Presentation before the lessons of physical culture Presentation before the lesson of physical culture on the topic. Presentation to the project of physical culture project of physical culture (class) on the topic

Presentation before the lessons of physical culture Presentation before the lesson of physical culture on the topic. Presentation to the project of physical culture project of physical culture (class) on the topic

The presentation shows the main stages of the formation of the TRP complex in our country. In addition, the presentation of the image is a sign that allows the scientists to more effectively get to know the history of the complex.

Tsya presentation will help the teacher of physical culture. It is recommended to win an hour of instruction in safety techniques. The target audience is students of 5 classes. It is also possible to win for demonstrating to the teachings of the younger classes. And as a repetition - I teach 6-9 classes.

Target audience: for class 5

Multimedia physical culture for the eyes "Zirka" is based on the complex of rights for the eyes according to the methodology of Professor Zhdanov V.G. The music of W. A. ​​Mozart sounds at the physical culture. Vaughn calm down, calm down. In addition, classical music develops musical and aesthetic taste in children. Trivality of the complex is right 1 hvilin 36 seconds.

Target audience: for class 4

A presentation can be made at the lessons of physical culture in grades 9-11. - Grade 11, A.M. Matveev - M .: "Osvita" 2007.)
Vaughn to learn about modern sports and health systems. The presentation will help you to know not only about the peculiarities of the skin sports and health system, but also to show you how to choose a sports and health system for yourself.

Target audience: for grade 10

Re-learning the lesson from the lay training.
meta: consolidate theoretical knowledge from professional training.
1.Learn about the history of the lyre sport.
2. Repeat the technique of downhill moves, descents, lifts, galvanization and turns.
3. Bring up the dbaylive shutter to personal inventory.


Sportivna Zhіnocha Cholovіcha Zhіnocha Gymnastics Khudozhnya

Sports gymnastics Sports gymnastics is a kind of sport, which includes smashing on gymnastic equipment, in free activities, and in supporting haircuts. At the current program of gymnastic buggy wrestling: for women - on bars of different heights, blocks, in support haircuts, free rights; for choloviks - at the vlnih rights, supporting haircuts, on horses, kiltsy, parallel beams and crossbeams.

History of Artistic Gymnastics In 1881, the International Federation of Gymnastics was established. Since 1896 gymnastics has been included in the program of the Olympic Games, since 1928 women have taken part in the Olympic Games. Since 1903 world championships have been held (until 1913 - once in 2 years, since 1922 - once in 4 years), since 1934 women will take part in the championships. In the 1st half of the 20th century, gymnasts from Czechoslovakia, Italy, France, Switzerland, Nimechchina, Finland, Ugorshchina, Yugoslavia, and the USA achieved the greatest success in the Olympic Games and world championships. Gymnastics were rightly included in the system of physical training in ancient Greece, served as a means of preparing young people to participate in the Olympic Games. From the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century, in the Western European and Russian systems of physical training, victories were right on gymnastic apparatus, supporting haircuts. In the other half of the 19th century, a number of lands of Western Europe began to carry out promotions for certain types of gymnastic rights. The first wave in Russia came in 1885 near Moscow.

International Federation of Gymnastics It was founded on 23 lime 1881 in the city of Liège (Belgium) to run the oldest international sports federation. Spochatka was named the European Gymnastics Federation, the organization included three member countries: Belgium, France and the Netherlands, while in 1921 non-European countries were admitted to it. Todi won her current name. The Federation develops the regulations of the performances, which determine the rules for evaluating the performances of gymnasts.

Rіznoviєkі bars Rіznoviєkі bars - a sports equipment, which is used in sports gymnastics among women. At cholovіkіv vikoristovuyutsya parallel beams.

A deck A deck is one of the shells in sports gymnastics, a horizontal bar with a length of 5 meters and a width of 10 centimeters, placed at a height of 125 centimeters. The shell was covered with shkir and suede.

Supporting haircut (female) When the support haircut is over, the athlete is rozbіgaєtsya according to the road, then we will help you with the help of a special frail spring field and rob the haircut, in the course of which guilt is guilty of additional support for the projectile (himnastic special kіn or). At the start of the haircut, the athlete will perform additional acrobatic elements in repetition (flips, pirouettes, wraps). The vistup is estimated for the folding of the wicked elements, their purity, the presence of pardons. Particular respect is attached to the quality of the earthly.

Vilni have the right (women) Vilni have the right to pass on the "kilim" - a square platform. Women in freedom are right - the only type of program of sports gymnastics, which beats the music. Women's judges must insure the choreographic training.

Vіlnі vpravi (cholovіki) Vіlnі vpravі vpravi (cholovіki) vіlnі vpravі to enter the program as women, i chіlіchih tournaments. The performance of an athlete is assessed for the foldability of the elements, their cleanliness, the presence of pardons. The gymnast is obliged to include up to his own combination of elements from different structural groups for free people. There are 4 such groups plus a dismount (with the nipple on the right hand, the final acrobatic diagonal is used).

Support stribok (persons)

Right on horseback Kin - one of the shells of sports gymnastics. Right on the horse to enter the program of human zmagan, moreover, the horse can win like a projectile for a supporting haircut.

Right on the kіltsy Kіltsya - one of the shells of sports gymnastics. Right on the kіltsy enter to the programs of the cholіchih zmagan. Kіltsya - a ruhomy projectile, which is made of two rings made of non-deformed material, suspended on a height on special cables.

Parallel bars Parallel bars are a sports equipment that is used in sports gymnastics among people. The women have different bars. The bars are a projectile, which is used as a power element, so it allows the athlete to win the maximum number of elements from different structural groups. The combination of a gymnast can include static positions - kut, standing on hands, elements above and below the poles, elements in support and support on the hands, elements with wraps on somersaults and without. Kіntsіvka kombinatsії - tse zіskok.

Crossbar The crossbar or turnik is one of the shells in sports gymnastics. Right on the crossbar, enter to the program of human zmagan. The crossbar is a steel rod, fastened on vertical supports and fixed behind additional steel extensions.

Artistic gymnastics Artistic gymnastics is a kind of sport, playing music of various gymnastics and dancing rights without an object, as well as with an object (rope, hoop, ball, mace, string). For the rest of the hour, performances without an object are not carried out on the magic of the light class. With group ledges, there are either two types of objects or one type at the same time.

History of artistic gymnastics Rhythmic gymnastics is a very young sport; his appearance in the ballet of the famous Mariinsky theater. For a small term of its foundation, this sport has won world power and a large number of dancers in all corners of the earth's backwoods. In 1913, a school of artistic movement was opened at the Leningrad Institute of Physical Culture named after Lesgaft. In April 1941, the year of organizing and holding the first championship in artistic gymnastics. Gymnasts begin to fight for the inter-SRSR from the showy performances to Belgium, France, the FRN. Since then, artistic gymnastics has been recognized as a sport by the International Gymnastics Federation. In 1960, the first official international competition was held near Sofia: Bulgaria - SRSR - Czechoslovakia, and after 3 years of Budapest, the first official international competition, called the European Cup, was held.

jump rope

Prominent gymnasts and gymnasts Alina Marativna Kabaeva (12 January 1983, Tashkent) is a prominent Russian gymnast, merited master of sports of Russia (coach - Irina Viner), a public sportsman. Reminder of the XXVIII Olympic Games 2004 in Athens. Bronze medalist of the XXVII Olympic Games 2000 near Sydney. Dvorazova is the absolute champion of the world. Five times absolute European champion. Shestirazova is the absolute champion of Russia. Evgenia Olegivna Kanaeva (born April 2, 1990, Omsk, SRSR) - Russian athlete, Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics in individual bagato wrestling, merited master of sports of Russia

Prominent gymnasts and gymnasts Oleksiy Yuriyovich Nemov (born on May 28, 1976 in the village of Barashevo, Mordovia, SRSR) is a famous Russian gymnast, 4-time Olympic champion. Champion OІ 1996 in the support streak and team first; 2000 at the rich fight and in exercise. on the crossbar. Srіblo. medalist OІ 1996 in rich fights, 2000 in free exercises. bronze prize-winner OІ 1996 in the free exercise, on the horse and the crossbar, 2000 in the exercise. on a horse, on beams, and in a command line. Participant of OI 2004 on horseback, 1995 and 1996 in support haircuts. Srіblo. prize-winner of ChS 1996 in exercise. on beams, 1994, 1999 at the top of the command. bronze winner of the 1994 emergency in exercise. on beams, 1996 on horseback, 1997 at the top of the command. CH 1998, 2000 in the Vilnih exercise, 1994 in the exercise. on beams, 2000 at the top of the command. Awarded with the Order of Manliness (1997). Laureate of the "Glory" 2005 rock award in the Fair Play nomination. Anton Sergiyovich Golotsutskov (28 lime 1985) Siversk, Tomsk region, SRSR) - Russian gymnast, bronze medalist of the Summer Olympic Games 2008 year, volodar of the Cup of Russia 2007 year in free rights, European champion.

Perevir yourself!!! How many views do a person have in sports gymnastics? Resurrect them. 2. How many views does artistic gymnastics have? Resurrect them. Which roci was created by the International Federation of Gymnastics?

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Old Greek Olympic Games Modern symbols of the Olympic Games

The first reliable riddle about the Olympic Games dates back to 776 BC. Pohodzhennya that development of the Olympian mountains was framed by economic, political, military and cultural changes, like they were molded in Ancient Greece.

In the period from VII to II Art. BC in the Olympic Games, only the Greeks could take the fate of the free people. Slaves and people of a non-Greek voyage, as well as women, were not allowed to go to Igor.

Step by step they blamed the myths and legends about Zeus, Hercules, Hermes and other deities who lingered, for orders, on the top of Olympus. Ale Suspіlnі іgri z'appeared a long time ago, as myths and legends about pagan deities began to take shape.

The program of the Olympic Games, which was formed on the back of the head only for one stage (192 m 27 cm), was expanded over the years for the rahunok zmagan at the pentathlon, big z zbroєyu (sword and shield), pankration, fisticuffs, chariot and upper bridle.

The Olympic Games were held in a superb urochisto way. Before the cob of Igor, all the participants swore an oath that they were honestly prepared, and that they would be smart, and they also made sacrifices to the gods. Pomozhtsі Igor mali great glory, shame, honors. Laudatory odes were formed for this honor, hymns were sung, monuments were erected. As a prize, serving as a wreath, gazing from an olive bush, designated by an oracle. Then there were gifts from the Olympic mountains and from the gazers. In the near place, the olympionik otrimuvav a solid penny wine city.

A month before Igor, the sacred truce was deafened on the entire territory of Greece;

Athletic sports in the Olympics were held regularly, but 394 rubles. not. Imperator Immediately and Sunset Theodosius I vvazhav Olympiysky іgri pagan rite, voicing the wicked and having fenced them away with a special decree.

From the beginning of the 19th century, the idea of ​​​​reviving the Olympic mountains hung a lot. Slid, however, blatantly, that there were no serious trials.

Baron P'yer de Coubertin (1863–1937) – the initiator of the rebirth of the Olympic mountains, a prominent player in the international movement; other president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

Mustaches of the Olympic Games are lit up by the Olympic flames. This fire is ignited in the fatherland of the Olympian mountains near the Ancient Olympia. They designed a special mirror, defocusing the sleepy avenues, like lighting up the Olympic torch.

The Olympic symbol, which is the vinyatkovoy power of the International Olympic Committee, is five intertwined rings - three at the top row (black, black and red) and two at the bottom (zhovte, green). So, the flower is a symbol of the union of five continents: black-Europe, black-Africa, red-America, yellow-Asia, green-Australia.

In 1913 p. President of the International Olympic Committee P'yer de Coubertin wrote the text of the Olympic Oath and Vinis Yogo to the court of the IOC members. The Olympic oath is one of the most important attributes of the Olympic mountains of the present. She becomes an athlete of this country, as she accepts in herself the Olympians from the earth. The axis of the text of the Olympic oath, proclaimed by P'er de Coubertin: "In the name of all athletes, I declare that we are brothers to participate in these Games, honoring and respecting the rules, for which stinks are carried out, in a truly sporting spirit, for the glory of that sport in them" I honor my teams."

The official Olympic emblem of the Olympic Igors is formed from the Olympic symbol and the symbol of the place (the month where the Olympic events are held) or the state, on the territory of which there is the Olympic capital of Chergovy Igor. Can be and іnshі izobrazhennya, zokrema znachennya rock that mіstsya spent Іgor.

At the Games of 1896 the winner won a silver medal, the other winner - a bronze medal. I everything! At the Olympic Games in 1900, no medals were awarded to zovs. And just then, the medal of the greatest goodness appeared.

The Olympic Anthem, approved by the International Olympic Committee in 1958 in Tokyo, the scores (scores) of which are collected from the IOC headquarters.

The idea of ​​falling asleep the Olympic ensign belongs to the founder of the modern Olympic Games, Peter de Coubertin. The International Olympic Committee having confirmed the Olympic ensign of 1913 The official ensign of the Olympic Igors is a white satin cloth without oblyamivka, which has an Olympic symbol, tobto. five different-coloured weaves.

Nerves are like white threads. The stench is strongly roiled and reaches all internal organs

Visnovok: The nervous system plays the most important role in the regulation of body functions. She will take care of the work of clitin, fabrics, organs and systems. The nerves of the nervous system are connected to the body from the outer middle.

Budova brain

At the head brain є Bіla speechovina Sіra speechovina Utvoruє provіdnі slyakhi, yakі povyazyut cephalon zі dorsal and parts of the brain between themselves

Spinal cornea

Parts of pivkul of the great brain

The cephalic brain includes the foot bones: the middle brain, the great pimples, the middle brain, the middle brain, and the middle brain

Parts of the pivkul of the great brain of the frontal skronev potilichna thyme

Functions of the main zones of the pivkul of the great brain. Behavior and feel.

Budov of the spinal cord:

Supplementary to the lesson: The nervous system is composed of: the cephalic cord the spinal cord the peripheral nerves

Physical culture. Physical culture. Physically right. Rolling games for children. Physical activity. Stribok at dovzhin z mіstsya. Theory of physical culture. Theory of physical culture. Presentation of physical culture. Physical culture for students. LFK and MASSAGE. PHYSICAL VIKHOVANNYA I DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN. Project from physical culture.

Lesson of physical culture in grade 5. Theory and methodology of physical development. Virobnicha physical culture. Presentation "Physical development". Characteristics of physical rights. Physical training. Educational area "Physical culture". Vihovannya physical (rukhovih) Yakos. Physical culture and health-improving robot at a child nursery.

Presentation before the lesson of physical culture. A lesson in physical culture in grade 10. Physical culture and health project. Occupation with physical culture at the dow. Active family vіdpochinok. Planning for physical development. Physical tournament. The plan of the work of teachers of physical culture. Physically right in life.

Chocolate massage. Legal foundations of physical culture. Physical culture - healthy children. Fundamentals of methods of self-sufficiency to occupy physical rights. Vocational-Uzhitkova physical training (ppfp). Testing of physical culture. Physically right that їх vpliv on m'yazi. Assessment of the physical development of preschool children.

The beauty of ruined people. Presentation of the lighting gallery "Physical development". Theoretical preparation of students for an hour of lessons in physical culture. Global physical workshop. Injuries under the hour to take Physical culture. The plan is a synopsis of a given lesson in physical culture.

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Injury prevention Isabella Vanyan. 6 "A"

Take an hour before traumatism to take up physical culture. Most often, light sports injuries are caused, so that we do not suffer great inaccuracies. As a rule, tse zvichayny injuries, so, yak і in everyday life. Ale - injuries, which are more typical for athletes. The stench can be of varying severity, including important ones that require the prompt involvement of medical facivists. We can see three main factors that contribute to injuries: individual characteristics that are engaged in physical culture; think of carrying out to take, the presence of that kind of inventory (order); specificity of a particular type of sports activity and type of physical activity.

Among the individual characteristics of people who are engaged in physical culture and sports, the most important are the age, the state of the nervous system, temperament, psychological maturity and practical knowledge. In osvіtnіh mortgages most of the number of injuries posterize on the cob and, for example, primary rock, if the students are not functionally ready to nevantagen or perebuvayut at the overstressed station. Rizko zrostaє risik otrimannya injuries in case of infectious diseases, yakі often accompanied by other complications. Take an hour before traumatism to take up physical culture.

In order to avoid injuries, it is necessary: ​​- mothers to take up the necessary clothes, vomit, equipment and equipment; - do not immediately jump to record results, but improve your sports performance step by step, without harming your health; - before the skin exercises, it is right to change the tension of the stretching and tearing of the m'yaziv, the ligament and the tendon; - obov'yazkovo koristuvatsya at the necessary points for his orders (shields, sholoms, eyepieces).

For respect!

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Rules and organization of a handball game

The History of Creation Riddles about old-fashioned games with balls in Homer's Odyssey and in the practice of Galen, an ancient Roman physician. In the middle ages, Walter von der Vogelweide dedicated his verses to analogous games. Danish footballers at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries saw handball as a substitute for football for a warm-up in the winter hour. The distinction between handball and football was based on the fact that they played with their hands in the new one, and the skin team consisted of 6 graves and that goalkeeper. The date of origin of the sports ball with a ball, registered in the international sports classification under the name "handball" (hand ball), was taken into account 1898, if the physical training of the real school of the Danish city of Ordrup Holger Nilsen was a good physical culture lesson with a ball, the names “handbold” (“khaand” - hand and “bol” - ball), at the yakіy on a small field, teams of 7 osib were moving, passing the ball one to one and jumping to throw yoga at the gate.

Handball in Russia Viniknennya Russian handball to lie on the cob of the XX century. For the first time, this sport appeared in the Russian Empire in Kharkiv in 1909. The ancestor of the Russian handball was the Czech gra "hazena", which was cultivated by the Sokil society as a gymnastic gra. The greatest merit in the development of handball in pre-revolutionary Russia belongs to Dr. E. F. Mali, who until 1914 completed the work of creating a high-impact and effective ball with a ball and having developed the first official rules of Ukrainian handball in our country. According to these rules, the game was carried out by a team of 7 graves on a square 45 × 25 m, divided into three zones: the attack, the central field and the attack. The area of ​​the goalkeeper was surrounded by a line of kicks at the gates of 4 m, the standing square was 4 × 8 m. The main elements of Ukrainian handball have been replaced by the most important warehouse rules of international football, which were expanded 20 years after the rules of E. F. Mali. Ukrainian handball has become the world's first finished version of playing sports straightness. The first official of Russian handball teams took place in 1910 near Kharkiv, and in 1918 a “handball league” was organized there.

Maidanchik for gri Gras is placed in a closed area on a rectangular maidanchik with a size of 40 × 20 m. Near the maidanchik there is a safety zone with a size of at least 1 m of air lines and not less than 2 m behind the gate line. Long distances between the Maidanchik are called bichny lines, short - lines of gates (between gates with staves) or call lines of gates (beyond the boundaries of gates). Usі linії є part of the area, yaki encircle. The width of all line markings should be 5 cm (vinyatki - the width of the line between the sts should be 8 cm).

Gate A gate is installed in the center of the skin line of the gate. The stench mayut buti nadіyno fixed. Internal gate openings: width 3 m, height 2 m. The counters break from the three sides visible from the maidanchik, but they are alternately turned into two contrasting colors, which look like the colors of the maidanchik. On the gate, buti is to blame.

Handball ball The handball ball is made from shkіri or synthetic material. Vin is guilty of being round and not being slimy or glistening. Use 3 sizes of handball balls: Circumference 50-52 cm, weight 290-330 rubles. for teams of boys 8-12 years old and girls 8-14 years old Circumference 54-56 cm, weight 325-375 rubles. for women's teams older than 14 years old and for men's teams of 12-16 years old Circumference 58-60 cm, weight 425-475 rubles. for men's teams over 16 years old

Team The team is made up of 14 teams, of which no more than 7 can be on the square at the same time, with a spare. One of the graves, which is on the Maidanchik, is the gatekeeper. On the cob, in the skin of the teams, you can have at least 5 graves. Spare gravelets can be, as it were, to go to the Maidanchik, if you deprive them of the graveyard of those teams, which, being familiar with the new one, we will reserve for our own. When you go to the Maidanchik, you can lose your yoga gravity, you can only change your commands through the line. The number of replacements is not limited. Establish such positions (role) of gravity in handball. 1. Gate. 2. Kutovі chi extreme. (To fight on the flanks, as a rule, tse spritnі, tekhnіchnі and shvidkі gravtsi). 3. Center or rozіruuchy. (Playing in the center of the field, often vykonu function engraving, scho play. Why is it important to transfer that field). 4. Napіvserednі. (Grab between the kutovimi and the center. As a rule, tse high gravel with a strong kick). 5. Linear. (Grow on a 6-meter line. Yogo task - conquer the opponent's defense, fight for the goalkeeper of the opponent's ball. As a rule of the line - mitzny and silicon)

Judges The match is served by two equal judges. At times of differences, the decisions are praised by the judges in full, after all. How judges are able to assess the damage, but assign different punishments, de suvore їх. The judges are assisted by the secretary and the timekeeper, as if they were changing the lines at the table.

Matches of older teams (for 16 years) are added up for two halves of 30 times each with a 15-time break (matches for children teams of 8-12 years are added up for two halves of 20 times each, and teams of 12-16 years - for two halves of 25 times hvilin). Then interrupt the teams to change sides of the Maidan. In times of need, the manifestation of a change can be assigned an additional hour - two halves of 5 minutes each with a 1-minute break. If the first additional hour is not shown, then after 5 minutes another additional hour is assigned on the same minds. As soon as another additional hour ends, a series of 7-meter kicks is awarded (similar to the post-match penalty kick in football). The regulation can be extended to a series of 7-meters and without delay after the end of the main hour.

Gravtsі can throw, catch, shtovhati and zupinyati ball, vicorist hands, head, body, quilt that knee; The gravel at the red form, passing between the squares, turns at the haircut and throws it at the gate. One of the gravitators in the black form, stepping into the square of the thief, which is damaged, but may not be karatis, as if the destroyer did not take away the weight of the rope. is guilty of passing the ball to another grave, throw Yogo at the gate, or hit Yogo on a pidlog; Hanging out on the Maidan at the borders of the square, the gate may be less than the gate of the official team. However, it is possible to cross between the area of ​​​​the gate at the haircut; It is allowed to pick up the ball from the super player with a crooked bottom, to control the movement of the super player with bent arms when in contact with him, to block the super player with the body; Judgment gesture, which is ahead of the passive group. After the next signal, the team is guilty of starting to become more active, otherwise a free throw will be recognized against it. Control of the super player with bent arms It is not allowed to play the ball passively, without any visible attempts to attack; The goal is secured, as if the ball had turned over the line again, and with that, the attacking team did not break the rules, and judging by not giving a signal to the grain of the green. Judges can score a goal, as if the ball did not get a third-party hand at the gate (we throw an object at the Maidanchik, it’s a third-party individual too), but you can have a drink there, don’t be that hand.

Vorotar Vorotar [ed. edit viki-text] The role of the gatekeeper is regulated by special rules: The gate is a single grave, which can stand in the middle of its square gate; The gate at the borders of its own square, the gate can, when defending the gate, stand a ball, be some part of the body; The gate can be moved around with the ball in its own area, without limiting for an hour, the ball is free or the number of crooks (prote to delay the hour when throwing the goalkeeper is not allowed); The gate can enter its own area without a ball; for її between the gates, it is taken like a great gravel; The goalkeeper cannot go out of the goal area with the ball in his hands, however, it is allowed to go out with the ball, which is not under the control of the goalkeeper; The gate cannot turn to its own square; it is the gate with the ball; The gate can not, perebovayuchi in the area of ​​​​the gate, hitting the ball, which is beyond the borders.

Kidki ta Pochatkovі kidki Kidki [red. | The rules of handball describe five standard kicks, which are scored on the cob and for renewal after different situations (a goal, a ball out of the middle of the Maidan, breaking the rules then). Cob Kidok [ed. [ed.] ] Cob toss - a way to make a cob, and also to celebrate after a zanedbany goal. One of the teams will forfeit the right to a cob throw on the cob of the first half as a result of the foaling, the other team wins the cob throw on the cob of the other half. A cob throw after a zanedbany goal wins the team, yak missed the ball. Gravets, a kind of vikonu kobkovy stoker, is guilty of staying at the center of the maydanchik (it is allowed to move in the center of the air of the central line at a distance of about 1.5 m). One foot of the grave is due to the buti on the central line, the other - on the central line or behind it. The kidok is beaten by the whistle of the judge for 3 seconds, be it straight ahead. The Kidok is called in by the vikonanim, if the ball leaves the hand of the grave. Other grave commands, like a victorious kid, guilty buti on your half of the Maidan until the court's whistle. Superniki vykonu throw the team to blame on their own half of the maidan when throwing on the cob of the half, and when throwing after a zanedbany ball, they can kick on the same half of the maidan. However, stand between the grave, who victorious kidok, and supermen in any kind of temper are not guilty, but less than 3 m.

Kidok from behind the white line Kidok from behind the white line [ed. [ed.] Throws through the scourge line vykonuєtsya in offensive situations: M'yach overturning the scourge line - the thug vykonuєtsya z mіstsya, de m'yach overturning the line; The ball overturning the old line is stealing, and the rest of it is hitting the green gravel of the team, which is defended - the kidok is vykonuєtsya from the month of the day the white line is stealing from the old line; The ball hitting the stele of the structures above the Maidanchik - the thrower veers from the closest point to the point of the hitting line. Kidok vykonuyut superniki team, Gravets kakoї stop bumping the ball. The kicker is guilty of putting one foot on the tow line, the position of the other foot is not regulated. The superniks of a vikonuyuchy kidok are gravely owed no less than 3 m from the outside, and as a line of the area the gates pass less than 3 m from the place of the vikonannya kidka - they can be found without intermediary bіla cієї lіnії

Kidok of the goalkeeper Kidok of the goalkeeper wins, if: The ball will overturn the call line of the gate, and the team’s goalkeeper will be left behind, so it will be defended, or be the grave of the attacking team; Gravetets attacking teams stepping in at the square of the gate, or hitting the ball, like a cat that lies at the square of the gate; The gate has hit the control of the ball at the square of the gate or the ball lies at the square of the gate; The kidok wins as the team's goalkeeper, who has been defending himself. The gate, like a victorious thrower, is guilty of perebuvati in the square of the gate and direct the ball so that the line of the gate is turned over. Kidok vvazhaetsya vykonanim, if the ball is over the line of the square steals. Super players can be free of charge in the middle of the gate, but they are not allowed to hit the ball until there are no kicks. Goal, zanedbany at the gates without delay after a throw of the goalkeeper, is not secured.

Vilniy kidok Vilniy kidok is assigned when the rules are violated, and also as a way to restore the grit after a toothache, to bring it up if there was no damage (for example, after a timeout). Vіlny kidok vykonuє team, against koї boulo violated the rules or yak volodіla ball in front of the gris. When recognized as a free throw against the team, that the Volodya is m'yachem, її the grave of the goiter will not let the ball in, or put it on the p_dlog. Vіlny kidok vykonuєtsya z mіstsya, de vіdbulosya ruined the rules abo de m'yach buv at the moment of gritting. Likewise, the kidok is guilty of buti vykonaniya s between the area of ​​​​theft of the team, which vykonu kidok, or from the zone, surrounded by a line of vіlnih kidkіv supernikіv, vіn vykonuєtsya from the nearest point beyond the boundaries of these zones.

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About the foundations of the history of science and the development of physical culture

Viniknennya physical culture zumovleno peculiarities of life of the primary society. The participants in the collective watering were small to match their actions with the actions of other participants in the watering. With whom it was necessary to show great physical strength, serenity, vibrancy, arrogance and respect. In the process of collective watering, the activity of people increased, newcomers accumulated, necessary in the struggle for foundation. Lyudina, with a protracted richness of a thousand, tried in her minds "strength" in strength, swiftness, spritness and vibrancy with a richness in the sights of creatures. Poluvannya, picking, fishing viroblyat physical stamina, reduced sensitivity to injuries developed caution, improved practical knowledge.

The preparation of that zastosuvannya of myslivsky narrators also led to the physical development of a person, singing rukhovy navichok. The primary technique was step by step changed - the speed of damage was increased at the link with the installation of the throwing armor. Ancient people have lost their respect for the manifestation of rightness at the process of practice. Physically, they had the right to do it as a special preparation, for example, before the watering, and they served as the transfer of information, to the plan of the sleeping processes. Dosvіd zastosuvannya pіzіchnyh pіzіchnyh vprav vіksuvavsya і zakryplyuvavsya nachnyh images privіsnogo mіstetstva. Zdatnistst before the mislennya allowed the people to put in a link between the front preparation and the results of the irrigation. From this moment and start the stepwise transformation of the rukhovy actives on the cob of the physical right. For example, learning to shoot at the accuracy of hitting different images of creatures.

Physical Culture in Ancient Greece In the development of physical culture, Ancient Greece played an even greater role. There are a lot of things to look forward to, starting from the physical rights and to the organization of the organization, including the Olympic Games. The Greek tribes attached great respect to the physical education and training of children. In Sparta, for example, only healthy and young children were left alive, and ailments and weak ones were indignant. Strength, tranquility, frivolity, goodness were valued even more highly, the shards signifi- cantly raised the fearfulness of the wars, and the Greeks had three wars. “My wealth is my list, my shield, my glorious sholom, that my body’s wealth. Zavdyaki I can do everything that is necessary, and I will take care of the subjugation of my slaves ”- words from the songs of the Spartan warriors. Before that, the Greeks knew that the gods even love physical strength, that they showed it in magic. To that, athletes were promoted in big, haircuts, throwing discs, wrestling, fisticuffs. It is not surprising that in the past era, physical training, like a great athlete, has grown up in ancient Greek places of great sovereign significance.

p align="justify"> Physical culture in the lands of the Ancient Skhod The characteristic feature of the physical culture of the lands of the Ancient Skhod was її straightening. There were wide zastosovulysya raznі vіyskі vprav, riding, wrestling, swimming, hunting. So, for example, in Egypt, in the burial ground of the nobles, an image of numerical methods of free fighting and fencing on pips was shown. The image of the royal watering of wild animals was saved. This is not a little practical value, but it is not enough to glorify the strength and courage of the monarch. Vodnochas at the edge of the Ancient Gathering among the people widely expanded the variety of acrobatic and other kinds of physical rights. The strength of that spritnist was valued even more highly, the interest until the manifestation of physical strength among the population was greater.

Physical culture of Ancient Rome A unique development of physical culture in Ancient Rome and a valuable record in the history of culture. Vaughn was conceived as a ritually framed military rights, served as a means of organizing the masses of the people. Buli in the Roman Empire that practice cultivate magic for the walnut. A lot of people in the Roman community - among them Cicero, spent a lot of time in the Greek gymnasiums. At the same time, the respect of the middle versts of the population was reduced to less than the playful maidanchiks. Under the holy hour, the blessings of the god, the upper їzdі and the merry for the fate of the bulk of Rome, were ruled. Serpen tried the Trojan games at the circus. Nabіlsh in the distance was found by the time of Domіціна, Чий Ігри, Selkovanі in 86 Rozі, I lost it to the sink of Zahіdi Rimskіросi Іmperіsh, Romans, Romans, I turned the Romans, Yaki Zmіnili ї і I was transferred to Garpastum ("Ruchniy M'yach") І Women's Rules.

VISNOVOK The development of the history of physical culture of the primary society can be of great significance and scientific and theoretical significance, there are traces of the reasons for vindication of the development of human society in the early years. Mi Bachimo like physical culture changed the life of people in different eras. Sports and physical adventure helped the development of people in the first place to the people of our days. The history of physical culture is a discipline that gives great inspiration to the world.

PHYSICAL CULTURE This is the most important gathering for your health. Charging vranci - the axis of a pledge to a healthy way of life! Go in for active sports, do not attend physical education lessons.

For respect! Trained by 5th grade student Elizaveta Yakovenko

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