Ailments, which are transmitted by the state way. Come Prevention

Ailments, which are transmitted by the state way. Come Prevention

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Presentation on the topic: Ailments that are transmitted by the path

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slide number 3

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Syphilis The first sign of being ill with syphilis is the appearance of a small garden, or virazki, which is called a hard shanker (“shanker” in French is a virazka, but it is hard, because the bottom of the virazka is effectively stronger). What is the blame for the hard shanker? French doctors say with humor: “I blame that place, like a sin.” Therefore, the shanker is most often localized on the state organs and on the crotch, but it can also be on the lips, mov, anus. The size of the shanker is from the range of millet to the size of the finger of the little finger. Virazka is filled with motherland, in which case, during the analysis, a large number of bleed spirochetes are revealed. From the moment of the appearance of a solid chanker of ailments for syphilis, it becomes contagious.

slide number 4

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On yoga, the course of syphilis is divided into three periods. The first period, otherwise the first syphilis begins with the appearance of a hard chanker and lasts 1.5-2 months. A day later, a chanker appeared, lymphatic ridges were growing near the virazka. As soon as it appeared on the state organs, then the inguinal lymphatic nodes swell, and as on the lips - subscheleps

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The second period, otherwise the second syphilis trivaet approximately three-chotiri rocks and begins with the appearance of a visipu, which does not peel, does not itch. The hanging of the second period is at the sight of flames at the throat, that leg, pale erysipelas on the trunk. Then bluish-red-red bumps appear on the organs, crotch, inguinal folds. Qi hanging is more contagious. Having woken up for an hour to wake up without exultation, the stench rises, and then we blame again. And so a sprinkling of razіv updovzh three-chotirokh rokіv. Likuvannya, rozpochat in the primary and secondary periods, exultant ailments. Ale can not engage in self-exaltation:

No. slide 6

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The third period affects the bones, blood-bearing judges, the spinal cord and the brain. Trivaє vіn 10-20 years and end with paralysis and bewilderment. With syphilis, like with other infectious diseases, self-infection is not observed. The ailment trivay all life, passing from one period to the next, completely destroying the body of a person. Whose immunity does not vibrate. If a person is happy again, they can become infected with syphilis. The success of the jubilation can be confirmed by analyses. The first analysis is to be done immediately after the end of the wedding, and then after 3, 6 and 12 months. Without such control, it is not possible to be inspired by jubilation.

No. slide 7

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Gonorrhea Gonorrhea is the most widespread venereal disease, as before it gave the picture of sickness to the sickness, but now everything is asymptomatic. To fight the sickness of the unsafe, scaly, ill-tempered gonorrhea transforms into a chronic form, calling for a bezplydya, inflammation of the organs of the human body and inflammation of the appendages in the woman. Immunity after the disease is not affected, it can be re-infected.

No. slide 8

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Signs of gonorrhea in people of the first signs of illness - blackening of the well-known opening of the sichivnik, a slight swelling, as it accompanies the liver and sverbіny, rіz during sichovizkannі. From the opening of the sichivnik, a greenish-yellow rot is constantly winding. Navіt yakscho not to enjoy chi to engage in self-talking, tsі symptoms step by step znikayut and ailments pass into a chronic form. Zagostrennya zahvoryuvannya nastaє after stateevy znosin, vzhivannya alcoholic drinks, weakened to an organism. The ailments reappear at the time of the sechovipkannі that vidіlennya іz sechіvnik. Such manifestations ring out for a short hour and appear without any kind of exaltation, and the ailment renews its chronic form.

No. slide 9

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Signs of gonorrhea in women are affected by all the organs of the body. There are clear rotten visions from the pikhvi, blaming the teasing of the state organs, shkiri stegon. In some cases, there is heaviness at the bottom of the abdomen, pain across during menstruation and rіz during sechovipkannі, but most of the time, the symptoms are weakly pronounced, and women rarely turn on them respect, and the disease goes into a chronic form, affecting the uterus, uterus.

No. slide 10

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Fungal infection, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis In the rest of the hour, doctors more and more often prescribe the fuse of the disease with similar symptoms, but also with different microbes. Whether it is inflamed mucous membranes of pikhvi, they call vaginitis (from the Latin vagina - pikhva). The most wide-ranging pathogens of vaginitis are yeast fungi, trichomoniasis and gardnerella. Inflammation caused by them may have its own peculiarities, but the symptoms are characteristic of them - vision from the lungs, often with an unacceptable smell, severbіzh and liver in the area of ​​the state organs and crotch, and when worn out.

No. slide 11

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Chlamydiosis As a wake-up caller of ailment, serve as another bacterium, like a virus. Therefore, it is important to reveal it. Chlamydia is transmitted only through a path through contact of infected sperm or vaginal vision with the mucous membranes of a healthy person. The symptoms of illness can be bezploddy, post-mortem vaginess, purulent inflammation of the organs of the small pelvis and inflammation of the swollen. Diagnosis of chlamydia is difficult, the road is not always effective. Tse sickness rejoice less at the stage of acute manifestations of antibiotics.

No. slide 12

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Genital herpes and genital warts (condyloma) Offending, however, opposes both men and women, and can become the cause of cancer, wickedness, frontal canopies, or the birth of a dead child. And smut, in women infected with herpes, children become infected at half an hour, and then they get sick at the inflammation of the lungs, otherwise their nervous system is affected.

No. slide 13

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The alarm for genital herpes is the same virus that calls cold sores on the lips. Signs of that perebіg ailments. The incubation period is three to five days long. After the infection on the state organs, beating the anus, or on the intermediary, a group of small bulbs appears, like curves, transforming into small virazki. The stench is painful. Particularly strong is the pain of liver ailments when cutting. As soon as the infection came up, then the body temperature rises, the head hurts, m'yazi. The ailment runs sharply one or two days. Then the colds of herpes are repeated with singing periodicity, but the stench is subjectively easier to endure. It is especially unsafe to take care of the hour of the chergovy spalahu.

No. slide 14

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Syndrome embedded IMUDEF_CITU (CNID in 1981 r. In the USA, Z'VIKOVYY ROSDOMENNEY PRO SEVER, RBSHEKH N'SHORIOVENNI, Yak Viklikaє SERIOZNI SERVOADNESS І ROYDKO SKIMATSHUE SERVICE. Bіlshіsti was hit by Homosexual Choloviki І addicts, ilkzіyi. -Ny France and the United States, it was inadvertently established that this disease has a viral nature, as it was called the swollen immunodeficiency syndrome (SNID).

No. slide 15

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Classification of manifestations of VIL-infection, group 1 Sounds weakly expression syndrome, which manifests itself for 1-2 months. from the moment of infection. However, a possible development of more severe illness with neurological symptoms. In both moods, it may come mimoly, and I will become ill

No. slide 18

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No. slide 19

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In the process of the development of VIL-infection, five periods of time are seen: 1. The period of one hour from the moment of VIL infection to the first manifestation in the blood of the diseased person is not safe for the sickness. This period lasts only 1-3 days. 2. The period of one hour from the moment of VIL infection until the manifestation of symptoms of illness, which develop rapidly (group 1, div. scheme 2). Trivality of this period to become 1-8 days. Illness is accompanied by fever, weakness, enlargement of lymph nodes, or it is more severe, with neurological damage. 3. The period of time after HIV infection until the moment when virus-specific antibodies are detected in the blood (the most extensive method for diagnosing HIV infection). Call this period to become 2-3 months, or you can continue and do more. 4. The period of time depending on the moment of infection with VIL until the manifestation of any apparent symptoms. The trivality of this period is definitely not defined (three times are not less than one day), but often two fates become close. 5. The period of time from VIL infection to the development of SNID.

No. slide 20

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The most important rules that need to be applied for the prevention of SNID: do not sting with galvanized needles for injections and other tools that are used to pierce the skin; swear by condoms, navit yakscho in whom you can not consume for the fear of conception; First, enter into the intimacy of the blue, get to know the people well; Avoid sexual contacts with people who may have a lot of partner partners and which you can suspect of having malicious internal injections; if it is necessary to win donor blood, or prepare prepared on the basis of this, change the stink, if the stench is turned over to the presence of the virus.

No. slide 21

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Krimіnalna Vіdpovіdalnіsta for the infection of Venusichy Hvorobu (Statta 121 QC of the Russian Federation) 1. Injustriality of Іnshio Oracle Venusichny Venus Highness, Jaca knew about the revenue from Nei Tsієї Khvobobi, Karazhi Fine at Roomіrі vіd 200 to 500 mіnіmalnye Romirіv Payments to Pratsi Abo in Rosemіrі for a period of two to five months, or by the right robots for lines from one to two years, or by arrest for lines from three to six months. 2. TE SAME DIANYNY, VSCHINENE STROOVNOE DOCH ABOUT B_BERS OSISB, ABO SHODO ZAPOMO NEVOVOVYLY, KARISE FINANCE IN RODMIRІ VІD 500 TO 700 MINIMAL INTERNET Rosemіv Payments to Pratsі Abo in Rosemіri Survisions Pay Chi-income Zaddens for Perigod Vіd P'yati to Seven Misyatsіv, Abo free will of the term up to two years.

No. slide 22

Description of the slide:

Vіdpovіdaln_st for infection of Vіl-Іnfektsіu kk КК на на на на на відодна на Іншеїние на на набек небек на віль-інфекціюYU karaisnuz заменим вілі на row to Thrhoh Rockіv, Aboy on lines Vіd Thruh up to six mіsyatsіv, abo term to one fate. 2. Infection of another individual with VIL-іnfektsієyu special, as she knew about the manifestation of this disease, is punished for freeing the will on lines up to five years. 3. Diannya, before a part of another section of the statute, charged with two hundred or more errors, or more than one hundred and half, is punished for freeing the will on lines of up to eight years. 4. Infection of another individual with VIL-infection due to an improper vikonnannya with a special professional obligation is punishable by a free will for up to five years in the lines of the exemption of the right to hold a penny, or to be engaged in a long time for a long time.

No. slide 23

Description of the slide:

1. On the basis of the group of the All-World Organization for the Protection of Health, do I spread the ailments that are transmitted by the statute? What do the groups look like? 2. Watch out for signs of syphilis infection. 3. By what rank does that syphilis develop? 4. For what kind of minds can the lure of syphilis be successful? 5. Why is gonorrhea unsafe, and what are the traces of it? 6. What are the signs of infection with gonorrhea? 7. What are the symptoms of vaginitis infection? 8. What is unsafe chlamydia? 9. What paths lead to infection with SNID? 10. What are the most common signs of infection with SNID? 11. Like ailments that are passed on by the path, can they become deadly?

slide number 24

Description of the slide:

Home tasks Task 15. Formulate the rules of conduct, yakі help to get rid of venereal disease. Task 16. Compile a report table, in which name the ailment, which are transmitted by the state way, their signs, heritage, ways to zapobigannya that exuberance.

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Captions before slides:

Subject: Ailments, which are transmitted by the State way. Come prevention. SNID and yoga prevention.

Meta: date of notification about the main ailments that are transmitted by the state route (BPSSh), go to the prevention of these diseases; determine the causes of the ways of infection with skin-venereal diseases; learn about illnesses on SNID and go in for prevention.

Venereal ailments (Venus is the goddess of beauty in Roman mythology) are a group of infectious ailments, the ailments of which are transmitted importantly by the path. For the rest of the years, the number of ills that are transmitted by the state way, has increased in sprat times. One of the main reasons is a better look at the sex and sexual desires of young people. Nine are available for over 20 IPSSH.

Why is the BPSSH unsafe with the damage of the internal organs with paralysis and the mental disorders of the people without children and the sickness of the children and the disintegration of this nation

Statistics for the rest of the years: Sickness for syphilis increased 40 times. The number of seizures born to syphilis grew 20 times. STDs have become younger and ailments have been repaired on them since 12-14 years. The most common cases of illness are in the osib century 20-21, another month - 15-19.

General rules of prevention Utrimannya in case of vicious state contacts Mutual fidelity of young people Vikorstannya zabіv zabіgannya In times of suspected infection, turn to a likuvalny pledge

Syphilis is respected by the worst venereal disease. Zbudnik - a blaze of treponema is swallowed by the blood like a stateway, and through holes, sadna, wind pots, chicken with ailments of one cigarette, fouling with household items (toothbrush, spoon). Signs of illness appear 3-4 days after contact.

Orogove-vі vysipannya on shkіrі pіdоshvy with syphilis. Ospen-novidny visip on the skin with syphilis Papular visip on the tongue with syphilis. Visip at vyglyadі ektim on the shkіrі of the tulub and the upper tip in case of syphilis.

The period of infection The first period is characterized by the appearance of erosive chi of the virus (hard chancre) at home in the transmission of treponemia, most often in the area of ​​the organs. Second period (after 1-2 months). There is a visip on the skin of the tunic, under the soles, dolons, mucous membranes of the state organs, constant headaches, pain in the brushes, increased lymphatic nodes. The third period is characterized by damage to the skin and mucous membranes, internal organs, bones, nervous system, sensitivity of the legs is expended, teeth are affected, and the nose fails.

Tubercular syphilis in the appearance of bulges on the tops of the homoline in tertiary syphilis. Suspension in case of secondary recurrent syphilis on the scales. Visip in case of secondary recurrent syphilis on the shkir of the foot.

Gonorrhea is a venereal disease that is called gonococcus. The incubation period is 3-6 days on average. Signs of illness: bіl іrіz pіd аn hour of sechovipkannya, ryasnі rotny vіdіlennyа іz sechіvnik, inflamed, partly call before sichovіpkannya. If you don’t get sick, then the frost, heart, and brain are affected by the wake-up call. Prevention: after a convulsive state contact, thoroughly wash with warm water from a nice state body and adjacent areas, spraying and douching with potassium permanganate, prophylactic medical examination (smear on gonokoki), vikoristannya condoms.

SNID - chronic immunodeficiency syndrome. This is the final stage of an infectious disease that is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and that is transmitted through blood-to-blood contact. Ways of transmission In case of stigmatization In case of transfusion of blood and її components In case of any medical instrument tainted with blood from the worker In case of internal injections with non-sterile syringes among drug addicts, the only way to fight against SNID is prevention.

Periods of VIL-infection The incubation period is three to three to ten months. The period of the first manifestations is three times a day, up to 2.5 months, or it can be up to 1 day. The period of second manifestations lasts for several months up to 8-10 years. The period of infection is three times per month, up to 3-5 years. The main cause of sickness and mortality in SNID is not the virus itself, but other infections and sickness, as the organism cannot repair the result of HIV infection.

Kaposi's sarcoma of the skin is a form of soft and hard mucosa in a patient with SNID. Virazki Kaposi's sarcoma in the area of ​​left homoline in a patient with SNID. Illness on SNID.

Vidpovidalnist for infection with VIL-infection, transferred to Art. 122 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: If an individual is placed on the safe side of being infected with VIL-infection, it is punishable by imprisonment for lines up to three years, or by arrest for a term of three to six months, or by freeing the will for lines up to one year. Infection of another individual with VIL-іnfektsієyu special, as she knew about the presence of a disease, is punishable by free will on lines up to five years.

SNID nevilikovny and inevitably leads to death! Vaccines against VIL-infections NEMA! Radical method of jubilation NI! You yourself are picking up your way!

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slide presentations

slide 1

Ailments that are transmitted by the path

Lesson from the basics of life safety

slide 2

A camp with ailments, which are passed on by the state path, none

the middle adult population grew up 16 times in the youth middle age - 28 times. (ailments began to strike children aged 12-14, moreover, they became infected independently, but not like sick fathers).

slide 3

The first sign of being ill with syphilis is the appearance of a small garden, or virazki, as they call hard chancre (“chancre” in French is virazka, but it is hard, because the bottom of the virazka is more effective). What is the blame for the hard shanker? French doctors say with humor: “I blame that place, like a sin.” Therefore, the shanker is most often localized on the state organs and on the crotch, but it can also be on the lips, mov, anus. The size of the shanker is from the range of millet to the size of the finger of the little finger. Virazka is filled with motherland, in which case, during the analysis, a large number of bleed spirochetes are revealed. From the moment of the appearance of a solid chanker of ailments for syphilis, it becomes contagious.

slide 4

On yoga, the course of syphilis is divided into three periods.

The first period, otherwise the first syphilis begins with the appearance of a hard chanker and lasts 1.5-2 months. A day later, a chanker appeared, lymphatic ridges were growing near the virazka. As soon as it appeared on the state organs, then there are more inguinal lymphatic nodes, and as if on the lips -

slide 5

Second period, or second syphilis

trivaє approximately three-chotiri roki and begin with the appearance of a visipu, which does not peel off, does not itch. The hanging of the second period is at the sight of flames at the throat, that leg, pale erysipelas on the trunk. Then bluish-red-red bumps appear on the organs, crotch, inguinal folds. Qi hanging is more contagious. Having woken up for an hour to wake up without exultation, the stench rises, and then we blame again. And so a sprinkling of razіv updovzh three-chotirokh rokіv. Likuvannya, rozpochat in the primary and secondary periods, exultant ailments. Ale can not engage in self-exaltation:

slide 6

Third period

brushes, blood-bearing judges, dorsal and cephalic brains are affected. Trivaє vіn 10-20 years and end with paralysis and bewilderment. With syphilis, like with other infectious diseases, self-infection is not observed. The ailment trivay all life, passing from one period to the next, completely destroying the body of a person. Whose immunity does not vibrate. If a person is happy again, they can become infected with syphilis. The success of the jubilation can be confirmed by analyses. The first analysis is to be done immediately after the end of the wedding, and then after 3, 6 and 12 months. Without such control, it is not possible to be inspired by jubilation.

Slide 7

Gonorrhea is the most widespread venereal disease, as before it gave the picture of sickness to the sickness, but now everything is asymptomatic. To fight the sickness of the unsafe, scaly, ill-tempered gonorrhea transforms into a chronic form, calling for a bezplydya, inflammation of the organs of the human body and inflammation of the appendages in the woman. Immunity after the disease is not affected, it can be re-infected.

Slide 8

Signs of gonorrhea in people

the first signs of illness are blackening of the well-known lapel of the sich, a slight swelling that accompanies the liver and severbіny, rіz during sichovipkannі. From the opening of the sichivnik, a greenish-yellow rot is constantly winding. Navіt yakscho not to enjoy chi to engage in self-talking, tsі symptoms step by step znikayut and ailments pass into a chronic form. Zagostrennya zahvoryuvannya nastaє after stateevy znosin, vzhivannya alcoholic drinks, weakened to an organism. The ailments reappear at the time of the sechovipkannі that vidіlennya іz sechіvnik. Such manifestations ring out for a short hour and appear without any kind of exaltation, and the ailment renews its chronic form.

Slide 9

Signs of gonorrhea in women

may be affected by all sechostate organs. There are clear rotten visions from the pikhvi, blaming the teasing of the state organs, shkiri stegon. In some cases, there is heaviness at the bottom of the abdomen, pain across during menstruation and rіz during sechovipkannі, but most of the time, the symptoms are weakly pronounced, and women rarely turn on them respect, and the disease goes into a chronic form, affecting the uterus, uterus.

Slide 10

Fungal infection, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis

In the rest of the hour, the doctors more and more often prescribe the fuse process of the disease with even similar symptoms, but also with different microbes. Whether it is inflamed mucous membranes of pikhvi, they call vaginitis (from the Latin vagina - pikhva). The most wide-ranging pathogens of vaginitis are yeast fungi, trichomoniasis and gardnerella. Inflammation caused by them may have its own peculiarities, but the symptoms are characteristic of them - vision from the lungs, often with an unacceptable smell, severbіzh and liver in the area of ​​the state organs and crotch, and when worn out.

slide 11


To serve as a wake-up caller for ailments is another bacterium, like a virus, like a virus. Therefore, it is important to reveal it. Chlamydia is transmitted only through a path through contact of infected sperm or vaginal vision with the mucous membranes of a healthy person. The symptoms of illness can be bezploddy, post-mortem vaginess, purulent inflammation of the organs of the small pelvis and inflammation of the swollen. Diagnosis of chlamydia is difficult, the road is not always effective. Tse sickness rejoice less at the stage of acute manifestations of antibiotics.

slide 12

Genital herpes and genital warts (warts)

Zbudniks are both ill, which are transmitted by the statute way, є virus. Offending, however, opposes both men and women, and can become the cause of cancer, wickedness, frontal canopies, or the birth of a dead child. And the smut, in women infected with herpes, children become infected at half an hour, and then they get sick at the inflammation of the lungs, otherwise their nervous system is affected.

slide 13

The alarm for genital herpes is the same virus that calls cold sores on the lips. Signs of that perebіg ailments. The incubation period is three to five days long. After the infection on the state organs, beating the anus, or on the intermediary, a group of small bulbs appears, like curves, transforming into small virazki. The stench is painful. Particularly strong is the pain of liver ailments when cutting. As soon as the infection came up, then the body temperature rises, the head hurts, m'yazi. The ailment runs sharply one or two days. Then the colds of herpes are repeated with singing periodicity, but the stench is subjectively easier to endure. It is especially unsafe to take care of the hour of the chergovy spalahu.

Slide 14

Booted Immunodeficiency Syndrome (SNID)

1981 r. the United States began to report about a new, previously unknown illness, like a serious aggravation and often end in death. Most of the victims were homosexual people and drug addicts, who were aggravated by internal injections. As a result of intensive scientific research, which was carried out in France and the United States, it was inadvertently established that the ailment had a viral nature. Vaughn used the name Booze Immunodeficiency Syndrome (SNID).

slide 15

Classification of manifestations of VIL-infection

Group 1 Sounds like a weak expression syndrome, which manifests itself for 1-2 months. from the moment of infection. However, a possible development of more severe illness with neurological symptoms. In both moods, it may come mimoly, and I will become ill

slide 16

With infection, there are no usual clinical symptoms. In this type of infection, people become asymptomatic carriers of VIL

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Symptoms are: increase in lymph nodes, fever, sickness, increased sweating, bloating, loss of appetite and vag

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Symptoms include fever, vaginitis, diarrhoea, neurological changes, development of secondary infections (e.g. pneumonia) and malignant swelling

Slide 19

In the process, the development of VIL-infection is seen in five hourly periods:

1. The period of one hour from the moment of infection with VIL to the manifestation in the blood of a diseased person in an unsafe for acute illness. This period lasts only 1-3 days. 2. The period of one hour from the moment of VIL infection until the manifestation of symptoms of illness, which develop rapidly (group 1, div. scheme 2). Trivality of this period to become 1-8 days. Illness is accompanied by fever, weakness, enlargement of lymph nodes, or it is more severe, with neurological damage. 3. The period of time after HIV infection until the moment when virus-specific antibodies are detected in the blood (the most extensive method for diagnosing HIV infection). Call this period to become 2-3 months, or you can continue and do more. 4. The period of time depending on the moment of infection with VIL until the manifestation of any apparent symptoms. The trivality of this period is definitely not defined (three times are not less than one day), but often two fates become close. 5. The period of time from VIL infection to the development of SNID.

Slide 20

The most important rules that need to be taken into account for the prevention of SNID:

Don't be afraid of scorching needles for injections and other tools that are used to pierce the skin; swear by condoms, navit yakscho in whom you can not consume for the fear of conception; First, enter into the intimacy of the blue, get to know the people well; Avoid sexual contacts with people who may have a lot of partner partners and which you can suspect of having malicious internal injections; for the need to win donor blood, or preparations prepared on the basis of this, change the stench, if the stench is turned over to the presence of a virus.

slide 21

Criminal liability for infection with venereal disease (Article 121 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

1. INPAPEEN'S ONSHO ORBOI VENERICHY HALF VERION, YAKA KNOW ON WAKE AT NAKI TSIKE KHVOROBI, KARS FLOW THE ROSEMІRІ VID 200 TO 500 MINIMAL ROSEMІRIV PRAYS PRAKSI ABO ABOUT ROSEMІRI INTER PARTY DAY ABOUT ABOUT DEFT TO P'YATI MІODS by the right robots for a term from one year to two years, or by arrest for a term from three to six months. 2. TE SAME DIANYNY, VSCHINENE STROOVNOE DOCH ABOUT B_BERS OSISB, ABO SHODO ZAPOMO NEVOVOVYLY, KARISE FINANCE IN RODMIRІ VІD 500 TO 700 MINIMAL INTERNET Rosemіv Payments to Pratsі Abo in Rosemіri Survisions Pay Chi-income Zaddens for Perigod Vіd P'yati to Seven Misyatsіv, Abo free will of the term up to two years.

slide 22

Vidpovidalnist for HIV infection

The RF CC "Infection with VIL-іnfektsієyu" to say: 1. When an individual is placed in a non-safety zone infected with VIL-іnfektsiєyu, it is punishable by deprivation of will for up to three years, or by arrest for three to six months, or by a prisoner for up to one line. 2. Infection of another individual with VIL-іnfektsієyu special, as she knew about the manifestation of this disease, is punished for freeing the will on lines up to five years. 3. Diannya, before a part of another section of the statute, charged with two hundred or more errors, or more than one hundred and half, is punished for freeing the will on lines of up to eight years. 4. Infection of another individual with VIL-infection due to an improper vikonnannya with a special professional obligation is punishable by a free will for up to five years in the lines of the exemption of the right to hold a penny, or to be engaged in a long time for a long time.

slide 23

Inquiry and task

1. On the basis of the All-World Organization for the Protection of Health, do I share the illnesses that are transmitted by the State way? What do the groups look like? 2. Watch out for signs of syphilis infection. 3. By what rank does that syphilis develop? 4. For what kind of minds can the lure of syphilis be successful? 5. Why is gonorrhea unsafe, and what are the traces of it? 6. What are the signs of infection with gonorrhea? 7. What are the symptoms of vaginitis infection? 8. What is unsafe chlamydia? 9. What paths lead to infection with SNID? 10. What are the most common signs of infection with SNID? 11. Like ailments that are passed on by the path, can they become deadly?

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Task 15. Formulate the rules of conduct, yakі dopomozhuzhut get infected with venereal disease. Task 16. Compile a report table, in which name the ailment, which are transmitted by the state way, their signs, heritage, ways to zapobigannya that exuberance.

  • The text is to be read well, otherwise the audience will not be able to provide the information that is being given, it will be strongly influenced by the news, trying to spread it, but we will have to spend all the interest. For whom it is necessary to correctly select the font, vrakhovuchi, how to broadcast the presentation, and also correctly select the background and text.
  • It is important to conduct a rehearsal of your additional speech, think about how you will get along with the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All come with dosvidom.
  • It is correct to take the choice, because clothes dopovidach also plays a great role in spryyatti yogo vistupu.
  • Try to speak in a singsong manner, smoothly and smoothly.
  • Try to get rid of satisfaction in front of you, then you can be imperturbable and show off less.
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    Historical riddles about venereal disease Nayranisha is a riddle about venereal disease in the biblical parables of King Solomon, who tried them on himself. And it’s not surprising if you have 700 squads and 300 concubines. The old-timers suffered, perhaps, in a number of rows of venereal diseases, and even if they themselves - it is important to understand through the urvpart and illegibility of the description of their symptoms. In the Middle Ages, gonorrhea, or a ripper, was a common scourge, especially in France, de її was called "Burning" or "parisian undead"

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    The statistics of sickness in Russia for the rest of 6 years, for example, sickness for syphilis increased 40 times, and catastrophic increase in the number of cases of syphilis among children - in 45 times the number of cases in the born with syphilis increased.

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    Gonorrhea Gonorrhea is an infection that is transmitted through physical contacts, as well as through speech, that people are sick. It is unacceptable for him to fawn with other people's underpants, pantyhose, washcloths, for that, through qi, you can become infected with gonorrhea and other venereal diseases. More details

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    Signs of illness Infection with rotten visions from the organs of the state is strong in the case of cuts. A rotten vision commemorates sleep after sleep. The infection is expanding and flooding with sich mikhur, nirki, as well as internal organs. Immune memory of being ill is also daily.

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    Syphilis Infection with syphilis does not only occur during physical contacts, but when a sick person gets into the bloodstream of a healthy person through small gardens on a shkir. More details

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    They appear less often after 3-4 days after infection. On the site of the infection, which has got in, a small wound is established, or it is a hard shanker. After 1-2 months, a visip appears on the skies, which disappears and appears again. Then, headaches and pains in the bones may start. Nerve tissue on the spinal cord is damaged in the zanedbanih depressions, sensitivity is lost, the nose is worn out, the teeth are affected, important damage to the skin and internal organs is manifested. Syphilis is transmitted from the fall.

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    SNID AIDS is caused by a virus that attacks T-lymphocytes of the human immune system. The virus consumes a healthy person and becomes a genius device. Klitina begins to vibrate around the parts of viruses. A person is sick at SNID, spending time fighting with any kind of infection and cancerous rebirth of the power of the cells. The organism actually becomes disease-free and hygienic, or in cancer cases, or in infections, often legenev. Know: Infection with the Virus Immunodeficiency People can only have three paths - article paths, shelter - shelter, mother - child. More details


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