If you are late for the exam. What to do if he did not pass the ege - three options for the development of events what to do if wrote an exam on 2

If you are late for the exam. What to do if he did not pass the ege - three options for the development of events what to do if wrote an exam on 2

Is it possible to recall a single state examination, which is to make graduates of past years, how to enter the university bypassing EGE - the Deputy Head of the Education Department of the Novosibirsk Region Natalia Yusupova answered these and other questions.

ARIAL SIZE \u003d 3\u003e - Let's start with the main thing: how is this year it takes place in the Novosibirsk region of the exam?

Arial Size \u003d 3\u003e - three days passed for two days. On the first day, graduates handed over informatics and biology, and last Friday one of two mandatory exams took place - in the Russian language. Judging by the statements of the guys, everything was fine, the tasks were not too complicated. Therefore, we really hope that we will have good results. As for the appearance, almost all 11-graders came to the exam, with the exception of units that could not do this for good reasons.

Arial Size \u003d 3\u003e True, we thought there would be many graduates of past years on the exam, but they were 2 thousand less than expected. In addition, the exam was handed over graduates of medium and elementary professional institutions, and less than half of the expected quantity came from this category.

ARIAL SIZE \u003d 3\u003e - What to do the 11th grader if he failed this year?

Arial Size \u003d 3\u003e - If the graduate did not pass one of the required items - the Russian language or mathematics, then it can come in reserve days (June 17 and 20) and reckon. In case of unsatisfactory result, the tests can be reused only in a year.

Arial Size \u003d 3\u003e We must remember that 11-grades this year has two years required exam - In Russian language and in mathematics. All other exams are needed only for admission to the university, and they do not affect the issuance of a certificate of secondary education.

ARIAL SIZE \u003d 3\u003e - And if a person does not suit the assessment? For example, was it hoping on the fourth - got the top three? Can I somehow correct the result?

ARIAL SIZE \u003d 3\u003e - Alas, no. If you are not satisfied with the top three or the four, received on the exam, the exam is already impossible. This result is final.

ARIAL SIZE \u003d 3\u003e - For admission to university, the exam is obligatory?

Arial Size \u003d 3\u003e - Yes - If you are going to enter the day office. Evening and architects of universities independently determine the form of the exam, according to the Rules of Reception.

ARIAL SIZE \u003d 3\u003e - For graduates Proftechilitis rules the same?

Arial Size \u003d 3\u003e - If graduates of medium professional institutions are collected in the profile university, in this case the form of reception is determined directly by the university itself. EGE to take optional. At the same time, the guys are credited immediately to the third course. But if you, let's say, graduated from a technical college and decided to learn further on a lawyer - that is, not by profile - then we will have to take the exam.

ARIAL SIZE \u003d 3\u003e - And in order to enroll in the school or technical school, school graduates are also needed to take an exam?

Arial Size \u003d 3\u003e - If this specialty is accepted on the basis of 11 classes, then the exam will have to pass. And if on the basis of 9, then - no. Nine-graders, therefore, there is a certain advantage - by enrolling after the 9th grade in the institution of medium-sized trade formation and graduating from it, they can go immediately on the third year to the university, without passing the exam.

ARIAL SIZE \u003d 3\u003e - What to do graduates of past years, which in due time did not pass the exam?

Arial Size \u003d 3\u003e - If a person comes to the daytime department of the university, then he will have to give his exam in any case. On the basis of universities, the items of the exam will be organized, and the graduate should directly contact that university where he is going to do. There he will be prompted, in which point it will be possible to pass the exam.

ARIAL SIZE \u003d 3\u003e - What is the action time the results of the EGE?

ARIAL SIZE \u003d 3\u003e - a year and a half.


The commissioning of a single state exam is an important step in the life of every graduate. For some, this is a formality that allows you to receive a document on education, and for someone - the possibility of successful admission to the desired university of the country. But, sometimes fate contributes unexpected adjustments. So, in 2017, 3.4% of all participants in the EGE could not overcome the barrier required for receiving the certificate. Even more could not score points needed for admission to highly quoted universities. What to do if the exam was "bought" and is possible a second attempt?

Until 2017, the right to re-pass the USE was provided only to persons who did not overcome the minimum threshold for mandatory subjects, which depends on the receipt of the certificate.

One of the important innovations of 2017 was the possibility of retirement of any subject rendered on the exam. Thus, in 2018 it will be possible to get a second attempt in Russian, mathematics, physics, computer science, literature, chemistry, biology, geography, social studies, history or foreign languages.

It is important to take into account such facts:

  1. You can only recall 1 exam.
  2. Trying to recall the subject can now be twice.
  3. It is possible to renounce one subject, if there is a valid reason (documentary confirmation is required) or if desired (in order to increase the score, the exam will be required next year).
  4. Graduates of past years who participated in the preliminary or main session of the EEG-2018 and received an unsatisfactory score, do not receive the rights of relocation.
  5. If a graduate is not allowed to relocate in 2018, he can re-pass the exam in a year.

Dates of crossing the exam in 2018

In 2018, it will be possible to recall one of the subjects of the USE that could be twice:

  • 1 Retreat - in the summer in reserve days specified in the Calendar of the EGE;
  • 2 Retreat - in September 2018.

Thus, an increase in the score to the desired 1 attempt, you can have time to submit documents to the university on the main wave. After 2, retakes to join the budget unlikely. But, this is another chance for whom it remains an open issue of obtaining a document on education. Although, many universities in which there is a shortage of applicants to budget places, sometimes carry out an additional set in the autumn months.

Certificate of Certificate of EEE 2018 - 4 years. This means that by passing the exam with the 3rd attempt, the graduate gets a chance to join the desired university next year the results of the exams already exist in the hands.

The deadlines for the early, main and autumn session of the final exams in 2018 establishes Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1099 dated November 10, 2017 of the year, the full text of which can be viewed.

Refrigerated schedule for 2018:

Basic Summer Session (Realcut)

06/22/18 (Friday)

geography, Computer Science and ICT

06/25/18 (Monday)

Mathematics (base and profile)

06/26/18 (Tuesday)

russian language

06/27/18 (Wednesday)

history, chemistry, biology, in. languages

06/28/18 (Thursday)

literature, physics, social studies

06/29/18 (Friday)

foreign languages \u200b\u200b(orally)

07/02/18 (Monday)

all things

Autumn relief

09/04/18 (Tuesday)

russian language

09/07/18 (Monday)

mathematics (base level)

09/15/18 (Saturday)

russian and mathematics (basic level)

For a complete schedule of GIA 2018, look at the official website ege.edu.ru

Who will receive the right to negotiate the exam in 2018

According to the new rules in 2018, the renovation of any subject of the USE is possible in such cases:

  1. unsatisfactory result;
  2. failure to appear on the exam for a good reason (documentary confirmation is required);
  3. integrated test (by a significant reason: Poor well-being examined, PE on the plot eMEE and etc.);
  4. cancellation of the test result (not due to the vernachable).

Under a significant cause of the failure implies: disease or planned operation (confirmation - certificate from the doctor), car accident, the death of a close relative and other similar situations.

Who will not be able to revive exams in 2018

Such a chance, how to cross the EGE is a great gift for all coming in 2018. But, in some cases, graduates can be deprived of this right. Use the second attempt will not work if:

  1. The examiner is deleted from the audience for a rough violation of the rules (write off, using the phone programmable calculator, communication with neighbors, etc.).
  2. The result of the exam will be canceled by the fault of the examined (for example, when the facts of violation of the rules are detected after viewing the archive video).
  3. The unsatisfactory result was obtained at once on two subjects.
  4. In the case of a set by a graduate of past points, below the minimum set level for the subject.
  5. In case of passing the exam without a good reason (Impressed, I forgot, stood in traffic ...)

Naturally, everyone listed in this point of situations should be avoided. Hope for your own knowledge, not crib or modern technical means. Qualitatively prepare for the exam and do not allow the wiping to stand on the way to your dream!

What to do when the transfer in 2018 is impossible

If it happened so that you got into that small percentage of graduates who could not successfully pass the exam with three attempts or missed one of the exam exams without good reasons, you should not be discouraged and even more so to panic. Consider the situation on the other side. Whatever happens, you have the right to experience luck next year. Moreover, to pass in 2019 only the exam will have, the result of which turned out to be unsatisfactory or does not suit you.

In many European countries and the United States there is a concept as "Gap Year", or the "year of the break." Many graduates take a breather before entering the university.

How to spend this time with benefit?

  1. think about the choice of profession;
  2. prepare for exams;
  3. relax and gain strength;
  4. take a little overhead;
  5. learn to enjoy life!

Not a surrendered exam does not put a cross on your dreams, he just gives you a breather. Perhaps this is a sign and you just chose not the direction? And if the desired profession is your fate, then this annoying misunderstanding will not be able to block the path to success.

Remember, it is overcoming barriers, a person temper the character and acquires life wisdom!

Russian schoolchildren pass the exam. 640 thousand people will come for exams. Already behind the exam in geography, literature and Russian language. Who will be allowed to recall the exam? Is it possible to change the subject during the main wave of the exam? Why is an appeal not accepted for the first part of the responses? The head of Rosobrnadzor Sergey Kravtsov is responsible for graduates' questions.

Signed on the exam on history, but now I want to pass social studies. Can I change the subject and pass the exam on social science this year? Sergey Korolkov, Moscow region

Sergey Kravtsov:Yes, it can be done, but only provided that the graduate has a valid reason. For example, he sick for some time before February 1, when the deadline for filing an application for participation in the exam was expired. You need no later than two weeks before the beginning of the exam, which you want to pass, submit a statement to the State Examination Commission. The social studies of this year will be held on June 8. Reserve days -22 and June 30. By June 8, you will most likely not have time, but to pass the exam on social studies on June 30, I think you can. If a person forgot to specify the right subject in a statement to pass the exam, he will be able to pass the exam only next year. By the way, social studies are the most mass exam. This year, almost 382 thousand people were recorded on him.

The results of the exam, obtained in 2016, will be valid until 2020

Does the EE be allowed to receive a "deuce" for any subject in grade 11? Natalia Pavlovna, Kimra, Tver region, Mom graduate

Sergey Kravtsov: For the exam allow those who have no unsatisfactory annual marks for 10 and 11 classes. The one who gets "two" is not important for which discipline, the exam will not be able to pass this year.

I will go to pass mathematics and basic and profile level. If you get "two" on the profile level, but I will pass the base, will I give a certificate? Polina, Podgorensky district, Voronezh region

Sergey Kravtsov:Yes, you will receive the certificate. To do this, it is enough to gain a minimum score or on the profile, or on the basic exam in mathematics. For a profile exam, this is 27 points out of 100, for the base - 3 points out of 5 possible. Suppose a graduate received an unsatisfactory assessment immediately and on the basis of both profile mathematics. He will be allowed to recall mathematics by selecting a basic or profile level. But what will get "not" again, "will have to come to the exam next year. Most schools estimate the basic exam on the "Offset" system. The results of the USE do not affect the marks in school attests. By the way, in the open bank of tasks added questions about mathematics basic level Ege. Published real options Tasks in all subjects of the eg early period, so there is an opportunity to stretch.

Can I reclaim the exam in a backup day if it does not suit the resulting score?
Alexander, Moscow

Sergey Kravtsov: It will be allowed only if one of the mandatory objects is Russian or mathematics - you do not get the minimum score. In a reserve day, you can hand over or renounce the exam who has not come to the exam for a good reason or for a valid reason could not complete the exam. What is considered a valid reason for the failure to appear? Of course, the disease and medical certificate that confirms it. The participation of athletes in competitions, fault of the organizers of exams, force majeure circumstances. For example, flooding, buran, disconnect the light in the counting item. Those who want to improve the assessment will have to come next year.

I finish school this year, I will pass his ege. In the summer, my parents leave for two years to work to another country. If I leave with them and will go to the university after returning, my results will be valid? Or will I need to take a new one? Anna, St. Petersburg

Sergey Kravtsov:No, you do not need to take the exam again. The results are valid for the four years following the year of obtaining such results. In other words, five years. The results of the EG received in 2016 will be valid until 2020 inclusive. At the same time, you have the right to revoke the exams anew to try to improve your result and gain a higher score.

If I spoiled an exam form, you can replace it? Artem, Tula.

Sergey Kravtsov: If it seems to you that the form is spoiled, you need to invite the organizer. It will appreciate: you need a new form or you can make corrections on the old one. Objects or typos are not considered to be replaced. I want to recall: it is possible to change the set only entirely, while the examination tasks will change too, and only before the person began to perform them. A spoiled form is handed over to the organizer in the audience, and the exam will have to be rented in a reserve day.

Can I give up the subject of the object to choose and just not come to the exam? School guide said that for this I will have to write a statement although the head of the republic! And simply not to come to the exam, I can not, as it is impossible to do that. Is it all legitimate? Diana, Tatarstan

Sergey Kravtsov:For mandatory items will have to come. Otherwise there is a risk to stay without a certificate. You can not come to the exam on the selection, even if you applied for participation in the exam. You do not need to write an application for refusal in this case. Just to the federal database will not be recorded about your exam results.

After how many days after the exams, we will tell us the result? Svetlana, Vladimir region

Sergey Kravtsov: The processing of examination works takes from 10 to 18 days. For example, this year, the EGE in the Russian language graduates will take on May 30, it means that no later than June 15 in the regions will be known results. Then the results of the Basic Mathematics will be announced, the results of the profile will be known on June 21, social studies - June 22. The schedule is on the website ege.edu.ru.

How to file an appeal and is it true that the first part of the tasks experts do not consider? Pavel, Nizhny Novgorod region

Sergey Kravtsov:The first part of the answers checks the computer, it is impossible to appeal to them. As it is impossible to file an appeal to some one particular question. Work is rechecked entirely. You can apply for two days after declaring results. Do not forget that when rechecking, the points may not only be increased, but also reduced. If the student confuses something in the exam procedure, the appeal is submitted right on the day of the exam.

What can be taken with you for the exam? Andrei, Ekaterinburg

Sergey Kravtsov:Gel or capillary handle with black ink and passport. If necessary, you can take with you medication and nutrition. On the mathematics exam is allowed to bring a ruler, in physics - a ruler and an unprogrammed calculator, in chemistry - an unprogrammed calculator; In geography - ruler, transport, unprogrammed calculator.

Participants with disabilities are allowed to enjoy special technical means. This, for example, a braille printing machine, special drawing tools, sound-seeing equipment, individual lighting, magnifying devices.

Infographics "RG" / Mikhail Shipov / Irina Yvoylova

Recall that the exam is needed not only for admission. The school issues a certificate of average common education Only with successful surchase EGE For mandatory educational subjects: Russian language and mathematics of the basic or profile level. If the school certificate is, but there is not enough points for admission to the university, then there are many options. And if even mandatory objects are not submitted and the certificate is not issued, then the choice is small. Tell me what to do both, and others. The main thing is not to despair and do not fall into the despondency. Failure is a good life lesson.

Try to translate

Remember the unsuccessful exam (the result below the minimum point) on the mandatory object can be, but only one. And there are some important moments Regarding the exam in mathematics. If the schoolboy chose for delivery and basic, and the profile level and did not pass one of them, then it is impossible to retake this year. After all, he passed the second. If not passed both - it is possible, but only one attempt is only or basic, or profile.

Recalculating items on the choice in case of obtaining an unsatisfactory result is possible only next year.

If the exam was missed by illness and there is a confirmation help, then you can recall on an additional day.

By the way, some categories of persons with disabilities, having benefits, Olympiad Winners (International Schoolchildren Olympics can be received by university without exem All-Russian Olympiad Schoolchildren, schoolchildren, Olympics, Olympic, Paralympic and Surdlimpian Games). Benefits for winners Olympiad is valid only for one university.

Enroll in the university with less demands, for correspondence or evening training

Some educational institutions take on correspondence training Without presenting the results of the EGE on additional subjects (the certificate, of course, is required). We will only have to pass the entrance exams for the selected specialty in the educational institution itself.

In addition, if you have passed the basic items, you can simply search another university, where additional items that you have poured, or where a smaller competition is not required.

Go learning in a technical school or college

For admission to the DSUs, a document is enough about the end of nine classes, even if you do not have a certificate at the end of 11 classes. If you still want to have a diploma of higher education, it will be possible to go to the university after the first course of the custody. You will have the opportunity to pass the exam in a year. If you go to higher educational institution After the end of the average special, then it will be necessary to pass the entrance exams, but only the same profile specialty.

To get a job

Work can be combined with the exam preparation for the next year. These are additional funds, and work experience, and work experience. Experience is especially important if you choose a place close to the desired formation.

Enroll in a foreign university

If yesterday's schoolboy did not pass the exam with points, sufficient to enter the university, but owns foreign language, it is quite realistic to try your strength abroad. The main condition is to pass the International Level Test (the most common option - IELTS). But keep in mind that you need a school certificate (that is, Russian and mathematics you must surrender).

A single state exam is what causes genuine fear of graduates, easy excitement from their parents and trembles from teachers. Examinations at the end of 11 classes are the logical completion of school life, but it sucks a lot of strength and energy from children, and sometimes the results are worse than expected. What to do parents and the child himself, if the ege on one of the items is finally and irrevocably littered? Let's find out.

In fact, no matter how scared graduates of teachers and relatives, do not pass the exam does not mean the end of the world. There are a lot of options for what to do in this case, and today we will look at each of them.

  1. Remember. Everything is trite, yes, but few see real outcome: the fact is that for relocation, for example, it is necessary to wait for the items for the choice for a whole year. But this is not a loss of life for a year, as many people think - these are new features: a chance to prepare, hire tutors, engage in self-education and the next time to pass on 100 points.
  2. Get a medium professional. Some believe that if their child goes to a technical school or college, it will be irretrievably lost and his professional growth will never take place. The stupid mistakes to think so. First, the child can get higher education And after the technical school, and without passing these most ill-fated exam. And secondly: is it bad to have the formation of a working person, how do we paint? The salary sometimes happens more than graduate students and people of science, and employment is guaranteed almost 100%.
  3. Go to work. If not Russian or mathematics is littered, but an optional subject, then you or your child most likely received a certificate of graduation from 11 classes, because the options for choosing are not taken into account when issuing estimates. With this document, a graduate can get a waiter, courier, an employee of mail or consultant in the store.

You can prepare in advance for the exam in mathematics 2017 profile level of tasks, however, as to the EGE for all other subjects.

By the way, there are universities in which they take only with mandatory objects: architectural, for example, or institute of geodesy and cartography. True, you will have to pass a creative exam or introductory in the educational institution.

Thus, there is at least three outlets from the current situation. Do not despair, if you did not pass the exam - this is just another life test, and you just allowed a mistake on which everyone is studying. If you or your child will only have to take an exam, we wish the high points and good check!

May 6, 2017.

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