Direct ether Ksenia Sobchak against Nishbrodov. Sobchak against "fatty people"

Direct ether Ksenia Sobchak against Nishbrodov. Sobchak against "fatty people"

Friends! I am in Murmansk for two weeks for two weeks I do not watch the answer and your program "Tau 9 1/2". Your TV channel can be viewed here only on the satellite platter Tricolor. And she has a 5-storey roof. And now two weeks ago on the roof of the house I was climbed something to make employees of the housing management company. They repair something there, probably on the complaint of tenants of the 5th floor repair the roof, because Snow began to melt. I live on the 2nd floor. And these extinguishes of the semi-man cut the satellite dish cable and probably broke the fastening of the plate itself. Our local television is cowardly and does not want to take a plot about it.

Answer: Probably, you just need a wizard to call antenna installation so that it reinstall ...

I would very much like to repeat Tau 9 and 1/2 again went out at 7.00 am, as before, and not at 6.00, as now. At 7.00 is the optimal time to view your news when you are going to work. Is it possible to positively solve this problem? Valery.

Kocherin Valery Anatolyevich

Answer: Good. Let's try to solve. Thank you

People, be careful for fake documents for sold real estate, then fake documents provide customers, buyers take an illegal loan for a non-existent real estate object. Until July 2018, I lived before in the city of Iskitim Novosibirsk region, with a disabled son, now I live in Yekaterinburg. Since, my son is shown treatment in specialized spinal centers, we decided on all we have cashBuy room in Yekaterinburg. Buying real estate in Yekaterinburg was due to a vital necessity, as in the major city, my son will be able to provide the necessary medical care. Son, disabled since childhood with a difficult medical diagnosis (1st group of disability with impaired operation of the musculoskeletal system). He cannot serve himself independently, his state of health requires constant help of unauthorized persons, he has a bad orientation in space and in time, he cannot cook food, care for himself, move in the room without the help of outsiders. My son requires a permanent "nurse", and he also needs to deliver food, medicines and essentials, and also constantly perform medical procedures. The main criterion of purchased housing was the presence of gas in the house and the availability of water in the room, since water is required for my son, water, at the same time, these procedures are impossible to conduct in places. common use. In addition, the Son's transportation itself is even for small distances for me extremely heavy. Announcement of the sale of a room at ul. Shefskaya 15 K.38 I read on the UPN website, to which any resident of the country can be logged in, while in Iskitim, in May 2018. The announcement indicated that there are water on the sold room, which was confirmed by the photos of the room. Because the opportunity to leave the Son even for a short time I do not have, I was forced to buy a room remotely (without departure from Iskitima). I applied for help to my former classmate -Relletor who trusted, since it is a real estate realtor. She I suggested to see other objects, for example, on Ul. Polyzunova 1 / b, on the street of the house 7 Building a newer and brick, the rooms on the subtle houses in the capital homes, but she has honored these options. As a result, it was chosen by this room at the address st. Shefskaya 15 K.38. She assured me that there was a major overhaul and everything is in order there, but this room is more than a million and a mortgage will be required. She assured me that since the seller, also a realtor S. Andrei Nikolayevich (director of the agency "Globus -......" 8-963-031 -...), then the deal will be absolutely legal and this room will surely drive through bank. My familiar realtor, agreed on the introduction of a partial payment for the room, made a partial payment in the amount of 30,000 rubles, and, together with S. prepared documents for the transaction. S. received references and documents for the sale of an apartment (receipts and checks have been preserved in my name S., since the dealer is a realtor -k. (My friend) demanded me to pay me all the receipts. I translated money necessary to pay expenses, and K. Instead I sent me a receipt (originals) that I saved). K., as well as S. prepared documents for my transaction, namely, in conjunction with S. ordered a report for the Bank, who sent me to Iskitim by courier post (there is a bill of payment such a service), while it turned out later ( After the transaction), the documents were provided with fake. We are in ignorance of this, bought an object of real estate - the company on fake documents and photographs. Fake documents were preserved, they will be transferred to the court, as well as the prosecutor's office and to the police. All documents are forged in these documents: and the percentage of house wear, and the ceiling material, changed general information About the main design elements of the building, in the real estate evaluation report (appraiser S. E.V.) inserted photos of the room of another real estate object, the report also states that there is gas in the house, although there is no gas in the house, also in the report indicated, That the bathroom is located in public areas, while the bathroom is in the room, and is installed with all sorts of violations, information about partitions has been changed. Photos of the room, which were presented to the bank (without plumbing), as well as kitchen photos (with gas stoves) do not belong to the house. These photos of an outsider, which are simply inserted in order to distort information, and in order for the bank to approve the above object of real estate as a lending object for further deposit. My lawyer prepares statement of claim To appeal to court, to protect my rights. The whole fake of documents was needed only so that Sberbank approved this room as an object of the transaction, not knowing what makes credit money, under a collapsed housing with a huge percentage of wear and with an unimpressed water supply system in the room. The house itself, in which the above room is located, does not correspond to sanitary and hygienic requirements for sanitation. The room does not meet the requirements of the landscading law, does not meet all sanitary, engineering and technical requirements that the residential premises must be responsible for residence of citizens. And also does not meet the security requirements. Thus, PJSC Sberbank issued a loan to a non-existent object of real estate, while pledged the above object. The wines of each participant (the sellers of Andrei Nikolayevich, the realtor, Evgenia Konstantinovna, in the fake of documents, the appraiser Sh. E.V.) must be established by the consequence. Photos with illegally installed plumbing in the room, I was sent (photos attached), but they said that everything is legally and all documents for the legalization of redevelopment are, all documents will prepare. Since the presence of gas in the house and the availability of water in the room was a decisive factor in the choice of real estate, since my son is vital for the existence and medical procedures, I agreed to buy a room even with the involvement of credit funds. The assessment report states that all the documents provided I, and I ordered this report, but this is not true, since I arrived in Yekaterinburg, along with the son of disabled 1, only after the transaction, which was carried out in Iskitim. This is evidence: firstly at this time I was in Iskitim, a little later, I signed documents in Sberbank Iskitim, secondly, I have railway tickets from whom you can see, the date when we arrived in Yekaterinburg. Thirdly, I can not leave the son of one, he can't stand without any assistance. And the queen itself after receiving the report, sent me all the documents (I can confirm the documentary). I want to report that this transaction was made by me forcedly, I did not know the real state of affairs, and never signed an agreement if I knew about his real consequences for myself, the seller of the same sappers, and the Queen's realtor, knowing about my life situation, By deception and abuse of confidence, deliberately misled me, using false promises and fake documents in order to make a transaction at an overplicated price. Also, accurately, was misled and Sberbank, he issued credit funds under the "non-existent object". Such a room, as indicated in the documents simply does not exist. There is a wretched breakdown, which, according to Sberbank, could not be credited and never would have passed my transaction. The motive and goal, the seller and realtor are understandable to me and are clear, their goal was the sale of the room at an overpriced price, for which the documents were formed. The sappers and queen fake documents, deceived me using the fact that I did not know the prices in the city of Yekaterinburg, and inspired me to buy this room with fake documents for an overpriced about 1.5 times the price. For the room I paid 990,000 rubles, and I took 310,000 on credit for which I pay interest. This room was acquired by Saperov A.N. December 28, 2017 at gr. Mamedova M.V. For 600,000 rubles, and in July 2018 I was sold for 990,000 rubles. To date, according to the Urals Chamber of Real Estate in the house on the street. Shefskaya 15 For the sale of two rooms worth 630,000 rubles and 710,000 rubles. Their fraudulent actions were made in an active form (fake of documents), and also consisted in inaction (deliberately default on facts that would prevent the transaction to me). I did not know the real state of affairs, and would never have signed a purchase agreement and would not make this deal if I had reliable information. In fact, the house and room are a terrible spectacle: rotten floors, black reserved ceilings, loose walls with holes from the detached plaster, etc. I saw all this after the deal was carried out. In addition, it is necessary to once again note that Sberbank would never have issued a mortgage loan secured by such real estate if the actual documents were provided. Today, we live with the son of a disabled wheelchair in a terrible dilapidated house, and pay for him a mortgage that "eats" the main budget of our family, and this money is so necessary for us to treat my son. Before contacting the media and to organs, I tried to convince the Seller of Sperov to terminate the contract and returning money to me. He just laughed at me and said that I would never get money from him where I would not appeal. This is how the agencies work some agencies in our city. Now the prosecutor's office and the investigating authorities are engaged in my question. Ready to provide documents and shooting of real housing so that other buyers dream of buying an apartment, as a result, did not find themselves with a loan, but without an apartment. Tatyana Ivanovna Bukhokova (cellular 8-996-172 -....)

Answer: You need a good lawyer to combat these "Realters". Pay back to ...

In the house at the address of Avtomagistral D.29, the situation is at the moment - a resident of one of the apartments at this address, in connection with the conflicts in Ukraine, brought his native mother. Time passes, a resident decides to arrange his personal life and moves with children from this address. Mother sends to the street. She becomes not needed to her. The submarine of HOA has repeatedly appealed to the district school, talked with her daughter. Parotny says that it is not in their power. The daughter is that it is not obliged to contain it. At the moment, an elderly woman, in the afternoon walks, walks on the infantrymen. The night returns to the entrance. Sleep, lives, in the entrance. Residents of the house are very indignant. So long can not. Please tell me where to turn this mess to stop? Thank you in advance.

Melekhova Irina Sergeevna

Answer: Hook all this disgrace on the phone. It is necessary to remove horizontally 4-5 minutes. woman, ...

In Kirovograd, the Sverdlovsk region from January 2019 ceased to write recipes for preferential medicines, arguing this lack of funding from the Ministry of Health. Questions are proposed to ask by phone in the ministry. Nobody takes the tube. Kirovgrad doctors offer to come to the ministry. And what about those who are not completely transported. Help me please. Details, if possible, by phone. I appeal for the second time. Help.

Kazakova Valentina Grigorievna

Answer: Write in detail, please, what medications? What doctors? Full name? Polyclinic?

I suggest you to look at Global Med, which is located at ul. Belinsky D.61. The company allegedly engaged in the diagnosis of various kinds, in fact imposes loans to "treatment". Customers persistently and regularly call employees of Glibal Med under the pretext of free examination (cell phone numbers are not known from where they take). Yesterday 17.12.2018, I wanted to take advantage of this "gorgeous" opportunity and get a survey for free. I was recorded on 17h at the ultrasound of the lower limbs, without saying the FIO of the specialist. It was very asked to bring only a passport, and not the history of the disease, polis and past research, as usual. When I arrived there, I saw that everything was strange. Visitors in 90% older people, next to the administrator there is a Cabinet of Financial (Credit) Division. On the offices there is no profile not full of doctors, only the sequence number of the room. The staff is very untidy. For each visitor, a consultant is a consultant is absolutely illiterate and not having medical preparation !!! Which finds out your complaints for one financial situation. Then when the patient is examined and will write to him terrible diseases offer it (forced) to make a loan for treatment. Personally, I could have undergone a survey, because refused to treat in this institution. That is, even before the examination, I was told to me with direct text that if I would not pass the treatment with them, then I didn't have a survey for anything and I came to them if I know about my illness. In general, I had to leave. I want to say that this company is engaged in the first place, imposing loans by low-income and gullible citizens. Perhaps even specifically misunderstood diagnoses to intimidate their patients. In 2GIS there are a lot of reviews from the affected citizens who will also be able to confirm my words. Please take my message to the development, check this institution. It is a sorry for the elderly people who are underway for this deception because of their own gullibility and good attitude towards people. Cheating in the center of Yekaterinburg, under the nose at the administration.

Answer: Yes, we know everything about this scam: more than ten reports have done. And you still ...

Hello to all Tulats! While Pioneer-Edrosporovets Chusreyev is fighting with windmills of glass and Paveno alcohol, Novouralsk chokhal, and did other non-abdominal deeds. He drank, drink and drink Palencé and Fuffs. And we are all ok, fuffins Almost stops, and Palenks also probably walked. So let him better coasts health, the soul especially, otherwise it is possible to go to the sake of what? Let it be better for the beginning of the servant "Don Quixote" and firmly think about the meaning of life, but then Death - she comes unexpectedly, no one knows the last minute of his own. And now it happens and will not have time to repent in sins of all sorts, but now it is very important - the Christmas post, the Lord calls, is the time. The temple is shrawing. And after Cervantes and Visit the temple of the Gospel can begin to be honored. All Tuwsess toast and rapidness. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. With God blessing! R.B. John

Answer: What a cute you are ... a lot of God remember. And immediately, purulent words are moving away ...

An incredibly mild sentence ... In the Sverdlovsk region, the ex-head of the Police Police "was separated" by a fine for the embezzlement of official UAZ. In the Sverdlovsk region of the Polevsk City Court today, December 14, 2018, delivered conviction former chief Local ATS Igor Rzaev and his accomplice, businessman Andrei Ionasu, reports the correspondent of "Vedomosti Ural". The court appointed a colonel the punishment in the form of a court fine in the amount of 450 thousand rubles, Ionas according to the sentence will also be obliged to pay a lawsuit in the amount of 650 thousand rubles. Today's verdict of the court in relation to the ex-head of the Police of Polevsky was already called "incredibly soft." This is due to the fact that initially Igor Rzaev threatened the punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 6 years. Note, the trial on the "case of Rzaeva" started in Polevsky even at the beginning of this year. The fact that Alexander Chernyshov's Deputy House of the Sverdlovsk Region has approved the indictment and sent a field of Polevsky against Rzayev and Ionas to the court, it became known on December 22 last year. As the press secretary of the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk Region Marina Kanatova told, both are accused of part 3 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud committed by a person using its official position) and part 3 of Article 33 in relation to part 2 of Article 326 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (the organization of fake or destruction The identification number of the vehicle committed by a group of persons by prior agreement). According to the investigators, which was engaged in the second investigation department of the Sverdlovsk GRC management department, the accused kidnapped the UAZ service car 2007, belonging to the Garage of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Sverdlovsk region and transferred to Omvd Polevsky. According to the Fabule, the case received by the police department, the SUV Rzaev ordered to replace the similar old half-and-free machine of the 2000 release. At the same time, identification numbers were interrupted on the worn technology. Property damage from this majynation was estimated at 200 thousand rubles. Thus, the new UAZ thus was used after in the huntingman, which was used by the police authorities. The submenu was identified by the employees of Omvd Polevsky. They photographed the old UAZ on the joke on the territory of OMVD and the rooms were interrupted on it. Moreover, this information was brought to the general security of the Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and she was given. According to the press secretary of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Sverdlovsk region, Valery Borenekh, "The head, which is in question (the ex-head of the Police of Polevsky Igor Rzayev - Ed.), Was dismissed from the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs even before sentencing." Pension instead of court. Colonel Igor Rzaev, detached from the post of head of Om Indi Polevsky in January 2017, in connection with the criminal case initiated against him, was denied according to the order of November 3, 2018. In the near future, he will be retired, after which the head of the OMVD will be appointed a new leader, without the console "and. about.". According to the press service of the Polevsky City Court, today there is a meeting in the case of Igor Rzayev (by the way, on November 2, he celebrated his birthday) and his accomplice. Depending on the role and degree of participation in the incriminated acts, they are accused of fraud, a perfect person using their official position, and the organization of fake or destroy the identification number of the UAZ service car. I want to ask a question, how do you think can residents of the Polevsky city believing due to the law, if now in real time 40 km. From the city of Yekaterinburg, there are obvious corrupt actions of all branches of power? Also, I ask you to give your independent assessment of the above events with explanations, what to make inhabitants if there are no hope for legality at all, ask everyone, everyone thinks, but are afraid of simple, primitive physical destruction with their own power?

Morozov Dmitry Evgenievich

Answer: Thanks for the question and information. We will definitely understand and tell

We live in Yekaterinburg, on the street testes. On May 21, we have turned off hot water. LLC "Remstroyomlex" must 353 plants for gas and electricity 38 mil. rubles, and the most shocking that from July 1 must turn off the electricity from our village. RemstroyKompleks LLC shifts its guilt by 353 factory as the plant is bankrupt. If it is turned off with electricity, we will stay, without light, gas and hot and cold waterAs in the Stone Age, and LLC RemstroyKompleks will continue to charge for its services. My contact phone number 8-904-544-55-19 Nearby

Answer: Tin. What I do not know ... It is clear that the debts need to pay, but you are what? ...

But I did not exclude of course such a turn of events, but who does not risk the champagne! The risk is everywhere, our whole life is a risk, so we do not live now! Sheremet Oh, how sucks what you live in times of insumere and nihilism, you do not need to let themselves on the spiritual energy level of cables, scam and moral necrophilov in a subjective and objective manner of life masturbation ... You need to learn how to exclude the infantile donkeeper and a brighter degrading degenerate Which cannot adequately respond for their words in life! I mean to all in mind, so that in our life everything can be something that can not be, and that something can not be, what exactly can not be, but it can also be! Do not be afraid to Nyago and never ... You are a fairly famous and public person, you will be afraid to close in a psychiatric hospital! Kesha, read on the page ... Tutta Larsen, the first post she describes how she took this pseudonym, it is very interesting!

What do children love most? Of course, cartoons. In this section, we collected a variety of foreign and domestic cartoons. Among the huge selection, there will be a one who will especially love your tea. If you have a lot of cases or just want to relax, and the child asks constant attention, and if it is not, it begins to "dad", then cartoons will come to the rescue. Turning on the cartoon for a child, it can be distracted at least half an hour, or even two or three.

This kind of art as an animation, lives enough long enough. During this time, the quality has improved, which cannot but rejoice. Cartoons madly like children of any generation, everyone, being a child, adored cartoons. Many adults at one time had to wait on TV and had to watch what they show. Someone was lucky at one time if their parents bought cassettes or discs. And the new generation can already be viewed what they want and without spending from the parent wallet, because almost every house has a computer and the Internet, with the help of which a huge cartoon card emerge for every taste and color.

For the smallest Soviet Classics, which is famous for its simplicity, kindness and pleasant picture. For example, "Crocodile gene", "Prostokvashino", "Well, wait!", "Bremen Musicians", "Flying Ship", "Winnie Pooh", "Kid and Carlson" and many others. You can even sit down with the child and to interoperate by childhood. Also, for small children, there are many modern training cartoons that differ not only with a brighter picture, but filling.

For children, which is already finishing a kindergarten or learn in primary school, Entertainment cartoons are suitable, where heroes save someone or even the whole world. These are foreign cartoons about superheroes from comics, about magicians or fairies, or also domestic about the hero.

Those kids, which is already slow and correctly moving toward adolescence, can already begin to be interested in cartoons, which are particularly different in the plot. In such cartoons in a relaxed form of a child, make it think about serious things and experience the mass of emotions. They are for viewing all the family, because at the expense of a well-thought-out plot, they will be no less interesting for adults. Such cartoons can be safely put on one shelf with family films.

Teens, despite the fact that they consider themselves adults, they still love to watch cartoons. For teens already more bold and not so harmless as children. They prevail entertainment, adult jokes, teenage problems. These are mainly foreign multi-sieves cartoons, such as Simsons, Griffins, Futurama, etc.

Do not forget about adults. Yes, for adults also draw, only they are somewhat similar to adolescent, but more rude, abusive words, intimate subtext and adult problems are addressed ( family life, work, loans, middle-aged crisis, etc.).

Cartoons are a type of art in which the author's hands are completely unleashed, because it is possible to depict absolutely anything and at the same time supplement the charming story. We offer them to watch right now and getting great pleasure.

Ksenia Sobchak's TV journalist announced plans to run for the presidency of the Russian Federation in 2018. In the elections, she intends to act as a "candidate" against all "" - its election site is called "You want to show your active position, but does your candidate admitted to the elections? You do not have your candidate? Mark Sobchak. You do not choose it to the presidency. You just get a legal and peaceful opportunity to say "Enough! Delivered! "", - she is in her election letter.

His way to slogan "against all" Sobchak began long before announced nomination. The Insider recalls against whom the TV host spent in different years.

Sobchak against children

In March 2013, a record appeared on social networks. telephone conversation, in which a woman with a voice that looks like Ksenia Sobchak's voice, threatens the management home and covers a man of neighborhoods. In conversation, she expresses dissatisfaction with noise, which in the morning they arrange playing children, opposes "quiet hour", during which children sleep and can not be noise. She declares that she is "spitting on children," and promises to arrange "Reker Parties" in response to the "quiet hour."

Later TV presenter stated that the telephone recording is a fake, "Mix of real phrases with voice imitation".

Attention! Recording contains an abnormative vocabulary!

Sobchak against Kati Gordon

In July 2008, Sobchak opposed the leading program "The cult of personality" Kati Gordon, accusing her in the fact that she is "wondering."

"If we talk about a gentle, then the main complex that you are unloading."

"Do not chew a gum during the ether. It is unprofessional. Spread. "

"What is she so angry? Does she have a man for a long time, this is your leading Kati Gordon? Katech, relax. There is some kind of massage.

"Katya Gordon is sitting and walks with red stains, and all people sitting in the studio just ridge over it, because it is absolutely miserable spectacle."

"Listen, can you hire this woman? It seems to me that it has some critical days. "

"Listen, who will put it here at all? Do you always work so hard with her? "

Sobchak against Greenpeace

In October 2014, Sobchak told in Instagram, which is filmed in a new photo project, where artists try on images of historical and literary heroes. She laid out her photograph in the fur coat and, anticipating protests of animal defenders, accompanied an illustration of a short poem: "I don't need to find fault, I do so, envious, I will say: I have to dress in winter, that I am, this fur coat, bl @ th, rye? ? !! " I am removed for one very beautiful project :)) "Post Sobchak celebrated Tagami # stupid and # Greenfacuit.

Sobchak against "fatty people"

In August 2015, social network users outraged Sobchak's statement that she hates "greasy people." She did this statement in response to comments of their instagrama subscribers to the post about the fresh cover of the glossy magazine, which was decorated with two very thin models.

Publication from Ksenia Sobchak (@xenia_sobchak) Aug 20 2015 at 3:32 pdt

This is not the only case when Sobchak opposed people with overweight. In June 2013 she published clip in which the "fatty" women ridicule. The video has become a kind of payment for the lost betting of TV host Tatiana Arno, who looked at 10 kilograms for a month.

Sobchak against stewardess

In June 2016, Sobchak arranged a scandal on board an aircraft flying out of Moscow to St. Petersburg. The carriage crew refused to be on board the passenger, who lost the boarding pass. The proceedings with the passenger lasted about 40 minutes, which was outraged Sobchak, tired of sitting on the plane.

Sobchak against the poor

In May 2017, Sobchak criticized insolvent tourists in Monaco. The journalist stated that in the principality it is necessary to introduce a law that binds travelers to spend at least $ 250 per day per person. Sobchak wrote about this in his instagram.

Publication from Ksenia Sobchak (@xenia_sobchak) May 28 2017 at 10:19 pdt

Sobchak against the "locksmith from Mukhosranska"

In untenable people, TV presenter experiences particularly severe dislike. In 2005, in an interview with a famous journalist "New Gazeta", Alexander Nikonov, she categorically opposed a certain "begging lockster from Mukhosranska."

"I think a poor fitter from Mukhosorsk will not be my happiness," Sobchak said confidently. On the question why, the journalist replied: "Stupid question. A man in life should take place. He must become a talented businessman or a talented artist"

- Well, can you not take and become talented?

"But then he should be rich and famous - like Nikas Safronov.

- How many man should earn a month to interest you?

- Well, I can't evaluate, I'm not the Forbes magazine. The main thing is that a person has an inner rod. Such even if you throw out naked outside on the street, he already in a month or two will be able to dress, and in a year it will start earning money. And if a person does not seek anything and drinks vodka in Mukhosransk, then on such a person I have to disappear. We have people like to do anything and envy as me.


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