As the growth of the cibul ripchast. Yak virostiti green cibul at home.

As the growth of the cibul ripchast. Yak virostiti green cibul at home.

It’s not at all easy to grow your life in the city. For this purpose, it is enough to become familiar with these particularities and you can begin to master the practice. Today we know how to grow vegetables, what varieties and types of vegetables grow, how they are properly preserved and survive.


Today there are only a few main species of natural fish. Let's take a look at the leather from them:

  1. Zeleny. Harvest the first harvest when the stems are still young and sparkling. The cibulins are small and take a long time to form. In appearance, he is similar to a cibul, only significantly smaller in size. Enjoy it in a fresh appearance or add herbs to the finished product for aroma and relish. Ideally helps with severe headaches and colds.
  2. Dick Cybula. Otherwise called wild garlic. This species is rich in vitamin C. For its relish, the wild garlic is reminiscent of the sumish tsibulya and the chasnik. A high amount of ascorbic acid is beneficial to the intestines. If you introduce a wild cat into a hedgehog, you can improve your appetite.
  3. Leek. This variety is not as popular as others, but due to the number of vitamins it deserves special respect. After planting, harvesting can take two seasons. The real part of the cybul is formed from a white stem and “legs”. The natural height of the tree can reach 60-65 cm. How to grow the leek, we’ll look at it a little later, but for now we’ll move on to the offensive appearance.
  4. Batun. This variety has improved resistance to frost. It grows without transplants over a stretch of four roots. It multiplies in siblings. Green shoots must be cut off promptly so that new growths can emerge.
  5. shallot. This variety of cybula is a great drink among gourmets. I love you for its soft and tender relish, which is the perfect complement to any herb. It has a high potassium content. Shallots are distinguished by their high vitality and calorie content.
  6. Schnitt, or rizanets. You can live in early spring, when there is heavy snow. Afterwards, the rosebush begins to bloom like small beech flowers. Yogo can be used as decoration for a flower bed. If you don’t have your own plot of land, then a home garden is perfect.
  7. Slime, chi mangir. The feathers are flat. There are light green colors. The taste of such tsibulya is like a trocha of gostria. This view is early and will go away after the snow falls. You can enjoy the fresh look or add it to the finished herbs.
  8. Chervona tsibulya. This variety is distinguished by its new appearance. Suitable for making food look fresh, for example, for salads. The relish is filled with notes of bitterness.
  9. Sweet onion. There is a tender and soft taste, so you most often live just like that every hour. The cibulin needle has a round shape and a light white color.

Having clearly seen this, you can begin to learn how to grow a cibul of that magnificent appearance. Let's finish with the basics.

Features of planting green cybula

If you don’t know how to grow the green tsibul, then we will recognize you. In order to get the first harvest early, start planting in a greenhouse. And at the right time, the cibul can be safely grown in open plots.

If you are planning to plant a greenhouse, prepare the soil correctly.

For this you need to do the following:

  • add rotting water, or rather, if it is too late to lie down for 2-3 days;
  • add 40 g of potassium chloride and superphosphate to the ground;
  • Carefully re-sort the seeding material, replace the good cibulins from the rotten heads;
  • If you want to plant a plant before winter, then the best term for it is the middle of the harvest;
  • The seed material is laid at a depth of 4-5 cm, and the animal is covered with earth.

In the spring you get fresh greens, from which you can enjoy delicious spring herbs and gain vitamins.


In the spring, when the first descendants appear, take care of the green cibul. The main point to follow is:

  • weeding from the Buryans;
  • watering;
  • kindness and kindness;
  • fluffing the soil until the cibulin reaches the muslin.

Verification method

You can plant the tsibula on a turnip, vikory and roses. With this method you reap a great harvest of significant sizes. For this purpose, any variety of green tsibula would be suitable, for example, “kaba”, “Krasnodarska” or “Ispanska”. We will visit Rozsada with the coming order:

  1. It is often laid in the ground. The orientation of the instep should become 4 cm.
  2. After the first gatherings, it is necessary to carry out ample cultivating of the plants.
  3. Shchoino dovzhina has reached 40 cm, you can harvest it.

You can grow the tsibul on the river from the present day.

We select the seed material and apply it correctly

To prepare the cob, prepare the soil. For this you need to do the following:

  • add 5-6 kg of humus and pus to the bed;
  • 30 g each of ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium chloride.

You can start planting now at the perfect hour:

  • in the spring - there is grass in the middle;
  • sprout - from the cob to the end of the worm;
  • in the spring - at the end of the harvest - on the cob of leaf fall.

If you plan to plant the plant before winter, then you should stock up on peat, which is planted after planting. To ensure a great harvest, gradually fluff up the beds after watering, cultivating and weeding. Do not delay the harvest. Dig up the cabbage, then dry it and put it away for preservation.

Now you know how to feel the cibul ripchast. Let us give respect to other species.

Virgo leek

There are many guests in our beds and in greenhouses. As you already know, wine is rich in vitamins and minerals. Leek is used for preparing different herbs. Visajuvati yoga can be done in two ways. Let's take a look at the skin behind them, and also talk about correct observation, picking and saving.

Rozsadny method

Rozberomo, yak virostiti cibul in this way. If you hesitate in the lower regions of the country, it is best to plant a seedling.

Try it like this:

  1. Got the soil ready. For this purpose we are treating this type of sickness and illness with a weak dose of potassium permanganate.
  2. The optimal time for growing rose gardens is Kviten. This is placed in boxes at a height of 5 cm, one way at a time, and placed on the windowsill, close to the sun light. It is important to carefully approach the seeding material so that almost two resources are saved.
  3. After a month, it is recommended to carry out a boil.
  4. In dry soil, transfer the seedlings to the grass, first grafting the root and top 1/3 of the way from the soil.
  5. The depth of transfer of the skin growth into the ground is 2 cm.

How to tickle you, how to grow a cybul on the head, this type of growth is not suitable for this. Next, select a different variety. And we'll figure out how to save the leeks.


In order for the sprout to be tasty, it is necessary to master the technique of growing sprouts. Let’s look at all the stages:

  1. Steadily clean the bed from the cybula from the Buryani.
  2. During the entire period of growth of the plant, you have to feed it at least once in a while.
  3. After that, since the leek is up to 20 cm in height, it can be fertilized. Rob the next step: mix 10 liters of water from 1 kg cow and water. It is not recommended to use vicoristic dobrova, which has a great value instead of nitrogen. Through new leeks it rots.
  4. Steady watering, especially during periods of active growth and color set.
  5. The finished harvest is harvested in late autumn.

We learned how to grow the great leek in our field. This type of plant is strong until it gets sick and is attacked by squatters, so it will be sawn and will immediately freeze. We walked step by step to Sivby. Find out how to sit it correctly, and then look at it.

How to make your own dump

Most gardeners don’t bother and buy ready-made material, but rather rely on growing it independently. As long as you care how to virtuous the tsibul, then let’s begin. To get rid of this, you need to do the following:

  1. Select the smallest heads of the cybul.
  2. In spring they need to be planted in a greenhouse. Between them there may be a larger figure, and you will feel it on your head.
  3. On the cob of the heather you can collect the sow, from which we remove the sowing area.
  4. Let them dry for a month.
  5. Nowadays they call it black. The stench received this name for its color.
  6. You can save a little more than two of them.


We gradually moved on to learn about how to grow a fish. For whom you need to follow our instructions:

  1. Ready to hang on the bed on the cob. First, they can be soaked in warm water for a day.
  2. It is better to lay the seed material at a depth of 2-3 div.
  3. If you have planted it too often, you need to thin it out. Otherwise, the drainer will look rubbish.
  4. After ripening, this type of cybul is found in linden. You can tell by the brownish-brilliant lushpinni.
  5. Dig up the seed beds and thoroughly dry them.
  6. You can save yourself at night or on the mountain.

Preparing the sow before planting

So, when the time has come to sit down, it is necessary to prepare the tsibul. Try it like this:

  1. After winter, it is necessary to sort out and fertilize all overdried specimens from normal cibulins.
  2. It is necessary to sort the dumper by size.
  3. It must be warmed up before planting. For this purpose, heat the mixture at a temperature of 40 degrees. You can use a home battery.
  4. If it is not possible to warm up the fish, then immerse it in hot water for 30 minutes.
  5. In order to protect the seed material from pests and rodents, it is necessary to additionally treat the cibulin with copper sulfate or potassium permanganate.

Choose a place

Yak virostiti garnu tsibul? You need to choose a plot. For what purpose should we go to a sleepy place with living soil. It is not recommended to install the seeder where there is ground water nearby. Better yet, if you plant it after potatoes and tomatoes. Vikoryism is categorically opposed to the place after the hour and carrots. The bed is full of pus, which is 2-3 years old. If you are using mineral supplements to revitalize them, dilute them with water. You and I have discussed how to virtuous a cybul, now let’s take a look at the correct landing.

Visajuemo correctly

To achieve a good result, you need to correctly determine the time of planting. The best sivok is planted before the decision, on the cob. Reshta endure until the holy days. Plant cibulini at a distance of 5-10 cm one at a time. It is determined by the size of the tree itself. Between the rows it is necessary to leave space at a size of 30 cm. The deepest depth for planting is 4 cm.

Watching the dump

How to virtuous a cibul, you know. The inspection can be carried out competently. It lies in the future:

  1. To grow on the cob of the grass, the seedling will require fertile soil. It is recommended to water the beds for two weeks a week.
  2. After laying the soil, it is necessary to fluff it up. This will help to reach the root system.
  3. Every now and then weed the sivach. Burians are additional distributors of illness and infection.
  4. Before harvesting, the crop will be deprived of three years, and watering will be reduced. It is allowed to no longer see the arrows.

Now, if you know how to grow the tsibul, you can grow a rich harvest in your field. In addition, our experienced gardeners will share their joys with you.

Meister class

Porada 1. If you don’t know the time when you need to plant the sower, then you can take the color of the bird cherry and the planting of early potatoes as a guide.

Porada 2. If you have a small sowing plant, and you don’t know how to grow a plant from such material, then you can plant it before winter. In the spring, you will see your great predecessors.

Porada 3. If you want to know how to plant a cybul on a head of great size, choose a carrot from your neighbor. We will protect the ridge from the harvester from the poor people.

We learned how to properly feel the tsibul. Now, if you have gained theoretical knowledge, the time has come to move on to practice. Knowing how to grow your crops and gain insight, you will reap a rich harvest.

  1. Yak virostiti cibul.
  2. Planting and growing tsibula - leek.
  3. Secrets of growing cibul - shallot.
  4. Planting and growing the tsibula - batun.

Before the cibulin family, there are such wide growing plants in our cities as the cybulin-batun, cibulin, and shallot cibulin. They are used for removing the first spring greens, rich in vitamins and phytoncides, as well as cibulin, which is used when preparing various herbs and during canning.

Most crops are slow-growing crops, and a good harvest can be achieved by following a few simple rules.

It is not recommended to irritate the cybulae at the same place over 2 days. The shortest successors for cybul are cucumbers, cabbage, potatoes and legumes. In addition, you can plant tsybula and chasnik after beetroot, zucchini, and squash. The worst predecessors are carrots and tomatoes.

Skidniks. The main pests of cybulids are cybul flies. To combat them, dig up the spring ridges on which the cybul or chapel grew, before planting, spray the plant material with insecticides, and warm the cybul for 24 years at a temperature of + 40-45 degrees. A bad result is obtained by soaking the ashes or using a saw, when they are applied to the beds of thybulids, as well as by watering the weeds with rose water and kitchen salt (200 g per bucket of water).

Main illnesses. For the disease that the tsibulni attack, the worst disease I can give birth to can be caused by shikov’s rottenness, as well as by Milkov’s borer dew itself. For control and prevention immediately after harvesting, it is recommended to dig up the soil and add ash and slaked water. It is recommended to burn the damaged plants.

Yak virostiti cibul

Cibulin is a well-known crop that grows for harvesting cibulin for feathers (or for greens). There are a number of varieties of cibulin, which differ in terms of ripening, cibulin color and taste. A good harvest of this crop can be obtained several times on the river: spring and summer in the city, spring and winter in greenhouses. A small amount of greenery can be felt near the apartment on the windowsill.

Temperature regime. Rapchasta cybula is a completely cold-resistant crop; it grows well at +3-5 degrees. And the optimal temperature for growing plants is 23-25 ​​° C; hot weather can negatively affect the growth rate of the crop.

Planting methods

To remove the cibulin, the plants can be planted in the soil using a vikory plant or a gardenless method, and the cibulin can also be harvested from a sow.

Bezrozsadne viroshuvannya. The simplest way to plant tsibula is without gardening. Sow the seeds directly into the ground, burying them in the soil by 1-1.5 cm (so that the plants will soon be soaked).

The cybula harvest can be harvested 23-24 years after planting, so this method of growth is especially suitable for areas with a mild climate, where planting can be done early in the spring. In the middle smoothie, when planted in wet soil, the cybul may not emerge, so in order to get a good harvest, use winter sowing or the transplant method.

Pre-winter sowing is carried out after the onset of persistent cold, so that the cybula does not sprout. Prepare the beds ahead of time, before the soil freezes. Hang in a furrow to a depth of 5-6 cm, cover the animal with a ball of humus 2-3 cm.

Viroschuvannya tsibulya through rose garden. To pick up native seedlings, plant them in shallow boxes or special cassettes near birch trees. Vikorist for ready-made soil sumishes or dear city soil. After sowing, cover the boxes with spitting oil and maintain the temperature between 18-25 ° C; when ready, transfer the boxes to a cool place (10-12 ° C) so that the seedlings do not wilt.

Over the course of a week, you can increase the temperature by 6-8 °C. Remove the cover for a few years a day for ventilation. Water the tsibula rose garden after 2-3 days. Can be adjusted 1-2 times. dobriva (20 g of ammonium nitrate, 15 g of potassium chloride and 40 g of superphosphate per cup of water).

Planting rose gardens in wet soil. Before planting seedlings in wet soil, it is important to prepare them.

It is best to plant rose gardens at a distance between rows of 10-12 cm, between plants in a row - 6 cm. To avoid damaging the roots of the plants during planting, it is best to transplant the rose garden into a pile of soil. Before planting, thoroughly water the soil in the back of the prepared beds.

Planting rose gardens of tsibula.

The simplest way to plant a tsibula. A less difficult way to grow common cibulin in areas with a calm and cold climate is to plant a sowing plant (fine cibulin grown from the plant). Plant in the first ten days of grass, small holes in a scoop or a clump, and deep-rooted cibulins by about 1 cm (be careful not to touch the neck with soil). Place the seeder at a distance of 20-25 cm between rows and 5-10 cm between rows. It is advisable to manually plant the row planting at a distance of 20-35 cm between rows and 5-10 cm between rows.

In closed soil, with the seedlings planted on the feather (on the greens) as planting material, use a vikory duster.

Preparing the soil for planting tsibula

A good harvest can only be obtained by planting in well-lit, dormouse plots with rich soil. It is often difficult for plants to tolerate stagnation of water, so this culture is best grown in drained plots. The soil on them is not guilty of clay.

It is best to prepare a plot for the growth of cybula in the fall. Dig the soil to the depth of the bagnet with a shovel, remove the roots of the weeds, add rotten, mineral goodness. In the spring, flush the top ball with soil, then level everything with a rake.

Yak watering

Podzimova planting of tsibula.

Often, when the leaves are forming and growing, they need to be watered regularly (for grass - once a week, and for cherries - once every 10 days), between waterings, fluff the soil in between the rows and carefully burn down the weeds. However, remember that the cultivation of cibulins requires a completely different water regime, so watering should be applied 3-4 days before harvesting.

When growing cybulls on greens in protected soil, water the soil until dry and fluff it in the intervals between waterings.

How to prepare and fertilize the tsibul

When growing cybula in open soil, carry out cultivation by spreading 1 m2 per stepwise scheme: in the spring, when preparing the soil, add 4 kg of compost and 100 g of potassium sulfate; in the spring before planting - 25 g of nitrogen fertilizers; after the first leaves have been cured - 20 g of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers, and 5-7 days after this, fertilize the plants with pus diluted in water (in a proportion of 1: 10) or bird afterbirth (in a proportion of 1: 20).

To get a good crop, make one more adjustment during the formation of cibulin: add phosphorus-potassium fertilizer at a rate of 15-25 g per 1 m2.

If you have noticed that the thyme is growing and its leaves have turned white, add a mixture of 200 g of mullein and 20 g of chickweed, dissolved in a bowl of water. After 15 days, treat the plants with more nitrophoska.

Cybul, which grows by sowing seed (black), is first prepared at the stage of appearance of the fourth leaf with mullein infusion (1:10) or smoked afterbirth (1:20), vitrat - cebro for 3-4 sq.m. m. Between the rows, make grooves with a depth of 6-8 cm, water them with fertilizer infusion and cover them with soil. After two days, carry out another treatment: a teaspoon of cherry and potassium sulfate, 2 teaspoons of superphosphate per square meter. m.

When growing feathers on feathers in open or closed soil, apply complex fertilizer (once every 10 days).

Planting and growing the tsibula

The leek is still a new culture in our region, which is spreading in cities before other cibulins. This type of cybulum has the greatest expansion in the wetland areas (this is due to the difficult period from the appearance of crops to the harvest).

Leeks are grown to remove the wilted lower white part of the stem (this plant does not work with cibulins), and leeks can be planted in the urchin and young green leaves. The main idea for obtaining a good harvest for this crop is the correct choice of plot for planting and timely application of the crop.

Temperature regime

To get a good harvest, the average temperature during the growing season should become 17-23 ° C, although in general the crop is cold-resistant and can withstand short-term frosts down to -7 ° C.

When growing leeks using the seedling method, plant the seedlings in the soil when the soil warms up to +10 °C.

Planting the tsibula.

In the wetlands of our region, leeks can be grown by sowing in wet soil; in regions with cold climates, the planting method of growing is recommended - in which case you can eliminate the crop on the river. ivu (approximately 45-60 days after planting the seedlings in the garden bed) . The terms of ripening depend on the speed of ripening of the variety, weather conditions and the development of agrotechnical advantages.

To speed up the emergence of shoots, wet and germinate beforehand. The care for rose gardens is approximately the same as for growing seedlings: water the seedlings regularly. You can add rare complex ingredients one time. The optimal temperature for the growth of leek seedlings is 18-25 ° C before germination and 14-16 ° C after emergence. If the temperature will be high, and the illumination of the insufficient radiance will fade.

Plant seedlings in the ground, either on the ground or on the cob of grass. Plant in the furrow with a depth of 10-15 cm (the distance between the adjacent trees is at least 10 cm). After 2 years, fill the furrows with rich soil.

The soil is rich and fluffy, most neutral. It is impossible to produce a good harvest of leeks on acidic soils.

Yak water the cibul

Planting tsibula - leek.

The leek is a water-loving plant, so do not forget to water it regularly from the moment of planting the seedlings until the end of the growing season, increasing the frequency of watering in dry months. After watering the skin, fluff up the interrow.

Hydraglottis of Cybula

In order to increase the vigor of the succulent stems and a high yield, carry out the subglottic leek 3-4 times per season. And of course, don’t forget to scoop up the weeds and fluff up the soil.


Regularly nurture the leek - without it you will not be able to get a good harvest. Nitrogen is especially important for leeks - they are especially needed in the second half of the summer, when greenery is actively forming.

It would be optimal to use rare organic ingredients, for example, water mixture of mullein 1:8 or poultry manure 1:20 with a ratio of 3 liters per 1 sq.m. m. and mineral additives (for example, ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate at a rate of 15-20 g per 1 m2).

Planting and growing tsibula - shallots

Shallot or family cybul, a rich-nest cybul, is valued for its speed and deliciousness. This type of mensch widening, lower tsibulya. In one nest there is a small number of different cibulins, which have a less spicy taste, a lesser cibulin. Shallots can be picked from the open ground on the cibulin and feather, from the closed ground - on the feather. Shallot leaves are no longer rough and lose their juice.

Temperature regime

Shallots can tolerate low temperatures well. If it is deprived of wintering, it is easily affected by frozen ground down to -20 degrees, and spring greenery appears earlier than in other species of cybul. The optimal temperature for shallots during the growing season is 20-24 °C.

Planting tsibula shallots

Viroschuvannya tsibuli - shallots.

The easiest way to propagate shallots is in the vegetative way - by planting cibulins, and for the development of new varieties, the plant method of propagation is better.

Before planting, soak the cibulins with a strip of 20-30 strands of potassium permanganate, and then rinse with cold water.

Plant in the spring (from the end of spring to the ear of grass) or in the spring (from the end of spring to the ear of grass). For spring planting, choose medium-sized cibulins (3-4 cm in diameter), for autumn planting - small ones (about 2 cm in diameter).

Plant the cibulins to a depth of 2-4 cm, and during autumn planting, mulch them with peat or a 3-4 cm ball of soil.

To remove the great cibulins from shallots, gardeners have learned to plant them in the spring, planting cibulins every 15 cm, one at a time, and 30 cm between the rows. During the growing process, periodically remove one cibulin from the skin nest ( They can be vikorized in a hedgehog), so until the fall each skin has lost 1-2 cibulini.

When growing shallots on a feather in protected soil, plant them in the other half of the soil, then in the spring you will collect the first harvest of greens.

When you vigontsa shallots on the cibulini feather, you can vicorize it again. To do this, after cutting the greenery, remove them from the soil, cut them across and replant them in boxes or pots with flammable soil.

Soil dressing

When growing shallots in open soil in the spring, remove the covering material from the beds first so that the soil warms up more quickly. At whose end you will sew the crop of greens.
After the shoots appear, plow the soil between the rows and rows and carefully weed the weeds.

Between the rows it is recommended to fluff the soil 2-3 times per summer to a depth of 5-6 cm; after watering the skin, it is enough to fluff the soil to a depth of 3-5 cm. Before fluffing the soil, it is not recommended to subdivate it up to the shoots themselves, so as not to provide adequate dosage Ivannya cibulin.

If you are growing shallots near the greenhouse, fluff the soil not too deeply, but after watering the skin.


During the first half of the growing season, water the shallots regularly: from the grass to the middle of the linden tree - 3-4 times per week; in hot and dry weather, you can increase the amount of watering. During the other half of the summer, less watering is required, and 2-3 days before harvesting cibulin, you can stop watering.

In closed soil, water the shallots regularly and sparingly. Fluff up after skin watering.

How to prepare a cibul - shallot

During this growing season, it is recommended to fertilize shallots 1-2 times (this is enough to prevent a lot of crops both in open and closed soil). Vikorist water rosemary cow's yak (proportions 1: 10), poultry afterbirth (proportions 1: 15) or complex min. dobriv (20 g per 10 liters of water).

Planting and growing tsibuli - batun

Cybula is a rich plant and can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. At one location, a bunch of leaves can be successfully grown, but on the third river, the yield decreases and the leaves become coarser.

The culture has several varieties of onion, which can be divided into two main groups. The early ones started to produce spring crops; the late ones ripen 30-40 days later. It is difficult to grow tsibula-batun, especially when planting varieties that are resistant to illness.

Temperature regime

Cybula-batun is a winter-hardy crop that can withstand frosts down to -45 °C. The optimal temperature for growing season is 19-23 °C.

Sowing tsibuli - batun

The trumpet lily can be propagated by gardening or without gardening. Planting now in open soil begins at the end of the bed, at a depth of 2 cm. The simplest method is small sowing at a distance of 40-50 cm between the rows, or you can use a vikorist and string sowing scheme: hanging Plant in 2-5 rows at a distance of 10 cm between rows and between the trees.

Tsibulya - batun is easily propagated vegetatively. To do this, simply divide the bushes and plant the skin cibulin. The best time to do this is in the spring and at the end of summer. Rosesauce the cibulini in rows.

To get a good harvest, I plant a trumpet in the spring, in the extreme fall of the year or early in the spring.
To plant in spring, dig up a bunch of sprouts and transplant them into boxes, place them in a warm, light place and water 2-3 times a day.

Retrieving an early birth of a cibul

To pick up early greenery like a fierce one, plant a cybula on the cob of a birch tree in a tunnel-type spitting greenhouse. This method allows you to get rid of the crop two or even three times earlier (in which case it will be 1.5-2 times greater, lower than when the cubs are grown in open ground).

You can choose a vikorist and frameless cover: sow the seedlings in the dry soil and cover with perforated sponge, sprinkled with earth around the edges.

To trim the feather, the tsibula-batun can be planted in a greenhouse. In the spring, plant the plots in rows, and then in the birch tree, when the leaves grow 15-20 cm, harvest the first harvest.

When the cybulin is grown in the greenhouse, make furrows on the ridges, plant the cybulins in them and cover them with soil. To get a good harvest, maintain the temperature in the greenhouse at +10-15°C, gradually increasing it to 20°C. The optimal air humidity is 70-80%. 7-10 days after planting, add mineral fertilizer to the soil.


Rozshuvannya between the rows is a means of securing a good breeding cibul. Several days after the first weeding, plow the soil between the rows of weeds.


To extract fresh juiced greens, do not forget to water the onion (if water is lost, the leaves become coarse and become bitter). The recommended rate is 3-4 times per week, 10-20 l/m2. 3-4 years after watering, weed out between rows.

How to prepare a cibul - batun

In order to get a good harvest of cybul, do not forget to prepare it with barley, diluted at a ratio of 1: 8 or with bird afterbirth (1: 20), one cultivation per season is enough. After harvesting, it is necessary to add rare mineral supplements (50 g of ammonium nitrate, 3 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium chloride per 10 liters of water).

Cybula (ripchasta) is one of the most popular vegetable crops around the world. We know this from the 4th millennium BC. This is two territorial growths. And in many varieties, the sap is limited to the third river. After their sowing, only the seedlings are harvested - the sow, and the axis of the coming fate grows up, which is familiar to us, the seedlings (uterus), as on the third row of plantings the seedlings are produced. In modern areas it is possible and from now on to become more common. Behind the hotness there are different varieties - even gostri - such as Strigunivsky, Bessonivsky, Rostovsky, garni for soups and lubricants. Danilovsky is a sublime, and also mildly spicy Krasnodar and licorice Yalta variety.

Wash it very best.

This article can tell you about how to correctly feel the tsibul. Due to the weak root system, the best option for growing the plant is rich in humus, and clean Buryan soil. And plant yogi better than cabbage and cucumbers. The soil should be neutral, with values ​​of 6.4 - 6.5.

If your soil is acidic, then add it there thoroughly, and through the river you can then plant cibulini (you don’t like anything that hasn’t been absorbed into the soil). The bed needs to be level and well fertilized with pus. Do not add it directly under the cybulum, but on all poor soils you can add it in the spring - two kg per 1m2.

During the autumn digging, it will be good to add a dose of potassium-phosphorus additives. And the other half - in the spring, at once with nitrogen preparations. In the meantime, the cibul with a bang accepts rotten water and mineral goodness.

Planting methods

Planting methods include sprat - sowing, picking, seedlings, plantings in the ground, etc.


The first harvest of cybulka from today. These are small, up to 3 cm in diameter, cibulini. The stinks are needed for further planting and the growth of the already familiar cibulins. Vibirok - planting cibulin seed up to 3.5 cm in diameter. And cibulini with a diameter of 3.5 cm are already important.

For a well-prepared soil, a small plot under the ridge is suitable for the cybula. The sow is planted after early potatoes, cucumbers and early cabbage. In the fall, dig up the beds with added humus, one or two buckets per square meter, in the case where such support was not added to the front one.

In the spring of the year, the application of mineral preparations - ammonium nitrate 15-20 g, superphosphate 25-30 g, potassium chloride 1015 g or urban sum 75-100 g, all per square meter.

Soak the planter itself for 2-3 minutes before planting in clean water and then for 8-16 years in 0.1% potassium permanganate (1 g per liter of water).

Tsibul - black can be sown even earlier than in other urban crops. It’s best to sit right next to the long lines. Rows of stitches are separated with a thread of 10 - 15 dividing from each other. Cover the soil of the beds with humus or compost so that the water does not spoil and does not form on the surface of the pick.

The cibulins grow freely, the weeds can easily choke them out, so regular weeding of the beds is our everything. If there is no litter, go and water the bud 2-3 times every 5-7 days.

In the middle of the sickle, the moths are already starting to dry up, and they are starting to clean them up. Dry the bud at once with the badillas, then the badillas can be cut and dried in an open place or in a room that is well ventilated. Then sort into smaller ones - up to 1.4 cm in diameter, medium (1.5 - 2.2 cm in diameter) and large (2.3-3 cm in diameter).

The sorted sift is stored until spring. Great siyanka is stored at 17 degrees. A different temperature range will be required.

Ripchasta cibul with sivbi.

Tsibulya is not a culture that does not require anything special. But here you need a correct landing and a correct look at the open ground.

So, the soil should be the same as under the drainer itself, but add 2 times more mineral fertilizers. In the first half of the grass there are grass lilies. It’s more beautiful to cut it in three or four rows. Place 20 divs between the rows, and 8-10 divs for other rows.

The grass cibulin is sprinkled with 0.5 - 1 cm of soil. After planting, the soil can be broken up with a rake. Yakshcho Planting Videy Drinnoy, then with a virivannan ball ґrunta qibulini, I can think for Vilіzty Nazi, Donza Tsibulini Bode at the Upper Sharі Zemlі, I Z Lyglykistya, Rosty at the Tsoma Vegetable Buda Dazhea.

The growth and development of the cybula requires a lot of water. The root of the weaker, the root regularly helps to replenish the lack of water from the soil.

After the opening of the beds, water the skin for 8-10 days. Further, as the water requirement increases, there will be less water, and in the end, when it ripens, it will not require water. Fertilize the tsibul at once by watering.

Harvest when the badilla has already chewed and drooped. Lay it out in strips and dry for 5-6 days. Then they cut out the badilla, leaving a 5-6 cm thick layer.

Tsibulya from now on.

The fish now grows at the speed of certain varieties - the same Gribovsky, Strigunivsky, Danilovsky 301. Soak the plant beforehand, and then plant it, or it may be still alive that has hatched. It’s too early to plant, as if it were a seedling, stand between rows at 18-20 cm.

With great density, you can thin out the leaves immediately, pick out the greens and pickle them for food. After this spring, the normal parts of the cibulini will be formed. They can be carefully dried and stored.

Viroshchuvannya tsibulki z rossadi.

This is the order of Yalta, Krasnodar, Kaba and In. If the soil under them is fertile, and the watering is sufficient, then their yields will be high, but the stench will not be noticeable. Plant the rose garden on the cob of grass.

Before planting, shorten the roots to 3-4 cm, then soak them in a mixture of pus and clay, and place them in furrows at a depth of 5-7 cm. Then add 1-1.5 cm of humus, pour well, and decide, lower the seedlings. .

The roots are twisted and pressed to one edge, then covered with earth and pressed lightly. The distance between the rows is 20 cm, and between the seedlings is 5-7 cm, the depth is 3-4 cm.

Cibul on a feather.

The most widespread type of growth of cybul is both growing in beds and growing on sills. For this purpose, varieties rich in germs, such as Spassky, Pogarsky, Bezsonivsky, are better suited.

If you plant it in a greenhouse, then cut off the seedlings, then soak them in warm (35-40C) water. The cibulins are applied in a strong, bridging way. In open beds, plant them more than 10x5-7 div.

Apply directly to the soil for incorporation until the end of summer. During the thinning process, there will be enough fresh feathers in the juice, and the cibulina will go into the river.

Tsibul's mischief makers

If you have decided to learn how to protect the great king, then get ready to fight against the bad guys. What kind of miscreants is the cibul afraid of - find out below.

Cybul's front sight.

Their white larvae penetrate directly into the cibulin itself. Because of this, the death of the sheep comes. It is recommended that both now and the seedlings be carefully cultivated before planting. Mulching with peat also helps. We don’t like a fly, and we don’t lay our eggs in dry mulch.

To process it, you can do the following: in a bucket of water, place a bottle of table salt, a bottle of wood ash, a bottle of chicken residue. This mixture is poured under the skin cibulin, 2/3 of the bottle under the skin soil before combing the bits.

After the channel the earth is thrown back. In a few years you can repeat the process. It’s true that the birth will not please you with its knuckle, then now it’s time to come out with what you need, better and healthier. With the growth of cybula at 10 cm, you need an offensive solution - in a bucket of water, put a bottle of bird afterbirth, a bottle of wood ash, a flask of ammonium nitrate.

After every 10 days, it is necessary to carry out fluffing; if there is no wood, water sparingly. Against these flies the same methods of protection are used against flies.

Diseases of sheep.

Downy mildew - downy mildew. It threatens all varieties and species of cibul. There are many yellow spots on the sheet under a gray pouring. The whole leaves will soon die, and other fungi will grow on them.

A dry, warm and well-ventilated plot with flower beds will prevent you from this misfortune. And if the signs are still marked, then fungicides (Zinebom 0.3%) will come to your aid. We repeat the skin treatment for 7-10 days.

There may also be viral illnesses. The symptoms are different, but the leaves start to appear with a light green or yellow tint. Then the stench wrinkles, curls and breaks.

Viruses can be transmitted by mosquitoes, so we need to fight them first and foremost. And it is better to burn the infected plants so that the virus does not spread further.

Let's get married

As soon as you reach the singing minds of the growth of the cibul, then the culture is given to the growth of life and therefore significant dimensions.

Chew the leaves, dry neck, and also 1-2 dry fillets with a characteristic color - these are signs of a mature harvest, ready for harvest. It is best to pick up the tsibul in warm and dry weather, immediately leaving them to dry for 4-5 days. It would be better to place the boards under the shed or shed. Then the dry badillas are cut, leaving 5-6 cm removed. After sorting by size, large ones need to be saved, you can not cut the badillas, braid them at the braid and hang them up at home.

I'm giving birth to children

If stored correctly, cibul can be saved for a long time. It works best in a dry place at a temperature of 18-24C. The native varieties (Danilevsky, Myachkivsky, Krasnodarsky, Krivitsky Rushnychny) can last until the present day, and in the dry season the additional state varieties - Parus, Strigunivsky, Burshtynovy, Bezsonivsky, Spasky - are preserved.

The more drying is done, the better the savings. If rotten, cibulini can be heated at a temperature of 42C for 8 or 12 years. If your cibulins rustle at the hour of theft, it means that the mark has been reached.

The cybul is tied in a wreath or braids and stored at home, when drying, they are protected as the drying of the outer shells. You can also put it in bags, boxes, drawers. You can also lay it out on the racks, but behind the sink you can ventilate it.

During germination, ensure that the roots are coated with a paste-like coating. Store it in a place where it can be ventilated, and for the winter you can put the container with the tsibule in bed.

If you do not plan to plant it in the spring, but to plant it during the winter, then you can burn its bark immediately after harvesting.

Living with a hedgehog.

For such a crop as cybula, proper planting and good supervision are required. And you have already come to your senses. All the inhabitants of our planet love Cybula. It is vicorized from germination to the mature stage. Leave the leaves of the cibulin, and then the leaves and the cibulin, and then the cibulin have risen. Just don’t bother with it – grease it, steam it, boil it, marinate it. Vikorist is sold as a drink, and there are a lot of herbs in stock.

Are you planning to plant a cibulin in your plot, but don’t know how to achieve a good harvest and reach the growth of the great cibulin before the first frost? Most city dwellers are respected for better growth of the cybul from other cybuls - this method of reversing fate and invariably gives excellent results.

How to virosti tsibulya-sivok z chernushka

It is less obvious that the seedlings grow more successfully on poor soils. Due to its resistance to low temperatures, planting of cybula in wet soil begins early - and you get an early harvest. The root system of small cibulins along the bank of the vegetable crop is pressed in the sand and in the Buryans. Three for hot and dry varieties of beetroot are best suited.

You can buy a ready-made planter in a specialized store or at the market, or you can grow it yourself from the ground (blackberries). In order to collect the brood hews before the fall, they need to start growing in the spring, and then in the coming season you can start raising the brood eggs from the original sows.

Soak fresh crops (not older than 2 years) in water for a couple of years and place burlap in water for 2-3 days so that the crop begins to germinate. After soaking, carefully dry the black one. You can hang from the ground in advance of preparing and cultivating the soil. Create rows on a height of 9-11 cm one at a time, spread them completely with soil, fill the furrows with 2 cm of humus or peat.

Watching Sivka gatherings:

  • In addition, as soon as they germinate, they need to be thinned out in order to remove larger cibulins;
  • fluff the soil regularly, especially after the board;
  • water the garden bed often, if not too dry;
  • prepare for revenge, for example, cow's yak (1:10).

Once the cibulin is in place, watering, cultivating and fluffing the soil is necessary. If the leaves are green and lay flat, and the neck of the cibulin has softened and become thin, the seedling can be collected from the bed and dried.

Once the cibulin is in place, watering, cultivating and fluffing the soil is necessary.

And if you want the growing of the cybul from the sow to be successful, it is necessary to ensure optimal storage for the winter storage of the sow. Place the well-dried seedlings in a box with a ball of 6-8 cm or in thin bags with a weight of 2-3 kg and store in a warm place that is ventilated, at a temperature of +15+19 degrees. Before planting, carefully sort out the seedlings, look for diseases, sprouts and dried plants, and also sort by size (diameter from 1 to 2.6 cm). To get rid of the friendly gatherings, the other cibulins, then the great ones, will visit the kidney.

Before planting, carefully sort out the seedlings, look for crops, sprouts and dried cibulins, and also sort by size

They planted a sow and harvested a turnip

The calibrated plant will require additional cultivation for more uniform and smooth germination before planting in the ground. Carefully cut the dry part of the neck of small cibulins, being careful not to seal the steam, otherwise the first leaves will not grow and become damaged. After pruning, soak the planter in water at room temperature for 10-12 years. To prevent illness, you can add a dose of honey sulfate (1 teaspoon per 9-10 liters of water) to 5-10 liters of water. Then rinse the cibulini in running water and you can proceed before planting.

It is best to start growing the cibulina at the end of the season, or you can cut the grass up to the cob so that the ground warms up to +12 degrees, otherwise the cibulina will quickly shoot. If you plant later, the plants will grow more quickly through high temperatures.

It is best to start growing the cybul on a turnip, or you can grind the herb to the cob

If you want the cybul to remain unmoving and grow faster on loamy and soupy soils, important and acidic soils are not suitable for planting. It is recommended to add organic fertilizers to the soil in the fall, so that both green shoots and cibulins develop harmoniously.

Level the beds, tamp down the soil and apply a planting pattern: between the plants in one row there is a distance of about 10 cm, and between the rows there is at least 16-19 cm. watime u wet soil to ensure the growth of cibulin in the Swede. With a separate planting, due to lack of nutrition, the cibulin increases its development, and then dies completely.

How to grow a large river of great size? What is needed for:

  • Water it throughout the growth period, especially before the leaves appear and the formation of cibulin begins to water a month before harvesting;
  • fluff up the top ball of the soil at least 4-7 times per summer (in deep soil there is a proliferation of different cibulins);
  • carry out invigoration - a couple of days after the appearance of your gatherings, with infusions of mullein, and for 40-45 days with doses of mineral supplements;
  • do not cut the green feather of the cibulin (either or not for trimming the great cibulins).

The collection of the cybul is carried out in the third decade of the sickle, if the feather of the cybul is completely in the field

The collection of the cybul is carried out in the third decade of the sickle, when the feather of the cybul lies down. Remove the greens from the husk and hang the cybulin in the garden (or in mild weather) until the outer husk becomes “grim”. The dry season is approaching.
