Monologue of the peasant horse 100 words. Postal horse, its role in history and literature

Monologue of the peasant horse 100 words. Postal horse, its role in history and literature

Part two (Part One, fairy tales lie separately):
for guys Middle and senior school age . I would be enthusiastic " About the role of a horse in our lives ". More" adults "questions are considered, however, remember that the division is very conditionally. For the preparation of review, thank you very much, as usual, compilers - bibliographs Strolovskaya G.F. and Ivanyukovich N.A., as well as our respected surveyors fROMETTA. and to_guy. .

Special recommendation Here deserves the book Boris Alzazov "Farewell and hello horses!" - This is a book not artistic, but judging by the reviews, completely unique, unfortunately, was published only once 30 years ago and was not reissued, now I became a bibliographic rarity, even judging by the article in the biblide, only one remained in the Central Children's Library A copy, and that is already enough dilapidated, literally "read up to the holes."

Horses in peasant life

Mikhail Alekseev "Karuy" " A piercing story about the Russian village and the main support of any peasant family, a friend and assistant, sufferers and cormalits - horses.

"From the point of view of her owners, this fee possessed by everyone
mind and unthinkable horsepads: Stara, Lenza, Covarna and Evil - can die from behind and bite anything for anything, frog - to give up the rear hooves so that the bones do not gather, there will be no bones, they will not give the bones, will not leave with other horses , it will definitely take damn it knows where. But it is unpretentious to feed, and in work, though not a dispute, but very worn.
What else to say about the car? In the spring it was very difficult. Soka - wherever nothing went. And the speaking is a one-grained plow, which was not easy for two kills! By noon, the karuic stayed in the furrow not because of the tricks: she was tired so that the pop-up legs trembled, and here the pieces are not sex, and the karuch will stand like inserted, - once she just fell in shorts, and only then the owner, discouraged And unfortunate, realized that at least one hour, but we need to straighten the kariah. "
Father ... Rose ahead of the mare, she looked at her twilight eyes for a long time, looked at her neck and, sobbing, hoarsely wielded:
- Nothing, nothing, kum, we still ... We know ... "

Lev Tolstoy "Hastomer: Horses History" "The tragic story of Peg Merine's life, whose unusual suit served as the source of all his misfortunes."

Saltykov-Shchedrin "Konya": "Satyric tale of parable, where the Russian peasant and its bitter share are depicted in the image of the drunk convoy."

Borovik "Cockerel: Tale about Kone": "On a wonderful braid-recorder of the 30s of the last century, his character, about people who have upgraded such a horse."

Kashafutdinov "High blood": "About human unscrupulousness - while jockey is sick and is in the hospital, his bosses sends his high-resistant horse to the cone." On the book filmed a movie.

Fedor Kudryavtsev "Then there were horses": "- I served then in the glorious 19th Manic Shepher. Stood in a new Peterhof near Leningrad, in the former Life-Ulan barracks. I appointed me to go beyond the horses to Canada. I was left: I don't own foreign languages, I have a foreign language. "As, - they say - in the questionnaire you indicate:" Education-CPS ". Is this a central political school? "" No, - I say, church-parish, two-class. "By correcting the error in the error, I asked if I could be free. And they will persuade back to go, as I understand well in the horses." Okay, - I say, is ready to execute the order. When I saddled? "For some reason I thought that we would go to the top, and Canada was behind the sea. In those years, I haven't passed geography yet. Once sidura with Politruk contacted arguing. He explained that England - the state island, and I do not I believed. He says there is a very big island, and I say that on the bottom, too, there are big islands. Won Staro-Cherkasy-on a huge island, but still not a state? then they enlightened me, showed a globe. On it Don Kroichny The scratch is indicated, and England will confound the entire Don region, I also showed it. "


"Well, [...]," he said,
Kohl knew you to stop
So with me and own.
Give me a place for peace
Yes care for me
How much is the meaning. Yes, look:
Three morning dawn
Let me on the will
Take a walk along the pole.
On the outcome of three days
Two giving you horses -
Yes, what so many
Did not happen in risen;
Yes, I'm talking the skate
Tall only in three tip,
On the back with two humps
Yes with Arsh, ears< …>

  1. Write the name of the author and the name of the work, from where this passage is taken.
  2. Insert the character name skipped in the first line.
  3. Write the name of the character who says these words.
  4. Explain the value of the selected words and expressions.
  5. Imagine that the horses are endowed with a gift. Write a monologue of a horse from the work, from where the passage is taken, about your owner. Volume - about 100 words.

Answers and evaluation criteria

  1. P.P. Ershov, "Konon-Gorbok" (1 point).
  2. Ivan (1 point).
  3. (Magic) Mobylitsa (1 point).
  4. The vertex is a measure of approximately 4.5 cm (1 point).

Arshin is a measure of approximately 71 cm (1 point). In a fairy tale, these words can be used as examples of artistic accuracy and exaggeration.

  1. Monologue Konya.

Task 2. Working with text

Option 1. Prose text

Read. Write an essay about this story, responding to the questions set (you can answer not all questions). Write connected text

Sasha Black (Alexander Mikhailovich Glyckberg, 1880-1932)

Stray dog

Slowly swaying, I returned from the sea into my forest wagon, loaded like a mule, bathing suit, a bathrobe, a grid with vegetables and selected in reeds with wild pears. The well I turned around: from behind someone sighed me politely, as if I wanted to say: "Wrap, please."

From the cane jungle came to the path Skinny leaning dog from the same dormant breed, who has a tail of the bed, and the ears of dumplings. I stopped, my dog \u200b\u200btoo. He carefully, an experienced eye of the tramp inspected my belongings, my burnt jacket in the sun, my face and when I began to ride the mountain, resolutely went after me, for sure I was his grandfather with whom he met after many years of separation.

His decision was not difficult to understand: "Supplement ... not a farmer - farmers do not bathe ... Meat does not eat, but an empty stomach can be filled with bread with bread. Not evil, rather good, it became, will not drive. From the breed of people who each year run from all sides to Provence to roll on the sand by the sea and do nothing. Like stray dogs ... "

The dog was not mistaken, I did not drive it and performed the first duty of the hospitality at the door: gave him a culprone water from under the sardine. The tin was much less dog thirst, but I patiently poured water until myself, from the politeness, was for the last time, did not look at me with grateful eyes:

- Thank you.

He shamed a little with me, but what - do not schwer - do not have a dinner ... so the fate of all vagrants.

I was sitting in a wagon, he at the threshold, outside. He, of course, tried to explain to me how I knew that he didn't want to eat at all that he would just go for me just because I liked it. Caution, as if by chance, he moved the front paw for the threshold. But I really love dogs and I don't like Bloch very much - our eyes met, and he realized that he could have dinner and in the courtyard could be.

I smoked dry bread in the diluted water of the Skismy Milk (not to run to me on the next farm for cream!). The dog ate. He was very hungry - the shoulder sides, a little bit of a meager throat ... But not the chakal, tried to eat slowly, with dignity, as not always eating even the fed boys.

Then I warm up rice soup with tomatoes. The dish is not quite appropriate, but is I keyster's dog?

We honestly divided the soup among themselves, and for a snack I gave him the paper about the oil of an oil, which he, a cramor's eye from pleasure, diligently licked - so licked that the piece of paper was completely transparent. From the wine refused. Even offended, as, however, the dogs are always offended if a person will suggest a person at any reason. And in fact: offer you someone after dinner of copying ink, didn't you be offended?

From the vineyard, the old man of Sangiesti, the owner of my dwelling, is small, similar to a cunning lizard, a little man, crawl. I looked at the dog lying at the threshold, poured a badly shaved lip and said:

- Your dog? Not yours? There is no such thing here - I know ... I don't like cats, no dogs! Cats - thiefs, dogs bite. Here you fed her, and she for it, heeh hee, porks ...

Bottling! What kind of dog offended by a man who fed her and had her threshold?

PSU also did not like dry, similar to the rustling of the faded leaves of corn, voice of an old man. He pushed me his nose in his knees, wilted twice with a tail (dinner was unimportant, especially not worth it) and, contemptuously encouraging the old slander, disappeared behind the hill in the juniper bushes. Owl, the evening is quiet and warm - and that tomorrow will be, only people think about it ...

  1. What can be said about the storytellor? Justify your conclusions by contacting the text.
  2. How does a narrator refers to nature?
  3. As shown in the story of the dog? With what artistic techniques?
  4. Why do you need the image of the old man of Sangiesti?
  5. What art details (first of all are portrait) you remember? Why?
  6. How do you understand the meaning of the final (last sentence) of the story?

Option 2. Poetic text

Read. Write an essay about this poem, responding to the questions set (you can not answer all questions). Write connected text, freely, understandable, proof and competently.

Maya Ivanovna Borisova (1932-1996)

Song Spring Sun.

I will rise early I, slowly
Wake up a blunder baby.
Sleeping sleepy -
Nothing special -
I will be, the sun, a nanyushka.
Will be the sky pink over you,
A puddle every blue will become.
I will paint
Nothing wrong -
I will be, Sunny, Malyar.
Jumped over winter clouds
It would be necessary to rinse them in the Neva.
I will work for the styrco
Nothing shame
I will be, Sunny, Greetche.
Look at the street - there is light.
Go out to the street - there is warm.
Early, late Lee -
You yourself understood:
This is me, Spring Sun!

  1. Why is the poem called "Song ..."?
  2. Is the poem addressed to someone? If so, to whom?
  3. What reminds this poem folk songs and what is different from them?
  4. Pay attention to rhymes. What is unusual in them?
  5. How are the stanza in the poem?
  6. Why do you need repetitions?

Evaluation criteria

Evaluation criteria Point
Availability / lack of direct connected answers to questions and

availability / lack of errors in understanding text.

Valuation scale: 0 - 5 - 10 - 15

Total text logic and work composition.

Valuation scale: 0 - 3 - 7 - 10

Reinforcement of evidence by text, citation relevance.

Valuation scale: 0 - 2 - 3 - 5

Availability / lack of stylistic, speech and grammatical

errors. / Year: / city: /


BUT) Meanwhile, as my horses rewrite, I thought, considering the paper that got me.<…> Between many decisions relating to the restoration of equality in citizens, I found tabel about ranks. <…> But now the arc of a radical horse rings already to the bell and calls me to departure; And for the benefit I put it better to argue that it is more profitable for traveling in the mail so that the horses go trot or input, or more profitable for postal Klyachi, Being in contact or horse? -Hell to do what it does not exist.

(A.N. Radishchev, "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow")

B) Referring to the sad message
[...] immediately on a date
Headlong by mail crop
And yawned in advance,
Preparation, for the sake of money
On sighs, boredom and deception ...

  1. Explain that the selected expressions mean.
  2. Write the name of the author Oscaping b) and the name of the main character of the work skipped in passage b).
  3. Imagine that the horses are endowed with a gift. Write a monologue of the postal horse: how she lives, who have to carry, how do they turn with it. Mentay other works of Russian literature, mentioning postal horses. Volume - 150-200 words.

Answers and evaluation criteria

  1. "Tabel about ranks"- a document in the form of a table that settled the correspondence between civil, military, spiritual and scientists.

It was introduced into circulation by Decree Peter I in 1722 (1 point).

"Postal Klyach"- Horse on the post office. Mail system

stations established by the state for quick communication between settlements. The horses were changed at stations located in a few dozen litter from each other, which gave the opportunity to travel, almost without stopping (2 points).

"Pocked mail"- used the system of postal stations for travel (1 point).

  1. A.S. Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin" (0.5 points), Evgeny (0.5 points).
  2. Monologue of the postal horse.

Task 2. Holistic Text Analysis

Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky (1783-1852)

Ullin and his daughter

There was a strong vikhori, heavy rain;
Boiling, pumped baur;
To run Rino, Mountain leader,
Racked with the daughter of Ullen.

"Fisherman, we accept us to your shuttle;
Fisherman, save us from chase;
Ullin with a friend Nearby:
We are heard cries; rushing horses. "

"Do you see how evil water?"
Do you hear how the loud waves?
To go swimming now the trouble:
My chaln is not strong, leaning broke. "

"Fisherman, fisherman, give his chaln;
Save us: however, there is no slander,
Mating can be from waves -
She will not be from Uralnina! "

Thunderstorms stronger, beacon evil,
And closer, closer the noise of the chase;
They are heard a heavy snoring horses,
They are heard a knock of swords about armor.

"Sit down, in good time; Swim ".
And Reno sat down, with him the village of Village;
Fisherman despair; Shuttle
Sedai abyss mastered.

And death will dismay them: Open
Before them zev bumpy greedy;
For them from the shore threatens
Ullin, like a storm ruthless.

Ullin Kohn rolling;
He sees: the daughter carry waves;
And the anger in his chest father disappeared,
And he exclaimed, the fear is complete:

"My child, back, back!
Forgiveness! Return, Malvina! "
But waves only in response noisy
The call is desperate Uralnina.

Roars thunderstorm, black as night;
Chaln flies between the waves;
He sees their daughter through foam
With hand-made hands.

"Oh, come back, return!"
But the baur was gloating,
And waves, chaln fuck, merged
When screaming with an complainant Uraln.

Evaluation criteria Point
The integrity of the analysis carried out in the unity of form and content;

availability / lack of errors in understanding text.

Valuation scale: 0 - 5 - 10 - 15

General logic and text composition, its stylistic homogeneity.

Valuation scale: 0 - 3 - 7 - 10

Appeal to the text for evidence, use

literary terms.

Valuation scale: 0 - 2 - 3 - 5

Historical and cultural context, presence / lack of errors in phono

wow material.

Valuation scale: 0 - 2 - 3 - 5

The presence / absence of speech, grammatical, spelling and

punctuation errors (within the Russian language studied


Valuation scale: 0 - 2 - 3 - 5

Maximum score 40

For ease of assessment, we propose to navigate the school four-tissue system. Thus, when evaluating the first criterion of 0 points correspond to "Double", 5 points - "Troika", 10 points - the "fourth" and 15 points - "fives". Of course, intermediate options are possible (for example, 8 points correspond to the "fourth with a minus").

Maximum score for all completed tasks - 70.

Where the executed person changed the postal horses, sometimes very tired and drunk. At that time there was no transport, except equestrian. So whom the postal horses drove , And why were they so called?

In the XVII century, the journey through the expanses of Russia was an event not only serious, but also significant. For movement, their own horses were used first. But they could not overcome long distances, tired and needed to change. Horses came to the aid of travelers. They became referred to as mail, and the road is a postal tract.

Postal horse and industry development

The place where horses change were, first called a hole or, and then the postal station. Each station had his own career who checked the documents and gave permission to change the horses. Mostly transported postal correspondence and those who had to deliver these letters their own.

We went with postheeters and narrative, Feldegery, and just travelers for any other need. At the end of the XVII century, the state imperial decree increased the number of postal stations and horses, a schedule appeared. That is, about the arrival time of the postal horse and the crew was known in advance and it was already ready for his shipment.

The emergence of hotels and free employees

By the end of the XVIII century, hotels began to appear in the postal courtyards of the first and second category, and several provinces were even freed from the postal tax. At the same time, there was a decree that was allowed to use postal horse free people. They could collect route and use them for their own purposes. Their earnings were very decent. The salary of postal excuses, on the contrary, was scarce.

The named service was in great demand, especially in sovereign people. And the treasury received with an increase in the number of stations and crews a considerable profit. The postal tracts also became greater, they were built not only towards the city of Pskov, but also east. West, both from the sovereign, and from ordinary people waited everywhere.

Horsepower and bell

At the same time, instead of one privileged crew to appear three, and their number began to increase in proportion to the growth of cold, sizzle, large deserted distances, and mostly impassable off-road demanded greater endurance and strength. The mail was even obliged to hang on the middle arc, the rupture of the bell and not in vain.

He informed the arrival of the crew to the post station, and warned the counter post wagons in order to avoid the collision. It is the bell tler who must be the appearance of postal horses literature. Many authors in their works mentioned the postage triple and that cheerful, serene ringing, with whom she rushed, delivering passengers and letters.

Relay Majer

The postal tract was placed by the versets, and their account was conducted from the main postal court - the post office. The versts were denoted by pillars. Each of them was indicated by the distance of the distance to the city and the path already passed. But the horse is so arranged - she gets tired, wants to eat, drink and relax. It is for this reason that the entire postal service of that time worked on the principle of the relay.

Having drove the way to a certain station, the crew was returned home by passing the postal departments to the following. For convenience, in the crew most often changed precisely horses. This allowed not to overlook the goods from place to place and not to waste time. It was meant to go to the "crosses" meant that the load or baggage was transferred from one crew to another, and the horses did not change. In this case, a lot on the mailing station was lost.

Russian yambs in literature

For Russian postures, time was especially expensive. They used to ride with a sufficiently high speed than was usually very frightened by Inomes. Many Russian works, mentioning postal horses, described those delets a great-old, which was inherent in Russian cabrows. So, the high speed of the postal crew was described by A.S. Pushkin in his "Eugene Onegin". In the seventh chapter of the work, he compared the quick ride of Russian yamchikov with the head of God Achilly. He dedicated to this topic and the story "Stationander".

Pushkin himself often used the services of the mail, loved them and remembered a good word. In addition to him, many writers and poets described the life and service of yamshchikov (Vyazemsky P. A. "Station", Chekhov A. P. "Mail"), how difficult and dangerous it was. By the way, there were also alien who wrote separate chapters or even whole works of literature, mentioning postal horses and Russian postures.

Development of postal service

From year to year, the postal service was improved, and the states were made amendments to her work. So, every traveler received a special document on the road, without which to go beyond the trait of the city.

Greater - so called this paper. She certified the personality of the traveler, the purpose of the trip. Documents were subject to mandatory verification at postal stations and guard services. Without groove paper it was impossible to get a postal crew. How many horses will be issued, indicated there and their number depended on the rank and the title of the passenger. At the same Pushkin after studying in the lyceum was the right to the crew in three horsepower, and the general ranks could already count on fifteen, and even twenty.

Horse journey was a favorite occupation of writers and poets. Roads and related impressions are found in the works of Karamzin, Lermontov, Gogol. The breakdown and the joy of the meeting are celebrated in their works Russian poets of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Such emotions are almost always associated with postal crews, with bells and yambs.


Once upon a time in the cold winter time
I came out of the forest; There was a strong frost.
I look, rises slowly to the mountain
Horse, lucky rushostuwHO.
And sincerely, it is important, in calm chinny,
The horse leads a peasant under the coat
In large boots, in the serve sheepskin,
In large mittens ... and myself with marigolds!

(N.A. Nekrasov)

Living badly. It is good that man caught a kind and gift does not cripple him. Both S. will be released dryin the field: "Well, cute, lean!" - Hear a conveyance familiar shock and understands. With all their miserable cruciform, the front legs rests on, the rear - picks up, the face will nourish the face. "Well, cautious, export!" And behind His peasant himself, the peasant heats the breast, with his hands, as if ticks, in the husto dug, the legs in the communities will be loaded, the eyes watched, as if Sokh did not think, the flaw would not give.

(M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, "Konya")

  1. Explain what the selected words mean.
  2. Write the name of the work from which the first passage is taken.
  3. Imagine that the horses are endowed with a gift. Write a monologue of a peasant horse. Mentill other works, where they say about peasant horses. Volume - 100-150 words.

Answers and evaluation criteria

  1. Brushwood - dry, felling branches and bunches of trees for extras (2 points). Soka - instrument for plowing, wooden plow (2 points).
  2. "Peasant children" (1 point)
  3. Horse monologue.

Task 2. Working with text

Option 1. Prose text

Read. Write an essay about this story, responding to the questions set (you can answer not all questions). Write connected text

Andrei Sergeevich Nekrasov (1907-1987)

How I wrote a story

Recently, one edition invited me to write a maritime story.

I agreed, got to the table and started:

"The destroyer is necing along the stone ridge. The gray ocean was silent.

Shined coastal lights. Hairing among the underwater cliffs, Lieutenant Kalinkin reinforced Elizabethan Spit. "

The phone shrew here. Called again from the editorial board and asked ... You know what?

Start a story with the letter "M". They have it, it turns out, the artist painted a very beautiful letter and for some reason it is "M".

At first I was indignant. How is this, in fact, start a story with the letter "M"? Of course, the mighty and flexible Russian language is in charge of unlimited possibilities. But language must be respected. It would be possible, for example, to write: "The Ministry of Useser Neuschaska ..." But see what it turns out: "... Necking the nurse ..." Ugly, it is not good.

Well, if the "Missionary Mersion rushed ..."? So, perhaps, it is better. And I wrote: "The destroyer rushed ..."

That's all began with this.

Instead of "along" I wrote "by". Instead of "stone ridge" - "Mall". It turned out not bad: "The destroyer rushed past the mall ..."And then went very well: "The muddy sea was silent. Flushed lighthouses. Maneuvering between the flames, Michman Malinkin passed Cape Mary ... "

I put a point, smoked, went around the room. Then he read everything first, and, you know, I liked it: "The muddy sea was silent ..." Just great!

I sat down again to the table ... Sit an hour, two, three. Gloomy thoughts rushed in my brain. The words on the "M" pushed before the eyes like flies, and none of them climbed into the story.

In the morning, angry and tired, I sat down to breakfast. The wife carefully poured me strong coffee, but I pushed the glass and grato said:

- Masha, can I have milk?

Something is happening to me something wrong. I realized that I was slowly going crazy.

The wife must have noticed it too. I shared my grief with her.

"What trivia," she said. - Throw this story, write another.

Do you remember, did you want about how the son does not give rest to parents?

I happily agreed, immediately sat down to the table and started:

"Maria Mikhailovna washes a little Masha, Mitya prevents the mother.

- Mom, - Mouse Boy, - Mom, Mommy ...

Maria Mikhailovna is silent.

"Mamulya," Might Might, "can I have a little carrot?"

- You can, cute.

- Mom, carrot wash?

- Moth, Mitya.

- Soap?

Maria Mikhailovna gloomy.

- Mitya, my cute boy, silence ... "

I got up, smoked, and when I returned to the table, I discovered with horror that again the whole story turned out to "M", and again, like yesterday, we were darned before the eyes of flies, moths, Malinovka, Messerschmitts, mole ...

"Pretty," I decided, "I will not be about little boys ... I will write better about the big beast." For example:

"Motor bear silently Motal Mochnata ..."

I stopped in time. "No," I decided, "and it is impossible about the bear. Better something about nature, about the moon ... it soothes ... "And I wrote:

"Mill. The young month flashed between gloomy ... "

And here it is "m"! I will write better about insects. I wrapped the pen and firmly brought the title:

"Courageous ant ..."

Threw the handle, put on the coat, went outdoor. Freezed. Young man Möl bridge. Moving Moskvoretsky Bridge, dreamed of a policeman.

Mumped cars, motorcycles ... I rushed home ...

Copper pendulum measuringly merry minutes.

- Mom, Murka torments the mouse! - Screaming his daughter from the kitchen.

I finally confused. So many words on "M"! Are you really nothing to glue them?

I strongly took the pen, and all the words on the "M" instantly fled.

I groaned.

An alarmed wife advised to look into the encyclopedia.

Half an hour later, in the library, I squeezed out:

- Encyclopedia!

- Do you have a big Soviet? - polite asked librarian.

- Small! I shouted on the whole hall. - I'm small! I must be

accepted for the crazy ... but it's nothing. But I wrote down all the words on "M" and in the evening, fully sat down to the table. The ill-fated story quickly matured forward. Want to read the excerpt? You are welcome:

"Military shaggy boy interfered with young mathematics to measure the Moskvoretsky bridge with a copper meridian. Magic Mammoth, dead flies Mahali Muskets ... Malinovaya Martyry Miro-loving meoweaual:

- Sage, nice, can I fly a mumor?

Milk mammals melodically ... "

What, say - bad? And try writing better. And then, because you do not know what it will end ...

However, I do not know: yesterday they called again from the editorial office ... The wife approached.

She says that they had a mistake there: the artist did not "M", but "n"!

I had to quit this story ... But really you need to start a new one, on "H"?


  1. What can you say about the narrator?
  2. How does the narrator refers to his work?
  3. What is the topic of the story?
  4. How can you call the basic techniques where the story is built?
  5. Is it possible to call the story of humorous? Why?
  6. What is the feature of the finals of the story?

Option 2. Poetic text

Read. Write an essay about this poem, responding to the questions set (you can not answer all questions). Write connected text, freely, understandable, proof and competently.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin (1870-1953)

There is no sun, but bright ponds,
Stand with mirrors licencies,
And Bowl of Motorwater
It would probably seemed empty
But they reflected gardens.

Here is a drop like a nail hat,
Fell - and, hundreds of needles
Scotts ponds furrowing,
Sparkling shower burned -
And the garden slaughter from the rain.

And wind, playing foliage,
Mixed young beerages,
And sunbeam like alive
Challenged tremblers,
And puddles poured blue.

Won Rainbow ... Have fun
And having fun thinking about the sky,
About the sun, about concerning bread
And happiness to rummate simple:
With an open shine
Look like children scattered
In a gazebo, the sand is golden ...
There is no happiness in the world.

  1. What can be said about the lyrical hero of this poem? What does he think he feels?
  2. With what artistic techniques, Bunin describes nature?
  3. Does the size and storage of poems help the disclosure of its content?
  4. What can be said about the vocabulary of the poem? Why does the author choose these words?
  5. Why in the last eight rows so many verbs in the initial form?

Evaluation criteria

For ease of assessment, we propose to navigate the school four-tissue system. Thus, when evaluating the first criterion of 0 points correspond to "Double", 5 points - "Troika", 10 points - the "fourth" and 15 points - "fives". Of course, intermediate options are possible (for example, 8 points correspond to the "fourth with a minus").

Maximum score for all completed tasks - 70.


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