presentation. Rule of Ivan the Third

presentation. Rule of Ivan the Third

"Political fragmentation" - Slide number 1. Slide number 5. Political fragmentation in Russia (XII - the beginning of the XIII century). Knowing the court. Slide number 7. Prince On the basis of an agreement cherubov in the military hour.

"Ivan III" - internal look. The central part of the interior of the iconostasis. Mosaic of the Imperial Palace of Constantinople, VI Art. Ivan III (Notes of Herberstein). Georgy Pobidonosets). Cathedral of the Assumption (Aristotle Fioravanti, architect from Bologna, arrived in 1475). Roman Emperor Kostyantyn I, founder of Constantinople.

"Monomakh Volodymyr" - Life - Batkivshchyna, Soul - to God, Honor - to no one. A) near Novgorod; B) near Chernigiv; C) at Pereyaslav. 4. "Statute of V. Monomakh" spellings. Integration lesson with history and literature in grade 6. What are the current and current trends for Monomakh? Volodymyr Monomakh (1053-1125). Nutrition according to "Povchanny": About the life of Volodymyr Monomakh.

"Feudal fragmentation in Russia" - Capital - Chernigiv. Kiev princedom. On the territory there was an impersonal place. Rozvinene craft, trade. The princes were small strong squads, often fought with the Polovtsians. Kozhen prince karbuvav his coin. Kiev-Pechersk Lavra) - one of the first monasteries in Russia to be founded in an hour. Causes of feudal fragmentation.

"Moscow and Lithuania" - Dates of the reign of Vasil I. 1410 Moscow, Lithuania and the Horde. The Army of the Order had 27 thousand. lykarіv, kіnnih landsknekhtiv and other naimantsіv. Why is the Battle of Grunwald significant? Tokhtamish, Khan of the Golden Ordi. Vasil I Dmitrovich and Sofia Vitivtivna. Skhidna Europe in the 1st quarter of the XV century. City union of Lithuania and Poland.

"The creation of the united Russian state" - Perm -1472. Yugorsk land 1499r. Vidminnosti in cultural and folk traditions. Transition to the development of new material. Vidminnosti activity in suspile-political life. BUT). Edigey. Russia between Skhod and Sunset. Vidminnosti in the way of life. resistance.

Themes have 27 presentations in total

2 slide

3 slide

EPIGRAPH BEFORE THE LESSON Ivan was the first Russian ruler, who called himself king. Richard Pipes ... having finished those who, having settled the father, and having overthrown all the monarchs in the world with his power. German Ambassador Baron Herberstein Furlova O.I.

4 slide

Order for a lesson. "What is the role of the epoch of Ivan 111 in the history of our state?" Furlova O.I.

5 slide

Ivan III, son of Vasil II the Dark, from childish fates, having seen the hardships and troubles of the life of the grand duke's family. The opponents of the father blinded Vasil II and the rock of the rock trimali yogo was aggravated. As a gift to the Grand Duke, the boyars hoisted in themselves the young Ivan at the same time as a young brother. The children lived in the post-eye state of hell. But the enemies tricked the children into tricking them, and they tied them up at the monastery together with the fathers. Bachiv little Ivan, with some difficulties and with the help of his father, turned his grand duke's throne. Sovereign of all Russia Furlova O.I.

6 slide

Vasil II rose to the challenge of the competitive struggle for power in the Moscow princedom. Therefore, I will vote my octagonal son Ivan the Grand Duke and the spivruler father. Nezabar Ivan begins to win important military and political assignments. 12-year-old Ivan is already a very vicious departure. Under the anxiety of childishness, they taught Ivan III to be careful, diplomatic, definitively - children zhorstko and rishuche. Sovereign of all Russia Furlova O.I.

7 slide

Ivan III helped the Pskovites to win nimtsiv, and Pskov recognized the supremacy of Moscow. As a result of the military campaign against Kazan, a peace treaty was reached on the minds of Moscow and the Russian soldiers who were forced into captivity. In 1462, after the death of Vasil the Dark, Ivan III became the sole ruler of the Moscow princedom. Yaroslavl and Rostov came to Moscow and gave land to the princes of that village. Sovereign of all Russia Furlova O.I.

8 slide

The foundation of Novgorod Vilniy Novgorod stopped reaching out to the minds of the treaty with Moscow and entered into a relationship with the Polish-Lithuanian king Casimir IV. Ivan III, on the basis of a majestic warrior, sacked Novgorod and zhorstoko dealt with the Novgorodians. On the 4th of Vіysk, go to Novgorod zdіysniv Ivan III, the first place in the world knew the power of Moscow. The famous vіchovy dzvіn, as a symbol of the independence of Novgorod, was taken by the order of Ivan III and transported to Moscow. Furlova O.I.

9 slide

From 1472 Ivan ceased to pay Danin Ordi. Khan Akhmat sent his messages to Moscow. In the eyes of the Orda ambassadors and the Russian boyars, Ivan rose and trampled the agreement from the Horde. Vіn declaring that they no longer support the khan and do not pay yom danin. Khans after buli vignans. At 1480 p. Khan Akhmat sent a great war to nepokirnu Rus. Fight for the Horde Furlova O.I.

10 slide

“The same evil tsar Akhmat ... went to Orthodox Christianity, to Russia, to the holy churches and to the Grand Duke, boasting of the roses of the Holy Church and all Orthodoxy and the Grand Duke himself, like under Bati Beshi (bulo)” . Chronicle of Standing on the Ugry Furlova O.I.

11 slide

Ivan III hanging his military nasustrich vorogov. Akhmat grafted the Orda warriors to the river Ugra. On the opposite birch, there was a Russian wind, preventing the ordinets from crossing the river and going to Moscow. Kіlka mіsyatsіv stood vіysk on Ugrі one against one. At the same time, the ally of Ivan III, the Crimean Khan Mengli-Girey, attacked the lands of the Polish-Lithuanian state, through which the head of King Casimir IV did not dare to give Khan Akhmat to help him. In addition, drive the Russians, sent by Ivan III to the Volga, attacked the territory of the Great Horde and devastated the capital Saray. Furlova O.I.

12 slide

Before the end of Zhovtnya, the river began to freeze over and the enemy could easily cross over to the other shore. The Grand Duke, having punished two hundred Russian soldiers from the open field to Borovsk, where the defensive position was victorious in winter minds. This is how the yoke of the Golden Ordi ended in Russia, as if it had lasted for 250 years. The army of the khan was not ready until the harvest, the orderlies did not wear winter clothes. Akhmat thought that Ivan III had opened the field for a grand battle. Having sneered at the general battle, the khan quickly moved his troops from the Russian land. Standing on Ugri Furlova O.I.

13 slide

The retinue of Ivan III died, and the Grand Duke decided to make friends suddenly. Sophia Palaiologos, the niece of the remaining emperor of Byzantium Kostyantin, became a new retinue, having perished under the sword of the Turkish conquerors. The friendship of the Grand Duke with the remaining Byzantine princess allowed Moscow to be declared the protector of Byzantium, the center of the Orthodox faith. Ivan III robbed the Byzantine coat of arms - a double-headed eagle - with the coat of arms of his state, and took the title "The Power of All Russia". Moscow-the Third Rome Furlova O.I.

14 slide

Moscow-Third Rome The double-headed eagle used by the Grand Duke in the rest of the decade of the 15th century. not vipadkovo. At that time, the two-headed bird had embellished the seals of the most powerful monarchs in Europe - the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, and de-founded the bottom: a seal with a single-headed eagle - royal, with a two-headed - imperial. The active exchange of embassies, the presentation of letters and seals, which depicted the symbol of imperial power, overran the head of the Moscow state from him, so that the double-headed eagle itself could tell about the high camp of the western emperors. Furlova O.I.

15 slide

Lifting up Moscow, Ivan III gave rise to the fall of his power and yearned for the old Russian princes. Italian architect Aristotle Fioravant, having inspired a new Assumption Cathedral - the head temple of the Russian state. Life in the Moscow Kremlin of the Assumption Cathedral was seen behind the bright cathedral near Volodymyr. Tse symbolized the offensive of the power of the Moscow princes against the princes of Volodymyr, and through them - from the Kiev ones. Moscow-the Third Rome Furlova O.I.



Ivan IV the Terrible





Archangel Cathedral near Moscow



Sofia Paleolog

1) Solomoniya Yuryivna Saburova 2) Olena Vasylivna Glinska

Blue: Ivan IV and Yuri


Internal control

Union of Russian lands

Zovnishnya politics


Love that child

Vasil III Ivanovich (Birch 25, 1479 - Breast 3, 1533) - Grand Duke of Moscow from 1505-1533, son of Ivan III the Great and Sophia Paleolog, father of Ivan IV the Terrible.


Vasil was another son of Ivan III and the senior son of another squad of Ivan Sophia Paleolog. Krіm eldest at the new Bulo Chotiri younger brothers:

  • Yuri Ivanovich, Prince Dmitrovsky (1505-1536)
  • Dmitro Ivanovich Zhilka, Prince of Uglich (1505-1521)
  • Semyon Ivanovich, Prince of Kaluz (1505-1518)
  • Andriy Ivanovich, Prince Staritsky and Volokolamsky (1519-1537)

Ivan III, who pursued a policy of centralization, arguing about the transfer of all power along the line of the elder son, from the borders of the power of younger blues. To that, already in 1470, he voted his senior son in the first retinue of Ivan the Young as his spіvprover. Prote died in 1490 due to illness. There were two parties at the court: one was grouped near the son of Ivan the Young, the son of Ivan III Dmitri Ivanovich and his mother, the widow of Ivan the Young, Olenya Stefanivna, and the other near Vasil and his mother. The first party took the upper hand, Ivan III maw namir crowned the kingdom of his onuk. In these minds, Vasil III’s sharpened zmova ripened, as if it were open, and his participants, including Volodymyr Gusev, were stricken. Vasil and yoga mother Sophia Palaeologus recognized disgrace. However, the onuk's followers went into conflict with Ivan III, which ended in a disgraced onuk in 1502. 21 birch 1499 p. Vasil became the Grand Duke of Novgorod and Pskov, and in 1502 the Grand Duke of Moscow and Volodymyr and all Rus was autocrat, becoming the spivruler of Ivan III.

The first shlyub was ruled by Yogo by Father Ivan, who at the beginning tried to know I would name him in Europe, and ended on the right with a selection of 1,500 girls, who were presented to the court for the city of Meti from the Usієї krajni. The father of the first squad of Vasily Solomon, Yuriy Saburov, did not become a boyar. The family of the Saburovs resembled the Tatar murzi Chet.

Oskіlki first shlyub buv bezpіdnim, Vasil was separated in 1525, and on the cob of the offensive (1526th) fate he became friends with Olena Glinskaya, the daughter of the Lithuanian prince Vasil Lvovich Glinsky. A new squad could also have taken a little time, but on the morning of September 15, 1530, a son Ivan, a future Ivan the Terrible, was born in them, that buv and another son - Yuri.

Internal control

Vasil III, having respected that the power of the Grand Duke is not guilty of interfering, through which he was actively supporting the Church in the fight against the feudal boyar opposition, abruptly managing from the mustache of dissatisfaction. In 1521, Metropolitan Varlaam, through messages, took part in the struggle of Vasil against Prince Vasil Ivanovich Shemyachich, princes Rurikovich Vasil Shuisky and Ivan Vorotinsky buli vignani. Diplomat and state clerk Ivan Bersen-Beklemishev lived in 1525 through criticism of Vasil’s policy, and through the rejection of Greek novelty, as it came to Russia at once from Sophia Paleolog. By the protracted rule of Vasil III, the landed nobility increased, the government actively surrounded the immunity and privileges of the boyars - the state went through the path of centralization. However, the despotic figures of government, which appeared all over the world for his father Ivan III and grandfather Vasil the Dark, in the era of Vasil they only grew stronger.

At church politics, Vasil unguardedly supported the Josephites. Maxim the Greek, Vassian Patrikeev and other likhvars were sentenced at Church Councils, even to death, even to death in monasteries.

At the reign of Vasil III, a new Code of Laws was created, which, prote, did not reach us.

As if Herberstein had been reminded, it was respected for the Moscow court that Vasil, with his power, had overturned the monarchies of the world and brought the emperor. On the front side of the yogo druk, he wrote: “Great Sovereign Vasil, by the grace of God, the king and pan of all Russia.” On the reverse side it was written: "Volodimir, Moscow, Novgorod, Pskov and Tver, and Yugorsk, and Perm, and rich lands of the Sovereigns."

The hour of Vasil's reign is the era of the wakeful boom in Russia, when the hour of the reign of Yogo Batka rose up. The Archangel Cathedral was built near the Moscow Kremlin, and the Church of the Ascension was built in Kolomensky. There will be stone fortifications in Tula, Nizhny Novgorod, Kolomna and other places. New settlements, prisons, fortresses are being grounded.

Union of Russian lands

Vasil, at his own policy, continued the policy of his father in the course of other princedoms.

In 1509, while visiting Veliky Novgorod, Vasil punished the new Pskov mayor and other representatives of the place, including the mustache petitioners, who were dissatisfied with them. Arriving before the new on the cob 1510 fate at the Holy Cross of Pskov, they called at the distrust of the Grand Duke, those monks were stricken. The people of Pskov, in turmoil, asked Vasil to accept his fatherland from Yogo. Vasil having punished kasuvati veche. For the rest of the history of Pskov, it was decided not to repair the opir and viconate of Vasil. On the 13th of September the dzvіn was taken, and with tears it was sent to Novgorod. On September 24, Vasil arrived in Pskov and made him like a father from Novgorod in 1478. 300 of the most important families of the place were resettled in the Moscow lands, and they serve the people of Moscow in their villages.

The blackness of Ryazan was rising, which had long since been lying near the sphere of Moscow's influx. In 1517, Vasil, having called to Moscow the Ryazan prince Ivan Ivanovich, who tried to enter into an alliance with the Crimean khan, and ordered to put him in prison (after Ivan was tonsured in Chenci and imprisoned in a monastery), and took his share. After Ryazan, the Starodubsk princedom was annexed, in 1523 - Novgorod-Siversk, with the prince Vasil Ivanovich Shemyachich, they went for the butt of the Ryazan - they caught him in Moscow.

Zovnishnya politics

On the cob of government, Vasil had a chance to spread the war for Kazan. Pokhіd buv not far away, the Russian regiments, commanded by Vasil's brother, Prince Dmitro Ivanovich Zhilka of Uglich, were divided, and Kazanians asked for peace, which was the way of the settlements of 1508 roci. At that very hour, Vasil, huddled in turmoil in Lithuania after the death of Prince Oleksandr, put forward his candidacy for the throne of Gediminas. In 1508, the Lithuanian boyar Mikhailo Glinsky had a lot of rebellions in Moscow, and his acceptances were more pleasant. The war with Lithuania called for the peace of the world in 1509, which was viable for the Moscow prince, for which the Lithuanians were imprisoned for the burial of Yogo Batka.

In 1512 p. a new war began with Lithuania. On the 19th of the chest, Vasyl Yuriy Ivanovich and Dmytro Zhilka performed at the march. Smolensk taxation, but take it not far away, and the Russian military turned to Moscow in the birch of 1513. On the 14th of the Cherry, Vasil stepped up again at the marches, but having set the voivode to Smolensk, he himself left Borovsk, bespecting that he would be given. Smolensk I renewed the taxation, and the yogo monk Yuriy Sologub was beaten at the open field. Just after that, Vasil especially arrived before the war. Ale y tsya tax bula not far away: the taxation went into instigation to collapse. Having deserted the outskirts of the city, Vasil ordered to enter and turned at the leaf fall to Moscow.

On the 8th lime of 1514, the fate of the war in choli with the Grand Duke again entered Smolensk, which at once from Vasil came his brother Yuri and Semyon. New obloga rose on the 29th lime. Artillery, like a gunner Stefan, was in charge of heavy expenses. On the same day, Sologub and the clergy of the place went to Vasil, and they were in time to build the place. On the 31st lime, the inhabitants of Smolensk swore allegiance to the Grand Duke, and on the 1st day Vasyl entered the town. Nezabar took the most important places - Mstislavl, Krichev, Dubrovni. Ale Glinsky, to whom the Polish chronicles ascribed the success of the third campaign, having entered at the foothills with King Sigismund. Vіn spodіvsya otrimati Smolensk sobі, ale Vasyl zalishiv sobі. Nezabar zmov vikrily, and the most Glinsky coaxed from Moscow. A few hours later, the Russian military, as commanded by Ivan Chelyadinov, recognized an important defeat near Orsha, but the Lithuanians could not turn Smolensk like that. Smolensk was left behind in the spirnoy territory of the residual reign of Vasil III. For the time being, the inhabitants of the Smolensk region were taken to the Moscow regions, and the inhabitants of the regions close to Moscow were resettled in Smolensk.

In 1518, Shah Ali Khan, having become a friendly ally to Moscow, became the Khan of Kazan, but he ruled for a short time: in 1521, he knocked down the Crimean protégé Sahib Giray. At the same time, the Crimean Khan Mehmed I Giray voted for Moscow. Together, the Kazan Khan stepped out of his lands, Krimchaks and Kazanians united their army together under Kolomna. The Russian army, under the curiosity of Prince Dmitry Belsky, recognized the blows on the river Oka and there was an apprehension of entry. Tatars went to the walls of the capital. Vasil himself at that hour went from the capital to Volokolamsk to collect an army. Magmet-Girey did not dare to take the place: having devastated the district of wines, turning back for a day, fearing the Astrakhans that Vasil had chosen, however, having learned from the Grand Duke a letter about those who recognize themselves as the true tributary and vassal of Krim. On the way to the return, zustrivshi voivode of Khabar Simsky near Pereyaslavl Ryazansky, the khan rested on the presentation of the diploma of vimagati capitulation of the yogo viysk. Ale, having asked for the Tatar letters from the letters of the goiter to himself at the headquarters, Ivan Vasilyovich Obrazets-Dobrinsky (such was the birthplace of the name of Khabar), having embodied the letter, and rozig the Tatar viysko with garmats.

In 1522, the roci in Moscow again minted the krimtsiv, Vasil from the Viysky navit himself standing on the Oci. Khan did not come, the protege did not pass the steppe from the side. That's why Vasil of that same 1522, having laid a truce, for which Smolensk was left behind Moscow. Kazanians did not calm down. In 1523, roci, at the link with the chert rіzanina of Russian merchants near Kazan, Vasil voiced a new departure. Having ruined the khanate, having fallen asleep in the place of Vasilsursk on Suri on the path of vines, it is not enough to become a new place for bargaining with the Kazan Tatars. In 1524, after the third campaign against Kazan, the allied Krim Sahib Giray was called, and Safa Giray, the deputy of the new khan, voted.

In 1527, Islam I Giray attacked Moscow. Having picked up at Kolomensky, the Russian troops took up defense for 20 km from the Oka. The obloga of Moscow and Kolomna lasted for five days, after which the Moscow army crossed the Oka and defeated the Crimean army on the Osetr river. Chergova stepova bulk bula vidbita.

In 1531, the prince of Kasimivsky Dzhan-Ali khan was voted by the khan of Kazan for the prokhannya of Kazan, the protest was washed out in a short time - after the death of Vasil yogo, the nobles threw off.


During his reign, Vasil arrived in Pskov (1510), Smolensk (1514), Ryazan (1521), Novgorod-Siversky (1522) to Moscow.

Love that child


  • Solomoniya Yuryivna Saburova (from the 4th of spring 1505 to the leaf fall of 1525).
  • Olena Vasilivna Glinska (since 21 September 1526).

Children (hurt at another girl): Ivan IV the Terrible (1530-1584) and Yuri (1532-1564). For orders, first of all, after tonsure Solomon, born son George.

Vasil III

  • Rule dates - 1505-1533
  • son of Ivan III
  • Finishing the process

land consolidation

about Moscow

Basil III on a French engraving by Andre Teve

  • 1510 - arrival of Pskov.
  • Liquidation of the remaining stronghold of the veiled government on the way

Arrival of Smolensk and Ryazan

  • New war with Lithuania 1512-1522 r.b. The head mark is Smolensk. Zvіlneniy at 1514 p.
  • In 1522 p. Smolensk at the result of the signing of a truce with Lithuania was abandoned at the warehouse of the Russian state
  • In 1521 p. Ryazan princedom has gone to the warehouse of the Russian state
  • 1522 p. - the arrival of Starodubsky that
  • Novgorod-Siver princedom

Obloga Smolensk 1514 roku

  • Vasil III has a long hour of recession. This was threatening with fatal repercussions - the international struggle of the brothers of the Grand Duke for the throne. The boyars attacked the separated prince.
  • Solomoniya, the first squad, was called by the chaklunstvo and trimmed by the blackberry.
  • U sichni 1526 p. wedding of Vasil III and Olenya Glinskaya

View of the pet system.

  • Vasil was chasing after him, so that no one could see the robit of a swing at yoga power. Vіn suvoro behaved with his relatives.
  • For a long time, not languishing in the recession, Vasil, having prevented his brothers from becoming friends, and not looming blue, the stench could not convey their slump at the slump.
  • Before the end of Prince Vasil III, there were only two lapses of the younger brothers - Dmitrovsky and Staritsky.
  • Everything about

in the pet system

  • "Moscow-Third Rome"- a single ideology, the essence of which is offensive: promoting the universal and historical significance of Moscow, the capital of the Russian state, as a political and ecclesiastical center, which became the successor of the Roman and Byzantine empires, which vanished
  • Author - Filofey - Monk of the Pskov Spaso-Eleazarov Monastery.


  • For Ivan III and Vasil III, the process of unification of Russian lands is completed.
  • A new power was being formed - Moskovska
  • Sudebnik - new zvedennya zakonіv, yak zakrіpilo all zmіni

Ivan III

Vasil III

Image from

Tsar's titular 17th century.

slide 1

Vasil III that yoga hour.
Lesson 2

slide 2

1. Batko and son 2. Completion of the consolidation of Russian lands near Moscow. 3. Placed with Krim and Kazan 4. Scandalous separation

slide 3

Batko (Ivan III) and son Vasil III
In the opinion of great historians, Vasil III (1505-1533) as a specialty of that sovereign fiend strongly compromised his father Ivan III. Youmu vipalo complete those that were sown by yoga father. In the rest of the life of the turbot of Ivan III, there was a whisper to the senior son's squad. I tried to know I was named at the courts of European monarchs. Ale yoga, the efforts were nevtіshni. One of the reasons was the power of religion. I had a chance to call Shukati the middle of "their serfs." Vibir fell on Solomoniya Saburova. In 1505 p. Ivan is dead. The throne was occupied by Vasil III.

slide 4

Completion of the amalgamation of the Russian lands of the Dovkol of Moscow.
Vasil III, having succumbed to the land of pidyomy. The process of collecting Russian lands near Moscow was not completed. Uv'azneniy 1508r. Having secured the land for Moscow along the upper Ots, the agreement had earlier fallen into Lithuania and passed under the rule of the Moscow rulers.

slide 5

Arrival of Pskov
The crisis in the mutual relations of the Pskovites with Moscow was vinified through the monk, Prince Ivan Repnya-Obolensky. The prince behaved in a snarky manner and wickedly in power. The mists gave me a fortune telling.

slide 6

Arrival of Pskov
In 1509 p. the prince sent a scarga to the Pskovians near Novgorod. The Pskov posadniks arrived there from the cholobits. Vasil declared that he would judge everything for justice, but he himself accepted the fate of his people. The Sovereign was ready to pardon the petitioners, like Pskovians to succumb and accept the Moscow order: "Don't fight in Pskov, but fight in Pskov to two monks." U sichni 1510 p. Pskov chuckled.

Slide 7

Arrival of Smolensk and Ryazan
In 1512 p. a new war began with Lithuania. The head mark is Smolensk. Having healthy the enemy in the field, the Moscow rats repeatedly and unsuccessfully approached the place. Nareshti, near the linden 1514 p. Smolensk buv uzyaty. The capture of the place was interpreted not as a conquest, but as a union of united nations under the rule of an Orthodox sovereign. In 1522 p. The sides laid a truce. Smolensk was abandoned at the warehouse of the Russian state U 1521 p. Ryazan princedom has gone to the warehouse of the Russian state

Slide 8

Placed with Krim and Kazan.
In 1521 p. The Crimean Khan Mohammed-Girey, having sunk down on the vlady of the Moscow protege, had organized the great march of the Russian state. 1. Outskirts of Moscow were empty. 2. Vasil III, having seen the Borg's letter to the Crimean Khan, for which he promised to pay the danini.
Mohammed Giray

Slide 9

Vіdnosini z Krim and Kazan
Ale on the way back Mohammed - Giray laid siege to Ryazan and craved pokirnosti and sent them to them with a letter. Voivoda Ivan Khabar tore the letter and said that it didn’t happen. And if Mohammed - Giray iz tsim is not suitable - let's try to take a place. Ryazan survived.

Slide 10

Scandalous separation
Vasil III has a long hour of recession. This was threatening with fatal repercussions - the international struggle of the brothers of the Grand Duke for the throne. The boyars attacked the separated prince. Solomoniya was called by chaklunstvo and trimmed by blueberries. U sichni 1526 p. wedding of Vasil III and Olenya Glinskaya

slide 11

Olena Glinska
At 1530 p. Olena gave birth to Ivan's first child, later the younger brother of the fall-bearer Yuriy appeared.

slide 12

Skasuvannya pet system.
Vasil was chasing after him, so that no one could see the robit of a swing at yoga power. Vіn suvoro, and sometimes mercilessly behaved with their relatives. Having become the prince of Moscow, he ordered us to put his superman, Dmitr - onuk, into the "zalіzo". For a long time, not languishing in the recession, Vasil, having prevented his brothers from becoming friends, and not looming blue, the stench could not convey their slump at the slump. Before the end of Prince Vasil III, there were only two falls of his younger brothers. Everything about the world of the pet system

slide 13

In Russian history, Vasil III stands as a prodovzhuvach of his father, the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III. For Vasil III, the consolidation of lands near Moscow was completed and the life of a single Russian centralized state continued. Vasileva also had a chance to conduct important wars at the entrance of that Gathering, at the hour of which the international camp of the country was marked as an independent and pleasurable power of Schidnoy Europe.

Slide 14

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§ 1-2, food no. 3


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