All-Russian inspection work in chemistry 11. Collection of ideal essays on social studies

All-Russian inspection work in chemistry 11. Collection of ideal essays on social studies

Arms in chemistry for grade 11 consists of fifteen tasks. 11 of them belong to the basic level of complexity, and only 4 - to elevated. Tasks are divided into 4 blocks:

In order to write work, students are given for 90 minutes, that is, 2 lessons. During the enterprise in Chemistry, eleventh graders are allowed to have the following things with them:

  1. Calculator (unprogramable)
  2. Periodic Table D. I. Mendeleev
  3. Electrochemical Metal Voltage Series
  4. Solubility table

Evaluation System

In total, you can score 33 points. A clearly defined scale of their translation in the assessment is not provided - this is carried out at the discretion of the management of the educational institution.

Examples of tasks with ramblings and explanations

Exercise 1

The first task opens the block of numbers that check the knowledge of students in the field of theoretical foundations of chemistry. At the beginning, the topic of the task is set - for example, methods for separating mixtures or gas collection methods (they are listed). 3 drawings (no signatures) are given illustrating what is about in text in the text - for example, three methods of separation of mixtures. Next, you need to relate the number of the pattern with the table by the positions specified in the task, and also - specify what illustrates this figure (for example, method or method). The table may look like this:

If the entire table is completed correctly, the student gets 2 points for this task. If there is an error in one of its elements - 1 point, and if there are 2 or more errors - 0 points.

Task 2.

In the second task, the cognition of eleventh graders in such aspects of chemistry as the composition of the atom and the structure of its electronic shell is checked. The condition shows the figure, which shows the structure of the structure or the electron distribution scheme along the levels of any element - for example, like this:

It is necessary to give answers to three questions: write the sequence number of the element, the number of the period and the group in which it is located, and also determine what the simplicity formed by an element is to metals or nonmetallam.

If the whole answer is correct - there are 2 points, with one error - 1 point, at two or more - 0.

Task 3.

This number involves working with the Periodic System D. I. Mendeleev, knowledge of its patterns and properties of elements. A list of 4 elements is given - for example, Si, O, N, P or Si, Al, S, Cl. It is necessary to arrange them according to the condition - for these examples, it is a decrease in the radii of atoms and enhancing the acidic properties of higher oxides - and write down in the correct order. For the right answer, the student gets 1 point, for the wrong - 0.

Task 4.

The fourth task of the PRD in chemistry is associated with the structure of chemicals and their properties. A table is given in which the main properties of the substances of the molecular and ion structure are displayed. Next, it is necessary to determine which structure two of these substances have - for example, iodine and damp gas or drinking soda and acetylene. If the structure of both substances is defined correctly - the eleventh grader receives 2 points for this task, if only one - 1 point, and if the entire answer is incorrect - 0 points.

Task 5.

The fifth task opens a block of numbers belonging to inorganic chemistry. It is associated with the classification of inorganic compounds. The table is given; In the first two of its columns, the formulas of substances are recorded, but the classes are missing to which they relate, and in the following two - on the contrary. She may look like:

You need to add the table by missed elements. If this is done correctly - the answer is estimated at 2 points, if one error is allowed - 1 point, if two and more - 0 points.

Further, the text of the work provides text about any chemical substance - for example, aluminum or ammonia sulfate. The text states how to receive it, appearance, use in life and industry, basic properties and reactions. Tasks 6-8, including two questions, are performed with a support for this text. For each of the tasks 6, 7 and 8, you can get a maximum of 2 points - in case the answer is completely correct. If there is 1 error, 1 point is placed, and if the answer is incorrect - 0 points.

Tasks 6-8

All these tasks are constructed according to one principle - in the first part it is necessary to make an equation of any reaction with the participation of that substance (or derived from it), referred to in the text. All components of the reaction are indicated, other response parts are also mentioned - for example, that the equation should be abbreviated or that it should display the reaction occurring before the formation of a precipitate.

For example, if the text about aluminum sulfate, the first parts of the questions look like this:

  • Make a molecular equation for the preparation of aluminum sulfate from aluminum oxide and sulfuric acid.
  • Make a molecular equation of the reaction between aluminum sulfate and sodium hydroxide flowing to the formation of precipitate.
  • Make the abbreviated ionic equation of the reaction between aluminum hydroxide and sulfuric acid.

In the second part, questions are given associated with the recorded equation - about the type of reaction, about its signs, on the properties of the substance obtained. For our example, they look like this:

  • Describe the signs of the flowing reaction.
  • Explain why the precipitate formed dissolves in an excess of the pitch.
  • What type of reactions (compounds, decomposition, substitution, exchange) is this interaction?

Task 9.

The ninth arrival number in chemistry relating to an increased level of difficulty checks the skill of students to work with redox reactions - to compile their electronic balances, expand the coefficients and indicate which substance is an oxidizing agent, and which acts as a reducing agent. The reaction scheme is given - for example:

Fe (OH) 2 + Nabro + H2O → Fe (OH) 3 + NaBr

CH4 + NO2 → CO2 + NO + H2O

The task consists of 3 parts. In the first one you need to make an electronic balance, in the second - specify the reducing agent / oxidizer, and in the third - to place the coefficients. If all this is done correctly, the answer is estimated at 3 points, if the student made a mistake in one part of the answer - 2 points, in two parts - 1 point, and if the whole answer is incorrect - in 0 points.

Task 10.

The tenth task is somewhat lighter than the previous one, although it is also a task of increased difficulty. It provides a chemical chain that usually includes three equations - for example:

K2CO3 → Caco3 → CO2 → NaHCO3

Na2O → NaOH → Na2Co3 → Na2SO4

Requires the equations of reactions. If all three of them are recorded correctly - the eleventh grader gets 3 points, if only two - 2 points are correct, if only one is 1 point, and if everything is wrong - 0.

Task 11.

The eleventh job opens the block of tasks for organic chemistry. It needs to establish a correspondence between the formula of the substance and its name, or between the name of the substance and the class / group to which it relates. Three names are given or three formulas designated by letters, but the positions that need to be posed for compliance - four, so it's easy to choose the answer will be more difficult. The answer is recorded in the table; If there are no errors in it, there are 2 points, if one error is 1 point, if two or three - 0 points.

Task 12.

In the condition of this task, two reactions schemes are given in which one substance is passed. You need to insert the missed substances, and, if necessary - to place the coefficients. Job examples:

HBR → CH3-CH2-BR + H2O

CH3CH2OH + HCL → .................. + H2O

If the missed items are recorded correctly - the response is estimated by 2 points, with one error - 1 point. For an invalid answer, or his lack of a student does not receive points for this task.

Task 13.

The thirteenth job is a task, and not the simplest - it relates to an increased level of complexity. Most often it is required to calculate the mass of any substance, sometimes the practical and theoretical yield and disadvantage / excess are given. It is necessary to write the equation described in the reaction condition and a detailed decision. Conduct examples Conditions:

  • Calculate how many grams of ethyl acetate can be obtained from 600 g of acetic acid at a 100% practical output.
  • Calculate the mass of calcium chloride, which is formed by the interaction of an excess solution of hydrochloric acid with calcium hydroxide weighing 370 g.

If everything is done correctly - 3 points are put, if there is one error - 2 points, two errors - 1 point, three and more - 0.

Task 14.

In the penultimate task of the Arms in chemistry, the complexity of which is also considered increased, it is necessary to compile 3 equations of reactions with organic matter. In contrast to the task number 10, it is not the result of reactions, but both of their components.

The condition looks like, for example, so:

If all three equations are correct, the answer is estimated at 3 points, if there are only two - in 2 points, only one -1 score, not one - 0.

Task 15.

The fifteenth task implies a solution to the problem. Most often it is required to calculate a mass or mass fraction. This task is easier than that that you need to solve in the 13th room. Examples:

  • For the preparation of the marinade in the cookbook, it is recommended to dissolve 20 g of salts, 30 g of sugar and 10 g of acetic acid to dissolve 20 g of acetic acid. Calculate the mass fraction of salt and acetic acid in the resulting marinade.
  • To increase the yield, the green onions is recommended to spray with a 0.2% solution of ammonium nitrate. Calculate the mass of ammonia nitrate and mass of water, which are necessary for the preparation of 500 g of such a solution.

This task refers to the "Chemistry and Life" block, therefore, in the condition of the problem, it is described practical use obtained substances. For the correct answer, the student receives 2 points if there is one error -1 point in response, in other cases the scores for the task are not awarded.


Each version of the facilities in chemistry contains 15 tasks of various types and levels of complexity.

The paper contains 4 tasks of the elevated level of complexity (their sequence numbers: 9, 10, 13, 14).

The tasks included in the work can be conditionally distributed in four substantive blocks: " Theoretical basis Chemistry, "" inorganic chemistry "," Organic chemistry"," Methods of knowledge in chemistry. Experimental bases of chemistry. Chemistry and life. "

Explanation of assuming tasks

The correct execution of the task with the sequence number 3 is estimated at 1 point.

The correct execution of each other tasks of the base level of complexity is estimated as 2 points. In the case of one error or incomplete response, 1 point is set. The remaining answers are considered incorrect and evaluated in 0 points.

Evaluation of the tasks of an increased level of complexity is carried out on the basis of a single analysis of students' responses. The maximum score for the correctly performed task is 3 points. Jobs with a detailed answer can be performed by students. different ways. Therefore, the sample samples given in the evaluation criteria should be considered only as one of possible options Answer.

In 2018, the Arms in Chemistry in grades were conducted to solve the training organization, for graduates who did not choose this subject to pass the exam.

For the preparations for the PRD 2019 will use the options 2018.

PRD in chemistry grade 11 2018 year options + replies

The inspection work in chemistry is conditionally divided into four meaningful blocks: "Theoretical Fundamentals of Chemistry", "Inorganic Chemistry", "Organic Chemistry", "Methods of Knowledge of Chemistry. Experimental bases of chemistry. Chemistry and life. "

Graduates participating in the writing of the Arms in Chemistry must demonstrate a basic level of Item Knowledge:

  • make a chemical reaction equation
  • model a chemical experiment based on its description,
  • explain the conditionality of the properties and methods of obtaining substances by their composition and structure.

Checking for grade 11 includes 15 tasks of various levels of complexity.

Another work is given to 1.5 hours (90 minutes).

Tasks included in the verification work check the mastery
graduates with certain skills and methods of action that
meet the requirements for graduate training.

Table of Translation Points of ERP Chemistry

Arms All-Russian Inspection Work - Chemistry Grade 11

Explanation of a model of all-Russian verification work

When familiarizing with a sample of verification work, it should be borne in mind that the tasks included in the sample do not reflect all the abilities and contents of the content that will be checked in the framework of the All-Russian verification work. Full list The elements of the content and skills that can be checked in the work are provided in the codifier of elements of the content and requirements for the level of graduates for the development of All-Russian Chemistry Chemistry. The purpose of the sample of the test work is to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of the All-Russian testing, the number and form of tasks, the level of their complexity.

Instructions for performing work

Verification work includes 15 tasks. For chemistry work, 1 hour 30 minutes is given (90 minutes).
Make answers in the text of work according to the instructions for tasks. In the case of the record of an incorrect answer, cross it and write down the new one.
When performing work, it is allowed to use the following additional materials:
Periodic system Chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev;
- Table of solubility of salts, acids and bases in water;
- electrochemical series of metals voltage;
- unprogrammed calculator.
When executing tasks, you can use a draft. Entries in Chernovik are not checked and evaluated.
We advise you to perform tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip the task that cannot be executed immediately and go to the next one. If, after performing all the work, you will have time, you can return to missing tasks.
The points you received for completed tasks are summed up. Try to perform as many tasks as possible and dial the greatest number Points.
We wish you success!

1. From the course of chemistry you know the following ways of separation of mixtures: settling, filtering, distillation (distillation), action magnet, evaporation, crystallization. Figures 1-3 present examples of using some of the listed methods.

Which of the mentioned methods of separation of mixtures can be applied to cleanse:
1) flour from iron sawdust in it;
2) Water from inorganic salts dissolved in it?
Write the figure in the table and the name of the corresponding method of separating the mixture.

iron sawdust attract a magnet

when distillation after condensation of water vapor in a vessel, salt crystals remain

2. Figure shows the model of the electronic structure of the atom of some chemicalelement.

Based on the analysis of the proposed model, follow these tasks:
1) determine the chemical element whose atom has such an electronic structure;
2) Specify the number number and number of the group in the periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev, in which this element is located;
3) Determine, the metals or nonmetallax include a simple substance that forms this chemical element.
Answers write to the table.

N; 2; 5 (or v); non-metal

to determine the chemical element, it is necessary to calculate the total number of electrons that we see in Figure (7)

taking the Mendeleev table, we can easily determine the element (the resulting number of electrons is equal to the atomic number of the element) (N-nitrogen)

after that, we define the number of the group (vertical column) (5) and the nature of this element (non-metall)

3. Periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev - a rich storage of information on chemical elements, their properties and properties of their compounds, about the patterns of changes in these properties, on the methods of obtaining substances, as well as on finding them in nature. For example, it is known that with an increase in the sequence number of the chemical element in the periods of atoms, the atoms are reduced, and groups increase.
Considering these patterns, position the following elements in the order of increasing the radii of atoms: N, C, Al, Si. Record the designations of the elements in the desired sequence.

Answer: ____________________________

N → C → Si → Al

4. The table below lists the characteristic properties of substances that have a molecular and ion structure.

Using this information, determine which structure has a nitrogen substance N2 and the sodium salt NaCl. Write down the answer in the allotted place:

1) nitrogen N2 ____________________________________________________________
2) Salt NaCl ___________________________________________________

nitrogen N2 is a molecular structure;
Salt NaCl - ionic structure

5. Complex inorganic substances can be conditionally distributed, that is, classify, in four groups, as shown in the diagram. In this scheme for each of the four groups, enter the missed groups of groups or chemical formulas (for one example of formulas) belonging to this group.

The names of the groups are recorded: bases, salts;
The formulas of substances of the relevant groups are recorded.

Cao, Bases, HCl, Salt

Read the following text and perform tasks 6-8.

Food industry used food supplement E526, which is CA (OH) 2 calcium hydroxide. It finds use in production: fruit juices, baby food, pickled cucumbers, food salts, confectionery and sweets.
Obtaining calcium hydroxide on an industrial scale by mixing calcium oxide with waterThis process is called quenching.
Calcium hydroxide was widely used in the production of such building materials such as Belil, plaster and gypsum solutions. This is due to its ability. interact with CO2 carbon dioxidecontained in the air. This calcium hydroxide solution is used to measure the quantitative content of carbon dioxide in the air.
The useful feature of calcium hydroxide is its ability to act as a flocculant cleansing wastewater from suspended and colloidal particles (including iron salts). It is also used to increase the pH of water, since natural water contains substances (for example, acid) Corrosive in sanitary pipes.

1. Make a molecular equation of calcium hydroxide reaction, which
Mentioned in the text.

2. Explain why this process is called a quenching.


1) Cao + H 2 O \u003d Ca (OH) 2
2) when the interaction of calcium oxide with water highlights a large
The amount of heat, so water boils and hits, as when it gets into a split coal, when the fire is quenched with water (or "this process is called a quenching, because the exhaust lime is formed")

1. Make a molecular reaction equation between calcium hydroxide and carbon dioxide
Gas, which was mentioned in the text.

2. Explain what particular features of this reaction can be used to detect it.
Carbon dioxide in the air.

1) Ca (OH) 2 + CO 2 \u003d Caco 3 ↓ + H 2 O
2) As a result of this reaction, an insoluble substance is formed - calcium carbonate, observed the initial solution is observed, which allows you to judge the presence of carbon dioxide in the air (high-quality
Reaction to CO 2)

1. Make the abbreviated ion equation mentioned in the text of the reaction between
Calcium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid.

2. Explain why this reaction is used to increase the pH of water.

1) OH - + H + \u003d H 2 O (Ca (OH) 2+ 2HCl \u003d CaCl2 + 2H2O)
2) The presence of acid in natural water determines the low pH of this water. Calcium hydroxide neutralizes acid, and pH values \u200b\u200bincrease

scale pH exists from 0-14. from 0-6 - aclest medium, 7- Neutral Wednesday, 8-14 - Alkaline Environment

9. Dana scheme of the oxidation reaction.

H 2 S + Fe 2 O 3 → FES + S + H 2 O

1. Make an electronic balance of this reaction.

2. Specify the oxidizer and reducing agent.

3. Arrange the coefficients in the reaction equation.

1) Electronic balance compiled:

2fe +3 + 2 → 2fe +2 2 1
S -2 - 2ē → s 0 2 1

2) It is indicated that sulfur to the degree of oxidation -2 (or H 2 S) is a reducing agent, and iron to the degree of oxidation is +3 (or Fe 2 O 3) - the oxidizing agent;
3) The reaction equation is drawn up:
3H 2 S + Fe 2 O 3 \u003d 2FES + S + 3H 2 O

10. Dana scheme of transformations:

Fe → FECL 2 → Fe (NO 3) 2 → Fe (OH) 2

Write the molecular reactions equations with which you can implement
Specified transformations.
1) _________________________________________________________________________
2) _________________________________________________________________________
3) _________________________________________________________________________

The reaction equations corresponding to the transform scheme are written:
1) Fe + 2HCl \u003d FECL 2 + H 2
2) FECL 2 + 2AGNO 3 \u003d Fe (NO 3) 2 + 2AGCL
3) Fe (NO 3) 2 + 2KOH \u003d FE (OH) 2 + 2KNO 3
(Other, non-contrary to the condition of the task of the equation are allowed

11. Install the correspondence between the formula of the organic matter and class / groupTo which (s), this substance belongs: to each position indicated by the letter, select the appropriate position indicated by the number.

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.

  1. C3H8 - CNH2N + 2 - Alcan
  2. C3H6 - CNH2N- alkene
  3. C2H6O - CNH2N + 2O- alcohol

12. In the proposed schemes of chemical reactions, insert the formulas of the missed substances and dispel the coefficients.

1) C 2 H 6 + ............... .. ... → C 2 H 5 CL + HCl
2) C 3 H 6 + ............... .. ... → CO 2 + H 2 O

1) C 2 H 6 + Cl 2 → C 2 H 5 CL + HCl
2) 2C 3 H 6 + 9O 2 → 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O
(Fractional coefficients are possible.)

13. Propane burns with low emissions of toxic substances into the atmosphere, Therefore, it is used as a source of energy in many areas, for example, gas lighters and during the heating of country houses.
What volume of carbon dioxide (N.U.) is formed with full combustion of 4.4 g of propane?
Write down a detailed solution of the problem.

1) The propane burning reaction equation is compiled:
C 3 H 8 + 5O 2 → 3SO 2 + 4N 2
2) n (C 3 H 8) \u003d 4.4 / 44 \u003d 0.1 mol
n (CO 2) \u003d 3N (C 3 H 8) \u003d 0.3 mol
3) V (O 2) \u003d 0.3 · 22,4 \u003d 6.72 l

14. Isopropyl alcohol is used as a universal solvent: it is part of household chemicals, perfume and cosmetic products, glassy liquids for cars. In accordance with the scheme below, make the equation of reactions to obtain this alcohol. When writing the reaction equations, use structural formulas for organic substances.

1) _______________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________
3) _______________________________________________________

The reaction equations corresponding to the scheme are written:

(Other, non-contrary to the condition of the task of the reaction equation, are allowed.)

15. The physiological solution in medicine is called a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride in water. Calculate the mass of sodium chloride and mass of water, which is necessary for the preparation of 500 g of saline. Write down a detailed solution of the problem.

1) M (NaCl) \u003d 4.5 g
2) M (water) \u003d 495.5 g

m (p-ra) \u003d 500g m (salts) \u003d x

x / 500 * 100% \u003d 0.9%

m (Coli) \u003d 500 * (0.9 / 100) \u003d 4.5 g

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