Semyon stallions hockey player. Semen stallions in "Ermak

Semyon stallions hockey player. Semen stallions in "Ermak

The pupil of Omsk hockey seed of stallions before the beginning of the current season unexpectedly moved to the "Bars", where, according to the results of the regular championship, became the best scorer of the team. The season has a 22-year-old attacker in Almetyevsky Oilman. In an interview with the "Business Online" correspondent, the hockey player told why "Avangard" at the last moment there is a contract with him, about hard relationships with Rayimo Sumber and held in Kazan season.

"When" Avangard "signed a contract with Summane, I realized that for me it is bad"

- Semyon, why "avant-garde" raster with you contract right before the beginning of the current season?

At first they signed a contract in the summer, and before the start of the season they were terminated. Why? I do not know. When Summan arrived in Omsk, he immediately said that I had problems with my knee. I was eventually sent to the Farm Club "Avangard" - "Falcon". There, there were no conditions for me at all, both gaming and domestic ones. Apparently, they decided to just get rid of me, sending there.

- It turns out, all because of the sick knee?

In the summer, when the contract was signed with me, there was no head coach in Omsk at all. Was I.O. Evgeny Kornukhov, with whom we twice won the Kharlamov Cup. After a while I sign up Sumane, and I immediately understand that for me it is bad.

- Why?

Because in his first parish in "Avangard" he had a bad opinion about me. We did not have any conflicts, just like a player I did not like. He always liked physically strong players who perform a large amount of work on the ice. At that time I did not differ. It is now, after I played the season in VHL, having received a lot of game time in Barce, I strongly fastened in the physical plane and gained confidence.

- What happened in Omsk in the end?

I was told: "Now I will arrive in Sumann, he will look, and then we repeat your knee." But I was sent to VHL, and about my knee forgotten. In Sokol, I did everything to be kicked out from there. I wanted not by mutual agreement to dissolve a contract with me, and on their initiative.

- What have you been doing?

Nothing, just behaved incorrectly in some episodes. Then, when I returned to Omsk, I was called and said: "We can't find you a new team, so they dissolve a contract with you."

- How much remained until the beginning of the season?

Literally ten days. The situation was very hard. At that time, all teams were equipped. In KHL, I didn't have a chance at all - all the fees were passed, they did not even think that a young guy to sign, everything was clogged. At the last moment I was called from Kazan, asked if I want to play with them, I replied that yes. I didn't know at that time at all that I was going to the team where so young guys were gathered.

- How did you get the relationship with Rzhiga and Matikainen?

Matikainen immediately began to trust me, I received 6 to 7 minutes of playing time. For the 20-year-old boys, it was normal. I also had a good relationship with Rzhiga, he gave me to play.

- They say that Summan - An extraordinary personality.

I can not judge, because I practically did not play him. But I talked with the guys, they told that he had hard. It is said that it is impossible to convince him - he always has only his own point of view. In any case, in Omsk a very strong team. I think they will get a prize in this season.

Another pupil of Omsk Hockey Evgenia Mosel "Avangard" sent to Nizhny Novgorod. You played with him with Him with the "Yastrebakh".

Yes, Zhenka also left Omsk. He is generally a good guy, his effort and patience managed to return to big hockeyAlthough I almost finished with him. Again, I believe that it was Matikainen who gave him a new ticket to his life, and he competently managed to take advantage of them.

- True, what did he play with lovers on the courtyard boxes?

Yes. In Omsk, he played in the team of 1993, and then, when they were released, he did not get into the youth team. He played an amateur league with the guys in the courtyard, he was accidentally noticed and invited to one of the fees of "Omsk Hawks". I was, in my opinion, the World Cup among youth teams, where he played very well. Matikainen noticed him, and Zhenya took advantage of her chance. Many need to take an example from it.

"In" Barce "received confidence and gaming practice"

- Go to "Bars" has become a step back for you?

Not. In Kazan, I got a lot of game time. For me now is the most important thing. Yes, I did not earn money here, but they expected me and trusted me. I didn't need anything else.

- What impressions remained from the season spent in Kazan?

A young team - no one put the tournament tasks before us. The main goal was that their own pupils gain experiences, felt that adult hockey was. The season turned out very difficult. First, it was psychologically hard when they win two games, and then there is a series of lesions. In each match you put to the end, and in most cases we were let down the stupid mistakes, because of which we lost. It was all because of inexperience.

- Not everything, probably, understood where they play.

I have no complaints about anyone - everyone played with mad dedication, just lacked technical and tactical knowledge, understanding the game.

- It is said that in "Barce" a lot of time tactics.

Yes, before and after the matches a lot of video looked, disassembled every opponent. It helps it very much. The young guy physicists is enough, he needs his head now, and not just run from the side to board.

- From the side it seemed that the team plays on the Bay-run system.

I do not know. Guys are young, most of whom did not even play in MHL. Immediately demand from them perfect hockey? This does not happen, everything comes with experience. In NHL, they play men who need to go and make money, feed the family, and we just went out to play, gain experience. Therefore, probably, somewhere we lacked concentration, and we passed the decisive washers.

- It is hard to motivate yourself when there are no tournament tasks?

We had no tournament tasks before us, but we always demanded victories. We went out on every game to win.

- Players told that Vsevolod Elphimov physically loaded you during fees.

Yes, he sometimes just killed us with his loads. I can't say anything bad about Vosvolod, he cannot say - he is a good coach of old hardening.

- Did you have a contract for one year?

Yes, now I have been owned by Almetyevsk until the end of the season. With Barz, my contract was for one year. For the next season there are still no specifics. In the "oilman" they asked: "If we will make you a knee operation, will you stay with us?" I see an interest from the Almetyev team, and I want to play there. In "Barce" I do not see the prospects for myself now. Now for me the main thing is to make an operation, and in the future I believe that I can still break into the KHL. I need to fix a little, continue to receive for 20 minutes in each game.

As far as I know, the next season "Bars" will be staffed according to the same principle - the emphasis will be made on his pupils, but the team will not be born in 1992.

- Zinetula Bilyaletdinov very often visited "Bars" matches. Maybe I would notice you.

If I had noticed, I would have already been in the General Team.

"In Kazan, all conditions for playing hockey have been created.

- Tell me about yourself? At 22, you already have a family and a child.

Yes, what about this? Patzan grows with me. If after the match he will not go to the locker room, then the whole tragedy will happen. Constantly comes after the Games, it will say hello to everyone, the ball leaves the goalkeeper.

- Family lives in Kazan?

Yes, we rent an apartment near Korston. It can be said that I give a majority of salary for an apartment. I repeat that in "Barce" I did not earn a lot of money, it was important for me to get playing time

- Can you compare "Avangard" and "Ak Bars"?

In "Ak Bars" somehow more largely fit to hockey - there is a chic base, all the conditions in order to play hockey. A lot of people are involved, in Omsk all this is a bit different. I really liked it in Kazan, a beautiful city, but Omsk is my homeland. I will always pull there.

- You have a father hockey player. Probably another choice, how to do hockey, was not?

In fact, there is always a choice. On the other hand, yes, my father played in hockey since childhood, he spent most of his career in Omsk, so I had love for hockey since childhood. At first, with the boys in the courtyard played, walked to look at the Father, and then he already came to a hockey school.

- Did you stand out among your peers?

I first practiced with the guys a year older - 1991, because because of school I could not work with my year. Training were in the evenings, and I studied in the second shift. I had to do in the morning with another year. And then they already created a special class, I began to engage in the general group.

- In Omsk there were always strong youth. You won two Kharlamov Cup in MHL.

It's not even a strong or not strong. Just now MHL is not at the level, as a few years ago, when I played. In the first year in the MHL I played with the guys born in 1988, many now made their way to the KHL. In Ufa, for example, Egor Dubrovsky played now, against which I played in the final with the "crowder". At that time, competition was much stronger than now.

- MHL is now called rubber league. There are a lot of teams playing.

I can't reason whether such a league is needed or not. This is none of my business. Previously, she was probably more spectacular. I practically don't look at MHL, I recently arrived at Almetyevsk, where the generation Cup took place. I looked at the match for 10 minutes and left. I did not like it, it doesn't look like that. I left already from the children's hockey, so I don't really want to look at it.

"I play the whole season with sore knee"

- In your time, the transition from the internal championships in MHL, probably, was something new?

Yes, I will never forget the first season. I remember when we played in small tournaments in Chelyabinsk or Novosibirsk, they lived in small boarding rooms in a room for five to six people. And then, in the summer, we arrived in Kazan for the Moiseeva Cup, where we were settled, in my opinion, in Riviera. Impressions was the sea. We, the Green Guards, who were 16 - 17 years old, were settled in a five-star hotel. We immediately felt the level.

- Salary appeared.

A little bit rose.

- Not so many players from the championship composition of "Omsk Hawks" has been made through the KHL.

Why? Guys play. In the same Omsk player players player now. Now they try to trust young people there. Vanya Fishchenko, for example, went to the youth world championship, was attracted to the first team, Kirill Story, Roma Berdniki. There are guys. I just didn't really work very well. I was injured, and I had to leave Omsk.

- What is the injury?

Torn cruciform and side ligaments. I still need an operation, waiting for the end of the season. I play all year with this injury.

- Doctors allow playing?

Worse will not be worse. There, everything is broken, it makes no sense to protect yourself. Waiting for the end of the season to lie on the operating table. It is bad that there is a big recovery period - about six months.

- It turns out, the beginning of the season will miss?

No, if in February they will make an operation, then I will have to recover to the fees. Although it is still unknown if the season will end in February. We have not yet come to the playoffs with the "oilman", but everything will decide in the last matches. We have now won two of the three games on the road, although they could and hook a third, but our judges in Karaganda "strangled".

- It is said that in Kazakhstan there has always been a "strange" judging.

Highly. We played "three to five" several times. We go out on the third period with an advantage of one puck, and immediately get two minutes, we are clogged. And literally five minutes to the end, we remove the player for supposedly "kick in the head" for five minutes. We then looked at this episode several times, it can be seen that there was nothing like that. After the game, the judge went to our locker room, apologized. And why on these apologies? We needed glasses.

- It seems that "Saryarka" has already grown the level of VHL. It's time to them in the KHL with such budget.

To be honest, I did not see anything special in this team. They just collect the composition of the players who played in the KHL. There are all experienced guys. Good strong team, but nothing more. I believe that if we have a little in the "oilman", to make point changes, we will not give up in anything.

Semyon stallions

Russia, Russia

Draft NHL.

Did not choose

Game career

Semen Sergeevich Zherebtsov (November 23, Omsk) - Russian hockey player, central striker. Currently is a player of the club "Temirtau", speaking in Ochdk.


  • Participant Cup Cup.
  • Harlamov Cup owner ( 2 ): , .

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Excerpt characterizing stallions, Semen Sergeevich

- Ah it is terrible, terrible! - said Pierre. - I do not understand only - how can you live with such thoughts. I found the same minutes, it was recently, in Moscow and expensive, but then I go down to such an extent that I don't live, I am gadko ... The main thing I myself. Then I do not eat, I'm not sinking ... Well, how are you? ...
- Why not wash it, it is not clean, - said Prince Andrei; - On the contrary, you must try to make your life as pleasant as possible. I live and not to blame for this, it should be necessary to somehow better, I do not interfere with anyone, live to death.
- But what does you think to live with such thoughts? You will sit without moving, without taking anything ...
- Life and does not leave so alone. I would be glad to do anything, but, on the one hand, the nobility was mostly honored with the election of elections to the leaders: I raped the nation. They could not understand that in me there is no one, there is no this well-known good-natured and concerned vulgarity that is needed for this. Then this house that had to be built to have a corner where you can be calm. Now the militia.
- Why don't you serve in the army?
- After Austerlitz! Prince Andrei said gloomily. - Not; I thank you, I gave myself a word that I will not serve in the current Russian army. And I will not, if Bonaparte stood here, in Smolensk, threatening the Lysim Mountains, and then I would not serve in the Russian army. Well, so I told you, "Prince Andrei continued to succeed. "Now the militia, the Father Commander-in-Chief of the 3rd District, and the only remedy for me to get rid of the service to be with it.
- Would you be served?
- serve. - He paused a little.

In the village "Ermak" the next replenishment, this time in the line of attack! On the eve of the starting match of the Championship of the Championship in the Lada, striker arrived in Angarsk Semyon stallions (1992), which is a pupil of an Omsk hockey school and an offacarious hockey player. His father Zherebtsov Sergey Valentinovich Also is an attacker and Omsk pupil.

Over the past few seasons, Semyon went away from the player "Omsk Hawks", as part of which doubled the owner of the Kharlamov Cup, to the player of the main Omsk team - "Avangard". Last season he made his debut in KHL and spent in the elite of the Russian hockey 16 matches, three of which fell on the playoffs of the Gagarin Cup 2013, typing as a result 3 (1 + 2) Point.

In addition, he has already managed to smell like gunpowder and in VHL, on his account 4 Match for Kurganskoye "Zauralie"in which he mined 2 (1 + 1) Point. By the way, his debut came across the match with Ermacom, it was November 4, 2012, then Semyon gave the transfer, which ended with the second goal into our gate.

But still most of the last season, promising and talented forward spent in MHL. On his account 37 (24 + 13) matches, 8 (4 + 4) abandoned washers, 16 Results (13 + 3), 24 points in the asset and the second champion title of MHL. During the first match of the final series of the playoffs against Spartak, he entered the history of the tournament as the author one of the most curious washers

Omsk opened an account already on the 39th second: the Spartak player tried to throw away the puck from the zone, she accidentally got into the goalkeeper mask and flew into the gate. The last of the players of "Omsk Hawks" washers touched the stallions, he became the author of the goal.

- Aware that such heads in your biography may not be?
- Yes, a curious goal. But I had even more outstanding - in the national team. In the game with the Canadians, there was a puck because of the blue line, she spinning goalkeeper between the shields and got into the gate. It is just good here that they scored quickly, playing further was easier.

It is also worth noting that by last, as a few other "Omsk Hawk" players defended the final qualifying work of a student of the Department of Theory and Football and Hockey Methods of Siberian state University physical culture and sports (SibGUFC). Semyon made a report with the report of the main provisions of the thesis on the topic: "Model characteristics of morphological indicators of highly qualified hockey players, taking into account the amplua." As a result, he also, like Kirill, the story was assigned the qualifications "Bachelor of Physical Culture" (!!!).

Date of Birth: 23.11.1992

Pupil: "Avangard" (Moscow)

Amplua: attack

Height: 187

Weight: 71

We bring to your attention another saltwear from an interview, which will make it possible to form a more integral idea of \u200b\u200bthe newcomer "Ermak" ...

"Semyon, I and my colleagues sometimes have to hear reproaches that, they say, we, journalists, we intercept young players of" avant-garde "and this is harmful. Don't such statements offend you?
- No, I do not see anything offensive. It is good that the mentors sometimes give us a chance to try their hand in the head team. But this is not a reason for self-examination. It is necessary to understand that there is also a limit on young players installed here, and the fact that the "avant-garde" from the very beginning of the season is not empty by Lazaret. Well, such a situation is unique for us, young. The opportunity to experience herself in adult hockey and at the same time help the team.

- What seemed to you the most difficult when moving from MHL in the KHL?
- First of all, it was physically hard. In an adult league, the game is much faster, and hockey players are much more aggressive, tougher in martial arts. But gradually the first difficulties pass, you already know what to expect from the matches to the KHL, you begin to better understand what to work is even more active and what to strive for.

- And what exactly do you need to work first?
- Yes, almost all. It is necessary to work on the game in defense. It is necessary to add very seriously in physical condition in order to withstand the speed and the level of struggle that demonstrate commands in the KHL. Otherwise, the competition for the place is mainly not to withstand.

- There is a tradition in the North American clubs when veterans arrange various draws of young people. Over young "hawks" have not yet fought?

- From the match to the match it was felt that you start to act on the site quieter, more confident. Did Petri Matikainen and you deal with you? Were there one conversations on one?
- One for one was not. But separately us, young players, collected. We were told that if we work hard, we will really be ready to compete for a place in the main team, each of us will definitely get your chance. Matikainen said: "I am with a sympathy and confidence in young players. And if you really deserve it, you will play. " And for a young player, this is the most important thing, feel you trusted. From here and confidence appears, no matter how hard.

"I remember well the first washers abandoned in official matches for Avangard Evgeny Orlov, Sergey Kalinin." These goals were accompanied by a whole explosion of emotions. And you on your first puck for the main team, abandoned in the home match with the Khabarovsk "Amur", responded very restrained. Is this a real figure of your temperament?

- In fact, I, of course, was very waiting for this moment. Just there was such an episode ... I won the throwing, disassembled to Pasha Vasenenko, then a great consenssed Andryukha Ivanov, and I scored, playing at seeking. But, seeing the expression of the face of the judge, I thought that he would not count the taking of the gate. What's so to hide, upset. And only then the arbitrator showed - the goal was. So it turned out that in the first moment after an abandoned washer, emotions were a little lubricated.

- The puck for memory in the home museum himself took? Or her teammates brought her?
- I myself asked this puck from the judge, now she is at me at home. And the fans about the first goal in KHL presented me a special diploma in the framework. Thank you so much for it!

"Your dad, Sergey Zherebtsov - famous in the past player" avant-garde. " Did it predetermined from early childhood your hockey destiny?

- In childhood, basketball loved very much. I do not even know why I was not given to the basketball section. (Laughs) And if seriously, how much I remember I am in love with hockey. On the first in my life, the video is still very small, but I already run with the stick! (Smiles)

- Do you remember how your dad played?
- Still, I was still too small! (Smiles) They say he was very good in the fight, he could have a cool pass.

- And now you are discussing your game with him?
- Sure! Who else, if not dad, will say the whole truth? If I played bad, will indicate all my mistakes. Well, if everything is in order, it will be praised.

- Any hockey player dreams of playing NHL. What team of the overseas league would you like to be in time?

- Oh, as I'm far from this! (Laughs) Well, if you dream ... From childhood, I sympathize with Anaheim Maji Dax. There is a movie about them, so before I was revised several times a day. Probably, the times fifty looked ...

- And who and when determined by your hockey role - CenterorDord?
- I remember well those times, then we still ride on a hockey box near my house, in oilmen. And I really liked to play on throwing. Here since then stayed in the center. Probably, I still have enough high-speed to be extreme attackers. I am very grateful to all my coaches for what is now where I am. Thank you very much!

- Do you remember what you did at your last day off?
- And what's not to remember? Walked with my girlfriend. We meet with her for six years and plan to play the wedding next summer. And in November of this year, that is, from day to day, I will become a dad. So in the last day off, first went to the hospital with her, and then went shopping.

- Now free time will become even less ...
- Yes, especially considering that I will soon end with Sibugufk, which is studying on the coach. But I will try to have time everywhere - and in hockey play on high level, and to grow a good man.

- In any team, as a rule, there is an experienced player, whose authority listened to young hockey players. The so-called "uncle". For many years in the "avant-garde", Dmitry Ryabkin was successful this feature. And who now "looks after" for young?

- We have young, but there is no "uncle". Although, of course, I and my peers carefully listen to the advice of such masters, like Sasha Popov, Anton Kuryanov, other experienced players.

- Which of the hockey players would I like to be like your gaming manner?

- There are excellent central forwards, each of them is good in its own way. Sergey Zinoviev, Pavel Datsyuk ... I admire the excellent throw by Alexander Ovechkin, how to act on Ice Evgeny Malkin. Here is an example! A simple Ural guy who worked hard. Now he is the world champion, the Stanley Cup owner! In general, there is someone to equal

- noticed that the game number you have the famous - eighth. The phone number is also - as much as five eight! Are you a big fan of Alexander Ovechkin?

- Ovechkin has nothing to do with it. And I really love the eight. Because my mom has the eighth birthday.

- Your father played the "Avangard" under the seventh number. It turns out - do you go behind him?

- Yes, Dad also played for Omsk. Now I. And the younger brother has already started to engage in hockey. He is nine years old.

- Do they go to your matches?

- Sure. I generally have a large personal delegation on all domestic fights. He heads her great-grandmother. She is already 90 years old, but not a single game is missing! She and all father's matches used to go. So in hockey perfectly disassembled. Both grandparents come, grandmother, dad, uncle, brother ...

- The great-grandmother in hockey disassembled?

- And how! Not Scotty Bowman, of course, but the rules and basic principles of the game knows. She has an archival house program since 1993, when my father was still playing in the first team. Baba Lucia is our main fan. Load when it was, in Togliatti traveled in 1992 for the baty to hurt. Nothing is scary to her!


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