Dzherela knowing the past. Dzherela knowledge about the past (What is historical dzherela) plan-outline of the lesson from history (grade 5) on the topic About what is the historical map

Dzherela knowing the past. Dzherela knowledge about the past (What is historical dzherela) plan-outline of the lesson from history (grade 5) on the topic About what is the historical map

Job opening №5.2

PIB vikladach: Ignatenko Katerina Mykolayivna.

Subject: history.

Class: 5.

Occupation type: Vyvchennya new material.

Topic of interest: Dzherela know about the past. (1 year).

Occupation goal: to formulate a statement about the order in historical science on the butt of rozpodіlu іtorichnyh dzherel on the group.

Busy manager:

lighting: expand for learning new things to understand, so historically dzherelo, speech, language, letters, historical dzherel, monument, document.

developing: revise the classification of information, give a description of historical dzherel.

vicinities: win the respect to the traditions of the people.

Occupation structure:

Etapi busy

Basic information units

The duty of the teacher

Diyalnistst uchniv


1. Creation of the working atmosphere.

2. Re-verification in view.

Re-checking d\z

Power points:

1. What is history?

2. How do you feed the story?

3. Give an example of a historical fact?

4. Who is Herodotus?

Learn to give nutrition.

Motivation, actualization of knowledge

historical memory

1 slide

Back to the quote by Dmitry Sergiyovich Likhachov, the robot with her:

2. Why the protection of memory is our moral binding?

3. Where can you take care memory?

Learn to give nutrition:

1. Memory- Tse spirit of the past, ways in objects and appearances.

2. Historical memory helps people to understand their "I" in the history of their people and people in the dark.

3. In texts, objects, messages.


How do you think, what are we talking about today?

2 slide

About the subject of that phenomenon, scho to avenge one's historical memory.

The entry is written by those busy:

Dzherela know about the past.

Introduction of new material

Historically dzherelo,

Usnі, letters and speech historical dzherel, Monument, Document

1. How to destroy the memos of the old?

3 slide

tithe church- The butt of ruining historical dzherel through human activity.

4 slide

Faro lighthouse- The butt of ruining historical dzherel through natural disasters.

Bring examples of ruins of historical dzherel?

2. Historical dzherela.

What's so hot?

What is the meaning of which word do you know?

What can we call a historical dzherel?

5 slide

3. Groupy dzherel.

6 slide

Empty style.

7 slide

Table of completed columns for rechecking robotics.

8 slide

Two more concepts have been lost:

Monument and document.

9 slide (with butts)

Which of the images on the slide is a monument, and which is a document?

What is the meaning of the word document?

What documents do you have?

The legacy of the Great Vitchiznyanoy war, the eruption of the Vesuvius volcano.

Dzherelo- Misce, de schos z'yavlyaєtsya, repairing its expansion.

Dzherelo drive, dzherelo information.

historically dzherelo- everything that had been created by people; zavdyaki historical dzherelami we can see the past of human susprestvo.

Learn to rewrite at the end of the understanding.

A couple of robots. Learn to practice in pairs: expand historical references according to the columns of the tables. Then three different pairs present their own column and explain what characterizes the dzherelas of these groups.

The table is correct for skin diseases.

Learn to copy from the letter of the appointment.

Monument of architecture: Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky

Document: old photos of the place.

Document- svіdchennya, as if showing a fact.

Dovіdka zі school, scho zasvіdchuє, scho you learn here.


Power points:

1. What is so historically old?

2. Bring up the butts of oral, written and speech historical dzherel.

3. Name the monument of literature.

4. To what group of historical sources does a documentary film lie?

Learn to give nutrition.

Busy bags, reflection

It is necessary to bring the busy bags, turning to the busy point:

1. Do you need more historical documents?

2. New historical events for groups?

10 slide

Reflective screen.

Opitati is point-to-point quiet, who has never shown himself at the lesson.

Learn to give food, sim p_dbivayuchi p_dbag busy.

Learn to write down at zoshit:

Plus: what was worthy at work,

Minus: what was not worthy at work,

Tsіkavy fact: those who were previously recognized.


Museum, Library

11 slide

Home tasks:

it is necessary to independently fill in the table "Archives, museums, libraries".

Learn to write down your homework.

Zoshita scheme:

Dzherela know about the past

historically dzherelo-The subject of creations by people and carry in your own information about the past of human susprestvo.

Historical dzherela








Entries on papyrus

Records, vidovbanі on the stone

Document-Historically dzherelo, scho revenge text, image or sound.

Monument- It is historically old, what has gone down to our days.

1 slide

There was no other way to tell someone else's story. For all the hours, fathers and didis, mothers and grandmothers passed on their life stories to the younger generation, taught the children that onukiv usom, whom you yourself know. However, tens of thousands of years ago, the transmission of life's knowledge to the older generation of young people played a greater role in the well-known modern world, even today.

2 slide

Dzherela know about the past Lesson plan: What is the historical past? On yakі groups it is possible to add historical dzherel? How do historical sources help you gain historical knowledge? D / z: entries in zosheets * Teacher: Somova Svitlana Gennadiivna

3 slide

What is so historically dzherelo? Historical dzherela - the results of activity, which have come to us and help in the past.

4 slide

On yakі groups it is possible to add historical dzherel? Speech: Zbroya Zhitlo Decorate Znaraddya Pratsі Odyag Utensils ... Usnі: Legends of Myth Saying Songs ... Letters: Chronicles of the Life of the Chronicle Law Leaves ...

5 slide

On yakі groups it is possible to add historical dzherel? Task No. 1 Designate to which group of gerels the following items belong to the groups of gerels: 1. Speech 2. Letters 3. Usn

6 slide

On yakі groups it is possible to add historical dzherel? Task No. 2 Designate to which group of dzherel the following items belong: Groups of dzherel: 1. Speech 2. Letters 3. Usn

7 slide

8 slide

9 slide

How do historical sources help you gain historical knowledge? Itself dzherela not to say anything. The historian, like a vivchaє dzherela, is guilty of shukati from them, for example, for food. The fallow food can provide different information. June 6, 1886, Lyon - June 16, 1944, French historian Mark Blok

10 slide

How do historical sources help you gain historical knowledge? Zvіd laws of Hammurabi, creations of Hammurabi on the example of yogic rule (approximately in the 1750s BC), one of the most ancient legislative memos. Found by the archaeological expedition of Jacques de Morgan during the excavations in 1901-1902 at Susa (the territory of ancient Mesopotamia). Tse sklepinnya z 282 laws (37 minus) є black basalt stovp.

11 slide

How do historical sources help you gain historical knowledge? The head of the department On the basis of the previous articles of the laws of Hamurapp, write a description about the development of agriculture in Mesopotamia.

12 slide

Chi lie tsi statti to those doslіdzhennya? (§ 1) If a person swears an oath to a person, throwing a ring at her, but not finishing, then accusing her of murders. (§ 25) If a fire broke out in the house of a person, and another person, as if he came to extinguish the fire, looked up at the good of the householder and took the good of the householder, then this person is guilty of being thrown into this fire.

13 slide

Chi lie tsya statya to those doslіdzhennya? (§ 44) If a person rented fallow land for an oranka for three years, but if she was not bailey and did not tear up the field, then on the fourth turn she is guilty of zorat, promitizhiti and fence, and then turn the field to the vlasnik; Moreover, the wine is guilty of paying 10 grains of grain for the leather drill of the field.

14 slide

Chi lie tsya statya to those doslіdzhennya? (§ 49) If a person took a harvest from a tamkar and gave the tamkar a crop of grain or a sesame field, saying to you: “Grow the field and grain or sesame, as it will be, take it and take it,” then like a digger to grow grain on the field or sesame, tilki the lord of the field is guilty of taking away the grain for the sesame that will be in the field; and tamkar's wines are to blame for the grain for this sreblo, like the wines from the new one, from the hundreds. Vin is also responsible for winding the tamkara to clear the field.

15 slide

Chi lie tsi statti to those doslіdzhennya? § 53) If a person was not daunted by rowing, who, on її land, did not mark her rowing, and a breach was made in її rowing, and the water flooded the field of susіdіv, then the person, whose rowing had a clearing, is guilty of grain blowing . (§ 55) If a person made her own arik for roshing, ale bula nedbayliva, and the water flooded the field of susіdіv її, then she is guilty of making the grain vidpovіdno to the crop of yogo susіdіv.

Class: 5

Subject: History of the ancient world

teacher: history and modern science

Sergeeva Sargilana Oleksiivna

Theme of the lesson: "What is history"

Objectives of the lesson:

    subject– scholars can give a definition of history as a science, can reshape historical dzherel, can give a description of additional historical disciplines;

    Pіznavalna– learners can pierce vidi dzherel and name vіdminnі risi skin;

    Regulatory– learners can take a decision in a problem situation, assess their activity at the lesson

    Communicative- Learn to express your thoughts, learn how to house yourself, and come to a happy decision at a joint activity, practicing in pairs.

    Specialties- Learners can express their thoughts about the role of history in the lives of people, about the role of sciences-helpers.

lesson type: a lesson in learning new knowledge.



    Molding in school conditions to reflection of correctional-control type and implementation of correctional form (fixation of physical difficulties in activity, manifestation of their causes, prompting that implementation of the project to overcome difficulties).

    Consolidation and, if necessary, correction of twisted methods for understanding, algorithms.


    determine the significance of the historical past for the present;

    vikoristovuyuchi knowledge of uchnіv їkh to vіdpovіdі problematic nutrition, what kind of expressions in those lesson.


    to continue the development of the movie through a special diet;

    continue the development of text messages

    zdіysnyuvati іndivіdualnyy і diferenіyovanіy pіdhіd (creative zavdannya);

    develop thoughts: vminnya povnyuvati, zagalnyuvati, robiti visnovki; develop cartographic knowledge and skills.


    win love to the Batkivshchyna;

    a little pride for the її past, today that future

    development of a cognitive interest in the subject;

    with the method of the aesthetic development of the development in the teachings of a sense of the beautiful.

Task: the results of the study by those scientists are responsible for:

    to give meaning to the understanding of history, heraldry, historical dzherela, country, anthem, ensign;

    point the butts of speech, letters and those of the sons;

    remember the date and century;

    know and name additional historical disciplines;

    formulate a table;

    signify that explain its setting until the end of the last period;

    virishuvati navchalno-zhittєvі zavdannya z pozitsії people of the XXI century.

Form robots: group, individual, letters, sons, guys.

Necessary technical equipment: computer, projector, presentation.

Lesson plan:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Introduction of new material:

1. What is history?

2. Historical dzherela.

3. Helpers of history.

4. Chronology

5. About what is the history of the map.

6. Fixed.

7. Homework

Lesson Hide:

1. Creation of a problem situation

Hid lesson:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Actualization of knowledge.

1. What are you doing on the slides? Name the one you know.

Legendary spivak Bayan, which tells about the hours long gone, our ancestors of the words, like the sound of overseas merchants. On the canvas of Vasil Ivanovich Surikov, the Russian commander Suvorov is depicted, who, with his soldiers, makes a heroic crossing through the high mountains of Alpi, the painting by Oleksandr Pavlovich Bubnov “Wound on the Kulikovo Field”. Near the center there is a photograph of a rocket, which symbolizes the development of our land of outer space.

2. Explain what pictures are coming (pictures of our past Batkivshchyna)

3. How do you think, what are we talking about today in class? About the science of history

4. What can help us with the robot? Podruchnik

2. Molding problems. (recorded on doshtsi)

Today we will talk about history with you. Tse duzhe tsіkavy, tsіkavy subject. We will rise in price at the hour. Today we will be historians.

What is history? Need more history?

The word "history" has a rich meaning. We often say: “I will tell you a story about a story ...” or “A story about a story has become me ...”

III. Vyvchennya new material.

1. What is history?

- Do you need more history?

- How do you have an excuse, version of the problem?

Under the initial problem, write down the key words seen by the authors of the versions themselves:

1) find out about the past;

2) understand why you thought it was so;

- For the help of a dictionary, explain what “history” means.

1) Work with a dictionary.

The concept of "history" is maє kіlka tlumachen - podіya; rozpovid about those that have become (rozpovid); the science.

Axis as a sign of history encyclopedic dictionary HISTORY(from the Greek historia - rozpovid about the past, about the unknown),

1) the process of developing the nature of the suspension.

2) a complex of secondary sciences (historical science), which in the past of humankind develops in all its concreteness and diversity. Facts are being studied, subsisting on the basis of historical sources, with which ancient science and low secondary historical disciplines are engaged.

Z'yasovyut two meanings of the word:

1) history - development process human supremacy;

2) history - the science, helps to renew the past of humanity;

Otzhe, history is a science, as we see past people. Yesterday is history.

2) Robot with a historical collar.

Read the text. Give advice on food and tell yoga.


History is the science of appearance and the development of human life! The people of the earth are close to two millions of rocks. Human society develops and changes. The process of development of human society can have its own laws, and history will explain that law. History tells us how people lived a thousand thousand years ago. Tsya science plays a great role in the development of life, support and culture for the people.

Give advice on nutrition.

1. What is history like science? History is the science of appearance and the development of human life!

2. What is history? History tells us how people lived a thousand thousand years ago.

3. Why does science play in the life of society? The process of development of human society can have its own laws, and history will explain that law.

Children, basic knowledge of history, you will learn from a school teacher.

And where else can you find out about the past?

I will help you, look at the table and read it, you can still take away the knowledge of history. - But the problem is that all the designated terms are mixed up.

Children, try to spell the correct term for the skin.


1. Archive

2. Library

3. Museum

1. Archive

B. Misce, collection of reference letters of the past

2. Library

V. Misce, where books are selected so that they can be read

3. Museum

A. Mіstse, de zberіgayutsya, vyvchayutsya, demonstrated to the people of the past monuments (clothes, ozbroєnnya, paintings)

2. Historical dzherela

Do historians know about the past? Aje yoga is silent, it's gone, it's gone! It has risen, but not without a trace, but having left the FOLLOW.

Next, we called out the names of vidbitki nіg chi paws. Historians call traces everything that has lost its past, that can tell us about the past.

- analyze the text "Historical Dzherela" for additional offensive pictograms.

The ones that I know

It didn’t make sense, it calls out sumniv

I want to know

"Historical Dzherela"

History is a serious, complex science, as it has been in the past of different countries and places, the life of great people of different centuries. In order to revive the legends of real historical facts, historians vicorist special dzherel. What is so historically dzherelo, to know the mustache of the schoolchildren, how to learn history. One of the most important things to understand from science, even the very development of historical sources, is based on the observation of that other historical fact. Historically dzherelo is the subject of a document, which can lie down to singing. This subject is a kind of evidence like a match. The same analysis of these indications is based on the analysis of other historical background, the statement is made about the cause of that third historical fiend.

Historical dzherela - be like a trace of human activity, vipadkovo chi like a deserted land. The whole complex of documents and objects of material culture, which without a doubt depicted the historical process and other facts, on the basis of which there are statements about that other historical era, there are hypotheses about the causes of the legacy of these other historical epochs. Historical dzherela is rather different. The entire collection of historical sources in modern historical science is accepted to be subdivided into the following groups:

1. Letters dzherela - create all the mighty ones, create literary works of the dosledzhuvana epoch, write a different zmistu before us;

2. sleep;

3. Speech dzherela - the main reminders of material culture (remnants of life, znaryaddya pratsі zbroy, items will be worn, coins are too thin);

4. Ethnographic dzherela - tse call, ceremonies, viruvannya toshcho.,

5. Linguistic dzherela - tsedanі movi (lexicon, grammatical device toshcho. bud.);

6. Folklore dzherela - chains of memories of folklore creativity (sayings, songs, tales, sayings, etc.)

7. cinema - photographic documents;

8. phono documents - sound recordings.

For example, at the stove, which was the back of ancient people, little ones were found on the floor. Pecherny people depicted on the wall a scene of watering, de spiel of people trying to shoot a bik from a bow, and reshta sacks throwing write-offs at the creature. Such a little one once gives historians a piece of realistic vysnovkіv. In the past, even in the past, the inhabitants of the oven poked, in a different way, having chimed the great vidobutok itself, and since the creature of the stink was driven in at once, it means that their rosy rose was already on the high level. In addition, the stench already robbed the primitive armor.

Historical dzherela - Tse all those who can tell us about the past of people.

Navit child lichilki and orders can be traces of the past. “To the plank, the thicker the forest, I will give you thicker!” - the children shouted for an hour to finish and they didn’t suspect that it was a long time ago a gift to God’s board. It was lost from quiet hours, if our ancestors believed in such gods.

2) Work with a historical dzherel for options.

1 option. Jerelo number 1.

“At the smіtєvy pits of the ancient settlement, archaeologists knew a lot of stones. More lay with wild animals and birds; cow's yach brushes - hodno. Brain brushes, including those of dogs, are crushed by host stones. In the midst of the smіtya, a lot of shards of earthenware were found.

To collect vysnovki from these knowledges:

1. What kind of busy people knew the villages of the Meshkants?

2. What was more rozvinene - bestiality chi polyuvannya?

3. Like creatures already tamed

2 option. Jerelo #2.

Let me know that in the mountains you can see vicars on the rocks:

“I, the great tsar, the mighty tsar, the tsar of tsars, destroying the land of the judgment by the campaign. I defeated the enemy, killed six thousand warriors, burned twenty places, took one hundred thousand men and women from the crowd, horses, camels, and sheep. Whoever writes to impoverish, let the gods punish him.”

About scho rozpo_st vchenim tse letters dzherelo?

3) Practical work. Fizminutka.

Rozpodіlіt dzherel in speech and letters.

It is called dzherelo letters post the first option.

As it is called dzherelo speech stands another option.

1. letters 2. armor 3. coins 4. clothes. 5. vzuttya 6. documents 7. vouchers 8. homemade fillings 9. students 10. bilini 11. medals 12. help.

Letters: 1,6,9,10,12.

1. literacy

6. documents

9. scammers

10. bilini

12. be careful

Speech: 2,3,4,5,7,8,11.

4. clothes.

7. good luck

8. homemade filling

11. medals

5) Be creative:

What kind of historical information can be taken from Russian tales?

Problems of "reading" gerel: know, understand, save.

3. Helpers of history.

Vivchayuchi dzherela, vcheni according to kricht vіdnovlyuyut past. Sometimes the robot is similar to a puzzle, there are no letters, language, material, but we need to select all the information.

Guys, look at the screen, what are you watching? (Style)

It is clear that the top of the table was the story, and the legs are the helpers. And let's clean up the table, won't it be a table?

It means history, which is not as good as science, as there will be no helpers in it. And I will help history to push the advances of science.

1) Work with a dictionary. Familiarize yourself with additional historical disciplines.

- how do you know?

Perekhuyte science - helper of history

1. –archeology 2. –paleography 3. –onomastics 4. –heraldry 5. –sphragistics 6. –numismatics 7. –genealogy 8. –metrology

1. –archeology - a historical discipline, which weaves behind the speech dzherel istorichesko past humankind

2. –paleography - Additional historical discipline (special historical - philological discipline), which develops the history of writing, the regularity of the development of its graphic forms, as well as monuments of ancient writing with the method of reading, naming the author, the hour and the month of creation.

3. – onomastics - a science that shows the names of all types and their hobbies.4. -five. -

4. – heraldry - A special historical discipline that deals with the embroidering of coats of arms, as well as the tradition and practice of victoria.

5. – sphragistics - A supplementary historical discipline, which weaves seals (matrices) and their signatures on various materials.

6. – numismatics - A supplementary historical discipline that develops the history of monetary carving and penny obigu.

7. – genealogy - Additional historical discipline, deals with the formation of native mutual relations of people, the history of slopes, the journey of other families, the establishment of native links, the folding of generational roses and genealogical trees.

8. – metrology - the science of chemistry, methods of ensuring the safety of their uniformity and the means of achieving the necessary accuracy.

2) Blitz - tournament

I am preaching Blitz to you - a tournament, which means how science is turning subjects, how I will show you.

    Arkush of the ancient book - paleography.

    Medal - phaleristics.

    Coat of arms - heraldry.

    Coin - numismatics.

    Druk - sphragistics

    Rodovid tree - genealogy.

    Prapor - foreknowledge

Vexillology is a historical discipline that deals with the ensigns and ensigns. Vaughn is controversial with heraldry. Indeed, a lot of rice is combined with emblems, even more often ensigns were just one of the ways to convey an emblem image. But all the same, there was no trace of the coat of arms and ensign. Stink, even “berries of one field”, but there are plenty of vіdminnosti in their history.

    Scoop – archeology

    Weight - metrology

4. Chronology - the science of the hour.

People always valued the hour, learned correctly to respect yoga, take care of it. For history it is especially important. Without knowing the dates, you can only know the history. I am responsible to the viscounty for the knowledge of chronology. Forget the Holy Powers of the Russian Federation.

1. Work in pairs, mutual verification.

Sovereigns of Holy Russia. Spіvіdneststi holy that їх dates.

    New River;

    Holy spring and practice;

    Day of defender of Vitchizni;

    Christmas Day;

    Peremoga Day;

    National Unity Day;

    Independence Day of Russia;

    International women's day.

2. Self-supporting work in zoshity, white dosh.

Write the wiki in Roman numerals.

5. What is the historical map about?

“The seas are - you can’t swim,

Roads є - їhati is not possible,

Earth є - yelling is not possible. What is it?

Correctly tse istorichna map.

Know the history well, visibly show us and help us with a historical map.

- how did the powers of the ancient world see you?

- I will propagate the Roman power at different periods of її іsnuvannya.

Roman Republic in 4 - 3 tbsp. BC

How can we give you an opinion on the main supply? Which version has been confirmed?


"History - in the past of mankind, that science about the past of mankind"

Transferring the whiskers from the problem:

History is necessary for understanding the past and understanding in the present day, and in which historical knowledge helps us.


1) work in groups

How do you know, we, people of the 21st century, are guilty of remembering those who were in the past? Formulate your position and argue (explain) її. Write down your opinion.

I respect that _____________



Because _______________




Game reception:

Learn according to your will (or for the bajans) to confess your thought about history, having begun її zі slіv "World of History - Tse...". The one whose thought suits the greater number of classmates wins.

V. I would like to finish the lesson with the words of the old Roman orator Cicero: “Do not know history means to be a child.”

Let's play history so we can grow up! FORWARD! THE SVIT HISTORY!

Summary of the lesson in history.
Class: 5
Theme of the lesson: Dzherela know the past.
Type of lesson: combinations.
Meta-lesson: to put things in order in historical science with the butt of arranging historical roots into groups.
Lesson task:
- on the basis of work with a handyman, an illustrative series, classify information, give a description of historical dzherel;
- on the basis of the analysis of the taken from different sources of information, learn the formulas and virishuvati of the recognition task;
- to develop communicative zdіbnosti pіd hour of work in groups, to form skills to assess their activity and the activity of the team.
Ownership: - Assistant: A.N. Maikov. History. Introduction to history. Grade 5 M. "Ventana-Count" 2010;
- Cards (Supplement 1).
Lesson Hide:
Stages of the lesson
Organizational moment
Perevіryaє, naskіlki comfortably feel the learners, the readiness of the working place, create a situation of success. Checking those present. Prepare the work place.
Home care experience
Usny z mіstsya (for bajannyam)
History is the science of the past.
Archeology, chronology, ethnography, numismatics, heraldry, genealogy, etc. Power supply:
What is history?
Do you know how science is a helper of history?
Transition to the development of new material
Rozmova Organizing a conversation with the students:
Introductory prayer.
If someone wanted to live at the museum once, but were you there? What did you drink? And how do you know who the exhibits can find out about the past days?
Recall the topic of the lesson: You have already understood that the topic of the lesson is “Dzherela know about the past”.
Read the topic of the lesson and try to formulate your task for the lesson.
Significance of the task of the skin lesson for the topic:
Understand: historical dzherelo, monument, archive-museum, library, document.
Vmiti klassifikuvati dzherel.
Significant recognition of museums, archives, libraries. Give food, write down the topic of the lesson in a file, formulate a task, write a task in a file.
Introduction of new material
Rozpovid - entry
Work with cards Long time ago, people diligently saved up reports about the past: they passed from generation to generation about heroes, recorded reports about wars of that dash, erected monuments, photographed their loved ones, filmed them.
Forwarding inquiries:
Photographs, leaves, speeches, especially those that belonged to the older generations.
Peredbachuvana vidpovid:
Hurry for everything. Speeches can be spoken, they can be extorted from negligence.
Look at the pictures that determine the causes of the death of objects (Addendum No. 1).
How bachite, strength, how can you live in the past, rich! It is my fault to save the memory of the past. Everything that, if it was created by people, is called historical dzherel. The stench allows us to learn the history of mankind.
Have a sci- entific vcheni pragvat to order the otrimani vіdomosti. Historical science is not blameless. Take a look at the image on p.11 that is designated as a group of dzherel (letters, speeches).
Power supply:
And how do they save history from your family?
Can you save all the things of the past?
They name things that tell about the history of the world.
And how do you think, what is it, what can you do?
Name natural phenomena, which can cause the death of historical records.
And how can the person herself cause the ruin of the past fates? How do you feel? (Supplement No. 1).
Show on the ruinous results of activity.
Write down the appointment of zoshity:
Historical dzherelotse is the whole complex of documents and objects of culture, which depicted the historical process, on the basis of which there are statements about that other historical era, hypotheses are hung about the causes or the legacy that caused these other historical subhistory.
Practice from illustrations on p. 11., shatter the visnovki, write down at the zoshit.
You can subdivide all subjects into two groups: letters, speech.
And how do you think, before what kind of a group should such a dzherela be placed, like a saying, an afterword, a song, an admonition? (Usn, tobto dzherela, yakі can be saved in the form of sleep, passing on the appearance of the older generations to the younger ones.)
Fіzkul'tkhvilinka Include musical suprovіd Vikonuyu have the right to show them to the reader.
Introduction of new material
A robot with a handyman is called historical monuments.
Forwarding inquiries:
Churches, Hermitage, Peterhof, Peter and Paul Fortress and others.
Write down the meaning of the term in zoshit:
Monument - tse divination about the past, yogo part.
Should I put some reminders on the territory of our place?
Hang out your pardon. Name monuments.
And chi zamislyuvalis if, de zberіgayutsya and vystavlyayutsya for infamous glance at the subject of mystekstva, a reminder of history?
Prislovlyuyut: museums, libraries, museum.
Pratsiyuyut iz podruchnik p.16-18.
Write down the choice of terms in zoshit.
Podbag fastening
Frontal experience
"Knowledge Contest" Organize activities from the acquisition of new knowledge: "Knowledge Contest". (Addendum No. 2) Whack the robot.
Home task
- put together a crossword puzzle with topics covered;
- Fold the test with the topics passed (no more than 10). Write down the appointment with the child.
"Cards" Propose to conduct a reflection of Zelen - the lesson has already been vouchsafed.
Chervona - not worthy.
Addendum 2
How can natural phenomena cause the activity of people to cause the monuments of history to perish? Chi do vіdomi vіpadki ruynuvannya memorabilia of antiquity in our region? (Zagibel pam'yatok vnaslіdok zemletrusіv, zsuvіv, uraganіv, poveney Dіyalnіst people zavdaє Skoda pam'yatnikam іstorії:.. Stvorennya vodoskhovisch, budіvnitstvo pіdzemnih komunіkatsіy, vіdmova od Venue of restavratsіynih robіt, nedbalіst have Nashomu selischі residual Bulo zruynovano budіvlyu school, zbudovanu pіslya vіyni , at the hour of war To carry out repair work on the facades of the old living quarters, modern materials are used (at which the architecture of the last war hour is not repeated).
How do people save information about the past? (People create monuments that enhance historical podії, heroes).
Name the groups of historical dzherels. (letters, speech, sleep).
With what method are archives, museums, libraries created? (The stench is created for the sake of saving, reviving that victoria of historical dzherel).
Like museums, roztashovanny near Volgograd, do you know? (Museum of the Defense of Tsaritsyn, Panorama Museum of the Battle of Stalingrad, Regional Museum).


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