OGE Russian language exam options. Real OGE (GIA) Options for Mathematics - File Archives

OGE Russian language exam options. Real OGE (GIA) Options for Mathematics - File Archives


Part 2

Old bucket

(1) OX, and the former Frontovik wander to Kartunsky Bor.(2) Some kind of land here is such that the eighteenth year remains, only slightly collapsed, not the fact that the stripes of trenches are not the fact that the firing positions of the guns - but the individual rifle cell is small, where the unknown Ivan buried his big body in a masonous short sinel.(3) Brenne from the blurred overlaps over the years, of course, was cleared, and the pit remained clear.

(4) At least in this very Bor, I did not fought, but near, in the same way.(5) I go from the blockage to the bludge, I think where what could be.(6) And suddenly one blockage, at the exit, I encounter on the old, eighteen years of the less, and before those eighteen already served the bucket.

(7) It was then thin, in the first military winter.(8) Maybe from the village of burnt picked his smarter soldier yes the walls to the bottom was back on the cone and attached it to the transition from a tin stove into the pipe.(9) In this very dugout in that disturbing winter, the days of ninety, and maybe one hundred and fifty, when the front stopped here, drove a thin bucket through himself smoke.(10) It was glowing chibelo, he was racing from him, it was possible to smoke him, and the bread was heatured near him.(11) How much smoke the bucket has missed - so many thoughts of unspoken, letters undertaken - from people, already, maybe late for a long time.

(12) And then somehow in the morning, with a sunshine having a sun, the combat order was changed, the blond dropped, the commander rushed his team - "Well! Well!" "The ordinarist stove took the stove, she squeezed her all over the car, and kneel everything, and the wet bucket was not found.(13) "Throw it, infection! - The foreman shouted. - There you will find something else! "(14) It was far away, and the matter turned to the spring, it stood the Ordinar with the thin bucket, sighed - and lowered it at the entrance.

(15) And everyone laughed.

(16) Since then, it was brought from the bubblock, and Nara from the inside, and a table - and a thin faithful bucket remained at their own bubbring.

(17) I stand over it, flooded.(18) Guys clean, Front-line friends!(19) What were we were alive and what they hoped, and the most friendship is our disinterested - everything went smoke, and never more to serve this rusty, forgotten ...

(Solzhenitsyn A. I.)

2 In which suggestions it contains the information necessary for the answer to the question: "What associations cause the narrator the fate of the old bucket?" Select number 1-4 and write it down.

1) (9) In this very dugout in that disturbing winter, days ninety, and maybe one hundred and fifty, when the front stopped here, chalked a thin bucket through himself smoke. (10) It was glowing chibelo, he was racing from him, it was possible to smoke him, and the bread was heatured near him.

2) (7) it was then thin, in the first military winter. (8) Maybe from the village of burnt picked his smarter soldier yes the walls to the bottom was back on the cone and attached it to the transition from a tin stove into the pipe.

3) (13) "Throw it, infection! - The foreman shouted. - There you will find something else! " (14) It was far away, and the matter turned to the spring, it stood the Ordinar with the thin bucket, sighed - and lowered it at the entrance.

4) (18) Guys clean, Front-line friends! (19) What were we were alive and what they hoped, and the most friendship is our disinterested - everything went smoke, and never more to serve this rusty, forgotten ...

3 In which sentence is epithets are not used? Select number 1-4 and write it down.

1) (3) Brenne from the dandy overlaps over the years, of course, was cleared, and the pit remained clear.

2) (9) Here in this very dugout in that disturbing winter, days ninety, and maybe one hundred and fifty, when the front stopped here, drove a thin bucket through himself smoke.

3) (12) and then somehow in the morning, with a merry sun, the combat order was changed, the blond dropped, the commander hurried his team - "Well! Well!" "The ordinarist stove took the stove, she squeezed her all over the car, and kneel everything, and the wet bucket was not found.

4) (18) Guys clean, Front-line friends!

4 From Proposals 8-10, write out the word in which the spelling of the console is determined by its value - "joining".

5 From Proposals 7-9, write out the word in which the choice H is determined by the rule of writing of the adjective adjectives formed using Sufiiks -an - / - Yang -, - In-

6 Replace the book word in an unknown offer 2 stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7 Replace the phrase disinterested friendship (offer 19), built on the basis of coordination, synonymous phrase with communication management. Write the resulting phrase.

8 Write down the grammatical offer of supply 6.

9 Among the proposals of Proposals 11-14, find a proposal with a separate unprofitable application. Write the number of this offer.

10 In the proposal below, the comma died out of the read text. Write the numbers denoting the commas in the introductory words.

How much the drinker missed the bucket - so many thoughts of unspoken, (1) letters undertaken - from people, (2) already, (3) maybe (4) late for a long time.


Work consists of two modules: "Algebra and geometry". In total, 26 tasks. Module "Algebra" "Geometry"

3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes).

in the form of one digit

, galnikcompass Calculators On the exam not used.

passport), pass and capillary or! Allowed to take with myself water (in a transparent bottle) and food

Work consists of two modules: "Algebra and geometry". In total, 26 tasks. Module "Algebra" contains seventeen tasks: in part 1 - fourteen tasks; In part 2 - three tasks. Module "Geometry" Contains nine tasks: in part 1 - six tasks; In part 2 - three tasks.

On the execution of examination work in mathematics is given 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes).

Answers to tasks 2, 3, 14 Write down in the answer form №1 in the form of one digitwhich corresponds to the number of the correct answer.

For other tasks of part 1 the answer is the number or sequence of numbers. The answer is recorded in the response field in the text of work, and then transfer to the answer form No. 1. If an ordinary fraction is obtained in the answer, pay it to decimal.

When performing work, you can take advantage of the main formulas of the math rate issued with the work. It is allowed to use a ruler, galnik, other templates for building geometric figures (compass). It is forbidden to use tools with reference materials on them. Calculators On the exam not used.

On the exam, with you, you need to have a document certifying personality ( passport), pass and capillary or gel handle with black ink! Allowed to take with myself water (in a transparent bottle) and food (Fruit, chocolate, buns, sandwiches), but may ask to leave in the corridor.

Option 10 OGE 2015.

Part 2

Read the text and execute tasks. 2 – 14.

(1) Tolik looked at the sky. (2) Black clouds floated low above the city.(3) Tolik looked better. (4) It was smoke that climbed higher and higher.

(5) What is it? - asked Tolik, and his heart fluttered.

(6) Lit, - Father answered absently, thinking about his.

(7) What is burning?

(8) Like the village village outside the city.

(9) What? - Tholik threw out. - (10) Tomka! (11) There's Tomka!

(12) Tolik rushed forward, jumped out on the bridge and ran his best. (13) He carried the head of his head as never running in life. (14) He rushed like a mad, without thinking about anything other than the dark. (15) Sew someone's shadow seemed to be ahead. (16) He learned the Father.

(17) burned on the other side, where in the morning were at home. (18) There was a mad flame there, fiery raincoats were broken with black smoky border, fiery corners fluttered with tanks. (19) The flame sought to swell, and spinning redchami, and overwhelmed from the roof on the roof, and wooden houses, ash through many years of life, flashed like matchboxes, one by one.

(20) Firefighters wereted with sharp water arrows in the fire: the water evaporated, without reaching the roofs.

(21) There is a boy! - shouted father. - (22) there is a boy! (23) The Tolik sawed as in the smoke that wrapped around the neighborhood, rushed to the house, spinning the hoses on the move, two firefighters in helmets and drove up another car. (24) But firefighters fled slowlyshe, because they were detained a heavy hose, and the Tolik with his father turned them.

(25) There was a dry poplar next to the Tomkin House. (2B) 0n already burned with might and, like a torch. (27) The burnt branches with red worms fell on the roof, and the roof broke out in front of the Tolik, it took in one moment.

(28) Back! Father shouted. - (29) immediately back!

(30 ) But Tolik woven his head. (31) Collected the forces, he rushed forward and, overtaking his father, jumped into the house. (32) I have nothing to breathe, and the throat snarled the caustic smoke. (ZZ) Tolik to the touch spoiled to the bed, touched the mattress. (34) Tomki was not.

(35) Coughing, the boy jumped out of the hut and immediately saw a temper.

(36) Throwing a jacket on his head, he crawled on the ground, grabbed something and hidden for the sinus - he caught chickens, saving them from the fire.

(37) At this time, the jacket flashed on it. (38) Tomka dropped it, but immediately red angle - the burnt poplar branch - fell into his shirt, and the shirt Zagoralasted.

(39) The father rushed to the temper rapidly and pressed it to Earth. (40) Then the father rose, grabbed the temper into his arms and ran to the ambulance car.

(41) The tolik became scary. (42) He saw a car with a red cross, bent, wet back father and stretcher. (43) Tomka lay on the stretchers. (44) he lay somehow strange, as if he wanted to spit from the stretcher.

(45) Lit! (46) Lit! - the father spoke him, but the temot was disobediently shaking his head, and Tolik understood him. (47) He ran to the dark and began to pull out from him because of the sinus of yellow frightened chickens. (48) He hid them to his shirt, looking at the wound on the Tomkin back, and I swore:

(49) What have you done, young naturalist!

(50) Tolik looked at the Tomkino loose face and everything thought: he would have been able to regret it, not to regret how it often happens, but in fact?

(51) Tolik envied the topic, her heroic comrade, and looked at him respect, as if adult.

(52) IN in fact, this fire, as it were, shared them. (53) The Tolik remained the same boy as he was, and the Tomka immediately became an adult.

(According to A.Likhanov) *

Albert Anatolyevich Likhanov (born in 1935) writer, journalist. Special attention in their works writer pays the role of family and school in the education of the child, in the formation of its character.

Answers to tasks 2 - 14 are the number, sequence of numbers or word (phrase), which should be recorded in the response field in the text of the work.

2. In which response version contains the information required forjustification answer to the question: "Why did the Toligan rubbing"?

1) Tolik was an unprecedented boy.

2) Tolik worried about the wounded friend and understood that it was powerless to help him.

3) Tolik believed that the Tomka was in vain exposed his life danger.

4) Tolik envy the courage of the darkness.

3. In which version of the response to the means of expressiveness of speech iscomparison?

1) Nearby it seemed someone's shadow, which broke forward.

2) Next to the Tomkin House stood a dry poplar. He was already burning with might and, like a torch.

3) But the firefighters fled slowly, because they were detained a heavy hose, and Tolik with his father overtook them.

4) The burned branches were falling onto the roof with red worms, and the roof flashed in front of Tolik, it took in one moment.


4. Of the proposals 23 - 27, write out the word in which the spelling of the consonant inconsole it does not depend on the subsequent consonant sound.

ABOUT tVET: ________________________________.

5. From Proposals 6 - 19, write out the word in which the spellingsuffix not determined general rule (is an exception).

ABOUT tVET: ________________________________.

6. Replace spoken expression"Bearing head" In sentence 13 stylistically neutralsynonymous. Write this synonym.

Answer: ____________________________.

7. Replace the phrase"Top Color" , built on the basis of coordination, synonymous phrase with communicationcontrol . Write the resulting phrase.

8. You write Grammar base proposals 41.

Answer: __________________________________________.

9. Among the proposals 50 - 53 find the offer.with a separate application. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

10. In the following suggestions from the read text numbered all commas. Write the digit denoting the comma withintroductory design.

Tolik envied the topic 1 Heroic comrade, 2 and looked at him respect 3 As if on an adult.

IN actually 4 This fire seemed to share them. Tolik remained the same boy 5 How was 6 And the Tomka immediately became an adult.

Answer: __________________________________________.

11. Specify the numbergrammar foundations in sentence 50. Answer write down the number.

Answer: __________________________________________.

12. In the following suggestions from the read text numbered all commas. Write down the digit that denotes the comma between the parts of the complex offer associatedsubordination communication.

He carried the head of his head so 1 How never running in life. He rushed like mad, 2 without thinking about anything 3 In addition to darkness. There seemed to someone's shadow 4 which escaped forward. He learned his father.

Answer: __________________________________________.

13. Proposals 23 - 27 Find a complex proposal with homogeneous submission putting. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

14. Proposals 36 - 39 find Complicated weatherless sentence. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

Part 3.

Using a read text from part 2, on a separate sheet only one of the tasks: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing an essay, write down the number selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 . Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the statement of the Russian writer Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov:"The language is not only a language, speech: language is the image of the entire internal person, all forces, mental and moral."Argueing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from read thosecustom.


You can write work in scientific or journalistic styleRevealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start the writing with the words I.A. Goncharov.

The composition should be the compositionmine at least 70 words.

15.2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text of the text: " IN in fact, this fire, as it were, shared them. Tolik remained the same boy as he was, and the Tomka immediately became an adult. "

Bring in writings two argument from read text confirming your ra loading.

Running examples, specify the numbers of the desired offers or use quietrating.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3 . How do you understand the meaning of the word HUMANITY? Formulate and pr. finish this definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic:"What is humanity", Taking the definition of you as a thesis.Arguumby testing your thesis, bring 2 (two) examples - arguments confirming your arguments: one example - Argument to bring from the read text, and second - from your life wood experience.

The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words.

If the essay is retold or completely rewritten source, without any comments, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Text for presentation

I remembered hundreds of responses of boys to the question: what kind of person do you want to become? - Strong, brave, courageous, smart, resourceful, fearless ... and no one said: good. Why does the kindness not put in one row with such values \u200b\u200bas courage and courage? But without kindness - genuine warmth of the heart - the spiritual beauty of man is impossible.

Good feelings, emotional culture is the firmness of humanity. Today, when in the world and so enough evil, we should be more tolerant, attentive and kind to each other, in relation to the surrounding living world and make the most bold actions in the name of good. Following the way of good - the path is the most acceptable and only for a person. He is tested, he is faithful, he is useful - and a person alone and the whole society as a whole.

Learn to feel and sympathize - this is the hardest thing that is in the upbringing. If good feelings are not brought up in childhood, they never raise them, because they are absorbed simultaneously with the knowledge of the first and most important truths, the main of which is the value of life: someone else's, their, life of the animal world and plants. As a child, a person must pass an emotional school - school of upbringing good feelings. Humanity, kindness, goodwill are born in concerns, excitement, joy and safflyakh.

(By V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

183 Words


Option 10 OGE 2015.

Task check 1.


Task verification 2 – 14


Typical version 1.

Module "Algebra"

  1. Calculate the value of the expression
  2. One of the numbers,,, noted on a straight point A. What is this number?
    1) 2) 3) 4)
  3. Which of the following expressions is equal to the work?
    1) 2) 3) 4)
  4. Decide equation
  5. Set the correspondence between the graphs of the functions and the formulas that specify them.
  6. Dana geometric progression, the denominator of which is equal ,. Find the amount of the first four members.
  7. Find the value of the expression with ,.
  8. What picture is depicted a lot of inequality solutions ?

    Module "Geometry"

  9. Point D on the AB side of the ABC triangle is chosen so that AD is the AU. It is known that the angle of Sav is 10 degrees, the ASV angle is 166 degrees. Find the DCB angle in degrees.
  10. On the circle with the center O point A and in so that the angle of AOs is 122 degrees. The length of a smaller arc AV is 61. Find the length of the greater arc.
  11. The bases of an equifiable trapezium are 8 and 18, and its side sides are equal to 13. Find the square of the trapezium.
  12. On the cellular paper with a cell size of 1 cm x 1 cm, points A, B and C. Find the distance from the point A to the middle of the segment of the Sun. Answer express in centimeters.
  13. Which of the following statements is true?
    1) If the diagonal parallelogram is equal to and perpendicular, then it is a parallelogram - a square.
    2) adjacent angles are equal.
    3) Each of the bisectris of an inaccessible triangle is its height.

    Module "Real Mathematics"

  14. The mass of Jupiter is equal to kg. Express the mass of Jupiter to million tons. 1) million t; 2) million tons; 3) million tons; 4) million tons
  15. The graphs show how during television debates between candidates A and B, television viewers voted for each of them. How many of all thousand TV viewers voted for the first 20 minutes of debate?

  16. Travel company organizes three-day bus tours. The cost of the excursion for one person is 3500 p. Groups are provided with discounts: a group from 3 to 10 people - 5%, a group of more than 10 people - 10%. How many rubles will pay a group of 12 people for an excursion?
  17. The wheel has 9 spokes. Find the corner value (in degrees), which form two neighboring needles.
  18. The diagram shows the age composition of the population of Japan. How much about a person between the ages of 15 and 50 lives in Japan, if the population of Japan is 127 million people? 1) about 55 million; 2) about 69 million; 3) about 75 million; 4) About 63 million in response, write down the number of the selected response.
  19. On a plate of 20 pies: 2 with meat, 16 with cabbage, 2 with cherries. Roma at random chooses one pate. Find the likelihood that it will be with cherry.
  20. Transfer the temperature value on the Celsius scale in the Fahrenheit scale allows the formula Where - degrees Celsius, - degrees Fahrenheit. What temperature on the Celsius scale corresponds to 179 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale? Answer round up to the tenths.

    Option 4. Option 3. OGE 2015.

    Part 2

    Read the text and execute tasks. 2 – 14.

    (1) Olga and herself understood it well and gave himself a honest report: the poems of her good word were not worth it. (2) Raw and technically weak. (3) But what is it, who fascinating and depriving a person's ability to think, thing - flattery.

    (4) Olga beloved girlfriend. (5) Olga blamedly believed her. (6) trusted all his heart secrets and ... their children - poems. (7) Whenever all latest news There were girlfriends discussed, Olga invariably uttered the cherished: (8) "Len, and I wrote a new verse."

    (9) "Yes?!" - Lenka revived, rushing at Olga, tanning by curiosity. - (10) "Read!"

    (11) And Olga read. (12) read a timid, quiet voice, worrying as a student at the blackboard. (13) All the time, while Olga read the next Opus, Lenka did not reduce his admiring eyes from her and when the girlfriend finally fell silent, wrapped on her a squall of hot, enthusiastic, caressing the naive Olgin's soul of emotions.

    (14) So it continued quite a long time. (15) Olga wrote. (16) Lenka admired. (17) And, although there is no doubt about their "bright" talent, there is no yes and have grown into her consciousness, yet in the sincerity of Lena Olga did not doubt either a gram.

    (18) Over their friendship shone, a bright sun, while one of ordinary days did not make a heavy, black cloud at one of the ordinary days:

    (19) Olga, do you know how Lenka laughs everywhere above you and your ridiculous verses? - asked her once a murderous question of a compassion friend. - (20) Yes, it says: (21) "Olgins are ridiculous poems." (22) And what do you really write poems?!

    (23) It can not be! - Olga deaf deeply, completely ignoring the question of a friend, and almost running away rushed away.

    (24) Yes, Olga easily ran away from the smoke acquaintance, but from himself ?! ... (25) "Is it really true? Is Lenka really could do wrong with me?! "(26) Olga forced himself to calm down, but did not go out and five minutes, as the drilling issue again stipped into her heart: (27) "What to do, how to find out - is it all right?"

    (28) Olga nature was the character of very soft and peaceful. (29) She perfectly understood that she would never find out in his life to be truth. (30) But it clearly understood that it would not be able to live quietly, until this truth knows. (31) The exit from the deadlock situation came, however, unexpectedly quickly: (32) "And I will read a new verse! - Suddenly, as lightning, flashed in an olgina swakes from heavy spirit of the head. - (33) If it is true, it will definitely give my behavior. "

    (34) And Olga wrote. (35) It remains to wait for a suitable case of Lenka to prevent him. (36) Fortunately, the case did not make himself wait long.

    (37) Len, and I wrote a new verse.

    (38) Yes, what are you?! (39) So come on - read!

    (40) Olya smooth, calm voice began to read:

    (41) You listened to me. (42) You admired me.

    (43) I sang diffilams as I could.

    (44) Then he herself needs to be laughed ...

    (45) Olya saw how confusion appeared in the eyes of Lena. (46) And followed and unbearable shame and fear. (47) And Olga sat, without changing the expressions of the face, and I thought with bitterness: (48) "Yes, it means that it is true ... (49) So let your conscience judge you. (50) And I forgive. "

    (51) Since then, many years have passed. (52) Olya with Lena - wonderful girlfriends. (53) And none of them never remembered the "ridiculous" verse, so a famous girlfriend. (54) And at each of them, Olya says his cherished: (55) "Len, and I wrote a new verse."

    (56) Yes?! - Lena is animated. - (57) read!

    (58) And Olya reads!

    (According to R. Gosman )

    Gosman Rosa - Modern writer.

    Answers tasks 2 - 14 are the number, sequence of numbers or word (phrase), which should be recorded in the response field in the text of the work.

    2 . In which response version contains the information required forjustification answer to the question: "Why was Olga so worried about the act of Lena"?

    1) Olga considered Lena with his beloved girlfriend, blamedly believed her, Dover yala all his secrets.

    2) Lena had a very peaceful and mild character, everyone could easily offend her.

    3) Olga was a shame that Lena had a new, closer friend.

    4) Olga was afraid that everyone would learn about what she writes raw and weak poems.

    3 . Specify the offer in which the means of expressive speech ismetaphor .

    1) Whenever all the latest news were discussed, Olga invariably uttered a cherished: "Len, and I wrote a new verse."

    2) I read a timid, quiet voice, worrying as a student at the blackboard.

    3) A good friendship was shone over their friendship, the bright sun, until one of the ordinary days did not make a heavy, black cloud on this.

    4) The nature of Olga was the character of very soft and peaceful.

    Answer: ____________________________.

    4. From Proposals 28 - 35 Write the word in which the spellingconsoles Not determined by its value - "Approximation".

    Answer: ____________________________.

    5. From Proposals 12 - 17 Write the word in which the spellingsuffix determined by the rule: "NN is written in complete suffering germinals of the past

    Answer: ________________________ ________.

    6. Replace book expression"Sing the Diffilaments" In sentence 43 stylistically neutralsynonymous. Write this synonym.

    Answer: ____________________________.

    7. Replace the phrase"I thought with bitterness" built on the basis of management, synonymous phrase with communicationadjoint . Write the resulting phrase.

    8. You write Grammar base offers 35.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    9. Among offers 45 - 53 find the offerwith a separate widespread circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    10. In the following suggestions from the read text numbered all commas. Write the numbers denoting commas whenintroductory word.

    And Olga sat, 1 without changing facial expressions 2 And I thought with bitterness: "Yes, 3 it means 4 This is true ... So let your conscience judge you. And I goodbye. "

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    11. Specify the numbergrammar foundations in Proposition 13. Record the digit.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    12. In the following suggestions from the read text numbered all commas. Write out the numbers denoting the comma between the parts of the complex offer associatedsubordination communication.

    Every time, 1 When all the latest news has been discussed by girlfriends, 2 Olga invariably uttered cherished: "Len, 3 And I wrote a new verse. " "Yes?!" - Lenka revived, 4 Aspiring on Olga, tanning by curiosity. - "Read!"

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    13 . Among the proposals 28 - 34, find a complex proposal withconsistent subordinate to the apparent. Write the number of this offer.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    14. Among the proposals 24 - 30 find difficult sentence fromwriting and supervisory commonwealth Between pieces. Write the number of this offer.

    Answer: __________________________________________.

    Part 3.

    Using a read text from part 2, perform on a separate sheet Only one of the tasks: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing an essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

    15.1 . Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of saying I.V. Artyuskova:"The sphere of consision of question proposals is a dialogue, since their main purpose is to search for unknown information, and this is possible only in dialogic speech ». Arguing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the read text.

    You can write work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start the essay with words from the big reference book of Russian grammar.

    Work written without support for read text (not in this text) is not evaluated.nasull points.

    15.2 . Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the fragment (sentences 45 - 50) of the text: "Olya saw how crawling appeared in the eyes of Lena . And followed and unbearable shame and fear. And Olga sat, without changing the expressions of the face, and I thought with bitterness: "Yes, it means that this is true ... So let your conscience judge you. And I goodbye. "

    Bring in writings two argument from read text confirming your ra loading.

    When applying examples, specify the numbers of the desired offers or use the citation.

    The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words.

    If the essay is a retracted or completely rewritten source text without any comments, then such a work of Ocenasull points.

    Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

    15.3 . TO ak do you understand the meaning of the word friendship? Word and comment yes you definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic:"What is friendship?", Taking the definition of you as a thesis.Argumenting your thesis, Bring 2 (two) example - arguments confirming your arguments: one example - argument to bring ithan text, and the second - from your life wood experience.

    The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words.

    If the essay is a retracted or completely rewritten source text without any comments, then such a work of Ocenasull points.

    Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

    Text for presentation

    Modern life with its ever-increasing pace makes people communicate with a lot of people. Surprisingly, the more such "mumbling" acquaintances we meet, the harder to find real friends among them. However, one thing is obvious: we all feel a strong need for a friendly communication, close friendly relationships are still necessary for us just like food and water.

    What should be a real friend? A real friend can always help you in difficult times, but it will never use you as a means to achieve its goals. A real friend is sincerely rejected by your progress, but he will not pretend that he is glad, and at the same time in the soul to envy you. Friend will always find the right word of support, which so often lacks people. You can always rely on a friend, because he is honest with you.

    Do not think that a friend should be an ideal person deprived of anygoodness. Not. A person is also a person, but there are no ideal people. The main thing is to relate to him with kindness and attention.

    (By I. Bondareva)

    153 Words


    Option 3 OGE 2015.

    Task check 1.

    Text information for compressed iseniya




    Friendly communication is necessary to modern man, thoughdespite familiarity with a large number of people, a person is very difficult to meet a true friend.


    A real friend will always come to the aid, will not use you for mercenary purposes, divide joy and grief. You can rely on it.


    There are no ideal people, so you should not expect that a friend will be IDelena. It is important to treat a friend.with kindness and attention.

    Task verification 2 – 14












    to praise


    gorky thought


    it remains to wait




    3,4 < or > 4,3




    1, 2 < or > 2,1


    3 0




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