The internal and foreign policy of the Government of the XVIII century. Emperor Peter II: Biography, Board Features, History and Reform Direction Petra Policy 2

The internal and foreign policy of the Government of the XVIII century. Emperor Peter II: Biography, Board Features, History and Reform Direction Petra Policy 2



Ekaterina I.


Anna Ioannovna





Arkhangelsk Cathedral in Moscow



Alexey Petrovich

Charlotte Braunschweig-Tolfenbuttel

Childhood (1715-1725)

Origin and upbringing

Youth (1725-1727)

Under Catherine I.

Elevate on the throne

Ensure Catherine


General Overview of Board

Peter II at Menshikov (1727)

Domestic politics

Epiphany emperor

Drop Menshikova

Domestic politics

Death of the emperor

Foreign policy

Personality of Peter II.


In culture

In literature

In cinema

(23 (12) October 1715 - 30 (19) of January 1730) - Russian emperor, replaced by Ekaterina I.

The grandson of Peter I, the son of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich and the German princess of Sofia-Charlotte Brunchweig-Wolfenbuttelian, the last representative of the genus Romanov in a straight men's line. He joined the throne 6 (17) of May 1727, when he was only eleven years old, and died at 14 years old. Peter did not have time to show interest in state affairs and independently did not actually rule. The real power in the state was in the hands of the Supreme Secretary Council and especially the favorites of the Young Emperor, first A. D. Menshikov, after his overthrow - dolvalukov.

Childhood (1715-1725)

Origin and upbringing

Grand Duke Peter AlekseevichBorn on October 12, 1715 in St. Petersburg, was the son of the heir to the throne of Alexey and his wife Sofia-Charlotte Braunschweig-Wolfenbuttel, who died ten days after childbirth, was the Son in 1718. The future heir to the throne, like his eldest sister Natalia, was not the fruit of love and family happiness. Marriage Alexei and Charlotte was a consequence of the diplomatic negotiations of Peter I, the Polish king of Augustus II and the Austrian Emperor Karl VI, and each of them wanted to gain his benefit from the family union of the Dynasty of the Romanian and the Ancient Germany Road of Veelphs, associated with many related threads with the Rights houses. The feelings of the bride and groom at the same time, naturally, no one was interested.

Charlotte Kronprintshes hoped that her marriage with "barbarous Muscovites" would not take place. In a letter, grandfather, Duke Anton-Ulrich, in the middle of 1709 she reported that his message was delighted with it, since "it gives me some possibility to think that the Moscow matchmaker I still may be a blowjob." But the princess hopes did not justify: the wedding was played in Torgau in October 1711 and struck all the splendor of the table and the knowledge of guests.

In connection with the hostility of Alexei Petrovich to the reforms of the Father, Tsarevich, as if muddek over his desire to have European educated heirs, attached to the son of two always drunk "Momkov" from the German Sloboda, who, to mess around with Peter, served him, from which he fell asleep.

After Alexey's execution in 1718, Peter I drew attention to his only grandson. He ordered to drive the negligent mom, and Menshikov commanded to find him teachers. Soon, the Great Prince was pressed by the Dyack Semyon Marvin and Hungary Zeikind. After some time, Peter I checked the knowledge of the grandson and came into rage: he did not know how to explain in Russian, he knew German and Latin a little and much better - Tatar curses. The emperor personally squeaked Marvin and Zaykind, but did not receive more worthy mentors of Peter Alekseevich.

Suspension from the Preconsession

In the first four years of Peter's life, he was not considered as a future emperor, because Peter I grew the sons of Peter and Paul. Both died in early childhood, which created the question of the throne.

From birth, Peter Alekseevich was called great Prince. Before this sons of the kings were called Tsarevichi; The birth of Peter became the first since the introduction of the royal title (and the first in the history of the house of Romanovs) the advent of the grandson among the reigning sovereign.

In February 1718, Alexey Petrovich, arrested abroad and brought to Russia, in favor of the Minor Son of Peter I from a second marriage with Catherine - Petrol Petrovich, who was born a few days after his nephew Peter Alekseevich. In the summer of the same year, Alexey was killed in conclusion. Thus, Peter Alekseevich was after the Father will move away from the throne.

To know, I was interested in Peter Alekseevich in 1719, after the tech Petrovich officially recognized by the heir was died, and the royal grandson remained the only one, except for the sovereign, the male representative of the house of Romanov. The transition of the throne from the grandfather to the grandson corresponded to the tradition of monarchical houses; So, shortly before that, in France, after the death of Louis XIV in 1715, the throne moved to his young Grandma Louis XV. During the disease, Grandfather Peter Alekseevich met Ivan Dolgorukov, his future favorite. The child often visited the house of Dolgorukov, in which the metropolitan youth was gathered from ancient noble childbirth. In the same place, he met his aunt, Elizabeth Petrovna. So the party began to take shape, who was fulfilled by Peter Alekseevich to the emperors. At meetings in the House of Dolgorukov, he was explained by his rights to the throne Russian Empire, And Peter Alekseevich swore to crush the favorite of his grandfather - Menshikov, who headed the opposition with ancient boyar birth.

However, the supporters of the construction of Peter Alekseevich for the throne was a strong opposition. Full fears for their lives and property arose from those companions of Peter, who signed the death sentence of his father. If the emperor followed the custom and declared the heir of the grandson - the son of the Opt Alexey and the grandson of the conservative Evdokia Lopukhina, - that would operate the hope of opponents of reforms to return the old orders.

On February 5, 1722, Peter issued a decree on the throne (continuing to act until the end of the century), which canceled the ancient custom to transfer the throne to direct descendants along the male line, but allowed the appointment by the heir of any worthy person by the will of the monarch. So Peter Alekseevich was formally devoid of preferential rights to the throne, but the question of the heir remained open. The heir to Peter in front of a sudden death in 1725 did not have time to appoint.

Youth (1725-1727)

Under Catherine I.

After the death of Peter I began to decide on the heir. Representatives of the old generic nobility (Lopukhins, Dolgorukov) were for the candidacy of the 9-year-old Peter Alekseevich, while representatives of the new service, who became influential in Peter I, were commended by the Empress of the widow of Peter Catherine. The question was decided simply - the prince of Menshikov surrounded the Palace of the Guard and erected his former mistress to the throne.

Vice-Chancellor Osterman offered to reconcile the interests of the trotovit and a new serviceant to marry the Grand Duke Peter Alekseevich on Zesarevne Elizabeth Petrovna, the daughter of Catherine I. An obstacle was unacceptable, Elizabeth was a native aunt of Peter (although he was born and not from the same Mother that his father). Empress Ekaterina, wanting to appoint the heir to the daughter of Elizabeth (according to other sources - Anna), did not decide to accept the draft Osterman and continued to insist on its right to appoint a successor to himself, hoping that over time the issue would be resolved.

Over time, the main supporter of Catherine, Menshikov, knowing its poor health and assuming her closest death, began to think about how to relocate Peter to his side. He hoped to get his daughter Mary with the heir to the throne, and after his adapt to the throne, to become a regent before his majority, and thereby expanding his already strong power, and in the long run - to become a grandfather of the future emperor, if Peter and Mary will have children. Despite the fact that Mary was promoted for the Polish magnate Peter Sapega, Menshikov managed to achieve the consent of Catherine to marry a daughter with Peter Alekseevich. Sapga married Sofia Karlovna Skavron, niece of the Empress.

Menshikov opponents wanted to avoid the construction of Peter's throne, as it would increase the power of Menshikov. They hoped under the pretext of learning to send Pyratra Alekseevich abroad, and after the death of Catherine, he was taking one of her daughters to the throne - Anna or Elizabeth. Anna Petrovna's husband was joined to this party - the Holstein Duke Karl Friedrich. The plans of the conspirators were torn suddenly exacerbated by the Empress disease.

Elevate on the throne

Shortly before the death of the Empress, members of the Supreme Secret Council, Senate, Synod, the Presidents of the Board and the guard officers gathered in the palace for the meeting about who should become the emperor after the death of Catherine. Menshikov's enemies began to discuss the idea of \u200b\u200bcoronation of one of the Zesarer, but the majority of Peter Alekseevich, who was supposed to be under the guardianship of the Supreme Secret Council before 16 and obliged to be an oath, not to revenge anyone from the signed sentence of his father, Alexey Petrovich. After deciding on the issue of Menshikov's Preconsession on behalf of the Empress, he began a consequence of the miscarius of his enemies. Many opponents of Menshikov were arrested and subjected to torture, exiled and devoid of ranks, some were only lowered in the rank. Holstein Duke tried to negotiate with Menshikov through his minister Bashvych. Menshikov set the condition that Peter I, Anna's daughter, Anna and Elizabeth, will not impede the entry into the throne of Peter Alekseevich, and Menshikov agreed to issue a million rubles for each conesarean.

Ensure Catherine

6 (17) May 1727 43-year-old Empress Catherine I died. Before the death of Bashevich, the testament was urgently compiled, signed instead of the sick of the queen of her daughter Elizabeth. According to the testament, the throne inherited the grandson of Peter I, Peter Alekseevich. Later, Empress Anna Ioannovna ordered Chancellor Gavril Golovkin to burn this spiritual. He fulfilled her order, after making a copy of the document.

From this document it follows that the articles of the will provided for custody of the minor emperor, determined the power of the Supreme Council, the order of the heritage of the throne in the event of the death of Peter Alekseevich (in this case, the throne passed to the daughters of Catherine - Anna and Elizabeth and their descendants, in case they are not refuse the Russian throne or Orthodox faith, and then to the sister of Peter - Natalia Alekseevna). The 11th article was amazing those who read the testament. It was commanded by all the nobles to promote the wrap of Peter Alekseevich with one of the daughters of Prince Menshikov, and then, to achieve the majority, promote their marriage. Literally: " those also have our foresters and the government of the administration to try between his love [Grand Prince Peter] and the same princess prince Menshikov to teach».

Such an article clearly testified that Menshikov took an active part in the drawing up of the will, but for the Russian society, Peter Alekseevich's right to the throne - the main article of the will - was undoubtedly, and excitement due to the content of the 11th article did not arise.


General Overview of Board

Peter II was not able to edit on his own, as a result of which practically unlimited power It was first in the hands of Menshikov, and then - Osterman and Dolgoruky. As with his predecessor, the state was managed by inertia. The boredrals tried to follow the covenants of Peter the Great, however, the conservation created by him political system I revealed all the shortcomings in it.

The regency time of Menshikov was not very different from the reign of Catherine I, since the actual ruler of the country remained the same, only having gained great power. After his fall, Dolgorukov came to power, and the situation has changed radically. Last years Peter II Board Some historians tend to consider the "boyars kingdom": much of what appeared under Peter I, it was decayed, the old orders began to recover. Boyarskaya aristocracy strengthened, and Petrov's chicks moved to the background. From the clergy, there were attempts to restore the patriarchate. The army declined and in particular the fleet, corruption and treasures flourished. The capital was transferred from St. Petersburg to Moscow.

The result of the reign of Peter II was to strengthen the influence of the Supreme Secretary Council, which was mainly old boyars (from eight places in the Council five belonged to Dolgorukov and Golitsyn). The Council strengthened so much, which was imposed by Anna John, who became the government after Peter, sign the "Conditions", who passed the entire completeness of the authorities to the Supreme Secretary Council. In 1730, the "Conditions" were destroyed by Anna John, and the boyars gods again lost strength.

Peter II at Menshikov (1727)

6 (17) May 1727 Peter Alekseevich became the Third Emperor All-Russian, adopting the official name Peter II.. According to Ekaterina's testament, the Emperor's teenager was supposed to rule before reaching the age of 16, but relying on the Supreme Secret Council, which manipulated Alexander Menshikov.

Menshikov led the struggle against all those considered dangerous in the sense of the Swallopolia. Peter I daughter Anna Petrovna was forced to leave Russia with her husband. Anna Joanovna, the daughter of King John (Senior Brother Peter I and the Co-Guard until 1696), were forbidden to come from Mitava to congratulate the nephew with climbing the throne. Baron Shafirov, president of the commerce board, the longtime enemy Menshikov, was removed to Arkhangelsk, allegedly "for the device of a kitolovo company."

Trying to strengthen the impact on the emperor, Menshikov translated on May 17 in his house on Vasilyevsky Island. On May 25, the 11-year-old Peter II was engaged in the 16-year-old Pritation Maria, Menshikov's daughter. She received the title "Her Imperial Highness" and annual content of 34 thousand rubles. Although Peter was kind to her and her father, in his letters of that time called her " porcelain doll».

Hardly Menshikov had a relation to the initiative of the emperor, bring grandmother from Suzdal imprisonment, Evdokia Lopukhin, which he had never seen before. She was moved to the Novodevichy Monastery, where she received decent content.

Domestic politics

Soon after, Peter II was at the throne of Menshikov, he made two manifest on his behalf, designed to set up the population in his favor. The first of these decrees was forgiven the long-standing arrears, and freedom was applied to the brand for non-payment of taxes. This undertaking got a continuation. With Peter in Russia, the imposition of punishments was softened - the process that reaches the apogee when Elizabeth. In particular, the imperial decree was from now on forbidden "to intimidate" to exhibit the dismantled body of executed bodies.

The so-called "turning tax" was canceled - that is, to file from each arrivals. An explanation of this was "the care of the government about the fencement of citizens from offended by the collectors," but the amount that was usually obtained in this year, was in the form of an indirect tax of the reversal of imperial kabaks.

Along with the forgiveness of old arrears, to recover which, apparently, it was still impossible, the Government of Menshikov made efforts leading to tightening of tax collecting. So, after the failed attempts to assign to challenge the submissions of the Zemstvo Commissioners from the locals (in the hope that they will be better known to the situation in the field) It was decided to oblige a local governor to send pressure directly into local identities, and arrears to demand from landowners, their custoders or managers.

Peter Introduced by Peter I 37.5%, the protectionist duty for hemp and yarn was reduced to 5%, so as to raise the treasury income. The Siberian fur barbell was left without a duty.

According to the second manifestus, the princes of Trubetsk, Dolgorukov and Burharda mini was given the title of General Feldmarashal, and the last one, in addition, was given to the title of graph. Menshikov himself became Generalissimus and commander-in-chief of the entire Russian army.

In the Liflandia, the Seimas was introduced, and in 1727, the Malorosiysk College was abolished and hetmanism in Ukraine was restored. This decision was due to the need to bind to the Russian government of Ukrainians in the light of the impending russian-Turkish war. Menshikov was also beneficial, since many complaints accounted for the Malorosiysk Borate and on its President Stepan Veljamin, and her abolition could increase the authority of Menshikov in Malorus. In the Supreme Secret Council, Peter declared: "In small Russia, to resolve the headman and other general foreman in all the content of the items, on which this people enter the citizenship of the Russian Empire. In other words, Ukraine began to obey Russia for agreements established on Pereyaslav Rada. All cases related to Ukraine were transferred to the foreign collegium.

On July 22, a decree was issued: "In Malorussey, Hetman and General German to be and maintained them on the treatise of Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky, and to choose in the hetmans and in the foreman to send the secret adviser to Fedor Naumova, who and be with the hetman minister." Menshikov in secret points about the choice of Sotniki and other ranks of good people ordered: "Except Jews." Hetman was elected Daniel Apostle.

In Catherine I, the magistrates were subordinate to the governors and gravifers, and in Peter II there was an idea to abolish them at all, since they duplicated the power of the governors and the governor and a lot of money was spent on them. Magistrates were not abolished, but the main magistrate was abolished. On August 18, a decree was issued:

The abolition of the main magistrate other than the visible positive effects (monetary savings), led, however, to the fact that the cassation body disappeared, where the subjects could complain to the governor or local authorities.

Epiphany emperor

Osterman was a plan for training Peter, consisting of ancient and new history, geography, mathematics and geometry:

To read the story and briefly, the main cases of the previous time, the changes, the increment and diminution of different states, the reasons for this, and the unrelated virtues of the rulers of the ancients with the redeelation then usefully and to represent Gleva. And in this way, you can go through the Assyrian, Persian, Greek and Roman monarchies during the six months, and it is possible to use the author of the first part of the historical affairs to the Yagan Golkin, and to look - the so-called bilderzal ... the new story is to interpret and in the drive Pufendorf, a new act of each, and especially border states, to submit, and in other words about the governing name of each state, interest, the form of the government, strength and weakness to serve ... Geography partly on the globe, partly in LankaTs to show, and to eat short description Guinea ... Mathematical operations, arithmetic, geometry and other mathematical parts and arts from mechanics, optics, and so on.

Andrei Osterman, Peter II study plan

Training plan also included entertainment: billiards, hunting and so on. In addition to the training plan, compiled by Osterman, also has a note written personally by Peter II:

According to Osterman plan, Peter should have visited the Supreme Secret Council on Wednesdays and Fridays. However, he appeared there only once, June 21, 1727. More about visits to Peter of the Supreme Government Authority, it is not known at Menshikov. The young Emperor did not like to learn, preferring funny fun and hunting, where he was accompanied by a young prince Ivan Dolgorukov and 17-year-old daughter Peter I, Elizabeth. Menshikov also did not come to the meetings of the Council, the paper was worn to his house. By ordering as an unprofitable ruler, the "half business lord" set up against himself the rest of the representatives of the nobility, as well as the sovereign itself.

In 1727, on the territory of Manshikov's estate, on the spot where the house of the butler's prince was previously located, Peter II Palace began. The house of the butler entered this palace as a south-eastern outland. After Peter's death in 1730, construction was discontinued. By this time only the foundation and the lower floor of the palace was erected. The building was completed in 1759-1761 as part of the stable courtyard of the ground-haired housing.

Drop Menshikova

Gradually, the emperor began to cool down to Menshikov and his daughter. There were several reasons here: on the one hand, the arrogance of Menshikov himself, on the other - the influence of Elizabeth Petrovna and Dolgoruki. On the day of Natalia Alekseevna, on August 26, Peter rather dismissively cost Maria. Menshikov made Peter a reprimand, what he noticed: " I love her in my heart, but the caress of unnecessary; Menshikov knows that I do not have intentions to marry earlier 25 years" As a result, Peter prescribed the Supreme Secretary Council to transport the Palace from Menshikov all his belongings to the Peterhof Palace and make an order so that the outrageless money was not given to anyone without a decree signed by the emperor personally.

In addition to this summer, 1727 Menshikov fell ill. After five to six weeks, the body coped with the disease, but for the time he was absent at the court, Menshikov's opponents removed the protocols of interrogation of Tsarevich Alexey, the father of the emperor, in which Menshikov participated, and acquainted with them the sovereign. On September 6, 1727, on the orders of the Supreme Secret Council, all the things of the emperor were transferred from the Menshikov house in the summer palace. On September 7, Peter in his arrival from Hunting to St. Petersburg sent to declare Guard to listen to only his orders. On September 8, 1727, Menshikov was accused of state treason, the embezzlement of the treasury and together with the whole family (including Maria) is exiled to the city of Berezov Tobolsk Territory. Few people upset about this.

According to E. V. Anisimov's observation, not the young emperor invented decrees to move the yard from Vasilyevsky Island, about the unnecessary regulations of Menshikov, about his home arrest, about the replacement of the faithful generalsmus of the commandant of the Petropavlovsk fortress. In the series signed by Peter II in early September 1727, the experienced hand of the teacher of Peter, Andrei Ivanovich Osterman, clearly visited the imperial decrees. However, it would be a mistake to assume that Menshikov's time was changed by Osterman's time: the new favorite of the king was released - Prince Ivan Alekseevich Dolgoruky.

After the fall of Menshikov, Evdokia Lopukhin began to call himself queen And September 21 wrote the grandchildren:

Thus, the grandmother of the emperor urged him to come to Moscow, but it was afraid to know that if Peter arrives in Moscow, then Lopukhin will be released and will become a government. Despite this, at the end of 1727, preparations began to move to the courtyard to Moscow for the upcoming coronation according to the sample of Russian kings.

In early January, the emperor with his yard went from St. Petersburg, but on the way Peter fell ill and was forced to spend two weeks in Tver. For some time, Peter stopped in Moscow to prepare for a solemn entrance. It took place on February 4, 1728.

Peter II for Dolgorukov (1728-1730)

Peter II in Moscow began with coronation in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin (February 25 (March 8) 1728). It was the first coronation of the emperor in Russia, which largely defined the sample for further. Like all subsequent emperors, Peter II (according to a certificate specially compiled in the Supreme Secret Council) in the coronation gentlemen in the altar, not reaching the throne, according to the rank of clergy (from the bowl); The Archbishop Novgorod Faofan Prokopovich was filed with the Holy Gifts.

On November 22, 1728, the 14-year-old older sister of Emperor Natalia Alekseevna died in Moscow, which he loved very much and which, according to contemporaries, had a beneficial effect on him.

After moving to Moscow, Dolgorukov received great power: February 3 Princes Vasily Lukich and Alexey Grigorievich Dolgorukhov were appointed by members of the Supreme Secret Council; On February 11, the young prince Ivan Alekseevich was made by Ober-Camper.

The fall of Menshikov near Peter with Anna Petrovna. At the end of February 1728, a message has come to Moscow that the son of Peter (future Peter III) has been born at Anna Petrovna. On this occasion, the ball was arranged. The Race, who informed the birth of Peter, was presented with 300 Chervons, and Feofan Prokopovich sent the Duke of Holstein, Anna Petrovna's husband, a long greeting letter, in which he praised the newborn and humiliated Menshikov.

After the arrival of Peter in Moscow, his meeting was held with her grandmother, Evdokia. This meeting is touchingly described by many historians. But the emperor belonged to his grandmother very dismissive, despite the fact that she loved her grandson very much.

Domestic politics

In the Moscow period of life, Peter II was mostly entertained by providing state affairs to Princes Dolgoruky. Dolgorukov themselves, and especially Ivan Alekseevich, with indignation responded about the permanent fun of the emperor, but, nevertheless, they did not interfere with him and did not make the government affairs. According to the historian Solovyov, foreign envoys reported on the state of affairs in Russia:

In 1728, the Saxon Messenger Leforta compared Russia during the reign of Peter II with a ship, which is worn by the wind will, and the captain and crew are sleeping or drunk:

In the Supreme Secret Council of Apraksin, Golovkin and Golitsyn - that is, almost half of the members - they expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that the emperor is not present in the council and two members of him, Prince Alexey Dolgorukov and Osterman, are intermediaries between the emperor and the Council; They themselves almost never go to the meeting, and they need to send the opinions of the Council with a selection to deal with the emperor.

The army and the fleet were in the crisis: the Military Board after the link Menshikov was left without president, and after the transfer of the capital to Moscow - and without a vice-president, the army did not have enough ammunition, many capable young officers were dismissed. Peter was not interested in the army, the organization near Moscow military maneuvers in the spring of 1729 did not attract his attention. The construction of the ships was discontinued, wanted to limit the release of some gallery, which practically led to war with Sweden. The transfer of the capital to Moscow also did not contribute to the development of the fleet. When Osterman warned Peter, due to the removal of the capital from the sea, the fleet may disappear, Peter answered: " When need needs to consume ships, I will go to the sea; But I do not intend to walk on him like a grandfather».

During the Board of Peter II, disasters often occurred: so, on April 23, 1729 in Moscow, in German Sloboda, a fire happened. With its extinguishing, the Grenadiers took valuable things from the owners of homes, threatening with axes, and only the arrival of the emperor stopped the robbery. When Peter reported on a robbery, he ordered to pick up the guilty; But Ivan Dolgorukov tried to lean the case, since was their captain.

At that time, robbery attacks were very often accomplished. So, for example, in alatorsk district, the robbers burned the village of Prince Kurakina and killed the clerk, two churches were burned and more than 200 yards. Wrote that it suffered not one thing and the village and the robbers are near Alatlar in large quantities With weapons and guns and praise that they will take and break the city, where there is no garrison, and to catch a thieves to send some kind. This also happened in the Penza area and the Lower Volga region.

Bribery flourished and treasures in large sizes. In December 1727, a trial began on Admiral Matvey Zmayevich, who abused his authority and cleared the treasury. The court sentenced Zmaevich and his accomplice of Major Pasynkova to the death penalty, which was replaced by a decrease in the rank, an honorable reference to Astrakhan and the reimbursement of damages.

After the repression of Petrovsky time, there was a reflection from monetary concerns and recruit sets, and on April 4, 1729, the punitive body was liquidated - the Preobrazhensky order. His affairs were divided between the Supreme Secret Council and the Senate, depending on importance.

The contradictions in the church aggravated. After the death of Menshikov, the opposition clergy felt the power and began to play the restoration of the patriarchate. All church affairs from the times of Peter I was headed by the Vice-President of the Sacred Synod of Feofan Prokopovich, who was accused of condescending to the spread of Lutheranism and Calvinism, as well as in participation in the incomplete and all-day cathedral. The main prosecutors were the Rostov bishops of George (Dashkov) and Markell (Rhodeshevsky).

Many undertakings of Peter the Great continued on inertia. So, in 1730, Vitus Bering returned to St. Petersburg and reported on the opening of the Strait between Asia and America.

Catherine Dolgorukova

Through his friend Ivan Dolgorukova, the emperor met in the fall of 1729 and fell in love with his sister - 17-year-old Princess Catherine Dolgorukov. On November 19, Peter II collected the Council and announced the intention to marry the princes, on November 30, 1729 there was an engagement in the Lefort Palace. On the other hand, rumors went that the Dolgorukov was forced to the emperor to conclude a marriage. Observers noted that Peter II in the public is coldly costs the bride. As of January 19, 1730, a wedding was scheduled, which did not take place due to the premature death of Peter II.

Meanwhile, there was no unity and in the camp of Dolgoruki: So, Alexey Dolgorukov hated his son Ivan, who also did not love his sister Catherine for not allowed her to pick up the jewelry belonging to the late sister of the emperor. In early January 1730 occurred secret Meeting Peter with Osterman, on which the latter tried to dissuade the emperor from marriage, talking about the casnocracy of the Dolgorukov. Elizabeth Petrovna was also present in this meeting, which talked about a poor attitude to her dolvalov, despite the constant Decrees of Peter that she was proper respect. Probably, Dolgorukov had dislike for her due to the fact that the young Emperor was very tied to her, although she was going to marry Catherine Dolgorukova.

Death of the emperor

On the feast of the Epiphany on January 6, 1730, despite the most severe frost, Peter II, together with Field Marshal, and Osterman, received a parade dedicated to sanitization on the Moscow River. When Peter returned home, he began with a heat caused by smallpox. Fearing the death of the patron, Ivan Dolgorukov decided to save the position of his relatives and build his sister to the throne. He went to the extreme measure, fake the Emperor's testa. Dolgorukov knew how to copy Peter's handwriting than entertained in childhood. After Peter's death, Ivan Dolgorukov jumped out into the street, snatched the sword and shouted: " Long live Empress Ekaterina Second Alekseevna!" He was immediately arrested and together with his family and Prince Catherine sent to a lifetime link to Siberia.

In the first hour of the night from 18 to 19 (30) January 1730, the 14-year-old sovereign came to my senses and said: "Lay the horses. I will go to the sister of Natalia "- forgetting that she has already died. A few minutes later he died, not leaving the descendants or the appointed heir. On him the house of Romanovs must be in a male knee.

The last of the Russian rulers Peter II was buried in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. On his gravestone (near the southern facet of the northeast pillar of the cathedral) is placed next epitaph:

Foreign policy

Despite the short Board of Peter, the foreign policy of Russia in his time was quite active. Osterman, headed by foreign policy, fully relied on an alliance with Austria. At the emperor, this policy did not doubt, because his uncle for mother was the emperor Karl VI, and the cousin is the future Empress Maria Teresia. The interests of Russia and Austria coincided in many directions - in particular, with respect to countering the Ottoman Empire.

Union with Austria, according to the concepts of that time, automatically meant tensioned relations with France and England. The coronation of George II wanted to use to improve relations between Russia and the United Kingdom, but the death of the Main Ambassador of Russia in France and England, Boris Kurakina, destroyed these plans.

Russia's relations with Poland deteriorated significantly due to the fact that Poles considered Kurland, in which the rules of Anna Ioannovna, their provinces and openly said that it should be divided into voivodeship. Moritsa Saxon, the extramarital son of the Polish king of Augustime, was denied marriages with Elizabeth Petrovna and Anna John.

Relations with the Empire Qing were difficult because of the territorial disputes, in connection with which the borders of the merchants were closed. China wanted to attach the southern part of Siberia up to Tobolsk, where there were many Chinese residents, and Russia resisted it. On August 20, 1727, Count Raguzinsky concluded a contract, according to which the borders of China remained the same and established trade between powers in Kyakhte.

The news about the topics of Peter was well taken in Denmark, as a close relative of the king was married to Peter's aunt, Duke Holchtinsky, which could serve as the basis of the Union with Denmark. Alexey Bestuzhev Donosil Peter from Copenhagen: "The king hopes to get your friendship and is ready to look for it with all sorts of ways, directly and via Cesary."

With Sweden, the relationship was at first very hostile: the Russian messenger was treated cold, while Turkish trembled with Milosts; Sweden forced Russia to start a war to attribute her the beginning of hostile movement and get help from France and England. Disputes on Petrovsky conquest continued: Sweden threatened that he would not recognize Peter by the emperor if Russia would not return the Vyborg Sweden. However, later the Swedes, having learned that the army and fleet in Russia are still in operational condition, refused these requirements. Despite this, the relationship remained strained: many regretted in Sweden that Menshikov was exiled, and, in addition, the invasion of Sweden and Turkey with the support of England and France was prepared. However, soon the relationship has changed, and the main opponent of Russia, Count Horn, began to swear in devotion to the emperor. At the end of the board of Peter, the King of Sweden Frederick I tried to enter into an alliance with Russia.

Personality of Peter II.

Peter II differed lazy, did not love learning, but he adored entertainment and was very independent. Historian Nikolai Kostomarov leads a historic anecdote from his life:

He was fulfilled only 12 years old, and he already felt that he was born by an autocratic monarch, and at the first submitted case showed the consciousness of his royal origin over Menshikov himself. Petersburg bricklayers brought out a young sovereign as a gift of 9000 Chervons. The sovereign sent this money as a gift to his sister, the Great Princess Natalia, but Menshikov, having met the servant with money, took money from him and said: "The sovereign is too young and does not know how to use money." In the morning, the next day, having learned from the sister that she did not receive money, Peter asked about them court, who announced that he took Menshikov's money. The sovereign ordered the prince of Menshikov and cried angrily:

How you dared to prevent my courtly fulfill my order

Our treasury is exhausted, - said Menshikov, - the state needs, and I intend to give this money more useful purpose; However, if your majesty please, I will not only return this money, but I will give you a million out of my money.

I am the emperor, "said Peter, stuck up," I need to obey.

N. Kostomarov, "Russian history in the life writings of its main figures"

According to many, Peter was far from intellectual work and interests, did not know how to behave decently in society, Croquinized and kept the surrounding. It may have not been so much inherited by a bad character, which, like grandson of the emperor, was rather mediocre.

According to the reviews of diplomats, he was highly highly, cunning and somewhat cruel:


Grand Duke

God's silent mercy, we are a second, emperor and autocratic, Moskovskiy, Kievsky, Vladimirsky, Novgorodsky, King Kazansky, Tsar Astrakhansky, King Siberian, Sovereign Pskov and Grand Duke Smolensky, Prince Estland, Liflyandsky, Korean, Tversky, Yugorsky, Perm, Vyatsky, Bulgarian and other Sovereign and Grand Duke NOVAGORODA NOVOVSKIY EARTH, Chernigov, Ryazan, Rostov, Yaroslavsky, Bѣlozersky, Ovory, Obdorskiy, Condijan and All Northern countries Lord and Sovereign of the Earth, Kartalinsky and Georgian kings, and the Kabardinskaya of the Earth, Cherkasy and Gore Princes and other hushes and owner


The XVIII century in the history of Russia was rich in the peasant and soldier's "kings" - the monarchs and members of their family, as the deadly natural death and those killed during the palace coup, have not been left without the "followers." There was no exception and Peter II. His sudden death at a young age also caused curvators and stories about the villains - courtesy, who had hurried to get rid of the "dismissal" ruler, who, of course, was conceived to instill its subjects. However, it took about twenty years so that the deceased king "rebelled in the flesh."

Rumors that Peter " replaced and locked into the dungeon»Started walking almost immediately after his death. In one of the cases of the secret office, the recording of the conversation of the two not named the names of the peasants was preserved, one of which told another that during illness, the young king was replaced by the villains - courtesy, "closed into the wall", but after a long imprisonment managed to free himself and hide in the split Slices. The impostor appeared in the Volga region, and, according to his own stories, he, being still Tsarevich, together with Prince Golitsyn, Ivan Dolgorukov and the Count minisha went for some reason in other people's edges on the pins hunt. In the way, the young Tsarevich fell ill and was safely replaced and taken away to Italy, where he was kept in the "stone pillar" with the only window - for feeding food and water. In imprisonment, he spent 24 and a half years and, finally, managed to run. Another nine years I was struck by various countries, after which I returned to my homeland. The impostor did not bother on generous back - so, he promised after his counterparty freedom of religion for the Old Believers and exemption from taxes for the peasants. However, Lia-Peter was arrested rather quickly and at the interrogation called himself Ivan Mikhailov. In the future, his traces are lost.

In culture

In literature

  • The epigram is chronostic to the coronation of Peter II, the author of Antihai Kantemir.
  • Piece about Menshikov " Dry flame", Author of Samoilov, David Samoilovich
  • Piece " Tsar Petr II, his fate, his favorites"Author N. Istrina
  • Valentin Pikul. Book first novel word and business
  • Historical Roman "Young Emperor", author Vsevolod Solovyov.

In cinema

  • « Mikhailo Lomonosov", 1986, dir. Alexander Pokhkin. In the role of Peter - Kirill Kozakov
  • Series " Secrets of palace coups", Dir. Svetlana Druzhinin. In the role of Peter - Dmitry Verkeenko
    • Film 3rd: " I am emperor", 2000.
    • Film 4th: " Goliath drop", 2001.
    • Film 5th: " The second bride of the emperor", 2003.
    • Film 6th: " The death of a young emperor", 2000.

Despite the fact that the special monarch, according to the tradition, is inviolable, and he himself will be for life, the story knows a lot of examples, when the anointers of God overthrew, forced to renounce the throne, otherwise they were just killed. Peter II was not killed and overthrown - he died from black smallpox, but actually the environment killed him slowly, but right. The body of the king was already as aimed at various oilyness. The tragic fate of this royal period is remarkable in the draft director Svetlana Druzhinina "The Secrets of Palace Dobor", especially in the series "I am Emperor!" and "the second bride of the emperor." The fate of the Grandfather of the Great Peter's heart responds to the heart ... Perhaps in it, Russia has lost the future of a worthy husband ...

Petra II biography (12.10.1715-18.1730)

Already in three years old, the child remained orproot - the mother died in childbirth, his father was sentenced to death, but did not live to her, died earlier: whether he was removed by the secret order of his father - the emperor, or from the consequences of terrible torture, whether From apoplexic impact (so before the stroke, hemorrhage in the brain). Neither Peter nor did the boys of attention, and he grew, in fact, granted to himself, like a weed grass - not a loved one and not necessary for the time being. After the death of his grandfather, a boy who barely turned 10 years old became a hostage in the confrontation of the brilliant prince A.D. Vänshikov and the princes of Dolgoruky and Golitsyn. Menshikov feared for her life - after all, his signature under the death sentence, Father Peter, Tsarevich Alexey Petrovich, stood one of the first. Based on the Guards bayonets, the prince elevated to the throne Catherine. With her, the bright became the actual ruler of Russia. Catherine died two years later. An amazing metamorphosis occurred: from a decisive opponent of the top of Peter, Menshikov turned into his bright supporter. What happened? The prince began to enter the plan to cherish the royal dynasty and issue his older daughter for Peter. It was almost possible him, and he prevented a severe illness than not to take advantage of the Dolgoruki with Golitsyn. Menshikov got into opal, lost all the ranks and ranks and was Soslated with the whole family in Berezov. Now for the young Emperor, representatives of old nobility gods took. Peter Ivan Dolgoruky's drinking companion and his sister. That soon was declared a new bride of the emperor. However, and these plans were not destined: the king was cold and Zalemog. The disease turned out to be more than dangerous, and soon Peter II did not become. With his death, the male line of the Romanov dynasty stopped finally. The contemporaries remember that the character of the grandson went to his grandfather - was hot and stubborn, silent and bold, so I didn't want to learn anything stubbornly. Much more of his hunting and abundant feasting inspired. Apparently, also said genes ...

Domestic and foreign policy of Peter II

Being small and subject to third-party influences, Peter was not interested in politics and redesamed the case at first Menshikov, then Osterman and Dolgoruky. Nevertheless, several decrees from under his pen still came out: the most important cases were postponed to the Supreme Secret Council; The main magistrate was abolished; The clergy was forbidden to wear worldly clothes. Under Peter, the royal yard moved back to the former Russian capital - Moscow. Peter was absolutely not interested in the affairs of the army and fleet. In essence, the state lived on inertia. No serious change has happened. Foreign policy froze. Peter did not go anywhere, further Moscow region.

  • Not wanting to put up with the ambulance of the emperor and not leaving the greedy plans, the Dolgoruki tried to achieve all the truths and inconsistencies from the emperor to sign the will in favor of his united bride - Natalia Dolgoruki. Her brother Ivan even skillfully faked the emperor's handwriting, however, thanks to Osterman, the flag was revealed.
  • There is a version that Peter II fell by the most tender feelings towards his aunt - the future Empress. However, the Supremes and Menshikov, of course, could not allow such a union. Although the osterman's osterman and advanced such a proposal, it did not meet a response response.

The son of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich from the second marriage with the princess Sofia-Charlotte Blankenburg, who died ten days after his birth. Two years of age lost his father. Peter I did not like her grandson and neglected him with upbringing. After death in 1719 Peter Petrovich, the Son of the Emperor from Catherine I, began to be considered by the Russian society as the only legal heir to the imperial crown. Peter I, however, published in 1722 a decree on his right to appoint his successor, thereby disrupting the established procedure for the Preconsession. After the death of Peter I, the omniprition A.D. Vänshikov achieved the proclamation of Empress Catherine I; An attempt by the old aristocracy (Dolgoruky, Golitsyna, G.I. Golovkin, A.I.Preninn) to build a tone of the ten-year-old Peter failed. Nevertheless, the Empress closer to Peter and during the whole of his reign provided him.

Having anticipating the death of Catherine I, not wanting the transition to the throne to her daughters and taking into account the popularity of Peter in the people and among the nobility, A.D. Vänshikov, seeking to ensure their future, decided to support the candidacy of Tsarevich, the idea of \u200b\u200bmarrying him on his eldest daughter Mary, and convinced Dying empress sign the will in his favor.

Peter II joined the throne 7 (18) May 1727. At first, he was entirely influenced by A.D.Neshikov, who transported him to his house on Vasilyevsky Island and on May 24 (June 4) he had gained his daughter with his daughter; The position of the caregiver was preserved with A.I.OSTERMAN, who was helped by A.G. Dolgrukh, Academician Goldbach and Feofan Prokopovich. In July 1727, during the disease, A.D.Neshikov against him, a strong court opposition (A.I. Sosterman, Dolgoruki and Zesarean Elizabeth Petrovna) was formed, which, skillfully using the dissatisfaction of the young Emperor with a despotic temporary, achieved his fall in early September. On September 8 (19), Peter II announced the beginning of his independent board and the rupture of the engagement with Maria Menshikova.

After Opal, A.D.Neshikov, the courtyard became the enemy of the struggle for influence on the young Peter II between A.I. Sosterman, Golitsyn and Dolgoruki. A.I.OSTERMAN supported Natalia Alekseevna, sister of the emperor, Golitsyna attracted his aunt Elizabeth Petrovna, to which he experienced tender feelings, and the Dolgoruki used the friendly attachment of Peter to the young Ivan Dolgoruk. In early 1728, the courtyard moved to Moscow, where the coronation of the thirteen-year-old emperor took place on February 24 (March 7); In published on this occasion, the manifesto was announced to facilitate the tax burden and mitigating punishments for convicts. Despite the efforts of A.I.OSTERMAN, other figures of the Petrovsk epoch, Austrian and Spanish ambassadors, to promote Peter II to return to St. Petersburg, he did not leave the ancient capital until the end of his days.

The emperor was practically not engaged in state affairs, devoting all his time to entertainment, especially hunting with dogs and falcons, grass of bears and fist fights; Attempts by A.I.OSTERMAN convincing him to continue education were not crowned with success. Through all the desires of Peter II, the Dolgoruky to the beginning of 1729 acquired an unlimited influence on him, pushing all their rivals; Nevertheless, control over the current state affairs remained mainly in the hands of A.I. Sosterman. The peak of the success of the Dolgoruki was the collapse of Peter II with the daughter of A.G.Dolgoorkoe Catherine on November 30 (December 11) 1729; The marriage ceremony was appointed 19 (30) January 1730. However, 6 (17), the emperor found signs of smallpox and on the night of 19 (30) January in the Lefortovo Palace, he died. The attempt of the Dolgoruky to convey the throne of his bride ended for them disasters.

The main feature of the highest government controlled under Peter II there was an increase in the political role of the Supreme Secret Council, held after the fall of A.D.Neshikov from five members (Chancellor G.I. Golovkin, Vice-Chancellor A.I.OSostman, A.G. and V.L. Dolgrukh and D.M.Golitsyn); The authority of the abolished cabinet of his imperial majesty (1727) and the Preobrazhensky order (1729) were transferred to it. In the field of local management of the main trend was the expansion of the functions of the governors and the governor at the expense of city magistrates (the main magistrate was abolished in 1727). As for domestic politics, the tax system was somewhat streamlined, the status of Malorossences in the framework of the Russian Empire (the abolition of the Malorosiysk Collegium and the transfer of its affairs to the foreign collegium, restoring hetmanism); Liflyandsky nobility returned the right to convene their own seam, and the clergy is forbidden to wear worldly clothes. In foreign policy, the main issue was the question of the Kurland Prepolyasing.

Despite the hopes of supporters of the antiquity, under Peter II did not return to the Dopeprovsky orders. You can only talk about the overall disorganization of the system of government, caused by the constant rivalry of the palace groups; The measures taken in 1727-1729 were not a focused and consistent political course; They were not independent decisions of the emperor, but often dictated by the conjunctural motives of his nearest environment.

Ivan Krivushin

Peter II was the grandson of Peter the Great. He early lost his parents and joined the throne too early, changing Catherine the first. He did not show interest in the states of the state and independently did not actually manage it.

In history, he is known as the last representative of the Romanov on the male line. Asked in adolescence, he could not leave the heir. What is the history of the life and reign of the grandson of Peter the Great?


The future king Peter II 12.10.1715 was born in St. Petersburg. He was the son of Alexey Petrovich (heir to the throne) and Sofia-Charlot. Mother died ten days after childbirth, and the Father was sentenced to death in 1718.

The boy, like his sister Natalia, was born in a unfortunate family. The marriage of his parents was concluded in dynastic purposes to unite the house of Romanov and Veelphs. Tsarevich's godparents became his grandfather Peter Great and Tsarevna Natalia Alekseevna.

From infancy to Peter, nannies from German Sloboda were pressed. They taught the boy to the guilt, from which he slept and did not bother them. After the death of the son, the Russian king drew attention to the only grandson. He ordered Menshikov to find for a child good teachers. His mentors were able to teach a child german language, Latin and Tatar rugs. At the same time, the boy did not speak Russian at all. When the emperor found out about the teachings of his grandson, he his own he had a person's teachers who were deque and Carpathian Rusin. There were no other mentors.


Peter II was not considered the first three years of their life as a future emperor. This was due to the fact that in 1715 the Son, which he also called Peter was born at the existing ruler. Only after death junior Son Became the question of the throne.

The son of the deceased Alexei Petrovich knows interest in 1719. He was the only (not counting grandfather) of a man house of Romanov. In Europe, the throne could be transferred from his grandfather to his grandchildren, but according to the law of the Petrovsky Prepolyasing of the heir should have appointed the current ruler.

Peter Alekseevich moved his family of dolvalov. He often visited their house, met there with his aunt Elizabeth Petrovna. They told him about the rights to the Russian throne.

In 1722, the emperor issued a decree regarding superflux. He acted until the end of the century. As a result of the decree, the grandson formally devoured advantageous rights to the throne. The ruler had to appoint a receiver himself, but did not have time to do this before his sudden death in 1725.

So Peter II (years of government 1727-1730) was still able to become the head of power. However, could a boy manage the state on his own?

Menshikov reign

Immediately after the death of the emperor, the throne took His widow of Catherine. It was not like all representatives of the old generic nobility. For example, Dolgorukov wanted to see on the throne of nine-year-old Peter.

Menshikov understood that Catherine would not live for a long time and decided to lure the son of Alexei Petrovich to his side. The plans of the former lover Catherine had to marry a boy on her daughter and become regent.

By intrigue, disputes, secret negotiations were made a decision that the heir to the throne will be the grandson of the late emperor. Menshikov showed great part in this issue. So the reign of Peter II under the regent of Menshikov began.

Emperor's policy in 1727:

  • serfs forged for old arrears;
  • given the freedom of those who were exiled to the cautious tax for taxes;
  • it introduced a ban on the exhibition of dissected bodies executed on the universal review;
  • canceled "turning tax";
  • tightened control of tax collects;
  • princes of Trubetskaya, Borhard Minih, Dolgorukov became General Field Marshal;
  • Menshikov was prescribed by Generalissimus;
  • in the Ukrainian lands restored hetmanship;
  • the main magistrate has abolished.

Gradually, the young emperor began to move away from Menshikov. After another waving between them, Peter Alekseevich moved to the Peterhof Palace. At the same time, the regent is very sick and absent at the court for five to six weeks. During this time, the emperor was acquainted with Alexey Petrovich interrogation protocols. It became clear from this that Menshikov had a relation to the interrogation of the father of the emperor. He was accused of state treason and exiled to the Tobolsky region. He was sent to him and his daughters.

Now the favorite of the king was Ivan Dolgoruky.

Dolgorukov reign

By 1728, Peter II (Alekseevich) decided to move to Moscow. Upon arrival it was crowned for the kingdom. In the same year, the native sister of the emperor died. Natalia was fourteen years old, she had a positive effect on his brother.

Dolgorukov finally got great power in the state. They spent their conversion:

  • the capital was transferred to Moscow;
  • eliminated the punitive organ;
  • sent recruitment sets.

The emperor did not do at all affairs, he did not attend the Council, his life took place in festivals and entertainment. This led to the weakening of the army, treasury, bribery, robbery.

Foreign policy

The Board of Peter II fell during the time of wars with the Ottoman Empire. Russia needed an ally. They became Austria.

At the same time, the stretched relations remained with France and England. Poland and Russia could not share Kurland, and the Empire Qing sought to take possession of Siberia.

Relations with Sweden changed from hostile to friendly.

Denmark immediately accepted the news about the top of Peter Alekseevich. They feared the fact that the throne would take Anna Petrovna, because her husband would wanted to claim the Danish province.

Death of the ruler

In 1730, Emperor Peter II participated in the parade for the feast of the Epiphany. On this day there was a strong frost. When the ruler arrived home, he began with a heat caused by PCOS. Thirteen days later he died (19.01.1730). The last man from the house of Romanov was fourteen years old. He left his life at the same age as his older sister, to which he was strongly tied. Buried him in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral.


Peter II did not like to learn. He adored entertainment. The emperor was trial, did not know how to behave in society, could hold the surrounding, capricious.

According to some diplomats, the young ruler was tricky and to some extent cruel. He always did what he wanted, and did not tolerate objections. At the same time, it could well hide his thoughts and, if necessary, pretend. So, daring at Dolgoruky, he mocked Osterman, but before Osterman he did not show out his thoughts, he had dinner from him several times a week.

It is difficult to say whether it was inherited illicit or lack of normal education. He was never loved, only used for their own purposes. Hardly it could have a positive impact on the unformed teenager personality.

Throughout May 1727 to January 1730, the throne of the Russian Empire was the juvenile emperor Peter 2 - the son of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich and the daughter of the Duke of Brownshweig-Wolfenbutto Charlotte Christina Sofia. In addition to Peter, born in 1715, the spouses had another daughter Natalia, born a year earlier. Peter became the first boy in the imperial family, whom the Grand Prince titled, and not Tsarevich.

Despite the high origin, the biography of Peter 2 is full of tragic events. He is early orphaned - the mother died from the birth of the warmth, and his father died when the boy was only three years old - with unclear circumstances in conclusion (he was accused of state treason). From birth, the boy was not considered as the heir to the throne. Initially, his grandfather Emperor had a juvenile son Peter, and after his death in early childhood, a decree was adopted, according to which the heir was appointed a "worthy person on the will of the Soviet".

The education of the orphan did not pay much attention, so he knew Russian very badly, a little German and Latin. However, in 1727, he dies under the influence of the ruling tip of the boyars Peter the second was erected to the Russian throne, and under the age of 16, in the will of the Empress, he had to rule under the regency for the Supreme Secret Council. The grandson of Peter 1 was the last direct descendant of the Romanovs on the men's line and inherited the imperial throne in the order of the legitimate pre-pilotia that in the 18th century it was a rarity for Russia. Although nominally Peter was the emperor, all the power was focused in the hands of the Favorites of the Young Monarch. At the beginning of the board, this was Alexander Menshikov, and after his reference - the educator of Emperor Osterman and the family of Dolgorukov. Interestingly, the companion of Peter the Great was strict with a boy. And when Menshikov fell ill, the influence of dolvalus increased precisely because they picked up the vices of the young ruler. Therefore, the fall of Menshikova was inevitable.

Noteworthy is the fact that Peter 2 was engaged twice on the daughters of his favorites, but did not marry. Maria Menshikov became the first bride (later she was sent together with his father and she died in the link) and Ekaterina Dolgorukova (after the death of the emperor, she was sent away from St. Petersburg, where she allegedly gave birth to a stillborn daughter). In addition, Peter 2 very gently treated his aunt Zesarean Elizabeth Petrovna, at the courtyard even went rumors about their love tie, but Elizabeth, who had many fans, did not perceive the boy's feelings seriously.

Peter was not interested in the affairs of the state and politics at all, and after the link Menshikov began to spend almost all the time on the hunt, where he saw and led a rampant life, which was encouraged by his favorites. The only person who could form a young man was a big sister Natalia, but in 1729 she died.


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