Oge in Russian to print. Online tests GIA in Russian

Oge in Russian to print. Online tests GIA in Russian

Demo versions of the OGE are published (GIA grade 9) in all subjects, including the Russian language.

When familiarizing with demo version control measuring materials (CMM) of the 2017 OGE in the Russian language, it should be borne in mind that the tasks included in it do not reflect all the content elements that will be checked using CMM options in 2017.

A complete list of content elements that can be controlled in the 2017 exam is given in the codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of students for the main state exam in the Russian language.

Demo version of the OGE grade 9 in Russian language 2017

Demo CMM OGE Russian tongue tasks with answers
Specification download
Codifier download
Audio recording audio

Maximum primary score - 39

Total work time ( Duration of the OGE in Russian language grade 9) - 235 minutes.

Characteristics of the structure and content of CMM

Each version of CMM consists of three parts and includes 15 tasks, differing in shape and level of complexity.

Part 1 - summary (task 1).

Part 2 (tasks 2-14) - tasks with a short answer. In the examination paper, the following types of tasks with a short answer are proposed:

- tasks of an open type to record an independently formulated short answer;

- tasks to choose and record one correct answer from the proposed list of answers.

Part 3 (alternative task 15) is an open-ended task with a detailed answer (essay), which tests the ability to create your own statement based on the text read.

The system for assessing the performance of individual tasks of the OGE and examination work as a whole

The answer to task 1 (summary) of part 1 of the work is evaluated according to specially developed criteria. Maximum amount points for succinct presentation - 7.

For the correct performance of each task of part 2 of the work, the graduate receives 1 point. Zero points are given for an incorrect answer or its absence. The maximum number of points that an examinee can get, who correctly completed the tasks of part 2 of the work, is 13.

Assessment of the answer to the task of part 3 of the work is carried out according to specially developed criteria. The maximum number of points for an essay-reasoning (alternative task) is 9.

The assessment of the practical literacy of the examinee and the actual accuracy of his written speech is made on the basis of checking the presentation and the composition as a whole and is 10 points.

The maximum number of points an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination work is 39.

The purpose of the KIM for the OGE is to assess the level of general education in the Russian language of graduates of 9 classes of general educational organizations for the purpose of state final certification of graduates. The results of the exam can be used when admitting students to specialized classes of secondary schools.

OPTION 21. Complete tasks 2 - 62 + part 15.3.

(1) Autumn was approaching. (2) The harvest was going on in the field, the leaves on the trees were turning yellow. (3) At the same time, our Marusia began to get sick

(4) She did not complain about anything, only she was losing weight. (5) Her face grew pale, her eyes darkened, became larger, her eyelids were raised with difficulty.

(6) Now I could come to the mountain, not embarrassed by the fact that the members of the "bad society" were at home. (7) I completely got used to them and became my man on the mountain.

(8) You, Vasyok, are a glorious lad and someday you will also be a general, Turkevich used to say.

(9) Dark young personalities made me bows and crossbows out of elm. (10) A tall cadet bayonet with a red nose spun me in the air like a splinter, accustoming me to gymnastics. (11) Only the "professor", as usual, was immersed into some deep thoughts, and Lavrovsky in a sober state generally avoided human society and huddled in corners.

(12) All these people were placed separately from Tyburcius, who occupied the above-described dungeon. (13) The rest of the members of the “bad society” lived in the same dungeon, which was separated from the first by two narrow corridors. (14) There was less light here, more dampness and darkness. (15) Along the walls here and there were wooden benches and stumps that replaced chairs. (16) The benches were heaped up with some kind of goofs that replaced beds. (17) In the middle, in a lighted place, stood a workbench, on which at times Pan Tyburtius or one of the dark personalities worked carpentry. (18) The floor of this dungeon was littered with shavings and all sorts of scraps. (19) Dirt and disorder could be seen everywhere, although at times Tyburtius strongly cursed for this I forced one of the tenants to sweep and at least clean up this gloomy dwelling in some way. (20) I did not come here often, because I could not get used to the musty air, and besides, in sober minutes, gloomy Lavrovsky was here. (21) He usually either sat on a bench, spr I put my face in my hands and spread my long hair, or walked from corner to corner with rapid steps. (22) This figure smelled of something heavy and gloomy, which my nerves could not bear. (23) But the other poor fellows had long ago got used to with his oddities. (24) General Turkevich sometimes forced him to rewrite completely the petitions composed by Turkevich himself, and slander for the townsfolk or comic libel, which he then hung on lamp posts. (25) Lavrovsky obediently sat down at a table in Tyburtsy's room and whole for hours he wrote out even lines in beautiful handwriting.

(26) Once or twice I happened to see him being dragged from above into the dungeon. (27) The head of the unfortunate man, hanging down, dangled from side to side, his legs dragged powerlessly and knocked on the stone steps, an expression of suffering was seen on his face, tears flowed down his cheeks. (28) Marusya and I, hugging each other tightly, looked at this scene from the far corner. (29) But Valek was completely free diving between the large ones, supporting now Lavrovsky's hand, leg, or head.

(30) Everything that amused me and interested me in these people on the streets, like a farcical performance, here, behind the scenes, appeared in its real, unadorned form and heavily oppressed the child's heart.

(31) Tyburtius enjoyed indisputable authority here. (32) He opened these dungeons, he gave orders here, and all his orders were carried out. (33) That is probably why I will not remember a single case when any of these people, undoubtedly having lost their human appearance, turned to me with some bad proposal. (34) Now, wise with the prosaic experience of life, I know, of course, that there was minor debauchery, penny vices and rot. (35) But when these people and these pictures appear in my memory, covered with the haze of the past, I see only features of heavy tragedy, deep grief and need.

(36) Childhood and youth are great sources of idealism!

(37) Autumn more and more came into its own. (38) The sky was increasingly covered with clouds, the surroundings were drowning in foggy gloom; streams of rain poured noisily on the ground, giving in to a monotonous and sad rumble in the dungeons.

(39) It took a lot of work for me to run away from home in such weather. (40) However, I only tried to go unnoticed. (41) When I returned home all drenched, I hung my dress in front of the fireplace and meekly went to bed, philosophically reluctant to under a whole hail of reproaches that poured from the lips of the nannies and maids.

(42) Every time I came to my friends, I noticed that Marusya was getting more and more withering. (43) Now she did not go out into the air at all, and the gray stone - the dark, silent monster of the dungeon - continued without interruption its terrible work, sucking life from the little calf. (44) The girl now spent most of her time in bed, and Valek and I exhausted all our efforts to entertain her and pose, in order to induce the quiet play of her weak laughter.

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question:“Why did the hero of the story not often go to that part of the dungeon occupied by the“ bad society ”?

1) There was less light here, more dampness and darkness.

2) He completely got used to them and became his man on the mountain.

3) He could not get used to the musty air, and, moreover, gloomy Lavrovsky stayed here in sober minutes.

4) In the middle, in a lighted place, there was a workbench, on which at times Pan Tyburtius or one of the dark personalities worked carpentry.

3 .Specify a sentence in which the means of expression of speech isphrase-ologism.

1) But Valek was completely free diving between the big ones, supporting now the arm, now the leg, now the head of Lavrovsky

2) I completely got used to them and became my man on the mountain.

3) Childhood and youth are great sources of idealism!

4) Along the walls here and there were wooden benches and stumps that replaced chairs.

4. epithet.

1) Autumn more and more came into its own

2) The head of the unfortunate, hanging, dangled from side to side, his legs dragged powerlessly and knocked on the stone steps, an expression of suffering was seen on his face

3) Something heavy and gloomy emanated from this figure.

4) Dark young personalities made bows and crossbows for me from elm.

5. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expression ismetaphor.

1) The sky was increasingly clouded with clouds, the surroundings were drowning in misty gloom.

2) There was less light here, more dampness and darkness.

3) Tyburtius enjoyed indisputable authority here

4) Lavrovsky obediently sat down at a table in Tyburtsy's room and wrote straight lines in perfect handwriting for hours on end.

6. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expression iscomparative turnover.

1) Everything on the streets that amused and interested me in these people, how a fancy show appeared in its real, unadorned form and heavily oppressed the child's heart.

2) A tall cadet bayonet with a red nose spun me in the air like a splinter, teaching me to gymnastics.

3) Once or twice, I happened to see him being dragged from above into the dungeon.

4) Dirt and disorder could be seen everywhere, although at times Tyburtius strongly swore for this and forced one of the tenants to sweep up and at least clean up this gloomy dwelling.

7. From sentences 9 - 12, write out the word in which the spelling of the prefix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the deafness / voicedness of the subsequent consonant. 8. From sentences 6 - 11, write out a word in which the special spelling of the prefix depends on the presence of a certain suffix. 9. From sentences 22 - 25, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the next consonant. 10. From sentences 31 - 35, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the lexical meaning -"Incomplete action" 11. From proposals 1 - 8 write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the lexical meaning -“Completeness of action”. 12. From sentences 42 - 44, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In prefixes in –З and –С, before the voiced consonants, it is written З, and before the voiceless consonants - С". 13. From sentences 17 - 19, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In the prefixes with -З and -С, Z is written before voiced consonants, and C is written before voiceless consonants." 14. From sentence 34 - 37 write out the word in which the unchangeable prefix is \u200b\u200bdeafened. 15. From sentences 29 - 32, write out a word in which the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: “In an adjective formed from a noun with a stem

in N, written NN. "

16. From sentences 22 - 25, write out a word in which the spelling of the vowel in the suffix depends on the presence of a certain prefix. 17. From sentences 18 - 22, write out a word in which the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In adverbs in - o / e, as many H are written as in the word from which they are formed." 18. From sentences 18 - 22, write out a word in which the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In an adjective formed from a noun with a base in H, NN is written." 19. From sentences 13 - 17, write out a word that is an exception to the rule. 20. From sentences 36 - 40, write out a word in which the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In an adjective formed from a noun with a base in N, it is written NN" 21. From sentences 36 - 40, write out a word in which the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In the passive participles of the perfect form, NN is written." 22. From sentences 26 - 29, write out a word in which the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In an adjective formed from a noun with a base in H, NN is written." 23. From sentences 16 - 20, write down the words in which the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In short passive participles, N is always written." 24. From sentences 11 - 14, write out the word in which the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the rule: "In the passive participles formed from prefixed perfective verbs, NN is written." 25. From sentences 30 - 33, write out the word in which the spelling of the vowel is in the suf-fixdetermined by the form of 1 liter unit. h. the verb crust or simple bud. time. 26. From sentence 22 - 24, write out the word in which the spellingthe vowel in the suf-fix of the passive participle of the present tense is determined by the fact that it is formed from the verbI conjugation. 27. Replace the spoken word"Slander" from sentence 24 as a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this word down. 28. Replace the spoken word"Penny" from proposal 34 stylistically

tralny synonym. Write this word down.

29. Replace the spoken word"Rags" from Proposition 16 is a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this word down. 30. Replace the phrase"On lampposts" 31. Replace the phrase"Elm onions" , built on the basis of a subordinate control relationship, synonymous with the coordination relationship. Write down the resulting phrase. 32. Replace the phrase"Human society" , built on the basis of a subordinate coordination connection, a synonymous phrase with a control connection. Write the resulting phrase. 33. Replace the phrase"Dragged along powerlessly" , built on the basis of the subordinate connection of the adjacency, synonymous with the connection control. Write the resulting phrase. 34. Replace the phrase"On stone steps" , built on the basis of the submissive connection of agreement, is a synonymous phrase with the connection control. Write the resulting phrase. 35. Replace the phrase"In the misty darkness" , built on the basis of a subordinate coordination connection, a synonymous phrase with a control connection. Write the resulting phrase. 36. Replace the phrase"In the drone of the dungeon" , built on the basis of a subordinate control connection, a synonymous phrase with a coordination connection. Write the resulting phrase. 37. Write down the grammatical basis for sentence 16. 38. Write down the grammatical basis of the first simple sentence as part of a compound from sentence 22. 39. Write down the grammatical basis for sentence 28. 40. Write out the grammatical basis for sentence 40. 41. Write down the grammatical basis for sentence 36. 42. Write out the grammatical basis of the second simple sentence in the composition

complex from Proposition 26.

43. Among sentences 42 - 44 find the sentence in which standalone application... Write down the numbers of these sentences. 44. Among sentences 1 through 7, find a sentence in which there is a separate circumstance. Write down the numbers of these sentences. 45. Among sentences 12 - 18, find sentences in which there is a separate circumstance. Write down the numbers of these sentences in numbers 46. In the sentence below from the text read, all the fifths are numbered. Write down the numbers that represent the commasat introductory remarks.

Dirt and disorder were visible everywhere, (1) although at times Tyburtius swore heavily for this and forced some of the tenants to sweep and at least clean up this gloomy dwelling in some way. I did not come here often, (2) because I could not get used to the musty air, (3) and, (4) in addition, (5) gloomy Lavrovsky stayed here in sober minutes

47. In the sentence below, from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers that represent the commaswhen contacting.

Now I could come to the mountain, (1) not being ashamed of the fact (2) that members of the "bad society" were at home. I completely got used to them and became my man on the mountain.

You, (3) Vasyok, (4) are a glorious lad and someday you will also be a general, (5) - Turkevich used to say.

48. introductory remarks .

Do you want to fight? Bey, (1) I'm one healthy. They are wounded. And his father, (2) - the tall one nodded at the glasses, (3) - next to yours, (4) maybe (5) lies

49. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas whenhandling .

Behind him, (1) probably, (2) and Zhora turned off the road, (3) and Sasha seemed to hear his voice: “Look, (4) guys, (5) what a flower! Beauty!"

50. Specify the quantity grammatical foundations in sentence 44. 51. Specify the quantity grammatical foundations in sentence 30. 52 ... Specify the quantity grammatical foundations in sentence 38. 53. Specify the quantity grammatical foundations in sentence 41. 54. In the sentence below from the text read, all the orders are numbered.

fifth. Write down the numbers that represent the commaswith an introductory word.

Probably, (1) that is why I will not remember a single case, (2) when any of these people, (3) undoubtedly lost their human appearance, (4) turned to me with some bad proposal. Now, (5) wise with prosaic life experience, (6) I know, (7) of course, (8) that there was petty debauchery, (9) penny vices and rot.

55. subordinate communication.

However, (1) I was only trying to get away unnoticed. When he returned home all drenched, (2) he hung up his dress against the fireplace and meekly went to bed, (3) philosophically keeping silent under a whole stream of reproaches, (4) which poured from the lips of the nannies and maids.

56. In the sentence below from the text read, all the fifths are numbered. Write down the digit (s) denoting the comma (s) between the parts related subordinate communication.

But when these people and these pictures appear in my memory, (1) obscured by the haze of the past, (2) I see only the features of a heavy tragedy, (3) deep grief and need.

Childhood, (4) youth are great sources of idealism!

57. In the sentence below from the text read, all the fifths are numbered. Write down the digit (s) denoting the comma (s) between the parts related compositional communication

In the middle, (1) in a lighted place, (2) there was a workbench, (3) on which at times Pan Tyburtius or one of the dark personalities worked carpentry. Dirt and disorder were visible everywhere, (4) although at times Tyburtius swore heavily for this and forced some of the tenants to sweep and at least clean up this gloomy dwelling in some way

58. In the sentence below from the text read, all the fifths are numbered. Write down the digit (s) denoting the comma (s) between the parts related compositional communication

Everything, (1) that on the streets amused and interested me in these people, (2) as a booth performance, (3) - here, (4) behind the scenes, (5) appeared in its present, (6) un-embellished form and heavily oppressed the child's heart. He opened these dungeons, (7) he gave orders here, (8) and all his orders were carried out.

59. Among the proposalsand 39 - 42 find a complex sentence withparallel subordination of clauses. Write the number of this sentence. 60. Among the proposals25 – 29 find a complex sentence fromunions communication between parts. Write the number of this sentence. 61. Among sentences 42 - 44, find a complex sentence with a compositional and subordinate connection between the parts. Write the number of this sentence. 62. Among sentences 19 - 21, find a complex sentence with a subordinate and compositional connection between the parts. Write the number of this sentence. PART 3. 15.3.

How do you understand the meaning of the wordSYMPATHY ? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic:"What sympathy , taking as a thesis your definition.



SC 1

SC 2

SC 3

SC 4

Total amount

GK 1

GK 2

GK 3

GK 4

FC 5

OPTION 22. Complete tasks 2 -

Find complex sentence (s) with consecutive subordination among sentences 56 - 65. Write the number (s) of this offer (s). Among sentences 32 - 37, find a complex sentence with a non-union and allied compositional connection between parts. Write the number of this offer.

15.3. How do you understand the wordsBOOK ? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay - reasoning on the topic"A book in my life".













like yesterday


hung up.






to entertain


a mess




















overwhelmed with zakidan














on the lamp post




society of people


dragged along


stone steps


Into the dusk of the fog


In the underground drone


the benches were crumpled




Cape Marseis watched


I tried to go


childhood youth sources











































State final certification for ninth grade graduates is currently voluntary, you can always refuse and take the usual traditional exams.

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OPTION 4 OGE - 2017

Part 2.

Read the text and complete assignments 2-14.

(1.) One day many wise parables gathered together, as is the case with people, and began to talk. (2.) Each one told herself, and the others listened, rejoicing in her sister's wisdom. (3) Only one of them sat quietly in the corner and smiled sadly. (4.) And even when all the parables were spoken, she never spoke.

(5) Several neighbors asked her in surprise:

- (6) Why are you silent, as if you are grieving?

- (7) Didn't you like everything that you heard from us?

-(8) What can you tell everyone?

(9) A sad parable answered:

- (10) May I first ask you something, my wise friends?

- (11) Of course! Ask! - the parables rustled.

- (12) People have listened to you. What did they say after that?

- (13) Praised ...

- (14) Admired ...

- (15) Rejoiced ...

- (16) They shook their heads ...

- (17) Smiled ...

- (18) They said: "True!" ...

(19) For a long time, the parables described the reaction of people, and their friend listened attentively. (20) When everyone was silent, she spoke again:

- (21) It is good that they were satisfied. (22) It is also good that they understood you, appreciated your wisdom and truth. (23) But did they behave differently after that? (24) Or did they remain as they were?

(25) The answer was friendly silence.

- (26) So, my sisters and friends, I am a sad parable about this.
(ByAlexander Bellou)

A parable is a short edifying story in an allegorical form, containing a moral teaching (wisdom). In terms of content, the parable is close to a fable.

Answers to tasks 2-14 are a number, word, phrase, number, or a sequence of numbers. Write down the answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to ANSWER FORM № 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional symbols. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

2 ... Which answer option contains the information necessary forjustification answer to the question: "Why was the sad parable silent for a long time?"

    The sad parable did not want to speak.

    She had no words to describe herself.

    She was not as wise as all the other parables.

    I waited for all her sisters to speak out to summarize.


3 ... Indicate a sentence in which the means of expression is metaphor

    It's good that they were satisfied.

    For a long time, parables described the reactions of people, and their friend listened attentively.

    It is good that they understood you, appreciated your wisdom and truth.

    They said: "True!"


4 ... From sentences No. 1-4, write out the word in which the spelling of the consonant inprefix depends on deafness - voicedness of the subsequent consonant sound.


5 ... From sentences No. 5-11, write out the word in which the spellingsuffix determined by the rule: "In an adverb, as much H is written as in the adjective from which it is formed".


6 ... Replace the book word"Tell" from proposal no. 8 stylistically neutralsynonymous with ... Write this synonym.


7. Replace the phrase"Wise parables "(Sentence number 1), built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with a linkcontrol ... Write the resulting phrase.


8 ... You writegrammatical basis offer no. 8


9. Among offers # 1-4, find an offerwith an isolated circumstance . Write the number of this sentence.


10 ... All commas are numbered in the sentences below. Write down the digit (s) denoting the comma (s)when contacting.

"So, (1) my sisters and friends, (2) I am a sad parable about this."


11 ... Specify the quantity grammatical foundations in sentence No. 19. Write down the answer in figures.


12 ... All commas are numbered in the sentences below from the text read. Write down the numbers, denoting commas between parts of a complex sentence linkedcompositional communication.

Once many wise parables gathered together, (1) as is the case with people, (2) and began to talk. Each told herself, (3) and the others listened, (4) rejoicing at her sister's wisdom.


13 . Find # 1-6 among the proposalscompound sentence ... Write the number of this sentence.


14 ... Among the proposals # 1-4 findcomplicated sentencefromsubordinate connection, in which the subordinate clause located inside the main one. Write the number of this sentence.


Do not forget to transfer all answers to answer form # 1 in accordance with the instructions for the work.

Part 3

Using the text you read from Part 2, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing an essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 ... Write a reasoning essay revealing the meaning of the statementfamous linguist G. Ya. Solganik: “The artist thinks in images, he draws, shows, depicts. This is the specificity of the language of fiction ". Give two examples from the text you read to support your answer. Use sentence numbers or quoting when giving examples. You can write a paper in scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start writing with wordsG. Ya. Solganika

15.2. Write a reasoning essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the last sentences from the text: «… When everyone was silent, she spoke again:

- It's good that they were satisfied. It is good that they understood you, appreciated your wisdom and truth. But did they behave differently after that? Or did they remain the same?

The answer was a friendly silence.

- So, my sisters and friends, I am a sad parable about this. " Give in the essay 2 (two) arguments from the read text, confirming your reasoning. Use sentence numbers or quoting when giving examples.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is rated zero.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the wordWISDOM?? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic:"Wisdom is ...", taking as a thesis your definition. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) example-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is rated zero.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting

Part 2

Checking assignments 2-14

Behindtrue performing taskspart 2 examination work

the examinee receives one point for each task. Behindincorrect

answer or hisabsence zero points are given.


Correct answer




Parables of Wisdom or Parables of Wisdom

You can tell

ATTENTION! All questions are answered at the end of this article.

OGE 2017 in Russian. Question 1

(13) I ran over.

(According to F. Abramov ^* ).


Which answer option contains the information necessary for justification answering the question: "Why was Pavel Vasilyevich called the last old man of the village?"

1. There are no old people left in the village, except for Pavel Vasilyevich.

2. Pavel Vasilyevich was revered more than other old people.

3. That is what Pavel Vasilyevich called himself.

4. Pavel Vasilievich was the embodiment of a special type of people who are now leaving. OGE 2017 in Russian. Question 2

Read the text and complete assignments 1-13

(1) I know everyone in my village - old, young, even children, if not by name, then by appearance. (2) And here, I see, some old man is rowing from the post office along the dusty sandy shoulder. (3) Who? (4) Canvas boots, huge, because the dried-up legs stick out in the upright bootlegs, like sticks, batog in hand, sparkling in the sun ...

(5) I come closer and do not believe my eyes: Pavel Vasilyevich Savin.

(6) I lost weight, dried up, my eyes fell as if they were looking from the other world ... (7) And what about the beard? (8) Where is Savinskaya beard? (9) Even a year ago, he will beat, fluff, straighten - a whole shock on his chest.

(10) And what he was in his youth, this Pavel Vasilyevich! (11) What strength, what prowess walked on the ground! (12) In the spring with us, when the flood subsides and the forest is released into Pinega, the very courage is to run across with a hook in hand from one bank to the other along floating logs.

(13) I ran over.

(14) And what a miracle, what a picture - then I was still quite, quite a child - when he was driving for the bride! (15) In my life I have never seen such a frantic race of drunken trotters in a festive, hotly burning harness. (16) Frost, sun, and he stands in painted boots, in one red shirt, without a hat. (17) Impatience itself, rage itself.

- (18) Pavel Vasilievich, - I ask, - is it you?
- (19) Me, guy, me. (20) All the more, it was ordered to move to another fater.

(21) I began to speak some words of comfort.

- (22) No, no, do not comfort me - I took my own. (23) It went to the post office. (24) I took money for the funeral. (25) I had six hundred rubles accumulated, I took everything off. (26) I do not want the children to be ruined at me. (27) And I want to say goodbye to my fellow countrymen in a good way: so that everyone who comes would be treated ... (28) So that everyone remembers how the last old man of the village retires ...

(29) I was not surprised by the words of Pavel Vasilyevich. (30) There were still three or four old people in the village. (31) But the last old man of the village was called only him, Pavel Vasilyevich. (32) He was from that outgoing breed of Russian peasants who knew how to live in a big way, and work to their best, and freak out.

(33) Pavel Vasilyevich died on the same day, in the evening, when the sun was setting.

(34) All spring and all summer I was lying on my old wooden bed near the door, and then I suddenly asked for the floor.

(35) The children (sons and daughters had already gathered by that time) fulfilled the request - they spread a feather bed on the floor, where the dining table stood, and carried their father.

- (36) Now let Matryona lie down next to me. (37) The sons and daughters looked at each other: what else did the old man invent?
- (38) Mother, I say, knock down next.

(39) Matryona was sitting in an old quilted jacket, her back against the warm stove. (40) Once it was a written beauty, and Pavel Vasilyevich fought in mortal combat over her with his numerous rivals, and then, when he was already in years, he adored her. (41) "I have Matryonka ... My Matryonka ... I am with Matryonka ..." - this was his favorite conversation, both drunk and sober.

(42) And now Matryona, when her husband started talking about her, did not even turn her ear, because she had already been out of her mind for three years.

- (43) Dad, - the eldest daughter spoke carefully (Pavel Vasilyevich kept the children in strict severity), - why do you need a mother? (44) It's not good, after all.
- (45) Knock down, I say, the mother is next to me.

(46) The sons and daughters looked at each other again, and what to do, how to contradict the dying father?

- (47) Matryonka, - said Pavel Vasilyevich, when the old woman was laid next to him, - hug me for the last time.

(48) Matryona, to whom at that moment, apparently by some miracle, her reason returned, awkwardly, with gnarled arms, hugged her husband.

- (49) That's okay, - Pavel Vasilyevich shed tears. - (50) Now leave me alone, I will die.

(51) And soon he died in front of everyone.

(52) Pavel Vasilyevich was buried throughout the village. (53) Everyone followed the coffin - both old and young. (54) Everyone saw off their last old man on their last journey.

(According to F. Abramov ^* ).

^* Fyodor Alexandrovich Abramov (1920-1983) - Russian Soviet writer, literary critic, publicist; one of the most famous representatives of the so-called village prose, a significant trend in Soviet literature of the 1960s-1980s. The theme of the fate of a person in the Russian village became the leading one in his work and was reflected in such works as the tetralogy "Brothers and Sisters", the story "Alka", the collection of stories "Grass-murava", etc.

Indicate a sentence in which the means of expression is phraseological unit.

1. In my life I have never seen such a frantic race of drunken trotters in a festive, hotly burning harness.

2. Large tarpaulin boots, because the dried-up legs stick out in the upright bootlegs, like sticks, a batog in hand, sparkling in the sun ...

3. Everyone followed the coffin - old and young.

4. And here, I see, some old man is rowing from the post office along the dusty sandy roadside. OGE 2017 in Russian. Question 3

Read the text and complete assignments 1-13

(1) I know everyone in my village - old, young, even children, if not by name, then by appearance. (2) And here, I see, some old man is rowing from the post office along the dusty sandy shoulder. (3) Who? (4) Canvas boots, huge, because the dried-up legs stick out in the upright bootlegs, like sticks, batog in hand, sparkling in the sun ...

(5) I come closer and do not believe my eyes: Pavel Vasilyevich Savin.

(6) I lost weight, dried up, my eyes fell as if they were looking from the other world ... (7) And what about the beard? (8) Where is Savinskaya beard? (9) Even a year ago, he will beat, fluff, straighten - a whole shock on his chest.

(10) And what he was in his youth, this Pavel Vasilyevich! (11) What strength, what prowess walked on the ground! (12) In the spring with us, when the flood subsides and the forest is released into Pinega, the very courage is to run across with a hook in hand from one bank to the other along floating logs.

(13) I ran over.

(14) And what a miracle, what a picture - then I was still quite, quite a child - when he was driving for the bride! (15) In my life I have never seen such a frantic race of drunken trotters in a festive, hotly burning harness. (16) Frost, sun, and he stands in painted boots, in one red shirt, without a hat. (17) Impatience itself, rage itself.

- (18) Pavel Vasilievich, - I ask, - is it you?
- (19) Me, guy, me. (20) All the more, it was ordered to move to another fater.

(21) I began to speak some words of comfort.

- (22) No, no, do not comfort me - I took my own. (23) It went to the post office. (24) I took money for the funeral. (25) I had six hundred rubles accumulated, I took everything off. (26) I do not want the children to be ruined at me. (27) And I want to say goodbye to my fellow countrymen in a good way: so that everyone who comes would be treated ... (28) So that everyone remembers how the last old man of the village retires ...

(29) I was not surprised by the words of Pavel Vasilyevich. (30) There were still three or four old people in the village. (31) But the last old man of the village was called only him, Pavel Vasilyevich. (32) He was from that outgoing breed of Russian peasants who knew how to live in a big way, and work to their best, and freak out.

(33) Pavel Vasilyevich died on the same day, in the evening, when the sun was setting.

(34) All spring and all summer I was lying on my old wooden bed near the door, and then I suddenly asked for the floor.

(35) The children (sons and daughters had already gathered by that time) fulfilled the request - they spread a feather bed on the floor, where the dining table stood, and carried their father.

- (36) Now let Matryona lie down next to me. (37) The sons and daughters looked at each other: what else did the old man invent?
- (38) Mother, I say, knock down next.

(39) Matryona was sitting in an old quilted jacket, her back against the warm stove. (40) Once it was a written beauty, and Pavel Vasilyevich fought in mortal combat over her with his numerous rivals, and then, when he was already in years, he adored her. (41) "I have Matryonka ... My Matryonka ... I am with Matryonka ..." - this was his favorite conversation, both drunk and sober.

(42) And now Matryona, when her husband started talking about her, did not even turn her ear, because she had already been out of her mind for three years.

- (43) Dad, - the eldest daughter spoke carefully (Pavel Vasilyevich kept the children in strict severity), - why do you need a mother? (44) It's not good, after all.
- (45) Knock down, I say, the mother is next to me.

(46) The sons and daughters looked at each other again, and what to do, how to contradict the dying father?

- (47) Matryonka, - said Pavel Vasilyevich, when the old woman was laid next to him, - hug me for the last time.

(48) Matryona, to whom at that moment, apparently by some miracle, her reason returned, awkwardly, with gnarled arms, hugged her husband.

- (49) That's okay, - Pavel Vasilyevich shed tears. - (50) Now leave me alone, I will die.

(51) And soon he died in front of everyone.

(52) Pavel Vasilyevich was buried throughout the village. (53) Everyone followed the coffin - both old and young. (54) Everyone saw off their last old man on their last journey.

(According to F. Abramov ^* ).

^* Fyodor Alexandrovich Abramov (1920-1983) - Russian Soviet writer, literary critic, publicist; one of the most famous representatives of the so-called village prose, a significant trend in Soviet literature of the 1960s-1980s. The theme of the fate of a person in the Russian village became the leading one in his work and was reflected in such works as the tetralogy "Brothers and Sisters", the story "Alka", the collection of stories "Grass-murava", etc.

From sentences 14-19, write out the word in which the spelling prefixes determined by the rule: "If the prefix is \u200b\u200bfollowed by a voiceless consonant, then C is written at the end of it".

OGE 2017 in Russian. Question 4

Read the text and complete assignments 1-13

(1) I know everyone in my village - old, young, even children, if not by name, then by appearance. (2) And here, I see, some old man is rowing from the post office along the dusty sandy shoulder. (3) Who? (4) Canvas boots, huge, because the dried-up legs stick out in the upright bootlegs, like sticks, batog in hand, sparkling in the sun ...

(5) I come closer and do not believe my eyes: Pavel Vasilyevich Savin.

(6) I lost weight, dried up, my eyes fell as if they were looking from the other world ... (7) And what about the beard? (8) Where is Savinskaya beard? (9) Even a year ago, he will beat, fluff, straighten - a whole shock on his chest.

(10) And what he was in his youth, this Pavel Vasilyevich! (11) What strength, what prowess walked on the ground! (12) In the spring with us, when the flood subsides and the forest is released into Pinega, the very courage is to run across with a hook in hand from one bank to the other along floating logs.

(13) I ran over.

(14) And what a miracle, what a picture - then I was still quite, quite a child - when he was driving for the bride! (15) In my life I have never seen such a frantic race of drunken trotters in a festive, hotly burning harness. (16) Frost, sun, and he stands in painted boots, in one red shirt, without a hat. (17) Impatience itself, rage itself.

- (18) Pavel Vasilievich, - I ask, - is it you?
- (19) Me, guy, me. (20) All the more, it was ordered to move to another fater.

(21) I began to speak some words of comfort.

- (22) No, no, do not comfort me - I took my own. (23) It went to the post office. (24) I took money for the funeral. (25) I had six hundred rubles accumulated, I took everything off. (26) I do not want the children to be ruined at me. (27) And I want to say goodbye to my fellow countrymen in a good way: so that everyone who comes would be treated ... (28) So that everyone remembers how the last old man of the village retires ...

(29) I was not surprised by the words of Pavel Vasilyevich. (30) There were still three or four old people in the village. (31) But the last old man of the village was called only him, Pavel Vasilyevich. (32) He was from that outgoing breed of Russian peasants who knew how to live in a big way, and work to their best, and freak out.

(33) Pavel Vasilyevich died on the same day, in the evening, when the sun was setting.

(34) All spring and all summer I was lying on my old wooden bed near the door, and then I suddenly asked for the floor.

(35) The children (sons and daughters had already gathered by that time) fulfilled the request - they spread a feather bed on the floor, where the dining table stood, and carried their father.

- (36) Now let Matryona lie down next to me. (37) The sons and daughters looked at each other: what else did the old man invent?
- (38) Mother, I say, knock down next.

(39) Matryona was sitting in an old quilted jacket, her back against the warm stove. (40) Once it was a written beauty, and Pavel Vasilyevich fought in mortal combat over her with his numerous rivals, and then, when he was already in years, he adored her. (41) "I have Matryonka ... My Matryonka ... I am with Matryonka ..." - this was his favorite conversation, both drunk and sober.

(42) And now Matryona, when her husband started talking about her, did not even turn her ear, because she had already been out of her mind for three years.

- (43) Dad, - the eldest daughter spoke carefully (Pavel Vasilyevich kept the children in strict severity), - why do you need a mother? (44) It's not good, after all.
- (45) Knock down, I say, the mother is next to me.

(46) The sons and daughters looked at each other again, and what to do, how to contradict the dying father?

- (47) Matryonka, - said Pavel Vasilyevich, when the old woman was laid next to him, - hug me for the last time.

(48) Matryona, to whom at that moment, apparently by some miracle, her reason returned, awkwardly, with gnarled arms, hugged her husband.

- (49) That's okay, - Pavel Vasilyevich shed tears. - (50) Now leave me alone, I will die.

(51) And soon he died in front of everyone.

(52) Pavel Vasilyevich was buried throughout the village. (53) Everyone followed the coffin - both old and young. (54) Everyone saw off their last old man on their last journey.

(According to F. Abramov ^* ).

^* Fyodor Alexandrovich Abramov (1920-1983) - Russian Soviet writer, literary critic, publicist; one of the most famous representatives of the so-called village prose, a significant trend in Soviet literature of the 1960s-1980s. The theme of the fate of a person in the Russian village became the leading one in his work and was reflected in such works as the tetralogy "Brothers and Sisters", the story "Alka", the collection of stories "Grass-murava", etc.

From sentences 14-17, write out the word in which the spelling suffix determined by the rule: "In the suffixes of adjectives after sibilants and C, under stress is written O, without stress - E".

OGE 2017 in Russian. Question 5

Read the text and complete assignments 1-13

(1) I know everyone in my village - old, young, even children, if not by name, then by appearance. (2) And here, I see, some old man is rowing from the post office along the dusty sandy shoulder. (3) Who? (4) Canvas boots, huge, because the dried-up legs stick out in the upright bootlegs, like sticks, batog in hand, sparkling in the sun ...

(5) I come closer and do not believe my eyes: Pavel Vasilyevich Savin.

(6) I lost weight, dried up, my eyes fell as if they were looking from the other world ... (7) And what about the beard? (8) Where is Savinskaya beard? (9) Even a year ago, he will beat, fluff, straighten - a whole shock on his chest.

(10) And what he was in his youth, this Pavel Vasilyevich! (11) What strength, what prowess walked on the ground! (12) In the spring with us, when the flood subsides and the forest is released into Pinega, the very courage is to run across with a hook in hand from one bank to the other along floating logs.

(13) I ran over.

(14) And what a miracle, what a picture - then I was still quite, quite a child - when he was driving for the bride! (15) In my life I have never seen such a frantic race of drunken trotters in a festive, hotly burning harness. (16) Frost, sun, and he stands in painted boots, in one red shirt, without a hat. (17) Impatience itself, rage itself.

- (18) Pavel Vasilievich, - I ask, - is it you?
- (19) Me, guy, me. (20) All the more, it was ordered to move to another fater.

(21) I began to speak some words of comfort.

- (22) No, no, do not comfort me - I took my own. (23) It went to the post office. (24) I took money for the funeral. (25) I had six hundred rubles accumulated, I took everything off. (26) I do not want the children to be ruined at me. (27) And I want to say goodbye to my fellow countrymen in a good way: so that everyone who comes would be treated ... (28) So that everyone remembers how the last old man of the village retires ...

(29) I was not surprised by the words of Pavel Vasilyevich. (30) There were still three or four old people in the village. (31) But the last old man of the village was called only him, Pavel Vasilyevich. (32) He was from that outgoing breed of Russian peasants who knew how to live in a big way, and work to their best, and freak out.

(33) Pavel Vasilyevich died on the same day, in the evening, when the sun was setting.

(34) All spring and all summer I was lying on my old wooden bed near the door, and then I suddenly asked for the floor.

(35) The children (sons and daughters had already gathered by that time) fulfilled the request - they spread a feather bed on the floor, where the dining table stood, and carried their father.

- (36) Now let Matryona lie down next to me. (37) The sons and daughters looked at each other: what else did the old man invent?
- (38) Mother, I say, knock down next.

(39) Matryona was sitting in an old quilted jacket, her back against the warm stove. (40) Once it was a written beauty, and Pavel Vasilyevich fought in mortal combat over her with his numerous rivals, and then, when he was already in years, he adored her. (41) "I have Matryonka ... My Matryonka ... I am with Matryonka ..." - this was his favorite conversation, both drunk and sober.

(42) And now Matryona, when her husband started talking about her, did not even turn her ear, because she had already been out of her mind for three years.

- (43) Dad, - the eldest daughter spoke carefully (Pavel Vasilyevich kept the children in strict severity), - why do you need a mother? (44) It's not good, after all.
- (45) Knock down, I say, the mother is next to me.

(46) The sons and daughters looked at each other again, and what to do, how to contradict the dying father?

- (47) Matryonka, - said Pavel Vasilyevich, when the old woman was laid next to him, - hug me for the last time.

(48) Matryona, to whom at that moment, apparently by some miracle, her reason returned, awkwardly, with gnarled arms, hugged her husband.

- (49) That's okay, - Pavel Vasilyevich shed tears. - (50) Now leave me alone, I will die.

(51) And soon he died in front of everyone.

(52) Pavel Vasilyevich was buried throughout the village. (53) Everyone followed the coffin - both old and young. (54) Everyone saw off their last old man on their last journey.

(According to F. Abramov ^* ).

^* Fyodor Alexandrovich Abramov (1920-1983) - Russian Soviet writer, literary critic, publicist; one of the most famous representatives of the so-called village prose, a significant trend in Soviet literature of the 1960s-1980s. The theme of the fate of a person in the Russian village became the leading one in his work and was reflected in such works as the tetralogy "Brothers and Sisters", the story "Alka", the collection of stories "Grass-murava", etc.

Replace the colloquial word rowing in sentence 2 stylistically neutral synonymous with... Write this synonym.

OGE 2017 in Russian. Question 6

Read the text and complete assignments 1-13

(1) I know everyone in my village - old, young, even children, if not by name, then by appearance. (2) And here, I see, some old man is rowing from the post office along the dusty sandy shoulder. (3) Who? (4) Canvas boots, huge, because the dried-up legs stick out in the upright bootlegs, like sticks, batog in hand, sparkling in the sun ...

(5) I come closer and do not believe my eyes: Pavel Vasilyevich Savin.

(6) I lost weight, dried up, my eyes fell as if they were looking from the other world ... (7) And what about the beard? (8) Where is Savinskaya beard? (9) Even a year ago, he will beat, fluff, straighten - a whole shock on his chest.

(10) And what he was in his youth, this Pavel Vasilyevich! (11) What strength, what prowess walked on the ground! (12) In the spring with us, when the flood subsides and the forest is released into Pinega, the very courage is to run across with a hook in hand from one bank to the other along floating logs.

(13) I ran over.

(14) And what a miracle, what a picture - then I was still quite, quite a child - when he was driving for the bride! (15) In my life I have never seen such a frantic race of drunken trotters in a festive, hotly burning harness. (16) Frost, sun, and he stands in painted boots, in one red shirt, without a hat. (17) Impatience itself, rage itself.

- (18) Pavel Vasilievich, - I ask, - is it you?
- (19) Me, guy, me. (20) All the more, it was ordered to move to another fater.

(21) I began to speak some words of comfort.

- (22) No, no, do not comfort me - I took my own. (23) It went to the post office. (24) I took money for the funeral. (25) I had six hundred rubles accumulated, I took everything off. (26) I do not want the children to be ruined at me. (27) And I want to say goodbye to my fellow countrymen in a good way: so that everyone who comes would be treated ... (28) So that everyone remembers how the last old man of the village retires ...

(29) I was not surprised by the words of Pavel Vasilyevich. (30) There were still three or four old people in the village. (31) But the last old man of the village was called only him, Pavel Vasilyevich. (32) He was from that outgoing breed of Russian peasants who knew how to live in a big way, and work to their best, and freak out.

(33) Pavel Vasilyevich died on the same day, in the evening, when the sun was setting.

(34) All spring and all summer I was lying on my old wooden bed near the door, and then I suddenly asked for the floor.

(35) The children (sons and daughters had already gathered by that time) fulfilled the request - they spread a feather bed on the floor, where the dining table stood, and carried their father.

- (36) Now let Matryona lie down next to me. (37) The sons and daughters looked at each other: what else did the old man invent?
- (38) Mother, I say, knock down next.

(39) Matryona was sitting in an old quilted jacket, her back against the warm stove. (40) Once it was a written beauty, and Pavel Vasilyevich fought in mortal combat over her with his numerous rivals, and then, when he was already in years, he adored her. (41) "I have Matryonka ... My Matryonka ... I am with Matryonka ..." - this was his favorite conversation, both drunk and sober.

(42) And now Matryona, when her husband started talking about her, did not even turn her ear, because she had already been out of her mind for three years.

- (43) Dad, - the eldest daughter spoke carefully (Pavel Vasilyevich kept the children in strict severity), - why do you need a mother? (44) It's not good, after all.
- (45) Knock down, I say, the mother is next to me.

(46) The sons and daughters looked at each other again, and what to do, how to contradict the dying father?

- (47) Matryonka, - said Pavel Vasilyevich, when the old woman was laid next to him, - hug me for the last time.

(48) Matryona, to whom at that moment, apparently by some miracle, her reason returned, awkwardly, with gnarled arms, hugged her husband.

- (49) That's okay, - Pavel Vasilyevich shed tears. - (50) Now leave me alone, I will die.

(51) And soon he died in front of everyone.

(52) Pavel Vasilyevich was buried throughout the village. (53) Everyone followed the coffin - both old and young. (54) Everyone saw off their last old man on their last journey.

(According to F. Abramov ^* ).

^* Fyodor Alexandrovich Abramov (1920-1983) - Russian Soviet writer, literary critic, publicist; one of the most famous representatives of the so-called village prose, a significant trend in Soviet literature of the 1960s-1980s. The theme of the fate of a person in the Russian village became the leading one in his work and was reflected in such works as the tetralogy "Brothers and Sisters", the story "Alka", the collection of stories "Grass-murava", etc.

Replace the phrase dinner table in sentence 35, built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the link control... Write the resulting phrase.

OGE 2017 in Russian.Question 7

Read the text and complete assignments 1-13

(1) I know everyone in my village - old, young, even children, if not by name, then by appearance. (2) And here, I see, some old man is rowing from the post office along the dusty sandy shoulder. (3) Who? (4) Canvas boots, huge, because the dried-up legs stick out in the upright bootlegs, like sticks, batog in hand, sparkling in the sun ...

(5) I come closer and do not believe my eyes: Pavel Vasilyevich Savin.

(6) I lost weight, dried up, my eyes fell as if they were looking from the other world ... (7) And what about the beard? (8) Where is Savinskaya beard? (9) Even a year ago, he will beat, fluff, straighten - a whole shock on his chest.

(10) And what he was in his youth, this Pavel Vasilyevich! (11) What strength, what prowess walked on the ground! (12) In the spring with us, when the flood subsides and the forest is released into Pinega, the very courage is to run across with a hook in hand from one bank to the other along floating logs.

(13) I ran over.

(14) And what a miracle, what a picture - then I was still quite, quite a child - when he was driving for the bride! (15) In my life I have never seen such a frantic race of drunken trotters in a festive, hotly burning harness. (16) Frost, sun, and he stands in painted boots, in one red shirt, without a hat. (17) Impatience itself, rage itself.

- (18) Pavel Vasilievich, - I ask, - is it you?
- (19) Me, guy, me. (20) All the more, it was ordered to move to another fater.

(21) I began to speak some words of comfort.

- (22) No, no, do not comfort me - I took my own. (23) It went to the post office. (24) I took money for the funeral. (25) I had six hundred rubles accumulated, I took everything off. (26) I do not want the children to be ruined at me. (27) And I want to say goodbye to my fellow countrymen in a good way: so that everyone who comes would be treated ... (28) So that everyone remembers how the last old man of the village retires ...

(29) I was not surprised by the words of Pavel Vasilyevich. (30) There were still three or four old people in the village. (31) But the last old man of the village was called only him, Pavel Vasilyevich. (32) He was from that outgoing breed of Russian peasants who knew how to live in a big way, and work to their best, and freak out.

(33) Pavel Vasilyevich died on the same day, in the evening, when the sun was setting.

(34) All spring and all summer I was lying on my old wooden bed near the door, and then I suddenly asked for the floor.

(35) The children (sons and daughters had already gathered by that time) fulfilled the request - they spread a feather bed on the floor, where the dining table stood, and carried their father.

- (36) Now let Matryona lie down next to me. (37) The sons and daughters looked at each other: what else did the old man invent?
- (38) Mother, I say, knock down next.

(39) Matryona was sitting in an old quilted jacket, her back against the warm stove. (40) Once it was a written beauty, and Pavel Vasilyevich fought in mortal combat over her with his numerous rivals, and then, when he was already in years, he adored her. (41) "I have Matryonka ... My Matryonka ... I am with Matryonka ..." - this was his favorite conversation, both drunk and sober.

(42) And now Matryona, when her husband started talking about her, did not even turn her ear, because she had already been out of her mind for three years.

- (43) Dad, - the eldest daughter spoke carefully (Pavel Vasilyevich kept the children in strict severity), - why do you need a mother? (44) It's not good, after all.
- (45) Knock down, I say, the mother is next to me.

(46) The sons and daughters looked at each other again, and what to do, how to contradict the dying father?

- (47) Matryonka, - said Pavel Vasilyevich, when the old woman was laid next to him, - hug me for the last time.

(48) Matryona, to whom at that moment, apparently by some miracle, her reason returned, awkwardly, with gnarled arms, hugged her husband.

- (49) That's okay, - Pavel Vasilyevich shed tears. - (50) Now leave me alone, I will die.

(51) And soon he died in front of everyone.

(52) Pavel Vasilyevich was buried throughout the village. (53) Everyone followed the coffin - both old and young. (54) Everyone saw off their last old man on their last journey.

(According to F. Abramov ^* ).

^* Fyodor Alexandrovich Abramov (1920-1983) - Russian Soviet writer, literary critic, publicist; one of the most famous representatives of the so-called village prose, a significant trend in Soviet literature of the 1960s-1980s. The theme of the fate of a person in the Russian village became the leading one in his work and was reflected in such works as the tetralogy "Brothers and Sisters", the story "Alka", the collection of stories "Grass-murava", etc.

You write grammatical basis sentences 21.

OGE 2017 in Russian. Question 8

Read the text and complete assignments 1-13

(1) I know everyone in my village - old, young, even children, if not by name, then by appearance. (2) And here, I see, some old man is rowing from the post office along the dusty sandy shoulder. (3) Who? (4) Canvas boots, huge, because the dried-up legs stick out in the upright bootlegs, like sticks, batog in hand, sparkling in the sun ...

(5) I come closer and do not believe my eyes: Pavel Vasilyevich Savin.

(6) I lost weight, dried up, my eyes fell as if they were looking from the other world ... (7) And what about the beard? (8) Where is Savinskaya beard? (9) Even a year ago, he will beat, fluff, straighten - a whole shock on his chest.

(10) And what he was in his youth, this Pavel Vasilyevich! (11) What strength, what prowess walked on the ground! (12) In the spring with us, when the flood subsides and the forest is released into Pinega, the very courage is to run across with a hook in hand from one bank to the other along floating logs.

(13) I ran over.

(14) And what a miracle, what a picture - then I was still quite, quite a child - when he was driving for the bride! (15) In my life I have never seen such a frantic race of drunken trotters in a festive, hotly burning harness. (16) Frost, sun, and he stands in painted boots, in one red shirt, without a hat. (17) Impatience itself, rage itself.

- (18) Pavel Vasilievich, - I ask, - is it you?
- (19) Me, guy, me. (20) All the more, it was ordered to move to another fater.

(21) I began to speak some words of comfort.

- (22) No, no, do not comfort me - I took my own. (23) It went to the post office. (24) I took money for the funeral. (25) I had six hundred rubles accumulated, I took everything off. (26) I do not want the children to be ruined at me. (27) And I want to say goodbye to my fellow countrymen in a good way: so that everyone who comes would be treated ... (28) So that everyone remembers how the last old man of the village retires ...

(29) I was not surprised by the words of Pavel Vasilyevich. (30) There were still three or four old people in the village. (31) But the last old man of the village was called only him, Pavel Vasilyevich. (32) He was from that outgoing breed of Russian peasants who knew how to live in a big way, and work to their best, and freak out.

(33) Pavel Vasilyevich died on the same day, in the evening, when the sun was setting.

(34) All spring and all summer I was lying on my old wooden bed near the door, and then I suddenly asked for the floor.

(35) The children (sons and daughters had already gathered by that time) fulfilled the request - they spread a feather bed on the floor, where the dining table stood, and carried their father.

- (36) Now let Matryona lie down next to me. (37) The sons and daughters looked at each other: what else did the old man invent?
- (38) Mother, I say, knock down next.

(39) Matryona was sitting in an old quilted jacket, her back against the warm stove. (40) Once it was a written beauty, and Pavel Vasilyevich fought in mortal combat over her with his numerous rivals, and then, when he was already in years, he adored her. (41) "I have Matryonka ... My Matryonka ... I am with Matryonka ..." - this was his favorite conversation, both drunk and sober.

(42) And now Matryona, when her husband started talking about her, did not even turn her ear, because she had already been out of her mind for three years.

- (43) Dad, - the eldest daughter spoke carefully (Pavel Vasilyevich kept the children in strict severity), - why do you need a mother? (44) It's not good, after all.
- (45) Knock down, I say, the mother is next to me.

(46) The sons and daughters looked at each other again, and what to do, how to contradict the dying father?

- (47) Matryonka, - said Pavel Vasilyevich, when the old woman was laid next to him, - hug me for the last time.

(48) Matryona, to whom at that moment, apparently by some miracle, her reason returned, awkwardly, with gnarled arms, hugged her husband.

- (49) That's okay, - Pavel Vasilyevich shed tears. - (50) Now leave me alone, I will die.

(51) And soon he died in front of everyone.

(52) Pavel Vasilyevich was buried throughout the village. (53) Everyone followed the coffin - both old and young. (54) Everyone saw off their last old man on their last journey.

(According to F. Abramov ^* ).

^* Fyodor Alexandrovich Abramov (1920-1983) - Russian Soviet writer, literary critic, publicist; one of the most famous representatives of the so-called village prose, a significant trend in Soviet literature of the 1960s-1980s. The theme of the fate of a person in the Russian village became the leading one in his work and was reflected in such works as the tetralogy "Brothers and Sisters", the story "Alka", the collection of stories "Grass-murava", etc.

Among offers 38–42 find an offer with an isolated common circumstance... Write the number of this sentence.

OGE 2017 in Russian. Question 9

Read the text and complete assignments 1-13

(1) I know everyone in my village - old, young, even children, if not by name, then by appearance. (2) And here, I see, some old man is rowing from the post office along the dusty sandy shoulder. (3) Who? (4) Canvas boots, huge, because the dried-up legs stick out in the upright bootlegs, like sticks, batog in hand, sparkling in the sun ...

(5) I come closer and do not believe my eyes: Pavel Vasilyevich Savin.

(6) I lost weight, dried up, my eyes fell as if they were looking from the other world ... (7) And what about the beard? (8) Where is Savinskaya beard? (9) Even a year ago, he will beat, fluff, straighten - a whole shock on his chest.

(10) And what he was in his youth, this Pavel Vasilyevich! (11) What strength, what prowess walked on the ground! (12) In the spring with us, when the flood subsides and the forest is released into Pinega, the very courage is to run across with a hook in hand from one bank to the other along floating logs.

(13) I ran over.

(14) And what a miracle, what a picture - then I was still quite, quite a child - when he was driving for the bride! (15) In my life I have never seen such a frantic race of drunken trotters in a festive, hotly burning harness. (16) Frost, sun, and he stands in painted boots, in one red shirt, without a hat. (17) Impatience itself, rage itself.

- (18) Pavel Vasilievich, - I ask, - is it you?
- (19) Me, guy, me. (20) All the more, it was ordered to move to another fater.

(21) I began to speak some words of comfort.

- (22) No, no, do not comfort me - I took my own. (23) It went to the post office. (24) I took money for the funeral. (25) I had six hundred rubles accumulated, I took everything off. (26) I do not want the children to be ruined at me. (27) And I want to say goodbye to my fellow countrymen in a good way: so that everyone who comes would be treated ... (28) So that everyone remembers how the last old man of the village retires ...

(29) I was not surprised by the words of Pavel Vasilyevich. (30) There were still three or four old people in the village. (31) But the last old man of the village was called only him, Pavel Vasilyevich. (32) He was from that outgoing breed of Russian peasants who knew how to live in a big way, and work to their best, and freak out.

(33) Pavel Vasilyevich died on the same day, in the evening, when the sun was setting.

(34) All spring and all summer I was lying on my old wooden bed near the door, and then I suddenly asked for the floor.

(35) The children (sons and daughters had already gathered by that time) fulfilled the request - they spread a feather bed on the floor, where the dining table stood, and carried their father.

- (36) Now let Matryona lie down next to me. (37) The sons and daughters looked at each other: what else did the old man invent?
- (38) Mother, I say, knock down next.

(39) Matryona was sitting in an old quilted jacket, her back against the warm stove. (40) Once it was a written beauty, and Pavel Vasilyevich fought in mortal combat over her with his numerous rivals, and then, when he was already in years, he adored her. (41) "I have Matryonka ... My Matryonka ... I am with Matryonka ..." - this was his favorite conversation, both drunk and sober.

(42) And now Matryona, when her husband started talking about her, did not even turn her ear, because she had already been out of her mind for three years.

- (43) Dad, - the eldest daughter spoke carefully (Pavel Vasilyevich kept the children in strict severity), - why do you need a mother? (44) It's not good, after all.
- (45) Knock down, I say, the mother is next to me.

(46) The sons and daughters looked at each other again, and what to do, how to contradict the dying father?

- (47) Matryonka, - said Pavel Vasilyevich, when the old woman was laid next to him, - hug me for the last time.

(48) Matryona, to whom at that moment, apparently by some miracle, her reason returned, awkwardly, with gnarled arms, hugged her husband.

- (49) That's okay, - Pavel Vasilyevich shed tears. - (50) Now leave me alone, I will die.

(51) And soon he died in front of everyone.

(52) Pavel Vasilyevich was buried throughout the village. (53) Everyone followed the coffin - both old and young. (54) Everyone saw off their last old man on their last journey.

(According to F. Abramov ^* ).

^* Fyodor Alexandrovich Abramov (1920-1983) - Russian Soviet writer, literary critic, publicist; one of the most famous representatives of the so-called village prose, a significant trend in Soviet literature of the 1960s-1980s. The theme of the fate of a person in the Russian village became the leading one in his work and was reflected in such works as the tetralogy "Brothers and Sisters", the story "Alka", the collection of stories "Grass-murava", etc.

All the commas are numbered in the sentences below from the text read. Write down the numbers denoting commas when introductory remarks.

And here, (1) I look, (2) some old man is rowing from the post office along the dusty sandy roadside. Who! Kersey boots, (3) huge, (4) because the dried-up legs stick out in erect bootlegs, (5) like sticks, (6) batog in hand, (7) sparkling in the sun ...

OGE 2017 in Russian. Question 10

Read the text and complete assignments 1-13

(1) I know everyone in my village - old, young, even children, if not by name, then by appearance. (2) And here, I see, some old man is rowing from the post office along the dusty sandy shoulder. (3) Who? (4) Canvas boots, huge, because the dried-up legs stick out in the upright bootlegs, like sticks, batog in hand, sparkling in the sun ...

(5) I come closer and do not believe my eyes: Pavel Vasilyevich Savin.

(6) I lost weight, dried up, my eyes fell as if they were looking from the other world ... (7) And what about the beard? (8) Where is Savinskaya beard? (9) Even a year ago, he will beat, fluff, straighten - a whole shock on his chest.

(10) And what he was in his youth, this Pavel Vasilyevich! (11) What strength, what prowess walked on the ground! (12) In the spring with us, when the flood subsides and the forest is released into Pinega, the very courage is to run across with a hook in hand from one bank to the other along floating logs.

(13) I ran over.

(14) And what a miracle, what a picture - then I was still quite, quite a child - when he was driving for the bride! (15) In my life I have never seen such a frantic race of drunken trotters in a festive, hotly burning harness. (16) Frost, sun, and he stands in painted boots, in one red shirt, without a hat. (17) Impatience itself, rage itself.

- (18) Pavel Vasilievich, - I ask, - is it you?
- (19) Me, guy, me. (20) All the more, it was ordered to move to another fater.

(21) I began to speak some words of comfort.

- (22) No, no, do not comfort me - I took my own. (23) It went to the post office. (24) I took money for the funeral. (25) I had six hundred rubles accumulated, I took everything off. (26) I do not want the children to be ruined at me. (27) And I want to say goodbye to my fellow countrymen in a good way: so that everyone who comes would be treated ... (28) So that everyone remembers how the last old man of the village retires ...

(29) I was not surprised by the words of Pavel Vasilyevich. (30) There were still three or four old people in the village. (31) But the last old man of the village was called only him, Pavel Vasilyevich. (32) He was from that outgoing breed of Russian peasants who knew how to live in a big way, and work to their best, and freak out.

(33) Pavel Vasilyevich died on the same day, in the evening, when the sun was setting.

(34) All spring and all summer I was lying on my old wooden bed near the door, and then I suddenly asked for the floor.

(35) The children (sons and daughters had already gathered by that time) fulfilled the request - they spread a feather bed on the floor, where the dining table stood, and carried their father.

- (36) Now let Matryona lie down next to me. (37) The sons and daughters looked at each other: what else did the old man invent?
- (38) Mother, I say, knock down next.

(39) Matryona was sitting in an old quilted jacket, her back against the warm stove. (40) Once it was a written beauty, and Pavel Vasilyevich fought in mortal combat over her with his numerous rivals, and then, when he was already in years, he adored her. (41) "I have Matryonka ... My Matryonka ... I am with Matryonka ..." - this was his favorite conversation, both drunk and sober.

(42) And now Matryona, when her husband started talking about her, did not even turn her ear, because she had already been out of her mind for three years.

- (43) Dad, - the eldest daughter spoke carefully (Pavel Vasilyevich kept the children in strict severity), - why do you need a mother? (44) It's not good, after all.
- (45) Knock down, I say, the mother is next to me.

(46) The sons and daughters looked at each other again, and what to do, how to contradict the dying father?

- (47) Matryonka, - said Pavel Vasilyevich, when the old woman was laid next to him, - hug me for the last time.

(48) Matryona, to whom at that moment, apparently by some miracle, her reason returned, awkwardly, with gnarled arms, hugged her husband.

- (49) That's okay, - Pavel Vasilyevich shed tears. - (50) Now leave me alone, I will die.

(51) And soon he died in front of everyone.

(52) Pavel Vasilyevich was buried throughout the village. (53) Everyone followed the coffin - both old and young. (54) Everyone saw off their last old man on their last journey.

(According to F. Abramov ^* ).

^* Fyodor Alexandrovich Abramov (1920-1983) - Russian Soviet writer, literary critic, publicist; one of the most famous representatives of the so-called village prose, a significant trend in Soviet literature of the 1960s-1980s. The theme of the fate of a person in the Russian village became the leading one in his work and was reflected in such works as the tetralogy "Brothers and Sisters", the story "Alka", the collection of stories "Grass-murava", etc.

Specify the quantity grammatical foundations in sentence 40. Write down your answer in numbers.

OGE 2017 in Russian. Question 11

Read the text and complete assignments 1-13

(1) I know everyone in my village - old, young, even children, if not by name, then by appearance. (2) And here, I see, some old man is rowing from the post office along the dusty sandy shoulder. (3) Who? (4) Canvas boots, huge, because the dried-up legs stick out in the upright bootlegs, like sticks, batog in hand, sparkling in the sun ...

(5) I come closer and do not believe my eyes: Pavel Vasilyevich Savin.

(6) I lost weight, dried up, my eyes fell as if they were looking from the other world ... (7) And what about the beard? (8) Where is Savinskaya beard? (9) Even a year ago, he will beat, fluff, straighten - a whole shock on his chest.

(10) And what he was in his youth, this Pavel Vasilyevich! (11) What strength, what prowess walked on the ground! (12) In the spring with us, when the flood subsides and the forest is released into Pinega, the very courage is to run across with a hook in hand from one bank to the other along floating logs.

(13) I ran over.

(14) And what a miracle, what a picture - then I was still quite, quite a child - when he was driving for the bride! (15) In my life I have never seen such a frantic race of drunken trotters in a festive, hotly burning harness. (16) Frost, sun, and he stands in painted boots, in one red shirt, without a hat. (17) Impatience itself, rage itself.

- (18) Pavel Vasilievich, - I ask, - is it you?
- (19) Me, guy, me. (20) All the more, it was ordered to move to another fater.

(21) I began to speak some words of comfort.

- (22) No, no, do not comfort me - I took my own. (23) It went to the post office. (24) I took money for the funeral. (25) I had six hundred rubles accumulated, I took everything off. (26) I do not want the children to be ruined at me. (27) And I want to say goodbye to my fellow countrymen in a good way: so that everyone who comes would be treated ... (28) So that everyone remembers how the last old man of the village retires ...

(29) I was not surprised by the words of Pavel Vasilyevich. (30) There were still three or four old people in the village. (31) But the last old man of the village was called only him, Pavel Vasilyevich. (32) He was from that outgoing breed of Russian peasants who knew how to live in a big way, and work to their best, and freak out.

(33) Pavel Vasilyevich died on the same day, in the evening, when the sun was setting.

(34) All spring and all summer I was lying on my old wooden bed near the door, and then I suddenly asked for the floor.

(35) The children (sons and daughters had already gathered by that time) fulfilled the request - they spread a feather bed on the floor, where the dining table stood, and carried their father.

- (36) Now let Matryona lie down next to me. (37) The sons and daughters looked at each other: what else did the old man invent?
- (38) Mother, I say, knock down next.

(39) Matryona was sitting in an old quilted jacket, her back against the warm stove. (40) Once it was a written beauty, and Pavel Vasilyevich fought in mortal combat over her with his numerous rivals, and then, when he was already in years, he adored her. (41) "I have Matryonka ... My Matryonka ... I am with Matryonka ..." - this was his favorite conversation, both drunk and sober.

(42) And now Matryona, when her husband started talking about her, did not even turn her ear, because she had already been out of her mind for three years.

- (43) Dad, - the eldest daughter spoke carefully (Pavel Vasilyevich kept the children in strict severity), - why do you need a mother? (44) It's not good, after all.
- (45) Knock down, I say, the mother is next to me.

(46) The sons and daughters looked at each other again, and what to do, how to contradict the dying father?

- (47) Matryonka, - said Pavel Vasilyevich, when the old woman was laid next to him, - hug me for the last time.

(48) Matryona, to whom at that moment, apparently by some miracle, her reason returned, awkwardly, with gnarled arms, hugged her husband.

- (49) That's okay, - Pavel Vasilyevich shed tears. - (50) Now leave me alone, I will die.

(51) And soon he died in front of everyone.

(52) Pavel Vasilyevich was buried throughout the village. (53) Everyone followed the coffin - both old and young. (54) Everyone saw off their last old man on their last journey.

(According to F. Abramov ^* ).

^* Fyodor Alexandrovich Abramov (1920-1983) - Russian Soviet writer, literary critic, publicist; one of the most famous representatives of the so-called village prose, a significant trend in Soviet literature of the 1960s-1980s. The theme of the fate of a person in the Russian village became the leading one in his work and was reflected in such works as the tetralogy "Brothers and Sisters", the story "Alka", the collection of stories "Grass-murava", etc.

In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting the commas between the parts of a complex sentence connected subordinate communication.

I was not surprised by the words of Pavel Vasilyevich. There were still three or four old people in the village. But the last old man of the village was called only him, (1) Pavel Vasilyevich. He was from that outgoing breed of Russian peasants, (2) who knew how to live in a big way, (3) and work hard, (4) and weird.

Pavel Vasilyevich died on the same day, (5) in the evening, (6) when the sun was setting.

OGE 2017 in Russian. Question 12

Read the text and complete assignments 1-13

(1) I know everyone in my village - old, young, even children, if not by name, then by appearance. (2) And here, I see, some old man is rowing from the post office along the dusty sandy shoulder. (3) Who? (4) Canvas boots, huge, because the dried-up legs stick out in the upright bootlegs, like sticks, batog in hand, sparkling in the sun ...

(5) I come closer and do not believe my eyes: Pavel Vasilyevich Savin.

(6) I lost weight, dried up, my eyes fell as if they were looking from the other world ... (7) And what about the beard? (8) Where is Savinskaya beard? (9) Even a year ago, he will beat, fluff, straighten - a whole shock on his chest.

(10) And what he was in his youth, this Pavel Vasilyevich! (11) What strength, what prowess walked on the ground! (12) In the spring with us, when the flood subsides and the forest is released into Pinega, the very courage is to run across with a hook in hand from one bank to the other along floating logs.

(13) I ran over.

(14) And what a miracle, what a picture - then I was still quite, quite a child - when he was driving for the bride! (15) In my life I have never seen such a frantic race of drunken trotters in a festive, hotly burning harness. (16) Frost, sun, and he stands in painted boots, in one red shirt, without a hat. (17) Impatience itself, rage itself.

- (18) Pavel Vasilievich, - I ask, - is it you?
- (19) Me, guy, me. (20) All the more, it was ordered to move to another fater.

(21) I began to speak some words of comfort.

- (22) No, no, do not comfort me - I took my own. (23) It went to the post office. (24) I took money for the funeral. (25) I had six hundred rubles accumulated, I took everything off. (26) I do not want the children to be ruined at me. (27) And I want to say goodbye to my fellow countrymen in a good way: so that everyone who comes would be treated ... (28) So that everyone remembers how the last old man of the village retires ...

(29) I was not surprised by the words of Pavel Vasilyevich. (30) There were still three or four old people in the village. (31) But the last old man of the village was called only him, Pavel Vasilyevich. (32) He was from that outgoing breed of Russian peasants who knew how to live in a big way, and work to their best, and freak out.

(33) Pavel Vasilyevich died on the same day, in the evening, when the sun was setting.

(34) All spring and all summer I was lying on my old wooden bed near the door, and then I suddenly asked for the floor.

(35) The children (sons and daughters had already gathered by that time) fulfilled the request - they spread a feather bed on the floor, where the dining table stood, and carried their father.

- (36) Now let Matryona lie down next to me. (37) The sons and daughters looked at each other: what else did the old man invent?
- (38) Mother, I say, knock down next.

(39) Matryona was sitting in an old quilted jacket, her back against the warm stove. (40) Once it was a written beauty, and Pavel Vasilyevich fought in mortal combat over her with his numerous rivals, and then, when he was already in years, he adored her. (41) "I have Matryonka ... My Matryonka ... I am with Matryonka ..." - this was his favorite conversation, both drunk and sober.

(42) And now Matryona, when her husband started talking about her, did not even turn her ear, because she had already been out of her mind for three years.

- (43) Dad, - the eldest daughter spoke carefully (Pavel Vasilyevich kept the children in strict severity), - why do you need a mother? (44) It's not good, after all.
- (45) Knock down, I say, the mother is next to me.

(46) The sons and daughters looked at each other again, and what to do, how to contradict the dying father?

- (47) Matryonka, - said Pavel Vasilyevich, when the old woman was laid next to him, - hug me for the last time.

(48) Matryona, to whom at that moment, apparently by some miracle, her reason returned, awkwardly, with gnarled arms, hugged her husband.

- (49) That's okay, - Pavel Vasilyevich shed tears. - (50) Now leave me alone, I will die.

(51) And soon he died in front of everyone.

(52) Pavel Vasilyevich was buried throughout the village. (53) Everyone followed the coffin - both old and young. (54) Everyone saw off their last old man on their last journey.

(According to F. Abramov ^* ).

^* Fyodor Alexandrovich Abramov (1920-1983) - Russian Soviet writer, literary critic, publicist; one of the most famous representatives of the so-called village prose, a significant trend in Soviet literature of the 1960s-1980s. The theme of the fate of a person in the Russian village became the leading one in his work and was reflected in such works as the tetralogy "Brothers and Sisters", the story "Alka", the collection of stories "Grass-murava", etc.

Among sentences 40-50 find a complex sentence with parallel subordination of clauses. Write the number of this sentence.

OGE 2017 in Russian. Question 13

Read the text and complete assignments 1-13

(1) I know everyone in my village - old, young, even children, if not by name, then by appearance. (2) And here, I see, some old man is rowing from the post office along the dusty sandy shoulder. (3) Who? (4) Canvas boots, huge, because the dried-up legs stick out in the upright bootlegs, like sticks, batog in hand, sparkling in the sun ...

(5) I come closer and do not believe my eyes: Pavel Vasilyevich Savin.

(6) I lost weight, dried up, my eyes fell as if they were looking from the other world ... (7) And what about the beard? (8) Where is Savinskaya beard? (9) Even a year ago, he will beat, fluff, straighten - a whole shock on his chest.

(10) And what he was in his youth, this Pavel Vasilyevich! (11) What strength, what prowess walked on the ground! (12) In the spring with us, when the flood subsides and the forest is released into Pinega, the very courage is to run across with a hook in hand from one bank to the other along floating logs.

(13) I ran over.

(14) And what a miracle, what a picture - then I was still quite, quite a child - when he was driving for the bride! (15) In my life I have never seen such a frantic race of drunken trotters in a festive, hotly burning harness. (16) Frost, sun, and he stands in painted boots, in one red shirt, without a hat. (17) Impatience itself, rage itself.

- (18) Pavel Vasilievich, - I ask, - is it you?
- (19) Me, guy, me. (20) All the more, it was ordered to move to another fater.

(21) I began to speak some words of comfort.

- (22) No, no, do not comfort me - I took my own. (23) It went to the post office. (24) I took money for the funeral. (25) I had six hundred rubles accumulated, I took everything off. (26) I do not want the children to be ruined at me. (27) And I want to say goodbye to my fellow countrymen in a good way: so that everyone who comes would be treated ... (28) So that everyone remembers how the last old man of the village retires ...

(29) I was not surprised by the words of Pavel Vasilyevich. (30) There were still three or four old people in the village. (31) But the last old man of the village was called only him, Pavel Vasilyevich. (32) He was from that outgoing breed of Russian peasants who knew how to live in a big way, and work to their best, and freak out.

(33) Pavel Vasilyevich died on the same day, in the evening, when the sun was setting.

(34) All spring and all summer I was lying on my old wooden bed near the door, and then I suddenly asked for the floor.

(35) The children (sons and daughters had already gathered by that time) fulfilled the request - they spread a feather bed on the floor, where the dining table stood, and carried their father.

- (36) Now let Matryona lie down next to me. (37) The sons and daughters looked at each other: what else did the old man invent?
- (38) Mother, I say, knock down next.

(39) Matryona was sitting in an old quilted jacket, her back against the warm stove. (40) Once it was a written beauty, and Pavel Vasilyevich fought in mortal combat over her with his numerous rivals, and then, when he was already in years, he adored her. (41) "I have Matryonka ... My Matryonka ... I am with Matryonka ..." - this was his favorite conversation, both drunk and sober.

(42) And now Matryona, when her husband started talking about her, did not even turn her ear, because she had already been out of her mind for three years.

- (43) Dad, - the eldest daughter spoke carefully (Pavel Vasilyevich kept the children in strict severity), - why do you need a mother? (44) It's not good, after all.
- (45) Knock down, I say, the mother is next to me.

(46) The sons and daughters looked at each other again, and what to do, how to contradict the dying father?

- (47) Matryonka, - said Pavel Vasilyevich, when the old woman was laid next to him, - hug me for the last time.

(48) Matryona, to whom at that moment, apparently by some miracle, her reason returned, awkwardly, with gnarled arms, hugged her husband.

- (49) That's okay, - Pavel Vasilyevich shed tears. - (50) Now leave me alone, I will die.

(51) And soon he died in front of everyone.

(52) Pavel Vasilyevich was buried throughout the village. (53) Everyone followed the coffin - both old and young. (54) Everyone saw off their last old man on their last journey.

(According to F. Abramov ^* ).

^* Fyodor Alexandrovich Abramov (1920-1983) - Russian Soviet writer, literary critic, publicist; one of the most famous representatives of the so-called village prose, a significant trend in Soviet literature of the 1960s-1980s. The theme of the fate of a person in the Russian village became the leading one in his work and was reflected in such works as the tetralogy "Brothers and Sisters", the story "Alka", the collection of stories "Grass-murava", etc.

Among offers 39–45 find complicated proposal with subordinate and creative alliance between the parts. Write the number of this sentence.


OGE 2017 in Russian. Answer to question 1

Pavel Vasilievich was the embodiment of a special type of people who are now leaving.

OGE 2017 in Russian. Answer to question 2

Everyone followed the coffin - old and young.

OGE 2017 in Russian. Answer to question 3


OGE 2017 in Russian. Answer to question 4


OGE 2017 in Russian. Answer to question 5


OGE 2017 in Russian. Answer to question 6

dinner table

OGE 2017 in Russian. Answer to question 7

i started talking

OGE 2017 in Russian. Answer to question 8


OGE 2017 in Russian. Answer to question 9


OGE 2017 in Russian. Answer to question 10

OGE 2017 in Russian. Answer to question 11


OGE 2017 in Russian. Answer to question 12

OGE 2017 in Russian. Answer to question 13




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