The "Desperate Fighters Bakugan" animated series: Actors, plot, brief description. Bakugan New Westrow (character description) Who voiced the Hero Shuan and Bakugan

The "Desperate Fighters Bakugan" animated series: Actors, plot, brief description. Bakugan New Westrow (character description) Who voiced the Hero Shuan and Bakugan

Worldwide, the children began to find mysterious cards, fallen from the sky. On the maps depicted unusual worlds and amazing monsters. Each monster had a certain ability. Striking finds spawned new game. No one could think that an interesting discovery would create a threat to everything alive on Earth. So begins 1 season of the animated series "Desperate Fighters Bakugan". The actors who voicing the characters perfectly coped with their work and presented their votes to the created heroes. Is it worth saying that this largely determined the success of the series?

General information about the series


  • Fantasy.
  • Director: Hasimoto Mitsuo
  • Studio: TMS.
  • Exit to the screens of Japan: April 5, 2007.
  • Exit to the screens of Russia: April 5, 2007.
  • Audience: Code (children under 12).

Seasons of the series

  • Bakugan Battle Brawlers (TV-1) - 51 episode.
  • Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia (TV-2) - 52 episode.
  • Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Gundalian Invaders (TV-3) - 39 episodes.
  • Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge (TV-4) - 46 episodes.

1 and 2 seasons "Desperate Fighters Bakugan" were issued in 2007 and 2008. Two years later, other seasons of the animated series called "Invasion of Gandelyansev" and "Impulse Mehtanium" were filmed.

"Desperate Fighters Bakugan": Season 1

In the first season, we get acquainted with the main characters of the animated series and actors (Seyia), occupied on the voice acting. The chief hero is the name of Dan Kuzo, he is an ordinary American teenager living in a quiet provincial town. Once the boy becomes the owner of mysterious cards. The game called "Bakugan" quickly attracts the attention of the hero. Soon the guy understands that unusual monsters in the pictures are not toys at all. Creatures are quite real, own unique skills and are able to achieve quite large sizes.

Among the participants in the competition is a mysterious person named mask. Being in submission of some hel-ji, he decides to establish domination on earth and West - the planet, where we had strange creatures from. Having gathered the best players, the mask and his subordinates send Bakuganov loser opponents to the measurement of death. A group of teenagers will have to enter an unequal fight with evil and try to save both peace.

Mercer series "Desperate Fighters Bakugan": season 2

After a farewell to the favorite Bakugans, it takes over two years. A practically forget about the game Dan faces Drago and finds out that Bakugan needs help. Taking with me the best friend Marucho, the characters of the 2-season "Desperate Fighters Bakugan" are sent to the new Westrow. The abode of monsters turns out to be captured by a century - mighty inhabitants of the planet wept. Most of the West population is peace-loving Vests. Acts are fighters, and each member of the group is a master of one of the six elements. Dan meets the organizers of the resistance front, after which he will face the next enemies and free his friends from alien invaders.

After the 2nd season "Desperate Fighters Bakugan", the creators of the series did not stop at the reached and soon released more than 80 episodes of popular anime.

main characters

In all seasons of the animated series "Desperate Fighters Bakugan", the actors voiced the same characters, and there were no significant permutations in their composition. The main characters of the animated series are presented in the table.

The character

Seyia - Actors of the animated series "Desperate Fighters Bakugan"

Dan Kuzo is a schoolboy living in Wortinkton. It has a hot-tempered temper and never doubts his abilities. Chapter and founder of "Desperate Fighters Bakugan". Wishes to win leadership in the game

Yu Kobayashi

Dragonhid Drago. The main among Bakuganov. Initially fought on the concluded agreement, but eventually stayed with Dan

Pios (fire)

Marucho Marukura is the smartest in the team. Son Multimilliardera. Perfectly familiar with electronic technology

Ryu Hirohasi

PRAYAYS - VOLIDAYS-GELSITY. It has a cheerful character, likes to joke. Able to change the element of the Darkus (darkness)

Aquas (water)

Runo Kuzo - Beloved Dan. Hates when she is underestimated only because she is a girl. In love with Dhan, but not recognized in this even to myself until the latter. Forever climbs into the dispute with the main character for each issue

Erie Sendai.

Tigress Tigrerra. Being a devotee and judgment, she acts as a reliable friend who can always trust. Show respect for his mistress, calling her

Chaos (light)

Shun Kazami) - Before the appearance of the mask was the best player. Prefers to seek everything on its own, quite closed and avoids extra conversations. Since childhood, friendly with Dan

Tikhiro Suzuki

Skype - Phoenix Bird. Cool and decisive in battle, always ready to support a partner

Ventus (Wind)

Julie Trail - optimistic fashionista, very naive, tries not to notice the negative

Rice Midzun

Grief - Gigan's Giant. Slowness in battle is compensated by a huge force of blows

Sapterra (Earth)

Alice Kazama - a kind and attractive girl working in a cafe of the Family Family. Excellent disassembled in the game, although it does not participate in it

Mamiko Noto

Photo characters "Desperate Fighters Bakugan can be seen below.

Adaptation of the series

The actors of the animated series "Desperate Fighters Bakugan" tried to fame, invested in the voices of their heroes passion and excitement, fear of an unknown opponent and the joy of the long-awaited victory. It is not surprising that Anime received recognition among fans of this genre. After the release of the series, several video games were issued, undoubtedly worthy of attention.

A board game was also presented: Metal magnetic balls became the personification of Bakuganov, and the cards revealed the essence of creatures after interaction with the magnet. Looking at a map containing one of the 6 elements, Bakugan receives the appropriate effects: an increase in the power of attack or strengthen protection. If there are backers of rivals on one card, then the combat monster, which gathered the greatest number of power points, captures the field and is recognized as the winner in the battle. Wins the one who wakes up three victories.

List of characters Anime "Bakugan"

Bakugan Battle Brawlers.

Desperate fighters Bakugan

  • (Daniel Kuzo) Dan Kuzo, in original - Damm Kuzo. (Yap. 空操 弾馬 Ku: CA: Damma)
The main character. Ordinary hot-tempered and self-confident teenager from San Francisco. 12 years. He is the organizer of the Society "Desperate Fighters Bakugan", in which it consists. She strives to be the best fighter Bakugan in the world. One of the few players in Bakugan, who understands that it is not just a game, but something more important. Element of his Bakuganov - Fire (Pairus, Pyrus.). Chief Bakugan - Dragonoid Drago. Then - Delta Dragonoid. IN New West Danu turned 15 years old. Having learned from Drago that the world of Bakuganov - Westrow again in danger, he went to the Westrow. There he was united with the front of the resistance of Bakugan fighters. This season he is more responsible, and he has romantic relationships with Fleece. The main enemy first spectrum, and then the king of Zenoheld. His chief Bakugan Neo Dragonoid. Bakugan trap - Scorpio. IN Invasion of gadcanians Dan is the world player in Bakugan. He is the leader of the team. Now he is 16 years old. Dan moved to a new city, where he met a new friend - Jake. At the beginning, as everyone else did not believe Fabia. Later he received the title of Knight Castle, becoming an elite soldier of the guard of Nifia. His partner is still drago, only with a much greater level of power. Jackete armor, after evolution - Crossbaster, and then an asor. Combat machine - Raifus, then Jackalir. IN Bresh Mehtanium Dan 17 years and he stubbornly keeps the first place in the ranking. But, hitting the hypnosis MEG MELLA and losing control over himself and Drago, he loses, almost by destroying the arena of the battle. Because of the quarrels and distrust by Marucho and Shuna, goes to the new Westrow, where the PRESE meets, and receives self-control lessons on the battlefield. Later returns to Earth, but the fighters still do not trust him. Dan Returns the confidence and arrangement of friends, everything becomes on their own circles. Chief Bakugan - Titanium Dragonoid, after the evolution turned into fusion of dragonoid, the Mectohannon - Zatennon, Bakunano - Sonicannon, Titan's Metogan - Zenton Titan, combat vehicle - Zompa and Rapilator. Sayyu - Yu Kobayashi
  • Fleece Misaki (Yap. 美 咲 琉 乃 Misaki Runo)
Girl-Torvan with Green Eyes and Blue Hair. There are always two high tails on the sides. 12 years. Quick and self-confident. Hates when others think that they can win it just because she is a girl. It works with parents in their family cafe waitress, often jealous of the visitors of the cafe to Alice. He is experiencing tender feelings to Dan, however, not recognized in this even to yourself. Element of her backers - light (chaos). Chief Bakugan - Tigress Tigress. IN New West Fleece 15 years. She is 6 Best player in the world. Fought only once. It became more gentle and feminine. He loves Dan and is worried about him when he is in West. Her Bakugan Blade Tigere was turned into a bronze statue, but later Dan with his friends saved her and she returned to Flee. Seia - Erie Sen
  • Marico Marikura, in original - Tsji Marikura (Yap. 丸蔵 兆治 Marikura Tyu: Dzhi)
He has many friends. 10 years. Very clever for your age. He was an obedient boy, because he wanted to please his parents, but everything changed when he met with the fighters. Element Bakuganov - Water (AKVOS). The main Bakugans are Praias and Angelo / Diablo. IN New West he is 13 years old. He fell into the Westrow along with Dan. And again is the "brain of the team." His chief Bakugan - Elfin. His Preias was turned into a bronze statue, later returned to Marucho. Thus, Marucho has two main Bakugan. Bakugan trap - Tripod Epsilon. In Invasion of gadcanians He is the third best player in Bakugan. He is the smartest of the team. Excellent disassembled in electronics. He made friends with Ran, and for a long time could not believe in his betrayal, believing that Shun says in a lie. Later he became a castle Knight, an elite soldier of the guard of Nifia. He is 14. His Bakugan became Akvos (English Akwimos). Armor - Gigart. IN Mechtanium Surge. he is 15 years old. Slightly grown. Is the top 5 player in the world. After the conflict between Dan and Shuna tries to reconcile them, but unsuccessfully. Trying to look at everything from a logical point of view. Worried about Dan. Chief Bakugan - Traistar, Bakunano - Cross Deustrycake, Mectojan - Essel, combat car - canongear. Sayy - Rya Hirohasi
  • Julie Trail/ Julie Makimoto, in the original - Julie Heivard (Yap. ジュリー・ヘイワード Juri: Hayeva: up)
Glamorous fashionista from Las Vegas. It has whitish hair with a blue tint and blue eyes. 12 years. There is an older sister for which she imitated in childhood. Liked Dan, later, his best friend Billy became her boyfriend. Always trying to remain optimistic even then if something bad happened. Element of her backers - Earth (Saberra). Chief Bakugan - Mighty Giant Gorge. IN New West Julie 15 years. She is 8th place in Rating Bakugan. It works as a waitress in a cafe at Flee. And when Deng with friends comes to the ground, Jullie always meets them with a fleece. Her boyfriend is still Billy. This season she is almost not fighting, but still in several battles she participates. Jullie shows interest in Eys when he is on Earth, but she still loves Billy. Her Bakugan was grief turned into a bronze statue, but later Julie was saved and returned. In Invasion of gadcanians moved along with Dan to a new city. Works in a local cafe waitress. Gave Jake tips with the help of which he learned to win. She is 16 years old. Constantly helps fighters in everything. Sayyu - Ris Midzuno
  • Shun Kazama, in original - XUN Kadzami (Yap. 風見 駿 Kadzami Xun.)
Shun was the best player in Bakugan, until he was overtaken by a mask. 13 years. He became closed in himself and undiscoverable after his mother fell ill. It believes that everything can be achieved alone, and his friends he is not needed, but changes his opinion after the test of the legendary Westrian warriors and understands that he needs his friends. However, nevertheless never participates in general disassembly. Always ready to help friends if his help is required. He is a friend of childhood Dan. Together, they came up with the rules to the strategic game Bakugan when the card fell from the sky. His grandfather dreams that Shun become a ninja fighter and therefore forbids him to play Bakugan, but Shun opposes these prohibitions. Shun perfectly owns battle skills. Once he left the team when Dan in a bad mood told him that he did not need fighters. But after the victory over Combo, Dan found him and asked for forgiveness, then Shun again joined the fighters. Element of his Bakuganov - Wind (Ventus). Chief Bakugan - Skype. IN New West Shuna is 16 years old. Very reasonable and careful. 3 Best player in Bakugan. Perfectly owns the art of ninja. In the Westrow, it was by chance that during his workout before him opened the portal in Westrow. There he saved Bakugan named ingram, and the ingram told him what was happening in West. Then he decided to stay in West, help Bakugan, and of course save Skayres. Later he joined the front of the resistance of Bakugan fighters. His chief Bakugan ingram, Skype was saved, but decided to stay in West. However, she flew to help shun in battle. Bakugan trap - Highash. In Invasion of gadcanians Shun as always cold, calm and cautious. He is the second world's best player in Bakugan. Shun Previously, all the fighters realized that Ren's enemy, and together with Fabia (Princess Nature), whom he first believed only, they opened their eyes to the rest of the fighters. Later, Captain Elrait devotes him as the other fighters in the Knights of the castle, making the elite soldier of the guard of Nifia. Shun 17 years. His new partner became the halter (eng. Hawktor). Armor - Swather. IN Mechtanium Surge. Shuna is 18 years old, and he is 4 best player in the world. His appearance changed a little - he let go of her hair. Helped to protect the field of the game from the attack of the drago control lost over himself, after which he began to conflict with Dan. When Dan went to Westrow, Shun took the leader's leader while Dan did not return. This season Shun has become even more self-confident and serious. Chief Bakugan - Taylyan. Bakunano - Hammermore. MEKTOGAN - Silent Strike, Combat Machine - Zompa. Sayy - Tikhiro Suzuki
  • Alice Gajabit (Yap. アリス・ゲーハビッチ Arisa GE: Habitti)
Alice - 13 years old. Perhaps Russian, as it lives in Moscow. She has lush brown hair, radiant brown eyes and white leather without any flaws. Always wears a modest yellowish closer over green jerseys and white shorts. In Bakugan, she does not play, but perfectly disassembled in the game. He is the granddaughter of Michael Gajabita (Helji). He herself earriends the parents of Runo in their family cafe, and the boys go there usually not to eat, but to see the cute appearance of Alice, so Rho is often jealous of visitors to it, although they are the best girlfriends. Very good, trying to do everything possible so that the fighters did not quarrel among themselves: more than once tried to reconcile Dan and Flee, when they quarrel, tried to return Shun when he wanted to leave the fighters, etc. Later it turns out about her split personality due to Negative energy in the form of a mask. At the end of the 1st season of the original series, the mask personality disappears, and Alice receives a hydranoid. IN New West Alice is 16 years old. It is 2 best player in the world. She rarely meets with fighters, as it lives in Moscow with Michael grandfather. But still she helps fighters when needed. Again, learned how to use cards, with the help of a mask moved. Fought only once, against the shadow, but was afraid to fight because of the fear to turn into a mask. Once she helped the line, but he deceived it. Later it turned out that he fell in love with Alice and arrived at Earth to warn her about danger, but did not have time to do this, as Prince Heidron was defeated and sent to another dimension. Her hydranoid was turned into a bronze statue, but after his salvation he returned to her. Sayyo - Mamiko Noto
  • Joe Brown (Web master Joe)
Editor of the "Desperate Fighters Bakugan". 12 years. At first I was sick, then I recovered thanks to Wave, who walked on him the positive energy of the infinity zone, and became a desperate fighter. It has romantic relationships with one of the ten best players Chan. Element of his Bakuganov - Light (chaos). But after his Bakugan became Wave.


  • Mask (Alice Gajabit) - It is the most 1 enemy of Dena Kuzo. Able to fly, teleport and skillfully deceive. Uses death cards capable of killing backers if they lost the battle. He has distinctive features - he wears huge masculine glasses and white raincoat. Was the strongest fighter Bakugan. The faithful servant of Nagi and Helji. Element of his Bakuganov - Darkkaya, Darkus.). The main Bakugans are the reaper and the toothy dragon hydranoid, which is the strongest Bakugan Darkus. At the end of the first season of the series, the mask becomes good and his personality disappears in his own will, and the hydranoid becomes Bakugan Alice.
  • Michael Gajabit (Helji) - Grandpa Alice. A scientist involved in the study of portals in the laboratory located in the suburban forests. After his trip, a splash of negative energy was held in his laboratory in his laboratory, which turned it into Helji (ugly old man with green skin), and at that time he accidentally got into the Westrow, where Naga made him swear to himself.

IN New West Lives with Alice in Moscow. Constantly works with a spatial portal. The portal was damaged, but, having studied Gantlet, he repaired the portal, but now it was possible to pass through him only having a gantlet with him.

Other characters

  • Claus background Herzen - Rich and notable young German. Cool and sophisticated. He had the largest collection of backers of all elements in the world. One of the 10 best players Bakugan (was the second in the world). The mask was recruited and fought against the desperate fighters, but they were defeated and later became their ally in the fight against Nagya and Helji (along with Alice and Christopher won Rapidi). Fighting from Marucho, he took Prazyas from him, but after he returned. After Alice found out that she was a mask, Claus helped her to realize himself as a desperate fighter and gain confidence. In the second season there was a hint of his romantic relationship with Alice, but in the future they did not receive development. Element of his backers - water (AKVOS). Chief Bakugan - Mermaid Siren. After the mask won Claus, Siren was sent to the measurement of death, but after she returned to him. There was a special intimacy between Klaus and Sirena, and he was very soused when he lost it. IN New West Klaus moved to the vosta, and leads a successful business (while Siren helped him). Helped Eyce in battle. Del Chan Lee to follow Alice. His Bakugan is still siren.
  • Chan Lie - One of the 10 best players Bakugan (was the third in the world). From China. Perfectly owns martial arts. The mask was recruited and fought against the desperate fighters, but they were defeated and subsequently began to help them (along with Joe she defended Wave from Nagi). It has a romantic relationship with Joe Brown. Element of her Bakuganov - Fire (Pairus). Chief Bakugan - Multician. After the mask won it, the multi-sided was sent to the measurement of death, but after he returned to her. IN New West Chan Li received from Claus Gantlet, he also asked her to follow the Alice. Chan Li arrived on time, and using martial arts saved Alice from the Shadow. She also helped Alice in the battle against him. Her Bakugan remains many-sided.
  • Julio Santares - One of the 10 best players Bakugan (was the fourth in the world). High, muscular, chopped naked guy. Hispanic. Scattered and self-confident. The mask was recruited and fought against the desperate fighters, but they were defeated and subsequently helped them (along with Shunov and Combo defeated the worker). Element of his Bakuganov - Light (chaos). Chief Bakugan - Oco Light. When Julio was defeated by a mask, the Light Oco was sent to the measurement of death, but after it returned to him.
  • Combo O'Charli - One of the 10 best players Bakugan (was the fifth in the world). Boy from Central Africa. The mask was recruited and fought against the desperate fighters, but was defeated by Shunov and became his student. Together with Shunov and Julio won the worker. Element of his Bakuganov - Wind (Ventus). Chief Bakugan - Bird-girl Orpheus. When Orpheus was defeated by a mask, she fell into a measurement of death, but after returned to combo. They constantly argue and swear, but in general their relationship is friendly.
  • Billy Gilbert. - One of the 10 best players Bakugan (was 10 in the world, but later increased its rating). Normal little self-confident teenager. Die childhood jullie. Lives in Las Vegas, like Jullie. The mask was recruited and fought against the desperate fighters, but when Julie did almost hit the measurement of death, he refused to fight against them. Subsequently became her guy. Together with Jullie and Nena won tricloid. Element of his Bakuganov - Earth (Saber). Chief Bakugan - Cycloid. When the mask defeated Billy, he fell into the measurement of death, but after returned to Billy. IN New West He travels around the world studying sports, periodically sending Julie Cards. A pair with Jullie fought against Aisa, having learned that she liked Eis. Accidentally led Millin and Shadow to the Marucho House, which with the help of this understood where the front of the resistance is. His Bakugan as before Cycloid.
  • Christopher - Close friend Alice. Constantly losing and once, deciding to stop the game, I wanted to throw my bacchanis into the river. However, to make it did not give him Alice. She taught Christopher to believe in his strength, and he won. Later he helped to defeat Rapidi. Element of his backers - water (AKVOS). Chief Bakugan is a sea turtle Jaggernoid.
  • JJ Dolls. (Rus. J. J. Pupa) - Duet Jenny and Juls. They are famous singers and adore to play Bakugan. At the request of the mask fought against Dan and Marucho, but lost. Helped Marucho to defeat Teigon. Element of Jenny Bakugan - Water (AKVOS). Her chief Bakugan is a water knight. Element Bakugan Juls - Earth (Saber). Her Chief Bakugan is Sentipoid.
  • Kato - Butler Marucho. Constantly helps fighters. Kato call Marucho is not otherwise as "Master Marucho." One day, Helji tried to give himself to Kato, calling fighters and giving them wrong information. But Shun instantly understood that when he said simply "Marucho," without adding the Master. Helps fighters even when Marucho in West.
  • Shuzhi.(In the original Suitsi) - the elder brother of Akira and Nena, which uses Bakugan type Darkus and Saberra. Continued to play Dan Starting from the first episode. In the invasion of Gandanians Shuji loses shun.

Bakugan New Vestroia.

Front of resistance Bakugan

The organization headed by peace Ferren in the new West. The main goal is to free Bakuganov. Enemies - Vecs.

  • Peace Ferren (Clay) (Eng. Mira Fermen (Clay) - 16-year-old West Girl. It has red hair and blue eyes. The first of all understood that Bakugani - living beings. Founded, consists and manages the front of resistance Bakugan. Her father is a scientist engaged in the study of Bakuganov and the creation of cyberbakugan on the basis of DNA of real. It was always very attached to his brother by China, and when he disappeared, one of her main goals was the goal of finding brother. It was shocked, having learned that her favorite brother - spectrum, her worst enemy. For a short period of time, he even crossed him to the side of the centuries, but quickly came to mind. When Kit began to help the fighters, he spent almost all his free time with him, thereby causing jealousy at the Eys hopelessly in her. He was strongly attached to Dhan. Very attractive. Workshops drive a motorcycle. As Dan said - "She sounds like a fleece." Element Bakuganov - Earth (Saberra). Chief Bakugan - Wild. Bakugan trap - Baliton.
  • Ace Grit. (English. Ace Grit) - 16 years. It has a greenish-gray hair color, and gray eyes. Very proud and self-confident, contemptuously belongs to people. It is unnecessarily suspicious and unlocking with unfamiliar people. Sympathizes the world, however, it does not really draw attention to EIS. Ace is careful, but if it comes to the world, he forgets everything and go to her aid. Often manifests Antipathy to Dan, it is explained by the fact that the world likes Dan. Element Bakuganov - Darkus. Chief Bakugan - Percival (Eng. Percival). Bakugan trap - dragonfly, then Radfly.
  • Baron Latlay (English Baron Leltoy) - a 12-year-old guy. It has pink hair and muscular physique. Wants to see and touch everything that interest him. Fan of desperate fighters Bakugan, especially Drago and Dan, who is not different as "Master Dan". At the beginning of his second partner was Tigerra, but Baron lost its spectrum. After that, I refused to fight because of the fear of losing Nemus. But later he understands what should fight, and not be afraid of battle. Very emotional. It has a lot of brothers and sisters. Fucked with his clone. Element Bakuganov - Light (chaos). Chief Bakugan - Nemus (English Nemus). Bakugan trap - Piercer.


Special organization consisting of 6 wester fighters. Serve Prince Hydron and King Senoheland. For simple westers are idols.

  • Phantom / Keith Farm (English Spectra RHANTOM / KEITH FERMEN) - the first leader of the Century. Wears a red mask. Later it turns out that he is brother of the world. I left the centuries in my own interests. It was obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the strongest Bakugan. Many times fought with Dan in order to get the energy of the Westrow Equilibrium Center and make his Bakugan Helios stronger. But in 44 episodes finally lost him, removed the mask and joined the front of the resistance. In 48, the episode was again the spectrum, in a pair with peace to fight with the Shadow Proh and Mallin. Excellent disassembled in technology and technologies. Invented the combat mechanism. Element of his bakugans - Fire (Pios). Chief Bakugan - Helios (Eng. Helios). Bakugan trap - MetalFener. The combat mechanism is a double destroyer and the driver.
  • Gas Gerav (English Gus Graw) is a close spectra servant. Blue-haired guy. Fucked with the spectra and lost him, after which he joined the spectrum. Very devoted to him and fulfills all his orders. POST HOUSE AND ZHADEN. He left the centuries with the spectra. For an insult, which King Zenoheld defended the spectrum, fought with him, lost and was allegedly killed. However, in the episode 49, he was shown in the prison of the Palace of Mother. In the final battle, together with Heidron, helped fighters in battle with Zenoheld. Element Bakuganov - Earth (Saberra). Chief Bakugan - Premature Volcan (eng. Vulcan). Bakugan trap - Hexados.
  • Shadow Prod (English Shadow Prow) is one of the strongest Darkus fighters. Very extravagant and unusual personality, in whose character is combined and bad and good sides. He is very emotional and childishly touching, often does not know how to lose, especially fighting Bakugan. The only one who does not really show respect for Prince Hydron, and even on the contrary, it defiantly shifts his ignorance. At meetings sits aside, which speaks of his remoteness from the rest of the centuries. His behavior can be considered even obscene: he loudly speaks at elevated colors, laughs and proves the language, quite often changing the expression of the face. But no one knows whether he is crazy, what it wants to seem, or simply is unnecessary sensitive. Its hair is white, eyes, which periods become different sizes, red. For an incomprehensible reason, has red claws and fangs (ordinary color). The main colors of the costume - black, yellow and purple. Shadow spends a lot of time next to Malina, although they are not considered official partners. Very often he tries to impose her, showing and constantly talking about something. She, on the contrary, trying to get rid of him, ignores, calls, etc. If you look more attentively, you can understand that the shadow clearly does not like it, but he, however, continues to stand on his own. This is proof that it is clearly indifferent to it. He even exhibits this in the last series of them with Millin Presence: when they began to be taken to another measurement, he, instead of saving himself, grabbed her hand. She, of course she said that it was stupid, to which he replied that he would be much more fun to go unknown to where with the new best friend. Mallin only sighed and smiled, because he did not expect this from the one who considered only the curb. Chief Bakugan is first Hayides (Bakugan created on the basis of DNA Hydravadda), after Hayides broke, he was replaced by McPuka. Bakugan trap - Forts.
  • Mallin Farrow (Eng. Mylene Pharrow) - Cold Beauty. It has bluish hair and blue eyes. Proud, proud and arrogant. Very cunning. Higher than all cruel in relation to Bakugam. He served King Zenoheland to the very end. Nevertheless, he did not support his ideas, although he was afraid to oppose him. Posted to another dimension along with a shadow for its own error. Before it was dragged into another dimension, peace and whale tried to help her, but she said that she would have a better driving, which would take help from enemies. Element Bakuganov - Water (AKVOS). Chief Bakugan - Eliko (Eng. Elico), later Mechanical Bakugan Macubass (Eng. Macubass). Makubass was broken by Wilda during a fight with peace. Bakugan trap - Tretta Tripod.
  • Link Volan (English Lync Volan) is a state spy. Lie, proud and hypocritical. He has pink hair color and blue eyes. Together with the spectrum and Gas, passed through the portal to Earth by order of Heydron. Stuck on Earth after the conveyor was broken. I did not want to go with the fighters and all the time lived with Alice. Later deceived it. For a while I joined the spectrum, but later I returned to the king of Zenoheld. But when he learned about his plans for the destruction of the earth, Link went to the ground to warn Alice, which was in love. On Earth was forced to fight Heidron and lost, did not have time to warn Alice, but left a glove with a flash card in which there were all the plans of Senoheld and Claia. The prince sent it to another dimension. Later and the Volga came to Heidron in a dream, saying that he won his father and took his place. Elements of Bakuganov - Wind (Ventus). Chief Bakugan - Mechanical Bird Alteeir (English. Altair), which broke down in 11 episode. In 30 episodes, his new Bakugan became ELUZ (English Aluze), which is Alteira's upgrade. Eluz was broken in a fight with Heidron. In addition, he had Bakugan Vaire.
  • Volt Laster (eng. Volt Luster) - Chaos Fighter. Big and strong. Needlessly self-confident and sometimes a grinding, but it has a firm concept about the honor of the warrior and respects his opponents. He fell to Vecches from Slovka West. In 46, the episode was left of the centuries, because did not want to destroy civilians. I wanted to return to west, but Prince Haidron prevented him: Volt defeated him in the battle, but the prince sent him to another dimension. He, together with the Linka came to Heidron in a dream, saying that he won and overthrow from the throne of his father. Chief Bakugan is a clown-puppet of the armor (eng. Bronontes), later the mechanical soldier Borez (eng. Boriates). It was very tied to the armor, and when Millin threw him in horror. In order to bring him back, fought with Gas, who picked up and modified the armor. In the battle lost, and Bronchis was thrown by Gas somewhere in the new Westrow. Bakugan trap - Dainemo, then HEXTAR.
  • Prince Hydron - Proud and greedy prince, son of Zenokheld. He has the habit of tearing hair tips. Almost all his subordinates, centuries, dislike him. Prince Heidron replaced Has after he left the centuries. I constantly tried to earn respect and praise from the Father, but always in response received only neglect. He sent a link and the Volt to another dimension, but after that they constantly came to him in dreams, calling him to overthrow his father. In the battle with Linkom, he admitted that he himself would like to leave the centuries, but does not have such an opportunity. Later I betrayed Zenoheld, and fought against him together with the front of the resistance. Exploded along with Dradia and Zenokheld. Most likely died. Element of his Bakuganov - Earth (Saberra). Chief Bakugan - Mechanical Ninja Droide.
  • King Zenogeld. - The former King of Vests, but remained the king for centuries. Incredibly cruel and bloodthirsty. Hated all Bakuganov and dreamed of destroying them. Replaced the spectrum after he left the seconds. Destroyed all the legendary soldiers of the elements in order to get the energy of the elements with which planned to launch the system of destroying backers. After that, I wanted to destroy the west, the new Westrow and the Earth with the help of alternative weapons of Professor Clai. Until the latter, they fought against the fighters, but exploded with Heidron, who betrayed him. Element Bakuganov - Fire (Pios). Its Bakugan is a mechanical dragon Farbruz, which can be combined with the assembly system (4200 g).
  • Professor Claway - Father Worlds and China. Created cyber-baccugs based on DNA of real. Created a system for the destruction of Bakugan and made a project on alternative weapons capable of destroying entire galaxies. The world tried to persuade him to go to her side, but he was already too obsessed with his work. Obtained with his research so much that went crazy. Died during the crash of the base.

Invasion of Gandelyansev

New fighters

  • Fabia Tire or Princess Fabia (English Fabia Sheen Or Princess Fabia) - Queen Sister Niffia - SERINES. Fabia is 16 years old. Perfectly owns battle skills. She was sent by Lilage to the ground to find the best player in Bakugan, who will help to win the war with Gandelie. Very friendly and even rasament, but when necessary, it can become serious and even cold-blooded. I can easily forgive. Ready for all to not let the queen and their people. Sknofully hides his sadness, but in the soul is terrified by the sufferings about his deceased fiance, the commander of the Nifi troops - Gina, who killed Kazarina. Fabia replaced Jake Bakuganov, Shuang and Marucho on the real, because they had only digital clones. Element of her backers - light (chaos). Chief Bakugan - Aranoth (English Aranaut). Armor - Martial Crash.

IN Mechtanium Surge. Fabia is 17 years old, and now she is Queen of Nifia, since the serine renounced the throne. It became more serious, supports friendly relations with Gandelie. She sent Raif and Page to Earth to help fighters. Her Bakugan is still Aranoth.

  • Jake Vellory (Eng. Jake Vallory) - became a new friend Dan, when Dan moved to a new city. Jake 15 years. He is interested in American football. He never played Bakugan before, lost in his first battle, but won the match-revenge thanks to Julie's advice. Now he is a good fighter. For a while was recruited by Kazarina, and fought on the side of Gandelia, but was defeated by the fighters and returned to the team, freed from hypnosis. Like the rest is the knight of the castle, an elite soldier of Guard Nifia. Element of his Bakuganov - Earth (Saberra). His Chief Bakugan - Cordem (English Coredem). Cordem first was a digital clone, but then Fabia replaced it to real Bakugan. Armor - Rock Hamer.
  • Ren Kreyler (Ren Krawler) - Darkus Fighter. The 16-year-old Handeliaken, disguised as a man who sent an emperor Barodius to Earth to find strong fighters and defeat Nifia. At first, Ren became friends with the fighters immediately after their return from the new Westrow and lied to them for a long time until Fabia appeared. After the fighters understood that he enemy Ren was sent back to the barodius and returns as a spy from Gandelia, but later (in the 25-26 series), he joined the fighters again, "although Fabia did not immediately forgive him. Element of his Bakuganov - Darkus. His Chief Bakugan - Lineholt (English Linehalt) Armor - Bumix. Ran showed his real appearance after a fight with Marucho. In the guise of man, Ren has dark skin, light-ash hair hair and yellow eyes with a vertical pupil.

IN Mechtanium Surge. Rena is 17 years old. Now he is the commander of the Gandelian army. Desperate and selfless. His Bakugan is still Lindholt.

Secret agents from Gandelia

  • Ren Croiler (Eng. Ren Krawler) - Darkus Fighter. The 16-year-old Handeliaken, disguised as a man who sent an emperor Barodius to Earth to find strong fighters and defeat Nifia. At first, Ren became friends with the fighters immediately after their return from the new Westrow and lied to them for a long time until Fabia appeared. After the fighters understood that he enemy Ren was sent back to the barodius and returns as a spy from Gandelia, but later (in the 25-26 series), he joined the fighters again, "although Fabia did not immediately forgive him. Element of his Bakuganov - Darkus. His Chief Bakugan - Lineholt (English Linehalt) Armor - Bumix.

Ran showed his real appearance after a fight with Marucho. In the guise of man, Ren has dark skin, light-ash hair hair and yellow eyes with a vertical pupil. Taking the real form of Ren looks like humanoid. From the man of Gandelyanz distinguishes actually only pointed ears, claws, reptile eyes and feet like a dinosaur.

  • LED Arkeyl (Eng. Sid Arkail) - Piosa Fighter. Presumably was destroyed by the emperor, but it turned out that he was alive and was in the Laboratory of Kazarina. Later he escaped. Fell from the cliff during the battle and died. Chief Bakugan - Rubanoid (English Rubanoid). Armor - Destrakon Gear.
  • Lena Isis (English Lena Isis) - Aquos Fighter. It acts similarly to Mallin in the new West. Very smart, cunning and judgment. Lost in battle, and to avoid punishment from Kazarina decided to attack it. But Kazarina learned about his conceived her, and presumably she killed her. However, later it turned out that she was alive, but was trapped by the Laboratory of Kazarina. It was liberated, but because of the death of Cerkarina, she moved to the side of Nifia. Main Bakugan - Phosphos (English. Phosphos). Armor - TerrorCrest (Terrorcrest).
  • Zenet Surrow (English Zenet Surrow) - Chaos Fighter. Zenet is a very strange person, and she is a strong fighter. Very much resembles a shadow with his manners and character. It was allegedly killed, but it turned out that she was in the laboratory of Kazarina. It was liberated, but because of the death of Cerkarina, she moved to the side of Nifia. Chief Bakugan - Contestir (English. Contestir). Armor - Spartablaster (Spaptable).
  • Mason Brown (Eng. Mason Brown) - Saberra Fighter. He was the first to fight Jake. Presumably died when the sacred crystal released a wave of protective energy to prevent the destruction of Nifia. However, he turned out to be allowed to be shown in the series 29. Chief Bakugan - Evior (English Avior). Armor - Lashor (LASHOR).
  • Jesse Glenn (Eng. Jessy Glenn) - Ventus fighter. Very strong fighter. Speaks with a British accent. I was able to defeat the hacker and Neo Zipreitor himself. Later was supposedly killed, and his Bakugan Plefion betrayed him, but then he was shown in the Laboratory of Kazarina others. He was released, but because of the death of Kazarina, he moved to the side of Nifia. Chief Bakugan - Plefion (English Plitheon). Armor - Wilaner.

Battle dozen from Gandelia (The Twelve Orders)

  • Emperor Barodius - The leader of the combat dozen, rules Gandelie. He was born in a family, which already many generations manages Gandelie. It is the main antagonist in the invasion of gadcanians. His main goal is to conquer Naphia. Most of all he trusts Gill. Element of his Bakuganov - Darkus. His Chief Bacaguga is Darak (English. Dharak), Armor - Eirkor (Aircor), Megan Design - Darak Colossus.
  • Ersel - Expert for informational analyzes. Airsel is hiding in the shade to protect the barodius. Calls Gilla "Master". He was killed by barodius, protecting the ship Gilla. Element of his Bakuganov - Wind (Ventus). His Chief Bakugan is an airsicflarer (eng. Strikeflier). Armor - Combat Turbine.
  • Nurzak - Flood intelligent and wise. Grandelia and the highest participant in a combat dozen, he has more physical energy. In battle can instantly assess the situation and change, if necessary, the strategy. It was supposedly killed by the emperor Barodius, but survived and was shown in the 29th series along with Mason. Element of his Bakuganov - Earth (Saberra). His Chief Bakugan is a sabator (eng. Sabator). Armor - Chompiks. Almost at the end of the season, he becomes the side of the fighters.

IN Mechtanium Surge. Nurzak becomes Prime Minister Gandelia.

  • Gill - Calm and cold-blooded warrior, who owes loyalty to the Emperor Barodius. He had no parents, and he was brought up by Emperor Barodius, on which he looked like on her older brother. By order of the emperor Barodius, he will go into battle, no matter whether or not. He killed Kazarina, as she considered him not needed and for it paid his life. Element of his bakugans - Fire (Pios). His Chief Bakugan - Krakiks (English. Krakix). Armor - Histor.
  • Rack - Double personality - maybe an angel, and maybe the devil. When he is an angel, he is fun and funny, but when he is in the devil mode, he is very cruel, and no one can stop him. His opponent in battle is very difficult to guess his next move. Many times saved Gandelia thanks to his ingenious abilities in the battle. He is the youngest participant in a combat dozen. He fell into the radius of the defeat of the beam of Darack, when he was aiming in the Dragonoid Colossus. Element of his backers - water (AKVOS). His Chief Bakugan - Lifyrus (English Lythirus). Armor - raisoid.
  • Kazarina - Sly, cool and ruthless. Her goal is - the development of backugan abilities that can compete with Nephia. She is the only scientist who knows the secret of the evolution of Bakugan. Kazarina can hypnotize people that she does to make them fight on the side of Gandelia. Later was killed by Gill. Element of her backers - light (chaos). Her Chief Bakugan - Lumagrooul (English Lumagrowl). Armor - Barias.

  • Linus Claude (Eng. Linus Claude) - Laynes sends General Nature, so that he gives Fabia Bakugan Nao, which stores the item. (The element is the vital power of Nifia, without it, Nifia will turn into a non-frozen desert. Therefore, Gandelie wants to pick up an element). He arrives at the land trying to find Fabia. But it loses the non-zipreitor in battle against Rena and Jesse. After that, he falls into the hospital, because he was piled by fragments in the arena of battle. Element of his Bakugan Fire (Pairus). Chief Bakugan Neo Ziprator (English Neo Ziperator), then Rubanoid. After the zipreitor handed the drago element, he appeared to Laynes in a dream to tell about it and say goodbye to the other. Later returned to Nature.
  • Queen Sirena (English Queen Serena) - Queen of Niffia, and the elder sister Fabia. It was she sent Fabia to Earth to find strong fighters that would help defend from Gandelia. Very worried about Nature and their people.

IN Mechtanium Surge. Serie renounced the throne, becoming an ambassador of Gandelia, and submitting the Royal Title Fabia.

  • Captain Elrait (English. Captain Ellright) - He controls the troops of Nature. When the first defensive shield was destroyed by Laynes on Earth, to convey Fabia Nao Zipreitor, and he was captured by Gandelia. Later escaped and returned to Nature. Made the fighters together with Fabia Knights of the castle. Element of his Bakugan Light (chaos). Chief Bakugan Raptorix (English Raptorix)
  • Gin (eng. Jin) - a former captain of the Niffian troops and the bridegroom Princess Fabia. Killed Kazarina and Lumagulom in battle. The pendant with his hologram Fabia always keeps with him. He was hotly loved by Princess, and after his death Fabia began to treat with prejudice absolutely to all Gandelyans. Chief Bakugan - Aranoth (after his death, he moved to Fabia).

Splash Mehtanium

New fighters

  • Page (English. PAIGE) - a new girl from the fighters, Gandelyanca. Poslanda Fabia to help fighters. Externally, very much-like: She has a brown eye and pink hair, cut under the boy, part of the clothes camouflage. Strong physique: very muscular and sports. She is bold and confident. Element Her Bakuganov Earth (Saberra), Chief Bakugan - Boulderon, Bakunano - SlingPake, Mectogan - Wexfest.
  • Rife (English RAFE) - a new guy from the fighters, nfiana. Posan Fabia to help fighters. Very well gets with Page. It is a castle knight, an elite soldier of Guard Nifia. He has short blue hair and purple eyes. The element of his Bakuganov - Light (chaos), Chief Bakugan - Wolfurio, Bakunano - Lanzato, Mectogan - Swift Svift.
  • Spectrum Phantom. (English Spectra Phantom) - Now he is 21. After receiving the Marucho signal with a request for help, he returned to the ground in order to help the fighters. Still calm, we can easily and unpredict. When Dan returned from the Westrow, the spectrum decided to leave, but I left: this is not the friendly team of fighters that was before. Still wears a mask and cloak, but now black. His element has changed, now the spectrum is fighting with darkness (Darkus), his chief Bakugan is an endless Helios, Bakunano - Bombaplood, his Mesteghan Slinks.

Villa Neodai

  • Mel Mel. (Eng. Mag Mel) - the main villain of the 4th season. A mysterious creature in a mask having control over Bakugans. Often is Dan in the form of vision, especially during the battle. With his Bakugan Venoid, Gandeli rulers were deprived of this responsibility for the commitment of genocide acts. In 23 series Den find out that the magician chalk is a barodius. It was mutated by the IV code. With this force, magician Mel has created a chaos energy, the monteghans and a dark other-sided measurement. Soldiers serve Cyclone Percival, Flash Ingram and Iron Dragonoids. His elements of Darkus (Darkus), Chief Bakugan - Venoid. Mentogan - Dredeon, Titan's Metogan - Razen Titan.
  • When the breeded evolved, Magic Mel could make Klonov Dradeon and Razen Titan.

Aubias team

  • Anubias. (English. Anubias) - Team leader, Gandelian. Outwardly similar to the spectra and a shadow: wears blue raincoat and hairstyle, a spectra from the "New Westrow" hairstyle, but it has white hair and brown eyes with cat pupils - a sign of Gandelyanz. Its character combines different features. He is a servant Meg Mella. In a decisive battle against Dan, Mel Mally decided to destroy Anubias. His elemental darkness (Darkus), Chief Bakugan - Horridian, Bakunano - Aerbles, Mectohan - Smashon. When he is in Gandelyan shape, his chief Bakugan is an iron dragonoid, monteghans - Venexus, Sumashon and Miserk, Titan's interchange - Veneseus Titan.
  • Ben (Eng. Ben) - one of the fighters of the Aubias team. Aggressive fighter, on its construction, resembling a voltage or Side. He has thick eyebrows and hair, greenish shade, and red eyes. His element fire (Pairus), Chief Bakugan - Bolkun, Bakunano - hyper pulse.
  • Jack Punt. (Eng. Jack Punt) - the youngest fighter in the team of Anbias. He has a dark skin, blond eyebrows and hair, and blue eyes. It has a very changeable character: sometimes he laughs, sometimes begins to be angry and resent. Very little growth. His Element Water (AKVOS), Chief Bakugan - Krakenoid, Bakunano - Gem Saber.
  • Robin (English Robin) is one of the fighters of the Aubias team. Fearless and calm. In most cases, controls all its emotions. Robin greenery eyes and brown hair. Sometimes in battles use Bologon.

Team Sello

  • Sello (English. Sellon) - Team leader, Nfianca. It is very serious about fighting, and loves grace and skill in them. Servant Meg Mella. She has long blue-gray hair collected on a long tail, blue eyes, and the skin has a pinkish shade. Outwardly elegant and attractive, despite the fact that at first glance is cold. Very smart and cunning. He managed to enter the circle of confidence shun, from the very beginning planning to use his confidence in her for their own purposes. Taking the key from Dan, she gave him Magla Mella. He in return destroyed it. Fights with elements of air (Ventus), and in the new West - Darkus, Chief Bakugan - Spyron, in the new West - Flash ingram, Bakunano - Dafluorix, Mesothogans - space, diesel, rock phist.
  • Chris (English. Chris) - the youngest participant in the Sellon team. Chris has blond hair cut under carure and purple eyes. Often behaves like a little girl. Does not take out losers, very emotional. Very respectful about the Sellon. Fights with the elements of the Earth (Saberra), Chief Bakugan - Vertex, Bakunano - Orhammer.
  • Sun. (English Soon) - one of the fighters of the Sellon team. Very beautiful. Sun brown hair braided into a long braid and blue eyes. He speaks with a British accent, like Jessie from the 3rd season. Relatively impassive and calm person, with high self-esteem. With great respect refers to the Cellon. Fights with the elements of light (chaos), Chief Bakugan - Roll, Bakunano - Slayerix.

Other characters (secondary)

  • Dylan. (eng. Dylan) - Dark Personality. It is not known for whom it works, and what goals pursues in Bakugan. He has a dark skin and white hair, in front of the blue glasses, through which is not visible to the eye. In his hands, he always has a lollipop of a blue shade and in white stripes. His character resembles the character of the rack and shadow (characters of previous seasons) combined. Its behavior annoys the team of fighters and the Aubias team, but the Sellon team does not find anything wrong with him, and even the opposite is glad to him. Later it turns out that he is not a man, but a program. It can be seen on program eyes.
  • Kato - Returns in season 4. After the heroes are stuck in Bakugan, Kato decided to free them.
  • PRAYAS. - Stayed in a new West. He is a teacher of Amazon, Bakugan Aquasa.
  • Wayiv - Will help Drago and Dan in equilibrium.
  • Princess Fabia - became the queen of Nifia. According to her order, detachments at the head of Captain Elder were sent to Hagandia.
  • Prime Minister Nurzak - Also helps fighters in battle. He thanked the fighters for the salvation of Gandelia.
  • Ren Ranroller - Apparently he is the captain of the troops of Gandelia. His partner remains Laineholt. Will participate in battles.
  • Gas Gerav - Appears in 25 series. He is on the side of the fighters, and as always listens to the spectrum. In 4 seasons, he was 19 years old, he also changed his suit.

Splash Mehtanium (2 part)

The action takes place a few months after the disappearance of Chaos Bakuganov. New fighters went home. Bakugani entered into an alliance with people and they are on earth. Meanwhile, Marucho with the company Father and with peace decide to create Bakugan City. However, the sage and nonets of Bakugan decide to destroy the land and subjected the world in chaos.

Main fighters

  • Dan Kuzo. - 18 years. Best player in Bakugan. His Baku-Sky Raiders - Pairus Fusion Dragonoid and Chaos Raptac. After the invasion, Nynet Bakugan Dan really wants to know who is a sage. The hero fought with the villain several times and always won. However, Dan could not believe that under the mask of the wiser was Ganz, his friend. Combat costumes - Dumtronics, Defendrix and Commobotoid. Later, the commotion stole a sage. But he restored the world. Mentogan Destroer - Dragonoid Destroer. Dan Bakugan can turn into a common aeroblity.
  • Shun Kazama - 19 years. 2 Bakugan's best player. His Baku-Sky Raiders - Ventus Jacor, Darkus Orbey and Darkus Skytrass. Character remained the same. Trains Jökor by Ninja Movie Skills. One day, Shuan had to say goodbye to his Bakugan, but after the invasion of Weisman he returned. Shun first guess that Weisman - Ganz thanks to the stunned Kato and Runo. Battle costume - Fortatron, but I was stolen by Weisman. Later it restored the world. Bakugan Shuan can turn into a common magmaphuri. Mesteghan Thorac.
  • Marikuro Maruco - 16 years. 3 Bakugan player. His backers - Aquas Radizen and Saberra Rockstore. He was created by His Father and the world with Bakugan City, an alternative to Bakugan Interpace. Although Marucho's Bakugans are decisive in battle, but they often conflict. Martial suits - Blaster and Clavoruk (only for the radiy). Later, Clavburg stole Wisen. But he restored the world. Bakugan Marucho can turn into a common betacure. Mestegan Flytrix.

Villa Neodai

  • Sage / Ganz Linzar / Cordegon - At the view of about 18 years. Bakugan - Darkus Betadron. He was well laid with fighters. During the battle, he was stunned by one of the psychoan, and everyone thought he was killed. However, he found Kato on the road. Left at home in Marucho, he provoked the hologram of the sage. The fighters went to the city, and Ganz stunned Kato and Fleece and stole the data of 3 combat costumes (Fortatron, Combotoid and clouds). Later he escaped, and Dan ran afterwards. At an abandoned house, the sage took a mask and showed a real face. He was hypnotized his alter-ego and now he considers fighters - enemies. But later it was revealed that Ganz is not a sage, the sage just took his appearance and manners. Ganz was seen in the trap of secret shesman Weisman.

The sage first appears after the battle of fighters with measurements. Further, he convinced Nonet Bakugan to fight fighters. Weisman beat with all the fighters, but in vain. Later he showed his real face. Weisman has all nonets backers and nonets the meteghans. In the laboratory, he stole data of 3 suits. In the 36 series of Weisman finally was able to defeat the fighters. The final personality of Weisman was disclosed in the 40 series. Weisman is Cordegon.

Nonet Bakugan

Nonet Bakugan Total 8, and Meteganov 4. Baku-Sky Raiders - Darkus Betadron, Darkus Newtabrd, Darkus Kodor. They can turn into a common glade. Bakugani - Pairus Spatterix, Saberra Strong, Chaos Cushchar (it can switch to battle mod), Aquas Balista, Ventus Vorton. The first 2 Bakugan can turn into a common scorch, and the 2nd Bakugan - in Volkos. There was also chaos fury, it seemed before he was the leader of the nine, it was he who created all the nonets of the meteghans, but was killed by Cordegon. Nonet of Metodogana - Darkus Cordegon, Pairus Slisserak, Akvas Mandib, Chaos Exceptrikeker. They can connect to the mektavius \u200b\u200bdestera.

Minor characters

  • Kato - Also is the butler. He helped translate Runo.
  • Julie Makimoto. - 17 years. He is a TV host in Bakugan City and a correspondent. One day I interviewed Weisman. Almost died in live air From the falling tower of the Union of People and Bakuganov.
  • Peace Clay - 17 years. He arrived at Earth at the request of Marucho. She is one of the authors of Bakugan City. Created 4 combat suits for fighters. But due to overvoltage, it was hospitalized.
  • Fleece Misaki - 17 years. He knows tenologies to have fun, which helped in the battle with Weismen. Partially replaces the world. The fighters were glad to return Runo. Bakugan Chaos Aerogan.

Main Bakugany

  • Drago (Dragonoid) (Eng. Dragonoid, Drago) - Bakugan Dan. The Dragon. Element - Pairus. The leader of Bakuganov desperate fighters. Previously, everyone met Nagu and Weif. At the very beginning, they and Dan concluded a contract, but after their relationship become warmer, and they become best friends. Drago destroys Vave at her request and gets the infinity zone, becoming one of the strongest Bakugans (later the strongest). After the victory over Nagya, Drago received both zones, went to the Westrow Center to return the extension initial species, made a magic coup and became the center of the New Westrow. When the Westrow recovered, all Bakugans returned to their world.

In the new Westrow, he separated from the legendary warriors of the Westrow from the center of Westrow, again became Bakugan and reunited with Dan to save Bakugan from Centuries. He was defeated by Helios and for a while he became a Bakugan spectra, but later returned to Dan, with the help of the legendary Warrow West "Apolonir". In the invasion of Gandalians received an element and became stronger, together with Dan and the fighters helped to save Nature. The emperor won and returned to the ground. Evolved. In the surge of Mehtanium Drago could not control some abilities, and for this she went to a new Westrow along with Dan to control his Energia. Later, I returned to Bakugan Interpace, but friends were not happy about their arrival. Helped to save Gandhily from Chaos Bakuganov and Mel Mel. Returned to Bakugan, interpassis and continued to fight Chaos Bakugan. With the help of Teilien and Helios, drago can turn into a dongonoid mutant.

Evolved ten times:

  1. - In Dragonoid Delta (during the battle with the combined forces of Claus, Chen Lee and Julio). His power is 450g.
  2. - In the perfect dragonoid (after testing the legendary warriors of the Westrow, which consisted not only in the battle with the warrior of Pairos (Appolonir), but also in the victory over his friends). His power is 550g.
  3. - In the dragonoid infinity, when absorbed the infinity zone. His power is 1000G.
  4. - In Neo Dragonoid, when separated from the center of equilibrium. His power 400g. In the form of toys - 630g
  5. - In cross dragonoid, when absorbed the elementary energy of the Appolonir. His power is 700G.
  6. - In Helix Dragonoid - when he defended Bakugan from the Bakugan destruction system. His power is 900G.
  7. - In Lyumino Dragonoid, when he got an element from Neo-Zibzam his strength 1000G.
  8. - In Blitz Dragonoid, when the Dragonoid of the Colosus won. His power is 1100g.
  9. "In the Titanium of the Dragonoid, when the Emperor Barodius and Darack finally defeated. His power is 1200G.
  10. - In Fusion Dragonoid with the help of the gates and the key, when he fought with Mel Mal and Raisenoid. His power 1300G.
  • Tigerra (Eng. Tigrerra) - Bakugan Fleece. Tigress. Element - light (chaos). It is always ready for battle, very reasonable, excellent and loyal friend. Very respectful refers to the runo, calling it "Mrs.".

In a new time, I was fighting for some time with Baron, but he lost to the spectrum, and Tiger came pronounced to Vecsam. I became a bronze statue, but after salvation returned to Flee.

    • Evolved to Blade Tigerru after the test of the legendary Westrow soldiers.
  • Skype (English Skyress) - Bakugan Shuna. Phoenix. Element - Wind (Ventus). Skayres was donated to Shuan his sick mother so that he would not throw the game in Bakugan. Shun is very much valued and made up such tactics of the game, so as not to lose it in case of losing. One of the strongest backers among the fighters is on a par with drago and a hydranoid. Always supports Shuna, in a combat cooling and decisive.

In the new westing was defeated by Helios and became a bronze statue. After salvation, I decided to stay in West, but I flew to help shun in the battle after which he died. Evolved to Hurricane Skype after testing the legendary Westrow warriors.

  • PRAYAS. (English. Preyas) - Bakugan Marucho. The view is half a person, half a lizard-chameleon. Element - water (AKVOS), but Praias can also change his element on Darkus and Saberra. He has a very cheerful temper and inexhaustible stock of jokes. Sirena was defeated (Bakugan Claus) and moved to Claus, but after he returned it to Marucho.

In the new West, he was defeated by Helios and turned into a bronze statue. After salvation, I returned to Marucho. Praijs in love with elf. Despite this, they often swear and quarrel with elf. Evolved after the test of the legendary warriors of the Westrow. As a result of the evolution, he received his twin, having two alter-ego - Angelo and Dyablo, having the strength of both Akvos and Chaos, and Dyablo, having the strength of Akvos and Pairos. In the new West twins disappeared. Mechtanium Surge lives on a new West. Became coach and Sensei Bakugan Element of Water. He has a student named Amazon, who fought against Drago, but lost even with PRAYASA.

  • Gorem (English Gorem) - Bakugan Julie. Mighty super giant-giant, a little resembling fur Gandama. Element - Earth (Saberra). Calm and calm, in battle is slightly slow, but compensates for this force of strikes, after which it is practically no possibility. Evolution was armed with a small shield, about which cycloid twice to smithereens broke his hammer.

In the new West, he was defeated by Helios and turned into a bronze statue, but after salvation returned to Julie. Evolved into a grief-hammer after testing the legendary Westrow warriors.

  • Hydranoid (English Hydranoid) - Bakugan Masks (Alice). The Dragon. Element - darkness (Darkus). Permanent rival of drago. In partnership with the mask was bloodthirsty and ruthless, he even delivered the pleasure of sending backers to the measurement of death, but by going to Alice, he changed and even recognized the leadership of Drago. Rentally, it was supposed to get the infinity zone.

In the new West, he was defeated by Helios and captured. Bakuga Shedou was created on the basis of its DNA - Hayedes. He became a bronze statue, after salvation returned to Alice.

Evolved twice:

  1. Double hydranoid with evolution gets an extra head.
  2. After the second evolution in Alpha Gigranoid - 3 heads, 3 tails and 3 pairs of wings).

The first - after the victory over all the Bakugans of the former allies masks: Billy, Combo, Julio, Chen-Lee and Claus. The second is after testing the legendary Westrow warriors.

  • Multician - Bakugan Chen-Lee. Oriental warrior with three masked faces. Element - Fire (Pios). His 3 persons: a mask of rage - forces people to be ruthless to the enemy, strengthens its ability. The mask of sadness - suppresses the ability of the enemy, making it invulnerable. The mask of tenderness - the multi-sided becomes cheerful, but nothing changes anything. He was defeated by hydranoid and sent to the measurement of death, but after returned to Chen-Lee.
  • Siren - Bakugan Claus. Mermaid. Element - water (AKVOS). Bakugan, who defeated Praiaas and sent him to the measurement of death. She has a special connection with Claus. It was defeated by a hydranoid and sent to the measurement of death, but after returned to Claus.
  • Orpheus - Bakugan Komba. Girl bird. Element - Wind (Ventus). Constantly swears with him. Very disrespectful of Skayres, but then changed her mind. It was defeated by a hydranoid and sent to the measurement of death, but after returned to combo.
  • Oco light - Bakugan Julio. Giant eye with tentacles. Element - light (chaos). I do not know how to talk, has the ability of blinding light, from which the opponent does not see anything and can not move. The eye was defeated by hydranoid and sent to the measurement of death, but after returned to Julio.
  • Cycloid - Bakugan Billy. Giant cyclops. His element - Earth (Saberra). Inflicts powerful blows with your hammer. He was defeated by a hydranoid and sent to the measurement of death, but after returned to Billy.
  • Reaper (Eng. Reaper) - the first Bakugan mask. Looks like a skeleton with wings and horns. Element - darkness (Darkus). He could go with a mask to other fighters in order to control them. It was sent by hydranoid into the measurement of death on the orders of the mask.
  • Naga (eng. Naga) - Bakugan Hel Ji. White or forgotten Bakugan, which appeared as a result of the division of the Westrow on 6 worlds. The Dragon. It has a sister WEF. Without her own strength, he decided to capture the infinity zone and the silence zone (separated as a result of division on the 6th World West Works) to establish its domination over the universe. But the zone of silence was tightened, and the infinity zone moved his sister Weif. Stuck in the silence zone, began to swing strength and power and with the help of loyal servants, tried to defeat the desperate fighters. In the end, Naga managed to curb the silence zone, and became one of the two strongest Bakuganov. Drago was defeated and destroyed.
  • Wayiv (Eng. Wavern) - Bakugan Joe, White Bakugan. The Dragon. Nagi sister. Sweetheart Drago. When Naga was drawn by a silence zone, Waif absorbed the infinity zone. Using her positive energy, she began to create good. Fearing that Naga will be able to take away the infinity zone from her, killing her, she persuaded the drago to kill her, thereby taking the infinity zone. Very kind and selfless (she did not even want to use the power of the infinity zone to help himself). Shortly before the final battle began to experience painful pain when Naga tried to move the location of the infinity zone, and therefore was too sick and weak to fight naked on equal footing.
  • Legendary Westrow Warriors - Bakugan, in ancient times sacrificed for the sake of preserving the balance in West. Throughout all the battles help fighters. In the new West, the Drago was helped to separate from the center of equilibrium and began to become Bakugan again so that he could save the West from Centuries. Were destroyed by King Zenokheld.
    • Apolonir - Pairus warrior. In the usual form - a high warrior, all in red. In the form of Bakugan - Dragon. Tested Dan and Drago fight with a mad clown, under whose mask was Flee. Fucked with Dan so that he could pick up the drago at the spectra. He was destroyed by King Senokheld, but managed to transfer his energy of Drago.
    • Claif - Saberra warrior. Tried Julie and grief fight with the older sister of Julie. He was destroyed by King Senokheld, but managed to transfer his energy Wilde.
    • Lars Laien - warrior chaos. In the usual form - a high woman in white. In the form of Bakugan - a warrior woman like the Greek goddess Athena with a bow, woven from the light. Felt Fleece and Tigerruar with Little Dan. I was destroyed by King Senokheld, but I managed to transfer my energy to Namusus.
    • Excider - Warrior Darkus. In the usual form - warrior in black. In the form of Bakugan - an octal dragon. Tested a mask and a hydraulic battle with Alice. He was destroyed by King Senokheld, but managed to transmit his energy to Persival.
    • Faros - Warrior Akvos. In the usual form - an old man with a staff, in blue. In the form of Bakugan - a giant frog. Tested Marucho and Prajas the fight with the twin Marucho, woven out of the water. He was destroyed by King Senokheld, but managed to transfer his energy to Elfin.
    • Oberon - Warrior Vestus. Skun and Skayres were tested with a small mother Shuana. It was destroyed by King Senokheld, but he managed to transfer his energy ingram.
  • Teigan and Hayyny (English Tayghen and Hairadee) - Bakugans, which appeared as a result of the merger of the worlds and water, the portal keepers in this world. Teygen is a giant fish, from which the body of the girl comes out. Hamnya - Winged Warrior Humanoid. They possess the strength of both the water (aquosa) and wind (Ventus), but Teygen is more than a stupid, but a worker - Vestus. Served on a good wax. Forces and self-confident. In his world, Shunov and Marucho were defeated. On Earth, Teygen was defeated and killed by the united forces Marucho with Jenny and Juls ("JJdolls"). The worker was defeated and killed by the united forces of Shuna, Combo and Julio.
  • Rapidy and tricloid - Bakugan-sisters, which emerged as a result of the merger of worlds of light and land, portal keepers in this world. Rapidy - Bakugan, the upper part of which girls, and the lower - giant, constantly cares about the tricloid. Trikloid is a bit clumsy giant with three eyes, very sensitive. They have a force of both light (chaos) and land (saberry), but rapidy to more chaos, and tricloid - saberry. They are not at all evil backers and gently love each other. To make them serve them, Naga affected them negative energy. In his world, they staged races for fighters. On the ground, Trikloid was defeated by the combined forces of Billy, Julie and Nna (younger sister Shuji). Rapidy was defeated by the combined forces of Alice, Claus and Christopher (Elis's close friend). Subsequently, they refused to fight against the fighters and returned to their world.
  • Sentorior and friend - Bakugany, which emerged due to the merger of fires and darkness, portal keepers. Sentorior - Bakugan, strongly brushing on a centaur in Knight's armor and with a spear in his hand. Dermon - Bakugan, warrior with a lizard head and two wings, similar to the skeleton's hands. Both Bakugan can also be used by Pairus, and Darkus, but the seitorior is more useful by Darus, and a friend - Pairus. Of all the "duets" they are the most serious opponents. Serves Nag in their will, since he suggested them in exchange for the service of control over the new world of Piosa Darkus. In his world, Dan and Alice were neutralized, which came to help a friend in the appearance of the mask. On Earth, as usual together. The seitoris and the dommon were defeated and killed by the joint efforts of Dena, Marucho, Julio, Fleece, Claus, Julio, Combo and Billy in one battle.
  • Nobilaien. - The oldest and wise Bakugan. Tiger. Element - Fire (Pairus). He told Dan and Drago about the magic coup with which you can restore the balance in West. He was killed by the Guardians of the portal (sedator) in the world of fire and darkness.
  • Wilda (English Wilda) - Bakugan Worlds. Powerful giant. Element - Earth (Saberra). Calm and mocking. It has the ability to copy (imitate) rival receptions.

Environmental to Magma Wilddu when absorbed the elementary energy of the brand.

  • Percival (English Persival) - Bakugan Eys. Warrior with a dragon head. Element - darkness (Darkus). Ace got a Percival from the world when she after the fight took it into the ranks of the front of the resistance. Pretty strong. When Ace and Dan fought among themselves, Percival and Drago could not defeat each other for several hours.

Evolved to the knight-percival when the elementary energy of the excidera was absorbed.

  • Namus. (English Nemus) - Bakugan Baron. Warrior with a staff, a little resembling Greek God Hermes. Element - Light (chaos), but after the evolution, Namus got the opportunity to change the element on the darkness (Darkus). We are calm and fair. At first, their relationship with Baron was not like a partnership - everything solved Baron, and Namus obeyed. But after Drago told Namus about his partnership with Dan, their relations became equal.

Evolved to Saint Namus, when the elementary energy of Lars Laen was absorbed.

  • Ingram (Eng. Ingram) - Second Bakugan Shuang. The winged ninja warrior, capable of changing his head on the bird. Element - Wind (Ventus). The ingraves became a partner Shuna when he got into Vejuna. By nature, Skayres is very reminded. Before the evolution, most viewers took the engram for the girl, but in the second season he is voiced by another actor, giving him a lower voice and confirming his belonging to the male floor.

Evolved to the master ingram when the element was absorbed by the elementary energy.

  • Elf (Eng. Elfin) - Second Bakugan Marucho. A frog girl with a hat in the shape of a frog head. Element - water (AKVOS), but can change its element, as well as Preise, but only on darkness (Darkus) and the wind (Ventus). Very fun and frivolous. Before becoming a partner Marucho, the tests arranged to him, which he thus failed. Often swears from Marucho and makes a lot of training, as it wants her partner to be strong. In love with Praise, in Episode 35, even sacrifices himself to save him, wounded in the battle, from attack Mac Spider. Despite this, they often quarrel and sometimes it comes to almost the fight.

Evolved to the MINX elf when absorbed the elementary energy of Froša.

  • Helios. (Eng. Helios) - Bakugan Spectra. The Dragon. Element - Fire (Pios). All 6 Bakuganov desperate fighters (Praiasa, Gorem, Skaym, Gydronoid, Tigerru, and later Drago) won. It has spikes throughout the body and wings that help him move quickly. When capturing the new Westrow, 5 combat bakugans (Pierce, Gorem, Skype, Hydranois and Tigerrru) won. Subsequently, many times fought with Drago. At 17, the episode won the drago. Helios was finally defeated by them in the 44th series and together with the spectrum joined the front of the resistance. Until the 44th series of Helios, I had a strongest hatred of Drago and was ready for everything for the victory over him. In the fullest degree of his manic hatred of Drago manifested itself in the 44th series, when, being on the edge of the defeat, he spreads his chest claws and, despite the terrible pain, pulls out a security chip from his body to the system, built into this chip, not He brought him out of the game when it would be too hard wound to continue to fight without risk for life. Appeared in the 4th season.
  • Evolved to Cyborg Helios and became a semi-mechanical Bakugan. His power is 700G.
  • Environmental in Helios MKII using a forbidden card. His power is 800G.
  • Evolved in infinite Helios and became Bakugan Darkus. His power is 1200G.
  • Neo Zibzam (English Neo Ziperator), - Bakugan Linaus. Element - Fire (Pios). Keeps an element - the vitality of Naphia. Very powerful Bakugan. In battle with Ran and Jesse, Linus was defeated and moved to Gandelia. But Gandelyanians did not know that it was stored in it, and in the battle arena, the element of Drago managed to convey the element of Drago. Later, Zibzam is in a dream Linaus, saying that he handed the element of Drago, and says goodbye to his friend. Since the element was closely connected with the Zibzam, after he was transferred to Drago, Zibzam died.
  • Aranota (English Aranaut) - Bakugan Gina, then Fabia. Element - light (chaos). Aranoth was Bakugan Gina, but was defeated by Kazar and rejected her to the laboratory. He later saved Fabia, however, after the experiments spent on it, he lost his memory and believes that he was always Bakugan Fabia (but in the 35 series it turns out that he simulated (that is, pretended) amnesia). He is a strong Bakugan with well-developed capabilities of the offensive, defense and quick reflexes in battle. The battle uses techniques resembling Muay Thai martial art. Behaves very culturally. Fabia appeals exclusively "Princess" or "Princess Fabia". Aranoth - the faithful and loyal bodyguard Fabia is ready for everything to ensure its safety. His main goal is to fulfill his duty, in order not to protect the princess from the enemy. There is a cloned version of Arana, but no one used it. His power is 900G. Armor - Martial Crash.
  • Hoftor (Eng. Hawktor) - Bakugan Shuang. Element - Wind (Ventus). The appearance looks like a haastle. Pretty cheerful and strong bakugan. He studied at Shuyam Ninja.

At first, Shuan had a clone of the hacker, but then Fabia gave a shun of a real hacker from Nifia.

  • Aquimos (English Akwimos) - Bakugan Marucho. Element - water (AKVOS). It looks like a cape (published a semi-pole). Very funny and funny, like previous Bakugan Marucho. Speaks with the Negritan accent. Very strong in underwater battles and underwater can cause crushing strikes. Usually his character is calm and relaxed, what does his corona phrase say: "Cool Is The Rule, Dude" ("Relax, Chuvak"). He is a presequent optimist and always trying to convince others, "that everything is fine, you should not worry, relax, dudes!" It never ceases to believe in a victory and does not lose sense of humor even in the most dangerous situations, as can be seen in 33 episodes of the 3 season, when his hipnotized Bakugan Jake, Cordem. Then Akvos rises from the ground and says Marucho: "And this I was deliberately fell by flips up!"

At first, Marucho had a aquimos clone, but then Fabia gave Marucho of the real Bakugan from Nifia.

  • Cordem. (English Coredem) - Bakugan Jake. Element - Earth (Saberra). Looks like Titan. Big and slow. Deals very powerful blows. Reminds the grief and melting. After he and Jake loses Kazarin, he was captured and hypnotized, turning it into a monster. Also Kazarina gives Jake "improved confluence of abilities", which increased the power of Cordem three times, but his body almost self-satisfied due to overstrain. In a hypnotized form from Cordem, bloody-red eyes.

At first, Jake had a clone Cordem, but then Fabia gave him a real Cordem from Nifia.

  • Lineholt (English Linehalt) - Bakugan Ran. Element - darkness (Darkus). Lineholt looks like a reservoir. Lineholt is very strong Bakugan. And the armor is similar to RPG (sniper rifle when it activates sniper fire mode). He was with Ran since that time he was a child. Ren had to become a lentholt defender, but he was afraid too much. Then Lineholt saved Ran from the fall and they became good friends. It has the power of darkness and produces it in a battle with Barodius. It turns out to be so powerful that he almost destroys Nifia, but it stops him in time the ancient deity of Nifia - the Dragonoid of Colossus, the guardian of the shrine. After Lindholt uses his strength for the first time, it becomes very weakened and easily loses to Aranota, but then comes to himself. When he uses the power of darkness, the mask who hides his face, rises, opening his face similar to Dragon.
  • Rubanoid (eng. Rubanoid) - Bakugan Side, and then Rena. Element - Fire (Pairus). Looks like a dragon. Martial armor - Cerdon. For a long time I had at Side, but after his death he gave him to Rena. It was Rubanoid who convinced Ran to betray Berodius. Lynos was given and after the war he became a knight of the castle.
  • Evior (English Avior) - Bakugan Mason. Element - Earth (Saberra). Outwardly similar to dinosaur. Combat armor - Lashor. He and Mason defeated Jake, but the Jake won the match-revenge. Evior old and he mentions about it after losing. Mason is very friendly (although Evior straightens his master in funny situations and even jokes over it). Mason saves from a crystal burst. Soon he joins Nephia with Mason. If you activate the ability (ray of Hercules), then its neck and tail are lengthened.
  • Contestir (English. Contestir) - Bakugan Zenet. Element - light (chaos). Armor - Spartablaster. He has many abilities, but physical is weak (200 or 300 g). He helped realize Zenet that they were partners.
  • PLFFION.(English PLIFEON) - Bakugan Jesse. Element - Wind (Ventus). Armor - Wilaner. PLFFIION is a little aggressive bacchanis with a sense of humor. His favorite abilities: Eater, Fencher Shield, Hyper Ool, Destroyer.
  • Phosphos (English Phosphos) - Bakugan Lena. Element - water (AKVOS). Armor - terrorkrest, looks like a trothed snake. In battle uses poisonous attacks. If you activate the ability (snake Gorgon) it will become a semi-head.
  • Krakiks (English Krakix) - Bakugan Gill. Element - Fire (Pios). Armor - Histor. His power is 900G. For the season 3 did not have pronounced words.
  • Lifyrus. (English Lythirus) - Bakugan racks. Element - water (AKVOS). Armor - Ricoid. His power is 900G. He is quite agile.
  • Sabatar (eng. Sabator) - Bakugan Nurzaza. Element - Earth (Saberra). Armor -Chompix. His power is 900G.
  • Airsicflar (Eng. Strikeflier) - Bakugan Erzel. Element - Wind (Ventus). Armor - Combat Turbine. His power is 900G. Like a plophone, an airsicflara has a favorite ability - typhine mirage.
  • Lumagroul (English Lumagrowl) - Bakugan Kazarina. Element - light (chaos). Armor - Barias. His power is 900G.
  • Darak. (English Dharak) - Bakugan Emperor Barodius. Element - darkness (Darkus). Armor - Eircor, Mega Constructor - Darak Colossus. Very reminiscent of the dragon. Evolved in Phantom Darack with DNA Drago.
  • Corridian (Eng. Horridian) - Bakugan Anubias. Externally looks like a hydranoid. Strong Bakugan, defeated Drago in two battles. Element - darkness (Darkus). Bakunano - Airblase. Mectogan - Sumashon. His power is 1200G.
  • Bolchenon (English Bolcanon) - Bakugan Ben. Element - Fire (Pairus). Bakunano - hyper pulse. Mectoran - Dizole its power - 1200g.
  • Krakenoid (English. Krakenoid) - Jack Bakugan. Element - water (AKVOS). Bakunano - Jamesais. Mentogan - Venexus. His power is 1200G. With the help of Roll, Krakenoid could turn into a krakenoid mutant.
  • Spyron. (English Spyron) - Bakugan Sellon. Element - Wind (Ventus). Bakunano - Dafluorix. Mectohan - space. His power is 1200G.
  • Roll (English krowll) - Bakugan Sun. Element - light (chaos). Bakunano - Slisserix. Miscellane. His power is 1200G.
  • With the help of Krakenoid, the ram could turn into a mutant rabral.
  • Vertex (eng. Vertexx) - Bakugan Chris. Element - Earth (Saberra). Bakunano - Orhammer. MEKTOGAN - Rock Fist. His power is 1200G.
  • Cyclone Percival (English Cyclone Percival) - Bakugan - Soldier Mag Mel. Elements - all 6 elements. Bakunano - Chokrox. His power is 1200G. There are hybrids of Vestus and Darkus Persons.
  • Flash ingram (English Flash Ingram) - Bakugan - Soldier Mag Mel. Elements - all 6 elements. Bakunano - Chokrox. His power is 1200G. There are hybrids of Pairus and Darkus Flash ingram.
  • Iron Dragonoid (Eng. Iron Dragonoid) - Bakugan - Soldier Mag Mel. Elements - all 6 elements. His power is 1200G. There are hybrids Aquas and Darkus Dragonoids
  • Amazon (English. Amazon) - Bakugan whose Drago met on the new West, along with the PRESN. Element - Water (Aquas), Earth (Saberra). His power is 1200G.
  • Boulderon (English Boulderon) - Bakugan Page. Element - Earth (Saberra). Strong Bakugan - 1200G. Bakunano - Slingpike, Mectohan - Wexfest.
  • Volphavurio (English Wolfurio) - Bakugan Raif. Element - light (chaos). Strong Bakugan - 1200G. Bakunano - Lanzato, Mectogan - Swift Swipte.
  • Traist (English Trister) - Bakugan Marucho. Element - Water (Aquas). Strong Bakugan - 1200G. Bakunano - Crossstroker, Mectojan - Accelerak, combat machine - Kenongyar.
  • Taylein (English. Taylean) - Bakugan Shuang. Element - Wind (Ventus). Strong Bakugan - 1200g. Looks like a ninja warrior. Bakunano - Hammermore. Metogan - Silent Strike, Combat Machine - Zumba. This is the first Bakugan, who has the number of abilities more than 15. Shun is the first Bakugan, which does not resemble a bird.
  • Raisenoid (English Razenoid) - Bakugan Magla Mella. Element - darkness (Darkus). Looks like a mix of dragon and spider. Is the special evolution of Darack. Appears in the visions of Dan. His power is 1200G. Mentogan - Dredeon, Titan's Metogan - Razen Titan. His abilities (flash eclipse and shelling of meteor) are capable of breaking panels 1 and 2 levels.
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Other characters

Claus background Herzen - rich and notable young German. Cool and sophisticated. He had the largest collection of backers of all elements in the world. One of the 10 best players Bakugan (was the second in the world). The mask was recruited and fought against the desperate fighters, but they were defeated and later became their ally in the fight against Nagya and Helji (along with Alice and Christopher won Rapidi). Fighting from Marucho, he took Prazyas from him, but after he returned. After Alice found out that she was a mask, Claus helped her to realize himself as a desperate fighter and gain confidence. In the second season there was a hint of his romantic relationship with Alice, but in the future they did not receive development. Element of his backers - water (AKVOS). Chief Bakugan - Mermaid Siren. After the mask won Claus, Siren was sent to the measurement of death, but after she returned to him. There was a special intimacy between Klaus and Sirena, and he was very soused when he lost it. In the new West, Klaus moved to Vesta, and a successful business leads (at the same time Siren helped him). Helped Eyce in battle. Del Chan Lee to follow Alice. His Bakugan is still siren.

Chan Li is one of the 10 best players Bakugan (there was a third in the world). From China. Perfectly owns martial arts. The mask was recruited and fought against the desperate fighters, but they were defeated and subsequently began to help them (along with Joe she defended Wave from Nagi). It has a romantic relationship with Joe Brown. Element of her Bakuganov - Fire (Pairus). Chief Bakugan - Multician. After the mask won it, the multi-sided was sent to the measurement of death, but after he returned to her. In the new West, Chan Li received from Claus Gantlet, he also asked her to follow Alice. Chan Li arrived on time, and using martial arts saved Alice from the Shadow. She also helped Alice in the battle against him. Her Bakugan remains many-sided.

Julio Santares is one of the 10 best players Bakugan (fourth in the world). High, muscular, chopped naked guy. Hispanic. Scattered and self-confident. The mask was recruited and fought against the desperate fighters, but they were defeated and subsequently helped them (along with Shunov and Combo defeated the worker). Element of his Bakuganov - Light (chaos). Chief Bakugan - Oco Light. When Julio was defeated by the mask, the Light Oco was sent to the measurement of death, but after it returned to him.

Combo O'Charli - one of the 10 best players Bakugan (was the fifth in the world). Boy from Central Africa. The mask was recruited and fought against the desperate fighters, but was defeated by Shunov and became his student. Together with Shunov and Julio won the worker. Element of his Bakuganov - Wind (Ventus). Chief Bakugan - Bird-girl Orpheus. When Orpheus was defeated by a mask, she fell into a measurement of death, but after returned to combo. They constantly argue and swear, but in general their relationship is friendly.

Billy Gilbert is one of the 10 best players Bakugan (was 10 in the world, but later increased its rating). Normal little self-confident teenager. Die childhood jullie. Lives in Las Vegas, like Jullie. The mask was recruited and fought against the desperate fighters, but when Julie did almost hit the measurement of death, he refused to fight against them. Subsequently became her guy. Together with Jullie and Nena won tricloid. Element of his Bakuganov - Earth (Saber). Chief Bakugan - Cycloid. When the mask defeated Billy, he fell into the measurement of death, but after returned to Billy. In the new West, he travels around the world by studying sports, periodically sending Julie Cards. A pair with Jullie fought against Aisa, having learned that she liked Eis. Accidentally led Millin and Shadow to the Marucho House, which with the help of this understood where the front of the resistance is. His Bakugan as before Cycloid.

Christopher is a close friend of Alice. Constantly losing and once, deciding to stop the game, I wanted to throw my bacchanis into the river. However, to make it did not give him Alice. She taught Christopher to believe in his strength, and he won. Later he helped to defeat Rapidi. Element of his backers - water (AKVOS). Chief Bakugan is a sea turtle Jaggernoid.

JJ Dolls (Rus. J. J. Dolls) - Duet Jenny and Juls. They are famous singers and adore to play Bakugan. At the request of the mask fought against Dan and Marucho, but lost. Helped Marucho to defeat Teigon. Element of Jenny Bakugan - Water (AKVOS). Her chief Bakugan is a water knight. Element Bakugan Juls - Earth (Saber). Her Chief Bakugan is Sentipoid.

Kato - Butler Marucho. Constantly helps fighters. Kato call Marucho is not otherwise as "Master Marucho." One day, Helji tried to give himself to Kato, calling fighters and giving them wrong information. But Shun instantly understood that when he said simply "Marucho," without adding the Master. Helps fighters even when Marucho in West.

Shuji (in the original herezi) is the elder brother of Akira and Nena, which uses Bakugan type Darkus and Saberra. Continued to play Dan Starting from the first episode. In the invasion of Gandanians Shuji loses shun.

Bakugan New Vestroia.
Front of resistance Bakugan

The organization headed by peace Ferren in the new West. The main goal is to free Bakuganov. Enemies - Vecs.

Peace Ferren (Clay) (Clay) - 16-year-old West girl. It has red hair and blue eyes. The first of all understood that Bakugani - living beings. Founded, consists and manages the front of resistance Bakugan. Her father is a scientist engaged in the study of Bakuganov and the creation of cyberbakugan on the basis of DNA of real. It was always very attached to his brother by China, and when he disappeared, one of her main goals was the goal of finding brother. It was shocked, having learned that her favorite brother - spectrum, her worst enemy. For a short period of time, he even crossed him to the side of the centuries, but quickly came to mind. When Kit began to help the fighters, he spent almost all his free time with him, thereby causing jealousy at the Eys hopelessly in her. He was strongly attached to Dhan. Very attractive. Workshops drive a motorcycle. As Dan said - "She sounds like a fleece." Element Bakuganov - Earth (Saberra). Chief Bakugan - Wild. Bakugan trap - Balita Wilda (English. Wilda) Powerful Giant. Scheduled and mocking. It has the ability to copy (imitate) Purpose of the opponent. All Wilddu in Magma, when he swallowed the energy of six elements in the migra - the guard Mira, the leader of the resistance. It has a deafening combat tide, growing her opponents. Giant creature consisting of stone and fortified clay. Wilda in battle slowly moves, but has incredible strength. Wilda owns the ability to stun enemies with a blow of the ground, after which he shall hit.

Ace Grit (English Ace Grit) - 16 years. It has a greenish-gray hair color, and gray eyes. Very proud and self-confident, contemptuously belongs to people. It is unnecessarily suspicious and unlocking with unfamiliar people. Sympathizes the world, however, it does not really draw attention to EIS. Ace is careful, but if it comes to the world, he forgets everything and go to her aid. Often manifests Antipathy to Dan, it is explained by the fact that the world likes Dan. Element Bakuganov - Darkus. Chief Bakugan - Percival (Eng. Percival). Bakugan trap - dragonfly, then Radfly.

Baron Lelto (English Baron Lelty) - a guy of 12 years. It has pink hair and muscular physique. Wants to see and touch everything that interest him. Fan of desperate fighters Bakugan, especially Drago and Dan, who is not different as "Master Dan". At the beginning of his second partner was Tigerra, but Baron lost its spectrum. After that, I refused to fight because of the fear of losing Nemus. But later he understands what should fight, and not be afraid of battle. Very emotional. It has a lot of brothers and sisters. Fucked with his clone. Element Bakuganov - Light (chaos). Chief Bakugan - Nemus (English Nemus). Bakugan trap - Piercer.

Special organization consisting of 6 wester fighters. Serve Prince Hydron and King Senoheland. For simple westers are idols.

Spectrum Phanto / Keith Farm (English Spectra Phantom / Keith Fermen) - 19 years old. The first leader of the Century. Wears a red mask. Later it turns out that he is brother of the world. I left the centuries in my own interests. It was obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the strongest Bakugan. Many times fought with Dan in order to get the energy of the Westrow Equilibrium Center and make his Bakugan Helios stronger. But in 44 episodes finally lost him, removed the mask and joined the front of the resistance. In 48, the episode was again the spectrum, in a pair with peace to fight with the Shadow Proh and Mallin. Excellent disassembled in technology and technologies. Invented the combat mechanism. Element of his bakugans - Fire (Pios). Chief Bakugan - Helios (Eng. Helios). Bakugan trap - MetalFener. The combat mechanism is a double destroyer and the driver.

Gus Grav (English Gus Graw) is a close spectra servant. Blue-haired guy. Fucked with the spectra and lost him, after which he joined the spectrum. Very devoted to him and fulfills all his orders. POST HOUSE AND ZHADEN. He left the centuries with the spectra. For an insult, which King Zenoheld defended the spectrum, fought with him, lost and was allegedly killed. However, in the episode 49, he was shown in the prison of the Palace of Mother. In the final battle, together with Heidron, helped fighters in battle with Zenoheld. Element Bakuganov - Earth (Saberra). Chief Bakugan - Premature Volcan (eng. Vulcan). Bakugan trap - Hexados.

Shadow ProW Shadow Prove (English) is one of the strongest Darkus fighters. Very extravagant and unusual personality, in whose character is combined and bad and good sides. He is very emotional and childishly touching, often does not know how to lose, especially fighting Bakugan. The only one who does not really show respect for Prince Hydron, and even on the contrary, it defiantly shifts his ignorance. At meetings sits aside, which speaks of his remoteness from the rest of the centuries. His behavior can be considered even obscene: he loudly speaks at elevated colors, laughs and proves the language, quite often changing the expression of the face. But no one knows whether he is crazy, what it wants to seem, or simply is unnecessary sensitive. Its hair is white, eyes, which periods become different sizes, red. For an incomprehensible reason, has red claws and fangs (ordinary color). The main colors of the costume - black, yellow and purple. Shadow spends a lot of time next to Malina, although they are not considered official partners. Very often he tries to impose her, showing and constantly talking about something. She, on the contrary, trying to get rid of him, ignores, calls, etc. If you look more attentively, you can understand that the shadow clearly does not like it, but he, however, continues to stand on his own. This is proof that it is clearly indifferent to it. He even exhibits this in the last series of them with Millin Presence: when they began to be taken to another measurement, he, instead of saving himself, grabbed her hand. She, of course she said that it was stupid, to which he replied that he would be much more fun to go unknown to where with the new best friend. Mallin only sighed and smiled, because he did not expect this from the one who considered only the curb. Chief Bakugan is first Hayides (Bakugan created on the basis of DNA Hydravadda), after Hayides broke, he was replaced by McPuka. Bakugan trap - Forts.

Millin Farrow (Eng. Mylene Pharrow) - Cold Beauty. It has bluish hair and blue eyes. Proud, proud and arrogant. Very cunning. Higher than all cruel in relation to Bakugam. He served King Zenoheland to the very end. Nevertheless, he did not support his ideas, although he was afraid to oppose him. Posted to another dimension along with a shadow for its own error. Before it was dragged into another dimension, peace and whale tried to help her, but she said that she would have a better driving, which would take help from enemies. Element Bakuganov - Water (AKVOS). Chief Bakugan - Eliko (Eng. Elico), later Mechanical Bakugan Macubass (Eng. Macubass). Makubass was broken by Wilda during a fight with peace. Bakugan trap - Tretta Tripod.

Link Volan (English Lync Volan) is a state spy. Lie, proud and hypocritical. He has pink hair color and blue eyes. Together with the spectrum and Gas, passed through the portal to Earth by order of Heydron. Stuck on Earth after the conveyor was broken. I did not want to go with the fighters and all the time lived with Alice. Later deceived it. For a while I joined the spectrum, but later I returned to the king of Zenoheld. But when he learned about his plans for the destruction of the earth, Link went to the ground to warn Alice, which was in love. On Earth was forced to fight Heidron and lost, did not have time to warn Alice, but left a glove with a flash card in which there were all the plans of Senoheld and Claia. The prince sent it to another dimension. Later and the Volga came to Heidron in a dream, saying that he won his father and took his place. Elements of Bakuganov - Wind (Ventus). Chief Bakugan - Mechanical Bird Alteeir (English. Altair), which broke down in 11 episode. In 30 episodes, his new Bakugan became ELUZ (English Aluze), which is Alteira's upgrade. Eluz was broken in a fight with Heidron. In addition, he had Bakugan Vaire.

Volt Laster (eng. Volt Luster) - Chaos Fighter. Big and strong. Needlessly self-confident and sometimes a grinding, but it has a firm concept about the honor of the warrior and respects his opponents. He fell to Vecches from Slovka West. In 46, the episode was left of the centuries, because did not want to destroy civilians. I wanted to return to west, but Prince Haidron prevented him: Volt defeated him in the battle, but the prince sent him to another dimension. He, together with the Linka came to Heidron in a dream, saying that he won and overthrow from the throne of his father. Chief Bakugan is a clown-puppet of the armor (eng. Bronontes), later the mechanical soldier Borez (eng. Boriates). It was very tied to the armor, and when Millin threw him in horror. In order to bring him back, fought with Gas, who picked up and modified the armor. In the battle lost, and Bronchis was thrown by Gas somewhere in the new Westrow. Bakugan trap - Dainemo, then HEXTAR.

Prince Hydron is a proud and greedy prince, son of Senokheld. He has the habit of tearing hair tips. Almost all his subordinates, centuries, dislike him. Prince Heidron replaced Has after he left the centuries. I constantly tried to earn respect and praise from the Father, but always in response received only neglect. He sent a link and the Volt to another dimension, but after that they constantly came to him in dreams, calling him to overthrow his father. In the battle with Linkom, he admitted that he himself would like to leave the centuries, but does not have such an opportunity. Later I betrayed Zenoheld, and fought against him together with the front of the resistance. Exploded along with Dradia and Zenokheld. Most likely died. Element of his Bakuganov - Earth (Saberra). Chief Bakugan - Mechanical Ninja Droide.

King Zenoheld is the former King of Vesta, but remained the king for centuries. Incredibly cruel and bloodthirsty. Hated all Bakuganov and dreamed of destroying them. Replaced the spectrum after he left the seconds. Destroyed all the legendary soldiers of the elements in order to get the energy of the elements with which planned to launch the system of destroying backers. After that, I wanted to destroy the west, the new Westrow and the Earth with the help of alternative weapons of Professor Clai. Until the latter, they fought against the fighters, but exploded with Heidron, who betrayed him. Element Bakuganov - Fire (Pios). Its Bakugan is a mechanical dragon Farbruz, which can be combined with the assembly system (4200 g).

Professor Clay - Father Worlds and China. Created cyber-baccugs based on DNA of real. Created a system for the destruction of Bakugan and made a project on alternative weapons capable of destroying entire galaxies. The world tried to persuade him to go to her side, but he was already too obsessed with his work. Obtained with his research so much that went crazy. Died during the crash of the base.

Invasion of Gandelyansev
New fighters

Fabia Shin or Princess Fabia (English Fabia Sheen Or Princess Fabia) - Queen's sister Niffia - SERINES. Fabia is 16 years old. Perfectly owns battle skills. She was sent by Lilage to the ground to find the best player in Bakugan, who will help to win the war with Gandelie. Very friendly and even rasament, but when necessary, it can become serious and even cold-blooded. I can easily forgive. Ready for all to not let the queen and their people. Sknofully hides his sadness, but in the soul is terrified by the sufferings about his deceased fiance, the commander of the Nifi troops - Gina, who killed Kazarina. Fabia replaced Jake Bakuganov, Shuang and Marucho on the real, because they had only digital clones. Element of her backers - light (chaos). Chief Bakugan - Aranoth (English Aranaut). Armor - Martial Crash.

In Mechtanium Surge Fabia is 17 years old, and now she is Queen of Nature, as the serine renounced the throne. It became more serious, supports friendly relations with Gandelie. Raifa sent to Earth to help fighters. I gave Arana Captain Eldeut.

Jake Vallory (Eng. Jake Vallory) - became a new friend Dan, when Dan moved to a new city. Jake 15 years. He is interested in American football. He never played Bakugan before, lost in his first battle, but won the match-revenge thanks to Julie's advice. Now he is a good fighter. For a while was recruited by Kazarina, and fought on the side of Gandelia, but was defeated by the fighters and returned to the team, freed from hypnosis. Like the rest is the knight of the castle, an elite soldier of Guard Nifia. Element of his Bakuganov - Earth (Saberra). His Chief Bakugan - Cordem (English Coredem). Cordem first was a digital clone, but then Fabia replaced it to real Bakugan. Armor - Rock Hamer.

Ren Kreyler (Ren Krawler) - Darkus Fighter. The 16-year-old Handeliaken, disguised as a man who sent an emperor Barodius to Earth to find strong fighters and defeat Nifia. First, Ren became friends with the fighters in the newest West and for a long time they lied, until Fabia appeared. After the fighters understood that he was an enemy, he went back to the barodius, but later he joined the fighters again, - Fabia forgave him. Element of his Bakuganov - Darkus. His Chief Bakugan - Lineholt (English Linehalt) Armor - Bumix. Ran showed his real appearance after a fight with Marucho. In the guise of man, Ren has dark skin, white hair and light-brown eyes.

In Mechtanium Surge Renu is 17 years old. Now he is the commander of the Gandelian army. Desperate and selfless. His Bakugan is still Lindholt.
Secret agents from Gandelia

Ren Croiler-leader (English Ren Krawler) - Darkus Fighter. The 16-year-old Handeliaken, disguised as a man who sent an emperor Barodius to Earth to find strong fighters and defeat Nifia. First, Ren became friends with the fighters in the newest West and for a long time they lied, until Fabia appeared. After the fighters understood that he was an enemy, he went back to the barodius, but later he joined the fighters again, - Fabia forgave him. Element of his Bakuganov - Darkus. His Chief Bakugan - Lineholt (English Linehalt) Armor - Bumix.

Ran showed his real appearance after a fight with Marucho. In the guise of man, Ren has dark skin, white hair and light-brown eyes. Taking the real form of Ren looks like humanoid. From the man of Gandelyanz distinguishes actually only pointed ears, claws, reptile eyes and feet like a dinosaur.

LED Arkeyl (eng. Sid Arkail) - Piosa Fighter. Presumably was destroyed by the emperor, but it turned out that he was alive and was in the Laboratory of Kazarina. Later he escaped. Fell from the cliff during the battle and died. Chief Bakugan - Rubanoid (English Rubanoid). Armor - Destrakon Gear.

Lena Iceis (English Lena Isis) is a fighter of Aquosa. It acts similarly to Mallin in the new West. Very smart, cunning and judgment. Lost in battle, and to avoid punishment from Kazarina decided to attack it. But Kazarina learned about his conceived her, and presumably she killed her. However, later it turned out that she was alive, but was trapped by the Laboratory of Kazarina. It was liberated, but because of the death of Cerkarina, she moved to the side of Nifia. Main Bakugan - Phosphos (English. Phosphos). Armor - TerrorCrest (Terrorcrest).

Zenet Surrows (English. Zenet Surrow) - Chaos Fighter. Zenet is a very strange person, and she is a strong fighter. Very much resembles a shadow with his manners and character. It was allegedly killed, but it turned out that she was in the laboratory of Kazarina. It was liberated, but because of the death of Cerkarina, she moved to the side of Nifia. Chief Bakugan - Contestir (English. Contestir). Armor - SPAPTABLASTER.

Mason Brown (Eng. Mason Brown) - Saberra Fighter. He was the first to fight Jake. Presumably died when the sacred crystal released a wave of protective energy to prevent the destruction of Nifia. However, he turned out to be allowed to be shown in the series 29. Chief Bakugan - Evior (English Avior). Armor - Lashor (LASHOR).

Jesse Glenn (Eng. Jessy Glenn) - Ventus fighter. Very strong fighter. Speaks with a British accent. I was able to defeat the hacker and Neo Zipreitor himself. Later was supposedly killed, and his Bakugan Plefion betrayed him, but then he was shown in the Laboratory of Kazarina others. He was released, but because of the death of Kazarina, he moved to the side of Nifia. Chief Bakugan - Plefion (English Plitheon). Armor - Wilaner.

Battle dozen from Gandelia (The Twelve Orders)

Emperor Barodius - the leader of a combat dozen, rules Gandelie. He was born in a family, which already many generations manages Gandelie. It is the main antagonist in the invasion of gadcanians. His main goal is to conquer Naphia. Most of all he trusts Gill. Element of his Bakuganov - Darkus. His Chief Bacaguga is Darak (English. Dharak), Armor - Eirkor (Aircor), Megan Design - Darak Colossus.

Erzel - an expert on informational analyzes. Airsel is hiding in the shade to protect the barodius. Calls Gilla "Master". He was killed by barodius, protecting the ship Gilla. Element of his Bakuganov - Wind (Ventus). His Chief Bakugan is an airsicflarer (eng. Strikeflier). Armor - Combat Turbine.

Nurzak - Flood clever and wise. Although he is the oldest participant in a combat dozen, he has more of all physical energy. In battle, it is very well planning strategies, and assesses the situation. He was killed by Emperor Barodius, but survived and was shown in the 29th series along with Mason. Element of his Bakuganov - Earth (Saberra). His Chief Bakugan is a sabator (eng. Sabator). Armor - Chompiks. Almost at the end of the season, he becomes the side of the fighters.

MECHTANIUM SURGE NURZACA becomes Prime Minister Gandelia.

Gill is a calm and cold-blooded warrior, who must be loyalty to the Emperor Barodius. He had no parents, and he was brought up by Emperor Barodius, on which he looked like on her older brother. By order of the emperor Barodius, he will go into battle, no matter whether or not. He killed Kazarina, as she considered him not needed and for it paid his life. Element of his bakugans - Fire (Pios). His Chief Bakugan - Krakiks (English. Krakix). Armor - Histor.

Stoika - a double personality - maybe an angel, and maybe the devil. When he is an angel, he is fun and funny, but when he is in the devil mode, he is very cruel, and no one can stop him. His opponent in battle is very difficult to guess his next move. Many times saved Gandelia thanks to his ingenious abilities in the battle. He is the youngest participant in a combat dozen. He fell into the radius of the defeat of the beam of Darack, when he was aiming in the Dragonoid Colossus. Element of his backers - water (AKVOS). His Chief Bakugan - Lifyrus (English Lythirus). Armor - Ricoid.

Kazarina - tricky, cold-blooded and ruthless. Her goal is - the development of backugan abilities that can compete with Nephia. She is the only scientist who knows the secret of the evolution of Bakugan. Kazarina can hypnotize people that she does to make them fight on the side of Gandelia. Later was killed by Gill. Element of her backers - light (chaos). Her Chief Bakugan - Lumagrooul (English Lumagrowl). Armor - Barias.

Other characters (secondary)

Linus Claude (Eng. Linus Claude) - Laines sends General Nature, so that he gives Fabia Bakugan NEO, which stores the element. (The element is the vital power of Nifia, without it, Nifia will turn into a non-frozen desert. Therefore, Gandelie wants to pick up an element). He arrives at the land trying to find Fabia. But it loses the non-zipreitor in battle against Rena and Jesse. After that, he falls into the hospital, because he was piled by fragments in the arena of battle. Element of his Bakugan Fire (Pairus). Chief Bakugan Neo Ziprator (English Neo Ziperator), then Rubanoid. After the zipreitor handed the drago element, he appeared to Laynes in a dream to tell about it and say goodbye to the other. Later returned to Nature.

Queen Sirena (English Queen Serena) - Queen of Niffia, and the eldest sister Fabia. It was she sent Fabia to Earth to find strong fighters that would help defend from Gandelia. Very worried about Nature and their people.

In Mechtanium Surge, the serine renounced the throne, becoming the Ambassador of Gandelia, and submitting the Royal Title Fabia.

Captain Elright (English Captain ELright) - He controls the troops of Nature. When the first defensive shield was destroyed by Laynes on Earth, to convey Fabia Nao Zipreitor, and he was captured by Gandelia. Later escaped and returned to Nature. Made the fighters together with Fabia Knights of the castle. Element of his Bakugan Light (chaos). Chief Bakugan Raptorix (English Raptorix)

Jin (Eng. Jin) is a former captain of the Niffian troops and the bridegroom Princess Fabia. Killed Kazarina and Lumagulom in battle. The pendant with his hologram Fabia always keeps with him. He was hotly loved by Princess, and after his death Fabia began to treat with prejudice absolutely to all Gandelyans. Chief Bakugan - Aranoth (after his death, he moved to Fabia).

Front of resistance Bakugan

The organization headed by peace in the new West. The main goal is to free Bakuganov. Enemies - Vecs.
The world of Ferren (Eng. Mira Fermen) - 16-year-old girl in bulk. It has red hair and blue eyes. She first realized that Bakugan live creatures. Founded, consists and manages the front of resistance Bakugan. Her father is a scientist engaged in the study of Bakuganov and the creation of cyberbakuganas based on DNA of real. All the time I was looking for missing somewhere brother China, when it turned out that her brother spectrum she even crossed him to the side of the centuries, but quickly returned to the fighters. When Kid joined the fighters was very happy, and spent a lot of time with him. Quiet and judgment, always believes in the team. Very attractive. Motorously drives a motorcycle. As Dan said "She sounds like a fleece." Element Bakuganov - Earth (Saber). Chief Bakugan - Wild.
Ace (eng. ACE) - 16 years. It has a bluish-gray hair color, and gray eyes. Very proud and self-confident, often contemptuously belongs to people. In love with peace, but the world does not really pay attention to it. Ace is careful, but if it comes to the world, he forgets everything, and goes to her aid. Element Bakuganov - Darkus. Chief Bakugan - Dragon-Humanoid Percival (Eng. Percival).
Baron (English Baron) - slightly funny guy, 13 years old. Wants to look and touch everything he likes. The fan of the desperate fighters Bakugan, especially Drago and Dan, which is not different as "Mentor Dan". At the beginning of his second partner was Tiger, but he lost its spectrum. After that, I was afraid to fight because it could lose Nemus. But later, he understands that he must fight, and not be afraid of battle. Very emotional. It has a lot of brothers and sisters. Element Bakuganov - Light (chaos). Chief Bakugan - Nemus (English Nemus).


Special organization consisting of 6 wester fighters. They struggle with the front of the resistance and belong to Bakugamam somewhat differently than the fighters. Like any other characters, have both positive and negative character traits. Serve Prince Heidron and King Zenohheld.
Spectrum Phanto / Keith Farmen (English Spectra Phantom / Keith Fermen) is a former protagonist. Wears a red mask. Later it turns out that he is brother of the world. I left the centuries in my own interests. Very cruel and cunning. Element Bakuganov - Fire (Pios). Chief Bakugan - Dragon Helios (Eng. Helios). In 44, the episode removed the mask and joined the front of the resistance. In 48, the episode was again the spectrum, so that in a pair with peace to fight from Shadow and Mallin. The spectrum was the first fighter that used the combat mechanism.
Gus Grav (English Gus Graw) is a blue-haired guy. Close servant spectra. Fucked with the spectra and lost him, after which he joined the spectrum. Very devoted to him and fulfills all his orders. POST HOUSE AND ZHADEN. He left the centuries with the spectra. Element Bakuganov - Earth (Saberra). Chief Bakugan - Volcan (eng. Vulcan). Gas was allegedly killed during the battle with King Zenohheld, but in episode 49 he was shown in the prison of the Palace of Mother. Moreover, Gas was alive, what we can see in the next, 50 series. There he spoke with Heidron, who was also sent to the prison of the Palace of the Mother. And in the final battle, together with Heidron, helped fighters in battle with Zenokheld.
Shadow ProW Shadow Prove (English) is one of the strongest Darkus fighters. Very extravagant and unusual personality, in the nature of which wake up and bad and good sides. He is very emotional and childishly touching, often does not know how to lose, especially fighting Bakugan. The only one who does not exhibit respected to Prince Heidron, and even on the contrary, very demonstratively radiates his ignorance. At the meetings sits aside, which speaks of his remoteness from normal westers. His behavior can be considered even obscene: he loudly speaks at elevated colors, laughs and proves the language, quite often changing the expression of the face. But no one knows whether he is crazy, what it wants to seem, or simply is unnecessary sensitive. Its hair is white, eyes, which periods become different sizes, red. For an incomprehensible reason, has claws and fangs. The main colors of the costume - black, yellow and purple. The main Bakugan throughout the series was Hayides (Bakugan created on the basis of DNA Hydravenda), after Hayides broke, it was replaced. Shadow spends a lot of time next to Malina, although they are not considered official partners. Very often he tries to impose her, showing and constantly talking about something. She, on the contrary, trying to get rid of him, ignores, calls, etc. If you look more attentive, you can understand that Shadow clearly does not like it, but he, however, continues to stand on his own. This is proof that it is clearly indifferent to it. He even exhibits this in the last series of them with Millin Presence: when they began to be taken to another measurement, he, instead of saving himself, grabbed her hand. She, of course she said that it was stupid, to which he replied that he would be much more fun to go unknown to where with the new best friend. Mallin only sighed and smiled, because he did not expect this from the one who considered only the curb.
Mallin Faeron (Eng. Mylene Pharaon) - Cold Beauty. It has bluish hair and blue eyes. Proud, proud and arrogant. Very cunning. Higher than all cruel in relation to Bakugam. Element Bakuganov - Water (Aquas). Chief Bakugan - Eliko (Eng. Elico), later Mechanical Bakugan Makubass (Eng. Macubass). In 48 episode, Makubass was broken by Wilde during a fight with peace. Posted to another dimension along with a shadow for its own error. Before it was tightened to another dimension of the world and Keith tried to help her, but she said that it would be better to die than he would take help from enemies.
Link Volan (English Lync Volan) is a state spy. Lie, proud and hypocritical. He has pink hair color and blue eyes. Elements of Bakuganov - Wind (Ventus). Chief Bakugan is a mechanical bird Altair (English Altair), which broke in 11 episode. In 30 episodes, his new Bakugan became ELUZ (English Aluze), which is Alteira's upgrade. In the 47th series it turns out that Link is in love with Alice - tried to warn her about danger, going to the ground. On Earth was forced to fight Prince Heidron and lost, did not have time to warn Alice. Eluz was broken, and Hydron sent a link to another dimension. But despite this, before Link completely went to another dimension, he threw his glove, which Alice was subsequently found. She found a memory card with the developments of the Father of Mira and China - Professor Clai. Later with a waiter came to Heidron in a dream saying so that he won his father and took his place.
Volt Laster (eng. Volt Luster) - Chaos Fighter. Big and strong. Overly self-confident and sometimes a blowing, but respects his opponents. Chief Bakugan - Bron Nuts (Bronontes), and later, the mechanical soldier of Buraeides (English Boriates). It was very tied to the armor, and when Millin threw him in horror. In 46, the episode was left of the centuries, because I decided that they went too far. I wanted to return to Vestin, but Prince Hydron prevented him - the Volt won him in battle, but the prince sent him to another dimension. Then he, together with the Link, came to Heidron in a dream. Speaking so that he won and overthrow from the throne of his father.
Prince Hydron is a proud and greedy prince, son of Senokheld. He has the habit of tearing hair tips. Almost all his subordinates, centuries dislike him. Prince Heidron replaced Has after he left the centuries. I sent a link and a voltage to another dimension, but after that they constantly came to him in dreams. Later I betrayed Zenoheld, and fought against him together with the front of the resistance. Exploded with the drive and Zenokheld. Most likely died. Its Bakugan is a mechanical ninja drive. Element Bakuganov - Earth (Saberra).
King Zenoheld - replaced the spectrum after he left the seconds. Element Bakuganov - Fire (Pios). Its Bakugan is a mechanical dragon Farbruz, which can be combined with the assembly system (4200 g). He called on the battle of the legendary warriors of the Westrow, but after they deceived it, the only goal began to seize the energy of the elements that the ancients handed over to the fighters. Until the latter fought against the fighters, but exploded along with Heidron who betrayed him.
Professor Clay - Father Worlds and China. Created cyberbakuganov based on DNA of real. The world tried to persuade him to go to her side, but he was already too obsessed with his work. But he cares about his children. Wrap it with his research so much crazy.

Daniel Kuzo (Dan Kuso)
Betz Bakugan in the world. The leader of the fighters of resistance Bakugan. Master of Element Fire (Pyrus). Chief Bakugan - Pyrus Neo Dragonoid. New Westrow: Dane 15 years. Combined with Neo Dragonoid, which received a new form after an agreement to separate from the kernel using Legendary Soldiers Westroy.

Drago took Dan and Marucho to the new Westrow, where they met with Mira, Ace and Baron. While Mira and Baron accepted him, Ace wanted Dan to deserve confidence and fought with him in the battle ended with a draw. Dan agreed to help resistance to release Bakuganov, destroying all Dimension Controllers, who hold backers in their shape-balls.

Dan is still bold, but he matured noticeably. He is the same hyperactive boy, sometimes underestimating people, but in all signs, he grown. Dan, as before, loves to fight very much. Currently, Dan is the first and only person who can defeat all centuries at least once.

Dan has many different bakugans. More often than all he used Drago. He has a scorpion trap. He captured and used Grakas Hound, Dark Hound, Grafias, Brachium, Spitarm and Spyderfencer.

Bakugan Dan:
Pyrus Neo Dragonoid (Drago)
Pyrus Cross Dragonoid
Pyrus Helix Dragonoid
Maxus Dragonoid
Maxus Cross Dragonoid
Pyrus Apollonir.
Pyrus Scorpion (trap)
SILVER JETKOR (combat mechanism)
Pyrus Spyderfencer.
Ventus Spitarm.
Darkus Dark Hound.
Haos Brachium.
Aquos Grafias.
Ventus Atmos.
Haos Freezer

Shun Kozmi (Shun Kazami)
One of the strongest fighters Bakugan. Shun - 16 year old fighter. Departs in Westrow Together with Dan and Marucho. His style is also strong and silent as before. Element of his Bakuganov - Wind (Ventus, Ventus). After it was divided from Bakugan Skyress, Shun is combined with the Ventus Ingram and his Ventus HYLASH trap, which has a form of an oval cylinder.

In the end of the 2nd season, the New Westrow, Hawktor becomes his Bakugan-guard.

Shun as before uses Bakugan Element Wind (Ventus).

Bakugan Shuna:
Ventus Ingram
Ventus Master Ingram
Ventus hawktor
VENTUS HYLASH (combat mechanism)
Ventus Shadow Wing.
Ventus Storm Skyress
Haos Hammersaur.

Marucho Marukura (Marucho Marukura
Very wise 13-year-old fighter, element Bakuganov - Water (Aquas, Aquos).
In the second season he is paired with Aquos Elfin.

Marucho goes to a new Westrow with Dan and Drago. When the speakers attack at the beginning on Dan and Mira, he retreats, but later finds a new style for himself to fight in a fight. Later, Marucho goes to the resistance headquarters where the new suit gets.

Bakugan Marucho:
Aquos Preyas.
Aquos Elfin.
Aquos Minx Elfin.
Aquos Akwimos.
Aquos Tripod Epsilon (trap)
Aquos Wontu.

Ace Grit (Ace Grit)
Handsome Ace, full of sarcasm character. Element of his Bakuganov - Darkus, Darkus). Usually Ace is immersed in their thoughts. His partner in the battle of Darkus Percival and Falcon Fly trap. He is 16 years old and he largely behaves like Dhan. Ace and Mira spend a lot of fights like Dan and Runo.

Ace Grit is part of the resistance. He has fun and feeds feelings to Mira, although it does not pay attention to this fact.

ACE did not readily perceived the joining of people to resistance, but after in a fight - testing with Dan he had a draw, he accepted Dan and Marucho in their group.

Bakugani Eys:
Darkus Percival.
Darkus Midnight Percival
Darkus Falcon Fly (trap)
Darkus Flash Falcon Fly
Darkus Freezer
Haos Anchorsaur.

Mira Clay (Mira Clay)
Professor Clay daughter, Earth Earth Fighter (Subterra). Mira girl has fun and is the leader of the resistance. She was accepted by Bakugan fighters, but she was not completely trusted. Her partner Subterra Wilda and Baliton trap.

She also has a missing brother whom she sees in Spectra because of their identical way to throw Bakuganov.

Mira 16-year-old girl who wants to ever find her brother. Also, the world is in love with Dan, but not going to confess to him.

Bakugany Worlds:
Subterra Thunder Wilda.
Subterra Baliton (trap)
Subterra Verias.
Darkus Dark Hound.
Pyrus Spyderfencer.

Baron Lelta (Baron Leltoy)
Boy from Vesta, Big Fan Dan, Marucho, Shun and Drago. He is good and relates well to the fighters. He is a fan of fighters Bakugan, especially Dan, who is not different as "Mentor Dan". His Bakugan Mega Nemus and Piercian trap. He will soon be 13 years old. He is the youngest member of resistance. His element is light (haos).

Being the youngest of the fighters to learn a lot. He has great potential, but he needs to be improved in the attack and protection. Baron is young, but most of all are physically developed.

Baron Bakugan:
Haos Mega Nemus.
Haos Ancient Nemus.
Haos Piercian (trap)
Haos Blade Tigrerra.
Haos Jelldon.
Haos Rafflesian.
Darkus atchibee.
Darkus Anchorsaur.
Darkus Hammersaur.

Leader of the Species. Replaced Spectra Phantom after he left the seconds. Element Bakuganov - Fire (Pyrus). Its Bakugan is Farbros, which can be combined with the ASSAIL system.

Zenoheld - the main villain in the 2 season of the new Westrow. It is the former king wept. His Bakuganov created Professor Clay. His element - fire (pyrus). Zenoheld fought with six Legendary Soldiers and won with Pyrus Farbros. It is distinguished by cruelty, she tries not to just defeat the enemy, but completely destroy it.

Zenoheld is the father of Prince Hydron.

Bakugan Zenohelda:
Pyrus Farbros.
Pyrus Assail System
Alternative Weapon System
Pyrus Fortress (trap)

Hydron (Hydron)
Prince Hydron is a proud and greedy prince. He has the habit of tearing hair tips. Almost all his subordinates, centuries dislike him. Prince Hydron replaced GUS after he left the seconds. The main villain Zenoheld is the father of Prince Hydron.

Its Bakugan is a mechanical Dryoid. Element Bakuganov - Earth (Saberra).

Hydron Bakugan:
Subterra Dryoid
Darkus Alpha Hydranoid
Haos Blade Tigrerra.
Aquos Preyas.
Subterra Hammer Gorem.
Ventus Storm Skyress

Phanto Phantom Spectra (Spectra Phantom)
The real name of Keith Clay (Keith Clay) is a former protagonist. Wears a red mask. Later it turns out that he is Brother Mira (Mira Clay) and the son of Professor Clay. I left the centuries in my own interests. Very cruel and cunning. Element Bakuganov - Fire (Pyrus).

Chief Bakugan Spectra Phantom - Dragon Helios MK2. Uses MetalFencer trap.

Bakugan Spectra:
Pyrus Viper Helios.
Pyrus Cyborg Helios.
Pyrus Helios MK2.
Maxus Helios.
Maxus Helios MK2.
Pyrus Metalfencer (trap)
Twin Destructor (trap)
Zukanator (Second Trap)
Pyrus Hyper Dragonoid
Pyrus Neo Dragonoid
Pyrus Fencer.
Subterra scraper
Haos Spindle
Darkus Foxbat.
Aquos Leefram.
Ventus Klawgor.
Subterra Coredem.
Rock Hammer.
Ventus hawktor
Aquos Akwimos.

Mallin Pharaoh (Mylene Pharah)
Cold beauty with bluish hair. Quick and proud. Bakugan hates the stronger.

Element Bakuganov - Water (Aquas). Chief Bakugan - Macubass. Uses Tripod Theta trap.

Despite the fact that it is a member of the centuries, she does not trust Spectra. It also has a tendency easily to annoy Shadow. Mylene is also the only girl among the agencies.

Bakugan Malina:
Aquos abis omega.
Aquos Elico.
Aquos macubass
Aquos Tripod Theta (trap)
Aquos Jelldon.
Aquos Fly Beetle
Aquos Freezer
Aquos Clawcer.
Aquos Stug

VOLT LASTER (Volt Luster)
Chaos fighter. Big and strong. Overly self-confident, blowing, but respects his opponents. Volt fighter honor and usually does not act without an order. His element is light (haos).

Chief Bakugan - Boriates. VOLT LUSTER has two Dynamo and Hexstar traps.

In the episode of Volt "S Revolt, VOLT leaves the rows of centuries, as he could not allow Professor Clay to destroy the earth and wept. Volt betrays seconds, because he cannot accept all the evil King Zenoheld and Prince Hydron.

Volt Fighter Element Light (HAOS). He is the only one of the centuries who had no mechanical Bakugan, but he is the first who possessed a mechanical trap.

Bakugan Voltage:
Haos Mega Brontes.
Haos Boriates.
Haos Dynamo (trap)
Haos Hexstar (Second Trap)
Haos Freezer


Blue-haired guy, faithful servant Spectra. Fucked with Spectra and lost him, after which he joined Spectra.

Very devoted to him and fulfills all his orders. POST HOUSE AND ZHADEN.

Gus Grav is a very strong fighter. Element Bakuganov - Earth (Subterra). Chief Bakugan - Primo Vulcan. Uses Hexados trap.

Bakugan Gasa:
Subterra Primo Vulcan.
Subterra Rex vulcan.
Subterra Hexados (trap)
Aquos Elico.
Aquos Blast Elico.
Haos Mega Brontes.
Haos Alto Brones.
Ventus Spitarm.
Haos Brachium.
Aquos Grafias.

Shadow Prove

Shadow Prove The Fighter of the Element of Darkus (Darkus) in the 2 season New Westrow. It is part of the Centuries, and usually in the plot acts in a pair with Mylene. He dislike when Mylene leads with him as his boss, but her opinion is important for him about him.

Non-early and mentally sick, terribly laughs and stuff when he says. Constantly suits the language and licks everything that he comes across.

Main Bakugan - Mac Spider Mechanical Hydra, Trap - Darkus Fortress.

Bakugan Shadow:
Darkus Mac Spider
Darkus Hades.
Darkus Fortress (trap)
Darkus Sylvee.
Darkus Hammersaur.
Darkus Anchorsaur.
Darkus atchibee.

Lync Volan (Lync Volan)

State spy. Lie, proud and hypocritical.
All the time boasts what can overcome any in the fight and ever.

Element Bakuganov - Wind (Ventus). Chief Bakugan - Ventus Aluze. Lync trap did not receive.

Lync alone did not won any victory. He is the most weak fighter of the centuries, and the youngest.

Link Bakugan:
Ventus Aluze
Ventus Altair.
Ventus Wired.
Ventus Fly Beetle.
Ventus Atmos.

Minor characters

Professor Clay (Professor Clay)
Professor Clay Father Spectra Phantom (Keith Clay) and Mira Clay. Prefers to execute the orders of the Centuries to continue their research to implement their own plans. Professor Clay Creator of Mechanical Bakugan.

Very located to Zenoheld. Professor Clay created the BT system, which, if successful, destroys all Bakuganov.

Mechanical Bakugans Created by Professor Clami:
Ventus Altair.
Ventus Wired.
Darkus Hades.
Darkus Fortress
Haos Dynamo.
Pyrus MetalFencer.
Pyrus Cyborg Helios.
Pyrus Spyderfencer.
Aquos Grafias.
Haos Brachium.
Ventus Spitarm.
Pyrus Fencer.
Aquos Leefram.
Haos Spindle
Subterra scraper
Ventus Klawgor.
Darkus Foxbat.
Pyrus Farbros.
Subterra Dryoid
Aquos macubass
Ventus Aluze
Haos Hexstar
Darkus Mac Spider
Haos Boriates.

Runo Misaki (fleece Misaki)

Runo - Girl - a Torvan, which is not a typical girl of his age.

Blue-haired girl with greens. There are always two high tails on the sides. Dressed in yellow top over a pink and white skirt with a pink strap.

It does not endure when others think that they can win it just because she is a girl. Favorite colors - blue, yellow and white.

Works with parents in their family cafe waitress. Element of her backers - light (chaos, haos). Chief Bakugan - Tigritsa Tigrerra, which later develops in Blade Tigrerra.

Runo often holds attacks in the forehead on enemies. It rarely uses a strategy in a fight, but when it fights with its enemies, they are in a serious problem.

Bakugan Runo:
Haos Tigrerra
Haos Blade Tigrerra.
Haos Griffon.
Haos Siege
Haos Saurus.
Haos Tuskor
Haos Hynoid
Haos juggernoid
Haos Robotallion.
Haos Mantris.
Haos serpenoid
Haos Ravenoid
Haos Terrorclaw.
Haos Manion.
Haos Monarus.
Haos Bee Striker.
Haos Falconeer.

Julie Makimoto (Julie Makimoto)

Glamorous fashionista from Las Vegas. It has whitish hair with a blue tint and blue eyes. In the season 2, the new Westrow she is 15 years old.

She has an older sister, behind which she imitated in childhood. At first she liked Dan. But later, Billy Gilbert's best friend, became her FRerend. Very emotional, but always trying to remain optimistic even when something bad happened.

Element of her backers - Earth (Saberra, Subterra). Chief Bakugan - Mighty Giant Hammer Gorem.

Bakugan Julie:
Subterra Gorem.
Subterra Hammer Gorem.
Subterra Tuskor
Subterra Rattleoid
Subterra Manion.

Alice Gehabich (Alice Gehabich)

Masquerade - Alice Alice Ego.

Born and grew up in Moscow. She lived alone in a small house while her grandfather, Michael Gehabich, did not arrive behind her.

She also has aunt and uncle, with whom she lived when he was hiding from the fighters. Her parents died and she received her education at home from her grandfather. She is closest to Runo and often worries about Dan and Shun.

She has lush brown hair, radiant brown eyes and white leather without any flaws. Always wearing a modest green dress with a yellow skirt.

In Bakugan, she fears, but perfectly disassembled in the game. Often gives advice on the strategy to other players. It knows when every time you need to use each Bakugan. He herself takes the Runo's parents in their family cafe, and the boys go there usually not to eat, and to lay on a cute Alice appearance.

Alice is very polite, often performs the instructions of others, and rarely bother others with their problems. Perceptive, easily determines the mood of friends on their behavior.

If Alice participated in battles, she would have become the best in the battle strategy. She would occupy a high place in the ranking of the strongest fighters. The only thing that bothers it is that it does not like fights.

Chief Bakugan - Alpha Hydranoid.

Bakugan Alice, when she was, and not Masquerade:
Darkus Alpha Hydranoid
Battle Against Klaus
Ventus Bee Striker.
Darkus Centipoid.
Illusionary Alice.
Darkus Centipoid.
Darkus Exedra.
Darkus Wormquake.

Klaus von Herzen (Klaus von Herzen)

There was 2 in the ranking of the strongest Bakugan fighters before losing in a fight with Masquerade. Collects the Bakugan collection in your home in Germany. His element - water (Aquos). Returns in 2 seasons New Westrow in the episode "Saved by The Siren".

Bakugan Claus:
Aquos Sirenoid
Aquos Stinglash.
Aquos Griffon.
Aquos Terrorclaw.
Aquos Preyas.
Haos El Condor
Pyrus Siege
Darkus Centipoid.
Ventus Bee Striker.
Subterra Manion.
Pyrus Gargonoid
Pyrus Saurus.

Chan Lee
Chan Lee has east origin. Well owns eastern martial arts.

In season 2, the new Westrow helps Alice defeat Shadow. It takes a high place in the ranking of the strongest fighters Bakugan. Her element - fire (Pyrus).

Bakugany Chan Li:
Pyrus Fortress
Pyrus Manion.
Pyrus Centipoid
Pyrus Warius.
Pyrus Gargonoid

Billy Gilbert (Billy Gilbert)

Billy first appeared in the 1st season as a fighter of the Earth Earth (Subterra) in a fight with Julie Makimoto where he won using his Bakugan Cycloid. But later in the TV series Julie wins Billy Gilbert using Having Gorem.

In the 2 season, the New Westrow Billy Gilbert is shown in the memoirs of Julie Makimoto. Julie Makimoto remembers how he traveled to the world, as he lived in Spain, as he moved to Africa to build schools.

His backers are almost identical to Bakugam Julie Makimoto.

Billy Gilbert Bolugany:
Subterra Wormquake.
Subterra Hynoid
Subterra Tuskor
Subterra Rattleoid
Subterra Manion.


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