Verbena pichez end krim vyroschuvannya s nasinnya. Verbena grown from the nasin in home spirits

Verbena pichez end krim vyroschuvannya s nasinnya. Verbena grown from the nasin in home spirits

in the garden - a wonderful addition to any landscape design. Bright flowers, infused leaves - all of it is verbena. Roslina comes from the tropical regions of America, a representative of the Verbenov family, which has over 200 species of different species. Various peoples call verbena differently: the herb of Hercules, the veins of Venus, or the blood of Mercury.

Sowing verbena for roses

Verbena can be propagated in a number of ways: nasinnyam or lively. The flower is becoming increasingly popular among gardeners, and knowing how to properly plant verbena for seedlings is even more important.

The verbena plants, as they appear, can be “wrapped” in a thick membrane, which significantly enhances the process of their germination.

You can collect natural verbena, after the flower has matured, harvest the available vervain material or buy it now.

Do you know?Yakshcho Virishili Vicoristovati Nasinnya, Pam'yat, Scho, Separate, I can get out, and Yaksho Viristhili Vikoristovati buy - shifting, they are a considerable sign F1 - so call the GIBRIDS Sort.

So, first of all, you need to stratify it in order to reduce the thickness of the slopes.

Stratification today - A very simple procedure that involves treating the fabric material with cold. Stratify the mixture in the refrigerator, in the vegetable container. They are laid out on a soft cloth, covered with another piece of soft cloth, sunbathed in polyethylene or placed in a container and placed in the refrigerator for several days.

Once the plant has undergone stratification, it can be hung either in wet soil (a non-growing method), or planted as a seedling.

It is best to hang a tree for planting near a birch tree (another decade). They are placed in a shallow container with humus, perlite or sand: the soil does not need to be fertilized. They hang without sinking into the ground. A container made of hanging material must be covered with a clear lid, for which purpose it is polyethylene or hard.

The first time you go, you will mark it in just a few days. After this, the container must be moved to a cooler place and dried well. After 2-3 mature leaves appear, remove the cover.

Important!During the period when the seedlings are sprouting, the liquid must be gradually removed for ventilation, and watering at this time should be carried out more often using a spray bottle.

After harvesting the young verbena, you can plant it in potters, burying the seedlings down to the cotyledon leaf. After 2 years, the first cultivation is carried out, and you can plant the sprout in a new place. In the ancient smoothie, verbena grows like its counterpart.

Visazhennya rose garden near the wicked ground

After the weather becomes warm and there is no longer any frost, verbena can be planted in dry soil. For the middle smoothie, planting is carried out at the middle of the grass. It is best to choose a place for verbena that is well-lit and protected from cold winds and drafts.

If you put direct dormouse into the algae, it’s not a big deal, the verbena will fit in miraculously. The soil for willow should be powdery and, perhaps, loamy. If we don’t create a drainage system that will prevent stagnation of water, we also shouldn’t dig up soil with high humus instead.

Do you know?If the soil is “sour”, it can be mixed with ash or dolomite boar ash to change the acidity.

The algorithm for hanging verbena is very simple:

There should be a distance of 20-25 cm between the bushes, so that the plants do not overpower each other.

Combination of verbena with other trees

Flowerbeds of Verbeni - A wonderful solution for those who want to decorate their garden. Considering the fact that verbena has thousands of options for fermentation, it can be combined with all kinds of garden plants, or you can decorate your lawn with it, where it looks like a bright colored flame.

Verbena miraculously combines with daisies, at once creating a sweet and fragrant composition. When combined with the black-shaved ones, the composition looks childlike and childlike. The great ensemble consists of verbena and Trojans.

It looks so beautiful with such simple and common trees as rudbeckia, cosma, and delphinium. All at once the stench creates a composition with an almost exotic appearance. Verbena can grow not only in flowerbeds, but also in pots, and looks even better.

Of course, the process of looking after verbena is clumsy, and it is necessary to deal with it in a comprehensive manner. Verbena requires regular watering, but avoid stagnation of water. It is necessary to water them especially carefully during the period of active growth and reduce the dose of water during the other half of the summer.

Important!If you note that once the soil begins to dry out, it is necessary to fluff the soil.

If your verbena grows in a group planting, you need to collect the weeds before the bushes grow, but if you grow verbena alone, you need to clear them from the weeds all season. And one secret: if you mulch the soil with leaves or any other material, then there is no need to weed the flowerpot.

The revitalization of verbena needs to be developed comprehensively. Organic fertilizers can only be applied once, so that the soil may be over-contaminated with nitrogen streams. There is no need to add complex mineral supplements and they can be applied 1-2 times per month. The growth of "Agricolor" is particularly good.

The idea is also to remove the plants from the dry flowers. If you guessed the willow correctly, it will delight you not only with its beautiful flowers, but also with its pleasant aroma.

Collect and save today

In our locality, verbena is vicorized like a native plant, and after flowering it is cut, and the soil where the flower grew is dug up. D To collect the flowers from the damp weeds, it is necessary to dry out the flowers when most of the flower pods are already starting to dry out.

Do you know?You can tell when it is ready by color: the box will turn brown.

The fruit chosen for the preparation must be placed on a flat surface and dried. During the drying period, the material must be turned over so that the raw material does not start to dry out.

When the flowers are dry, you need to take them out of the pots and grab a paper bag. Don’t forget to sign it, indicating the date of collection and variety. If you decide to breed self-propelled vervain, do not forget that domestic plants have varietal characteristics and can grow into “fathers”.

How to use verbena in landscape design

Verbena is becoming increasingly popular in landscape design. It looks very beautiful in the plantings, which is what most designers call the “bouquet effect” - it looks especially attractive with the great flowers of the trojans and scrubs. In landscape design, the flowerpot is planted in both group and single plantings.

More than two hundred species of verbena grow in the great territories of both Americas, Europe, Far East and Central Asia. Among them are medicinal and magical herbs: in folk traditions, zills prepared from verbena promote health, serve as love spells, and exterminate vampires and other evil spirits.

Most attractive cultivars, adorned with bright flowers on faceted stems and toothed leaves, resemble warm-weather American species. The minimum temperature at which this rich rhizome is exposed is minus 3ºС. Therefore, in open soil, verbena overwinters only in wet areas, and the middle mixture grows in farmers as a single-source plant and in containers as a room culture.

The only cultivated variety of verbena that winters at mid-latitudes is the five-meter verbena straight:

This cold-hardy species of late autumn, having cut the stems, is covered with spruce branches.

In general, the plants are non-vibrating, vitrified, dry-resistant, and can be cured for a long time after the first autumn frosts. Five-star flowers exude a pleasant aroma.

Verbena most often grows as a seedling from the plant, and then, once the shoots have been removed, spend the winter indoors, plant the same propagated with live bait and the bottom of the rhizome.

A variety of variations in the output species have been captured through extensive breeding work.

Name of variety (group of varieties) verbenaPhotoDescription
Hybrid The most popular is the decorative group. They grow up to 20-50 cm, have loose and ampelous shapes with colorful shades and shades of white, violet, yellow, cream, orange and deep rye.
Canadian Miniature verbena is no taller than 20 cm, the stem is covered with erysipelas, purple or white flowers.
Zhorstka A variety with stems that creep, and flowers with flowers ranging from pale-blaky to purple.
Buenos Aires A meter-high bush with purple-yellow blossoms

Selecting synthetic material

Successful growth of verbena will be ensured today. Well deserved at the ham market Such postal workers have a high reputation:

  • "Aelita";
  • "Gavrish";
  • "Sedek";
  • "Poshuk";
  • "Russian city".

Growing plants in open soil often reproduce by self-sowing. You can also use them reap a rich harvest today- It’s true that in this case varietal signs are most often lost. To collect the seeding material, remove the sow boxes from the old cartridges, dry them and pull them out until dry. Similarity I'm giving birth to the chosen one can be saved for 3-5 minutes.

Termini hanging on verbenia seedlings

Optimal hour Germination of nasinya verbena – friend decade bereznya. More early sowing requires intensive lightening, but additional lightening does not guarantee a smooth and friendly development of the seedlings. The late season - the first half of the spring - produces sprouts for the little ones to bloom in the linden tree.

Zhidno monthly calendar 2016, the best hour for hanging verbena:

  • in birch - 14, 15, 20, 21, 22;
  • in kvitna – 10, 11,17,18.

Container and soil

To germinate rose gardens, grow vikory gardens shallow containers with drainage holes, which will be manually covered with a glass or clear polyethylene melt.

Priming blame buti fluffy, not very strong and water-permeable.

UVAGA: For verbenas at all stages of development the edge of unsafe excess and stagnation vologi at Grunti.

You can quickly prepare a universal soil with a generous addition of sand or vermiculite, or prepare a mixture of equal amounts of peat, garden soil, sand and a small amount of wood ash. Before curing, the soil must be steamed or sprayed with a fungicide to prevent the growth of seedlings by “black bottom”.

Preparation and sowing today

Splinters of willow will fall off unevenly, treat them with a growth stimulator or carry out stratification (cold infusion): spread on a soft cloth, pack in a plastic bag and place for 4-5 days at the bottom. length of the refrigerator.

The prepared mixture is spread evenly, without sticking, over the surface of the laid soil.

Cover the seed container with polyethylene melt and place in a warm place (+25ºС). The brightness in this case may be low.

Keeping an eye on the seedlings

In warm weather, the plants germinate over the course of several days. After the seeds have hatched, transfer the container from the sowing to a cool (+15-17ºС) and bright place.

Raise the melt regularly to air it and remove excess moisture from its inner surface.

UVAGA: Chew the soil to the edges carefully, brushing the surface with a spray bottle.

The earliest pieces are formed in 7-10 days, while the early ones can take up to three days to develop.

After the first pair of fresh leaves appear, remove the cover.

Video - Sowing verbena

Upgrading and refining

At the stage of 2-3 leaves Young verbenas are planted in pots with a bonded opening at the bottom, a drainage ball with crushed pebbles, expanded clay or ceramic stone and optimal soil. With this glaze over Roslini to the cotyledon leaf, carefully crush the soil, and then peacefully water the “new settlers”.

In two years after cooking, carry out pershu invigoration with complex mineral supplements. The willows are ready to grow, two for a month.

Landing at the stationary place of verbena

Verbenas develop compact rhizomes, so they grow successfully. not only in open ground, but in containers, zokrema, suspended.

Yakshcho Roslina assigned for container planting, place it in a spacious container with a drainage vent. A ball of crushed stones or expanded clay is poured onto the bottom, and then a ball of prepared soil. Replace the plant, saving the earthen breast, add soil to the required level, dig in and water it gently.

When placed, verbena retains its decorative effect for eight to ten years., but you will need to replant quickly. In this case, you can propagate the plant using the hem of the rhizome.

The soil has medium dark brown to direct the guilty in the third decade there is grass, if there is still no threat of frost.

To land, select a well-lit place, protected from the wind. The soil is neutral, without too much peat or humus.

UVAGA: Yakshcho priming may sour reaction, yogo neutralize wood ash or dolomite borosh.

At the bottom of the planting holes, expanded 20-25 cm one way at a time, place a drainage ball of stones or a target. If the soil is dry, pour water into the soil and plant verbena in the soil. Water the bushes lightly and mulch the soil with empty leaves or decorative materials.

Watching for verbena

Nadali, for whatever minds there is, verbeny water carefully, not allowing water to stagnate. Once a pick is placed on the surface of the soil, fluffing is carried out.

Alone verbenas in open ground will require weeding.

Apply once or twice a month mineral complex without excess nitrogen, so that the leaves do not grow to the point of blooming.

Dried flowers appear, stimulating the formation of new buds.

After the first frost, the plants are tidied up.

Kindly excuse the bushes you can vikopati from the ground with the breast of the earth postpone for winter until relocation with a temperature of not +10ºС.

In early spring, at the fierce birch, from such uterine growths cut Verkhivka live bait with several leaves in pairs. The leaves grow in the villages of vugillas, and the lower leaves are visible.

Live baits are mixed with peat and sand in equal proportions, sinking to the first lower node. The planting is covered with polyethylene sheeting, ventilated, cooled and dried at a temperature of approximately 20ºС. The root system of baitfish develops over three or four years. Daughter plants completely retain the varietal characteristics of the yield verbena.

The main precautions when growing willow from the soil: ensure the garnet is clarified and do not allow water to stagnate near the soil.

Selected rose seedlings can be planted in a plot or container, grown with soil-covered soil or potted plant, propagated by live bait and rhizome cuttings.

At any time of the year, a verbena that has grown from a small, long-lasting plant will have dates and sowing material, and planting material for new generations of non-vibrant shoots that will bloom beautifully.

Verbena decorates gardens and summer cottages with its flowers from the beginning of summer until late autumn. There are two types of this culture. The species of the Verbenov family can be grown both in tropical latitudes and in the American subtropics, in Europe, in the Central Asian region and in the Far East.

Most of these crops are popular with their unique bright flowers, mounted on faceted stems with clove-shaped leaves.

Verbena is very thermophilic; in open soil, the rhizomes can develop well at temperatures a little more than three degrees below zero. Moreover, most species overwinter in open soil rather than in wet regions. At mid-latitudes, species grow as monolithic growths in open ground, or as magnates, vikory and potters, in greenhouses or home gardens.

Among the species that successfully cultivate winterweed at mid-latitudes is the straight two-meter verbena.

Variety of species and varieties

As a result of rich selection, a large number of species of verben were selected. The most popular ones include:

Of all the species, the most popular are hybrid strains. In the middle of them is widened verbena velikovitkova. The brightest butt of this variety is the “etnu” variety. The cream of the velikovitkovy, which is also referred to as mammoth species. One such mixture can contain up to 50 red cups with cream cups. The height of the variety is approximately 45 cm.

Another variety of hybrids is short-growing verbena. Low-growing Lady of the Darkness verbena is best suited for decorating decorative garden beds. The height of the bush is 30 cm. It has a bright erysipelas color and a pleasant aroma. Compactness and good glistening make this plant stand out from others. Lady's flowers bloom until frost.

The Spectrum Rot variety is compact, grows to a height of 25 – 30 cm, and has a deeper color, with a dark oxamite color. Low-growing varieties include Moon River - ampelous plants with dense flowers. Verbena Rubin - fragrant tea leaves, compact, with violet-red flowers.

Technology developed from today

To successfully grow bright and beautiful verbena in the garden or in the home, you need to choose this one. The following suppliers of planting material have successfully recommended themselves to the market:

  1. Aelita.
  2. Zedek.
  3. Gavrish.
  4. Russian city.
  5. Search.

In open soil, willow plants can self-propagate, and the axis for collecting moisture-rich planting crops can be removed from the old frames, boxes of brown saplings, dried, and carefully removed The form is up to date. The similarity of the prepared material is maintained for up to 5 years.

Terms of sowing and soil selection

To germinate this verben, rob another decade of birch. More early sowings will need additional intensive fertilization. Planting now will lead to good harvesting of the linden tree.

For rational cultivation of verbena, shallow pots with drainage are needed, which can be carefully covered with glass or polyethylene. The soil is selected with a fluffy structure, but not very fertile and with high water permeability, so that too much water in the soil and stagnation during the cultivation of verbena are contraindications.

Often use a ready-made universal soil mix for plants, which has a sand additive in stock. Mix the optimal soil with equal parts of peat, sand, garden soil, and some additional wood ash. Such soil is usually steamed before drying, treated with a fungicide, thus preventing the emergence of the “black bottom” seedlings.

Preparation of planting material

Before you start sprouting verbena for seedlings, you need to start preparing planting material. If your plants grow unevenly, you need to treat them with a growth stimulant. Another option for hartu is to carry out stratification, so that it floats in the cold. To do this, lay out all the planting material on a soft cloth, seal it in polyethylene, and place it for 4 or 5 days at the bottom of the refrigerator.

The soil is well prepared and laid out without rotting in the wet soil. Carefully cover the container tightly with polyethylene, and then place it in a warm place (maybe +25 degrees). The brightening may be intense. This creates the greenhouse effect for plants.

Special attention to seedlings

After a few days, life will sprout in warm minds. When this happens, immediately transfer the containers to a place with good light and coolness (it may be approximately +17 degrees). In this case, it is necessary to regularly raise the float, make sure it is ventilated, and carefully remove excess moisture that has disappeared from the polyethylene surface.

Spray the soil with a spray bottle very carefully. Early steamers begin to form within a week or 10 days, and the early ones begin to appear only after three days. When young leaves of the rose garden appear, the cover can be harvested.

Upgrading and refining

One of the stages is to replant the shoots around the pots, if the seedlings have 2 or 3 leaves. The containers are lined with a drainage hole at the bottom, and a ball of pebbles or expanded clay is placed, which is optimal soil for planting. Bury the seedlings down to the cotyledon leaves, carefully press the ball into the soil, and stop watering thoroughly.

The first recovery after kicking is carried out after 14 days. Add complex mineral supplements. Further monitoring of the bushes takes about two days, lasting 30 days.

Landing at a postal place

Thanks to its compact rhizomes, verbena can be grown both in open soil and in containers or pots. For growing plants in container plantings, choose a spacious container with a drainage hole. Place crushed stones or expanded clay in a ball on the bottom, then place the main ball in soil. Carefully transfer the seedlings to such a pot, saving some soil in the valleys, then add enough moisture to the soil, tamp it down, and water it in the garden.

Verbena retains its decorative properties in areas of up to 10 rows, which requires regular replanting of crops. The plant can be propagated using the root method. In the dry soil, it is necessary to plant only succulent and well-grown seedlings grown from verbena. Once the frost has passed, proceed to planting in the beds. It’s all about the grass.

Choose a place for planting that is well lit and windless. The soil for drying should have a neutral center. It is not good to choose soil with too much peat or humus. Neutralize the acidic core of the soils, vicorite and dolomite boron or wood ash. Place the planting holes through the skin 25 cm. Drainage from the whole shell and ball of stones is laid on the bottom. Pour water into the skin hole so that the porridge comes out, and then begin planting the sprouts. Crops around the world are watered, and then mulched with leaves or decorative materials.

Verbena breeding rules

For any way to grow verbena - at home or in the garden, you need to diligently water it step by step. It is important not to overdo it and not allow the water to stagnate. When a pick is made on the ground, the look for vegetation lies in the fluffy ground. Single crops require weeding.

We do not recommend working with parts of the living. Add more mineral supplements every 30 days. Smut, so that the complex of living streams does not have a large amount of nitrogen, otherwise the leaves will grow at a disadvantage in color.

To stimulate the formation of new buds, it is necessary to remove dried flowers. From the ears of frosty sprouts, carefully pick up the bushes from the soil, transfer the crops to the location, where the temperature becomes no more than +10 degrees.

Spring verbena can be propagated with live bait. The top shoots of the plant are cut so that they have 4 or 5 pairs of young leaves. The leaves are sprouting from the wood vugilla, the lower leaves are visible. The planting of live bait should be done in the same way (at equal proportions), until the first weed. Supervision of such plantings involves the following procedures:

  • cover with spittle;
  • ventilation;
  • together at a temperature of +20 degrees.

Over the course of a month, the roots of the plants develop. The varietal characters of daughter plants are preserved as cob crops.

In order to grow vervain from the soil, it is necessary to provide light to the plants and to prevent stagnation of water during watering. Verbena, grown from last year, provides planting material for new crops. Roslins can be found both in open soil and in households. If looked at carefully, verbena will become a bright decorative color for garden plots and room verandas.

Verbena is a rich plant from the tropical regions of Western America; it grows like a peer among the average smoothie in Russia. It is respected with an impervious card: the cultivation of verbena from the present day and the supervision of it do not allow specific knowledge and wisdom. The verbena family is characterized by a long flowering period and compact size, primarily a pendant and bushy form. In nature there are approximately 250 species. These trees grow without the appearance of brown fruits and stool for liturgical purposes.

See the variety of verbena

The widest types of verbena:

  • arable (lemon)
  • Bonarska,
  • Velikovitkova,
  • zhorstka,
  • Chudova,
  • likarska,
  • hybrid

In the garden plot, a hybrid form is most often planted, which looks like a small bush of curls up to half a meter, which is formed from the main stem and the faceless stems with spike-like flowers that open on them. Hybrid verbena comes in a variety of colors and shades: from orange to purple. Two-colored varieties are also harvested. Especially seen are mammoth verbena, with large bushes and low verbena - a small bush, up to 30 cm high.

Varieties of verbena can be intelligently divided into bushes and spread (ampelny). The ampel form is most often used to decorate hanging pots, grows in pots and balcony boxes, and in the garden: they decorate flower beds, borders, and edgings.

Popular varieties of hybrid verbena include:

  • Peaches and Cream is a compact plant with different fruits, the shades of which vary from cream to light apricot. The fermented pellets that have recently opened are darker.
  • Adonis Mango - also has shades with transitions, brightness and darkness in the flowers that have blossomed, but over time the stench lightens.
  • Misty – ampelous verbena, this variety can be grown in home washes, in hanging pots on balconies.
  • Blue Nich is a compact variety of finely cut verbena, with lacy leaves and discrete purple flowers.
  • The Monthly River is a pendant shape, up to 30-50 cm high, with a variety of colors, up to 5 cm in diameter.

Verbena from today

There are two ways to propagate verbena - live and incubated. Living is carried out in the spring, cutting up the growths with two pairs of leaves and quickly collecting them in the peat under the bag. The growth of willow from the plant is planted more often by gardeners. Sowing can be done directly in dry soil, or you can grow seedlings at home. The other option is considered more reliable and will ensure the greatest similarity.

Please! In some varieties, the seed is covered with a thick shell, and to stimulate germination, stratification in the refrigerator is required - the seed material must be spread on a soft cloth, placed in an opaque bag and stored for 5 days. special for vegetables.

Often, gardeners from afar prepare gorodnaya, mixed with peat. Store them in a cool place or in the frost for disinfection. If any plant is planted in the home, it may still require additional trenching with the help of special warehouses. For which vikoryst and erysipelas are used for potassium permanganate. Another option: fry the soil in an oven or micro-oven to protect against spoilage and bacteria.

Verbena harvesting using the garden method

The verbena plant hangs in the middle or, at the end, of the living fluffy substrate. If you plant early, the seedlings may not get enough light. You can also use additional supplementary support. To increase the similarity between them, you can later soak them in growth stimulants. The soil is at room temperature, it is recommended to add up to a small amount of ash, then fertilize.

Please! When planning to grow verbena by planting, it is important to choose only fresh planting material, as the similarity of this plant is quickly lost. You can collect their weeds when the flowers dry out by cutting them with garden shears.

There are a number of ways to sow and grow verbena in households:

  1. Planting is carried out on the surface. The container must be covered with cling film or plastic and placed in a dark place for 2-3 minutes until it starts to drain. For best results, the current temperature must be no lower than +18 °C.
  2. This little bit is covered with soil for about a half-centimeter, and the animal is not covered with anything. The container is immediately placed on the light of the windows. Care for the plantings involves regular watering of pale rye-colored potassium permanganate, preventing over-watering or over-drying of the soil. Be careful to keep the soil moist, as debris from water may cause the soil to rot.
  3. Planting does not eliminate the need to pick seedlings.

Watching the rose garden

When the seedlings have a fresh pair of fresh leaves, pickle them, adding compost to the substrate until the little bits have rotted. Another tip is to put the cob on the cob, after which the boxes of roses are placed in a cold greenhouse. Planting in a new garden without cover can cause the death of the shoots, so the seedlings should be covered with sponge under the arches during the day, and then additionally insulated with batting at night.

Keeping an eye on the young verbena, grown from the ground, requires regular watering. The temperature is between +18-22 °C. Starting from the age of 6 years, verbena is prepared with mineral additives and cured, since the weather outside is sleepy and windless. The hour for the gartu gradually increases, starting at 20 hours. When the seedlings fail to mature and mature, they begin to be pinched. You can plant plants outside as long as there is no threat of frost.

Sowing and planting in wet soil

The cultivation of verbena from soil in open soil begins with the selection and preparation of the plot where planting is planned. The wine is dry and well-lightened. Native loamy soils are best suited for these valleys. It is important that the substrate is permeable and fluffy: this can be achieved by adding sand. The seedlings should not be buried; you can sprinkle them with a small ball of soil. Roslins grown in this way bloom later.

If the earth has enough time to warm up, you can start planting the seedlings. Verbena does not like stagnant soil, so it is necessary to place drainage with broken herbs or crushed stone in the planting hole in order to protect the root system and create a friendly environment for it, and also to make it easier to keep an eye on the bushes. The distance between the skins is 25-30 cm. You need to pour a small amount of water into the skin hole and rub it until it gets out. After this you can plant a rose garden. Verbena, grown from the plant using the seedling method, blooms after 3 months.

A look at the open ground

Care for verbena in open soil includes:

  • processing of soil,
  • brought about improvement,
  • regular watering,
  • circumcised

It is important to weed the Buryani regularly. Planting sprouts in a group helps to better deal with weak crops and makes it easier to notice - they will only need to be harvested at the cob stage, after which the buds quickly grow and completely cover the soil. To ensure access to fresh air to the roots, it is recommended to fluff the soil around the bushes periodically. The plant should work immediately after watering. To prevent drying out, you can mulch the surface with overflowing leaves or special materials.

Verbena responds well to nourishment with mineral and organic fertilizers, which need to be applied 3-4 times throughout the entire season, since the soil is completely saturated with nitrogen, the bushes begin to grow green mass and stop blooming. You can create the following warehouse: take 1 liter of diluted mullein and 1 tbsp per cup of warm water. l. potassium sulfate. The first time is 2 days after planting in the ground, the second time is during budding, and the third time is when the flowers open.

If verbena is considered a dew plant because it survives the dry season well, it should be given regular, late watering during the first half of summer. You can change it until the end of summer. To give the bushes a healthy shape, trim them with garden shears.

Please! In order to increase the triviality of the color, dry flowers need to be removed, cutting off about a quarter of the time.

Bad people and illnesses

Verbena is resistant to most illnesses and is rarely affected by pests, so as to ensure the correct observation. For prevention, it is recommended to keep the soil moist and regularly remove dried buds. The ailments of this plant are countless. The main enemy of concern is fungal disease - borer mildew. The head of this sign: the leaves become covered with a white coating and develop a purple stain, after which they die.

To combat these diseases, special antifungal drugs are used, and it is also recommended to remove all diseased leaves. If the leaves turn yellow and begin to wither, a possible cause could be rotting of the roots. Walk around the world above the world. It is necessary to water and treat the verbena with fungicides.

Porada: if the plant is respected by its peers, for the winter you can harvest it and try to preserve it in a bright, cool place, where the temperature is no higher than +15 °C. As soon as you bloom, the flower is more likely to be taken away. Verbena is cut off from either birch trees and planted in new soil. Such plants bloom earlier than seedlings from the present day.


Verbena is a coriander plant with bright flowers, how to decorate any flowerbed in a garden. Virtuous care and careful observation of it, adhering to these rules allows the flowers to mature until frost. They can be propagated using live bait or livestock, or, best of all, by planting.

It's rare to get sick and sick. There are a number of different varieties of this plant with different varieties of fruits and sizes. In the garden it is most common to plant a bush form. Ampelous verbena is suitable for growing in pots and hanging pots.

There are so many of such achievements that give us beauty, but they are deprived of little home. Takaya vervain. We knew it a long time ago, as a medicine plant, and now we know it in abundance. Gardeners gained respect for it in the 19th century when a number of species of verbena were introduced from tropical and subtropical regions of America.

It can be assumed that with the proliferation of verbena species in gardens, it has become overgrown and a new species has appeared - hybrid verbena. This is a rich tree that is cultivated as a summer tree.

Verbena is a strongly gillous plant, up to 45 cm high, with triangular stems and opposite leaves of a concave tricute shape, with toothed edges. All green parts are covered with hard gray hairs.

The root of the verbena is moist. Flowers of clove-like shape, stored, collected 30-50 in scutes with a diameter of 6-10 cm. Varnished white, erysipelas, fiery red, carmine, light blue, deep violet, single-colored or with flower Another color.


Reproduction of the culture is carried out in the present way and by livestock. Ingestion of verbena in home spirits begins with sowing seedlings. They are usually hung on the cob of birch in bowls with humus-rich light soil. Plant the crops with a small ball of humus. For germination, it is necessary to protect it from the sun and keep it in a place with a temperature of at least +18 degrees. The first loops of seedlings appear after 20-30 days. You can speed up the germination process by soaking the seeds in a growth stimulant.

Respect! This verbena tree is even reluctant to sprout in the wild. There is no light for this hour. And the seedlings of the birch-kvitna produce thick leaves.

Nasinnya verbena bonarica for germination in household minds stratification required. Before sowing, moisten them with water, place them on a wool cloth, wrap them in a plastic bag and let them sit in the refrigerator for 3-5 days. The plant that has undergone stratification is easier to grow, and the seedlings come out more viable. Canadian verbena will come out much better 2-3 days after harvesting. The greatest similarity is found in the hybrid verbena plant - from 100 pieces only 30 plants grow.


When looking at the verben seedling Carefully follow the correct watering schedule. In the overly wet soil, the seedlings that have recently emerged are affected by “black bottom”, fungal diseases, and rot. Watering rose gardens should be done by sprinkling with a spray bottle, not allowing the soil to dry out.

After a month, the seedlings will need to be planted in pots or containers for planting. After two years, the seedlings are treated with a complex fertilizer, and the top is pinched above the fifth leaf for better bushiness. Low-growing varieties, as a rule, glide well and can be done without molding. Verbena seedlings are planted in dry soil until it is known that there will be no more spring frosts. Rozsada Verbena, grown from nasinya in home spirits no matter how difficult it is, you need to be careful before planting it in the soil of any kind of hardening. Young people spend many years in good weather hanging out on the street, balcony or loggia, and at night cleaning up the premises.

Varieties and hybrid verbenas are easier to propagate than livestock. Moreover, live baits produce roots easily and quickly and bloom earlier. With this method of propagation, the bushes of the uterus in the spring should be picked up, planted in a flowerpot and stored all winter in a cool, light area with moderate watering. In the old days, birch trees from the mother plant produce live creatures and root in the living substrate. Keeping an eye on live bait is the same as keeping an eye on the bushes grown from the present day.

Planting Verbena

If you plant verbena.

Plant verbena roses in the ground only after the weather has returned to warm weather. Light short cooling to -3 ºC will cause verbena to dry out, but a stronger and more extreme temperature decrease can cause young plants to suffer from harmful diseases. The place for willow will come anyway, but best of all, it will grow on a good lightening of the business, and it won’t be harmful to direct sleepy exchanges. The best soil for verbena is rich loam, which grows well on other, perhaps important soils, so as to lighten them by digging with sand.

Yak saditi verbena.

Planting verbena follows the following principle: there should be a distance of about 20 cm between specimens of compact varieties, and 25-30 cm between the bushes of stems. The water should not stagnate in the root shoots. If the soil is dry, pour two bottles of water into each hole, wait until it is easily absorbed, drop the verbena from the earthen breast into a small bowl, fill the hole with earth and press it against the bush. If you plant verbena in dry weather, or after planting, there is no need to further fertilize the soil.

Watching for verbena

Yak virostiti vervain.

The cultivation of verbena and the care for it are subject to even simpler rules, which are obligatory, but not tedious. It is necessary to water the verbena regularly during the period of active growth of the flower; during the other half of the summer, watering the verbena will be shortened. It is necessary to fluff the plot without using strong sinter after watering to ensure air circulation for the root system. If willow bushes are planted in a group, then the empty weeds will only grow from the bud after planting, until the bushes grow. One by one, the bushes need to be relieved of the Buryans all the time. If, after planting, you mulch the plot with a leaf that has rotted, or with decorative material, then you will not have to fluff up the soil, nor will you have to fight the weeds.


To ensure that the soil does not become compacted, it is important to regularly fluff up the soil from the skin, especially after the fall of grass litter. The solitary trees must be promptly cleared away from the weeds that appear. Since the bushes of willows grew on the surface no more than twenty-five centimeters from one to the other, then the storms are not afraid of them. The bushes can quickly grow wider and simply do not allow the Buryan sprouts to sprout.


At the cob stage, the formation of sprouts and watering is carried out more often, and then the giblets quickly disappear (around mid-summer). It is recommended to water verbena sparingly and as needed. As soon as the soil around the chagarna dried out, the time had come to water it. Do not allow waste to occur; debris flows into the development of the verbena root system.


You can prepare verbena tea leaves with mineral additives (about four times throughout the entire season) or organic ones (one application is enough). Applications for cultivating this growth will not work. The replacement of the bright color can be eliminated by active growth of the crop. So, don’t get overwhelmed by the kindness you’ve made.


Pruning of the pastures and long-term flowering is necessary for the plants to extend the flowering period. If you constantly see dried flowers, then the verbena will not have to expend energy on its food. It is recommended to trim the lings to approximately 25 hectares from the beginning.

Verbena color.

If you properly nurture verbena, without the evil nitrogenous storage of good things, you won’t let it decorate your garden with its beautiful flowers, especially since the subtle aroma of verbena is an additional bonus to its enchanting beauty. And if you constantly see flowers yawning, then the miraculously holy flowering verbena will be preserved in your garden until frost.

Verbena after flowering

How and when to collect real verbena.

Viroshchuvan in the minds of our climate, as a peer, will lose the vervain of the spring, and dig up the plot. If you want to pick up the plants from the wetlands, then get them when most of the bolls are dry and there is a brown color. Place the cut flowers with boxes on paper or cloth and let them dry, turning them over and over, so that they do not bloom, then remove the flowers from the pots, seal them in a paper bag or box and sign. Just make sure that what you have chosen this time does not preserve the varietal characteristics of your fathers, better yet, add some spring planting material from the store - thank God, there is no shortage of this year's verbena.

Verbena for the taking.

There is only one type of verbena, which in the minds of our climate can be considered as botanicals - straight verbena (Verbena stricta), and since you are a lucky volunteer of this rare plant culture, then before the onset of winter, take care grow the trees to the level of the surface of the earth and throw the excess bush with spruce branches on an episode of this frosty and snowless winter.

See and sort

Most popular in ornamental gardening, under this name, there are numerous garden forms and varieties of folding hybrid gardening that emerged after 1830. The main varietal characteristics of hybrid verbena are the size and fertilization of the flowers, the presence of the flower at the center and its shape. The buds are regular, of different colors, varnished, white to purple-red or dark violet, plump, often with a light eye in the center. The flower is foldable, which is made up of 30-50 bundles, umbrella-like, that are pulled into a rich stalk. Bloom from red to yellow.

The different varieties look different. Frozen verbena can produce buzkovo-lilac flowers, and Canadian verbena can produce rich red flowers. The most popular varieties of the plant are “Snow Queen” with white flowers, as well as “King of Blue” with dark purple flowers. The equally fruity variety “Defiance” has bright red flowers and a creamy flower at the center, and the variety “Etna” has a white flower, and the flowers of the variety “Novalis F1” are enhanced by unusual dark blue flowers with white flowers. neck.. (photo of kvita verbena "Lanai Royal Purple")

Among the numerical varieties and hybrids of verbena, the greatest interest arises:

  • 'Etna' ('Etna') - compact bush, 40-50 cm curls, chubby flowers, umbrella-shaped, 5-6 cm in diameter, 45-55 scarlet-cherry flowers with a large creamy flower of a mirror shape, 2 -2.7 cm in diameter.
  • "Cardinal" is a compact bush, 40 cm curls, with a diameter of 4-5 cm, bright red flowers.
  • 'Julia' - violet-purple flowers with a white stem, purple in color, height 40 cm.
  • 'Defiance' ('Defiance') - creeping bush, 25-30 cm high, thick flowers with a diameter of 4-5 cm, bright-cherry seeded flowers, 1.5-2.3 cm in diameter, with a creamy-green head of star-shaped shape and .
  • 'Schneekenigin' ('Schneekеnigin') - compact bush, 40-50 cm high, umbrella-like in color, 4-6 cm in diameter, holds up to 40-65 pure white flowers with ice marked fuzzy light- salad bowl, 1.5- 2 cm in diameter.
  • 'Danebrog' - compact bush, 25 cm curls, bright red color, 5.5 cm in diameter.
  • 'Crystal' - compact bush, 20 cm curls, darker white, 6.5 cm in diameter, color from the end of the red.
  • 'Amethyst' - blue flowers, linden color, height 30 cm.

Verbena is straight(Verbena stricta)
Batkivshchyna - Pivnichna America. Bagatoric up to 150 cm curls with colorful grayish-green leaves and chimera blue-violet flowers. Roslina is densely pubescent. The leaves are sessile, oval, with a serrated edge up to 9 cm at the tip and 5 cm at the tip. Sutsvittya up to 40 cm widowhood. Bloom from linden to heather.

Verbena is beautiful “Misyachnaya River”(Verbena "Moon river")
The unique variety “Misyachna River” (Verbena “Moon river”) deserves special respect. Numerous flowers of verbena are miraculously collected in umbrella-like small flowers in a rich violet color, planted stems to spread. In general, the stems and flowers look like Yalinka or Modrina. The height of the growth is up to 30 cm. Plant “monthly” verbena for planting in flowerbeds, ridges, borders, as well as for landscaping balconies and growing in pots and hanging pots.

Verbena Buenos Aires(Verbena bonariensis L.)
Batkivshchyna - Central and Pivdenna America. The rich growth is very promising, and it seems to be growing as if it were one-sided. The growth appears to be large, up to 120 cm tall, upright bushes with a well-developed head stem and side shoots that extend from the base. The leaves are lanceolate, subovate, serrated along the edges, and oppositely shaved. The flowers are friable, amethyst fermented, collected in spikelets, which in their own way create numerous umbrella-like flowers. The color of the verbena was clear and faded until late autumn. The mass ripening of the spring begins in the other half of the spring. Plid is a pot.

Ampelna Snow Queen- A unique mix of ampelous verbena, which includes plants with five flowers. It is effective to fill pots and balcony boxes.

Corysia power of verbena

Likarska Roslina contains glycosides that offer a wide range of actions, including:

  • fight against microbes,
  • at the medicinal bath, go to the painless lozenges for cough,
  • sudinorosis,
  • as a prevention of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis,
  • calms the nervous system, often becomes stagnant due to lack of sleep,
  • sechoginny zasib,
  • disinfecting power.

Zavdyaki instead of verbenamine Roslina vikorista is considered as an antispasmodic and antiseptic. Verbena also acts as a diaphoretic, diaphoretic, antipyretic and decongestant. It fights inflammation, allergies, and relieves dehydration. Once verbenamine is used, appetite is improved, speech metabolism is stabilized and poisoning is achieved.

Medicines, including verbena herb (as well as polyna herb), are indicated for improving appetite and poisoning. The stench helps relieve depression after serious illnesses and neurasthenic syndrome. Verbena also has silicic acid, mucilage, steroids, flavonoids, tannin, carotene.

Verbena helps with a variety of skin ailments, including eczema, psoriasis and furunculosis, with disorders of the nervous system, and for the treatment of empty mouth. A great number of women and men are becoming ill; clean the vessels, repair the beneficial effect on the shelter; fight against hepatitis, GRV, bronchitis and other illnesses of the wild world.

Tea made from this plant (2 teaspoons of sprouts per bottle of dill) stimulates the fertilization of breast milk, promotes the renewal of the menstrual cycle, and reduces PMS symptoms.

Verbena propagation using live bait

To root vikoryst, use peat soil. It is better to cover the stalks with spit. Verbena can be propagated using additional livestock, which can be done in the spring. To do this, carefully cut the upper branches of the growth so that at least 4 pairs of leaves are removed from the bait, and the bottom pair is removed - this is how the bait is buried on the ground.

Verbena ailments and preventive approaches

With careful observation, the growth can become very sick. With above-ground watering, you may be affected by borer mildew. A sign of this disease is the violet color of the leaves. The damaged leaves are visible, and the bushes are sprinkled with methods to fight the growths.

Also, with overwatering, the plants may begin to wither and wither - obvious signs of rotting of the roots, stems, and leaves. Next, water and treat the plants with fungicides.

The use of verbena in landscape design

Among the numerous varieties of this crop is verbena, which is used in official and folk medicine in many recipes. Most often, verbena is a decorative embellishment. Flower designers create chic flowers in their bouquet arrangements. And landscape designers when designing garden plots, flower gardens, and various group plantings. Verbena can be grown on loggias and balconies, on verandas and in gazebos. A pot with verbena looks impressive as a decoration in summer pavilions.

The great advantage of verbena over other flowering trees is its wide range of colors. This plant can be combined with any representatives of the flora. Various shades of verbena color can be easily combined with both wild flowers and more natural and exotic ones.
