Olympic history of mystetskoy gymnastics presentation. Artistic gymnastics

Olympic history of mystetskoy gymnastics presentation. Artistic gymnastics

Sports gymnastics
gymnastics - a sport,
what does magic include
on gymnastic equipment,
have free rights
support streaks.
current program
gymnastic bagato wrestling: for
woman - on beams of different heights,
decks, in support streaks, free
employment; for cholovіkіv - vіlny
in rights, support haircuts, on horseback,
rings, parallel beams and

History of Artistic Gymnastics

right entered into
system of physical development
Ancient Greece, served as a
preparation of young people to participate in
Olympic games. From the end of the XVIII -
the beginning of the 19th century in Western Europe
Russian systems of physical conditioning
vikoristovuvalis right on
gymnastic equipment, support haircuts.
In the 2nd half of the 19th century at the lower lands
Western Europe began to be held
gymnastic rights. first
zmagannya in Russia vydbulisya 1885
rock near Moscow.
In 1881, the International Federation of Gymnastics was created. W 1896 roku
sports gymnastics is included in the programs of the Olympic Games, since 1928
Olympic games take the fate of a woman. Since 1903 the championships have been held
world (until 1913 - once in 2 years, from 1922 - once in 4 years), from 1934 in championships
take the fate of a woman.
The 1st half of the 20th century had the greatest success in the Olympic Games and
championships, the gymnasts of Czechoslovakia, Italy, France,
Switzerland, Nіmechchina, Finland, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, USA.

International Federation of Gymnastics

International federation
gymnastics (fr. Federation Internationale de
Gymnastique (FIG) or English International
Federation of Gymnastics (IFG) - federation
gymnastic sport. Founded
July 23, 1881 at the Liege city
(Belgium), what to rob її old
international sports federation.
Spopchatka is called European
Gymnastics Federation,
the organization included three border-members:
Belgium, France and the Netherlands, docks
1921 before it were admitted and not
European lands. Todi won i
won its present name.
expand the rules of speeches, which rules
assessments of performances of gymnasts

Renovated beams

Raznovysoki bars - sports equipment that zastosovuetsya
in sports gymnastics for women. People win victorious
parallel beams.


deck - one
3 shells
wedge bar 5
meters and
10 wide
placing on
height 125
Coating shell
with a scarf or

Support haircut (women)

When vikonnі supporting strobok
athlete rozbіgaєtsya by road,
let's look for help
special frail
spring mіstka i rob
strebok, under the hour of which wine is guilty
zrobiti dodatkove
(gymnastic kіn or
special projectile). Have a haircut
supplementary acrobatic
elements in povіtry (somersault,
feast, wrap). ledge
rated for folding
vykonanyh elements, their purity,
the presence of pardons. especially
respect is added to the vigor

Vіlnі right (women)

Vilni have the right to pass on
"kilim" - square platform. Women
free right - single
type of program of sports gymnastics,
beat the music. Women
zmagannyh suddi vrakhovuyut rіven
choreographic training

Vіlnі right (persons)

You have the right to enter the program as women, so
human tournaments. The performance of an athlete is evaluated for
foldedness of the consummate elements, their purity, vivacity
pardon. The gymnast is guilty of free people
include in your combination elements from various structural
group. There are 4 such groups plus a dismount (nipple on freestyle.
the right to use the final acrobatic diagonal).

Support stribok (persons)

Get on horseback

Kіn - one of the shells of sports gymnastics.
Right on the horse to enter the programs of the people
zmagan, moreover, the throw can win in
yak projectile for a supporting haircut.

Right on the rings

Kіltsya - one of the shells
sports gymnastics. Right on
cycles to enter the programs of people
zmagan. Kіltsya - rickety
projectile, what are two
ring from undeformed
material, suspended on a height
special cables.

Parallel bars

Parallel bars -
sports Equipment,
stop at the sports
gymnastics for people
vikoristovuyutsya different
bars. Bars - shell, yaki
go in your own strength
elements, so and makhovі ta
allow the athlete
vicorist to the maximum
number of elements from themselves
different structural groups. IN
a gymnast can do a combination
enter statically
position - kut, stand on
hands, elements over i pіd
poles, elements at rest
rest on hands, elements
wrapping on somersaults and without.
Kіnts_vka combination - tse


Crossbar or turnik - one of the shells of the sports
gymnastics. Right on the crossbar enter to the program
human magic. Crossbar - bar made of steel,
fixed on vertical posts and fixed at
help with steel wires.

Artistic gymnastics

Artistic gymnastics - view
sports, vikonannya pіd music
different gymnastics and
dance rights without
subject, as well as the subject
(Rope, hoop, ball, maces, stitch).
Rest hour come forward
without a subject not carried out on
light magic
class. With group
the ledges vicorate
or two at once
objects of one kind.

History of artistic gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics - split
young sport; by my appearance
goiter, knitting to the ballet meters of the famous
Mariinsky Theatre. For a small term
having won your own reason for the sport
light vdyachnist and may
number of shanuvalniks in all tufts
terrestrial kuli.
1913 year at the Leningrad Institute of Physical Culture named after
Lesgafta bula vіdkrita vishcha art school
rush. April 1941
artistic gymnastics championship. Gymnasts begin
vizhdzhati for interi SRSR іz ostentatious ledges in
Belgium, France, FRN. Whose artistic gymnastics
bula recognized by the International Federation of Gymnastics
sports. 1960 the first official was held in Sofia
international zustrіch: Bulgaria - SRSR - Czechoslovakia, and
3 rocks of Budapest pass the first official international
zmagannya, called the European Cup.

Artistic gymnastics

Teachers of physical culture


Davidenko Yuliya Mikhailivna


  • Artistic gymnastics- a kind of sport, playing music of various gymnastic and dancing rights without an object, as well as with an object (rope, hoop, ball, mace, string).

  • Artistic gymnastics is a very young sport; his appearance in the ballet of the famous Marlin theater. For a relatively small term of its origin, this sport has won world power and a large number of dancers in all corners of the earth's backwoods.
  • In 1913, a school of artistic movement was founded at the Leningrad Institute of Physical Culture named after P.F. Lesgaft. Roza Varshavska, Olena Gorlova, Anastasia Nevinska, Oleksandra Semyonova-Naypak became the first saints of the її. All the performances before coming to the Higher School of Musical Gymnastics had little experience with the work: “aesthetic gymnastics” - Francois Delsarte, “rhythmic gymnastics” - Emile Jacques del Croze, “dance gymnastics” - Georges Demin and Aysedoritsa Duun. Zlittya buy all these directly in gymnastics, the appearance of a sophisticated kind of sport.

  • 1980 - becoming a turning point for artistic gymnastics, after the completion of the Olympic Games near Moscow, the IOC congress praised the decision to include this sport in the Olympic Games program. The Olympic history of rhythmic gymnastics begins in 1984, if the Canadian Lori Fang won the gold medal in Los Angeles before the Olympics.
  • After several years, Marina Lobach became the Olympic champion in Seoul, Oleksandra Timoshenko won in Barcelona, ​​Katerina Serebryanskaya in Atlanta, Yulia Barsukova in Sydney, Alina Kabaeva in Athens, Evgenia Kaneva in Beijing. Starting from the Olympic Igors in Atlanta, artistic gymnastics was represented mainly by two divisions: the rights of individuals and groups.

  • In 2001, 2003 and 2005, the International Gymnastics Federation changed the technical regulations in order to add technical elements and change the subjectivity of the marks. Until 2001, the rating was set on a 10-point scale, which was changed to a 30-point scale in 2003 and to a 20-point scale in 2005.

Acts of particularity artistic gymnastics

  • The first steps in artistic gymnastics are in the age of a young child - in 3-5 years, so that the child's body is richly adapted to the development of gnuchkost, coordination and swidkost ruhiv. Golovnі like a gymnast tse willpower, vitrivalіst that plasticity. As a rule, already at 14-16 years old, athletes have to separate from gymnastics or go to sports ballet. Only deaky gymnasts continue their sports career up to 20-22 years.

  • It is impossible not to notice the fact that artistic gymnastics, more precisely, the assessment of the results of performances, is very subjective. Serious scandals have been blamed more than once and caused the disqualification of judges through the nervous promotion to athletes.

Olympic champions

Kabaeva Alina

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The presentation on the topic "Rhythmic Gymnastics" can be downloaded free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: Suspіlstvoznavstvo. Barvy slides and illustrations will help you to win over your classmates and audience. For a review, use the player instead, otherwise you want to add additional text - press the appropriate text under the player. Presentation 9 slides.

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Artistic gymnastics is a very young sport; his appearance in the ballet of the famous Marlin theater. For a relatively small term of its origin, this sport has won world power and a large number of dancers in all corners of the earth's backwoods. In 1913, a school of artistic movement was founded at the Leningrad Institute of Physical Culture named after P.F. Lesgaft. Roza Varshavska, Olena Gorlova, Anastasia Nevinska, Oleksandra Semyonova-Naypak became the first saints of the її. All the performances before coming to the Higher School of Musical Gymnastics had little experience with the work: “aesthetic gymnastics” - Francois Delsarte, “rhythmic gymnastics” - Emile Jacques del Croze, “dance gymnastics” - Georges Demin and Aysedoritsa Duun. Zlittya buy all these directly in gymnastics, the appearance of a sophisticated kind of sport.

slide 4

Olympic history

1980 - becoming a turning point for artistic gymnastics, after the completion of the Olympic Games near Moscow, the IOC congress praised the decision to include this sport in the Olympic Games program. The Olympic history of rhythmic gymnastics begins in 1984, if the Canadian Lori Fang won the gold medal in Los Angeles before the Olympics. After several years, Marina Lobach became the Olympic champion in Seoul, Oleksandra Timoshenko won in Barcelona, ​​Katerina Serebryanskaya in Atlanta, Yulia Barsukova in Sydney, Alina Kabaeva in Athens, Evgenia Kaneva in Beijing. Starting from the Olympic Igors in Atlanta, artistic gymnastics was represented mainly by two divisions: the rights of individuals and groups.

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Grading system

In 2001, 2003 and 2005, the International Gymnastics Federation changed the technical regulations in order to add technical elements and change the subjectivity of the marks. Until 2001, the rating was set on a 10-point scale, which was changed to a 30-point scale in 2003 and to a 20-point scale in 2005.

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Acts of peculiarities of artistic gymnastics

The first steps in artistic gymnastics are in the age of a young child - in 3-5 years, so that the child's body is richly adapted to the development of gnuchkost, coordination and swidkost ruhiv. Golovnі like a gymnast tse willpower, vitrivalіst that plasticity. As a rule, already at 14-16 years old, athletes have to separate from gymnastics or go to sports ballet. Only deaky gymnasts continue their sports career up to 20-22 years.

Slide 7


It is impossible not to notice the fact that artistic gymnastics, more precisely, the assessment of the results of performances, is very subjective. Serious scandals have been blamed more than once and caused the disqualification of judges through the nervous promotion to athletes.

Petrushina Ganna

Presentation about the history of artistic gymnastics and about our famous gymnasts.


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Artistic gymnastics Vikonala student 1 1 "A" class Petrushina Ganna Sergiivna

Artistic gymnastics is a kind of sport, playing the music of various gymnastics and dancing rights without an object, and navit with an object (rope, hoop, ball, maces, string). olympic pictogram

For the rest of the hour, performances without an object are not carried out on the magic of the light class. With group ridges, either two types of objects are victorious at the same time (for example, hoops and balls) or one type (for example, five balls, five pairs of maces). Peremozhtsі are vynachayutsya in bugatobstva, in okremi types and group rights.

Must have the right to go under the musical suprovid. Previously, they performed under the piano or one instrument. They are victorious with orchestral phonograms. Choose the music to lie down in the bazhan of the gymnast and the coach. Ale, the skin is right, but can be no more than repeating the hvilini. Zmagannya are used on a gymnastic kilim with a size of 13x13 meters. Classical bagatarstvo (4 right) - olympic discipline. The gymnasts, who compete in individual competitions, traditionally play kits for the city in four types of right (Olympic Games).

Come up with a thirty-tibal system. One of the largest and most sophisticated kinds of sports. In the USSR, artistic gymnastics as a sport of vinyl was formed in the 1940s. Since 1984, rock is an Olympic sport. Until recently, it was an exclusive female sport, however, since the end of the 20th century, zavdyaks for Japanese gymnasts began to be held by men and women.

Artistic gymnastics is a very young sport; his appearance in the ballet of the famous Mariinsky theater. For a small term of its foundation, this sport has won world power and a large number of dancers in all corners of the earth's backwoods. History

In April 1941, the year of organizing and conducting by graduates and teachers of the school, the first championship of Leningrad in artistic gymnastics. In 40 years, the development of artistic gymnastics, like all other sports of the Russian Federation, practically zipped through the Great Vitchiznyanu war. In 1948, the first championship of the USSR in artistic gymnastics was held. In 1945, the All-Union Section of Rhythmic Gymnastics was created, and in 1963 it was transformed into the federation of the SRSR. For example, in the 1940s, the classification program and the rules of magic were broken down. And given the development of this sport, there were more young participants with an over-the-top swedishness, hoarse daedals.

It was revealed that the fate of the gymnasts was taken not only from Europe, and at the same time it was decided to commend the champion of the world by the first championship, and the yoga champion - Muscovite Lyudmila Savinkova - the first champion of the world. In Budapest, the magic was carried out according to the rules adopted in the SRSR, and even more so according to a sufficient program.

The Olympic history of 1980 became a turning point for artistic gymnastics, after the completion of the Olympic Games near Moscow, at the IOC congress a decision was made to include this sport in the program of the Olympic Games. The Olympic history of rhythmic gymnastics begins in 1984, when Canadian Lori Fang won gold in Los Angeles first. After several years, Marina Lobach became the Olympic champion in Seoul, Oleksandra Timoshenko won in Barcelona, ​​Katerina Serebryanskaya in Atlanta, Yulia Barsukova in Sydney, Alina Kabaeva in Athens, Evgenia Kaneva in Beijing. Starting from the Olympic Igors in Atlanta, artistic gymnastics was represented by two divisions: the rights of individuals and groups.

Grading system

Gymnasts are evaluated by three teams of judges: Difficult (D) to evaluate two subgroups of judges - D1 (2 judges, evaluate the technique of victorious training) and D2 (2 judges, evaluate the technique of robotics with the object). In case of a bad job, the average arithmetic team D1 and D2 is awarded: (D1+D2)/2. Artistry and choreography (A) are evaluated by 4 judges; Vikonannya (E) evaluates 4 judges. Stink vikoristovuyut zbavki for pardons; On whether there are signs of obov'yazkovo, the judge-coordinator, who follows the formal side of the ledge (for example, a number of objects on the maidanchik, come out for the maidanchik, then). The summation score is calculated according to the formula: Rating = (D1+D2)/2+A+E

Rhythmic gymnastics in different lands With the help of their foundation, the krajn have always occupied a leading position in the development of this kind of sport. On the cob appeared on the light arena buv SRSR, then Bulgaria. In the period from 1960 to 1991, the main competitive struggle took place between gymnasts from two countries. Moreover, the dominating positions, Crimea, for the past few years were occupied by Bulgarian gymnasts. Representatives of other countries could really claim only silver medals, and most often bronze medals. It is impossible not to notice the popularity of this kind of sport in such countries as Spain, Canada, Italy, Japan, France, Israel. It’s hardly possible to talk about the foundation of our own schools and styles of artistic gymnastics in the krains, but let’s honor the talented athletes, and sometimes, let’s try to shine from the p’edestal of recognition of the leaders.

Rhythmic gymnastics in Russia There is no place for a great settlement of the mіsk type, where they would not go in for sports. It is not for nothing that at the summer Olympic games the most champions in artistic gymnastics are the Russian women. These names are known to us and to the whole world:

Alina Kabaeva

Julia Barsukova

Irina Chashchina

Evgeniya Kanaeva

The special features of artistic gymnastics The training of gymnasts of the young age is separated by a few years for a day. Senior century - to reach the fourteenth year for a day. Golovnі like a gymnast - tse willpower, vitrivality that plasticity. As a rule, already at 14-16 years old, athletes have to separate from gymnastics or go to sports ballet. Only deaky gymnasts continue their sports career up to 20-22 years. As for sports gymnastics, artistic gymnastics is the most accessible and safe kind of sport. However, they hang even higher than the old-looking athletes. Well, recently artistic gymnastics began to transform into aerobics and fitness, so many girls can continue their lives in sports. Sports aerobics and fitness aerobics have more participants - more gymnasts.

Judgment It is impossible not to notice the fact that artistic gymnastics, more precisely, the assessment of the results of performances, is very subjective. Serious scandals have been blamed more than once and brought to the disqualification of judges through nervous promotion to athletes. One of the most important incidents was on the European first place in Zaragoza in 2000 with Olena Vitrichenko. Through this, the rules were repeatedly violated about changing the procedure for judging or releasing a sport from the Olympic program.

Doping Artistic gymnastics was not spared by the problem of doping drugs. They take it, of course, for the promotion of vitrivality and the improvement of the m'yazovoi mass. The main problem of gymnasts is zaiva vaga. That is why the main preparations to be zastosovuyutsya - sechoginnі zasobi (diuretics), yakі, in their own hands, fenced by the All-World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).


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