Skladnopіdryadne rechennya with the same. Sequential adnexal ordering - what is it? NGN with parallel subordering

Skladnopіdryadne rechennya with the same. Sequential adnexal ordering - what is it? NGN with parallel subordering

Grechishnikova Marina Anatoliivna,

Teacher of Russian Movies and Literature

MBOU "ZOSH No. 2" s.m.t. Urengoy

Skladnopіdryadnі rechennya z dekіlkomа pіdryadnimi. See ordering.

Preparation for DPA. Task B8.

Tsіl – to systematize the knowledge of students on the topic, improve the skills of the work with tests and texts as part of the preparation for the DPA

Lesson task:


  • to make it possible to separate the difference between the order of the folding order;
  • learn from the work of Yuri Afanasiev.


  • develop syntactic skills;
  • develop the skills of robotics with text;
  • develop skills with tests (tasks A1 - B9).


  • to bring love to the native land, to reach the culture of the peoples of Pivnochi that inhabit Yamal;
  • to show the thinking reader on the works of Yamal writers.

Ownership of the lesson:

  • computer;
  • Interactive board;
  • assistant;
  • zoshiti;
  • material (tests, texts).

Hid lesson

  1. Movna warm-up
  1. Read the text - a lesson from the rospovid-bully by Yuri Afanasyev “Two Yalins” (texts should be developed for skin study or projected on the board).

1. Through the storm, the tug was afloat. 2. Hurry up. 3. Mayzhe tizhden Eduk and Oksana traveled by canals to the village on the kovdanka. 4. Mayzhe tizhden - tse behind the hour. 5. And for the life for Eduka, there was one mile. 6. For the first few days of wine, I learned about the world so richly, as if I could not recognize the most recent old one. 7. Light, appearing, great, restless. 8. Like animals in Taizi, all people inhabit it. 9. Turbo is rich for everyone. 10. And let us name the Bulo for Eduk, feel what the earth is, where the people of the whole river may walk without clothes. 11. Just think about it, show yourself at the Arctic without clothes, don’t pay a fee, you want a snail (?!). 12. However, Oksana did not believe in wine in a moment. 13. These little girls were so close, their eyes so deeply enlightened Yogo, that they were afraid of their filthy thoughts. 14. And what? - thought Yoduk. - Why not get along, be your human being in a warm, tidy village?

15. The first axis of the settlement unexpectedly appeared through the waist of the mis. 16. Rozsipani on the ridge of the hut on the schills were stingy, like curly. 17. In the middle of them, a church hung like a capercaillie, with a reddish glow of modrins.18. And far beyond the village, the hospitable yalinkas were washing. 19. The smell of warm bread makes your head spin. 20. Whose smell Educ zmіg vіdіzniti z vіdstanі. 21. You don’t confuse Yogo with anything ...

  1. Find dialect words in the text, replace them with stylistically neutral synonyms.

Kaldanka (near Ave. 3) – choven

Uval (near pr. 16) - vysochina, slope

  1. In 2 paragraphs, know the difference. Write down the proposition numbers.

16 - yak kurchat

17 - wood grouse

18 - comber

  1. Write down the number of the speech with the introductory word.
  1. Write down grammatical basics from propositions 7, 12, 20

7 - great world, restless

12 - wine

20 - Educ zmіg bi vіdrіzniti

  1. Choose the type of sub-order link in the word received "zvіrі in taizі" (proposition 8). To replace the phrase is synonymous with a sub-order sv'azgodzhennya.

Zvyazok - management; taiga animals

  1. Choose the type of sub-order link in the word received "restless world" (proposition 7). To replace the wording is synonymous with sub-order control.

Uzgodzhennya; light without peace

  1. Write down the numbers and folding words.

6, 10, 13

  1. Actualization of knowledge

Write from the text of the speech 10.

And let us name the Bulo for Eduk to feel what the earth is, where the people of the whole river may walk without clothes.

Pobudet scheme qієї propositionsії: [ === ], (scho === ____), (de ____ ===).

Choose the type of suborder (last).

Do you know how you see the order of the folding order? (Memo, Addendum 1).

Bring examples.

  1. Fixed
  1. Choose the type of suborder. Save the table (Appendix 2). Comment clearly. Tables with butts of propositions for the development of skin education. Graduates zapovnyuyut less than 2 stovpchiki.


Order type

the most important hero in the mythology of Khantyє vedmіd, yaky respect great-grandfather

Lastly (smut → first order → first order)

don't suggest what only scrupulous robot to let youma leave

Odnoridne (smut → podryadne vytonchene, podryadne vytonchene)

How to turn around

Parallel, or heterogeneous (dodatkovі mind → smut → dodatkove tlumachne)

podolatfaceless pereshkod,

Parallel, or heterogeneous (additional tsili → smut → additional original)

manager keeping up with the traditions get better tim, who is rich Russian youthread native language, give precedence

Last (brilliant → smutty tlumachne → primordial primordial)

the role of figures in legends.

Last (brilliant → pіdryadne tlumachne → pіdryadne deeds)

For the rights of the people what a beast is a poet, what a wail

Parallel, or heterogeneous (additional primary → smut → progressive primary). In this proposition, the additional parts go up to different words in the head speech.

Writer often go to the reception"turning to the past", sob primusity

One-way (smut → pіdryadne tsіlі, pіdryadne tsіlі).

  1. Read the embossed text. Іz propositions 6-8 (shortcuts from the description “Two yalins”) store 1 folding row with the same order of appendages.

What is the name of this method of compression? (Forgiveness is an angry phrase in one).

  1. In the middle of the data below, know the SPP from the last suborders of the appendages:

1. Not picking up the road, win big to the forest tundra, big nazustrich to the Urals. 2. Big to the point of sickness. 3. Vіn being afraid to swell. 4. Vіn vіdchuvav, scho, yakscho zupinitsya, yoga in the middle of the rose. 5. The heart is not visible. 6. І vіn bіg, bіg on the road, whistling іt іt's own image.

Suggestion: 4

  1. Vikoristovuyuchi the text of the explanation-boule of Y. Afanasyev "Two Yalinas", continue the speech in such a way that the SPP with different types of subordering was written:

Last: I can’t say how many rocks are on the trees .... (like growing on the Ob birch)

One day : We were brought closer by the self-sufficiency of ochіkuvannya the wound, if the settlement with the fish sweat, the torment of cows, the breath of the fresh wind, ... (If the sandpiper-snipe is a wooden shaman's trell to commemorate a pink day).

Parallel (non-uniform): If the headman laughs, he gives up ... (What is wrong with you, like a little fish, ready to cobble).

  1. Testing. Part B8. Presentation (it’s better to conduct classes in a mobile computer class, so that a skin graduate student can independently improve with tests. Since there is no such possibility, a task can be developed for skin training).

1. Among the propositions 1-6, find a folding order of the word with the same suborder of the appendages. Write the number of the proposition.

(1) It’s rich who didn’t go to master Pivnich and live in Yamal, but earn money. (2) It didn’t seem like it happened: after 15 fates, having given the “strength” of the wild Pivnoch - turn me in the middle, give me everything. (3) And they gave, and kissed goodbye, and the “moving” Daedals more darted into the darkness, they condemned for a long time: don’t piss off the cadres. (4) The other and the third generation of children of the chickens did not see passports.

(5) “Yamal took the third blow off the cob of oil and gas development. (6) At the same time, the organizers themselves do not know, they have already created places to work with the population.

2. Among propositions 1-6, find a folding proposition with parallel (non-uniform) suborders. Write the number of the proposition.

(1) When navigation is closed, it is practical to put barriers on the Ob fenced. (2) Alas, it’s better to set up a fence, and it’s impossible for a riboinspector with pishnei to be fooled. (3) How many holes do you need to cut through?! (4) For the regulation of amateur fishing on the riverside in the rivers in the valleys, zasosuvat for the approval of the licensed forks. (5) Proof of this is true in case of an insignificant by-catch of valuable species of ribs, which in no way negatively affects the existing fish stocks, and in the autumn on smooth sands, if the rest are depleted of fishermen, waking up to winter.

(6) It is necessary to vrahuvati, that the fishing of the autumn, in the wind, near the crying water, is not easy to malt.

3. In the middle of propositions 1-5, find a folding order of the word with the same suborder of the appendages. Write the number of the proposition.

(1) Visibility of licensed fishing from the collection of cats, partly for the development of fishing, smut - from the breeding of the people themselves. (2) If you want ribality - poprate on the cleaned living creatures, hang out sprats of bushes for the improvement of the shores of spawning rivers, grow your own deposit at the juveniles. (3) The one who took the fish, but did not break it, who violated the rules of fishing, may be excluded from the partnership or sometimes outside of fishing. (4) It turns out that fishermen-amateurs for the purpose of their living are more jealous to follow their yard, give and help in the fight against evil poaching. (5) The opinion of the rest is still insignificant.

4. In the middle of propositions 1-7, find a folding order of the word with the same suborder of the appendages. Write the number of the proposition.

(1) Poachers. (2) Who stinks? (3) Well, people. (4) Alas, there are people who are sure to go to those who want to control the nature of shkodi. (5) And how to be with others, who love their own Oh, who for these other reasons are swindlers? (6) Qi does not represent Yogo hearing the very word - poacher? (7) So far, such a difference is not visible, and only to those who are far from everything in the organization of amateur fishing.

5. In the middle of propositions 1-5, find a folding order of the word with the last order of the appendages. Write the number of the proposition.

(1) In the rest of the days of the leap year, which passed, the flints, crushed from the logs of the houses near the village, in the heavy snow on the ground, squeezed even closer to the ground. (2) The old budіvlya office, not displaying such pretentiousness, leaned on the court parkan, but proudly and poked on the sheen holder of the tripo ensigns, all tarnished and invisibly if they were placed there. (3) An ensign glorifying the indestructible and mighty Union, if there was another river in the courtyard, other political weather. (4) But the people of Yamal have not changed morally in the vchinkah. (5) On the pediment of the office, the hangings of flaking were still dying out, as the fishermen and fishermen called out to strike and give one hundred square meters over the plan, more than one hundred square meters to lay down the share of the Batkivshchyna.

6. In the middle of propositions 1-6, find a folding proposition with parallel suborders of the adnexal. Write the number of the proposition.

(1) "At once you'll be "zhik"!" - Styopka explained to her mentor, as if with a migraine pain she took a childish noise and impatiently checked if she died. (2) The stars came out, Styopka did not know. (3) That hіba yogo could sіkaviti, scho alone go to the Extreme Pіvnіchna be, others - to earn a pivnіch experience for retirement, for a coefficient. (4) Ale took pity on the caregiver of the boarding school in the village with her unsociableness, did not trust the arrogance of the yagus and the little ones, and was wary of becoming tundra dwellers in their families. (5) It is not easy to take deer and fishermen to the boarding school at the Batkiv camps, but when they come to their home - chum - roam. (6) And as a teacher, having begun speaking with my dear mother, then becoming no less like a rum - a friend, who, in case of need, needs a little gift.

7. In the middle of propositions 1-6, find a folding proposition with similar propositions. Write the number of the proposition.

(1) The zaviryuha sounded more and more evilly, but the voices in the plague, illuminated by the sound of a kilkom with electric bulbs, were a little far away. (2) Chuprov did not catch the canopy, like a man in a mask squelched the yoma for the comir of the new kіvsh krizhanoї water. (3) “Well, fuck it,” Styopka groaned. (4) Having fallen to the heart of the host, that winding added noise to those merry guests.

(5) How did you fail to pass on all the traces? (6) Adzhe vin is guilty of the nobility, who to ask for and take him, like a handcuff, to Odnokogo, who, if necessary, to bring the hoarder to the settlement, if necessary.

8. In the middle of propositions 1-6, find a folding order of the word with the last order of the appendages. Write the number of the proposition.

(1) Vyvodok vovkіv vіn knowing the past fate, and ninі chotiri odnorichnі tsutsenya the same practice took place in a blizzard. (2) All the weakened deer were stabbed with a knife, their corpses were blackened in the snow. (3) De-ne-de, the wolverine did her best: lashing from tree to tree, she snarled her throat, drank blood, and so she threw the creature.

(4) Hunz already not thinking about Ziryanov's coats - with a hundred hundreds of reindeer safety, give him thirty hundred thousand. (5) Whole market for new. (6) Alone, having thought about it at once, that it was snow, the sky, again, the tundra, de wine, it’s impossible to choose in a new one.

9. In the middle of propositions 1-6, find a folding order of the word with the last order of the appendages. Write the number of the proposition.

(1) Khunzi ishov on the vovka is unrecoverable, only with the cієyu mace-shovel. (2) No fear, no anger, there was no opposition in the new. (3) Those that youmu dreamed of are gone. (4) Khunzi, marveling at the tracks, bachiv, who tried to jump over the ravine, and then shored up the great snowy notice, sat down, twisted and fell again straight.

(5) Nareshti Khunzi having planted a wolf on the protilezh birch of the river-yugan. (6) The flood was lowered by two or three meters of the corner - you can’t get over it so easily ...

10. In the middle of propositions 1-5, find a folding order of the word with the last order of the appendages. Write the number of the proposition.

(1) All far and far away the deer takes the shepherd. (2) With such a deer, it is not scary for a harmless one to go. (3) How not to please the shepherd deer, how not to sing a song about them! (4) Narasyuh, tell me about the blue wind of the wind and about the miner deer, the holy deer, which for all your life you don’t know what a team is. (5) Tell me, like a minir, having accumulated the sun on your horns, and like a quiet night in the middle of a swedish big, the stars rattle with little twinks at the vukhs.


  1. Reflection. Pіdbitya podsumkіv lesson.
  • What new things were learned at the lesson?
  • How to know the folding order with different types of order?
  • Why is it similar to the ordering of the parallel one?
  • Yaki problems destroy Yu.M. Afanasiev in his creations?
  • What lexical peculiarities can be named among the quotations in the texts? (Dialektnі words, razmaїttya zasobіv vraznostі, espe- cially - porіvnyan).
  • Did you remember the syntactical features of the writings of Yamal writers? (Simply spoken, introductory words, inversion).
  1. Differentiation of tasks at home (for choice).
  1. Prepare a presentation of 20 slides on the topic “Preparation for DPA. B8 "(possible to win in groups).
  2. Expand a memo to memorize the theoretical material on the topic.
  3. Put together a table for systematization of knowledge on the topic and memorization of theoretical material.
  4. Virishuvati kіlka variantіv zavdan B8 zі zbіrki z pіdgotovki to DPA.

List of references

  1. Gosteva Yu.M., Vasil'evikh I.P., Egoraeva G.T. DIA 2014. Russian language. Grade 9 30 options for typical test tasks and preparation for graduation part 3 (C) / Yu.M. Gosteva, I.P. Vasilievikh, G.T. Egoraeva. - M: Vidavnitstvo "Ispit", 2014.
  2. Lvova S.I. GIA 2014 Lvova, T.I. Zamuraeva. - M: Eksmo, 2013.
  3. Nazarova T.M. DIA. Practicum in Russian language: preparation before the victorious head of the part of V / T.M. Nazarova, E.M. Violins. - M: Vidavnitstvo "Ispit", 2014.
  4. Russian language. 9th grade. Preparing for DIA-2013: initial and methodological guide / Ed. ON THE. Seninoy. - Rostov n / D: Legion, 2012.
  5. Khaustov D.A. Russian language. Preparing for DPA (writing a stylus). Universal materials with methodological recommendations, solutions and recommendations / D.A. Khaustov. - 3rd view., Rev. that additional - M.: Vidavnitstvo "Ispit", 2012.

Internet resources

  1. Gubkin centralized library system.
  2. Afanasiev Yu.M. Rhythm tundra. Like stepping on a rake. Two yalins. Corporate information and library portal of YaNAO.

addendum 1.


See the order

Folding proposition may be the mother of two or more adnexal speeches. Vіdnosini such podryadnyh mіzh themselves signify the type of ordering.

1. Parallel ordering

With a parallel order of one head, different types of appendages should be placed, so that they show different nutrition:

Rozum, (regardless of what?) to wind up something like yoga and nehtuyut him, it’s safe to win over (why?), To that it’s impossible to live without it (A. France).

2. Uniform ordering

With a homogeneous subordering, adnexal propositions are of the same type, they should be given one and the same food and be placed to one member of the head proposition, or to the entire head proposition as a whole. Between themselves, homogeneous appendages are connected by a creative or non-split link:

Bachiv Yegorushka (what?), as the sky gradually darkened and the sky descended to the ground (what?), as one after one the stars lit up (O. Chekhov).

3. Sequential order

In the case of a sequential subordering of the head speech, a suborder is ordered (a sequence of the first step), which, at its own pace, is subordered on a step by a row (a sequence of a different stage), and so on (parts make a lance). With such a joint, the skin part of the head becomes head-to-toe, and only one part of the cob head is left: cotriy respect great-grandfather people, to that same you is dedicated to the greatest number of sayings.

Historical information to bring, scho try everything “reshape” through the same stages of culture to no good don't suggest what only scrupulous robot from the restoration of historical memory, "childhood and youth" to the people let youmu out on the main road of light culture come until you see the spiritual fullness of the butt.

How to turn around to foreign literature, then with upevnestyu it can be said that the kazkovy hero R. Rugina has long been already on the terenes of Europe from France to Russia.

To become masters of your share , khanty and other small peoples of Siberiapodolatfaceless pereshkod, like fortune prepared for them.

manager keeping up with the traditions get better tim, who is rich Russian youth hanty, yaki don't make a sensation read native language, give precedence deputy of the new English speaker.

Showing what a deer is playing the mythology of Khanty has less meaning role , lower at the retelling of the Nentsiv, although also figures in legends.

Roman Rugin is a one-hour wrestler for the rights of the people what a beast to the mind of your reader, and he wrote the facts, that a poet, like a wolf to the hearts of people with those emotions.

Writer often go to the reception"turning to the past", sob primusity chichacha hunty take a look at your past, to go forward, to be future.

Razdіl science about our mova, devotions budovі rechen, taїt have a lot of cіkavogo, and syntactic parsing can become a hospitable occupation for those who are well versed on the rules of Russian language. Today, we are stuck with the syntax and punctuation of a collapsible sentence, especially if it’s not one single part, but a sprat. How do you see the subordering of that chim proposition with the parallel subordering of the appendages? About everything in order.

Folding proposition and її parts

Foldable (S / P) is called such a folding proposition, in which you can see the head part (it carries the main meaning of the idea) and the row (you can lie down in the head part, you can put food before it). Additive elements can be two or more than two, and the stench can in a different way come to the main, head part. Buvae after, homogeneous, heterogeneous, parallel subordering of adnexal. To find out about the type of sub-order, it is necessary to take care of them, to show the fallow parts on the same food or on the difference, to be seen to one word in the head part or to the difference. The report will look at the material at the distribution.

See the subordering of the appendages

Otzhe, see what you see, see the order.

  • Sequential subordering - appendage parts fall sequentially one after the other, one of them - in the head. I know (about what?), what to work (now?), to eat there (where?), where I need.
  • Odnoridne - adnexal parts give the same input and put one word. I asked (about what?), which time, de mi know and how to get to the airport. This proposition has three supplementary (deposit) parts, all stinks can be seen up to the word "powered" and lead to food "about what?".
  • Heterogeneous subordering - additional parts are also considered to be one word, but the power to them is different when asked. I am guilty of this place (now guilty?), so that the viscount is all conceived, (what am I guilty of?), more right, it has accumulated more richly.
  • Parallel to the ordering of the adnexal - fallow parts, it is possible to distinguish between different words of the head proposition and that it should be applied to different nutrition. (For what?) To get on the train, I'm rushing early from the house to the station (which one?), which is in the other part of the place.

Parallel subordering of adnexal

Why is there a difference between different types of subordering mi z'yasuvali. To the point, in some dzherelas, a heterogeneous parallel order of adnexal appendages is seen as a species. It is worth coming to those who are divided in both ways to feed the fallow parts.

As a proposition of a folding order with parallel suborders of the appendages, then most often one fallow part is spread in front of the head, and the other - after.
It is necessary to see the head, the main part of the proposition, to designate the number of adnexal and put food before them. We are only so confused that we have before us the true parallel ordering of the appendages. Like the food will be different, and we can set them in different words, which means that the order is right in parallel. If I go to the street, I raptly guessed about those who have been going to see my friend for a long time. In this proposition, in the form of the assignment of the main part "guessing" we put food "if?" to the first adnexal, and in the form of an additional "about those" put food "About what? to another. Later, in times of victoriousness, there is a parallel way of ordering.

It is necessary to choose between the parts of the proposition and correctly put food in the head part in order not to have mercy on the placement of different signs. It is remembered that the appendages are fused in the head lumps, as if they were placed before the union or with the union word, which means the parts of the collapsible word.

P_vedemo p_bags

Parallel to the ordering of the adnexal - one of the many types of Russian ordering. In order to determine the type of subordering, it is necessary to see simple propositions at the warehouse of the light one, to designate the head part and put it in the middle of the food before the fallow ones. If food is the same, then it’s the same order, if it’s different in one and the same word, it’s heterogeneous, if it’s not the same food, if it’s different words, it’s parallel, and if it’s possible to put it up to one appendage part, and if it’s not, it’s possible to put it up to one May be the next order.

Be smart!

SPP - tse proposition, parts of which are connected by sub-order splits.
Suborder splits- sho, to that sho, yakscho, wanting, schob, yak, if, for that, schob, so yak and a lot of others.

NGN with the same order

Proposition, in all appendages, to one of the head parts, and to the same nutrition (also sub-rows of the same type)


  • I broke the road, if everyone was already sleeping and if it became cold
  • I broke the road, if everyone was already sleeping and it became cold

I'm breaking on the road - if? (When everyone was sleeping and when it became cold)

Note: You can not repeat the same word in Russian language, so butt 1 and butt 2 - the same word.

SPP from the last sub-order

For whom the SPP seems to be simple, they make their own language: In the head proposition, the nutrition of the 2nd appendage is specified, in the other, the nutrition of the 3rd is specified.

In the advancing butts, the food to the adnexal adnexal will be placed at the temples.


  • And Mykola went to the service (now?), without saying to anyone that I should not love my work (yak?), I didn’t love yak.

SPP with whom on a stick of 2 splits may be consecutively ordered.


  • Vin said that if the father comes, we will go to the park. (The proposition is discussed below.)

Rozbіr: Vіn having said (what?) -> Let's go to the park (if?) -> If dad comes.

NGN with parallel subordering

Danish species
a) Take off food from one head part, ale and food of difference (again, appendages will be different species.)
b) In the same type of work, they take the same nutrition, but yak, they are combined with different words (they are worth the initial adnexal ones.)


  • a) If you don’t deserve it, I’ll give you a five, so you write a good test.
  • b) I love to marvel at the sea, as if to bring inspiration to the sky, in which there is no gloom. (in the form of different names at the head office ask.)

The middle of the appendage speech is the head of the sub-order union.

Butt: Andriy didn’t remember where the scammer put it. (about what?)

From the head proposition to the row leader, we give food. Contractors start water-creaming in the head lumps.


1. The middle of the appendage part of the zavzhda є subordering union.
2. In the form of the head part, we put the power supply of the supplementary part.
3. Pіdryadne vіd head vіdokremlyuєtsya comas.

Folding syllables with the same order of appendages are folded syllables, in which two or more adnexal parts can be seen to one and the same word, or to the entire head part.

Apply folding words with the same order of appendages: You look at the bezkhmarne sky and understand why the summer weather is unruly, why nature is calm. Behind all the signs, it became clear that there would be a light, that the sun would be bright.

Important! Like in a folding order, with the same order, there are unions between the same order i, or then do not put a coma between them. For example: Knowing you, it’s time for you to leave and you need to turn around.

Sup_ordering in folding words

The sub-order is called the sub-order of the folding speech to one and the same head speech of two and more appendage speeches. They see a uniform and heterogeneous order.

Adnexal type



Homogeneous appendages

Appendices can be seen up to one word (head proposition)

Їy befitted, if evening days fell on the place, if likhtars were fired on the streets(It was fitting(what?) when they went downwhen fired).

It’s impossible for a person to play the piano well, because he can’t hear, because he doesn’t distinguish between tonalities(can't play(why?) if you don’t hear it, if you don’t know it).

Heterogeneous appendages

Appendices are added to different parts of the head part (different words at the folding warehouse) or they provide different food.

If you read the whole book, then you change your mind that the main character guesses the characters of Dostoevsky(change(for what mind?) how to read; change your mind(at what?) what the hero guesses).

Having checked with the final bureau, if the train arrives, and sitting on the bench there, the peron looked good(specifying(what?) if you come; assigned(de?) de good looking through).

Important! At the borders of one proposition, it can be victorious both uniformly and non-uniformly in order. For example: On the galyavin, de mi made a halt and de virishli were left behind for nothing, a lot of sunflowers grew, like only men began to give birth (de mi made a halt)і de virishili be left for nothing- Homogeneous appendages; de mi zrobili haltі yaka only started to give birth- Heterogeneous appendages).

Richly articulated collapsible propositions

Rozdіlov_ signs in folded row words


1. Rich members of the SPP with subordinates, which can lie up to one head:

a) uniform subordering of the appendages;

b) heterogeneous ordering of adnexal.

2. Rich members of the SPP from the last suborders.

3. Rozdіlovі signs in SPP.

4. Syntactic analysis of richly articulated SPPs.


1. Valgin N.S. Syntax of modern Russian language: [Textbook. for universities for special "Journalism"] / N.S. Valgin. - M.: Vishcha shkola, 1991. - 431 p.

2. Biloshapkova V.A. Modern Russian language: Syntax / V.A. Biloshapkova, V.N. Bilousov, E.A. Brizgunov. - M.: Azbukovnik, 2002. - 295 p.

3. Pospelov N.S. Folding proposition and її structural types / N.S. Pospelov // Nourishment of cognition. - 1959. - No. 2. - pp. 19-27

Folding propositions mothers can not be alone, but sprats of appendages.

Folding speeches from two or dekilcoma are used by two two main types:

1) all appendages join directly to the head proposition (homogeneous and heterogeneous, then parallel subordering);

2) the first order comes to the head proposition, the other - to the first order, etc. (Sequential order).

I. Appendages, which join directly to the head proposition, can be homogeneous and heterogeneous.

Folding order of speech with the same order of appendages.

With such a suborder, all appendages are included up to one word in the head part, or to all head propositions, they follow the same food and lie down to one and the same type of subordinate speech. Between themselves, homogeneous appendages can be connected by coordinating conjunctions or union-free (only with additional intonation). Links of the same adnexal clauses with the head proposition and between themselves predict the links of the same members of the speech.

For example:

[I come to you with greetings, spread what?], (the sun has risen), (vono hot light on the sheets tremtil). (A. Fet.)

[Toy , (who live well), (who is up to poetry from childhood sound),forever vіruє in life]. (N. Zabolotsky.)

[Naprikintsі grass young vedmeditsyu sank to relatives month yaki? ],( de won was born) and ( de taki commemorative of the months of childhood).

A folded-in-row order with the same order in another order may have a day-to-day order.

For example: ( Like water) and ( there will be no fish in it), [I won't believe the water]. (M. Prishvin.) [ cheer up], (yakscho rattling birds) or ( elk trumpeted in the distance). (Yu. Drunina.)

2. Folding order of words with heterogeneous suborders of appendages (or with parallel suborders). With such an ordering of the appendages, one can see:

a) to the other words of the head word, or one part to the entire head word, and in the second - to one third word;

b) up to one word, or to all head propositions, but also to give different nutrition and є different types of adnexal propositions.

For example: ( When I have a new book in my hands), [I see], (what in my life has become so alive, what to say, miracle). (M. Gorky.)

(Yakshcho mi zvernemosya to the best zrazkіv prozi), [then we switch], (what the stink of the right poetry). (K. Paustovsky.)

[For the light, (who is called a child), doors lead to space], (de lunch and drink tea) (Chekhov).

II. Skladnopidryadnі rechennya z sledovnim pіdorderkuvannyam adnexa.

To what kind of folding speech from two or two dekіlcoma are used like this, for some propositions they make a lance: first pіdryadne to go to the head proposition (pіdryadne of the 1st step), other pіdryadne to go to the next step 1 and etc.

For example: [ The young Cossacks walked indifferently and streamed tears.], (more afraid of dad), (yaki tezh buv trohi zbentezheny), (do not want to show). (N. Gogol)

The specificity of the adnexal parts in case of this is that the skin of them is adnexal to anterior and cephalic by extension to the foot.

For example: Often in autumn, I sawly stitch behind the falling leaves, so as to slander that unremembered part of the second, if the leaf is water-creaming like a tree and begins to fall to the ground(Paustovsky).

In the last order, one order may be in the middle of the other; in this way, two sub-orders of union can appear: what and how, what and if, what and so like, etc.

For example: [ The water crashed so scary], (what, (if the soldiers were below), їm vzdogin already flew turbulent streams) (M. Bulgakov).

Іsnuyut also collapsible propositions with a combination type of subordering of subordinate speech.

For example: ( If the britzka veiled from the yard), [vin (Chichikov) looking back and swaying], (that Sobakevich, still standing on the gank, gave up, wondering, arguing), (where the guest is going). (Gogol)

This is a folding proposition with parallel and subsequent suborders of subordinate speech.


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