How to extract vervain from the earth. Peculiarities of the growth of verbena from the soil

How to extract vervain from the earth. Peculiarities of the growth of verbena from the soil

The wonderful growth that has given us its beauty since ancient times is the beautiful verbena. She traveled to the European continent from America around the turn of the 17th-18th century. Among the Gauls and Persians, verbena was revered as a sacred herb, it was called “Poison of the Devil”; they trimmed it from their asses to drive out dark forces; church ministers used verbena needles to cleanse their wood.

Verbena was used as a home talisman. The legendary aroma is tart, sweet, fresh and is associated with calmness and sweetness. The gardeners showed their respect to her through the flowers smelling of the delicate aroma. As a result of everything, it was also replanted, and a new species appeared - hybrid verbena. Breeders have created a number of different varieties of different species that meet the most diverse needs of plant lovers.

Viroschuvannya verbena - it’s not easy!

Verbena planting in the ground and looking at the photo

Planting and looking after verbena is not very difficult. The flower requires moderate watering. With irregular watering, it even blooms quickly. Gives advantage to non-acidic, fertilized soil.

To love light woods, it is quite tolerable until the end. For planting, prepare grooves and holes, placing drainage on the bottom. Fertilize them with compost and leaf humus. The rose garden should be planted with at least 20-25 dividing lines from each other.

In the world, water the plants sparingly, condition them with inorganic fertilizers, and prune the flowers regularly. For the plant, you can remove the stem from the plants that are ripening and pick them to plant in the coming spring. In this variety, it is important to ensure that hybrids do not retain Father’s characteristics, and from one specimen you can distinguish all the differences in color and plant shape.

The cultivation of verbena from the present to the rose garden in the home.

  • In the fierce birch place the mixture on the surface of the laid substrate for kvitivs in a container with drainage openings. Pragnemo vitrimuvat stand 3-4 cm between the two sides.
  • Stir in a thin ball of humus.
  • Cover with spittle or a glass, this way the water will evaporate less, and it will sprout more quickly.
  • Place it in a nearby place. When the seed is beginning to hatch (after about a day or two), it is necessary to add light and carry out thorough ventilation for 10-15 minutes.
  • It is important not to overdo it with watering, otherwise the plants may become sick on the “black bottom”, and the water should not be wasted on the lower shoots. Water along the edge of the pot so that the water flows down the side and to the bottom.
  • If everyone leaves now, the shelter will be removed.

  • The next one lies further at the bottom of the earth's foundation.
  • With the appearance of the first three leaves of densely sown verbena, you can drink it around the glass. Rob carefully so as not to harm the root. It’s better to help yourself with a toothpick or a fork, so that it’s easier to dig up the weeds from the earth.
  • Prep young dewlings with a rare complex goodness once a week. To loosen and brighten the color, pinch the growing point above the fourth or fifth leaf.
  • When growing low-growing hybrids, do not mold the bush; the stink will develop on its own.
  • Before planting in the ground, 10-12 days before, it is absolutely necessary to start harvesting the seedlings, planting the giblets until the end of the day and on the street. Starting in a year or two, increase the hour of harvesting and spend the night with the roses the rest of the day.

Verbena grown from the spring when planted In the photo there is a rose garden, ready before planting

Such luxurious pieces come out of the result. They need to be carefully removed from the container so as not to disturb the earth or damage the roots. Replant into a flowerbed with shallow holes prepared with a reserve of 2-3 cm of depth adjusted to the height of our container. Place 25-30 cm between the holes so that the plants have enough space for active growth and development. We install the seedlings vertically, cover them with soil, and lightly press them with the stems. After this we water it lightly, so as to thoroughly wet the ground. Ale is not poured, verbena cannot be tolerated in excess. Ideally, the surface of the fluff should be cured; the soil must preserve its fluff structure.

How to grow vervain from today, show us the video:

The beautiful rose garden grows without much trouble, it just needs to be harvested in a timely manner using the awkward methods of agricultural technology.

Verbena propagation using live bait

Zazvichiy in this way to grudge, if you need to preserve the growth that you have been worthy of.

  • 5-8 centimeter live baits, taken from the tops of the branches, are collected from the sickle vern.
  • They should be planted in soil that consists of sand and peat, taken equally, or simply placed in water with the roots cut.
  • Cover the live bait with a rock until it takes root. As soon as new pieces appear, the melt is removed and the top is pinched.
  • In the coming spring they can be replanted in dry soil.
  • When transferring rooted live bait to a permanent place, they should be cured and the giblets should be cooked in the open air.

How to remove a pussy willow bush from its petiole, you can see in the video:

A bush of verbena that is ready can be carefully transplanted into a pot, transferred for wintering to a place with a low temperature, and live bait can be cut from it at the end of winter, vikory as a queen cell.

How verbena winters

In cold climates and winter frosts, verbena cannot survive. To preserve the weed, dig it up and place it in a container that is placed in a cool place where the temperature does not rise above 15 °C. The flowers are planted, the buds are trimmed before they bloom, and the remaining stems are pruned and, if necessary, rooted to grow new bushes.

Illnesses and sicknesses of verbena

  • Root rotting due to over-watering can be prevented by good drainage.
  • Mites that attack young plants can require additional insecticide. A good result is obtained by sprinkling with Diog water (5 drops of birch Diog per bucket of water).
  • Suffering from various flies. Having marked on the leaf the signs of bites, then treat the plants with similar insecticides.
  • Verbena is ill very rarely. Just avoid over-watering, as this can lead to severe and viral illness.

See the varieties of verbenia with photos and descriptions

Verbena stricta

One that independently grows in an average smoothie up to one and a half meters. The leaf tooth sits on an erect stem. Dark blue-violet flowers are selected for plant flowers up to 40 cm.

Verbena bonariensis Verbena bonariensis

Originally from Western America, with curly stems 90-120 cm high. It has a natural appearance of growth like bagataria. Invisible with a brightly colored head stem and dark green opposite leaves. Fine bean-blue flowers are collected into spikelets to create umbrella-like flowers. The color is bright and trivalo. Unusual in single plantings.

Canadian Verbena Verbena Canadensis

Canadian verbena variety Verbena canadensis 'Perfecta' planting and viewing in open ground photo

The same heat-loving plant with thin stems 15-19 cm long, with gostrokinets deeply divided leaves. The bouquet-lilac-white flowers form an umbrella-like flower. The coloring is carried out by self-seeding.

Verbena rigida

Verbena rigida variety Verbena rigida 'Polaris' planting and viewing in open ground photo

This unique type of American plant, which is often cultivated at the same time, produces brilliant violet or lilac-red flowers. It is characterized by flattened spikes that sometimes creep, and wedge-shaped, stiff, pubescent leaves.

Verbena hybrid Verbena hybrid

The plant is wide and richly smaller, lower in front, and includes a group of hybrids with rich, variedly fermented flowers. Among the numerous varieties: 'Half' with bright flowers, 'Sisinghurst' with pale russets, 'Amethyst' with sparkling blacks. Hybrids 'Sparkle Mix' grow with erect stems and flowers, fermented in white hues. Vikorist in mixborders, group plantings.

Verbena medicinal Verbena officinalis

Herbaceous plant, 25-100 cm high, with opposite leaves without leaflets and small flowers on spicate-like flowers of pale-lilac discoloration. Blooms in cherry-linden, bears fruit in sickle-spring. It grows everywhere on bows, on old ruins, wastelands, on the banks of rivers and streams. Vikorist is used for the preparation of medicinal syrup.

Description of verbena flower

It includes approximately 250 species, which are especially widespread in zones with temperate and tropical climates. Bagatoric growth is grown by flower beds in their garden plots as if it were one-sided. The bushes are strongly lobed, with toothed, lanceolate leaves. Korinnya sechkovate. At the beginning of the summer, fresh and fresh flowers of a clove-like shape are opened, collected in top shields of 25-40 pieces with a rich bark, one-color containers with an eye in the center.

The ear of flower is planted by the worm and is accompanied by a large number of cultivable buds until late autumn. Tolerate frosts. The size and shape of different species varies greatly. Depending on its variety, verbena is recommended to grow in a flower bed, flowerbed or potter. It is with pleasure that we use vikoryst arrangements to decorate bouquets through the brightness of the flowers, as well as the importance of saving water after cutting.

Verbena zastosuvannya

The power-hungry willow has been around for a long time, since our ancestors rejoiced in it in the face of various ailments. And in the middle centuries it was a useful panacea for many ailments. In the hour of the epidemic, they were considered a non-contagious, early-warning plant. Vaughn is a devotee of traditional medicine from various countries. Recognized by official medicine. Helps with colds, cholecystitis, rheumatism, sclerosis, as a fever reducer, to normalize speech metabolism, etc. It is used by cosmetologists to stimulate hair growth.

Verbena is revered as an herb, astrologically ordered by Venus - it was created by the Vikonati as a bajan, they were vikorized from chaklunstvo, cleaned their houses with it, cooked a pot of water with it. In Russia, dried verbena needles were sewn into clothes and worn as a talisman. A white booth is planted, it attracts friends and attracts enemies. For these enchanting powers of power, the vervain is scurrying all the way.

It is one of the most popular plants; garden plots, balconies, and windows are decorated with it. It looks wonderful in the flower beds and borders. And hanging pots with verbena ampelous do not sacrifice the beauty and rose of rich parasols to other garden or balcony gardens.

Verbena bicolor verbena called 'Wicked Mad Magenta' photo

These plants do not need to be transplanted.

What you need to know about verbena:

  • In cold soil the soil rots;
  • late sowing will destroy the flowering hour;
  • cold-season crops bloom in mid-spring;
  • Warm-loving plants are blooming as the threat of frost decreases.

Verbena is thermophilic, so it is important to check for warmer weather. Vona zdatna vitrimuvati temperatures down to -3 °C. It's going to get really cold in the near future.

Is the crocus in bloom? Sweetly visage vervain

You can calculate the temperature of the soil using gardening “tips”. For example, when crocuses bloom, they signal that the soil has warmed up sufficiently.

The spring of verbena begins to grow in the minds of the home, almost like a fierce one - the cob of birch. Then the roses will sprout. You won’t get enough light, and it will take a long time to germinate.

Until the middle of the grass you can plant verbena in the garden. Planting too early can damage the growth.

To grow verbena, you will need to obtain a seedling grown from the ground. Planting today includes the following stages:

  • preparing boxes with loose soil(the soil is due to its structure, humus, and sand; you can use warm perlite);
  • visajuvannya nasinnya(distribute the plants evenly into small containers or boxes directly onto the soil; there is no need to cover them with soil);
  • placement of storage/smelt on boxes(cover the boxes to create a greenhouse for germination);
  • placing drawers in a warm place(18-22 degrees, you can trim the batteries for a couple of days);
  • after the gatherings(after 30 days) – moving the seedlings to a bright place (if the windows are well lit);
  • planting in Okremi Gorshchiki(after 8 days);
  • after the warm weather arrives- Vinis on the street.

30 days after the gathering, place the verbena on a lighted windowsill.

It is important to prevent the soil from getting wet, otherwise the stinks may rot.

Particularities of soil for rose gardens

Verbena does not adhere to soil; almost any soil is suitable for it. Naturally, the best option would be native loam. Vikoryst other soils, it is necessary to “lighten” them, for example, by adding sand.

How to plant an oleander, read.

The planting soil must always be fluffy, fertilized and warmed well. Before planting, it is necessary to introduce humus into the soil.

If visajuvannya fell on a gloomy day, do not water the roslin. If the day is dry, you need to soak the skin hole before sowing (about 2 bottles of water). Then bury the seedlings and pinch the root soil a little. During the first week of the year, the bushes need to be thoroughly watered.

Plant willow bushes with a distance of at least 25 cm between them

Well-planted plants that develop must be regularly watered to remove the weeds.

Once the stink grows well, the need for weeding will disappear.

It is only necessary to fluff the soil on a dry day after regular watering (to ensure circulation around the roots).

When the soil is dry, mop up the soil and mulch (place leaves around the leaves).

When planting flowers, leave a distance of approximately 20-35 cm between them, so that the stench does not affect one another’s height.

Watching the bush

Basic rules of observation:

  • do not allow supra-worldly vlogs(The soil must be degraded gradually, unless water stagnation is allowed);
  • Uniqueness of the great equal to nitrogen in the soil(don’t forget to water, but don’t overdo it; in small quantities, nitrogen mixtures are good);
  • do not overwater without watering;
  • prepare with mineral goodness(about 4 times per season, vikorista is not good for roslins);
  • Place in bright light or floodlight(for example, under a tree);
  • it is necessary to sip to maintain the level of vologies;
  • see the great trains(For greater growth and greater color).

With the right look, verbena will delight you with colorful flowers that begin in the heart and end in the yellow.

Bad people and illnesses

This plant suffers less from viral diseases and diseases. Problems arise from the wrong look. Among the broadest:

  • boar dew(with above-ground watering or moisture, white borer leaves appear): to prevent temperature changes, remove diseased plants, for prevention, sprinkle with betertanol, propiconazole, azoxystrobin, kresoxim-methyl;
  • mites/aphids(through improper watering and dobrava): use drugs instead of imidacloprid, pimetrozine or perimicarb;
  • tosoviruses(increasing the growth of flowers, deformation, spots on the leaves): it is necessary to fight against vectors - thrips; sick plants are not rejoiced, but are quickly removed;
  • black nizhka(over-watering).

If you follow the rules of watering, your good verbena will not get sick.

How to plant jasmine in the garden, read.

Verbena is a beautiful and unshakable growth from a long time ago. In Greece and the Roman Empire, wreaths were woven from verbena for rulers and officials, and in Egypt it was valued for its medicinal powers. Nowadays, plants with a rich history are used for decorative purposes. Gardeners value verbena for its sparkles and beautiful flowers that bloom all summer until frost.

Verbena: description and varieties

Verbena grows as a herbaceous weed and can grow as a bush. Dependent on the won variety can grow from 8 to 50 cm. The thin green leaves of the plant have a lanceolate shape. The stench grows from both sides and the stem. Flowers at the verbenia. The stench consists of five pellets and can be violet, apricot, red, buzkovo, rye or white.

Verbena is popular as a one-way garden tree and is grown in rock gardens, on borders and in gardens. Plantings in hanging bushes are ideal for vertical gardening.

Vervain, which grows in the wild, is used in folk medicine to treat nervous disorders and fever, used in perfumes and relaxing tea.

With approximately 250 varieties of verbena, not many species are cultivated for decorative purposes.

See verbeni

Verbena zhorstka begins to spread or sprout with loosened stems. On it is a wedge-shaped, stiff leaf ruffled bulging veins. The folding flowers are collected from buzkov and buzkov flowers and have a diameter of 3.5 cm. The collected spring flowers do not lose the similarity in the length of five rocks.

Canadian verbena is a thermophilic plant that grows up to 15-20 cm. On its thin stems there are oval, deeply corrugated leaves with pointed tips. Parasol color is formed from the impersonality of flowers of rye, white, beech or beech color. Roslina reproduces by self-sowing. The current collection preserves the similarity of the three rocks.

Verbena Buenos Aires - tse thermophilic Kushchova Roslina, which grows up to 120 cm. It has a brightly-shaped head stem, from which the buttocks grow. The lanceolate leaves have serrated edges. When collected into spikelets, small amethyst flowers create umbrella-like flowers. The color of Buenos Aires verbena is bright and clear.

Verbena straight is the only rich source of all types of verbena, which grows in the middle smoothie. It grows up to one and a half meters and bears greyish-green sessile leaves up to 9 cm long. At the age of 40 cm, violet-blue flowers are collected. This type of verbena will not bloom for long.

Hybrid verbena is the most popular type of verbena among gardeners. Roslina grows up to 20-50 cm, and has erect or stems that are very silky. Dovgaste or twisted three-piece leaves covered with bristles. Selected in a parasol-like color, the reserved flowers can be purple, dark violet, white, horn and other colors. Verbena hybrid can be either large or low compact. The most popular varieties of plants:

  1. Moon River is an ampelous growth with clumps up to 45 cm. The flowers are densely sprinkled with lavender flowers.
  2. The design is expanded with stems that grow up to 150 cm. Violet-lilac flowers create a soothing appearance. Vikoristovuetsya as a ground-covered and ampelous growth.
  3. Spectrum Roth grows to low, compact species of verbena. It grows up to 25-30 cm and bears dark scarlet oxamite flowers. Larger flowers in diameter can be up to 6 cm.
  4. Ruby is a bush that consists of bubbly bushes that grow up to 20-25 cm. The rich flowers are collected from violet-red flowers up to two centimeters in diameter.
  5. This also includes large-flowered and mammoth species of verbena. It grows up to 40-45 cm, and is colored with scarlet-cherry flowers and cream colored shades. One card can be made up of approximately 50 cards.
  6. The cyclops is distinguished by dark blue flowers with a white wing. The height of the bush is about 7 cm, and the bush itself grows up to 30-40 cm.

Most often, to decorate a garden or country plot, vikory is used Verbena hybrida. The development of the present in the home minds of this age does not become a great thing, but it requires the continuation of these recommendations.

Sowing today

Everyday gardeners grow the seedlings from the present day and begin already in the present day. It will be ready for planting in the ground near the birch tree if there is still snow in the yard. Therefore, in most regions of our region, it is recommended to plant willow trees near birch trees and flowers.

To sow seeds, you need to prepare a shallow container light humus soil. The stems of willow are covered with a very thick membrane; before sowing, it is recommended to treat them with cold and stratify them. For this purpose, place a polyethylene bag in the refrigerator for several days in front of the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator.

When ready to plant, hang the plant from the soil and cover it with a thin ball of soil. Animal boxes are covered with rock and polyethylene. As a result, for the germination of the present day, hothouse sinks come out, in which the stench will come together. Planter boxes should be placed in a shaded area with an air temperature between 18-25 degrees.

When the first seedlings are finished, the containers will need to be kept cool or well-lighted without direct changes.

Viroschuvannya and watching over the rose garden

Keep an eye on the seedlings timely watered and preserved. The first time you need to fertilize the seedlings two days after the shoots appear. For which special complex benefits are needed.

If the first pair of healthy leaves appear on the seedlings, they will need to be planted around the pots for the best adaptation of the sprinkling of “Epinu”. A few days after transplanting, the seedlings are prepared with mineral fertilizers.

To ensure that the bushes grow well, pinch their tops above the fifth leaf. Low-growing varieties do not need to be pinched.

On the eve of warm days, the seedlings that are growing need to start harvesting, for which the pots of pots of flowers are to be grown. These types of direct sleepy changes need to be accepted.

Visazhennya rose garden near the wicked ground

Once the weather returns to warm, the roses can be planted in dry soil. Roslina loves the kindness of the brightened land. The big boxes are visible in direct sleepy exchanges.

When preparing the place for growing verbena, the soil needs to be dug up and added to a new goodness. per 1 sq. meter of land is given:

  • ½ bucket of humus;
  • 50 g ammonium nitrosphate;
  • 1 bottle of ash.

Stand between the holes to lay down the variety of plants that are growing. It is no less than 25 cm tall. Plant the bushes at once from a pile of soil. The bush is watered, and the ground around it is covered with mulch.

Viralization of verbena with live bait

The splinters of the plant are a nutrient source and may bloom before the onset of doom. However, it is a bad idea to endure verbena in cold winters in order to preserve the bushes that are dug up.

Vikopana sprouts from the soil are stored in a room with a temperature of up to +10 degrees until spring. In the spring, live bait is cut from the bushes. For this purpose, the tops of the sections are cut, on which there are at least several pairs of leaves. The lower leaves are torn off, and the cuts sniffling at the chanting vugillas.

Prepared live bait is placed in a container filled with sandy peat. The planter boxes are covered with sponge and placed in a warm room in a well-lit place. After the seedlings take root, they need to be transplanted around potters. Overgrown bushes like grass grow near the wet ground.

Spring flowers can be trimmed at room temperature, without forgetting to water and prepare them. In such a situation, life can be taken at any time.

It’s difficult to spot the verbena, but the virility is transmitted to the daylight some simple rules:

To grow verbena kilim in your garden, then the lines need to be bent to the ground, and for additional support or pins, fix them in several places. There, as the stream drains from the ground, the root system begins to develop. Over the course of the year, the sprout will take root and grow into an effective plant.

Bad people and illnesses

Verbena practically does not suffer from illnesses and viral illnesses. However If you look at it incorrectly, problems can still arise:

  1. Aphids or spider mites attack the plants through improper watering or goodness. When bushes appear, it is necessary to spray with special chemicals.
  2. Brown mildew appears as white spots on the leaves with above-ground watering. It is better to remove the bushes from the outside so that the stench does not infect other plants.
  3. Tospovirus is transmitted by thrips. The leaves become deformed, the flowers increase in growth. In this case, the growth can be seen more clearly, and the fragments from the illness can be easily removed.

Following the recommendations on the growth of verbena and monitoring it, growing the tree is not difficult. And the presence of warmth, sunny light and moisture in the soil will help to remove the beautiful bush that will beautify the garden for a long time.

In which minds does verbena grow more beautifully, grown from the nasin, when you plant a garden flower in a flowerbed? Having written down the results on the nutritional list, the amateur, without much regret, can take home the miracle rose of his favorite ornamental plant for cultivation in his summer garden.

Verbena - grown from the ground

Having defined the terms, when the material is planted in containers, the growth of verbena from plants in households begins at the most important stage - preparing the living substrate. Don’t forget to protect your crops in advance using fungicides (“Maxim”), biofungicides (“Fitosporin”) or roasting in the oven. Store warehouses will not always have the same thickness and acidity; acidic soil can be created independently by mixing the available ingredients in the following proportions:

  • 2 parts lowland peat;
  • 1 part sifted leaf soil;
  • 0.5 parts of washed sand;
  • 0.5 bottles of wood ash per 2 liters of substrate.

When the verbena grows, the flowers will begin to bloom in about 2 months. Given the growing plant is designed to withstand cold temperatures down to -3 ° C, it is not advisable to re-rizukuvat with yak roses. It is recommended to plant in an open flower bed at the end of spring, when it is warm outside. Kvitnikars-cobs will always cite food: “What better way to sow vervain as seedlings, in order to remove the bright color from the red?” With this method, it is easier to plant birch trees in the boxes from the middle. When it comes to verbena in severe weather, you can’t do without illuminating the seedlings with lamps.

It’s a long season of food that beginners need to look at when they want to grow verbena: growing from the ground, when planting, in such clay, burying the material in the ground, how to water and pick up the weeds. The first and most important step in this process is sowing the seeds. It is strictly forbidden to destroy the technology here; to achieve good results, it is important to carefully follow the instructions.

Planting verbena for roses:

When the willow is grown, sowing the seedlings for seedlings, the cunning current flowers produce different varieties. A lot of people are respected for the best quality, cheap and practical. The smell is easy to handle with a small amount of material and there are real advantages - the plant takes good natural drainage, the root microelements, and the steam are minimally damaged during the pickling process.

In good minds, verbenas can be preserved for as long as 5-7 days, but in unclear or old species for up to 20 days. It speeds up the process of picking the material with stimulants (“ ”, “Bud” or their analogues). It is noted that when landing in the winter, you can sleep longer, but in the birch forest the flocks appear faster. There is a similarity in the stratification of the soil (cold treatment). The material should be placed on a wool cloth and in a bag, soaked up to 5 dB in the refrigerator at a temperature of 1-5 ° C on a sheepskin tray.

Why not use vervain?

It is important to carefully consider the nutrition, as the growth of red verbena, growing from the nasin, when planting, fertilizing, watering and fertilizing the weeds. It is not necessary to use other nuances until the death of the flocks at the pecking stage. You can come up with a whole list of reasons that lead to the filthy similarity of this species:

  1. Vykoristannya of stitched material - for verbena, put 1-2 rocks.
  2. It is necessary to be aware that many hybrids are likely to have a similarity of no more than 30%
  3. Paper packets from real life were kept in filthy minds.
  4. Verbena often does not descend through heavily buried soil into the ground.
  5. Drying out the soil in the container.
  6. Comfortable temperature for the similarity of verbena is from 20°C to 25°C, in a cold place the smell will cure for up to 20 days.

After sowing, water the soil in the boxes and cover them with polyethylene or plastic covers to individually support the greenhouse effect. Watching the willow plant after the gathering is particularly special. For example, if steam appears in large numbers, it is necessary to carefully move the containers to a light room and reduce the temperature of the center to 15-17°C. Beginners often destroy weak crops by carelessly flooding the soil from gatherings. Spraying the seedlings with water occurs after the substrate has dried out.

Verbena - rose garden pickling

If you have learned correctly, if it is better to plant decorative flowers, then soon the seedlings will grow up and the moment of the next stage - verbena - is approaching. This is carried out after the creation of 2 pairs of reference sheets, and for normal minds the development will continue until the 1st month. To do this, add plastic cups or cassettes with a drainage hole in the container.

How to Vikonati Picked Verbena:

  1. At the bottom of the bottle we place pieces of trimmed polystyrene foam.
  2. Replenish the container with substrate.
  3. Before planting the seedlings, we spill the soil around the bottles with a splash of potassium permanganate.
  4. We take a bottle from the soil in our hands and make a hole in the soil with a root in the soil.
  5. Let's move on to the container with roses
  6. We push the soil with a shovel.
  7. We strengthen the growth from the burning mass.
  8. We are tempted to try the sajanetz from the breast of the soil.
  9. We transfer it to the bottle.
  10. The verbena is smothered when pricked to the first leaves.
  11. Carefully water the rose garden.
  12. We transfer the cups to the window and place them under the lamp.
  13. First fertilization with universal fertilizers for flowering plants is done after 14 days, and then at intervals of two days.

After pecking, pinching the bushes over 5-6 leaves is done when growing ampel varieties of verbena. Low-growing hybrids and varieties of verbena do not require this operation; de-scaling occurs on their own without additional stimulation. In open soil, compact varieties are recommended to be planted at a distance of 20 cm; for medium-growing and vigorous varieties - at a distance of 25-30 cm. When planting, place drainage from a broken target or crushed gravel in the holes at the bottom of the planting.

Verbena is a popular herbaceous or tea-garden species of decorative flower beds with curls up to 35-40 cm. It belongs to the verbena family and there are 250 species (the most popular species is hybrid verbena).

The flowers are white, red, red, blue and black. Sometimes the base of the pellets is white or creamy.

The savage Russian cold is detrimental to the tender skin - it will not survive the winter. If the temperature does not drop below zero, then spring will miraculously await.

It is important for the rich verbena itself to be planted near the pots and potters, who cry from the surroundings at the onset of winter and bring it to the street at the onset of spring.

How to propagate verbena

Verbena is cultivated long-term in the climate as a single- or agatoric weed. In Russia it is important to grow like a herbaceous plant.

Verbena from the nasinya - when to plant?

In the case of willow, growing from the seedlings in the home is not a complicated process, it is easy to grow seedlings from the seedlings:

  • distribute them evenly over a ball of soil and sand, do not ferment or dry;
  • until steam appears, cover with a glass and keep the temperature at 25 degrees;
  • After plucking, be careful not to expose it to high temperatures or humidity.

What if you plant vervain on a rose garden? Don’t sow these days before the beginning of spring - if they don’t get enough light to kill their sprouts, they will become weak and will immediately come out weak.

Live bait

To grow a specimen from its petiole:

  • dig up the spring dew and store it at a temperature of 10 degrees from the earthen breast;
  • with the arrival of spring, sap pagonia with kelkoma in pairs of leaves;
  • cut through the detailed vugillas, remove the lower leaves;
  • plant live bait in prepared sand and peat (or perlite) 2 cm;
  • cover with spittle and ventilate regularly.

The root system will apologize for a few years.

How to sajati and keep an eye on the verbena

Below we tried to cover all stages as clearly as possible, if you have lost your food - leave a comment.

Landing on wet ground

When are you planting and planting now? Proceed before planting the seedlings or live bait in the wet soil, if the spring is still warm. Verbena tolerated a short-term decrease to -3 degrees, otherwise the cold has a negative impact on its development and health.

We found a photo and a video about the correct planting and monitoring of verbena, which shows in detail and describes the process, it’s good to be amazed at how long it takes.

For landing:

  • prepare the soil - it is better to provide verbena with fluffy, friendly loam;
  • immediately before the procedure, add universal goodness and add humus;
  • dig holes in the ground with a few specimens, place fragments of broken adhesive or expanded clay at the bottom;
  • If you go to the ground, then do not water the soil. During dry weather, pour half a gallon of water into the holes first;
  • Wait until you get up there and replant the seedlings immediately from the soil in which it grew;
  • Cover the holes with soil, lightly press the stem;
  • If the transplant is carried out at the tank, then Place drainage material at the bottom of the container, and add perlite to the soil.

Make sure you stand between the bushes. This also depends on their size and compactness. If the growth is vertical, then it becomes 20 or 25 cm, if the growth spreads - up to 30 cm. As additional factors, adjust the design of the flower bed to the same size.

Light and temperature

Verbena is not powerful to the minds of the world, but The finest colors can be achieved in good lighted, sun-drenched plots. This is a heat-loving variety, it develops miraculously and is felt at a temperature of +28 or higher, and is not afraid of direct changes.

It doesn’t pervade the minds of people in their rooms. It will require a great amount of light, heat and moisture, which is important to provide at home. It is better to quickly store pots and containers by placing them in the open air.

Varieties in containers are easy to cultivate as rich varieties, wanting them in the winter in the cold and hanging outside in the spring.

Look, water and liven up

The flower will require regular watering during the vegetative period and flowering. Then the volume of water changes. If the summer is drier, it is necessary to periodically fluff the soil to ensure that the roots become sour.. I'll finish the job myself. Place a mulch on the ground on the ground to reduce the evaporation of moisture. The most beautiful - primarily complex type, apply 3-4 times per season.

This flower reacts poorly to the fresh goodness of organic activity. Don’t give this kind of encouragement too often and excessively - in this case, the replacement of verbena’s fruits appears to be out of number.

Illnesses and sicknesses of verbena

Despite its inconsistency, problems arise when verbena is cultivated:

To prolong the color period, trim off the flowers and buds regularly. This type of plant blooms until frost.

Verbena is a wonderful design solution for flower beds and decoration of your garden plot. The inconsistency and brightness of the great kviti will weaken its presence in the obligatory system both in the reign of an experienced kvitnikar and in a newcomer. The variety of varieties and long-lasting color, when viewed correctly, earns the respect of plant lovers.

Small varieties are well suited for cleaning containers or decorating borders. Wrap this flower for bouquet arrangements. Cut verbena to stand in the vase for up to 10 days. The great choice of fertilization and vitriol is indispensable when creating color from living flowers.

In addition, we include a video on how to grow hybrid vervain with grass in your home.
