Russian language and mi. Russian language and literature - Presentation templates

Russian language and mi. Russian language and literature - Presentation templates

Individual-group employment for students of the 5th grade.

Repetition: “One-Root Words” was created as a support to an individual-group lesson in Russian language at the 5th grade with inclusive teaching of C (K) O students on the topic “Repetition. One-root words".

Ale, you can use vikoristana and with the teaching of tsієї by those in the lessons of Russian language with the introduction of new material, as well as teaching for independent training of new material and repetition.

ІCT allow the submission of material in a tsikavim, presentable way; to provide encyclopedic information available for an hour of the lesson.

Target audience: for class 5

The presentation "Paronimi. Preparation to ЄDI" is recognized for students of 10-11 classes, both with repetition of the topics "Vocabulary. Paronim", and for preparation to ЄДІ. The presentation is made up of two parts: theoretical material and practical tasks, which are made up of a few tests with an instant re-verification and a sub-bag self-verification. Tsey resource can buti vikoristany

2) booths with individual training;

The presentation is recognized for students of 10-11 classes with repetition of the "Orfoepia" and with preparation to ЄДІ. The presentation is made up of two parts: the theoretical view and the practical task. Wikisource can be
1) one hour of lessons with collective work;
2) booths with individual robots;
3) how to convert and control robots.

Target audience: for class 11

This presentation can be completed as a preparation of studies until the 9th day of the EDI (Core Spelling), so the repetition of the writing of the words. The material has room for both theory, and practicality for the right to follow.

Target audience: for class 11

The resource is an interactive crossword puzzle, which can be quizzed when arranging the systematization of the twisted material in grades 9-11 at the lessons and in the after-hours activities.

The crossword puzzle is easy to manage, you can solve any word. When you press on the arrow, the text of the food is displayed, when you press on some kind of key, the crossword puzzle is filled with letters. Letters with letters that form the word "linguistics" are seen in contrasting colors.

Target audience: for grade 9

The presentation can win with the be-yakim of the WMC on the basic and profile level of the 10th class with the repetition of those "Phonetics".

In the initial material, the emphasis on the close interrelation of phonetics and spelling has been reduced. Tse priyaє development of orthographic sawing.

The main goals of the development: to consolidate the knowledge of learning about phonetics, to give an understanding of the main phonetic processes that are learned from the word.

Target audience: for grade 10

Presentation before the lesson of Russian language in grade 8 on the topic "Opening words". At the presentation, the function of introductory words in the speech is clearly considered, learning how to align the speech with the help of the introduction of introductory words in the form of members of the speech. The resource will help you to independently assign groups of introductory words for meanings. Crim the theoretical material of the presentation to revenge and practical tasks, tests and rozgornutі (fold the words, put out the razdіlovі signs thinly). Presentation of the task in the ODE format - power 10 "Introductory words that animal"

Annotation to the material

Presentation on the subject of Russian language for 1, 2, 10, 11 or the other class is relevant and necessary at the lesson. This is the best reference, which helps explain the material to the reader and encourages interest in children, spurring their motivation to learning and learning new knowledge. It’s not just Danina’s fashion, but it’s not like her colleagues, who have presentations of Russian movies to win for the wedding, be it those. Getting a multimedia product at school makes it easier to learn information and makes it easier for the teacher to explain the process of explaining the most intelligent, foldable, and even such necessary material.

Why is the selection of presentations at the lesson of the Russian language for the discussion of various topics becoming so relevant? What to take, richly vchitelіv, yakі mayut great experience, vvazhayut, scho zavzhd did without tsikh "fashionable little things" and now you can pick up the topic, buv bi shmatok crady that douche. Vivchiti is possible, but with us it is learned. Most schoolchildren today have a computer at home. The stench rang out to yaskravih images, animations that are collapsing, beautiful schemes. Navischo to relieve them, zmushuyuchi nudguvat in the classroom? Try it once download free presentation in russian movie and show it to your class, as if the interest of the student is growing up to the subject, and marvel at the teacher's stench with other eyes.

Vykoristannya presentations gradually on the lessons of Russian language and literature brought to visible success:

  • Learn from any class shvidshe to win the initial material
  • Increase the pace of the lesson
  • There is activity in these children, as they were given in the lessons as strangers
  • At a higher level, the intellectual development of students is being raised

A skin teacher, teaching children, gets better himself. Hiba can be practiced this way, how could it be available 20, 30, 100 years ago? Hi! And the deacons continue, because they don’t know that this is a presentation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Russian language, that you can get it without cost, because you can’t work with the Power Point program, or you don’t have time for independent development of the product.

On our portal, there are presentations of Russian language readers, students, who are only involved in the secret profession, for a daily lesson from the Federal State Educational Standard. And at different and child presentations, you can win at the lessons of Russian language or optional, pre-class activities. Robots are marvelous behind their vikonanny and zmist. In addition, the stinks themselves are beautiful, on the slides there are impersonal schemes, tables, little ones, animation elements, which allow you to revive the rule or learn the vocabulary word to bring respect to yourself.

First, please, without cost, on your computer presentation to the lesson or yogo abstract, you can marvel at the slides and read the instructions, so that you can complete the instructions for the presentation of the material with equal preparation for the class. We succeed in learning our mighty mov, vivchit taєmnitsі like without a presentation of Russian mov today, hardly anyone can get into it.

Russian language (list) - 1st grade

The presentation before the lesson of writing that Russian language in the 1st grade allows you to optimize the process of teaching little students, so that they can start mastering the basics of science, start writing first letters, learn them at the warehouse, words. There is a lot of super-learning to be done, moreover, in a similar way, showing multimedia distributions there, it is necessary to read the pen, read the letters, read ...

Russian language - Grade 2

Presentation of Russian language for the 2nd grade is an ideal tool for conducting an hourly lesson within the framework of the FGZS at an early school. The use of electronic aids at the lesson allows for 45 hours of learning more at the lesson, more work and vikonati more than the school day, which leads to the improvement of literacy among students.

Russian language - 3rd grade

Presentation of Russian language for grade 3 is a modern didactic tool that allows you to convey new material to students more clearly. Tsі naochnі sіbniki allow you to effectively conduct a lesson, cost-effectively win an hour for the skin yoga stage and motivate schoolchildren to master the subject, master the rules and norms of writing. Presentations before the lesson of Russian language in...

Russian language - 4th grade

Presentation from Russian for the 4th grade is the main support of the lessons of the modern school of the school, so that school education is more and more often called computers these days. Imovirno, ICT has shown such wide acceptance in the primary classes. The stench didn’t show up at school like this, but the teacher had to change his mind before learning: the time has come to stock up ...

Russian language - 5th grade

Presentations of Russian language for the 5th grade - excellent educational material in the classroom, which is necessary to improve literacy is quiet, who has successfully crossed the threshold of the middle school. Standing at a gathering of grown-ups, fifth-graders do not hesitate to leave the kazka for an hour, to dance a hint in front of them for an hour, miraculously assuring that they themselves are helping them with the process ...

Russian language - 6th grade

Presentation of Russian language in the 6th grade is the necessary study material, which will help schoolchildren become successful, learn a great number of rules with ease and learn to put them into practice. Zavdyaks of their presence at the lessons are taught shvidka shaping the newcomer with the current material and practical wisdom. Qi resources give opportunity ...

Russian language - 7th grade

Presentation from Russian for the 7th grade - tse helper No. 1 for skin care for a daily teacher. This is a good lesson, it’s a lot of fun, but the teacher is guilty of the mother’s harn of sharpness, so that he can add a new topic to his students and give them knowledge. Multimedia developments have gained majestic popularity and the dawn of their universality. Not only that...

Presentations from Russian will help the reader to easily explain richly to them, as if they had not forgotten at the time of simple memorization. Russian language is more foldable, and simple cramming of the rules is no help. It is necessary for you to understand why those words and propositions are written in this way. Our presentations are the teacher's best helper. The stars of the great number of pictures and music, learning from cheerful, playful forms, easily remember the necessary knowledge.

Presentations of Russian language in PowerPoint, here you will find a great assortment of presentations of Russian language, which can be downloaded absolutely free of charge. For whom it is sufficient, I will need to select a presentation and click on the "Get" button. Also, it is possible to look over the whole work, look over the skin slide, so that you can see it, so that it suits you. With a quick search for all presentations, you can easily find the topic for you.

Books, pir'ya, sheets of decommissioned paper and portraits of writers are traditional presentation attributes of Russian movies and literature. The stench allows you to create new topics for the lesson. You can get backgrounds and presentation templates from any distribution of our site - just pick up the ones you like.

See also:

  • Templates from images of books and other stationery accessories at distribution.

Features of creating presentations from Russian movies based on a template

  • Rule 1 It’s better to use the active templates for creating presentations-quizzes or a writer, and for setting the rules, it’s better to choose a calm frame with a plain background, so that you don’t override the reading of the text on the slide.
  • Rule 2. Since the main part of your presentation is the text, then don’t try it over something else: it’s important for children from the rest of the parties, or with a poor eye, to read it, part of the school does not succumb to your task. To change the size of the font, increase the presentation and marvel at the slide from the rest of the party in your office: you are to blame and read all the words of the slide without any effort. Remember, it’s better to split the task into a spear of slides, then try to put everything on one slide.
  • Rule 3 As you work with the interactive whiteboard and make notes over the slide (for example, see the members of the speech or work on the morphological analysis), fill in the space between rows, increasing the interval between rows. For whom to see the text and press on the tabs Golovna a small arrow in the lower right corner of the block Paragraph and install inter-row interval - One-and-a-half or two-and-a-half.
  • Rule 4. Tick ​​the fonts that are easy to read. The text of the presentation of Russian movi chi literature is a smut, so it can be read easily, without straining the eye. It’s possible to use more bold and bold fonts, without italics (bold), bold vision is thin. You can select Arial (without serifs) or Times New Roman (with crossovers) and otherwise not vintage and handwritten fonts.

Let's hope that these rules and our PowerPoint templates will help you create beautiful presentations and lessons in Russian language, literature and other topics.

slide 1

slide 2

Mova is the history of the people. Mova is the goal of civilization and culture. For this reason, we will not let the training and saving of Russian language be occupied by any work, but a bare necessity. (A. Kuprin)

slide 3

Rosіysk Mova - one s Schіdnosov'yansky MOV, one z Nab_lshki for Kіlkіsti Mov І for Kilkіstiy KRAYA MOV SVITU, National Movie Mova Rosіysky people, basically Mova International Spіlіkuvnya in Central region єvrazії, at Schіdnіy єvropі, in the komashnya Radyantissy Union, one s timber mov UN . Є Niposhirenskiya Zi Slopiyi MOV І NUTERSHIKOVYY MOVOY єVROPIY Yak geographicity, so і for kіlkіsty Nosіiv Movy Yak Rіdyzynu (I want to be the most geographer B_lshai part of Rosiysky Movna ARAALA to be in Azії) that ONDIOVROPEY MOV. To enter before five o'clock in the world, which are most transferred. The science of Russian language is called linguistic Russian studies, or, briefly, simply Russian studies. Vimovnoy norm rosіyskoї literaturnoї movi є tz. Moscow vimova.

slide 4

From the early childhood, we know the world, only a little bit from the clover, sweat and for the need, to know your place in the new. Odnochasno zim mi opanovuemo movu. Vin borrows the most important space from the known. Schob vichti whether it be an object that is a manifestation, next to name it, then characterize it with words. Nevminnya naming objects - and not knowing them. Whether or not the problem can be for us, is formulated in the words of the movie. Mindfulness to correctly express your thoughts with words is not easy on the right, but necessary. Navіt zvіchaynіy rozmovі that hto to speak, is guilty of thinking so to say the thought, so that the listener will understand clearly. Poorly expressed thought - not to speak, but not to think. Language is part of culture. Vіn occupies the most important place in human activity, allowing you to develop science and virobnizstvo, zvichaї that zvichaї, to engage in politics and mysticism.

slide 5

Russian mova - tse mova, as we speak of the children of the skin day. And sometimes it’s unreasonable, navіscho yogo vivchati. I vzagali - should you be literate and write correctly? To know the Russian language - tse means not only to speak correctly and write with her, but also to know your history, pohodzhennya. The Russian language is more foldable, then “great and mighty”. From that, like a person, to judge those who are lit up. Aje tse is not a joke. It is not so easy to get a good job, and even though it is not written, it is unrealistic. I create even unacceptable hostility, if a person incorrectly speaks Russian. If a person is free to my will, then I allow you to hang out a thought. You can reconsider with your rightness, be it your opponent. If you feel enlightened people, like good Russian people, you want to be good to their respect. I would like to take the fate of roses, but we will feel that we will understand, but for whom I need my will.

slide 6

Mova is the whole world. From the prehistoric hours, people live with the soul. It called out the need to remember one person, as if to reconsider their other thoughts, bazhannya, a little. So from the consumption of vinyl mov.

Slide 7

And let’s take a look at the meaning of words. Choosing the Russian road, we will change our mind and choose the right path. Correct ... right ... already a snag. Let's wonder in our vocabulary what is the similarity between "correct and right". Until the 15th century, Russian people, wielding the word of the right mali on the street, were not those who were right-handed in them, but those who were right, right. And in order to be right-handed, they had the word clear. Nini such a word is not imovlyatsya.

Slide 8

About marvelous marvelous and trifles about life. Under the hour of the expedition beating the whitest sea, the student wrote down a phrase, said by one old man: - The weather is amazingly alive: the rain is flying, the god of arrows is letting go and the grim ... Nibi z fairy tales, right? Firstly, everything is said in Russian, but the student is lost in thought. And it's not surprising: there are five linguistic riddles here. For a respectful person, obviously. I wrote the axis: “wonderful,” marveled at a row more, and there the word marvelous is already - of the same root and tієї zh movi. But not the same word! What is so amazing? “Calling zdivuvannya… what is superbly good, improbably good… And what is so wonderful? This word has 2 meanings: 1) marvelous (old meaning), and more beautiful (rozmovne, dosit new meaning, for example, a wonderful voice). One word is old-fashioned, and otherwise it’s chudernatske, it’s not enough to dare to yogo vikoristati.

Slide 9

Tim, in an hour, translate the words of the grandmother, let's say this: “The weather is amazing alive…”. What is so marvelous here: plank, bliskavka, grim? Zvichayna summer thunderstorm. In order to correctly comprehend the meaning of speech, it is necessary to carefully put yourself in front of all the words of the speech. The student, having set the blame correctly, having become put the food, trying to understand the meaning of the word we need, and setting up, for example, that in the promo of the yoga speech it is impossible to “wonderful girl”, and the wondrous life will only laugh. Also, the meaning of “beautiful” for this word is not known in this language. What else? Ah, so, can “wonderful eyes” be? Well, wondrous eyes live (I live again!) - on the icon... Stop!

slide 10

Ditmar Eliyashevich Rosenthal Possibly, Russian language is dear to you, possibly foreign. Perhaps you are a professional philologist, or maybe just an amateur. And I, in my chambers, voicefully imitate them as people, as I have worked so richly for Russian mentality that її popularization, im'ya are legends. Tse Ditmar Eliyashevich Rosenthal.

slide 11

Ditmar Eliyashevich Rosenthal Ditmar Eliya shevich Rozenta is a Russian and Russian linguist, author of numerous works on Russian movies. Ditmar Rosenthal was born on 19 (31) December 1899 in Lodz (Poland). Near Moscow since 1914 until 1918 studied at the 15th Moscow (Warsaw) gymnasium. Z 1918 - at the Moscow University (graduating in 1923 with a specialization in Italian language), the Institute of People's Government named after K. Marx. From 1922 to 1923 worked at the middle school, since 1923 - at the higher school (the worker's faculty named after Artem, 1923-1936. Further work - the philological faculty of the 1st MDU. Professor, creator and head of the department of stylistics of Russian language at the faculty of journalism.

slide 12

Rosenthal having created a handbook of Italian language for universities, Russian-Italian and Italian-Russian dictionaries; translating my Russian works of Italian writers. The ancestor (together with Professor K. I. Bilinsky) of practical style, one of the main retailers and translators of the rules of modern Russian spelling. He is the author of over 150 assistants (published since 1925) Vcheniy died at the Lipnya in 1994. at Moscow. Buried at the Vostryakovsky Tsvintary.

slide 13

Russian language came from, and why is it so foldable? You know that the Russian language can lie up to the skhіdnoslov'yanskih mov words of the yansk gіlka of the Indo-European language tree. Having settled down in the XIV century with the disintegration of old Russian into Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. Slovian language, like before, saves a lot of Indo-European old times, like in grammar, and in vocabulary. (True, the most conservative of the living Indo-European idioms are Baltic: Lithuanian and Latin.) It’s a long time ago and to rob Russian (like, vtim, th іnshi words, yanskі) so foldable, but so cute!

slide 14

Ukrainian - the language of nine children So, the Russian language has six independent vіdminkіv, and yet three more, with which all of them are often corrosive. Zvalny vіdminok (vocative). More precisely, let's call it new, to revive the name of that nickname, which, having made a sprat, to make that. The self-supporting form has been lost only to a group of changelings. If we go to Vanya, Hanni, Dimi, we say to them "Van", "An", "Dim", we live the form of the new-calling vіdmіnka zamіst nazivny "Vanya", "Anya", "Dima". "Ti, Zin, more shortly, I would have prayed!" (Vysotsky). Another new-born vіdminok є at the words “mother”, “tato”, “uncle”, “aunt” (“mother”, “tat”, etc.) "that "girls" ("lads", "girls"). As if I navit chuv: "Cholovik! Cholovikiv!" Tsej vіdminok utvoryuєєє, like you bachite, for additional simplification of completion to zero. Ale іnodi, vіn іn mоzhe vіdіznyatisі і specially add іnіnchennyam: "Denіsa! An hour to get home!" abo (a dog for the prize Bim) "Bim! Up to me!" Shards in the case of a maternity can be victorious and naming a name, a new-born one is not obov'yazkovym, but a fact and a vіdminny vіdminok.

slide 15

Mistsevy vіdminok (locative). Well, everything is simple. You all know how to make the acceptance of the word of the shaf. "About what? - About the wardrobe. Why? - ... On the wardrobe!" Axis qi forms: on the hat, at the fox, at the ranks, on the nose (and not on the shaf, at the foxes at the ranks, on the nose, which is unwritten) and express the mіstsevy vіdminok. As you remember, only those with drives "in" and "on" are victorious. The only way to live in a locomotive with a drive "at": at the shelf. Rozdіlovy vіdminok (partitive). Samy, maybe, unstable and foldable vіdminok. The variation of the generic is important. The head of the chasnik chi the head of the chastnik, a flask of kefir chi a flask of kefir, a dance of cognac chi a dance of cognac? At Bulgakov’s, the whale Behemoth, at the head of the skirmish, suddenly blew a bucket of gasoline and got drunk on gasoline. Sometimes it is simply necessary to use the form not of a standard generic, but of a separate one: "I am a lisu viyshov" (Nekrasov), "Won't you find a vagnik?", "There is no fate".

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