Reshebnik to the working notebook on the draw of grapes. Reshebnik to the working notebook on the drawing of grapes thematic workbook

Reshebnik to the working notebook on the draw of grapes. Reshebnik to the working notebook on the drawing of grapes thematic workbook

Ege 2019. Mathematics. Profile level. Thematic workbook. 20 test options.

M.: 2019. - 296 p.

The thematic workbook in mathematics is intended to prepare for a single state examination of the mathematics of the profile level, the organization and conduct of the final repetition, the diagnosis of problem areas in the knowledge of high school students and the subsequent correction. This allowance is written in accordance with the approved demo and specification of the exam in the mathematics of the profile level. It contains prosperous trainings and diagnostic work in the format of the USE. A unique preparation technique was tested in hundreds of schools of various regions of Russia when organizing preparations for a single state exam. The manual allows you to check the problems of solving problems, the quality of the master's assimilation, to build individual repetition trajectories and effectively prepare for surchase EGE. The manual is addressed by students of high schools and their parents, teachers of mathematics and methodologists.

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Diagnostic work per course 10 class 5
Diagnostic work number 1 7
Diagnostic work number 2 13
Preparation for part 1 EEG in mathematics 19
Diagnostic work number 3 21
Diagnostic work number 4 23
Task 1 25.
Task 2 30.
Task 3 39.
Task 4 49.
Task 5 54.
Task 6 57.
Task 7 61.
Task 8 73.
Task 9 80.
Task 10 83.
Task 11 92.
Task 12 97.
Diagnostic work number 5 100
Diagnostic work number 6 103
Preparations for part 2 of the exam in mathematics 105
Diagnostic work number 7 107
Diagnostic work number 8 111
Task 13 115.
Task 14 128.
Task 15 141.
Task 16 154.
Task 17 167.
Task 18 186.
Task 19 199.
Diagnostic work number 9 209
Diagnostic work number 10 213
Training options EGE in mathematics 217
Diagnostic work number 11 219
Diagnostic work number 12 225
Diagnostic work number 13 232
Diagnostic work number 14 238
Diagnostic work number 15 245
Diagnostic work number 16 252
Diagnostic work number 17 259
Diagnostic work №18 266
Diagnostic work number 19 273
Diagnostic work number 20 280
Answers 287.

Diagnostic work for grade 10
The answer to the tasks of part 1 (1-12) is an integer or a finite decimal fraction. The answer should be recorded in the answer form No. 1 to the right of the number of the corresponding task, starting from the first cell, without spaces. Each digit, a minus sign and comma write in a separate cell in accordance with the samples given in the form. Units are not necessary to write.
To write solutions and responses to Jobs 13-19, use the answer form No. 2. Record first the number of the task being executed (13, 14, etc.), and then the full reasonable solution and answer.

Select a series

Assortments of Videos Cambridge ESOL BEC Cambridge ESOL CAE Cambridge ESOL CPE Cambridge ESOL FCE Cambridge ESOL IELTS Cambridge ESOL YLE English for Specific Purposes Happy Hearts I form Idioms II type IV type Practice Exam Papers (Final certification) Prepare and Practice for the TOEFL iBT Readers Resource Books Skills Books Upstream VIII View. Program V.V. Voronkova VIII View. Program I.M. BGAZHNOW WELCOME Academic school textbook Academy English in focus Archimeda library teacher quickly and efficiently extracurricular activities Magic workshop Meeting Wounderkind horizons State final certification Rake History History in tables Preschool world United State Exam for Tutorial Pages Proprile Star English Golden Series French Fairy Tale from Childhood - Defense History in faces. Time and contemporaries So, German! Final control in elementary school Final control: GIA Total control: EGE to the top five step by step Classic Course Crook Labyrinte in pictures Linguistic simulator Life literature Literature for general education organizations with Russian (NOTO) and native (non-Russian) Lomonosov language MGU-School Mosaic The face of the world German. Preparing for the exam Perspective Polar Star Portfolio Speech Powder Programs Profile School Five Rings We work on new standards We work according to GEF preschool education Rainbow tutor solve non-standard tasks Russian culture Blue bird soon to school complex topics EME Standards of the second generation Stage Literacy Fate and Creativity of the Sphere 1-11 Your Friend french Your horizons Current control Universum Russian Language Lessons Successful Start (Mathematics) Training Maps Teaching aids for universities We study with the enlightenment of GEF: Evaluation of educational achievements French in the future We read, listen, play step by step to the top five School of Russia School Dictionaries Electric courses Encyclopedic dictionaries I live in Russia "English" Avt. Kuzovlev V. P. et al.

Select a line CMD

UMK Yu.M. Kolyagin, 9 cl. UMK Yu.M. Kolyagin, 8 cl. UMK Yu.M. Kolyagin, 7 cl. UMK Yu. N. Makarychev, 9 CL. Carnish. UMK Yu. N. Makarychev, 9 CL. Umk Yu. N. Makarychev, 8 CL. (Glube). Umk Yu. N. Makarychev, 8 CL. UMK Yu. N. Makarychev, 7 CL. UMK Yu. M. Kolyagin, 11 CL. (Base / prof). UMK Yu. M. Kolyagin, 10 CL. (Base / prof). Umk Yu. V. Lebedev, 10 cl. (Base / prof). UMK E. M. Rakovskaya, 8 CL. Umk Sh. A. Alimov, 9 CL. Umk Sh. A. Alimov, 8 CL. Umk Sh. A. Alimov, 7 CL. Umk Sh. A. Alimov, 11 CL. (Bases). Umk Sh. A. Alimov, 10 cl. (Bases). UMC reading. S.Yu. Ilina, 4 cl. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC reading. S.Yu. Ilina, 3 cl. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC reading. S.Yu. Ilina, 2 cl. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC Reading, 9 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC Reading, 8 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) CMC reading, 6 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC Reading, 5 CL. (VIII View. I.M. Bagzhoknokova) UMC reading, 5 cl. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC Reading, 4 CL. (VIII View. I.M. Bagzhokhokova) UMC reading, 4 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC Reading, 3 CL. (VIII View. I.M. Bagzhokhokova) UMC reading, 3 cl. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC reading, 2 CL. (VIII View. IM Bgazhnokova) UMC reading, 1 CL. (I View) UMK artistic work / t. Ya. Spicalova, 4 cl. UMK artistic work / t. Ya. Spicalova, 3 cl. UMK artistic work / t. Ya. Spicalova, 2 cl. UMK artistic work / t. Ya. Spicalova, 1 cl. UMC oral speech, 4 cl. (VIII View I. M. Bagazhnokova) UMC oral speech, 3 cl. (VIII View I. M. Bgazhnokova) UMC oral speech, 2 cl. (VIII View I. M. Bgazhnokova) UMC oral speech, 1 CL. (VIII View I. M. Bagzhoknokova) UMC Technology, 4 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC Technology, 3 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC Technology, 2 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC Technology, 1 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMK T.A. Spical, 8 cl. UMK T. Ya. Spicalova, 7 CL. Umk T. I. Spicalova, 6 CL. UMK T. Ya. Spicalova, 5 CL. UMK T. Ya. Spicalova, 4 CL. Umk T. Ya. Spicalova, 3 cl. Umk T. Ya. Spicalova, 2 cl. Umk T. Ya. Spicalova, 1 cl. UMK T. G. Hothot, 6 CL. UMK T. G. Walking, 5 CL. Umk T. A. Rudchenko, 4 CL. UMK T. A. Rudchenko, 3 cl. Umk T. A. Rudchenko, 2 CL. Umk T. A. Rudchenko, 1 CL. UMK T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, 5 CL. CLEAN SOLDOVTERS, 11 CL. (Bases). UMK Maltovnikov, 10 cl. (Bases). Umk S. N. Chistyakova, 8 CL. Umk S. N. Chistyakova, 10 cl. Umk S. K. Biryukova, 8 CL. UMK S. D. Ashurov, 5 CL. UMK S. V. Gromov, 9 CL. UMK S. V. Gromov, 8 CL. UMK S. V. Gromov, 7 CL. UMC Russian. Speech development, preparatory class. UMC Russian. Speech development, 3 CL. UMC Russian. Speech development, 2 CL. UMC Russian. Speech development, 1 CL. UMC Russian. Literacy learning, 1 CL. (II View) UMC Russian, 9 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC Russian, 8 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC Russian, 7 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC Russian, 6 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC Russian, 5 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC Russian, 4 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC Russian, 4 CL. (I View) UMC Russian, 3 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC Russian, 3 CL. (II View) CMD Russian, 2 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC Russian, 2 CL. (II View) UMC Russian, 1 CL. (II View) UMC Revyakin, 8 CL. UMK Revyakin, 7 CL. UMK R. B. Sabatkow, 9 CL. Umk R. B. Sabatkow, 10 cl. UMK pronunciation, 4 cl. UMK pronunciation, 3 cl. CMD pronunciation, 2 cl. UMK pronunciation, 1 cl. UMC ed. B.M. Nemensky. 8 cl. UMC ed. B.M. Nemensky. 7 cl. UMC ed. B.M. Nemensky. 6 cl. UMC ed. B.M. Nemensky. 5 cl. UMC ed. B.M. Nemensky. 4 cl. UMC ed. B.M. Nemensky. 3 cl. UMC ed. B.M. Nemensky. 2 cl. UMC ed. B.M. Nemensky. 1 cl. UMC familiarization with the world around, 2 cl. (I View) UMC familiarization with the world around the world, 1 CL. (I View) CMD familiarization with the outside world (PREDOM). (I View) UMC Training Literacy, 1 CL. (I. M. Bagzhokhnokova) UMC Teaching Literacy, 1 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkov) UMK O. S. Sorok-Tsype, 9 CL. UMK O. E. Drozdova, 7 CL. (Electric.) UMK O. V. Afanasyev, 9 CL. (Glube). Umk O. V. Afanasyev, 8 CL. (Glube). UMK O. V. Afanasyev, 7 CL. (Glube). UMK O. V. Afanasyev, 6 CL. (Glube). UMK O. V. Afanasyev, 11 CL. (Glube). UMK O. V. Afanasyev, 10 cl. (Glube). Umk N. Ya. Vilenkin, 9 CL. (Glube). UMK N. Ya. Vilenkin, 8 CL. Carnish. Umk N. S. Rusin, 6 CL. Umk N. A. Kondrashova, 9 CL. (Glube). UMK N. A. Kondrashova, 8 CL. (Glube). Umk N. A. Kondrashova, 7 CL. (Glube). Umk N. A. Kondrashova et al., 11 cl. (Glube). Umk N. A. Kondrashova et al., 10 cl. (Glube). UMK World of History, 6 CL. UMK Mathematics, preparatory class (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC Mathematics, 9 CL. (M. N. Pereova, VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC Mathematics, 8 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMK Mathematics, 7 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMK Mathematics, 6 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMK Mathematics, 5 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Mathematics, 4 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC Mathematics, 3 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkov) UMC Mathematics, 2 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC Mathematics, 1 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMK M. Ya. Pratusevich, 11 CL. (Glube). Umk M. Ya. Pratusevich, 10 cl. (Glube). UMK M. Ya. Vilensky, 5 CL. Umk M. T. Baranov, 7 CL. Umk M. T. Baranov, 6 CL. UMK M. G. Akhmetzyanov, 5 CL. Umk L. S. Atanasyan, 9 CL. Umk L. S. Atanasyan, 8 CL. UMK L. S. Atanasyan, 7 CL. UMK L. P. Anastasova, 3 CL. Umk L. N. Bogolyubov, 9 CL. Umk L. N. Bogolyubov, 9 CL. Umk L. N. Bogolyubov, 8 CL. Umk L. N. Bogolyubov, 7 CL. Umk L. N. Bogolyubov, 7 CL. Umk L. N. Bogolyubov, 6 CL. Umk L. N. Bogolyubov, 6 CL. Umk L. N. Bogolyubov, 5 CL. Umk L. N. Bogolyubov, 5 CL. Umk L. N. Bogolyubov, 11 CL. (prof). Umk L. N. Bogolyubov, 11 CL. (Bases). Umk L. N. Bogolyubov, 10 cl. (prof). Umk L. N. Bogolyubov, 10 cl. (Bases). Umk L. N. Bogolyubov, "Law", 11 CL. (prof). Umk L. N. Bogolyubov, "Law", 10 CL. (prof). Umk L. N. Aleksashkina, 11 cl. (Electric). Umk L. M. Rybchenkov, 9 CL. Umk L. M. Rybchenkov, 8 CL. Umk L. M. Rybchenkov, 7 CL. Umk L. M. Rybchenkov, 6 CL. Umk L. M. Rybchenkov, 5 CL. Umk L. M. Zelenina, 4 CL. Umk L. M. Zelenina, 3 cl. Umk L. M. Zelenina, 2 CL. UMK L. M. Zelenina, 1 cl. Umk L. I. Tigranova, 6 CL. Umk L. I. Tigranova, 5 CL. Umk L. I. Tigranova, 2 CL. Umk L. I. Tigranova, 1 CL. UMK L. G. Saiyova, 9 CL. Umk L. V. Polyakova, 4 CL. Umk L. V. Polyakova, 3 CL. Umk L. V. Polyakova, 2 CL. Umk L. V. Polyakova, 1 CL. Umk L. V. Polekov, 11 CL. UMK L. V. Polekov, 10 CL. Umk L. V. Kibyreva, 8 CL. Umk L.V. Kibyreva, 7 CL. Umk L.V. Kibyreva, 5 CL. Umk L. A. Tostentsova, 9 CL. UMK L. A. Tostentsova, 8 CL. UMK The history of the Fatherland, 8 CL. UMK The history of the Fatherland, 7 CL. UMC art . 2 cl. (VIII View I.M. Bagzhoknokova) UMK Fine art. 1 cl. (VIII View I.M. Bagzhokokova) UMK I.A. Wiener, 2 cl. UMK I.A. Wiener, 1 CL. UMK I. O. Shaitanov, 9 CL. (Electric). UMK I. O. Shaitanov, 11 CL. (Electric). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, III CL. (Glube). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, II CL. (Glube). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, 5 CL. (Glube). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, 4 CL. (Glube). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, 3 CL. (Glube). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, 2 CL. (Glube). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, 1 CL. (Glube). Umk I. L. Bim, 9 cl. Umk I. L. Bim, 8 cl. UMK I. L. Bim, 7 cl. UMK I. L. Bim, 6 CL. UMK I. L. Bim, 5 CL. Umk I. L. Bim, 4 cl. Umk I. L. Bim, 3 cl. Umk I. L. Bim, 2 cl. Umk I. L. Bim, 11 cl. (Bases.) UMK I. L. Bim, 11 cl. Umk I. L. Bim, 10 cl. (Bases.) UMK I. L. Bim, 10 cl. UMK I. K. Toporov, 5 CL. UMK I. K. Kikoin, 10 CL. UMK I. V. Metlik, A. F. Nikitin, 11 CL. (Bases). UMK I. V. Metlik, A. F. Nikitin, 10 CL. (Bases). UMK I. V. Anururova et al., 6 cl. (Glube). UMK Z. N. Nikitenko, 3 CL. UMK Z. N. Nikitenko, 2 CL. Umk Z. N. Nikitenko, 1 CL. CMK Live World, 3 CL. (IIIV form I. M. Bagzhokova) CMC Live World, 2 CL. (IIIV form I. M. Bagazhnokova) CMC Live world, 1 CL. (IIIV form I. M. Bagzhokokova) UMK E.A. Bazhanova, 1 CL. Umk E. Yu. Sergeev, 9 CL. Umk E. S. Korolkova, 7 CL. UMK E. E. Lipova, 5 CL. (Glube). UMK E. D. CRITSKAYA, 4 CL. UMK E. D. CRTSKAYA, 3 CL. Umk E. D. CRTSKAYA, 2 CL. UMK E. D. CRITSKAYA, 1 \u200b\u200bCL. UMK E. V. Efremova, 7 CL. UMK E. V. Agibalova, 6 CL. UMK E. A. "Agricultural Labor", 5 CL. Umk D. K. Belyaev, 11 CL. (Bases.) UMC D. K. Belyaev, 10 CL. (Bases.) UMC Geography, 9 CL. (VIII View. V.V. Voronkova) UMC Geography, 8 CL. (VIII View. V.V. Voronkova) UMC Geography, 7 CL. (VIII View. V.V. Voronkova) UMC Geography, 6 CL. (VIII View. V.V. Voronkov) UMK G. P. Sergeeva. Art, 9 cl. UMK G. P. Sergeeva. Art, 8 cl. UMK G. P. Sergeeva, 7 CL. UMK G. P. Sergeeva, 6 CL. Umk G. P. Sergeeva, 5 CL. Umk G. P. Sergeeva, 1 CL. UMK G. E. Rudzitis, 9 CL. UMK G. E. Rudzitis, 8 CL. UMK G. E. Rudzitis, 11 CL. UMK G. E. Rudzitis, 10 CL. UMK G. V. Dorofeyev, 9 CL. UMK G. V. Dorofeyev, 8 CL. UMK G. V. Dorofeev, 7 CL. UMK G. V. Dorofeyev, 6 CL. UMK G. V. Dorofeev, 5 CL. UMK G. V. Dorofeyev, 4 CL. UMK G. V. Dorofeyev, 3 CL. UMK G. V. Dorofeev, 2 CL. Umk G. V. Dorofeev, 1 CL. Umk Lamushkin, 6 CL. Umk V. Ya. Korovina, 9 CL. UMK V. Ya. Korovina, 8 CL. UMK V. Ya. Korovina, 7 CL. UMK V. Ya. Korovina, 6 CL. Umk V. Ya. Korovina, 5 CL. Umk V. F. Damov, 9 CL. Umk V. F. Damov, 8 CL. UMK V. F. Dams, 7 CL. Ukk V. F. Dams, 6 CL. Umk V. F. Damov, 5 CL. UMK V. F. Greek, 11 CL. (Bases). UMK V. F. Greek, 10 CL. (Bases). UMK V. F. Buduzova, 9 CL. UMK V. F. Buduzova, 8 CL. UMK V. F. Buduzova, 7 CL. UMK V. F. Buduzova, 10 CL. UMK V. P. Maksakovsky, 10 CL. UMK V. P. Kuzovlev, 9 CL. Umk V. P. Kuzovlev, 8 CL. UMK V. P. Kuzovlev, 7 CL. UMK V. P. Kuzovlev, 6 CL. UMK V. P. Kuzovlev, 5 CL. (1st year of study) UMK V. P. Kuzovlev, 5 CL. Umk V. P. Kuzovlev, 4 CL. Umk V. P. Kuzovlev, 3 CL. Umk V. P. Kuzovlev, 2 CL. Umk V. P. Kuzovlev, 11 CL. Umk V. P. Kuzovlev, 10 CL. UMK V. P. Zhuravlev, 11 CL. (Base / prof). UMK V. N. Chernyakova, 5 CL. Ukk V. L. Baburin, 11 CL. (Electric). Umk V. K. Noisy, 10 CL. UMK V. I. Ukolova, 5 CL. Umk V. I. Ukolova, 10 CL. UMK V. I. Lyakh, 8 CL. Umk V. I. Lyakh, 4 CL. Umk V. I. Lyakh, 10 cl. Umk V. I. Lyakh, 1 CL. Umk V. I. Korovin, 10 CL. (Base / prof). UMK V. G. Maranzman, 9 CL. UMK V. G. Marandzman, 8 CL. UMK V. G. Maranzman, 7 CL. UMK V. G. Maranzman, 6 CL. UMK V. G. Maranzman, 5 CL. UMK V. G. Maranzman, 11 CL. (Base / prof). UMK V. G. Marandzman, 10 CL. (Base / prof). Umk V. V. Zhumayeva, 9 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMK V. B. Sukhova (PREDOM). (I View) UMK V. A. Shestakov, 9 CL. UMK V. A. Shestakov, 11 CL. (prof). CMD Biology, 9 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) CMD Biology, 8 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkov) CMK Biology, 7 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) CMD Biology, 6 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMC BDD / Ed. A.T. Smirnova, 5 CL. UMC BDD / Ed. A. T. Smirnova, 10 cl. UMC BDD / P.V. Izhevsky, 1 CL. UMK A.O. Chubaryan, 11 cl. (prof). UMK A.G. Hein, 9 cl. UMK A.G. Hein, 8 cl. UMK A.G. Hein, 7 cl. Umk A. Ya. Yudovskaya, 8 CL. Umk A. Ya. Yudovskaya, 7 CL. UMK A. F. Nikitin, 9 CL. UMK A. F. Nikitin, 10 CL. (right). UMK A. T. Smirnov, B.O. Khrennikov, 11 cl. (Baz / Prof) UMK A. T. Smirnov, B.O. Khrennikov, 10 cl. (Bases / Prof) UMK A. T. Smirnov, 9 CL. UMK A. T. Smirnov, 8 CL. UMK A. T. Smirnov, 7 CL. UMK A. T. Smirnov, 6 CL. UMK A. T. Smirnov, 5 CL. UMK A. P. Matveyev, 8 CL. UMK A. P. Matveyev, 6 CL. UMK A. P. Matveyev, 5 CL. Umk A. P. Matveyev, 3 CL. Umk A. P. Matveyev, 2 CL. Umk A. P. Matveyev, 1 CL. UMK A. N. Sakharov, 7 CL. UMK A. N. Sakharov, 6 CL. UMK A. N. Sakharov, 10 CL. (prof). UMK A. N. Kolmogorova, 11 CL. (BAZ) UMK A. N. Kolmogorova, 10 CL. (Bases). UMK A. L. Semenova, 4 CL. UMK A. L. Semenova, 3 CL. UMK A. L. Semenov, 7 CL. Umk A. L. Semenov, 6 CL. UMK A. L. Semenov, 5 CL. Umk A. K. Reading, 7 CL. (VIII View. V. V. Voronkova) UMK A. I. Gorshkov, 11 CL. (Electric). Umk A. I. Vlasenkov, 11 CL. (Base / prof). Umk A. I. Vlasenkov, 11 CL. (Bases). Umk A. I. Vlasenkov, 10 CL. (Base / prof). Umk A. I. Vlasenkov, 10 CL. (Bases). Umk A. I. Alekseev, 9 CL. Umk A. D. Alexandrov, 9 CL. (Glube). Umk A. D. Alexandrov, 9 CL. Umk A. D. Alexandrov, 8 CL. (Glube). Umk A. D. Alexandrov, 8 CL. Umk A. D. Alexandrov, 7 CL. UMK A. D. Alexandrov, 11 CL. (prof / coalub). UMK A. D. Alexandrov, 11 CL. (Base / prof). Umk A. D. Alexandrov, 10 CL. (prof / coalub). Umk A. D. Alexandrov, 10 CL. (Base / prof). UMK A. Gayne, 9 CL. UMK A. Gayne, 8 CL. UMK A. G. Hein, 11 CL. (Base / prof). Umk A. Gyne, 10 CL. (Base / prof). UMK A. V. Filippov, 11 CL. (Bases). UMK A. V. Filippov, 10 CL. (Bases). Umk A. V. Pogorelov, 9 CL. Umk A. V. Pogorelov, 8 CL. UMK A. V. Pogorelov, 7 CL. UMK A. V. Pogorelov, 10 cl. (Base / prof). Umk A. A. Ulunyan, 11 CL. UMK A. A. Preobrazhensky, 6 CL. UMK A. A. Murashov, 11 CL. (Electric). Umk A. A. Levandovsky, 8 CL. Umk A. A. Kuznetsov, 8 CL. UMK A. A. Danilov. Peoples of Russia, 9 CL. UMK A. A. Danilov, 9 CL. Umk A. A. Danilov, 8 CL. UMK A. A. Danilov, 7 CL. Umk A. A. Danilov, 6 CL. Umk A. A. Danilov, 10 CL. (Electric). UMK A. A. Milovov et al., 4 cl. (Glube). Umk A. A. Milovov et al., 3 cl. (Glube). UMK A. A. Milovov et al., 2 cl. (Glube). UMK A. A. Vigasin, 6 CL. Umk A. A. Vigasin, 5 CL. UMK "I am a citizen of Russia" L.V. Poles, 5 CL. (Electric.) UMC "School of Russia" M. I. Moro, 4 CL. UMK "School of Russia" M. I. Moro, 3 CL. UMK "School of Russia" M. I. Moro, 2 CL. UMC "School of Russia" M. I. Moro, 1 CL. UMK "School of Russia" L. F. Klimanova, 4 CL. UMK "School of Russia" L. F. Klimanova, 3 CL. UMK "School of Russia" L. F. Klimanova, 2 CL. UMK "School of Russia" L. F. Klimanova, 1 CL. UMK "School of Russia" E. A. Lutseva, 4 CL. UMK "School of Russia" E. A. Lutseva, 3 CL. UMK "School of Russia" E. A. Lutseva, 2 CL. UMK "School of Russia" E. A. Lutseva, 1 CL. UMK "School of Russia" V. P. Kanakina, 4 CL. UMK "School of Russia" V. P. Kanakina, 3 CL. UMC "School of Russia" V. P. Kanakina, 2 CL. UMK "School of Russia" V. P. Kanakina, 1 CL. UMK "School of Russia" V. G. Goretsky, 1 CL. UMK "School of Russia" A. A. Pleshakov, 4 CL. UMK "School of Russia" A. A. Pleshakov, 3 CL. UMK "School of Russia" A. A. Pleshakov, 2 CL. UMK "School of Russia" A. A. Pleshakov, 1 CL. UMK "School of Oleg Gabrielyan", 10 cl. UMK "French Pension" E. M. Berevskaya et al., 4 cl. (Glube). UMC "French in the prospect" N. M. Kasatkina et al., 3 cl. (Glube). UMK "French in the future" N. M. Kasatkina et al., 2 cl. (Glube). UMK "French Pension" E. Ya. Grigorieva, 9 CL. (Glube). UMK "French Pension" E. Ya. Grigorieva, 8 CL. (Glube). UMK "French Pension" A. S. Kuligina, 7 CL. (Glube). UMK "French Pension" A. S. Kuligina, 6 CL. (Glube). UMC "French Pension" A. S. Kuligina, 5 CL. (Glube). UMK "French in perspective" G. I. Bubnova et al., 11 cl. (Glube). UMK "French in perspective" G. I. Bubnova et al., 10 cl. (Glube). UMK "Universum" S. V. Gromov, 11 CL. UMK "Universum" S. V. Gromov, 10 CL. UMC "Technology. Sewing case" 7 CL. UMK "Technology. Locksmith" 6 CL. UMC "Technology. Agricultural Labor" 9 CL. UMC "Technology. Agricultural work" 8 CL. UMK "Technology. Agricultural work" 7 CL. UMK "Your friend French" A. S. Kuligina et al., 9 cl. UMK "Your friend French" A. S. Kuligina et al., 8 cl. UMK "Your friend French" A. S. Kuligina et al., 7 cl. UMK "Your friend French" A. S. Kuligina et al., 6 cl. UMK "Your friend French" A. S. Kuligina et al., 5 cl. UMK "Your friend French" A. S. Kuligina et al., 4 cl. UMC "Your friend French" A. S. Kuligina et al., 3 cl. UMK "Your friend French" A. S. Kuligina et al., 2 cl. UMC "spheres". Yu.A. Alekseev, 11 cl. UMC "spheres". Yu.A. Alekseev, 10 cl. UMC "spheres". E. A. Baynovich, 6 CL. UMC "spheres". E. A. Baynovich, 5 CL. UMC "spheres". D.Yu, Bovykin, 8 cl. UMC "spheres". D.Yu, Bovykin, 7 cl. UMC "spheres". IN AND. Ukolova, 5 CL. UMC "spheres". V. P. Dronov, 9 CL. UMC "spheres". V. P. Dronov, 8 CL. UMC "spheres". V.I. Ukolova, 6 CL. UMC "spheres". A. P. Kuznetsov, 7 CL. UMC "spheres". A. A. Lobzhanidze, 6 CL. UMC "spheres". A. A. Lobzhanidze, 5 CL. UMC "Spheres" Chemistry, 9 CL. UMC "Spheres" Chemistry, 8 CL. UMC "spheres" social science 5 CL. UMC "spheres" hp Belousov, A.Yu. Watlin, 9 cl. UMC "Spheres" L. N. Sukhukova, 7 CL. UMC "Spheres" L. N. Sukhukova, 6 CL. UMC "Spheres" L. N. Sukhukova, 5 CL. UMC "Spheres" L. N. Sukhukova, 11 CL. (prof). UMC "Spheres" L. N. Sukhukova, 10-11 CL. (base). UMC "Spheres" L. N. Sukhukova, 10 CL. (prof). UMC "Spheres" V. S. Kuchmenko, 9 CL. UMC "Spheres" V. S. Kuchmenko, 8 CL. UMC "spheres" V. V. BELAGA, 9 CL. UMC "Spheres" V. V. BELAGA, 8 CL. UMC "spheres" V. V. BELAGA, 7 CL. Umk "spheres" A. A. Danilov, 9 CL. UMC "Spheres" A. A. Danilov, 8 CL. UMC "spheres" A. A. Danilov, 7 CL. UMC "spheres" A. A. Danilov, 6 CL. UMK "Blue Bird" E. M. Berevskaya, 5 CL. UMK "Blue Bird" N. A. Selivanova, 9 CL. UMK "Blue Bird" N. A. Selivanova, 7 CL. UMK "Blue Bird" N. A. Selivanova, 6 CL. UMK "Agricultural Labor", 8 CL. UMK "Agricultural Labor", 7 CL. UMK "Agricultural Labor", 6 CL. UMC "continuity" umk "Polar Star". Yu. N. Gladky, 11 CL. UMK "Polar Star". Yu. N. Gladky, 10 CL. UMK "Polar Star" A. I. Alekseev, 9 CL. UMK "Polar Star" A. I. Alekseev, 8 CL. UMK "Polar Star" A. I. Alekseev, 7 CL. UMK "Polar Star" A. I. Alekseev, 6 CL. UMK "Polar Star" A. I. Alekseev, 5-6 CL. UMK "Polar Star" A. I. Alekseev, 5 CL. UMK "Perspective" N. I. Rogologseva, 4 CL. UMC "Perspective" N. I. Rogovseva, 3 CL. UMC "Perspective" N. I. Rogovseva, 2 CL. UMK "Perspective" N. I. Rogologseva, 1 CL. UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanova, 4 CL. UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanova, 4 CL. UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanova, 3 CL. UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanova, 3 CL. UMC "Perspective" L. F. Klimanova, 2 CL. UMC "Perspective" L. F. Klimanova, 2 CL. UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanova, 1 CL. UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanova, 1 CL. UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanova, 1 CL. UMK "Perspective" A. A. Pleshakov, 4 CL. UMK "Perspective" A. A. Pleshakov, 3 CL. UMK "Perspective" A. A. Pleshakov, 2 CL. UMK "Perspective" A. A. Pleshakov, 1 CL. UMC "Cooking Basics", 10 CL. UMC "The foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia", 5 CL. UMC "The foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia", 4 CL. UMC "The foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia", 4 CL. UMK "Lens" E. Ya. Grigorieva, 11 CL. UMK "Lens" E. Ya. Grigorieva, 10 CL. UMC "Mosaic". N. D. Galskova, 9 CL. (Glube). UMC "Mosaic". N. D. Galskova, 8 CL. (Glube). UMC "Mosaic". N. D. Galskova, 7 CL. (Glube). UMC "Mosaic". N. D. Galskova, 6 CL. (Glube). UMC "Mosaic". N. D. Galskova, 5 CL. (Glube). UMC "Mosaic". L. N. Yakovlev, 11 CL. (Glube). UMC "Mosaic". L. N. Yakovlev, 10 cl. (Glube). UMC "MSU - School" S. S. Berdonosov, 9 CL. UMC "MSU - School" S. S. Berdonosov, 8 CL. UMK "MSU - School" S. M. Nikolsky, 9 CL. UMK "MSU - School" S. M. Nikolsky, 8 CL. UMK "MSU - School" S. M. Nikolsky, 7 CL. UMK "MSU - School" S. M. Nikolsky, 6 CL. UMC "MSU - School" S. M. Nikolsky, 5 CL. UMK "MSU - School" S. M. Nikolsky, 11 CL. (Base / prof). UMK "MSU - School" S. M. Nikolsky, 10 CL. (Bases / prof.). UMK "MSU - School" S. V. Novikov, 10 CL. (prof). UMC "MSU - School" N. S. Borisov, 10 cl. (Bases). - A. A. Levandovsky, 11 CL. (Bases). UMK "MSU - School" L. S. Atanasyan, 11 CL. (Base / prof). UMK "MSU - School" L. S. Atanasyan, 10 cl. (Base / prof). UMC "MSU - School" V. P. Smirnov, 11 CL. (prof). UMK "MSU - School" A. O. Sorok-Zype, 11 CL. (Bases). UMK "MSU - School" A. A. Levandovsky, 11 CL. (Bases). UMK "Lomonosov" A. A. Fadeeva, 9 CL. UMK "Lomonosov" A. A. Fadeeva, 8 CL. UMC "Lomonosov" A. A. Fadeeva, 7 CL. UMK "Lyceum" A. A. Pinsky, 9 CL. (Glube.) UMC "Lyceum" A. A. Pinsky, 8 CL. (Glub.) UMC "Lyceum" A. A. Pinsky, 7 CL. (Ceal.) UMC "LIFE LIFE". V. Book, 9 CL. UMK "LIFE LIFE". V. V. Book, 8 CL. UMK "LIFE LIFE". V. V. Book, 7 CL. UMK "LIFE LIFE". V. Book, 6 CL. UMK "LIFE LIFE". V. V. Pischik, 5-6 classes UMK "Line Life". V. V. Book, 5 CL. UMK "Labyrinth" I. Yu. Aleksashina, 5 CL. UMK "Labyrinth" I. Yu. Aleksashina, 11 CL. UMK "Labyrinth" I. Yu. Aleksashina, 10 cl. UMK "Contacts" G. I. Voronina, 11 CL. UMC "Classic course" G. Ya. Myakyshev, 11 CL. UMK "Classic course" G. Ya. Myakyshev, 10 cl. UMK "So, German!" N. D. Galskova, 11 CL. UMK "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 9 CL. UMK "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 8 CL. UMK "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 7 CL. UMK "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 6 CL. UMK "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 5 CL. UMK "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 4 CL. UMK "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 3 CL. UMK "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 2 CL. UMK "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 11 CL. UMK "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 10 CL. UMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 1 CL. UMK "Tomorrow" S.V. Kostyleva et al., Grade 9 CMK "Tomorrow" S.V. Kostyleva et al., 8th grade UMK "Tomorrow" S.V. Kostyleva et al., Grade 7 CMK "Tomorrow" S.V. Kostyleva et al., Grade 6 CMK "Tomorrow" S.V. Kostyleva et al., 5-6 classes UMK "Tomorrow" S.V. Kostyleva et al., Grade 10 CMK "Business French" I. A. Golovanova, 10 CL. (Electric). UMC "Horizons" M. M. Averin, 9 CL. UMC "Horizons" M. M. Averin, 8 CL. UMK "Horizons" M. M. Averin, 7 CL. UMK "Horizons" M. M. Averin, 6 CL. UMK "Horizons" M. M. Averin, 5 CL. UMK "Wunderkinda" G. V. Yakovskaya, 5 CL. UMK "Wunderkind Plus" O. A. Radchenko, 8 CL. UMK "Wunderkind Plus" O. A. Radchenko, 7 CL. UMK "Wunderkind Plus" O. A. Radchenko, 6 CL. UMK "Meetings" N. A. Selivanova et al., 8-9 classes of UMK "Meetings" N. A. Selivanova et al., 7th grade UMK "Astronomy" E. P. Levitan, 11 CL. (Electr.) UMC "Archimedes" O. F. Kabardin, 9 CL. UMK "Archimedes" O. F. Kabardin, 8 CL. UMK "Archimedes" O. F. Kabardin, 7 CL. UMC "Archimedes" K. Yu. Bogdanov, 11 CL. UMC "Archimedes" K. Yu. Bogdanov, 10 CL. UMK "English in focus", Yu. E. Vaulina, 9 CL. UMK "English in focus", Yu. E. Vaulina, 8 CL. UMK "English in focus", Yu. E. Vaulina, 7 CL. Umk "English in focus", Yu. E. Vaulina, 6 CL. UMK "English in focus", Yu. E. Vaulina, 5 CL. UMK "English in focus", O. V. Afanasyev, 11 CL. UMK "English in focus", O. V. Afanasyev, 10 cl. UMK "English in focus", N. I. Bykov, 4 CL. UMK "English in focus", N. I. Bykov, 3 CL. UMK "English in focus", N. I. Bykov, 2 CL. UMK "English in focus", N. I. Bykov, 1 CL. UMK "Academy" A. A. Pinsky, 11 CL. (Angle). UMK "Academy" A. A. Pinsky, 10 CL. (Angle). UMK "Azbuchka Twist", 5 CL. Russian language. Literacy learning. (1) Russian. Literacy learning. (0) Russian language and literary reading, 4 cl. Russian language and literary reading, 3 cl. Russian language and literary reading, 2 cl. Russian language and literary reading, 1 CL. Russian language (9) Russian language (8) Russian language (7) Russian (6) Program edited by B. M. Nemensky. Fine art, 5 years old program edited by B. M. Nemensky. Fine art, 4 years old program edited by B. M. Nemensky. Fine art, 3 years, environmental education. (5) continuity familiarization with the outside world. Papers., 1 and 2 classes. Guidelines (I and II views) Young Learners "Portfolio Wuthering Heights Wishes B2.2 Wishes B2.1 White Fang Welcome Starter B Welcome Starter a Welcome Plus 6 Welcome Plus 5 Welcome Plus 4 Welcome Plus 3 Welcome Plus 2 Welcome Plus 1 Welcome 3 Welcome 2 Welcome 1 Upstream Upper-Intermediate B2 + Upstream Proficiancy C2 Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1 Upstream Level B1 + Upstream Intermediate B2 Upstream Elementary A2 Upstream Beginner A1 + Upstream Advanced C1 Upload 4 Upload 3 Upload 2 Upload 1 Treasure Island The Worms The Wonderful Wizard of Oz The Wind in The Willows The Wild Swans The Tiger Shark The Three Billy Goats Gruff The Teacher "S Basic Tools The Story of Santa Claus The Stone Flower The Speckled Band The Snow Queen The Shoemaker & His Guest The Shepherd Boy & The Wolf The Selfish Giant The Pauper of Zenda The Prince and The Pauper The Portrait of the Dorian Gray The Phantom of the Opera The Octopus The Nighting ALE & THE MERCHANT OF VENICE THE MASK THE LOST WORLD THE LOGGERHEAD THE LITTLE RED HENE THE LOGGERHEAD THE MOHICANS THE MOUSE THE LITTLE MERMAID THE MOHICANS THE HUMPBACK WHALE THE HOUD OF THE BASKERVILLES The Hammerhead Shark The Great White Shark The Golden Stone Saga II The Golden Stone Saga I The Giant Turnip The Ghost The Fish The Father & His Sons The Creeping Man The Cracow Dragon The Canterville Ghost the Bottlenose Dolphin the Blue Scarab the Ant & the Cricket the Amazon Rainforest 2 the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World the 7 Engineering Wonders of the Modern World Teaching Young Learners Swan Lake Successful Writing Upper-Intermediate Successful Writing Proficiency Successful Writing Intermediate Storytime Storyland Spark 4 (Monstertrackers) Spark 3 (Monstertrackers) Spark 2 (Monstertrackers) Spark 1 (Monstertrackers) Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs Sleeping Beauty Skills First: The Magic Pebble Skills First: The False Smile Skills First: The Castle by the Lake Skills Builder STARTER 2 Skills Builder STARTER 1 Skills Builder MOVERS 2 Skills Builder Movers 1 Skills Builder Flyers 2 Skills Builder Flyers 1 Sivka-Burka Simon Decker & The Secret Formula Set Sail 4 Set Sail 3 Set Sail 2 Set Sail 1 Romeo & Juliet Robinson Crusoe Robin Hood Reading Stars Reading & Writing Targets 3 Reading & Writing Targets 2 Reading & Writing Targets 1 Pygmalion Puss in Boots Pride & Prejudice Practice Tests for the PET Practice Tests for the KET Practice Tests for the BEC Vantage Practice Tests for the BEC Preliminary Practice Tests for the BEC Higher Peter Pan Perseus and Andromeda Orpheus Descending On Screen B2 + On Screen B2 Oliver Twist (Illustrated Readers) Oliver Twist (Classic Readers) New Patches for Old Mowgli Moby Dick Mis sion IELTS 1 Mission 2 Mission 1 Merry Christmas Macbeth Little Women Little Red Riding Hood Life Exchange Letterfun Kidnapped Journey to the Centre of the Earth Jane Eyre Jack and the Beanstalk Interactive 2 Interactive 1 IELTS Practice Tests 2 IELTS Practice Tests 1 Henry Hippo Happy Rhymes 2 Happy Rhymes 1 Happy Hearts Starter Happy Hearts 2 Happy Hearts 1 Hansel & Gretel Hampton House Hamlet Hallo Happy Rhymes Great Expectations Grammarway 4 Grammarway 3 Grammarway 2 Grammarway 1 Grammar Targets 3 Grammar Targets 2 Grammar Targets 1 Good Wives Goldilocks and the Three Bears Gharial Crocodiles Game On Fun With English 4 Fun with English 3 Fun with English 2 Fun With English 1 Frankenstein FCE Use of English 2 FCE Use of English 1 FCE Practice Tests 2 FCE Practice Tests 1 FCE Practice Exam Papers 3 FCE Practice Exam Papers 2 FCE PACTICE EXAM PAPERS 1 FCE Listening and Speaking Skills 3 FCE Li stening and Speaking Skills 2 FCE Listening and Speaking Skills 1 Fairyland Starter Fairyland 6 Fairyland 5 Fairyland 4 Fairyland 3 Fairyland 2 Fairyland 1 Excalibur Enterprise Plus Enterprise 4 Enterprise 3 Enterprise 2 Enterprise 1 Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde Death Squad David Copperfield CPE Use of English 1 CPE Practice Tests 3 CPE Practice Tests 2 CPE Practice Tests 1 Count Vlad Click on Starter Click On 4 Click On 3 Click On 2 Click On 1 Cinderella Chicken Licken Business English Marketing and Sales Blockbuster 4 Blockbuster 3 BlockBuster 2 Blockbuster 1 BlackBeard "S Treasure Black Beauty Beauty And The Beast Around The World In 80 Days Anna & The Dolphin Alice "S Adventures in Wonderland Aladdin & The Magic Lamp Advanced Grammar & Vocabulary Access 4 Access 3 Access 2 Access 1 Aboriginal Australians a Trip to the Rainforest A TALE OF TWO CITIES A Mirror, A Carpet & A Lemon A MidSummer Night "S Dream A Good Turn of PhR

How to learn well and all the time? Saving forces and time on domestic sessions will help a special site for schoolchildren. Here will be available in any reshebniki, reference materials for different subjects and testing tips. Especially useful will be GDZ in mathematics to working notebook 4 class wolves

Convenient source of information to lessons

After elementary school, the transition occurs when children need to make a jerk forward, start learning more complex things. According to the famous textbook, Moro is taught in many educational institutions - This is the popular part of the program. It is attached to it, as a rule, a set of simulators' notebooks, which contain diverse exercises (series "School of Russia").

In the 4th grade, the guys are thoroughly studying the rules for solving tasks and examples of different types, more complex tasks. Someone gets to immediately understand everything that teacher requires. Others do not immediately comprehend the methods of a rational approach, the creative mind requires additional training. If it does not work out to successfully close the issue of studying one or another paragraph, you can safely contact a reliable source. reshebnik in mathematics to working notebook 4th grade (Volkova S.I.) Part 1, 2 (to the textbook moro) School of Russia.

Any responses will be quickly - by page numbers in the book. The resource is structured so that each student, even the youngest and inexperienced, easily oriented. Absolutely all modern benefits and didactic materials are presented on the pages of the portal in the table format with crib keys. It is nice that everything is available for any users. Enough to have a laptop, smartphone or other device with internet access.

Five in your pocket together with GDZ in mathematics to working notebook 4 grade Volkova part 1, 2 (to the textbook moro)

When there is an ambitious desire to be better than all over academic performance, it is commendable. But what price is the approval of such a goal? The most important thing is health, not a hassle. It is difficult to be an excellent student if you are not sleeping at night because of a bad rating. Although the requirements of the GEF are very strict, but it is quite realistic to cope with them. Enough in time to test your disability of the task on the site.

Children will be able to quickly cope with the most trusted control and verification tests. Thanks to the proposed online manual, learning will be easier. And if something is incomprehensible - you can always repeat the topic once again with a tutor from the video. In subcastards, each chapter from books is considered in detail, each task in notebooks. Mathematics - literally, the case is solved.

School program. Publishing house Sir-Vit 2012 Year of publication.

Dear Guys!

In that academic year You have to get acquainted with one of the interesting textbooks - Drawing 9th grade (or technical graphics, as you can still call this subject).

He will introduce you to various species Graphic information about the world around us will provide an opportunity to learn how to read and perform various graphic images (drawings, technical drawings, sketches, etc.), comprehend the basics of graphic language, to join the graphic culture of mankind.

In addition to theoretical part, this subject drawing in grade 9 Includes a significant number of different graphic buildings. Some of them are performed on formats, others - in the working notebook.

IN working notebook on draw You will perform exercise and graphic tasks contained in the study manual. In it, you can also give written answers to questions formulated in tasks.

Using answers to working notebook Allows you to avoid overcropping the drawings contained in the condition of tasks, to save time on solutions. All graphic operations (constructions) are performed on images shown in notebooks using drawing tools or sketch (by hand). To perform thumbnails and technical drawings in the notebook there are pages or their parts that are rated "into the cell".

At the end of the notebooks are given clean pages to outline the educational material and performing exercises on the instructions of the teacher. If these pages are not enough for you, you can additionally glue a few more sheets.

Terms of tasks and exercises contained in the study manual and reshebnik, and working notebook - Ideal.

Where, in the assignment condition, there are 2 options (A and B), one is performed - a or b. The option will call the teacher. This option will also be necessary when performing graphic work. However, at will, you can perform both options.

Several pages in the notebook are decorated with a frame and not filled with the main inscription. And although the format of the notebook does not coincide with the format of the drawings A4, graphic works can be performed on these sheets, the conditions of which are given in the textbook.

The workbook contains all the tasks available in the textbook (their 45) under the same numbers. In addition, a notebook contains several additional tasks - they are marked with a sequence number with strokes, such as r, 5, etc., these tasks do not go beyond the subject matter. You will be performed on the recommendation of the teacher. Tasks marked with an asterisk (*) are more complex.

In the working notebook, as in the textbook, the projection of points, direct and planes are denoted by letters with strokes: horizontal - a ", a", and "..., frontal - a", a ", and" ..., profile - A "", and "", and "" ....

  • Grade 5 brings a lot of new problems to school: the number of teachers, items, there is no need for the second mom, the main teacher. Some disciples are completely lost - academic performance falls, the desire to learn is disappeared. Difficulties appear even with history, the memory of an immature schoolboy refuses to perceive many events and dates. Easy the fate of the five-grader and parents are able to reshebnik to working notebook Textbook G. I. G. I., exist Parts 1 and 2. To the tasks of notebook - a methodological manual, actively used by teachers, GDZ Contains full answers.
  • Using GDZ, You can check the work of your own child, quickly refreshing forgotten objectives. Without reshebnik, the parent will need a lot of time to help overcome difficulties with the subject. Crosswords, questions, tasks are recognized as interesting and parents, team work Stimulates the effective cognitive activity of the child.
  • If adults overloaded with work do not have time to help, a child can use the goder's reshebnik on its own. Going to school without DZ, the student is experiencing negative emotions - this is completely unacceptable. Parents must explain the harm of mindless chosenness, the need to comprehend the presented solutions and the help of the reshebnik for self-control.
  • History of the ancient world for the 5th grade - useful materials and reshebniks to prepare

  • The transition to the middle stage of the school is associated with the appearance of many new disciplines in the schedule. Among those that are usually like fifth graders - the history of the ancient world. The subject material contains many interesting historical facts, legends and myths, the plots of which are echoing with fairy tales who read adolescents in childhood. This lively interest is transformed into strong, deep knowledge, if you support it with the study of high-quality literature. Not only theoretical, but also information and analytical plan. Solution of historical tasks, task execution requires control. Make it more efficient will allow the method of self-test with the use of reshebniks to the educational materials used.
  • Fifth graders in most cases it is difficult to independently organize classes on GDZ, efficient and competent. Help with the organization they can adults - parents, subjects-subjects, heads of circles and courses, tutors. Quality and convincing work plan:
    - takes into account a basic level of knowledge of students;
    - Layout the real amount of time to spend money on preparation;
    - Allows you to track the results, includes dates, periods when achievements should be monitored, evaluating the speakers.
  • In addition, working with ready-made homework is useful in terms of continuous monitoring of the order of recording the correct answer. Competent analysis of the results will avoid the loss of points on the control, diagnostic, industrial complex and the Olympiads.
  • Selection of educational material - another difficult task, to the solution of which it is better to attract specialists or parents. As a basis, you can take a program in which the history of the ancient world is studied at school and supplement the set of high-quality workshops. Among the latest experts recommend the workbook on the history of the ancient world for the 5th grade, compiled by Goder G. I. The collection is perfectly illustrated and systematized, universal - suitable for all textbooks used in the fifth grade. Among the tasks:
    - historical crosswords and tasks;
    - cartographic information and questions on it;
    - logical tasks for assessment and analysis of historical sources, comparison and formulation of conclusions.

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