For a long time not smoother than 4 pants. On the master there is a bula (1) a shirt, a waistband (2) a shkir (3) with a belt, and not ironed for a long time (4) pants

For a long time not smoother than 4 pants. On the master there is a bula (1) a shirt, a waistband (2) a shkir (3) with a belt, and not ironed for a long time (4) pants

Zavdannya A13 from Russian movie

1. Which variant has all the digits correctly entered, the houses of which are written PN?

The originality of the mystical (1) world of (2) stories N.V. Gogol's link (3) about folklore traditions: May (4) about in folk tales, inscriptional legends and retellings, the writer knows those and stories for his works.

1) 1, 2, 3

2) 2, 3, 4

3) 1, 3

4) 1, 2, 4

2. Give a correct explanation of the spelling of the seen word.

The tart smell of cat grass spills in the warm summer weather.

1) Two letters of PN are written, oscalls of the communion, approved in the form of an unattached dialogue of a thorough look.

2) One letter H is written, the shards of the word are approved in the form of a word of an incomplete look, and there are no fallow words.

3) One letter H is written, shards are a short participle.

4) Two letters of PN are written, oscills of the communion, which may be a fallow of herbs.

3. Give a correct explanation of the spelling of the seen word.

Quiet lake all sipaє about the flowers of the trees and herbs.

1) The letter H is written, so that the prikmetnik is done for the help of the suffix - AN-.

2) One letter H is written, the oskilki is a short form of a diprikmetnik.

3) One letter H is written, the oskіlki tse communion without words.

4) It is written PN, oskіlki tse short prikmetnik, and not communion; writing is saved in a short note-NN-.

4. Which option has all the numbers correctly entered, in the space of which PN is written?

Uzdovzh walls, smeared with blue vape, there were benches, at the front room there were stilts and stilt for musicians, at the back - a dozen tables, stored at the dovzhin (3) row for the evening - the axis of the whole situation.

1) 1

2) 2, 3

3) 3

4) 1, 2, 3

5. Which variant has all the digits correctly entered, in which one letter H is written at home?

On the master there is a bun (1) a shirt, a waistband (2) a shkir (3) with a belt, and not ironed for a long time (4) pants.

1) 1,3

2) 3,4

3) 2,4

4) 2,3

6. Which variant has all the digits correctly entered, in which one letter H is written at home?

If the linen speeches grew old in a boudinka, they were replaced with fresh, newly weaved strong fabrics on the old verstats.

1) 1

2) 2, 3

3) 3

4) 1, 2, 3

7. Which variant has all the digits correctly entered, in which one letter H is written at home?

The development (1) by Chinese linguists of various projects for the transition to the alphabetic-sound sheet was not implemented (2): the suspension (3) posed a threat to the expansion of the rich culture, incorporation (4) into the iєroglyphic sheet.

1) 1,3

2) 2

3) 3

4) 2,4

8. Which variant has correct indication of all digits. one letter H is written in the places of any of them?

I will reportly describe (1) the destruction of Vesuvius in the address (2) of their Roman historian Tacitus on the sheets of Pliny the Younger, early (3) in that terrible serpentine month.

1) 1

2) 2, 3

3) 3

4) 1, 3

9. Which variant has all the digits correctly entered, in which houses one letter H is written?

Straight and circular yards of the transverse circle (1) and between themselves curvilinear - with such a change (2) radius, so that the central force increased the step (3) about.

1) 1

2) 2, 3

3) 3

4) 1, 3

10. Which variant has all the digits correctly entered, in which one letter H is written at home?

The senior forester, long-standing and ungrabable, at the breeches with a home-made (2) cloth, in a dress shirt, sitting on the side of his shoulders and slyly chuckled.

1) 1

2) 2, 3

3) 3

4) 1, 2, 3

11. Which variant has all the digits correctly entered, in which one letter H is written at home?

As instructed by the pole of the month, there will be (1) and driving (2) reserves on the days of the eternally obscured (3) crater, then the problem of delivering the most important resources to the Earth's satellite for its development is growing: sour, water and water.

1) 1

2) 2

3) 1,2

4) 1,3

12. Please indicate the correct explanation of the written words in italics.

Dovgi lomi tіnі kicked on the walls.

1) Long ..e, broken ..e - the letter H is written, oskіlki tsі prikmetniki utvorenny vіd іmennikіv for additional sufіksіv -ІН-і-АН-.

2) Long ..e, broken ..e - the letter H is written, oskіlki insulting words - this is a short form of dieprikmetnikiv.


4) - the letter H is written, the fragments of the communion without fallow words; scrap..i

It is written PN, the oskіlki tse communion was approved in the form of the word of a thorough look.

13. Which variant has all the digits correctly entered, the houses of which are written PN?

1) 1, 2

2) 2, 3

3) 1, 2, 3

4) 3, 4

14. Which variant has all the numbers correctly entered, in the space of which PN is written?

The situation in the Russian market began to change rapidly (1) through the proposition of the Daedalus and the greater number of shares of foreign funds (2) of their funds, including registrations (3) of them in offshore zones.

1) 1

2) 2, 3

3) 3

4) 1, 2, 3

15. Which variant has all the digits correctly entered, in which one letter H is written at home?

At the thought of M.Yu. Lermontov, brilliantly beaten (1) specialty when there is nothing to say (2) but on unreasonable and selfishness, and as you know yourself (3) about the "norms" of that suspіlstva, then on the step (4) self-immolation.

1) 1, 2

2) 2

3) 3, 4

4) 1, 2, 4

16. Which variant has all the digits correctly entered, in the space of which PN is written?

On the one hand, the talented kripaks of Count Sheremetyev were recognized (1) by artists, musicians, artists, and on the other hand, by powerless and incompetent people, who live in a certain (2) special cramped (3) axis.

1) 1, 2

2) 1, 3

3) 1, 2, 3

4) 2, 3

17. Which variant has all the digits correctly entered, the houses of which are written PN?

Creating his project, the architect jumped to the end (1) oї finish (2) the awn of that reluctance, which somehow overstepped the freedom and unimpressed (3) lightness.

1) 1, 2

2) 1, 3

3) 1, 2, 3

4) 2, 3

18. Which variant has all the digits correctly entered, in the space of which PN is written?

In ra (1) their robots, created (2) by the Russian maister, it was more (3) to see her inwardly, that yogo saw the robots already exalted their absolute independence.

1) 1, 2

2) 1, 3

3) 1, 2, 3

4) 2, 3

19. Which variant has all the digits correctly entered, in which one letter H is written at home?

Utsine (1) river was sold (2) to the collector, and її kolishnіy vlasnik, to visit not visiting (3) іtsu, going to the station.

1) 1

2) 2

3) 2, 3

4) 1, 2, 3

20. Which variant has all the digits correctly entered, the houses of which are written PN?

Maybe, call forgings (1) and forgings to the very one who, in the old hours, cut wood (2) and forgings, decorated (3) with a curl at the looking horse (4) oї head.

1) 1, 2

2) 2, 3

3) 1, 2, 3

4) 3, 4

On the master there is a bun (1) a shirt, a waistband (2) a shkir (3) with a belt, and not ironed for a long time (4) pants.

· Task No. 855134

Whoever says NOT with a word is written OKremo?

We directly (not) call by the sea to the new land.

A brother from (not) a sparse streak, having jumped over the parkan.

In the distance one could see a huge mass of unfinished wakes.

Princess Mary was (not) stealthy in her decisions.

· Task No. 868b9a

For which option, all words are correctly indicated, de omitted
letter I?

· Task No. 86F81A

shut up .. you, attack .. mi

looking.. w, overfed.., squabble..ny

take a,

· Task No. 8752DA

Repetition - love (1) A.P. Chekhov's art (2) zasib - in the description "Darling" - the main way to encourage creativity: monoto (3), sizing situations, single-manship diy, multiplying (4) by the mechanics of creation, creating a comic effect.

· Task No. 87CE6A

In which row, in both words, is the letter E written on the crossover space?,

precise..w, fine-tuning..ny


anxious..shish, finished..ny

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Grade 11

Russian language

o Russian language


oHistory of Russia






o English language

o German language

oFrench language

oSpanish language

Spelling (430)

o Phonetics

o Vocabulary and phraseology

o Morphemics and word creation

o Grammar. Morphology

o Grammar. Syntax


o Punctuation

o Current norms

oVariety of Russian language

oInformational processing of texts in different styles and genres

oDeposit of the task (0)

Order deposit (0)

Russian language, grade 11


Vocabulary and phraseology

Morphemics and word creation

· Grammar. Morphology

· Grammar. Syntax

· Spelling

· Punctuation

· Modern norms

Viraznіst rosіyskoї movi

· Information processing of texts in different styles and genres

· Task No. 888B2C

Whose words are NOT written with a word at once?

People who (have not) been in the tropics cannot show their winter board.

Ptahіv wife on pіvden (not) cold, and vіdsutnіst stern.

In childhood, Chekhov is (not) used for guessing.

Andriy uviyshov to the still (not) plastered room.

· Task No. 889F6F

Which row of all words has that same letter missing?

i..lichiti, without..compromises, not..ginuty

o..throw, on..pis, on..crestly

pr..comedny, resist..dotik, pr..shkіlny

h..reveal, bez..yana, mizh..movnoi

· Task No. 88E814

Which variant has all the digits correctly entered, whose houses are written PN?


Read the text and read the task 1-3

(1)Light evidence shows that one of the key roles in the development of nanotechnology today is the application of thin melts from vacuum. (2) By varying the volume and the number of balls in such slabs, it is possible, regardless of the chemical warehouse, to take away electrical or power conductors in metals and the reach of greater high strength and hardness. (3)<...>Vicorist with rich components and rich balls, it is possible to form nanocomposite materials with an even wider range of applications.

1. Which of the suggestions below do the propositions correctly convey the main information that should be hidden in the text?

1) Light evidence shows that in the current development of nanotechnology, one of the key roles is occupied by changing the power of metals with the help of thin slicks.

2) Today, the application of thin melts in vacuum occupies one of the key areas in the development of nanotechnologies, allowing the power of metals to be used and the creation of nanocomposite materials of wide application.

3) One of the key areas in the development of nanotechnologies is the application of thin melts in vacuum, which allows the power of metals to be used and the creation of nanocomposite materials of wide application.

4) By varying the thickness of the smelting, you can independently change the power of metals, reaching the highest strength and hardness, regardless of the chemical warehouse.

5) Vicorist with rich components and rich balls, it is possible to mold nanocomposite materials with an even wider range of applications.

2. How can the word chi be used in the text? Write down the word.



Such a rank

3. Read a fragment of the dictionary article, de to suggest the meaning of the word DOSVID. Appreciate the meaning, for which the word is implanted in the first (1) spoken text. Write down the number, as if you are confirming the meaning of the indicated fragment of the dictionary article.

DOSVID, -Ah, man.

1. Introducing people to the laws of ob'ektivnoe svіtu and suspіlnoї practice, otrimane in nasledok їх active practical knowledge (spec.). Chuttevy about.

3. Confirmation of something. manifestations of an experimental path, the creation of something. new in singing minds with the method of follow-up, testing. Away about. Chemіchni doslidi. Follow the breeders.

4. Trying out something, trying out something. First about. young writer.

4. In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed for the statement to the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which means a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.




5. In one of the propositions below, the word was WRONGLY implanted. Correct the lexical pardon, subtracting the paronim to the seen word. Write down the chosen word.

The head of the workshop, having taken wine vіdpovіdalіnіst, hanging KOSHTUVA the proposition of how to organize virobnіstva.

On the ganok viyshov of a small zrostu CORIN'S man and nodding his head in a friendly way.

A supporter of a serious project, in which hundreds of people take part, may be a deep and integral specialty.

The hut in the new is completely GOOD, mіtsna, that same man himself is mіtsny, a right Russian hero.

For a person who did not know respect and turboti, this is the best present.

6. In one of the visions below, a pardon is allowed in the illumination of the form of the word. Correct the pardon and write the word correctly.

couple CHOBIV


Luggage on the table

FIVE Hundreds of prayers

Put on your mittens

7. To establish the difference between propositions and the grammatical pardons allowed for them: to the skin position of the first column, take the correct position from the other column.

1) incorrect implantation of the name form with the drive

B) Standing by the armchair, in front of me hang the painting "Birch".

2) broken connection

C) There are books by the wardrobe, newspapers and cursed dishes are lying on the police.

3) disruption of motivational propositions with an indestructible appendage

D) The problems of the economy and business were at the center of the respect of the wired TV show "Business Moscow".

4) pardon at the prompt speech with the same members

E) Those who, having read the critical article by M. A. Dobrolyubov, are familiar with the assessment of the critic of the “dark kingdom”.

5) wrong propositions with the adjective

6) disruption of motivational propositions with an accommodating turnover

7) the prompt speech with indirect speech is wrong

Write down the numbers at the end of the line, putting them in order, so that you match the letters:

8. Appreciate the word in which an unvoiced voice of the root is omitted, which is being distorted. Write the whole word, inserting the missing letter.

burn .. burn


9. Designate a row, in both words, the prefix omitted that very letter. Write down qi of the word, inserting the missing letter.

pr.. blaming, s..fighting;

without..information, misinformation;, beardless;

pr..berezhny, pr..pіdnyati;

chickens..ozny, pre..applicant.

10. Write down the word, for which missive the letter I is written.



unlucky ... viy

pool..voє (otvir)


11. Write down the word, where the letter E is written on the pass.



12. Vznachte rechennya, in which NOT zі the word is written EVILLY. Open the arches and write down the whole word.

The travelers went without a halt all day, without looking at them,

The publicist, having brought up the social problems, will draw, pointing out the injustice of the fundamental order.

Meni (not) why be angry with you.

Vaughn gave yoma, nitrohi (not) bent.

Vіn_koli not to marvel directly.

13. Vyznachte proposition, in kakiy obdva vіdіlenі words are written EVILLY. Open the arches and write two words.

(VO) HOUR expedition fakhіvtsі signify the species warehouse of creatures and roslin, and SO (G) take samples of the soil, drive that povіtrya.

WHAT (B) to understand, YAKI (F) laws to manage the All-World, people to conduct research in space.

HARD (WHILE) today there is a YAK (NEED) bounty of craftsmanship, in which case the tree would not wink.

(B) It's REALLY cool that (B) IT'S UNSAFE that cable TV will naturally piss off the internet.

(ON) HAPPY and wise to the one who has accumulated wealth all her life (ON) GRAINS.

14. Indicate all the numbers, in the space of which one letter H is written?

On the master there is a bun (1) a shirt, a waistband (2) a shkir (3) with a belt, and not ironed for a long time (4) pants.

15. Zavdannya 15 No. 1011. Set up different signs. Indicate the numbers of propositions, in which it is necessary to put ONE to whom.

1) Artists and sculptors depicted the heroes of myths and retellings of the head positions.

2) In the middle of the 50s of the 20th century, there was a need to grow not only pearls in mollusks, but the mollusks themselves.

3) The life of the living nature of the terrestrial world cannot be compared with beauty, nor with coral polyps.

4) Poetry of modern nature, that life made the young writer richer for the poetry of ancient remembrances and ancient ruins.

5) Raptom poured with strings of strong wood and one by one the thunder struck.

16. Put the rozdіlovі signs: indicate the numbers, on the place of which the rechenni are guilty of the Komi.

Indicate all the numbers, in the space of which one letter H is written?

On the master there is a bun (1) a shirt, a waistband (2) a shkir (3) with a belt, and not ironed for a long time (4) pants.

Explanation (div. also Rule below).

Let's get it spelled correctly.

A shirt was woven on the master, fastened with a shkiryan belt, and pants were not worn for a long time.

In my proposition:

woven - vіddієslіvne prikmetnik without fallow lines and prefixes;

pіdperezana - outside communion with a prefix;

shkiryanim - prikmetnik, appliqués from the name for the help of the suffix AN;

prasuvannya - outside communion with a fallow word.

Response: 13.

Response: 13 | 31

Rule: Task 15. Writing N and PN in the words of different parts of the movie


Traditionally, it is the most complicated topic for studies, so that the writing of N or PN is primed only with knowledge of morphological and word-creating laws. The material "Advice" zagalnyuє and systematize all the rules by those N and PN zі shkіlnykh podruchnіv and give additional information from the provіdnikіv V.V. Lopatina and D.E. Rosenthal in that obsyazі, scho necessary for vikonanny zavdan ЄDI.

14.1 H and PN in visible prikmetniks (approved in id imennikiv).

14.1.1 Two PNs for suffixes

The suffixes of the prikmetniks are written PN, yakscho:

1) prikmetnik approved as a name with a basis on H for an additional suffix H: mist+ H → mist; kishenya+N → kishenkova, cardboard+N → cardboard

old-fashioned (staron + H), picture (picture + H), glibinny (glibini + H), marvelous (diva + H), invisible (dozen + H), true (true + H), panschinny ( vіd corvee + Н), communal (vіd zagalno + Н), dovgy (vіd dovzhini + Н)

Return respect: the word "wonderful" from the look of the modern language cannot be found in its warehouse of the suffix H and is not disputed to the word "country". But it is possible to explain PN historically: a person from a foreign land was respected as a stranger, a stranger, a stranger.

It is possible to explain etymologically the spelling of the word “correct”: that truth was called “correct” in Old Russia, as the judge said “for long” - special long-term chickens or batogs.

2) the prikmetnik was approved as a name by the way to add the suffix -ENN-, -ONN: crane (crane), revolutionary (revolution), urochist (urochist).

Vinyatok: windy (ale: no wind).

Give respect:

Useful words are used, in which H is a part of the root. Qi words need to be remembered. The stench did not settle down in the name of the names:

crimson, greenery, spices, p'yany, swiney, roaring, rum'yany, young.

14.1.2. The suffixes of the prikmetniks are written N

The suffixes of the prikmetniks are written N, like:

1) prikmetnik maє suffix -ІН- ( blakytny, bear, nightingale, tiger). The word from this suffix often means “whose”: blue, bear, nightingale, tiger.

2) prikmetnik maє suffix -AN-, -YAN-( pishchany, shkiryany, vіvsyany, earthlings). Words with this suffix often have the meaning of “split from what”: from the sand, from the skies, from the vivsa, from the earth.

Vinyatki: curses, tin, wood.

14.2. N and PN in the suffixes of the words, the affirmations of the words of the words. New forms.

As it turns out, in the case of deafness, there can be estab- lished and participles, and prikmetniki (=vіddієslіvnі prikmetniki). Rules for writing H and PN in these words are different.

14.2.1 PN in the suffixes of the latest dijectives and indistinguishable prod- ucts

In the suffixes of the latest dijectives and important examples, it is written PN, which means that even one mind is used:

1) the word is approved in the form of the word thoroughly looking, WITH THE PREFACE ABO WITHOUT, for example:

vіd dієslіv buy, vikupiti (what do you want?, thoroughly looking): purchases, purchases;

throw in, throw in (what are you talking about?, carefully looking): kinuty-zanedbany.

The prefix DOES NOT change the appearance of the participle and add the spelling of the suffix. Be-yaka іnsha prefix nadaє word of a thorough look

2) in words є suffixes -OVA-, -EVA- navitt in words of incomplete mind ( marinating, asphalting, automation).

3) with a word, made in the form of a word, it is a fallacious word, so that it will make a derogatory turnover, for example: freezer in the refrigerator, boiled in broth).

NOTE: In times, if outside the participle passes from a specific proposition to a note, the writing does not change. For example: Shvilyovaniya we were reminded by the father, speaking loudly and not streaming emotions. Seen the word - participle in the parable turnover, mischief what? cim reminder. Change the proposition: Yogo guise bulo swindle, and already there is no communion, there is no turnover, for the guise cannot be “spoiled”, and the price is an applicator. In such situations, to speak about the passage of the sacrament to the prikmetnikov, but on the writing of the PN this fact does not fit in any way.

Apply more: The girl was more organizedі educated. Here insulting words - prikmetniki. The maiden was not “approved”, that one won forever, it’s permanent signs. Let's change the propositions: We rushed to Zustrich, organized by partners. Mama, smitten with strictness, and she spun us so suvor. And now we have seen the words - communion.

At the time of the explanation of the task, we write: prikmetnik, illumination from the sacrament or prikmetnik, scho transfers from the sacrament.

Vinyatki: incompetence, incompetence, incompetence, insensitivity, incompetence, povіlny, vіdchaydushny, sacred, bazhany..

Return respect those who, with low blame, wrote words rahovani (khvilini), help (baiduzhist). Qi words are written according to the rule of thumb.

We add here the words:

forging, pecking, chewing eva / ova enter to the warehouse of the root, ce suffix, to write PN. Ale with the appearance of prefixes is written according to the wild rule: chewing, poking, twisting.

wounds are written one N. Porіvnyayte: wounded in battle(Dvі N, to that which the word appeared to the fallow land); injuries, Looking thorough, є prefix).

tyamuschiy vyznachiti kind of words folded.

14.2. 2 One H

The suffixes of the most important examples are written H, which means:

the word was approved in the form of the word of the half-finished looking, so that you can feed what object did they kill? and with the words, there are no fallow words.

tushkovane(yogo extinguished) m'yaso,

haircuts(they cut their hair)

jams(yogo boiled) potatoes,

scrap(її lamali) line,

moroni(yogo stained) oak (dark after special processing),

ALE: schoyno at tsikh slіv-prikmetnikіv z'yavlyaєє zalezhne word, stinks immediately pass at the category of diєprikmetnikіv i are written from two N.

stewed in the oven(yogo extinguished) m'yaso,

recently cut(they cut their hair)

steamed jams(yogo cooked) potatoes.

REMEMBER: communion (right-handed) and prikmetniki (levoruch) may have different meanings! Great letters have seen percussion voices.

brother names, sister named- a person who does not perebova in biological controversy with a given person, but it was good for brotherly (sister) vodnosiny voluntarily. - I named the addresses;

plantings of the father (who wins the role of the father of the betrothed or the betrothed at the wedding ceremony). - Landings per steel;

nadane (mainly, what is given to the name of її sim'єyu for life in zamіzhzhі) - giving a luxurious look;

sounds (this is the name of the betrothed, in the form of the word share) - the back is sounded, in the form of the word it sounds, sounds loud)

The week is forgiven (religiously holy) - forgiven by me;

written beauty(epitet, idiom) - oil painting.

14.2.3. Written N and PN in folding prikmetniki

At the warehouse of the folding word, the spelling of the illustrative applicator does not change:

but) the first part is made in the form of a half-finished mind, which means that we write N: plain-dyed (farbuvati), hot-rolled, home-weaving, stringing, gold-weaving (weaving); whole-cut cuts), gold-forging (kuvati), small-times (ezditi), small-walking (walking), short-wearing (wearing), low-salting (saltiness), crushing (crushing), fresh extinguishing (extinguishing), fresh frostbite (freezing) and others.

b) another part of the collapsible word is adopted as a prefixed word to a thorough look, that means, we write PN: smooth about farbovany ( about farbuvati), fresh behind freezing ( behind freeze) and in.).

In the other part of the folded huts, it is written H, although the prefix is ​​PERE-: ironed-over-ironed, mended-re-patched, worn-transferred, washed-over-washed, shot-re-shot, darned-re-darned.

In this rank, you can follow the algorithm behind the task:

14.3. N i PN in short prikmetniki and short participles

І participles, і prikmetniks can be repeated, and а short form.

Rule: In short dialects, always write one N.

Rule: In short prikmetniks, the styles are written H, like in the upper form.

Ale, to zastosuvat rules, it is necessary razrіznyat prikmetniki that communion.

DISCOVER short examples and participles:

1) food: short prikmetniki - what? yak? yaki? yake? yaki?, short participles - what is broken? what's broken? what's broken? what's broken?

2) for the meaning(a short participle can be extended to dії, you can replace it with a dієslovom; in short, the adjective gives a description of the word, but does not talk about dії);

3) how obvious the fallow word is(short prikmetniki nemє i scho impromptu mothers, short communion mayut).

Short communionShort prikmetniki
spellings (opovіdannya) m. рід; what's broken? kim?boy of lighting (what?) - a type of new form of lighting (what?)
written (book) f.rod; what's broken? kim?the girl is illuminated (yak?) - in the new form is illuminated (yak?)
it is written (tvіr) cf. what's broken? kim?the child is illuminated (like?) - in a new form, illuminated (like?)
robots written, pl. number; what's broken? kim?children illumined (yakі?) - in the new form of illumined (yakі?)

14.4. One chi dvі N can be written by the clerks.

In syllables on -O / -E, the styles are written H, the words їх in the outward word, for example: calmly from one H, so like a prikmetnik calm suffix H; adequately s PN, oskolki at the prikmetnik povіlny Mon; slaughtered from PN, shards at the sacrament hoarding Mon.

With the inconsistency of this rule, there is a problem of separating the suffixes, short divisions and short divisions. For example, in the words of the serendipity (N, PN) it is impossible to choose those words written otherwise WITHOUT knowing what the word is in the speech or the word received.

Distinguish short prikmetniki, short priklіvniki and priklіvniki.

1) food: short prikmetniki - what? yak? yaki? yake? yaki?, short participles - what is broken? what's broken? what's broken? what's broken? attendants: yak?

2) for the meaning(a short participle can be extended to dії, you can replace it with a dієslovom; in short, the adjective gives a description of the word, but does not talk about dії); the clerk designates the sign of the diy, like it sounds)

3) by role in the speech:(short adjectives and short participles, most often with adjuvants, adjectives

to be brought up to the word and є furnishing)

14.5. N and PN in names

1.In names (like in short prikmetniks and slut) the styles are written H, skіlki in prikmetniks (participles), for which stench is made:

scold (polonen)naftovik (naftovy)
illumination (illumination)hotel (vitalnya)
vignanets (vignan)windmill (ventilated)
modrina (leaf)stray (stray)
wiggle (wiggle)spice (spicy)
humanity (humane)pischanik (pischanik)
visochina (done)smoked (smoked)
vrіvnovazhenіst (level of investment)savory frosty (frosty)
vіddanіst (vіddanіy)torf'yanik (peat'yany)

Vіd prikmetnіv udovrenі і words

native / ik in disputes, third-party / ik in third-party, one-thinking in one-minded, (evilmis / ik, soumsn / ik), setting / ik in setting, drownings / ik in drownings, number / іk in numeric, spіvvіtchiznik / іk in spіvvіtchiznyany) and many others.

2. Name-bearers can also be established in the name of the names and other name-bearers.

It is written PN, one H enters at the root, and іnsha at the suffix.N*
shakhrai/nik (vіd moshna, which meant a bag, hamanets)labor/єнік (type of labor)
squad / n_k (vіd squad)torment / єnik (in the form of torment)
raspberry/nik (raspberry)powder/unitsia (type of powder)
name day / nickname (name day)birth / birth (people)
zrad / nik (zrada)brother-in-law / e / nіts / a
plemin/nikvar/єнік (cook)
unsold/niceALE: posag (type add)
zvіn / nіchsriblo/nik

Note to tables: * Words that are written with N and when they are not approved as adjectives (participles) in Russian language alone. It is necessary to remember to remember.

Written PN i in words more expensive / єннік(Vіd rise in price), supporter / єннік(rewind)

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