Negative particles are not either a rule. The spelling is not

Negative particles are not either a rule. The spelling is not

Think of the meaning

Party n. write:

1. In motivating and quantitative sentences: N. Step! N. from place! N. Sound!

2. With relative pronouns in the subordinate suggestions: Where to n. Look, everywhere people. More examples: from n...., where n...., what n.... when n...., as n.... etc.

3. In proposals in which the verb is used with a negative particle not : N. drops not I'm afraid. Not met n. one familiar face. She was silent, not Showing n. the words.(Gain value)

4. In negative pronouns: n.who ' n.what , whom n.what ' n.kako'y, n.che 'J.etc. If they are used with pretexts, then they are written separately: n. Who's, nor with something ...

5. In revolutions: so that n. It was, in order to n. it was wherever went from where n. Take, in order to n. It became that n. Speak who n. Wasand others like.

6. In sustainable combinations: n. Pooh is not a pen n. alive n. dead n. Day n. at night, n. End n. the edges (Comma between words included in a sustainable combination is not set: He was sitting n. alive n. Dead!)


In pronvious n. in an unstressed position, and in the shock - not.

Party n. and repeating negatively connecting union no no…: mother nor To his father, she did not apply so warmly as the elder brother. She did not know how to read, neither write.
In sentences with the union no no… There is always a denial before the verb: He did not think about money or about glory or about the situation in society.

It would be difficult for us to answer anything with a refusal if not a negative particle. As one of the most consumable service parts of speech, it helps us express your attitude towards a particular situation. About her role in Russian, as well as about varieties, let's talk in our article.


All parts of the speech are customary to divide into two large groups. The first includes independent words. They possess their own meaning and are the basis of our speech. However, it would be difficult for us to make text using only this group. Therefore, they come to the rescue the so-called official parties include a negative particle. However, this is not the only kind of this group.

There are also the following:

  • Molding form: Let, would, come on.
  • Questionally: Ul, unless.
  • Exclamation: like what for.
  • Requirement: something, ka, s.
  • Doubt: Lee.

Each of them has its own definite goal and a special role in Russian. It would be difficult to express emotions without using particles.


In writing negative particles, difficulties are very often arising. It turns out that "not" and "nor" have absolutely different meaning. Each of the rules has a historical basis.

We will write "nor":

  • When we want to strengthen the existing negation. Compare two suggestions:
  1. There was no fish in the lake. 2. We did not see any fish in the lake.

In the second sentence, denial is stronger than in the first. The focus on the fact that in the reservoir fishermen did not observe the fish at all, absolutely no.

  • In complex proposals. This particle is very often used in the dependent part.

For example: wherever I go, I thought about the sea everywhere.

I can not learn rules, no matter how try.

  • When using homogeneous and listed members.

Neither mathematics nor biology nor physics was made by Peter in time.

  • There is no leaky. Very often you can substitute the words "it is impossible" or "no".

For example: neither fire, nor smoke (no).

Neither lie down or rest (it is impossible).

The main function that transmits this negative particle is gain.


A little different meaning is carried by this service part of speech. We usually use "not" when we want to refuse something or give the word an antonymy value. Consider other cases when "not" is a negative particle:

  • Double "not" pronounced when approving.

For example: I could not not say about it. I understood that it was impossible not to confess.

  • In some exclamation deals, which refer to surprise, too, write "not":

How not to admire this city! Whatever the color did not mercinate the sky during a thunderstorm!

It is worth the spelling "not" and "nor" in pronvious. In this situation, it all depends on the emphasis. In a strong position, we write "E": no one, not with anyone who has no one. We use "and" without stagnation: in any way, no, no about whom.

and verbalia

It is not easy to schoolchildren to memorize the spelling rules for this particle with various speech groups. Each of them has its own spellotographic features. How does the particle "not" with verprees are written? The answer to this question is simple: always separately. Immediately remember its similar spelling with the verb. Temploying is formed just from him. Hence the same principle of writing them. For example: Do not do - without making, not sunbathing - not sunbathing.

However, there are cases when the word without this important particle is simply not used. In this case, we will write it to it. Consider an example: resenting the rain - screaming, indigrant about the rain. With the verb, and with a similar adherent, the negative particle is written together.

This rule is easiest to be remembered by learning, since it is quite a bit of exceptions.

"Not" particle with nouns

Not always the rule spelling rules are simple. For example, im.Sut, as well as them. And adveria have their own scheme use them with a "not" particle.

Let's write it in cases:

  • The formation of antonym with "not". For example: Friend - Neudar, weather - bad weather, beautiful - ugly, little - quite a lot.
  • The impossibility of drinking words without "not": awkward, rascal, sludge, frantically.

Separately "not" is written if:

  • There is an explicit opposition. It is usually expressed by the Union "A". For example: a man turned out to be him not a friend, but an enemy. Not good luck, and the full collapse and disappointment expected us.
  • The negation is emphasized: the phone did not call the phone (and someone else). We arrived not in the evening, but at night.
  • There is a strengthening. For example: our neighbor is not at all high growth. My sister is not a Yabeda.

We present the main cases when the particle "not" is written with nouns, both shaken and separately. Do not forget that there are also adverbs with adjectives. If you remember this important feature, then you don't have to remember the spelling "not" for each part of speech separately.

"Not" with communities

Another case when the negative particle "not" is written, and not "nor" is eating it with communion. Many confuse his spelling with verprices. These parts of the speech were formed from the verbs, but with "not" are written completely differently.

Everyone knows that communions have the ability to form revisions using dependent words. In the case when it is used precisely as part of the turnover, we will write it separately with "not". Example: a student who did not fulfill the exercise received a two. As you can see, the communion "not fulfilled" is written separately from "not" because it has a dependent word "exercise" with itself. In this case, it enters what the spelling explains with a negative particle.

However, there is another side of this rule. In the case when there is no turnover, the communion changes its writing. Consider an example: an exercise remains unfulfilled.

It would seem that the sense of the proposal was not changed. However, the syntax in it is completely different. Now the sacrament does not have any dependent words with it. This means that there is no reason to write it with a particle separately.

Change this example only in one word: the exercise remained not performed by students. We celebrate the difference: now the word appeared that forms the involvement of the turnover (students). In such a situation, we will write it separately from "not".

Well, and, of course, as in each rule, there are exceptions. If the communion without this particle is not used, then we will write it to it, regardless of whether there is a turnover or absent. For example: Furious Wind did not subside until dawn.


In this article, we reviewed the main cases when "not" is a negative particle, and when other roles perform. Do not confuse it with "nor": they have different characteristics of spelling. However, the main function "not" is still denial. In some question and exclamation proposals, we can use it as an affirmative. Also, do not forget that with each part of speech it is written in different ways.

The spelling is not and nor.

The spelling is not or with different parts of speech.

The rule is divided into two parts:

dynamous or separate writing not with all parts of speech;

the difference is not


Dnight and separate writing do not (you can enlarge the picture by clicking on it)


Depending on the conditions

Part of speech Ply Apart
nouns, adjectives \u003d synonym without not-:

insincerity \u003d hypocrisy, unpopular \u003d little-known

Opposition (Soyuz but or antonym), You can not pick up synonym:

not caution and cowardice

not mathematician

nashia 1. Adjusted on -O, -e \u003d synonym without not -:

it is easy to perform (\u003d easily)

2. In negative adverbs:

nowhere, there is no way, there is no reason, there is no need

3. No wonder \u003d is not in vain

1. Attachment on -O, -e, if there is a union A, Antonym:

lives not close, but far

2. Adjusting is not on - it:

at a wrong time

3. not for nothing \u003d not free

proponation Negative and vague

Not / none who, what, what, what, whose, how much, which

1. The rest:

not yours, not me, not every

2. Negative and vague, if there is a pretext between them:

not with anyone

communion Without dependent words:

unlocked letter

Combined with adverbs of measures and degrees:

absolutely unfulfilled task

With dependent words:

not written by the letter

communions and adjectives with suffixes Without dependent words in the hardware case (by whom? What?):

unloved dishes

With dependent words in the articulated case:

we unloved dishes

Despite / despite \u003d Contrary to:

despite the disease, he went for a walk

Literally from the verbs "Watch; look":

walked, despite the legs

The difference is not

In a simple sentence

as denial as an increase in denial, denial
1. When the verb, the communion and the designer:

i do not want milk, not reading books nation

1. With the rest of the speech:

i don't want any milk or tea

2. In sentences where there is no failed:

Don `t move!

3. In phraseologiza:

nor two

nor alive


neither fish nor fowl

out of the blue


as a statement
2. In a composite verb faith, not ... not \u003d approval:

i can not go

3. In question, exclamation proposals with a generalizing meaning:

Who I just did not meet!

In a complex sentence in words where, where, how, when, what, who, how much is not:

Algorithm parsing.

1. We define a part of speech.

2. Look, if there is no word in the sentence, with which they are not always written separately.

3. Pay attention to whether the prefixes are not associated or a combination.

4. In terms of speech, I will recall the rule.

Help the task.

In which sentence is not written with the word separately?

1) He lacks experience and (not) takes patience.

2) Our country (not) is dependent.

3) It somehow was once (not) built.

4) We stopped at all (not) suitable for construction site.

Option number 1.

(Not) pulls out - verb with not (up) -. We remove not: he gets patience. So it is impossible to say, it means without not consumed. Write me!

Option number 2.

(No) dependentthis is a brief communion with suffix -im. There is no dependent word in the proposal in the appropriate case, it means that they do not write ply.

Option number 3.

(Not) built - No is not used. Write pony.

Spelling of the mock and particles.

86. Particles kone- (koy-), it, -the, and bother They join the word with the help of a screak (hyper): someone, anything, somewhere, give.

Note. If particle kone- (ko-) separated from pronouncing the pretext, then Chestochka is not put: Some who, somewhat (Wed: someone).

Particle -Taki Written with a fucking in words still, so And then when she follows the verb: learned. In other cases, a particle taki written separately:
1) I do not believe him;
2) All the same do not pass.

Particles not and n..

87. Particle not Written pryingly with words that are not used without it: notdaughter notvugeza notempty notripped nothectic notwonder (nobody) notfaded notgo notit can nottous notliv etc.

88. Not writhe pits with noun, adit and adverbs on -about In the event that a noun, adjective or adverb not means one concept; In this case, it does not give some of the negative meaning and could be replaced by a clear word without negative, for example: nothappiness (trouble), notfriend (enemy), nottruth (False), nottall (low), notexpensive (cheap).

89. Not It is written separately from the nouns, adjectives and the impurct, when there is further or implies opposition.

Examples. it not truth. And false. His tires not Learning, and idleness truth, what? "," not Hours, what? " Not High mountains are separated, and low hills. Not Right punished, and to blame. He is back not old. Apple not tasty, and disgusting. In these cases, you can always ask: "Not highand what? "," not rightand what? "," not tasty, What about? "(Wed: An apple green I. nottasty.) He entered not Caution, and rashly ("not caution, but as?"). It not He knows a lot (he is not much, but knows little) ("Not lot, how much? ") [Wed: He got used to do everything quickly, extremely notcaution. It nothe knows a lot (Something knows something)].

Note 1. Attention should be paid to two cases of separate particle writing. not: 1) if with adit, noun or adverbs (on -about ) to which negation refers not , there is an explanatory word for increasing denial, expressed by negative pronsections or adverbs with n. (nothing , to nothing , not at all , none , nIGHT etc.), then the particle not written separately: nothing not Wonderful settlement; n. for what not Caught man; n. in what sense not success; n. To what extent not Suitable; 2) if a particle not It is part of the amplifying negative combinations: long away not , by no means not , at all not These combinations are always written separately from the following words (in such cases it is always implied by opposition): long away not Favorable enterprise, by no means not fair decision, at all not silly, at all not badly, long away not friend etc.

On the contrary, if there are words denoting the degree: very, very, extremely highly, quite, almost, partly - Particle not Written punk: transaction so notprofitable (loss), it is almost notpoliteness (coarseness), quite notinteresting (boring) story, awarded to the highest notcaution (rash), it is extreme notprofitable (loss).

Often, with a letter, people face certain spelling issues that can enter a person in a creative stupor. For example, many do not know when they are written "not", but when "nor". Often, people are confused. The use of particles "not" and "nor" with different parts of the speech is carried out in accordance with the clear rules. Knowledge will allow them to cope with the right writing of words in the text.

The total value of particles

So, more. Each of the particles is endowed with its own value that plays a key role in direct formulation of the word for definite position. In order to understand when "nor" is written, and when "not", you need to familiarize yourself with the general type of the relevant rule.

The use of particles ne. The use of particles of n.
The expression of the main denial: we not Let's go on the journey.Giving the effect of reinforced denial: I did not see n. Star.
Used in the form of sustainable elements: this student not at all fool!Eating as sustainable phrases: its clothes - neither caftan no rick.
In negative or question deals (quite often "not" goes side by side with a particle "only"): what am I only not I soldered on the eve of the summer vacation!Denial in the proposal in which there is no subject to: in an abandoned castle n. Soul.

Using young grandchildren as a repeating element (particle) not could not think On the well-being of your grandmother.

Spelling of particles with nouns and adjectives

Consider combinations with specific parts of speech. In the first case, the use of particles "not" and "none" is subject to the rule, which has a small aspect relating to both the name of the adjective and noun. What does it mean?

If a synonym can be selected to a certain word, which does not have a prefix "non-", then it is written in a punk in both cases:

My friends saw a small (\u003d small, compact) house on the lawn;

I do not need to tell me a lie (\u003d lies, deception).

And if after the corresponding word, there is an opposition in the form of "Union" a "+ anthony", it is necessary to write "not" separately:

This stone road is not wide, and narrow;

I consider it not a friend A enemy.

Also, "not" is written separately with adjectives in the following cases:

  • designation of any color or taste: he painted not scarlet sails;
  • comparative degree: But I am not lower than my brother.

Spelling of particles during verbs and verbalies

Since verbalias are a special form of verb, both parts of speech have a common basis in the form of a single rule. Almost always listed elements of the Russian language are separated from "not":

Without thinking about his future, he rarely attached the importance to education;

Snow-white horse did not decide to jump over the fence.

Spelling of particles during communities

Faced with these parts of speech, people often think about when they are written "not", and when "nor", which entails a number of small problems. In fact, the situation is not at all difficult, it is worth only to pay close attention to some aspects.

Dynamous writing Separate writing

Lack of dependent words with full form of communion: I still have in my pocket notdraised money.

The presence of dependent words with full communion: not solved excellent task
In the role of dependent words, at full communion, adording degrees or measures: it is absolutely notappropriate a placeWhen the arrangement of the opposition, which is expressed with the help of the Union "A": visible on the flowerbed not blossom and fading Roses
Communion is characterized by a brief form: Our with some requests not posted

Spelling of particles during pronouns

If a pretext is observed between 2 elements of pronoun, then this combination will be expressed in the form of three separate words. For example:

My father has no one to take a small amount of money;

In the first lesson, we had nothing to talk about.

The greatest number of questions occur in the case of the use of "not" and "nither" as consoles. In fact, everything is very simple:

There is also another rule that allows you to specify when it is written "not", and when "nor" when meeting with certain designs designs. Here it is:

Spelling of particles with adverbs

Any negative adverb will be pumped with elements "not" or "either." For example:

I do not regret the perfect act;

To my friend, there is no need to bring a scope with you: he also knows all the answers.

But the particle is separated from the main word in some cases. If a:

  1. writing adverb should be done through a hyphen: You do not behave in Christian;
  2. nearby is an amplifying adverb: we are not highly We want to go to school;
  3. instant does not end in the letter or -o: I do not always draw colorful pictures.

The essential portion of the unchangeable parts of the speech, ending on -o or -e, is subject to the rules that have their own special characteristics. Here they are:

Spelling of particles under alliances and pretexts

In Russian, in addition to independent parts of speech, there are also service, which are peculiar "sticky" segments, thanks to which the proposals acquire a one-piece and logically completed appearance. These small elements can also be near the particles "not" and "ne." Rules governing such situations have a rather understandable view of a brief explanation of the essence:

  • "not" is always separated from writing unions, but a merger in the area of \u200b\u200bthe composite union that "(\u003d though);
  • "not" is written separately with all non-derivatives pretexts, and it is punk - with "despite" or "despite" (\u003d contrary);
  • "Not" is part of only one particle "really", in other cases the negative particle is written separately.

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