Sverdlovin clay for drinking water. How to check the drill depth after drilling - basic methods How to check the drill depth over 10 meters

Sverdlovin clay for drinking water. How to check the drill depth after drilling - basic methods How to check the drill depth over 10 meters

Earth is a planet of water. If you want independence, you need your own water. If you need water, you can’t do without a drill at your site.
For water intake, there are two types of drills: filters - “for sand” and drains - “for water, they are sometimes called “artesian” drills, although professors respect that artesian drills are the same as drills with "self-willed" (after the name of the French province of Artois, de such drillings were first drilled).

Drilling of a filter drill (sandwich) is carried out on the nearest aquifer, which lies in rich soils, and the depth becomes 15-30 m. Drilling of the drill is carried out quickly - lasting one or two working days c.

However, these drills show a tendency before they are formed, and the term of their exploitation is that they are completely deposited and due to the tension of the aquifer, depending on the intensity of exploitation: the more often the drills are crusted, so serve longer (in practice, up to 15 years, more often - 5-8 years).

Drilling of deep (“artesian”) boreholes (for the vapnyak) is carried out to the aquifer, which lies in the vapnyak at depths of 30-200 m, and is not deprived of its depth and productivity (up to 100 m3/year), and it is folded yu burіnnya. Such drillings are drilled for larger diameters and greater depths, below the drillings on the sand. There is a large number of casing columns near the drill hole, and a higher level of varity, because The price per linear meter of drilling drilling depends on the diameter of the casing pipes and, therefore, their quality. The duration of the drilling process increases to 5 or more days, depending on the type of rock and depth. The price of drilling a borehole on a water-bearing rock, according to the term of service, is significantly higher - 50 or more rocks, since the filter in such drill-holes is the aquifer itself (water-bearing rock) and the mulling is not used.

What is the diameter of the drill bit?

For private holes on sand: 127-133 mm. For drilling, the diameter of the column at the top part can be changed from 127 to 324 mm depending on the productivity of the pump, the depth and design of the drill. The volume of water supply during drilling industrial drilling dictates much larger diameters.

What are the pipes near the Sverdlovina?

As a rule, steel ("black"). Steel St20, entirely seamless. The cutlets are combined and boiled. Galvanized pipes for the casing column are untrue - they are often poor for zinc near water.

What kind of plastic do you need?

Food, of course, is great... On the one hand, there are, of course, progressive technologies, and on the other hand, there are no statistics on plastic pipes, they appeared not so long ago, and what will happen after 40 years is unknown, and the black pipe has been transferred: The service term for a wall thickness of 5 mm is 50 years (with a corrosion rate of 0.1 mm per line).

However, for possible replacements, plastic pipes are installed in the middle of the casing column (to avoid corrosion, they do not rotate, but to add comfort to the pump operation, all kinds of iron particles from the walls of the steel column from expensive mechanical izmu). Sometimes, in folding geological systems, a plastic column in the middle of a steel one can be bark, then. plastic is not used to replace steel pipes, but simultaneously from them.

Instead of steel, plastic is used instead of steel on drill holes, but it is necessary to be careful: a steel column is worth more than a plastic one and is better able to withstand the soil.

Ale “black pipe” is salivary, but the water has a lot of salivation...

In water, the presence of leakage is determined instead of chemically dissolved bivalent fluid (in Iran - trivalent) in the aquifer.

Fluorine or fluoride, present in the chemical storage of water from the artesian well, is indicated for additional chemical analysis and is removed with the help of special filters - non-toxic substances (by oxidizing and transferring it to siege). Filters are a necessary attribute of autonomous water supply.

What is included in the Vartist Burinnya?

The drill itself, lined the drill with a column of pipes, pumped to visually clean water. Possible express analysis.

The company's activities include chemical. analysis of the variety of drilling meter of Sverdlovina

Chem. The analysis can be included in drilling operations, but it will not provide a reliable and complete picture, since immediately after drilling there is still imported water in the drilling, which is recovered during drilling. The collection of water samples for trace analysis is carried out over three consecutive operations, once the water storage is completely stabilized. In short, the analyzes will be carried out during treatment, and their results will be followed by a water treatment plant.

At what position in the booth can you make a drill bit?

No closer than 3 meters.

What is "oblashtuvannya"?

For reliable water service, it is necessary to complete the drill hole with a sealed caisson (sealed steel box) for all-season maintenance of the pump equipment. A pipeline is laid under the caeson at a depth of 1.8 m and is introduced to the booth. An automatic system is installed for uninterrupted water pumping and filters for water purification in mechanical houses.

Why is the drilling of art-verdlovina more valuable?

The risk of drilling drilling deposits depends on the value of the casing metal. The diameter of the casing should be equal to the depth of the drill hole and the planned water supply (a larger pump has larger dimensions).

Why is it cheaper for companies to drill?

1. Having lost the old supply of pipes (not for long).
2. Harden light galvanized pipes (they are also nicely called anodized). For the cost of an anti-corrosion coating, the thickness of the pipe can be changed, and the cost of saving metal will be significantly cheaper. In this case, do not take into account the health of the deputy, who in a dozen hours will no longer be able to live with water, which is a waste of zinc. In addition, in acidic subsoil waters, the column collapses more quickly.
3. Businesses of the company should establish their ownership and management in a comprehensive manner. This part of the Kostoris has its own stink.
4. Minimum warranty term.

Do you need a license for the right to trade with nadras?

Drilling a drill bit into sand is not required, as it is for a well. Artisan drilling is required for drilling. All companies do this way: they have two passports, one for the official, the other for the control authorities. This, obviously, is unkind. For industrial Sverdlovians, a license for environmental management is absolutely necessary. The license is required until due date.

Why won't you drive?

In the waterfalls during drilling on the sand at the indicated place, there is no water, or there is not enough water - the bore is assessed as unexplored, and amounts to less than 50% of the agreed yield.

Which pumps are better?

As a leader, the German company Grundfos has been manufacturing its pumps from corrosion-resistant stainless steel for thirty years. If you want options, pumps from Italy are also bad, and the cheapest one is our “Malyuk”.

How can you clean a drill bit that has become dirty?

It's possible. Repairing drilled holes will require special tools. The method of renewing the filter is washed in the lower part of the drill with water under pressure - the drill is pumped, finely dispersed particles are washed out of the filter, and the flow of water is renewed. Repair of artesian drills is a complex, high-tech process, which is carried out by specialized companies.

How can you vlashtuvati sverdlovina at the budinka?

Yes, it’s possible, but it’s not too bright. Є small-sized drilling rigs, you can drill a hole and in the basement a booth - as much as a wall of at least 2 m. The best alternative is the Abyssinian spring. However, it is not possible to grow a serious sverdlova in the basement, since the building itself has not yet been realized, that is why. Maintenance and repairs (pump replacement, preventive maintenance, etc.) require the stagnation of large-sized drilling rigs, where access to the basement is impossible.

When will the storm begin?

It is better to start drilling the drill before the day of the day, immediately after marking out the plot with sticks. This will save a lot of energy and money for updating the parka and lawn after the arrival of the drillers, provide drinking water and technical water to the workers, to give the opportunity to become the master of inaudibility even before the parka is installed.

If it hasn’t already happened in this moment, don’t fall into it - it is possible and then, in any event, you can give completeness to your life and a sense of independence.

How can you find out the water in your area?

Signs of the proximity of water are the darker and brighter colors of the grass, swampy vegetation, and to speak only about the subsoil water - the top. The color of the grass, however, may lie due to the presence of this plant that is good for microelements in the soil. There are more “subtle signs” - a midge hovering over a gray place, trees shedding their branches “to the water”. Well, a frame or a willow/pea twig with biolocation and dowsers - for which you need great optimism and firm faith in this biolocation...

Whenever you talk about a borehole in the sand, find out what your neighbors have wells or boreholes. Yes, drill yourself bravely. If it is 100% pure, it cannot be recovered. In the Wapnyaku, water is practically through the water, the nutrition is less stagnant in the depths and the thickness of the formation.

Manual drilling of Sverdlovins - how can you earn everything?

As a rule, drillers who want to use manual drilling actually use compact drilling rigs and devices. Purely manual drilling of the drill bits is important because of the physical work behind the additional bailers on the rods, which are screwed, because during passage they need to be steadily lifted and released from the ground. Wrapping the instrument - I will manually behind the gate.

What is the problem of the drilling of the Sverdlovin in its self-tightening business - how to get enthusiasm and this kind of possession - yes, it is possible. Ale... This is the importance of the robot - the manual drilling of the Sverdlov, and as soon as the boulder hardens, the manual drilling will no longer help.

The price of a meter of drilling in Sverdlovsk is manual, so you can tell the facts, it means the goods are for the machine, because If you want to use machines and mechanisms, there is a lot of important manual work involved. Manual drilling of sverdlovins is true there, whereas machine drilling is impossible.

Sverdlovina "on the sand" or a well with a pump?

The problem with wells is the poor insulation of the drainage pipes, which causes the water to become muddy after drainage. The casing column (pipe) of the drill portion drains mud and subsoil water from formation water in a soft ball. There is no need to remove the drill bits from the well, as well as from the well.

Burinnya on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd water horizons

The upper water-bearing horizons may be of low capacity. For a productive Sverdlovsk region, the Rajah should listen to the drillers’ wishes: if you are already working, it’s good. And if you have modest needs, you can do it first. As a rule, the water at the upper horizon is obstructed by waters from high-lying rocks and high water, which penetrate into the waters through the destruction of technological devices during storms.

The other horizon is strategic water reserves, for the drilling of the Sverdlova a license is required for mining above the surface and allowed for drilling. If you want the drillers to crush this membrane. The drilling of the sverdlovin on the 2nd and 3rd horizons becomes significantly more expensive, and fragments of the stench lie deeper.

Is it necessary to obtain a drilling license for this type of operation in order to drill wet rocks for water?

No need.

Volume of water during drilling of the artesian river

With rotary drilling ("sverdlovin on vapnyak") the so-called vikorist is used. drilling from special clay and water. The volume of harvested water for a 100-m drill ranges from 20 to 30 m3 (approximately).

How to control the intensity of a robot in Sverdlovsk drilling?

An indicator of the entry of the aquifer during a stormy season is the influx of water. Unfortunately, the format of the article does not allow for a brief review of everything that may happen during a stormy Sverdlovsk (Murphy’s law dictates that all the bad things that may happen will become obligatory); Close control over the work of the drillers - at any time an ordinary member of the team.

An indirect indicator of bone quality works during the drilling of the drill - a guarantee term: correcting flaws is simply unprofitable. You need to be with drillers who are powerful, and at the very least kind-hearted, and don’t need to try to outsmart them - they may have in stock such professional tricks that will definitely seal your enmity in the face of Sverdlova.

What do you need to do when putting a drill into operation?

When putting the drill bit into operation after drilling, it is necessary to:

Check the depth of the drilled hole with the tool, then. lower the pipes until you reach the end and measure the bottom of the rods.
- Take water from Sverdlovina - it may be visually clean, the debit may be consistent with that stipulated in the agreement.
- Verify the availability of the set of documents included in the contract (including the Drill Data Sheet with its characteristics and the Warranty Card) and the validity of the drill parameters. Recommendations for the operation of the drill are also given by the drilling organization (be sure to also know their addresses and telephone numbers).
- After use (as long as it is not transferred to further operation), the core needs to be plugged (boiled) for preservation.

At what depth is the pump located?

This depends on how much water the drill hole gives and how much water the pump pumps out. In the middle - 15-17 m lower than the static level. This is so that the pump in the process does not run out of water.

How important is it that a sverdlova was drilled into the clay?

Lower the tension on the hair. When curling the hair, let it die out.

How can you understand what kind of water is in the drill casing?

Lower the tension, which may include a washer, temple, etc. on the motor or the hair in the casing and listen when going up and down, immediately listening to the sounds that can be seen from the pipe. As soon as you reach the water mirror, you will feel the vantage and sounds of an object that is immersed in the water. If you are interested, measure the length of the hair, skein and find out exactly the depth at which the water is located.

What is included in the warranty term for a drilled hole?

The main rules that must be adhered to during the hour of increasing nutrition regarding the legality of warranty repairs:

The content of sand and clay in artesian water begins to exceed 50 mg/l (otherwise, as agreed in the agreement), because This indicates that the casing is not leak-tight, or that the clay layers in the sand horizon are not being properly removed.
- when the flow rate of the drill has changed due to clogging of the filter column with sand or clay (symptoms appear as described above)
- if the flow rate of the drill hole has changed due to a natural disaster, or through drilling near the industrial drilling site with a large water intake, which has led to the flooding of the horizon, then the repair of such a drill hole, since it is not possible to It is in the contract, there are no guarantees.

If he seals the verdlova, why shouldn’t it be quickened?

The importance of a satisfactory operational period for a drilling vessel lies in a number of factors:

Frequency and intensity of operation
- Tension of the aquifer ball
- visibility and tightness of the veins in the veins
- Disruption of the hydrological situation
- climatic minds

How to restore the productivity of the river after the winter break?

To renew the drill, a number of passes are carried out, the essence of which is to clean the drill, wash the filter and the vibration zone under the pressure of air-water mixture (up to 15 atm), and, if necessary, wash special equipment. reagents. Like the extreme fall - water hammer. If necessary, video removal of the drill bit and, if necessary, partial replacement of the casing.

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Due to the increased competition in the field of water drilling, the company is trying to offer a lower price, but everything has its limits, and in order to lose even a small advantage, it is necessary to go with a seriously damaged technology ї. What these damages lie and how to reveal them, we can see from afar.

It is not difficult to know the main ways in which drilling companies deceive clients, even if there are no websites with such information, and what is written there, importantly, does not correspond to its effectiveness. Having spent two decades in Galusia, we encountered various situations and formed our list of popular methods of approaching technology.
It is written below that there are artesian boreholes.

Ways to deceive at the hour of stormy drilling under water

Axis 4 heads of water-free grinding when drilling holes for water from companies that absolutely do not increase the cost of their assets:

  • Under-planting of Sverdlovina. With the endless decline in prices for drilling, it became unprofitable to drill for technology and many (truly, many) companies stopped talking about it.
    Normal companies work like this: drill to the top, drill bits into the hole and then line the core with a metal pipe. In this case, the pipe should be placed at the top of the warehouse, and there is no pull on the sides. Having lined the bore with a salvage pipe, they begin to drill into it along the line with the smallest diameter and install a HDPE pipe.
    Oshukan companies wanted to simplify the procedure: so as not to waste the way to the metal pipe, drillers drill 10-15-20 meters... and simply place the pipe in the clay. Then drill with a smaller diameter and then line it with plastic. At the place where the pipe enters the vapnyak, don’t bother anyone, fit the plastic pipe and it’s invisible. It turns out that the plastic pipe is completely protected by a steel pipe for 10-20 meters, and then it stands near the clay without protection.
    Make sure to work in quiet places where there are good prospects, drillers know the depths of the weed and can pull off this trick. In the Moscow region, a centimeter of skin has already been drilled and all the openings are visible.
    The nasty news lies in the fact that you don’t know, you’re completely planted in the depths of the world, as if you stand in line with the robotics. Even if you don’t know when it’s time to get comfortable, the stench is easy to create hack work under your nose. We have water, we drink everything, you will be satisfied, until the right moment... After all, everything lies in the geology, the clay can squeeze a plastic pipe, but more often than not, it will happen in about an hour. Most often, people become aware of under-planting when they try to lift the pump from the drill bit, but the HDPE pipe is flattened and the pump does not move.
    Head for drillers, which will happen later, and then your warranty will expire.
    If it’s already within the warranty period, then the smell will continue until you install the pump incorrectly, for example. As a result, everything will lead to the need for an expert examination. Such episodes appear and occur regularly.
    In some cases, a similar drill head design can be processed without problems.
    How can we protect ourselves from such mischief? Buy drilling drilling from companies that have been on the market for a long time (decades), that value their names and are not ready to put an end to their reputation. Of course, at such offices the price will not be the lowest. If they promise you to drill with a plastic casing pipe and a metal pipe at a record low price, then this is clearly a deception.
    The lower the price, the greater the chance for deception.
    You can read more about choosing a drilling organization.

  • Vikoristan of thin-walled pipes. Most drillers claim that they will not drill a 133 mm vicor pipe with a wall thickness of 4.5 mm. In fact, everyone switched to 133 mm with a 4 mm wall and gradually mastered the pipe with a 3.5 mm wall. You don’t know real comradeship.
    Sometimes, reinforced pipes are reinforced, up to a 133 mm pipe with a wall thickness of 4 mm, and seamless ends with a thickness of 5 mm are welded. It’s even simpler here: it’s impossible for the average person to check the thickness of the main pipe, so they can easily remove the 3.5 mm wall.
  • A mix of thin-walled pipes and under-casing of drill bits. The cheapest drill bits, which cost more than anything, will be drilled this way. About the daily 50 years of service, as we all say, we can’t go here. The resource of such drillings is calculated by several fates.
  • Reduced reference prices. This is not a destruction of technology, it is simply a sign of the introduction of a deputy into Oman. The most popular way to lure a client is to name an unrealistic price.
    For example, imagine what they can drill with a 133 mm pipe for 1800 rubles/meter in the Stupinsky district of the Moscow region. It later becomes clear that the geology of the territory is such that without another HDPE pipe it is not possible and an additional payment is required. Of course, they knew from afar the need for HDPE pipes. Local organizations from afar are ahead of the question of complex localism.

Beware of low prices!

How can I not fool you?

There are a bunch of speeches that are customary to respectfully follow, so as not to deceive you during the storm:

  • Glibina Sverdlovini. Respect that drillers are obligated to drill the property's meters or simply declare the property. This is not true. It’s surprising that it is not possible for the drilling organization itself to drill deep holes through tripping and hoisting operations that take hours to complete. The deeper the drill hole, the more time it takes to lower the drill rods, lower the pump for test pumping, etc. All this changes the hour directly to the storm, for which the office takes away pennies. Plus, drillers fall out of nowhere due to such intense work. Since the geology of the locality is complex, as in many areas of the Moscow region, this results in additional work and even longer storm times.
    It is much (!) simpler and more profitable for companies to drill 50 meters, take a pittance and go to a new site, then drill 100-150 meters. In areas with simple and reasonable geology, it is possible to drill up to 70-100 meters, but not more.
    You just can’t throw in the required measurements, but the workers won’t be able to give you a finished structure, and you have to be especially careful about the number of drill rods raised from the drill bit, and then multiply their number by the amount. u.
    This article describes all the food that the Sverdlovsk region has to offer, including the food of deception.
  • Old pipes. It is not customary to recycle old casing pipes and most drillers buy new ones from metal depots before going to the site. Follow what they brought you. The new steel pipe has a dark gray color, but when it is laid down there are just two layers of sky, as it is covered with a thin ball of iron and it looks like a used one, in such situations there is no turbulence for anything, but it is still a new pipe.
  • Advance payment. This is a normal occurrence in everyday life. The river borehole is individual and the drilling crew cannot take it away, everyone works for you and the materials are bought under your borehole itself, and it also takes an hour to burn gasoline while moving the borehole.
    In addition, you will sooner or later have to pay for the Sverdlova and be parted from a pittance.
    Drilling water wells without extra payment is done by the head rank of newbies, check such companies in detail.
    Due to difficult geology or as the drill depth begins to exceed the estimated value, drillers may ask for additional pennies. This is also normal. Given the undeniably high costs of drilling, many deputies begin to scramble for ways not to pay, and drillers are guilty of protecting themselves from non-payment. Deception from the side of the summer resident is not uncommon, unfortunately.
    Having clearly shown that when working without any advance payment, half of the clients begin to worry about something, as if there was nothing to do. No one wants to be separated from their pennies.
  • Exploration drill. There is a myth about those that drillers can come to your site, drill a hole in 1 day, say that they don’t know the water, take half the price for exploration drilling and go. Ale yakiy tsomu sens? Sverdlovina is ready, you can start working again... If there is any kind of storm, the drilling for 50% will quickly ruin the drilling company.

The depth of the drill bit is an important parameter. Much of this is due to the versatility of the drilling robots and the acidity of the extracted raw material. Most often, it is necessary to correctly determine the amount of payment for the drilling and it is important for the deputies to support this performance. They have to pay real money for each additional meter.

In case of independent installation, a position from the water surface to the surface of the drill will be required for the correct selection and installation of the pump equipment.

How to check the depth of a drill after a storm? Professionals are most often aware of the approximate rate of penetration of aquifers even before the work is carried out. The stench is indicated on the base of the geological map of the territory. In other cases, this size depends on the drilling object. And there are a number of ways to achieve this. The difference between them lies in the level of foldability, accessibility and accuracy.

The simplest and most accessible method is mechanical. For this you will also need a cord, a metal rope and a tape measure. Tie the vantage to the cord and carefully lower it down until the tension does not change. After this self-propelled device is caught, you can use a tape measure to determine the size of your wet plot. This value is the depth of the drill. To create a vimir in this way, it is recommended to use a special hydrogeological tape measure. It has a flexible line with attached tape at the end.

The disadvantages of this method include the inability to control the dynamic flow of water. Using this method, it is allowed to freeze sporadic areas no larger than 10 m.

The magnetic method is considered most popular when drilling. It provides accurate information on the discovery of deep-lying aquifers.

The method is based on a spool of logging cable with magnetic tags. The principle of this action is strictly avoided with a mechanical one, rather than reducing the obviousness of the device that reads. Magnetic marks are applied to the stitch through the inserts. They are obligated to receive additional help from a suitable facility. As a result, we obtain accurate information about the growth of vanity. In the spaces between the marks, the depth is determined using a special roller rolled on a roller.

Acoustic glybinomir stagnation

This device allows you to extract the most accurate data about the depth of any species. Most often, devices become stagnant in the sugar industry. The only downside is the high level of adaptability.

It is adjusted proportionally to the time interval between the input and output signals. After the death of the region, this indicator must be entered into the Sverdlovian passport. Knowing how to check your skin condition, you can check the parameter yourself.

The need for water on a land plot is not discussed, it comes through, where life is, especially since the garden is used for planting vegetables and fruits. It is also important to place in yourself not just a faucet that dispenses water behind the drawer, which you have to wash, but a full-fledged pump with a pump. In our article you will find out what depth of drilling is required without permission and without the law.

Why do we start?

Well, you have added a very nice piece of land with wonderful views around it and wonderful soil for growing agricultural crops and fruit trees. The only part of your bathroom is that it is noticeably far from the central water supply.

No one can sense the importance of water for the life of everyone on earth:

  • Lyudin.
  • Roslyn.
  • Tvarin.

In principle, there is nothing awkward.

However, on the route of supplying water to the plot from the central water supply system, a code has been detected for you:

  • Connecting to the water supply system with the installation of kilometers of pipelines turns into a very laborious and not at all easy process.
  • The total price for the entire complex of work and materials, plus the project and design, will significantly impact your finances.

Drilling and determining the required depth of the drill

And here the landowners make the right decision - the drilling of the Sverdlova in the middle of the village and in areas of easy and uninterrupted access. If you are not ready to vacate the kingdom with your own hands, you will end up being brutalized by the fakes.

In any case, regardless of the method of drilling, the primary and, of course, cost-determining factor is nutrition - to drive the drill into the depth of the hole.

There are a number of moments that will increase your respect.

Axle, please, two of them, which will give evidence of power supply, how to determine the depth of the drill:

  • Geology of your plot.

  • Type and depth of groundwater contamination.

Statistics on the topic:

Underground waters

Let's look at the main types of groundwater:

  1. First- the top, sharpens at a shallow depth of up to 3.5-4 m.

This upper aquifer is filled with rainwater and meltwater, and the connection with it is characteristic:

  • With a high level of congestion, the fragments practically wash away the entire pond from the surface of the soil and, leaking through the upper balls of the soil, become increasingly contaminated, and then are cleaned by filtering.
  • May we remember the dry season and frost. Without a stable surface, some of the water from the top will seep deeper, and some will hang.

  1. Other– Ground waters are usually found at a depth of about 10 m. The deepest part of ground waters is the presence of a tight hydrostatic formation under the ball of water. This role can be played by clayey or rocky soils, which prevent the penetration of water into the basins below, which ensures the surface of the groundwater layer during periods of dryness.

Groundwater that lies at a depth of 8-10 m must be kept clean and filtered through balls of mixed soil.

See you home! Between the topwater and groundwater, as well as other types of groundwater, there may be a small amount of intermediate water. The ball of ground water may not be strong, with ruptures, and in this case inevitably leakage from the water ball is lowered.

  1. Third– interstratal water, which grows, as a rule, at depths ranging from 10 to 100 m. The very name of this type of water indicates that the stench lies between two water-dropping balls and the ground. The upper water flow ball can provide a low level of penetration, which will ensure additional replenishment of interlayer water during the percolation of the two upper water layers.
  2. Fourth- artesian waters that lie a little below 100 m above the surface of the earth. However, in some waters they can swim up to 50 meters deep. For a bottle of artesian water there is a clay hole. Naturally, the water is pure.

The instructions on how to find out the depth of the drill, which requires drilling, are simple - the water you want to extract at the outlet until you drill and drill.

Please! The capacity and uninterrupted supply of water is affected by the depth of the pump at the bore. There are two rules here: first of all, water can enter the pump by self-fuel, then. The pump should be immersed at least 1 meter above the dynamic level of ground water at the bore. In other words, the pump needs to be constantly near the water for uninterrupted cooling.

Exploration drilling

Now about how to check the depth of the drill for a specific area. To obtain this value, research robots are used, then. trial storm.

The safest way to measure the depth of the drill hole is to report to the drilling journal, which means:

  • Soil contamination of various groups.
  • Glibina of water-bearing versts.
  • Stage of purification of recycled water.
  • Glibina vimivannaya ґruntu.

Allowable food

One more meal, which will cause you to shut up - the need for permission to storm. In accordance with the law about water extraction, the owners of land plots, without special permission, have the right to drill and exploit the borehole between the plots with clay up to the first aquifer.

And, since there is no need to bother with you, then boldly proceed to work. As soon as the water supply begins to spread beyond the borders of your land, then you will have to bother and joke with those who are responsible for the plot that lies before you.


There is nothing complicated in the “analysis” of the soil and the drilling, but this nutrition can be determined in two ways. The first - with special equipment, if you need to drill a hole over 15 meters. The other is independent, if, with the help of a storm and self-propulsion, you dig the borehole to the level of groundwater, so you can move it for watering.

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

The Vlasna Sverdlovina allows you to use water independently of the central water supply and the minds of your work. An important indicator of drilling is the depth of the lake for drinking water. How this works and how to determine the required parameter will be discussed in the report.

Depth of water in the Sverdlovina: where to lay it

Before excavating the project, the drill bit and the head of the drill bits are important to be clear of the depth. There are a number of criteria for what kind of depth to drill in:

  • Rivne of retouching of aquifers. Use the indicator to help test drilling and analysis of the territory according to the geological conditions.
  • Relief of a plot. On a flat surface, water can spread out at a shallow depth; it is recommended to drill a humpty plot at the bottom.
  • Designated for Sverdlovsk. The depth of water on the upper horizon does not always meet the standards established for the category of drinking water, so drilling will need to be at a greater depth. Since the dzherelo is intended inclusively for watering the plot, it is possible to decorate the Abyssinian spring.
  • Necessary debit of Sverdlovina. Cream yakosti, for livestock there is a value of the amount of water contained in one hour. This parameter refers to the productivity of the device or debit. In the Abissi Kolojazyz, it is someborn to become 0.5 m 3 /year, at the Pishyan Sverdlovin, to be zbilshchu to 1.5 m 3 /year, the newly productive is the productiveness of the artesiyanski Jero, de overwhelming the driving 3-4 m 3 /year.

The estimated price of an exploration drill for water is 400-600 rubles.

Glibina Burinnya

Before drilling the Sverdlova, it is necessary to understand the structure of the development of aquifers. The indicators appear over a small area, so the focus on the local area is not always justified. So, having decided to accurately establish at what depth the water is located, it is necessary to organize the work according to the data of test drills in a specific region.

One of the ways to determine the level of water contamination is to analyze the content of the plot. Roslins are a good indicator of the presence of vologies.

Respect! Around the aquifer, it will be necessary to obtain the necessary documentation for the cleaning, when the operation is subject to the conditions. Water depths up to 5 m do not allow for registration or payment. The indicator above 15 m requires placing a vertical rod on the surface.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Nadra”, drilling and drilling from the first aquifer is possible without special registration. The Sverdlovina and Abyssinian spring fall under this category. Depending on the hydrogeology of the soil in the surrounding regions, the maximum depth without permissible documentation is 35 meters.

The core drill is carried to the water using the most advanced methods for determining the drill depth. The appearance of clear sand is a signal to start the drilling. A break is required to fill the canal with water. Then they are debited and debited. For sufficient evidence, proceed to the dzherel plaster. If productivity is insufficient, continue drilling to the aquifer.

The characteristic feature of the source is to lie in the ball, which is why there is no need for a water supply system. Not all water is suitable for drinking water, so there is a warehouse that can be analyzed in the laboratory after the storm. The amount of water required for drilling depends on the size of the water supply.

Water-bearing balls

First of all, we need to take into account the current situation in which depths to drill in the deep-sea basin, taking into account the diversity and characteristics of aquifers. The systems that ensure the supply of water for government needs are divided into 3 groups:

  • The upper water is called perchal water, the depth of the water varies from 4 to 7 m. A stable water-draining ball is here every day, so the water from the upper water is important for irrigation and other technical needs. The homeland is often troubled due to the presence of sand and other houses.
  • The other ball is located at a depth of 10 to 18 meters. Make sure that the nutritious water comes from the very depths of the reservoir itself.

    Respect! After groundwater passes through the well filter, the water becomes very clean, taken from the well. However, there is also a risk of the obviousness of unsafe and shabby houses. It grows especially during spring floods. Sometimes there is a smell of blue water. Avoid external water analysis for compliance with SES, which is carried out by licensed laboratories.

  • Artesian waters are supplied to the third aquifer. The depth of this lake ranges from 25 to 40 meters. However, the indicator lies below the relief of the plot and sometimes reaches 60 m. Artesian water is highly saturated and pure.

Let me illustrate the diagram of aquifer contamination shown in the photo:

See Sverdlovin

Autonomous water supplies are divided into three types:

  • The vikoristan of the top goes for the rakhunok of the Abyssinian spring.
  • Drilling to the depth of groundwater allows you to place the drill hole in the sand.
  • The artesian dzherelo is characterized by maximum depth.

The first type reaches depths of 8-13 meters. Water from the well is collected for everyday needs, including cooking. The special design prevents water from getting into the middle of the barrel from the top.

Blasting of the dzherel on the sand is carried out using the auger drilling method. The depth of the soil is below the surface of the ground and is approximately 15-20 meters. The passage of water through the sand ensures its purity, allowing it to be used for drinking water. Operation of the Sverdlov is possible periodically and throughout the entire river.

The water from the bore of the artesian river is required to be of ideal purity. Private drillings are located at a depth of 15 to 50 m-code; when used for mining purposes, the drilling depth reaches 200 meters.

Respect! With regular maintenance, the period of operation of the artesian bore exceeds one hundred years.

The depth of the drill for extracting high-grade drinking water is individual for a specific skin condition and depends on the hydrogeology of the plot. One rule remains inviolable: the deeper you drill, the greater the ability to extract water intended for drinking.

Stage of renovation

It is better to entrust the design of the drill to specialized fakhivs; with a simple design, self-tightening can be done. Main stages of the process:

  • The type of drilling depends on the characteristics of the soil.
  • Prepare advanced equipment and knowledge.
  • Since the project involved the installation of a caisson, a pit of the same dimensions was created. The height depends on the equipment installations.
  • Drill a small plot of water in a nearby reservoir and install the casing. It is important to select the material correctly so that its value is exposed to the pressure of the ground.
  • Go to the drilling of another section of the drill, which will then be secured with pipes.
  • When reaching a clay or soil layer, the fluidity of the drill decreases. It is recommended to organize pumping and cleaning of the filled opening.
  • Pleasant indicators of water quality and water productivity allow us to proceed to the installation of bottom filters.
  • If the characteristics of the water or debit of the jerela are unsatisfactory, continue to drill to the approaching aquifer, which can grow 1-4 m below the front.
  • After drilling, fix the casing pipe, check the tightness and install the cap.

At the final stage, work is being done on laying the pipeline to the water source.
