G fatima portugal. Portugal

G fatima portugal. Portugal

The city of Fatima (Portugal) was built by the Arabs. They also gave it a name, which changed several times due to some historical events. But as a result, the city bears the same name as at the time of its foundation (IX-X centuries) - Fatima.

General information

The small city of Fatima with a population of 12 thousand people, located near the capitals of the country (130 km). The settlement is part of the Santarem County of the Central Region of Portugal.

The city became famous and visited after the miraculous appearance of the Virgin Mary to three children. This event is recognized by the church as a true miracle. Every year on May 13, hundreds of thousands of Catholics come to Fatima, because the city is recognized as the spiritual center of Portugal.

The huge area is able to accommodate everyone who wants to worship the Mother of God. Also, Fatima Square is a place for holding religious events, and various religious orders are located in the Basilica building.

History of the city

Children who were the Mother of God

The settlement of Fatima became famous thanks to the miraculous appearance of the Mother of God. The saint visited her three children - Lucia, her cousin Francisco, and her cousin Jacinte - six times from May 13 to October 13, 1917. In the religious world, these events were included in the list of the most significant.

The children said that a woman came to them in white clothes and always appeared over an oak tree. From her came a light that overshadowed the sunshine. Each time, the Mother of God called for repentance of sins and prayer. Rumors quickly spread in the spirit world, but the adults did not believe the children's stories.

In the fall of 1917, more than 75 thousand people gathered in the city of Fatima (Portugal) to see the miracle. The Virgin Mary showed the crowd a miracle - with a simple wave of her hands she stopped the rain and dispersed the clouds. The crowd knelt down, but the Virgin disappeared. This event has been preserved in history under the name "Dance of the Sun". Very soon the small town received the status of the most important shrine of Catholicism.

Interesting fact! The apparition of Our Lady of Fatima is officially recorded and approved by the church. At the beginning of the last century, the construction of the Basilica began, which later became a place of pilgrimage. Here are the relics of all three eyewitnesses, who was the Virgin Mary - Lucia, her cousin and cousin - Jacinta and Francisco.

Three revelations of Fatima

It is three revelations or predictions of the mother of God that attract the attention of pilgrims. Each part described gruesome visions from the future.

In 1948, at the request of the Pope, Lucia wrote down all three omens. The essence of the first two revelations is well known, but the meaning of the latter has not yet been fully deciphered.

During the first apparition, the Saint showed the children the gates of hell. At the same time, she asked people to pray in order to save their souls, otherwise a terrible war would come.

Also, the Virgin Mary warned that she would take two children. Very soon, in 1919, Lucia's cousin and cousin died. After 70 years, the church recognized them as saints, and the Pope made them blessed. Their sister Lucia became a nun and lived to be 98 years old. She died in early 2005, on the occasion of this event in Portugal declared mourning and suspended elections.

Nun Lucia

During the second apparition, Madonna told about the emergence of communism about the terrible bloodshed. She said that Russia needs to return to the Church and the faith, only in this way the world will remain calm, if this does not happen, troubles and wars will begin, entire nations will disappear.

In the omen, the Mother of God spoke of an unusual radiance in the sky. At night in late January 1938, a unique blood-red Northern Lights were recorded in different parts of Western Europe. Lucia recognized the unknown light predicted by the Mother of God.

The third omen of the Virgin Mary has been classified for many years, many rumors, conjectures and mysteries are associated with it. The secret was revealed in 2000 at the personal request of Lucia. As it turned out, the omen concerned an assassination attempt on the Pope. The Mother of God predicted an attempt to assassinate the Pope, but the bishop is destined to survive, as he must save the world from communism.

Interesting fact! As described by eyewitnesses, the explosive bullet fired at Pope John Paul II unexpectedly changed its trajectory and did not damage vital organs. Subsequently, the bishop bestowed the bullet on the temple in Fatima. Today it is kept in the crown of the Virgin.

Pope after the shot

From the age of 18, Lucia wrote a diary about the apparition of the Mother of God at Fatima in Portugal. The recordings are known as the "Message of Fatima". In them, the nun spoke in detail about the prediction of the most terrible warriors - the First and Second World War, about the persecution of the Jewish people. The records were sent to the Vatican, however, they were classified there, but published in 1981.

What to see in Fatima

After the apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Portuguese city of Fatima was officially confirmed by the church, pilgrims from all over the world flock here every year.

At the beginning of the last century, the Basilica was built, which can accommodate less than one thousand people. This was not enough, so the city authorities of Fatima decided to build a square that can accommodate 200 thousand people. Later, the Temple of the Apparition was built opposite the Basilica. Monuments to priests are erected near it.

Every year the city of Fatima receives pilgrims and believers who come from all over the world. At this time, the statue of the Virgin Mary is installed on the street, on the altar. The service continues throughout the night.

If you are visiting a religious center, be sure to visit the sights of Fatima in Portugal.

Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima

This is an amazing architectural complex, built in the town of Fatima (Portugal) on the site where the Virgin Mary appeared.

The complex consists of:

  • chapels;
  • a temple decorated with colonnades;
  • Basilicas.

Undoubtedly, the Basilica is the main part of the complex. Built in 1928 and decorated in neo-baroque style. It is in front of it that there is a square where services and sermons are held. To make the priest's speech heard by everyone, speakers are installed along the perimeter of the square.

Basilica of Our Lady of Fatima Rosary

The construction of the shrine lasted 16 years and was completed in 1944. After another 9 years it was consecrated. It was on the site of the temple that every month on the 13th, Madonna appeared to the children. Since then, every year on the 13th in May and October tourists and pilgrims come here. More than 4 million people come to the city every year. There is a square in front of the building that is 2 times the size of St. Peter's Square in the Vatican. It can simultaneously accommodate 200 thousand people without any problems.

Basilica interior

The windows of the Basilica are decorated with stained-glass windows depicting the miraculous appearance of the Madonna. In the middle of the last century, an ancient organ was installed in the building of the Basilica.

The chapel of the church is named after the Apparition of the Virgin. It is decorated with a column made of marble with a statue of the Virgin Mary.

Chapel of the Apparition of the Virgin Mary

There are many chapels on the territory of the sanctuary; in the central part, where a miraculous phenomenon occurred, there is a chapel of the Apparition of the Virgin Mary. There is a marble pillar not far from the chapel. The chapel is small, built in the spring of 1919 by the efforts of local residents. The first service was held in it in 1921, however, a year later the chapel was destroyed, and a year later it was restored.

Basilica of the Holy Trinity

It is one of the largest Catholic churches - it is designed for 9 thousand people. This is a relatively new landmark, its construction was completed in 2007.

The building has an atypical shape for a church - it is low, without domes and looks more like a gallery or exhibition center.

The consecration of the Church of the Holy Trinity was timed to coincide with the 90th anniversary of the miraculous appearance of the Mother of God.

The construction work was supervised by an architect of Greek origin. Parishioners and pilgrims donated funds for the construction. The decoration of the façade and interiors is made in the Byzantine style, in addition, the premises of the landmark are decorated with paintings by famous masters. A mosaic made by hand from tiles has been perfectly preserved to this day. To enter the Basilica, 13 doors are equipped, this number symbolizes the 13 people who were present at the Last Supper. The walls are decorated with famous biblical quotations translated into 23 languages.

What to do during the pilgrimage

Pilgrims who come to Fatima to repent of their sins pass the entire huge square, kneeling down. They follow from the Basilica of the Virgin Mary to the new temple. The spectacle is truly mesmerizing when thousands of believers meekly crawl on their knees across the square. Many people wrap a cloth around their knees, since they need to move over cement stones. Elderly people come here, younger people help them, holding their hands.

Most often people come here to ask for health and healing. This can be done in the following way. Near the temple, wax products are sold that imitate body parts. You need to buy a part of the body that needs healing and throw it into the smelting furnace, which is located next to the temple.

Advice! After visiting the sanctuary, be sure to check out the Wax Museum. Here are collected exhibits that tell about the history of the sanctuary.

The cost of an adult ticket is 6 euros, and a ticket for children is 3.5 euros. You can also walk through the olive grove, where you can relax. You can get to the grove as follows - from the temple, follow to the center of the square, where the statue of the Virgin Mary is located, from it you need to turn left. The main street of the city, named after Lucia's cousin Francisco, is adjacent to the square. On this street there are shops with religious products, souvenir shops, museums and hotels.

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How to get to Fatima

1. Independently on the bus

There are buses from the capital of Portugal to Fatima, the journey takes only 1.5 hours.

  • Departure point is Oriente station, from platforms 46-49.
  • Buses run to Fatima from 7:30 am to 7:00 pm. In total, there are 10 flights in a day operated by Rede Expressos.
  • The ticket price is 12 euros, there are discounts for children and seniors. A travel document can be bought on the company's website or directly at the station at the ticket office.

Another option is to purchase a sightseeing tour of Portugal's golden ring. In addition to Fatima, tourists visit the monasteries of Alcobasa and Batalha, the fishing village of Nazare and the small fortress town of Obidos. The cost of such a tour will cost at least 75 euros.

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It is difficult to imagine that ninety years ago no one knew about the city of Fatima (Portugal), and the settlement did not stand out on the map of the country. Large-scale changes took place in May 1917, since then the history of the town has changed. Today it is a world famous religious center of Catholicism.

Related entries:

The construction of the Church of the Holy Trinity in the city of Fatima began in 2004 according to the project of the Greek architect Alexandros Tombazis. Three years later, she opened her doors to believers. By the way, the end of construction was timed to coincide with the 90th anniversary of the appearance of Our Lady of Fatima to three young shepherds. She spoke to the children several times during 1917, predicting for them the coming World War II, the return of Soviet Russia to Christianity, and the attempt on the life of the Pope in 1981.

This church is one of the largest in the world. Its internal area is 12,000 square meters and is designed for 9,000 believers.

The basilica has 5 chapels, about 50 confessionals, and there is also a cafe where believers can relax. The interior space is decorated with hand-made mosaics depicting Heavenly Jerusalem. In addition, the walls are decorated with Bible quotes in 23 languages.

The building itself was built low enough so that it did not block the view of the old Baroque basilica of Fatima. You can get inside the Church of the Most Holy Trinity through one of 13 doors - according to the number of those present at the Last Supper.

5 million pilgrims visit the church every year, and their number is growing every year.

Ponto de Encontro Restaurant

Ponto de Encontro is the largest restaurant in Fatima. Specializes in meat dishes.

The main dish at the Ponto de Encontro restaurant is meat and poultry from an open grill. Pork, lamb, grilled salmon - these are the main dishes of the local menu. Also, don't miss the traditional Portuguese lamb stew with pineapple.

Ponto de Encontro is popular with both tourists and locals. Banquets and family events are organized here. The restaurant is located in a large building that can accommodate up to a hundred guests at a time. Ponto de Encontro is one of the best places in the city, where local bohemians gather and where guests of Fatima often drop in.

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Sanctuary of Fatima

Fatima is a Portuguese city located 150 kilometers from Lisbon. A hundred years ago, the city of Fatima was not so popular among tourists, but after the miracle of the appearance of the Virgin Mary in 1917, pilgrims from all over the world began to come here, hospitals for the suffering were opened.

On May 13, 1917, it was in Fatima that the Mother of God appeared to three peasant children. According to legend, the Virgin Mary talked with children for a long time, called them to repentance and hardship in order to save sinners and ordered them to come on the thirteenth of every month and not tell adults anything.

The children did not keep their promise, and their parents and neighbors came along with them for another date, and they also witnessed the apparition of the Virgin, and the Portuguese town of Fatima became a favorite place of pilgrimage for Catholics.

In 1928, the construction of the Basilica of the Holy Virgin began. A huge square with a capacity of 200 thousand people was built in front of the temple, which is larger in size than St. Peter's Square itself in Rome.

Since the capacity of the Basilica of the Holy Virgin is only 800 people, the Sunday service is held in the square, so that everyone can visit it. Loudspeakers are installed along the perimeter of the square so that the priest's sermons can be heard by the pilgrims.

The most popular attractions in Fatima with descriptions and photos for every taste. Choose the best places to visit the famous places of Fatima on our website.

On May 13, 1917, three little shepherdesses reported that they were the Virgin Mary. The Mother of God made three prophecies to the children, and in October an unusual heavenly phenomenon followed, witnessed by thousands of believers. Two children died shortly thereafter of pneumonia, and the third, Lucia, became a Carmelite nun and died at the Coimbra monastery in 2005.

The neo-baroque basilica accommodates so many pilgrims that it rivals St.Peter's in Rome. On the anniversary of the apparitions, the huge square in front of the basilica is completely filled with people. In 2007, a new religious center opened in Fatima (7.30-19.30, free admission), named after John Paul II, who believed that on May 13, 1981, the Mother of God of Fatima saved him from the killer's bullet and inevitable death. In 1982, he made a thanksgiving pilgrimage and personally ranked the three shepherdesses as blessed. Pilgrimages take place on the 13th of every month.

Popular pilgrimage

Especially many pilgrims arrive at the huge temple of Fatima on May 13 and October 13. This is the first and last days of 1917 when the Virgin Mary appeared to the three shepherdesses. Before each anniversary, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims make their way to Fatima, and many have not done so for the first time. At first, the Church tried to stop stories about the apparition and ban pilgrimage. But in 1928 a huge basilica was laid, and a year later the worship of Our Lady of Fatima became quite official. Today none of the shepherds are still alive, and soon they will be canonized. The phenomenon of Fatima has acquired such proportions, and the number of pilgrims has increased so much that the temple was recently expanded - on May 13, 2007, 90 years after the first appearance of Our Lady to children, a center was opened here in honor of Pope John Paul II.

Fatima - Place of the Appearance of the Virgin Mary

Fatima is a holy place that, regardless of Faith, will not leave you indifferent nobody. About a century ago, few people heard about Fatima, and even more so knew. It was a small, unremarkable, village founded by
by the Arabs during their reign.

They called the village with the Arabic name Fatima. , that was the name of the Moorishprincess. The main population was made up of shepherds and farmers who cultivated small plots of land.

A turning point in destiny villages became the beginning of the XX century, when May 13, 1917 the Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherd children. They tended the flock that day.

Shortly before in the afternoon, in the branches of an oak tree, the children saw a small woman in white with a rosary in her hands, shining brighter than the sun. She told them she got off
from heaven and for children to come here every 13th
in one
and the same time for six months. New phenomena will occur here every time.
The Virgo gave the children three secrets - prophecies and asked the children to tell people about it, which they did. At first they did not believe them, but the children still insisted and in the end convinced people of the veracity of their story.

Every 13th they came here and there was always the appearance of the Virgin Mary
and she
taught children about the importance of faith. The rumor about the apparitions of the Virgin quickly spread throughout the world and each time the number of people increased, and Fatima became widely known.
October 13, 1917 in the pasture more than 70,000 people attended. That day strange phenomena began to occur with the weather, sky and sun. Those present were scared fell to their knees and began to pray.

Later, the Catholic Church recognized the apparitions of the Virgin Mary as authentic and declared Fatima holy place. May 13 and 13 began to be considered significant days of the appearance of the Mother of God.october.
This attracted the attention of a very large number of people and the pilgrimage begins here. believers from all over the world. For accommodation and convenience of pilgrims, the construction of hotels, hospitals, shelters begins and other establishments. At the same time, trade and tourism began to develop.

In 1928, the building of the Basilica of the Virgin Mary for 800 people was built there, but it does not fit all comers.

Then they build a square in front of the temple, whose dimensions exceed the dimensions roman square of St. Peter.
Every year on May 13 and October 13, tens of thousands of pilgrims arrive in Fatima from all over the world, to mark the next anniversary of the appearance of the Mother of God.

A statue is being erected on the square Virgin mary
and the service on it goes on throughout the day and all night.

In 1997, Fatima received city status.
The city has gained international importance and fame. Today it is one of the largest centers of Catholic pilgrimage.

However, it should be noted that Fatima is not the Vatican, where tourists and pilgrims always full at any time. On ordinary days this the area is empty and even more striking in its size.

The main shrine of the complex is the chapel. Now a superstructure has been erected over it.
An oak has also survived, where the Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherdesses. Across the whole square
to the Basilica
there is a path along which believers crawl on their knees. Everything is white:
and a huge area, and a temple, and colonnades.


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