Significance of oceans and seas in life. The ocean is our future Significance of the ocean of light in the life of the planet

Significance of oceans and seas in life. The ocean is our future Significance of the ocean of light in the life of the planet

The seas and oceans play a vital role in the conservation of the environment, they add to the climate of the earth's culture and ensure the balance of the light hydrological system. The oceans and seas are the main source of sour, which is vibrated by phytoplankton. Yakby water is not small especially for building up heat, most of the Earth was deserted. The oceans cool the tropics, bring warmth to cold regions, regulate the temperature throughout the planet. The ocean of light is not without reason called the "lungs of the earth." Virobly more than half of the sourness, the ocean has become sour in the atmosphere of the sour-carbonic acid balance, necessary for life on our planet.

The great recreational significance of the seas and oceans. On the sea shores, resorts have been planted, people are rejoicing and rejoicing. The Soviet Socialist Republic has no more Black Sea sanatoriums, budinki and tourist bases look over the rivers of millions of people. The delightful service of people in the minds of the maritime climate turned into a special feature of the resort and tourist industry. A lot of people go in for sea sports.

Today people more and more often the word "ocean" appears from the development of mineral-chemical, energy and food resources. The wealth of the ocean is truly incomparable. Grandiose reserves of some elements of the periodic system are found in the manganese-rich concretions, which lie on the majestic area of ​​the bottom of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans.

In rich areas of the Svitovoy Ocean, the bottom is literally covered with great bay-manganese nodules. Sometimes the stench lies so thinly, that the sound of the bottom is guessing the brukivka. Fahіvtsі pіdrakhuvali, scho reserves tsikh concretions are shown by astronomical figures - 300-350 billion tons. I want concretions to sound at the depths of 4-6 km, fakhivtsy more and more often come to the visnovka, which in the future will be quite profitable.

Have 1975 p. Japan's first world has worked out practical resources for the extraction of uranium from sea water on an industrial scale. The Ministry of Finance saw 130 million yen for the state budget of 1975. The installation was completed due to the fact that it was put into operation in 1981. Fahіvtsі admit that already in 1990, 2250 tons of uranium will be mined from sea water, which is approximately 15% of the total nuclear ash needed for nuclear power plants in Japan. If you want a variety of bottles of uranium mixed in sea water to cost twice as much as twice as much more expensive than picking the same kind of paliva from the earth's surface, Japan is ready to drink in the wake of the energy crisis.

At the present time, on the days of the seas and oceans, about 20% of all oil is found. Particularly rich in naphtha deyaki continental shelf.

Thousands of natural species of algae, mollusks, crustaceans, ribs, and blue sars live near the waters of the Holy Ocean. At the sea thicket there are other valuable biological speeches, which are syrovina for medical craftsmanship.

As a result, according to radian oceanologists, as well as for the tribute, taking away from other lands, it was established that the largest production in the ocean of traditional fishing facilities is more than 90-100 million tons, and such a quantity can be swept without disturbing the viability. Yakscho born in 1975 If the light fork reached 70 million tons, then, then, you can further increase the vilov by 20-30 million tons.

Shvidke the growth of light vilov riba and other objects of the trade of viklikane tim, who are rich in the country, they don’t eat in the protein products of eating, which they are trying to remember the development of oceanic and sea fishing.

Vishche guessed that in 1977. the number of the population of the Earth became over 4 billion people, and in 2000, according to the UN resolutions, it reached 6.5-7.0 billion people. Growing variety of food products and especially protein products in the growing population of the planet. For the benefit of the FAO (Food Organization and the United Nations), less than 1-1.5 billion people can eat enough protein in the diet, and 2.5-3.0 billion people have a protein hunger, and a significant part is in already a strong step. In minds, naturally, the daedals have more victorious resources to the ocean.

Deputy leader.

At this site we have set a task to bring to our readers more detailed information about the Holy Ocean, as the main part of the Earth's biosphere. The “Light Ocean” spread out about the history of the evolution of the Light Ocean, about its expansion and warehouses, about the warehouse and the power of sea water, about the peculiarities of the ocean floor, about ocean currents, about life in the ocean, about the riches of the ocean. The reader can perekonatisya at the majestic significance of the ocean for the people, and also at the one that the ocean, like a living life, will require a zahist.

© Volodymyr Kalanov,

1. Zagalni position. Ocean trip.

The Earth is a single planet of the Sonyach system, which forms the hydrosphere. The head and main part of the hydrosphere is the ocean of light. The ocean itself gives the Earth a unique beauty and originality. Obviously, perebubayuchi on the surface of the Earth, a person cannot walk the earth sideways and appreciate its beauty. Ale, apparently, as if suffocated by the cosmonauts, if the stench has mercy on our planet from the near space. Navit the first cosmonaut of the Earth, Yuriy Oleksiyovich Gagarin, who had not a lot of time in the sky, caught up in orbit and appreciated the beautiful beauty of our planet.

I create the boundless ocean of light with the primordial world, transforming the Earth into a black planet.

Expand the ocean of majesty. The total area of ​​the Earth is estimated at 510 million km 2, about 361 million km 2 (70.8%) is covered with water. But if you call on the ice-makers, as they cover 11% of the land, then it turns out that on Earth the water is not 361, but 380 million km 2, then 75% of the surface.

It is estimated that the amount of water in the ocean is approximately 1370 million km3. Tsikavo, which touches the land, which rises above the level of the sea, to become close 111 million cubic meters, then ten and a half times less, lower the water.

Nearly 4% of the planet's water falls on a portion of lakes, bogs, rivers, underground (more precisely, internal soil) waters and the atmosphere, and the river reshta fills a giant bowl under the name of the Light Ocean.

Did the stars appear on the Earth such a majestic quantity of water? Vcheni and those thinkers for centuries were joking about in the chain of food. Nini in science officially recognized hypothesis of degassing of the Earth , for example, 4 billion years ago, after reaching the earth's measles, through cracks in the crust of the volcanic vents, the volcanic volcanic vortex appeared with a one-hour exit to the surface of gases, water vapor and hot water. The cob of the process of degassing is important as the cob of the geological history of the Earth and the cob of the formation of the hydrosphere.

An hour later, the process of degassing, later, when the waters of the Earth appeared, it was confirmed, for example, that in the most ancient rocks of the earth's measles, for which 3.8 billion years were assigned, it was found that there were single-celled organisms, which could have been more reliable for the sake of reality

The upper mantle was recognized as a stretch of approximately the first billion rocks of the planet's active process of degassing, if water and acidic degassing products of the mantle speech were brought to the surface of the Earth. Obsyag water that came from above the Earth, growing from 0 to 1.3 km 3 on the river. Close to 2.5 billion years ago, the average thickness of a water balloon in the ocean, ymovirno, did not exceed 2000 meters. Approximately 1.7 billion years ago, the chemical warehouse of ocean waters and the earth's atmosphere became close to daily. Obsyag vody, scho to come from above the Earth, povolno zmenshuvsya and ninі become close to 0.25 km 3 on the river. This means that the process of degassing is continuing, that it is confirmed by volcanic activity on Earth, that it is still uninterrupted.

The hypothesis looks logical and entirely scientific. True, it was not from outer space that water came from the ancient decrease in the earth's measles. And even worse, from the appearance of the atmosphere, the water poured out of the gloom, then all the same for the trips it was earthly, the shards of the gloom avenged the condensate of the water vapor that emerged from the Earth's overhead.

Actual provisions of the hypotheses call for sumniv. For example, the authors (V.S. Safronov, O.G. Sorokhtin et al.) appreciate that the rise of the young Earth over the surface of the cosmic bodies, and sometimes the radiation of the radioactive decay of the nuclei of important elements. With the drive of radioactive decay, it’s important to compare here, but what kind of mamas mother hypothetical cosmic bodies, so that their strikes on the surface of the Earth could blow up the nadra? From the other side, navіscho rozіrіvat nadra, like the stench was hot? Ale, let's not talk about the cream.

Oceanologists care that water circuit on Earth no short circuits shards through rift cracks from the planet's overhead can be reached broadly 0.25 km 3 of water. A part of the water, rising like a bet to the upper spheres of the atmosphere, under the influx of sony and cosmic vaping, spreads on water and sour and goes to space.

Soyno guessed rift cracks - cracks in the earth's crust, which vine between the lithospheric plates in the zones, where the plates intersect each other. The process in which the lithospheric plates overlap each other is called in geology spreading. A gigantic rift fissure that vinicked in the spreading zone, for example, may have crossed the entire Atlantic Ocean near the meridional straight line.

Otzhe, the ocean is a stretch of the earth's geological history . Є facti, scho bring tse firmness. For example, in the midst of Greenland in the 70s of the 20th century, precipitation storms were known, which is estimated at 3.76 billion years. This means that even then, in the era of the Catharche, sieges began to be established, as a result of the cycle of water between the ocean, the atmosphere and that dry land.

Note: Katarchaeus is a geological era, as it is coming soon after the pre-geological era. The trivality of katarchey is estimated at 800 million years (from 3500 to 2700 million years ago).

Russian volcanologists praised that from the erupted volcano part of the water vapor becomes close to 3% of the mass of erupted rivers. It was clear that the magnitude of the mayzhe exactly confirms the correlation between the masses of the modern hydrosphere (1.46 * 106) and the earth's measles (4.7 * 107). For each other, there is confirmation of the permanent presence of the hydrosphere on the earth's backstage.

The third proof of the calm and uninterrupted foundation of the ocean is the knowledge of the surplus and the death of ancient living organisms. In this rank, life on Earth, not interrupted for a single moment, with a stretch of three billion rocks, and yogo prosperity is secured by the ocean. Life itself was born in the ocean, as a result of the tribal interplay of various speeches, developed by the sea water. Now this hypothesis may be outrageous. Why mayzhe? To that it is necessary, so that you will always get rid of your sumniv. And if there is sumnіv, then є privіd that stimulus for a farther robotic thought. But there is one thing without a trace: the evolution of the organic world is implicitly connected with the appearance and development of the water shell of the Earth. Just as life in the ocean was born three billion years ago, then it came to land only 600 million years ago.

The upper hundred-meter ball of the oceanic water avenges the faceless photosynthetic one-celled algae. These micro-organisms, together with smaller dews, that live near the water, see the sour and drench the differences in sea water carbon dioxide. Between the water and the atmosphere, there is a constant exchange of gases. Tse means what the ocean plays the most important role in balancing acidity and safe life all over the planet.

Hardly need to bring the most important value for the ocean is the yak dzherel of grub resources for people. In this hour, at the link with the constant growth of the population of the Earth and often unreasonable, hizhatsky people of biological resources in the ocean, the marine industry is essentially within reach of its borders. The hour has come, if in the seas it is necessary not only to get creatures and growths, but to breed, to cultivate a rich variety of their species just like a thousand people are stunned to work on dry land.

The ocean to take revenge on its faceless salts and other mineral resources, necessary people. Under the bottom of the shelf, that bed of the ocean is known to be filled with water, oil and gas, the distribution of which has long been established in rich lands.

You can see the whole ocean colossal energy accumulator, for the time being, there is little victory. Pass not so rich an hour to learn about the scale of human life, and natural reserves of oil, gas, stone wool and radioactive ores are consumed. That ocean will become the main source of energy for industrial and industrial needs. It's true, it's much more important to get energy from the ocean, instead of just spitting gas in the furnaces, which is the product of oil refining.

Yakshcho talk about the meaning of the ocean yak the head of the transport links between the continents, then it should be noted that for the laying of sea routes, it is not necessary to use the annual "road covers" or railroads. We will need only more than necessary transport facilities for the transportation of people and the advantages and the necessary coastal infrastructure. І in tsimu polagaє pevna ekonomіchna the victory of the sea ways before the land ones. In addition, sea transportation is more expensive and air transportation is significantly unsafe, lower land. Then I’m afraid of the scientists and designers to gradually improve the design and promote the superiority of ships not only of the military, but also of the people’s gift.

© Volodymyr Kalanov,

The ocean of light occupies 3/4 of the surface of the Earth (an area of ​​361 million km2, chi 70.8%) and cover 96.4% of the total water of the hydrosphere (1.38 billion km3).
The light ocean is a part of the biosphere, a geographical object with a special geological and geomorphological life, a special character of heat, mass exchange with atmospheric winds, siege deposits of the bottom, and powerful only for the most part and natural light.

The ocean of light is the main lanka of the water cycle in nature. It determines the water balance of the Earth, it is an important source of renewal of water objects on the earth's surface and atmospheric water. The ocean of light causes a lot of processes and manifestations that appeared on the earth's surface and appear at the given hour, and it is an active participant. It is related to the interplay of atmospheric wind and oceanic waters, the formation of climate. Vіn absorbs in itself half of the sleepy energy, which falls on its surface, and stains it for heating the waters. Heat the waters of the equatorial latitudes with oceanic currents reach the polar regions, give their warmth and play the role of the "scorching system" of the planet.
The role of the Light Ocean is great in ensuring the stability of the gas warehouse of the atmosphere, the biochemical cycle of chemical elements, and the process of photosynthesis. Whether there are living organisms on dry land, including people, they are constantly watching the flow of the Light Ocean, it is important to reevaluate its significance in the ecological system of the Earth.

Everyone knows what to lead the oceans in the salt. The average salinity of the Light Ocean becomes 35 0/0O (promile), otherwise it seems that in 1000 g of ocean water there are 35 grams of various salts. If you see the salts of the Light Ocean, then the salty mass becomes 48 billion tons. If you evenly spread the salts on the earth's surface, wiyshov bi shar zavtovshki 133 m. Here it should be noted that the salinity of the sea water can change, but the spiving between salts does not change in any way, it’s constant.

Most of the "live speech" at the World Ocean - planktons, like they repeat for their chemical tributes the salt warehouse of sea water. The origin, the world and the spread of planktons are rebuying at the rivers, at the ocean there are no superfluous organic speeches. At the Light Ocean, there are approximately 2,000 billion tons (2 trillion) of organic speeches. In the water of the ocean in 1 liter of water there are up to 2 mg of organic speeches. In the inland seas, especially in the coast of the mainland, the concentration of organic speech reaches up to 10 mg per liter.

The most common causes of sea water gases are sour, nitrogen, carbon dioxide. For life in the ocean, kisen is very important. Oxygenated sour at the Light Ocean is rich, its concentration in sea water is 1.5 times higher, and the concentration of sour in the atmosphere is lower. At the Light Ocean, 35 billion tons of sour and stilts turn around the water behind the green growths of the ocean that atmospheric wind.

At the Ocean of Light, from the streams of rivers, talimy ice, underground waters, the winds consume 27,080 million tons of various rivers. Most of them come from the flowing waters of the rivers: solid particles - 17444 million tons, various rivers - 3403 million tons, brought by underground waters - 1000 million tons. Number of speeches in approximately the same way went into the ocean from long ago and continued to go into the future. But with the rest of the rocks to the natural supremacy of the speeches near the ocean, the Daedals more and more add the speeches of the anthropogenic movement. The ocean is a natural collector, the shards of all speeches, the Crimean gases, which are in Russia, are consumed by the ocean. Oceanic waters wander less with the help of man-made speeches. Contamination of the ocean is one of the global environmental problems of the present. Preserving the purity of the waters of the Light Ocean means preserving the purity of the biosphere.

"Geography Lesson Light Ocean" - Obladnannya: Islands are small plots of dry land, sharpened from the sides by water. All oceans have seas with islands and islands. Work with atlases: show the islands. Podsumok lesson. Task: write the name of the continents on the map. Parts of the light ocean. Vyvchennya new material. Objectives of the lesson:

"Problems of the ocean of the world" - the Navkolish middle has recognized an unprecedented confusion in the history of mankind. The objectives of the program for the development of the Light Ocean. Drive the Baltic Sea and the Pivnichny Sea to melt at your own expense. Light ocean. Unexplained problems can be blamed on the warming of the Earth's climate. Operations from flooding were carried out at a great time and with serious violations of environmental safety standards.

"Mystery of the Ocean" - Gold. Divers. Golovne wealth - great natural resources. Porty. All the gifts of the sea can be won for the benefit of the people. On the days of the ocean. Ale golovnі spozhivachі vodi - industry and statehood. Island of Madagascar, Indian Ocean. Riven water vvazhavsya the same to all the seas and oceans.

"Light Ocean and Yogo Part" - Mexican Influx. p-iv Somali. Parts of the light ocean. Pacific Ocean. Pivdenna America. Light ocean: - oceans - seas - inlets - channels. Part of the coastline of Russia. Atlantic Ocean. O. Greenland. The ocean of light = all at once narrow the oceans of the Earth. Mediterranean Sea. Pivnichna America. Gibraltar channel.

"Description of the Ocean" - No connection with Pivnichniy Ilodovity ocean. The deepest ocean? Takes 1/3 of the planet. Buv development from ancient times by the Arabs. What are the oceans and divisions of the continents Ocean of Light? Give a description of the geographic position of the Pivnichny Icy Ocean. Pivnіchniy Frozen Ocean. One of the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Greatest ocean.

"Marrying the Ocean of Light" - I told the axis that... The ocean attaches us to that which: On our planet it is possible to live without light that sour. We were not embarrassed ... I immediately - our merry admission: Wedpovіl pіdvodniki ... The ocean is folded from water, and we are folded by 90 vodsotkіv z water.

Water is the widest mouth of the Earth. The water shell of the Earth developed at the same time from the lithosphere, the atmosphere and living nature. May all processes on the planet proceed for the fate of water. The hydrosphere is made up of the Light Ocean, land waters and underground waters. The main mass of the waters is found in the oceans.

The ocean of light is a black mirror of our planet, the colossus of life on Earth. The new one is not over the past, but the future of our planet. In order to understand the great role of the ocean, it is necessary to know the peculiarities of its nature: the power of water masses, to understand the role of currents, the significance of the interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere and dry land. You know about everything, having learned this topic.

§ 9. Water of the Light Ocean

  1. What is called the hydrosphere? Light ocean?
  2. What do you know about the nature of the ocean?
  3. Fold the characteristics of the map of the oceans (the plan of the div. at the addendum).

The role of the ocean in the life of the Earth. The ocean occupies maybe 3/4 of the surface of the planet (Fig. 22). Water is one of the most important rivers on Earth, a precious homeland, a gift from the nature of our planet. In such a quantity, like on Earth, there is not a single place in the Sonyach system.

Rice. 22. Land area of ​​the ocean: a) sunburn on the Earth; b) at Pivnіchnіy pіvkulі; c) at Pivdenny pivkul

The ocean... It is important to point out how great is the significance of the life of the Earth. Gloomy in the sky, woods and snow, rivers and lakes, dzherela - all the pieces of the ocean, like timchasovo left yoga.

The ocean signifies richness of the nature of the Earth: it gives the atmosphere accumulated heat, to live with water, part of which is transferred to land. Vіn also pours into the climate, the soil, the growth and creation of the land. Great is the role of the gospodar's activity of the people. The ocean is a healer that gives faces and takes on its shores millions of receptive ones. Vin - dzherelo seafood, rich brown copalins, energy; wines and "kitchen wait a minute", and the simplest road in the world that leads the continents. Zavdyaki robotic bacteria ocean can build up (to the singing boundary) self-cleansing, and there are a lot of exits that have settled on the Earth, dwindle in the new.

The history of humankind is inextricably linked to the developments and the development of the ocean. The knowledge of yoga started a long time ago. (When? Kim?) The rest of the decade with additional new technology was taken away especially richly new data. The studies carried out on scientific ships, selected by automatic oceanographic stations, and navit by piece satellites of the Earth, helped to reveal whirlwinds near the waters of the ocean, deep water leaks, bring the foundation of life to great deeps. The formation of the bottom of the ocean made it possible to create the theory of the collapse of the lithospheric plates.

Pokhodzhennya waters of the Light Ocean. The ocean is the main guardian of the water, the widest speech of the Earth, and has long been hostile to the invincibility of its powers. Only water in normal earthly minds can be drunk in three countries. Tsya vlastistvіst zabezpechuє all the current water. Vaughn permeates the entire geographic shell and robs them of a varied work.

How did water appear on Earth? The rest of the “experimentation by science has not yet been verified. It is admitted that the water was either seen at once at the hour of the establishment of the lithosphere from the upper mantle, or it was accumulating step by step. Water is seen at once with magma, dripping onto the surface of the planet during volcanic eruptions, settled oceanic crust in zones of stretching of lithospheric plates. So there will be more millions of fates. Part of the water to go over the Earth from space.

Power of water to the ocean. The most characteristic of their power - salinity and temperature - you already know. (Guess the main shows from the course of the 6th grade.) Oceanic fashion is a weak variety, for which it is revealed that there is no chemical speech. They have a variety of gases, mineral and organic speech, which are established in the wake of the vitality of organisms.

The main changes in salinity are observed at the surface ball. The salinity of waters to fallow is the main rank of spіvvіdnennia of atmospheric fallouts and viparovuvannya, as it changes fallowly according to geographic latitude. At the equator, the salinity is close to 34%, close to the tropics - 36%, and in the low and polar latitudes - close to 33%. There is less salinity there, de kіlkіst opadі v perevshchuє viparovuvannya, de great influx of river waters, de melt ice.

You see that the waters of the ocean are warming up, as if dry, as a rush of sony warmth on its surface. Occupying more area, the ocean takes more heat, less land. The temperature of the surface waters varies and varies depending on the latitude (Fig. 23). In the vicinity of the ocean, the law is broken by ocean currents, and in coastal areas - by the runoff of warm waters from the continents. The temperature of the water near the ocean changes with the depth. On the back of the decrease її even more significant, that buv will be improved. On glybins 3-4 yew. m temperature sounds kolivaetsya vіd +2 to °C.

Rice. 23. The average water temperature lies on the surface of the Light Ocean. Adjust the water temperature at the quietest latitudes. Explain subtractive result

Ice in the ocean. Depending on the temperature of the ocean waters, ice should be deposited. You already know that sea water freezes at -2 °C. When cooled, the salty water increases, the upper ball becomes important and sinks down, and warm water balls rise to the surface. Such a remixing of the water is a reshuffle of the established ice. Lodi settle down only in the arctic and subarctic latitudes, where the winter is long and even colder. The lakes of the shallow sea freeze, roztashovan in the pomirny belt. Razrіznyayut odnorichnі and bagatorіchnі lodi. Oceanic ice can be indestructible, as if it were in contact with land, or floating, then drifting. In the ocean, ice floes are chirping, which have broken into ice floes on land and descended into the ocean - icebergs (Fig. 24).

Rice. 24. Melting icebergs in the ocean

The ice-covered ocean already flows into the climate of the Earth, the life of the new one himself. Ice-cream sleepy shifts, cool it down again, saturate the damp fogs. The stench makes shipping and maritime trades easier.

Water masses. Water is the main component of the nature of the ocean. The great obsyagi of water, which are settled at the singing parts of the ocean, are one after the other with temperature, salinity, clearness, clarity, a lot of sourness, the presence of singing living organisms, they are called water masses. Tsі vlastіvosti zberіgayutsya throughout the expanse, like borrowing that chi іnsha water mass.

Near the ocean, there are surface, intermediate, deep, and near-bottom water masses. In superficial fashionable masks up to a depth of 200, the m-code is seen as equatorial. tropical, calm and polar water masses. The stench settles in the wake of the uneven supply of sony heat at different latitudes and the influx of the atmosphere. In the quiet latitudes themselves, the powers of the superficial water masses can rise, which is seen even by coastal and inland oceanic masses.

Water masses actively interact with the atmosphere: they give warmth to the water, expel carbon dioxide from it, see sour. Change, they change their power.

  1. Why is the salinity of oceanic waters deposited?
  2. What are the characteristics of water temperature in the ocean?
  3. In what areas of the ocean do kriegs settle? How to stink into the nature of the Earth and into the government activity of people?
  4. What is called water mass? Name the main types of water masses. What kind of water masses do you see near the surface of the ocean?

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