in the middle, placing it in the oven, we are careful not to overcook - it will rise on the eyes and give a nice blush! This recipe from the photo will help you create a culinary masterpiece.


  • Vershkov oil – 70 grams
  • Boroshno vyschy gatunka - 170 grams
  • chilled water - 300 ml
  • eggs - 4 pieces
  • Cucru - 1 pinch
  • salt for relish.


1. Mix the water and cut the butter into pieces. Add a pinch of salt and cinnamon. Utensils with a thick bottom (ladle, saucepan) are better than Vikorista. We chop the workpiece on the stove until the oil is completely broken.

2. Sift thoroughly and add to the oil mix, at which time it is necessary to stir vigorously until the dough forms a lump, then turn on the stove.

3. Leave it on the stove for 2-3 hvilin. Over the course of an hour, gluten is more likely to brew more. After that, we transfer it to a bowl and let it cool with a stretch of 20 strands. Have stiglu masu add eggs.

4. Stir, then evaluate the consistency of the dough. We scoop it into a spoon and be careful as it drops into the bowl, the dough may fall into a thick stream. This very consistency is the seal of crispy eclairs!

5. The custard masa is ready! I press it with a pastry bag or put it in with a spoon. Then follow the selected recipe and bake.

Classic recipe

You take away 32 of the most important eclairs in this recipe!

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Milk 125 ml
  • water 125 ml
  • Borochno 160 gr. (1 bottle)
  • vershkova butter|mastila| 100 gr.
  • a grain of salt
  • dribka tsukru
  • eggs 4-5 pcs.

For the cream:

  • Milk - 500 ml
  • tsukor – 160 grams
  • three chewers
  • corn starch 45 gr. chi 75 gr. Boroshna
  • fatty tops – 150 grams or butter tops – 50 grams.
  • vanillin - 1 pod or 1.5 sachets of vanillin (3 g).


1. Pour water and milk into a saucepan, add top butter, a pinch of corn and salt.

2. Place the saucepan over medium heat and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Oliya must break up. We take it from the stove.

3. Add the sifted mixture thoroughly. Knead the dough until it becomes uniform and forms a breast.

4. Place on the stove at a temperature slightly below average. Steadily stir the main mixture for 2-3 minutes until it dries. Let's take it out of the fire.

5. Transfer the workpiece into a bowl, after 5 minutes it will be cold and you can add eggs.

6. Using a spatula or a mixer with a spatula or paddle attachment, I will mix. Add eggs one at a time during the hour of mixing (there are a few eggs left to fit their size). The dough should be completely drained from the spatula.

7. Take a pastry bag with a round nozzle, measuring 10 to 15 mm. Reminds me of choux pastry.

8. We are preparing a papier for baking. At a temperature of 45°, with the same force, cut 12-14 cm slices into the dough.

9. We soak a fork in the egg and carefully the grooves, as shown in the photo.

10.Brew in the oven at 180℃ for about 30 minutes. The Ecleri are blushing. We remove the cake from the oven and let the surface cool down.

1. To prepare the cream, pour milk into a saucepan and add vanilla. Mix the beans in a bowl. The zukor is divided into two halves, one is added to the milk, the other to the butter.

2. Place the saucepan with milk over medium heat and bring to a boil. The starch is added to the eggs from the chicken and mixed.

3. Pour in the milk until the eggs are ready, gradually beating until the curd is broken up. Pour the mixture into the saucepan and put it back on medium heat.

4. Steadily stir until the cream thickens. Let's take it from the fire. If you are using a top of butter, add it at once.

5. Now you need to cool the cream, covering it with grub. Place in the refrigerator for a year or at night.

6. Beat the fatty tops and add the cold cream. Mix until smooth consistency. If you haven’t kneaded the tops, you can fill the eclairs with cream after mixing.

7. Place the cream in a pastry bag using a vikory tip and a long time. The eclairs are starting to get creamy, and the bubbles open 2 at a time.

8. Before serving, you can coat the custard with cucumber powder, glaze or fondant. Classic eclairs are ready. Savory!

Make dough for the guest

There are a lot of different recipes for custard, if you wanted to remember the taste of childhood, this recipe is for you. Above all, follow exact proportions, and you are guaranteed to be satisfied with the delicate taste!


  • Boroshno - 200 gr.
  • vershkova butter|mastila| 100 gr.
  • water - 180 gr. (Water is measured in grams!)
  • eggs – 300 gr.
  • salt for relish.


1. Mix the oil and water in a saucepan with a thick bottom. We put it on the middle fire. Stir until the oil is completely broken up.

2. Boil it well, sift it into boiling oil, stir it with a whisk. It may take a while to brew. Let's take it out of the fire.

3. Transfer the dough to a bowl and let it cool to 60℃

4. Take a bowl and break the eggs in it. Eggs can be taken from category 1 from a quantity of 6 pieces. We beat them.

5. Add the eggs mostly in parts. Mix thoroughly.

6. Prepare the dough and put it into a pastry bag or syringe.

7. Place parchment on the sheet. Press the mixture with even force into even 14 cm slices.

8. With the oven preheated to 210℃, place a sheet for 10 quills, then lower the temperature to 180℃ and continue baking for another 25 quills until ready.

9. Cool the ecleri, fill it with cream, and the animal can be sprinkled with powder.

The VIP from childhood is ready! Savory!

Dough for eclairs with filling

Eclair today's news.

The weekday is no longer a day.

Such a mood

Otherwise it's Sunday.

The childish top of Lydia Slutskaya!

You can find a lot of recipes for custard in cookbooks and on the Internet. The taste of the battered eclairs that melts in your mouth will remain with you forever. But it’s not just properly prepared dough that guarantees success... Of course, the filling is no less important! Today we know how to prepare eclairs with custard.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Vershkov butter - 100 gr.
  • water chi milk - 240 gr.
  • richly siyaned - 150 gr.
  • eggs of category 1 - 4 pcs.
  • tsukor - 1 teaspoon
  • a grain of salt.

For the cream:

  • Milk – 400ml.
  • sifted well - 1.5 tablespoons
  • Starch - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Tsukor - 80 gr.
  • Egg bean – 2 pcs.
  • Vanilla powder.


1. Pour milk and water into a saucepan with a thick bottom. Place the pan on medium heat. Add olive oil and salt to it.

2. Stir until the oil is completely broken up, after which add everything that has been sifted. In this case, the sum is constantly stirring. We take the pan off the stove and check when the mass is cold.

3. Add eggs and beat the dough.

4. The finished masa is placed in a pastry bag (or the original bag, first cut from the bottom of one of the cutlets) and removed from it

On a sheet covered with a baking paper, press the dough to a length of 12-14 cm at a distance of about 5 cm, one way at a time.

5. Heat the oven to 220°C, put the sheet on for 10 minutes, then lower the temperature to 190°C. I bake for 20-25 minutes until the eclairs are browned.

6. To prepare vanilla cream, we need: stir the egg mixture with the zest and vanilla. Zasipati boroshno, tsukor, starch. Stir and heat the sumish over medium heat until smooth. Cool the cream.

7. Reminiscent of a pastry bag with cream. Carefully cut the eclairs and pour custard into them. The top of the eclair can be coated with chocolate or some other glaze to seal the cuts.


Recipe with margarine

Ekleri is rich in love with lasoschi. With this simple margarine recipe, you will please yourself and your loved ones not with a purchased one, but with a freshly baked, aromatic custard vipichka!

We need:

  • Water - 200 ml
  • Boroshno 1 - bottle
  • margarine - 100 gr.
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • zukor and salt, ½ tsp each.


1. In a small saucepan, usually with a thick bottom, pour water, add zukor and salt. Bring to a boil over medium heat.

2. While boiling water, add margarine, stirring, checking on the outside.

3. Then carefully pour 1-2 pieces of bread into the mixture and carefully stir-fry. The dough may begin to rise from the bottom and sides of the pan.

4. Remove the dishes from the stove and let the dough cool. Then add the eggs one at a time and mix everything after skinning the egg. The dough may not come out thick and sparse.

5. Place the finished masa in a pastry bag; you can use a star tip.

6. The deco is covered with a lip paper. You can cut out 12-14 cm pieces of dough on the edge, 5 cm on the edge, one side at a time.

7. Bake in an oven heated to 210℃ for 10 minutes, then lower the temperature to 180℃ and continue to bake for another 25 minutes. It’s impossible to cook the oven for an hour!

8. Cool the stick. You can fill the eclairs with a cream to your liking!

Bon appetit!

Eclairs are made from the bottom, battered dough, for the preparation of such vikory crust, choux pastry. In order for the result to be smooth, it is necessary to accurately adjust the proportions and, following the recipe, prepare the dough, and then properly bake the dough in the oven.

Preparation of ingredients for the preparation of custard dough for eclairs.

In a stewpan, pour water at room temperature, add oil. You can add a little salt for the eggplants.

Place the saucepan over medium heat. Periodically stirring in a circular motion, bring the masa to a roiling boil. Oliya is to blame for everything.

Then, without removing from the stove, without changing the fire, pour the entire portion of the beard into the saucepan. And after stirring as quickly as possible, brew everything well. You will need 2 hvilini. The dough will immediately come together into one bowl and stand up against the wall of the saucepan.

Remove the saucepan from the stove and continue to knead the dough until it reaches room temperature. You will need 5-7 hvilins. You can quickly mix the dough with a mixer and a whisk. It's all too soon to go away, it's no fault of yours.

The dough itself has a brilliant color and underlying structure. Due to its consistency, it looks like softened children's plasticine.

Add one chicken egg. It tastes like room temperature. When you vikorize homemade eggs, the dough will be infused yellow color. Immediately start kneading with a spatula.

The dough will immediately be divided into small malleable pieces, after kneading for 2-3 minutes, it will again become one soft and bottom breast.

And just as soon as it happens, add another chicken egg. Knead again until the dough has an even, smooth consistency.

Place the choux pastry for the eclairs in a pastry syringe or a bowl with a round nozzle and place the eclairs in a ceramic mold lined with a baking paper. You can squeeze the eclairs with a tablespoon, but you also need to soak them in cold water so that the dough comes out easily. Stand between the testers about 7 cm, the stinking fragments will rise and increase in size.

Bake in an oven heated to 200 degrees for about 15 minutes, until golden brown, then change the temperature to 160 degrees and dry for 15 minutes. If you lower the temperature earlier, the dough will collapse, but if you don’t change it at all, it won’t bake well. Before the hour of baking, you don’t like the eclairs, if they are turbid, then you can’t open the oven for the first 15 minutes - you need to stock up on terpenes.

You can check the readiness of the vape like this: remove one pastry from the oven, as soon as it does not fall off in the cold air - the vicket is ready, you can remove it.

Ready-made eclairs, prepared from choux pastry, are legendary, have a beautiful golden color and do not lose their shape after coming out of the oven.

The stench has a neutral taste, so the filling can be filled with licorice cream, soft cheese, pate, and light salads. Fill the eclairs with the filling in two ways: cut them open, fill them with the prepared filling, and then close them with the cut half, or use a vikory pastry bag with a long thin tip and press the cream in the middle, on the inside Existing space.


  • Once you have prepared the perfect choux pastry for eclairs and profiteroles, the first thing you need to do is turn on the oven. It will be well heated to maximum temperature. I need to remove food from the refrigerator that you need to prepare. Even the stench looms at room temperature.

  • Once the preparation process is completed, you can start boiling the dough. Place 750 ml of water in a saucepan.

  • Next, add top butter (can be replaced with margarine, but the taste of the finished product will no longer be the same), salt and place on the stove. Sift well.

  • If the oil and water has already boiled, you can remove it from the stove.

  • Add a lot of water to the mixture. Remember! It’s hard to add everything at once. If you try the sipati in parts, it will burn, but it will not brew. If it’s good enough, you need to get the meat right, don’t hesitate. Place the combined ingredients back onto the stove.

  • On the stove, gradually stir the mixture until it becomes completely homogeneous and dull. If you made the choux pastry correctly, then it is not your fault that the breast is made. Add the eggs and mix everything well again so that the eggs do not cook. Please! To ensure that the prepared mixture is more golden, add more juice.

  • The finished classic dough for eclairs and profiteroles can be pressed using a pastry syringe. It’s important to say how much eclairs pop up in households. Place everything in the oven at the same temperature. The prepared eclairs, according to GOST, must have a golden color, and on the surface of the dough there must be either pukhirtsiv or vologi. As you know, kneading the base for the dough is very easy!

Good afternoon, today I created an article to help the gentleman who is starting to make perfect custard eclairs or dough for the first time. I will tell you how to properly make choux pastry following the recipe.

The choux pastry is a very simple recipe (the simplest one you can get).

ale- don't care about the simplicity of the recipe - you don't know 7 important rules You may not get anything. It was the same for me: I threw away my first custard eclairs on the sour cream (the stench did not rise, did not swell, they lay on the deck like dead cakes - I just burst into tears).

And since the wounds on my sensitive culinary soul had healed, I began to search forums and articles with new strength and believe in success, and as a result, I found THAT INFORMATION, which is not often written in choux pastry recipes. Ale without some impossible aspects are the right fluffy eclairs and profiteroles.

As if everything had worked out the same for you since the first time before you saw it.

Come on... let's get this straight.

What is this choux pastry?

This is the dough that, when kneaded, gives a tender crispy bun with EMPTINITY in the middle.

Fried buns in the middle of these buns come out of this so the dough has plenty of water. In a hot oven, the water begins to actively evaporate, and the oil that enters the dough storage area does not allow the air to pass freely through the pores of the dough, and The pressure of water vapor in the middle of the bun inflates it like a bag.

I will empty the axis itself in a custard eclair or pastry and fill it with various fillings: condensed milk, tops, cheese paste, fruit jam.

Custard dough can be used as a culinary cob. Ale for whom will you need it? not just a recipe.

Alyosha Some important nuances of the bread, without knowing which custard buns or profiteroles may not turn out as crispy as you would like.

You'll soon find out all the secrets of choux pastry.

And then you can taste delicious profiteroles with chocolate (first photo) and cheesecakes with raspberries (another photo).

Hey, let’s prepare this choux pastry. And let's reveal all his secrets.

  • I’ll give you the recipe right away (classic choux pastry recipe)
  • And then I will clearly explain what kind of sweeteners CANNOT BE ALLOWED in the dough itself.

Choux pastry recipe.

(Proportions for 40 small buns)

  • 1 bottle drive + 100 grams tops of oil - meltable.
  • Not knowing about the fire, it’s boiling hot there that’s sifting ( 1 bottle, then 160 g)
  • Brew thoroughly in hot water with oil (stir with a spoon or mixer)
  • Let's add eggs 3-4 pieces. And once again we see.
  • Place the dough with a spoon or a pastry syringe on the greased surface and stick it out.


Ale lishe for quiet. who knows BASIC RULES FOR PREPARING THIS TEST.

Important rules

for the recipe for custard dough.

Let's now go through our recipe - step by step - and understand the skin rule.

Everything is simple right now...

Water is poured into the pan ... oil is put in it | oil | and bring everything to a boil.

RULE FIRST - do not let the water boil for too long.

Sometimes you know that your water is oil already boiled... and you came out and left continue the gurgle b…

Through the tse - you can often evaporate from boiling water… and togetherness at the saucepan become smaller. And the proportions of dry and rare are destroyed. As a result, the custard dough will come out thicker, lower required.

ANOTHER RULE – the mittevo can be brewed well.

While the countryside is heating up, we are preparing an assault force. The “landing” itself - so that the landing of the landing will begin Mitteva and Bliskavichna. This is how it can be with our flour.

The first time, when I was preparing the choux pastry, I started mixing it - it was already dripping heavily from the flasks. Because the bottles are really leaking a lot.

It is necessary to work otherwise.

  • Let's take the arkush paper - we'll put it together. Let there be a line of death.
  • Our (already sifted) goodness is hanging on this sheet.
  • It’s good – add zukor (for sweet pastry)… or salt (for salty pastry).
  • And if you manage to boil water and oil in our saucepan, change the fire... and...
  • We take our sheet - by the edges, so that bending over in the line of death, And everything was perfectly ready until the mitt came out of the sheet.
  • We bring a bean leaf to the pan - in a friend’s hand Let’s immediately take a spoon(A wooden spatula...or a mixer)
  • We pour boiling olive water into the boiling water - with one hand - in a splash and a splash. at that very second) let's mix it up shvidko-shvidko (they threw the leaf away, grabbed the handle of the saucepan with one hand, and shvidko everything was rushed into the water).

I have brewed the flour and need to cook it well.

Shvidko vsipane boroshno must boil down. What is the hour required for? They boiled thoroughly, mixed with dill and without removing the pots from the fire (even if they changed the fire) - it’s right in the pot. Then we smear it with a spoon on the bottom of the pan - then we collect it in someone - then we smear it again - again we collect it in a coma. Scob dough it was boiled from all sides. After 2 hvilini it will be good to boil.

I will become a soft, uniform breast.

RULE THREE – the temperature of the choux pastry and the size of the egg matter.

Now, after it’s well-cooked, and the pan is removed from the fire, you need to beat the eggs in there. Not immediately- The dough is not too hot (so that the eggs are not baked in it) - it’s best to stick your finger in the dough: if the temperature is tolerable for you, it means the eggs won’t get burned.

What kind of dough is it? completely cool before adding eggs - This is just as bad. This is where the mucus comes out. And then we can no longer bring it to a meaty-creamy texture.

It may turn out that the size may ruin the proportion of rawness/dryness, and the dough will turn out to be too thin.

So we beat the eggs into a bowl. And we beat it there.

And then we begin introduce egg sumish little by little at the custard there is dough.

Added and stirred. Added and stirred.

Doki dough will not stop we need consistency (some part of the egg mixture is still in the bowl... and the dough has already become required... which means there is no need to add more egg mixture - knead).

And there is one more point here. Behind my guards, the axis is how to go out. If you mix the custard dough with a wooden spoon, you will need more eggs. And if you use a mixer, then less. The right thing is that the mixer mixes the dough too much and intensively, and after mixing it becomes rare and fluid, and therefore there is less egg.

You’ll have to do it yourself if you’re ready to add eggs to our custard. Blend according to consistency.

This is what the CORRECT consistency of choux pastry looks like.

The required consistency looks like homogeneous glitter paste. Yaka trims its shape for about ten hours. You yourself are already using a spoon instead of your saucepan: you stir the dough into the custard with a spoon, and separation-vizerunki by the pan (watch for mixing) when I caught my uniform I was shaking(Photo above).

Or you can translate it like this: I scoop the dough out of the saucepan with my finger, and as the scooped little bit retains its shape (like paste on a toothbrush), wash the hairy forelock It rises and does not fall, which means the dough is exactly as required.

Because of this power, the choux pastry, when placed on a sheet, completely trims its shape and suture (like the syringe had a suction nozzle).

And after boiling, such an eclair will protect its surface.

What is it like to be robotic? the dough came out too thick or else too rare?

If I have done this, I honestly thought that the thickness of the dough (including the other one) can be changed by adding eggs and beard.

It's true that this new recipe doesn't require all the dough. I have a chance to get kicked out.

It is necessary to frame the problem this way.

If the dough is thicker, then we add a little bit of this dough, a little rare, in the castrulets (then add a little more water for the recipe - boil it well - add eggs). And then, very rarely, the dough was mixed with our first very thick dough.

If the dough is rare, then we will try a little bit of the dough, or thick, in the crust. Then we pour water and oil for the recipe, add a lot of water for the recipe - then we brew it well. And this dough (as if it is still without eggs) is added to our very first dough.

When placing the dough on a sheet, there is another simple rule.

RULE FOUR - the leaf is to blame for being wet.

The deco for the buns is spread with a thin ball of butter (either thin or thin) - give this thick ball of butter a thick crust at the bottom so that it will be easy to hold it from the sheet.

It’s better to bake them on a silicone skewer (you don’t need to coat it with anything).

Deco is lightly sprinkled generously with water. I just pour water on him, and then sprinkle the water on the floor. And other specks will be lost by getting caught in the oil.

These droplets will give us the necessary moisture in the middle of the oven. And then our buns will rise more friendly.

Place the custard dough onto the sheet.

The dough is placed on a sheet

  • or with a spoon (soaked in water).
  • or a pastry syringe with a large nozzle.
  • or through an original polyethylene bag with a hole cut into it.
  • Or roll up a little bag of paper.

For profiteroles, use a spoon to create a perfect circle (if it gets smeared, adjust with a wet finger). Or with a wide nozzle without a spout.

Choux pastry You need to add it in small portions

Round - no more than a teaspoon.

Dovge - no more than two teaspoons per serving.

Otherwise, it won’t rise - a large portion of dough needs to rise carefully.

Stand between the laid out portions choux pastry - it should be at least 2 centimeters. After baking the eclairs with a spoon, they will look like round, pot-bellied buns.

If you have a long brewed dough, use a syringe. Since the nozzle of the syringe is thin, you can simply remove a bunch of sausages (one at a time) and remove the sausage of the item we need.

RULE OF P'YATO - do not let the choux pastry lie on the deck for a long time.

If you press balls of choux pastry onto a sheet and do not immediately put it in the oven, then the dough will begin to evaporate and the food on the dough will evaporate. it turns out we don't need a quickie. And then our eclairs (or profiteroles) will not rise.

RULE OF SOST – the oven has a hot temperature.

Pre-heat the oven up to a temperature of 180 degrees.

We put our deco with custard eclairs and pastries.

І immediately soluble additional steam for oven. To do this, pour some water into the bottom of the mug and plop it directly on the hot bottom of the oven. Not at the halfway point, obviously, otherwise it will go out, but on the baked walls and bottom of the oven. This is how our custard profiteroles will definitely rise.

SOME RULE - do not open the oven (until the stench does not bake).

You feed it, but how do we know that the stench has already become sour that it’s impossible to open it or marvel at it?

Small custard buns or dough are sticking out 20 hvilin. Until a brown-golden crust appears.

Yakscho 20 minutes have passed, you have opened the oven, and your profiteroles haven't finished yet(inflated ale pale), so that it is unlikely that in such a pale appearance the stinks will fall off - they are inflated. You can earn money like this...

When you look into the oven, Prepare a cup with a small amount of water at the bottom. In the event that you have decided that the buns are still drying, and you need to give them some more time to bake... we plop some water on the bottom of the oven (adding to the steam) and Shvidko close the oven(not including її) - we give these very buns It's an hour until I'm blushing and do not waste through our immediate invasion of her steam escape.


While the buns were steaming with cheesecake and assessing their stage of readiness, steam came out of the oven. And we risk immediately removing the SDUTI EKLERI from him.

They marveled at this... they thought it was still half-baked... they splashed some water and closed it.

This makes our custard buns puff up so much less.

AFTER THAT, YOU WISHED that the eclairs were already drunk. We're turning on the oven. We open them, but our custard buns are not immediately removed. And we give them duty ring until new temperature 5 minutes.

There are 7 rules - rozumіyuchi yakі ve always work out your dough and need the consistency, and need the mind for the perfect fit test or éclair.

Let's start brewing your KOHANNYA, turbota and trust the hands of a professional.))

Well, in our current statistics we are working SWAN dough – from choux pastry. Recipe for cobs.

I'll give you some drinks.

Olga Klishevska, specially for the site

"Ekler" in translation means "brisk, slept."

Some explain to us that the clerks swept the table with a blissful shvidkistyu, and others insist that they call it to look like a splendid, glimmering look.

Shvidsche for everything, both versions are reliable.

The history of the famous wines

Eclairs with miraculous custard are truly one of the world's most famous pastries.

The history of eclairs dates back to the 18th century. The French chef-pastry chef Marie-Antoine Carême came up with a unique idea.

The famous culinary specialist of his era worked in the kitchen of George IV, Talleyrand and the All-Russian Emperor Oleksandr I.

Classic eclair and yogo riznovidi

A classic eclair is made from a pastry-knitted shape with custard in the middle. Drizzle the top with either glaze or chocolate.

There are also varieties of eclairs: shu and profiteroles.

The sensual tіstochka is not changed, but in “Shu” they look at the top, put cream in the middle, smear the top with cream and curl the tіstechko. And “Profiteroles” is a dough with a diameter of 2-3 centimeters filled with filling or cream.

A few rules for preparing classic choux pastry

To prepare a classic dough for éclairs, it is necessary to remember the little rules:

  1. Eggs are not to blame, but they are cold, so put them out of the refrigerator before cooking;
  2. The pastry dough needs to be actively beaten, then use the mixer;
  3. It is necessary to use only natural ingredients. Liquid substitutes and vegetable fats. The dough may not rise or may come out thick;
  4. The consistency of the preparation is similar to homemade sour cream.

The right recipe

Let's take a look at the preparation with photographs.

Place the butter, cut into squares, into a water bath. Add 250 milliliters of water and a little salt.

Once the butter has risen, boil it well and mix it with an additional mixer.

We take away the uniform weight, so we continue to stir 5 strands of stretch, taking it from the water hole.

During this hour, the dough will cool down and regain the necessary elasticity. The eggs are then introduced into the boiled sumish through.

There's no need to hurry. Beat one egg, knead until perfectly smooth, then do that.

The dough may not be thick or sparse. It is easy to mix with spoons and trochs rise when you try it in the required form.

Next, heat the oven to 180-200 degrees. Moisten the deco with water, put parchment paper on the beast and smear it with topsoil.

Using a pastry bag (and if there is no pastry bag, use a polyethylene bag with a cut end) place the piping sticks with your chosen finger. Between the eclairs on the deck you need to remove at least 3-4 centimeters.

Place the deco in the heated oven. After 10 chills, change the temperature to 150 degrees and boil for another 20 chills.

It is not possible to open the oven during the baking hour; the dough pan may “fall”. The finished dough has a golden color and is dry on all sides.

Now we ask you to watch this recipe in the video:

Varnished dough according to GOST (national standard)

This is a nostalgic recipe for choux pastry according to GOST SRSR. It’s easy to prepare and smooth, the dough comes out tender and juicy.

For the test you will need:

  • Boroshno - 200 g;
  • Oliya – 100 grams;
  • Eggs - 300 g (5-6 eggs);
  • Water – 180 milliliters;
  • A grind of salt.

Prepare dough following this simple recipe, just like classic custard, but with minor changes.

We put the pan on the stove and add a top of oil to it. When the butter has melted, add water and salt.

The sifting is done well, with which the dough is very important. Let it cook for about 1 minute, stirring constantly.

Take it out of the fire and let the dough cool down. The eggs are beaten into a small bowl and the crumbs are scooped out.

The giblets are introduced into the dough, gradually mixing until smooth. The consistency of the dough is the same as in classic choux pastry.

Place the dough in a cooking bag and press it onto a sheet covered with oiled paper, using 10-12 centimeter sticks. We set the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees, and then lower it to 170 degrees and bake for another 20-25 degrees.

Option for preparing the base with milk

While you can experiment with the filling for eclairs and put the middle from sweet to sour-salty, the recipe for choux pastry does not allow for freedom. The only thing that can be replaced is water with milk. And that’s how you prepare dough with yeast.

To prepare choux pastry using yeast, take:

  • Milk – 200 milliliters;
  • Boroshno – 200 grams;
  • Melted oil - ¼ flask;
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • Dry yeast – 10 g;
  • Sil – 5 g;
  • Tsukor - 5 grams.

For the cob, beat the eggs into the dough. Boil it well into a bowl and pour it with milk until it has boiled. Beat with a mixer until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

Dissolve the yeast in a spoonful of warm water and add the sugar at once to the dough. The eggs are added to the dough and beaten until smooth without breasts.

Salt the dough, add oil and, at times of consumption, add thoroughly, bring to the required consistency. Leave for a year or a little more, the dough may increase three times.

The finished dough is placed into a stick 8-12 cm long and baked for 30 minutes.

Basic recipe for fried eclairs

To prepare eclairs at home, you need to follow the special instructions for preparing the dough from which the dough is formed.

To prepare the vipichka, you need to take the following products:

  • Boroshno - 200 g;
  • Margarine - 150 grams;
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pieces;
  • Salt - ½ teaspoon;
  • Water – 200 ml.

You will also need custard cream for the filling, a glaze for sipping the beast of the eclair - cucumber powder.

To prepare the dough, you need to heat a bottle of water on the fire, then add|add| salt|salt|, softened margarine. Bring to a boil.

Having replaced the fire, we boil the offal thoroughly and thoroughly mix it. After the mass has come out uniform, it is quickly removed from the fire and quickly cools down.

Due to the blackness of the eggs, they are mixed especially carefully.

Using a pastry syringe, roll out the eclairs onto a sheet covered with oiled paper.

Bake for 25–30 minutes, set the temperature to 200 degrees.

The dough looks like custard.

Pour glaze over the top part and dust with sugar powder.

Video recipe for such delicious and beloved eclairs:

The most beautiful fillings for French doughs

The traditional filling for eclairs is white custard.

They started filling them with carved creams. Chocolate, caramel, vanilla - this is just a small part of what is now being made into this world-famous dessert.

To prepare the classic cream, you need to take:

  1. Cucumber sand – ½ bottle;
  2. Starch – 15 grams;
  3. Oliya – 150 grams;
  4. Water – 150 milliliters.

In cold water, stir the starch and then the zuccor.

We put the mixture on low heat and carefully, stirring, bring it to a smooth jelly.

Remove from the oven, let cool and add top oil.

Beat with a mixer to the required thickness.

If you love eclairs with chocolate cream, there is nothing simpler than preparing it yourself.

You need to take:

  1. Tops of chi milk - 2 bottles;
  2. Cucumber sand – 100 g;
  3. Chocolate – 50 grams.

The cold tops are beaten together with the cucumber to the required thickness. Having melted the chocolate, add it to the cream and beat it all at once.

You can experiment a little with caramel cream, for example, add peas or rodzinka.


  1. Honey - 70 grams;
  2. Oliya – 150 grams;
  3. Cucumber sand – 250 g;
  4. Any peas (peanuts, algae) - 200 grams;
  5. Tops chi milk – 250 grams;
  6. Ginger – 0.5 tablespoon.

Lightly coat the peas in a frying pan, then crisp. Boil the tops and add ginger.

Remove the tops from the stove and let cool for about five minutes. Strain the tops, add salt and honey, and bring to a boil.

With an empty saucepan, melt the zukor until it becomes caramelized. At the caramel, it’s poured in to the top of the mass, gradually zavazhuchi, change the temperature.

In a saucepan add butter|mastila| And mix it up. Let's take it out of the rough. The stuffing is ready.

Prepared glaze with vanilla aroma

To prepare chocolate glaze, take:

  • Cucumber sand – 100 g;
  • Water – 100 milliliters;
  • Cocoa - 25 grams;
  • Margarine - 50 grams.

Mix softened margarine with cocoa. Boil water and sizzle the cherry juice, let it boil until completely destroyed. Add warm syrup to margarine and cocoa, stirring thoroughly.

The icing finishes quickly, so turn the tіstechka right after you have prepared the icing.

To prepare the classic glaze for eclairs with vanilla you need:

  • Water – 5 large spoons;
  • Vanilla - 1 package;
  • Details tsukor – 150 grams.

Mix vanilla and sugar. Then pour in a few tablespoons of water and place on the stove.

If the glaze has thickened, remove it from the oven. Fill the beast with glaze.

We present to you another option for a drink. Try!

You can read the recipe for classic custard. It is different from the current situation at times.

Now you can make pancakes in your own home. For recipes! This light grass is preparing to bring great joy!

More secrets

For a perfect dough, use only clear, fresh, natural products.

Special considerations for eggs: to get good results, you need to set fresh eggs. To check the freshness of eggs, immerse them in water. Discard stale eggs.

Vikorista boroshno vyschy gatunka. The dough will become more inhospitable and fluffy.

Both in dough and in cream - too much natural oil. Viruses with spread or margarine significantly sacrifice for savory berries.

By taking note of all that has been said above, you will be able to prepare perfect eclairs!

Before speaking, holy stench can turn from dessert into an appetizer!

Axis miracle recipe for snack eclairs with cheese filling:
