Biology science about living organisms presentation. Specific feature of living organisms

Biology science about living organisms presentation. Specific feature of living organisms

Fold the cinquain to understand "biology". Prikmetniki and the discourse are guilty of understanding, and the proposition of the mother is a sensational character. An example of syncwine: 1. Biology 2. Cicava, meaning 3. Vidkrivaє, vivchaє, experiment. 4. Helps to understand nature. 5. Science.

Biology is the science of the living world. Biology is growing diversity, life and functions of living beings and natural groupings, expansion, expansion and development of organisms, their links one to one and with inanimate nature. The legacy of nature began at the early stages of the development of humankind - it made life easier for people.

Biology is the science of the living world. People forgot about the creatures and roslins, passed them from generation to generation, later they began to compile lists of brown roslins and creatures, characterize their power, ways of growing. In 1802 p. French naturalist J.B. Lamarck learned the term "biology" from science.

Biology is the science of the living world. Biology belongs to the fundamental sciences; Science is the sphere of human activity, spiritual virility, directed to the variability and systematization of objective knowledge about activity, one of the forms of suppleness, the phenomenon of culture.

Recognition of the natural sciences The main recognition of the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics) and the humanities (literary studies, mystical sciences) is the most important method in the natural sciences.

Methods of research in biology. 1. Caution (to ascertain the essential authorities); 2. Description (selection of descriptions of facts); 3. Porіvnyalny (poorіvnyannya organіzmіv їх їх parts, znakhodzhennya podіbnostі і vіdminnostі) 4. Experimental (vichennya in accurately vstanovlennyh minds, vіdvoryuєmo)

Methods of research in biology. The modeling method allows you to transfer those that are really impossible to do. The model-form is the kind of recognition, be it a system that displays the original, replaces it, gives information about it. Hypothesis-scientific admission that hangs to explain whether there are any manifestations.

Methods of research in biology. The hypothesis, confirmed by the numerical and various data taken away as a result of the experiments, is respected by the theory. Facts vvazhayut podії or objects that are repeated regularly, or about yaki є unparalleled data.

Algorithm for the hour of scientific research. 1. Statement of the problem, formulating by those, goals and objectives of follow-up. 2. Drawing hypotheses. 3. Planning for follow-up, choice of methodology. 4. Carrying out the practical part of the follow-up, registration of some and the least results.

Biology is the science of the living world. Modern biology is a complex science, which is formed from low independent scientific disciplines with its own objects of study. Botany - growing plants, Zoology - creatures, Biology of humans - anatomical and physiological powers of humans, Microbiology - bacteria

Biology is the science of the living world. Fallow od, in the Branch yakіy lyudskoї dіyalnostі vikoristovuyutsya bіologіchnі knowledge, vidіlyayut takі distsiplіni, yak bіotehnologіya-sukupnіst Promyslova metodіv scho dozvolyayut vikoristovuvati zhivі organіzmi at virobnitstvі tsіnnih for Lyudin produktіv (amіnokislot, bіlkіv, fermentіv, vіtamіnіv, antibіotikіv, gormonіv);

A presentation was given with additional material for the introductory lessonbiology.

biology(from Greek bios - life, logos- the science) - the scienceaboutlife, about the fundamental laws of the foundation and the development of living roots.The subject of її culture is living organisms, life, functions, development, vzaєmini іz the middle of that pohodzhennya.


Captions before slides:

Lesson topic:
“Biology is the science of the living world. ".
meta lesson:
1.Learn from the heads of the course "Fundamentals of Global Biology".2. Usv_domiti rozumіnnya biological doslіdzhen in people and society.3. Vivchiti the main power of living organisms.
Lesson plan:
Biology is like a science. History of development of biology. Biology is a collection of natural sciences. Zagalnі power of living organisms.
Biology as a science.
Biology is the science of living organisms and all manifestations of life. Global biology is the science of global laws and regularities, the power of living nature. The name resembles two Greek words: bios - "life"; logos - "training".
History of science
1779 - the term "biology" was first used by the German professor of anatomy T. Ruz. 1802 - Zh.B. Knowledge began to accumulate and be passed on to generations already in antiquity.
History of science
1 st. n. e. - The First Biological Encyclopedia "Natural History" by Pliny the Elder. Until the 19th century the area of ​​knowledge about living nature was called natural history-description and systematization of knowledge about living nature.
Methods of biology:
Reveal wild laws and regularities.
Biology-succession of natural sciences:
The variety of forms of life
The variety of forms of life
The main powers of living organisms:
Unity of the elementary chemical and biochemical warehouse. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats and nucleic acids, resting in cells, take care of life.
The main power of living organisms
Klitina is a structural and functional unit of living organisms - clitin budova.
The main power of living organisms
The exchange of speech and energy ensures a constant connection to the body with dovkіllya and support for one's life.
The main power of living organisms
Self-creation is the most important power of the living, which promotes the continuity of life. "All living things resemble living beings."
The main power of living organisms
Podrazlivіst - zagalna vlastivіst living, scho allows organisms to orientate in the necessary medium and live in the minds that change.
The main power of living organisms
Presence - the peculiarity of the old and the inner life, behavior and the rhythm of life in the fallow land in Dovkil.
The main power of living organisms
Building up to growth and development. Zrostannia - zbіlshennya rozmіrіv that masi. Rozvytok - irrevocable yakіsnі change for an hour.
The main power of living organisms
Evolutionary development. The mustache of the organisms is found in space, and in the hour. All the changes of the Earth are the result of evolution.

Let’s take a look at what biology is doing, on how it was developed and how it grows, we know what is the main task in the field of scientific knowledge, we know it from history and how it is developed in the world of science.

Main task biologiya polyagaє in that, schob to win all the phenomena of living nature, to reveal the laws, for some times - vi-va-є-sya life, and approach-sit-sya, in this way, to-nі-ma-nіya life like udi-vі-tel-no-go fe-no-me-na, voz-nik-she-go on our planet.

The history of biology is already a long time ago. Fak-ti-che-ska biology has become the first one, for the wedding of someone-swarm of our ancestors, pid-talk-well-la nature itself. The knowledge of biology at the dawn of mankind was not the main intellectual vision (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. The middle of the life of our ancestors.

It was necessary for people to know, like growing, creatures, or mushrooms are not safe, or wipe off, and yak can be vikoristan in a hedgehog; chim likuvati-sya, why s-go-tav-li-wat robes, philanthropy-nі-chiї with-s-pos-lі-nya and іnshі tool-dya pratsі, from which it’s better to be alive. Cі znannya people for-by-mі-on-whether and ne-re-yes-va-li s po-to-lі-nya in-to-lі-nya. Later, people began to create lists of brown trees and creatures, give them names, and show their power. Thank-go-yes-rya tsim know-yum-yam people learned how to grow-ra-shchi-vat growling sa-mo-hundred-i-tel-no, cul-tі-vі-ro-vaty їh, so in-reveal - elk farming (Fig. 3), pre-vra-tiv-she che-lo-ve-ka - co-bi-ra-te-la and watering - n_-ka in the land-le-del -tsya, which gave a hard post to the development of a man-lo-ve-che-th camaraderie in that look, like mi yogo we know at once.

Rice. 3. Formation of a rural state ()

The term “biology” itself was only vindicated in the very beginning of the XVIII century, and was first introduced by the German professor of anatomy Ruz. In 1802, the French na-tu-ra-leaf Jean-Baptiste La-Marck (Fig. 4) propagated the life of this term for the knowledge of science, which weaves living organs, which was logical.

Rice. 4. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck ()

In trans-re-vo-de from the Greek “bios” means “life”, “logos” - “learning”.

Biology of vicorist variety of methods-to-di іs-sli-to-va-nya (Fig. 5), for example, even rich bio-lo-gі-che-sky іs-sli-to-va-nya pro-ho-dyat without means, but on the pri-ro-de - on-blue-de-nya, description-nya, povnya-nya, s-me-re-nya, mo-ni-ring. At the same hour, there was a sign-chil-on a part of the dosl_dzhen-to-va-ny vimagaє la-bo-ra-to-rії. At la-bo-ra-tor-them umovah-bi-lo-gi, becoming-vyat ex-pe-ri-men-ti, implementing-la-yut mo-de-li-ro-vanya. Biology is not a stranger to and іs-to-ri-che-skі me-to-di іs-sli-to-va-nya, to that bio-lo-gіya vivchaє live op-ga-bottom-mi in times-vi-ti , and the development of tse can be trivati-smil-lі-o-no rokiv. Analysis, po-vnyannya - all tsі potuzhnі me-to-di іs-sl-to-va-nya on-ho-dyat with-me-not-nya in bі-lo-gії.

Rice. 5. Natural, laboratory, historical method and analysis ()

Thank-go-yes-rya to the bio-lo-giya on-to-pі-la about-width-n_ data, pos-la-yu-schi glib to understand the manifestation of life and yoga for-to-no-mer-no-stі, set-but-viti-principle-pi-class-si-fi-ka-tsії of living essences, especially-ben-no-stay of their beings va-nya and vza-i-mo-dії s navkolishnіm middle. Biology is a fundamental science, and should not only have an important theoretical character, but also an applied one.

The life of sio-r_k-nya is nemis-li-ma without biological. Tsya science lies in the core-but-vі bagatioh vіd-ras-lei, without some-thing-thing-st-stvo-va-nya so-time-men-no-go-lo-ve-ka would be impossible: strong statehood, medical qi-na, protection of nature (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Biology in different galleys ()

Se-rіk-nya before bі-lo-gi-her sta-v'yat-sya fan-ta-sti-che-skі for-yes-chi, about someone-rih at na-cha-li passed th century, only a dream could be. Gene-na іn-same-not-rіya - young science (Fig. 7), pos-in-la-yu-scha vie-vo-diti or-ga-low-mi z well-no-mi people-lo- ve-ku power-stva-mi, - tezh gіlka bio-lo-gії.

Rice. 7. Genetic engineering ()

A modern biologist of goiter and lingering thinks not only about those who want to take new things. Vіn is guilty in a clear way, how to save those who are already there, and do not destroy the basis of our daily existence. Namely, but in this way, the style of uni-ma-niya is de-la-et-sya this year, in-pro-eco-lo-gії - the sciences about the navkolyshne middle, for some-to-paradise yav-la-єtsya-bio-lo-gі-che-skoї dis-qi-plі-noї.

We are with you global biology, yak vivchaє zagalnі for all or-ga-niz-mov for-to-no-mer-but-stі, in this way it is important-her-shi-mi dis-qi-plі-na-mi, s to- then-ri-mi we lie down in-know-to-miti-sya, become bio-xi-miya, cytology- science about the clitin, ge-not-ti-ka, biology development, e-lu-qi-he-not vchennya-nyaі eco-logy.

List of references

  1. Mamontov S.G., Zakharov V.B., Agafonova I.B., Sonin N.I. Biology of global laws. - Bustard, 2009.
  2. Ponomarova I.M., Kornilova O.A., Chernova N.M. Fundamentals of global biology. Grade 9: Assistant for students of the 9th class of lighting installations / Ed. prof. I.M. Ponomarova. - 2nd view., Rev. - M: Ventana-Graf, 2005.
  3. Pasichnik V.V., Kamensky A.A., Kriksunov E.A. Biology Introduction to global biology and ecology: Handyman for the 9th grade, 3rd species, stereotype. - M: Bustard, 2002.
  1. ().
  3. ().


  1. What is biology and what are the disciplines out there?
  2. What is the main task of biology?
  3. What does your own biology include?

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