Flat design butt. Flat design and material design: Why is it important

Flat design butt. Flat design and material design: Why is it important

We don’t know, we remembered you, but in the last hour (especially in the rest of the world), web design in the whole world began to read a trend towards forgiveness, hard minimalism and visual ease of what we are like corystuvachi vzaimodi hello. Seemingly simpler, the design has become “flat”: on the face of the swollen icons of the hours of the seedy growth of the social network of web 2.0, at the same time we are more and more likely to see the simple icons of new services. Everything took away its name - flat design. Chi is not flat, but flat.

With its recent presentation of the new mobile OS, iOS 7, Apple confirmed the growth in popularity of it directly, traditionally inviting some of its fans, but raising the significant dissatisfaction of the middle their koristuvachiv and designer. Why is it on the right? Why is this flat design so ugly and what is the truth about the need for light? We tried to turn to experts from Ukraine and abroad.

We asked them to give you three smut meals:

  • why the world has begun to collapse to flat design on the Internet and mobile and what wine is;
  • what to give Apple that iOS 7;
  • like a vpline on designers - from one side, and on coristuvachiv - from the other side.

Denis Sudilkovskiy, Kiev
Interaction Design specialist, producer Prodesign.in.ua

The "pendulum effect" in the forecast of the future is manifested in those who have two extremes - people are thrown from one side to the other. Without a doubt, it is true for the design of interactive systems. The flat and non-primitive Internet of its time has changed to volume web-dual buttons. The visualization of the interfaces has reached its apogee of realism and the pendulum is flying at the gate – flat&simple.

What does Apple consider? Save your space in the trend and hundreds of thousands of comments that iOS is becoming more similar to Android.

Designers will have to evolve (and don’t fuss about the topic, if flat design comes to machine building and gives us flat cars :). If there is no scenery, the whole work is created in the mood of content for a specific scenario with a colorful one. Tsya profession mother dedalі more than sleeping with the Director, lower with the Artist. Coristuvachi, navpaki - otrimuyut new proof and new damage. I was especially adept at the iPhone, but in spring I changed my phone to Android for one reason - I found the same ideal apple interface.

Daniel Bruce
Senior Digital Creative, danielbruce.se

First of all, I would like to point out that I don't like the term "flat design". Most of the graphic design has been "flat" for a long time. I also appreciate that it is between your ability to create a visible design, if you choose to stand between flat or something else. The design can be significantly larger, lower. Cheerful, bright, dark, positive, minimalist - yoga can be called a foregone conclusion. However, today I rarely feel that one should consider the design to be no less flat and scleromorphic. Tse trohi summarily.

Why should web and mobile go all the way to flat design? I bachu tse like this - tse just a trend. I have never read articles about the advantages of flat design in interfaces and dosi without going over to it. Simple and clear design - so, but not the same as "flat". Look, for example, at Google. The stench does not shy away from the flat design, the stench - and I will share this moment - do the need to sing at the singing depth and variations.

I'm even more excited if Microsoft took for themselves this opportune moment by presenting the Metro style. In fact, the stinks won the graphic design for the great signs, as people marvel at the songs and never interact with small screens with a significant number of elements. You look beautiful, but why should the stink of the usability garnish?

Those that I've played school in the evening with Apple, were only a rotten copy of a lot of their designs, as they appear on the sites on the kshtalt Dribbble and Behance with a stretch of the rest of the rock. I didn’t mention anything new - except for the one that is far from being the “old Apple” of Steve Jobs. The company has shown that it is not cutting-edge mobile interface design. Of course, we hope that all fans will decline, as all design and creative gradients of the next few months will decline, but I don’t think that this aspect will be as impressive as Google recently added. But on the other hand, no matter how it was there, Apple has always acted as a trendsetter and inspiration for rich people, including me.

If there are splendid coristuvachis, then yaskra colors are appropriate for them.

Ivan Klymenko, Kiev
mobile interface designer, 5tak.com

Significant world, I am placed to the point of situation from the flat styles of troch philosophical. Designers are not the first to splurge on minimalism and piece materials. All pass.

The era of the Bauhaus of the 20-30s brought a great contribution to the design, but still the tonal tightness and piecework did not show the pomp and inner call of people to use more natural speeches in polished.

Then, in the 60s, everyone began to hoard plastic.

Furniture, crockery and clothes - all made of plastic. It seemed that the price of a new hope of humankind, but I’ll change again - people have already turned to natural forms and copies of natural materials.

The harsh contrast of forms and minimalist graphics always showed the accumulation of internal conflicts in the middle of the society. Design is more than a mirror, as if showing our inner world. Too much of a dovkol. Life will soon come to an end, and we simply do not have time to think and look around. We often don't have time to just live.

Minimalism and all electronic lights - only a little more on the way to what is more natural and human. Bigger, lower, just another computer. Meni navit shkoda, scho Apple, as it was able to marvel deeply, does not know.

Olesya Grichina, Kiev
UI designer at Componentix, twitter: elendiel

I think that a lot of gadgets with different screen sizes and different buildings have been thrown into the designer's mind - for all the diversity it is easier to create a design without textures, folding shadows, so that the lighting is right. They began to think more directly “how good it is for a hard worker”, and not “how to paint beautifully”. Content is the most important thing, and in our robot it is important to give it even better.

I’m sorry, but for the big changes (flat UI, icons) they didn’t especially remember the serious changes in the handiness of the robot, and that they bark at this topic. If you confuse it with a robot, you will recoil “oooh, it’s so handy, why didn’t they kill it like that before.” On designers, I suspect, it’s in such a rank that they stink more respect to add clarity to the interface, and not to textures and shadows. You can explain to the deputy guards what the trend has :)

I don’t think it’s particularly important for flat design, as it will be easy for them to create and maintain content that will be richly satisfied. But the icons on the home screen are still acidic :)

Pavlo Grozyan, Kiev
Product Designer on MacPaw

Apple! A-ha-ha, come on! shout the designers. - Hurray, it became easier. - chant koristuvachi". Today, after the presentation of WWDC2013, many of my colleagues stood up and said, "well, її, tsyu profession! for $30?!”. at first glance, the stench of the walkie-talkie, but just dig deeper, understand, that there are thousands of objects, like a long time ago, one in one more than one script victoria, then the form, then the color, and only then - the artist with details. written by UX, UI Designer, nervously copying the white tone effect of letters.. Like at Apple. Let's sweat the light and light sites. Like at Apple. cheers flat design. If I think it's wrong to call it the same way. It's good that Microsoft didn't come up with yoga, and it's been molded for ten years to digital, in the sphere of publishing.

Flat - wine not for clicks, wine for pushing, taps, taps. You can’t call it flat yoga - the presence of “totty” textures and shadows near the buttons will make yoga more simple, and without visual aggression. І without gradients you can't get to the buttons. I support the trend. Even if we don’t care about the victoriousness of the victorious, but with him it will be easier to live. Nasampered koristuvachev. In a different way - the creators: be simpler in technical implementation, more convenient for the onslaught (advanced message - hello), and multi-platform - web, mobile and desktop in one single connection. Without a doubt, for Apple, it’s a merciful cry. Only a few stinks can get on with it. Today's history may be dozens of confirmations, so it's better for him to go, lower on the spot.

Author ID: I love you, friends! Today we'll talk about those such as flat design or flat website design. This term has long been rooted in the hearts of web designers and is entrenched in trending dossi. The largest companies (Google, YouTube, Microsoft, Apple Inc., etc.) are using it to design their websites and add-ons. More not in the sect of flat design websites? Let's go to you!

What do you think is the reason for such crazy popularity of flat design? Let me tell you in two words: wine really works! In this article, I will explain to you what the style is, I will tell you about yoga pluses and minuses, I will show you a few wonderful examples of flat website design, as if to inspire you to feats. So let's go!

Everything began with skeuomorphism

For those who are not in the know, skeuomorphism is not a lazy word, but another style of web design. Flat design is often presented as an extension of skeuomorphism, which, to me, does not sound right. Tse shvidshe yogo forgiveness, lower antagonism.

Until 2010, skeuomorphism was the dominant style in interface design. Vіn vіdobrazhav elementi such, yak stinks looked really, actively vicorous textures, іnі, vіdobrazhennya and other attributes of the trivial image. The Apple company was especially involved in this plan, as it resolutely painted the majority of software objects from really important subjects.

Unexpectedly, pseudo-bumpy icons have ceased to receive more corylists and web browsers, which started the era of flat website design. The world of visnovka, which all decorative elements need to be cleaned up, and left out of those, for which it is easy to interact with the end of the coristuvachev.

"The shortest design - the least design"

Like wondering at the water Dieter Rams is a designer who speaks out against intrusive design, animation effects too. Cherry 2013 Apple Inc. introduced the revolutionary iOS 7, which took away all the attributes of the flat web design style. However, the flat far from “overcame” the realism that obsyag.

Koristuvachi long time ago could not forget the magic of Steve Jobs and icons, like you want to lick. So many people say goodbye to "wretched symbol" and switch to "promenisty Android". Added fire to the flames and a large number of bugs that were present in iOS 7, and a brilliant, transparent design with parallax and animation in the look of “snot” with the help of add-ons.

Those who have come to terms with the inevitable reality and abandoned the “apple” operating system, have learned that flat web design does not only look like a circle, but also bring order and a single visual style to everything.

Pros and cons of flat design

To overcome the choice of which style can be seen:

the clarity of the composition and the conciseness of the visual works. Chuyny interface in the style of "nothing zayvogo", zavdyakova why the coristuvachi more clearly understand what they wanted to convey to them;

emphasis on garniy drukarni. Content in the first place, which is super important for the current abundance of information;

Smaller size of web pages and faster work of the site for the account of the minimum amount of visual effects. It is especially useful when creating adaptive versions, even if they have a simpler form, it is easier to display them on small screens of mobile devices.

Flat web design has its shortcomings:

enriching the imagination of a web designer with simple colors, typography and iconography. To that rizik create a tedious and unbelievable website;

the presence of triviality and shadows sometimes do not allow intelligibility, the clickable element is not;

the existence of specific fixed rules.

As you have chosen the best style on your site, I will tell you about those who are aware of the beauty of the coristuvachi and keep pace with the hour. If you are starting your career as a web designer and you don’t know how to properly master flat design, so that your site looks relevant, but not primitive, hurry up with the coming joys:

Forget about the "eyely walls" and bright backgrounds. In flat web design, it is common to use a simple, smooth, vague image for the background.

Daily gradients, volume icons, animated transitions and other special effects. All the same to make your site smoother and bring the fuss - do you need it?

Whisk flat icons with clear outlines to add transparency and functionality.

Vikoristovy yaskrava, juice palette of colors. At the same time, the trend in the tone of the sleepy spectrum: light yellow, rosy and green. Golovne, do not overdo it - the tickets on the side of the can are no more than 3.

Focus on typography. In flat design, we hope to be creative, we will write in an original way, which will create a click to make it safe for manual navigation of the site. Here it is important not to overdo it. Forget about "handwriting" and other chimerical fonts. To see the headings, you can highlight great letters.

Do not soromtesya vikoristovuvaty raznomanіtnі geometric forms. Squares, stakes, lines and other shapes will help you to improve the structure of the website, and create a clear hierarchy and divide the content. Koristuvachі tse evaluate, turn.

Simplify the navigation menu and other elements of the site as much as possible. Like buttons, vikoristovyte zvichayny pryamokutniki without shadows and podsvіchuvannya.

In this way, over the years, websites with flat design have become the standard accepted by us. Marvel at the majority of today's sites - the stench is flat "to the brain of brushes."

Nasamkinets, I’ll give you a hint of a distant flat design, which can serve you as inspiration for creating beautiful masterpieces.

1. Site http://dunked.com.

A popular maidanchik for publishing portfolios, targeting representatives of various creative professions. Minimalistic flat web design speaks of the superior and sensible service, which does not reflect special effects.

2. Microsoft interface.

Microsoft is one of the companies that made flat style so popular. Maybe you remember the Zune, the competitor to the iPod that Microsoft released in the mid-2000s? So, from the design of which product is sharply resonating in the presence of more additives in that hour, rich in what is the cause of the great drought, flat icons, great and bright forms.

This interface, which was called Metro, later migrated to personal computers (Windows 8), the Xbox 360 interface and other software products of Mircosoft.

3. Website http://www.vox.com.

Well, are you choked up? Get rid of pseudo-realistic 3D aesthetics!

On whom everything. Subscribe, share our articles with friends at social networks. High conversions for you!

The word "flat" in English translation means "flat". Since the appearance of such titles as Flat design, it has been continuing to improve its position, occupying a leading position in the market.

Why did it all start

Web design has changed many times since its inception. Vіn proyshov long way from simple and boring elements to trivial, swollen and mayzhe material. You can easily use it to change the old-fashioned look of the Windows operating system. Visual warehouse develops in parallel with the development of technologies. Ale її new tendencies vkazuyut, shvidshe, on the turn to minimalism and simplicity.

From skeuomorphism to Flat design

Style, scho blowing flat, buv skeuomorphism. It's been a long time since the main trend in design. Skeuomorphism is a pseudo-objective style, all the elements of which imitate the natural look of real objects (notebook, alarm clock), for additional shadows, natural textures and so on. Yogo yaskra butt zashtrichalis at the early interfaces of smartphones. Since the beginning of 2010, the designers of great companies have begun to marvel at the simplicity of the world and, when developing interfaces, have begun to indulge in the head-drawing of skeuomorphism - trivity.

Vіdmіnnim naochnym butt vіdminnosti stіlіv, maybe a photo, hover below. The image is left-handed with a flat design, and right-handed - with skeuomorphism.

Characteristics of drawing flat style

Flat є double style. It has a new visual effect, so smooth transitions to color, shade, volume textures. In a word, everything that robs the image is trivial.

Icons (Flat design icon) carry the main information. The stench is guilty, but as much as possible zrozumіlі koristuvachevі, like going about programs for smartphones. For sites, icons are the main elements that reflect the specifics and informational content. As a rule, the stench is represented by looking at simple geometric figures, a stake or a square with a characteristic intellectual image.

With the development of Flat-design, respect is given to color schemes. Vaughn can be monotonous, not intrusive and not vociferous. Most often there is one pure color and a sprat of contrasting shades. To the point of seeming, there are impersonal Internet services with Flat design colors, so you can win by copying the hex-code of the tickets that you have been honored with.

No less important and so rich, like a friend (text). For rahunok zagalnoї sproschennosti text warehouse especially viznyaєtsya. Otzhe, there can be readable and not super-ready zagalniy stylistics. Tse stale in the distant choice of font and color.

Apply Flat design

For good reason, the badges of riches in Internet resources and social media have changed in the direction. Recently, the giants of Google and YouTube also changed their design on the flat. The Windows operating system, starting from the beginning, has been replaced by the usual sign of the agreement in the icons, as if it had hushed up the eye of some short-lived versions in the previous versions, and began to catch up with Flat design. Її butt was inherited and retailers of mobile apps for iOS and Android.

Flat is widely favored for the design of one-sided sites (landing pages), for which the most important role is played not by the chimerical outward appearance, but by the functionality and readability.

The evolution of flat design

The back of the Flat design is really flat, which made the songs hard for coristuvachs, like they sounded up to swollen buttons. Although in skeuomorphism the clickability of the buttons was very noticeable, in the first variations of flat design the interactivity of the elements did not always come out of the first time.

Since Microsoft released Windows 8, designed in a flat style, not all of the koristuvachs were able to interact with the new interface and click on the icons. The ethereal look of the elements did not indicate the possibility of interaction with them. Such a design would be more convenient, sooner, for mobile applications, as if they were inspired by this idea. The first thing Apple did was to design iOS 7.

However, Flat design does not stand on the spot and develops at the same time. On today's wines, more and more often it looks like a flat design, or else they call it, Flat 2.0. The new one began to have the effects of depth, shade, gradients. The depth of a flat design is reached by a path of rozashuvannya elements on a different level or under a cut.

Yak bi was not there, the style is at the peak of popularity and even more popular. Also, if you are planning to design your site, you can boldly choose the Flat design. And if you need some elements for your site, then on the Internet you can find out the great number of Free flat design UI elements (free of charge for downloading), for example, icons, fonts, templates and other necessary warehouse interfaces.

Pluses and minuses of style

Posed by all sorts of doubts, the daily strimky rhythm of life has such an unremarkable informative style, a good, lower front. Flat design has low overlap.

Naygolovnіshe, perhaps, seems to be a swedish entanglement of web pages. Sites that favor flat design tend to be richer, lower, that overwhelm the animation with other important objects. Especially important is the hour of investing for SEO-optimization and pushing the site to the top.

Forgiveness zvnіshnіy vglyad priyaє readability of the text that allows you to concentrate on the main content.

The decoration looks harmonious and harmonious, which creates a fierce reception of the enemy.

Nothing can be perfect and Flat design is not a fault. For all its simplicity, it is not so easy to expand flat web design in the distance. It is possible to grow yoga boring and unacceptable. Abo navpaki, be smart with the design and forget about functionality. Headache in the development of Flat-design, to show the perfect balance between beauty and brilliance.

Flat design has become popular for the last hour for add-ons and websites. It is not possible to say that this style is suitable for all, but it is definitely not suitable for all add-ons and sites. Like a richly overpowered flat design, so like simplicity and minimalism, which will ask the simplest. For some programs, flat design can be more simple. To add a few shades of shadows or gradients, so that it looked better.

Some people believe that flat web design is effective design. Movlyav, the way to build the project is as user-friendly as possible. Axis of a kіlka buttov, scho sigh, flat projects with a flat design. This selection of different portfolios miraculously helps to understand flat constructions, as if they really work.

The ISSLand

January Creative

Minimal Monkey

What is design?

  • Flat design focused on coristuvache
  • Flat design simple
  • Flat design - fewer gradients
  • Flat design includes straight lines and square edges.
  • Sound vikoristovuyut strong color contrast
  • Flat design has no shadows, bevels, textures, or what looks like 3D
  • Flat design is only available for 2 windows
  • Flat design is a trend to simplicity and minimalism.
  • Flat design - don't underestimate additional effects
  • No need for additional
  • Flat design - fewer buttons and "piss"
  • Flat design means focus on fonts
  • Color combinations, contrasting colors and color variations are important warehouses for flat design
  • Flat design is one of the richest designs. Wine is suitable for some projects, but not for others.

What is not flat design

  • Flat design is not a skeuomorphism but a design that emulates the shape and contours of "reality".
  • Flat design does not include glitter buttons
  • Flat design does not include embellishment
  • In flat design, you don’t know the traditional statement about the “glubina”
  • Flat design is not suitable for all projects

Is flat design just an effective design?

As a matter of fact, flat design itself is an effective design. That way you will ask the selected sites and addendums, allowing you to know the necessary information without asking. Obviously, flat design is not the only way to ask for information. As if everything is done well, there are no problems for the koristuvachs. The project can be simple and easy for those who can do it. Who cares for the best twist on flat design, and who cares about a different style of design.

Elements for flat design

Need flat design? Axis of a sprinkling of elements, which can be selected for a “flat” project

Flat Icon Pack

Today, we focus our attention on one of the most popular trends in modern graphic design, which I can call flat design.

Vіdomy artist Edgar Degas once said: "Art is not those that you bachite, but those that you give to others". It is worthwhile for graphic design, which can also be considered as art, as if it were a specific task. The graphic design of the building can change moods and reminders through the smallest changes in forms and indentations, letters and intervals. Trends in this sphere have become an indispensable part of everyday life, stinks of stench are poured into the process of solving and solving the problems of presenting the current product, and also shaping the relish of coristuvachiv.

Today, the term “flat design” is used by the graphics for impersonal purposes and on a daily basis, as there may be significant stylistic features. Flat design - not directly, which is known to be impersonal in the sphere of digital products, and to the concise and laconic variety of visual characteristics.

In this hour, this term is widely victorious as a parallel to “rich design” through harmonious simplicity, taken as the basis of this approach. The most noteworthy feature, as she gave the name to it directly, is the stowing of flat (flat) two-dimensional visual details, in contrast to highly realistic and detailed skeuomorphic images. Flat design is actively developing throughout the rest of the years, expanding more and more areas of graphic design, as it knows a wide and varied crowd in digital design for web and mobile interfaces. Such a pidhid can be seen as a style, which enhances the vibrancy and visual harmony of the coristuvach interface.

History of flat design

It is obvious that the flat design does not appear out of the blue. Yogo on the cob sing in respect to the Swiss style. Swiss style, also known as International Typographic Style, or in short - international style, - not directly, which originated in the 1920s, but more critically, and then having taken away the reincarnation in graphic design in Switzerland 1940-50- x years , which became the basis of graphic design in the middle of the 20th century in the whole world. The founders of this creative movement were Josef Müller-Brockmann and Armin Hofmann.

According to the Design Is History website, a short description of the key features of this style is similar to the offensive one: “... the style is focused on simplicity, easy to read and objectivity. The downfall of this style is the use of fonts without serifs, grids and asymmetric layouts. Photographs are also seen as a means of visual communication. The main influx of robots was broken up like a cry, like a vowed by the most effective way of providing information.

Plaques, presented as a butt, show that simple forms, bold and strict fonts with a high level of easy reading, geometric combinations of details, flat illustrations and reading visual hierarchy were appropriate for the adherents of this style. Swiss design is rapidly becoming more and more popular in different countries and gaining a new life in the early 21st century.

Wanting to take this style away from faceless visual design for others: posters, stamps, leaflets, book covers, magazines, etc., significantly expanding your horizons in the era of digital design, especially in the field of interface design.

Websites and mobile programs have shown a wonderful and promising perspective for both minimalistic and functional approaches to design solutions. The style, having taken the name “flat design”, which became immediately popular and opened up a new one directly in graphic design.

The first step to increasing the popularity of flat UI in digital products was broken by Microsoft, which rose on the cob of the 2000s and expanded widely in the products of 2010, the beginning of the development of mobile interfaces for Windows Phone 7. The main features of flat design, so intuitively simple the shape, the fat reading of the drukarnya, the bright contrasting colors, the old shades, the presence of folded details and the textures took root well. The next wave of popularity for flat design began in 2013, when Apple released iOS 7 based on the principles of flat graphics as the basis for intuitively intelligent interfaces. It can also be said that some of the key principles of flat design have found their way into Material Design from Google.

So the main features of flat design are:

  • simplicity of forms and elements;
  • minimalism;
  • functionality;
  • bold and good read drukarnya;
  • reading that strict visual hierarchy;
  • a combination of contrasting colors, which makes the swede look visually stunning;
  • unique textures, gradients and folding shapes;
  • setting the principles of grids, geometric movement and visual balance.

Advantages of flat design

Data design has a number of advantages that determined its popularity and diversity in digital design. Middle most significant:

  • readability;
  • reading visual hierarchy for additional forms, colors and fonts;
  • efficient organization of smart and intuitive navigation in web and mobile interfaces;
  • easy scalability for responsive design;
  • not a big deal for a digital system.

Having said that, flat design provides a wide field for creative inquiries and stylistic concepts.

Flat design - zastosuvannya in practice

The diversity of direct design, available and developing in our days, is well suited for the development of flat design through yoga flexibility and artistic freedom.

Navit on the first stage of planning the overall layout, logics and transitions can zastosovuvatsya principles of flat design. Software tools for digital design, which are designed at any stage, allow designers to show clients and teams a single layout for all software screens or web pages, and navigate the base layout with the same key visualization ії, typical for flat design. At any stage of wines it is ideal for a swedish and effective modification of design solutions, guiding a simple monochrome scheme.

Coristuvach interface design

Coristuvach interfaces have become a wide and friendly field for flat design. Vіn knows his development both in abstract concepts of interplay with koristuvach, and in rich original interfaces, icons, interface elements and illustrations.

Podіbnі іlustratsії zabepechuyut dodatkovu podtmku digital produktіv і, as a rule, folded from the point of view of detail and satisfaction of the aesthetic needs of coristuvachiv, at the same time mittєvo establish a link with a specific topic.

Other illustrations

The versatility of the goals of today's flat design, and its growing popularity in digital products, have also poured into other design galleries, the foundation for design for other designs, such as posters and book covers, for which purpose they took their cob.


Nowadays, brand design is also successfully stagnant in the principles of flat design, spiced up with a lot of products presented on outbuildings, or digitally promoted on the Internet. Flat design in branding is often represented by logos and icons of add-ons.

All the facts and wonders about flat design, insanely, do not mean that this style has moved on to design. Whether it be a style that directly design may have its own advantages and disadvantages. Tim is no less, flat design brings new perspectives, especially in the field of core solutions, as it represents a harmonious balance of beauty and functionality.
